A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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It Begins: New Zealand Doctors Send Letter Asking Police to Investigate Deaths Following COVID Vaccinations
New Zealand medical professionals have penned an open letter to the authorities requesting that an investigation be conducted into the deaths that have occurred since vaccinations for Covid were administered.
An unredacted version of the letter from the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) is being prepared for the police, according to the news release.
“There is a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines, of itself and compared to any other treatment or vaccine in modern times,” NZDSOS said in a statement. “We report many cases that DEMAND proper investigation, as befits any medication lacking safety studies.”
“Our surveillance systems have been disabled in order to hide the extent of harm. Adverse event reporting is NOT COMPULSORY, and this alone undermines any attempt to portray the injections as safe. CARM was never designed to early warn about experimental drugs rolled out to massive numbers,” NZDSOS added.
Maybe THIS time the NZ police will do their jobs (without fear or favouritism) and act…
That’s an unexpected event from Jacinda’s domain, great news.
The Empire strikes back?
One wonders (and can only hope) if an epidemic of medical & police integrity will break out here in Oz. 😉
It’s time to do whatever we can to support this move. But I am tired. I’ve been gunna start for weeks now, but haven’t
Somebody here referred us to Dr Blaylock’s article. It is a good place to start.
He calls mass murder. And puts numbers on it. 80% of the 800,000 US citizens that have died up till his time of writing.
Those figures are consistent with this old farmer’s observations.
80% is readily observed with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and budesonide.
No doubt that figure could be improved if research was permitted.
Then there are Professor Robert Clancy’s and Dr Phillip Altman’s letters on Quadrant about August/ September of 2021.
If I could settle to the job I could surely build an emphatic political case on those, without going into the finer details of Dr Blaylock’s article. But I am tired.
Prior to the election I saw Scott Morrison declare that there will be no inquiry into the management of COVID19. That declaration must not be allowed to stand.
And this one:-
That’s good news too.
Perhaps people are making the decision not to be caught on the wrong side when it all comes crashing down.
As the New Zealand doctors might say, the British situation may show signs of Regulatory Malfeasance.
Governments are charged with regulating things properly for the benefit of the population at large.
Those protecting the hiding of essential data need to be brought to account.
Thanks Ted for the link to the Blaylock summary of the covid treatment debacle. Blaylock is not a right wing fanatic. Blaylock is not a political activist.
The covid organized evil is simpler to explain than the climate change problem. There is no right-wing or left-wing side to hiding the adverse reactions data that shows the RNA first release vaccines are dangerous, hiding data that shows the RNA vaccines are not as effective as natural immunity, hiding the fact that the RNA vaccine tests were rigged to hide the vaccine side effects, hiding the fact that there are effective early treatment options for covid using existing approved safe drugs, and so on.
Surgical Neurology International, Editorial
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? By: Doctor Russell L. Blaylock
“Websites have been removed, highly credentialed and experienced clinical doctors and scientific experts in the field of infectious diseases have been demonized, careers have been destroyed and all dissenting information has been labeled “misinformation” and “dangerous lies”, even when sourced from top experts in the fields of virology, infectious diseases, pulmonary critical care, and epidemiology.”
“These blackouts of truth occur even when this information is backed by extensive scientific citations from some of the most qualified medical specialists in the world. [23]
Incredibly, even individuals, such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, a retired ex-Chief Scientist, and vice-president for the science division of Pfizer Pharmaceutical company in the UK, who charged the company with making an extremely dangerous vaccine, is ignored and demonized. Further, he, along with other highly qualified scientists have stated that no one should take this vaccine.
Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most cited experts in his field, who has successfully treated over 2000 COVID patients by using a protocol of early treatment (which the so-called experts completely ignored), has been the victim of a particularly vicious assault by those benefiting financially from the vaccines. He has published his results in peer reviewed journals, reporting an 80% reduction in hospitalizations and a 75% reduction in deaths by using early treatment.
Despite this, he is under an unrelenting series of attacks by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient.
Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing. This is unprecedented in the entire history of medical care as early treatment of infections is critical to saving lives and preventing severe complications.”
The Rum Corps LIVES!
I wouldn’t expect any leadership from my home State of Victoria on either front.
Sample from the link which details many deaths cross linked to the VaXX.
This comment to the police by the doctors;
“We are alleging death by regulatory failure, as you know”.
Read it and be inspired. Thanks John.
And of course here in Victoriastan, with case numbers “spiralling out of control” with calls to reintroduce masks etc. we find that dear leader, who appeared every night on TV along with the chief health officer when infections were quite low, telling us how at risk we were, appears to be missing in action. All the current “risks” are just not worthy of the great man making any comment AT ALL. Leave all decisions to the brand new minister for health, who can apparently now ignore the health experts and just carry on, well, like the carry on series all those years ago.
I have also noted that Worksafe is now investigation and naming individuals who ran nursing homes for alledged breaches. Funny how there was nothing to see when the governments own people contributed to over 800 deaths, but now we will make examples of individuals to have their lives further ruined
What did Victoria ever do to deserve Daniel Andrews??
All the good men did nothing.
“All the good men did nothing.”
Too many good men voted Labor.
A couple of months ago they didn’t vote non-labor.
I said “Don’t go, Julie don’t go!” but he wouldn’t listen to me.
The St Basil’s inquiry was told that the Chief Health Officer ordered that all St Basil’s staff be put into isolation. Subsequently fifty residents died, 45 of them from COVID. The other five maybe from neglect.
Only a bookworm socialist could imagine that it was possible for a team unfamiliar with the job could possibly carry on the running of a nursing home without guidance from somebody familiar. And only a bookworm socialist could fail to sack a chief health officer who managed this result.
Dumbed down population courtesy of a failed education system. Socialism means that you adhere to the lowest denominator.
I am becoming a little weary of all these ‘there have been deaths due to vaxes” outrage sessions…..
In Oz, the Federal govt has admitted this already and is paying compensation to those it (the govt) deliberately harmed, or to the families of those it killed. There is no attempt to hide the culpability, which means there should be no surprise…….
Go to the link. You will read the oz Govt accepting liability for the death-dealing vaccines, on behalf of the vax manufacturers. the victims and the victims’ families pay their taxes and then get some of them back when they are harmed by the gene-jabs.
Can it get ANY CLEARER than this?
The funeral cost payments were offered by govt quite a while ago. Seemed to be a token thing given the relatively small cost of a funeral. I see now they’ve expanded it to lost earnings and other similar claims which is significant.
Any combat wombat will be starkly aware that burying a corpse takes a LOT less personnel and material resources than evacuating and treating the wounded.
See also: Eternal political “science”.
And a cremation burns the evidence.
I think you’re missing the point, they are claiming a crime has been committed, can’t argue that point.
At best false advertising, can’t be safe if it is killing people, though most think it is safe as long as its killing other people. It’s free, but it is paid for by every working person in Australia, as is the compensation pay outs. It’s effective, but only up to the point where you get sick.
You cannot bring a product to the market without a warranty, except for the most dangerous vaccine in history and the people who have been forced to take it are being held liable for the damage and death caused by the drug manufacturer, drug dealers.
What’s happening is criminal and keeping these issues up front and centre should be commended.
As you say the governments have admitted to knowingly killing persons, then this is murder and it is the responsibility of our law enforcement to investigate and convict.
The ones given responsibility for enforcing the laws are the exact same people committing the crimes.
“Can it get ANY CLEARER than this?” They have admitted to murder is what you should of said or do you just think they should of said Sorry as well.
Sorry your feelings are hurt petal, but these things cannot be repeated enough.
Correct MY, but I think its one of those subjects that the Aust Govt didn’t want broadcast too much, because of its effect on vaccine hesitancy. For injuries , you have to be admitted to a hospital and the condition signed off from a doctor. For AZ vaccine the following are allowed-
Anaphylactic reaction
Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
Capillary leak syndrome
Demyelinating disorders including Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)
Thrombocytopenia, including immune Thrombocytopenia.
For Pfizer/ Moderna:-
Anaphylactic reaction
For Novavax Nuvaxovid – Anaphylactic reaction. Makes you wonder if those eligible conditions might broaden??
Can it get ANY CLEARER than this?
To start-
Publish the amounts available for each class of injury in dollars
Publish all claims and all payments made.
Anyway, servicesaustralia would be an Australian website.
Item 1 topic is on the NZ Police being asked to investigate deaths in NZ.
Lucky. Instead of defending govt malfeasance by demanding that I do such and such, why not go after the perps who are admitting their liability?
Never in history has a govt covered the costs and payouts for private companies’ faulty products. Asbestos, car recalls, breast implants etc etc have always been the responsibility of the manufacturers….but in this case the govt IS paying the costs. The TAXPAYER is footing the bill for the unconscionable actions of tyrannical govt, and teh govt is STILL rabidly promoting the gene-jabs. WTF?
As for the “That’s NZ” misdirection, again you are shilling for big pharma and big govt. While NZ doctors are taking action (is there a similar payment in NZ too?) WE are in Oz and our rulers have admitted they did it! so where are the Oz doctors?
BTW: You’ve probably heard insurance companies telling clients NOT to concede anything at the scene of car accidents etc, since that is (ipso facto) an admission of guilt.. I can understand you may have mates in Oz Govt but, geez, there comes a time to stop covering for them, no matter how lucky they think they are!
Some misleading comments and accusations:
that Lucky (me) defends malfeasance, shills for big pharma, has mates in Oz gov, and covers for them.
I would like to get numbers for better clarity on the extent of the problem, I do not imply that is a responsibility of contributors of this site when it should be the role of government agencies to provide this kind of data.
“ Oz .. our rulers have admitted they did it”
Just about. I do not deny that statement, I would like it quantified. It is the job of gov agencies and the medical profession to collate that data. Seems to me that Gov is playing both sides by
– making compensation available
– but not telling us how many deaths and injuries there are.
The question put is- ‘Can it get any clearer?’
The answer is- Yes, as above.
Gov is playing a nasty part here, they have set up a compensation scheme for victims of their actions, but are still pushing ahead with the same policies that are creating more victims.
A group of 4 doctors publishing the stuff that they invented in order to form their own movement. It is not new, it is a rehash.
They invented?
A F.cking addmission right there!
They are in NZ
Oh… so Kiwi’s don’t matter ?
Mr. Aye: And in NZ, either there were no adverse results (adverse result elsewhere indicates nothing at all), or there WERE and these doctors want it investigated. You call it a rehash, as if that resolves the call to investigate when it clearly does not. It’s all good if the coverup serves your side as you see it.
so Gee Aye, if the innocent angelic Mr George Floyd had been kneeled on and then gene-jabbed before dying, you’d have been OK with it all eh?
As MP writes “kiwi Lives Matter, FFS!
Kiwi lives matter.
Kiwis are just fat ar$ed chickens. Do they matter much?
Chickens is not the part I would say out loud.
Yes I get the sarc 🙂
“Maybe THIS time the NZ police will do their jobs (without fear or favouritism) and act…”
Lol, good one John
While I hope NZDSOS have success in this the msm have succeeded in labeling them as a fringe group who should be ignored.
One of the things that has amazed me is the ability of the media to control the beliefs of the majority. Without the internet very few would know about the vaccine injuries and deaths.
John in NZ:
Perhaps the questions to ask the media “If 95% of people have been double or triple vaxxed, why is there an upsurge in cases now?
Are those 5% (or whatever) going around infecting 19 people each? And why do people have been double or triple vaxxed still getting Covid?”
A very good question Graeme.
They are going to blame me for not wearing a mask I suppose.
Graeme No3. facts are that vax rates are falling very sharply as most people have NOT accepted what John in NZ reckons they have ; the anti-death-shot groups are fringe dwellers.
Isn’t old horseface down to 20% approval or some such? Isn’t the MSM the least trusted crowd on the shaky isles? etc etc…
Plus: so what if the least trusted d’headss in NZ reckon face-masks make a difference? When my neighbour puts chicken wire over their open windows to keep mosquitoes out…and fails…who cares that they reckon it’s because I put NO chicken wire on my windows?
You cannot fix their stupidity, John!
Evidence Please?
Thank-you New South Wales!
Over to you DAEN with the proviso these adverse events are as reported for a few outcomes for which the majority reported death as an outcome for those between 20 and 65 YO in June 2022
Any combat wombat will be starkly aware that burying a corpse takes a LOT less personnel and materiel resources than evacuating and treating the wounded.
See also: Eternal political “science”. Churnalists do not refer to themselves as “opinion-shapers” for no reason. They are generally the scabrous tail wagging the mangy dog of politics.
Thanks for that JC II,
There’s an extra link within the one you posted, timed about a day later:
which lives up to its title, and I find fascinating, but not surprising.
Dave B
Looks like a lot of murder investigations.
WEF Memory-Holed Their Article From 2018 Where Sri Lanka’s PM Was Bragging That ESG Policy Would Make Sri Lanka Rich Within A Decade.
WEF article from Aug 29, 2018: “Sri Lanka PM: This is how I will make my country rich by 2025”
Oops! WEF seem to have deleted it.
Never mind, try this:
How’s that ESG plan working out for Sri Lanka now? 😉
The PM that made that speech was dumped by the SL President not long after , and replaced by a more controlsble family relative.
So that policy was dropped PDQ !
‘Eye-opening’: The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated antimicrobial resistance across the U.S.
Combating superbugs has considerably worsened during the pandemic, with deaths and infections from several serious pathogens increasing at least 15% during the first year of the crisis, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The increased rates for some infections, however, were much larger. For instance, there was 78% jump among those infected with Acinetobacter, a gram-negative bacteria; a 60% rise in a fungal disease known as Candida auris, and a 32% percent rise in infections from another gram-negative bacteria, called Enterobacterales.
Fungal diseases like Candida Auris have been spreading for years but are in MSM news darkness…
Here is a backgrounder from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the issue. Interesting to note CDC states
“During the first year of the pandemic, more than 29,400 people died from antimicrobial-resistant infections commonly associated with healthcare.”
The FDA piece on the other hand quotes the CDC but states a different mortality rate: “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (PDF, 148 pages), each year in the United States at least 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur, and more than 35,000 people die as a result.” But just like adverse effects of the inoculation 35k deaths out of 2.8m infections surely are rare events, nothing to see here folks, move along.
Actual global figures for iatrogenic deaths and injuries (coyly referred colloquially, as “medical misadventures) seem to be getting harder to find and verify.
YouTuber “Mr Reagan” takes a look at White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.
The disaster that she is is exactly what happens when you hire someone to fulfil a quota, not on merit. In her case she is a triple quota filler, being chosen for gender, race and LGBT status, she ticks all the boxes!
As the Donald might have put it, Haiti ain’t sending their best! 😄
White House Still Searching For A Biden They Can Send Out In Public
The Babylon Bee – JUL 12, 2022
RicDre. Couldn’t they send the Biden diary-daughter to explain how, in these times of conserving water and electricity to save the planet, that showering with dad is the way to go?
That wouldn’t be a gaffe!
Britain begins to BURN: Blaze breaks out at SOLAR FARM, wildfires rage and roads melt
A fire broke out at a solar farm, a hospital declared a critical incident and wildfires swept across the countryside today as Britain’s heatwave continued – with an extreme heat amber warning now extended into next week.
Temperatures have already hit 32C (90F) this week and will do so again today before dipping slightly between tomorrow and Friday – then bouncing back at the weekend with an unprecedented 40C (104F) possible.
Some 20 firefighters tackled a large blaze at the solar farm at Verwood in Dorset, where a 500ft by 330ft patch of grass was ablaze for three hours at the 113-acre site which has 81,400 panels – some of which were damaged.
Meanwhile Valentina Zharkova (remember her?) is predicting that a mini ice-age could hit by 2030 (and counter the warming…)
Gotta love scientists.
“Five years ago I couldn’t spel scinetist, now I are one” 😅😅
“Five years ago I couldn’t spel scinetist, now I are one” 😅😅
Thank you, second coming. With permission I’ll steal this and see if I can find anyone that thinks its as funny as I did.
A bit harsh on real scientists. Anyone who talks about ‘The’ Science is not a scientist but a Climatebagger.
The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. In other words, it is not real Science, a proven set of propositions but a special type of science known to the reader as ‘The’ science, a special science made up without evidence, irrational science or fantasy. Or just fraud.
Sambar (1.58pm). FFS mate, laughing at them with writing and reading difficulties is a low act. And the only way forward for we, the afflicted, is to get together….
Dislecixs of the world UNTIE!
All-time temperature records tumble in Europe, thousands evacuate as wildfires rage in France, Spain and Portugal
Record-breaking temperatures have engulfed parts of Europe for the second time since mid-June. Before the end of the week, temperatures are expected to reach the high 40s (°C). As a result, France, Britain, Portugal and Spain are on high alert over wildfires and public health.
The worst affected today were Spain and Portugal, where more than 20 wildfires were active.
Portugal’s Civil Protection commander, André Fernandes, said that multiple fires have caused the evacuation of more than 600 people. About 120 people needed medical treatment, with two people — one civilian and one firefighter — suffering serious injuries.
And so ‘Climate Change’ becomes the perfect perpetual sheeple control issue since devils , dragons and witches.
A new religion only an Aztec priest could love.
200 years of atypical mild weather on the planet and culture and technology flourish.
(But, upsetting to the Overlords, so does that dastardly political ‘freedom’.)
When the weather is really good, invent ‘climate change’… and then when the planet’s weather returns to its’ more typical, sometimes nasty status quo, viola … convince the sheeple it’s their fault.
Mandate subservience.
Be civilized.
Terminally civilized.
Volunteer to freeze to death while self imprisoned in you own home, but not before lining up for your 5th booster.
Paid for with your money.
As Nancy Pelosi has declared, “I seek to remain in Congress (in my 80s) … for the children.
Like her stock portfolio, it’s always for the children.
As I read, the big fire in Spain is fueled by Eucalyptus trees….
a big hit in California also
As I thought Rishi is one of the top contenders for the next British PM. He ticks many boxes. Get ready for a Sunak Attack. The Chancellorship is always a useful springboard into the top job.
I thought of a good campaign slogan for him: Dishy Rishi, he’s the man. If Rishi can’t do it, no one can!
My call on Djoko winning Wimbledon was correct, let’s see if I’m right about the Rish factor.
He is an elitist. Not only his own background, but he’s married to an heiress to billionaire parents who own an Indian tech company, and she is registered as non-UK domiciled so she doesn’t have to pay UK taxes. I don’t think they need another Johnson. From The Sun:
Who is Rishi Sunak wife Akshata Murthy?
Rishi Sunak, 41, tied the knot with Akshata Murthy, 42, in 2009, in a two-day wedding in Bangalore.
Ms Murthy runs fashion label Akshata Designs and is also a director of a venture capital firm founded by her dad in 2010.
She is the daughter of the sixth richest man in India, billionaire N.R. Narayana Murthy, who is co-founder of Infosys, an IT company.
The Times of India says her father is “one of India’s top entrepreneurs”. Akshata used to work in finance and marketing.
But she turned to fashion design, working with artists in isolated villages in India. Akshata loved clothes as a child – a penchant that baffled her “no-nonsense engineer mother”.
She told Vogue India in 2011: “I’m about the story behind a particular garment, its authenticity, craftsmanship and protecting a rich heritage.” Akshata was also quoted saying: “I believe we live in a materialistic society, and over the last few decades it has become easier to sell products to a wide audience, given the advent of globalisation.”
The Times reported in February 2020 the couple are understood to own “at least four properties”, the publication says, including a five-bedroom mews house in Kensington, valued at about £7million.
I like the sound of Kemi Badenoch though ( – anti-woke and just establishment enough. A worker.
Out of those two, my money is on Rishi Wishi. Kemi is not quite ready for prime time, IMHO. But we shall see, as the actress so very aptly said to the bishop.
Claim: Republicans Need to See Evidence of Climate Change Harms
Essay by Eric Worrall
Wales becomes first nation to introduce default 20 mph (32kmh) speed limit in built-up areas
Wales will introduce a default speed limit of 20 mph (30 km/h) in built-up areas from next year, in a bid to lower road collisions and noise pollution, as well as encourage people to walk or cycle.
The Welsh parliament voted on Tuesday to back the plan, which will bring down the speed limit currently set at 30 mph (50 km/h) on most busy streets and residential roads.
The move makes Wales the first nation to make 20 mph the default speed limit on most roads. The new law is expected to come into force in September 2023.
Pollies (bird varieties) are such smart creatures. Perhaps we can replace the other type of pollies with them. 😅
So…32kmh limit…everyone forced to drive in 1st or 2nd gear, slow traffic movement, traffic backing up, excessive idling/pollution/engine wear (10km city = 100km highway driving), slow deliveries, driver frustration/road rage.
Another political “stroke of genius” policy that will backfire (pun intended).
Next a road traffic controller jogging in front waving a red flag?
What happens if cyclists exceed that speed limit?
Especially as SBS has been screening The Tour De France where those cyclists are going much faster.
As long as the rider is not on a Pedelec bicycle maybe speed limit does not apply, from my own observations most road traffic rules don’t apply to push bikes.
“most road traffic rules don’t apply to push bikes.”
…or to politicians You won’t see them on a bicycle or keeping to 20mph, they’re much too important!
The previous brainless women NZ was unfortunate enough to have as PM was clocked doing “over 120kph”, and she blamed her driver as he was trying to get her to a football match on time. She was ‘busy working in the back seat and didn’t notice the speed’.
..and that’s how you get a job at the UN.
Ah- only one woman at that time, maybe its women PMs now!
Victorians Flee Covid Tyranny In Record Numbers
A record number of Australians moved to another state or territory through the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, with tens of thousands fleeing lockdowns and high infection rates in a demographic earthquake that could reverberate for years.
A record number of Australians moved to another state or territory through the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, with tens of thousands fleeing lockdowns and high infection rates in a demographic earthquake that could reverberate for years.
That’s a cope. Nobody was fleeing high infection rates:
Almost 500,000 people moved interstate in 2021, a 20 per cent increase on the previous record set in 2002, with Victoria suffering its biggest net loss of residents to other parts of the country since the state was enduring 12 per cent unemployment during the early-1990s recession.
Moving permanently out of the state was practically one of the only reasons you were allowed to cross a state border during lockdowns. Many Victorians took the hint:
Despite border restrictions, people moved en masse to Queensland and Western Australia while regional centres across the country also welcomed new residents from far-flung parts of the nation. NSW also suffered its biggest net loss of residents to other parts of the country in more than three decades…
Unvaxxed theme song:
“Bad boys, bad boys. Watcha gunna do when they come for you” 😆
Scientists develop artificial muscles that are 10 times stronger than real muscles
Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have developed a new material to produce artificial muscles that are stronger and more flexible than many natural muscles.
In collaboration with the non-profit organization SRI International, the UCLA team used readily available chemicals and ultraviolet (UV)-based treatments to improve the layer of dielectric elastomer (DE). This type of material is not only malleable and strong, but also lightweight and has a high energy density. DEs are polymers that can change size or shape when an electric field is applied, making them ideal for making actuators. DE produced from acrylic can withstand high pressure but needs pre-stretching and is difficult to bend. In contrast, DE made from silicon is easy to fabricate but cannot withstand high pressure.
The actuators from PHDE can produce more force and are 3-10 times more flexible than natural muscles. For example, the new actuator can throw a ball 20 times heavier. According to Qibing Pei, a professor of materials science and engineering at UCLA, this actuator could pave the way for artificial muscles on robots or sensors and technology to accurately simulate and even improve human-like movements.
This could revolutionise robotics.
Simulating muscles has always been a problem which is why we’re still stuck with clutzy motors, cables and hydraulics.
Muscles are more like Velcro in operation so simulating them has always been impossible until now.
This has great potential!
WHO demands return of Covid masks
With cases of Covid-19 trending upward globally, World Health Organization Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on Tuesday for authorities to bring back masking, ventilation, and social distancing.
Speaking during a weekly briefing, Tedros stated that “the virus is running freely, and countries are not effectively managing the disease.” With the WHO concluding last week that the virus remains a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’, Tedros asserted that the pandemic was “nowhere near over.”
Look – let it run its course just like flu season. Lock down the oldies etc.
This will NEVER end if we keep repeating this nonsense.
I saw a comment from Dr Horace Drew recently:
“Writing as a professional scientist, I would like to emphasise that ANY vaccine that requires 5 doses, once every 3 months, just to reduce symptoms, but not infection or transmission, would NEVER be approved under normal circumstances.
Please get a grip on facts and reality”
Sums it all up.
But if course our local voices for facts & reality aka The Greens want masks back asap…
The definition of insanity is…
While we’re at it:
FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal
According to Alexandra Latypova, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive, documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine suggest the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Moderna colluded to bypass regulatory and scientific standards used to ensure products are safe.
“It is evident that the FDA and NIH [National Institutes of Health] colluded with Moderna to subvert the regulatory and scientific standards of drug safety testing,” Latypova said.
“They accepted fraudulent test designs, substitutions of test articles, glaring omissions and whitewashing of serious signs of health damage by the product, then lied to the public on behalf of the manufacturers.”
Masks don’t work. Distancing doesn’t work.
Lockdowns don’t work. Polly & health expert brains don’t work.
Bank of Canada just raised interest rates by 1%.
Friends of Science Newsletter #372
Topics include:
Climate Change ‘Cuts Cyclone Frequency’
June In Tokyo, Hachijojima Island Hasn’t Warmed In Decades
Early Holocene Temperature and Glacial Changes in SE Greenland
Precipitation in NE Mexico Controlled by Atlantic SST Warming
Thermodynamics of the Climate System
A Jurassic Record Encodes Abrupt Climate Changes at ~1,500-year Periodicity
Dinosaurs Took Over Earth Amid Ice, Not Warmth
Went to look at the section about Thermodynamics of the Climate System.
The newsletter link seems to work for me, and the links within their newsletter.
Here’s what they link to in their newsletter in the Thermodynamics portion
The “topics” text in my comment #14 are not links. You need to click the “https://firendsofscience” link.
I got there but the point was that they didn’t elaborate on the topic, thermodynamics, they just did the old UNIPCCC model waffle.
Friends of science weren’t extolling the paper. It seems they were pointing out an inconsistency.
Here is the problem:
They are ‘Climate Scientists’.
“Climate Scientists”.
This might be something to discuss on the weekend.
Peter C. Yeap. Once again….
The alarmist feeble-mind-infested CSIRO has it’s own ski club based at Jindabyne and Perisher, where both lodges are booked solid every ski-season, including the current one well into October. New memberships are always closed since the waiting list for existing ones is a mile long…and they are expensive whenever they do change hands.
Each year at the AGM the president and treasurer etc present assessments of current and future activities, with a view to estimating what adverse events MIGHT affect the ski-ing.
As the Club is an incorporated entity which faces severe penalties for lying to ASIC etc, they wrote in October 2021 that there are NO EVENTS WHICH ARE EXPECTED TO AFFECT THEM.
No climate scientist in the club disputed this. No climate scientist at the CSIRO wishes to do gaol time for lying to ASIC= No climate believes the snow is going anywhere anytime in the foreseeable future= there is no predictable global warming.
BTW: How many former Nigerian Princes are working as climate scientists these days? ALL of them?
[Gold Award]AD
Email coming your way Mantaray. this is very interesting information. Thank you!
I looked at the1500 year cycle and noted that its universal, a couple of studies in Africa and another in China would be worth following up.
‘Single DO events have been simulated to result from atmospheric temperature warming of up to 15 °C within a few decades, pointing to abrupt and severe changes in Earth’s past climate.’
That could be termed both climate change and global warming.
Thoughts for the day:
“… thus totalitarianism appears to be only the last stage in a process during which ‘science has become an idol that will magically cure the evils of existence and transform the nature of man.’”
— Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
“The world is in the grips of mass formation―a dangerous, collective type of hypnosis―as we bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It is all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that forbids dissident views and relies on destructive groupthink.
– The psychology of totalitarianism, Mattias Desmet
“The evil that is in the world always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they lack understanding.”
— Albert Camus, The Plague
“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good, or else that it’s a well-considered act in conformity with natural law. Fortunately, it is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions… Ideology—that is what gives the evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination.”
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
Evil is the force that believes its knowledge is complete.
– Jordan Peterson
Phew..thank dawg we’re in the last stage 😅
Novak Djokovic clutches his chest on court!!
Phew. That was close 😉
I’m gkad he sees his life and health as more important than a forced injection.
In Vicdanistan they are going to let doctors organise patient suicides by telemedicine consultations. No personal visit is required.
Life just gets cheaper and cheaper.
Please refer to post 1.1.1 above 😉
Where the infinite and the finite meet …..that’s a special place
‘Welcome To Microtransaction Hell’: Twitter Reacts To BMW Charging $18 Per Month To Use Heated Seats
BMW owners are furious that on top of the cost of the luxury car, they’ll be required to pay a monthly subscription fee to use features like the heated seats.
Heated seats aren’t the only premium feature with an upcharge. In some markets, owners will pay $12 per month to use their heated steering wheels. It’ll cost $42 per month for adaptive cruise control. The feature that switches off high beams automatically when another car appears also costs $12 monthly.
Anyone who wants to connect their iPhones to their cars through Apple’s CarPlay feature will be charged $265.
If you’re silly enough to buy plasticky crap like BMW you deserve what you get.😈
BMW is a fully PC and woke company. It’s about what I would expect. Their owners tend to be rich Green Left types.
It reminds me of the earlier Teslas that all had the same battery pack but if you wanted the “extra range” unlocked you had to pay extra.
When there was a hurricane in the US, Tesla voluntarily unlocked the extra range for non-subscribing owners so they could escape the danger zone.
I have a digital oscilloscope. I bought it as a 50MHz model which was much cheaper than the 100MHz model but exactly the same apart from a software switch. A suitable hack was applied and voila, I had the 100MHz model.
Back in the early days of computing, IBM sold a printer with two models. One model was twice the price of the other, and cost twice as much, For rather more than the price difference, IBM would convert a slower model to the faster model. Conversion was done by opening the printer, flicking a switch, then closing the printer again.
I imagine the ‘suitable hack’ will appear for the BMWS too.
What amazes me is how much more these cars weigh carrying around these piles of rubbish that owners might or might not use. They’re already bloated fat-arsed things of 1500+Kg for a 5-seat car that used to be 400Kg lighter.
I have a 5 passenger car that is over 2000kg, but that is metal.
My car is 5 passenger and weighs 1950kg and has a six litre V8.
My old Volvo, 1994, I can switch on and off my seat heating as often I want, a normal feature.
A very useful feature in our old Volvos…on a cold and frosty, foggy Sunday morning!
As the power mirrors with heating…. Just volvo
There are already open source engine management units available such as the Australian Speeduino.
I can see a movement where all the proprietary engine and body management will be ripped out of cars like BMW and replaced with open source controllers.
It will help make it harder for Big Brother to trace, track and control your car as well.
Natural abstracts off the Queensland coast.
Even many of the DemocRATs want to get rid of Biden. Not because he has dementia, which they refuse to acknowledge, but because his ratings are so low.
The excuse to get rid of him is his age.
This is a clever strategy from the evil perspective of the DemocRATs because if the age issue applies to Biden, then the logic is that it applies to Trump as well who is about the same age (Trump is three years younger but will be about the same age in the second Presidency as Biden).
However everyone ages differently. Biden is simply not able to function but Trump remains high functioning and sharp and should be good for the next Presidential term when he will be from 78 through 82.
Trump is no sickly vegan either but eats plenty of real meat so should stay strong and healthy for the foreseeable future. Plus he’s had covid so should have a certain amount of immunity if challenged with a new strain.
The could look at much of their Senate as well, both parties. If the are so worried about diversity and being representative of the population a lot of old folks need to get out of the way.
CRISPR is sooooo yesterday. CRISPR 2.0’ Used To Change Patient’s DNA For First Time
Scientists are rewriting the code of life with a new technology that promises to cure inherited diseases by precisely correcting genetic typos. Known as base editing, the technology empowers researchers to pick a single letter amongst the three billion that compose the human genome, erase it, and write a new letter in its place.
Base editing is an updated version of the gene editing tool CRISPR, which has revolutionized life sciences research and is making strides in treating genetic blood and liver diseases. But some scientists think base editing, sometimes billed as CRISPR 2.0, could be safer and more precise than the original. And this summer, the sequel technology is being used in patients for the first time.
On Tuesday, the Boston biotech firm Verve Therapeutics announced that it had edited the DNA of a person with a genetic condition that causes high cholesterol and predisposes them to heart disease. The base editor is designed to tweak a gene in the liver, curtail the accumulation of cholesterol, and hopefully lower the risk of heart attacks.
Verve chief executive and cofounder Sekar Kathiresan likens the approach to “surgery without a scalpel.” Although the trial is focused on people with the genetic condition familial hypercholesterolemia, Kathiresan hopes that the one-and-done therapy may one day be used more broadly, to permanently reduce the risk of heart disease in millions of people with high cholesterol. “We are completely trying to rewrite how this disease is cared for,” he said.
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Russell Blaylock, Surgical Neurology International
(A lengthy article but must read.)
One must also keep in mind that this event never satisfied the criteria for a pandemic. The World Health Organization changed the criteria to make this a pandemic. To qualify for a pandemic status the virus must have a high mortality rate for the vast majority of people, which it didn’t (with a 99.98% survival rate), and it must have no known existing treatments—which this virus had—in fact, a growing number of very successful treatments.
Worse still is the actual designing of medical articles for promoting drugs and pharmaceutical products that involve fake studies, so-called ghostwritten articles. Richard Horton is quoted by the Guardian as saying “journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry.” Proven fraudulent “ghostwritten” articles sponsored by pharmaceutical giants have appeared regularly in top clinical journals, such as JAMA, and New England Journal of Medicine—never to be removed despite proven scientific abuse and manipulation of data.
Dr. James Thorpe, an expert in maternal-fetal medicine, demonstrates that these covid-19 vaccines given during pregnancy have resulted in a 50-fold higher incidence of miscarriage than reported with all other vaccines combined. When we examine his graph on fetal malformations there was a 144-fold higher incidence of fetal malformation with the Covid-19 vaccines given during pregnancy as compared to all other vaccines combined. Yet, the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology endorse the safety of these vaccines for all stages of pregnancy and among women breast feeding their babies.
It is noteworthy that these medical specialty groups have received significant funding from Pfizer pharmaceutical company. Peter Duesberg, because of his daring to question Fauci’s pet theory of AIDS caused by HIV virus, was no longer awarded any of the 30 grant applications he submitted after going public. Prior to this episode, as the leading authority on retroviruses in the world, he had never been turned down for an NIH grant. This is how the “corrupted” system works, even though much of the grant money comes from our taxes.
If the definition of “pandemic” doesn’t include viruses that cause long term damage like loss of telomeres/mitochondria (aging), t cell exhaustion (immune dysfunction), amyloid plaques (dementia), blood clots etc, then the definition of “pandemic” needs to change. The problem with bioweapons is that we won’t even know what long term damage is for a long term…
It was obvious it would be a pandemic from Jan 2020. As for fatality rates, so far in Peru 0.6% of the entire population has died from Covid. In most of the rich West 0.25% of the population has died, but long Covid rates, morbidity, and other losses are accruing.
The WHO delayed all declarations just long enough that the bioweapon spread to most of the West. That was the point…
Any airborne virus spread by asymptomatic people with an Ro greater than 2 will become a global pandemic a priori, unless borders or restrictions or genetics, or natural prior immunity stops it.
It could have been stopped so easily. All bioweapons should just be stopped. If we are not sure if they are a bioweapon. Stop them anyway.
Rather than worry about definitions mostly we just need to defund the UN and all the government agencies that serve Big Pharma or President Xi, and stop the BSL-4 labs doing dangerous experiments and we need the FDA, TGA, CDC and Pfizer etc to be razed and held accountable.
Do you really think it is possible to stop a bio weapon? Especially if the bad side makes the effort to stockpile and spread as required. I suggest that when used and spread as a weapon by those that intend harm you will not be able from it.
Sigh. West Australia stopped a bioweapon. All we did was shut the borders. This is such a banal and obvious thing. If the West had simply said “No”. The virus would not have got out of Wuhan except in pockets where it could be extinguished. This was when it was an R0 of 3 and a cluster spreader. It is much harder to stop those pockets with Omicron — verging on near impossible — except if it was 50% fatal like Ebola, could we do it? Absolutely.
So in a sensible world, in Jan 2020 we would have stopped Covid. Then we could have helped China. But if China didn’t let us, lied and was deceptive, and didn’t allow an investigation we would have punished it mercilessly — thus making sure no country thought “Gee, let’s try that” because being a global pariah is silly — especially when your own nation suffers and the intended victims didn’t get victimized. As a bonus, the virus wouldn’t have evolved because it wouldn’t have been allowed to spread through millions of bodies.
In ten or twenty years when people know 100x more about creating bioweapons they will be much better at setting them up to be exactly what they want at the start. But at the moment, it’s more random.
What if the CCP developed gene biased asymptomatic viruses that hurt Western fertility much more than it affected their own? Or the virus aged people — thus increasing dementia, or cancer, or just reducing productive working years and leaving more of us being carers of semi-disabled people? What if the effects took 2 years to show up?
What if each round of infection reduced your T-cell count, and your immune system gradually became like an AIDS patient? (There are papers suggesting some early signs of this with repeat Covid).
You may want to give up on the bioweapon thing, but this is so stoppable. Hard borders are the cheapest and easiest. Then do UVC / quarantine / air flow / Vit D C Zn etc. Scan drug banks for cheap antivirals. That is week 0 – 1 of the war. Best defence is to stop the war before it starts. Scare the pants off any competitor that dares use one. Think StarWars — set yourself up to show adversaries you have supply lines, energy, manufacturing, drug options, honest markets, fast reporting, less corruption etc. Get really good at biotech.
Think of computer viruses. Should we give up now and just accept that there is no stopping them from crashing our hospitals, or punish nations that do it, and build better defenses?
WWIII may be a long and bloody affair and we are not being smart about it.
Any signs with repeat vaccination?
Jo, What I meant was. What if the bio weapon was properly deployed by people/organisation/government with real intent. WA or anywhere locking down would not help in this situation. While Covid may be a bio weapon it has so far not been deployed as such. Rather it has just been left to do what Virus’s do. I would definitely expect a real bio weapon to get additional assistance in spreading and not to just rely on nature.
Yep this bio threat is a far greater concern than any mild warming.
Bright Red, and how do you know that the CCP didn’t nudge the evolution along? If they were smart about it, they could download sequence codes from a region (Eg Botswana) — it’s all open source — and then tweak, synthesize, and return a sample to the same region. It would look “natural”.
I’m not sure what you mean by “properly deployed”.The CCP (or any actor) would not want to be caught definitively launching a bioweapon. Proper deployment needs plausible deniability — any bioweapon needs to “look natural”. Hence if someone dropped Anthrax into Australia at the moment, they would have plausible deniability — it got in from Indonesia... and so I think we are being far too casual about making that easy. The more we defend ourselves, the harder it is for a bad actor to “fake” a natural spread.
And why is China so determined not to let Omicron spread, — it seems so harmless? Perhaps it is the delusional superiority of a totalitarian dictatorship, which is believable, but what if they know something about SARS 2 that we do not?
Amen to that last paragraph
My thoughts too.
40 shows Peru at 0.07% deaths, not 0,6%. ie, a tenth. I think you might have meant 0.06%(?).
No Mike. See the column Deaths per 1M pop. Sort with arrows. Peru is 6305 per million. UK is about 2600. USA is 1.05m/330m = 3200/m
I was correct.
Loved looking at the AMEO website just now (14/7) at 5.30 pm – love how the renewable poster child (SA) is currently only getting 1% of their power from Earth farts and 87% from gas, 7% from diesel? And the SA spot price right now is $14K – wow, but then forecast to be $7.1K. Yup cheaper, always available and reliable.
At 2.45 pm the NEM was 3% wind powered .
Right now 7.30 pm AEST I see diesel generators are powering 1% of the grid , doesn’t sound like a lot but it actually is .
So, a few hundred MW of diesel? That’s huge.
Normally only Third World countries have large amounts of diesel generation.
Oh, wait…
…and the WEF new diet plan for humanity takes another hit×900
The future is stupid. 😜
I keep warning people but no one believes me.
Crickets are being sold for human consumption in Australia as well.
We were once proud meat producers, exporters and meat eaters.
Now they want us eating insects, or what the Left call “alternative protein”.
Wait for the first Greens, demonstrating against insect food because of inadequate animal housing of the different insects… 😀
they have vegan sausages in Supermarkets too, it doesnt mean much of anyone buys them.
What was the item that had these ingredients?
There you go Annie, I guess it was an ” unparralleded nutrient dense powder”. Funny how humans survived for thousands of years on that other “nutrient dense ” powder called flour. We used to increase the protein with a few weevils in the old days. Everything falls to progress I suppose.
Over a thousand girls & women have been subjected to rape, kidnapping & sexual abuse over the last decade in Telford, UK. Police and Govt authorities didn’t want to do anything about it as that would be seen as being racist.. Even a Govt inquiry into abuse of women glossed over it. Men involved were ‘South Asians’, UK-speak for Indians and Pakistanis.
They rented houses purely as a handy place to take the women, and the local taxi drivers (who were heavily involved) picked out the likely victims.
Enoch Powell will be rolling in his grave…
Rotherham again.
Why doesn’t every adult in the West know …
To our gracious host: Thanks again, and this- the answer is, the press does not report this, not in the US, based on progressive priorities. Why the press enforces progressive piety is the harder question.
One would think portrayals of popular culture, including advertising, should fairly represent the composition of the society it represents.
But in Australia today, in advertising and other cultural portrayals, it is unusual to see a demographic presented that reflects the actual demographic of modern Australia. White people or heterosexual people are not as rare as they are portrayed in advertising or other representions of culture.
They mainly cast white males if they need a doofus. The “Charter boat, What charter boat?” ad the most memorable.
I just had to assemble a length of coaxial cable with BNC connectors. I am now reminded why I hate attaching BNC plugs…
For VHF antenna phasing, we had to terminate N connectors to coax cables with typical accuracies of around 1mm. Get it wrong and you had to start again, making another cable with connectors at each end. In the past year I’ve had to look up how to terminate both BNC and N connectors.
Haven’t done that for many years, but up a 30m pole was always interesting. Wouldn’t do it now.
We always had a linie to go up poles but once I felt I had to up myself to check an antenna. The linie fitted my harness and up I went. Even with the belt I never had less than three points of contact. I just couldn’t lean back in the belt and work with both hands.
You were lucky. Once I was asked to go up a 50metre tower on a narrow ladder, no safety cage, no harness. Had to change two lights at the top, hanging on with one hand. Once was enough.
I feel like I’m reading a version of Monty Python’s Four Yorkshiremen 🙂
“This video rant by Megyn Kelly illustrates several things:
Whether it’s government or big business, we are living in the Age of Incompetence.
Businesses, especially airlines it seems, are drastically understaffed.
Many “managers”, be they in business, the government, or the military, seem to take unaccountability to entirely new heights.”
Re Megan’s rant
The Belgian airline was SABENA
Reckoned to stand for “Such A Bloody Experience – Never Again”
I flew SABINA to Europe once. Awful.
Remember them. They used to run short flights between Paris and Brussels, now replaced by fast trains.
Victims of the Vaccine. A Mark Steyn Show Special
Before an audience of those injured and bereaved by Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, Steyn covered various aspects of a great injustice to entirely blameless citizens. His guests included the very first widows of the vaccine he had on his show some months back, Vikki Spit and Charlotte Wright, and the only MP interested in doing anything about the issue, Sir Christopher Chope.
Mark Styne at GBN News is doing some great work exposing the lies. Definitely worth following.
Australia is now such a non-free-thinking, non-independent, highly doctrinated country that we are the testing ground for the most insane ideas from the UN and WEF.
The SA government says everything is wonderful with renewables… but they need to spend more money to make it even better…
That’s great news. They can cut the interconnector and sell the diesel generators.
Now that South Australiastanis have their “carbon” (sic) from electricity under control, they have to scrap all their petrol and diesel cars and also shut down agriculture so they can get their “nitrogen” (sic) under control.
Hydrogen is the future…!
cf Sri Lanka – starving on 100% organic diet
Thursday music appreciation:
Ça plane pour moi
he’s still performing, saw him on a late night French TV show a few months ago.
Merci, plane pour moi aussi 😀
It’s both interesting and tragic having a front row seat to the destruction of Western Civilisation and being able to discuss and document it in real time…
Tweet from former White House physician Ronny Jackson:
He has many other excellent Tweets as well. He is now a Republican congressman.
It’s what happens when politicians try to run an economy.
“The appendix of the report lists out each of the 68 officials analyzed, starting with both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Both of them each have zero years of business experience.
“Attorney General Merrick Garland also has zero years of business experience, and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has zero years as well.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Marcia Fudge, Ambassador for Climate Change John Kerry, Office of Management and Budget director Shalanda Young, Secretary of Eduction Miguel Cardona, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, and many, many more have zero years of business experience.”
“Twenty-one of the 68 come from politics and government, 20 of them come from law, and 12 of them come from academia. Three come from a category called “consulting/public relations”
So every fault is Trump, the Russians, greedy corporates and gas retailers. Except few have ever had a real job.
And that has been so true of the leaders of the Labor party in Australia. Union to University to politics and the top, without ever having to earn a living. It’s new Labor and New Democrats. No work experience.
In many countries, more than 50% of the population has been ill from Covid since the start at January 2020.
Using antibody testing that detects past Covid infection plus jabs, countries like England right now are reporting 95+% of people have had one or both by now.
1. Can there be an actual health benefit from more vaccinations?
2. Covid is now in such an infectious form like B.A.5, so can mask wearing have any predicted mechanism to slow future spread?
3. If the policy of a government is to encourage more vaccinations because of commercial reasons (like to reduce costly large stockpiles rather than dump; or if some government purchasing managers are on a commission of more sales, more money); and if people die needlessly for commercial reasons, is this any different to death from medical aspects?
4. Why has there been no easy availability of deep antigen testing to measure actual numbers of past Covid infections, hence acquired ‘natural’ infection?
Geoff S
I was never afraid of the COVID thing.
Something seemed off to me from the get go, so I’m not really up on the details.
But something I don’t get …
has there ever been mass testing on asymptomatic people for respiratory virus (flu) ever before?
The media kept hysterically rolling out ‘case’ numbers when the great majority of those ‘cases’ never got sick.
If your immune system works and you remain well, are you still a ‘case’.
So, isn’t it possible that 95% of people are exposed to any and every particular flu like virus every year, since the species has been on two legs?
Russia, Russia, Russia.
Trump, Trump, Trump.
I think I’ve developed narrative immunity.
I did get narrative symptoms.
I think I have Long Narrative.
Some of your previous comments have been a bit rushed and cryptic;
this one, however, is brilliant!
Thanks KK, I think.
For me, a USA dweller, nowadays the narrative presents as daily psychedelia.
It is rushed, due to news cycle pressures, obviously scripted, and gives one the sense of conscripted rafting on a quick rocky river.
It’s also GD cryptic.
Plus, I think the watchers have difficulty with cryptic and lack capacity to process sarcasm.
🙂 🙂
I have a 15 year old granddaughter who practises the art of sarcasm with great affect. When I asked her where she got this ability, she looked at me and with a straight face replied “from my grandfather”
I think she was just being sarcastic
Sambar, important values and skills passed to the next generations.
I imagine you could not be more proud.
Warm regards. 🙂
A covid FWIW
“Finally, there is a doctor who is a specialist in poo, Dr. Sabine Hazan MD, who recently made the comment that Ivermectin has similarities to bifidobacteria. In a recent article that she and others wrote, they mention several strains of bifidobacteria that are missing in people who have severe cases of the wuflu. When she treated a bunch of wuflu patients (by fixing their microbiome), she has lost none. Her book is called Let’s Talk Sh1t! ”
“Safe and Effective®”
“The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC. They are variously frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction of the agencies to which they have devoted their careers.
“It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.” ”
More at
I also hear that traffic to and from “The Big Red Bash” has spread a corridor of covid infection across Qld
In comments at SDA
““Hell-th Canada” would be more accurate.”
“Will Anything Stop the Pro-Covid-RNA-“Vaccination” Madness?”
On-line Courier Mail headline today
“Saviour in disguise: why our fear of AstraZeneca was misplaced”
Behind the Murdoch wall to me but is it getting the lipstick on a pig treatment?
Nitrates and Nitrites, looks like the new angle in the “war against meat”.
Before nitrates it was smoked products causing cancer. Funny how people live longer and healthier lives but still manage to die in the end. Everyone dies of “something” so the longer people live the greater the chance of acquiring “something”.
Traditional preserving methods mainly salt sustained millions of people over thousands of years but this is also bad for you. The use of nitrites and sulphites was primarily to maintain colour, food looked fresher for longer, a handy side effect was anti bacterial properties that made it O.K. for regulators to allow there inclusions as preservatives.
The next time your in the supermarket take a look at those bulging plastic tubs with prepared fish pieces. All flushed and filled with nitrogen. Now why would that be? Well to give the “product” a 28 day shelf life. It can still be called “fresh fish” after sitting in a dodgy vertical chiller for a whole month. Good old nitrogen hey.
Thanks for the link. It is interesting.
Preserved charcuterie and ham sound much better than botulism.
Say I eat such things at age 25, what is the probability I’ll die by age 30?
Say I eat such things at age 85, what is the probability I’ll die by age 90?
They want us to eat insects.
What about Witchetty Grub hot dog style in a bun?
Leave it outside for a while and add live insects.
COVID (in any number) is here to stay. Governments and the populace need to understand this. This virus will be with us for thousands of years, if not longer.
Here is a very good summary of what’s cognitively wrong with Biden. Obviously there are plenty of other things wrong with him as well.
It’s staggering that Leftoids don’t see anything wrong with him, probably because they are confused thinkers themselves.
It’s really quite cruel for both Biden and the United States to keep this dementia patient in office.
It’s simple really: If the left were to admit that Biden is impaired they might then have to admit Trump was sounder. That would be a bridge too far.
Might be taken to say similar about the left and that wouldn’t fly
Most people get MSM news. Up until recently they would just see selected 5-10 second clips that make him look lucid. The never see the gibberish, random yelling, forgetting people and locations, reading auto cue instructions and shaking hands with fresh air. They dont know what they dont know.
“Just in case anyone needs to send a link to friends who still believe the CAGW hoax, Tony Heller has put out a really good short video on how the Arctic ice continues to be lied about.
Global warming reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. She was promised, “Jam every other day!” but it turned out that the jam was “jam yesterday and jam tomorrow” but never jam today. For GAGW the data is changed so that apocalypse is always just around the corner, but never quite here.”
A comment at Chiefio
“Two More Gone, The Prime Minister of Estonia and the Prime Minister of Italy Tender Their Resignations
July 14, 2022 | sundance | 45 Comments”
And more on Italy
“Aussie PM Faces Defeat on First Major Climate Bill”
I read today that Minister Bowen has a government supplied Tesla 3 EV and drives from Sydney to Canberra however he is not happy that there is no specific EV recharge station at Parliament House and is planning to organise for installation when Parliament is back in session. He likes the EV but sometimes needs to return to Sydney the same day and recharging time is inconvenient, a waste of time.
What a phool.
“Two Weeks After Anthony Fauci Finally Agreed No Further Testing on Beagles, Virginia Humane Society Trying to Find Homes for 4,000 Animal Test Beagles
July 15, 2022 | sundance | 21 Comments”
If similar links have been posted call it “reinforcement”
“Landholders told to prepare for renewable energy development”
“Reuters- Japan hopes to restart 4 more nuclear reactors by winter”
“Does the Biden Administration Get Why China Dominates Intermittent Wind and Solar Manufacturing?”
“US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Australia’s Climate and Energy Minister Chris Bowen have announced a joint agreement to break China’s dominance of solar and wind manufacture.”
More at
In comments
““In a joint press conference in Sydney, the US energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, and the Australian climate change and energy minister, Chris Bowen, announced a “net zero technology acceleration partnership”, including an initial focus on long-duration energy storage and digitising power grids.”
What is “digitising power grids” ? on – off – on – off ??”
Might be worth keeping an eye on
“Circle and Square Cartoons”
[Weekend Unthread is open Another Ian.]AD
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