A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Thursday everyone
You stole my shtick.
Don’t worry, it was only an imaginary one.
Wasn’t his anyway.
Not at all. You just never know what day it is…………………..
This may not make anyone’s Thursday happy, but this is important. This article details the war on energy in the U.S.
Putin offers Europe gas through Nord Stream 2, Germany declines
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday offered to resume gas supplies to Europe through the intact part of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
“The ball is in the EU’s court. If they want to, then the taps can be turned on and that’s it,” he said in a speech at an energy forum in Moscow.
Germany, however,,said it would not take Russian gas via the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that has become a flashpoint in the Ukraine crisis.
Asked if Berlin would rule out the use of Nord Stream 2, German government spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann said, “Yes.”
“Independently of the possible sabotage of the two pipelines, we have seen that Russia is no longer a reliable energy supplier, and that even before the damage to Nord Stream 1 there was no longer any gas flowing,” Hoffmann told reporters.
Yeah…Russia blew up 2 of their own pipelines and now offer gas. Oh please…
Poor old Germany. Spineless little puppets and slaves to the USA, who are behind all this.
God help the German people…
So, the crystal & glassworks gone, the aluminium industry gone, the auto industry (which is big!) is talking 40% production next year…
Toss in their immigration/refugee problems and they’re destroying Germany for a bunch of people they don’t like.
I see that the AfD Party Members are parading in the streets with anti-EU banners. They are dismissed as Far Right Wing but then in the ABC (and BBC) you would need a microscope to find anything to those broadcasters Left.
I think that the last time there was a depression and right wingers parading in Germany it didn’t turn out well.
“….help the German people” ! ? They can help themselves by kicking out all those green blobbies and get themselves a decent education which will give them a better fairer informed Media as well …. the green tripe that is swilling around in just about everything you watch on tv… always the ‘Environment’ comes into the conversation. worse than our bbc.
Of course he did.
They refuse, western public blame their own governments for cost of energy and any outages.
They agree, conditions and threats can cause more gas market turmoil.
As Sir Les Patterson astutely noted:
“That’s not CONFLICT of interest. That’s a CONVERGENCE of interest”.
Saving Australia, One Bumper Sticker at a Time
That’s their way of making us feel like foreigners visiting.
An excellent story. I don’t think Constable Plod would be as welcoming in real life however after watching the thugs in uniform in action. We could have a competition here for an acceptable bumper sticker.
Suggestion. I found a spine at the tip. it must be the one the Liberal Party is looking for.
When you tick the Aboriginal box you are asking the White man for help.
Ticking the Aborigine box says you need the White man’s help.
There are 2 kinds of racists involved in this ridiculous “voice” thing.
The Aboriginal racists who want to take anything they can get from “white people”
Non-Aboriginals suffering from an acute case of the bigotry of low expectations – because they believe that Aboriginals can’t help themselves.
Then there’s the power and the money – the proponents know there is a lot of both to be had, and I would bet that absolutely nothing will be done about the truly shameful disparity in life expectancy and quality of life for so many Aboriginal communities around Australia, just as the big “apology” by Rudd did nothing except temporarily assuage some guilt.
The “left” complain about systemic racism, while also pushing to have the constitution modified to build in systemic racism. Don’t hesitate to point that out too.
J Rotten,
As a long time Quadrant reader, this is one of the best articles I have seen there.
The author, Joanna Hackett, has a superb style, mixing meaningful comment with great readability.
I am going to buy some bumper stickers to give to others.
What a great idea !!!
Come on Jo Nova blog readers, let us help make it happen. It really is a vitally important topic.
Geoff S
NZ Government to introduce f@rt tax
New Zealand farmers will start to pay for emissions from 2025 in a world-first scheme set to be signed off by Cabinet in early 2023.
The Government will on Tuesday release its consultation document on He Waka Eke Noa, the system of farmgate pricing that has been worked on for a touch under three years. The scheme was first devised in 2019 after calls from the sector to have a farmgate emissions pricing system that would reward climate-friendly farmers.
Under the proposals in the consultation document seen by Stuff – Te tātai utu o ngā tukunga ahuwhenua – Pricing Agricultural Emissions – the scheme will be introduced in 2025, with farmers set to pay a levy on emissions that will be set by Cabinet either once a year or every three years.
The move was immediately condemned by New Zealand’s powerful farming sector.
Farmers warned it risked crippling domestic food production, with Federated Farmers, the industry’s main lobby group, saying the plan would “rip the guts out of small town New Zealand” and see farms replaced with trees.
Thank dawg it only applies to farm animals. 😂
No more Zoos, enclosed or open plains, no wildlife parks, no wildlife or termites, gotta take care of the termites.
Kiwi Marxists too
Forgot to mention that the methane “problem” has a solution as I posted before, so it’s yet another non problem.
Sssshhhh..can’t speak the truth. 😉
Interestingly this proposed tax will be introduced in 2025, there is a general election to be held no later than January 2024, so 15 months away.
Jacinda must be arrogantly confident that she will win this next election if this legislation is to actually come into force. Unless, of course all political parties in New Zealand have the same policies.
better get ready with the box o’ chocolates, for her, then, er em, am I allowed to call the box that ?
There were local elections in NZ on the 8 October. There was a very low voter turnout and few candidates. In one council race there were 3 candidates for 19 vacancies. Over there was a move to conservatives but it does sound uninspiring. The voting system there is even worse than in Australia where someone with one percent of the vote can gain a Senate seat. Remember kangaroo poo man? We can’t forget that Albanese is about to drive the final nails into the energy coffin with a mandate of 31.6% of the voters.
Moderna CEO Says New mRNA ‘Injection’ Will ‘Repair Heart Muscle’ After Heart Attack
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel told SkyNews Business Australia the company is developing a new mRNA injection that will “grow back new blood vessels and revascularize the heart.”
How many people will queue up for this because big pharma caused the problem in the first place?
Who will believe Moderna? Where is the evidence of the Clinical Trials? The only Trials we need is to put all these Pharma Companies in the Dock……………
Of course it will, where does the queue start, must get there right away.
There must be something it does well but it doesnt seem to be shining thru to general consciousness. Despite the medical fraternities excitement, mRNA technology seems to be shaping up as a human disaster.
Former Self-Proclaimed Climate Alarmist Now Says: ‘There Is No Climate Crisis’
International Climate Science Coalition Executive Director Tom Harris discusses how he was once a climate alarmist but now sees it as a scam on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’
Harris was a prominent climate alarmist but now says the movement is a scam. He says the only way to get rid of the ‘scam’ is to go after the ‘science of climate change.’
Harris says that when he was an alarmist, he used Venus as an example of what could happen to Earth in a larger article about climate change. A local professor read it and used it in his climate course. But unlike Harris, he told his students that the part about Venus is wrong.
What happened on Venus can’t happen on the Earth and explained why. The professor invited Harris to his lab and showed him that there was no correlation between CO2 and temperatures.
If only we could wake up the likes of Attenborough…
If only we could wake up the ‘Pollies’ around the World………………
They would all die of fright.
Given what I’m seeing around the world I suspect it’ll come in the form of seeing the gallows they’ll all be led to…
Politicians are now too deeply embedded with the damage they have caused already to go looking for contrarian scientific arguments to back out of what is now just called Climate Change amelioration. Where possible, it seems ‘anthropogenic’ has disappeared from the lexicon. ‘Anthropogenic’ is actually the point of discernment separating true believers and the so called sceptics. Whether the climate is hotter or colder, it’s immaterial. Believe what one likes.
It has become a case that the environmental extremists believe they have drilled the ‘anthropogenic’ part of their deal into most of the unquestioning brains of humanity so anything they say is automatically assumed to be human caused. Avoiding the references to humanity avoids having the risk of actually answering the questions of proof that man is the cause of all the weather tantrums around the world. It is interesting that many universities are being forced by government decree to open up their campuses to freedom of speech and ideas regardless of how radical they might discern some ideas to be – or how damaging to their financial support systems
such a move could be.
The Western World is now full of huge business concerns that have gone full on into the renewables fields chasing the guaranteed profits and disregarding who is paying them those profits including the poorest in our communities. The deaths this northern winter, if they occur in large numbers are as much on the heads of those businesses as they are on the lunacy of governments. Both can be directly accused of ignoring the plight of the nation they are supposed to serve which has been replaced by the preference of serving international political organisations like the EU and the UN.
Health Insurance Whistleblower: Medicare Advantage Is “Heist” by Private Firms to Defraud the Public
Many of the nation’s largest health insurance companies have made billions of dollars in profits by overbilling the U.S. government’s Medicare Advantage program. A New York Times investigation has revealed that under the Advantage program, health insurance companies are incentivized to make patients appear more ill than they actually are. Some estimates find it has cost the government between $12 billion and $25 billion in 2020 alone.
Under the system, health insurers get more government funding for sicker patients, which has given the companies an incentive to make patients appear more ill than they actual are. UnitedHealth, Humana, Kaiser and other health insurance companies have been sued for fraud for overdiagnosing patients to bump up profits. The cost to taxpayers is staggering.
The New York Times reports doctors at Kaiser were offered bottles of Champagne and bonuses if they added additional illnesses to the medical records of their patients so the company could make more money.
Little wonder the reputation of the medical profession worldwide is sinking to below that of shonky used car dealers.
Need some help fellow bloggers. My DIL has been suffering some neurological effects possibly amplified by her 3rd carrot back in Feb. Turns out she had a brief working holiday near Taunton in England 10 years ago. While there got really sick, sought medical help but no real diagnosis. Taunton is pretty well Lyme disease or Tick bite central for England. Something she wasn’t aware about at the time, nor since. Not only did she develop the diagnostic rash back in December (2021) she has since had all the symptoms typical of the disease. She is getting no assistance from health professionals in Australia- to say the least. Really frustrating. Apparently, you can test for Lyme in Australia, if its overseas borne ( which we now think it is ). Does anyone have any experience with Lyme detection and treatment in Oz, where they think it was contracted overseas? Any suggestion welcome. She is now about to jump on a plane to England, where they have one medical centre of high expertise. But for goodness sake, its Australia, not a 3rd world country!!
[Check your email Ross! – Jo]
Lyme disease. Completely rejected by the medical profession until recently.
I believe there are treatments in the USSA now but Oz in still a bit of a backwater.
The USSA medical system though will bankrupt you.
You’re in a tough spot.
Best of luck with the UK treatments though.
Thanks. The treatments are antibiotic based. Which means there is no real reason ( after diagnosis/testing ) that it couldn’t be done in Australia. But, apparently not.
Well, using approved drugs on a problem not recognised by the TGA is illegal of course… She will need a diagnosis of an infection that requires that antibiotic in Oz, which is not too impossible.
I visit a Bicom practitioner here in the Central West, she treats people for Lymes and other long-lasting conditions from tick bites. The people who thought Covid vaccines were working slag Bicom off as a rort, but the customers having their hay-fever fixed seem happy. Its this system-
Good luck with it…
Thanks also KP.
WE hosted a husband and wife team from Alberta in a Rotary Exchange some years ago. She was a GP and he was a renowned plastic surgeon. She identified that he had Lyme disease even though Lyme was not supposed to exist and commenced a treatment programme of antibiotics. He recovered although lost the use of his right (operating) arm. He has since taught himself to operate with his left arm and has continued his first class work.
Lyme is not recognised here which is very strange if it does exist.
Amazing. I keep hearing this story how Lyme is not recognised as an ailment/ condition. Which must be the consensus of the Australian medical profession. My DIL did a videoconference with a medical practice in London, England who specialise in Lyme and the consultant said they have a surprising number of Australians through their clinic. Here’s my cynical take – if there was a patented expensive drug developed to treat Lyme, it would be recognised very swiftly.
Thursday entertainment. Dan Andrews. The jackass
Lots more at Danger Dan Reviews. 😆
The smartphone battery scams exposed
That battery programmer is an interesting piece of kit!
Always best to buy from reputable authorised resellers not Chinese scammers on eBay. If it seems too good to be true it probably is.
Always read the negative reviews!
It’s interesting in passing that Paypal doesn’t fine the endless eBayers selling fake and counterfeit products $2500…
Oh to be “the rich” living in La La Land Victoria;
The hide of the pricks, just for that I would turn the oven on and sit and wait.
Samsung phones are blowing up. Here’s why.
HMOG! How many phones does he have! 😨😨😨
What else does Sam Sing?
Wellcamp Airport near Toowoomba Detention Centre no activity observed driving past today.
No revenue, so the Queensland Labor Government compensation must be huge.
Before we leave – can we talk?’: Optus cajoles customers to stay
Optus is scrambling to hang on to disaffected users caught up in the cyberattack that compromised the personal data of millions of Australians last month, as some customers complain that the telco is dragging its heels as they attempt to switch carriers.
This masthead has received multiple reports from industry sources and customers who claim Optus subscribers are facing barriers in their attempts to leave the carrier including security rules introduced in recent months and cancellation fees.
Simple solution – put sensitive information in a filing cabinet! 😆
Medibank Becomes Latest Target of Cyber Attack in Australia
(Bloomberg) — Health insurer Medibank Private Ltd. detected a potential cyber attack on its network, adding to the growing list of Australian companies falling victim to cyber crime.
The company has already enlisted the help of cybersecurity firms after detecting unusual activity on its network, it said in a statement Thursday. Medibank says there’s no evidence that any sensitive data was accessed in the incident, which occurred Wednesday.
Toyota says about 296,000 pieces of customer info possibly leaked
Toyota Motor Corp said on Friday it had found that about 296,000 pieces of customer information from its T-Connect service might have been leaked.
Toyota said 296,019 email addresses and customer numbers of those using T-Connect, a telematics service that connects vehicles via a network, were potentially leaked. The affected customers are individuals who signed up to the service’s website using their email addresses since July 2017.
A third party access could not be confirmed from the access history of the data server where the information was stored based on security experts’ investigation, Toyota said in a statement.
At the same time, it added that third-party access “could not be completely ruled out.”
There was no possibility, though, that users’ sensitive personal information, such as names, phone numbers or credit card information, were leaked, Toyota said.
Oh what a feeling! Identity theft.😂
Exactly. I have a physical Driver Licence, a physical Passport, a physical Medicare Card, a physical Birth Certificate………..Well, you get the picture. Anyone that has a lot of their personal information with a Telco or online via their phone device is……….Well, you get the picture.
Its not so much what they may have stored but you do have to provide “x” number of points of ID to get a service. From then on you have to rely on the provider to have functional security. Almost none do , at least to the level we would like to imagine.
The places asking for 100 point ID, do not need to store a copy of the ID. They only need to record it was sighted and is valid.
If no copies of ID’s or ID numbers are stored, then it makes the hackers life a lot more difficult,
All of the personal information pertaining to your ‘physical’ passport, licence, etc resides in a computer somewhere, vulnerable to hackers one must assume. The fact that you have your own ‘physical’ copy provides no extra security whatsoever. We all just have to hope that the organisations holding our info on their systems make sure it’s safe.
Just like Optus didn’t.
A new preprint from NIH and NIAID authors released on the 27th September confirms that spike protein translocates to the nucleus.
This was denied by every single COVID vaccine (gene therapy) advocate to date.
More importantly this paper totally vindicates Jiang and Mei who were forced to retract their completely correct paper under political pressure from Eric Freed of the very same NIH, the funders of Moderna Inc.
This mass genital mutilation and sterilisation of children and young adults is horrific child and adult abuse.
Routine extreme surgery for the mentally ill went out of fashion with the prefrontal lobotomy.
However, surgery for mental illness has come back into vogue for the treatment of the mental illness of gender dysphoria. Of course, its proponents claim it is not a mental illness but don’t say exactly what it is.
Its proponents also lie to children and tell them you can change sex which of course is a biological impossibility. Some even falsely claim the treatment is reversible.
Lots of children and adults are being lied to.
And obviously it is the Left promoting this BS.
The Left keep telling us there is no real difference between men and women so why would one want to change into the other?
In fact, it is the Left that believes in extremely rigid gender stereotypes and the instant a boy plays with a doll or a girl climbs a tree they are declared “trans” and sterilised and mutilated as soon as possible.
And woke Leftist parents see having a “trans” kid as some type of status symbol, like owning an exotic pet or Tesla car.
BOMBSHELL: NSW vaccine reports confirm increased risk of COVID death after booster doses. Negative efficacy!
Using NSW health’s rather suspicious “more deaths than hospitalisations” data we get a rate of 74.6% of deaths in the 3+ dose group and using the above method we get2:
Yes you read that right. This is a negative vaccine effectiveness for preventing death after 3 or more doses of the “vaccine”. This is the vaccine remember that was meant to prevent symptomatic disease by 95% and when this flopped and the infection rate went ballistic the NSW health bureaucrats changed the goal posts to “it prevents severe disease and death”.
Well I’m sorry but it was a lie. And it gets worse.
Look at how the doctor talks about the killing procedure.
The kid needs help, not killing.
Famous wrong calls from history
“The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law’ becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine,” — Paul Krugman
He only left out one word….
“Most people have nothing IMPORTANT to say to each other!”
A large proportion of the internet is crowded with people saying “nothing important.” (or bots)
eg… Twitter, Facebook, TicToc….
As people discover without realising it: Fibre broadband only increases File up/download speeds ( as I have experienced – and that in itself is OK ) but as for getting onto a website….no better than before. and the slow fibre is really fast enough why shell out more £$ for faster. I can still make coffee while the hourglass does spinnies on some ( and youtube) websites.
One day there will be a telephone in every major city in the USA.
Alexander Graham Bell
Well, Paul Krugman……
Just like bia-den, Kerry, Gore… wrong about everything.
and like Biden, Kerry and Gore quite wealthy and sought by the MSM. Odd aint it?
Noncitizens Encouraged to Vote
From Armstrong Economics –
“This is yet another reason why voter identification is crucial. We show identification at the airport, DMV, and even at the doctor’s office. There is absolutely no reason that we should not prove our citizenship via identification when we vote on policies that impact the direction of our country. Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office “accidentally” sent 30,000 registration notices to noncitizens.
It just so happens that they sent out the registration notices in both English and Spanish. Griswold swears it was a mistake and that they will contact those who mistakenly received the notices. However, would they be turned away from the booths on election day?
Colorado, and at least 18 other states, issue driver’s licenses to non-citizens. Colorado also uses the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) records to register voters automatically.
Oddly enough, Griswold is promising to fix the election process. “I will work to increase voter participation and to make elections more accessible and secure. That’s why I plan to expand automatic voter registration to increase voter registration and participation in our democratic process,” she states.
The chaos surrounding the upcoming November mid-terms is just beginning.”
Video Games May Trigger Rare Heart Attacks in Kids
When 16-year-old Jake Gallagher died of a heart attack while playing video games, the U.K. teen’s death made international headlines. Many reports called the 2013 case a rare isolated incident, noting the teen had an underlying heart condition that put him at risk.
But new research suggests such cases are more common than you might think.
Australian scientists who reviewed nearly 70 studies and reports on cardiovascular risks from electronic gaming identified 22 children and teens who lost consciousness while playing video games and experienced heart rhythm problems and other cardiac complications.
Yeah…because there’s a long history going back to the 80’s of kids having heart attacks from video games.
Just look at all that data! Not.
The other “shoot ’em up” is the real cause…
When the PM says “There will be no child living in poverty”, don’t think she’s going to get rid of poverty…
Shamelessly stolen from Garrick Tremaine’s cartoon page-
Watch Live Human Brain Cells in a Dish Learn To Play Pong!
Scientists have shown for the first time that 800,000 brain cells living in a dish can perform goal-directed tasks. In this case, they played the simple tennis-like computer game, Pong. The results of the Melbourne-led study are published today (October 12) in the journal Neuron.
Now the researchers are going to investigate what happens when their DishBrain is affected by medicines and alcohol.
“We have shown we can interact with living biological neurons in such a way that compels them to modify their activity, leading to something that resembles intelligence,” says lead author Dr. Brett Kagan. He is Chief Scientific Officer of biotech start-up Cortical Labs, which is dedicated to building a new generation of biological computer chips
Reference: “In vitro neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated game-world” 12 October 2022, Neuron.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.09.001
There’s hope for pollies, climate & health experts yet!
Ok, not much but some. 😆
Eddy McGuire: For one million dollars…×340.webp
According to NASA, the sea level rose over 400 feet in the 20,000 years immediately preceding the Bronze Age.
Damn you Flintstones. Prehistoric Greta will get you for this. 😆
And it must have been caused by all of that Industrial Revolution activity and CO2………….Can’t blame the Iron Age either……..Maybe it was the Stone Age……….LOL
So why are they excavating shore dwelling hominids in South Africa? Surely all their remains will have been inundated.
Zelensky revealed. What a hero of the people!
No more money or weapons for him. None.
He is in Ukraine, but obviously most of the time the background is not the background, for obvious reasons.
Эти русские, конечно, хитрые парни.
Они могут даже заставить нормально рациональных людей распространять свою дезинформацию.
Okay, it’s Unthreaded.
Has anyone else noticed the number of articles showing up at the ABC News site about the cattle industry, how they appear for a couple of hours and then vanish.
I saw one recently about Longhorn Cattle, one article the most recent of around ten of them. Now, Longhorns almost went extinct, and now, here they are turning up in Australia, and in fact a thriving breed.
I was going to write a little Post at my home site about it, but I wanted some introduction to it, so I have split it into two Parts, and Part Two is yet to come, and that will be all about the Longhorns.
Of interest in a couple of those earlier articles I link to in the Post is how much money is being paid for Stud Bulls, and that was just part of the article in the First Post, and a few years back now, were paying around those prices ….. for a house!
At the top of my article is an image of one of those Longhorns, and the person who handles this steer, and looks after it is ….. a seven year old girl!
Here’s the link to my article if any of you are interested.
Capricornia – Beef Central In Australia (Part One)
Hi Tony
Good to see you’re still around.
Doesn’t appear to be many of the old Climate Wars crowd left.
Sorry, can’t help with the longhorns – being a bit of a “shorthorn” meself.
Maybe we could run a poll on that?
A poll Hereford?
The Left are preparing or actually engaged in a war against the meat industry as they think non-Elites should eat poverty food such as insects.
No wonder the articles keep disappearing from Their ABC.
Longhorn cattle are interesting and I liked your article Tony. The longest horns ever recorded on a Texas Longhorn were 3.23m tip to tip. They nearly went extinct in 1927 and were saved from extinction by a group within the US Forest Service. They produce lean meat and can survive on poor vegetation.
At least the ABC still shows Landline. But for how long?
In the mid 1960’s my dad imported Red Sindhi’s from a government farm in north India to up=breed local cattle in Central India. They were truly beautiful. They are, like the Brahma bull you show derived from Zebu cattle native to the Indian subcontinent. A calf born shortly after they arrived went on to win all India best bull.
I took two cows to the local fair when I was 16 and showed them wearing a silk sari. Bringing the larger cow back from the ring through massed crowds, she decided to bolt. I held onto her neck rope and dug my elbow into her side and forced her into a circle – got her under control eventually.
If people are stupid enough to vote for Dan Andrews, dictator of Victoria, twice, they are stupid enough to vote for him a third time.
once bitten , twice shy, three times a lady, …. dunno where all that childhood tripe came from. Modern day: twice a coincidence, THREE times – time for enemy action… the sort of stuff the media feeds you. Sound Bites. Aye and it hurts.
Clearly, a third of Australia thought Albanese was a good idea (and if I can say it without vomiting, Bowen as well) the question is how many?
Is there any actual opposition party in Victoria ?
As far as I can tell, there is the Dan’s Dictator/Marxist/Labor party,….. and nobody else even bothers.
Our only hope in Danistan is that he gets booted out by his party ….that will only happen after he wins yet another election.
Many Vicdanistanis do not know the name of the opposition “leader” or what he looks like.
In any case, what difference does it make? For example, the Libs are fully committed to the hugely economy-destroying anthropogenic global warming fraud. And they fully supported the brutally-enforced covid lockups
There is only a choice between Labor and Labor-lite.
Liberals are only slightly less bad than Labor.
The leader of the Libs in Victoriastan is that lobster with the mobster guy that pokes his head up out of the bunker just before each election for a few minutes then disappears till the next election . Libs have fallen into the “Me Too” trap and thus are a rabble of teal , green and Labor wannabe’s.
I cannot see anyway of Labor not winning this election unfortunately.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Change in royalty in Saudi coming up..
“Momentum is building in Congress in support of legislation that would take on the OPEC+ group of oil-producing nations that just announced cuts in production likely to help Russia and raise prices in the United States.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently floated using the legislation, known as “NOPEC,” as one way to respond to the group, which includes Saudi Arabia and Russia.
Some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have gone even further, saying that the decision by the Saudi-led group to reduce production by 2 million barrels a day is a reason to significantly shift relations with Riyadh.”
Seeing the sanctions worked so well with Russia, they will probably figure NOPEC for the waste of time it would be and just force a regime change as usual. You don’t do as you want in your own country when America is around!
How dare they not act as an arm of the Democrat Party. Looks like another US foreign policy triumph coming up.
Why didn’t Joe Biden congratulate Saudi Arabia for cutting oil production – something that he has been working hard to achieve in the USA – and urge them to cut more? How can he complain about the Saudis doing what he is doing, especially as he is doing it to save the world. Surely their actions must be doing even more to save the world. The only answer seems to be hypocrisy, though some kind of inability to understand the issue might possibly be a factor.
Alternately they could boost production in the USA leading to lower prices (upsetting those Saudis) and pleasing the voters in the USA.
Nah! Will never think of that.
The most dangerous idea of our Age …
“words are violence”
if we can’t kibosh this one, we are in trouble.
In terms of 1984-ishness, Orwell didn’t even imagine that one.
And this as we are being violated by the mind numbing, civilization crippling, fact vacuum of Net Zero to stop ‘Climate Change’.
I’m hoping against against hope that the women are men and men are women thing will just evaporate on its’ own.
Thomas Sowell … “Intellectuals are Always Wrong”
“there are no solutions, only tradeoffs”
“vision of the anointed”
I have brain hemorrhoids, and an anorexic bank account, caused by the visions of the anointed.
Note to self … ‘must read all of Thomas Sowell’s books’.
RACWA, has a periodical it puts out, ‘HORIZONS’. The recent issue delves into Hybrid EVs, Plug-In Hybrids and EVs per se. It says battery packs have lives ~8years with falling capacity as time goes by. It states that it is not economical to replace the pack in the aging vehicle.
Governments are moving against fossil fuel powered vehicles and pushing the move to EVs, even when the problem of repowering the fleet in huge numbers is not considered and the fact that renewables are not up to the job of replacing fossil fuels and seemingly won’t be in anyone’s lifetime is a problem they won’t address.
My concerns therefore are, where does this leave the used car market in a couple of years, where does it leave the new car market now, and what is the national plan for handling what looks to be an avalanche of disposable vehicles if its not economical to repower them. Then finally, we are reminded all those solar panels and wind turbines have a finite life of around 15-20years. Currently, it is uneconomic to retrieve the rare earths etc and the disposables go into landfill somewhere. This looks like a huge mass of wreckage to be handled in the near future and governments don’t appear to be looking more than the 3 years ahead when their time to rule expires. Nobody addresses the problems.
My answer as to what is planned for all the wreckage will be to ship it all to China which will use the Uighur slave labour to salvage what is salvageable, reuse it and make even a greater profit in selling the West the EV’s, solar panels and turbines with which to further destroy ourselves.
A big enough pile of anything is a resource.
Just look what the the World Economic forum have done with the pile of useless souls in Canberra, turned it into a weapon against the Australian people.
The objective is to do away with privately owned vehicles. People are supposed to live in small apartments in dense cities and use public transport. The Great Reset documents from the WEF explains all of this.
Geriatric Joe Biden is now saying his son Beau died in Iraq? It’s not true.
Why does everyone just say that’s dear old Joe, away with the pixies again. He has no idea what he is saying. Hardly a beep in the press. This is the President of the United States? No problem. The White House did not respond to questions.
The real question is why he was allowed out of the beach house without Dr. Jill or his loyal Easter Bunny? I have read though that Dr. Jill is doing Joe’s job and flying around supporting Democrats on behalf of her otherwise occupied husband who cannot go to a boring military ceremony without making news.
NSW Covid Weekly Report is heading for the memory hole.
The button is proportional to the deaths of the un-vaccinated, just keeps getting smaller as the four or more vaccine deaths goes through the roof.
This has to be a put-up.. surely. Please ration your electricity use , so I can charge my EV. ! ROFLMAO !!!!
I can’t see how you can possibly have an EV charger that is NOT on a time of use switch, like the old hot water relays.
Its very Brighton. You are thinking that a sense of entitlement has limits.
Pfizer Exec Makes Bombshell Admission About Covid Vaccine
Kim i did not see your post due to not refreshing. The links below are the full question and answer session. When taken in context the vaccines come out looking even worse. Watching the full 1 hour and twenty minutes of not subtitled mixed language is hard but there is more to this. There were many many more good questions that Pfizer could not answer well. They have been nailed other ways than just that one topic your video focuses on.
The second video below is easier to watch if you are short on time.
Pfizer representitive’s full hearing in the special COVID committee of the European Parliament. One hour and 48.
Some interesting moments. 26:00, 49:00, 52:35, 55:48, 101:30, 1:31:20, 134:20, 146:15
There may be more of interest to others in some of the languages i could not understand.
See also.
Press conference after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refused to answer in front of European Parliament.
I personally believe there might be many Australian citizens, such as myself, that may be seriously considering taking action against parties that discriminated against them for refusing experimental injections. “Discriminate” in my context includes (but is not limited to): not allowed into my local sports clubs, pubs, etc, unless “vaccinated”; not allowed to perform work for various companies unless “vaccinated”; not to mention masks (which I never wore – if I was sick I would stay at home).
While this discrimination was occurring, I knew many that were “vaccinated” but sick with covid or other illnesses such as shingles (wow, hasn’t shingles become popular?), or any other sickness for that matter. All the while, these people were allowed into the same clubs and pubs that I was banned from. Work that out (or “go figure” in American lingo).
In my case, I am waiting for the “state of emergency” to cease in both Queensland and the Australian federal government. Until then, governments and bureaucrats can simply design rules on a whim to suit their narrative. I expect others are also waiting for the “emergency” to cease before they proceed with court cases.
It may cost me dearly to go after these mongrels for discrimination, but I will seek legal advice anyway: firstly because all of us should NEVER forget what has occurred (see the friendly police footage at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne); and secondly because (at least some of) these people MUST be held accountable for their insane decisions.
I was in a position to refuse the ridiculous “rules” imposed on us by these maniacs, however I am very angry that my daughter, and other people I hold dear, were coerced to receive experimental injections to keep their jobs. I know many people that have caught every bug going around since they received their injections – IMO their immune systems are compromised.
And me and the better half? Both refused the experimental injections. Neither of us have been sick for a few years, and when we’ve caught a cold prior to that, it’s always been short lived. The jabbed at both of our workplaces have been crook, regularly. In her case (government dept) they seem happy to rock up at work while crook – they were petrified a year or two ago – work that out.
I just hope I’m not alone in wanting to make these tyrannical mongrels pay for their crimes.
Another thing to consider is that your medical history is meant to be confidential but you were forced to publicly expose whether you were participating in the experiment or not. There are generally severe penalties for exposing someone’s medical history against their will.
Grogery, it is also my observation that the injected seem to get sicker and more often, at least with colds which I have observed among a number of people.
All vaxxed in live in 3 generation family had Covid over Winter and all other 6 had colds and fevers throughout Winter,
with Grandkids, Wife and Daughter coughing around me, as only Unvaxxed was also the only one in household who was not crook or got Covid during Winter
Note had usual Seniors Flu Vaccine early April, GP had suggested a 2nd later winter, but have given that a miss as still trvelling healthily
Would it be possible to get some sort of class action going?
Only if you’ve been vaccinated.
Now why would that be? The same mafia abused everyone who would not take their poison. That was the unprecedented excellence of their supremacist business model.
Very short video.
Jordan Peterson comments on Bill Gates and Justin Trudeau.
Australia gets a mention.
Paul Joseph Watson talks about the Leftist war against men and masculinity.
11 mins.
Tim Pool discusses how FBI is exposed trying to bribe ex spy with $1 million to bring up supposed dirt on Trump to discredit him.
(21 mins)
It may seem a strange thing that the most gullible people in the world are calling themselves “skeptics”. But one suspects that like everything else its a product of active social engineering. I would take it back to Uri Geller. A fellow so outrageous his act seems to have been designed to create a backlash. Like with the Covid operation, the breathing problems and deaths by hospital procedure weren’t the point of the exercise. The needles were what that operation was all about. I think it was the backlash that is what Uri was all about. People opened the radio studios for him all over the place. He put small children in a position where they had their hands in the position to bend the cutlery and with the immense motivation to do so. Supposedly with their mind, but their fingers were right there ready to do the bending. Disgraceful manipulation. He wasn’t even that good a magician. He also seemed to have access to women’s magazines. On the other side of the story was a conjurer called Randi. Who went round debunking a lot of low hanging fruit, but the idea was to lock in pure materialism. For kids brought up on the lie of aether-denial, any kind of ESP or paranormal activity seemed irrational. But the point of the skeptics societies was to lock in orthodoxy and pure materialism. Skeptics societies swept the planet at that point. I’d want to go back and check out the timing. Wish someone would check out the financing. Because it was similar to late 2015 when the flat earthers were suddenly revived and everyone pushing this foolishness had a hall hired out.
The skeptics proved to be the least skeptical people ever. And the most susceptible to media hype. The least reachable by human reason. Karl Popper and even David Hume seemed to be their heroes. When the internet came around there was Randi’s website with a lot of people there willing to die on any hill for quantum voodoo, Einstein foolishness, Keynes, for the global warming racket, for the legitimacy of the Federal Reserve, the Big Bang, black holes ….. You name it, any stupid idea, they were there to support it. They were to a man advocates of coincidence theory. Where terrible things can happen that seem to be a conspiracy, but in their gnostic view it was always mere happenstance.
Well said Terraforming.
I especially liked your comment:
This would apply to promoters of the anthropogenic global warming fraud who claim to be not only “following the science” but indeed ARE “The Science” and dismiss contrary evidence.
I remember Don Lane throwing a tantrum on his show when Randi said something about Doris Stokes .
Here it is: Don Lane loses his temper with James Randi – (Full Nine News Report)
Florida was wrecked by Ian because DeSantis doesn’t believe in climate change, claims NY Times guest essay – – – From Fox News
In the essay, author Craig Pittman argued that DeSantis, R-Fla., insisted on using taxpayer money to shore up Florida’s heavily developed areas in preparation for the storm instead of acknowledging that climate change’s threats to these areas means they should be abandoned, and its inhabitants move to other areas.
Maybe the real problem with Florida is that people insist on living in areas that are a) hurricane prone and b) barely above sea level and prone to storm surges. Supposed “climate change” has nothing to do with it.
Australia is flooding again, at least in Vicdanistan.
Why do people insist on living in flood-prone areas and other areas subject to known pre-existing natural hazards?
In the 19th century towns developed close to the rivers for obvious reasons, so I suggest any new homes should be built on stilts.
North Central Victoria is having its worst flood since 1974, that is close on half a century, plenty of time to prepare for the next serious floods.
Was looking at one of the flooded area maps this morning, and noted yet another country town built in a sharp river bend, which naturally will flood straight through. Along the Mississippi, they eventually decided to abandon some towns built in river bends because of continual flooding.
‘January 6 panel subpoenas Donald Trump for testimony on Capitol attack.’
‘The vote seeking Trump’s testimony comes as the panel produced vivid new details and evidence of Trump’s state of mind in 2021.’ (The Age)
January 6 Committee Subpoenas President Donald Trump
From the Comments
Trump should show up and just repeat the following:
This committee is a Political Clown Show and just another version of the Russia Hoax…instead of focusing on helping the American people through these terrible economic times, you clowns are spending their time and money on your Trump Derangement Syndrome…shame on every one of you.
The election Fraud was Massive and resulted in a stolen election.
People showing up at the capital to protest a stolen election is not Insurrection…Let me educate you corrupt clowns on what an Insurrection actually is:
Stealing an election is Insurrection…
Using the power of the government to Persecute your political opponents is Insurrection…
Holding your political opponents in prison for exercising their right to peacefully protest without due process is Insurrection…
Burning down our cities is Insurrection…
Refusing to secure our borders is Insurrection…
Funding a fake Dossier and pushing it through the corrupt Media to take down a Duly Elected President because you are mad you lost the election is Insurrection…
Having the corrupt FBI and DOJ pursue the Clinton Funded and Created Fake Russia Dossier even when they KNEW from the beginning it was fake to take down a President is INSURRECTION.
Joe Biden is Corrupt and has been enriching himself for 50 plus years at the expense of the Taxpayer…in fact he is so corrupt, that you corrupt clowns even Impeached me for trying to expose his corruption with Ukraine which he admitted to on video for everyone to see.
The Democrats and their RINO enablers destroyed this country and need to be voted out of office by massive margins to overcome their cheating.
Americans Miss Mean Tweets, Cheap Gas, Energy Independence, Low Inflation, A booming Stock Market, World Peace, and a President that doesn’t have Dementia and does not need to wear a Diaper.
The resulting meltdown of the corruptocrats and their brownshirts in the media would be beyond epic.
Trump Spokesman Releases Statement on Sham J6 Committee Subpoena of President Trump
On Thursday evening Trump Taylor Budowich, the Director of Communications for Save America and Donald J. Trump, released a statement on the continued harassment of President Donald J. Trump.
Taylor Budowich: Today, 26 days before the Midterm Elections, America is truly a nation in decline. Inflation is out of control, the crime rate is at an all time high, and the crisis at our southern border has never been worse. However, instead of using their final days in power to make life for Americans any better, Democrats are doubling and tripling down on their partisan theatrics. Democrats have no solutions and they have no interest in leading our great nation. They are simply bitter, power hungry & desperate. Pres Trump will not be intimidate by their meritless rhetoric or un-American actions. Trump-endorsed candidates will sweep the Midterms, and America First leadership & solutions will be restored. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The alert level for the Taupō volcano in NZ has again been raised.
With the strength of anti-science in NZ today and indigenous paganism, I wonder if their Dear Leader will propose human sacrifices to appease the Māori volcano god Rūaumoko?
Toss in Dear Leader First?
GeoNet haven’t report a change in alert level- still at Level 1.
But the seismic amplitude monitor shows a brief seismic tremor event earlier in the day (no earthquake detected) followed by a continuous doubling of the tremor level. Spectral amplitude monitoring indicates a wide-band signal (probably an unrelated weather event)
Trying to find out if Victoriastan is running its desal plant at the moment but can’t find any info other than propaganda.
I guess it’s a simple ‘Grand Unified Theory’, and it is mentioned often, but I think it needs to be remembered as we are led off, to joust with windmills, Don Quixote style.
Please find me a single aspect of Western Civilisation that is not under attack. I just think this needs to be asked before getting into any discussion involving ;- toxic masculinity, what is a woman, children’s gender spectrum, one parent families, white fragility and racism, immigration, education, entrepreneurship, history, Christianity, industrial destruction through ‘climate change’, the destruction of agriculture through ‘climate change’, financial destruction through anti capitalism. Anything I’ve missed?
So again, before getting into any argument with the left, the question has to be asked – “Give me a single aspect of Western Civilisation that is not under attack.” They are all just arrows in the quiver of those thinking they can arise from the ashes of the West, and create their own utopia. They are the intelligencia, and their useful idiots.
We ain’t perfect, but replacing it will involve a bit of work for someone. Maybe that’s a good thing?
Western civilisation is evolving through the communications revolution and the MSM has been taken over by the centre left persuasion.
The centre right scoff at the imbedded propaganda, in a similar way the people of China do the same. It is what it is.
We could argue, for the sake of the lukewarmers, that the Happer/van Wijngaarden hypothesis has merit. Atmospheric CO2 has already reached saturation point and there no more warming in it.
Two constituents confronted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for her voting to send billions in American taxpayer money to fund the war in Ukraine against Russia, a move they say could lead the United States into a nuclear war.
“Congresswoman, none of this matters unless there’s a nuclear war which you voted to send arms and weapons to Ukraine,” one of the two men shouted:
Tulsi Gabbard, she’s left the Democratic Party because they are war hawks. Okay, you originally voted — you ran as an outsider. Yet you’ve been voting to start this war in Ukraine. You’re voting to start a third nuclear war with Russia and China. Why are you playing with the lives of American citizens? You’re playing with our lives. [Emphasis added]
Another man stood up to tell Ocasio-Cortez:
There will be no neighbors if there’s a nuclear bomb. You voted to mobilize and send money to Ukrainian Nazis. You’re a coward. You’re a progressive socialist? Where are you against the war mobilization? He’s telling the right truth. You have done nothing. Tulsi Gabbard has shown guts where you’ve shown cowardice. I believed in you and you became the very same thing you sought to fight against. That’s what you’ve become. You are the establishment and you are the reason why everybody will end up in a nuclear war unless you choose to stand up right now and denounce the Democratic Party. Will you do that? Yes or no? [Emphasis added]
Ocasio-Cortez can be heard suggesting that there is “a line” between being an anti-war proponent and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, to which the man responded: “There is no line because this is bullshit. None of this matters if we’re all dead. None of it. You know that.”
“… we could be in a nuclear war at any minute and you continue to fund it. That’s what’s going on … you’re the liar here. Nobody has held you accountable,” the man continued. “That’s what’s happening. And it is time for you to stand up and realize that what you’ve been saying has been lies. Let your conscience come through for once.”
The “Energy Transition” Delusion – A Reality Reset
Mark P. Mills
August 30, 2022
Global economies are facing a potential energy shock—the third such shock of the past half century. Energy costs and security have returned to center stage, as has the realization that the world remains deeply dependent on reliable supplies of petroleum, natural gas, and coal. And all this has arrived during an inflation itself partially the result of higher energy prices that are raising production and transportation costs across industries.
In these circumstances, policymakers are beginning to grasp the enormous difficulty of replacing even a mere 10% share of global hydrocarbons—the share supplied by Russia—never mind the impossibility of trying to replace all of society’s use of hydrocarbons with solar, wind, and battery (SWB) technologies. Two decades of aspirational policies and trillions of dollars in spending, most of it on SWB tech, have not yielded an “energy transition” that eliminates hydrocarbons. Regardless of climate-inspired motivations, it is a dangerous delusion to believe that spending yet more, and more quickly, will do so. The lessons of the recent decade make it clear that SWB technologies cannot be surged in times of need, are neither inherently “clean” nor even independent of hydrocarbons, and are not cheap.
The only path to significantly lower energy prices while maintaining vibrant economies—and unlinking them from Russian oil and natural gas—is to radically increase the production of hydrocarbons. The U.S. holds the greatest potential for achieving this outcome, and without government subsidies. On the contrary: increasing the production of these energy sources would generate government revenues, increase U.S. geopolitical soft power, and, in due course, save the world trillions of dollars.
America’s hydrocarbon-centric industries could, if unleashed, replicate the unprecedented growth in oil and natural gas production over the past 15 years. That growth resulted in the U.S. becoming the world’s biggest producer and a major exporter of both. The crucial question now is whether America has the political will to forge an energy path based on the lessons learned and the urgencies of the new geopolitical landscape.
Elites suddenly realize they need blue-collar workers they derided
“The problem with living under postmodernism,” Dean Hunter Baker commented, “is that everyone is constantly tending the narrative instead of doing something useful.”
It does seem that way, especially if you run in my circles.
But of course, plenty of people are doing something useful. The world is full of those whose diligent and largely unsung work makes the lights stay on, the grocery shelves fill with food, the toilets flush and even the Internet run. They have been ignored, denigrated and even subjected to a species of economic warfare for the last several decades, but suddenly people are starting to notice that they matter.
It’s what Joel Kotkin calls “the revenge of the material economy.”
And for a while that advice seemed to make sense. As the tech bubbles inflated, people who produced nothing tangible made massive fortunes. The 19th-century robber barons gave us railroads, steel mills and ocean liners. The 21st-century equivalents gave us Facebook and Netflix. Blue-collar workers, farmers and small-business owners — people who operate in the material world — didn’t prosper nearly so much, if they prospered at all.
But that’s changing. Thanks in large part to lousy policies symbolic analysts produced, the material economy can’t be taken for granted anymore.
“The conflict between the material economy and the economy based in ephemera — such as the creative industries, tech and financial services — is likely to define the coming political conflicts both within countries and between them,” as Kotkin writes. “The laptop elites, led by Silicon Valley, the City of London and Wall Street, generally favor constraining producers of fuel, food and manufactured goods. In contrast, the masses, who produce and transport those goods, are now starting to realize that they still have the power to demand better futures for themselves and their families. Like railway workers, they can threaten to shut things down and win much higher pay.”
The political classes are still mostly in denial. In fact, there’s a strong flavor of “Scarcity is good” coming from elite quarters.
The United Nations’ Chronicle website published — and later deleted — an article saying, “Hungry people are the most productive people.”
This week, UN meteorological agency chief Petteri Taalas opined that the war in Ukraine may be a “blessing” for climate-change efforts — because the resulting shortages are blacking out much of Europe.
But most people don’t want to be poor, hungry and sitting in the dark, even if the leadership feels otherwise. (The old joke: “What did socialists use before candles? Electricity!”) And, of course, we all know that the leadership won’t be missing any meals or living by candlelight. Just as the elites cheerfully evaded COVID rules when it suited them, they’ll continue to live large while the little people are asked to sacrifice.
The question is: What if the little people refuse to go along?
CIA – The World Factbook & Its Predecessors: Painting a Picture of Our World Since 1943
– Finding a Solution
– CIA Takes Over
With the signing of the National Security Act of 1947 on July 26, CIA was officially born. Just a few months later, on October 1, CIA assumed all responsibility for the JANIS basic intelligence program. Shortly thereafter, JANIS was renamed the National Intelligence Survey (NIS), but continued along the same tradition, providing policymakers and military leaders with up-to-date data, maps, and other reference materials.
In 1954, the need for an authoritative source of basic intelligence was reaffirmed by the Hoover Commission’s Clark Committee, which was charged to study the structure and administration of CIA. In an address to Congress in 1955, the Committee reported: “The National Intelligence Survey is an invaluable publication which provides the essential elements of basic intelligence on all areas of the world. There will always be a continuing requirement for keeping the Survey up-to-date.”
In 1971, the Factbook was created as an annual summary of the NIS studies and in 1973 it supplanted the NIS encyclopedic studies as CIA’s publication of basic intelligence. It was first made available to the public in 1975 and in 1981 was renamed The World Factbook.
In 1997, The World Factbook made its leap into the online world where is has lived as a public resource ever since. Today, it continues to be an essential resource for the U.S. Government, institutions of higher learning, and countless private citizens who have come to rely on The World Factbook for timely and accurate reference materials about the world in which we live. It continues to evolve to meet the needs of our customers and represents a tremendous culmination of efforts from some of our country’s brightest analytic minds.
And so, before there was a Wikipedia to search on, before there was a Bing to consult, and most certainly before ‘Google’ became a verb, there was CIA’s World Factbook. It has been a resource used by presidents, by warfighters, and by the world’s greatest scholars. It is used in times of crisis, in times of uncertainly, in times of peace, and in times of war. It is an authoritative source of basic intelligence that has and will continue to be an essential part of CIA’s legacy.
Last-Minute Entrant ‘Head Of Cabbage’ Surges To Lead In Pennsylvania Senate Race
PHILADELPHIA, PA — Despite both candidates facing issues with voter enthusiasm, the race for the open Senate seat in Pennsylvania has narrowed in recent weeks. Polling was showing Dr. Mehmet Oz catching up to John Fetterman until a head of cabbage entered the race and exceeded both candidates in popularity.
“We’ve seen ‘dark horse’ candidates upset Senate races at the last minute, but this was something special – only these two could face an inert head of cabbage as a serious challenger just weeks before the election,” said political analyst Dan Greenfield on his daily podcast. “An upset victory of a head of cabbage would be a barrier-breaking first for vegetables being elected to the Senate. To be fair, however, this would also be the result if Fetterman won.”
The Fetterman campaign has flailed at the unexpected challenger, unable to effectively counter the stoic sobriety of the cabbage head. Fetterman’s campaign manager, Brendan McPhillips, emphasized in an interview that Fetterman would outperform the cabbage in facing down dangerous adversaries abroad. “Look, these dictatorial foreign nations will be cowed into submission when Senator Fetterman intimidates them with his requests for closed captioning. We make a motion even now that John be tapped to lead the Senate foreign relations committee if elected, to make use of his imposing stature and confident speech.”
Grogery above mentioned this medical condition.
October 13, 2022 at 10:22 pm
There is more at
About 15% of shingles cases lead to post-herpetic neuralgia, sometimes called damage to the trigeminal nerve when in the left side of the face.
Post-herpetic neuralgia can be extremely painful. The pain never lets up. Sleep is the only remedy.
Even opiate pain killers provide limited relief at usual doses.
However, there is a now a vaccine to lower the risk of catching shingles.
Based on experience from a family member with 9 years of survival with post-herpetic neuralgia, we strongly recommend that you take the vaccine. It destroys the rest of your life when you get a bad case of it.
Yes, I know it is trendy to bash vaccines, but please ask your GP if it is a good more to have a shingles vaccination.
Geoff S
See Australian Health Shingles reports.
No huge increase in shingles reports.
No big trend in reports.
Approx. 2500-2700 people/year get shingles out of a population of over 25 million or a probability of 0.0001.
I don’t know the adverse reaction rate for the vaccine, but if it is higher than 0.0001 then the vaccine is problematic.
Yes – I am suspicious about the sudden talk about shingles. My GP tried to convince me to have the shingles vaccination recently. But I can’t really see why I should when it is likely that any increase is probably due to the Covid vaccines’ messing with immune systems. The two cases I know were vaccinated recently.
It is sudden because there are now two things.
1. A new vaccine.
2. A new government initiated campaign.
If you are suspicious of the latter for some reason then is everything the government initiates must be frightening to you? Do they never invest in something that they think has benefits because Vicki will be suspicious?
Its not about anyone being frightened. Its a simple matter of avoiding frauds and their needles. If you think that shingles has got anything to do with a virus prove it. Isolate the virus. Show that the virus can create these problems. You’ll be the first one to do it.
A large % of the population have had the chicken pox vaccine or never had CP and have no reason to have the vaccine.
BTW An adverse reaction can be just a mild annoyance so you need to be specific.
now to your false claim. In 2016, for which I can find data, the number of hospilisations for shingles was 2677
This says nothing non-hospilised case not about long term affects. I personally know a number of people who had shingles who didn’t go to hospital who were affected for months to some degree.
I thought I’d help you some more with research
Increasing Trends of Herpes Zoster in Australia
(HZ is Herpes zoster, the period was 1998 to 2013).
The suggests there were a sizable number of emergency cases that presented to hospital or doctors, but were not admitted.
My Mother once was diagnosed with shingles. Long time ago. The doctors didn’t give her antibiotics since its supposed to be a viral disease. So my wife got her sister to send her some antibiotics and she was cured immediately. Doctors are careless with diagnosis by and large. Plus every malady, traditionally thought of as viral, needs to be reassessed in order to see what is actually going on. Doctors never use microscopes any more if they ever did. People should be looking at their blood with a light microscope and doing things like trying to flush out parasites. We know that our animals can have parasites but somehow thats been sent down the memory hole where we are concerned. Any kind of sickness can have many potential causes which could be considered prior to throwing ones hands in the air and going for this viral superstition.
They say shingles is the reactivation of the chicken pox virus. The dead don’t die. Or the dead can be brought back to life having never been alive in the first place. But they don’t isolate the chicken pox virus, or the shingles virus, or have any idea if either of them are there. What we are dealing with is a tradition of superstition. Traditions for diagnosing are built up. But never on a scientific basis.
Talking with great credulity on subjects you have zero evidence for. You must be a skeptic? Am I right?
IVM supposed to clear up shingles as collateral damage?
France says it will not use nuclear weapons if Russia uses them on Ukraine..
“Our doctrine is based on the fundamental interests of the nation. They are clearly defined and will not be directly involved if, for example, a ballistic nuclear attack occurs [in Ukraine],” said Macron
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says Russia victory in Ukraine is NATO defeat.
“Russia’s victory in the war in Ukraine will be a defeat for NATO,” Stoltenberg said.
According to him, this cannot be allowed.
“Ukraine has gained momentum and continues to achieve significant success, at the same time when Russia increasingly uses terrible indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population and more important infrastructure objects,” the Secretary General added.
Well, Russia used over 80missiles to strike infrastructure in Ukraine and only managed to kill 29people. That wouldn’t rate against the way the Yanks use missiles against civilians, ask any Iraqi.
However the statement sounds like NATO is winding up to put more troops on the ground in Ukraine and make the war of Russia against NATO very obvious. It goes along with the propaganda running this month about nuclear weapons, they are preparing us for their use.
Have you got dates and places for America razing towns and villages as you claim?
Oh, were you quite unaware that they invaded Iraq Hanrahan?
I kept up somewhat then, but not as closely as I watch them in Ukraine, so I haven’t saved dates and actions. However flattening Fallujah would be a great example, or the endless TV broadcasts of the missiles hitting Bagdad in the early days… There will be no shortage of examples of their ‘bomb everything flat then send in the Marines’ type of operation.
Germany can expect ‘a temperate winter with cold air risk from the east during the second half of winter.’ (Climate Impact Company)
“No Science Behind Trudeau’s Plastics Ban”
“When you have a former drama teacher running a country, really bad policies are sure to result. This is exemplified by Trudeau’s ridiculous virtue-signaling plastics ban:”
More and link at
press conference after pfizer ceo albert bourla refused to answer in front of european parliament
“An excellent perspective on the breakdown of our society”