A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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An Alberta doctor is calling on the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) to look into what he says is a significant jump in doctors’ “sudden deaths” following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines
Association does not necessarily mean Causation.
There does seem to have been a noticeable, even dramatic increase in sudden unexplained deaths among Canadian doctors following the onset in mandatory Covid vaccinations for medical staff.
Why is that?
Were other medical staff also affected?
Were autopsies done?
There are good reasons to suspect the vaccines as the cause of death and further investigation is warranted.
However the CMA is likely to turn a blind eye. They have ignored the association between the MMR and autism for nearly twenty years so this will be no different.
Likewise other Medical Associations.
The medical associations are supposed to support the interests of their members. Worldwide they seem to have been “captured”.
Interesting video of a beaver chewing a tree.
Those who are familiar with working with wood will appreciate the sharpness of the teeth and the forces applied to remove the wood.
Who doesn’t know about beavers and wood…🤣🤣🤣
It would be interesting to see if they could cut it in a place like Oz full of hardwood.
I suspect they would not like eucalypts, but they love apple, which is a hard wood. I am waiting for orchards to be attacked in England where they have “reintroduced” the beaver.
My chainsaw doesnt think apple is a hardwood. I guess its all relative
Green wood (ie still attached and growing) is a lot “softer” than seasoned “dead” wood. Tested in my local bush regularly.
Seasoned Jarrah will quickly blunt a chainsaw.
Richard Cranium.
Interesting video about buying used machine tools in Vietnam.
Hey David, sorry to cut in here, and it’s not even in response to your comment.
You mentioned something in the last week about China’s Hydro ambitions in Tibet.
I originally wrote about it with three Posts back in 2014, but because I had nothing concrete, I didn’t want to commit and look a little foolish.
However, every six Months or so I would go back and have a look to see what I could find, and while there may have been a few teasers, again, nothing was concrete.
Now, in the last three or four days, I have again had a good look, and found some things that are indeed interesting. I’m doing another couple of Posts to carry on from those three back in 2014, and those three old Posts are at this link if you want to read them.
Do you have the Google Earth Program?
China’s other reason for taking Tibet is that they didn’t want the USA to move into the region with the high tibetan ground over looking China. All IMHO though.
Excellent articles Tony.
Yes, I have Google Earth.
I have also been to Tibet to visit Mt Everest.
I liked this comment:” we are one of the few communist countries in the world ..and… WE ARE POOR!
Yet we see on the video a remarkable free market for goods.
Along with a remarkable free trade of goods, there is also that other great achievement of communism, the slow crushing of spirit. This young man sounds profoundly sad.
He clearly wants to achieve something, anything, that allows him to thrive intellectualy but is stifled by the daily grind of just staying above water. He is surrounded by people who just eke out a living, all hope of a thriving prosperous future for themselves or their children seems lost. Like collectivism, communism, everywhere when the state controls everything, those that think there is no hope quickly lose the ability to aspire to improve.
The biggest problem is the removal of any incentive to improve yourself except within the Communist Party.
When working harder doesn’t gain you any benefits, no-one works harder. While people complain about Capitalism’s dog-eat-dog approach, it is the greatest driver of success the world has ever seen.
Vietnam is on the road towards socialism with Vietnamese characteristics.
‘In contrast to the Chinese model (dubbed the socialist market economy), the Vietnamese system is more explicitly characterized as an economy in transition to socialism and not as a form of socialism, with the process of building socialism seen as a long-term process.
‘Claiming to be consistent with Marxist theory, socialism is understood to only emerge once Vietnam’s productive forces are developed to a point where socialism becomes a technical possibility. As such, it is similar to the Chinese position on the primary stage of socialism.’ (wiki)
Dr John Campbell re Boston University and question of Vaccine Gain of Function Research.
Almost spine chilling BTS.
He’s very good. That should be on ABC TV at prime time and given as much publicity as possible… which means on Monday morning there is not a mention of it in the main media, and any mention is via the laughable ‘factcheckers’ who are saying its all been misrepresented.
Federal government commits to signing global pledge to reduce methane emissions.
“If this pledge is met, it will contribute to an avoidance of 0.2 degrees of warming, which is very important as we strive to keep the world as close as possible to one and a half degrees of warming.”
Heavan help us if 0.2 degrees is a disaster which means that I should stay in Sydney and not move to Newcastle.
“We do not want to see the Aussie BBQ available to only the rich — we urge Labor to reject the methane madness idea and embrace the Aussie BBQ spirit instead of destroy it,” Mr Littleproud said.
And all the opposition can talk about is weekend BBQ, what about the price of meat and peoples living standards and the average person having to eat insects.
This stupidity is becoming more unbelievable by the day..
Insect foods would have to be heavily processed to make them edible. I like my food to be as unprocessed as possible, thank you very much.
We all know that heavily processed are bad for us.
Don’t treat this too lightly/
If we start eating insects it will be because we can’t get anything else.
Too true, Rex.
Unfortunately, it’s also becoming more real every day. In the Netherlands they now want to “ban nitrogen” which makes up about 80% of the entire atmosphere.
What next? Ban oceans?
A reference would help here.
When the world splits you will have to decide which half you want to be in.. The “West”, as in the countries killing themselves and destroying the level of civilisation of their peoples for the global warming hoax, or those who are too busy making a life for themselves to worry.
ie- The non-first world mainly, the BRICS, the rest of South America, SE Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
There are many places in there that are quite pleasant to live in and they won’t worry about your personal carbon footprint. America and its poodles will collapse back to serfdom while new countries take over as the cycle of Empires continues.
Yes and the SE Asia region is looking better and better while Australia with all of its riches is wasting those riches.
“Canute set his throne by the sea shore and commanded the incoming tide to halt and not wet his feet and robes. Yet “continuing to rise as usual [the tide] dashed over his feet and legs without respect to his royal person.”
And Canute was the sceptic, demonstrating that the claims of the hangers-on (looking for money) were fanciful.
But he was in power, so we need more like him these days.
There is an interesting video at: that shows that most animals are just recycling carbon absorbed from the atmosphere by grasses. According to NASA, Methane concentration in the atmosphere is about 1.7 parts/million and it is short lived. In addition the absorption bands for methane are swamped by water vapor anyway. A non issue made into a big deal.
That should be the motto of the 21st century.
The maximum temp in the Canberra bubble finally cracked 20°C mark on the 19th October – a wait of 158 days since the last time.
The next target is 25°C, last seen on the 23rd March, or 214 days ago. My tomatoes can’t wait. The continual cool weather has encouraged an outbreak of an RGB(0,0,0)-spot fungal problem.
Note that I am using the Tuggeranong location for this data, not the Canberra Heatport.
Get used to it. Climate is cyclical.
We’ve had our 150 years of warming, now we have around 150 years of cooling due.
1400 to 1550 – cooling.
1550 to 1700 – warming.
1700 to 1850 – cooling.
1850 to 2000 warming.
2000 to 2150 – cooling.
Superimposed on those broader cycles are these for SE Australia are:
1794 to 1820 – wetting
1821 to 1856 – drying
1857 to 1900 – wetting
1901 to 1948 – drying
1949 to 1990 – wetting
1991 to 2019 – drying
2020 to about 2060 – wetting (my end date based on about a 40 year cycle)
The first lot of dates are from page 10 of the following report. – Infrastructure NSW – 30 June 2020.pdf
CFACT just posted my reply to Dominion: “Dominion’s silly denial of the great threat to whales” at
The big news is the Atlantic OSW developers are funding a huge study on the impact of all these projects. Surely no project EIA can be published until the results are in, which should take years. Here is the excerpt from my article:
“The Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative tells us that now is not the time to build any offshore wind in the Atlantic, because we lack the science to assess the impacts on wildlife.
Here is how they put it: “The four RWSC sectors are engaging with scientific experts in several taxa-based Subcommittees to develop an Integrated Science Plan for Wildlife, Habitat, and Offshore Wind Energy in the U.S. Atlantic, or “Science Plan” by mid-2023. The Science Plan will articulate data collection and analysis activities needed for IDENTIFYING, ASSESSING AND AVOIDING IMPACTS to the distribution, abundance, and behavior of wildlife due to offshore wind development. The Science Plan will also provide a roadmap for the four Sectors to fund those activities.” (Emphasis added) See
This lack of impact science is especially true for severely endangered whales. In fact one of the referenced science Subcommittees is for marine mammals. Their Science Plan is due mid 2023. After that comes funding and finally the desperately needed research.
Duke is gearing up a similar research effort called “Wildlife and Offshore Wind”. Here is their explanation: “Wildlife and Offshore Wind (WOW) is a trans-disciplinary, highly integrated collaboration of diverse experts for the comprehensive evaluation of the potential effects of offshore wind energy development on marine wildlife. Our goal is to provide a long-term, adaptive roadmap for efficient and EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL EFFECTS of offshore wind energy development on marine life, from siting through operation.” (Emphasis added.) See
Clearly no valid environmental impact assessment (EIA) will be possible, for any project, until this impact research has been done. Nor can any construction begin until a proper EIA is finalized. So we have years to go and much work to do before any decision can be make on the viability of any Atlantic OSW project.” (End of excerpt.)
In short one can argue procedure, which is a lot easier than arguing substance. They must wait for the science! My guess is they hope this huge study will eliminate endless NEPA delays. But if they try to hide the adverse impacts one can sue on that, including cross examination of their experts. I have even had some experience doing that.
They may have just shot themselves.
Working on production platforms in Bass Strait, we had seals living on the substructure, and whales wandering past occasionally, close enough that one even used a platform leg as a scratching post. I wouldn’t say that these platforms do no harm, but they are certainly not as villainous as some make them out to be.
Other oil rigs on the NW Shelf and off Darwin / East Timor – we had to report sightings of whales, dolphins, etc, and had to stop certain operations when they were within a certain distance. It was fascinating to see the wildlife, especially the large number of sharks and fish that rapidly appeared as soon as the food macerator was turned on, and the skirmish as soon as food waste hit the water.
Indeed oil rigs are likely harmless. A 300 square mile wind array making great noise not so much.
I suppose that no one has actually studied how the harmonics of such a tall structure with a lot underwater, actually transmit sounds underwater.
Note that everything has a resonant frequency, the bigger the structure the lower the frequency. Water sloshes around the world’s oceans. Locally twice a day [approx] but on a global scale there are many oscillations happening at once occasionally cancelling, sometimes adding, to generate waves greater than either on their own.
I can see why you differentiate between an oil well and a wind turbine: One is passive [not generating much more than a hum, I assume] and the other capable of harmonic addition/amplification of the sub-audible sound of the blades to become a bass drum, underwater.
By the time the piling work is done, no sea creature that hasn’t fled has any hearing left anyway!
Except these arrays lie on the migration route.
I have just started to look at the underwater acoustics research. Harmonics might be very interesting when there are several hundred turbine towers on one mile spacing. It is also interesting that sound in shallow water is very complex because it is reflected forward by both the surface and bottom. So sound from a single source gets separated and crosses itself repeatedly over distance.
Truly complex acoustics.
Yes, I think offshore wind turbines combine the worst of financial waste and environmental damage.
Well put! Their only advantage is they cannot be seen from land, usually anyway. We here actually have a shot at stopping them.
Not true of areas around the Solway Firth. The many turbines are an ugly, unavoidable sight. The views are thoroughly spoilt from towns on the coast, such as Maryport, Workington and Whitehaven. Also they are spoilt along the Scottish coast. It used to be so beautiful there.
What will become of the views from Wilson’s Promontory and other lovely places along the Victorian coastline? It was horrifying seeing the turbines at Cape Grim in Tasmania (from Marrawah..sp?). It looked even grimmer in low cloud with those ghastly structures.
So much of beauty is being despoiled by our supposedly environmentally ‘aware’ greenies.
Thats why Dan Andrews has gone all in on them. The perfect blend of ineffectiveness and massive expense, matching his Covid policies.
“I think offshore wind turbines combine the worst of financial waste and environmental damage.”
Your probably correct on both points. So what a great reason for Victoriastan to go down this path to bcome “carbon neutral” and build the biggest off shore wind farm . I am sure Dick tator Dan will just be able to dismiss any logical arguments with a glib comment about how saving the planet is more important than saving the environment.
The only Carbon Dan wants to neutralise won’t vote for him anyway.
Once that task’s done (one way or another) he’ll happily get to work on any serfs that remain.
He’d happily sacrifice both in the service of ridding reality of the human menace. The Cult demands it.
It’s no surprise in these new Dark Ages that the Bat(s#!t) Crazies are in charge. The system lends itself to these types.
What is peculiar however is why the sheeple are cheering for the abattoir.
The Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative website is gone! Just get an error message at
Something I said?
I have heard about the Netherlands banning nitrogen and yes in the middle of a world food crisis. Lost for words! I’m beginning to think that the plan is to get rid of most of us, although I’m trying my hardest not to believe it, I truly hope it’s only a nightmare. At my age it wouldn’t make much difference but my family!!
Sorry Rex, but yes, that is the plan.
And so far it’s working out admirably for “them”.
I too was thinking I was a can short of a six pack, but am now pretty convinced that there is a strong push to depopulate our world. The fertility impacts of the vaxxes, which many here were concerned about from day one of these evil concoctions. To say nothing of long term impacts which Prof Dolores Cahill has claimed will see large nos passing in the next few years…
And now a completely dangerous push, coming on top of sky high gas prices which feeds through to fertiliser prices, to reduce or stop fertilisers altogether – anybody seen what happened in Sri Lanka when this occurred??? And the completely reckless “climate change” brigade, many of whom advocate not having kids and whose plans will send much of the world into poverty.
No, Gates, Soros and the WEF (and others) have openly talked about the need for less of us. If the UK and US (and others) had listened to what Hitler said, and then what Stalin was saying then we may have been spared WW2 and the Iron Curtain. People need to realise that there is an effort to actively reduce the worlds population, but dressed in less direct terms. But its still there…
You have to go back to Malthus over 200 years ago. He claimed that overpopulation would lead to mass starvation. Very convenient for his employer (The East India Co.) which was facing criticism about the severe famine in Bengal and nearby States under their control.
The idea was criticised by many Liberals, but Darwin used it as the basis for his theory and it gained acceptance among academic circles esp. in 1920 to 1950 (when it influenced people like David Attenborough). It faded into the background but was resurrected by Paul Ehrlich (The Population Bomb) and was adopted by those who wanted to control everybody.
Curiously it was originally opposed by socialists e.g. Frederick Engels and Henry George. The latter put it like this – Kites and men eat chickens.
The more kites the less chickens but the more men the more chickens. i.e. man can produce more food (unless bureaucrats ban that activity).
I think I’ll wait until Gates, Schwab and those at the WEF start removing themselves before buying into their hysteria.
You’re not a prophet, there is no push to depopulate the world.
Middle class well educated people around the globe are having less children and if we don’t have replacement value then we’ll eventually perish.
This paper suggests that the sequence homology in the virus is most likely due to laboratory work, rather than a natural occurrence. From February.
Swedish government ‘threw out the mad greenies’
Too late to post now…maybe tomorrow…zzz…zzz…
How interesting. What will you have for breakfast?
Julia Hartley-Brewer embarrasses ‘spoiled’ Animal Rebellion activist
Eco mob target ANOTHER masterpiece! German climate activists throw MASH POTATOES over Monet’s ‘Les Meules’ at the Barberini Museum then glue themselves to the floor
The more I see of these the more I am convinced art galleries are complicit down to even selecting the iconic paintings to target. The brain washed philistine activists probably know as much about art as they do global warming.
Eco mob’s Fab Four protest: Just Stop Oil activists block traffic on Abbey Road made famous by The Beatles – as police send FOUR vans and a dozen officers to clear them
Surely 1 van would have been enough to do the job, just reverse a few times if needed…
Seriously though, I don’t want to see people hurt, even these idiots, but I do believe some time for “self-reflection” whilst glued to the road may be a good thing.
Video: The Real Anothy Fauci.
1hr 50min
You don’t have to sign in or register and it is currently free to watch.
It is based upon Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book.
Quote from director:
From tue Robert Malone substack.
Child vaccination laws in various US states.
Personally, I think vaccination is excellent and should be voluntarily done, but only with properly tested vaccines. Now they are trying to inject the covid vac into kids despite the opposition of numerous experts and the lack of a scientific rationale.
State Vaccination Exemptions for Children Entering Public Schools
This is from Robert Malone substack
Still flogging the vaccination message on local radio every day. There is a bus that apparently tours country towns that offer all sorts of miracle cures. ( Jabba the Bus ).
Yes that’s what its called. Please note all children over 5 years of age should have their vaccination status up to date, vaccinations have been full tested and are safe to use.
As an increased incentive to get on “the bus” they are also offering a vacine for Japanese Encphalitis if you live in a flood affected area.
My wife and I tested positive to Covid as we finished an enjoyable holiday. Quickly got the antiviral PAXLOVID and you wouldn’t know we had the virus.
Makes you wonder about all the focus on triple vax and 4th booster when Australia now has had over 10 million Covid cases, 90% this year.
According to the Australian Govt Health Dept, after oral antiviral prescriptions were expanded in July, the weekly number of scripts peaked at 34,000, now running at 5,000 per week.
And number of cases in hospital similarly peaked at 5,400 in July, now 1.450.
A lot of people are absolutely terrified of covid but if you are not Vit D and zinc etc. deficient, are not immune compromised and have access to antivirals, in my experience it is no big deal.
I got it, it was an extremely mild infection, it didn’t even put me in bed, although I was legally obliged to stay at home (law in Vicdanistan Dictatorship, Australia).
As soon as I tested positive I took 24mg Ivermectin along with extra zinc, vit C and quercetin and I was fine in under 3 days.
I had IVM from the brief window it was legal in Australia before they banned it for covid treatment because the authorities laughingly called it a “horse dewormer” and that this safe antiviral was not appropriate for COVID treatment or prophylaxis.)
Our experience exactly!
Now the medical industry love early anti-virals – because they are patented and they make more from the likes of Paxlovid. Even the federal government have paid for advertising for Paxlovid etc. It’s a pharma executive’s wet dream.
I heard of the fellow who had a wet dream and would have had another but he fell asleep 🙂
Another look at diesel and prices
“Well, let me tell you a little story.
Back in the late 1990s I engaged Investment Bankers to decide what to do with MCSNet as the firm’s CEO. I had laid before me three basic options:
1. Attempt to take the company public, lever it up and expand it to the best of my ability at the most-rapid pace I could get away with, endeavoring to execute an IPO. This of course had great risk (if you try and fail the leverage will probably kill you) but also great potential reward (a billion was certainly possible, a hundred million easy.)
2. Sell it to whoever we could market it to in its current (very healthy) financial condition, unlevered.
3. Run it to deliberate destruction, extracting as much as possible but investing nothing.
I decided to execute on #2.
Read #3 however many times you need to until it sinks on for one simple reason: If the government had ever told me it was going to deliberately destroy my industry or even just my firm that is the only sane choice I could have made. #1 would be fraud under those conditions for which I’d go to prison and #2 would fail. Therefore #3 it would be.
Every single fossil fuel firm in America has been told this, and thus until and unless the government that did this is forced to both retract it and never be able to do it again #3 is what they are and will all do.
No other choice makes any sense at all.
You and I are directly responsible for this because many of you have directly demanded exactly this via your green energy fantasies and the rest of us have tolerated both those fantasies and the people promoting them.
This is the truth whether you like it or not, and the economic circumstances will continue to deteriorate until and unless it is stopped.”
Ian, i could agree wwith your suggestion “IF” the subject was PETROL rather than Diesel.
Petrol is the public “headline” product and the major focus of the de carbonisers currently, with diesel lurkes in the relative background of the public debate..
..BUT it is the price of Diesel that is being driven up.
And apart from being very concerning to diesel vehicle owners, it is also a major factor in the cost of living generally as it is essential for many fundamental services such as heavy transport, agriculture, Industrial use, heating, and even power generation in remote communities.
Someone is deliberately manipulating the cost of living !
“Someone is deliberately manipulating the cost of living !” The man behind Biden is the guy you want… Sanctions against Russia took Russian oil out of the West, and its Russian oil that is heavier and high in diesel. Light oils from Arabia/Texas are more petrol.
It came as diesel demand went up as world trade expanded after Covid, and as you say, it affects our cost of living every step of the way.
IIRC why the Texas refineries wanted the XL pipeline
Yes all fuel prices went up as covid faded,..but world trade is still far from pre covid levels so demand should be less ?…all of which came before the Ukraine situation !
Also, Russian oil production, ..and exports,..are still at the same 2021 levels..just going to different (non European ) customers. So presumably the same diesel volumes are available somewhere ?
Why would USA diesel prices be affected by Russian oil anyway ?
From inside Russia
“Mrs Speedbox is back in Kislovodsk, Russia. ”
Concluding –
“As has been noted a number of times: Not all Russians love Putin, but all Russians love Russia. Therefore, this shift in the public’s threat awareness is immensely dangerous for the Ukraine as it provides fertile ground for President Putin to harness public support for increasing Russian engagement. Putin’s earlier forecasts about NATOs encroachment and the threat this will deliver to Russia is coming true before their eyes. Yet Ukraine is merely the battlefield where a much larger clash is being fought out.”
Not very credible is it, to claim the mobilisation is supported, when 100s of thousands have fled the country to avoid it.
The only strength Russia has is remote warfare. The vast majority of the troops on the ground are not motivated and they are poorly trained. Russia can smash cities to smithereens, but it can’t hold the ground with their troops, they retreat so quickly under counterattack that their abandoned kit is significantly resupplying the Ukrainian army.
Grimm’s Fairy Tales then?
Well Ukraine has snatch-squads on the streets grabbing anyone without a skirt, they had special teams at the borders earlier this year to prevent any male from 18 to 60 from leaving, and they pay surrounding countries to send Ukrainian men back.
So I’d say its a normal reaction to being forced into the army.
Russian troops are not poorly trained, they rotate through Syria and fight America there. A lot of the work in Ukraine is not being done by the Russian army, it is from the Donbass peoples, Wagner Group,(like American, Russia has ‘private military contractors’) and Russian reservists.
Both sides have given ground, Russia has fewer troops in the war than Ukraine but their potential is far greater, its 40million people against 140million. NATO (America) will provide enough hardware to destroy the Ukrainian army in their lethal advances then just walk away and pick the next country to attack Russia with. Russia will take as much of Ukraine as it needs then stop, but the Russian people will be far far more anti-West than before and the BRICS a lot more powerful.
Bad Choices Are Leading to Disaster
Alberta premier apologizes to the unvaccinated and ‘considers’ dropping lockdown prosecutions.
So they think they can destroy untold numbers of lives and just say ‘sorry’.
“So they think they can destroy untold numbers of lives and just say ‘sorry’.”
Works in the state where I live. Here in Victoria (Aust) the medical system is in absolute disarray. The ambulance service is stretched to breaking point and recently a young man in his mid thirties died because an ambulance never arrived to provide assistance. This ambulance crisis has been going on for years and declines endlessly and yet Dear Leader just gets his head on the telly and proclaims “That he offers the family condolences” and will look into this incident. What crap, this bloke says anything that will make sure there is no follow up and just move on. The next day EVERTHING is simply forgotten.
To be slightly fair, she is the new Premier, not the author of the previous discrimination. I’m not sure she is part of the “they” you are looking for.
She is at least acknowledging wrong doing , not continuing it or memory holing it
“EU Sets Out Commitment to Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates and “Legally Binding” Global Pandemic Treaty”
“Medical Marxists Unite”
What’s the odds another party “Elbow” can rush into?
And a reminder
“Still ‘unknown’ safety, efficacy in Pfizer contracts (Slovenia)”
There’re now four countries in the frame for the Nprdstream explosions: Russia, US, Poland and Ukraine.
‘Swedish authorities investigating the explosion that ripped holes in the Nord Stream gas pipelines reported on October 20 they had found an explosive-laden drone on the seabed near the pipelines.
‘The Swedish armed forces were called in to remove and disarm the drone.’ (Intellinews)
The dingo did it 🙂
More likely the beast from the East.
Is that a reference to Russia blowing up its own pipeline it spent billions of dollars on, and guaranteeing it can never make any money from it?? Closing off the German market for the gas it would sell there?
I like to see the incentives behind an action, like America blowing it up to make sure Germany never gets close to Russia and they are forced to buy American gas at four times the price.. Germany, where the glass and famous crystal industries are closing, the aluminium smelting industry gone and the car manufacturers closing for lack of energy? Sacrificed for the American Empire..
Poland.. why? It doesn’t help them. Ukraine? Maybe, but they don’t wipe their arse without the USA giving permission.
Extraordinary claim, Washington blows up Nordstream pipeline for geopolitical reasons.
If found to be true, it would be the end of NATO.
If they have the Drone they will know what country it came from , I think this just might be wishful thinking Elgordo.
Do they? or do they just know the bits it was made from?
IIRC that drone was found back about 2015 and the Swedes aren’t telling – which is significant but which way your guess is at least as good as mine
A Wry look at Canada
“An uproar has been caused in Turkey by the revelations of the Milliyet newspaper columnist, Ozay Sendir, who claimed that military associates of the imam Fethullah Gülen, self-exiled in the USA, revealed and delivered to Athens a secret plan for a Turkish attack against Greece.
As he states, the “plan” envisages a “lightning attack” by Turkey on the mainland, targeting Thessaloniki and Athens, in order to surprise Greece, which would logically expect some movement on the islands.
Sendir then refers to alleged American scenarios, with references to CIA involvement, aimed at ousting Erdogan from power through a Turkey-Greece military conflict.
As he points out, when official US representatives take the microphone they keep saying that the tension between Ankara and Athens should be reduced, but “the CIA is doing everything it can to provoke Turkish-Greek tension and war”
Well, that makes sense, Erdogan is far too close to Putin for the CIA. What’s a few thousand Greek & Turkish lives if it gets the Yanks a more pliant President in Turkey. Things in that area of Europe are far more complex than Aussies realise.
BoM staff gagged on the question of climate change and Karoly is not happy.
‘Prof David Karoly, a veteran climate scientist who has collaborated with many BoM researchers over many years, said talking about climate change “is basically banned, but they are not allowed to talk about that ban”.
“I think it’s a leadership direction and Andrew Johnson has been principally responsible for that. It’s coming from the top.”
“The BoM has been reluctant – and still is – to talk about future climate change. They are not even allowed to talk about some of their [own] peer reviewed papers.
“Climate change is likely making extreme rainfall events worse. But they don’t want to say it. I don’t know why.” (Guardian)
“I don’t know why.”
Its like this professor, BoM is now part of the Five Eyes group and climate change is a security issue.
In 2018 BOM director Andrew Johnson said BoMs relationship with Defence has deepened at all levels.
“The bureau is now supporting strategic decision-makers in key national security departments via a quarterly global seasonal outlook which identifies the potential impacts of adverse weather and climate on food security, refugee migration or conflict events,” Dr Johnson said.
“This information supports decision-makers to take appropriate interventions or be cued to national security concerns much earlier.” (The
Maybe they are trying to locate all the previous “drought is the new normal” type statements and memory hole them?
and you linked to an article about erratic and more severe weather including floods.
More severe than when?
sure its easy/lazy to say that everything is “erratic” even when within established norms, and equally easy /lazy to say of course its climate change. Drought as the “new normal” is an over used phrase used around the world. A cynic might say there is a script.
Wow… newspapers. I suppose it is where people get their hit of doom and gloom but it is hardly relevant to the actualities.
“but it is hardly relevant to the actualities”
Especially the Gruaniad.. which is where the left get all their “news” and “lol-facts”. !
Great to see you realising just how irrelevant and contrary to actualities, the leftist press really is.
Dr Karl Braganza, head of climate monitoring at the BoM, must be exempt from the ban.
“The Jab That Never Did Work”
Thanks Ian – made my day.
Remember that “Christmas Turkey” who had a bit of trouble with some ice down in Antarctica a while back?
In amongst the amusement was a re-write of a Robert Service poem under the title of
“The Ice That Wasn’t There”
If that musical gets deep sixed by U-tube I think that the Service poem might have some potential for another rework. Might have to have a look.
Good one! Shades of Tom Lehrer?
The BOM are a bunch of liars. Remember ACORN1 and ACORN2? I wouldn’t trust this mob as far as I could throw them, and that includes weather forecasts.
BoMs weather forecasts are reasonably good, but their seasonal forecasts are pathetic. They were the last cab off the rank in forecasting this third La Nina. Massive Fail.
The biggest problem is that the MSM has lost its desire to find the truth.
‘Journos shun inconvenient truth on climate.
‘Newsroom rounds have changed so much during the digital age that many reporters now only write what their audience wants to hear.’ (Oz)
We have had two severe thunderstorms in three days and neither were forecast by Bom , the first dumped 18.7 mm of rain in about 10 minutes .
We’ve had thunderstorms forecast a few times over the last few days but they haven’t turned up! Maybe one very distant roll of thunder once? You must have had them instead RR.
BoM’s forecast of a cold core cyclone over Victoria is fairly accurate.
Just found out that growing rice adds the most methane of all food crops and wetlands contribute 75% of all natural sourced methane . So if we drain the swamps and ban countries from growing rice the world will be a better place .
IIRC none the areas of rice, areas of wetlands and total number of herbivores are doing any drastic increase.
So, given the short turn-over time of methane in the atmosphere, it is unlikely that any run away amounts of methane conjured up would be coming from any of them
Really another ian:
John Tyndall measured methane as 4.5 times more absorbing of IR than CO2 in 1860/1.
The IPCC (whoever they are) claimed it was 12 times more absorbing of IR than CO2 in 1990.
Since then it has increased in “deadlyness” to 25, 37, 45, 54 etc. until it is now 85 times worse than CO2.
So on a 1.4 p.p.m. increase of methane that means the recent (claimed) effect must be equivalent to 119 p.p.m. of CO2 against the rise in that gas since 1950 of 114 p.p.m. so CO2 must have far less effect than claimed. Alternatively if you use Tyndall’s figure (and he was a very careful experimenter) then methane has only changed the global temperature by less than 7 p.p.m. of CO2 and most of that has come from termites.
“So if we drain the swamps…. the world will be a better place.”
Very true! Trump tried..
Thats terrible news for greens. They love swamps.
an interesting perpsective on the destructiveness of the left
Beijing will use this to ridicule Australia.
‘According to the delegation head, Aisha Shujune Muhammad, there had been a “clear breach” by Australia of its obligations under the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (Opcat) and the team had been “obstructed”.
‘The 12-day tour was to continue until Thursday, but the UN pulled out on Sunday afternoon.
‘The move sees Australia join Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Rwanda as the only nations to have ratified the agreement and then fail to provide full and unfettered access to facilities. Globally, 91 nations have ratified the agreement.’ (Guardian)
So just ask what happened to that bloke they just hauled off stage
He was taken to a room to compose himself.
Xi deliberately pulled the stunt to banish the past, moving out the old guard along with their loyal supporters. Chinese politics is Medieval with orchestrated theatrics for the international media.
F**k the UN !
I support any and every push back against an organisation that is instrumental in destroying our way of life and our societies.
Undortunately some of our socialist states bowed again to this foreign intrusion . .P155 weak as usual !
Ag man, we were busy at the time.. A little bit of contract work for the USA had come up, something they couldn’t do at home.. Tell them to come back later.
I will agree Chad, the sooner we dump the UN the better. Its just like Britain realising they were better off without the EU.
We won’t be dumping the UN, get real. It was an American idea.
Our corrective services don’t have torture chambers, so it appears to be a bureaucratic bungle.
The Chinese who didn’t even sign the convention? They can shut right up.
Chinese treatment of prisoners is known to be appalling and they don’t even admit their prisons really are prisons … pretenting they are offering vocational training.
Heck, any person in any city can become a prisoner at any time when the whole city gets locked down … living the Alex Jones Prison Planet dream. China is not in a position to lecture anyone on human rights.
yeah! what she said! Jacinta Price speaking reality and common sense yet again.
And Ms Rinehart just canned an additional $2m support for WA netball. The fallout continues…
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is an outstanding politician, never puts a foot wrong.
The Real Fauci!
Documentary based on the book by Robert Kennedy Jnr.
Free to view for the next 4 days.
Almost 2 hours but well worth if you don’t have time to read the book.
Socialist Morning Herald.. The Govt debt is less than forecast! Hooray! Tax has bought in an extra $40billion, so we’ve added another $40billion borrowing.
Expected to be $1.2trillion in a few years, that’s $50,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. Interest is 5% now, so $2500 per year for each of us, but it will be a lot higher in those few years. I’m not sure how many people could pony up $50k if needed.
..and there is no intention of ever paying it off. Roll on the Great Reset said every politician ever!
Cut off lows creating a hybrid cyclone in south east Australia.
Obviously caused by climate change !
I don’t think they will mention climate change, its only weather. If you see anything that suggests it might be getting worse, I would appreciate knowing, because there are no positive feedbacks in this weather bomb.
There is nothing that can’t be blamed on climate change Elgordo.
It’s even logical to say that climate change causes climate change.
This is a popular move by guvmint.
‘A scheme to build one million new houses will be unveiled in Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ first budget in a historic accord between the federal government, the states and private investors including the superannuation sector.
‘Chalmers will use the budget to outline the government’s plans to bring together states and the investment community to increase housing supply with a particular focus on new affordable homes.’ (SMH)
“Houses”, and “affordable homes” ..are incompatible descriptors.
We can expect these to materialise as high rise apartment block developments on disused industrial wasteland
This was the “Future City in the Sky” model as used in the 50/60s in the UK and now seen a a social failure.
But has recently emerged again here in areas like Sydneys Waterloo redevelopment.
Ah yes, the vertical ghettos of London…
I think it will be just like Saint Jacinda’s plans, the massive much-publicised announcement that Labour would build 100,000 homes for the poor in a decade, and a year later they had build 141.
In 5years they’ve managed 8240, although I am confident that figure is well and truly massaged.
The descriptions of the problems from house builders and developers all point to Govt legislation that makes houses so expensive and slow to build.
I didn’t see anything about fixing the roads in the budget talk, so country roads made of potholes joined together obviously don’t count in the city. We will be ripping up what is left of the tar and returning roads to gravel soon.
It looks like high rise, but if that is what it takes.
So, the Housing Commission idea was right all along then?
Environment Canada removes reference to Diwali in GTA air quality statement
(Not considering the bias against Hindus; here.) Environment Canada seems to think it’s okay to be subjective about air pollution coming from fireworks.
Note* Fireworks are banned at this time of the year without a special permit