A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up
Israel didn’t start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren’t safe so they lied to the world about it.
This one article should bring down the house of cards if there is just one honest person in a position of authority in the world.
The Israeli health authority knew the vaccines were harming people: the side effects of the vaccine are neither mild nor short term. In fact, in 65% of the neurological cases that mentioned duration, the symptoms are all on-going.
They also established causality: the side effects were caused by the vaccine. This is something no one else had been able to establish before.
Too late for the vaxxed but there is ZERO justification in continuing the Covid pantomime any more.
Pollies & gubermint helf eggspurts had best move to non-extradition countries…
The energy with which Israel took to the task of VaXXinating their entire nation really stood out at the time.
It’s now no surprise that their “data” now shows the VaXXine Adverse Effects so clearly.
It seemed from the start, a case of All In, and now, quite likely, they’re All damaged.
The first outrage of this story is that Israel knew the vaccine had severe side effects but covered it up.
The second outrage is the the MSM know knows the story and they are covering it up also by not reporting it.
Oh for the day when Hammurabi ruled- when the bridge builder had to spend time sleeping under his own bridge.
With Bureaucracies the cover – up rules who can trace, midst smoke and mirror complexities, just who has made the
fatal decision?
Someone should study the difference between “looking at the words” and “reading”.
I have engaged alarmists/haters on forums where they are very vocal for many years. It is impossible to disabuse them of anything no matter how comprehensively it has been debunked. They still say Trump only won in 2016 with Russian help and that he is a traitor who deserves to be hanged.
They must have scanned millions of words which disprove this thesis but they could not have “read” them with the slightest curiosity.
I have no grand kids so no idea about education today buy it looks as if the schools have failed.
I was just listening to the UK autumn vax ‘adverts’ on BBC radio this morning, warm reassuring male voice saying the new bivalent vax is brilliant, but any vax version you might be offered will do you the ‘power of good’. Really quite sinister.
The High priests of Cancel Culture are the Heirs to the Witch Hunters of Salem
Andrew Doyle, host of Free Speech Nation on GB News and member of the Free Speech Union’s Advisory Council, is publishing a book called The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World and the Mail on Sunday has an excerpt. It begins:
We are living through a time in which unproven accusations are once again enough to see a person damned.
Charges of ‘racism’, ‘homophobia’, ‘transphobia’ and even ‘fascism’ are commonplace and no evidence is required to secure a ‘cancellation’. People have had their careers destroyed and personal relationships ruined simply for expressing unfashionable opinions.
Actually I’m all in favour of a few burnings at the stake.
Bring forth the pollies and health experts. Don’t forget the disproven climate alarmists and child groomers too!
Unlike the witch hunters we have something called PROOF. 😈
He is being interviewed here about his book if you have the time to listen, cheers
As per H. L. Mencken:
“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”
a more science based approach to witch hunting ….
Maybe non-Elites should do as the Romans did against the Elites.
Secessio plebis.
(From Wikipedia.)
At least I now have a better understanding of the origin and use of “pleb”. 🙂
The Roman aristocracy forgot to create an faux health crisis, convincing the plebes to shut down there own businesses first.
They had also not invented Amazon to take over.
Not sure if they had an education system in place to brainwash the children of the plebes, convincing generations that doing in there own society was fashionable and good for the planet.
They probably lacked a Roman Bono.
What happened to Sunday?
It was renamed Fathers Day and you missed it………………
it took the usual 24 hours
That bold was accidental – somewhere in the triangle of this HP computer and keyboard, Brave browser and Jo’s site things like this happen –
The lead-in was “IIRC” but intermittently upper case “R” replaces that string with “strong” – or does other things mysterious
Suggestions as to why would be welcome
You must click in the “Reply” box and have it change colour before you type, otherwise whatever you type before “Space” is replaced by “strong”.
I do it regularly. 🙂
Ease off the bubbly stuff 😅
Sunday is being eradicated by the atheists of LWO.
They/It/Them emerged from the Underworld just a few days ago in Philadelphia.
Flanked by Centurions in USMC outfits.
It was on TV.
They/It/Them washed They/It/Them’s human like hands afterwards.
“The Quantity of Metals Required to Manufacture Just One Generation of Renewable Technology to Phase Out Fossil Fuels”
I posted the video link else where. Numbers on the table at 40:20 are quite telling !
Get ready for another onslaught
“Because It Didn’t Work The First Four Times”
“What you are watching is not an old video of our PM pushing vaccines, this is from 3 days ago pushing people to get “up to date” with the new vaccines. It seems as if he is threatening more restrictions if we don’t comply. And I don’t want him to keep me safe. Leave me alone.”
And someone posted on a previous thread a site that predicts how long to get a designated percentage of the population vaccinated.
IIRC for Victoria and 80% dosed three times it was 1200 days and rising so might need additional bludgeoning
When they produce a safe vaccine then I may well consider it.
In the meantime, an experimental gene therapy emergency approved drug does not get past my BS moderator detector.
Just go away and leave me alone. Even better, just go and play in the Traffic.
The only indicator of a safe vaccine will be the lifting of immunity from prosecution of Government & the Pharmaceutical industry!
Pigs flying while knitting socks will happen before that & me having another Covid jab!
See my comment #1.3
Let’s talk inflation, famines, poverty, soaring energy prices etc. Are any of these for real?
Mentioned this on a previous thread but here goes….. I bought up big on non-perishables in mid-May (Pasta,rice, oats, instant noodles etc) and have seen no price increase in 4 months. Also shelves fully stocked at Woolies and IGA (no Coles here) and most F+V back to normal prices (example; lotsa shrieking when lettuce was $8+ but no comment on current $1.70 at Woolies). Petrol now $1.45 near my mum in Sydney ($1.55 up here…NOT $2.10+. Nescafe in precipitous price-decline after earlier spike.
So, where is the massive inflation, followed by starvation and death?
Anyone seen it “in the wild” lately?
Being on a keto [light] diet I have no use for (Pasta,rice, oats, instant noodles etc) but an $8 block of cheese went to $9 very early. A $2.90 leek is now $3.90, Capsicum is still around $15/kg is spite of being a winter crop at Gumlu, 100 k south, tomatoes, a major winter crop at Bowen, are still around $6. Eggs and milk rose 50c [around 20%] early.
A lot of things woolies price in whole dollars rose $1 early and are now stable there, but if I read your post correctly you are saying things are not as bad as the doomies predicted, then I agree with you.
Fuel excise “holiday” expiring end of Aug/Sep? Let’s see what happens to fuel prices – I have a feeling we’re in for bad times as the current occupant of Kirribilli and his cronies want to use high fuel prices to push for their EV utopia.
I thought that Albo resided at the Lodge in Canbrrrrrrrrrr.
It’s coming to a Cinema near you very soon. And the Ticket price may well go up and NOT down.
We travel frequently up/down the east coast..Sydney to Batemans B and are fortunate to have one of the cheapest servos near to home ..the independent at Mogo.
Petrol price has never dropped below $1.60 since early in the year, and was holsing $1.63 until last weekend when it just increased to $1.73 ?
Diesel has consistently been $0.20 higher and is now back up to $2.00+ again ?
Also many staple groceries are way higher than 12 monts, Sultana bran 730gm now no change from $10.00 !
..and dont get me going on the price of baked beans ! ..WTF ?
Don’t forget, as mentioned previously, that packaged food on the shelves is predominantly last years product along with cold storage up to a year for “fresh produce”.
Oz is behind the USA and EU for shortages inflation. The agricultural input costs will get passed on progressively with the inevitable consequences – major price hikes -> producers ceasing business -> shortages inflation.
Don’t think it’s not coming. Soon…
Yes, I have built up a stock of longlife foods myself – dried veg, canned, pasta, rice, an enormous carton of dehydrated potato, many jars of passata, herbs and spices … Also, the chest freezer in the garage (apparently having that makes me a bogan) is stuffed to the brim. Of course the frozen meat doesn’t keep indefinitely, so I’m rotating it while keeping it full.
I wouldn’t call it prepper-level, but I reckon we have enough food to last the three of us for around three months, longer if we rationed it.
I can’t point to how individual prices are moving, but I do track our spending quite closely now that we’re retired, and our grocery spend has increased significantly in the past few months.
Ditto Steve.
mmmm lpg 89.3c today, groceries have nudged up, I guess as others have said it will be our turn over the barrel eventually. Sounds like people in more remote spots are getting wacked first, and with diesel costing what it does is not surprising. Never mind, relief is just on the horizon with the highly efficient and effective Tesla semi.
I have been studying my pet subject closely, the carbon 14 radio carbon dating of CO2 now armed with summary data to 2020.
And it is conclusive, that
1. the human contribution to CO2 is still provably under 4%. although successive nuclear tests in the 1960s and 70s
make this less accurate than in 1958 when is was 2.03% +/- 0.15% after two world wars and the odd nuclear blast.
2. the time to cycle half of the atmospheric CO2 through the oceans is under 5 years. With zero evidence, the IPCC claim this is 80 years even for highly soluble CO2, 30x more soluble than oxygen which fish need to breathe. This is also their standard by which all ‘greenhouse’ gases are rated, which makes them all wrongly vilified too.
So the very idea that humans contribute to the increase in CO2 is busted. Again.
And this is supported fully by the 300 year measured age of CO2 at the very bottom of the ocean. C14 is created only in the upper atmosphere by cosmic rays and takes real time to reach the bottom of the ocean. Thousands of years according to the IPCC. However as the CO2 in the atmosphere is only 2% of that in the ocean, so the average time for CO2 to enter the ocean would be about 300 years/50 = 6 years. Confirmation from the bottom of the ocean. All the ocean is involved in CO2 exchange, again denied without evidence by the IPCC.
Whether CO2 causes warming, sea level rise etc. is self evidently wrong after 34 years.
So there is no problem with tiny man made CO2.
Plus both NASA and the CSIRO admit the world has Greened since satellites started looking, a Green area the size of Brazil! This is about 14%. And coincidentally the increase in CO2 since 1990 is also 14%. So more CO2 means exactly more Green. So the biosphere controlling CO2 is busted. Nett Zero is absolutely busted. More CO2 means proportionally more trees. More trees do not mean less CO2. The biosphere has no effect on CO2 levels at all. It is a dependent area for carbon life forms. More carbon dioxide, more life, more food, more of everything and no noticeable warming.
All of which confirms the one and only massive equilibrium is between the vast atmosphere and the oceans which are 350x more massive (depth of 3.5km = 350 atmospheres at 10metres per atmosphere).
And warmer oceans mean more CO2. And more CO2 means more trees. And more CO2 does not mean the end of life on earth, rather a greener planet. So why are we told to bury the stuff? Why are we told humans control CO2 levels? Why is our electricity supply being crippled? Burning coal is what we should be doing, not that the planet could care. It’s far bigger than us.
The question is why all Western democratic governments without exception are destroying energy and food supplies in the name of saving the planet when it doesn’t need saving? And why no other governments do a thing including all of Africa, Asia, Russia, China and South America.
So when a young zealot shows me this graph, what do I say?
Just say, THANK GOODNESS! that there is now enough, (though barely), atmospheric CO2 for plant life to start functioning properly!
That everything he eats depends on an adequate supply of environmental CO2….. and that past epochs when CO2 was far higher, were periods of luxurious growth and abundant life.
Ask him if they used the same measurement instruments 50,000 years ago, as they use today ?
The pre-satellite data has a lower resolution than the entire satellite period. ie, the changes you can see in the satellite data, if they occurred in times past, would not appear in the graph. So the two periods cannot be compared like that (chalk and cheese, or apples and oranges).
[That’s another way of saying what Chad said, and hopefully sufficiently less cryptic so that a Millenial has some sort of chance of understanding it.]
Supposedly a lot more CO2 out gassing takes place during previous interglacials, but its nowhere to be seen.
So ice cores are dodgy, the CO2 fingerprint is suppressed, a stomatal proxy based record of CO2 might be a better fit.
CO2 doesn’t just hang around in water, it forms a very weak acid and dissolves minerals such as silica so that it can be taken up by vegetation both terrestrial and marine. Silica is needed to strengthen plant cell walls.
Over longer time spans carbonic acid and calcium form limestone and chalk.
Less CO2 means less Oxygen. During photosynthesis, the oxygen molecules expelled are not random – they come from the water molecules not from the CO2 molecules. This is our only source of breathable oxygen.
Methinks “silica” should be “silicate” in this instance. As I recall only hydrofluoric acid will dissolve silica (silicon dioxide) and you don’t want to go near that horrid acid!
That’s the True science.
That’s the True science.
That’s the True science.
Are we still debating this?
Let’s move on to find those who are lying to us, extorting from us and enslaving us?
Then we must punish them!
We cannot ridicule the high priests until we have the critical evidence.
And ocean acidification has always been busted. The world’s oceans are all basic. You cannot ‘acidify’ without making things acidic and they are not and never will be. Not until the white cliffs of dover, most of the UK, the Nullabor plain and half the sea floor dissolve along with every shellfish and coral reef. Is there no end to this fake science, also pushed by our very own CSIRO?
The oceanic pH is dropping and it is dropping faster than any known period in the geologic past. Are you saying that this is not happening?
Actual data shows no change of all surface pH reading in 50+ years
All measurement shown are a small part of natural ocean cycles.
Don’t alarm yourself Peter. Back about 33 Million years ago, the atmospheric CO2 was over 1,000ppm and the separation of Australia from Antarctica led to the cooling ocean absorbing significant quantities of said CO2 – the planet survived.
So here is the current quandary – a warming ocean outgasses CO2, increasing PH levels. A cooling ocean absorbs CO2, reducing PH levels. So are the oceans cooling?
My point exactly. Dropping? Do you know what that means? Above 7 it is BASIC. ALKALI, not acid. Oceans are around 8. That’s drinking water.
Consider your bank balance going down very slightly, it’s a very big difference to being broke. They are not the same thing.
In fact from 6 to 8 it is really what comes out of the tap. And not a problem to anybody at all. But to go through 7 would take the destruction of every bit of chalk, limestone, shell, coral on the planet.
So what’s the problem?
Notice the careful use of words (extracted from the page 1 summary)”…. than any known period in the geologic past)
No reference to what is actually known about ocean ph with high confidence in the geologic past. Bit like “since records commenced” when talking about satellite data or “post industrial period” as if the rest of time doesnt exist.
I doubt our ability to ascertain the historical and current PH of the “whole” ocean as much as I doubt the accuracy of the historical and current ‘average’ temperature of the “whole” planet.
But just keep on harping ‘SCIENCE’ at everybody.
It’s working.
Why do you keep on making a fool of yourself Peter?
Surely you know what is about to be pointed out to you?
Your point has no point.
Why the disinformation?
Its funny .. They try to make a case for a change from pH 8.2 to pH 8.1…
.. when natural variability of water in parts of the oceans is from pH 7.5 to 8.5 (numbers rubbery and from vague memory)
Many rivers feeding the ocean are often below pH 7 sometimes as low as 5.5… but the ocean pH stays pretty much the same.
Don’t think those river estuaries would be much use in growing oysters?
Oysters developed in times when atmospheric CO2 was much much higher than now.
You can see why the Left want to censor everything…
The Red Thumb troll gives a thumbs down but is too clueless to make a comment.
If you can’t debate the point – censor it!
Welcome to my world
“Welcome to my world”
“If you can’t debate the point” .. is your world.
How on gods earth are you censored? you are free to spill out all the nonsense you like here. Talk about playing the victim.
Everything I post has to pass the censor, most posts never make it
“Most?” Perhaps if you weren’t so happy to say things that are false, it would be different.
Peter Fitzroy comments published here: 3,885
Despite breaching comment rules too many times to count, we still publish most of your comments.
And that is a fundamental difference between conservatives (and fellow rational thinkers) and the Left.
Conservatives are always censored on Leftist blogs and websites and yet Leftists are rarely so on conservative sites.
There is nothing more terrifying to a Leftist than an alternative opinion.
Everything we all post has to pass the censor/owner. Dont see why you should be entitled to different treatment or victimhood.
Seem the Twits and Farce-book are actually collaborating with the Democrats. !
Doesn’t it look crazy? Another hockey stick? Because it is.
It’ highly improper to weld two different measurement technologies like this. They first must be proven to measure the same thing. Michael Mann welded modern temperatures onto tree rings.
Here rapid laboratory CO2 measurements are welded onto very low time resolution ice cores. Ice cores can give measurements over millions of years but not yesterday’s CO2 level. So rapid changes are missing. CO2 leaches through the ice in formation and over time. It is a coarse tool but good.
Comparable to using glacial movement to time an egg. Ridiculous and not science.
What would have caused these hypothetical rapid changes in CO2? The only non anthropogenic cause would be volcanic and they are rather obvious in the geological record, e.g.the Deccan Traps and their possible role in the K-T extinction event. You can trust the CO2 ice core records, they are accurate.
Seems you didn’t comprehend.
I’ll repeat it for you..
“It’s highly improper to weld two different measurement technologies like this”
Note, at no time in that graph of the Vostok data, did peaks in CO2 cause warming..
In fact, they always coincided with the start of cooling !
It is a primary exhibit that CO2 does not control the temperature.
How on earth would you know that? Really? Were you there? It’s a good question.
Basically the simple Physical Chemistry is that this is a water covered planet. And CO2 levels go up and down, both slowly and quickly for various reasons. And CO2 is also highly soluble, 30x more soluble than essential oxygen and you are descended from animals which started in the water, which is why you have 200m2 of wet tissue in your lungs and your blood has the salt level of the primordial oceans. Your developing foetus shows gills.
And in those times the temperature went up and the temperature went down, as did CO2, following Henry’s Law. But these up and down relatively rapid excursions say over a hundred of a few thousand years are hidden in the ice record as detail which is too fine because of the unavoidable averaging.
So I did not say the records were not accurate. Like yesterday’s temperature. But at what time yesterday?
Simon says, you can trust the ice core records, but not the original gisp2 because it doesn’t fit the narrative, even though it fits what was long known/suspected from history, so it had to be ‘debunked’ and rewritten. But even the Antarctic ice core data has had some recent published doubt on accuracy. Doesn’t sound like a wise person would bet their house on the accuracy of ice cores any time soon.
Understood, but I am not questioning accuracy.
I am stating that they cannot see fine detail. Any technology which can span hundreds of thousands of year is poor at detail, like the alleged 150 years of rapid CO2 increase. It’s all about time resolution, just like you cannot see fine detail from 10km away. What you see are averages and the average of rapid oscillation is a straight line.
I was talking to Simon! But yes, obviously resolution, detail, simply not comparable with modern measurements. That’s why tacking real data onto the end of a proxy record is a crime against science.
‘What would have caused these hypothetical rapid changes in CO2?’
When the planet warms there is more CO2 out gassing from the oceans, the variability is picked up by stomata proxy which captures the Medieval Warm Period.
‘Plant stomata data show much greater variability of atmospheric CO2 over the last 1,000 years than the ice cores and that CO2 levels have often been between 300 and 340ppmv over the last millennium, including a 120ppmv rise from the late 12th Century through the mid 14th Century. The stomata data also indicate higher CO2 levels than the Mauna Loa instrumental record; but a 5-point moving average ties into the instrumental record quite nicely.’ (David Middleton)
Total Australian Government Debt (fed, state, local) is now over $1.57 trillion. Are you enjoying all the “free stuff”?
There is over $60,000 debt for every man woman and child. And there is absolutely no limit whatsoever on governments spending even more of your borrowed money.
In addition, there are very few net wealth creators left in Australia. If you take away those too old or too young to work, those in the public service, those on welfare and those that don’t want to work even if capable, there are very few that pay the taxes that service the debt interest. And servicing the debt interest is about all we can do, the debt is far too massive to pay off.
Consider if only about 20% of the population might be net wealth creators. Then there is a burden of $300,000 per net wealth creators, not $60,000.
There are about 11.3 million private sector employees over 15 in Australia but not all will be full time and many will be in receipt of some sort of welfare.
This is not going to end well.
The wealth creators may be few in number, but the money they pull in is truly staggering. We’re talking about iron ore and coal exports here.
The iron ore and coal, that is, which equips the Chinese Communist Party’s military.
Lets hope the stagger ends at the dollar amount, not with what the CCO military do with their equipment.
Well we do have some history
So, Yarpos, your unions didn’t want to load pig-iron for Japan, but they had no problem about banning the loading of supplies for the Diggers fighting the German fascists when Uncle Joe (Stalin) had a treaty with Hitler to not invade USSR.
Treachery and treason, thy name is “the left”.
During and after the war, the Australian communists acted as the puppets of the Soviet Union led by the megalomaniac dictator Joseph Stalin. They were prepared to use their power in the unions to further Soviet foreign policy, knowing they could rely on the protection of the Labor Left both in parliament and in the government. Stalin and his communists were in many ways similar to Hitler and the Nazis. Above all, both were violently opposed to democracy. In the infamous 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact they formed an alliance which involved secret protocols in relation to their illicit ambitions in Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.
my unions? where on earth do you get “my unions” I havent been a union member since I was 18 and I realised that was not the path to success. Its a bit of history. Good grief.
“WE do have some history”.
Not the royal “we” then Yarpos?
Substantial Southern Hemisphere Cooling Being Observed
Strong cold anomalies are being detected in the stratosphere over Southern Hemisphere. The anomalous cooling results from the water vapor coming from the January Hunga Tonga eruption.
Cooling on this scale has not been seen in modern satellite records, so this is a significant event.
You can see the water vapor cloud reaching deep into the southern hemisphere and also reaching into the northern hemisphere.
So the main takeaway is that a large water vapor “cloud” circles the globe in the stratosphere. As you will find out, it has a strong cooling effect and is likely to impact the global weather in some way over the coming months and years.
Looking first at May 2022, we can see the mid-stratosphere temperature anomaly below. There was cooling already observed in the southern hemisphere. The strongest belt of cold anomalies was around the 30° south latitude.
By July, the cooling effect was stronger. Below we can see the cold anomalies moved further towards the south pole, now maximizing in the mid-latitudes. The anomalies in July were substantial, reaching more than 10 degrees below normal.
Reduced crop yields on the cards for Oz…
Interesting, certainly, but I’m not convinced that stratospheric cooling leads to surface cooling. I would at least want to check up on what clouds are doing, but last time I looked, not very long ago, the cloud data ended in 2017.
Maybe in the future. This year the crops near Geelong are looking very good .
Anthony Watts did a comprehensive audit of the weather stations in the US and less than 2% met the Governments own installation standards for accuracy. The % that did showed a slight cooling over the last few decades. We are sleep walking into an ice age that is well overdue. The majority of humans are clueless sheeple who think that the government and the media wouldn’t lie about something this big.
In an attempted paper that for some reason was never published 😉
but it was a great meme
facts and data… never were acceptable, hey. 😉
The whole AGW farce is a meme, at best… just without any facts or data to back it up.
The Surface station survey, on the other hand, is built on solid, repeatable data.
Maybe you should try reading it some day 😉
Yep, the gatekeepers of “climate science” absolutely hate facts and data.
“New Surface Stations Report Released – It’s ‘worse than we thought’
1 month ago Anthony Watts
Australia, MAYBE, isn’t quite that bad.
But the whole surface data is riddled with massive local warming effects in urban areas.
Anthony’s search has shown that rural sites are by no means immune from these local warming effects.
And then they further manipulate to show even more warming.
The whole surface station data system is TOTALLY UNFIT for any real climate purpose.. but great for propaganda.
Fall, S., A. Watts, J. Nielsen-Gammon, E. Jones, D. Niyogi, J. Christy, and R.A. Pielke Sr., 2011: Analysis of the impacts of station exposure on the U.S. Historical Climatology Network temperatures and temperature trends. J. Geophys. Res., in press. Copyright (2011) American Geophysical Union.
as if that has anything, at all, to do with the reality of the situation
“was never published”
It is available for anyone to access through his web site.
It has probably had more readers than most “climate” papers. !
And no-one has been able to counter a single thing in the paper.
More on that
My family back in the UK, all vaxxed and boosted, have been hit multiple times with Covid. Most cases have been like a common cold but my sister has just missed the last week of a med cruise because of her latest bout. She described it as quite severe this time around, with taste and smell lost, plus severe fatigue.
Do they take any supplements like Vit D, zinc, quercetin etc?
My brother agreed to take vit D but I’m not convinced he kept it up. No success persuading them to take Quercetin.
Energy stocks in high demand today in the Oz stock market.
Whitehaven Coal a standout – someone is circling to maybe relieve Australians of ownership of arguably some of the best thermal coal on the planet.
Goodness! who could possibly want those “stranded assets”
Certainly not our “ethical” super funds and banks!
I try to make them crazy by selected ASX shares and picking Whitehaven
Gas and Uranium stocks are up too. Are we going to be bought out of all energy? NB. The share prices are still ridiculously low. They have a very long way to go to recover from the shellacking they got from the greenies’ war on useful energy (fossil fuel and nuclear). I hope the shareholders can resist any takeover bid at these still-low levels. Unfortunately, past experience suggests that the shareholders will hand their shares over without even a shrug.
I have noticed that a fair chunk of the Australian “food chain” is now in “foreign” hands, sometimes via local “cut-outs”..
Meat industry? “Vertical integration” of the whole shebang from paddock “ownership” to ports. From conversations with agricultural and aviation “associates”, this phenomenon has spread right across fruit and veg and is circling the vineyards. This caper has also accelerated during the Kovid Kaper.
I thought things were dire when the Poms bought Bundy Rum, however……
It may be Alobo the inclusive’s (except for Scotty) cunning plan to reach “nett zero” energy for Australia.
Dog elected mayor in Minnesota town of Cormorant for third term in a row
What’s his secret? Probably the fact that he’s a dog, and everyone loves dogs.
In a vote held over the weekend, the 9-year-old Great Pyrenees won his third consecutive term as mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota. Voters paid $1 each to cast ballots in the election, which was held during the annual “Cormorant Daze” festival.
“Everybody voted for Duke, except for one vote for his girlfriend, Lassie,” David Rick, Duke’s owner, told local ABC station WDAY.
Passed over the rainbow bridge now, sadly.
I’d sooner vote for a dog than the rats we have now.
It’d be smarter and immune to bribery, corruption and authoritarianism…
A dog immune to bribery? None of mine have that quality, and I corrupt them with liver bits and juicy bones as often as possible.
He cant be a Lab, they are very corruptable 🙂
As Groucho Marx is reputed to have said:
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend.
Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read”.
See also:
“We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet; and amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog has made an alliance with us.” – Maurice Maeterlinck
The history and origin of the Groucho Marx quote is given here:
Okay, feedback wanted here.
I struggled with finding a way to show how little power really is generated by Renewable Power. (Yeah, I know, but everyone calls it that, and it’s probably how it’s best remembered)
So I thought about perhaps finding a way to show it in pictures.
It’s all the data for the most recent 365 day, 12 Month year, ending with the end of the Winter Season, so now it’s five days ago.
I’m up to part 5 already and there’s two parts to go.
Each day I write a new Part, and then add it all at the bottom of the major Post, which is a Sticky Post at the top of my Home Site.
That way readers can see it one day at a time, or do the lot in one big long hit.
I had to build it up from a start point.
So, tell me what you think here.
As some people say, eyes glaze over when they are shown a bunch of electrical power statistics, and because it’s so closely related to Maths, it’s then written in a second foreign language that no one understands. And so many of the renewable urgers (if they do have any idea about it all all, something I doubt) use that ignorance of the subject to push their own agenda. I wanted to try and find a way to show it all so an average person might understand it all a little better.
The link is to the menu for just these series of Posts.
Electrical Power Data In Pictures – Supply And Consumption And Renewables
Even your average pro-renewables drongo should be able to get a bit of an idea from that Tony.
I think you need to make much simpler charts. I suggest a chart of the lowest 1-hour wind+solar (“renewables”) actal supply each day vs the actual demand (usage) for those same hours. I would expect the lowest renewables supply hour to be close to zero every day, while the demand for each of those hours would be quite consistently high. This would underline the unreliability of renewables – power is needed every hour of every day, yet renewables go AWOL every single day (or almost every day, or whatever the data shows).
Another chart could be the actual hourly supply from coal – which nowadays gets turned on and off at the whim of the sun and wind – versus the steady supply that it is designed for and suitable for. Add the explanation that each on-off pushes up the costs and degrades the equipment.
Another idea, which might be trickier to represent, could be the actual cost of using renewables at priority backed up by fossil fuels, compared to the costs of using just the fossil fuels. The presentation would I think be best as a time-based chart (ie, x-axis is date+time), like the other charts.
Who’s going to nominate Tony for an OA?
No, seriously!
Tony, thanks for all your work, it’s very enlightening as to how far from independence from the usual sources of power we are.
I used to wonder how rooftop solar was calculated, now I know, !
Applaud your efforts, but think it is too late to stop the New Religion.
After 2000 years Paganism is reborn.
Complete with the necessity and lust for Human Sacrifice.
Generations are prepared to martyr themselves for the Cause.
Hasn’t become as dramatic as the Aztecs yet, but give it time.
The medical establishment has already developed the infrastructure for culling.
Why not, after assistance in living is no longer provided and ones’ continuing existence is deemed a threat to the planet?
You have to wonder why the New Priesthood Elite are so desperate that every Man, Woman, Other, and infant child on the planet, receive mandated injections for viral exposure that has been dealt with naturally by the species since bipedalism became fashionable.
When 75% of the infected develop no symptoms – see ‘Data Synthesis’.
They never intended for Renewable energy to work.
They don’t want to replace IC with EV, the intent is to eliminate travel for the reduced masses that will be needed for labor.
They can add and subtract as well as you, they just don’t care.
How obvious does it have to get?
I too thought the Age of Reason was here to stay.
Cue TFH and conspiracy accusations.
“the intent is to eliminate travel for the reduced masses that will be needed for labor.”
Correct. The BBC is onto it with a program highlighting the planet-destroying capabilities of lithium and cobalt mining – never mind the mining casualties.
Hydrogen- powered public transport is the answer , apparently : ” the answer to what?” is the question.
Private transport is over : electric bikes must go.
Get a horse.
Possibly helpful visuals: Our World In Data (Australia only)
Root page:
Energy consumption by source:
Energy from fossil fuels, 87%:
Energy from wind, 4.41%:
Energy from Solar: 5.14%:
Are those charts only for the “National” grid?
Not surprisingly, now that Wikipedia is fully dominated by the Big Pharma supporting Left, it gives a fairly poor account of Quercertin as a pharmaceutical supplement.
Nevertheless, there seems to be plenty of peer reviewed literature suggesting it has a beneficial effect and it is used in the Zelenko and iMask+ protocols for covid treatment and prophylaxis.
I have a senior-aged friend that takes it for covid prophylaxis (pr at least to reduce the severity of covid) and she says it has improved her arthritic joint pain and her smoker’s cough (yes, she knows she shouldn’t smoke).
Interestingly, there is clinical evidence for her arthritis claim.
CS above is cigarette smoke.
Neither she nor I knew about these potential benefits before she started taking it so it was like a double blind clinical trial.
No wonder Big Pharma are causing various groups to rubbish it.
Technological advance is amazing.
I have in my electronics equipment at home a miniature vector network analyser called a NanoVNA which cost around $100 or less.
About 15 years ago I was using similarly capable Hewlett Packard equipment (now Agilent) in the lab worth about $100,000. Admittedly, my little VNA is not built to the same engineering standards, but it can do similar things.
As my old boss used to say “yes, I’m sure you would love to build that , but we need what the business can afford and what is good enough” many years later I found myself in a job interview being asked to comment on a spiel by an ex BHP guy about how this company (a miner) needed world class everything. My response was no you dont need world class, you need effective, flexible and affordable. they were a bit taken aback 🙂
‘Pineapple Express’ warm wet NWer from Qld walloped us today up north, while in the Deep South frigid southerly snow blizzards hammered the Mainland (heading north overnight).
(CCC) Confused Climate Change causes everything! Won’t somebody think of the children’s children’s children…
Did you know a pineapple is really a group of berries thst have fused together?
It is a “multiple fruit”.
Yes I did…and there’s a rolling technique to extract each segment that’s quite cool too!
The ‘illusion’ of green energy has come ‘crumbling’ down in Europe
“France Restarting All 32 Nuclear Reactors by Winter”- 32 out of 56 French Nuclear Reactors have been shut down for months because of either stress corrosion or routine maintenance. The stress corrosion problem was because of sloppy maintenance.
The French government will step in and absorb some of the sky high cost of electricity. This will partially shield consumers from the excess cost of energy. he price is 1000 euros per megawatt hour ($1 per kilowatt hour).
“activists occupy Nord Stream 2 terminal, demand it is opened”-
The spokesman for the German Identitarian Movement (IB), Martin Sellner, and comrades-in-arms of Action Solidarity temporarily occupied the Nord Stream 2 terminal in Lubmin in northern Germany on Monday and demanded the commissioning of the gas pipeline.
“We demand the immediate opening of Nord Stream 2 and a referendum on the federal government’s energy and sanctions policies,” Sellner said in a video that circulated on social media.
The cracks are appearing, Govts may have to do as their populations want!
I note on the Aneroid Energy website (thank you Andrew Miskelly) that the Australian version of the Californian energy “duck curve” is developing nicely today.
Speaking of solar energy over-generation, where in heavens name does that 8GW of rooftop solar generation at 11:55am get dumped? Certainly not on the grid.
Are renewable energy certificates still claimed by the generation of this useless energy?
Where are the grid-scale batteries to capture this wasted resource?
Don’t encourage them!
Anyway, Matt Kean in New South Walestan has already given away $45 million of taxpayer money to investigate hydro batteries.
I note that one of the proposed pumped hydro projects is located at Muswellbrook. A good way to repurpose a finished open cut coal mine with a 200 metre highwall.
No, very little of it is fed into the grid..
Most of it is consumed “internally”,…behind the meter.. by the properties where it is generated.
The effect can be seen in the daily demand curve ..(NEMlog) , with a reduction in grid demand corresponding to the RT solar generation curve.
And remember, the RT solar data is only an ESTIMATION , not actual measured data !
Want to hear a totally useless bit of information.
All those green urgers oh so proudly say out loud, that Australia now has 17GW of rooftop solar power.
17GW, and that’s 17,000MW.
Across the last 365 days, 12 Months, one year, ending five days ago, the best guessed estimate of actual generated power was 17,670GWH, and you can bet that guess is on the high side.
That’s at a Capacity Factor of ….. 11.86%.
And you wonder why I laugh.
If anything, anything at all, performed this poorly, it would be vilified out of existence.
Tony, do you mean “17GW of Roof top solar” ?……or commercial grid solar ?
?? The Anero site lists all the registered grid scale solar “farms” and totals their nameplate capacity to be just 8.506 GWh ?
Lis Truss will be the UK’s next prime minister.
Liz Truss will become the next prime minister after defeating Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Party leadership contest.
Ms Truss, who was the favourite to win the contest, will succeed Boris Johnson on Tuesday and become the nation’s third female leader.
She secured 81,326 votes (57%) to Mr Sunak’s 60,399 (43%).
It means she won by a comfortable majority, though it was tighter than some had expected.
Ms Truss said it is an “honour to be elected” as she thanked her party for organising “one of the longest job interviews in history”.
In a short speech after the results were announced, she issued her thanks to the outgoing prime minister Boris Johnson.
“You got Brexit done. You crushed Jeremy Corbyn. You rolled out the vaccine and you stood up to Vladimir Putin”, she said.
It’s over for the UK.
Sell up and get out ASAP…
“Sell up and get out ASAP…” – yes, but where would they go that’s any saner? Leftie governments everywhere at the moment.
Is Argentina still welcoming those Europeans less welcome at home?
The Argies are up to their armpits in their own alligators at the moment
Headline writer inserted ‘next’ instead of ‘worst’.
As for where to go, south America away from crime gangs, Mexico is looking pretty empty 😅, north Africa, but slavic countries seem the best bet.
Apparently Liz Truss is an admirer of Margaret Thatcher so she might be less bad than some alternatives.
’20 Quid For A Pint!?’ UK Pubs Forced To Hike Prices Or Die
Thousands of UK pubs face closure this winter as soaring electricity bills signifies cost pressures will render the businesses uneconomical to operate. The question is, at what price does a pub need to charge a pint of beer to become profitable?
That question was answered by Tom Stainer, the chief executive of real campaign group CAMRA, who told the Daily Star that parabolic electricity prices suggest pubs would need to hike a pint of beer about 500% from 5 pounds to a “ridiculous” 15-20 pounds.
Stainer said a “perfect storm” of energy hyperinflation “will affect just about every pub out there.”
A pint = 500ml.
£20 = $34AUD
I’m not a drinker, never have been.
I once ordered a pint of Jameson buying a round, so £20 is probably something of a bargain.
The White House ruled this week that scientific research which is taxpayer-supported must be available to the American public at no cost—addressing the expensive paywalls that block online viewing of studies in many journals.
The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) delivered guidance for agencies to update their public access policies as soon as possible to make publications and research funded by taxpayers publicly accessible immediately upon publishing, without an embargo or cost. All agencies will fully implement updated policies, including ending the optional 12-month embargo.
The current optional embargo allows scientific publishers to put taxpayer-funded research behind a subscription-based paywall – which may block access for innovators for whom the paywall is a barrier, even barring scientists and their academic institutions from access to their own research findings, unless they pay.
They should do a lot more of this- take Govt funding and your work belongs to the public!
It would seem the Pakistan floods have not submerged a “third of the country’ [ more like 8 -10 % ] despite the sensationlist claims nor are they ‘unprecedented ” ….See Paul Homewoods page today
“Experts back call to use Ukraine as ‘real-life military laboratory’” Defence and engineering experts have thrown their support behind a proposal by Ukraine to use its war against Russia as a testing ground for new Australian-made military technology.
Exactly the reason the Yanks go to war every few years somewhere in the world, they’re just testing new weapons.
I see the Lamestream media pushing the local Ukrainian point of view these days. Don’t we have any Russian immigrants in Oz?? ..or don’t they get a say?
KP must have a large picture of Putin in the home…good for you, Commie