A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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In the US lets get fired up about the Mid-Term elections. It has to be the start of something good!
The whole world desperately needs the republicans to win back control of, preferably, both US houses.
The Biden maladministration is causing a whole world of grief.. literally !
I just hope the GOP makes sure there is sufficient scrutiny of the mid-term elections to prevent the massive fraud that happened last time.
And I wonder how much money the Elites are spending to ensure a Demoncrat vote such as when Zuck and his wife Chan spent US$400 million to “assisst” in the election. No one thinks for an instant it resulted in a single vote for Trump.
The following article is from the Far Left NPR (my emphasis):
By the Constitution it is the state legislatures which govern federal elections in each state. Not secrateries of state, not Congress, not even the Federal Elections Commission. It’s the fact the Consitution is being ignored that the elections are being bought.
” . . the Constitution is being ignored -[that] – the elections are being bought.”
“The whole world desperately needs the Republicans to win back control of [,preferably,] both US houses.”
Anyone see a problem here?
The whole world doesn’t really care about US political culture.
el+gordo. As far as one talks to friends and strangers around Australia, I get the impression most people got the ‘hate Trump’ message, mainly via Australian media. In country areas where the ABC seems to have a heavy following with multiple channels, it is particularly so. If you ask people why they hate Trump so much they can rarely put together any argument except to say that he is uncouth. People may not be much interested in US politics, but when it is continually pushed in their face they develop opinions without a balanced basis for doing so. The power of the media and repetitive biased coverage of one story is very potent.
In the last presidential election, I saw film of election officials with partisan (Democratic) badges. Only in the US would such a blatant conflict of interest be allowed.
Dave in the States, if the GOP win back the Presidency, assuming the Demoncrats don’t suspend elections permanently, would it be possible to establish Federal standards for elections that the States must comply with? All states would have to use uniform systems, software, stationery and methods of scrutiny etc.. Obviously such standards would have to be written with the highest standards of election integrity in mind.
I was wondering about something here.
I note that now, every liberal (left) commentator and journalist, and talking head in the U.S. refer to them as ….. The GOP, exclusively, and all the time. They NEVER say ….. The Republican Party.
It seems almost like a concerted effort NOT to refer to this party as related to the Republic, in other words, the original political supporters and Party of the Republic of the United States of America.
The Grand Old Party, when in actual fact, the Democrat Party is older by 26 years.
Just curious really.
35 years ago I started telling the Nationals and the Liberals that they should not cuss “Labor”. Always cuss “The ALP”.
There were a lot of good people out there who saw themselves as Labor and felt that an attack on Labor was attacking them, whereas they are not happy with the performance of the Labor Party.
Nobody listened.
GOP also stands for Government of the People.
Voter ID would be a good start…………………
Wouldnt be bad idea here either
“would it be possible to establish Federal standards for elections”
Short answer: No.
I will add that I live in Washington State that has a mail-out and return ballot. That just came in the mail a day ago.
Bill Clinton did that through bureaucratic means. That’s the real problem. The states have been coerced into following
federalDemocrat Partyguidelinesexpediencies, rather than follow the Consitution. In the areas where fakebook bought the election there were often state legistatures who uncostitutionally had their hands tied, or were unconstitutionally prevented from intervening/investigating.One must understand that the administative state/federaland state bureaucracies, and the Democrat party, and the uni-party, and the MSM, are essentially monolithic.
I have always envied the US and its written, detailed constitution. Now? Not so much.
It seems that even a written constitution needs good will and intent to be useful. When ignored, as it is now, it is no constraining factor on one party despotic rule. The current dem administration has no mandate in the Senate and a slim one in the house but has totally ignored any thought of bipartisanship to such an extent that Idi Amin would smile and accept them into the brotherhood.
Does anyone outside the establishment media actually think the Biden clown show is worth voting for? I can’t think of one thing that didn’t do atrociously wrong under his “presidency”
Everyone who voted for Biden because they were on the fence or because “he’s not Trump” in 2020 have now had 2 years to see the disaster that Biden and his puppetmasters caused.
In a sane world the democrats should be thoroughly wiped out in the midterms, like how Labor was reduced to 7 seats vs Liberal’s 78 seats in the 2012 Queensland state election.
Its not a sane world, I actually have a colleague who thinks Biden is a fantastic president.. sigh
Is your colleague “mentally challenged”?
No. He is most likely just Deaf, Dumb and Blind…………………
BIDEN = Brainless Idiot Democrat Endorsing Nukes..
Off again, on again.
The demonrats got upset at the thought of de-escalating a nuclear war didn’t they!
USSA’sUkraine’s nuclear dirty bomb is about done. Just wait until after the midterms to avoid damaging demonrat votes…43
Back in 2012 I researched the 1896 heat wave. A post at this blog went viral. The post was called “Extreme heat in 1896: Panic stricken people fled the outback on special trains as hundreds die.” Thanks to it, many people know of the 1896 heatwave. 1896 was actually a cooler year than others around it due to other extreme weather but the heatwave was large, hot and long.
Well I just found an interesting report about one of the thermometers involved.
If this fault was real and the witnesses did not imagine it then several things are possible. The pulling back fault could not be seen in a Stevenson screen prior to reading unless the door was open. This Bourke thermometer may have been in an older open type screen or on a wall. If pulling back a degree from the maximum was a common fault with this thermometer type and it was used in many locations accross Australia or the world in the early Stevenson screens, then this pulling back fault would go on and on without being noticed. With this one linked to the claim is made that the thermometer did the same pulling back during the 1896 heatwave. That is faulty and cooling the past for at least a decade but due to it being visible it was noticed. How many thermometers were reading too low due to this pulling back and were not noticed?
“This, according to official
records, was higher than the highest re
corded in Bourke in the heat wave of a
decade ago. But there is very considerable
doubt about the correctness of the ther
mometer at the Post Oflice. Ten years ago
individuals saw the heat records shown by
the glass, but tho official entries were always
lower. Even on Sunday more than one
resident state that the thermometer showed
121 degrees, and that the mercury went
back almost a degree. If such be the case,
tho Department should place a reliable glass
in the position of the present one.”
Look at what Trudeau is turning Canada into.
And not any reports by our mainstream media on this.
I live two hours away and didn’t find out about this except by the internet.
Next, it will be getting uglier as our economy tanks…
Fake news. There was no brawl.
JJ – so the chances that you are totally across progress on the “discovery” of 215 unmarked native Indian children’s graves at Kamloops Indian Residential School are pretty low?
For other readers it was back in May/June 2021 that the reports of the discovery of childrens remains at a Catholic run school hit the headlines. It was the actions of conflict anthropologist (dr) Sarah Beaulieu who used ground penetrating radar that showed up numerous (initially 215 but revised down to 200) anomolies in soil structure that Sarah took to be buried dead bodies – some as young as 3 years old. While displaying no initial hesitation in rushing to promote the apparent evidence of a serious mass crime by those churchy types she did pause long enough to qualify that the final proof would only come when the bodies were exhumed.
Darling ex-Cuban (un)Trudeau did his usual PR hijacking best to take the lead in this opportunity to smash anything western particularly, and most importantly, if it had any religious flavour associated with it. He even sort of criticised the mass burning of churches and defacement of statues that followed but say both sides and said these actions were “fully understandable”.
Well over a year later and….. no bodies have been dug up!?? Surely this can not be the case. We are talking about a separation of only a few feet of dirt between the living westerners who need constant beating up, vilification and disgust and the bodies of those innocents who can be used so easily to deliver that abuse in spades. JJ can you please comment and set the record straight on the latest and current development that you are aware of.
And from a July 25 2002 article:
“More than a year later, no bodies have been discovered at the Kamloops site. It is not clear whether the graves said to have been discovered there actually exist.”
beatsearch goes on.70
A couple of months ago a piece on Youtube from Canada stated; digging had begun, however there were no bodies found only masses of tree roots. I’m sure we would hear about it if only one child’s body was found. Children’s bodies have been found in official graveyards, this has been in the low numbers you would expect of children falling victim to common diseases at that time.
As a big thank you for governments (taxpayers) making huge purchases of their covid “vaccine” products and giving them emergency use authorisation and exemption from product liability Pfizer plan to quadruple the price. No doubt others will follow.
They thank all of the anti-science propagandists of the world who implemented the covid vaccine mass administration on their behalf.
The worrying thing is that in future, this “vaccine” will be made compulsory and/or piggy-backed with legitimate vaccines, especially in the more fanatical followers of the UN/WHO like Australia.
Are there any figures about how a certain number of IU’s of oral Vitamin D translate into additional serum levels of 25(OH)D in units of nmol/L or ng/mL per kg of body weight?
Note that Vitamin D should be taken with Vitamin K2 to ensure calcium is deposited in bones, not where it’s not wanted.
Also, in the previous thread, William Astley posted this excellent video about how Vitamin D reduces or prevents the incidence of cancer (along with other excellent links and info. he posted): (15 mins).
It’s tragic thatv there’s such a war against Vitamin D. Yesterday I posted some links demonstrating that:
It is variously claimed to be ineffective (1), doctors are warned not to test for it (2), testing is claimed to contribute to global warming (3) and it is claimed to be toxic (in ridiculous doses) (4).
I don’t think there’s any easy way to calculate changes in 25 hydroxy vitamin D from an oral dose due to the multivariates of sun exposure, latitude, liver and kidney function, diet, and ingestion of other drugs.
I do know that for years the “medical advice” was to test and treat all and sundry with supplements due to osteoporosis risks in the elderly.
Since Covid, all is quiet on that front, and an anti-Vitamin D posse has appeared.
Very early in the “pandemic” I read several papers indicating significantly higher mortality in those with low Vitamin D.
Again, I can only surmise that anything that reduces reliance on coved “vaccines” is now verboten.
Some vit D absorption reading:
Taking a supplement, D3 rather than D2, with some wild salmon is the best bet. Ironically, supplementation can assist with sunburn repair too.
David FLCCC have a whole table on Vit D suggested doses in their prevention protocol.
Ultimately you need a blood test, and ideally one in winter and one in summer. So take D for a month or two then get tested to see if you need to increase or reduce the dose. I took 5000IU for most of the last year, and got some sun a couple of times a week and blood test showed 160 at end of winter. In Australian terms that’s good, just a little on the high side. Aim for 125 – 150. But I know someone who took 10k a day and couldn’t get his levels up. Now increasing it.
Latest video from Dr John Campbell.
Excess deaths of the young in UK and US.
Nothing to see here!
Biden is not US President.
Biden is the Cabbage-in- Chief.
Biden a cabbage, Truss vs the lettuce, I’m seeing a trend.
that would make Adam Bandt – Broccoli!
Video: Paul Joseph Watson warns rational thinkers not to misinterpret Katy Perry’s on-stage eye malfunction as covid vaccine related as there may be alternative explanations and subscribing to vaccine-related theories for this one anomaly is not in the interests of the thinking community.
Can’t wait to hear about last night’s debate at the Belmont RSL.
Youanmi both MichaelinBrisbane –
BOEM is taking comments on their new Wind & Whales Strategy document. Feel free to comment including anonymously. You do not have to be a US Citizen.
I am against the wind.
Against the Wind?
The original was all analogue, all the time. Slick.
Possibly the first appearance of the phrase:
“Wish I didn’t know now,
What I didn’t know then.”
Thanks for that Bruce..👍
Now i will spend the rest of the day in 70’s nostalgia music..
..far away from this 2022 dud music and reality nightmare !
When i have played Seger out for an hours or so, i will follow up with Jackson Brown, and Bowie..
…and Zeplin
..and Who
..and ???
Sorry Chad there is no escape given nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.
“Meet the new boss… same as the old boss”. The Who “Wont Get Fooled Again”
“I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now” Bob Dylan “My Back Pages”
““You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave”. The Eagles “Hotel California”
In short: nothing changes, we are now more naive than before and yes, even in luxury we are prisoners. These sound waves all from the prophetic 60/70s – we just were not really listening at the time.
Yes I am a huge Seger fan and this is a sing-along. So it is a double entendre. Being against wind power is certainly running against the strong wind of alarmism blowing through the land, doing much damage. We are Nova’s Knights.
This is way off topic but my favorite Seger is Night Moves. “I used her. She used me. Didn’t neither one care. We were gettin our share.”
..and then tonight Roger Daltry was on TV in a documentary with Brian Johnso tslking about thrir touring days in the 70s and 80s.
Can you believe that like the Stones, the WHO are still performing ?
Hypocrites of the Elite Left:
-Warn about rising sea levels and demand energy poverty for non-Elites but own beach front properties.
-Demand you reduce your carbon (sic) footprint but fly to climate crisis conferences in private jets and helicopters.
-Demanded you stay at home during the covid pandemic but attended dinner parties and other social events at the time and were also maskless.
-Are anti-gun but surrounded by armed guards.
Chiefio looks at the diesel situation
“T Minus 14 Days & Counting Down Diesel”
*American diesel stockpiles have been depleted while prices have surged to record highs, leading to higher prices for consumers.
“Right now inventories are low and we may see a shortage in coming months.”
*“What we’ve seen this year has been the capabilities to turn oil into diesel and gasoline and jet fuel have diminished,”
So maybe this is why the Democrats have started to lean on Biden to negotiate a peace deal with Putin! All that Russian oil high in the diesel fraction is cut off from Europe & America. Add that to our virtue-signalling of closing down our own refineries for global warming and we are in for a world of pain!
Coinciding with MidTerm Elections….
Wow !..
….that is actually more worrying than the RE electricity fiasco !
Electricity blackouts make life hard, expensive, and uncomfortable..
..but running out of Diesel will stop society in its tracks with shortages/stock outs of most essential services and products .
Anyone know the Australian supply status?
Chiefio’s take is an excellent example of what happens when governments pick winners and losers. The winners are not good enough but the losers have been very successful. Politicians are generally very poor business people and seldom understand how investment works. Tell an industry it is finished in ten years and they start shutting down today. That imbecile Bowen has done exactly that and so the reliable power stations start the close down phase but the replacement will not work and cannot work so blackouts here we come. When your lights go out don’t blame coal just blame a politician.
How Dare They?
By Paul Homewood
h/t Dennis Ambler
That’s excellent but I hope they don’t just incorporate the functions in some other department, “Yes Minister” style…
Sweden Will Not Meet Agenda 2030
From Armstrong Economics –
“New Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is not heeding to the Green agenda. He promptly eliminated the entire Ministry of Climate and Environment, marking the first time in 35 years that Sweden does not have a specific climate ministry. People are crying that the world will crumble without funding bureaucrats who pretend they have the ability to alter the weather cycle with enough funding.
Klaus Schwab’s plans for Agenda 2030 are in jeopardy. “Environmental issues are going to be given a disadvantage at the same time when we have a huge challenge in Sweden when it comes to biodiversity and forestry,” stated Stockholm University professor Karin Bäckstrand. “We won’t meet the Agenda 2030 goals on biodiversity.”
Democratic leader Ebba Busch will serve as the new Minister for Energy, and 26-year-old Liberal Romina Pourmokhtari will serve as the Minister of Climate and Environment, The Nationalist Sweden Democrats do not support the goal of achieving net zero emissions.
Instead, the new government is prioritizing nuclear power initiatives that will make it increasingly difficult to shut down existing plants while using €36 billion to build new nuclear power stations. The new government is also considering reopening two nuclear power plants that discontinued operations in recent years. Yet another example of how Agenda 2030 and Schwab’s plan to alter the world will fail.”
That’s the same reason imo that the left were and are so desperate to stop Trump. The power and plans of the left so carefully built up over so many years in true Fabian style they saw as possibly being suddenly destroyed. They probably see these midterms in the same light, but the really dirty fight will come over the next two years prior to the next Presidential ele3ction. They managed to get Trump out last election by fair means or foul, but having lost to him once and after just 4 years of seeing their plans being dismantled, especially in energy, they know that the next election will probably be an 8 year termer. If they lose to Trump or De Santos or similar figure, as appears likely if the standards of living continue to fall, they know they are done. The Republicans are unlikely to again be as weak as they have been since Reagan, and big bureaucratic cleanouts in the major legal and defence areas will happen. The US is as close to having had a coup without actually having one that it is ever likely to get.
You are correct. The war, the shortages, the cold winter coming, the reality is coming home to roost. The good times are over and no longer will people just drift along because the tide has turned. The left will be defeated but they will take some killing.
“Safe and Effective®”
““The myocarditis means it’s working“*.”
I am not sure who first said that but I have seen it variously attributed to Robert J. McCloskey, Alan Greenspan, Richard Nixon and others.
Sir Humphrey Appleby surely?
Or Bernard Woolley helping him out.
According to Robert J. McCloskey is credited with first using the expression. I am sure that every politician and con man has also used it at various times. Last nights budget speech will be remembered in this way.
“Bidenomics – Home Values Continue Dropping Quickly, Especially on West Coast – Meanwhile Rents Continue Increasing
October 25, 2022 | Sundance | 28 Comments”
Meanwhile in Canada
Job Creators Network Times Square Billboard Blasts Ice Cream Licking Joe Biden: ‘HERE’S THE SCOOP: Bidenflation Is a Recipe for Disaster’
Milk +17%
Eggs +46%
Sugar +16%
Nancy Pelosi: “When I Hear People Talk About Inflation…We Have to Change the Subject!” (VIDEO)
Third monkey working on that here.
For her 44 days as the Prime Minister of Once Great Britain Liz Truss gets a payment of £115,000, US$132,000, A$206,000 per year for life for the “Public Duty Costs Allowance”.
It’s not just Aussie politicians who have their snouts in the trough.
Was it 44 or 45 days? My record player wants to know!
Terty tree and a terd
47 or 48?
Last quarter, an Australian public coal exporter averaged about US$410/tonne for its product – that’s about A$660/tonne. Jim Chalmers must be inwardly smiling, for their Australian Company tax bill for that quarter was estimated to be above A$500 million.
There is no export market for brown coal. It adds nothing to Australia’s bottom line except for generating reliable base-load power (in Victoria), where the remaining generators have been pretty much running at full capacity this year. There is about 75 billion tonnes of it in the ground. There is about 354 years of supply from current operating mines (2016 figures)
So compare the pair:
thermal black coal : A$660/tonne, helping to fund social policy.
brown coal : probably around A$50/tonne, helping to keep the lights on so we can be sociable.
Is there some way of isolating the brown coal and power generation resources from the Vic Gov’t, who think they are worthless and don’t want them?
In a logical world, all base load power for Australia would be generated using brown coal while transitioning to the next-best nuclear thing. Black coal should be earning export $$ to pay for it all, as at least half of the world think it is still useful.
Unfortunately, we seem to be adopting the “netball strategy” and dumping the lot.
The most annoying part of any press conference given by either Andrews (state premier ) or Ambrosio ( energy minister ) is that they will frequently comment ” unreliable coal”. When in fact Loy Yang B coal fired has been running at over 100 % capacity virtually all year. Try doing that with fans and mirrors.
Sadly there is never a journalistic challenge to anything Dan Andrews says.
Rowjay, you ask:(my bolding here)
Take this link to the NEMWatch site, and you can see the brown coal contribution.
Last year,amidst the ‘we are just so green!’ from Dan and friends, that contribution from brown coal was 72.5%.
As an aside look at the totals from when they start there. It shows 23 whole years (and two part years) and for nine of those years, brown coal delivers more than 100% of Victoria’s total requirement. The Interconnector sharing of power meant Victoria was delivering power into South Australia mainly, as well as into NSW and Tasmania, and hmmmm, I wonder what source was providing that.
Also, while you are at that site, notice that they do not start detailing the cost for electricity until 2009. Now note that in 2009, brown coal fired power delivered 101% of total requirement, and the cost was $23/MWH.
Now note that the cost has only gone up ….. as brown coal delivered less, and renewables delivered more.
This current year sees the lowest power delivery percentage for brown coal, (still more than two thirds of all Victoria’s power) and the highest percentage for renewables, and umm, the highest cost for electricity. Now I wonder, why is that? Oh, that’s right, it’s the shelling across Ukraine. Silly me.
Hmm! Weren’t we told renewables are cheaper?
Excellent data Tony as usual ..
But i think Rowjaywas asking if there is any possible Political/Legal way to take control of those Bbrown coal assets..( coal mines, and generation facilities etc).. away from Victorias destructive Green Government,..and place them in safer hands to ensure their availability for the future benefit of the Country. .?
Im no expert, but i suspect the best we could hope for is a democratic replacement of Victorias State Government, with one promoting some rational forward thinking. !
Sadly,.. i suspect the chances are low !
Chad, not a hope, because if Labor gets dumped most likely its the LNP as replacement. At the moment they’re just as nutty as the ALP in terms of climate change and emissions reduction policy. The best option would be either Labor or LNP get back in and have very reduced majorities with maybe upper house dominated by sensible politicians from independents or some of the other parties. But, I’m unsure of the upper house mechanism and maths.
Agreed that there is no chance of wresting control away, but the population needs to be educated in the differences in value between brown and black coal. Brown coal is not subject to export price fluctuations so produces cheaper power than either the black coal generators or peaking gas. This is crystal clear in the power generation by source mix this year – brown coal flat-out, black coal constantly ramping, hydro (lots of water about now) largely bumping gas generators out of the equation at peak usage times and when wind dies. Ross pointed out earlier how well Loy Yang B is doing. The current generation mix makes sense, but take brown coal out of the equation and the only way is up for power prices.
I was cleaning out some old paperwork from an investment property. Found a 2007 power bill from Origin Energy and did a comparison to present billing to a “Go Plan”, which was apparently the cheapest. Property located in Victoria. See the comparison below
Year Off peak tariff(c/kWh) Peak Tariff (c/kWh)
2007 7.21 18.01
2022 17.25 29.76
What struck me was not only the huge increase in power over that time, but that Off Peak rose more than Peak. Cheaper power my behind.
Tony, that’s a particularly powerful post. Surely foolproof!
I’ll email it to my local reps.
Victorian brown coal is perfectly ok when used to generate Hydrogen for export to Japan, just not ok to generate electricity for Victorians (et al.)
Government info:
project website:
When I heard about this, I genuinely thought it was made up. Sadly, it’s all too real.
Interesting facts about beaver teeth:
They are orange because they have iron in a certain part of the enamel structure rather than magnesium like other animals.
And there is only enamel on the front of the investors, none on the back. This helps keep the teeth sharp.
Primitive humans used beaver teeth as cutting implements
One of the references:
Oops…an unauthorised change by the spell checker…I did indeed mean incisors.
Some trivial information about beavers. During the 17-1800’s when Europe was very cold and the fur trade from Canada and north America was going gangbusters, beaver pelts were sold to Europe to make hats and coats. However recently it has come to light that the very rich also had underwear made from pelts. Historians who follow fashions believe that not only was the underwear warm but also water proof. it’s a bit like seeing Queen Victoria’s knickers which were so large they would cover a single bed, width wise – somethings you don’t forget.
Signs of the times
“Stand by for a deception operation to derail November’s elections”
“Preamble: What I’m about to report wasn’t the first and only incident just in the last couple of weeks.”
Agree Rishi is a worry, what possible motive would such a rich person have to be PM of the UK? The global elite manipulated the markets to threaten to destroy the UK economy completely unless Liz was thrown out for Rishi. And Rishi is most responsible for the UK’s unmanageable debt in the first place.
“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of ‘Men who wanted to be left Alone’.
They try, so very hard to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the ‘Men who wanted to be left Alone’ are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be.
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these ‘Men who wanted to be left Alone’, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.
They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.
TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy, but it will fall upon deaf ears.”
And I am sure that they are becoming restless.
Is the ship starting to turn??
“A group of 30 House liberals is urging President Joe Biden to dramatically shift his strategy on the Ukraine war and pursue direct negotiations with Russia, the first time prominent members of his own party have pushed him to change his approach to Ukraine.”
Which means they’ve realised America is coming off worse in this war than Russia.. Putin will be happy, he has achieved the objectives he set out, destroying Ukraine’s military, wiping out Azov and the Nazi brigades, and bringing the Russia-speaking territories under his wing.
Without the aid being poured into Ukraine it will have no military equipment and no functioning economy for some time.
“Conjure up no more spirits than you can conjure down”
“House Progressives Withdraw Call for Joe Biden to Negotiate End to Ukraine Conflict”
Yes, certainly some infighting within the Democrats involved! You can tell it was them writing the apology..
“”Every war ends with diplomacy, and this one will too after Ukrainian victory,” the statement reads, ignoring mainstream reports that US officials quietly believe Ukraine stands no chance at outright victory in this war. ”
So, as soon as Ukraine wins we will bring in the diplomats…. Its going to be a long war.
Who said that? The Great War ended with diplomacy, The Armistice, and raged again in 24 years. WWII in both Europe and Pacific ended with total victory and Germany and Japan’s lust for war were extinguished.
Korea ended with an armistice but never ended. Vietnam ended with the humiliation of USA and will never reignite.
Russia has not been conquered in modern times and has never stopped being a royal pain in the bum for everyone.
Forget what you are being told that the US is suffering more than Ru, Ru is heading for destruction. Winning wars is never painless and London learnt that in spades but they persevered.
I am hoping that Russia is one war crime away from spurring NATO to act. Cometh the war, cometh the plane. After a long painful gestation there are now over 1,000 F 35s flying. There is not one single 5th gen stealthy aircraft flying against them. This aircraft could clear Uk skies to allow older ones to destroy Ru columns and the Black Sea Fleet.
Of course contingency plans for this have already been formulated so could be carried out too quickly to allow delivery of a nuclear weapon, or it could be initiated to prevent deployment of any such device should they hear it is imminent.
I dislike war, that’s why I advocate the only way stop a big one is put to Russia in a cage. With the Bear caged, the Dragon will not dare, the “Peace” dividend will last for years. We need people of stout heart.
That’s the lesson of history Hanrahan.
Spot on.
Unconditional surrender, war crime trials, gaol or death sentences,loss of territory against the aggressive party and their allies. Russia, Belarus, Chechnya, Iran.
“Biden’s strategy”? LOL
Old Spongebrain Wetpants wouldn’t be able to read that off a teleprompter, let alone take part in its design.
Joe’s response ……
WTF are you talking about, and who is U. Crane?
Not any more!
That didn’t take long… the 30 Houses Progressive Democrats led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has early Tuesday afternoon issued a complete retraction of their letter sent to the Biden White House urging diplomacy on Ukraine, per an official statement
Progressive Democrats Repudiate Their Ukraine Position Then, Just for Fun, Repudiate the Repudiation
It isn’t very often that we, the average observer of political events, get the chance to see a world-class cock-up (in two acts, no less) by a singularly odious politician. It is even more rare when we are left feeling that there is much, much more going on behind the scenes that we don’t understand.
Monday morning, the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) sent a letter to the White House demanding that Joe Biden conduct bilateral negotiations with Vladimir Putin to end the war in Ukraine. This was rather extraordinary in two respects. First, all of the signatories have agreed without dissent to the US funding Ukraine’s defense of its territory and independence. While I think the signers of this letter are probably the most loathsome grouping of people ever to rise to power in a republican system of government, I have to give them their due for supporting what is the epitome of a just war.
The letter first appeared in the Washington Post in a story headlined Liberals urge Biden to rethink Ukraine strategy: Democratic lawmakers’ letter calls for direct U.S. talks with Russia. The reporter was Yasmeen Abutaleb, the Post’s national health reporter.
The letter reads, in part:
Whatever the merits of this approach, two things are blatantly obvious. The CPC has been one of the loudest voices in supporting Ukraine. I’ve often felt they are doing it less out of sympathy for Ukraine or even the Westphalian System than because OrangeManBad=> Russia-elected-Trump=> OrangeManBad=> Russia-invaded-Ukraine=> OrangeManBad=> Support Ukraine=> OrangeManBad. To be fair, I think that a lot of folks on the right rooting for Putin are doing so for the mirror image of that reasoning. So there has to be some catalyst for the letter that is not apparent in the public positions taken by the CPC. The second thing is that no matter how it is tarted up in language about war, devastation, and death, it is asking Joe Biden to negotiate a separate peace with Putin and leave Ukraine and most of our NATO allies hanging. This, of course, is the precise strategy to use given the success of Biden’s exit from Afghanistan.
The support for the letter began unraveling as soon as it became public. The CPC’s fan club among Ukraine supporters went ballistic. So did some of the CPC members who signed the letter.
– By 7 p.m. Monday, the CPC was in full retreat.
– By today, retreat had turned into ignominious rout with the CPC leadership blaming staff for everything.
[R]eleased by staff without vetting.”
Keep that last paragraph in mind; I’ll return to it.
11/ The Post appears to confirm what seemed clear: that no one alerted House Democrats, including the people who signed the letter last summer, that it was being released.
12/ This really STRONGLY supports the idea that this was someone or several someones pulling a fast one, to force peoples hands. The end (I think).
So this story ends with us possibly knowing less than we did at the beginning.
” shift his strategy on the Ukraine war and pursue direct negotiations with Russia”
Which proves that this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine…
… but between Russia and the USA. ! (with Ukraine nothing but a puppet.)
Not puppet, proxy.
The Cold War has not ended for the Democrats. Only for the Republicans.
Is there anything which has happened in US politics since WWII which has not been blamed on the Russians?
Yet, the commentariat are in lockstep on the matter and Russia’s position is not given any air. ” Unprovoked ” and Putin a madman – a Dr.Strangelove character. It shows how manipulative the Democrat ( some Republicans) apparatus and its control of the political narrative. I used to watch SKY , but aside from Bernadi it remains conservative feed for boofheads.
What side will sue for peace?
The Hungarians, Poles, Germans, Austrians, Bulgarians, Romanians and the people in poverty struck Ukraine and Moldava who will freeze to death this winter to teach the Russians a lesson.
It happened in the Crimean war too, the last time Europe tried to break up Russia when Crimea was Russia. And housewives in England knitted ‘balacalvas’ as English soldiers lost ears and fingers to the extreme cold. Or the night 13,000 teenage Italians died on patrol in a single night outside a town during the French retreat from Moscow. Proxy wars are like that. Far away people playing games while real people die. Lord Byron might have immortalize the Charge of the Light Brigade out of Balaclava but it was mass slaughter on both sides, for no purpose, a punitive war.
This from the news in 2014, for those who think the Ukraine war started recently.
I accept your general argument and with this knowledge I propose that Ukraine will sue for peace. It means giving Putin the rare earths he desires, but that is a price worth paying if the border is solidified and incursions stop.
Many countries have offered to rebuild Ukraine after the war, in this scenario even the loser wins.
As if.
The reality is not to be observed through your rose-coloured glasses el+gordo.
The reality is that Russia – Putin and his clique – want to reestablish greater Russia. Peter the Great’s Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church is with them. Their god is on their side. Divine provenance.
That’s what you’ll see when to take off those rose-coloureds and put on your multi-focals.
In case you’re wondering:
– the chronology of the ownership, custody or location of an historical object.
At least Russia hasn’t inserted itself into conflicts halfway around the world like the US. Just maybe you don’t recall the the massive bombing of of Hanoi and Haiphong or the napalming of villages. Grand hypocrisy .
‘ … take off those rose-coloureds …’
The political reality is that Putin bit off more than he can chew and his dream of expansion has come unstuck.
Wars of adventurism, which the US is renowned for, need to stop. At some point Ukraine will have to sue for peace or risk Putin doing something suicidal.
Premier Xi thinks he knows the way to end this warring states period. Should we give the fascist an opportunity to create a better world of peace and prosperity?
Lord Byron?
George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron FRS, simply known as Lord Byron, was an English poet (22 January 1788 – 19 April 1824)
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Charge of the Light Brigade, (Oct. 25, 1854), disastrous British cavalry charge against heavily defended Russian troops at the Battle of Balaklava (1854) during the Crimean War (1853-56). The suicidal attack was made famous by Alfred, Lord Tennyson in his 1855 poem
Out of more than 600 men who had embarked on the charge, 110 were killed, about 130 were wounded, and another 30 or so wounded and captured; .
Lord Cardogan is variously described as completely incompetent, arrogant, stupid or mad. There is much evidence for all descriptions. There is however no eidence that any of his decendents became Climate Scientists.
Andy May has a post up at wuwt discussing meridional transport and this quote caught my eye.
‘Earth’s global average surface temperature varies 3.8°C every year. The high temperature is in July and the low temperature in January. Thus, it is difficult to take the IPCC warnings about two degrees of warming over the next 100 years seriously.’
how silly. So if a place has an average winter temperature go from 12 to 14 and summer from 27 to 29, how is this affected by the above observation?
I’m not too confident in the meridional transport hypothesis.
Darwin is experiencing a heatwave with a top of 35C and low of 27C forecast all week.
I think the quasi biennial oscillation might be implicated, what do you make of it?
The Northern and Southern hemispheres are completely different in temperature, one mainly land and the other mainly water. And there is a huge temperature difference once you are out of the entirely water moderated tropics.
Which is why Captain Cook’s secret mission after observing the transit of Venus in Tahiti was to find the missing Great Southern Land, translated as Australia. ( derived from the Latin australis, meaning “southern”, the hypothetical Terra Australis postulated in pre-modern geography)
There are only four countries entirely below the Tropic of Capricorn, the bottom 1/3 of the planet. Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Lesotho, New Zealand and Uruguay. And only 2% of the world’s people.
This huge disparity makes a mess of a ‘world’ temperature. And makes you wonder what idi*t wants to introduce carbon dioxide targets in tiny Australia. 98% of all CO2 is from overseas but we are blowing up power stations and building windmills? It’s the ultimate #Metoocarbon fashion.
I don’t think anyone thinks that world temperatures have great meaning for individual places. Who is surprised that the tropics and poles are different from each other?
This is why this comment
is both a straw man and an irrelevance to any climate debate. My comment above addresses this directly.
World “temperature” is just a proxy for more energy being held in the system. How this affects the system and therefore individual regions is what all the fuss is about.
It is surface temperature. Who said that was a measure of ‘energy being held in the system’? What ‘system’?
There is very little energy ‘held’ in the atmosphere. Heat/energy vanishes when the sun goes down. Try the desert and a clear sky, no clouds.
However the vast deep oceans at 350x the weight and 4x the specific heat of the atmosphere and no way to cool down contain all the energy. It is the controller of all climates. Without this, the world would be a frozen planet, scorching on the equator during the day and freezing at night.
Climates are a direct consequence of direct heating by the sun and the release of energy by the oceans which hardly change in temperature and never freeze.
And what is missing in ‘Climate Models’ is that they are modelling the wrong thing in modelling the atmosphere, an effect, a transport mechanism but not the cause of climate. The only two things which matter are the sun and the ocean, specifically the ocean currents and their massive transport of energy as in the Gulf Stream as one example. The Monsoons are another. And then you get the pot boilers like the Caribbean and the South China Sea. A climate model should also be able to explain the past before it can hope to explain the future and I have never seen a model which explains the Little Ice Age.
How can anyone explain the increase in temperature after the Little Ice Age without explaining how it happened? Michael Mann just pretended it did not happen.
Straw has nothing to do with it.
I was fascinated at the history of North Africa which was alive with forests, jungles and large animals when it was so hot the monsoons dumped water. When it cooled, the rain stopped and the sands took over, forcing the Egyptians into the shelter of the deep Nile valley. And in Roman Days, Northern Africa fed the Roman Empire after the defeat of Carthage. Now it is sand and dirt and ancient cities, forgotten and desolate and largely dry, even away from the Sahara (Arab for desert). Ironically it was the drop in temperature which stopped the rain fall and dried out Northern Africa.
People associate dry, drought with hot. That is a zero level assessment, effect not cause. The real problem is cooling over the oceans which reduces evaporation and this reduces rain, causing drought and deserts unmoderated by water.
Global Cooling which is happening right now is a far greater threat to humanity than global Warming, which has vastly more to recommend it. Especially the welcome increase in CO2 from the oceans, increasing fertility, forests and wiping out deserts and frozen soil. It is most welcome, but somehow people have managed to make humanity terrified of change on the belief that everything was perfect at some previous time, currently held to be 1750-1850. It wasn’t. The French Revolution was based not on oppression but starvation because of the colder climate and the failure of the rains and crops.
CO2 is a great boon since the Little Ice Age. And has seen a proportional increase in forest coverage and food production, as observed by both NASA and our CSIRO.
How this has been twisted into an Armageddon disaster is a lesson in mass deception with fake science on a world scale. And after 34 years of imminent doom, surely people are starting to question that what they see has no relationship to what they were told. According to the ABC and their Science adviser Robyn Williams, the seas should have been over the Sydney Harbour bridge by now. But no one comments on how utterly wrong, how absurd the predictions were.
TLDR. No it is not surface. It is ocean surface and atmosphere measured using different devices.
I well remember that time I flash froze in -273C
‘ … is both a straw man and an irrelevance to any climate debate.’
I agree and its concerning that Andy May felt the need to say it.
Proxy comes from psychology, something measurable that you assume shows the same trends as something immeasurable. It’s not a measurement, like the height of mercury in a capillary can be calibrated to be a measure of temperature. The global average is calculated after making up a data set from a record that is not good enough for the purpose, using a technique borrowed from mining that is not suitable for temperature. It might be for heat content but surface temperatures are affected by many things other than the amount of heat absorbed. So the change is relevant when climate scientists pretend a fraction of degree proves their theory, even though models run hot.
Your talking point comes from a discussion on WUWT a couple of months ago asking if an average of temperatures is meaningful. I pointed out how it’s treated as a proxy of extra heat going into the system and why it’s a deep one.
…crap one …damn auto correct.
I agree. It aint a good proxy for getting an accurate number but works for knowing whether energy is going up or down.
An average of accurate measurements of a good record would be a proxy, because changes can happen without there being a change in Q (let alone an imbalance in the energy budget).
The average used (thermometer record that is “calibrated” in recent times) is a proxy of what you would get if there was a good record.
“but works for knowing whether energy is going up or down.”
Depends on the veracity of the data.
The surface data is basically meaningless for global temperature determination because its so urban effected and mal-adjusted.
You admit its not “accurate”… but for some anti-science reason… think it means something! .. D’OH !
The idea of a world temperature is nonsensical. Getting to the chase, is BoM correct in thinking this La Nina will end early 2023?,-12.59,265
Four in a row would be unprecedented.
Yes, it is a fake construction. There is no such thing as a world (average) temperature in the way you could calculate a solid body exposed to radiation. The 72% of the surface covered in water is the problem. It changes everything and contains 1400x as much heat as the thin air. And 98% of the CO2. Which is why life started in the ocean.
However silly though, it is a measure of temperature and changes could relate to external inputs modified by reflectivity both in and out. The fact that the method of construction of this ‘artifact’ is without any overarching model based on understanding does not mean it is not a good detector of total energy changes at least in the atmospheric system and that is the one we call the weather.
What I find silly is that because humans care so much about the ‘weather’ and that to humans means the air, sun and rain, we presume these are a closed system and the only input is the sun, moderated by clouds and allegedly CO2. But human history shows that most humans live near water as it moderates the weather dramatically. And we need both water from rivers and ocean salt to live for any length of time.
But where we have it wrong is that modelling the atmosphere on these few things and leaving out the vast oceans is just silly. At 1400x the heat capacity of the air and fully insulated, the water has 99.9% of all the thermal energy on the surface of the planet. And we see this mainly in the ocean currents which give rise to La Nina and El Nino.
So if you want the answers to La Nina, you need a good model of the massive ocean currents in the PDO, Pacific Decadal Osciallation and the current drop in the PDO/AMO which is ending its cycle of 65 years and dropping rapidly, unfortunately at the same time the solar intensity is dropping with the De Vries cycle. We are in for a very different world over the next 60 years, colder and drier. It would be great if the BOM could model the oceans, not the air. But they are meteorologists and “Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere, atmospheric phenomena, and atmospheric effects on our weather. ”
It’s like studying flapping flags, not the wind. You have to study the cause, not the effect. Once you have the cause, you can predict the effect.
We have not progressed much from Ancient Greece in our Meteorology. From meteoron ‘of the atmosphere’.
Then the Gods lived in the perpetual clouds on Mount Olympus and Zeus threw down thunderbolts and the gods made the sun come up and go down and blew the winds. They had a celestial explanation for everything. In reality, it is Poseidon who is in control of the weather.
Christians have the same view, with God peeking out from behind clouds. And when both Mary and Jesus were assumed into ‘heaven’ they went up like rockets into the clouds above. And in medieval paintings they still sit in and on clouds. It still blunts our understanding of the weather.
The PDO is negative, but the AMO is out of sync for a few more years.
As somebody once said, calculating an average global temperature is similar to calculating an average of all the world’s telephone numbers.
You would see a trend due to the adding of an extra digit as the population grows. I think the GTA would be a better proxy, if it were the average of actual 24 hour measurements and a continuous record that was well spread out.
As TeD points out, you see the effects of the changes in ocean currents on the GTA. This is definitely the result of energy going into and of the system, defined as the area around the weather stations. Not necessarily the Earth as a whole.
I fitted a simple function to HadCRUT 8 years ago and it fits an oscillation with a 63 year period and constant warming out of the LIA, with an extra 0.3° C since the 50s. This might be due to the extra CO2, if HadCRUT were any good. But the fit had nearly an extra 0.2° C warmer 2022 than HadCRUT shows. Damn you, Pause!
The real issue is that the GTA is a proxy of a proxy of the energy change of the system, so you need to take the fractions of degree changes with a pinch of salt.
That does correlate with the bumps in the CO2 graph. Which in turn dictates how much CO2 is absorbed and released from the oceans according to Henry’s Law. You will also notice that there is no observable impact from volcanoes, vast fires, the worldwide shutdown of transport or anything human at all. And the bumps confirm that what controls CO2 levels is nothing more than ocean surface temperatures and oceans cover 72% of the planet and contain 98% of all free CO2.
Yep, good point. I’ll pay that.
And to extend the logic, consider detailed timing the monthly CO2. Lowest in August, highest at the end of March, a Southern Hemisphere pattern of winter and summer, which is right when you consider that more of the water surface, 33% more is in the Southern Hemisphere. Assuming annual North/South variations would balance out over time, this is important.
Land/Water is 40/60 vs 20/80 North to South. The excess water surface in the Southern Hemisphere dominates the CO2 annual variation and creates the clear sinusoidal pattern. The Pacific Ocean does cover half the planet.
I have no idea why people think human CO2 has any long term impact on the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is a very soluble gas and aerial concentrations are set by Henry’s Law. Our human output is tiny, inconsequential and there is nothing in the CO2 record of even the CO2 output from volcanic explosions. The domination of the famous ‘Biosphere’ in CO2 levels is a fantasy. The Inconvenient truth is that humans and the internal combustion engine are completely trivial.
Well that link is an education in that it shows what the authors think but not what the figures show. But I notice that they are from Penn State, the lair of Michael Mann – The Disgrace to the Profession.
According to them From 1850 to 1950 fossil fuel use rose 550% but CO2 by 9%, but from 1950-2000 fossil fuel use rose 350% but CO2 by 29%
And the graph showing the last 160 kya shows CO2 AND Methane AND the sea level were all higher when the temperature was higher.
Funny how the CO2 graphs climb during a temperature drop and plateau. Poor Henry.
Hi Gee Aye.
I think you misunderstand.
It is the rate of CO2 increase that correlates with temp, not the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
When temp rises the CO2 growth goes up.
When the temp decreases, the CO2 growth goes down.
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere rises, but at a lower rate.
Basic understanding is not GA’s forte !
Interesting those Vostok graphs that show peak CO2 is always preceded by peak temperature.
Never was peak CO2 able to maintain that peak temperature.
Temperature drives CO2… NOT the other way around.
Exactly b.nice.
Temp also drives CO2 over recent times.
My hypothesis is that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is controlled by the equilibrium relationship between atmospheric and oceanic CO2.
Tdef’s claim is that the intra annual variation in global temperature explain the CO2 rise and fall, which fails to explain why interannual temperature differences don’t affect the continual rising trend.
GA obviously doesn’t understand that the oceans are one great big stabilising heat sink !
Stems from his physics understanding issues….. again !
I have been learning about the meridional-transport hypothesis and find it credible, yet incomplete (as Andy May is scrupulous to point out). It is simple and elegant, bound to be complexified by the inclusion of other factors. This is, though, how we figure out how climate changes. We may never in our lifetimes feel we have complete mastery of this challenge. So be it. At least we are doing better and better all the time, bespite the retards in the Carbon Cult.
But I have a question for Joanne, about David Evans’ Notch Delay Solar hypothesis that we all learned about here back in 2014 through 2018. What has become of this notion? Has it been falsified, or, more likely, absorbed into the growing matrix of causalities, emergences, feedbacks, and influencers that contemporary climate science has become (as the meridional-transport awareness exemplifies). What is the status of all David’s intense work on this intriguing (at the time) notion…? Does it merit a glowing tribute on its tombstone (or on a different monument)?
Even a “wrong” science idea can lead us on to “righter” awarenesses and syntheses. And most just in themselves are wrong, after all (and not just incomplete), a situation compounded by politicization and other corruptions. It is good if we can learn more from our errors and omissions than from our successes (since there always seems to be more of the former).
Still learning, and grateful,
From memory the Evans’ Notch Delay Solar hypothesis should be discernible by now, 2022 is the cut off date.
Javier mentioned David’s work recently as one of the four competing ideas on solar forcing.
We are through the looking glass! I swear. I am boggled! Monty Python is looking arch conservative! Watch 0.40 to 1.50
Apart from getting awarded at a women’s conference, guess who gets invited to interview Biden! Fact is so much weirder than fiction!
That’ll make him sneeze.
I just heard on the radio that it is predicted in the Australian Federal budget that electricity prices are predicted to rise 50% by 2025.
And that is a favourable low prediction by the Labor regime. Imagine how much it will really be.
I’m so confused. The Left keep telling us how cheap wind, solar and Big Batteries are.
Apparently it’s the Australian Energy Regulator that predicts 50%, the budget “only” states 30-40%….
Well looking at their track record (“delivering a surplus as predicted, and on time” comes to mind), we can then expect something around the 100% mark. But “renewables are cheaper” we are getting told…
Yep- the lies were..
“The modelling that that was based on goes to something which is broadly accepted right across the board, which is renewable energy is cheaper and cleaner energy, and if we get it right it will be more reliable energy as well,” he said.”
..just lies given a patina of truth by mentioning modelling… Meanwhile, +50% energy prices next year.
they are already blaming the cost rise on coal, both the high export prices and the unreliability of the power stations
We registered and tried to watch and listen to last night’s debate but never got past logging in and being told we were going – we never got there.
I hope you never go there again but work through zoom or teams.
Will the debate get onto YouTube?
Peter, sorry to hear you didn’t get through. Struggling with software would have been no fun at all. I’m sure they will have a copy of the footage, and that might be the best way to watch it anyway. I know we had to wait once or twice because the streaming wasn’t working, so the organizers certainly thought they were online most of the time.
Can you send a link soon?
Yes, I was waiting for most of the time and so many commented on the frustration of not having a way to see the debate. It was a non existent event for many, not that I am complaining. But it was frustrating to have nothing. I even tried VPN through the US and even Perth routers.
Some truths:
-Pedophilia is not a sexual preference. For those who don’t know, Leftists are trying to rename the perpetrators of this crime to MAPs or “Minor Attracted Persons” in order to legitimise it.
-Insects are not food fit for human consumption of non-starving people.
-Improperly tested mRNA vaccines should not have been injected into people, most under compulsion in Australia. It was a human rights violation.
-A male cannot become female and visa versa. Fact.
-Most news from mainstream sources is fake or biased. Never impartial.
-There is no threat whatsoever from claimed anthropogenic global warming although there is a serious threat of cooling Which will be a problem.
– The government is not there to help you, except it does help itself to your property via excessive taxes.
-A male cannot become female and visa versa. Fact.
Note, I was referring to humans. Certain lower animals can naturally change such as clownfish, wrasses, moray eels, gobies and other fish species.
Frogs too. But the French have always been a bit different.
Lower animals? You just failed first year biology.
In what way?
Perhaps GA considers himself the equivalent of a clownfish ! ?
Peter, Gee Aye is referring to a technical definition of “lower animal” which means not a mammal or vertebrate according to one definition.
She fails to address the substantive issue of whether she thinks a human male can become a female and vice versa, however..
And barramundi. So much so that all big animals are female, so there is an upper size limit. A 1m barra can lay an awful lot of eggs.
Of course they can!
If I take my male dog to the vet to get snipped, we all know it’s then female.
Just like humans.
Looks like fun !
“Executive Order No. 62 renders all of these vaccine mandates arbitrary and capricious.””
I thought y’all would find this interesting given the trope of there is much more to the sun than we currently understand
The 993 AD event was roughly the start of the Medieval Warm Period.
I’ll check out the other dates and see if a conclusion can be reached.
Roughly this and that. One thing that can help you fudge something is that the signature is of a particular event – whatever thing it was that was happening with the sun, if it was the sun, might have had a whole heap of other outputs over that period that are not picked up in the tree ring. Who know? Just go with it and you’ll find a connection.
The 5,489 BC event was the start of the Holocene thermal max.
The ABC is also running the story.
Yes, that’s interesting. Thanks GA.
I don’t know whether it is the same “type” of radiation as these early events in tree rings, but planet earth has recently experienced a significant Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), described further in this article.
I note that in other descriptions of GRB events, our magnetic field offers some protection, but if the field is weak at the same time of these GRB events, then more energy will penetrate.
I would like to know where these prehistoric trees from 5259-7176BC were found?
Good question. One of us needs to go to the papers.
How about you do that GA? Then give us a summary please. Thankyou.
How is Australia going to survive with electricity price increases of 50% and likely much more.
The Teals will be thrilled. As electricity prices soar, there will be more left over to charge their electric cars. Especially in the new budget subsidized by even more taxes on the poor as the rich get a tax break on Sales tax on electric cars. However as the residents of Brighton have found, as everyone in their street can afford more expensive electricity, it’s not working as planned.
Someone described the Teals the other day as “Greens in Gucci”. Very apt.
Vote Dan Andrews back in!
The tv ads say he and his government have it all sorted out with lots of spending (your money) to try and undo the damage that they caused in the first place.
And if you can’t tell truth from lies, just contact the Vic government and they’ll be happy to straighten you out.
The ads are so laughable you’d have to be as mentally fit as Biden to believe them.
You cope with the looming hikes by having your own power sources and power-waste reduction strategies which I covered at length months ago.
You can also connect a motor to a generator for free energy. Works great! 😆
Other than that you throw out every corrupt WEF puppet polly in the country and elect people that live in the real world.
Well this modelling didn’t last long.
“Federal Labor is committing to cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 43 per cent by 2030, if it wins government at the next election.”
“Leader Anthony Albanese, in releasing Labor’s plan, insisted the plan would create more than 600,000 new jobs, cut power prices by $275 a year per household by 2025, boost private investment and cost the government $683 million.
He said the plan came with the “most comprehensive modelling” ever undertaken by an opposition.”
Source: ABC ‘Labor announces 2030 emissions reductions target’: Fri 3 Dec 2021
‘Cut power prices by $275 a year per household by 2025’. Hmmmm. How much more per household will be being charged, over and above the present level, by 2025 before the promised $275 reduction is seen I wonder?
‘And cost the government $683 million’.
The government has no money; it is ours being misused, or being plucked out of empty space.
35 % to 50% increases in power prices, well that cheap renewable power is really helping out, eh.
It’s probably a deliberate and substantial underestimate.
There goes that Election Promise to cut the price of electricity…………………..
Magnetic overunity generator. Turns 18W into 50kW. Sharktank Canada
Oh look. Another overunity generator.
12V battery. Check.
Mystery box. Check.
Light globes. Check.
Shutup and take my money! 😁
I wonder why he turns the light globes off rather than let them run continuously.😉
Interesting discussions about James Webb Space Telescope images and spectra, with someone who has been looking at the outer planets since the Voyager missions flew by.
Neptune and its moons: (about 30mins)
Uranus, Jupiter, Mars: (about 20 mins)
Australia: Deadly Injections: 18% of Cattle DROP DEAD Following mRNA Jab
Cattle that are jabbed with toxic mRNA vaccines in Australia are dropping dead in large numbers, according to reports.
Just like in humans, the shots are causing such profound damage that many of the animals are succumbing to instant death, while the others are getting sick and dying over a longer period of time.
For the animals that survive, one wonders what is becoming of their milk, which gets passed on as food for other animals as well as humans. Is it safe to consume mRNA-tainted milk and cheese from a “fully vaccinated” dairy cow? The answer is probably not.
“Dairy herd DNA is altered,” one report explains. “Milk is altered and you consume it! Butter constitution, yoghurt, and cheese is altered, meat is altered – will chicken and other meats be next?
Sorry – Infowars link 😡
What lame excuses will be offered to explain this that aren’t vaxx related?
Stress from farmer’s ute exhaust noise maybe…
Never happened with that supposedly “extremly dangerous drug Ivermectin” !
Link dropped out for me.
Where is it that these cattle are being given MRNA injections? Which companies use the milk and meat from them?
‘The NSW Government has taken another step towards fast tracking the world first mRNA vaccines for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease, inking a deal with US biotechnology company Tiba Biotech.’
Did anyone attend the Climate Debate in Perth last night?
Can we have a report?
I think Jo did.
One thing I have noticed in the American media recently: Suddenly deSantis is the devil. The anti-deSantis attacks are starting to get vicious. It goes to show that it doesn’t matter who the person is, but the person’s stand on the issues. Anybody that votes on whether or not they don’t like somebody, or do like somebody, rather than on the issues is not being smart, and is being played for a fool.
Who votes…
Anyone slightly to the right of Mao is “the devil” to the majority of the media. The media also know that inciting division sells copy (or gets clicks). CNN, Fox, etc still exist because of the ratings boost caused by incessant “reporting” on Trump.
I do not think most voters are stupid, rather, they are not interested or have greater priorities, and the MSM is all the look at, so, of course, is all they know.
An Italian at my work was asked about the recent election of Georgia Meloni as PM, and they said “oh, it’s terrible, we elected a fascist worse than Mussolini”. someone quite reasonably asked “what makes them a fascist?” to which, the usually overly verbose Italian could not think of anything whatsoever. couldn’t name a policy, couldn’t name any actions or comments… just silence and a confused/panicked look. Never did get an answer.
They are attacking DeSantis because he seems to be the only viable alternative to Trump if Trump doesn’t run.
There is a concern that Desantis has been captured by the swamp.
Where did you read that?
You could start with some of the articles here
There is a concern.
As if concerns exist as sentient creatures all unto themselves.
There’s an old man living in that house down the street … and over in the park a woman is walking her dog … and just around the corner, there is a concern. It’s nonsense … if you want to make your message clear tell me who is concerned, and why?!?
What a sales pitch!
“Goldman Sachs’ Jeff Currie: ‘$3.8 Trillion of Investment in Renewables Moved Fossil Fuels from 82% to 81% of Overall Energy Consumption’ in 10 Years”
Goes with that
Insect Swarms Can Electrify The Air as Much as a Thunderstorm
Half a century ago, the American mathematician Edward Lorentz famously inquired whether a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil might, through a chaotic domino effect, set off a tornado in Texas.
If he’d instead asked whether enough locusts flapping their wings could charge the air with the potency of a thunderstorm, the question might have become equally famous. He didn’t, but now we have an answer.
A new study on the influence flying insects can have over atmospheric electric fields has found the flapping of a multitude of tiny wings can electrify the air much the same way swirling clouds of water vapor can charge the air inside a storm.
But how this itty-bitty potential aggregates in swarms has never been measured. So Hunting and his team ventured out to a University of Bristol School of Veterinary Sciences field station to await the swarming of one of their many honeybee colonies.
Using an electric field monitor and a camera to monitor the bees’ density, the researchers tracked the local potential gradient of a swarm in transit. For 3 minutes the insects zipped past, raising the potential gradient overhead by up to 100 volts per meter.
A later analysis confirmed the voltage was related to the swarm’s concentration, allowing the researchers to predict with reasonable confidence how a given number of bees buzzing through a particular patch of air might affect the atmosphere’s charge.
Knowing their estimates held up to testing for bees, the team applied the same rationale to other insects that swarm.
Taking the individual charges for locusts and scaling it up to plague-sized numbers, the researchers calculated a significant locust swarm could potentially generate densities of charge not unlike those found in electrical storms.
100v/m – the same as the atmospheric potential gradient. Curious.
Maybe those WEF locust factories will burn to the ground too, albeit from a different cause…
Maybe, too, that accounts for all those thunderstorms in NSW.
Sorry, that was naughty.
Here in France, the latest budget was no so much forced through parliament, but bypassed it altogether. So much for democracy.
The ability to bypass parliament is discussed here, and it would not be a shock to any sane people to note that “the left” have used Article 49.3 more than “the right”
The inability of “the left” and “the right” to cooperate and deliver a successful no-confidence vote when faced with an anti-democratic (but legal) process also shows that the majority of politicians do not actually care about the people they claim to represent.
A Dilbert classic that fellow blogsters may enjoy, on the topic of debate, reasoning etc.
That happens often in the comments section of The Oz, whenever somebody dares to clearly explain a technical aspect of the CC scam.
TanSat Successfully Detects Human-Caused CO2 for the First Time
An international research team has identified carbon dioxide from human activities by analyzing measurements from the TanSat mission and the Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor mission. This was the first attempt to use TanSat measurements to detect anthropogenic, or human-caused, carbon dioxide emission signatures. One of the most crucial criteria for greenhouse gas monitoring on a worldwide scale is quantifying anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.
The team published their research today (October 25) in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. It included researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
According to Liu, TanSat-2’s target measurements will focus on cities with an 800-1000 kilometer (500-620 mile) wide swath to record the gradient of carbon dioxide from city central to rural areas using an imaging process and a 500-meter (1600-foot) footprint size to improve the emission estimation accuracy. TanSat-2 will be a constellation of satellites distributed into at least two orbits in the morning and afternoon to cover a city or a point source twice a day.
“Our goal is to use satellite measurements to improve our knowledge of the carbon cycle and to further analyze and constraint the carbon dioxide sources and sinks and their uncertainties,” said Liu.
Why bother? We all know The Science™ is settled…
Bill Gates reveals breathalyser that tests for viruses
Alcohol – 0.0
Drugs – zero
Virus – positive! Handcuffed and shipped to quarantine.
Kiev Became The 1st Major City To Meet The WEF’s Net Zero Climate Crisis Goals
They need MOAR solar!
Wednesday entertainment: I wish we all could leave California
I would like to discuss the fact that we know so little about the oceans which control our weather. The extraordinary Gulf Stream for example which keeps England and NE Europe from freezing.
Is it really a stream? At 9km/hr it is very fast, the fastest current outside a river. Ancient mariners would use thermometers to stay in the narrow stream and get a free ride home.
And “the current narrow (50-100 km wide), deep (to depths of 1.5 km) and fast” So it is a huge mile deep and pencil thin on a map, as little as 50km wide over a vast distance. 30 million tons a second of hot water.
But does it exist? In a sense no. No river or stream could force its way across the Atlantic against static water and keep it all together. This is not a river bounded by river banks. So it cannot be a river a mile deep.
It is a consequence of two vast circulating masses of water and at the boundary of both, one Clockwise and the other Counter clockwise, this amazingly deep and narrow and fast flow transports massive energy from the Caribbean to Europe.
It shows how we still analyse things in terms of what we understand, not the big picture of gigantic circulations of oceans stuffed with energy and the upwellings and downdraughts we know in the air, gigantic systems of which this is nothing more than a boundary effect.
If we could study and map the major ocean currents and their 3D circulations, we would truly be able to predict things like La Nina. At present all we have are observed cycles which can be used to repeat.
My belief is that if we mapped and understood the massive energy transport systems in the oceans, constrained as they are by the continents, we would have a better chance of understanding and predicting the weather than our silly ‘Climate Models’ which presumes the sun alone (and thus alleged CO2 reflection) are the biggest factors in the weather and climate on a scale of decades.
And we cannot look to Upper Atmosphere Scientists like the inventor of man made CO2 driven Global Warming aka Climate Change James Hansen who argued that the 900C atmosphere of Venus had lessons for our planet. Or in fact meteorologists who study atmospheric effects, not the root cause. And that is often a hot ocean, full of energy. La Nina and El Nino are names for ocean surface temperature phenomena, not explanations.
If we really want Climate models, they should concentrate on one subject, ocean transportation mechanisms of which the Gulf Stream itself is only an effect.
And I am amazed that people say this massive fast ocean moving at 9km/hr is wind driven! A mile deep? How? How would it even hold together pushing against stationary water at this speed? Again, this is likely people trying to explain the ocean in terms of the atmosphere. It needs to be the other way round.
What’s about Coriolis force ?
It’s not only wind forcing water to move. And there are thermic forces too.
Yes, that is the primary driving force of all air and ocean circulation. Gravity. It forces circulation. Not heat or wind. A bit like water going down a plughole forced into a spiral. I had taken this for granted.
It requires force to get motion and thermal forces are much smaller than for air as there is such a small change in density. So no force results.
Consider that is not true for the atmosphere as hot air can be half the density of cold air, and hot air balloons have nearly the same lift as hydrogen balloons. That thermal induced force explains the violent spirals like tornadoes and water spouts. For water 9km/hr in the Gulf stream is about as fast as it gets though, not the 250km/hr of hurricanes. But you still get small eddies and whirlpools where currents collide and there is momentum. You can also get large forces where currents are forced into small openings creating much higher speeds from conservation of momentum. The Gulf stream is not fast but 30 million tons a second at this speed results in huge force on any obstacle such as the West coast of Ireland.
Just to remember:
Gulf Stream safe if wind blows and Earth turns
Carl Wunsch, 2004
You can make water or anything else move only with force. The idea that wind forces water to move is silly. Just try moving water in a cup or pan with a hair dryer! You will be there a long time.
Now pick up the water and spin around. That is coriolis force as the water is fluid. And you will get dizzy for the same reason, the same goes for heating water. It can produce very slow vertical movement but that’s about all. You can also simulate gravity by moving quickly and the water goes the other way. That is conservation of momentum, trying to apply force to the water.
And the same Coriolis ‘force’ is responsible for the cyclones and anticyclones which typify the wind system except there you do get big thermal forces because air does vary much more in temperature and changes in density are far greater.
People like to blame water movement on the wind, but where is the force? The gulf stream is 1.5km deep and each 10 metres weighs as much as the entire atmosphere above. How does wind apply force to water? Waves on the surface move but they are oscillations which do not move the water at all. Even surfboard riders are just using gravity and vertical not horizontal water motion.
I have had personal experience of wind affecting water – I have observed water levels change in lakes and other bodies of water with wind changes . I one case I had a boat beached on the shore and a wind change to the opposite direction left it high and dry. It was temporary but surprising . Its all a matter of scale – cyclones and hurricanes have storm surges .
Did you mean England (British Isles) and NW Europe TdeF? I assumed that you did.
New Study: COVID Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Over Time
From Armstrong Economics –
“By now, we all know multiple people who have been tripe vaccinated but still caught the virus numerous times. CDC director Rochelle Walensky even came down with COVID last week despite following the “science.” Researchers with Moderna and Kaiser Permanente found that the effectiveness rate of three doses was over 50% after 150 days against a version of the Omicron variant. However, the study also found that the effectiveness of the vaccine turned NEGATIVE between 91 and 150 days, depending on the strain.
A negative vaccine reaction means it leaves the patient (victim) more susceptible to catching the illness. This is not the only study that found that COVID vaccine effectiveness turns negative within months. Moderna is attempting to brush this study under the rug, but now there is proof that the vaccines are, in fact, making people sick and lowering their natural immune responses.
If there were any legitimate health agencies left, they would immediately pull the COVID vaccines from the shelves. Instead, they continue to promote these deadly potions to the most vulnerable in our population.”
Australia stonewalls torture prevention inspection – UN
The United Nations torture prevention body has suspended its tour of Australian detention facilities, citing local authorities’ efforts to put roadblocks in its way, according to the organization’s statement released on Sunday.
The UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) noted that its delegation “has been prevented from visiting several places where people are detained” while lamenting “difficulties in carrying out a full visit at other locations.” Inspectors were not given all the information and documentation they had requested, the organization stated.
The SPT went on to accuse Australia of a “clear breach” of its obligations under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT), adding that the inspection, which kicked off on October 16 and was supposed to run until October 27, was “compromised to such an extent that they had no other option but to suspend it”.
Initially, the SPT sought to assess situation on the ground and “examine the existing protection measures against torture” and other cruel treatment.
The UN body stopped the inspection after earlier this week its delegation was denied entry to a facility in the city of Queanbeyan in the state of New South Wales, eastern Australia.
According to local media reports, Queensland, another Australian state, also blocked visits to mental health facilities, citing local health legislation.
Were they shown the “quarantine” camps?
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.
This Oracle Films production was created in collaboration with Mark Sharman; Former ITV and BSkyB Executive and News Uncut.
Are second opinions still legal?
First opinions have been historically marginalized..
I would like to acknowledge and honor first opinions and apologize for any past trespasses against them.
Peace Was Never an Option – Romanian Defense Minister Resigns
From Armstrong Economics –
“Romanian Defence [sic] Minister Vasile Dincu said during an interview that re-negotiating terms with Russia was the only way to end the war. He has been forced to resign due to these beliefs. Dincu took to Facebook to say he could no longer perform his job due to the “impossibility of cooperation with the Romanian president, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.”
“I think my withdrawal from the post is necessary so as to not harm decisions and programs which require fluid command chains and to not block a series of projects which are absolutely necessary for … the ministry and the army,” Dincu continued.
Calls have been growing for foreign leaders to urge Zelensky to talk to Putin to end the growing conflict. The powers that be want war and have already decided our fate. Zelensky signed a decree at the beginning of October to ensure this is a forever war – at least between Ukraine and Russia. Zelensky said that he would never negotiate terms with Putin. “Therefore, we are ready for a dialog with Russia, but with another president of Russia,” Zelensky said. Putin, however, has been willing to speak with Zelensky. “We will either wait for the current president to change his position or wait for the next president to change his position in the interests of the Ukrainian people,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.
What Zelensky does not realize is that Putin is a middle-of-the-road guy. The men wishing to secure his place will not be as lenient, which is something my sources have confirmed. Putin has held off on pressure to secure the Donbas by any means necessary. Although that sounds absurd, Zelensky would have a better time negotiating with Putin because others in the Kremlin want more than the Donbas.
Foreign leaders must stop supplying Ukraine with endless funds and military aid to avoid a forever war. Without Western help, Ukraine would have fallen earlier in the year. Others nations, who have nothing to gain but everything to lose by helping Ukraine, should push away from this globalist agenda to propel the world into ruin.”
It’s ridiculous, it seems no one who could make an effort to host negotiations is even trying. They all want a war, nuclear if possible.
The USA has sent 4700 troops to Romania, locating them near the Ukrainian border. Ukraine has told its people outside Ukraine not to coma back because there is not enough electricity. People still think the Ukrainian government is wonderful and democratic..
Meanwhile, regardless of who is “responsible”, people are dying needlessly, both civilians and soldiers.
“The USA has sent 4700 troops to Romania”
That’s their elite 101st Airborne, and the clown talking it up in the USA said they joined 100,000 troops already in Europe. So the Yanks have more troops there than Russia had to invade Ukraine with, AND it also shows that when they conquered Europe in 1944 they never left. No wonder Europe does what its told.
I didn’t realise the numbers were so high already, but most of those people would be support staff needed to field a fighting force. Not trying to defend/justify any military action, but I think Russia has been relatively restrained, given that they are effectively already fighting NATO.
Far too restrained- He should have destroyed every bridge and crossing on the Dniper River and just cut off 1/3 of Ukraine, North to South. No trains or trucks to cross, then he would have had only that 1/3 of Ukraine to worry about and no NATO weapons. It would have chopped about 1/3 of Kiev off too..
Its always easy in hindsight, but I’m sure he never realised just how much opposition America would put up once they had him in their trap. Its also largely broken the American economy and Ukraine certainly doesn’t have any functional economy at all. If Russia can pull the Saudis into the BRICS, the American debt might become very real and the Ukraine war quite inconsequential.
“What Zelensky does not realize is that Putin is a middle-of-the-road guy. The men wishing to secure his place will not be as lenient, which is something my sources have confirmed. Putin has held off on pressure to secure the Donbas by any means necessary. Although that sounds absurd, Zelensky would have a better time negotiating with Putin because others in the Kremlin want more than the Donbas.”
If that’s an accurate analysis, then a negotiated peace and surrender of the Donbas would only buy time, because Putin won’t be in charge for much longer (ten yrs max?) and his successor will just invade the Ukraine again. Only defeating Russia entirely will ‘fix’ the problem.
I got 5 reds for saying that in #21. None had enough confidence in their convictions to say why they disagreed.
Latest issue of The Lightpaper now out.
The sheep are in the holding yard waiting to be drenched or shorn. The stakes are high and we remain ignorant.
Anybody else looked at the Bunch of Muppets (BoM) isobaric forecast for Australia this weekend? That’s one YUGE double-whammy low forming over the south-east: moist tropical, meet cold air, above your alpine region / hills.
From Friday 28 Oct to Tue 1 Nov, the snow symbol (❄️) appears on BoM’s alpine catastrophic warming (ie. freezing) page five times. Five days and nights of freezing & snowing for Halloween and the 1st of November, brrrrrrr, spring?
Accuracy: plus or minus 50%.
The Bureau of Misinformation predicted heavy rain out my way.
An night long medium shower was the reality with rainfall 1/6th of their forecast.
They need to change the tea leaves in the cup.
Australia is really doing the heavy lifting as far as lowering sea level. There is a good deal of ocean distributed across Australia at the moment. And more to come.
I am glad I live 30m above sea level on inclined land with good run-off.
Not so good for many farmers and graziers.
I am hoping my stone fruit avoids the rot this year – so far so good.
We had some unseasonal rain today, a thunderstorm with much sturm and drang. It was unusual because the dog which thinks the sun shines out of Mrs H’s bum and his default is to ignore me, spent time under my desk before actually joining me on the chair. Maybe I am his alpha after all and the Lady his Matriarch.
OK: Why should my dog’s opinion matter? 🙂
‘World’s dirtiest man’ dead at 94 ‘not long after’ taking bath for first time in decades
An Iranian man dubbed the “world’s dirtiest man” has died at the age of 94, according to state media.
Amou Haji died Sunday in the village of Dezhgah, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). He had refused to bathe for more than 60 years, fearing it would make him sick.
He gained notoriety around the globe for his unofficial title as “world’s dirtiest man,” and his life was even chronicled in a 2013 documentary called “The Strange Life of Amou Haji.”
Takes a bath. Dies.
There you go – dirt is good for you!
People struck by Canada’s mysterious brain disorder say they can’t walk, talk, or write the letter ‘Q’
Dozens of New Brunswick residents have been struck with mysterious symptoms that point to a degenerative brain disorder, and authorities still don’t have an explanation for the debilitating illness.
A report leaked in March 2021 noted a cluster of cases of what looked like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: spasms, memory loss, hallucinations, and severe weight loss as the condition keeps people from being active.
At the time, 48 cases had been identified, with symptoms starting between 2013 and 2020. However, a separate whistleblower from one of New Brunswick’s health authorities told the Guardian that the mysterious illness had affected close to 150 by January 2022, and that many of those who got sick were young, previously healthy adults.
Ooohhh…something new…
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Fighting Back Against WEF
From Armstrong Economics –
“This is big news. Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is the first government leader to apologize for vaccine mandates. Taking it a step further, she directly criticizes the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Schwab; she has “no interest in being involved with them.” During her first day in office, Smith immediately apologized for the vaccine mandates. She is offering to rehire any government worker who lost their job due to their vaccine status.
“We are not QR codes,” Smith once said, adding that she wants to “purge” Canada’s QR database. She called out Alberta Health Services (AHS) for creating problems by colluding with the WEF. “They signed some kind of partnership with the World Economic Forum right in the middle of the pandemic; we’ve gotta [sic] address that. Why in the world do we have anything to do with the World Economic Forum? That’s got to end,” Smith said. Great question, Danielle.
She plans to look into amnesty for outstanding COVID-related fines. “The system, my friends, is broken,” she said. “Most of those managing AHS today are holdovers from the NDP years. They have had their chance to fix this bloated system and they have largely failed on almost all accounts. Failure is no longer an option.”
Remember when Schwab boasted about infiltrating world governments with various Young Global Leaders, such as Trudeau? She publicly said that it is “distasteful” and “offensive” when billionaires brag about how much control they have over governments. Yes, this is a direct shot at Schwab. She is the first government leader to openly question why we have allowed the WEF to infiltrate governments and control policies. We need more leaders like Danielle Smith who are willing to acknowledge the growing power that Schwab and his minions have in shaping the global society. Better yet, we should question why they were handed power in the first place.”
“Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith found dead after car accident…” News Nov 24th 2022
If something sensible like this was going to happen in any Canadian province, it would be Alberta.
The Government claims the cost of living has increased 7.3% in the last year prior to September.
I don’t believe that for a moment.
The real cost has gone up much more than that.
And the Federal Budget forecasts of inflation in years 2, 3 and 4 are way too optimistic – Very much on the very low side. Supply side inflation is here for many years to come IMHO.
Soon you won’t be allowed to go more than 15 minutes from your home. This is the new trick up the technocrats’ sleeve. I can see Dan Andrews, for one, itching to implement it and fine offenders.
Welcome to the future.
That’s a disgrace, but definitely what the Left wants for non-Elites.
Oxford was once the worldwide centre of learning.
Now it’s the centre of unlearning.
What would Oxonians like Adam Smith, Sir Walter Raleigh and John Locke think?
Huh ! great: I’ll NEVER get out the Glen then: Oh, run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party .. and as for the Conserv -a tits ? Rishing into stopping fracking. ANother City Plonker. The more we see, and all so quickly, the more we feel inclined to agree with the notion that it was ALL a Global Stitchup, AGAIN.
This must be the working model for Daniel Andrews off shore wind powerhouse multi billion dollar thought bubble.
The ABC’s 7:30 report is at it again, interviewing WA Premier Mark McGowan on his states 15% natural gas reservation policy for domestic use.
Hah…that’s nothing. NSW, Vic and SA have a near 100% reservation policy. There’s only one catch – it’s still in the ground and you are not allowed to recover it!
SA isn’t the best example here. Fracture stimulation isn’t banned, nor is gas exploration and development. Santos has 5 rigs drilling continuously in the Cooper/eromanga basins (SA and QLD). Beach Energy has another handful of rigs doing the same.
Thanks JM for the good news – all may well be not lost for SA and maybe some Gov’t sanity prevails. Maybe they have had a look at what is happening in NSW and Vic grid generation and come to the conclusion that an interconnector is just not going to solve their problems.
I also note that the SA Govt appears to be supporting Leigh Creek Energy with their syngas project:
Apologies – the LCK venture is dead in the water – replaced by the NEURIZER UREA PROJECT
From my Drives & Controls Mag. Danf*** Advert “The greenest energy is the energy we don’t use” …… well, no’ using energy, no’ doing much and can’t always afford to purchase new ( always needs UPGRADES) technology, I can’t be doing very much. Every Gallon of diesel I burn culivates a multiple of acres cultivated or harvested to generate , not just MY income, but YOUR food. – which is what it’s all about, n’est pas ?
I always wonder what happen between the ears of that bunch of as*ho*es that’s happy about the energy crisis because of climate protection.
Rishi nobbles any remaining fracking hopes.
Sadly, it’s not surprising.
The passion to ban just anything is not limited to “progressives”.
Thus greatly increasing the probability of future total energy supply collapse. !
They do it to themselves.. for a warped, twisted anti-science ideology. !
Net zero…… -> no energy -> no civilisation -> no existence
Here’s a statistic.
Between 1 and 2% of the entire male adult Albanian population has crossed the English Channel into the UK this year.
38,000 people altogether so far.
I had no idea that things were so bad in Albania.
Wanting to leave a cold hungry desparate place for the UK. I presume they weren’t welcome in Italy or France.
Anywhere with welfare is better than a country without it.
Here is a different number. It is still high
btw- just to put in a plug for Albania. It is a great place to visit and there is no visible reason to leave.
“Here is a different number.”
No, its the same number from Albania.
You are mis-comprehending, again.. The 38,000 is the total number of arrivals.
The general public is becoming aware that the RNA vaccine are causing deaths, permanent injuries, and do not protect against Omicron which is as deadly as the flu.
A NY Judge has ruled the NY public employee vaccination mandates and employee terminations were capricious, had no scientific basis, and violated the rights of the employees under New York state law.
“NY STRIKES DOWN Vax Mandate For Municipal Workers, Orders BACK PAY And Reinstatement For Those Fired”
“BREAKING NEWS: NY Judge Orders Unvaccinated Employees Be REINSTATED with BACKPAY”
US Demoncrat Pennslyvania candidate John Fetterman makes no sense in debate with Mehmet Oz.
It’s not his fault he’s had a stroke but surely the ability to communicate is a basic qualification for the job.
Or are the Demoncrats so confident about winning via election fraud that they don’t care?
The leftist virtue-seekers will vote for him because he has had a stroke. !
It is the “woke” thing to do.
Interview with a man who has been on a carnivore diet (nearly all meat) for his life from 14-54yrs.
He is in excellent health with no known problems.
He has none of the problems associated with excessive carbs and highly processed vegetable oils and reduced meat and animal fats from the revised food pyramid from the USDA 1992 and beyond and adopted throughout the Western World.
Sounds like a bargain!
$US3.8 Trillion of investment in the ‘Unreliables’ only moved Fossil Fuels from 82% to just 81% in 10 years!
“Sabotage Again Suspected As More European Internet Cables Cut”
In Case you missed it.