A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Nigel Farage is visiting Australia.
‘Word of advice: don’t follow us Brits down the net-zero path.
‘Australia is embarking on the same mad, self-destructive road we’ve been on in the UK, where the next six months now depend completely on one single factor: the weather.’
PM Truss has announced that fracking will now be approved in the UK and environs.
That will help attract investment, but giving huge tax cuts to the rich will only increase discontent among the masses.
Quite apart from tac-cuts to higher income brackets resulting in both more employment and more tax actually paid, what has that to do with approving natural gas extraction?
The people who are sitting, shivering, because they can’t afford to pay their electricity or gas bill are usually not paying any nett tax, and the last thing on their minds is tax rates.
Trouble is they have no idea of ‘proven reserve’ estimates on which to base commercial development. So it will take time for the market to access the situation before throwing money at it.
This winter might be bitter and government might get a hit at the ballot box if the death rate increases because of freezing conditions.
January and February this year were mild because the North Atlantic Oscillation was positive, at the moment its negative. Tax cuts for the rich is frivolous .
Once company, I forget which now, has stated that with the ban removed they could remove the cap from their well and begin producing gas early in the New Year – whether or not they can and do remains to be seen – but the delay in home-fracked gas may not be very long – fingers crossed.
Not so simple; a huge investment in equipment will be required in order to process the product into a suitable gas for distribution. Though the uk does have piped gas infrastructure in place the government has banned home gas boilers in the near future What’s going on ?!
Truss is following one of the first rules of politics…. “Appear to be doing something”.
She will get some credit for that, at least in the short term, and it may give Britain some breathing-space. It doesn’t have to be 100 year’s worth, to be of some benefit.
Predictions of doom are to be expected from the Labour-Green tribalists…. who are equally responsible for the situation and even less inclined to offer sensible solutions.
Tax cuts apply to everyone not just the rich.
Bankers bonuses had a £1 million limit (imposed by the EU) and now that cap is to be removed to attract more international banking to the UK. It seems an obscene amount of money to me ……
But having said that – and thought about it – I think the principle is sound – What place should there be for Government to set what level of bonuses can be paid? I mean if you are a plumber and the government were to say “No Plumber can receieve an annual performance-related bonus of more than £5,000” or no “Salesperson can receive more than £10,000 annual, performance-related bonus” it would be outrageous and there would, quite rightly, be a massive outcry. Dictating what someone may or may not be paid in the private sector is an approach favoured by Communism, Marxism and the form of extreme Socialism that has infected much of the Western world.
Jealousy or envy have no place in even-handed policy-making – and no place in manufacturing objections to policies for political advantage.
It is the removal of a cap to banker’s bonuses that is happening.
It does seem insensitive to do this, but at least it could result in them paying more tax, so long as they don’t find a way to worm themselves out of it (non-domiciled etc).
‘The most telling thing was the silence. ‘The whips were sending round these frantic messages saying, “We need to cheer on the Chancellor”,’ one Tory MP revealed to me. ‘But it didn’t have any effect. Everyone just sat there. The party are nervous and unhappy. They don’t think Liz and Kwasi have got this right.’ (UK Mail)
This is strange; If Britain is resuming fracking surely this is at odds with their policy of banning household gas boilers for domestic heating. So what’s going on ?!
Mandatory ESG shock treatment.
ESG = Extreme Shortage Guarantee.
I’m surprised the government is allowing him to visit. Numerous conservatives and other rational thinkers have been banned or restricted in the past. E.g. Milo Yiannopoulos, Novak Djokovic, any public figure deemed to be opposed to covid vaccination, Katie Hopkins, Geert Wilders, etc..
Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneaux have also faced substantial restrictions and hurdles.
Too late Nigel. Elbow and Turtle Head Bowen are now at the head of the Table. We are farked.
PETA …. hey, meating him would be a misteak.
Give him the chop.
They aren’t worth a sausage anyway.
I’m bu%gered if I know any better now¬
Eric Worrall takes a swipe at the UN human rights committee, with attached history of the Torres Strait.
In a 2020 deep dive into Australia’s emission’s during 2015 (an El-Niño year of low growth, hot air and rampant bushfires) found that Australia absorbed more CO2 than Australia emitted and Australian’s had emitted by way of fossil fuels.
Proving that Australia itself has always been a CO2 sink.
This UN decision ignores that Australia (as a nation) has not contributed to increased world wide CO2 emissions and therefore could not be responsible for any hardship suffered by Torres Strait Islanders.
Unless the UN are actively denying the science…
You need to take a step back and understand the definition of “Net Zero” as defined by the IPCC !
You need to realize that I didn’t mention ‘net zero’.
It appears to mean achieving a thumb-on-scale balance between arbitrarily defined greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere and those taken out.
The definition disregards embedded emissions of emission-reduction developments and disregards that the rate of natural removal of the most abundant greenhouse gas increases in proportion to its concentration in the atmosphere (ie net zero can be achieved merely by sufficiently reducing the rate of increase of anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere).
Well that’s nice and simple isn’t it ?!
This just goes to show the wicked duplicity of the IPCC and those behind it. It all started with the the Club of Rome and Agenda 21 and has since been continued and amplified by the WEF. Thanks to the work of Jack Barrett in the 1980s and more recently by Will Happer and David Coe, not to mention TdeF, the straw on which the IPCC edifice stands, namely CO2, has been shown to be irrelevant as a controller of the climate. In fact we know that the climate controls the level of atmospheric CO2, not the other way round. I simply cannot understand the willful ignorance of those who are elected to SERVE us.
Of course it does….
The UN considers any and all emissions from human activity contribute to increased world wide increased CO2…
…..unless they are offset by deliberate human actions to adsorb CO2 (IE, Net zero)
In other words, the UN doesnt give a toss obout Australias NATURAL CO2 CO2 sinks, is simply focussed on anthropogenic emissions and sinks.
You and I both know this is all BS, but if you are going to debate the issues, you need to be clear on the facts.
Meanwhile, actual human rights are being abused left right in many places… but this committee does nothing.
Don’t worry though, the UN now has a Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, which must cover all humans…right…?
Typically racist! Privilege based on skin colour…
UN should be funded on voluntary donations from private individuals. (as should ALL Govts)
Turmoil everywhere. Iran, Russia, China.
China – major military traffic. All Beijing flights cancelled. Rail traffic stopped.
Right on time – 24th.😅
or 22nd.. or 23rd.. or 25th, 26th, 27th.. It will always be ‘right on time’.
There are unconfirmed rumours of a civil/political crisis in China. This is a link to the rumours.–186307
“Rumours also suggest that Li Qiaoming, the General serving for PLA and one of the members of the central committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since Xi’s predecessor Hu Jintao has replaced Xi as the President.”
Reports of coup in China against Xi Jinping viral on social media
“All international and domestic flights to and from Beijing have been halted and internet services have been cut off. Beijing is stated to be under the control of the Army. The news of the coup in Beijing came to the fore following a Twitter message by Indian politician Subramaniam Swami.”
“…following capital punishment awarded to two former ministers, under charges of corruption. …. …. Similarly, former Law Minister Fu Zhenghua with two senior security officers were awarded the death sentence. Zhenghua was considered a strong political leader. Personal property of the former ministers has also been seized.”
They are unconfirmed because they are the nonsensical mutterings of over excitable social media
Not sure about that, Covid lockdowns are tightening and people are starving.
China’s property sector must downsize if there aren’t enough marriages to save it
# The decline in the number of marriages, the most significant driver of property demand, leaves China looking at a massive inventory that will take at least 10 years to digest
# Without downsizing and reforms, the property industry will become a zombie
2 videos, I recommend the 2nd:
Growing anger over China’s unfinished ‘rotten tail’ buildings (Video – 7 mins)
US$44,500 down payment, no services windows or lifts installed, project halted, out of cash.
At least 6 massive projects like this in this small city, Xianghe, near Beijing alone. Thousands of unfinished apartment buildings across China.
Buyers at 320 similar residential projects across China threatened a mortgage strike.
13% of China’s GDP.
This is a single page extract from my latest note on how well sunlight correlates to surface temperarture. This one looks solely at the Southern Ocean. It has the monthly swings in solar EMR and surface temperature for the Southern Ocean through the satellite era:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHB7iMNSDgzCVtyk?e=r5nc9o
The lag between sunlight and surface temperature is close to two months. The correlation would be even better if time resolution permitted more granular lag.
The response is quite sluggish though. It takes a change of 192W/m^2 to shift the surface temperature 1C. That is the nature of persistent condensing cloud over water less than 15C, where it is impossible for convective instability.
I know it is very difficult to appreciate that the sunlight and temperature could be well correlated but there you go. Who could imagine that more sunlight results in higher surface temperature – hard to believe I know.
This trend in solar EMR has been in process for a long time and will continue for a long time. This table shows the change in solar EMR for November at 60S from 1000 years go to the next 1000 years:
-1.000 400.209879
-0.900 399.664392
-0.800 399.125284
-0.700 398.592932
-0.600 398.067664
-0.500 397.549763
-0.400 397.039478
-0.300 396.537025
-0.200 396.042597
-0.100 395.556374
0.000 395.078532
0.100 394.607107
0.200 394.144579
0.300 393.691333
0.400 393.247755
0.500 392.814223
0.600 392.391103
0.700 391.978737
0.800 391.577441
0.900 391.187497
1.000 390.809146
This table came straight from the IMCCE solar calculator found here:
The shortest time frame is 10kyr in 100 year interval so much coarser than I use for annual changes.
Climate modellers are just waking up to the fact that the SO and Antarctica have a sustained cooling trend which is not what their models say and homogenising this record is challenging now. So they are now “suggesting” that all models have a systemic fault with cloud parameterisation for the SO. As if they get other things right.
Perhaps it might help if you could explain what, apart from the IPCC being wrong, this all means to our climate, particularly in Aust.
In centennial time frame, the globe is warming up because the peak solar intensity is moving northward where there is more land. Land responds more to increasing solar intensity than oceans. This changing regional intensity is due to the the precession cycle. The precession cycle is clearly evident in the historical sea level data.
NH will get more extreme temperature range; warmer, drier summers and cooler wetter winters with more snow.
The extremes in the SH will continue to moderate. SO and Antarctica will continue to cool. The oceans in the Southern Hemisphere are still warming but it is less than the NH and they will eventually shift to a long term cooling trend.
But these orbital changes are centennial time frame. Sunspot activity alters weather over decadal time frames. Right now we are just moving past a maximum in cosmic ray intensity. That means the equatorial oceans will get a bit warmer than present. The next El Nino will not be as severe as 2016 but every year it does not occur means that it will be more severe than present up to 2029. An El Nino in 2028 could be as severe as 2016 but there is high probability that the next will occur before then. After 2029 the Nino34 region will be in another cooling phase, which makes La Nino more likely.
It will be a long time before oceans cool again. That is unlikely to happen until the ice mountains begin to form on the land around the North Atlantic. I expect I will be long gone before the ice starts accumulating.
The Mediterranean is very interesting now because it is getting close to monsoon conditions in August. It is large enough to support its own weather system. That means that Northern Africa should get more intense rainfall in August. There are early indications with increasing frequency of Medicines.
Thanks for the detailed response Rick. I have been following yours and EG’s comments here and yours on WUWT. However, and please correct me if I’m wrong, the precession cycle is 26,000 years. If I’m correct in this, surely 100 years is just a tiny blip on this cycle? You haven’t mentioned whether the other cycles are combining with the precession cycle to produce the effects that you believe will occur.
Interesting that you state the max. cosmic ray intensity has been reached – I thought this would continue while sunspot activity is low.
Also, with the destruction of accurate temperature data measurements and the introduction of more inland temp measurement sites, I’m doubtful that any long-time cooling in Australia will be noticeable.
The precession cycle period varies a little but close to 23kyr. Over the last four glaciation cycles, the period shows up in the sea level reconstruction at 23.3kyr as shown here:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhGaXUXNSKzp2wqVs?e=gJam4v
The other broad peak, centred on 125kyr, is more likely a multiple of precession than the eccentricity but I have not yet confirmed that.
Cosmic rays peaked about a year ago:
The influence of cosmic rays is negatively correlated with Nino34 surface temperature but lags by about 24 months. So the Nino34 beat is about a year from the rising trend. The trend is separate to ENSO phases but makes El Nino more intense if it occurs at a peak like 2016. Or La Nina more intense if it occurs in a minimum like 2021.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHHTNgnttLLQQoUx?e=GKLAVW
If there was an El Nino soon, it would look more like 2009 than 2016 as it would coincide with the bottom of the solar beat.
Precession cycle is significant in terms of deep ocean heat storage and long-term surface trends. The deep oceans have very high thermal inertia – of the order of thousands of years. Shallower, latitudinally constrained bodies of water like the Med have lesss thermal inertia. The inland seas even shorter so they are showing the rising spring insolation in the NH more than the deep oceans. The only ocean reflecting the reduced spring insolation in the SH is the Southern Ocean.
The oceans are gaining more heat at present but this is primarily a reduction in net evaporation during the boreal summer. More ocean surface is hitting the 30C limit. The entire northern portion of the Indian Ocean hits the 30C limit in May before the Indian monsoon sets in.,6.84,377/loc=88.616,12.045
Thanks for the additional data and comments Rick. I’ve saved some of the curves for later refs. It’s a pity that these discussions end prematurely because of the following thread.
I see that our unbiassed and representative ABC is taking aim at Opposition Leader Peter Dutton through their 4 Cornered hit squad. I wonder who will be next?
Hopefully he will soon go on the attack.
‘He still remains the leopard.” Dutton critic
The wouldn’t if they didn’t have to.
Sarbecovirus discovered in Russian bat can infect humans and is resistant to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
A recently discovered virus in a Russian bat that is similar to SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, is likely capable of infecting humans and, if it were to spillover, is resistant to current vaccines.
A team lead by researchers in Washington State University’s Paul G. Allen School for Global Health found spike proteins from the bat virus, named Khosta-2, can infect human cells and is resistant to both the monoclonal antibodies and serum from individuals vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2. Both Khosta-2 and SARS- CoV-2 belong to the same sub-category of coronaviruses known as sarbecoviruses.
“Our research further demonstrates that sarbecoviruses circulating in wildlife outside of Asia – even in places like western Russia where the Khosta-2 virus was found – also pose a threat to global health and ongoing vaccine campaigns against SARS-CoV-2,” said Michael Letko, WSU virologist and corresponding author of the study published in the journal PLoS Pathogens.
Oh joy…
So, have the Chicomms yet started the “gain of function” modifications to make it more capable of infecting humans?
Does it really matter if the virus becomes resistant to vaccines that don’t actually work?
Ssshhh…don’t wake up the masses.
The lies that the vaxxes work gives them comfort.🙄
Right. He’ll be de-platformed at minimum.
Didn’t they ban working on Russian animals ars part of their sanctions? Oh wait, the Yank’s biolabs in Ukraine were working on viruses that would INFECT Russians.. Of course they would be researching Russian bats.
Funny how we’ve never worried about pandemics and bat viruses for 2021 years, yet here we are.
None of the “biolabs” in Ukraine were at the level that would permit that kind of work.
Australia has higher level facilities, and of course we bloody have. How do you think we develop vaccines, medicines or test for imported diseases, human OR animal? No modern country with important agricultural industries is going to wait until after they have a problem, to start building facilities to test and research it.
Would zinc stop this one from replicating too?
Dave B
Maybe we could try Ivermectin?
The idea of anthropogenic global warming is not science since it’s not allowed to be debated.
Follow the money trail.
Who’s make money from it? The Leftist Elites, supported by a slave army of useful/useless idiots.
It’s a financial fraud disguised as science.
It is also intended to destroy Western Civilisation and return non-Elites to pre-Enlightenment serfdom and basic survival without luxury or abundance.
Its not quite like that, those who have gone along with the big lie will end up with egg on their collective faces. Maybe a Royal Commission to see where climate science went off the rails, but no Nuremberg.
As Nigel said, its about the weather.
The Meat Replacement Hypothesis. The plot to eliminate animal protein is well ahead of your plans to keep eating it.
I presented the question of a “war on meat” to John Cain Carter, a cattle rancher whose operations in Texas and Brazil led him to establish the well-known rainforest conservation organization Aliança da Terra. Through his advocacy, he is deeply familiar with the world of pro-environment NGOs, but despite working in the same field, he does not view them positively. Groups like the World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, The Nature Conservancy, The Rockefeller Foundation and others are engaged, says Carter, in a “siege on the beef business” and “an attack exquisitely planned as far back as the 1950s.”
“These groups want to wipe out independent family ranches in advance of corporate takeover,” Carter said, “And they push for policies that increase input costs and keep commodity prices stagnant while inflation rises.” And governments, he continued, are more than happy to oblige “under the auspices of climate change, animal welfare, and endangered species to restrict grazing rights, control water usage, and enact other regulations.” In essence, Carter was describing a hostile, focused agenda that was neither accidental nor disorganized.
On the other hand, most leftists still eat meat, and anti-meat messaging still occupies a fairly small political niche. In fact, even the globalist organizations mentioned above are not always anti-meat in their official statements and documents. The WEF acknowledges that meat is and always will be a core part of many diets, and ought to be, given its nutritional value. The EU’s Nutri-Score, which is part of the Green Deal, rates meat products very highly as healthy choices, despite the overall program attacking meat consumption.
MOAR beef, chicken and bacon!
One or the unintended consequences of driving up the cost of farming inputs, is that farmers respond by changing their production mix to lower-cost and lower-risk enterprises.
In my neck-o-the-woods, that means less cropping and more livestock.
Tasty, tasty livestock.
Slow-Motion Trans Wreck. The ghastly fad of genital mutilation will end when the lawsuits begin.
Sharp, which specializes in class action lawsuits, announced its investigation into the adverse effects of puberty blockers on transgender-identified children. These adverse effects can include low bone density, psychological problems, and potentially, per a July 2022 FDA warning label, pseudotumor cerebri, a condition which can cause brain swelling, headaches, nausea, double vision, and permanent loss of vision. Across the Atlantic, as of August 2022, the U.K.’s Tavistock Centre, a gender transition clinic, is expecting a class-action lawsuit from at least 1,000 families of children who were prescribed puberty blockers. Meanwhile, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare released in February of 2022 new guidelines on transgender medicine, recommending that doctors not prescribe puberty blockers outside of “exceptional cases,” as their use is built on “uncertain science.” The reality that so-called “gender-affirming” medicine is not safe is now becoming too obvious to deny, and its implications could not be clearer: we are entering the long-overdue lawsuit phase of the transgender movement, and it is in lawsuits that this movement ends.
Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.
“I was going through a period where I was just really isolated at school, so I turned to the Internet,” she recalled. In her real life, Kerschner had a falling out with friends at school; online however, she found a community that welcomed her. “My dysphoria was definitely triggered by this online community. I never thought about my gender or had a problem with being a girl before going on Tumblr.”
There you have it – the typical isolated, depressed teenager looking to fit in somewhere. Anywhere. Let the lies and group brainwashing begin!
Remember trans fans. YOU wanted (demanded) to transition, YOU ignored warnings and common sense, YOU wanted to run with the (equally deluded) crowd, and now YOU want to sue people for your own stupidity…
Are trans people losing the drag race?
In the history of American social movements, September 11 may take on new significance. September 11, 2022, is the day the powers that be allowed LGBWithoutTheT to trend on Twitter.
In broad daylight, lesbians and gays disassociated themselves from the transgender movement, and Twitter gave them a platform. This was a major turnaround. Just a month earlier Twitter had banned “Gays Against Groomers” for “hateful conduct.”
The LGB resistance would seem to fall into two general categories, one shared by all thinking people. Said a bi-sexual woman,:
“I have nothing in common with activists who are trying to sterilise children and invade sex specific places. It’s sad that I don’t even identify as someone within the LGBTQ community anymore because of one small group of extremists.”
Said a gay man:
“Wanting to cut your dick or boobs off is not LGB. Wanting to enter women’s locker rooms as men is not LGB. Wanting to compete against women as a man is not LGB. Wanting to give puberty blockers and sex change hormones to children is not LGB.”
The GENUINE LGB crowd don’t want anything to do with the grooming crowd. Good!
This podcast of the Lotus Eaters contains video of hospital officials praising the revenue stream of gender ‘affirming’ surgery. Particularly the large amount of follow up required.
And that any ‘conscientious’ objectors should quit.
At about 3:17.
Aaaawww J C II
“stupidity” is a bit harsh. Predictable childish human behavior. It’s a shame there were no nearby adults to advise caution. Not that teenagers listen…. (sigh)
Failure of government really, not demanding higher standards of research and proof of effectiveness of treatment.
(Finest government money can buy)
Not climate change but this climate change zealotry is a part of the problem. It’s letting the inner a/hole out and allowing them to feel like saints.
It does seem that arc of this current historical place can be traced back directly to the climate narrative.
I think we all sensed this all along, but couldn’t believe it would ever go this far.
It would be empty political/media blathering, except I think many of us are starting to see this coalesce into what might described as Global Wokesism in our own social circles.
I have many associates that will not consider any discussion contrary to the new religious narrative, and become angry when exposed to facts.
Politics in the West, for most of our experience, has been mostly secular.
The anti-religious Left has managed to completely reverse this.
With the New Religion comes the New Crusade.
So anything goes when it comes to cleansing the society of the planet destroying, violent word wielding, anti-democracy insurrectionist, gender/race bigoted, meat eating, misogynistic infidels.
If I’m not mistaken, Justin, Dan, and many others have stated this outright in public.
Without pushback.
“If I’m not mistaken, Justin, Dan, and many others have stated this outright in public.”
Perhaps more accurate to say ‘implied’ this in public.
In a ‘will no one rid of this troublesome Priest’ kinda way.
Germany no longer the power house of Europe.
We’ve been doing the same in Australia for years, not to mention the cost of red tape on top of that.
Penny Wong at the UN puts pressure on Beijing.
“It is especially important for countries that play leading roles in international fora, and countries with influence on Russia, to exert their influence to end this war,” she said.
“In this pursuit, the world looks to China, a great power, a Permanent Member of the Security Council, with a “no limits partnership” with Russia.”
Well, Ms Wong, why aren’t you telling Biden, Germany, France to stop sending massive amounts of munitions and funds etc to the NATO/Ukrainian/mercenary forces.
This little kerfuffle would have been over ages ago if the EU and Biden hadn’t interfered.
Putin would have control of the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine, giving them safety from Ukrainian government shelling and brutality.
The Ukrainian NATO-puppet government would be replaced with a proper Ukrainian one.
But Biden, Germany, France, and other just had too much politically and personally at stake.
Nice to see you have such an open mind to state sovereignty. Ukraine not supposed to exist due to Russia not wanting it to be.
Your normal rational thinking not on display here.
Agree , b nice is usually spot on but I’m struggling with this comment . I know that Zelensky is not a saint and I know there are elements in Ukraine that have some weird views but who invaded who here .
Ukraine has been bombing the Donbas for ages.
Ukraine is allowing NATO in, against signed agreements.
There are many sorts of invasion..
Russia only started this little military skirmish.
It did not start the incursions.
You can the UK to that List. Warmongers the lot of them………………….
‘add’ to the List I mean…………
Why doesn’t that mealy-mouthed btch look to America for stopping the war?? They’re supplying the arms and she looks to the Yanks for everything else!
Hopefully Xi tells her to be ashamed of what she’s done to her Chinese ancestry
You mean….. like letting Hitler have Czechoslovakia stopped WW2?
Putin has made it abundantly clear that Ukraine is not the end of his ambitions.
It takes two to make peace, but only one to start a war.
Putin and Xi are living in the past and the Security Council is demeaned by their collusion.
‘ … what she’s done to her Chinese ancestry.’
Penny comes from a Malaysian background, no doubt you and I have Neanderthal genes.
In a very real sense you are cheering on the Russians, which means in your abysmal world order Putin has a right to reclaim old Tsarist territories.
Have you ever listened to the “voice”, more of a bl,ke.
It doesn’t look like China is offering “no limits” support to Russia. It is possible that China’s increasingly fragile economy (fragile doesn’t mean “broken”, yet) is making them cautious WRT US reactions affecting their trade relationship.
Biden blames HIV/AIDS on Elton John
Someone PLEASE take #PedoHitler off to a nice rubber room somewhere…
“Not a joke – this is the official US Space Force song.”
And note the bloody origin!
Maybe they’d better start again
The ACT Government has contracted a number of variable renewable energy (VRE) generators to supply power to the Territory to back up its claim of being “100% renewable”. The VRE suppliers have not lived up to early expectations.
Initial expectations were for them to supply about 2,313 GWh of power annually, but 3 years of supply data show that the best VRE annual performance was 1,510,476 GWh supplied in the first full year – 65% of what was expected. Generation for the following 2 years has been decreasing to 62.5% of expectations, or only about 50% of the ACT’s total annual electricity usage. If this trend continues, the ACT Gov’ts bucket of renewable energy certificates will soon be empty. Summary data is available at this link.
Initially, the VRE suppliers under the contracted FIT scheme were paid above market price for their supply, but there has been a dramatic change for the last reporting quarter where market prices have soared and it appears that they are now (under the supply contract) in the red to the tune of about A$52 million. I have no idea how this issue will be resolved.
The more that wind and solar are installed, at some point each additional unit of them starts to be less and less useful. Take the simplified case of solar panels reaching demand at the middle-of-the-day peak. If the same amount of solar is added, 2/3 of the addition is wasted because it takes middle-of-the-day supply way above demand. If a third same amount is added, virtually all of it (mathematically, 93%) is wasted because there is virtually no unsatisfied demand left at the times that the solar can produce.
G’day R,
Your two numbers of GWh suggest VRE is a resounding success.
I suspect your basic proposition is correct, but those number show the opposite.
Dave B
You are correct D-o-C – it has taken me forever to realise that under the green new deal, failure to perform to expectations is actually success. You just have to turn up to get a pat on the back and a participation medal.
Rowjay, when working out the annual total wind production for the ACT contracted generators you have missed one of the quarters for each of the years. Go back and check your spread sheet. The annual figures will be about 25% higher. Behind the meter production is rising so the grid demand is falling. The ACT Government has contracted two more 100MW wind farms and for a while the ACT will nominally go over the 100% mark. The ACT also counts on its share of NSW hydro toward its total as well as the 20% generated through the RET.
I believe the owners of all wind farms can withdraw from their contracts which they will probably do if they believe power prices will stay high.
Failed Zero Covid Policy Cost Australia Over $938 Billion, Report Finds
From the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, all Australian governments adopted the attitude that any public health mitigation measure was on the table, and little to no consideration was given to the costs of the measures that were adopted.
This is the subject of new research published by the Institute of Public Affairs, which for the first time in Australia calculates many of the costs of the nation’s Covid zealotry up to June 2022. In the report, Hard Lessons: Reckoning the Humanitarian, Economic, and Social Costs of Zero-Covid, we find that the total economic and fiscal cost of the Australian COVID-19 response was no less than A$938.4 billion (£550.6 billion) to June 2022. This report identifies:
$595.8 billion in state and federal Government to enforce Covid policies and stimulate the economy;
$259.8 billion in lost economic activity because of the restrictions and economic shutdowns;
$82.8 billion in inflation related costs due to expansive monetary and fiscal policies, a cost which is set to only increase more and more over the next couple of years.
Solution – reset the currency to zero. ☺
They were warned.
Solution – Line up the ‘Pollies’ one by one and……………….
,,,,, give them a firm “talking to”?
Germany: Greens Plan To Ban Native Germans From A Third Of Jobs To Promote ‘Diversity’
In the name of promoting “diversity,” ruling Greens in the German the city of Hanover plan to ban a third of native citizens from applying for government jobs so they can be given to migrants.
“Migrants”? Do they mean the unending wave of unvetted illegal immigrants pouring into the EU for years totally destroying natural culture (eg France) now while countries (like Saudi Arabia) bordering their home countries flatly refused to home any of them? The migrants that don’t want to assimilate or work and have no skills? Those migrants?
Germany will need the military on the streets..
Is it not geting like that on their TV as well, already? So many presenters with ‘funny / hard to read / pronounce’ names. WHere did Hans, Fritz and Heidi go? Have to say it’s a bit like that in UK now too. Accents here at least generally sound OK ( So on the radio is acceptable ! (?) ) You wonder where all the little native boys n girls go for work. ANyone interviewed is not by and large a native Yte skint person. and the way this recent Budget is developing , well we’ll all be well skint!
Anyone here knowing what is happening in China. Hope it all ends well.
Best ask JC II. He inferred something similar in #4.
I know nothing of the source but my son, who travels in a different net than I, says the rumour that Xi has been arrested has been out there all day.
A search found this:
Update 9.24.22–A more detailed story of President Xi Jinping’s arrest has emerged. Translated from Mandarin: “Shocking Beijing story: Xi visited Central Asia on Sept. 14th. Hu and Wen successfully persuaded Song Ping, a former member of the Standing Committee, to take control of the military that afternoon. Song took control of the Central Guard Bureau that night. Jiang Zeng and the members of the Central Committee in Beijing were informed on a single phone line. The original Standing Committee members removed Xi’s military power by a show of hands. When Xi found out, he returned to Beijing on the evening of Sept. 16th. Xi was arrested at the airport. He is now under house arrest at Zhongnanhai’s home. The change in leadership will be announced at the Seventh Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee. Unable to verify. New Highland News Agency.”
Let’s hope that, if true, any change is for the better. It ain’t necessarily so.
This is breaking news if true.
I have been let down too many times in the past by journalists, to believe their header.
Lets see what happens.
Thankyou for posting this H.
If your:
? = 24th but nothings happening.
! = You are still here – celebrate.
Price of gold dropped over US$20 y’day but in the A$ it rose slightly, in GDP it rose 0.25d.
This isn’t a one day wonder, the USD TWI has been rising steadily, 15% in the last 12 months.
The widespread anti US sentiment and their unbridled spending would have you believe that they will lead world banking over the cliff. Waddyano! Big money thinks they are a refuge in a storm.
Our AD is looking like a Pacific peso, down to 65.25 US cents. It is impossible to get the great unwashed to care about these things except, maybe, if you tell them this automatically adds 10% to petrol and internationally traded goods. But if you really want to hiss them off, tell them it is a FREE 10% profit for international miners.*
Our government should take this seriously, but I doubt they think about it until someone tells them the interest paid on USD denominated debt just rose 10%. Even then I suspect they’ll just agree not to tell anyone.
* It isn’t really, a lot of their input costs are also pegged to international prices.
Yes, but many of our Exports are priced in US Dollars so it isn’t all bad news.
That’s why I said our miners were getting a free 10% on the top.
McEnany: This takedown of Don Lemon was ‘absolutely epic’
received an email from / thru’ Nigel Farage today: investments. Rain fuel, water, Wasserstoff Hydrogen. What exactly is this Rain fuel? Gurgling it gives me eye-ache – so much nonsense beating around the Bush of what it really is. Hydrolyses of water? that needs electricity … how is that a wonderfuel? extracting 140V charge from waterdroplets ? when is rain no longer water, OR when does rain become water ? Anyone know or can shed further light on this ? … .. All I get here is rainfall makes things wet and NEEDS energy to dry things off.
Take a look on the website at the sudden drop-off in solar in conjunction with limp wind conditions for this evenings peak. It was all fossil fuels plus hydro on call to cover the deficiency resulting in a 65° ramp from 13 GW to 24 GW dispatchable in the space of 2 hours – well done to the reliables.
At 12.30pm on Saturday solar delivered 49% of total demand across the AEMO grid, wind 6%.
But by 6.30pm, solar 0.5%, wind 6%. Coal increased from 40% to 69% and gas to 8%.
How much more intermittent supplies can the grid take before it crashes?
The United States and their Western Alliances figure money and it’s creating and controlling has generated an unrealistic and unreasonable fantasy where materials are magically created to fulfill their objective requirements through policies and unrealistic goals racked with fraud.
Is it any wonder that whatever the United States tries to do now TOTALLY FAILS???
Having different perspectives and allowed to share them and ideas has been ignored for this globalization experiment that has so many holes…the Titanic was better suited to this task but failed too.
“If you’re not with me, you’re against me” George Bush United States President proclaimed.
Funding consequences and sanctions imposed should you’re not understand it’s implications…so everybody lies.
Stick with the script of our politicians alliances…as individual nations cracking and breaking are reality bites to show they’re foolish objectives were never conceivable.
American Red Cross-
“We don’t label blood products as containing vaccinated or unvaccinated blood as the Covid-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream & poses no safety risk to the recipient..”
Not sure what reality they are living in, but its not mine.
If they ask vampirs, the know better 😀
Fear not all.
Monday will make it all clear.
You will know who to listen to and who not to.
Nice and aloof. Or are you being facetious?
No, just pretending that he is the only one who has heard rumours re China.
For fans of Aussie Rules Football – great to see the Cats destroy Sydney today. Best of all, that disgrace of a player – Lance ‘Buddy’ Franklin managed a single point. I’m actually an Essendon supporter but just for 2 hours today I was a Geelong man. Well done boys.
Why would you write that abusive post here? Go write it on one of the sport’s blogs you follow.
Well that went well didn’t it.
Some fun stuff here……………………
“After the latest booster, 6 Canadian doctors, 50 and under, died within a 15 day period.This suggests that for the 15 day post-vax period only, doctors are dying a rate that is 12X what is normally expected.”
Are doctors more prone to dying from the booster or does everyone else die from the booster at the same rate but it’s not reported?
The only difference I can think of between medical doctors and others is that doctors’ immune systems are regularly challenged simply because of the large numbers of sick people they see. They have more immunity than regular people to a wide range of pathogens. As a result, they don’t get sick that often due to immunity but when they do get sick they get really sick. At least that’s my observation.
Perhaps the article is segregating Doctors to point out that they, as a cohort of similarly situated people, have an undeniably pronounced rate of expiration.
Nothing is said of the General Population. It focuses exclusively on Doctors. Possibly because they, as a group, are easily distinguished from others.
If Doctors are dying at 12 times the historically statistical rate, and all under 50 years of age, then something is certainly amiss.
My neighbour is a traveling cardiac nurse. She has refused the vax and suffered professionally for that choice. She knows of several young doctors who have died after their 2nd or 3rd shot, all Cardiologists and most who were threatened with loss of license, admitting privileges, and outright termination, if they refused the shots. We have not heard the end of this story, and shall not for years to come.
Back during the vaccine rollouts, when deaths were being analysed against vaccination status, those dying within a fortnight of getting the jab were categorised as “unvaccinated”.
There were some interesting spikes in deaths “from/with covid” amongst the recently-jabbed cohort.
Yes. Good point Peter. An interesting way to cover up vaccine deaths.
Now that yesterday’s panem et circenses is over for Vicdanistanis they and others may wish to watch the following two items.
Here are a couple of excellent videos explaining technologies from back in the day when people were curious, pursued knowledge and were commited to one of the Enlightenment values of ongoing progress (among others).
The first video starts out with the question of, if you were stuck on a deserted island without tools, how would you make a perfectly flat surface? And then it moves on to the invention by Carl Johansson of gauge blocks.
The first video is called “The origins of precision”, about where accurate measurements come from. It is excellent. (30 mins)
Also see “The 1751 machine that made everything” (15 mins)
The people (Obama et al) who tell Biden what to say made him articulate a change in US policy on Tawain.
Trump Slammed Taliban Leader With Grave Threat: “I Sent Him A Picture Of His House”
Danielle D’Souza Gill
September 23, 2022
(1 min 39 sec)
Chiefio looks at the US economic scene
“Saturday Snippet: Notes on Inflation”
Link there
Here is a list of “Young Global Leaders” of the World Economic Forum for Australasia and Oceania. Note: three pages.
Some “How the other half lives”
Chiefio has just moved from California to Florida. Not fully settled in and facing a serious hurricane.
Well I’ll Be! Hurricane Ian!
And Fiona is giving Canada a touch up
A wind map via SDA;-52.6;3&l=wind-10m
More on Canada
Latest Pointman
🇷🇺 Russian Federation – Minister for Foreign Affairs Addresses UN General Debate (English)
So Woke They Can’t Take A Group Photo
Congratulations National Australia Bank.
It’s only taken about ten years since I’ve first started reporting it but you’ve finally fixed a bug in your mobile banking App requiring me to log in twice about half the time I used it…
Back in the day, software was never released until it had first been thoroughly tested, including by prospective users.
And bug reports were quickly addressed, not in ten years.
Or not, if they were being palmed off as “a feature”
Yes, and Vaccines were properly tested as best they could before being released to Market.
“The History Books Will Prove This is an Industrial Example of The Great Pretending
September 24, 2022 | Sundance | 168 Comments”
“Everything, everything he outlines, is essentially accurate about the damage being done to western economies. …. Except the biggest realization and acceptance is missing…. It’s being done by design. The people he outlines are not making a mistake, they are doing it on purpose.”
“The U.S, EU, CA, AU and western economic central bankers did not respond sooner to the inflation crisis (2021) because the central banks were waiting for the politicians in their systems to establish the energy policy that their pre-planned action was intended to support. [<- Reread that if needed].”
(My bold)
And more
I was just at the supermarket and had my eyes on a delicious looking piece of meat but then I noticed on the packet it said “certified carbon neutral”.
Needless to say, no sale.
Get woke, go broke.
“JCU: Climate Concern is Driving Migration to Cold Tasmania”
Relations there had a couple of bail-outs due to fire in the last one there.
Prompted by the discovery of a considerable layer of ash in a post hole and the discovery thyat thye last one through there burnt a number of houses and a saw mill.
They weren’t waiting around.
Love it! PLEASE.. All the woke and those believers in CO2 toxicity please move to Tasmania!
Then we can cut the cable and let it float away!
They jumped too quickly of course, no bushfires now, and not for quite a few years yet!
Anyone stupid enough to move to Van Diemen’s Land because of supposed climate change deserves to go there and not come back.
The British labour party has pledged 200,000 jobs making Britain green in 6 years.
The spokesman did not explain how green energy can be both cheap and a massive employer at the same time.
This has been mentioned probably 100 times already. But the strike would be pointless. Because if a man is denied animal products he’s not going to be able to look after his girl in any case. Its just a formula for sterile relationships. You don’t keep your lady satisfied eating salads. And even the girls are going to become useless eating only plants. Sure they can last a bit longer on plants, pretending to be happy and healthy, than the males. But in the end you will get these completely useless people getting about. Not having sex and always being in a bad mood.