A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Saturday Morning At The Movies. That’s different 🙂
The Final Countdown. Better than I expected but I’m a sucker for carrier deck operations in a movie.
Sci Fi is hard if it is Earth-bound once you pass that it is a strong story line.
My favourite movie of all time , the scene when the jets take on the zeros is amazing .
And there is that near stall dive, damn. I read that when showing the pilots wife a preview of the movie she screamed at that particular scene and a sound engineer recorded it and incorporated the scream into the the jets engine noise just for kicks. Kinda hope it’s true
There’s a YouTube vid somewhere and the pilot explains how close the came to crashing the jet . Doing low speed dog fight scenes in a jet designed for high speed was always risky .
The Alamo (1960) is on GEM (Channel 92) at 4.15 pm today and the Simpsons Movie is on Channel 76 at 7.30 pm.
The Accountant is a great film on Channel 74 at 7.30 pm but will be spoiled by loads and loads of adverts unfortunately.
All of the TV films are spoiled by far too many adverts banging on about Life Insurance, how to clean your false teeth and health foods such as KFC (Kentucky Fried Cat) and other junk foods.
KFC = Korean Fried Chicken, much nicer.
If there is a rush for the exits on Carbon, what is the EU/UN going to do? Politicians have been going along with it but
if the average voter has had enough of blackouts, promises, end of days stories, rising sea levels and now coal is back in fashion,
it may be over. Voters may have shift if you leave the Climate Change bunker and the world is getting cooler, there was nothing wrong except that politicians have wrecked the joint.
Russia turning off the gas may be the best thing possible to wake up the Germans and even the Americans and the world. And it’s not as if the Russians owe the Germans anything but taking sides in a civil war has consequences. There have been many such wars, notably the Russian Civil war in 1918 when the Germans put Lenin on a train to make trouble, Spain in 1936 and Serbia/Kosovo, Israel/Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam,Cuba to name just a few.
The French are largely nuclear anyway. But the big populations of Poland and Ukraine and the UK may change their minds quickly. Climate extinction can happen quickly in cold weather.
Amazingly Ukraine buys its gas from the EU/Germany, not from Russia where it originates, so as winter comes, there may be a big change there too. There is nothing like a freezing winter to make people wake up when their teeth start chattering and the refrigerator is the warmest part of the house.
You are not a sovereign country if you are not self sufficient in energy was Donald’s Trump line. He was right.
And soon we will seeing how the Democrats spin their President begging for energy from Saudi. No matter how they spin it, dropping in for a cup of tea perhaps, it looks very bad after self sufficiency under Trump.
“If there is a rush for the exits on Carbon, what is the EU/UN going to do?”
They will declare that they never said any of those things they said.
They will call you a conspiracy theorist about the conspiracy theory.
It is similar to only a witch would deny being a witch.
“We never intended to remove all reliable energy sources, you conspiracy theorists only assumed that the radicals were speaking for us responsible political leaders trying develop responsible energy policy. There would not have been any problems but for your irresponsible accusations poisoning the public against us.”
Their media/academic/corporate mercenaries will launch the rewrite of history.
Not being sarcastic.
Here in America, Democrats are already denying that they ever talked about defunding the police.
Soon they will deny ever promoting lockdowns and mandates.
They NYT will confirm.
Mr Putin holds all the aces.
He can turn the gas off now to bust the system.
When the system starts to recover he can turn the gas on again to bust the solution.
In the meantime, where will Sri Lanka that not so long ago had a civil war go?
And who will be next?
They will say its a bump in the road to sustainability and we need a lot more solar and wind to solve the problem..
They won’t give up in the face of reality!
“More on that” as it adds to TdeF’s post on how Putin has a firm grip on the short and curlies of parts of the world.
And not the first one from “The Pointman” on that and other subjects
Reality bites!
I watched the latest episode of “Alone” last night and heard one of the contestants say he wanted to be the first non-white winner. My thought was, why is being white the gold standard for minorities? All seem to aspire to be as good as or better than whites. Why is that?
Dare I say that you write / ask the Big Blak Company in Inglindshire ! THis has been bothering me for some time recently and I have discussed this with our daughter-in law who hails from abroad near the Tropics. She too also feels this way and can’t understand it. Be your own Self, I say. Watching the 1st night of the Proms this now …. think I’ll hit the red button
Interesting way to interpret what he said. He could be equally saying I want to win what you guys have been sharing amongst yourselves for a while.
Interesting way you interpret my question. So living solo in the wilderness longer that the other contestants is somehow “sharing amongst ourselves.” What is it again we are sharing amongst ourselves?
You see, that is what I don’t understand. How is winning a purely objective event (you either stay the longest or you don’t) be sharing amongst ourselves? Watching a fish tournament this morning, contestants of all races, you either catch the most fish of you don’t. You imply the game is rigged in in favor of one or the other.
Maybe that’s where all the wee white boys have all gone wrong today…. the phrase in the song ‘I sold my soul to the Company Store’ and then there’s the Banana Boat song when you hear / listen to the lyrics.
We are currently in the Lake District in Northern England which looks absolutely beautiful in the early evening sunshine. The hype over a couple of warm (hottish) days in parts of England is warming up. Luckily Paul Homewood on notalotofpeopleknowthat is keeping tabs on the BBC and health bureaucrats in UK. We left Dubai earlier in the week where the temperature was 43 deg C – hot but not lfe threatening.
‘life’ threatening
Could be interesting to see how EVs perform??
Dave B
Error 522 Ray ID: 72b4a0835a0d54c3 • 2022-07-15 18:41:02 UTC
Connection timed out
Satellites or Sharks are busy!
Dare I say that you write / ask the Big Blak Company in Inglindshire ! THis has been bothering me for some time recently and I have discussed this with our daughter-in law who hails from abroad near the Tropics. She too also feels this way and can’t understand it. Be your own Self, I say. Watching the 1st night of the Proms this now …. think I’ll hit the red button
eh? I wrote a Spiel in reply to Padre : not this ! but there was the Error …..
It is an open thread after all …Jennifer Marohasy posted criticism of the Victoria Police
[Stuart are you saying you can no longer see your original comment that was held with a message for you ?]AD
US OSW has a whale of a problem!
Virginia’s offshore wind proposal threatens endangered whales
By David Wojick
A good NEPA case that could constrain OSW.
The beginning: “The massive offshore wind (OSW) project proposed by Dominion Energy may pose a serious threat to the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale population. A comprehensive environmental impact assessment is required to determine the extent of this threat and the mitigation it might require. The same is true for the other proposed Mid-Atlantic OSW projects.
The North Atlantic Right Whale is reported to be the world’s most endangered large whale, with an estimated population of just a few hundred critters. They winter off of Florida and Georgia, but summer off New England. So they migrate through the coastal waters off of Virginia twice a year, including that year’s baby whales. They can grow to over 50 feet in length and weigh more than 70 tons. Protecting them is a major challenge.
For background see
Phase one of the huge proposed Virginia/Dominion OSW project looks to occupy something like 400 square miles. Pause two might bump that up to 800 or 1,000 square miles and the proposed federal lease area for OSW is even greater, much greater in fact.
The obvious monster question is how will all this development affect the severely endangered Right Whale population? Answering this question must be central to the project’s required Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) under NEPA. This is Federal land.”
Lots more follows.
I spent most of my life with an aversion to telling people how to live their lives. I wouldn’t even give an opinion after a skin full with a bunch of red necks.
But now I have to embrace all this weird stuff or it’s violence? How can this possibly end but a lot of hate and violence?
How hot is it?
Just heard the local shire mayor on the radio imploring people to get their 4th jab of a vaccine that clearly doesn’t work. She certainly doesn’t understand irony as she proclaimed when you get your 4th shot you will “be far less likely to have possibly serious Covid, I haven’t had my 4th shot yet as I am recovering from COVID but will get the 4th vaccination as soon as I’m able”
I think I have whiplash from shaking my head so hard!
Been selected for Jury service here in Victoriastan and asked the Doc for a certificate, she thought it was amusing considering because I’m unvaxxed I’m ineligible to sit on a jury in our socialist peoples republic anyway.
Then there’s this from SA:
” He said research showed wearing masks was the most direct way to cut the rate of new COVID-19 cases.”
Sounds like he’s given up on vaxxes and boosters!!??
Dave B
Huge waves have been pounding the south coasts of American Samoa, Rarotonga and Tahiti all week, thanks to what’s been dubbed the Massive New Zealand Swell of July 2022. Any surfer worth their salt would’ve been watching the deep low, east of NZ, pushing 20-30ft swells northeast towards the equator and beyond: the swell hit Hawaii and California and Peru coasts as well.
As can be expected, the experts claimed this was “unexpected” – who knew every winter big lows generate big waves that travel northwards… Surfers from around the globe flocked to Teahupo’o in Tahiti to ride perfect, massive monsters as they collapsed and exploded out on the reef: yet those charged with keeping an eye on these matters seemed blissfully unaware. Maybe they’re still too hungover from partying all week at the Suva, Fiji climate conference conjob.
I’ve always liked comparing the way societies operate with that of authors insights in books I’ve read. Orwells 1984 has always provided solid examples to me of the warning signs to watch out for. Recently I’ve been pondering how after 30 years of climate forecasts predicting a hotter dryer climate, rivers running dry, snow a thing of the pasts, etc, etc, many people (scientists included) now claim that all this rain and snow is due to climate change. So many of us are behaving as Orwell envisioned, forgetting the past “truths” and believing in the completely contradictory “now” that is being sold to them.
We’re a strange lot.
Helped along by the name change from CAGW to “Climate Change”. Quite a clever obfuscation really.
Dave B
Bubble Heads
I received a survey from The West yesterday – I haven’t read (or subscribed to it) for a long time. In it they asked what I did read and included The Daily Mail Australia – is there an Australian paper of that name? and do they realise that there is also a UK paper with an Australian edition of that name? and have they confused them? Throughout the survey they didn’t specifically ask why I didn’t read The West – I did briefly state that there was not anything there to justify my subscribing. I got the standard impression that they just did not fully realise how far the media world has moved on and that legacy sites like The West are very marginalised and entirely of their own making. So I had a brief look at The West – generally poor journalism – nothing worth reading. A classic example was the article about Albo giving out $750 a week to Wu Flu sufferers – not mention of where it is coming from – us taxpayers – no mention of the effect on the budget and the cost of borrowing and no mention of the effect on inflation. More poor journalism and that was with an article where they were trying to be serious. No wonder their readers have moved on elsewhere.
I only buy the Monday copy of the West. I read the “Can you Help?” column, the weather, Deaths and my brother’s gold score. The rest of week is not worth reading.
You don’t find those pages and pages of Harvey Norman advertisements interesting? (Sarc)
On the 18 November 2021 I was looking at company reports on the ASX and an AGM Presentation indicated that the sperm count had fallen 50% in the last 4 decades anyone have any any idea why this might be happening? The company was Vitus Health Code VRT a company that treats IVF. Page 10 & 11 of of the report.
“sperm count had fallen 50% in the last 4 decades anyone have any any idea why this might be happening?”
Not only the sperm count, but most young men these days seem quite happy to live without sex. I’m afraid at their age in the 1960s it was all that mattered to me, like anyone then!
Since that time we’ve had a boom in synthetic chemicals in our life, many with no research into their bioactions. It may only be a dishwashing detergent, but you will eat it…
We’ve had new plastics, one of the main sources of hormone mimics, and they cover a much larger part of our daily life now.
We have new wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation with mobile phones using higher and higher frequencies, all of which have never been researched for their effects on people apart from not cooking them. “The Invisible Rainbow” listed sickness rates, tinnitus, sleep problems and other conditions that I can’t remember right now.
In 50years we have changed farming considerably and the nutritional value of our food has fallen. Far more chemicals that are designed to kill living things are now in our food supply. They won’t kill you at the concentrations used, but no-one knows what they will do!
The vast increase in the new medical drugs have ended up in our water supply, to be sent to the next town down the river for all teh men to drink women’s hormones. Don’t believe in their filtration systems, bioactive molecules work at levels well below what they test at.
The final nail in our coffins will be genetic engineering, they are playing God with no knowledge at all really, and Covid is the prime example. Once they release their genetically engineered hens that don’t lay eggs containing roosters, I figure we are well & truly fked!
Iron ore prices are finally sliding! Under $100 a tonne. Rio Tinto is getting rattled. Could this – at last – be the beginning of The Great China Unwind?
How many rabbits does China have left in the hat?
No, its the great Western unwind as China can’t sell stuff to broke countries. They will follow us down the drain.
China is an economic basket case.
Steady on, they are just getting going, this is just a hiccup after over reacting to Covid.
‘China’s economy grew at the slowest pace since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the second quarter, highlighting the punishing economic toll of Beijing’s stringent “dynamic zero COVID” strategy.
‘The world’s second-largest economy expanded just 0.4 percent year on year between April and June, official data showed on Friday, as lockdowns across the country stifled industrial production and consumer spending.’ (Aljazeera)
Mike Cannon-Brookes has bought into AGL with an apparent aim to remove coal and gas-fired power generation from its books. In a recent interview here, he commented on how renewables will reduce the price of electricity on an average basis and singled out Canberrans as “laughing at everyone else’s power bills”.
To check out who is laughing the loudest after recent power price adjustments, I used Rickwill’s table based on last financial year’s retail costs to which I have added this month’s estimates (in brackets) from the Aus Govt’s Energymadeeasy website. The updates are based on my own personal circumstances and I chose the same supplier in an attempt to level the interstate variables. The list has been reshuffled to reflect the new hierarchy.
VIC 19.77c (20.00c)/kWh
QLD 19.97c (24.01c)/kWh
ACT 25.54c (25.39c)/kWh
NSW 22.74c (27.74c)/kWh
SA 31.52c (34.2-36.97c)/kWh
Everyone is laughing at SA power bills, the renewables powerhouse offering by far the highest rates/kWh. Then Queenslanders, New South Welshpeople and South Australians are crying at their own situations and the Victorians and Canberrans are ambivalent.
The ACT Govt has claimed that it is 100% renewable powered, but we all know that is not the whole truth. I found that I can tick the 100% Greenpower box and for a mere extra 2.8c/KWh be more renewable. Then, if I want to be really bright green with teal highlights, I can choose the “100% Net-Zero” box to be 100% Carbon Neutral for a mere peak charge of 73.46c/kWh, off-peak 39.30c/kWh and shoulder 53.72c/kWh. This is a real-time estimate of the cost of net-zero power and it is nothing to laugh at, Mr Cannon-Brookes.
The naivety in that comment of Big Mike’s about the ACT should be alarming to both AGL and the Singapore extension lead project stakeholders.
Nobody spends millions on a product he claims will then become cheaper.
This could be the start of “The Great Pushback” Well, heres hoping anyway.
More than a little disappointing to see the sign that begins – ‘we are pro renewables……’
To Bee or not to Bee.
Interesting article on Honey (Raw not of the heat treated, filtered super market type)
I have a few hives and have that much of the stuff I use it instead of sugar in my coffee and the wife uses it in her cooking, plus we give heaps away. A benefit is we have increased production from our trees.
You can have a couple of hives in your city house blocks and after the initial set up costs there is very little on going expense. You can on a good year get 50 kgs of honey from one hive, so pay back can be a couple of years.
An Australian family invented the flow hive, this is a method of harvesting the honey without the expense of the extraction, you won’t get wax from this type, but it is open the cells and straight into the jars, cost is about $1300 and there are cheaper much lower quality hives from the CCP, but why give them your money.
Interesting hobby and you find as you drive around your hood you look at the trees instead of the road. Though your gardens tend to look neglected due to not wanting to reduce the flowering.
I do it the old school way and extract, all my equipment is Stainless and am proud of the fact my honey never comes into contact with plastic, all natural wood and wax.
I am alergic to bee stings so don’t let this stop you. Epipens are part of my kit.
The link within the article, study done on honey and coffee.
That’s interesting. I’m sipping dextromethorphan ATM after a head cold.
I buy honey by the kilo so may use it more.
Get a hive and you will bee giving it away by the Kilo’s.
I can sell my honey for $14 a kilo, sugar costs $2 a kilo, so there is that.
The above link to flowhive, has a starter kit for $1100, this is everything you need bar the bee’s, which you get from someone local (bee club) they are very easy to expand and do not require much work. I have the standard hives (langstroth) which is half the price of flow hives including bee’s and every thing, but you need extraction equipment, Bee clubs lone this stuff to members so you also get wax as a bonus, which also has a large market (beauty products).
I don’t have flow hives but am looking after a fellows flow hives as he is very time restricted, he had done nothing except take honey for two years, had not opened them for two years. When I first had a look they were booming, things had got glued and waxed together to the point it was very time consuming, but no touch for two years shows how easy it can bee. Flowhive have some very good videos and YT is full of bee vids.
He is a mechanic so we have a little barter system and swap honey as his comes from a different climate/tree’s
Bee keeping is about manipulating their natural tendencies as they are buggers to train.
Get set up at the end of winter and you should get enough honey in the first season for you and family
Very satisfying hobby as they are amazing bugs when you start looking into them. If your retired, this is a perfect distraction, interesting and productive.
Bee green without going green!
So – More CO2 = more productive trees = more honey
What not to like there?
Exactly as nature intended.
La Nina is getting short odds, its a trifecta.
The US representatives at the French Ambassador’s residence this week:
The current crop of dress wearers makes Clinger from MASH look absolutely normal. 😅
China now – the Covid insanity and sheeple compliance rolls on
That’ll be Oz in a few weeks when the next round of panic-driven lockdowns starts all over again…
How close is everyone to exploding right now?
Our premiers love themselves a good pandemic. It makes them feel all warm and righteous inside.
U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC. They are variously frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction of the agencies to which they have devoted their careers.
“It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”
That particular FDA doctor was referring to two recent developments inside the agency. First, how, with no solid clinical data, the agency authorized Covid vaccines for infants and toddlers, including those who already had Covid. And second, the fact that just months before, the FDA bypassed their external experts to authorize booster shots for young children.
That doctor is hardly alone.
At the NIH, doctors and scientists complain to us about low morale and lower staffing: The NIH’s Vaccine Research Center has had many of its senior scientists leave over the last year, including the director, deputy director and chief medical officer. “They have no leadership right now. Suddenly there’s an enormous number of jobs opening up at the highest level positions,” one NIH scientist told us. (The people who spoke to us would only agree to be quoted anonymously, citing fear of professional repercussions.)
An official at the FDA put it this way: “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don’t like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”
And there you have it – Covid or climate – it doesn’t matter. Just preach the narrative to save yourselves and make it to retirement age. Don’t worry about lying to the masses. The problem is, as I’ve said before, they won’t escape their own treason to the human race. They will take the shots & boosters, their quality of life will be destroyed by the WEF agenda.
The unicorns galloping through green pastures retirement will be HELL, and their complicity will have caused it.
Africa sees 63% rise in diseases spread from animals to humans in decade: WHO
Africa faces a growing threat from zoonotic diseases such as monkeypox, the WHO said Thursday, with the continent recording a 63-percent rise in such outbreaks over the past decade.
A World Health Organization (WHO) analysis found 1,843 “public health events”, such as disease outbreaks, in Africa between 2001 and 2022.
Thirty percent of those events were outbreaks of diseases spread to humans by animals, which are known as zoonotic diseases.
Ebola is included among these diseases, for example, as well as dengue fever, anthrax, plague and monkeypox.
Africa has seen a 63-percent rise in zoonotic disease outbreaks over the past decade in comparison to the 2001-2011 period, the WHO said in a statement.
WHO’s Africa director Matshidiso Moeti was quoted in the statement as saying that poor transport infrastructure had once limited mass zoonotic infections on the continent.
But Africa could become a “hotspot for emerging infectious diseases,” she warned, as improved transport links raise the threat of zoonotic pathogens travelling to cities.
Well maybe if the gay pride month was a DAY instead, like most events, the MP pandemic would be long gone…
What “pride” exactly is there in sticking your junk in the tradesmans entrance anyway? 😅
Two 90 second videos showing absolute proof that something smells in the last US election.
Most Top Biden Officials Have 0 Years Of Business Experience
The Biden administration is led by lawyers, academics, and community organizers — but few business leaders, a report from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity recently revealed.
According to the conservative think tank, the top 68 individuals in the administration have spent an average of 2.4 years in the business world, with only one in eight boasting “extensive business experience.” The median length of business experience for Biden officials is zero years.
“Surely we want our political class to have a diversity of backgrounds. We want lawyers, grassroots activists, those with political and policy experience, scientists, health experts, and academics with required specialties,” the report argued. “But we also want people who have experience running large operations with hundreds and thousands of employees and who understand logistics.”
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris each have zero years of business experience. Likewise, top Cabinet officials — such as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai — do not have any experience in the business world.
Just like most countries…
Health experts who are just inexperienced academics dictating public health policies…
How’s that working out worldwide eh?
Have a look at Albo and Co. and check out the real world work experience there. Legal backgrounds, LayBore Party administration, Union administration, etc., etc. All good experience for running a Country (into the ground).
Costly Alzheimer’s treatment is spreading around the world, with virtually no science to back it up
BERLIN — Looking more like a barber than a doctor, orthopedic surgeon Musa Citak squirted gel on his patient’s head and massaged the gooey substance into his scalp as though it were shampoo. He then pulled out a handheld device and began sliding it across the side of the elderly man’s head.
“This is shockwave therapy,” Citak explained. As he moved the device, it made rapid clicking sounds, each click a high-frequency sound wave intended to stimulate brain regions and, according to Citak, help regenerate cells and halt the rapid deterioration of the patient’s brain.
With no cure for Alzheimer’s, Sköries is one of hundreds of patients who have come to Citak in the past year, desperate for help. The treatment, known as “transcranial pulse stimulation,” is largely unproven, but it has exploded far beyond German borders: In just two years, around 85 clinics across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and the United States have begun offering the therapy. Storz Medical, the Swiss-based manufacturer of the device, said at least 1,500 patients in 23 countries have undergone a total of about 10,000 treatment sessions.
The treatment is also largely unregulated and expensive, costing thousands of dollars that patients have to pay out of pocket. Critics accuse clinicians adopting the technology and Storz Medical of taking advantage of families desperate for help.
“They’re raising false hopes,” said Robert Howard, professor of old age psychiatry at University College London. “I hesitate to use the word quackery, but this is not scientific evidence-based medicine.”
Major Alzheimer’s organizations are also skeptical. “It’s concerning that claims are being made which describe TPS as ‘clinically proven’ to reduce the symptoms of dementia. To our knowledge there is no convincing evidence to justify this,” said Tim Beanland, head of knowledge management at the Alzheimer’s Society, a leading dementia charity based in the United Kingdom.
I remember a decade ago when chiropractors jumped onto a circus sideshow treatment where they tapped the temple region to provide amazing cures (😅😅😅).
2 uni degrees and they believe tapping the head will cure a physical injury in the lower back…the stupidity, it burns…
I’ve been meaning to do an Alzheimer’s/neuro degenerative disease special post as it’s so prevalent these days, so it’ll be in the next open thread.
It’ll be an eye-opener and must read.
Whilst on the topic:
Researchers Suspect New Variants of Rapidly Progressing Brain Degenerating Diseases From COVID-19 Vaccines
Things have not been the same since June 2021 for 53-year-old Douglas Howey from Colorado.
Around a year after he received the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the 6 foot 4 and a half inch paraplegic man who once weighed 262 pounds lost over 100 pounds after the sudden onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable and fatal disease that gradually kills a person’s motor neurons.
Though he never told his doctors that he started developing symptoms a month after the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, his family thinks that his sudden sickness a month later and dramatic weight loss within weeks seemed like too much of a coincidence.
This suspicion was further confirmed after Linda Howey, Douglas’s mother, heard a podcast by Del Bigtree where Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior researcher from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, talked about her research on possible links between neurodegenerative diseases and the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
The only believable thing I’ve heard a medico say about AZ is “I don’t know”.
Facebook to fire ‘Woke’ Staff after Censorship Drives Users away
Facebook is planning mass layoffs of its workforce due to the company’s far-left censorship policies backfiring and causing extreme financial hardship.
The move comes after Meta, Facebook’s parent company, suffered “one of the worst downturns” after a huge censorship campaign against independent media and conservatives.
After allowing far-left “fact checkers” to run rampant on the platform and censor millions of users for not parroting Democratic talking points, users have been abandoning the platform in droves.
Hey FB “fact-checkers” – go fact check that! 😅😅😅
Yeah, but they succeeded.
Getting rid of Trump and launching the Pandemic Reset.
It’s kind of like the military throwing out the real war fighters after the war and getting back to the institutional status quo.
Sounding sorta familiar…
Did you know the movie, Soylent Green was set in 2022?
SOYLENT GREEN film (1973)
“By 2022, the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution and an apparent climate catastrophe have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. In New York City alone, there are 40 million people, and only the city’s elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water, and natural food. The homes of the elite are fortified, with private security and bodyguards for their tenants. The poor live in squalor, haul water from communal spigots, and eat highly processed wafers: “Soylent Red,” “Soylent Yellow,” and.. far more flavorful and nutritious, “Soylent Green.
“Soylent Green” is being produced from the remains of the dead and the imprisoned, obtained from heavily guarded waste disposal plants outside the city.
70% of 10-Year-Olds Cannot Read After Lockdowns
“Children suffered the worst long-term consequences of the lockdowns. “The State of Global Learning Poverty: 2022 Update,” found that an alarming 70% of middle and lower-class 10-year-olds across the globe cannot read. There is no greater freedom than knowledge, and reading comprehension is essential to our modern-day existence. “Only the richer segments of the population—those with broadband connectivity, access to devices for the use of each family member, a place to study, availability of books and learning material, and a conducive home environment, among other conditions—were able to maintain a reasonable level of education engagement,” the study cited. We are now in the midst of an education crisis where children have fallen perhaps too far behind to catch up with their peers.”
This is such cobblers in terms of reading ability. Cannot read because ““Only the richer segments of the population—those with broadband connectivity, access to devices for the use of each family member, a place to study, availability of books and learning material, and a conducive home environment” and this afflicts 70% of the population? they went in to lockdown at 8-9 years old and should have been well able to read already. If a 10 year old cant read they have a medical issue/disability that is impacting them or their parents and/or the local education system has totally failed them.
Going green is suddenly an expensive option – especially if your super fund has been avoiding fossil fuels. Most super funds are expected to post a return of around minus 3 per cent for the past financial year top investors are still buying into fossil fuel companies. Just this week as rumours swirled that he was selling out of electric carmaker BYD, the world’s best-known investor Warren Buffett emerged as a buyer at Occidental Petroleum.
Unisuper, a leader in the ESG space, reported a minus 4.5% for its balanced fund and a minus 7.9% for its sustainable balanced fund.
Hesta, which did well on its standard balanced fund, had a sharp minus 7.8 per cent reversal in its sustainable growth fund.
A truly woeful one-year result from Future Super, known for its slogan ‘‘The super fund that’s doing something about climate change’’. It managed a minus 11.4 per cent in its balanced index fund for the past year.
The best known ‘‘green’’ super fund in the local market is Australian Ethical. Australian Ethical’s flagship balanced fund is down 6.3 per cent for the year,
Christian Super’s My Ethical Super managed a 0.5 % gain but its Ethical Index Shares fund fell, losing 6%.
Only Hostplus outperformed the others with its balanced funds this year making a modest 1.6 per cent gain, but their Socially Responsible Balanced fund managed a respectable 2.4 per cent.
Results like this will dampen the enthusiasm of the financial class for the Green Reset.
Ssshhhh… the masses aren’t supposed to know this. 😉
Why will it dampen their enthusiasm? its a small cost to save the planet and its other peoples money.
if the punters vote with their feet that may be different
There is often talk about extreme and unprecedented weather events, mostly to do with heat this century.
I came across this reference about pre-1900 “frosts” in the UK. It makes interesting reading – this about the 1879-1880 event:
There are many similar descriptions going back through the centuries – makes you thankful that it is a few degrees warmer now and these freezing events are less common.
If you eat today, thank a Farmer.
If it’s on your table, thank a Trucker.
If you eat in peace, thank a Veteran.
If you can’t afford to eat, thank your local elected representative (MP).
The wealth of a Nation is always its people.
…and if everything you buy in coming years doesn’t work properly because 2+2=5 and maths is racist, thank a commie lefty. 😅
I have an image of a poster saying
“Don’t criticise a farmer with your mouth full”
This report on Anthropogenic Space Weather is a good read for those who were interested in Jo’s Starfish post. I had no idea there were so many nuclear tests undertaken by the USA and USSR high in the atmosphere and on the edge of space during the late 1950’s/early 1960’s.
Weekend weirdness – you’re gunna need a bigger boat!
The people of Arica, a port city in Chile, were surrounded by conspiracy theories of a bad omen after a group of fishermen pulled out an incredible 16ft sea creature. The colossal-sized oarfish was caught off the coast of Chile. The residents of the city flocked to the pier while the fishermen hoisted the silvery fish up from the sea. A TikTok video featuring the long, bony fish being hooked on the head as the workers transfer it to the land has been doing rounds on the internet. The long silver body of the fish is ribbon-like in appearance and features a large red dorsal fin along with two smaller pectoral fins.
The fish, known as ‘King of the Herrings’, is a deep-water creature that measures more than five metres long which is around 16 feet.’ 😜😜
The Peru Current begins deep in the deep Southern Ocean and the upwelling brought it closer to the surface, no doubt the Oarfish was on a fishing expedition.
Part 2:
Oh to be in Britain now that summer is here, 40C and that truly is unprecedented (BBC and others)
It reminds me of a holiday visit late 1970s when there was a heatwave for the two weeks I was there in London and other places, and in the late 1990s another heatwave, Tower Bridge Hotel bar windows wide open to try and catch a breeze and a few days later in Amsterdam the hotel room water heating system could not be turned off and the next couple of nights was like Central Australia in summer.
There was an interesting documentary on waterways in GB on SBS last night and at one point discussion about the major changes to coastline and river course created by the last Ice Age that ended as warming commenced about 10-12,000 years ago. No mention of the much later Little Ice Age [wink].
Peter F – have a read of the linked article in #34 above – I think most would prefer a couple of days of heat to a couple of months of extreme cold.
Read links..hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha.
Good one, do you do stand up?
Now don’t laugh, its a global cooling signal, meandering jet stream and blocking, but is the sun behind it?
‘Varying solar output has been hypothesized to be due to the eccentric path of the solar system barycenter driving the solar magneto. But it also emerges from turbulent fluid dynamics within the Sun. Poincaré’s 3 body problem and Lorenz’s butterfly reveal dynamical complexity at the heart of both.’ (Robert Ellison, Terra et Aqua)
4 years till our wager comes around, results should be clear then
Yep, I’m confident of a cool outcome.
Seals on the Goldcoast, it is tourist season but I don’t think they are looking for a hot spa!
You got it right first up.
‘A seal has been spotted frolicking in the surf at Coolangatta on the Gold Coast.
‘While the animals are pretty cute and quite rare to see in our waterways, beachgoers are being urged to give them space and not approach them.
‘Authorities believe the juvenile fur seal will likely hang around the coast for the next few weeks.’
you do realise that is a forecast by the hysterical Met , not an actual
still I guess you get excited by things yet to happen, like “RE” and socialism working.
The breeze felt cold earlier and it is pleasantly warm now. I daresay it is warmer ‘darn sarf’ but the hype from the Met Office is hysteria. Spells of hot weather are quite normal, especially when southerly winds blow up from the Sahara, laden with dust an’all.
Just where PF? In the north it is a pleasant day, 19C locally at 4.18pm.
I checked London temps the past few days.
None of the temps are remotely close to 40C … where exactly are you getting your measurement from?
Stratford-upon-Avon didn’t even get past 30C in recent days.
I’m calling hoax unless you can find a 40C measurement, and name the place & time.
Its the old weather station next to the ice cream van exhaust trick
Or where the weather station is next to jet aircraft idling away…
In both hemispheres blocking high pressure is causing extremes in weather.
The US is experiencing the same phenomenon.
Expected max today in London 32
Mon 37
Tue 37
Wed 26
Thur 25
Fri 23
Sat 23
Whats the definition of a heat wave?
Looks more like a cold wave.
Anyone remember summer ‘76 in the UK ?
Multiple days (7-10?) at 35+C.
…….really nice weather .
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Covid Mass Vaccination Triggering New Pandemics and Epidemics
In his first interview with The New American, renowned scientist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche described why mass vaccination with non-sterilizing (“leaky”) vaccines could not lead to herd immunity, and why he expected the Covid infection and disease to aggravate in the vaccinated individuals.
The New American is proud to become the first media to speak with Dr. Vanden Bossche about his latest research dedicated to the issue of Covid mass vaccination initiating a chain reaction of new pandemics and epidemics with a potentially catastrophic impact on global health. In addition to that, the doctor explained how the constant Covid reinfections trigger relapse or metastasis of certain cancers in vaccinated people.
If the antiviral treatments are not made massively available to the vaccinated people, the highly vaccinated countries will likely experience a tsunami of hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated, especially the elderly and those vaccinated early on, said Dr. Vanden Bossche.
How much more sideshow medicine from virologically unqualified, inexperienced government “experts” can we AFFORD to put up with?
Should we wait until Oz turns into a basketcase like Sri Lanka?
Medical fraud, discrimination, injurious/deadly vaccines, lockdowns, economic destruction.
Why go through it all AGAIN???
The Plan to Vaccinate Every Cow in Australia
Foot and Mouth Disease is apparently on Australia’s doorstep in Bali, a popular tourist spot for Australians. Conveniently, scientists are proposing the vaccination with mRNA technology of all Australian livestock to safeguard the industry and our food supply:
There are mounting fears the highly contagious foot and mouth disease could infiltrate Australia and decimate the cattle industry.
The livestock disease, which affects pigs, cattle, sheep and goats, was detected in Indonesia in May and spread to Bali last week.
Nationals Leader David Littleproud said Mr Watt’s first priority should be to introduce comprehensive screening at Australian airports.
“Disinfectant footbaths must be introduced immediately at airports to properly treat potentially exposed passengers,” he said.
(JC2 – Insert funny image here)
Around 1.3 million Australians visited Bali in 2019.
NSW Deputy Premier Paul Toole said discussions with the federal government and other states had taken place about implementing stringent controls for returning holiday-makers.
He warned of the dire threat the disease posed to the cattle industry and the livelihoods of thousands of farmers across the state.
“Nobody wants to be the person who brings in a disease that would devastate our livestock industry, cost the economy $80 billion, and shatter regional communities for years to come,” he said on Wednesday.
Mr Toole said he wanted to make sure all returning travellers were screened, even if it took hours longer for passengers to disembark planes.
NSW Agriculture Minister Dugald Saunders said with 103 flights each week from Australia to Bali “foot and mouth disease is the closest it has ever been to our country”.
He said a potential vaccine was being developed using mRNA technology to tackle eight different strains of the disease.
Well…I’ve warned about FMD up north..
Now they want mRNA vaxxes for livestock.
Any guesses on the outcome?
Human cattle or 4 legged cattle – all lambs for the slaughter. 😉
So…when do we read about a cricket food company startup in Oz? 😈
They won’t need mRNA to decimate the beef industry here. FMD will do it.
ONLY if it is allowed to spread…quarantine & cull just like Avian flu.
But of course it’ll be panic stations across Oz…
John, at what cost? And does anyone care if small family farms are wiped out? Borders are cheap. Quarantine and cull is expensive.
How much is a month or two worth of tourism-to-Bali worth to Australia? If the CCP just happened to want to hit us for a few billion, now would be a good time. Plausible deniability…
I think it is a lot worse than that this time
I hope you are keeping a watchful eye on things Holland, Canada, USA. et al
Now check the map in here and the size of the gap between Bali and Australia
I hope the powers that be have a bloody good watch on traffic incoming from Bali, as disrupting our exports of that “dreaded red meat” would be right up the alley of those “brave new bug fed world” promoters.
And a reminder of the song from “Lil’ Abner” – “The country’s in the very best of hands, the best of hands” –
“The left wing city lawyer with no experience in the bush who’s now Australia’s Agriculture Minister.”
Like the bloke that invented live export restrictions.
A son and DIL came back into Perth last weekend and there was no mention of F & M at the airport.
As Chiefio says “Then there is hope. But hope is not a strategy”, so I hope our powers that be are doing better than hope.
That may be my tinfoil hat for this week – I hope it is still that in, say, the usual 6 months time
First they came for our bees; now they’re coming for our cloven-hoofed animals. Hope you like eating rabbit or guinea pig.
ABC News tonight was softening us up for getting FMD. Why should we accept that?
For the record, FMD has been around since January 2022 not April(?) the minister said it started.
If you (Jo) are suggesting I don’t care about farms you are 100% wrong.
Everyone’s focussing on Bali but it’s not just Bali, it’s ALL of Indonesia.
Add Indonesia and the Philippines to the high risk group too! (and a few other endemic countries like S. Africa).
Farms here in Oz are switched on – even hobby farms. (Not so much in places like Indonesia…)
They understand disease management.
They understand FMD, it’s symptoms, notification requirements and the consequences.
They are familiar with AUSVETPLAN.
FMD can be transmitted easily on the wind to any nearby livestock farm up to around…ooohhh…10kms or so.
It can survive on a cool/wet surface for up to 2 months. A few weeks in hot weather.
Someone from say NZ could go on a trip.
First to Bali then say Japan, Australia and back to NZ.
If border security is ONLY disinfecting shoes from Bali then they’re not seeing the big picture. Will they disinfect all clothes and other articles too?
What about people themselves?
People can catch FMD too, especially children.
An incubation period of 3-4 days is typical, symptoms mimic a bad flu, and they can pass it on to other people and animals.
Perhaps we should look at quarantining any traveller who has been to a risk country in the preceding 60 days, IF we’re SERIOUS about stopping the entry of FHM.
Let’s NOT engage in the same idiotic disease management that we experienced with Covid.
Spend the money treating the problem. ie help fund the eradication of the disease up north rather than wash shoes here in Oz for a subset of tourists.
Or do what I said above. Quarantine or refuse entry to recent visitors to high risk countries.
Now, how hard is that. It’s not.
Typo. FHM should be FMD…
Your solution to everything, shut it down.
This 2 months to
flatten the curveeliminate the plauge, where have I heard this before?How do you know it will take two months to contain in another country?
The Balinese are not coming here in droves, it’s a 100% flow the other way and Aussies returning. Why stop there, why bypass one FMD country, ban all flights from all endemic FMD countries, there is half the planet eradicated from your imagination.
We can always follow the lead of the once great PM Whatshisface and ban them coming direct, but they can detour through another country.
Bali has virtually no Beef cattle, (can’t remember ever seeing sheep, goats and pigs would be an endangered spieces, (yes I know it’s Hindu) got a few Buffalo doing rice work. Not everyone goes to Bali, it is a transit hub for the rest of Indo and Asia.
Are you getting paid to push the FMD narrative as well now.
You obviously didn’t read or understand what I said.
I said NOTHING about shutting everything down.
Let me spell it out more clearly.
Currently there is a MAJOR outbreak of FMD in Indonesia(over 300,000 infected animals)
STRONG precautionary measures need to be implemented until the outbreak dissipates.
STRONG measures DOES NOT mean washing SOME items like shoes of SOME travellers at SOME airports.
It means broad spectrum preventative measures.
Checking travel movements, passports and visas AND processing high risk individuals appropriately is essential if we are “SERIOUS” about preventing FMD entering Oz.
Endemic countries will always be there.
But let’s not engage in Liberal-mindset fear and distortion.
Migrating birds can transmit FMD to any country. eg UK 2001.
Lockdowns need not be activated.
Traveller’s goods can be disinfected/irradiated to eliminate risk.
Human contraction/transmission risk is VERY low so quaranting measures would be rare BUT…if they are showing symptoms they should/must be quarantined. Duh!!
This is about RISK FACTOR…
I’m not paid to push any agenda but when the government gets involved in preventing disasters I get worried.
Is this all clear enough now? 😎
FMD was confirmed in Indonesia back in May, where it is probably endemic in any case. I would be amazed if it wasn’t.
It’s the feral animal populations that will be our downfall if the disease gets loose here. Feral pigs, feral deer, feral goats, water buffalo, maybe even camels, with unknown numbers and only vaguely known distributions. Feral pigs are the biggest disease vector we have. They are walking disease factories, ubiquitous over vast areas, carrying FMD, lepto and brucellosis, among a host of other ills. The FMD virus can remain active in manure for up to 6 months, so slaughtering a host doesn’t make the problem immediately go away. Humans, cats, dogs, birds and vehicles can inadvertently spread the virus too. In the Australian context, the problem is much bigger than “quarantine and cull”. We aren’t Little England.
There is currently a feral pig explosion in the NT and North QLD, with landowners finding severe pig damage to crops. Feral pigs are highly mobile. A mob of pigs will travel 10km in a night’s feeding when they want to find new ground. Feral deer have also exploded in numbers along the Great Divide in recent decades.
It’s not just the beef industry at risk, but wool, lamb, dairy and goat meat/milk, especially export markets. Inactivated virus vaccines already exist, but protect for only 4–6 months against specific serotypes (from memory there are about 8 known), and you can’t vaccinate or cull all ferals.
Back in the 70s/80s the vets and Ag Dept officers around here in the Hunter used to conduct regular FMD outbreak control exercises right up to culling cattle and disposing of the carcases. Don’t know if that still happens.
Interestingly FMD was identified as having high agro-terrorism potential, being so readily spread, so contagious and having such an impact on production/exports.
There were always bookworms who reckoned the farmers who didn’t run with the latest fads were mugs. anything not new was… old hat.
Australian farmers all used a variety of lucerne (aka alfalfa) called Hunter River. It had been around for years and wasn’t subject of property rights.
The knockers criticised farmers for being so old hat. What the knockers didn’t bother to find out was that the various departments of ag and leading farmers were continually running trials of new crops, and for lucerne, old Hunter River was the best performer.
Then all of a sudden three exotic species of aphids turned up in Australia, for which Hunter River had no resistance. Virtually overnight Hunter River was wiped out, and Australia’s farmers had to rush to buy imported proprietary varieties of lucerne seed which had been bred for resistance to these aphids.
With three having arrived at once nobody will ever convince me that somebody didn’t introduce them deliberately. Maybe a foreign seed merchant. Maybe a jealous farmer. If it happened today I wouldn’t rule out terrorism.
Foot and mouth has been endemic in most countries surrounding Australia for as long as I can remember, never talked about banning any of those countries.
I worked in Namibia (FIFO) which is a declared FMD country, virtually just passed straight through border security. I did turf all my work gear and boots when I finished up.
The biggest food smugglers are of Asian descent and from those countries.
More fear porn, big pharma will save us.
UK losses in 2001 due to FMD were around 3b GBP.
Losers: Farmers and meat eaters. Winners: Pharma and competitor Beef suppliers.
F&M scare is manna for those who want farming shut down anyway. Get ready for a test for “asymptomatic F&M”. Moreover, busting the smaller farmers lets the big corporate farms get bigger.
Pretty sure it was the government response of kill everything, same as mad cow, same as covid. Hmmm government seems to be the common denominator in everything.
Our beef industry is one way into Indo, we sanction them and they could kill the live export, which would move those cattle into domestic and boxed beef, which again will damage the whole industry, flooding the local market. They have already trialed the scenario with Gizards live ban.
Like I showed, it has been and still is in every country in Asia but because the media did not stoke the fear it has been ignored and a non-issue. Thailand and Vietnam have as many tourists going there and nothing, but reduce the flight time by 2 hours and “panic”.
Problem, reaction, solution. Should be a round of dancing vets coming right up. Put an Akubra on some MSM Muppet and they turn into cattle men, push the MSM/Gov narrative, fear, fear, fear.
I run cattle, it’s not the disease I am concerned about, it’s the government response and relies on government action, so it’s failed before it begins.
We know they are collapsing the food chain and starting with a 30% reduction in cattle.
“Bovine lives matter” so let’s kill everything to save everything, destroy the industry to save the industry. Mandate and vaccinate the entire 20 million cattle herd, sheep, pigs and goats with an untrialed drug every 3 months, safe, effective and free. These animals will not walk into a vaxx hub, even the sheep are not as dumb as that (us).
When the solution to every problem relies on the creators of the problem, we are in dire straits.
Foot and mouth, as seen on TV, but wait there’s more.
As a farmer with beef cattle, I don’t know what to think about this latest scare. A few months ago we were told our cattle were in danger of a disease commonly called “lumpy cow disease” , again , being observed in Indonesia. This disorder can resemble a fairly innocuous skin disorder following very wet conditions, & no doubt had a few graziers worried.
FMD is indeed a disastrous disease, but I am increasingly sceptical about the recurring scares about viruses in both people and animals.
The great unravelling
Sri Lanka was supposed to be the poster child for the Great Green New Reset, scoring a 98 percent ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) ranking. Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa winning considerable praise from globalist leaders and climate activists alike for his speech to the COP26 conference in Glasgow last November.
For the wider world though, Sri Lanka is but the beginning of a great unravelling which is going to destroy the global economy. Although it was never possible to predict in advance which country would be first to roll over, still less when it would begin – as Keynes is reputed to have said, “markets can stay insane longer than you can stay solvent” – the broad outline was visible to anyone who cared to look once states began to lockdown their economies:
“The supply destruction that is going on behind the scenes as corporations shut down operations and scrap equipment, machinery and vehicles will only come to public prominence when governments declare the pandemic to be over. Only then, when key fuels and resources are no longer available to us in the quantities required will we fully understand the folly of shutting down economies in a failed attempt to halt the spread of a not particularly dangerous virus. But the consequences of that third wave, which will give rise to evils from third world debt defaults and increased poverty and hunger to trade and resource wars, will be beyond our capacity to resolve. Lacking the energy and resources even to develop a steady-state economy, the global economy which emerges out of the pandemic response can only collapse; most likely rapidly.”
Which is why the pandemic must be perpetuated…
Sri Lanka will survive this near death experience once they install a new government.
Monies will be arriving from the World Bank and presumably China, its not a failed state.
It’s a pretty scenic island, ol’ Sri Lanka. Used to get tons of Euro tourists.
Four seafood samples test positive for cholera virus in Wuhan, unrelated to the previous case
Wuhan in Central China’s Hubei Province reported on Thursday four seafood samples tested positive for the O139 type of bacteria that causes cholera. Officials say the latest case is unrelated to the previously confirmed case found at Wuhan University. Personnel and the environment involved with the positive samples have not shown abnormalities after examination, authorities said.
The four turtle samples contaminated with the virus were found on Wednesday during a daily health inspection work at the Baishazhou Market in Wuhan, local authorities said in a notice issued on Thursday.
An emergency response was immediately launched to conduct epidemiological survey, environmental sampling and disinfection.
Well, that’s different. Cholera in seafood…
China, disease wise, looks pretty “clean” but no doubt that’s more due to censoring information than anything.
diphtheria In northern NSW, should that be declared a pandemic?
WTF! Cholera is NOT a virus, how can they write this shit! That news source has no credibility at all.
Wuhan in Central China’s Hubei Province reported on Thursday four seafood samples tested positive for the O139 type of bacteria that causes cholera.
Got to read past the headlines, thought you would of realised that by now.
Re survival rations – so long as you’ve got a freezer
Due to an “overlooking” of bread supply I had to break out the breadmaker.
Flour kit from the freezer was “best by 2016”
Bread totally acceptable crusty white
And while we are on food – our boys are not eaters of offal. So this weekend they are away and so it is liver and bacon night, with the other half tomorrow night
From BBC Hairy Bikers “Mums know best” recipes
Lambs fry and bacon done well is absolutely delicious.
Probably one of the most flavourful dishes this side of a good curry .
FYI…. You sed to be able to buy it un the USA chain of “Dennys” Fast food. !
America’s best investor Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has picked up a 19% stake in Occidental Petroleum Corporation. Not everyone is sceptical of the future of fossil fuels.
From ” Oxy’s ” website: ” We are a best-in-class low cost operator with assets in the US, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, applying technology to drive operational excellence… ”
Yay, go us!! this aged well
It would be funny if we werent paying for it
Blocking causes a persistent chill in south east Australia.
‘For those of us who were forced to get out of bed this morning, additional layers of clothing were most definitely needed as well as a warm beverage in hand.
‘A high pressure system hovering over eastern Australia kept skies clear and winds light, bringing about very favourable conditions for a chilly morning. Clear skies enhance radiative cooling, which is a fancy way of saying that heat escapes much quicker from the Earth’s surface during cloudless nights.’ (Weatherzone)
Happer and Lindzen: Up to date.
Happer would be the go-to person for an understanding of how CO2 operates in the atmosphere, and Lindzen produced that great quote in 2007: “Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the Industrial Age.”
Foot and mouth – the government is getting it wrong already!
AUSTRALIA’S Federal Government has seemingly overlooked its own AUSVETPLAN on exotic disease incidents by claiming a powerful and irritating chemical was preferred for decontaminating footbaths.
On page 21 of the AUSVETPLAN decontamination manual it says:
“Citric acid, a milder acid, is available in solid form, is active against acid-sensitive viruses and can be used safely for personnel and clothing decontamination. It is particularly useful when added to detergents for the inactivation of foot-and-mouth disease virus.”
A DAFF spokesperson has told Sheep Central that footbaths to control viral diseases usually use Virkon® a powerful chemical which causes skin, eye and respiratory tract irritation.
Better stock up on meat…
Sheepcentral, real men do beefcentral.
Well now…”some” might disagree…
And here was I remembering that they used washing soda to decontaminate for foot and mouth disease.
Must be too cheap in 2022.
Also Ted1…..
it must be remembered that immunisations before the day of washing soda was conducted by Echidna’s
The biological makeup of the Echidna was well founded on the toxic spike protein for perhaps hundreds of thousands of years.
The original Echidna spike protein, toxic as it is was harnessed and delivered as biological vaccine without the need of scientists who are largely cancelled anyway in today’s highly toxic spike protein environment.
The echidna demonstrates that we can learn to live with spike without being continuously jabbed.
One jab, if at all, was (and still is) all that was needed from the master vaccinator, the Australian Echidna.
Echidnas have lots of jabbers, but that’s news to me.
On the other hand a male platypus has two jabbers, which, I am told, inject venom which causes severe pain if you get jabbed.
I haven’t been jabbed by either.
“Banning flights and putting a foot bath out in an airport won’t prevent FMD, our risk pathway is and still remains the illegal importation of infected meat.
“The pathway from someone’s thongs walking from Bali to Australia, if they’re having no contact with livestock on either end, the pathway of transmission is negligible.
“What we want passengers to do is declare.
“We don’t want them bringing in illegal products, and we want to make sure that they’re taking biosecurity measures so if they have contact with livestock, we want them to do something to bring that risk down.”
I spent 4 years in every part of Indo, never steped in one cow patty, can’t remember ever seeing a cow.
Dogs are very good at detecting meat products, my dog could do it and does do it!
The Sun Is Free.
But solar cells just don’t sit there doing their thing, they need maintenance.
No 1 son has been offered a job at a solar farm @ $105k, but when you think about it a sparky on a solar farm needs the Qld Fitter, Mechanic ticket, needs instrumentation skills and high voltage termination knowledge because of the 33kV(?) inverter.
I’m just chuckling to myself about free power, excuse me. 🙂