A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“It’s given me a business idea: to start an Amish skills school,”
More at u c k-nation/were-in-it-now-for-sure/
Sorry if this looks like I’m butting in here to get near the top of thread, but this reminded me of a joke doing the rounds:
A young TV interviewer had pulled up an Amish man as he alighted from his carriage.
Saw funny story the other day about the police stopping a horse and carriage wandering along a road at 2:30AM. The Amish driver fallen asleep after being drunk at the reins. They arent supposed to drink but the police thought maybe he had been out carousing with “the English” and the horse was taking him home.
Another reply: What is COVID?
As the saying goes “what’s old is new again”
Such old-world skills like growing and preserving your own food are in increasing demand worldwide now and pretty popular!
When the food crisis really hits later this it’ll be a nice earner for switched on players.
Typo – should read “later this year” 😊
I see no food crisis in the present nor in the future, but that’s not to say having a hobby like growing your own veggies is a bad thing….
About a year ago a lady we know baked us a loaf of “home-made organic sourdough” bread, which went down a treat. However, whenever I mentioned it to anyone else, practically all of them said something along the lines of ‘Yeah, we’ve got a bread-maker stacked away someplace in acupboard” or “we were into that trend years ago but gave the mixer to the Op shop” or some-such.
Growing your own is good. As was making yourb own ice-cream or having a fondue or a jaffle iron or any other fad. i’m not against getting fashionable, I tell’s ya!
BTW: I still have a tattered copy of Paul R Ehrlich’s 1968 best-selling “The Population Bomb”….”which he co-authored with his wife Anne, in which they famously stated that “In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.”[4][5] Among the solutions suggested in that book was population control, including “various forms of coercion”
Nothing new about the latest “we’s all gonna starve” malarkey at all. We may be having a fondue party next week to mull it all over YET AGAIN!
More “nothing to see here” . . . again.
A wave of illness is striking the peloton.
. . . an “extreme wave of disease” struck the cycling world. Belgian cyclist Iljo Keisse of Quick Step-Alpha Vinyl said he has “never experienced” such a wave of medical issues.
“[Previously there were] few sick people on a team, but now teams that can only start with one man or some teams even arrive with no one, I’ve never seen that.”
When Italian cyclist Sonny Colbrelli collapsed at the end of March after the first stage in the Tour of Catalonia, . . . the European road champion and most recent winner of Paris-Roubaix had to to be revived and was then taken to hospital. After the sprint Colbrelli fell unconscious. He was transported to hospital “in stable condition”.
Doctors confirmed “cardiac arrhythmia” in Colbrelli.
What happened to Colbrelli in Catalonia has caused quite a stir even though there are currently many cyclists with heart problems. Tom Teulingkx, president of the Belgian Association of Sports and Examination Doctors (VSK), said: “We have regularly seen athletes with myo- and pericarditis in recent weeks.”
Earlier of course, 15 tennis players dropped out during the Miami Open.
Many were seen clutching their chests.
All perfectly normal amongst fit young athletes.
The heavy exertion puts strain of vax-damaged heart muscles.
I feel safe all round ! 😉
Boston (?) Marathon just recently – the same. 1 runner died and a lot of others collapsed. They blamed the heat and high humidity. Nothing to see here!!!
I heard a couple of comments on talkback radio this morning when I was driving my vehicle about the caller’s belief that the dark Greens election successes in Brisbane and other electorates was because the major parties have done nothing about the floods.
So there you go, vote dark Green and stop the rain.
If that’s true, that some people switched to Greens because of floods, then those people need a kick in the ass to start their brains.
Dams reduce flooding. Greens oppose dams.
It’s not as if flooding is new to the Brisbane R.
I remember visiting Brisbane after the massive flooding during the 1980s, a construction company property had it’s ground floor offices ruined and the second or top floor of the building carpet saturated with water.
Of course. But they could argue that flooding is worse or will get worse. (I’m not saying that’s a legitimate argument, but it is a case they’ll put.) So dams/retardation are the only solution because, assuming CO2 was relevant, it’s a long long time before world emissions cease and the atmosphere gets back to the “perfect climate” level of 280 ppm.
Oh, silly me. I forgot there was the other simple solution. Everyone flushes the toilet to use enough water to empty the existing dams when it starts raining.
Yep, This graph of dam capacity added per decade, says it all.
Brisbane flood history – worse ones in the 1800s.
“then those people need a kick in the ass to start their brains.”
Yeah, thats where their brains are.
Kevin Hogan (NP) in Page actually increased his vote – and Lismore, where the worst flood was, is in that electorate.
A lot of the MSM has been hinting that excessive drought, bushfires, floods etc have been caused by global warming. This is folly of course, but many took it onboard.
a climate tax to change the weather
The Greens leader on video saying ( post election ) that those most recent floods were definitely due to climate change and that coal fired electricity was directly to blame. I kid you not.
The proper response to that comment/statement is – “Evidence please”.
John Sheldrick. That’s it exactly, and always asked loudly so that any gullibles who might be within ear-shot will also hear the clueless fools floundering when they admit they have NO EVIDENCE.
Oh, that is totally within the realm of their religious belief system. AGW is a religious belief system, not much different from the pagan religious belief systems of controlling the weather of primitive peoples.
“Australian eSafety Commissioner Tells Word Economic Forum Audience It is Time to Recalibrate Free Speech
May 23, 2022 | sundance | 226 Comments”
Where has she been hiding? Another useless beaurocrat on big money!😠
Dangerous, not useless. cyber peace into cyber space? That means, shut up or we will shut you up.
From a comment at Sundance…
‘Julie Inman Grant wants to recalibrate free speech. Who did she meet on her second day of work?
In 1991, she worked as a Legislative Assistant to a Congressman. A small software start-up in the congressman’s state needed assistance. It was Microsoft. Julie met Bill Gates her second day on the job and would eventually rack up 17 years for Microsoft. She would help organise the first White House Summit on children’s online safety during the Clinton years. She would move on to Twitter, managing online safety and extremism, and more recently helped Adobe on digital transformation and cyber security, and was Director of Government Relations at Adobe.’
She moved to Australia in 2000 and married an Australian HR specialist, but is still registered to vote in the Seattle area.
It’s Beginning to Look a Bit like Genocide.
Sorry if this has been posted before – but it’s such a great video, worth watching a few times.
The solution to the missing 10 mm sockets
And here was I blaming son and grand sons.
Ukraine sows crops on over 80% of planned lands – ministry
Ukraine has sown crops on 11.84 million hectares, or 82.2% of the 14.4-million-hectare area planned for this spring, including crops sown on 1,94 million hectares on May 12-19, the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food said on Friday.
Sunflower crops have been sown on 3.94 million hectares (80% of the 4.93 million hectares planned for 2022), corn on 4.17 million hectares (86% of 4.85 million hectares), spring barley on 927,500 hectares (92.6% of 1.02 million hectares), spring wheat on 188,600 hectares (99.4% of 189,600 hectares), oats on 156,800 hectares (95.8% of 163,600 hectares), and peas on 124,800 hectares (86% of 145,700 hectares) as of May 19, according to a statement published on the ministry website.
In addition, the areas sown with potatoes stand at 1.07 million hectares (90% of 1.19 million hectares), while soybeans are sown on 728,600 hectares (78.6% of 1.25 million hectares), sugar beet on 182,000 hectares (88% of 206,900 hectares), spring rapeseed on 28,400 hectares (95.3% of 29,800 hectares), millet on 32,100 hectares (51.5% of 62,300 hectares) and buckwheat on 37.400 hectares (46% of 81,600 hectares).
Between celebrity visits and multiple concerts in Ukraine, it’s amazing they found the time and ability in a warzone to plant crops.😊
I think Putin probably realises the earth is cooling and wants to make sure he has access to some warmer agricultural lands, hence the invasion.
Friends of Science newsletter #369 23 May 2022
Topics include:
Time to Ditch Climate Models?
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Is Insensitive to Freshwater Forcing
United Kingdom Weather Has Become, If Anything, Less Extreme
Climate Change is Not Worsening Drought
Judith also put up a few things of passing interest.
This caught my eye.
Very good find el g.
From the frontiers of science to what is the concern of humanity.
The story by Lueken is believable, global warming is not making droughts worse.
Yet during the LIA there were multiyear droughts in equatorial Africa and Central and South Asia, probably due to monsoon failure.
Australian Constitution s32: “The Governor-General in Council may cause writs to be issued for general elections of members of the House of Representatives.”
But the 2022 writ was only witnessed by the Governor General.
Is witnessing a document causing it to be issued?
See link
Yep its like the different seals and writs are logos for different businesses……..hang on.
so, i think how it is supposed to go is that the writ is issued by the the head of state (queen) and sealed with the Great Seal of the Commonwealth (“which signifies the monarch’s authority”) with the seal witnessed by the GG (queen’s representative).
on the house of reps writ there is no header indicating the writ issues from the head of state (queen), nor is the document sealed with the Great Seal of the Commonwealth.
the document is witnessed by the GG but there is actually no seal there for him to witness.
of course no seal is required if a document is executed by certain officers of a corporation in accordance with s127(1) of the Corporations Act.
but the Commonwealth of Australia is not a corporation (or so we might suppose).
What we have learned abut early treatment for covid.
Moderator, the formatting got messed up. Please delete.
Some comments about monkeypox from Chiefio
“In the same virus family, and yes the smallpox vaccine is protective, but not perfectly.
More importantly, it looks like a big Gay Buggeryfest was held in the Canary Islands and that’s the common point of origin… and folks flew home to other countries then attended more gay venues making local clusters…
So it looks like all you need do to stay safe is not swap bodily fluids with gay guys or girls who swing both ways… ”
“And remember not to go to Buggery Festivals in or near Africa and stay out of the Buggery Bath Houses for a while….
It pretty much requires a lot of “wet contact” for transmission. With a very low R0, that alone ought to have it end rapidly, and for most of us be a zero risk anyway.
Basically, avoid the wet “jab” and no need for the sharp jab… “
Dr John Campbell says it can be spread by respiratory droplets.
It may have a low R0 now, but if it is allowed to spread slowly and widely, if this is a respiratory spread virus — that Ro will improve. We don’t want that selection process to happen.
I wonder if antivirals like HCQ or IVM would be effective against it, not that we’d be allowed to use them in Australia?
With zinc and vitamin D3. And quercetin.
Agreed but they haven’t banned those yet although Fauci refused to recommend Vitamin D, as did our TGA and a Canadian medical authority threatened to deregister doctors if they suggested to patients that taking D might make them more resilient to covid. Discussed in Kennedy book about Fauci.
Consider that the aids virus was blamed on monkeys and unsavory behavior…………just saying.
But “unsavoury behaviour” DID spread aids.
Just sayin’
This is why the monkey pox is also known as the “monkey business virus”.
Mark 21/5/22 as the day on which Australia began to be covered by a slimy Green algae which, as sometimes already happens in our lakes and streams, proves toxic by choking the life out of anything trying to survive underneath!
The toxicity will remain until the sunlight of the twin purifiers, reality and truth shines and dissolves the scum!
as an American of such origin, I am offended by your moniker.
We prefer the term …
‘Socio-economic and genetically marginalized high altitude feature preference dweller’.
Don’t know about Oz, but my people are famous for small batch alternative ingredient artisan distilling.
Since 1792.
Please be sensitive of my feelings, though I understand this is not the socio-economic and genetically marginalized high altitude feature preference dweller way.
For penance watch this …
Please note the result of genetic marginalization in the banjo player.
Apparently green algae can be used as the basis for biofuels, so maybe the Greens do have some use along with cabbage, spinach, lettuce and other “greens”……………………..
This didn’t take long, just a day into Australia’s new regime…
Imagine how bad it will be in three year’s time?
Sweet Old Bob and RossP both posted this link on the previous thread:
Australian eSafety Commissioner Tells Word Economic Forum Audience It is Time to Recalibrate Free Speech
May 23, 2022 | sundance | 237 Comments
Australia has an eSafety Commissioner named Julie Inman-Grant. While delivering remarks to the World Economic Forum summit in Davos, Switzerland, she outlined a new on-line era where free speech would need to be “recalibrated,” and the ability to be free from something called “on-line violence.” WATCH:
For the past several years we have noted a progressive, totalitarian, shift in speech, specifically a redefinition of the word “violence.” Speech the leftists do not like, they call violence; and violence the leftists support, they call speech. As a result, the overlay of a newly recalibrated on-line world for speech and violence would be modified accordingly.
Speech the Big Tech consortium would define as against their views would be considered on-line violence and thus controlled by the governmental guardians of the internet like the eSafety Commissioner. As you can see in the video below, “violence” now includes their perception of something happening on a metaphysical level. An emotional impact. They have a spiritual avatar that they feel the drive to defend from the viewpoints of the Others.
G’day D M,
She had to be funded by Scomo’s administration, to be there already. Friends of WEF all around us.
Dave B
Was she speaking for or against?
Violence committed by the left is also known as “mostly peaceful protesting”.
Updates #1: Monkeypox
The Biggest shareholders in the Monkeypox vaccine coincidentally partnered with the World Economic Forum
Vanguard and Blackrock are some of the biggest shareholders of Bavarian Nordic which is producing the Jynneos Monkeypox vaccine. The biggest shareholder is Invesco who is coincidentally partnered with the World Economic Forum . The stock started skyrocketing May 9th.
WHO Warns Mass Gatherings Will Create ‘Monkeypox Pandemic’
The World Health Organization is warning that summer festivals and mass gatherings could accelerate the spread of monkeypox.
“As we enter the summer season in the European region, with mass gatherings, festivals and parties, I am concerned that transmission could accelerate, as the cases currently being detected are among those engaging in sexual activity, and the symptoms are unfamiliar to many,” said Dr Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe.
ECDC Bombshell: ‘Monkeypox Outbreak Appears To Have Leaked From Ukraine Lab’
Independent investigator Dr. Benjamin Braddock claims that an unnamed source at the ECDC told him that preliminary analysis of the monkeypox strain currently doing the rounds found the virus came from a lab and may be related to the U.S’s biological research in Ukraine.
“ECDC source tells me that the preliminary analysis of monkeypox indicates that it is ‘a third lab strain with unknown characteristics’ and that there is chatter about this being somehow related to Moscow’s charges against U.S. biological activities in Ukraine,” Braddock tweeted on Saturday.
NSW Health Chief, Dr. Kerry Chant, Struggles to Explain Why This Media-Hyped Monkeypox Outbreak Is Worse Than Previous Ones
A large proportion of the cases overseas are amongst gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men. And we are particularly urging men who are gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men to be aware of any unusual rashes or lesions” – NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant.
(Better make LGBTQ+ LGBTQMP+ with MP being for Monkey Pox 😉)
What is Monkeypox? “Misdirection play.” – Dr. Robert Malone
Bannon: “What is Monkeypox?”
Dr. Malone: “Misdirection play.”
“… they already have stockpiled vaccines for smallpox. What they bought is more smallpox vaccines… The name of the product is called JYNNEOS… It is marketed by Bavarian Nordic in you all you have to do is search for package insert JYNNEOS and you’ll pull up the package insert for the product and they will find that this is absolutely not a benign product just as with the old Dr. X product, which is somewhat safer than that I had experienced with that and this product when I was working for DOD. This has as one of the leading rare serious adverse events. Wait for it. cardiotoxicity myocarditis.”
Report: Wuhan Bio Lab Carried Out Gain Of Function Research On Monkeypox Virus
The Wuhan bio lab that was the centre of controversy surrounding gain of function research on coronaviruses appears to have been carrying out the same kind of research on monkeypox, to make it more lethal to humans, according to a report citing the peer reviewed journal Virologica Sinica which published the lab’s findings in February.
Wag The Monkey: Monkeypox Fake News Galore
Don’t worry, it will only take two weeks to flatten the curve
MONKEYPOX: do not uncouple the link between monkey pox that has emerged (small #) to the COVID vaccines (mRNA); the evidence is bullet proof clear that the vaccine subverts immune response
It may well be that we are seeing the tip of the iceberg where the COVID vaccines have rendered immune responses damaged and we are now susceptible to a range of prior benign pathogen or pathogen that our immune systems would have vanquished.
Smallpox vaccine to prevent monkeypox could cause global smallpox (vaccinia) epidemic
Experts are saying the smallpox vax 85% effective in monkey pox; this is NOT good news, for millions/billions are now immunocompromised from COVID vax; smallpox vax, potential huge problems
Current stats:
Morocco: 3
– Argentina: 1
– Pakistan: 2
– Lebanon: 2
– Denmark: 1
– Austria: 1
– Greece: 1
– Switzerland: 1
– Israel: 1
– Nederlands: 6
– Germany: 5
– Australia: 2
– Belgium: 4
– France: 1
– Italy: 4
– UK: 57 (England 56, Scotland 1)*Tripled cases in 2 weeks*
– Sweden: 1
– Portugal: 37
– Spain: 41
– Canada: 5
– USA: 5
Too much difference to be a soccer score so there must be lots of gay bars doing good trade at the moment.
So glad that I had the good sense to never have had any jabs from those experimental emergency approved alleged vaccines (drugs).
WEF Now Suggest Seniors off Themselves “For the Children”
In the height of hypocrisy of “for the children” the World Economic Forum is now complaining about overpopulation and/or suggesting that older people consider euthanasia “for the children”. In a video seen on Twitter full of geriatrics saying they’ve had a good life after explaining there’s too many humans on the planet. The video suggests that elderly folks who no longer are productive should opt for euthanasia.
I guess it’s all moving too slowly for them…
That they have that view doesn’t surprise me in the least.
And consider the recent euthanasia bill in NSW. Doesn’t take much to see where this is going.
Compulsory euthanasia for non-Elites.
Perhaps an old man like Schwab should lead the way and set an example?
eeeuw, imagine what his soylent green biscuit would taste like?
His last name is Schwab (Swab) use your imagination.
Surely Biden should go first? He won’t even realise it’s happening.
To which the obvious reply is after you.
Just for that, I am going to hang around for another decade more.
Saw my neighbour on crutches and asked. Says he was riding his DIRT bike at 140+ and went over the bars. My eyes glazed as as he described his broken hip and shoulders. He’s been off work for a couple of months.
I have never taken months off in my life and my lady and I, in spite of our age, would never have used as much state funded medical services as he did this year.
Why not enforce [we are HAPPY to enforce today] private insurance for sports injuries? Sports would die I assume.
So the children got sacrificed for two years to save granny … and now it’s time to sacrifice granny.
You got to admire the chutzpah.
The scum is floating in the middle and becoming a third force.
They need to be declared a political party, and have their “donations” subject to same rules as other political parties.
Just a splinter group, troublemakers and pot stirrers, nothing official. If Wilkie becomes speaker then it pretty much leaves one man in a big white against the feminista. Tough gig.
“They need to be declared a political party, and have their “donations” subject to same rules a single one other political parties.”
Is the UAP subject to the same rules as other political parties? Hope not as I know it didn’t get a single one of the 151 lower house seats which all had UAP candidates standing. What a waste of money that would have been wouldn’t it?
I also notice Craig Kelly was unsuccessful. What a shame as he will be sorely missed by the Right Wing and those of similar views.
It also seems Pauline Hanson may not get back in. I do hope so as although she is well to the Right she is a least an honest player of the political game and deserves to be returned
These figure come from a poll, a poll with which you I’m sure will be very interested as it often called a general election
Apologies “I do hope so’ should read “I do hope she does’ my error as my tongue as
No idea why I wrote ” my tongue as” apologies again
The rest of us hardly noticed … it seemed equally as incoherent and poorly-researched as everything else you post.
Relax, you are amongst friends. On the way here I looked over the fence and heard this, what do you make of it?
‘Liberals savaged by Chinese Australians at ballot box.
‘A booth-by-booth analysis of Saturday’s election results shows large swings from the Coalition in suburbs with sizeable Chinese-Australian communities.’ (SMH)
No-one was hiding where the UAP money was coming from.
As usual, one group is HONEST, and you choose the one that isn’t.
I knew exactly where my vote would end up.
Unfortunately the 2pp vote for the Nats wasn’t quite big enough.
The big guy from the ALP.. ex-miner and shooter got in, so hopefully will have some rational thoughts about coal.
Did your dishonest, deceitful Teal fake-independent get in ?
The UAP are a declared political party, even if run by, and for the benefit of a millionaire. the Teals are nothing but puppets for another millionaire. Either way, at least Clive had the courage to register a party.
I cant believe how many Australians are so stupid that they would willingly give raw unfiltered parliamentary power to any of the exceedingly wealthy people in this country.
Democracy can be a messy business, rich and poor roll up to contest. The marijuana party may pick up a seat in Queensland and they did the campaign on a shoe string of $10,000, up against Clive with all his millions.
I am still smiling after reading a comment elsewhere that PM Albo has returned to public housing accommodation, the circle of his life.
but not without accumulating 5 houses of his own along his very tough journey……
He’s had a hard life.
Over 400 declassified UFO sightings defy the ‘normal laws of physics:’
Theoretical physics professor Dr. Michio Kaku discusses the hundreds of UFO encounters that Pentagon officials recently unveiled, on ‘Cavuto Live.’
I’ve seen drones do manoeuvres equalling the best of UFO ones so I know it’s possible.
Why is it that state-of-the-art multi-million dollar military planes still take 1960’s style monochrome blurry grainy photos instead of 4k? 😉
There is absolutely no mystery about those declassified Pentagon UFO videos.
They have been thoroughly debunked and are strictly within the laws of physics and known technologies.
YouTuber Thunderf00t took a look at some.
SEE and subsequent videos.
It’s just another distraction from Biden’s controllers.
Yesterday on talkback radio a caller who said he is a farmer and 76 years of age said that he and his family members, and later confirmed that people on neighbouring properties had sighted the event too, observed a cylindrical flying object land on swampland nearby and that today a few decades later the impression and other evidence remains.
He said that he was reluctant to mention this knowing that many would consider him to be an alarmist fool and accordingly he said he rarely spoke about the experience but was prompted by an earlier talkback caller mentioning UFOs that morning to phone in. He sounded like a normal rational person to me. And he said a lot more about the event.
His comments reminded me of a restaurant lunch discussion during the 1980s when a business associate who had a military career beginning asked us if we accepted that there were UFOs, whatever the source might be. And then explained that he was on a flight to Jakarta Indonesia on an RAAF C-130 Hercules aircraft and as it approached the WA coastline on the horizon a bit higher than the flight path of the C-130 was a metallic cylinder, cigar shaped, hovering and about the length of a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. No windows or wings and tail. The pilot called ground control and the object was acknowledged by the operator. Apart from the pilot and second officer there were a couple of observers including our informant on the flight deck.
A year later he met the crew at an RAAF Base in Australia but they were not prepared to discuss the sighting with him, they advised that they were not permitted to discuss it.
I was told by a former Canadian Air Force officer and pilot that sighting UFO was not unusual when he flew in Argosy surveillance aircraft checking movements of USSR shipping and confirmed sightings were reported but then meant to be a secret not for general discussion.
During WW2 pilots on both sides reported UFOs which on our side were nicknamed Foo Fighters, they were there but did not engage with aircraft, observers only, according to reports.
I have an open mind about this.
My only experience was a sighting at night of four red lights making no sound and travelling quickly in the sky heading north in Queensland. A neighbour called out to alert us, eight people enjoying a meal on a verandah of a Queenslander house. The 1 + 2 + 1 formation of red lights (not blinking) disappeared quickly but about an hour later another four passed overhead heading north.
They were not normal aircraft in my opinion.
Funny how all the aliens in the universe seem to converge on plant earth whenever the Democrats are losing support & need something to divert attention away from their never ending failures.
Think back to when Bill Clinton was in trouble & suddenly & very briefly we were all expected to be enthralled with a piece of “ moon rock” with a fossilised worm or some form of alien life embedded in it. Total & unconvincing BS!!
Now Biden’s administration is sinking faster than a Russian warship in the Black Sea and those trusty old aliens are “invading earth” once more.
Give me a break!,, 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
If still available the 60 Minutes Mexico television programme conducted a UFO inquiry after hundreds of people videoed a number of UFOs over Mexico City during a national holiday parade. Obviously recorded from many different angles so 60 Minutes asked viewers to send them copies. The story is lengthy but in short the recordings were analysed and compared, enlarged, and a couple of NASA rocket development engineers commented after viewing the images that they were using “field propulsion” (magnetic) and that NASA had been working on that technology for years.
The UFOs quickly flew away when Airforce jets were sent to check them out but later returned to hover in the sky above again.
It’s worth watching and wondering, after all its impossible to fake hundreds of video recordings.
Something that’s also very amusing. All UFO pictures are so blurred & fuzzy that absolutely nothing can be distinguished! However if you answer your mobile phone in your car at 70 mph the pictures are as clear as. Same for most CCTV cameras shots of street scenes.
Good argument, Elon Musk also raised the same question.
Its like the next version of working socialism or the imminent release of “RE” that actually works. Its always just over the horizon, out there but a little bit fuzzy and hard to describe or demonstrate. Its there though!
dash-cam and phone footage of the Chelyabinsk meteor was mostly very clear… and no one was expecting to see that!
Like those of the Loch Ness Monster
There has been a sophisticated cover up, but now they are getting real.
‘More than 60 schoolchildren claim they witnessed a UFO land outside their school in one of the most compelling mass sightings of all time.
Two decades ago dozens of kids all claim to have seen a disc shaped object float down from the sky and settle in a field outside their school in Zimbabwe.
‘The incident is one of the most fascinating UFO cases of all time due to the number witnesses and the fact it occurred in Africa, while most high profile sightings tend to be restricted to the West.’ (News,com)
Then we have this celebrated case.
‘Give me a break!,’
America is not the world. In the Southern Hemisphere we have them all year round.
Foo Fighters
And there was UFO sighting and discussion of sightings by astronauts on the Moon to their NASA Base at home.
This is Buz walking back.
“There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world – it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose-to-nose with the two spacecraft,” Aldrin wrote. (Reuter)
Swedish Public Health Agency reporting has distorted mortality rates for the unvaccinated and the vaccinated
The Swedish Public Health Agency has misled the public about the benefits of vaccination against Covid-19 by recording Covid-19 deaths amongst the vaccinated as unvaccinated. Over 900 deaths with Covid-19 have been misrepresented as occurring in the unvaccinated, thereby greatly distorting the effectiveness of the vaccination programme, for which the Swedish Public Health Agency is responsible. We demand that the original data relating to this case be reported in full. We also demand that independent and fully transparent evaluation is conducted for mortality rates among the fully unvaccinated versus different subgroups of the vaccinated.
Ultrathin Fuel Cell Generates Electricity From Your Body’s Own Sugar
Engineers have created a glucose power source that could fuel miniature implants and electronic sensors.
Glucose is a sugar we absorb from the foods we eat. It is the fuel that powers every cell in our bodies. Could glucose also power medical implants of the future?
Engineers at MIT and the Technical University of Munich think so. They have designed a new type of glucose fuel cell that converts glucose directly into electricity. The device is smaller than other proposed glucose fuel cells, measuring just 400 nanometers thick, or about 1/100 the width of a human hair. The sugary power source generates about 43 microwatts per square centimeter of electricity, achieving the highest power density of any glucose fuel cell under ambient conditions to date.
No doubt it will “fuel” the nutjob doctors touting self-assembling circuitry in the vaxxes 😅😉
If A.I.’s get hold of these technology we’re doomed.
” … a glucose power source …”
No good for me – I have switched fuels and my body now runs on ketones.
I’ve had to switch fuels also. I only run on alcohol now … … …
The Biden Administration Deliberately Destroyed Our Capacity to Produce Energy
Everyone who voted for Biden will continue to see their future utterly destroyed. The climate change people are deliberately destroying the capacity to produce energy without any alternative in place. The word from DC is that they “do not give a sh-t” about the people. They want to destroy our ability to produce fossil fuels before they are thrown out of office if that is even possible.
That’s the idea. Make conventional energy sources and food harder to get and way more expensive FORCING people into the delusional “green” alternatives.
The great awakening is in turn causing “the great acceleration” (of the WEF agenda)
Headline, 24 May, 2024.
BidenAlbanese Administration Deliberately Destroyed Our Capacity to Produce Energy40
Looking 5 secs ago it said- May 24, 2022
Australian eSafety Commissioner at WEF: We need a “recalibration” of freedom of speech
Accelerating faster and faster…
she says: ““We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarisation everywhere, and everything feels binary when it doesn’t need to be,”
“binary” means: “something made of two things or parts”
so this apparently means:
you don’t need to have a choice about what you think (things don’t need to be ‘binary’).
‘polarisation’ (wrong think or choice about what you believe) doesn’t need to exist because the government can just tell you what to think.
No such thing as getting something wrong anymore … instead you are just “differently correct”.
I think the idea is that if you make the ‘wrong’ choice, then you are just “cognitively challenged.”
A little ‘re-education’ in a nice, pleasant ‘remote’ setting will get you out of your ‘cognitive slump.’
Bit late to deliberate whether you made the “wrong choice” once the “meat and potatoes” are gone.
Much more on her here
Pauline Hanson at Risk
Sky News says Pauline Hanson is at risk of loosing her Queensland Senate seat
I think she will get home despite a 2.7% swing against her.
As it stands the Libs have 2.28 quotas, Labor 1.72, Greens 0.95 and Pauline Hanson 0.53.
As I see it the Libs will get 2 senators in Queensland. Labor will probably pick up enough second preferences to get 2 senators and the greens will get one.
However the UAP got 0.31 of a quota and the Lib Dems 0.16 of a quota. If those go to Pauline as they should she gets 0.53 plus 0.31 plus 0.16 which gets her home.
In addition the Libs have excess votes and some of those should also go to Pauline.
I hope she succeeds; I like her more and more as time goes on.
Has Pauline got saner or the others crazier? She no longer seems radical to me.
18,000 multiple votes in 2016.
let’s see how many there are this year
Oh Dear.
Do you have a reference for that?
More than 18,000 people have been asked to explain why they apparently voted more than once at the federal election
NSW, the most populous state, recorded 6760 instances of apparent multiple voting, compared with 4800 in Victoria and 2792 in Queensland.
The Northern Territory recorded the fewest instances with 178.
It’s amazing how they can implement phone “check-ins” across the nation in weeks to make sure they know which restaurant you went to, but going something similar to ensure election integrity is way to hard.
To see whole nations getting pushed into poverty in a vain, egotistical attempt by which politicians believe THEY control the climate, is contemptible. To see these politicians unthinkingly being driven by activists providing the worst of a selection of possible outcomes they can fit up through their computer programs is really the pits of humanity. It seems a miniscule number of politicians even try to argue against the force of the environmentalists. Few demand public justification for predictions based on computer game theories. The BOM is never called into a parliamentary committee of inquiry to expose its methodology and its manipulations of data. The one time it was called for I believe the relevant Minister knocked it on the head.
There’s a second method of handling these worst case predictions (which have zero success rates in forecasting). Lomborg, a true believer, has been on it for years. Adaptation! Humans, if not successful in much else, have an excellent history of it. His ideas are never debated; they are simply ignored. He has been cancelled from Australian Universities when he suggested setting up a structure to develop his low cost ideas. Activists used public agitation against him being heard – and coward politicians crumbled again. One can see behind the agitators that adaptation is not what they want. It’s not violent enough disruption of Western Societies which they need to destroy us. Adaptation is too costless, doesn’t create sudden economic disruptions to allow the agitators to succeed. They succeed by the old leftist manner; slowly, slowly. Society is trapped before it realises what is happening.
In Jo’s blogging we see those who are experts, well beyond my ken, in many fields, pointing out the tolerated, forecast massively costly damage coming to the national grid, the economy,to people’s living standards and ability to stay solvent. The problem is, the blog preaches only to the converted (excepting the few that plead the status quo), as does Sky News and The Australian.
Media as used by most Australians ie internet, ABC and the left major press outlets, aided by Big Business and the oligarchs, feed the people of the cities in particular the opposite, ‘accepted and driven’ climate information. Most is outright scare campaigning, never exposing details nor debated, but accepted on face value by people and politicians alike. None would lie nor dissemble to the people. Would they? This relentlessly drives the mission; never challenged.
The point of this long diatribe? Activists drive politicians worldwide by demanding huge percentage changes (26-43-100%s) in CO2 release and soon to be methane I guess. ‘Percentages’, to the public, allows a feelgood argument as counter to the horror campaigns of activists; it’s a placebo that reduces public fears. The practical meaning of it is never ever exposed. The public remains unaware of the devastation to its livelyhood to which it is being driven.The public is unaware of what the activists have in store for it. The possible end game evident is, in the end there will be political disruption. Society will be driven to being governed by despotism or a marxist type governance. We have seen how easily this can be done in COVID, by the conversion of our police forces from institutions that protect the public, to institutions that control the public by whatever violence is necessary.
My contention is, the public narrative must be changed asap. We need politicians and as much media as can be found to fight the good fight. every time ‘percentages’ in CO2 reduction are demanded. We have to find whatever powerful forces can be mustered to demand of political parties, activists and anyone else to detail the changes in our society they really intend by those seeming benign percentage changes. What do they mean in terms of jobs, quality and cost of living to all groups – richest to poorest? The avarice of those businesses seeking to ensure the future of their government guaranteed profits and protection of the invested capital from loss, must be exposed. The election success of the teals must be seen for what it truly was. It was a business plan with business in mind rather than saving the planet, even if the candidates believed in the climate cause. It is the reason we need to get the reality behind such campaigns into the minds of the people who in the end pay the price of the profits to be had.
This is the only way this climate boogyman can be destroyed. Voters have to have all the facts re their futures before they make the decision to vote for anything. It’s called full disclosure in all other fields of endeavour. If they still vote for national oblivion, so be it. Australians at this election showed they are totally unaware of the Britishand European downgrading of AGW interest. They are forced to find alternative sources of fossil fuels away from Russia. Even the US voters seem totally unaware they are being forced to look to Iran and Venezuella for their energy supplies. The public has to be educated as to the outcome of what these simple ‘percentages’ mean to their existence if we are to get a change in direction. It may be a fear campaign, but it would be based in reality. Make the activists defend themselves and their claims! Current climate madness is plainly madness going even beyond anything George Orwell foresaw.
The Teals can all go home, we may already be net zero.
US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told people that to alleviate high gasoline prices they should just buy electric cars.
Typical Leftist disconnect from reality.
‘let them eat cake’
So if Australians purchased the cheapest VW Golf sized Chinese MG ZS EV it would cost $41,990 plus on road costs, plus adaptors for the various commercial recharge stations, plus if we wanted faster home charging 415V 3-Phase electricity connection, so call it $50,000 retail price drive away.
The MG ZS ICEV is $20,990 plus on road costs, say $23,000 drive away, so difference in price $27,000
That’s a lot of petrol and servicing expenses before the EV breaks even and begins to provide lower running costs, and probably for the average driver trade-in replacement time would be reached first.
After a Canadian storm
“A million dollars worth of Teslas with nowhere to go”
I calculated that the break even point is around 300,000km.
If you include lost investments on having to give up that extra $27k then its more like 400,000km+.
Of course, like solar, the best investment is not buying it. Solar has decreased 25% PA for over 8 years no, so the best thing to do has always been to bank the money because the price is falling.
You can still buy a lot of gasoline for $100K. And electricity isn’t free and will sky rocket in price as demand increases. The grid is still mostly FF powered almost everwhere and will continue to be for decades.
Why nothing is going to change for the better
Bad dogs. Sit! Obey! Vaxx!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book about Fauci, Big Pharma, the mismanagement of COVID, and other things, is truly amazing.
“The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”.
In fact, if the documented early banning of effective treatments against COVID is not a crime against humanity, I don’t know what is.
Everyone needs to read this, and especially those in the medical profession and every politician, public serpent and “journalist” who suppressed information about the safe treatment of COVID.
Interestingly, our TGA and state “health” agencies followed Fauci’s advice just about to the letter, even to the point of not recommending Vitamin D in deficient people (which would be most people) to boost immunity.
Highly recommended.
And before any Leftists pronounce their standard insults that Kennedy is an “old white heterosexual male tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist” etc. he has impeccable Democrat credentials, at least the old-style Democrat credentials when they had some semblance of normality, decency and common sense before they went fully woke.
Solar Panels Are Starting to Die, Leaving Behind Toxic Trash
By 2050, the International Renewable Energy Agency projects that up to 78 million metric tons of solar panels will have reached the end of their life, and that the world will be generating about 6 million metric tons of new solar e-waste annually. While the latter number is a small fraction of the total e-waste humanity produces each year, standard electronics recycling methods don’t cut it for solar panels. Recovering the most valuable materials from one, including silver and silicon, requires bespoke recycling solutions. And if we fail to develop those solutions along with policies that support their widespread adoption, we already know what will happen.
Ask the Greens or wannabees what they’re going to do.😈
As rooftop solar cells die there will be no gov rebate on the replacement. Depending on electricity cost many may not replace them and the FIT has dropped below 7c on my latest bill.
As the high FITs mature no one will replace them if they do not use the power directly.
One of the best FITs you can have is avoiding 30c ish per kWh on your own user
A mate of mine still gets 24c on a long term contract.
use not user
I’m not your mate.
When I drive the bypass I look down on a sea of new-ish homes every one with a solar array. These new estates will not have old pharts like me living there, home all day. They will rely on FIT for their ROI.
I have no idea how long or how generous their FIT contract might be but if their project builder used the cheapest panels, their may not be enough contract left to justify 7c/kWh FIT when the home is empty while the kids are at school and parents ay work.
BTW Average ownership in new estates is shorter than in established suburbs. AFAIK generous FITs are not transferrable.
Without any govt rebates domestic solar installations may not be financially viable.
Mine is OK WITH rebates but only because I didn’t go for 5 kWh and there is constant drain all day. I definitely would not do the instillation to milk the FIT.
But it is worthwhile to size the installation for winter generation. That will be a lot larger than you will need for summer. Really, really good ceiling insulation is probably a better investment.
I’m sure they’ll be happy to lead from the front by establishing toxic waste dumps in their leafy electorates.
I am normally very supportive of our multi-national society (not multiculturalism) and with no exceptions apart from any now Australian citizens who cannot leave their past behind, if they can’t what are they doing here?
The company I managed had many Asian employees and good hard working people all of them, including a few Chinese people.
However when I heard and read about Australian Chinese angry with the Morrison Coalition Government for daring, in the minds of the complainants, to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party I was angry, why did they want to settle in Australia if they cannot leave their past behind, and why did they leave if they have such strong supportive feelings towards the CCP?
Because most them are brought up with no distinction between the race, the culture, and the party. They are all one. So an attack on any one is an attack on all of them. This is how the CCP remains such complete control over the population.
On Bolt Report tonight discussion on how the CCP maintains propaganda distribution within Australia to Chinese Australians.
Cheesemakers embedding tiny tracking chips in Parmesan
Italian Parmigiano Reggiano cheesemakers, who make “real” parmesan cheese, are inserting tracking chips into the rinds of their cheese wheels in an effort to undermine shady competitors who falsely claim they make real parmesan cheese, Food & Wine reports.
Just like how Champagne can technically only originate in the Champagne region of France, a European Union court upheld a law in 2008 that cheese can only be sold as “parmesan” if it is made by Reggiano makers in Italy.
Despite their best efforts, counterfeit parmesan has ballooned into a multibillion dollar market, coming close to the size of the real parmesan market, a trend that has Italian cheesemakers worried, according to Food & Wine — spurring the need for the tracking tech.
Do the chips speak to the vaccine 5G in vaccinated people?
Not yet.
Ahh.. Blessed are the cheesemakers. (Life of Brian reference).
First patient receives injection of new cancer-killing virus in phase 1 clinical trial
A new cancer-killing virus is entering clinical trials after tests show it can successfully shrink advanced tumors. Researchers at City of Hope National Medical Center say the experimental drug can treat several forms of cancer, including colon, lung, breast, ovarian, and pancreatic tumors.
As the anti-cancer injection moves closer to reality, a team from immuno-oncology company Imugene Limited and City of Hope have dosed the first patient in a Phase 1 clinical trial with the virus, called CF33-hNIS VAXINIA. Their study will look to recruit around 100 patients at 10 different trial sites in the United States and Australia.
Just in time too 😈😉
Devastating cyber attacks expected to hit energy sector
New research published by DNV, the independent risk management and quality assurance provider, reveals that energy executives anticipate life, property, and environment-compromising cyber attacks on the sector within the next two years.
The Cyber Priority, a research report exploring the state of cyber security in the energy sector, finds that more than four-fifths of professionals working in the power, renewables, and oil and gas sectors believe a cyber attack on the industry is likely to cause operational shutdowns (85%) and damage to energy assets and critical infrastructure (84%).
Three quarters (74%) expect an attack to harm the environment while more than half (57%) anticipate it will cause loss of life.
DNV’s research is based on a survey of more than 940 energy professionals around the world and in-depth interviews with industry executives.
This will be a good distraction ploy when RE finally topples the grid. It was the Russians/Chinese/Villain du jour.
Elon Musk is asking for a 25% discount on Twitter takeover because they lied about the number of fake accounts. The discount is proportional to the number of fake accounts. It might even be more than 25%.
This book looks interesting although I haven’t yet read it myself.
The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal
By Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins, Forward by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
I would like to see an analysis of what Australian election results would have been if we had first past the post voting.
Or not a last minute scrapping of all party preferences to the two majors only.
Quick tally with python on downloaded CSV file gives:
Party ALP won 72 seats
Party LP won 39 seats
Party NP won 10 seats
Party IND won 3 seats
Party LNP won 22 seats
Party GRN won 2 seats
Party KAP won 1 seats
Party XEN won 1 seats
Coalition = LP+NP+LNP = 30+10+22=71
Thanks Joe. So the Libs could have governed with two independents…
Sorry, my bad. Greens would be in coalition with Labor plus some independents, so Libs would probably still have lost.
The AEC Tally Room has the Liberal Party on 28, not the 39 you have shown. A Coalition total of 61 and not the 71 you have shown.
Preference voting works. Work harder, be more tolerant of imperfections in the party you naturally gravitate to. When did you last hear a labor voter say: I don’t like that labor policy, I won’t vote for them’? Me neither. Third parties only survive because of conservatives tossing out the good because they aren’t perfect.
Their ABC will scream about ANY coalition PM, tune your BS filter. Many here didn’t.
I don’t believe that most Australians realise that politics is local, we vote for a local representative to be our Member of Parliament, Federal, State and Local Council councillors.
We cannot vote for a Prime Minister unless we live in the electorate the MP appointed PM represents.
Playing games with preferences is dangerous unless you know how the trickle down lottery system operates, and even then it’s an exercise in futility because most voters don’t know.
And we end up in 2022 with a Labor Government with a lower primary vote than the now Opposition and one third of voters did not vote for either side, three out of ten voted for Labor candidates.
I must be dumb. I just vote for the party I want to have the majority. Then preferences don’t matter.
Did green voters just appear by magic?
Well, yeah. A magic of sorts. How else would you describe an unwanted conception/pregnancy resulting from only An*l S*x. 😉
I doubt that analysis would be meaningful. People understand the preference system and vote accordingly. If we had a first past the post system enough people likely would have voted differently to affect the analysis.
Serious question: How was Albo sworn in already? I thought the GG would not swear in a new PM without at least 50% of the lower house in support? Or has that convention just been thrown out the window? It is seriously scary that a GG would put in a new PM without finalising support of the lower house.
I wondered the same thing. I have never seen a PM sworn in so quickly. They certainly fast-tracked it.
The protocol is that the aspiring PM must persuade the GG that they can command a majority in the lower house. While the house can pass motions of no confidence to signify the end of a government there is no equivalent motion of confidence to signify the beginning of a government.
It works well until it doesn’t as for example happened in 1975 when Fraser was sworn in as PM on the promise that he would call an election when Whitlam could not secure supply but had not lost a motion of no confidence.
And for completeness there is no equivalent of the president in some countries calling on a PM to form a government.
Canavan and Joyce purged the moderate Liberals, good thing too.
‘Joyce, Canavan must share some blame for Liberal wipeout, McCormack says
‘Michael McCormack, who is considering a bid to regain the Nationals’ leadership, says Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan gave people an excuse to park their votes with the teals.’ (SMH)
Good work by Barnaby and Canavan, it had to happen sometime, if people are looking for socialism, they can get it wholesale from the labs and watermelons, why would they settle for a pale imitation.
Clean air to haggle, Nats might have to split from the Coalition. No more backsliding.
This is Getting Insane – This Will Not Be a Normal Recession
One of the factors contributing the Great Depression of the 1900s was poor International and even national communications, the bankers could not discuss issues with other bankers and agree on a strategy, customers were scared into withdrawing their investment funds because of a fear of the unknown and rumours, resulting in disorganised chaos.
Even central banks could not as they can do today almost instantly communicate with the banking and finance sector of the economies of nations.
Today the Information Technology Age and the communications are excellent, horse and cart verses steal fighter technology.
Accordingly the Northern Hemisphere Financial Crisis of 2008/09, the Labor Government in Australia referred to as Global Financial Crisis (GFC), was tough for most nations, Australia survived comfortably because there was zero debt, years of budgets in surplus, major economic reforms from 1985 to 2000 plus, but nowhere close to the Great Depression.
Today Australia is still in a very strong position, the Current Account debt less than $800 billion (trillion dollars mentioned by Labor is a 2022/23 Budget Forward Estimate figure that suits Labor to quote because if they won government they could borrow $200 billion (rounded figures) and blame the Morrison Government, as they blamed the Abbott Government and Coalition since 2013 for their own $400 billion plus debt consisting of what Labor borrowed and because they failed to make provision to pay for their major Budget items like NDIS and Gonski (committed by agreement with the State Governments) leaving that to the Abbott Government.
Australia has minerals and energy assets of trillions of dollars potential value when extracted and sold, realisable assets including gold and silver reserves.
So while I expect another global downturn and possible recession I believe that if Australia continues to be well managed the impact will be no worse or a little worse than the GFC was 2008/09 financial year.
One of the problems today IS that bankers can talk without a carbon copy on file.
it’s not a normal recession.
it’s an orchestrated collapse to bring in
digital currency
digital id
and so on and so forth.
I must be missing something, so many people concerned about digital currency yet most people use internet banking, debit cards, credit cards, automatic teller machines, etc.
All banking and other financial transactions are electronic, no cash transfers of any major amounts these days, and if we were a cashless society and the internet was down businesses would have portable machines that were first invented when credit cards were invented, to take an imprint of the card onto paper accounting, customer copy, business copy and bank copy.
The GST was introduced here and in other countries by various names of system to force black market unaccounted for tax avoiders to pay some tax on their personal goods and services transactions. No cash would make black markets much more difficult to operate, although I understand drug transactions are now being conducted with Bitcoin and similar unofficial internet transaction currencies. But that will be tracked by the increasing surveillance systems and personnel who are also looking for crimes in general and military intelligence, cyber attacks, etc.
So my bank accounts remain as they are now, the only difference being no more cash available, so I use my debit card and credit card more often.
Consider how many ways governments can track what we do and where we are, mobile devices for example, CCT cameras, tax file number, Medicare, banking records and many other examples.
you are missing the incoming social credit score which can only be successfully implemented by tying it to a digital currency.
You’re missing the government being able to control what you spend your money on. Remember the Australia Card where the government could prevent you from having and operating a bank account?
except social credit scores don’t need to be run by ‘the government’ (as traditionally defined).
banks will control what you spend through digital currency.
eg already spent your carbon allowance for the month? then no, you can’t buy fuel for your car.
Got gold yet?
La Nina like conditions.
‘Remarkably, the daily southern oscillation index is at a robust La Nina-like -2.2 today and has averaged -1.9 the past 30 days which implies the atmosphere is locked-in to a fiercely intense La Nina pattern. Many dynamic models are trending toward La Nina weakening during the northern hemisphere summer possibly to neural phase of a very weak La Nina as the updated ECMWF.’ (Climate Impact Company)
La Nina like conditions
‘Remarkably, the daily southern oscillation index is at a robust La Nina-like -2.2 today and has averaged -1.9 the past 30 days which implies the atmosphere is locked-in to a fiercely intense La Nina pattern. Many dynamic models are trending toward La Nina weakening during the northern hemisphere summer possibly to neural phase of a very weak La Nina as the updated ECMWF.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Cool SST off north west South America.,-3.75,530/loc=-90.052,-14.826
How much longer can this go on?
They coming after our children now.
Old news but worth reposting.
The criminals who insist on kids being vaxxed will walk free. There are X10,000 times more than there were n@zis at Nuremberg.
How much longer? Not sure but I bet it will be a long time as the WHO, WEF, UN and others are hell bent on implementing it throughout the West. That and climate change action are both going to be stepped up and here in Australia we stuffed up at the election at least to slow them down. Oh well, we’ll just have to learn the hard way. The parents of my 3 year old grandson are dead against having him vaccinated. The mother is not vaxxed as she is like me and refuse to comply but the father is due to work issues. His parents and I will fight any attempt to have my grandson vaccinated, especially at that young age. They are already talking about home schooling.
Jo, the other day you mentioned in a comment
Are you allowed to paraphrase or indicate the gist of what Pitman has said without a direct quote or publication of the emails?
Interesting to note that one of the topics at the WEF meeting in Switzerland is to highlight the importance of more funding to fight climate change. As I’ve stated a long time ago we’ve lost the fight to put a stop to that nonsense, probably as far back as when Turnbull became our PM given his background and training. All governments ever since here have embarked on a net zero emissions campaign and recently under Morrison became official policy. It’s obvious now that we have ALP in government such a policy will remain if not enhanced. If only voters knew what a catastrophic mistake they have made at the recent election where they had the opportunity to make a difference but failed.
With Dutton at the helm the Libs will become bovver boys, peaky blinders and larrikins to slay the climate dragon. Barnaby and the Nats will stand shoulder to shoulder with their Coalition partners to fight the good fight against irrationalism.
The Beeb thinks Oz is unliveable because of global warming.
Except for some lovely sunny autumn days this week I would be inclined to agree that Melbourne was becoming unlivable but that is because of an absence of global warming.
Melbourne has a reputation, ‘four seasons in one day’.
They blame La Nina for the inclement weather, but in fact they should be blaming SAM.
Or perhaps not.
‘The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index is currently neutral and is forecast to remain neutral for the coming two weeks, and neutral-to-positive for early June. During autumn SAM typically has a weaker influence on Australian rainfall, but as we approach winter, positive SAM often has a drying influence for parts of south-west and south-east Australia.’ (BoM)
“Monkeypox Eh? Who Remembers AIDS?”
Do you have a point or were you just highlighting another idjut like yourself?
He seemed to be making out that he had “done his own research” to find out something being “hidden by the msm”. And yet, do any google search, as he asks, and lo, there it is in the msm. All over it in fact ever since the first detailed medical reports were released.
I think it is you and he who need to catch up.
and look, the same thing happened in 2019 and then, in the end, it didn’t happen.
oops… wrong location
Guest Post – Twostix – How many voters boycotted the Fed Election 2022 ?
The voter turnout numbers from the AEC site are astonishing.
Nearly 30% of Australian voters boycotted the election.
The lowest turnouts are in the inner city seats consecutively, look at the comparisons to 2019:
Electorate, Turnout %, Enrolled, Marked Off, Turnout % Relative to 2019
Melbourne 61.4 114447 70270 -28.22
Sydney 61.83 125421 77550 -24.47
Brisbane 62.46 125241 78223 -28.05
Perth 62.63 122719 76856 -26.9
The highest turnout in all of Australia was just 86% in Page.
Just look at these numbers, a blood bath!
Electorate, Turnout %, 2022 vs 2019
Wright 63.72 -28.29
Melbourne 61.4 -28.22
Brisbane 62.46 -28.05
Chisholm 67.45 -27.36
Perth 62.63 -26.9
Cowan 64.07 -26.62
Higgins 67.09 -26.59
Bruce 65.6 -26.41
Bonner 66.67 -26.09
Wills 65.16 -26
Maranoa 65.99 -25.94
Swan 63.01 -25.84
Moreton 65.16 -25.76
Dickson 70.13 -25.31
Petrie 66.16 -25.14
Ryan 67.97 -25.01
Hotham 67.68 -24.71
Oxley 66.55 -24.65
McEwen 67.55 -24.61
Sydney 61.83 -24.47
Tangney 69.05 -24.45
Maribyrnong 69.26 -24.24
Kooyong 71.66 -24.17
Dunkley 68.24 -24.12
Gorton 66.99 -24.02
Mayo 71 -23.97
Lilley 68.45 -23.7
Longman 68.58 -23.58
Moncrieff 64.64 -23.56
Rankin 67.11 -23.56
Scullin 68.81 -23.42
Hasluck 65.89 -23.35
Casey 72.19 -23.33
Isaacs 70.23 -23.27
Fadden 66.51 -23.12
O’Connor 68.79 -23.03
Pearce 65.42 -22.99
Corio 71.04 -22.84
Blair 70.16 -22.78
Cooper 69.67 -22.67
Curtin 69.36 -22.64
Parramatta 66.98 -22.63
Spence 67.97 -22.57
Kingston 70.63 -22.54
Corangamite 73.3 -22.49
Jagajaga 72.79 -22.47
Fremantle 68.84 -22.39
Durack 63.04 -22.31
Adelaide 69.28 -22.24
Fraser 68.09 -22.01
Hindmarsh 70.86 -21.99
Makin 71.14 -21.98
Aston 72.33 -21.96
Boothby 71.7 -21.91
Griffith 69.24 -21.81
Gellibrand 69.1 -21.79
Groom 71.28 -21.77
Forde 67.77 -21.72
Burt 65.55 -21.44
Reid 70.46 -21.25
Brand 67.45 -21.01
Clark 72.74 -20.9
La Trobe 68.66 -20.56
Goldstein 73.16 -20.56
Bass 73.55 -20.49
Macnamara 69.66 -20.28
and on, and on, and on, not a single electorate isn’t impacted.
Somebody had better say something about this because this is historic, and if no explanation is offered people are going to start theorising about the election.
I cross referenced the turnout numbers against the voting numbers. They’re identical and those turnout numbers are up to date, seats like Moreton are 100% counted are reporting only 65% turnout.
So don’t let anyone say they “just need to update the figures” or something dumb. No.
My theory: unvaccinated and covid state power aggrieved people boycotted the election.
Turnout by division
B’Heck in my Electorate Warringah only 43.45% of Eligible Voters Voted
of Eligible Voters No 105,355 Turnout No 45,772 % No 43.45
That does seem extraordinarily low, doesn’t it !
ex-Liberal voters, with no-one to vote for ?
Does that include postal and early voting?
Beat me to it. I doubt that it does.
Ok, so that means that roughly 35% of people are willing to pay the fine for not voting.
I see two possibilities;
1. They are willing to pay the fine.
2. Their votes were suppressed somehow.
Option 2 makes no sense as they would not have been counted in the turnout and a difference in the turnout against the voting numbers would be evident as fraudulent behaviour.
So option 1 it is. What could make a person willing to pay a fine just not to vote?
3. Wait.
Wait until all votes are returned. This is not a final count of vote numbers.
Here is a link to an article when it looked like the same thing happened at the same stage in 2019
spoiler- wait.
Thank you. Thought as much.
If these are votes still to come in, no telling what might happen.
After all.. look what happened in the US with late votes! 😉
Ricky Gervais on trans wokeism
From the Comments with the Trans
Unfortunately mentally unstable people are often drawn to cults or movements.
The certainty of the message brings some degree of order and structure to their disjointed mental state.
and more detail
Salvador Ramos, Uvalde School Shooting Suspect: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Antarctic sea ice at low ebb, German scientist says no worries.
The Arctic maxima was low too. Both seem to have gone back into the lower end of the normal range
Also, TC discusses one of your favourite subjects
Thanks, they didn’t mention that a wayward jet stream is a symptom of our cool star.
A warm dry summer in store for Western Europe.
The Arctic is within parameter, small losses here and there.
“lower end of the normal range” ??
You are talking gibberish again, gee !
The current levels are far higher than they have been for nearly all of the last 10,000 years
Hillary & friends. It’s time.
Epsteining by Hillary
MAY 24, 2022
HOWIE CARR: Unraveling Hillary Clinton’s Russia hoax … starting with Michael Sussmann.
In a just world, Sussmann would already be in prison. But he’s a Democrat apparatchik in Brandon’s America, so the fix is in, more than somewhat.
If you doubt me, consider the D.C. jury listening to the evidence.
One juror acknowledged he’d contributed to Hillary’s campaign. Another thought she had but couldn’t remember. Another is a former bartender who donated to AOC. Still another juror’s husband worked on Hillary’s 2008 campaign, and yet another supports defunding the police.
Yet they all got onto the jury. After the trial started, still another juror recalled that her daughter was on some private-school crew team with the sleazy Sussmann’s kid.
The judge told her not to worry about it and refused to excuse her.
Who’s the judge, you ask?
His name is Christopher “Casey” Cooper, appointed by Obama after his service on the Obama 2008 transition team. After law school, he worked in the DOJ with the defendant — what a coincidence!
Later the judge was also employed in the same law firm as … Eric Holder, Obama’s self-described “wingman” as attorney general.
Our ruling class is rather incestuous.
Soros says ‘defeat Putin ASAP to preserve our civilization’
George Soros told WEF a quick victory over Russia is needed to save open society and civilization itself
Unless Moscow is defeated in Ukraine quickly, the collective West won’t be able to address climate change in time to save civilization, billionaire financier George Soros told the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday. He also called Russia and China the greatest threats to his concept of open society.
Russia sending troops into Ukraine “may have been the beginning of the Third World War and our civilization may not survive it,” Soros told the WEF, and even when the fighting there stops, “the situation will never revert to what it was before.”
In his telling the “invasion” came amid a struggle between “two systems of governance that are diametrically opposed to each other: open society and closed society,” the former embodied by the West and the latter by Russia and China.
Soros, 91, reminisced about the “exciting days” of the Soviet Union’s disintegration, when his wealth increased to the point where he could spend $300 million a year in 1987, and his foundations in Eastern Europe “turned out to be more successful than I expected.”
He argued that the tide began to turn after the 9/11 attacks of 2001, and “repressive regimes are now in the ascendant and open societies are under siege,” with China and Russia representing “the greatest threat.”
What had Soros really worried, however, was that the conflict in Ukraine interfered with the environmental agenda, meaning that climate change might become irreversible.
“That could be the end of our civilization,” he said, insisting that “we must mobilize all our resources to bring the war to an early end.”
The Australian seems to have gone super green. Under an article on the possibility of Dutton becoming PM I wrote –
Nobody thought that Howard would be able to win with the GST either. But he spent months selling the idea and the benefits, and he did it in a way that people could understand. Dutton will need to do the same with any policy the Libs want to promote, and he needs to start now. With respect the the belief that so many have in “catastrophic anthropogenic climate change” he needs to be able to convince people that the belief is based on models that only have one variable, CO2, and which are all exaggerating any effect that CO2 has. He needs to be able to engage experts who can show that climate is a chaotic, multi faceted system that has the oceans, air currents and the sun as its main elements of change, but that it is still not fully understood. He needs to show people that the minor temperature changes that we have had over the last 40 years are part of the normal cycles of the climate that have ever been so. It is absolutely essential that this climate change religion is brought to some finality or our country will become a industrial graveyard where any form of life as we know it will be sacrificed on the alter of “renewable” energy which is actually intermittent, unreliable energy that will bring this country to its knees.
Within 3 minutes of posting it was rejected – goodness knows why!
Possibly they know that the modelling is done with hundreds of variables and testing them is done by holding some constant and varying other – plus a whole lot of other permutations. They didn’t want to embarrass you.
You have just embarrassed yourself completely, gee
Thinking that your description somehow describes usable, viable models.
What your description is of, is a computer game, with zero relevance to the known world.
‘binary’ opinions that lead to ‘polarization’ are not allowed by the NWO
Thanks for posting that here Peter. Is it worth trying it again to see if it was some kind of glitch? Because The Australian won’t be able to justify that…
I tried that, Jo. I took out the word religion and truncated the last sentence after the comma. It was rejected within 2 minutes!
Happens from time to time. Moderators imposing their own world view on issues/politics and not just policing the moderation policy. I don’t think it’s indicative of a shift in policy.
Australia to be smashed by a weather double whammy with a ‘polar surge’ due AND a La Nina winter on the way
. A blast of icy Antarctic air is on its way up over Australia and will hit on Saturday
. System could combine with moist are to dump rainfall and snow in high areas
. After record rain and floods, La Nina is also forecast to remain through winter,2022052718,-29.649,144.591,5
BoM joins the dots.
‘Three-year La Niñas are rare and most recently occurred from 1973–76 and 1998–2001.’ (ABC)
By coincidence each of these rare events are separated by a quarter century. Wonder what we might find by running the clock backwards?
‘This La Niña had a strong effect across the eastern third of Australia. From April 1954 until January 1957 (34 months) (Figure 1), Queensland, NSW and Victoria all had over 70% of their areas in the highest decile of rainfall, with parts of these areas being highest-on-record falls.’ (BoM)
Much amusement.
‘Not acceptable’: Albo slams Plibersek over Voldemort jab.
‘PM promises to change the way politics operates’ as Tanya Plibersek apologies for likening Peter Dutton to Harry Potter villain.’ (Oz)
As if