A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Ta Da…
Now whoda thort?
And whoda thort it was to be discovered in Vicdanistan?
But it’s all right. The ABC has found an expert who really thinks it’s anthropogenic climate change!!
Dave B
Yes but read on and you’ll eventually get to the dopey Dr Radford who is reported as saying:
“dense forests act as carbon sinks and are important for the environment.”
Leaving unsaid the obvious:
Until they burn.
What a dope.
“Mature” trees are sort-of “Carbon Neutral”; releasing about as much CO2 as they “sequester”, “reverse cycle” in the absence of sunlight for photosynthesis. Then, there is all that discadred vegetation detritus merrily rotting away on the floors od all those ‘mature forests”.
Would the last actual scientist leaving Australia please open the sea-cocks.
>”“Mature” trees are sort-of…”
Flood gauges in some parts:
Picture of tree at centre of furious flood debate
Also, gotta love the photo of rowers rowing down main street of Mannum during the 1956 flood. Poor form in the modern “climate emergency” I realize, and humour lost on those submerged.
A little while ago, I commented on a pair of Spotted Pardalotes that had nested in the centre hole of a rolled-up insulation batt in my carport. They successfully raised a brood of 3-4, and must have been so happy with the outcome that they are back again for another go.
Ain’t nature grand.
Cherish the moment Rowjay, I read somewhere recently that these noisey little blighters are in decline. I have no idea how this is assessed but from an anecdotal review of two ( you and me )they seem to be just as numerous as always. I can’t remember what the supposed reason for their decline was, timber harvesting, climate change, old age or the war in Ukraine but hey around my place they are “doing their thing ” as well. Grand kids are fascinated that these little birds live most of the year high in the tops then burrow into a bank to nest. They spend a lot of time chirping and feeding on the roses, knocking off thrips and scales and then once summer gets underway, back to the tops.
As you comment “Ain’t nature grand.”
They might have chosen my carport to do their thing because of the wet ground conditions after all this rain. Love watching them flit around. If I get in their way in the carport, they just sit nearby in a bush and give me a chirp, and I get out of the way so they can get on with their quest.
There is a Magpie family of now many generations past living on my property and they walk around searching for grubs in the lawn and take no notice of me walking through their feeding ground, they hop out of the way when a vehicle enters or leaves and when my German Shepherd Dog was there the Magpies were comfortable pecking between his front legs as he lay down looking like a mini sphinx.
Sometimes when I walk to the shed as I open the pedestrian door one or two Magpies will land on a nearby branch and warble, when I speak they listen and warble again.
Creatures are not dumb.
Dennis, I love magpies.
“Bert” and “Barb” have been my local Magpie neighbours for 9+ years. Each year there is a clutch born. 21 have been born, only 2 have made it to adulthood.
For all,
These are my observations over the past decade.
Magpies are territorial. They will defend their territory from other Magpies, same with birds like Ravens/Crows during nesting and whilst protecting juveniles.
The male and female live in a small area 500 to 800m square. Unless mishap, the Magpies you saw last year/month/today outside your home are the same birds.
They are natural pest removers. Grubs, beetles, aphids, moths, cockroaches etc.
They are very intelligent. They recognise individual humans and animals. They are extremely social if you are not perceived as a threat.
Your local magpie will not swoop you in nesting season. Yet they will do so to a visiting friend. If I stand close, they will accept that friend and won’t swoop them again.
They love it if I garden. Bert will get within 6 inches, Barb 2 feet. They love to fossick the turned over soil for food.
The songs that they sing are to let the other Magpies know that this is their territory.
Ok. This is important. do not feed them bread. That is extremley bad. Please do not feed them at all.
If you cannot help youself.. or you are caring for an injured Magpie. Use the leanest of lean beef mince, absolutely no fat.
Why is that? Magpies struggle with fats. This is not part of their usual diet.
Please do not spray pesticides on your garden or lawn, period. Keep the food chain clean.
So to all, enjoy your next door Magpies. You may not know them. Yet understand that they truly know you.
Hell, I fed magpies (and others) in my backyard with shreded cheese and seeds. The same birds came back for years (they nested in the tall gum tree in the yard of the house behind. (Also Galahs, noisy Minahs, sparrows and Blackbirds and Wattle birds feeding- including a pair of the last using the same tree and not above a hit and run dive over the magpie’s heads).
The only time there was a squabble was when another pair of magpies tried to nest in a gum tree not far away. Eventually they were driven off.
And Big Boy the male magpie lasted for years.
When CV19 hit, daughter interstate was laid off. Situation did not qualify for gov’t largesse.
We were only one step away from needing help, so she came to us, with her Rottweiler Kira.
Daughter saw chooks tormenting a bird on the ground. Kira dived in and grabbed it. Daughter rescued it from Kira’s jaws and cared for it for a couple of days till it recovered. It was a cockatiel of rare colour. Somehow she advertised on the internet and the owner came from a couple of miles across town and collected it.
Moral? Cage birds cannot survive in the wild.
Daughter bought an incubator and set some eggs. Only one survived, and was brought up as an only child out the back of the house yard. Grand kids named it Derek. After a couple of months Derek ventured around the front with the big chooks. Kira grabbed Derek and took him back to his proper place and let him go.
Intelligent creatures, an experience I will never forget involved Whale watching with some friends on my boat near Fraser Island QLD, Platypus Bay in Hervey Bay.
We were motoring slowly looking out for a Whale and spotted one not too far away closer to the shoreline of Fraser Island moving slowly and what turned out to be a mother Whale and baby slowly turned towards the boat and I cut the motor. They came alongside and while the Calf played mother Whale positioned herself below my boat which was a half cabin with outboard motor overall length bow to motor 6.5 metres. The sandy bottom was white and the water clear so we could see the Whale’s movements.
After several minutes the Calf swam to the boat and the mother moved sideways from underneath, the Calf on her back was raised out of the water right alongside the boat, we could have patted the Calf but did not. Mother was showing her Calf to us and obviously trusted us, maybe because she was aware of commercial Whale watching vessels and passengers and had not had a bad experience.
After a couple of minutes the Calf was lowered into the water and the pair swam very slowly sway.
Soon three commercial Whale watch vessels appeared at speed heading towards us but too late to experience what we did or observe the Whale’s behaviour.
I do have a video record that was copied onto a DVD, really good images but sound must be turned down because the women on board were quite noisy with excitement.
This summer in BC we were at 7 knots when a “log” appeared >100′ ahead. Had to swerve as it got bigger and revealed itself as a humpback. The next week 2 0f them broached right beside the boat. Obviously a diesel does not bother them.
That same afternoon after we had lunch in Fraser Island’s Wathumba Creek we were slowly motoring along and three Whales overtook us swimming side by side, shallow dives and breathing moments, which was fascinating to observe and hear.
As a Wildlife Photographer, I carefully note all the changes that take place in the Bird and Animal populations. Pardalotes feed on scales, mostly on native Tree leaves, but their habit of breeding in holes in banks of soil is their undoing in modern times. It is estimated that 60 – 80 MILLION feral Cats roam the continent, and Pardalotes are easy prey for both feral and domestic cats. We live on 30 acres which used to have lots of ground feeding birds, Quails, Rails, Cisticolas, and many other – until 2012 BC (before Cats) when the valley received some new, ex City folk, with their domestic cats, in two years the domestic cats had wiped out all (ALL) of those ground feeders, and they have never recovered. I set up some old 4 inch downpipe with a cap on one end, and painted the downpipe and hung it up in our garden. Worked a treat and several clutches of Pardalotes were born their, till a big green frog took up residence. Birds and Animals are adapting to live with people and their habitation, keep trying….
You don’t have a cat problem, Kevin. You have a rat problem. When your neighbours moved in with their cats, the rats moved to a safer place – your place.
Solution: Get yourself a cuddly, friendly, ragdoll-type pregnant cat. Feed and nurture the litter well. Yes, you may lose one or two birds, but inside of 18 months you will have no rats, and overall your bird population will thrive.
Not bird related exactly, but wildlife reproduction so I hope near enough.
Any ideas how I can preserve the next batch of Water Dragons we get? Every other year (I think) a few bubs arrive on our deck, around the pool. slowly, over the next couple of weeks, they disappear one by one until a solitary dragon remains. We always hope that the last one will survive but, so far, no luck.
We have plenty of predators on our suburban but densely-planted block – Green Tree Snakes, pythons, Currawongs, crows, coucals, etc, plus the neighbour’s bloody cats. Last year’s sole survivor spent most of his time trying to keep away from a VERY determined Tree Snake (which I frequently moved, to no avail).
At what size do they move on to greener pastures? I realise that our block isn’t ideal for an adult population and so wonder if they are in fact just buggering off when they’re big/brave enough, but they seem awfully small to go walkabout; the biggest we’re seen before going AWOL was approx 10cm body length.
Is it odd that we only ever see babies? We’ve been here fourteen years and I’ve never seen an adult dragon. Looking at our neighbours’ properties, ours and the house next door are the only ones in any way ‘natural’. I therfore struggle to understand how and why we get baby dragons at all.
Oh, we live 20mins south of Brizzie. Bush is a few hundred metres away by crow.
As per my block, where nature seems to be in rude good health.
Seems there are a few pockets of this wide brown land where the climate catastrophe sems to have bipassed.
Ultimo is obviously now one of those pockets.
Climate change where I live is only evident if you watch ABC.
HMAS Australia (II) flew the flag of Rear Admiral Crace during the battle of the Coral Sea.
HMAS Hobart (I), already a veteran of the Mediterranean campaign, served with distinction throughout the Pacific war
HMAS Hobart (I) under attack in the Coral Sea.
Very funny. This comedian (Al Murray) really knows his history.
“Name a country, we have defeated them.”
Thanks David – a good laugh.
Here’s Sir Humphrey Appleby on the same theme.
FREE MONEY: Aussie Governments Desperately Pump Priming their Green Energy Revolution?
Essay by Eric Worrall
the so called renewables do generate enough power in their entire life to replace themselves, thus they are not renewable!!!
Yes they are renewable Wayne, turbines on average every 20 years and solar panels maybe a similar time.
Guess who gave US$18 million to fund the TOGETHER Trial which “proved” Ivermectin was supposedly ineffective against covid even though it was not used according to published protocols such as with zinc.
Well, it was FTX! The same failed crypto exchange the DemocRATS allegedly laundered money through.
SEE video:
I am surprised YouTube hasn’t censored it yet.
Note that supposed “Fact Checkers” (sic) claim that the FTX money was given after the trial started but even if that were true, that is a lot of money to ensure the trial had the desired outcome. Plus, surely they would have funding before starting the trial anyway?
What an odd thing to do – funding a trail that had already commenced. In my experience, the objectives, terms of reference, methodology, resourcing, timescal, deliverables, etc are all finalised when the budget is agreed.
I would like to know how the ‘extra’ funding was disbursed and what deliverables (if any) were attached.
*trial* not trail.
Saturday Daily Telegraph, journalist Vikki Campion: Bowen missed chance to hear from experts.
“So when eminent engineers and nuclear scientists, with a combined 500 years of real-life international experience at the top level of complex power systems and an alphabet of letters after their names, wouldn’t you think government MPs would want to listen to these people? Apparently Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen – a former Fairfield councillor and political adviser – knows more about powering the largest grid on Earth than they do.”
“The Teals must believe they are satisfied with their enlightenment and required no further knowledge, as they also failed to attend the two-day Power Generation in Australia’s Clean Energy Future conference featuring engineers who have worked on the most complex systems on Earth.”
“They should have heard the warning that we are betting the entire Australian economy on a net-zero scheme that cannot work, on renewable systems that are not significantly reducing emissions and that the actual cost of renewables to 2050 to us is an estimated $1.2 trillion.”
The article is worth reading and covers the vast areas of land required and every 15 and 20 years replacement of batteries and wind-solar installations on average. And then we have to bury them mostly as rubbish.
The fires generation of renewable capital at $383 billion.
According to engineer Dr David Hayden Collins using AEMO figures.
Mainstream party politicians – Liberal, Labor and National – couldn’t give a flying f**k what you, the public, or “eminent scientists” think or want Dennis. As far as their “energy policy” goes they have been handed their script and it has but three words on it –
“net zero” and “renewables”.
And “cheapest”.
Mr Bowen will be making his big announcement soon having returned from his boondoggle to Sharm El Sheikh.
Being the national subject matter expert in the area of power generation and distribution that he is, I for one am looking forward to the far sighted wisdom that he will impart.
Now that Dan is back in VIC, we may well overtake NSW in the race to the cliff.
I’m not surprised that Bowen and his cronies did not attend…they know everything, and the only thing I cannot wait for, is for their whole lunatic unreliables scheme to fail spectacularly, and in the not too distant future. The engineers that did attend must have gone home thinking we are governed by complete morons, which is reasonably close to the truth. I was pleased to hear that this group of men had at least tried to educate these fools.
That whole thing was always the one thing that puzzled me the most ….. why those politicians did not seek out advice from people who know about power generation, before opening their ‘big traps’. Otherwise, come the day, they end up looking like the absolute fools they will turn out to be.
Now I know.
They nod their heads and walk away. They accept the printed report in front of popping camera bulbs, and then walk into the next room and dump it in the bin. (UMPNER Report) Or they don’t even show their faces in the first place.
Man, if I made some of these decisions and then some time in the future, it went spectacularly wrong, it would haunt me all my life.
Evidently not these fools.
Naah! Who cares? I have this huge great motherlode of (taxpayer funded) government Superannuation for the rest of my life, vastly increased because I was an important Government Minister donchaknow!
(Don’t backchat me fella, I know boats.)
If das gubermint ignores and slanders Nobel prize winning internationally renowned experts in medicine in favour of das gubermint desk jockey “experts” who haven’t treated an ingrowing toenail in 20 years to rollout a plandemic response, why would they listen to REAL energy experts?
Clown world.
“Renewable Energy Revolution? Energy Australia Warns of Blackouts and Price Spikes”
Too many men at that conference ……not enough feelings – that means not enough facts because, as we now know, feelings are facts.
There is this expression from way back in BC –
“Seeing’s believing. Feeling’s the naked truth”.
Sounds like it needs updating to keep its original meaning.
Saturday entertainment: Sonoluminescence, or energy in a jar
Very interesting!
Tragically, I think it looks like Dictator Dan Andrews will win the Vicdanistan election.
But we won’t know until the votes are counted, maybe by later tonight.
I’m glad we don’t use voting machines such as in the US, too easy to be manipulated by hostile parties. And their are strict requirements and ID required for mail voting when a genuine reason is provided.
For in-person voting you have to state name, address and date of birth although no photo ID is required.
So the expert predicted, not prophecisied, political chaos will continue leading to the great crash and burn.
The sheeple only learn the hard way, all 8 billion of ’em.
Want to see your future?
Check out NZ:
U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare
Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this.
At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.
Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.
Figueres is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming “the economic development model” because she’s really never seen it work. “If you look at Ms. Figueres’ Wikipedia page,” notes Cato economist Dan Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left.
This psycho bitch has been recycling that same speech for over a decade.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”
Spoken in her role as Executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change.
This rock-show is ONLY about a criminally malicious,totalitarian, socipathic lust for POWER. ANYTHING else is a smokescreen.
Julian Gillespie is presenting a case to the High Court to prevent our babies from the injections, I’m sure they would welcome donations. They are hoping to present their case before Christmas.
Heard him on Hoody during the week hoping for a good outcome.
From the donations page
Approaching the High Court
The applicants in this case are seeking to avert a real risk of harm to human life, and in particular, to the life of children. In Australia, only an applicant who has “standing” can bring a case to court. This means that an applicant needs to have the legal authority to bring a case; they need to show that they have a “special interest” in the matter and that they are truly “a person aggrieved” by the decision that has been made. In this case, based on what has happened in previous cases, we believe that the Federal Court is unlikely to grant the applicants standing. So instead, we’re going straight to the High Court instead, with one primary argument:
An interest in preserving human life is the ultimate special interest, and our case must be allowed to proceed.
Then, if the High Court agrees, the door will be open for us to present the evidence and data to show that the provisional approvals must immediately be halted in Australia.
And, although this is an Australian case, a win here will reverberate around the world
Sorry, don’t have time to follow the link. What exactly are they fighting? A far as I know, jabs for babies haven’t been, and are unlikely to be IMO, ‘mandated’. So is it an attempt to prevent the government for ADVOCATING that babies are vaccinated?
From what I understand court cases are being thrown out due to a lack of ‘standing of the applicant and they are trying to find a way around this by saying that the vaccines are harmful to life in children, and people in general, with the hoped for outcome that the mRNA jabs will be withdrawn. They are hoping to get the High Court to review evidence from expert witnesses.
Critically, on this occasion because our primary submission is ‘the preservation of human life from prima facie preventable deaths and injuries’, the High Court will be required to review all of our evidence, a task the Federal Court managed to artfully side-step during the AVN proceedings.
This requirement that the High Court absorb all of our evidence means the Court will be fully informed, and especially about the best and latest peer-reviewed scientific literature, showing these drugs are producing unfathomable harm.
From a letter by Julian Gillespie to Parents With Questions (PWQ)
Just as Leftists are starting to hint at wanting to be “forgiven” for the harm they caused during covid, I sense when the SHTF because of their destruction of the energy supply, they’ll want to be forgiven for that as well.
In neither case should they be forgiven, nor should it be forgotten.
There is nothing that they couldn’t have known about the truth. It’s all on this blog for a start.
What they did in both cases is unforgivable.
Very few countries in history have had as much as Australia and then thrown away so much.
Did they throw it away or were we manipulated into throwing it away.
Looking back over Australia’s history, the number of missed opportunities leads me to speculate that in each case paths were taken that benefitted foreign interests over the common people.
As the saying goes, people get the governments that they deserve. Ultimately, people voted for the politicians that did this.
How can this be remotely true, when the politicians, once in power, indulge in their personal agendas and purposely ignore the voters and people who voted them in.
No. It is being taken from us, albeit with the support of welded-on leftists and their fellow travellers.
Welded on leftists?
You mean like John Howard, Tony Abbott, Greg Hunt, Christopher Pyne, Malcolm Turnbull, Peter Dutton, Josh Frydenberg, Mathius Corman, Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce, to name but a few?
Those welded on leftists?
Well, I wouldn’t consider Christopher Pyne, nor Simon Birmingham, as right wing, but they’re from my State and after 16 years in the wilderness ‘managed’ to loose the safest State seat held by a liberal, the safest Federal seat held by a Liberal, and State Government in a landslide after one term.
Greg Hunt, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison may belong in the No Ideas (except the latest Poll) group.
Lack of struggle makes us complacent and we tend to not value what we have as special. Sort of like the later generatiosn that inherit family wealth. When you look at other nations most have gone through significant internal turmoil, perhaps our time is coming.
Portland Antifa threaten violent protests at Tesla dealerships
Portland Antifa are planning arson attacks at Tesla locations on Friday night after Twitter owner Elon Musk started suspending accounts that call for violence.
The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo tweeted, “As revenge for @elonmusk suspending violent extremist accounts on Twitter, #Antifa in Portland are organizing arson attacks on @Tesla locations tonight. This is just a drop in the ocean of years of violent organizing on Twitter.”
So let’s get this straight – “peaceful” Antifa is organising violent protests to protest Elon’s suspending their account for promoting violence. Groan…
Invariably MSM reported “peaceful protests” resulting in innocent EV’s going up in flames for a different reason this time.
Microsoft: Popular IoT SDKs Leave Critical Infrastructure Wide Open to Cyberattack. Chinese threat actors have already used the vulnerable and pervasive Boa server to infiltrate the electrical grid in India, in spate of malicious incidents.
Microsoft this week identified a gaping attack vector for disabling industrial control systems (ICS), which is unfortunately pervasive throughout critical infrastructure networks: the Boa Web server.
The computing giant has identified vulnerabilities in the server as the initial access point for successful attacks on the Indian energy sector earlier this year, carried out by Chinese hackers. But here’s the kicker: It’s a Web server that’s been discontinued since 2005.
It may seem strange that a nearly 20-year-old end-of-life server is still hanging around, but Boa is included in a range of popular software developer kits (SDKs) that Internet of Things device developers use in their design of critical components for ICS, according to Microsoft. As such, it’s still used across myriad IoT devices to access settings, management consoles, and sign-in screens for devices on industrial networks — which leaves critical infrastructure vulnerable to attack on a large scale.
In April, Recorded Future reported on attacks on the Indian power sector that researchers attributed to a Chinese threat actor tracked as RedEcho. The activity targeted organizations responsible for carrying out real-time operations for grid control and electricity dispatch within several northern Indian states, and it occurred throughout the year.
Yawn 😉
A compilation of some of the latest space news, including the Artemis mission, currently in lunar orbit.
The YouTube channel Odins Men is about reviewing the latest, most insane TikTok videos which also reflect the moral decay of the West. The commentator is a retired US Marine. Here is the latest.
No doubt we all saw how Russia just made the LGBTetc nonsense illegal…
Protesters cement their feet to block traffic at a Starbucks.
Well at least it’s not the climate tards.
I wonder if there’s an “Idiocracy 2” in the works as there’s loads of material…
Good. Leave them there. And just as VW did, don’t give them buckets for toilet use.
Thanks for that link, John.
Also, I noticed the following in the comments below it. Has anybody else heard of this? Got links? If true it would explain a great deal.
Try this:
Probably more on the psych forums on the topic…
I prefer external dialogues like “now make the BAA BAA noises to match the mask” every time I pass a mask wearer at a shopping centre. Someone will have a go at me before long.🤣
Thanks John.
Worthy of some follow-up.
I recall reading this.
Interesting the anthropological part.
Looks like were on to rewiring again before the last was complete.
Makes sense, we’re shutting down the energy grid before the wiring on the new one is hooked up.
Remember to update your vax status and your pronouns.
“said only 30-50% of people have an internal dialogue”
Ha… I have committee meetings ! 🙂
Is CO2 Really a Greenhouse Gas?
More stage-managed BS Kim.
There is absolutely nothing in the final experiment to substantiate that the CO2 inside the bag “heated up”, thereby substantiating that CO2 is a greenhouse gas heating up the atmosphere. All it did was establish that infra-red radiation did not pass through the bag to the IR meter, which is not even nearly the same thing. The real purpose of the video is to extract money to “save the planet”.
But thank you for posting it for evaluation and discussion. Ignore the Richard Cranium who doesn’t understand what the question mark on your query means and gave you thumbs down.
Indeed. Some of the near-infrared radiation from the source is absorbed by the CO2 in the bag. That radiation is very directional. The CO2 however re-emits the radiation at wavelengths very close to the absorbed radiation, but in all directions.
In other words, atmospheric CO2 changes the directional dispersion of absorbed near-IR radiation.
Greenhouse gases are gases which absorb terrestrial radiation and transfer that energy as kinetic energy to the atmosphere.
The experiment offers to demonstrate that CO2 is heated by absorption of IR, but then fails to do so.
It just “proves” radiation doesn’t move heat to the atmosphere (as claimed by AGW theory). Circulation and conduction do that ( I don’t know where evaporation fits in as 70% of the Earth’s surface is water, not noted as a directional radiator of Infrared).
There have been numerous gas in plastic bags “experiments” The first refutation was by Professor R.W. Wood in 1904, and that was confirmed by the US Department of Energy in 1985.
Not really.
Whenever an atmospheric gas molecule absorbs radiation there is a minute increase in the kinetic energy of the molecule due to the momentum of the photon transferred to the molecule. The increase in kinetic energy is about 8 decimal orders of magnitude smaller than the energy of the photon that is transferred to the molecule as internal energy (not molecular kinetic energy) and subsequently retransmitted.
On the other hand, water is a genuine greenhouse gas. Molecular clusters of water continuously reconfigure allowing a molecular cluster to absorb IR, and transform that energy to kinetic energy without breaking Conservation Laws.
Agreed but a sealed bag or closed greenhouse lets no radiation out so incoming radiation warms the contents. Transfer of energy via kinetic means was written about by Einstein in 1915? or 1919? He didn’t think that CO2 ‘trapped’ radiation.
I am watching Victoriastan election coverage and the Deputy Opposition leader, David Southwick thinks, at least in the polling location he visited, that the voters no.1 concern was “climate”.
Liberals wiped out, as predicted.
Ohh well DM,
Whom would one elect in Vic – Labor or the Liberals, (aka Labor lite)? Not much choice. Little difference in policy.
May I ask why the Liberal Govs and oppositions are continually going down the same green path as Labor?
How is it that the Liberals do the same stupid mistake time and time again. The virtue signalling green policies they chase, It gets them no votes from the left. It just furthur alienates their base.
Even someone as silly as William X can see that.
They will never know if they are too timid to try. Stockholm Syndrome is real.
Typo corrected.
Oh, has anyone seen the predicted Ukrainian event that occured right on schedule?
No doubt it’ll be in the news shortly.
Now things get VERY interesting.
NATA, NATO, wherefore art thou…
Also, Ukraine just caught sabotaging a Russian gas pipeline. Talk about making enemies…
wow. And they wonder why they lost.
The late Rush Limbaugh once commented, to paraphrase, that the American Democrats have to keep pushing the climate scam and are working to get both ends of the political spectrum on board because so much of their agenda, and grifting, are wrapped in it. Once most people believe it, almost everything will start falling in place for them. This is why the went bonkers in 2016, and any means necessary to keep theie agenda on that track, became justified. Rush decrying about the how the “moderates” and “crossing the aisle” types were enabling the climate scam which allays worked the Democrat’s favor, at the expense of the people’s freedoms.
I know I fixed those errors. Did auto correct bring back an auto saved version or something?
Sorry about that.
Notice how all the Lib/Lab/Green politicians only talk about how much they’ve spent or will spend?
They never talk about how much they’ve saved or will save.
They all think there’s and endless bucket of money, and so do most voters.
It won’t end well.
Astonishing change since 2013 when debt was the prime focus.
Buying votes.
In a maudlin mood tonight. Anybody know a good movie I can lose myself in?
Sci fi, fantasy, action – I can source pretty much anything anywhere.
Meantime, a song for Marilyn.
I miss you hunnybun, wherever you are.
The final countdown was a top flick if you like sci-fi but hard to find .
I looked for The Brooklyn Banker and Hell or High Water on YT but the leads were up dry gullies.
Prolly on Pirate Bay.
Hell Or High Water has plenty of seeds on PB.
Do people still use that? 🙄
There are a few seeds for Robot and Frank.
Thanks guys.
All three are on Actvid. Currently watching “home Invasion” – sci fi comedy.
‘Fallen’ with denzel. W
Easy Virtue
Are we related? 😎
Looks like a walkover for Daniels.
I now live in the glorious peoples republic of dumbforkistan , the minor parties were only ever going to take votes away from the Libs and Labor with the end result being a Labor win . Not helped by a lib opposition that only show up just before an election .
Some in Sydney and elsewhere might gloat, but this result in Vic (Melbourne more accurately) is a disaster for our nation. Voters are racing to the left of Labor – to the moronic Teals in rich seats and to the Greens in much of the inner city. This is where we are all heading.
Yep that’s what I’m seeing , once the power gets cut off for days on end and prices get past $500 a month things will change but not until then .
Not even then. Brain dead Vics loved being the most locked down state in the world.
Any power failure will be proof absolute that fossil fuels can’t deliver when needed.
Did my Service trade training in Vic and way back then I new that the best thing to come out of Melbourne was the road north.
Was that at “Boy’s Town” Balcombe?
What was the trade you studied?
Rad Mechs at Ballarat and Rad Techs at Laverton and three winters at Adelaide once qualified.
I know and love the freedom of living in a warm regional town.
Vic has proven, on shore gas that AUSTRALIA needs to prosper. We have been given the finger.
Movie to watch?
Dr Strangelove. Geoff S
Is it no longer Victoriastan but Victorio?
Both majors bled voters. Soon it will a fragile coalition of minor parties a la Italy trying to get a little power but untrustworthy.
The senate will be a lap dog, regardless of composition.
So the main problem with Dan Andrews appears to be that, he is not left enough. I’m sure Dan can fix that.
Australia’s Most Senior Cardiologist Warns ‘mRNA Jabs Are Toxic’ As Thousands of Patients Suffer Heart Attacks
One of Australia’s most senior cardiologists this week warned the public to avoid getting mRNA jabs due to the increased risk in heart conditions, including fatal heart attacks.
Daily Mail Australia interviewed Sydney-based cardiologist Dr. Ross Walker this week after he called for an immediate ban on the use of mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna due to the dangerous reactions they are causing people three to six months after getting them.
Where has he been while other Docs have been on the ramparts?
Senator for South Australia presents South Australia health data by month which proves there has been a doubling of heart attacks for the group 15 to 45 years old, that coincides with covid RNA vaccination. It is criminal negligence to not stop RNA covid vaccination until the cause of the excess deaths, every country in the world that ‘vaccinated’ their population with the RNA covid vaccines, is ‘solved’.
Based on the overwhelming evidence of injury, deaths, and cover-up of adverse covid RNA vaccine events, there needs to be a fast tracked, completely independent emergency investigation to determine how and how many people have been hurt and killed.
The US drug and health system is corrupt and controlled by big pharma.
There is nothing to stop Andrews now.
Debt will continue to escalate to massive levels and there is absolutely nothing to stop it, including the Federal Government who themselves are addicted to spending money the country doesn’t have.
Luke warm liberals must bite their tongue for the next 4 years. They have no right to complain. They contribute nothing but criticism.
Come on down DM.
The only choice will be to ask the friendly people at the CCP for a loan.
Join the Belt and Road or maybe BRICS after Putin is gone.
Cheer up David, he won’t last 4 years.
With the current spending rate on top of his projected ‘vanity projects’ and the increasing State debt he will run out of money. With already high debt and interest rates rising, plus economic downturn, few lenders will provide loans. Taking over the electricity supply WILL RAISE HOUSEHOLD BILLS and see various commercial enterprises either collapse or emigrate elsewhere, reducing State income, and deepening the disaster. Blaming others won’t work for long. The Federal Government won’t (indeed probably couldn’t) bail Victoria out. The situation will reduce to
PLAN A: Sack lots of public servants (destroying the Labor vote) or
PLAN B: Grab all the cash he can get and depart overseas.
The result in Victoria indicates that the majority of people in the state, and probably nationwide as well, have outsourced their thinking to governments and bureaucrats.
Or maybe they have stopped thinking it makes much difference which bunch of mongrels get to play leader for a while. So why bother going to the effort and expense of changing teams.
There might be some of that too, but to reward such corruption and incompetence is baffling to me. Too many people have let themselves be conned into thinking governments are there to give them “free” stuff and security in exchange for their mind, soul and liberty. Not everyone, but enough that cretins like Andrews can get back in considering everything he’s done.
I’m glad I left Victoria for overseas a few years ago, but I have family there and I hate to think what the state will be like 4 years down the track, especially if there’s another trumped-up virus scare.
You all know the BBC has a duty to inform, which it takes seriously.
I’ve just tried to find any Victoria Election results on
Fourth root of zippo.
And people wonder why information about their country isn’t widely known.
But, hey, the Beeb has – – Naked volunteers pose for Tunick artwork on Bondi Beach.
Renewable Energy Revolution? Energy Australia Warns of Blackouts and Price Spikes
Essay by Eric Worrall
Ukraine famine memorial day! on the news this now 1932-33. didn’t know anything about it, not particularly keen on hearing too much (mostly propaganda ?) about The Ukraine, But…. BUT but! it got me thinking. From Time immemorial, the Peasants ( original farmers) have always been plundered for increased taxes and / or food. Never considered the wellbeing of the producer – I guess they were supposed to magic the food from fresh air and soil ( dirt to some) – Oh, and I HATE that americanism – “DIRT” for soil / earth.
So, how come that Farmers, the world over, continue to produce food for the Masses despite all the adversitiy they face?. We the farmer, should hang up our Dungarees ( guess its Lea-vise and slippers now) and tell the Vegans and MPS / MSM to get on with it. Likewise then too for the Food haulage industry: facing so much regulation – drivers hours, paperwork tracing etc, emission zones and cyclists !!!
Maybe, just maybe jo ( Och , sorry Jo! ) publick would consider their antagonistic actions of regulation.
European officials say US profiting from Ukraine war, call Inflation Reduction Act ‘very worrying’
Chris PandolfoBy
I find it ironic that Europe is complaining about the impact of the USA’s green policies on European citizens but ignore the far larger impact that Europe’s Green policies are having on European citizens.
Aye, and peole wonder why we were “FOR” brexit. and then there’s our stupid SNP who want to return there despite no road, rail or shipping connection ( Taxed too much if you fly ).
Today’s funny: The USS Green Energy…
(Australia) Federal Labor tries to remove medals from Aussie Afghan veterans.
This was already tried and failed under the previous Liberal (pretend conservative) Government.
Australian Defence Force chief gives Afghanistan veterans 28 days to explain why they should keep war honours
The veterans didn’t APPLY for the honours or request them. Their hierarchy awarded them – purely their decision. So the veterans should not have one single thing to explain.
And the hierarchy included the Defence Force Chief and the PM.
“What I Expect In Ukraine”
Looks like the idea is spreading –
“Exclusive Video: Western Leaders Have ‘Misplaced Optimism’ in Ability to Defeat Russia, Says German MEP”
For the red thumbers –
“According to Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD)” –
“Recently mobilised Russian reservists are dying “in large numbers” in Ukraine, .”
BUT, IIRC, British MoD also helped with stocking that “Steele Report”?
In regard to the Vicdanistan election, someone on FB posted this:
At 66yo, I might just make it out of here before the faeces hits the fan. Not optimistic though.
It will be cold comfort indeed, some years from now, wearing my ‘told you so’ face, because nobody will be able to see me sitting in the dark.
Like all psychopaths, Dictator Dan has an amazing ability to make people suffer and make them love him for it.
How did it come to be that hardly anyone now cares about Australia’s federal, state or local government debt?
Now over $1.6 trillion.
That’s $1,600,000,000,000.
For the person who red-thumbed me, let us know your thoughts on the matter. How high do you think the debt should be allowed to rise, if you have any limits at all?
Already over $61,000 per person, every man, woman and child.
If you had to convince someone of the falsehood of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming in one or two minutes, the maximum attention span of most people these days, what would you say?
That is a good question because my answer continually evolves. The bold is what I would use the 2 minutes to say.
Global warming is not global. The region that is warming fastest is all land north of 40N and in winter. This can only occur through more snowfall.
“global warming” is a misnomer for the termination of the current interglacial and acceleration of the winter water cycle in the NH.
This has been attention grabbing for the few I have tested it on. Once I have their attention, I provide the evidence. And in this regard, homogenising temperatures support the argument.
The orbital conditions that ended the last four interglacials are identical to what began around 1400 when the solar intensity peaked over the Southern Hemisphere and began increasing in the NH.
The evidence on this is quite clear. Yearly snow extent in the NH is steadily advancing. Permanent snow cover on Greenland is already advancing and the elevation of Greenland is increasing.
All these trends started well before CO2 started to accelerate. This is temp trend for all land north of 40N:
The minimum temperature on the Greenland plateau is even rising faster:
Greenland is the canary. This is the poster child for “global warming”. Winter minimums were close to MINUS 30C back in 1950. They are now close to 20C. A truly rapid rate. It is easy to dismiss this as a desirable trend because who would not want to be at -20C rather than -30C but this change is occurring right across the land north of 40N. Eventually all the extra snow will begin to accumulate despite more summer sunlight.
The only place on Earth that gets enough average daily sunlight to melt snow is presently the South Pole and a small region of Antarctica. Ince snow is permanent on land over a year it remains until the water cycle shuts down. Glacier calving terminates glaciation by shutting down the water cycle.
‘The region that is warming fastest is all land north of 40N and in winter.’
I’ll play devil’s advocate, I’m pretty sure a build up in CO2 is supposedly doing the same thing.
Actually this is where climate models are useful. They show no warming before 1980 and then rapid warming to reach the temperature at the time they were baselined.
The January average measured temperature for all land north of 40N rose rapidly from 1948 to 1963; a down trend till 1966 then a steady upward trend since. The climate models do nothing before 1990 then rise rapidly.
Then all climate models have Antarctica and the Southern Ocean warming. These regions are cooling. All climate models have the Nino 34 region warming. So much that the earlier CSIRO model had the Pacific in permanent El Nino phase by now.
The way CO2 is supposed to work is to warm everywhere on Earth. The simple fact that some regions are cooling and some steady is proof that CO2 does not do what they think it does..
The snowfall on Mount Rainier has been steadily increasing for the last century. Some models show increasing precipitation from 1980 but not the 60 years before.
The modellers are just now realising that the annual snow cover is increasing and this is not what any model predicted. The fool who predicted children would not see snow has proven he is a fool. I remain hopeful that I will live to see the emerging realisation that human civilisation is in historic times as we witness the termination of the interglacial where human civilisation emerged.
What caused Antarctica and Southern Ocean to begin cooling 40 years ago and continue this trend to the present?
There are 2 other possible causes, a change in the Earth’s precession (angle of tilt) so that northern summers get ‘more’ sunlight (because the North gets more direct rays) and the southern half gets less benefit.
The other is the noticeable reduction in cloudiness in Northern summers due to reduction of REAL pollution and/or a strengthening of the solar wind reducing solar ray impact.
‘The global average temperature has increased by a little more than 1℃ since 1900.
‘This figure seems small, but the Arctic region has warmed by about 2℃ in this time — twice as fast.
‘This warming differential between the poles and the tropics is known as Arctic (or polar) amplification.’ (The Conversation)
Carbon dioxide is extremely soluble, 30x more soluble than oxygen which all living things need. Fish breathe oxygen. But CO2 is so soluble 98% of CO2 is in the oceans like soda water. The real reason CO2 in the air has gone up 50% in 250 years is that the ocean surface has warmed a tiny bit. So CO2 does not cause warming as suggested. Slight ocean warming increases CO2 in the air. No grand explanation needed.
And relatively tiny human CO2 just vanishes into the ocean. Trees do not decrease CO2 at all. In fact more CO2 means many more trees, a massive greening observed by NASA since satellites since 1990, an area the size of Australia. This is the total reverse of Nett zero. You do not have to grow trees. CO2 increases and they grow themselves.
Then all life is made from CO2, carbohydrate from photosynthesis being hydrated carbon dioxide we call carbohydrates. This is why all living things burn and rocks do not. More CO2 means much more life and we humans have no control at all over CO2. It is a molecule which existed before life itself and in massive quantities. Fossil fuels are tiny in relation and they are no more than old dead plants. Harmless.
Finally all climates are controlled by the massive deep oceans which contain 99.99% of all heat and the sun itself. We have no control at all. That’s megalomania. Half a million giant windmills are a complete waste of money because they have not done what they were alleged to do, control CO2. Plus they only work 30% of the time.
A Green planet needs more CO2, not less. And it has been warming slowly since the last ice Age and not a bad thing at all. The real worry is that it would start cooling which is predicted to be happening right now.
You only have a couple of minutes to get your theory across, so your essay needs to be condensed. Remember the ordinary folk have no understanding or interest in the topic.
‘ … what would you say?’
Carbon dioxide doesn’t cause global warming and as a consequence Antartica and Southern Ocean began cooling 40 years ago.
Humanity has been here many times before and survived, so there is no reason to be concerned.
I suppose Daniel Andrews of Vicdanistan will now accelerate the closure of more real power stations and fast track his election “promise” of a state-owned corporation to supply supposedly cheap “green” energy from unreliables.
I find it difficult to believe that Andrews, Bowen et al really think Australia can run on wind and solar. Are they really that stupid? When Liddel shuts down NSW will be able to enjoy blackouts. Any closures in Victoria will make matters worse.
This Friday will be the 50th anniversary of the decline of Australia, the election of the Whitlam Labor government.
It dismays me that my generation, the baby boomers, were responsible. All the hard work and sacrifice of my parents thrown away by voters thinking socialism was the way forward.
Australia the Argentina of the 21st century.
Gough won by promising to pull out of Vietnam. A lot of personal self-interest for young voters involved there. He delivered on his promise. Apart from pulling out of Vietnam he developed Australia’s relationship with China. China has underpinned Australia’s economic performance throughout this century.
Hawk and Keating did a good job on reducing the union influence on business. They followed in Joh’s footsteps there. Joh sacked the electricians, Bob sacked the pilots. The Productivity Commission under Keating instigated the changes that made mining and electricity industries more efficient.
Victoria’s Labor party has always maintained an unhealthy association with the unions despite the best efforts of Reith and Howard to make changes – Dan and Setka typify the sleaziness of Victorian Labor and unions. Button probably made the most significant contribution to Victorian industries and he was Labor.
The sad fact about the political agenda now is that it is all based on a fairy tale. Academia has trashed science and infiltrated young minds with their fairy tale. No political party can survive if they do not go along with the fairy tale. Woke smugness prevails. It is rampant in their ABC.
Just a reminder, next week is the last week for the mail to Santa. So make sure you get your list in by the end of next week or you could miss out. Those that mailed in early wishing for a Coalition win in Victoria have already missed out.
McMahon pulled Oz troops out of Vietnam.
Yes – Liberals pulled the troops out. Whitlam ended conscription and freed those convicted of evading military conscription.
Does anyone need to answer that?
Both are political animals who have survived through bullying. That is what they are experts in. Their comprehension on anything to do with science or physics is close to zero as you would expect from anyone who studied economics or arts-politics.
It’s not stupidity. It’s pure malice.
I’d be more concerned over climate lockdowns and the post-Covid-yet-to-happen-new virus-pandemic. Don’t fear Covid, fear what comes after it.
Obviously the lockdown Stockholm syndrome conditioning of the sheeple worked well.
Despite all the information and evidence available to the masses, it’s all too hard to think so let the pollies save us.
This is the prime example of why a crash & burn is unavoidable now.
Apart from the false claim that wind and solar energy is cheap, here is another scam.
I got this fake text, supposedly from Linkt about the E-tag for the freeway not being found.
Obviously a scam. Link deleted.
Canadian Government Pushes Psychiatric Medication for ‘Vaccine-Hesitant’
Supposing that you’re a Canadian who mistakenly believes you enjoy the right to bodily autonomy, the Canadian Public Health™ overlords have plans to fix you right up.
You’ll be administered psychiatric medications so you think right.
Speaking with Lynn Tyler Thompson of the “Let Freedom Reign Tour,” Dr. William Makis revealed what is nothing short of a bombshell — the next step on the long, winding road to biomedical totalitarianism:
So this has come out recently out of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The college sent out a letter or a memo to all the doctors in Ontario suggesting to them now, so far, they’re not mandating it, they’re just suggesting it, that any of their unvaccinated patients, that they should consider that they have a mental problem and that they should be put on psychiatric medication.
So far, it’s just a suggestion.
Via the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:
It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption. [emphasis added]
Thus continues the Western allopathic tradition of psychiatric medication for everything, all the time.
. “Your kid won’t sit still in school? Shove some Ritalin down his throat.”
. “Depressed over a breakup? Have a handful of SSRIs.”
. “Jab refuser? We’ll Xanax you into a coma so you can’t say no!”
I’m surprised they are offering medication.
In Canada you can get yourself legally killed just for being depressed.
Summarising VictoriaStan
James Melville
Two markedly different versions of Stockholm Syndrome.
I remember that cartoon; another brilliant one that sums up the situation very neatly.
Just happened to be watching SBS on demand and there was an ad for Optus in which they pushed the digital id because of their security breach!!
Who’s next? Medibank?
If so, that would raise a nasty “certain type of flag” scenario…
As Perth prepares for its first hot days this week of the coming summer, I’ve noticed that the oceans around the lower coast of WA and into the Bight have cooled significantly. I had expected another hot long summer as per last year, due to LaNina, but am now wondering whether this will occur. Last year the oceans stayed warm right through summer and into autumn, but so far it’s certainly been different, with cool cloudy days and cold winds sweeping up from the Antarctic.
It’s amazing how the nightly TV news constantly mentions that a few days will be hot this week, but has never mentioned that we have had a few cool/cold spring.
Count your beatings – oops, blessings – you’re not in Tas-Mania (snowing for the next 2-3 days) or our South Island (snowing for the next 5 days up to and including the 1st of December) or QLD where a soggy, semi-troppo looks set to form off Brisbane…
And I read W.A. is now importing dirty Indonesian coal, just like NZ, because, um, because. Madness, Madness, they call it Madness 🎶
Looking at the Tas forecast, it’ll be snow on mountain tops not down to sea level like they got in 2015 or 1986 where they were skiing across the Tasman bridge.
Prolly sunny like it always is down there.😁
Yes, WA is importing coal to a coal power station that is located next to a coal mine that normally produces high-quality black coal. Will be interesting to see if the ramped-up gas generators are sufficient when the summer heat hits.
But the ocean temps raise an interesting question – do they control the temperatures of coastal cities and towns? The cool ocean water isn’t localised – it spreads across the Indian Ocean towards India, and now it’s spread around into the Southern Ocean.
Hmm, should have looked again. I note that the cold water extends right around the southern coastline of Australia and up the cost into NSW.
Copy that. The Indian Ocean Dipole shows signs of returning to its positive phase, while the cool SST in the Bight and up the east coast of NSW requires further investigation.,-21.08,818/loc=128.996,-7.427
These modellers reckon it has something to do with a marine heatwave east of NZ.
Will the next pandemic come from the Arctic? Ancient virus that has lain frozen in Siberian permafrost for 48,500 YEARS is revived
An ancient virus that has lain frozen in the Siberian permafrost for 48,500 years has become the oldest ever revived so far, scientists say.
It is among seven types of viruses in the permafrost that have been resuscitated after thousands of years.
The youngest had been frozen for 27,000 years and the oldest, called Pandoravirus yedoma, has been frozen for 48,500 years.
Although the viruses are not considered a risk to humans, scientists warn that other viruses exposed by melted ice could be ‘disastrous’ and lead to new pandemics.
I’m sure Dictator Dan is gleefully rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
MOAR power for him!!
CDC Says It’s Monitoring XBB ‘The Most Vaccine Resistant Covid Strain Ever’
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that it is monitoring another new Covid variant known as “XBB” that is reortedly responsible for around 3.1% of all new infections in the United States.
Earlier this month, the CDC offered preliminary estimates suggesting XBB is potentially doubling in proportion about every 12 days. That could be faster than the current pace of the BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 variants now dominant across the country.
Make sure you wear 6 masks, get all your new shots and boosters and carry a mattress to fall onto should you collapse unexpectedly.
Vaxxing during a pandemy never was a good idea….
You have to ask ‘ WHY ?’ …. revived or left as it is, to be destroyed naturally. Fore-warned is fore-armed: I get that, but in this Culture of Idiots running the Asylum, who are the REAL leaders of R&D. Maybe its time THEY were held accountable. But now the Cat is out of the bag… Meaow ( did I hear Schrödinger’s cat ? )
As an Oncologist I Am Seeing People With Stable Cancer Rapidly Progress After Being Forced to Have a Booster
There follows a letter from Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London, to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ. It was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.
Dear Kamran Abbasi,
Covid no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of Covid in the U.K. is 82 and from all other causes is 81 and falling.
The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy. (We predicted these side effects in our June 2020 QRBD article Sorensen et al. 2020, as the blast analysis revealed 79% homologies to human epitopes, especially PF4 and myelin.)
However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes. As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.
Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.
I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA.
The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control – and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.
This must be aired and debated immediately.
Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci
Do people really need 6 peer reviewed papers to see the bleeding obvious?
FWIW, because I really don’t know: story in the Sun / Daily Mail about our late Queen Aggressive bone cancer, Methinks the jab may have “dunner-in” or set off something, especially when possibly under a state of some mental Stress ( without stating the obvious). Really beginning to wonder about ALL medicine, other than possibly the basic ASpirin and Penicillin. But often it is the way messages / stories are raconteured.
Old age and cancer. The usual.
Chinese government facing growing unrest against Zero COVID policy.
In Shanghai, protesters have taken to the streets, shouting: “Down with the party! Down with Xi Jinping!”
Amazing. Even the normally meda-docile Chinese are at breaking point.
No doubt they’ll all be arrested and disappeared…
These smug eco-hipsters’ failed energy firm Bulb has cost British taxpayers £6.5billion…
The vast majority of people in the UK are CO2 demonisers. Liz Truss, who displayed a tiny smattering of common sense, could not get the agenda changed.
UK is a lost cause and they are getting what they voted for – an impoverished future. There are winners and losers and the smarter ones protect their personal wealth at the expense of those lower down the chain.
So one of our UK illegal migrants has probably died of diphtheria.
A few days ago, as a result of all the press and lefties screaming about the poor migrants being housed in a perfectly reasonable but crowded detention center, the government rapidly emptied it, sending the migrants to hotels all over the country.
There are now about 70 suspected cases of diphtheria spread out all over the country.
Well that’s a relief isn’t it, Andrews’ Labor Government returned in Victoria and now the new Victoria Electricity Commission will be established with Federal grants and State funding, maybe some private sector investors apart from Union Industry Super Funds, and hundreds of billions of dollars of new debt and yearly interest liability plus maintenance and replacement every 20 years on average,
And the railway link in Melbourne now estimated to cost $125 billion and $200 billion depending on source of costing information and other projects also with Federal grants.
Not to worry that the present Vic State debt is more than the combined debts of Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland.
A forest of green socialist money trees will be planted for future generations.
But climate change would ensure that low rainfall would never fill dams again?
“And there’s a new wildcard in calculating flood risk — climate change.
“It is expected that extreme rainfall will increase in Australia with climate change,” wrote The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO in the recent “State of the Climate” report.”
I’m more remembering 1964 – 1965 here.
End of 1964 we seemed to get rained on about every fortnight. And then got dumped into the 1965 drought.
Worrying enough to dig out the rainfall charts and check.
THE MOST SOCCER THING EVER! U.S., England tie World Cup match in Qatar, 0-0.
The Simpsons take on soccer highlight reel from the game is really something: 3 Mins 20 Secs
UPDATE: From America’s Newspaper of Record: Soccer Team Apologizes For Running Up The Score In 2-0 Blowout.
Did you view the follow-on video from Babylon Bee, about an job interview with an ex-Twitter employee. Very funny.
New video called “died suddenly” worth a watch, the usual haters nit pick the little things to ignore the real story of the wired clots killing people.
New video called “died suddenly” worth a watch, the usual haters nit pick the little things to ignore the real story of the weird clots killing people.
Third attempt,
New video called “died suddenly” worth a watch, the usual haters nit pick the little things to ignore the real story of the wired clots killing people.
While it is an important video, some medicos (sympathetic to the main theory) regret that some medical assumptions are incorrect and will allow the tax crowd to criticise it.
I recommend the latest entry to this sub stack of an American doctor who has written a very good analysis of the “Died Suddenly” video. He is, however, in no doubt that a clotting process is caused by the spike protein, in the vaccine as well as the actual virus.
[email protected]
Star Wars if it were made in 2019
Well that’s wierd none of the above comments of mine appeared and now they all have.
Sorry for the spam
Server TTL lag. Don’t fret.
That logo on the wall behind Schwab looks sorta familiar…
Looks like a transformation of the tear-drop shape of the APEC 2022 logo into green and blue interlocked sauwastika, suggesting the tantric symbol of ultimate power, time, destruction and change in Shaktism.
My father had an old book of Rudyard Kipling’s stories set in India published no later than the 1920’s. Its leather(?) cover was embossed with a well known Indian symbol of good health the Swastika.
“The Consumer Economy Has Completely Collapsed – “It’s a Ghost Town” for Holiday Shopping Everywhere
November 26, 2022 | Sundance | 185 Comments
“Crowds? I see nothing. I’m surprised,” retail worker Jeremy Pritchett told FOX 2. “Normally, it’s wrapped all the way around the building. Today: no one.”
That’s the typical ground report from areas all over the country. No one, literally almost no one, is doing any holiday shopping and the traditional Black Friday rush to get deals and discounts just didn’t happen. Financial media are scratching their puzzlers, perplexed with furrowed brows.”
More at
What you get for voting blue in USA
“I Went To Every Single Homeless Camp In Los Angeles”
Dan’s objective?