A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is there a link to the video of the proceedings of Tuesday night’s debate at the Belmont RSL?
Western Civilisation was approaching the highest level of civilisation the world has ever seen. Wonderful things were before us and yet to happen. And now it is all being systematically destroyed.
Many arts and crafts are also being destroyed.
Glass blowing companies are shutting down in the EU
Artisan bakeries over 400 years old, that have survived many harsh periods in the past, world wars, revolutions, you name it.. are also closing down..
Countries are destroying themselves… UK, EU, USA, Australia…
They are destroying the future prosperity of their countries..
Their children and grandchildren will have a much harder existence than we have been industrious enough to build for them.
Those futures are looking more and more bleak.
All because of an idiotic anti-science cult religion of CO2 hatred. !
We may have missed the true message in the Great Pyramids.
Hint … it’s not about how to throw an impressive funeral.
(Little historical reminder, when Cleopatra was Queen of Egypt, the Pyramids where nearly 2500 years old.)
Have we built anything that will stand that long?
The only proven record survival technique is Cuneiform. I can no longer listen to my vinyl record collection.
‘Was’ approaching? I think we were at the absolute peak of civilisation. Our ancestors could only have rubbed their eyes in envy at our wealth, health, longevity, travel, civil rights, our homes, jobs etc. We lived better even than the wealthiest kings and Emperors through the ages, who couldn’t rely on things we take for granted like flushing toilets, electricity, warmth, cars, food from all over the world.
We seem to be deliberately jumping over the cliffs under the no doubt astonished eyes of the Chinese.
Better hope that civilisation is being carried on a twin steer axle truck with a driver like this one
Western Civilisation was approaching the highest level of civilisation the world has ever seen. Wonderful things were before us and yet to happen. And now it is all being systematically destroyed.
Summed up in one Cartoon
Sounds like a bargain!
What a coincidence, same target as the ALP.
Plus the 81% is of a lot more energy than the 82% (thanks to China, India, etc.) so much bigger.
Pfizer Price Hike
From Armstrong Economics –
“Our computer indicated that Pfizer was heading down. They’ve already convinced or coerced everyone eligible to take the vaccines. Those who have held out are unlikely ever to accept the vaccine at this point. Only 5% of those eligible in the US received a booster shot as skepticism is rising. Numerous studies have revealed the hidden dangers of the vaccine. Transmission and infection are still possible with the vaccination, eliminating the intended purpose. A Pfizer representative recently admitted that they never even tested the potion for transmission. Worse, new studies determined that the vaccine produces a negative effect and makes people more susceptible to COVID. There is no medical basis for taking them.
Still, there are those who will line up to receive another booster. To compensate for the lack of willing participants, Pfizer announced plans to quadruple the price of its COVID vaccine. Pfizer will now charge around $110 to $130 per dose, and this comes at a cost to governments who are willingly paying to distribute the poison to the public. The US government helped Pfizer create the vaccine under Operation Warpspeed by providing them with billions in funding.
“We are confident that the U.S. price point of the COVID-19 vaccine reflects its overall cost effectiveness and ensures the price will not be a barrier for access for patients,” Pfizer executive Angela Lukin said. The US was previously paying around $30 per jab. Coincidentally, once the COVID emergency order ends, private insurance companies will be forced to pay the increased price for a faulty product. Lukin believes the private sector will not take over the bill until Q1 2023 “at the earliest.” It will be interesting to see if insurance companies are willing to eat the cost of the vaccine. More than likely, they will expect some incentive from doing so, or Pfizer and others will offer some rebate program funded by the government that continues to support this agenda.”
Not mentioned: To encourage willing participants, Pfizer called their product a vaccine.
And how do you get around claims of false advertising by calling it a “vaccine”?
You just change the definition of vaccination as the CDC did in September 2021.
It used to be:
“The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
Then it became:
“The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection to a specific disease.”
Vaccination no longer offers “immunity” but supposed “protection”.
Pfizzer at it again
Yes Mike and then they had to convince the medical authorities to change the very definition of the word ‘vaccine’ in an attempt to prolong participation by the herd.
Remember a few short weeks, or ages, ago when POTUS accused the E-vil oil and gas corporations of price gouging?
He(It) will say nothing about Pharma.
And the Press will not ask.
(Of course the public only complains about the money they directly pay at the pump or in their electric bill. The Sheeple have been convinced that government services are FREE.
Curiously, I noticed the sidewalk placard outside my local chain Pharmacy “Get your FREE COVID and Flu shot”*. Right next to the homeless addict asleep on the sidewalk.
Of all the medical walk-in services that government could provide for ‘FREE’ to improve ‘public health’… just proves it ain’t about ‘public health’.)
*In my Blue US State, pregnancy termination, just any ol’ time, will very soon be FREE … to both women and other.
Seem to recall some grizzled, hardened men saying, “freedom is not free”.
We need to reconsider John Wayne movies.
Davos in the Desert
From Armstrong Economics –
“Some of the biggest players have gathered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the annual Future Investment Initiative (FII). The conference is often referred to as “Davos in the Desert,” as they are competing with the World Economic Forum to be the largest economic conference of the year. Washington’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is at a standstill, but that is not preventing Wall Street’s chief names from attending.
“American companies will make their own decisions about their presence and where to invest, taking into account a range of factors including legal constraints, the business environment, and reputational concerns that can arise from public policy choices made by host countries,” said Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary.
Former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who both run private funds backed by the Saudis, were in attendance. JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon and Goldman’s David Solomon spoke at the event along with Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman and investor Ray Dalio. FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried also spoke at the event. No one associated with the Biden Administration was in attendance as Washington is re-evaluating its relationship with Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia’s economy is rapidly growing. The event is Prince Mohammed’s opportunity to show that the kingdom is ready to be seen as a financial powerhouse beyond its energy sector. The private sector is making it known that they are willing to invest in Saudi Arabia despite Washington’s reluctance.”
Geert vanden Bossche Warns Of Catastrophe Within Months Driven By ‘The Vaccinated’
The short version is this: He predicts a vicious wave of covid-19, with cases already rising in parts of Europe. The coming re-emergence of SARS-CoV-2 will escalate quickly, he contends, and make all other waves pale in comparison. It will, he believes, be driven by the vaccinated, or more accurately, by the misdirected and scientifically dubious policy of repeated mass vaccination.
Vanden Bossche has long asserted that the global covid vaccination program, unprecedented in human history, would put enormous pressure on the virus to mutate; his warning has repeatedly been proven true. While the unvaccinated gained long-lasting, adaptable natural immunity from covid infection, the vaccinated harbor a confused and mostly unhelpful array of old-variant anti-spike antibodies; Vanden Bossche believes these so complicate the immune response that more serious disease from new variants will result. In the vaccinated, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, he predicts, will imminently turn a corner from more contagious to more virulent.
“The losses will be huge,” Vanden Bossche, dressed in a scarf and light jacket, told me across a table in a sunny outdoor café. Hospitals will be overwhelmed, he believes. Stability will be shaken. He has told his 20-something children (two daughters and a son), to prepare for this, even though he and his family are unvaccinated. “Literally there is no immunity, no single protection left for the vaccinated,” he said.
Wouldn’t surprise me in the least given what we’re seeing already.
‘Danger Signal’: Leaked Hospital Email Reports Increase in Stillbirths, COVID-19 Vaccine Suspected
An email recently shared with The Epoch Times that was sent out to the healthcare staff of a hospital system in Fresno, California, reported an increase in “demise patients,” or stillbirths, that is expected to continue, according to the email.
“There were 22 demise patients in August [2022], which ties the record number of demises in July 2021, and so far in September there have been 7 and it’s only the 8th day of the month,” a managing nurse wrote.
The managing nurse went on to write that she hopes the “trend doesn’t continue indefinitely.”
“I know of a few more that are scheduled to deliver in the week ahead, so unfortunately the process is going to be very familiar with all of you,” the managing nurse said.
The staff member who leaked the email told The Epoch Times that since the rollout of the vaccines, the fetal death (stillbirth rate) has skyrocketed from its pre-COVID-19 vaccine average of one to two every three months in her hospital alone.
The COVID vaccines are adversely affecting women’s reproductive health
Here are the graphs showing a huge effect. But the COVID vaccines are underreported compared to previous vaccines so the discrepancy here may be 5.4X larger than they appear.
The single VAERS category with the most elevated events in the COVID vaccines has always been women’s reproductive issues.
In this article, we show that vaccines in the past which caused significantly lower adverse events were stopped.
Why aren’t the COVID vaccines stopped? It’s because the CDC doesn’t disclose the safety issues to the public.
Could there be another source of these effects? No, because they are correlated to the vaccination (read the case reports).
Women will be furious when they eventually learn the truth about what the medical community and CDC have done to them.
Unfortunately, I think this will take many years.
Now for all those vaxxed career women who think they can conceive down the track…
For information: Labor are funding the YES case for the Voice Referendum but no funding for the NO case. In addition to direct funding they have directed extra funding via Indigenous organisations and are appointing an “Ambassador” for the Voice.
What happened to our democracy?
SBS recently discussed Indigenous community concerns about the too obviously suspect increase of Australians who claim to be Indigenous ancestry, now 800,000 at the last Census, but the community believes at least 300,000 are not entitled to be recognised as Indigenous people. They also pointed out that too many masquerading as Indigenous have secured public service employment based on their claim.
Bruce Pascoe apparently supports the community concerns and he identifies as Indigenous but when questioned he was unable to provide verification of his ancestry and claim.
According to journalist Andrew Bolt (Bolt Report on Sky News) Bruce Pascoe has not Indigenous ancestor and has invited him to appear on Bolt Report a number of times without success. Bolt has pointed out that during his own research he has received comments from a number of Indigenous Australians who doubt Pascoe is a descendant of an Australian Aborigine.
A few decades after the 1967 referendum, based on what I had observed then, the National Library generously helped me find historical documents for Yes and No cases.
The Fed Govt produced next to no case for NO.
There was about one formal document found, which had IIRC about 3 brief paragraphs of garbled comment half concealed in a lot of other hardly relevant text.
I have not been able to find any legal requirement for a government in power to be conscientious or fair or apolitical and give equal weight to YES and NO arguments.
There might be some requirement, it is just that I could not find it.
Based on too much involvement in ab affairs over the years, there is absolutely no way I can recommend a Yes to the concept of The Voice or the Cry from the Empty Carton. It would be nice if anyone could mount an effective NO case publicity. We are being fed a pack of lies under YES. They can cause poor outcomes for the good fellas if through ignorance they get tarred with the same brush as the greedy, despicable few baddies going for the big grab.
Geoff S
If this referendum succeeds this country will be ungovernable. All sorts of claims will be made based on victimhood and hurt feelings. Me, I’m 68 and have done my bit for state and country but I am getting to the stage where I don’t give a hoot. By the way I have never had my hand out for government help and pay my own way. Curse those mendicants who believe that everyone owes them something.
This blog loves posts with unsupported claims.
[ Pot. Kettle. Black. Proof? – LVA]
Irony to be sure.[ED]
Gee Aye, and we can see how grateful you are for Australians who have supported the nation their whole lives. If only Glen was a parasite expecting handouts, then you could praise him, right?
As I keep saying, look to NZ for the outcomes to this crap! How do you think we ended up with the mess of MMP? It was exactly the tactics mentioned here, the Govt decided beforehand which option gave the politicians the most money and power, and that was what was pushed by massive Govt advertising. The plebiscites were just a joke, and if the outcome was in doubt I’m sure the “Democrat v Trump” option would have been used.
Following the voice rubbish will be calls for them to be given the power of veto over legislation, so their un-elected committees will have power over the politicians you elected, and finally it will be the push for co-governance, where they control 50% of the votes in Parliament. In parallel they will be demanding full control of National Parks, all Govt land, all water from the sky to the sea, and the coastline to 12km out.
This will get rammed through, its part of WEF’s agenda in all countries.
New Zealand No More? Far-Left Political Party Seeks To “Decolonize” Country’s Name
The radical left has embarked on global campaigns around the world to cancel prominent historical figures and places in the name of “racial justice” and political correctness. Now they have their sights on cancelling an entire country.
The Māori Party of New Zealand presented a petition of 70,000 names before New Zealand’s Parliament to not only officially change the country’s name to Aotearoa, but to also “restore the original Māori names for all towns, cities, and places right across the country” by 2026. This not only means the name New Zealand will be erased but also the nation’s entire identity with famous cities such as Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, and Queenstown no longer in existence.
Just call it Klausland and be done with it.
The NZ people elected a self-confessed communist PM who is evil enough to do that. I have no doubt that it will happen.
I wonder what they’ll rename places for which there was no Maori settlement?
And what recognition will there be of the red headed race of people who pre-dated the Maori?
SEE video:
Umm..what was the abo name for Victoria? or Melbourne? If there wasn’t one it will be made up quickly, just like Aoteroa was. Coming to a debate near you soon!
Australia: Another healthcare company reveals it was hit by a cyber attack — eight months ago
Pathology company Australian Clinical Labs has revealed it was hit by a cyber attack eight months ago, with the data of 223,000 people accessed and some of it posted to the dark web.
Pathology company ACL says the cyber attack on its subsidiary Medlab happened back in February
It says more than 200,000 people’s data was accessed and some was posted to the dark web
Hacked information included Medicare details, credit cards and pathology results
The company revealed the situation in a lengthy statement to the ASX this morning, just one day after the full extent of the hacking crisis at Medibank was unearthed.
ACL said the breach affected its subsidiary Medlab, and the data of about 223,000 people, including staff and patients, was accessed.
It said the most concerning breaches included:
17,539 individual medical and health records associated with a pathology test
28,286 credit card numbers and individuals’ names. Of these records, 15,724 have expired and 3,375 had a CVV code attached
128,608 Medicare numbers (not copies of cards) and an individual’s name attached
Medibank is hit by ANOTHER damning blow as it’s revealed the private health insurer had ZERO cyber insurance – while the security breach causes its stock price to plummet.
Medibank faces costs of up to $30million after it was revealed it had no insurance to protect itself from a cyber attack that affected almost four million customers.
The private health insurer’s market value plummeted by around $1.7billion on Wednesday as Russian hackers threatened to expose the health records and other sensitive data of millions of Australians.
The hackers claim to have stolen 200 gigabytes of data and have shown some proof, including medical records.
Federal Cyber Security Minister Clare O’Neil said, ‘The latest advice from Medibank is deeply concerning … the government recognises that this incident is very stressful for affected Australians.’
Who’s next? The ATO?
The current wave of “Cyber Failures”could be equated to an infectious disease.In that scenario there is a concerted effort to find a “common factor” ,or, a point at which all the victims history converges, In the case of Australian cyber details ,there is ONE totally unavoidable point of commonality, a point which ALL our digital information is compelled navigate through on the way to its final destination.There is no need to hack into all the myriads of entities using the digital world. All you have to is access ONE system, the NBN system, and EVERY digital event is yours for the taking. Simples!!!! Cue the need for a “Trusted Digital Identity” system from our benevolent and caring Government to protect us.
“Cue the need for a “Trusted Digital Identity” system “… to make sure the hackers can get EVERYTHING at that one store. Not that a Govt would ever tell you it had happened, there would be all sorts of other reasons your identity was stolen, just like strange numbers of heart attacks these days.
I would never believe a database of all your private details would ever be secure, or even just above being abused. The cops have proved that time and time again.
Totally agree.From the first law of” Hacker Politics” Never ignore any opportunity to take advantage of any opportunity .
Thursday entertainment
What does 2 Petabytes (2,000 Terabytes) of HDD storage look like?
Drool, drool..
Brand new car and hit the world’s biggest pothole
Interesting water drip in a glass bottle
“What does 2 Petabytes (2,000 Terabytes) of HDD storage look like?”
“Installing Windows 36 please do not turn off your machine.”
“Error- lack of memory for operating system. Please add 50terabytes”
Paypal just put the $2,500 fine back into its terms of service once the publicity died down
After an online backlash they pulled the language from their update. They called it a mistake, but it was a very specific mistake not an errant comma or language that was placed into the wrong section of the terms.
Then they waited two weeks for the attention to die down. And now they’ve put the policy back into the terms. The Paypal t&c’s now specify a $2500 fine per instance of violating their acceptable use policy, including transactions which in their sole opinion promote intolerance. Intolerance isn’t defined, and could be considered anything Paypal says it is.
Since when does a financial institution have a right to fine people for their opinions?
I just hope someone comes up with an alternative payment system.
They have that right just as soon as you agree to the T&C and their right to alter said T&C in the future…
Ahh, no.
Everything in a T&C is subject to the laws as promulgated by the Australian and state governments.
Any clause, statement, order, condition, charge that violates a state or federal law is null and void.
Thanks John! Sigh. And was there a start date on that?
I’m also very keen to hear about alternatives…
Tom Fitton
ALERT: Not only has
instituted $2500 fine for “misleading” information, etc it says it can hold ALL the money in your accounts for up to six months “if reasonably needed to protect against the risk of liability or if you have violated our Acceptable Use Policy.”
Watch out for a false flag swindle.
All these groups confessing to ransom demands, under the swindle, refuse to pay. Next, one way or another, the private personal details start to appear in public. Then, out comes the old call for a new, compulsory, personal ID card for every citizen, controlled by the Department of Deletion of Freedoms. The card will, of course, be sold as impregnable, using world best cybersecurity, totally unable to be hacked, so nothing to fear, gentle people. Geoff S
Two new pre-prints (Columbia U & Beth Israel Deaconess) show no additional neutralizing antibody levels from the BA4/5 booster relative to the original vax. Maybe the FDA should have asked for human data before approving?
“Don’t worry … they’ll probably test the 6th jab on 3 worms and a cricket to make sure it’s safe before it’s approved.” – Catturd
“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
– Catturd
Sums it up!
As distinct from the Military where if it moves, salute it, if it doesn’t, paint it.
Men are such bast@rds
All depends on how much control you have eh!
I have been chasing up Hydro in Tibet. (and trust me, this is just so damned interesting)
I started it back in 2014, and all I had was a numerous number of search engines and word salad to enter into those search engines.
And I also had Google Earth Pro, and even though that wonderful program is one I have had since 1996 (and now Google Pro) I have learned more about it in the last ten days than in the last 26 years.
There’s something ‘hinky’ going on in Tibet, and it made me want to investigate Google Earth itself.
Some images of the land in that area are only as current as 2003, and while the images show wilderness, they are overlaid with streets, roads, and icons of place names that bear no resemblance to the wilderness. In other words, the land image is 2003, and the street overlay is way more recent than that. Then, there’s pixelated areas of that land image. (you know, similar to umm, Pine Gap)
So I went and checked somewhere else. An image from Beijing is dated 2014. An image from Manhattan is dated ….. last week. Some images in Tibet are dated 2017, and some, barely kilometres away are dated 2021, and some of them a little way upriver are only dated 2014, overlaid with street images way more recent than that.
It’s the weirdest thing I have seen, almost as if, dare I even say it, there might be something to hide.
And the whole point here is this.
I would have ABSOLUTELY no idea of anything untoward at all ….. unless I had been checking it out for these last eight years on a six Monthly basis.
You go there now and look at an image and say, yep that’s okay. However, knowing all the different things to actually look at with regard to that image shown on the screen, then you can see there is something going on here that is not quite right.
I didn’t want to say anything, for fear of looking a little foolish, but the more I look, the more ‘hinky’ the whole thing is.
Truly weird, and that’s a lot for me to admit.
Yep, I have noted strange fiddles also. One recent example:
Remember those US rockets fired from eastern Arnhem Land?
Brought by barge from Gulf of Carpentaria, but no sign of canals on imagery. No sign of the construction site either. Late and Longs given to one decimal place, showing nothingness. Little obfuscations around that exercise before the launch.
Second example. Try using BOM Late Longs to locate Palmerville, an ACORN-SAT station, on GE Pro. Geoff S
Simpsons nail it again , this time on renewables .
I have seen a few of Dictator Dan Andrews election ads for Vicdanistan, Australia.
They appear to be aimed at an audience with a mental age of about six, which would be about your average Labor Party / Green voter.
Aged 6 with an attitude.
from one thing to another this morning on youtube update on “handles” …. found Fintan Dunne talking about TORIES BUILD BACK BETTER COUP which intrigued me in his later content “It’s no surprise many Brits would prefer a China-style ‘dictatorship’ to the current chaos” and an article in TheTImes, all courtesy of Now where did I hear that before? – that we needed a Benevolent dictator, rather than a Democratic party system as we have now ( NOT ). Do I still want to feed those chumps in London. I believe our local SPecialist butcher no longer wants to deliver steaks to London, rather keep them here for the LOCALS under these difficult times. looking after the HOME market.
A sight for sore eyes.
Now that’s what I call progress.
Milton Friedman on Donahue – 1979
AGENDA 2030: Fines for driving out of your ’15 minute neighbourhood’ coming in the UK
‘Walk’, I thought it was driving. ??
this is similar to the Vic police scanning traffic for people out of their 5klm – 15klm range during the scamdemic then handing out huge fines,
IMHO it is part of the globalist AGENDA 2030
Millions of Women Are REJECTING Sex With Vaccinated Men To Protect Themselves From Spike Protein Bioweapons
Millions of informed unvaccinated single women are avoiding single men who got the mRNA jab in order to avoid the “shedding” of jab spike proteins through physical contact.
According to reports, unjabbed women who have educated themselves on the dangers of the jab are repulsed at the idea of having sex with “fully vaccinated” men.
To be fair, unvaccinated men face the very same thing with “fully vaccinated” women, many of whom militantly support the jabs and look down on men who just said no to experimental drugs from the government and Big Pharma.
It is an act of self-preservation by both men and women who skipped the jab(s) to avoid other men and women who opted to take the shots and who are now shedding spike proteins and who knows what else on others.
Thereby letting the UNvaxxed target themselves and still further destroying normal relationships and procreation. Won’t “Brussels Kraut” Schwab be happy.
Now – PROVE you’re not vaxxed…
I call BS on that .
I cannot imagine any childbearing age woman or male (15-40 ?) seriously considering the future birth capability when presented with a live chance of getting their rocks off with a attractive proposition !
How many people bothered to ask their hot dates if they had been tested for Aids when it was rampant and potentially life ending ?
10 years ago oil was about the same as it is now – yet pump prices were $1:50 compared to $2:30 now. what the hell has happened?
The best attempt at an explanation i have heard is this…
..there is no significant shortage of crude oil,..hence that headline “oil price” is pretty stable.
..since biden took office in 2020, he has dramatically reversed energy policies and stated the USAs commitment to Net zero and the eliminarion of FFuels. By 2035
As a result major oil refiners have stopped or dramatically reduced investments in new facilities and maintenance, repairs etc.
Hence REFINING CAPACITY is steadily reducing whilst the demand for fuels and oil products is still actually increasing .
The “Market” and (greed) then takes over to force prices up on all oil products giving those oil companies the huge profits we no hear of.
ABS Has Released Provisional Mortality Statistics as of 31 July 2022. Australia’s Excess Deaths for 2022 Stand at 17.3% Above Baseline. Excess death rates are increasing in younger ages and in women.
The sustained pattern of excess deaths is continuing in Australia. Add to this the worrying trend of increasing excess deaths in younger age-groups. 16,375 Australian’s lost prematurely in 2022!
The excess deaths that started in August of 2021 have continued without relief. There were 111,008 deaths for 2022 up to July 31, registered by 30 September 2022, which is 16,375 (17.3%) higher than historical levels.
Blame ANYTHING but the vaxx…
A brilliant summation, imo, of the status quo in much of the Wests politics … J.B.Shurk at American Thinker
“At some point, Westerners might have to wake up to the uncomfortable reality that their leaders not only do not have their best interests at heart, but also do not care in the slightest what the people’s interests actually are. Power and control are their game. Wealth and finding ways to maintain that wealth at the people’s expense are their drug of choice. People…well, they are nothing more than pawns to be sacrificed at will. After all, there are entirely too many of those for the World Economic Forum’s global oligarchy to tolerate on Planet Earth much longer. They will submit, remain quiet, or go.”
Thanks Gerry…stating the Bleedin ‘Obvious. Duhhh!!
‘Wealth and finding ways to maintain that wealth at the people’s expense are their drug of choice.’
Karl said something like that in his Manifesto
Autopsy found Pfizer vaccine spike protein in the brain and the heart, but no virus spike protein was found.
immunohistochemistry technique was used.
Vaccine damaged in Australia
Guest essay by Internationally renowned DJ, composer, and songwriter Tyson Illingworth
Ouch- paralysed and hospitalised by the first dose, but still didn’t learn-
“Before I was released from hospital the neurologist strongly advised me to get a second vaccine and said, “if you don’t get the second one, the first will be redundant.” I acted on the neurologist’s advice and ended up taking the second vaccine only a month after my first one, in hindsight I cannot believe I listened to her as I have always thought of myself as a critical thinker and instead, I took advice from a doctor who had no regard for my personal situation, she refused to listen to me and has been disingenuous.”
..and was rushed back to hospital where the staff couldn’t give a shite…
I can only hope this goes viral to as many young people as possible. It may be too late to change their choices, but just having the conversation would be very good.
“I had 5 different doctors confirm that my condition was caused by the vaccine, and they all said they cannot go on record.”
I’m starting to become more curious about the debate on Tuesday and the lack of any links or even a lousy written summation of the main points from either side etc.
Why is everyone so shy to even point out where the other side was wrong and why not provide a transcript at least?
A couple of months ago the Koonin, Dessler debate was quickly linked on Youtube and Dr Koonin was declared the winner immediately.
So what’s the problem and what’s the point if only about 100 people in attendance have a clue?
AGAIN here’s the link to the Dr Koonin, Dessler debate and this was available within a few hours.
And Dr Koonin was declared the winner after an audience vote at the end of the video.
BTW Dr Koonin also received an apology from Dessler for the clueless comments made against him from some of the lefty extremists.
Im with you on this Neville..
Deafening silence, even on this blog..
Someone must have a recording , link, key points ?
Or was it aa total noshow, with everyone retiring to thee pub ?
What is going on Jo ?
Patience guys! Jo’s just teasing us. And she’s a busy lady. It’s coming.
Chad, sorry, I suspect the organiser of the debate has gone away for a few days. I’ve been expecting his reply any hour. I’ll try another method…
Or perhaps they are editing the long debate to make it easier to watch. That would be a good thing, with only one microphone and found people on the panel, it was a bit slow switching from speaker to speaker, especially during the questions from the crowd.
The news is that internet connection problems defeated the live stream on the night, and they are still editing the separate parts of the audio and video and will let us know when it is ready.
Thanks for your reply Jo and I just hope the editing is fair and balanced.
We’ll just have to wait and see.
Yes, Thanks Jo,
Good to know it was not all lost.
Wake up world!
You are being fooled by the false claims about so-called “radiative forcing” which all boil down to saying the Second Law of Thermodynamics is not violated by the imagined heat transfer from cold to hot by radiation from water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane etc into the warmer surface. That law is violated because it only applies either to a single process (eg one-way passage of radiation) or a set of interacting thermodynamic systems. Look it up yourselves in Wikipedia under “Laws of Thermodynamics.” Nothing interacts with such radiation.
The greenhouse effect does not violate the second law. We have discussed this at length ten years ago, and nothing has changed.
Photons flow in every direction. They do not have a steering mechanism to “avoid” warmer spaces. Warmer things radiate more than colder things, so the net flow is always from warmer to colder, but when the cold thing heats up the net transfer of energy slows. It’s about net flow in system. And kinetic collisions mean any heat trapped by CO2 ends up in other non-greenhouse molecules around the CO2.
On the other hand, CO2 gas absorbs infrared quanta only in select bands involving changes in intramolecular motions which do not change the centre of mass motions of the molecule (translation nor rotation). The internal energy of the molecule is increased, but not the kinetic energy.
The intramolecular energy can only be converted to kinetic energy by the dissociation of the molecule (at high temperature), by chemical bonding with another molecule, or by radiating the intramolecular energy with a probability that the radiation can be absorbed by a different material.
A hint for Jo in busy blog times –
Marsquakes unravel a few unknowns.
AGAIN Alex Epstein condemns the treasonous US DEMs and their strangulation of the US fossil fuels economy.
If they’d acted in the best interests of the people they would’ve supported more oil, gas production and the new pipelines required to bring these fuels to important parts of the USA.
China, Iran and Russia etc will be pleased as they cheer on the further ruination and downfall of the West.
Let the renewable climb down begin.
“COP27 is to be convened while the international community is facing a financial and debt crisis, an energy-prices crisis, a food crisis, and on top of them the climate crises,” says Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister Sameh Shoukry, who’s also the conference’s president. “In light of the current geopolitical situation, it seems that transition will take longer than anticipated.” (wuwt)
Cassie of Sydneysays:
October 28, 2022 at 7:03 am
Janet A has written a very good piece in today’s Oz re. the Canberra trial..
Lehrmann trial: Nothing less than the rule of law is at stake
When summing up to the jury, before calling a mistrial, ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum said: “There’s no blueprint for how a young woman might respond to sexual assault.” There is, however, a blueprint for the Australian justice system. Though not perfect, it is based on centuries of experience and learning about how to test allegations, gather evidence, establish proof and provide fairness.
What unfolded before rape allegations against Bruce Lehrmann reached a courtroom, and after the mistrial was announced on Thursday, illustrates what a precarious position we find ourselves in. In the media, and on social media, crusaders are intent on lowering the guardrails of justice.
Compounding that travesty, during the media’s persecution of Lehrmann, lawyers did precious little to protect the principles that form the blueprint for a fair and just society. It cannot be the case that you defend the rule of law for an alleged terrorist, but not for an alleged rapist. As Arthur Moses wrote in the Australian Law Journal last year, the demand for novel and bespoke standards in relation to allegations of sexual assault is “self-evidently dangerous”. Yet we find ourselves in these dangerous waters because most lawyers have become #MeToo cowboys or #MeToo lapdogs. The Higgins/Lehrmann imbroglio raises ineluctable questions that go to the heart of the administration of justice in this country. Too many people in positions of influence have crossed a legal Rubicon, damaging the careers and lives of others by presuming guilt. But it is not too late to return to fundamental principles so that travesties of this magnitude will not be repeated in the future.
Unless lawyers step up, we face the real prospect of the rule of law giving way to open slather where certain laws apply differently to certain people. Once we go down that path, we are on a slippery slope to becoming a country ruled by the mob with the loudest, most influential voices.
See Link for Full Article
Law Girl
Why is Heidi Yates, the ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner, standing next to Brittany. Doesn’t a crime need to have been committed for you to be a victim? As in, a verdict? Terrible optics.
Steve Oh from Oz
Replying to
Is that who that guy is?! I thought he was her solicitor!
October 28, 2022 at 9:49 am
This is Australia’s near future!!! No heavy industry will survive in Australia under Bowen.
The energy crisis has been hitting Europe’s largest economy hard, with two of Germany’s largest steel manufacturing plants being forced to shut down.
ArcelorMittal’s plan to deactivate one of its largest steel plants in Hamburg last month caused shockwaves through out the industry.
The world’s second largest steel company also said it would later shut down a blast furnace at its Bremen site at the end of October.
ArcelorMittal is the first large industrial group in Germany to shut down production due to the energy crisis.
High energy use sectors—from steel, chemicals, glass, paper, to ceramics production—have now been put on notice.
The CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany, Reiner Blaschek, warned that the German wing of the steel manufacturing giant can no longer compete with high energy prices, according to Slay News.
Rising gas and electricity prices have left many industrial firms in Germany facing input costs exceeding profitability.
“With a tenfold increase in gas and electricity prices, which we had to accept, within a few months, we are no longer competitive in a market that is 25
Editorial: Dems disconnected from voters’ concerns
Opinion by Boston Herald editorial staff – Wednesday
It’s as if the powers that be aren’t listening to the people.
As it turns out, they’re not.
A poll from Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies shows that the three issues top of mind for voters are inflation, the economy and jobs, and immigration. They also think that Republican leaders are on the same page.
Democratic leaders, on the other hand, are most concerned with Jan. 6, women’s rights, and climate change, according to the poll.
Disconnect is an understatement.
Yet if you consider the daily struggles of ordinary citizens vs. the talking points of Capitol Hill big shots,
it’s as if America is two different countries.
After a glorious weekend a Cold Air Outbreak is expected to pummel south east Australia next week.
Well, at least I can mow the lawn.
Can’t mow mine at the moment it’s a swamp .
Same here Robert, in fact, it’s under water, not just squidgy. I should have mown on Tuesday, not hoped it would be better on Wednesday! Silly me!
‘The unseasonable chill is the result of a weakening of the polar vortex, which will allow very cold air to escape from Antarctica and move towards Australia this weekend.
‘That polar air will reach the South Australian coast on Monday morning, then sweep across the remainder of the south-east by Tuesday night.’ (ABC)
Ventusky –;166;2&l=rain-3h&t=20221031/0600
Tassy looks a bit wintery.
ABC and the IPCC getting desperate.
All I got out of that is that Guterres should be got rid of…
So many starving people in the world, and so many people like him sucking up the money.
Electrify America Chargers Are Rarely Used – What’s Up With Non-Tesla Fast Charging?
Electrify America reported they conducted 1.45 million charging sessions in 2021. They announce that with pride, but it’s worth noting that they had around 3,500 charging stalls at the end of 2021, and around 2,300 at the start, for an average of just under 3,000. So that works out to a rough average of around 1.25 charging sessions a day per stall, a shockingly low number. They began the year with just 0.5 sessions per day and grew to the larger number by the end of the year.
Of course, as an average, some stalls would see far more and some less, and they would see more on some days and less on others. As such many stalls would not see use on many days, while others might get a line at certain times.
EA charges 31 cents/kWh if you pay their $4/month membership fee, and 43 cents otherwise in most locations.
According to EA, they distributed 41 gigawatt-hours in 2021 in this 1.45 million sessions, for an average session of around 28 kWh — which amounts to 80 to 120 miles of range per session, much less than the capacity of most modern cars. In addition, even if they earned the full 43 cents for each kWh, this implies revenue of around 17 million dollars. At the USA average price of 13 cents/kWh this suggests roughly 12M of gross margin.
These small numbers are surprising because Electrify America is the largest of the non-Tesla charging network (though a fairly distant 2nd to Tesla.) It’s unlikely any of the others are doing much better. The number is certainly not enough to support the cost of a charging station, though today that cost is handled by government subsidies, and particularly in the case of EA, due to the large penalty VW had to pay over the dieselgate scandal, which is what got EA started. Based on data from subsidy applications in California and Texas, installation costs anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 per stall, while Tesla manages a much lower price.
– There are a variety of possible reasons for this low usage:
– Reliability
– Fail operational and free
Methane spike is interesting and the jump in CO2 indicates that this particular trace gas is irrepressible.
‘WMO’s Greenhouse Gas Bulletin reported the biggest year-on-year jump in methane concentrations in 2021 since systematic measurements began nearly 40 years ago. The reason for this exceptional increase is not clear, but seems to be a result of both biological and human-induced processes.
‘The increase in carbon dioxide levels from 2020 to 2021 was larger than the average annual growth rate over the last decade. Measurements from WMO’s Global Atmosphere Watch network stations show that these levels continues to rise in 2022 over the whole globe.’ (WMO)
Imagine a basketball match with 10,000 spectators. 9,995 of them barrack for the home team and wear white tee shirts. Four cheer for the visitors and have red shirts. One wears a black shirt and just likes to be contrarian.
The home team scores and those in white shirts cheer. The four guys in red get angry and with the help of the guy in the black shirt proceed to beat the crap out of the other 9,995.
Substitute Nitrogen and Oxygen molecules for the white shirts, CO2 for the red shirts, and Methane and every other trace gas for the black shirt, and that’s what you are supposed believe about the atmosphere. That four molecules of CO2 and one molecule of other trace gas are “heating up 9,995 molecules of “air” and causing global warming.
“biological and human-induced processes.”
Humans being not biological, like .
“From the makers of Ivomec”
AFAIK this is still in the twitterverse but a couple of Russian Ilyushin aircraft in Tehran have mysteriously caught fire, no one claims responsibility.
You don’t need an active imagination to assume they were picking up some cheap Iranian drones and someone else had other ideas.
This war is breaking Ru. It is beyond the point of no return for them.
Turning the tables on eco idiots!