The cannons are all swinging around to point at Elon Musk. The former darling of the left is holding Kryptonite — today he recklessly encouraged people of different political views to engage in civil debate. He also promised to drop “The Twitter Files” soon, showing exactly how Twitter suppressed free speech, saying “The public deserves to know what happened”.
Twitter, after all, may have affected the 2020 US election by protecting Hunter Biden and the FBI. It also may have protected Big Pharma by suppressing bad news on vaccines and good news on cheap antivirals. There is a body count in this free speech debate… and Elon Musk recognises the gravity of the situation.
In reply to this dangerous free speech concept new signups at Twitter are at an all time high, but Apple has withdrawn advertising on Twitter. To which Elon Musk asks “Do they hate free speech in America?” And apparently they do, because they are also now threatened to withhold Twitter from their App Store and they’re not even trying to explain why.
Apple similarly deplatformed Parler from its App store in Jan 2021. Twitter had banned the President of the US and Parler was taking off as the alternative. It threatened to take 80 million Trump fans off Twitter. This was so unthinkable, the thought of Trump and the deplorables having a venue to speak at, that Google deplatformed Parler too. It’s like a information cartel isn’t it?
Indeed 50 other companies also apparently hate free speech and have withdrawn advertising from Twitter now that Elon Musk owns it. This includes Chevrolet, Ford, Jeep, Kraft, Coke, Nestle and Kelloggs. What is it these companies want to achieve that is more important than reaching new customers?
In return Musk said he could always make a new smartphone to sell…
Elon Musk To Build “Alternative Phone” If Apple And Google Boot Twitter From App Stores
Musk responded to conservative commentator Liz Wheeler, who tweeted: “If Apple & Google boot Twitter from their app stores, @elonmusk should produce his own smartphone. Half the country would happily ditch the biased, snooping iPhone & Android. The man builds rockets to Mars, a silly little smartphone should be easy, right?”
“I certainly hope it does not come to that,” Musk told Wheeler, “but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone.”
Ron de Santis weighed in, warning that Apple looks like a vassal of the CCP
Apparently there are reports that Apple is stopping Chinese protestors from communicating with the iPhone air drop. De Santis argues that Apple is providing aid and comfort to the CCP. And he thinks it is serious enough that if Apple bans Twitter, congress should respond.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) November 29, 2022
The all-in war on Elon Musk shows us what the Tech Giants fear the most. Not only will free speech on Twitter expose their own skeletons and destroy their sacred cows, but worse, he threatens to steal their power base and end their political protection racket.
h/t David Maddison and OldOzzie.
Apple and Google ROTTEN to their cores!
As the saying goes;
One rotten apple spoils the barrel . .
I always imagined that that was peculiar to Australia, where they throw out the barrel instead of the rotten apple.
Tim Cook Says He’s Ready To Pull Twitter From App Store Once President Xi Gives The Order
At last something to look forward to in the New Year.
So it’s Musk vs the rest.
Just hate those big American companies,know which side I’m on . .
Musk could possibly strike back by rejecting apple devices on his satellite network. I think an alternative smart phone is the way to go, I would certainly buy one.
It is strange how saviours arise from out of left field and surprise us all. When Barry Obama gave Elon a few billion during his presidency did he realise he may have been funding the demise of the left in the US? It seems that Elon is the only really rich dude in the West to have a sense of decency and righteousness. He must be a concern to the cabal trying to enslave the general population. I hasten to add that there is at least one rich woman in the righteousness camp; Gina Rinehart. There may be others but we do not hear of them standing up in the public square and making a statement.
Spot on, hope the few have good lawyers and steel underwear for the fight ahead
“from out of left field”

Actually, this one is from center field.
I should have added that we now have a list of those companies that obviously hate free speech; either that or they are spineless and scared of the leftists who used to inhabit Twitter. Do they realise that the folk now flocking to Twitter are consumers who actually buy things even some of the things they would like to sell like cars for example. From what I know many of the most vocal Twitter users would not be able to buy a car even if they could overcome their hatred of all things emitting CO2.
Amusingly Coke, which produces carbonated flavoured water has withdrawn from Twitter – I hope a new cola beverate that contribution CO2 makes to its bottom line steps in to take its place.
Coke owned by Blackrock, CEO Larry Fink also on the Board of the World Economic Forum, very dodgy.
In the following video Louis Rossman talks about Apple threatening to ban Twitter on its phones and Elon Musk’s response that he’ll make his own phones.
I’m glad I got off the woke Apple platform. Android is not much better as the common Android versions are controlled by Goolag however it is possible to load Apps onto Android even if woke Goolag doesn’t approve via apk files or alternative App stores.
If Elon Musk came out with a phone with an unrestricted Android “fork” I would buy it.
Get woke, go broke!
Phones aren’t that good as browsers … although out of laziness I do use one from time to time.
If you reserve you phone for basic stuff like phone calls and then buy a very small laptop for actually having a non-sucky web browser then the phone is fine as a way to get Internet connection to your laptop.
Not everything needs to be “Apps” on your phone.
I should point out that one way or another, the complete morons will end up somewhere. If they all decide to leave Twitter, they won’t simply vanish … they will go and mess up other places. Something to think about, be careful what you wish for.
There are third party degoogled phones around Braxphone for example there are heaps of others
It is possiable to flash the ROM also to remove any deep spyware
I have a $150 not so smart phone with a crappy camera. I’m the biggest scrooge around but heck I’m happy to buy an an expensive Tesla phone just to get back at Google and Apple. Hell yeah!
Now that is a Tesla I WOULD buy!
It’s not so much the phone, as it is the software that runs on it. Elon would likely (or be advised to) pour money into PinePhone and PineOs. On top of that, if he gets the XDA-developers community behind the software, he could well be on a winner.
Unpacking that for those that read this far, Pine O(perating)S(ystem) is Linux ported to and modified to run on, mobile hardware aka the PinePhone. It would be completely open, and not at all a walled garden.
The XDA community was originally a group that modded (modified) Windows Phone software. Back when Windows phones were a thing, changing out to XDA ROMs made a HUGE difference to performance and useability. Now they do similar things for Android.
I think Elon Musk has discovered that there’s money to be made by allowing free speech.
I think there’ll be an awakening and a huge backlash against the censorship and control by the Left which, if allowed to continue will go the way of the predecessors of the modern Left, the National Socialists and International Socialists.
I hope this allows him to increase his wealth – and the freedom of the non-Elites.
I’ve wondered when someone in the “non-news-cycle” would realise that there was a lot of money in telling it as it is and flee the coop.
When you are not catching up with the latest news on this site, watch regional Sky News on the WIN network or They also report without fear or favor what the other media outlets censor.
Also recommend GB News.
Neil Oliver on GBNews is awesome, calls a spade a spade………
“We are expected to forget those promising to fix the disaster caused it.” “The Fault is theirs.”
Another great warrior of the Truth
I have been watching Outsiders on Sky News Au, from England, for years as the only source of non-controlled comment on especially the climate scam. But they have just locked it to ‘outsiders’ (sorry!) like me and after all these years suddenly expect a premium. As I don’t watch the rest of it that is not on.
Luckily we in UK now have GB News, which, despite it’s faults, has a number of presenters in the evenings – I was going to say ‘pushing the boundaries’, but they are actually simply telling truths at last and reporting not ignoring events that don’t fit the various MSM and government narratives: climate, migrants, jabs, lockdowns, Ukraine, EU, US politics, the WEF, CBDCs, and the one-party state that Britain has become as civilisation unwinds and society degenerates.
Twitter Stops Enforcing COVID-19 Misinformation Policy
Twitter will no longer enforce its Covid-19 misinformation policy, under which users who deviated from prevailing establishment narratives frequently had their accounts locked or suspended.
The longstanding policy did not apply to misinformation from government officials, who regularly lied about things such as transmission, masks, vaccine efficacy, side effects, or any of the other ‘science’ which turned out to be patently false.
Twitter did not officially announce the change, rather, the company added a note to a page on its website outlining its Covid-19 policy.
“Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy,” reads the note, which follows a line that still reads: “As the global community faces the COVID-19 pandemic together, Twitter is helping people find reliable information, connect with others, and follow what’s happening in real time.”
Cat among the pigeons time…
Good that the Left isn’t censored. That way we’ll have a record of the BS they spew, like this.
Thanks J C,
Now I think I might join Twitter, as I might be able to express my ideas without being censored on my first attempt..
Dave B
Elon has vulnerabilities to China, as he has Tesla plants there, and where does he make smart phones? You need a whole industrial ecosystem to produce things like that.
South Korea, Japan. Maybe even Vietnam.
Anywhere but China
I wonder if there is an existing phone manufacturer he could buy although I acknowledge that those makes you have never heard of are likely Chinese.
It’s interesting how Hollyweirdo Alyssa Milano “returned” her Telsa car in protest to African American Elon Musk’s free speech policies. She (falsely) accused him of promoting hate and racism.
So what does she do, LoL?
She buys a VW car, a company founded by the National Socialists.
Like most people today, she has no clue about history.
She was cute back in the day (Charmed) but that’s about all she had to offer.
1st, the hand knitted woollen face mask, now VW. Can’t wait for eff-up #3…
Conservatives need a high-profile person who has the protection of a network of powerful people to set up a website that lists companies that conservatives might choose not to do business with.
There are elements of this starting, e.g.
There is nothing more lacking in diversity and seething with hatred than a woke corporation, government or individual.
I think the SMH lost an opportunity for a great headline with their (paywalled) story:
Can Elon Musk afford to go to war with Apple?
I think “Apple rules the world” would have been quite eye catching, and maybe even accurate.
Dave B
And, just as you’d expect from a hypocritical Leftist organisation like Apple:
Is that how you are supposed to write it?
Further I am. Ford man, looks like I will be visiting my Toyota man shortly.
Since when do Corporations need to make political statements….. oh that right, when they are complicit in the Swamp!
Most people are unaware that search results and rankings from Goolag are highly crafted to suit the woke Leftist political agenda they are promoting and don’t reflect the reality.
Also, Goolag owns YouTube and similarly crafts search results and recommendations. If you are a conservative, you are likely “shadow banned” and your videos can’t even be found when searching for the exact title of your video. That is, those few conservatives who remain and haven’t been booted from the platform.
An uncensored search engine that also indexes free speech video platforms like BitChute and Rumble could be another project for Mr Musk.
Lucky this is about twitter and apple and not alphabet then isn’t it?
I still use Google for general searches, but if I want anything to do with, for example, climate or Covid then I use DuckDuckGo. It perhaps does not have the reach of Google but it it interesting to see the results that come to the top (or just appear or not) in each.
Bad choice if you are interested in privacy.
So true.. Google is amongst the very worst for respecting personal privacy.
They are “far-left”, after all.. so to be expected.
DDG curates results and has admitted so
Use Brave – browser and search engine
Also Yandex has the best reverse image search on the interwebs
excellent choice. DDG is crappola
I’d think that anyone not living under a rock would know by now.
Unfortunately, Google is a true search engine with the largest database, whereas alternatives like DDG are just scrapers OF search results from sources like Bing.
I use Yandex most of the time these days…
I sure do know a lot of rock dwellers.
I’m impressed that Musk is prepared to fight these elite con merchants, but he’ll still need China to continue to supply Tesla EVs with parts and perhaps a new smart phone.
But Ron DeSantis continues to impress and his choice of arguments and his choice of words is about as good as it gets. I think he’s correct and the GOP should start to put pressure on the DEM elites both at home and their links to China. And that pressure should include Mr 10% and his clueless, corrupt son.
Back in the day, smart corporations, which was most of them, knew that you NEVER make political pronouncements or adopt political positions as you risked alienating large numbers of your customers.
Back then, before the Left took over, all people were considered entitled to their opinions.
Look at Qantas, our own woke company, it used to be all about the airline, now it’s anything but.
Qantas has become an LGBTxyz advocacy organisation.
They forgot that they were meant to be an airline with no political or social views. What on earth has LGBTxyz advocacy got to do with an airline? They need to focus on safety, service and cost only.
I stopped flying with them and never renewed my Qantas Club membership of many years standing.
Indeed you need to wonder about the decision by many companies to abandon advertising on Twitter when its subscriber numbers are booming.
Obvious conclusions:
1. They don’t think advertising works
2. They don’t want to boost production.
And the “welcome to country” on landing, even on domestic flights, grates with me to the extent that I am livid when I get off the plane. It is my country too – the welcome to country is “racist”, in my opinion.
It is not them and us. It is “welcome to country”, not “welcome to my country”.
Perhaps you should inform “them” of that GeeAye! Maybe try it at a local gathering of inner city “welcome to country” members.
I hope your hospital and medical is up to date!
I haven’t heard it. But let me guess, it has something to with ‘traditional’ and rhymes with ‘moaners’?
It’s a nonsense concept dreamt up by Ernie Dingo. Because he is an actor/ celebrity the idea got traction. Apparently it might have been a “thing” with his native tribe back in WA, but it wasn’t considered part of most other tribes in Australia. I think the evidence for the smoking ceremony might be tenuous as well.
The traditional “welcome to country” was a spear up the kharzi, if you turned up unannounced.
I would have no problem with a “Welcome to AUSTRALIA” when you land after an international flight.
Or a “Welcome to NSW” when you land at Sydney from some other state. etc
Did you catch Jordan Peterson’s take on the welcome to country on Qantas. Most excellent.
QANTAS forgot they were an airline until they put their hands out for more taxpayers’ money.
[Guys, please, can we take this conversation to the Unthreaded? Thanks. — Jo]
Smart Australian cricket captains also never made virtue signalling comments or got political. You made beer ads and kept your opinions to yourself. Now, you denigrate an industry that gave this country wealth and bend the knee to a neo- marxist group.
It is quite appropriate for the cricket players to go down on their knees begging forgiveness, as they appear to be a pack of weak, snivelling cowards.
No sugar coating there, Gary S.
Musk also has Something Interesting that only he has, in the form of a nearly-completed worldwide network of communications satellites in low Earth orbit. This may or may not be applicable to smartphones; I am not privy to the “feeds and speeds” of Starlink.
At a minimum, he has a way to offer “no dead zones… anywhere” that would be unique in the industry.
A Mobile Phone based on Musk’s Starlink Satellites would be an Absolute No-Brainer in Australia, even in the UK there are loads of dead spot in Mobile Phone Reception
As the Commenter above says, This may or may not be applicable to smartphones; I am not privy to the “feeds and speeds” of Starlink., but if Elon Musk could achieve this he would leave Apple and Google Android Mobile Phones in the dust
Hackers are making inroads into handheld Starlink reception. At the moment they can only track the satellites and not transfer data. But that’s the next move…
I was originally sceptical about Starlink, but now I fully support it as it will be important for free speech and an uncensored Internet. And governments can’t easily control what gets sent down from a satellite.
Starlink may end up being our most important tool against Leftist censorship.
That’s not actually true any more as they’ve been used to transmit malware infecting Ukrainian targets.
They’ve been exploited for GPS purposes and lastly they’ve been hacked allowing network access to all satellites but no nefarious actions taken so far…
I didn’t really mean malicious hackers. As per the article I meant enthusiasts who were making handheld devices to communicate with the satellites.
..and in breaking news today:
Killnet Gloats About DDoS Attacks Downing Starlink, White House
Killnet and its band of hacker collaborators are claiming they were able to pull off a trio of symbolic distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks aimed at punishing some of the most critical supporters of Ukraine against the Russian invasion — Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite broadband service and the websites of the White House in the US and the Prince of Wales in the UK.
Researchers at Trustwave were able to find evidence corroborating the Russian-backed threat group’s claims.
Killnet claimed it took down Starlink service on Nov. 18, which has been critical for providing the Ukraine war effort with Internet connectivity
DDoS attacks…how very…retro
David M.
“And governments can’t easily control what gets sent down from a satellite.”
But – throuh use of missiles – they can – not easily – control the satellite – so what could be sent down.
Yes, it’s violent …
Would Australia – or the UK or the USA – actually respond [above a jolly stiff talk with the Ambassador ….] ?]
Ukrainians complain over Starlink price hike
Monthly charges and the price of the dish are set to increase, according to an email customers reportedly received
Ukrainian Starlink users are demanding answers from CEO Elon Musk over a proposed price hike to their satellite internet, according to several tweets posted on Tuesday. Dimko Zhluktenko, the founder of an NGO devoted to supplying the military with Starlink dishes, condemned the $10 price increase described in screenshots circulating on social media as “not cool,” but promised to “find the cost-effective solution.”
Users reported receiving emails from Starlink informing them their monthly service charge would increase from $65 to $75, while the cost of the satellite dish is set to go up from $500 to $700. The new fees are set to take effect on December 29, but “if you do not wish to continue your service, you can cancel at any time,” the message explains.
Another Ukrainian Twitter user, Roman Kyryliuk, demanded to know “what reasons impacted” the price increase, reminding Musk that “the financial situation is not good here.”
Starlink users in Ukraine receive a modest discount compared to their stateside peers, and many of the systems used by the military are paid for by the US government, NATO, NGOs, and other sponsors of Kiev’s war effort. Monthly subscription costs in Ukraine were slashed in August from $100 to $60, though under the new pricing regime, the dishes cost slightly less for American users ($599).
While Musk’s finances are something of a black box due to the privately-held nature of his companies, the world’s richest man complained several months ago that he was having trouble carrying the cost of keeping the Ukrainian military online, calling for the Pentagon to pay its fair share of the costs for the high-tech internet service.
Earlier this month, some 1,300 Starlink terminals in Ukraine allegedly went dark due to overdue bills, according to CNN. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, aware of the looming problem of making ends meet, had asked its UK counterparts for $3.25 million to bridge the gap, but was reportedly turned down.
While Ukrainian users and their supporters clamored for answers from Musk on Tuesday, the newly-minted Twitter owner appeared to be preoccupied trading barbs with Apple and the Western media establishment. On Monday, he revealed that not only had Apple “threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store,” but that the tech behemoth “won’t tell us why.”
From the Comments
Is there anything Ukraine doesn’t complain about?
The Ukes are getting a bargain!! In Australia it was $924 to sign up and $139/month to subscribe to Starlink. Just recently that $924 sign up ( hardware purchase) has been reduced to $450. For a lot of people with crap broadband, that’s still a bargain.
remember that is USD $700.00 = AUD $1,046.00 and USD $75.00 per month = AUD $112.00 per month
You didn’t stipulate USD OO. ( I had assumed you’d converted ) But you’re right, the Ukranians do appear to complain a lot.
Ross – Not my article – any article from overseas that says Dollars refers to USD
Vocus tees up Musk’s satellites to boost rural internet
Macquarie-owned telco Vocus Group has linked up with Elon Musk’s low-orbit satellite business Starlink to deliver high-speed internet to businesses that operate in remote or regional Australia.
The landmark new agreement will allow Vocus to compete against the NBN’s satellite services, which is the only option available to some regional and rural users.
The telco’s head of enterprise and government Andrew Wildblood said Vocus had already received interest in Starlink’s low-earth orbit satellites from businesses in the resources, agriculture and education sectors.
“There’s plenty of open space in the Australian landscape where there is no service and people still need to explore…and operate, either from an agricultural perspective or from a government perspective,” he said. “The predominant interest from our customer base has been in mining, oil and gas resource sector where they’re operating the most remote parts of Australia.”
Vocus’ new agreement is an expansion of its relationship with SpaceX, which began two years ago when it built the ground stations that allow Starlink’s satellites to connect to the broader internet. Under the agreement, Vocus will install the service, provide local support, and will have satellites in stock locally for dispatch or resolution of faults.
The enterprise satellite terminals cost about $US3700 ($5562) to purchase and more than $500 per month, depending on the plan.
Wildblood said the new deal could allow mining companies and farmers to gain access to reliable internet in areas they otherwise couldn’t, or improve connectivity in remote schools in the Northern Territory.
“We’ve actually done some consulting work into Northern Territory Government to work out how they can solve communication into remote schools, particularly Arnhem Land,” Wildblood said. “Now [Starlink] is commercially available, how do we construct solutions for them that enable them to get coverage across multiple sites not just one individual site.”
“In remote, regional communities, it’s a game changer in education, it’s a game changer in health and safety, it’s a game changer in agriculture, mining, oil and gas.”
Vocus is one of several telecommunications providers exploring ways to invest in LEO satellites, which sit about 300 km from earth (NBN’s satellites sit 36,000 km from earth). Telstra announced in September it was testing OneWeb’s LEO satellites in Australia (Vocus already has a relationship with OneWeb). In October, the federal government said it was looking at using LEO satellites to improve regional telecommunications coverage.
He is most likely way ahead of us.
I have a question. Why use Twitter?
It still maintains chat and information networks of common interest, that were what originally attracted people to the platform. I got on via bioinformatics and evolutionary biology, and extended that into other areas. These were very useful for me.
The political stuff has been interesting but is increasingly overridden by the sort of nonsense that probably prompted your question.
“but is increasingly overridden by… ……”
Has been increasing overridden by the far left “silencing” agenda.
That’s now over… get used to it. !
Depends on what type of news junkie you are. If you’re happy to get news and info via MSM, blogs and newspapers then that’s ok. If you’re in journalism, a “celebrity” or any any info rich job, Twitter (and probably Facebook) are almost essential. But it can be painful to get that information, because there is so much useless noise on the platform. Follow the right people and your news experience can be enriched. Get trolled by some bots and it’s crap. In my case I had hoped Twitter might be useful for business and keeping up to date with industry happenings. It’s only been partially successful for me, in that respect. During COVID, Twitter ( and this blog) were the only 2 places to get alternative information.
Forget Musk and his Starlink. Forget Twittler, CCP, Apple et al. Let ’em duke it out. Meanwhile build your own phone. Mine’s a Golden Circle Fruit Salad model with all the features. Not hackable or trackable and the simple StringLink network can be as long as.
That brings back memories! I remember out HeenzBeens phones from upstairs bedroom to garden summerhouse that my brother and I had going just short of 70 years ago. Could not be hacked although Mum could hear me shouting from the bedroom!
… a piece of string!!!!.
More “He can’t do that” anger coming up –
“Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy.”
You only say this because you are not one of the non-binary hysterics that now control the political dialogue of the globe.
Dang. That was intended as response to #20.
any evidence of this that doesn’t trace back to a Musk rage tweet or single word reply to a question?
Why would “the left” have ever liked this business mogul? At best he owns a nominally green car company that he acquired after it was established and levered carbon credits (etc) to make more money for himself. Not at all socialist or green.
“Not at all socialist or green.”
And isn’t it wonderful.
Do try not to be too upset, twisted, bitter etc…
However, they did GA. They did.
And that’s a question we know the answer to, but you fail to comprehend.
Should I spell it out to you in simple words?
I reckon it is because you don’t know who the left is or even, possibly, what the left is.
Something like this might help the war –
“What we need is someone knowledgable to craft the wording for a simple, uncomplicated, shareholder resolution stating that the company shall not spend funds on (pick one or more, carbon offsets, net Zero efforts, unreliable energy supplies, etc.), until they shall have shown shareholders the specific scientific proof that CO2 emissions are causing specific XYZ problems, and are not net-beneficial to human society, including the cost to power modern society without such fuels.
I would send such to several companies I own that have gone woke. I’d like to see a Board of Directors say they recommend NOT having proof before spending shareholder funds on a non-problem.”
November 29, 2022 1:30 pm”
In comments at
It’s all very entertaining. Speaking as a diehard Twitter refusenick (never had an account, swore I never would) I’m actually considering joining now. I think it was the video of Musk walking into Twitter head office carrying a porclain sink. So the security guard who opened the door for Musk was literally ‘letting that sink in.’ Golden moments.
What would a phone made by Elon be called? How about we all buy ‘Musk-ets’? And none too soon.
In other heart-warming news this morning, search for “Australian government to return COVID fines” Whooeee! I hope this goes far, and heads roll. How about all the police who issued fines with no legal basis? How about the people who ordered them to do it? Civil damages? Criminal acts?
Next I hope the courts look into the lockdowns, fraudulent Emergency Use Authorization, suppression of proven working treatments, forced injection of experimental (lethal) medical treatments, etc.
Hold them to the flame.
They just did in Victoria. They gave them four more years.
With Apple I have only ever purchased a handful of Itunes songs and have refused to ever buy one of their devices.
Everything I see here makes me even more resolved to give nothing at all to Apple. I cannot understand the fascination and desperation some people have for their devices.
I’ve felt that way about Apple ever since Steve Jobs backstabbed Wozniak. “Not one cent, ever!” Apple just got worse from there on. Using an Apple device is a great way to advertise your NPC-nature.
I don’t know what Elon would call his smartphone, but I want to know if it should be kept outside at least 3m away from buildings.

Tucker Carlson led with this today and covered it powerfully for about 18 minutes. Lter on he had Desantis on for another few minutes to elaborate. We have nobody remotely within a bull’s roar of Carlson in Australia when it comes to unearthing just how bloody Machiavellian the Fascists running our world are today.
His high profile maybe keeps him relatively safe from being Epsteined – a term he used today.
Yes agree. Unfortunately I lump Peta Credlin and Chris Kenny, who may be mentioned when this sort of thing comes up, into the controlled opposition camp. Peta has her pet issues and Chris never properly attacked the vaxxes and still does not.
Rowan Dean & Adam Creighton do probably the best job and Steve Mitchell in the Australian is an honourable mention, but nobody here within a bulls roar of Tucker, or Mark Steyn in the UK. Both of them are like terriers, staying on an issue and asking all the right questions. Here we just have the odd one hit wonders with no follow through at all.
I am actually ashamed to call myself an Australian. So many of my countrymen appear cowards and incapable of any pushback on the horrific measures employed under the Climate Change and Covid dystopias, and fall over themselves to serve the govt, when actually the govt is our servant.
Indeed, and Chris Kenny is an avid and agressive supporter of the Voice. I just cannot understand his thinking.
I think Rohan Dean is doing his best as a Tucker equivalent. He doesn’t play political favourites and he calls out false narratives from all sides.
Elon could be seen as a magician . Part of the swamp and working at harvesting subsidies for for solutions to problems that don’t require them (tesla) . He is (like trump) a negotiator and they both use similar tactics and Twitter suits because of its audience . Both are popular because they are able to survive and defy the idiocracy that is wokeness . Twitter will increase in revenue and value as the workforce decreases and membership increases – this is what his backers are “banking” on . When dealing with the swamp Rule #1 : follow the money.
Trump and Musk are from outside the political scene, as businessmen. Hence, they owe nobody for their existence. That placed them outside the control of the political class on all sides. Trump ran poltics as a big business and the political class even of the GOP resented his quick removal of anyone not performing. That made enemies in his own ranks, but the national ‘business’ thrived. Musk would probably be the same. This is the reason the Democrats and all their cronies are attacking both full time by all means possible, as hard as possible in an endeavour to make them ineligible to stand for Presidency or to be capable of breaking down the empires that sustain the Democrats.
Trump showed an independent President is capable of stopping the extremes of the left in their tracks, especially when he was supported by the middle and lower classes of the USA. He was beyond the left’s reach so the only way to attack him was to forge a false dossier and set the Courts on every aspect of his life. Trump has come up as the cleanest man ever to hold the Presidency because all aspects of his existence have been put through the legal mincer with no destructive case found to use against him. January 6th is the last chance.
Musk could follow the same path outside politics. Replace/attack Apple and Google, maybe through the long Court processes to display any malfeasance and coming out in dribs and drabs until the next election. DeSantis is good, but he is a politician it seems with principles. He would need Musk and Trump (if Trump can control his inputs) to protect him in defence against the oligarchs.
DeSantis speaks like a presidential candidate.
Comedy commenter Paul Joseph Watson weighs in on the Elon Apple war.
Funny and oh so true. 8 minutes.
The end of China, all this and China’s demographic crises.
This post is now a day old so is long forgotten. There was never a war but people got to own the liberals so people feel good and that’s what counts in journalism.
Apple testing to see what the response would be.
Apple got owned well and truly, and has had to back down.
Someone made a right fool of them and their agenda…
…. brought so many of their underhanded practices to the fore…
… embarrassing for them, wouldn’t you say.
Apple Insider.. is, of course, the most unbiased messenger for Apple stuff… right !