A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Has anyone been notified by their bank that interest on their deposits has risen 0.25%?
Nice one.
Gee Aye, and all others. Something I picked up on today…
Suncorp has a do-it-yourself term deposit option called “flexi-rates”, where you see a list of terms (1 month, 2 months, 3 months etc) and and an interest rate beside each. Then you elect an amount from your account and place it instantly at the term+ rate you like.
Two weeks ago the 12 month option was 0.7% so I held off. NOW it is 2.0%, up 1.3%, or almost triples.
Can’t speak for other banks, but how transparent is that? In twelve months they must be anticipating MUCH higher lending rates to cover these deposit rates.
Over recent years the banks’ net interest margin (ie loan rates vs deposit rates) has been squeezed, but against that the amounts lent have skyrocketed. A return to more “normal” margins (say 3-4% differentials) might see home loans at around 5-6% VERY SOON on those skyrocketed amounts.
Hope all those property investors have a nice day!
MY- true not something you often see (or ever see).
Lack of transparency is a conspiracy I could believe. The goal of this conspiracy is to have as much money as possible sitting in an account and not moved to a better one. It is as simple as making rates and conditions hard to find and compare.
When I was very young I learnt to use a shovel: very basic but keeps me grounded.
Hard work never hurt anyone, those who try to avoid it or vote for people who say they can make your life easy are basing a rainbow.
It may be that some politicians and would be’s are telling you lies.
Your bank will have used the ACTUAL interest rate increase and applied the full 2.5% to ALL their loans on Tuesday or Wednesday.
A couple of weeks later you are getting HALF the rise in your account. Did you write to thank them?
Surely you jest. !
I got a notification from NAB. But I think it said it only applies to amounts on deposit below $20,000,000.
I’ll just split my account then.
“Has anyone been notified by their bank that interest on their deposits has risen 0.25%?
See link below for major banks and others
Only ANZ has increased term deposit rates as I read it.
I have no indication my savings account has increased from 0.1%.
Comm bank’s offer
3 months
0.10% p.a. Up to $50k
0.15% p.a.
At the end of the term
you’d have made more money if you’d sunk your money into tinned tomatoes.
“You’d have made more money if you’d sunk your money into tinned tomatoes.”
Not really as that’s where CBA were investing
Hmmm… it was they who were over inflating the market.
Maybe bitcoin then? Oh wait
I’ve sunk some into a pretty big excavator. As an income stream it is a failure so I assume it isn’t working hard.
Along with cars and all sorts of things it may be appreciating faster than tomatoes.
I sunk money into a bathroom and kitchen recently which wont appreciate, but I could monetise them if I could only get pedestrian traffic into my house.
While it is true you can’t eat your porch, improving your property sure beats bank interest in times of high inflation.
How high will it go?
I know a guy who bought a Jabiru ultralight just before the ’08 crash. I joked about his timing, at least he still has a complete plane, a lot better than my shares.
better pedestrian than equestrian, at least for your floors and bathroom.
” but I could monetise them if I could only get pedestrian traffic into my house.”
Perhaps dressing a little “unconventionally” for bathroom and kitchen might prove a suitable attraction for pedestrian traffic.
And Hanrahan you write
“While it is true you can’t eat your porch, improving your property sure beats bank interest in times of high inflation. How high will it go?
If you recall the 70s and early 80s I’m sure you’ll recall the double digit inflation figures that topped out in 1974 at 15.42. If you were in the housing market I’m sure you’ll not have forgotten mortgage rates in the mid-high teens. I
Ian, my timing was brilliant back then. Not long before that I took out an LOC secured against my house, used some of that to pay off the mortgage and the rest consolidated a number of small leases. Quite by accident the LOC set a max 3% increase in rates so I never paid the excessive rates and all interest was deductible anyway.
ATO would hang you if you tried that today. lol
It will allow you to up your Airbnb rate
Have you send used airplane prices? If light sport are doing the same as GA then it will be appreciating!
During the worst recession Australia had experienced in sixty years began in 1990, the recession the Labor Federal Government correctly identified as one we had to have, but did not give the real reason being an over-heated economy from deregulation of banking by Labor and no industry specific watchdog created, Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority was formed by the Howard Coalition Government in 1998 (APRA), the founder of FAI Insurance, Larry Adler, commented that the lowest interest rate for investors in term deposits and similar investments should no lower than 5 per cent.
The rationale was based on maintaining a healthy strong economy by ensuring that people with savings received a return above the rate of inflation, meaning the RBA target range.
Yeah. Suncorp sent me an e-mail on Friday.
One account I have with them gets a minimal rate IF you withdraw anything in a calendar month, and a ‘bonus’ if you don’t. The “bonus” has gone up by 0.25%.
Yes, St George offered an extra 0.35% interest if you park your money in a particlar account and grow the balance a bit every month. This came in earlier this year before official RBA announcements came through.
It’s still a paltry rate … but better than nothing
Are we there yet!
Yes. Got here about two years back. But I don’t recommend opening your eyes just yet. Maybe after Saturday. Although I fear that’s just wishful thinking on my part.
Links please?
To papers that compare electricity costs from fossil fuels with renewables but using full costs that apply in a normal working environment such as the costs to fossil fuels to combat intermittent operation of renewables and their lack of frequency. control.
Can be Australian or elsewhere.
There are a couple that Jo has reported, but I think that we need a collection, if it exists. Geoff S
Try these Geoff:
For a more correct comparison, I removed the CCS from the SMR Nuclear charts for USC coal and CCGT gas by using data from the CSIRO report – with and without CCS.
I believe that gas prices would be lower if sourcing the gas in WA.
Forgot to ask – did you also want the battery backup calculations for Australia? My last calculations showed that if Australia had to use lithium batteries at their current prices, the full cost would be around $4 trillion, twice Australia’s GDP. Or more Snowy 2 systems? We would need about 10,000…
The only data I don’t have is NT’s average daily power usage.
Why are climate catastrophists allowed to get away with calling the computer programs they produce at great taxpayer expense, that generate colourful graphs predicting catastrophe, allowed to call them “models”?
A model has a very specific meaning in science.
The “models” have no forecasting or hindcasting ability whatsoever, are not validated, and are utterly worthless except to impress the ignorant.
It is false to call them models as they don’t actually model any real physical phenomena.
According to Wikipedia:
What is presented as climate “models” does none of that. They are as fraudulent as the fake claims of anthropogenic global warming.
The catastrophists don’t tell you that they ran it through a Playstation and got their pretend figures, they present it as fact.
Model performance is quite reasonable.
Differences between observed and predicted can be due to many reasons; decadal weather patterns, sampling bias, random error, or model bias. Those debates continue amongst climate scientists, and are more rational than what you see here.
If the models don’t allow for these REAL things they are as David describes.
Model performance is totally abysmal against data that has been specifically “adjusted” to match the models..
Every one of the faked non-data series shown are heavily adjusted and fabricated to try to make the models and the AGW scam look as though it has some basis in reality.
They bare absolutely zero resemblance to anything real on Earth.
Oh, and latest balloon data concurs with UAH that there has been only slight warming this century, apart from the 2015 El Nino.
Just seen this gem about wind farms and the toll they inflict .
And seriously.. Zeke Hausfather. !!
You have to be joking !
At least find someone who isn’t renowned for massive data manipulation and statistical abuse.
So, I ask again, Simon, since you have managed to run away every time so far.
Which model matches the much more accurate UAH satellite data?
Which models shows NH temperatures of around 1940 as fairly similar to temperatures just before the last El Nino?
Don’t be shy ! 😉
UAH is the outlier:
LOL.. Simon doesn’t know that all the others are based on the same data set. (except Berkley which is so fabricated as to be a complete joke)
That data set they are all based on is the out LIAR.
Tamino is NOT a site that is in the least bit honest, otherwise he would tell you that.
UAH matches the balloon and CERES data and reanalysis data, as well as other sets of local data.
It is validated against the sample set of USCRN in the USA.
The surface data is based on sparse, unfit for purpose, urban temperatures (a small fraction of the planet)
Any un-urban-affected data is homogenised to the bejeesus, infilled, fabricated, adjusted so that it matches the whim of the mal-adjusters.
You have nothing, Simon
And still you refuse to answer those questions.. why would that be 😉
Which model matches the far more accurate UAH satellite data?
Which models shows NH temperatures of around 1940 as fairly similar to temperatures just before the last El Nino?
Don’t be shy, don’t be ignorant. !
Surely a model that doesn’t include decadal weather patterns is clearly not modelling the climate.
The first decade of this century saw a pause in temperature because of a negative PDO. It became positive again for a decade but now the pause has returned because of a negative PDO. So your outlier comment does not compute.
Tamino is ignorant of the fact that the argument is how large is the effect of adding more CO2, not that the climate doesn’t change. Should you really ask him to think for you?
Lots of people doing the same wrong thing isn’t going to make it correct.
The Hadley SST. Red is version 3 NH while blue is version 2 SH. The two different hemispheres indicated by green and purple line up almost perfectly, except the period from 1940 to early 70s.
People make mistakes but actual scientists check carefully to pick them up before publication. This is a plot of average of anomalies. These are the monthly average for a region minus the average for the same month in the years of the base period, 1961 to 1990. Strange that large changes to the period from 1961 to 1971 has no effect on how closely the 2 different versions are outside that mid century period, after correcting for the swapping of hemispheres.
Then hadsst2 sh and hadsst3 nh both show a seasonal signal starting about 2003.
Its clearly a dogs breakfast and a large part of HadCrut. The others being similar just makes them look dodgy.
I don’t know of any “climate deniers” except perhaps those that deny the climate has change naturally.
To “deny” something, it has to be a solidly proven thing.
AGW is far from that.. its barely a conjecture, such is the lack of any scientific evidence to support it..
I know a lot of people seeking “climate truth”.. but most people calling themselves “climate scientists” are not in the “seeking truth” category.
To be a “climate denier” is to deny we have a climate. It’s so absurdly stupid as to be automatically mockable — and that’s exactly the point.
Destroying English and civil debate is just what they do. When you have no evidence…
But Jo …
I’m Climate Phobic.
And Climate Adjacent.
And a Climate Supremacist.
I am also Climate Non-binary, in that I refuse to recognize a separation of anthropogenic and natural climate.
Last week I became Ultra Climate.
I’m also Climate Questioning.
I’m thinking I may be Trans Climate.
That will require minor surgery.
(BTW, English is a the colonizing language of the patriarchy established by Elizabeth I.)
So be more inclusive or you will be excluded.
It now appears that 90% of Australians believe in AGW.
Serious eLg.!
Its an opt-in poll conducted in the shoddiest possible way.
The sort of poll you get leftist liars and get-ups on, pretending to be conservatives.
It is NON-poll. ! A dead parrot… barely nailed to its perch.!
‘Serious eLg.!’
No, but many simple minded creatures might creatures might.
?? Do you want to re-write that.. so that it makes sense, please.
Yes, that was before coffee (BC).
Only you and I understand how climate changes.
“The Hadley SST”
I would love to see where they got all the information to get temperature pre-ARGO for the SH
Even Phil Jones admitted that they were “mostly made up”.
This chart shows less than 10% coverage before the 1960, and below 20% pre-ARGO
Also, anyone that uses the word “forcing” applied to CO2, has no idea what they are talking about, and is doing it purely for propaganda purposes.
.. ie to fool sad-minded scientific illiterates…. obviously it has worked on Simon.
Is “forcing” in this context even a valid scientific term? It seems to be used only by warmists…
“Differences between observed and predicted can be due to many reason”
Hence the need to constantly adjust the observed data.. right Simon 😉
Wouldn’t any difference between predicted and observed simply be an ERROR?
OK Another Pinatubo would be an excusable error.
You’re making David’s point for him.
Although I’m happy to call a model a model even if it ends up being wrong and some of the assumptions are wrong. It is just a representation of what might happen if the assumptions are right. The problem is that the models get presented as if we know the assumptions are right, and then some people make further models based on data output from models as if the model they adopted the data from is fact rather than prediction. They fail to mention they’ve just compounded any errors. Or maybe they hope two wrongs do make a right.
As for model performance being quite reasonable. You can always hit the side of a barn if you make the barn big enough.
They observations are at the bottom end of the models.
I believe that a KEY problem with models is that they can be used to hide the assumptions used, so it’s impossible to qualified folks to analyse the way the models work and check them for accuracy. As folks have pointed out, assumption errors tend to multiply drastically over long time periods, which are used for the long-term predictions.
And the GCM grid cell size is huge – 10,000 sq kms. As somebody commented: “Treating these enormous areas and volumes as points misses much detail.”
Clouds are a real challenge for grid cell calculations, so their effects cannot be captured – again, very generalised assumptions are made. As Tapio Schneider, Caltech atmospheric scientist said: “If you don’t get clouds right, everything is out of whack”.
When the models are run, calculating 64,800 grid cubes stacked in 72 layers, the computers must calculate 4.6 million data points. This makes it virtually impossible to figure out where the differences between the 114 models occur and why they are different.
And I cannot understand the concept of averaging over 100 wrong model outputs to somehow obtain an average “correct” answer – this is manifestly absurd.
NASA would disagree
They received a Nobel prize
they have been right of a long time
they are very accurate in hindcasting particulary for ENSO
So where do you get your information that the climate models are bad
The UAH team got the NASA Prize. So what? Obama got the Nobel Peace prize after just 11 days in office.
That kind of “reasoning” is so typical of collectivist Groupthink. A “prize” today is evidence of nothing but fashionable thinking.
“A “prize” today is evidence of nothing but fashionable thinking.'”
Such prizes are awarded for services to the New World Order.
Ukraine won Eurovision for being victim country of the year…
I don’t see how this sort of prize-giving helps anyone except the professional virtue signallers. A lot of people ares still dead, even more are injured, displaced, or homeless, lacking food and medical supplies, but you know, at least they can say their country won Eurovision…
There’s the Archibald too.
Ukraine won Eurovision
And it really is a load of carp !!
Prizes are very important to Peter. He still has all his ‘participation prizes’ stuck on his mum’s fridge.
“they are very accurate in hindcasting”
LOL… When you have enough variables (aka “fudge factors”) you can make an elephants tail wiggle !
Yes, we know Zeke et al did all they could at Berkley to make sure the temperature data matched the models.
Your point is ?
BEST is NOT a fabrication that should be used for any scientific purpose.
““Climate models have not ‘exaggerated’ global warming” except when they do…”
That is propaganda. Deliberately giving it an award to stop criticism is the antithesis of science.
“They received a Nobel prize”
Nobel prizes are handed out these days just for turning up.
They have become purely left-wing political.
‘ … the period since the 1980s and 1990s when ENSO hindcasting and forecasting commenced.’
That is not convincing, I can hindcast back to the 1840s and forecast to 2030.
“NASA would disagree
They received a Nobel prize”
Barack Obama got the Nobel … for ‘peace’.
Billy got his friend Jeff to arrange a meeting with the head of the Nobel committee.
He wanted one too.
“and are utterly worthless except to impress the ignorant”
.. obviously they do impress the very ignorant. 😉
Important information:
Climate data clearly shows that CO2 change occurs after temperature change so it is impossible for the later CO2 change to be the cause of the earlier temperature change.
wow. Case closed.
You know you never had a case, Gee.
Are you suggesting that it is not a critical factor in the CO2 /GW debate.?
If so, do elaborate !
The rise in CO2 correlates with human CO2 emissions.
But CO2 lags warming so it appears it would not cause warming
it doesn’t though. That was just a claim.
AGW is just a claim..
As you well know, here is no scientific evidence for it.
(remember… assumption drive models are never evidence of anything)
And yes, CO2 does lag temperature..
No…its a fact , which has been verified by data analysis.
Sure Chad. We pump CO2 into the atmosphere which causes it to go up coincidently with rising temperatures. Be real.
Gee doesn’t comprehend coincidence and causation.
You have yet to produce one single bit of science to back up the farcical CO2 causes warming meme.
Only causation is temperature increase causing CO2 rise.
Get real.
Natural CO2 emissions totally swamp human emissions, and it only takes a small change in those natural emissions, through natural warming of oceans, frozen areas thawing, greater expanse of termites etc etc etc etc to make human emissions totally unimportant.
Do at least try to look at the facts Gee, they won’t hurt you… just your ridiculous brain-washed and blind belief.
As b.nice says;
“Natural CO2 emissions totally swamp human emissions”.
On top of that, sort of the icing on the cake, that comparison of quantities is made irrelevant by atmospheric physics, you know, science, because any mucking around with greenhouse type mechanisms if anything occurs is all over and done with at ground level.
The gas CO2, for it is a gas, cannot exist in the atmosphere carrying UNIPCCC sponsored extra loadings of energy which threaten to overheat the planet. Gas molecules are very friendly, they bump into each other and immediately share surplus energy over and above their natural configuratory requirements.
Go nature!
So predictable.
PV=nRT Rulz.
GA. Lets say you are correct. Lets say Human contribution is increasing the rate of warming and the human contribution is 4% of the increase.
Won’t we just reach your 100 year fear level in 96 years instead of 100?
Also correlates with the natural rise in temperature due to solar and cloud changes..
Natural CO2 emissions totally swamp human emissions, and it only takes a small change in those natural emissions, through natural warming of oceans, frozen areas thawing, greater expanse of termites etc etc etc etc to make human emissions totally unimportant.
Do look at the facts Gee, they won’t hurt you.. just your blind belief.
Very true, but further to that,…
Human emissions are quoted at 4% of the natural ones.
Whilst human emissions can be closely monitored,.. natural emissions cannot and are only estimates based on extrapolations from miniscule sampling methods.
Normal range of error in that type of sample extrapolation would easily be in excess of +/- 10% ……hence easily outweighing any measured impact of human input.
And in the past leaf when CO2 levels were high but life thrived or when levels were high but there was an ice age your explanation would be ?
if you cherry pick hard enough
I know you said that; but do you really, really believe it?
Hillary again.
For her, it was never hard.
For monnie it was different.
Hillary Larious.
And the ultimate in patheticness… even from Gee.
That case was made in the very beginning of the so-called debate, maybe by Bob Carter.
Not that you’ll hear this from “Their ABC” et al
“Gun violence”: putting the blame where it’s due”
One need only look at FBI and DOJ data going back as long as you want to show the reality.
The anti-gun squad never want to face reality, just like the AGW mob.
Never let facts get in the way of a totally wrong irrational view which support their fears and biases.
I was looking at another perspective on US gun violence yesterday. It wasnt race centric but looked at actual gun violence vs perceived gun violence. In the US the perceived level of violent crime involving guns ranges from 30% to 70% depending on the community you ask. The actual level is 8%.
Election voting tip..
For anyone intending to use the…. “Put the least wanted candidate last on your list “…. method,
For the lower house, you have preference every candidate , i believe ?….so you can pick the undesireables and number them last.
But In the Senate election there are likely to be many, many, candidates from which you have to pick only 12 in decending order of preference.
It is tempting to find your least wanted candidate and number them 12, 11, 10, ..etc
BUT… dont ! To ensure there is NO CHANCE for them to get your vote from preferences, ..leave them off your choices completely .
Just use all your preferences on any other candidate than the undesireables .(Green, Red, Teal, !)
In Vicdanistan I voted below the line and numbered all 79 boxes.
It was really tough deciding who the bottom 79 should be.
David, there is an easier way:
Voting Below the Line
To vote below the line, voters must number at least 12 individual candidate boxes, from 1 to 12, although more boxes can be numbered should a voter choose to. Below the line voting works on individual candidate preferences, as opposed to party preferences.
Thanks Hanrahan, I knew that, but I wanted to express my individual preference for all 79 of them.
In which case you could have written “Pox on all their houses” across the ballot. I did that once.
But I’m not arguing. 🙂
I haven’t voted yet but will be filling in all 51 Senate boxes in South Australia, purely to place Penny Wong at No.51.
Beyond that I am torn between listing the Greens in reverse order from the bottom, followed by the rest of the Labor or possibly Simon Birmingham (pseudo Liberal).
Then I have to figure out what the Great Australia Party, The Sustainable Australia Party, the Local Party, the Australian Democrats and the Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance are. And the Party? listed as UNG? (Are they in favour of the Dyslexic?)
It’s enough to drive a man to drink, but fortunately I only have to walk there.
Very. Understandable……but a waste of time and effort !
No body will even look at any beyond the first 12 !..
If you wanted to make a statement, you should have simply followed Hanrahans example !
Chad, are votes not legal or counted after #12? Not my understanding….
They end when your preferences are allocated or exhausted.
If you want a small time non-major to win the last seat in the Senate keep numbering.
The most important thing of all might be to ensure the ALP/Teal/Green coalition doesn’t control the Senate crossbench.
The major parties WANT you to vote above the line as any No.1 vote directly for them gets them money (about $2.80 but times a few million it adds up) and they control the preferences. Indeed they benefit as their top of the list gets excess votes which are distributed to their second on their list and once they have a quota the excess goes towards the third on their list.
Voting No.2 above the line is less desirable (for them) but should that No.1 choice (of yours) get eliminated from the counting, then they hope to get a flow on of votes which helps their tally and the number of their list get elected.
Voting below the line has 2 effects in that it denies the majors money and annoys their scrutineers as they can’t get a quick opinion about their party’s chances for the 5TH or 6TH seat. That leaves the machine men loosing a little sleep, and their puppets unsure of what to do.
🙂 :-);
I have just received the current ” Official Guide to The 2022 Election”and note that the AEC is continuing the give the impression that in order to have a formal vote for the Senate , at least 6 above ,or at least 12 below the line boxes MUST be marked.THIS is NOT TRUE…..I quote the Electoral act ,and this is confirmed in the “Scrutineers Handbook”(p38 in the current edition), According to the Electoral act Part XVIII The scrutiny, Secs 268Aand 269 (Despite what you will be told at the polling pace) a vote in the senate is NOT INFORMAL if…..”.268A(b)if there are more than 6 squares printed on the ballot paper below the line -the voter has consecutively numbered any of those squares from 1 to 6 (whether or not the voter has also included one or more higher numbers in those squares)” AND “sec 269(1)(b) the voter has marked the number 1,or the number 1 and one or more higher numbers,in squares printed on the ballot paper above the line.” SO For a FORMAL vote only 2squares above the line OR 6 squares below the line are required to satisfy the requirements as detailed in The Act. To add insult to injury in this matter, if you carry out a “practice” vote on the AEC site for the senate using any of these options the “result” displayed is that this vote is incorrect and”WILL NOT BE COUNTED”!!!!!!!!?????????WHY is this so??????
That does not explain what the consequences of indicating MORE THAN 12 preferences below the line on the Senate ballot?
your vote keeps moving down the list until the last number. If your final preference (whatever the number it is) is eliminated your vote goes to no one.
D69 is correct and I don’t know why incorrect advice is given on the ballot. It is even done on this site where you can practice voting.
My concern is that a vote is FORMAL if less than the “Instructed” number of squares is marked.The scrutineers Handbook even instructs scrutineers to treat such votes as formal(Page 38) This ,to me is a failure of giving the voter full disclosure of their options by the institution charged with conducting the ballot this information being actively concealed.This ,in my opinion, must throw considerable doubt as to whether or not the election can be considered to have been democratic.
A rule of scrutineering (I’ve done it once) is to prioritise the voter’s intention. If the intention is obvious and accepted by multiple scrutineers it is a formal vote.
“You have been sat to long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!.”
B t serf,….
….., but to be relaced by who ?….that is the critical point !
Currently, i see no advantage in any of the options 😱🥺
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book about Fauci and the mismanagement of COVID in general is truly amazing.
“The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”.
In fact, if the documented early banning of effective treatments against COVID is not a crime against humanity, I don’t know what is.
Everyone needs to read this, and especially those in the medical profession and every politician, public serpent and “journalist” who suppressed information about the safe treatment of COVID.
Interestingly, our TGA and state “health” agencies followed Fauci’s advice just about to the letter, even to the point of not recommending Vitamin D in deficient people (which would be most people) to boost immunity.
Highly recommended.
And before any Leftists pronounce their standard insults that Kennedy is an “old white heterosexual male tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist” etc. he has impeccable Democrat credentials, at least the old-style Democrat credentials when they had some semblance of normality, decency and common sense before they went fully woke.
Incidentally, the book is heavily referenced if you want to check any claims. And despite 480 pages, it is beautifully written and very easy to read. It’s hard to put down.
Imagine the broader educational value for any first year university student if this book became compulsory reading. It couldn’t but cause them to doubt everything they were subjected to in the lecture hall. Great book. Well written. It’s bottom line: we excel in repeating the mistakes of the past.
Pfizer vaccine documents are lies, fraudulent and misinformation. Do not believe them
The NZ Ministry of Health only wants people to trust government released information.
Get Woke, Go Broke: Sports Illustrated Puts Big Girl and 74-Year-Old on Cover of Swimsuit Issue
Another slap in face of their readers.
Sports Illustrated put a dangerously obese woman and a 74-year-old dietician on the cover of the coveted Swimsuit Issue this year.
Competitive TimTam eating perhaps. 😅
Jordan Peterson just got himself into trouble by saying he did not think the obese one was beautiful.
‘Safe place’: Australian Museum defends allowing man in lingerie play with Lego at children’s event
The Australian Museum in Sydney has defended offering a “safe place where everyone feels welcome” after a man wearing women’s lingerie was photographed playing with Lego next to children.
What’s next? Public orgies at the museum?
The insanity hss reached Oz…
We all knew it wasn’t going to stop at the “yes” vote.
Imagine the outrage if museum management tried to stop the lingerie-wearing man from playing in the children’s area…
I’m old enough to remember “We just want the right to do as we please in our own bedroom”.
Gee. That’s a long time ago.
Safe for whom, certainly not the kids playing Lego
That is utterly repellant.
For some reason the best people to read to infants are drag queens ….who would have thought ?
Expect the first attempts at forcing Australians into accepting Digital Identity and CBDC’s after the election
There’s been a lot of talk from the WEF and co recently about the Digital Identity program, which is currently floating around in the background at Australia Post and Digital Passenger Cards for entering the country. In my view, vaccine passports were purely a trial run for this technology and the only reason vaccine passports are being dropped – the infrastructure for digital identity and central bank digital currencies is ready to go.
It’s too late to stop it now.
Yes, Australia has proved it’s wokeness to the globalists on many levels. It is a test case.
And there is this from Smirko
What are you going to post about next week MP?
Ding dong the witch is dead.
Can I carry on until then?
Just looking up how much debt Scotty from the trading post has racked up in his time as bagman.
What diverted me away from my mission was the % of GDP, the rate of increase.
The fake conservative scomo carries on regularly about preserving Australia’s sovereignty and then backs handing more control to these evil, rich, global organisations.
I think he’s trying to lose the election. Should have been easy but the imbecile from the other mob is a spitting, dribbling, walking disaster.
Albanese is a disgrace and an embarrassment, but he has the Greens, a lot of the media, plus the ABC on his side, so it’s not looking good for the LNP.
Morrison is a sell-out and a failure.
The wretched Climate 200 puppets will no doubt win a few seats for their masters, because imbeciles think that millionaires will act in the interests of the populace.
Whoever wins, Australia is stuffed, it’s only the speed of the decline that changes.
Ministers refuse to release details of cyber attacks hitting Scottish public bodies once a month
Scottish public bodies have been hit by a cyber attack at a rate of one every month since the start of 2021, new figures suggest, but ministers say the public should not be told about the impact to services or budgets.
Don’t think because you don’t hear about them that they aren’t happening and being covered up. 😉
Hunter Biden Emails Reveal He Fathered Child With ANOTHER Prostitute, Left Her Desperate and Addicted to Narcotics – Media Blackout
Newly released Hunter Biden emails reveal the president’s son fathered another child with a drug-addicted prostitute and then left her homeless and begging for help.
Media blackout?
I’ll fix that 😅
Fauci Vows To Resign If Trump Is Re-elected President
On Sunday, Dr Anthony Fauci vowed that if Trump shoud return to the White House he would be heading straight for the exit.
…and moving to the most remote place on Earth where he can never be found or extradited from…
Why is he trying to get Trump elected?
“that if Trump should return to the White House he would be heading straight
forthe exit”to jail !!61
Rumour has it that that would be near the core.
Does he really want to go to any country that would allow him in?
Russian hackers declare war on 10 countries after failed Eurovision DDoS attack
Russian-linked hackers have claimed to have disrupted the infrastructure of Italy’s State Police anti-cyber crime arm after it thwarted hacking attempts on the Eurovision Song Contest.
Hackers from the Killnet group announced in the early hours of Monday morning that claims made by Italian State Police referred to the disruption of cyber attacks over the weekend were false.
Maybe Albanese has a plan 😅
Cyber attack threat intensifies as firms warned a single attack can be fatal
Businesses have been warned they are one cyber attack from being “financial rubble” amid a huge rise in the threat.
Insurance group Hiscox have issued the results of its Cyber Readiness Report which found that one in 5 (20%) of businesses across 8 countries said that a cyber attack rendered them almost insolvent.
I have an idea. Let’s all go digital! 😅😅
Sen. Malcolm L. Roberts: “It was their intention to use virus to control people”
To the Prime Minister, the health minister, the federal health department and all those in the Senate and
the House of Representatives—all of you who have perpetrated this crime—I direct one question: how the hell do you expect to get away with it?
We’re not going to let you get away with it. We won’t let you get away with it. We are coming for you.
We have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will.”
Well well, what do we have here?
A ram amongst the corrupt sheep?
A polly with integrity who wants to bring these criminals to justice?
Criminals that would otherwise enjoy an immune-from-prosecution, taxpayer funded retirement with exhorbitant indexed income with an long list of other taxpayer funded benefits which they don’t deserve.
I like this guy! ☺
Those two working together. Great.
Thanks J C II.
Dave B
PCR Madness: FDA Authorizes at Home PCR Test That Can Detect and Differentiate Between SARS-CoV-2, Flu, and RSV
A PCR test that can detect and differentiate between SARS-CoV-2, the flu, and RSV finally exists.
On Monday (May 16), the FDA authorized the Labcorp Seasonal Respiratory Virus RT-PCR DTC Test for people to use at home without needing a prescription.
The tests are for those feeling sick with respiratory viral symptoms and can identify “influenza A and B, commonly known as the flu, respiratory syncytial virus, commonly known as RSV, along with SARS-CoV-2,” the FDA said.
DR R.Fuellmich.
How the PCR test was used as the basis for the WHO declaring a “Pandemic”
“it cannot be used for diagnostic purposes” because it “cannot distinguish between dead & live matter” & might pick up remnants of the “fight against the flu or the common cold”.
Wow! A test that can distinguish…
Now all we need is a Tardis and go back 2 years…
Mobile Nanobots for Prevention of Root Canal Treatment Failure
Millions of root canal treatments fail worldwide due to remnant bacteria deep in the dentinal tubules located within the dentine tissue of human teeth. The complex and narrow geometry of the tubules renders current techniques relying on passive diffusion of antibacterial agents ineffective. Here, the potential of actively maneuvered nanobots is investigated to disinfect dentinal tubules, which can be incorporated during a standard root canal procedure. It is demonstrated that magnetically driven nanobots can reach the depths of the tubules not possible with current clinical practices.
Mysterious ‘ghost island’ appears and then disappears on Google Maps, confusing scientists
There is a ‘ghost island’ in the South Pacific that has puzzled geographers for years now.
That ‘island’ was supposed to be a small strip of land, named Sandy Island. It is present on many types of maps, including Google maps, but it is extremely mysterious.
On Google Earth, people will see this ‘island’ located between Australia and New Caledonia. It’s a dark streak, but there’s not much detail on the island like the nearby islands, making it even more eerie.
You can see it on the map, but when you get there, you can’t see it.
Maria Seton of the University of Sydney told AFP: ‘We wanted to check because it (the island) is on Google Earth and other maps. But it turned out that there were no islands there. We were very surprised. So how did it show up on the maps? Unknowingly, this is strange’.
A confused scientist…
I am surprised that anyone is surprised.
The island never existed.
It was chartered as a mistake by Captain Cook or others then somehow got incorporated into Google maps.
There was a YouTube video several years ago explaining it but I can’t find it right now.
It is not a mystery.
Sea level rises first victim, news at 7.
Was that the couple of houses that were taken by the sea in the US? Built on a low sand dune, just a metre or so above sea level? Open to the Atlantic? And close to small waves on a small sea?
Climate change, or bad decision making?
Dave B
Anyone that thinks sand dunes are stable, doesn’t know how they got there. !
Some say China already has a runway and military base constructed there already
There is a Wikipedia entry for this non-island.
And the video I mentioned.
Singapore in emergency phase as dengue cases race past 2021 total and cross the 8,000 mark
SINGAPORE, May 15 (The Straits Times/ANN): The number of dengue cases in Singapore has crossed the 8,000 mark in the first five months of 2022, exceeding the 5,258 cases reported in the whole of 2021.
This is worrying as the traditional peak dengue season between June and October has yet to arrive, said Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Desmond Tan during a media site visit to Woodsvale Condominium on Saturday
New strain of dengue virus discovered in Brazil
Genotype 2, also known as global genotype, is the most prevalent strain of dengue virus in the world, but has never been found in Brazil, which is currently experiencing an outbreak with more than 500,000 cases recorded between January and April.
The discovery represents the first official record of this strain in South America and the second in the Americas, where there was an outbreak of this subtype in Peru in 2019. Currently, dengue virus known as serotype 3 genotype 2, or Asian genotype, predominates in Brazil.
Dengue cases rising markedly in good old India (😮) too amongst numerous other countries.
As I predicted would happen weeks ago…
I might have to start charging for info 😅
Why is it so?
Bill Gates is the GMO mozzie king.
WHO’s Grand Play for World Power
They have succeeded in brainwashing many. Social media went to cancel anyone posting about its abuse. This was the classic Fascist act of manipulating the news to force acceptance. This was all about conditioning the people for what they have been planning from day one — a POWER GRAB.
A one-world government would NEVER succeed. This is all going to end very badly, and that is the downside of 2032. Bill Gates is the new Doctor Evil, criticizing people who did not get vaccinated because of conspiracy theories. The ONLY people I know who died of COVID-19 or were injured were all VACCINATED.
They KNOW we’re approaching the singularity event, they KNOW they can’t change the outcome of current events, they KNOW the great awakening is their undoing, but they keep going anyway…
Berenson, the internet’s wrongest man, is saying Musk won’t be buying Twitter as the percentage of bogus accounts is in contention.
It is clear Musk want’s to know how many accounts are bots. He says it is more than 5% so he is overpaying. The real number could be far higher than that.
Twit bills advertisers based on potential eyeballs so of course he wants to know.
Musk wants Twitter CEO to publicly show proof the platform has less than 5% spam accounts.
CEO puts out a multi tweet word salad about false accounts, Musk responds with the poo emoji and asks the simple question how do advertisers know they are getting the number of real user views they are paying for?
The new US press secretary
As pathetic as Aussie politicians…
Look at her reading the answers, more theatre.
A classic example of a quota hire.
They ticked numerous boxes for supposed “victimhood”, e.g gender, race, LGBTIQXYZ, born in Collectivité territoriale de Martinique, Haitian Creole speaker etc..
Competence had nothing to do with it.
Apparently Farcebook now considers the term “pom” as the slang term for an Englishman in Aus/NZ to be “hate speech”.
It depends on how it’s said; I often refer to myself as a Pom!
The vast majority of Brits feel the same. Those who took offence repaid their ten quid and returned.
Good thing Farcebook can’t hear what me and one of my English-born friends call each other! 😉
They would not be amused.
I got 2 days on the bench for that
Then a week for using “gutless” to describe those still buying Russian oil and gas
( yet when every obscenity know to man gets thrown my way for “denying climate change” or questioning that Australia belongs only to certain people- crickets )
Just waiting for a better alternative to FB
I’m sure it’s not far away
At one stage the toilet paper in some US motels was the brand “Pom”.
I thought that they might be able to drum a modest export market in Oz.
Not our pom mates as well!
Do people still get the common cold or flu, or is it just ‘rona?
Has anyone looked at the average electricity price on aemo, filtered to annual? It goes back to 2017…the average price today is less. I can’t marry this up with the expensive spot prices im seeing and the articles by jo and Rafe highlighting how expensive it has become. Thoughts?
No but I see the poster child for unreliable expensive intermittent power is struggling again , or is that still !
Right now the only extension cord from south Oz into Victoriastan is maxed out but the fuel mix is showing zero coal , AEMO doing some creative accounting because wind is down again ?
yes they appear to leave the fuel source in the State of Origin rather than proportioning it to the interconnected State. Much easier, and of course quite convenient when trying to sell SA as an “RE” leader. Similar to the wishful thinking shell game the ACT.
Resisting Woke: How to Fight Back
Emma is an excellent commentator.
thankyou for posting
“If Bill Gates and the WHO are allowed to take control of international pandemic policy we’re in deep trouble, says Dan Wootton”
Remember those ongoing hole fixes for Windows?
Wadeye was created in the middle of nowhere to give local Aboriginals a ‘better’ life. Now there’s 22 clans at war in the township – and there’s no end in sight to the brutal violence
. Remote Northern Territory township has been torched as rival clans clash
. Savage gangs arms with machetes, axes and hammers roam the local streets
. One man died after being speared in head and another shot by a bow and arrow
. Hundreds are now hiding out in the bush after being burned out of their homes
. Town home to heavy metal gangs Megadeath Mob, Slayer Boys, Kylie Girls
There was never much in Wadeye, a remote township 420 km south-west of Darwin. It only got its first coffee shop a few years ago. It still doesn’t have a public toilet.
But after days of brutal clan warfare, there’s even less there now.
About 500 people have fled the township of 4,000 to hide out in surrounding bush after the savage violence erupted and left them homeless.
Famous for its gangs named after heavy metal groups or performers – like the Slayer Mob, Judas Priest Boys, Metallica Mob and, for female locals, the Celine Dion gang, the Kylie Girls and the Madonna Mob – Wadeye has been riven by violence for decades.
But in the latest eruption, one man, 32, is dead, allegedly speared through the head, and another is seriously injured after being shot by a bow and arrow.
Frightening photographs from the township – which is the Northern Territory’s biggest Aboriginal community – have revealed the extent of the war between the tribal rivals.
Likened by some to ‘the Wild West’, Wadeye has seen pitched battles after dark between rival gang members wheeling around the streets and setting houses and vehicles alight.
About 100, or a quarter, of all homes in Wadeye have been damaged or destroyed.
Wadeye is one of the largest Aboriginal communities in the NT and home to 22 clans and seven language groups.
Gangs of locals armed with axes, hammers, iron bars and machetes have roamed the streets searching for victims, with authorities apparently powerless to stop them.
About 40 houses have been torched and abandoned, with some armed thugs posing for pictures in front of the burning properties.
Shocking video footage showed locals looting buildings, snatching expensive computer equipment and then jubilantly destroying it.
The Northern Territory government has now sent a taskforce into the area to offer food, shelter and support to the hundreds of desperate locals surviving on their wits in makeshift bush camps.
But back in Wadeye, formerly known as Port Keats, tensions remain high.
Those peace loving ‘first nations’ people must have been infiltrated by Trump supporters.
The violence between different tribes in past history is well documented . There was never a “first nation” only warring tribes. One consolation in modern times is they probably are not eating the flesh of their enemies as in days past.
Remarkably quiet about this in the lead up to the election
At Least 300 Azov Fighters Surrender To Russians At Azovstal Plant, Ending Lengthy Siege
Widespread reports say that some 300 Ukrainian fighters have laid down their weapons and emerged from the cavernous facility. “More than 260 Ukrainian soldiers were evacuated from the besieged Azovstal steel plant in the port city of Mariupol,” Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Ganna Malyar said. Another “53 heavily wounded (soldiers) were evacuated from Azovstal to the medical mortgage near Novoazovsk for medical aid,” according to Malyar’s statement.
Azov issued a statement on Telegram saying they are “implementing the approved decision of the Supreme Military Command” in order to “save lives”.
And the Russian side has since confirmed that “An agreement has been reached on the removal of the wounded,” according to a Russian defense ministry statement. “A humanitarian corridor has been opened through which wounded Ukrainian servicemen are being taken to a medical facility in Novoazovsk.”
Russian media is also widely reporting the surrender at Azovstal, with RT airing some of the first footage of the evacuation of the last fighters to leave…
Crucially, Novoazovsk – where the wounded Ukrainian fighters are being taken – is in Russian-controlled territory about 40km east of Mariupol. The surrendered troops are reportedly now in the custody of the pro-Moscow Donetsk People’s Republic. Likely Kiev will seek to negotiate their return for captured Russians currently in Ukrainian military custody.
Azov battalion, which has long been widely acknowledged even in prior mainstream media reporting as a neo-Nazi group, is asking the Ukrainian public for continued “support” – given this surrender (after previously vowing multiple to times to ‘fight till the end’) will likely be viewed by some as premature capitulation.
Lol! The Russians will swap the Ukrainian regular forces for Russian prisoners, but the Nazis are going to be tried in the Donbass, where hanging is still legal. The Brits, Americans and assorted Euros in there… Who knows, all cards in Mt Putin’s hands now.
There must be another thousand men under there still, the die-hards in the Azov and foreign fighters desperate not to get caught. They said there was a retired American General in the group that surrendered, but there is likely non-retired American officers in there.
Escobar: Death By A Thousand Cuts – Where Is The West’s Ukraine Strategy?
The pounding, daily western narratives on ‘Ukrainian wins’ and ‘Russian losses’ underpins the lack of an actual, cohesive Grand Strategy against Moscow…
While we are all familiar with Sun Tzu, the Chinese general, military strategist and philosopher who penned the incomparable Art of War, less known is the Strategikon, the Byzantium equivalent on warfare.
Sixth century Byzantium really needed a manual, threatened as it was from the east, successively by Sassanid Persia, Arabs and Turks, and from the north, by waves of steppe invaders, Huns, Avars, Bulgars, semi-nomadic Turkic Pechenegs and Magyars.
Byzantium could not prevail just by following the classic pattern of Roman Empire raw power – they simply didn’t have the means for it.
So military force needed to be subordinate to diplomacy, a less costly means of avoiding or resolving conflict. And here we can make a fascinating connection with today’s Russia, led by President Vladimir Putin and his diplomacy chief Sergei Lavrov.
But when military means became necessary for Byzantium – as in Russia’s Operation Z – it was preferable to use weaponry to contain or punish adversaries, instead of attacking with full force.
Strategic primacy, for Byzantium, more than diplomatic or military, was a psychological affair. The word Strategia itself is derived from the Greek strategos – which does not mean “General” in military terms, as the west believes, but historically corresponds to a managerial politico-military function.
It all starts with si vis pacem para bellum: “If you want peace prepare for war.” Confrontation must develop simultaneously on multiple levels: grand strategy, military strategy, operative, tactical.
Those clueless Pentagon and CIA ‘experts’
On Operation Z, the Russians revel in total strategic ambiguity, which has the collective west completely discombobulated. The Pentagon does not have the necessary intellectual firepower to out-smart the Russian General Staff. Only a few outliers understand that this is not a war – since the Ukraine Armed Forces have been irretrievably routed – but actually what Russian military and naval expert Andrei Martyanov calls a “combined arms police operation,” a work-in-progress on demilitarization and denazification.
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is even more abysmal in terms of getting everything wrong, as recently demonstrated by its chief Avril Haines during her questioning on Capitol Hill. History shows that the CIA strategically blew it all the way from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq. Ukraine is no different.
Ukraine was never about a military win. What is being accomplished is the slow, painful destruction of the European Union (EU) economy, coupled with extraordinary weapons profits for the western military-industrial complex and creeping security rule by those nations’ political elites.
The latter, in turn, have been totally baffled by Russia’s C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) capabilities, coupled with the stunning inefficiency of their own constellation of Javelins, NLAWs, Stingers and Turkish Bayraktar drones.
Arguably the best example is the fate of Azov neo-Nazis at Azovstal in Mariupol – the best-equipped unit of the Ukrainians, hands down. In the end they were totally outmatched by anumerically inferior Russian/Chechen Spetsnaz contingent, and in record time for such a big city.
An expression for directing dirt with a shovel is “shooting”
The YSM on Ukraine brings to mind a version of that, which is
“Couldn’t shoot sh-i-t with a shovel”
Interesting article.
Decarbonisation: A doubter’s guide for conservative investors
Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Protection Against Omicron Fades Just Weeks After Second And Third Doses, Study Finds
Robert Hart Forbes Staff
the subject is not (new) news.. what’s news is the publisher – Forbes.
I have been wondering about the marketing genius behind Joe Biden’s slurs of “Ultra MAGA Republicans” and the “Ultra MAGA agenda” along with the slur of Donald Trump himself as “MAGA King.” I have accordingly dug out the choices presented to the focus groups “helmed” by Anita Dunn, the Krupskaya of a leftist DC power couple of many talents.
In its story on the origins of “Ultra MAGA Republicans,” the Washington Post used the word “helmed” to describe Krupskaya’s role in the project. I thought that “helmed” was a usage reserved exclusively to Variety for show business coverage, but now everything is show business. Politics is famously described as show business for ugly people.
This weekend I tracked down knowledgeable sources who cannot be identified because of the “sensitivity” of the work. Or was that “stupidity”? I can’t read my own notes.
In any event, my sources have confided that the focus groups were presented with the following slurs that might be heaped on the GOP to blacken them in the eyes of the American people:
Whoresons and daughters
Dangerous dingbats
Nasty nuts
Pusillanimous putzes
Never MAGA-nificent
Puny pillocks
Fallacious failures
Phonies and fakers
Ninnies and nincompoops
Super mega MAGA
The alliterative entries were found amusing rather than scary. “Never MAGA-nificent” gave rise to groans among the focus groups. The focus group members also worried that “Super mega MAGA” sounded like a superhero. As they deliberated over the choices presented, however, “Ultra MAGA” was suggested and favored as an acceptable alternative.
Once the focus groups settled on “Ultra MAGA” as the preferred slur, the team presented another set of choices to be applied to Trump himself for the consideration of the focus groups. Whatever the choice, it was understood that the slur would have to serve as a substitute for stating Trump’s name. The marketing team worked hard to come up with these choices for the consideration of the focus groups:
Mr. Poopy Head
Big Hair Guy
BFF of the MyPillow Guy
Damn dictator
Fake mogul millionaire
The MAGA maniac
The megalomaniacal MAGA man
The MAGA monomaniac
Mad MAGA Max
Mister MAGA
No one was really happy with any of these. After settling on “Ultra MAGA” in the first round, the marketing gurus leaned toward a “MAGA” variation. “The MAGA maniac” was rejected as too harsh. “Mister MAGA” was rejected as too respectful. “Mad MAGA Max” was rejected as too obscure. “The megalomaniacal MAGA man” and “The MAGA monomaniac” were rejected as polysyllabic.
“MAGA King” was the compromise choice.
How juvenile. Focus groups really? Like there’s nothing more important to focus on?
The dont do anything right and dont do the right things
I’ve only been watching Giles for a short time, but this is the first time I’ve seen any rain nearby.
(Might be gone by the time you open the link.)
Dave B
I clicked and it looks like there’s rain about.
Not so common in those parts?
The Eye of Frog Forecast says a wet trend beginning from 13/7, and lasting till early July.
Duh! Wet trend beginning 13/5 /2022 and ending early July ’22
Giles was once a manned Met station. Knew some gents that had to do a stretch out there.
It’s a serious met station. Still staffed when I visited there in 2018. They publicly release weather balloons daily and invite tourists to watch.
did you come in via Gunbarrel or Great Central?
In seeking to demean Trump, The Wall Street Journal demeans itself
No good will come of the effort.”
That was the considered judgment of The Wall Street Journal in its May 16 editorial, “The House Subpoena Wars,” calling into question the legality of the subpoenas issued to five House Republicans by the Jan.6 inquisition panel.
Why then did the editorial reach out to smear former president Trump for his “monumental failure of character and duty in not moving to stop the [Capitol] riot”? ABC News, no friend to Donald Trump, reported that a bipartisan Senate committee issued a report, June 2021, finding that the Capitol Police failed to act on intelligence warning about January 6 protests.
Who is responsible for the Capitol Police? Not the head of the Executive Branch.
An article in USA Today refuted the argument that the Capitol Police are answerable to Speaker Pelosi. This article suggested that the Capitol Police are answerable to the Capitol Police Board — and various committees of the House and Senate.
Whoever is in charge of the Capitol Police, it is not the president. Clearly, Congress, not the president — if the USA Today article is correct — had the responsibility to move to stop the tumult. Why does The Wall Street Journal continue to blame Donald J. Trump for January 6?
Apparently because that is the general narrative of the media, and the Journal lacks the fortitude to stray from the media’s anti-Trump line. This line is apparent in media articles acknowledging that President Trump urged the January 6 protesters to go home in peace but adds the propaganda line that he encouraged the disturbance at the Capitol.
Merrick Garland Refuses to Prosecute Protesters Terrorizing Supreme Court Justices
May 16, 2022
On Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to answer a basic question about whether or not he would be prepared to prosecute protesters who are attempting to intimidate Supreme Court justices outside their homes.
As reported by Just The News, there is a federal law on the books that strictly forbids coordinated efforts to intimidate judges. U.S. code 1507 states that anyone who “pickets or parades” in the vicinity of “a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer,” with the clear “intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer,” will face a fine, or be “imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
As such, Governors Glenn Youngkin (R-Va.) and Larry Hogan (R-Md.), in whose states the majority of Supreme Court justices currently reside, have asked Garland’s Department of Justice (DOJ) to enforce the law by arresting and prosecuting such protesters. Republican lawmakers have made similar demands.
But at an event on Friday at the National Mall for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, when Garland was asked about enforcing this law, he simply responded “Sorry. I’m here for the memorial.
And to think that Obama nominated this partisan disgrace to sit on SCOTUS….
You expected “other competencies”?
During the the latest Supreme Court confirmation hearings, leftist protesters trespassed in the capitol chambers and attempted to disrupt the proceeding. The media’s and the Democrats response and treatment of those people was very different than the Jan 6th protesters.
What’s on Your Mind Joe? – I Dunno, I Haven’t Read It Yet
I Don’t have a Brain, but I get my 10 percent
a report thats been getting around from a French medic that has recently come back from Ukraine
there is a lot of these sort of story’s coming out and l imagine there will be plenty more
Sounds like a pro Russian spinning propaganda to me .
So you prefer pro-US/Biden propaganda?
How do you figure it is a binary choice with those the only two options?
Binary, how progressive.
What are the other options?
First casualty of war is the truth , both sides have been engaged in propaganda I have no doubt about that but the exact extent from either side is hard to prove . From what little I’ve seen that has clear video footage the Russians have been shooting at civilians of that there is no doubt .
Also correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Russia invade Ukraine and is there any doubt as to the devastation the Russians have unleashed on the towns and cities of Ukraine .
“Sounds like a pro Russian spinning propaganda to me .”
that statement seems logical and makes a lot of sence [snip].
here is a video of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion soldiers shooting Russian POW prisoners in the knees and groin that was posted by the Nazi Azov battalion guys because they are so F’n stupid they brag about their war crimes that backs up what the French guy is saying
please be warned and aware this is a very sick and troubling video, not for the faint hearted
Can we please keep the Russia-Ukraine comments strictly civil. No personal attacks please. The whole topic will have to be shut down if moderation becomes a headache.
There is propaganda on both sides (obviously).
are you for real? my reply was as stated sarcasm,
what l wrote was very soft sarcasm compared to what others write as insults to others on the forum that never gets edited or moderated like l seem to be, or so it seems, what l wrote was not a personal attack it was in fact satire showing l disagree with what was written that sounded like ignorance from not doing any research before typing, what l added shows truth in what the first link states from different sources that show it may not be propaganda at all, especially when you can see for yourself a Ukrainian soldier shooting POWs in the knees like was reported
and how patronising to think l have not looked into both sides seeing propaganda from both sides before posting something l think is very important to this side of the story that is not being reported on MSM
l thought an all current news was welcome in an open thread
I have seen that footage also, have to ask yourself why would solders committing war crimes allow it to be filmed, this was not hidden cam footage. As it was the the same as the frog speaks of, I think it was his footage. He was running humanitarian aid to Kiev, why, every politician in the world has caught the train to Kiev and you know if Bono rocks up its propaganda.
Hollywood do this sort of thing all the time and it looks real.
I have watched live cams since the start all throughout Ukraine, I have not seen anything, though I did see one army truck with an empty trailer drive through Kiev, it had a Z on it, in Kiev.
Ask yourself why would the Russians paint letters from the English alphabet on their equipment, is it so it is easily identified to the viewers. There is no Z or V in the Russian alphabet?
I have seen photo’s of Russian convoys burnt out in wooded streets, the over hanging trees unscathed, unburnt.
This whole war is made for a TV audience, you really do have to question everything and believe nothing.
As for censorship, my stuff gets canned all the time, move on.
What you might call “Painting a scene”
“‘Not The Best Look’: Reuters Report On Ukraine Driving Russian Soldiers Out Includes Glaring Photographic Mistake”
Lol! What bullshit this is-
““Frontline journalism right now is so scarce in Ukraine that Reuters is illustrating stories about actual combat with photos of Ukrainian forces training using paintball guns,” he said.”
Everywhere the soldiers go they take footage on their phones, there are hundreds of videos from them and just as many from the public. Reuters have been busted for faking photos before, and they could easily use selfie videos if it suited their agenda.
Russia will win the military action, but America has won the propaganda war. If you don’t read websites from a range of involved people in Eastern Europe you will carry a completely false idea of what is happening.
“Russians have been shooting at civilians of that there is no doubt”
There is plenty of doubt about that thrown-in statement. The Russians quite accurately take out Ukrainian military targets, so naturally the Ukies set up in schools, residential apartment blocks and hospitals. Now the Russians are pushing the Ukies out of a lot of towns, the stories they film from the residents about what happened when the Ukie army drove in are quite horrific. Consider the incentives involved. The Russians don’t want Ukrainians to hate them, they are fighting in a pro-Russia part of Ukraine. The Ukrainian army, on the other hand, has been shelling civilians in that part of Ukraine for nearly 10years.
I have found there are 2 sides to every story and given Biden/US Involvement in Ukraine in 2014, I tend to lean towards pieces like below from someone who
while the numbers and pictures coming across the border just 100 kilometres away from my home told an opposite story.
Howell Woltz is an American author living in Warsaw, Poland, whose work focuses on America’s system of justice and the negative effects of Progressivism on free nations and their people.
By Howell Woltz -May 18, 2022
Meet Trudeau’s Canadian general Trevor Cadieu—captured by Russian forces in Mariupol—now in Moscow awaiting trial
A military officer’s oath is for life, so one could rightly suspect that the crapstorm Trudeau’s Trevor Cadieu, The Biden Crime family’s, Admiral Eric Thor Olson, and BoJo’s LTC John Bailey just stirred up, was with their consent.
Numerous headlines read, “U.S. Admiral Surrenders to Russia in Mariupol, Ukraine.” What they missed is that U.S. Lt. Gen. Roger Cloutier was also captured at Azovstal and is now headed for Moscow to be put on trial as an international terrorist as well.
“Reports have been circulating much of today (Sunday, May 15, 2022) claiming that a U.S. Military Commander surrendered to Russian forces from the Azovstal Steel Mill in Mariupol, Ukraine.”
The above photo was published by Yahoo News as evidence of their ridiculous story that Ukraine is somehow winning just yesterday—which is impossible at this point.
From the Globalist’s Magazine, Foreign Policy, to the Mockingbird media pom-pom anchors every morning, to the pathetic Atlantic Magazine, they’ve all been singing the same, “Ukraine is winning!” tune, ad nauseam while the numbers and pictures coming across the border just 100 kilometres away from my home told an opposite story.
Sorry to disappoint the Zelenskyy fanboys and U.S. politicians laundering money there—but these high-ranking officers from Canada, Britain and the U.S., surrendering to the FSB and now on their way to trial in Moscow—is a humiliating defeat unlike any I’ve seen.
By Howell Woltz -May 16, 2022
I’m so glad you asked, as there is almost nothing we can do, but we have some unexpected allies in stopping the provocation that NATO and America’s uniparty of Marxist Dems and RINOs – the ones trying to provoke WW III – may not have expected to object to their plot.
But let’s start with a few NATO facts:
FACT – It takes all 30 members of NATO to unanimously approve the addition of a new member, which is in this case the non-nation of Ukraine.
There are also certain requirements of a financial nature – including actual nationhood – and a test for corruption.
FACTS – Ukraine (a territory, not a nation) is kept alive at this point by the corrupt Biden regime trying to start a war there to cover up its own crimes, and Ukraine is rated as the third most corrupt place on earth.
Ukraine can’t pass the fitness test – and its pimp-maestro, Zelenskyy, is demanding $12 billion per month from his fanboys to keep the doors open to their money laundering/p@do paradise – and it looks like he gets it!
And in doing so, they are driving those of us who will die first headlong into a conflict with one of the world’s nuclear powers of note – Russia.
EU and U.S. leaders openly encouraging more nations bordering Russia to enlarge NATO, will force Putin to act and do so decisively – which will likely involve EMPs exploded above European cities to knock out all communications.
Acting as the fuse in this game of international chicken – where two fools race toward certain death seeing who will veer first – both the Finnish and Swedish governments announced they want to slither into NATO as well.
The author ..Howell Woltz, seems to have an overt bias against Ukraine being a nation…
Old ozzie…
Please be more careful with your use of quotes and comments.
It is impossible at times to understand how much of your posts are quotes from other sources, and how much is your own comment !
Take this however. My cousins friend is Ukrainian, moved back years ago, he has not been able to contact her since the beginning of the war. Heard from her last week, they had been hiding out in the buildings basement and its not the Russians she was worried about.
View from the Other Side
It seems increasingly clear that the ‘Great Reset’ is now an ex conspiracy theory, are we ready to own nothing and be happy?
I will not comply no matter what they threaten me with, to the draconian demands that might be forthcoming from the approaching world hegemony, especially if and when we sign Geneva’s Global Pandemic Treaty.
Australia set to sign Geneva’s Global Pandemic Treaty
That’s the last straw for Australia. Our sovereignty will die under that new treaty.
‘UFOs ‘real, could pose national security threat.
‘US pilots have almost collided with UFOs at least 11 times, Congress is told in a rare public hearing that raises the possibility of alien life.’ (Oz)
Your tin foil hat is off centre……………Slightly left of centre!
Bloody conspiracy theorists.
The authorities have been keeping this under wraps for over half a century, because of religious sensitivities.
The people covering everything up are Godless, they would love nothing more then to destroy that belief.
Got another theory?
Maybe they have a Trans Alien Partnership
Tin foil hats are now fashionable.
‘Four in 10 Americans now think some UFOs that people have spotted have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies. This is up from a third saying so two years ago. Half, however, believe all such sightings can be explained by human activity or natural phenomena, while an additional 9% are unsure.’ (Gallup Poll)
Probably the Best Article I have seen that ScoMo’s Buy House from Super is a Good Idea – Surprisingly SMH
House now, super later: Life is too short to delay purchase
By Cameron Murray
In 2010, financial analyst Chris Joye proposed that superannuation funds should consider investing in housing equity. I opposed Joye’s idea because I was a fan of the super system and thought it would undermine super and increase house prices.
But it got me thinking more deeply about super and started my decade-long intellectual and personal journey that transformed me from a super fan to super’s biggest critic.
In 2010, I was 28 years old and had two children aged under three. I was just embarking on the parenting journey.
What I came to realise was that raising a family was expensive. Paying rent, paying super and saving for a home deposit all at the same time seemed totally ridiculous.
I needed money then, not later.
Worse, I had just seen my measly super lose 20 per cent of its value in the global financial crisis years. When I needed it most, my money was tied up in risky financial assets instead of being in my bank account.
As my kids have grown, I can now see the other side of parenting. I can see that when they finish high school in a few years our expenses will plummet. Yet our household income will be at its highest point ever.
The super system attempts to solve a lifecycle income problem – in retirement we need to spend but don’t work, and not everyone has non-work income sources like financial assets. But we already solved this problem with a new non-work source of income, the age pension. In fact, for the bottom quarter of households, when they go on the age pension they get a pay rise!
The bigger income problem is that young families have their highest expenses in their lowest income years. We help solve this with parenting payments and child allowances. But compulsory super works against this, reducing incomes in those years while also reducing the gains to working.
In 2020, 4.5 million people took nearly $40 billion out of their super in the early release scheme. It was clear to these millions of people that having their own money today was better for them. And I was one of them. That money helped me buy my own home and spend more on my family. If the opportunity came up again, I would repeat the exercise. As I suspect millions of others would.
In 2020, I had a health scare with suspected bowel cancer. I was only 38, but it is genetic. My father had a similar scare in his early 50s. What’s that got to do with super? Dead people don’t need super. One in 11 men don’t make it to age 60, and one in seven don’t make 66.
A happy life is not one where you can’t enjoy your money while you are young. It is a life in which you create great memories and social connections in your youth that stick with you when you are old, one in which you raise great children
My personal experience motivated my economic research, which resulted in a report in 2020 arguing that we should scrap super, pay it as wages, and let everyone take their money out of their fund gradually to spend as they please.
Everyone who has looked closely and objectively at the super system finds that it doesn’t make the age pension more sustainable. In fact, it makes the situation worse. The tax breaks to super are nearly $40 billion a year, and nearly $30 billion a year is paid in fees. The whole age pension system costs only $45 billion per year. Without super and its associated tax breaks, the federal government could afford higher pensions.
Even better than the Morrison government’s proposal of super-for-housing is super-for-anything — unwinding the super system altogether.
That wouldn’t mean people couldn’t save. They could. Just as they did before super.
It would just improve the budget, improve choice, improve fairness and improve the lifecycle of Australian families who need their money when they are young, not when they are old.
The only mystery is why our apparently left political party seems so intent on a high-fee privatised retirement system rather than boosting the only retirement system that actually works — the age pension.
Dr Cameron Murray is a research fellow, Henry Halloran Trust, the University of Sydney.
Science – Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga
The 15 January 2022 climactic eruption of Hunga volcano, Tonga, produced an explosion in the atmosphere of a size that has not been documented in the modern geophysical record. The event generated a broad range of atmospheric waves observed globally by various ground-based and spaceborne instrumentation networks. Most prominent is the surface-guided Lamb wave (≲0.01 Hz), which we observed propagating for four (+three antipodal) passages around the Earth over six days. Based on Lamb wave amplitudes, the climactic Hunga explosion was comparable in size to that of the 1883 Krakatau eruption. The Hunga eruption produced remarkable globally-detected infrasound (0.01–20 Hz), long-range (~10,000 km) audible sound, and ionospheric perturbations. Seismometers worldwide recorded pure seismic and air-to-ground coupled waves. Air-to-sea coupling likely contributed to fast-arriving tsunamis. We highlight exceptional observations of the atmospheric waves.
11 Page PDF –>
Giant Tonga Volcanic Eruption Was as Powerful as Krakatau in 1883, Scientists Reveal
17 MAY 2022
An underwater volcano erupted in January near the Pacific nation of Tonga and sent massive pressure waves racing through Earth’s atmosphere, where they lapped the planet several times.
The last volcano to generate such large ripples in the atmosphere was Krakatau in 1883, during one of the most destructive volcanic eruptions in recorded history, a new study shows.
“This atmospheric wave event was unprecedented in the modern geophysical record,” said first author Robin Matoza, an associate professor in the Department of Earth Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
The research, published Thursday (May 12) in the journal Science, revealed that the pressure pulse generated by the Tonga volcano was “comparable in amplitude to that of the 1883 Krakatau eruption and over an order of magnitude greater than that of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption,” Matoza told Live Science in an email.
The higher the amplitude of a wave, the more powerful it is.
A second study, also published May 12 in Science, suggested that this powerful pulse not only jiggled the atmosphere, but it also sent ripples racing across the ocean below.
In fact, the atmospheric waves generated small, fast-traveling meteotsunamis – meaning series of waves driven by air-pressure disturbances – which reached the shore hours before the conventional, seismically-driven tsunamis generated by the volcano’s blast.
These small “forerunner” tsunamis were observed all around the world, primarily in the Pacific Ocean, but also in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, surprisingly, said Tatsuya Kubota, a research fellow at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience in Japan and first author of the second study.
“The height of the ‘forerunner’ tsunamis … was approximately a few centimeters or so, although it depends on the location,” Kubota told Live Science in an email.
I feel a little puny with my piddlin’ CO2 footprint.
I haven’t seen any analyses on the CO2 content of that – another thing the models miss?
DANGER: The WHO’s Death Trap for the US
Act Fast: They Vote Next Week
This is a plan that Congress and the public need to fight vigorously.
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ing up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
. “On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization’s governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA).” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “This threat is contained in new amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations, proposed by the Biden administration, that are scheduled as ‘Provisional agenda item 16.2’ at the upcoming conference on May 22-28, 2022.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “The targeted nation is also required to send WHO any relevant genetic sequence data.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “Under the new regulations, WHO will not be required to consult with the identified nation beforehand to “verify” the event before taking action.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. Unfortunately, this “next pandemic” is neither far off nor a hypothetical “conspiracy theory.” According to multiple credible reports from the U.S. Department of State, to the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter Jennings, China has been preparing for bio-warfare using pathogens for more than six years.
. A WHO with expanded authority is a terrifying concept. Can you envision providing an international organization with the power to dictate how the U.S. should respond to a future pandemic? Perhaps by forcing the U.S. to turn over supplies and equipment to China because of its larger population? How about an international organization that would have the power to mandate whether we should be required to be vaccinated with a particular vaccine, say China’s inferior SINOVAC vaccine? Or imagine a WHO that has the power to impose what mandates or lockdowns a country would be required to impose, say like China’s current lockdown of Shanghai? Unfortunately, the WHO already has proven itself to be a willing organ of China’s Communist leaders. Providing it with international, legal binding authority over global pandemic response must never be allowed to happen.
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ing up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
The World Health Organization (WHO), the organization that has unhesitatingly been doing China’s bidding during the COVID pandemic, is reportedly now planning to orchestrate a massive new power grab to internationally control the response to any future global pandemic. The plan is apparently to make the health of Americans dependent on the whims of China — which is both actively seeking to displace the US as the world’s leading superpower and has for years been working on new means of bio-warfare.
The Biden administration is proposing a series of obscure, bureaucratic amendments to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) charter that would, among other things, give the UN outfit the power to declare a national health emergency in any country regardless if that country’s leaders agree.
That’s the same WHO that ran interference for China in 2020 when the U.S. and other countries were demanding an independent investigation into the source of the COVID-19 Pandemic that originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It’s also the same WHO from which President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. in 2020 and Biden rejoined in 2021.
Objective:Health – The WHO Pandemic Treaty: Bad News for National Sovereignty
Remember that time we all voted for the WHO to take on a dictatorial role over our countries to tell us what to do in the event of a pandemic under threat of punishment? Funny, neither do we.
And yet this is where we are. Allegedly 194 countries are poised to sign away there right to self govern in the event of a pandemic, completely giving up their national sovereignty, giving themselves over to the will of the World Health Organization.
Any country signing on to the legally binding pandemic “treaty” would be obligated to follow the dictates of the WHO any time they arbitrarily declare there to be a pandemic (or even the threat of a pandemic). No checks to their ultimate declarations, no questioning their instructions, no autonomy, no self-determination.
This isn’t a ‘conspiracy theory.’ This is real, and it’s happening right now while we’re all distracted by celebrity trials, abortion debates and wars in far off lands. If all goes according to their plans the proposed “instrument” will be presented for adoption at the 77th World Health Assembly in May of 2024.
“Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, is planning to discuss the potential withdrawal of the country from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), according to Pyotr Tolstoy, the vice speaker of the parliament.
Russia has just started the process to withdraw from Council of the Baltic Sea States.
Previously they canceled membership in the Council of Europe.”
Proverbial in fan if this is right
From the Globalist’s Magazine, Foreign Policy, to the Mockingbird media pom-pom anchors every morning, to the pathetic Atlantic Magazine, they’ve all been singing the same, “Ukraine is winning!” tune, ad nauseam while the numbers and pictures coming across the border just 100 kilometres away from my home told an opposite story.
Sorry to disappoint the Zelenskyy fanboys and U.S. politicians laundering money there—but these high-ranking officers from Canada, Britain and the U.S., surrendering to the FSB and now on their way to trial in Moscow—is a humiliating defeat unlike any I’ve seen.
It is so humiliating, because they deserve it.
The most amazing part of this story—now that Putin appears to be holding the cards—is his restraint.
Mainstream Media Covers Up Ukrainian Azov Surrender In Mariupol
Legacy media claims Ukraine simply ‘ended their combat mission’
264 Ukrainian soldiers, including 53 severely wounded ones, surrendered to Russian forces on Monday after months of being holed up in the Azovstal iron and steelworks plant in Mariupol, Ukraine.
However, if you were one of the millions of people around the world who only consume mainstream media, you’d likely think the Ukrainian military voluntarily retreated from the city after a job well done.
Dinosaur media outlets like CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times and several others framed the surrender as Ukraine troops “fulfilling their combat mission” or “ending” the battle and “evacuating” the Azovstal plant.
Perhaps global media is simply regurgitating what Ukrainian officials are reporting, as the Associated Press specifically noted, “Ukraine didn’t use the word ‘surrender.’”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called the surrender “a difficult day.”
A statement released by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine praised the soldiers who surrendered, saying, “The defenders of Mariupol are heroes of our time. They will forever be marked down in history. This includes the special ‘Azov’ unit, the 12th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the 36th Separate Brigade of Marines, border guards, police, volunteers, the Territorial Defense of Mariupol.”
US aid to Ukraine looks ‘like money laundering scheme’ – Congresswoman
American aid to Kiev goes to NGOs run by “friends and families” of US politicians, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene claims
The financial support America provides to Ukraine looks very much “like money laundering schemes,” Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has told ‘The Truth With Lisa Boothe’ podcast on Monday. The money supposedly destined for Ukrainians ends up in the pockets of “non-profits and NGOs” that are often run by people close to the politicians in Washington, Greene has claimed.
“They want to get $40 billion to Ukraine and you have these $40 billion on top of the money that have already been given. That brings it to $53 billion. That is over two thirds of the State Department’s entire budget for the year,” the congresswoman said, referring to the latest aid package that is currently going through the US Senate.
According to Greene, the US officials are doing this to eventually fund the NGOs operated by “their families and friends.” “It is basically like money laundering schemes,” she said.
The congresswoman believes these funds should be spent to deal with issues inside the US instead, including homelessness or human trafficking, which, according to Greene, have reached “record-high” levels.
Of the upcoming $40 billion aid package, $900 million is to be given to “qualified” organizations and NGOs for wraparound services, housing and medical services, the congresswoman said, adding that these organizations will be “eligible for any help the US government can give them.”
Washington also plans to provide $150 million for global agriculture and food programs at a time when US farmers are “on the verge of going out of business,” Greene said, adding that she has talked to the farmers in her district over the past week and found out they had been “hurt so badly by inflation and high fuel costs, chemicals and fertilizer costs… they are not breaking even.”
The congresswoman has also accused the US of being hypocritical about its alleged desire to “help the Ukrainian people.” Washington is being pouring money into Ukraine but is “totally ignoring” other conflicts around the world, she said, adding that “Ethiopia has a civil war right now, with thousands of people killed and millions displaced,” but the US pays little attention to this fact.
More Lol! Ukraine was set up as a money laundering scheme in 2014 when the Yanks drove out the elected pro-Russian Govt. The American State wanted to use Ukraine to destabilise Russia, the politicians wanted to do exactly as you describe. The Bidens have been into it for billions, the Hunter Biden laptop should have been the biggest news item of the century, but it was all buried.
Having Ukraine lose is bad for the politician’s pockets, but it suits the military complex as the stupid Euros will have to buy more weapons to replace the ones they donated to Ukraine and the manufacturers are already on a roll replacing American hardware.
Russia is flummoxing them, they are not going broke or breaking up. They have committed less than 25% of their armed forces and are making more money from oil & gas now than before. Europe looks like being the big loser after Zelensky.
A John Prine song has the line
“There’s a hole in Daddy’s arm where all the money goes”
Seems we have a similar national affliction –
Big Pharma-funded paper recommends taxing the unvaccinated
A new paper published by Oxford University’s Center for Business Taxation – Taxing the Unvaccinated: Externalities and Paternalism During the Pandemic 16 May 2022 Alice Pirlot Kristoffer Berg discusses – and in the end supports – the idea of a special tax levied on those who decline to be “vaccinated” against “Covid19”.
The paper’s authors argue that a vaccine-related tax would be “justified” because “Taxes on behaviour that is considered undesirable are nothing new”.
And that even if the “vaccines” do cause serious harm to some people…
“some states do adopt policies that can lead to serious harm in exceptional cases when they consider that the benefits outweigh the costs”.
Yes, you did read that right.
They go on to suggest all sorts of ways of correcting this “undesirable behaviour”, from straight taxation to tax credits for those who have been vaccinated, to vaccine mandates and compulsory Covid insurance for the unvaccinated (which is just another way of saying “taxation”).
Now, here is where we could – and normally would – break down the article paragraph by paragraph. We would dissect the arguments, include data they ignore, highlight logical fallacies…you know, the usual.
We’re not going to do that today.
We could point out the infection-fatality ratio for Covid “cases” is minuscule.
Or that the so-called “vaccines” don’t prevent either infection or transmission of the alleged new disease called “Covid19”.
We could launch into a legal argument on civil rights, the Nuremberg Code, and medical coercion.
But we’re not going to do any of that.
Because it’s been two years of this, and life is just too damn short. We’ve done it enough, the facts are all there for anyone who cares enough to find them.
Instead, we’re just going to quote the ‘About’ page of the Oxford Center for Business Taxation, with a bit of added emphasis…
The Centre for Business Taxation was formed in 2005 and was initially funded by substantial donations from a large number of members from the Hundred Group. A number of these companies and others continue to support the CBT. Donors during the year were AstraZeneca [and] GlaxoSmithKline Plc
Giving the government (corporations) more of my money will give me sterilising immunity, prevents me from spreading it, A vaxx tax.
Same as Carbon credits cures global warming. Should of called them Vaxxine credits.
Taxing the Unvaccinated: Externalities and Paternalism During the Pandemic
Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation
Designed To Cross The Blood-Brain Barrier: Pharma And The FDA Knew Lipid Nanoparticles Go Everywhere
Dr. Ryan Cole: “It was originally designed to take mRNA and or chemotherapeutic agents to organs that are hard to get to, like the brain… Scientists knew they would not stay in the arm. To have told the people of the world otherwise was a straight up scientific lie.”
Any doctor who thinks an injection into a muscle will stay there needs to have their licence revoked.
Stanford University: ‘Harvesting Blood & Organs of Children’ Could Help Achieve ‘Immortality’
According to a report by the Telegraph newspaper, cultures throughout history have “revered the young” and the Stanford research shows that “infusing cerebrospinal fluid of young mice into old mice improves brain function,” opening the door for humans to experiment with the blood and organs of children.
Adenochrome and all the satanic rubbish that accompanies it rears its head.
They should stick to poopy-swaps. 😉
They could possibly just keep umbilical cord blood, instead of binning it, and achieve many of the same things at zero cost to any baby or child.
If medical research focused on what causes aging of cells instead of what treats symptoms and makes Big-Pharma profits, we could slow down development of all the diseases associated with aging. — Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia etc etc etc.
However young cells require very little in the way of ongoing drug treatments. This is a problem for the whole medical industry.
“This is a problem for the whole medical industry.’
Dead right!
Fans SLAM Disney+ Trailer For “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law”
On Tuesday afternoon, Marvel Entertainment released its first official trailer for “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law” the latest television series within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and the reaction has been rocky, to say the least.
“She-Hulk: Attorney at Law” centers on lawyer Jennifer Walters (Maslany), cousin of Bruce Banner, who inherits his Hulk powers after she receives a blood transfusion from him, at least that’s how they did it in the comics.
Next month’s Sports Illustrated cover? 😅
N Korea directs citizens to gargle saltwater to cure COVID as Kim Jong-un faces ‘dilemma’
North Korean citizens have been asked to “gargle with salt water” and drink willow leaf tea to treat COVID-19 infections as the country’s authoritarian leader Kim Jong-un faces a “dilemma” over sourcing remedies amid the explosive outbreak.
Kim should get a job at the CDC under Fauci.
Given how the NK people are starving, this is going to be BAD.
Jo’s editorial:
Would $350 million from Big Pharma be enough to buy Fauci and NIH approval — Who knows, it’s a secret
is a couple of days old so I’ll add this here.
Dr. Chris is a little long winded but thorough. He covers the ethics of this well.
For when you read of upcoming food supply problems
“Miracle: Government Feeds Five People With Just 2.3 Trillion Loaves And Fishes”
“Amir Tsarfati: Breaking News: Israel just put Iran on notice!”
Honk R, that’s Huge 🙂
With regards to the WHO…nothing will be done until Gebreyesus is gotten rid of. This Ethiopian terrorist is what is worst with the UN…tin-pot third world nations trying to drag the rest of world down with them.