A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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That’s my 10 rating.
I gave a 1. This is a balanced blog.
Aussie SMH Gives Up on the Snowy River Green Energy Pumped Hydro Scheme
By Ted Woodley
March 15, 2022 — 5.00am
Backed into a corner with no other options.
He certainly wouldn’t have started this in motion…
When the [International Monetary Fund] starts saying the Ukraine conflict “may” trigger a new world order of global economic and financial systems, we should pay attention, because behind those statements is a reality that no one has mentioned yet.
Think of it this way… If Russia was to just simply withdraw from Ukraine, do you think the western financial sanctions and multinational corporations would just reverse themselves? Of course not. What was never mentioned in the sanction package, pushed by NATO and western alliances, was the no retreat Rubicon they created. Removing Russia from the SWIFT financial exchange was/is irreversible; so too are the global banking sanctions triggered by political will.
What does that mean? It means from these moments forward something else, some other form of financial transaction process, is going to be needed for Russia and their allies to engage in commerce, banking and economic activity together. Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil and other nations are now in a position of being forced to create another mechanism for trade and commerce.
The petro-dollar may factually be dropped as a part of this. The issue is not ‘if’ it will happen, the issues are how and when they will happen. Vladimir Putin was pushed into this position by the western financial response, and don’t think for a moment that China and Russia are unhappy about it.
. . .
This is not a ‘losing scenario’ for Vladimir Putin. Independent payment networks, out of the influence or reach of the U.S. government, are something Putin would openly embrace. Indeed, the creation of that new financial system for transactions was the primary intent of the BRICS economic alliance.
Pay very close attention to anyone who would say “Putin has already lost”, or any iteration therein. Putin and Chairman Xi will embrace this new global financial system of independent mechanisms based on value that is separate from the U.S. dollar.
[SNIP — Sorry JoJo — 1000+ words is too long for a comment. Please aim for 200-400 words – Jo]
Good effort, the NWO and great reset are happening in a way not foreseen.
Thanks to the brilliance of Putin the whole of Russia is being sanctioned and siloed in the Eastern Bloc to become a vassal state of China. And Russia has only itself to blame.
The NYT has determined that Hunter Biden’s laptop is not Russian disinformation.
Not to worry, there is new Russian disinformation to fill the void.
Note to physicists …
the NYT is the Unified Field Continuum Vortex, the wave form collapses and reality is established when it speaks.
Hide your cats.
Don’t have a cat and even if I had one it would be mine not Schrödinger’s. 🙂
It could be both.
Or neither.
Proxy Rates of Sea Level Rise
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
Just simply refer them to the sea water level measurements that have been taken at Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour since the 1800s (not too sure what decade the measurements began). Nothing to see here unless you are an Alarmist who needs to go to SpecSavers asap………..
It begins in 1886 and it appears that sea level is rising.
For more in-depth reading, Andy May is good value.
After reading this article it’s becoming clear what is actually happening, and the answer to his question is yes, evil is within but it’s also outside.
The Truth Behind Ukraine v Russia – Is the Evil Within?
So what happens when the West seizes the assets of the Russian oligarchies, which will sting Putin? Same as what happens when one stings a monster – it fights back with a vengeance. It’s only to be expected and the West knows that but think they can win a war with Russia and China. So why do it if it brings us to a world war? The West wants to establish a NWO and in order to do that the West believes it can take out Russia and China. That’s a very dangerous game but then powerful evil people like playing dangerous games; it’s how they got there in the first place. They don’t even care if they lose since they can switch sides as they often have done in the past.
All this talk of ‘The West’
What it has done, what it wants.
I live here but- Include me out.
It is what the WEF and Deepstate want and do.
Anyone here remember that Newsweek (or was it Time Magazine?) that laid bare how the Democrats stole the 2020 election?
Here’s proof from, of all places the New York Times. Seems like bragging doesn’t confine itself to individuals.
Some quotes:
“All of the policies, from the current installed administration, are specifically detrimental to our nation because the people who are pulling the strings to deliver the policy are using Biden as a disposable tool. The people pulling the strings are the same people who installed Joe Biden. The same people who installed Joe Biden are the people who constructed the modern Fourth Branch of Government. This is Barack Obama’s long-lasting legacy.”
“All of their denials, false statements, malicious attacks against the people telling the truth, and all of the Big Tech censorship that was purposefully and intentionally deployed to keep the lies retained, was done in an effort to manufacture a protective shield for Joe Biden. They didn’t get it wrong, they were not mistaken, they didn’t misreport or misstate the facts – they willfully and purposefully lied.
“To the extent that any institutional credibility remained, all of that is now gone – as the house of cards collapses. However, there is a more consequential aspect that needs to be emphasized. When you accept that our government, all intelligence agencies and officials, and all of the collaboration with media and big tech was built on a foundation of manipulative lying, WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT THE CURRENT NARRATIVE AROUND UKRAINE?”
Also consider the inordinate influence of China on the same groups, and the strategic advantage to China from conflict between Russia on one side and the US and its European allies on the other- conflict which substantially weakens both sides.
A much deeper dive on my last post, above.
Some short quotes, but go to the link for it all. Well worth the read.
“By then the damage was done. Not only to President Trump’s reelection but to Trump’s plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. And maybe that was the purpose of it all.
“I put the Hunter Biden story in a broader context because the context is the scandal. It’s not just that the political figures and their offspring are corrupted. It’s that our Intelligence Community is keen on protecting the corrupt and committed to deceiving the public to achieve their goals.
“In other words, the intelligence operations have come for the Americans. We’re targets – and we’re the victims.”
My latest “show us the engineering” hit piece:
Leading to the creation of artificial reefs. 🙂
“Leading to the creation of artificial reefs. ”
Perhaps the creation of artificial reefs might be necessary if the current coral bleaching persists
Reef health is just fine. More coral last year than for many years.
Bleaching is caused by low water levels due to El Ninos.
Maybe you should consider that cyclonic conditions over the last few months, and huge amounts of run-off might have had some effect. 😉
Or maybe ignore the incessant paid scaremongering of Terry Hughes
Anyone that says CO2 emissions push up ocean temperatures, needs to go back to primary school.. It is total nonsense.
One needs read no further when you see someone say that.
“Bleaching is caused by low water levels due to El Nino”
That is only partially correct.
While El Niños, may lower western Pacific sea levels, the effect on average global sea levels is to nudge them noticeably higher. During an intense episode like the current El Niño, the sea level is 25 cm above the average across the Pacific basin.Satellite data from France’s Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales reveal the impact of El Niños in lifting sea levels.
Bleaching is actually caused by the warmer ocean temperatures that can occur in part when water levels are lowered by an El Nino but is primarily caused by increases in ocean temperature during an El Niño event, when the surface waters in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean become significantly warmer than usual.
That change is intimately tied to the atmosphere and to the winds blowing over the vast Pacific. Easterly trade winds (which blow from the Americas toward Asia) falter and can even turn around into westerlies. This allows great masses of warm water to slosh from the western Pacific toward the Americas. It also reduces the upwelling of cooler, nutrient-rich waters from the deep—shutting down or reversing ocean currents along the equator and along the west coast of South and Central America.”
Thanks for showing everyone that coral bleaching is totally natural, and not influenced by any human CO2.
Doing a good job there. !
I thought we were currently under the influence of La Nina.
Back to back La Nina, with the option for a third year.
You do know that coral reefs thrive in much warmer waters, don’t you.
“You do know that coral reefs thrive in much warmer waters, don’t you.”
Much warmer waters than what? What are the coral reefs you mention and with what warmer waters are you comparing them?
Do some research.. if you know how. !
2 seconds..
GBR max is 29ºC in February. Its optimum for corals, which is why they grow there.
What if the wind across the surface was more important than the water temp 1 m down?
A little wind will splash coral above the tide and keep it cool.
GBR max is 29ºC in February. Its optimum for corals, which is why they grow there.
GBR is not the only coral reef in the world. Coral reefs are located in tropical oceans near the equator. The largest coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The second largest coral reef can be found off the coast of Belize, in Central America. Other reefs are found in Hawaii, the Red Sea, and other areas in tropical oceans.
The coral reef climate is tropical. Coral reef temperatures range from 20C to 36°C.
You initially wrote in
““You do know that coral reefs thrive in much warmer waters, don’t you.””
Much warmer waters than what? Can you not see that without indicating to which coral reef or reefs and their location you refer comparison is difficult
“Much warmer waters than what?” Than the GBR, dopey. That was the actual topic.
Basic comprehension issues ??
Indonesia, Caribbean, Central America, Red Sea.. warm tropical corals
As you copy/pasted… “Coral reef temperatures range from 20C to 36°C.”
GBR gets to max 29°C in February. It is not overheating.
Your copy paste is only reinforcing the point I made.
Ian, do you honestly believes that global water temperatures have remained constant since the first corals emerged?
The temperature difference from the north to south of the GBR on any day is up to 4 degrees, yet amazingly corals survive at these extremes. Similarly they survive winter and summer temp changes of around 6 degrees.
But 1 degree warming over 100 years would destroy the entire reef, right?
And of course there’s no chance of coral becoming more prevalent in waters currently too cold for them, eh? Because that wouldn’t fit the doom and gloom narrative of the climate cult.
“But 1 degree warming over 100 years would destroy the entire reef, right?”
I really don’t know as it isn’t my field but the literature states that temperature increases due to El Nino does affect coral reefs.
Another risk factor for coral reefs is the occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon. El Niño is an extensive ocean warming event that begins along the coast of Peru and Ecuador and extends westward over the Tropical Pacific (Ahrens, 2009). It is the result of an abnormal interaction between the ocean surface layers and the atmosphere in the tropical Pacific. El Niño varies in a cyclical manner (Lyon, 2004) with an operation cycle lasting from 2 to 7 years, sometimes more than 10 years (Alan and Harold, 2011). The average duration of an El Niño event is 11 months, and the longest is 18 months (El Niño 1982 to 1983) (Lyon, 2004). Statistics show that El Niño has sea surface temperatures (SST) that are higher on average and with increased variability. Strong and very strong El Niño can change the biogeochemical environment, reduce coral cover and cause coral bleaching on a large scale (Hueerkamp et al., 2001; Podestá and Glynn, 2001; Claar et al., 2018; Hughes et al., 2018; Lough et al., 2018).
Then of course there are all the Indonesian and Caribbean coral reefs,
Much nearer the equator, and therefore warmer than nearly all the GBR.
Most abundant coral reef in the world is probably Raja Ampat, which is home to more than ten times the number of hard coral species found in the Caribbean, this area of West Papua province is legendary among experienced scuba divers as one of the top live-aboard dive destinations in the entire world. Basically right on the equator.
The main issue with El Nino for the GBR is that it gives more coral exposure due to lower sea levels and nutrient flow.. El Ninos have absolutely nothing to do with human released atmospheric CO2. They are natural.
The recent huge rains have probably also reduce nutrient flow on the GBR as well as causing turbidity.
The coral bleaching in Sydney harbour a few years back was clearly caused by a marine heatwave.
So we may have to accept that there are variable causes for coral bleaching.
Coral reefs off the coast of PNG for instance.
Exactly, PNG is at the centre of the coral triangle, incorporating the Western Pacific Warm Pool. Bleaching in the triangle is associated with a momentary drop in sea level during El Nino.
Still think the west coast of OZ is a wonderful site for wind generation (as long as there is gas backup which would not be needed often)
I reckon Qld is hopeless. We have >600 MW installed but so often I look at Mem Watch and it is way below 100 MW. ATM it is a credible 139MW. Tick on the wall stuff there.
Too bad that concept is an engineering nonsense, a financial horror and an ecological nightmare both in production and end of life removal.
Well the AEMO 3month analysis says that wind on average has supplied 21% and solar a bit more than 3% of the WEM power….
And the Collie coal power generators are being ramped up and down almost as much as the NG units. Guess the government doesn’t see a long term future for them (though local politicians are concerned about long term jobs there).
Any bets on whether the NEM or WEM is the first to have no coal power generation?
And adding more NG units would be simple.
No more wind farms on our WA coast please! Look at the environmental disaster of the Albany wind farm. In any case, WA has abundant supplies of cheap gas, with its domestic reservation policy, so would you add expensive wind generation, except to harvest subsidies?
I have no idea if this is real or fake but I do fear it is real…
Russian troops make shocking discovery
It’s fake- just examine the context provided by your included link.
AussieCossack aka Simeon Boikov was one of the subjects of an ABC Four Corners program in February last year
From the Four Corners report:
and their ABC (4 corners) is a reliable source LOL
didn’t 4 corners do a three part series showing Trump guilty of Russian collusion that was debunked?
l am not saying the link PeterS provided is true but l would never use anything shown on their ABC as evidence of proof of anything ever
the reports of Azov being Nazi/white supremacy influenced has been around for years
where there is smoke there is fire
Why is he suing the ABC.?
I’m not aware that he is suing the Australian broadcaster.
But perhaps he should consider legal action against Agence France-Presse for their practice of debunking his fake claims relating to the Ukraine conflict.
Boikov is an oddball character- part Australian nationalist, part Russian Spetsnaz wannabe.
That certainly justifies invading a country and causing MANY thousands of deaths.
I cannot speak for that case but there is strong extremist racist influence in Ukrainian militias, military and police.
Certain of the US media have been quite critical but now cover that up in the change of sides where being anti-Russian is all that now matters.
All is virtually normal in England as the last of the covid restrictions are lifted.
However Scotland has retained its mask wearing policy for another month, so we are refusing to go there for a short break.
Curiously, despite harsher restrictions than England for the last 18 months Scotland has had consistently higher covid rates. Strange. Almost as if masks don’t work
Is there still any mask wearing in any of the Oz states?
Yes, South Australia has partial mask places. e.g. you cannot enter a supermarket or a shop unless wearing one, but you can spend hours drinking/dancing in a crowded night club without one.
Voting day is today and I expect that a new State Premier will result although I would prefer a new Chief Medical Officer who knew that a 90micron mesh mask wasn’t likely to stop a 0.5 micron virus getting through (even if it was lead by a brass band).
and that footballs don’t transmit covid.
We have perfectly designed mask rules here in Victoriastan. Like the old joke about the man walking into a pub_______.
So a man legally NOT wearing a mask walks into a pub, along with all the other patrons NOT wearing mask,s to be greeted by the barman, legally required to WEAR a mask.
This same rule applies to all retail outlets, the patrons, all mask free, the service providers all masked up.
How, why, or what for I don’t know nor care, the rules have changed that often and for no obvious benefit that the general populace just seems to “goin with the flow” man,
No police pepper spraying dissidents so that’s a plus, other wise got no idea what the rules are.
Tonyb – yes there is still evidence of masks – but nowhere near the prevalence of last year. Mostly worn by the elderly. And often worn in the silliest of circumstances, such as on people out for a walk or on the sole occupant of vehicles.
Says it all.
Had occasion to walk past Braybrook College at 8:30 on Tuesday and was astonished to observe that without exception the students arriving and roaming the grounds were wearing masks.
Antiquity and absence of grandchildren has obscured this ghastly everyday circumstance from my general awareness and I’m appalled at the level of obedience I witnessed; this country’s population continues to be absolutely subjugated by engineered panic supposedly being countered by the ritual wearing of suffocation cloth.
What an awful place Victoria continues to be.
Queensland since 4th March
Text yesterday from RSL Club in a Hobart suburb. “Do you still need to check in or sign in when entering……..? Contrary to the belief of some, the answer is YES! From Friday 18 Feb the Check in TAS app or sign in registers must be used at all pubs, bars, clubs, night clubs and hotels or you risk a heavy fine”. Signed by Club President.
General public seem a bit more relaxed around Hobart streets but unbelievably, some still persist in locking out the opportunity to breathe beautiful fresh air and take in autumn sunshine when available, whether just walking or driving a car!
Being unvaccinated, I’m not allowed to enter our local RSL premises, or attend meetings even though I happen to be the secretary and also monitor the security system. But that’s how it is.
Yes Tonyb in Western Australia.
“Col Douglas Macgregor Discusses Outlook for Ceasefire in Ukraine
March 18, 2022 | Sundance | 182 Comments”
3-15-22 Dr. Christina Rahm on big pharma plotting—video
“Smoke and mirrors, wrestling and politics and reality”
“I can only say, I wish I’d written this article myself. It’s that good, that accurate. It’s raw and in-your-face about where we are now with all the war-talk about Ukraine and Russia.
A wise man once wrote, “American politics (and most democratic politics, really) cannot be properly understood without a working knowledge of professional wrestling” ”
More at
“Smoke, Mirrors and Flaming Sparky Cars”
And don’t miss the first comment
On another forum someone posted:
I replied in part:
Occasionally I wander off and look under rocks and things. I found out that 16 such charging points will draw as much power as a drag at Peak Downs coal mine. When walking those drag lines they need big dozers to move the power cables. Also of interest is that when a dragline drops its bucket to drag and fill it drops the grid freq. I’ve watched the live tape and it is very marked.
Under another rock I found a case study on an upgrade to a large* shopping centre and found that its winter load is 2,000 MW so one such charge point would draw a qtr the power of a major shopping centre.
Greens are incapable of scaling up domestic to industrial installations.
* 23,630 square metres of lettable space accommodating three major and 80 small tenants.
For the kitchen
Words and consequences
Just a few words of tribute to the opportunity here to express opinions that may be contrary to the Zeitgeist. Just heard Russell Skelton from RMIT comment on breakfast TV in Oz about the need to “fact check” social media. His further mention of the Trusted News Initiative is indicative that this is a political initiative.
In an era when understanding of robust exchange of ideas and freedom of speech is under threat it is gratifying that we have just a venue as this. Once again, thank you Jo!
Big Pharma’s plandemic, their preparations, cures, and tactics. Dr. Rahm warns about smallpox and rabies outbreaks, the Deep State, and more genetically engineered warfare due to hit the world.
Latest Pointman
Egg Prices Soar As Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu Spreads Ahead Of Easter
Urner Barry data shows wholesale eggs jumped 10 cents to $1.60 a dozen Wednesday, the most significant daily gain since the early days of the virus pandemic. The five-year average for wholesale eggs is around $1.44.
John Brunnquell, CEO of producer Egg Innovations, said prices would continue rising in the coming weeks, and consumers will notice.
That’s the good thing about my sources; I can see these major events and trends developing and warn people well ahead of time, as indeed I have done for recent months.
The truth behind Ukraine vs Russia
Marty has just posted this analysis which it would pay everyone to read.
Like I said, it’s not about Russia territorial expansion or “real” war; it’s more of a surgical strike, minimising damage, to achieve freedom for east Ukraine, long overdue. A rescue mission in effect.
The war crazed USA want to destroy their arch enemy even if it means WW3 and their own destruction. If nothing else, Covid and Ukraine have shown us the true nature of an awful lot of mankind in so many ways. I can see the attraction of philosophy and the need for a dog ☺
Just Another persons view…
Why should i believe that over any other version ?
And……. “in 22 years Putin has never done anything to restore Russia”….?
……..ignoring the Crimea , Georgia , etc !
A surgical strike? It is an invasion. There has been mass destruction of many Ukraine cities. Many have been killed. some 6 million people have been displaced and some 3 million have fled to neighbouring European countries. Many are now turning up here in the UK
Russia is waging war, it is not anything like a ‘surgical strike’ to protect areas they invaded or annexed in 2014 through force of arms. A rescuer mission? Simply unbelievable
Dang Vlad, regime change?
As an American, that’s our bailiwick.
We do appreciate British assistance.
Didn’t Prince Harry help?
Or is it ‘former Prince’ Harry?
CDC Pulls a Fast One – Eliminates 25% of Pediatric COVID Deaths Overnight, Blames It on a Coding Error
The proof bad data was driving public health policy for kids this whole time
I was inspired.
My name is Bono
Putin is a no no
I was invited to Davos
To give Klaus bravos
I hob nob with rich dudes
But I don’t want U2
Cause Climate change sux
And I love the ducks
Politics is fun
If I weren’t so dumb
I cry for Ukraine
Cause Trump is to blame
St. Patrick is green
And Vlad is so mean
To quote a Clancy Brothers album
“No threat to Shakespeare either”
By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy …
and live on a street with no name.
??…to the tune of Copa Cobana..??
video: Karen Kingston on US gov. financing of bioweaponry thru DARPA, big pharma, Obama admin, Congress
My toddler came out as trans at age 4. He’s so much happier now
For decades, follow-up studies of transgender kids have shown that a substantial majority — anywhere from 65 to 94 percent — eventually ceased to identify as transgender.”
I know…”trans at 4″ just makes you want to barf rather than laugh.
The delusion from the parent is off the scale.
I’ve read numerous studied studies about how the disastrous consequences of the gender change craze. From drug addiction to lengthy psychiatric treatments to suicides.
“I’m a nullo and never been happier”.
For 6 months until you wake up anyway…
Take a handful of pain killers, cut your wedding tackle off with a kitchen knife then call an ambulance to take you to the ER to perform emergency surgery to stop you bleeding to death. This actually happens!
They need serious help not a gender change!
Time to stop this insanity.
Is it all part of the moral decline that accompanies collapsing civilisations or a planned mindf*ck to limit peoples ability to make sense of the real big picture?
Maybe both…
The creation of gender disphoria / damage suffered to developing phoetus during pregnancy, is a scientifically known quantity, and has been known of for over 25 years now.
The fact that the situation has been taken up by political activists is a tragedy because it delays those affected from knowing the truth and pushes them into the clutches of heroic doctors who are “there to help” with a snip or tuck and a course of steroids to finish the job.
It’s a dangerous game, and when those who obviously “don’t know” are teaching youngsters in school about the issue there’s a lot of misadventure ahead.
For heavens sake we need to clearly define gender disphoria and only then begin to look at options that might be useful.
The current situation is a Woke Tragedy of massive proportions.
Lia Thomas unchallenged.
Are there still knockers of our Stealth F35 out there?
The first combat missions in Desert Storm were flown by F117 Nighthawks. They flew into Baghdad’s heavily defended skies and started taking out command and control centres. Defensive radar never saw them.
30 years later Russia still does not have a stealth fighter, and the results in Ukraine show it.
OK Its development had big problems and was expensive, but the number of copies being made has brought the per copy price back to fair. So fair, in fact, that tight a’s Germany and Canada may yet buy them.
Knock Knock
Going by this the Ukrainian air force has Russian planes SU’s, Migs.
Mainly Mig 29s, that’s what Poland has offered because the Ukrainian pilots are proficient on type.
My point, that you completely missed, is that if the ATTACKER* had stealth technology the Ukrainian Migs would have been destroyed in the first few days, [hours?] The war would be long over. If Ukraine had stealth Russian guns and rockets would not be sitting on the border.
* Russia is supposed to be the technological equal to the West.
GBR Bleaching
‘Dr David Wachenfeld, chief scientist at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, told Guardian Australia: “There is certainly a risk we are seeing a mass bleaching event, but we aren’t in a position to confirm that yet.
“We want to finish the aerial surveys to really understand this before we make a call on the extent and severity of this bleaching.”
Aerial surveys only see the surface coral that gets exposed to too much sun at low water levels.
Yeah, that is my thinking too, but they are saying its warm water.
“Corals on the Great Barrier Reef are not supposed to bleach in cooler La Niña summers,” James Cook University’s Professor Terry Hughes said on Twitter.
“2022 is a first, thanks to anthropogenic heating. It’s been a mere 24 years since the first 1998 mass bleaching occurred during an El Niño heatwave.” (ABC)
Terry Hughes is the GBR extreme climate scaremonger.
His job totally depends on those scary over the top, mostly wrong, tweets !
“thanks to anthropogenic heating”.. What is that? never been measured or observed. !
No marine heatwave.,-17.82,2120/loc=145.905,-19.862
La Niña raises sea levels in the western tropical Pacific by 15-20 centimetres, so unless sea level dropped its unlikely the cause. Which is why they are pinpointing warm air.
And what exactly has been happening all along the eastern seaboard for the last 2 month?
Surely the WEATHER and the huge amounts of coastal runoff couldn’t have anything to do with it. 😉
Corals like it salty.
Especially the Acropora millepora coral, yet most corals are sensitive to desalination. So yes, runoff might be involved to a great degree on this occasion.
Eerrr, all the rain is way south of the reef.
Big floods in Townsville end of January
Cairnes is copping it now
An excellent link.
Thanks Kevin a. A lot of not so light reading coming up.
Covid vaccines have turned ‘myocarditis’ into a household word.
Just searching it to check spelling, one of the first things that came up was ‘rare’.
I guess not as much anymore.
I see crimes … for which immunity was granted prior to commission.
‘Immunity’, alright.
This may make the New York Times in 4 or 5 years.
‘Til then I’ll wear my tin foil hat.
Check yours
“Horoscope for the week of March 20, 2022”
SpyGate 101: A Primer On The Russia Collusion Hoax’s Years-long Plot To Take Down Trump
For those who care about our country’s future but don’t want to be buried in the minutia of the Russia collusion hoax scandal, here is your big-picture primer.
As Special Counsel John Durham continues to expose more details of the “SpyGate” or “Russia collusion” scandal, it can be difficult for any apolitical, non-news-junkie member of the public to grasp the ongoing developments.
After all, for more than five years, the corrupt legacy media has refused to report on scandal or done so with a slanted portrayal of the facts. So most Americans remain unaware of the Democrats’ years-long duplicity that sought to destroy first candidate and then President Donald Trump. Add to that reality the overlapping conspiracies and sprawling cast of characters involved, and it can be difficult to follow the story.
That the scandal is dense, however, does not mean it should be ignored. To the contrary, the duplicity must not be disregarded because what Trump’s political enemies tried to accomplish over the course of five years represents the biggest threat our constitutional republic has seen in the last century.
So for those who care about our country and her future but don’t want to be buried in the minutia of the scandal, here is your big-picture primer.
– DNC Emails Are Hacked
– Clinton Campaign Plots to Convert DNC Scandal into Trump Scandal
– Clinton Campaign Co-Opts the Russia Collusion Hoax
– Clinton Campaign Pays for and Peddles Fake Trump-Russia Evidence
– Obama Admin Spies on Trump Campaign Under Knowingly False Pretenses
– Investigation into Trump Continues During His Administration
There are thousands more details already known and many more players involved — and that’s before whatever else Durham may reveal. But just these basics provide all the information you need to understand SpyGate — and to see why it far surpasses the Watergate scandal.
Putin may be losing the information war, but Zelensky’s NATO concession suggests Ukraine may be losing on the battlefield. The West must not fool itself into thinking otherwise, writes military expert BILL ROGGIO
Surely that is defeatism, we can bog the invasion down.
‘Australia to send weapons, humanitarian aid and 70,000 tonnes of coal to Ukraine.’ (SMH)
Aren’t we also losing the information war? Of course we are!
Its a holy war.
I wonder how this one got through YT…
Mariupol refugees flee in masses to Crimea, Russia.
It appears Russian soldiers are protecting Ukrainian citizens in Mariupol and are helping them to escape from attacks by the Ukrainian militia on the side of Ukrainian government. If true, the West has picked the greater of two evils, not that it matters as both sides are evil.
Could it be that was the only safe route out of a battle zone, that the Russians would allow .?
Other routes north are said to have been shelled and attacked to prevent movement back into Ukraine or poland etc.
At least China supports peaceful negotiations, but isn’t taking sides.
‘Chinese President Xi Jinping, meanwhile, said the Ukraine crisis was something China did not want to see and appealed for negotiations to bring the conflict to a halt, according to a government statement.
“Events once again show that state-to-state relations cannot go to the stage of confrontation, and conflict and confrontation are not in the interests of anyone,” Xi was quoted as saying.’ (SCMP)
Well… Maccas reopening in Russia after just 4 days… gotta love the real estate industry.
USA to turn off GPS access in Russia?
The GPS global positioning system may cease to function in Russia in the coming days. The possibility of disconnecting Russia from the global positioning system is currently being considered by the United States of America as another measure of influence on Russia. Information on this subject was voiced by the general director of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin.
IIRC Russia has its own GPS system to cater for events like that
Malinformation – the latest term
Via Council of Europe:
Those who don’t read the newspaper are uninformed. Those who do are misinformed.
Mark Twain.
MSM – if Disinformation & Malinformation had a child…
Is the tide turning?
People waking up to the reality?
Armenia, Serbia, Bulgaria now with Russia and against NATO, along with China & India of course.
The 8 years of attacks against Donbass now starting to penetrate the grey matter?
Deadly and safe. Ad for revolvers circa 1904
Shoot straight and kill. Absolutely safe.
Nothing ever changes…
How many of these are now quoted as experts on Ukraine?
SAM is in positive mode and a continuation along that trajectory means the big wet will persist in South East Australia.
Do you trust the objectivity of so-called & self-appointed fact checkers like Facebook?
In Cauldrton Pool: Facebook to Expand Its “Fact-Checking” Apparatus for Australian Federal Election
Of course, Facebook fact-checkers aren’t trying to stifle thought. They want you to learn everything you can as you reach their approved conclusions.
Biden’s Handlers Are Preparing to Eject Him (and Kamala)
They must replace him, otherwise they themselves risk being replaced, which would be intolerable.
By Roger Kimball March 19, 2022
I sense a disturbance in the force. In fact, I’ve been feeling the tremors for a while. Back in January, I wrote a column for American Greatness called “The Coming Dethronement of Joe Biden.” In it, I noted that Biden’s appalling performance as president would sooner or later—and probably sooner, given the ostentatious nature of his multifaceted failure—lead to his removal as president.
I should have added that it wasn’t Biden’s performance per se that would lead to his downfall. The problem, rather, was the way his performance was undermining his—and therefore his minders’ and puppetmasters’—political power. As Saul Alinsky, community organizer to the stars, noted, the “issue is never the issue.” Accordingly, the people who put Joe Biden in power—I cannot name them, but I know they are the same people who keep him in power—do not care about inflation, rising gas and food prices, COVID lockdowns or mask mandates, the porousness of our Southern border, the threat of war with Russia, or the myriad other issues that worry ordinary voters. I am quite certain, in fact, that the word “voters” brings a vaguely contemptuous smile to their faces.
They are not troubled by the suffering of the people, indeed, they approve of a certain amount of suffering. Suffering produces dependency; and dependency, in turn, is like an insurance policy for those who cater to it: the bureaucrats who fill the troughs that feed the populace. The point, of course, was never to end the dependency but to manage in such a way as to perpetuate and expand it. Joe Biden is an errand boy, a figurehead, in the metabolism of this great (not to say Great Society) act of political legerdemain.
Back in January, I compared the conundrum that Joe Biden presented to The Committee that keeps him in power with the conundrum that Richard Nixon presented to the elites of his day. Nixon was hated by all the beautiful people of his day, but before he could be disposed of the elites had to address the problem of Spiro Agnew, who in his own way was nearly as preposterous as Kamala Harris. Fortunately for the anti-Nixon forces, Agnew was also corrupt in a pedestrian, easy-to-demonstrate sort of way. So all that the forces of light and virtue had to do was produce evidence of his glomming on to paper bags full of pelf in exchange for favors rendered and, presto, Agnew was history.
Kamala Harris is more of a problem. She is at least as appallingly incompetent as her boss, and no less challenged rhetorically, as her alarming performance in Poland and Romania a week or two back demonstrated. But Harris will not be as easy to shift as was Agnew. I have heard nothing about actual bribery, and acting as the warm bun for Willie Brown’s bratwurst may be in dubious taste but is not actionable.
But in another sense, I suspect, that news, like the revelation from the New York Times that, what do you know, all that stuff about Hunter’s laptop was on the level, like Joe Biden’s bizarre suggestion a couple of days ago that “everybody knows somebody” who has taken nude pictures of some lover and then used them to “blackmail” the person—all that has a different valence now that the Biden Administration is seriously underwater and there are no lifelines in evidence.
The issue is never the issue. I suspect that Joe Biden is being prepped for ejection. Exactly how it will happen I do not yet know. But he is on the threshold, or possibly has even passed the threshold, where he could appear to govern. His minders understand this. They must be the ones to replace him, otherwise they themselves risk being replaced, which would be intolerable. As I say, it’s not entirely clear yet how the defenestration will take place.
Harder and harder to know what to believe. These new deepfake videos are going to put our tribalism on steroids since neither side will ever again believe any “proof” from a video. If the FBI released a video of Trump admitting that he’s always worked for Putin I wouldn’t believe it. Seeing is no longer believing. There will no doubt be fact checkers to verify if a video is real or fake but who will believe them?
“Gravitas: Meet the deepfake presidents of the Ukraine war.” (5 min)
WION. Mar 18, 2022
Know your place!
“Bloomberg Has Inflation Advice for Proles Making Less Than $300k a Year – Shut Up, Eat Lentils, Ride the Bus and Kill Your Pets
March 19, 2022 | Sundance | 85 Comments
You might wonder what the ruling class thinks of how inflation is hitting middle America. For insight into their perspective, Bloomberg News just published some suggestions for all the unwashed masses – as defined as those who don’t earn $300,000 per year.
The advice includes, shut up about the price of food, and eat lentils instead of meat. Quit bitching about gasoline prices, and just ride the bus, and the coup de grâce, “If you’re one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs.”
Yeah, they said that. Us pesky proles and our pets are just mucking up the planet for the rest of them.”
More at
Is Fauci about to “Hit The Bricks”before the “Fertilizer hits the Westinghouse”????
From the sublime to the ridiculous+++
South Korea is one of a few countries that is currently testing their general population, to determine the number of new Omicron cases. Korea has the second highest rates of first release covid vaccination in the world. Korea has had weeks of 350,000 new covid cases per day. That is covid vaccine failure.
Countries like Canada, now, are not testing their general population, for new cases of covid, to hide the fact that the first release covid vaccines, do not stop infection from Omicron and to hide the fact that everyone in Canada and the world, will be exposed to Omicron by year end.
Omicron BA.2 is the most contagious covid virus biologically possible and it appears Omicron does not cause long covid. This makes sense (Omicron does not cause long covid) as the Omicron virus has 32 mutations on its spike and large section of code that are the same as first release covid. There is no evolutionary path that could cause 32 mutations on the covid spike from first release covid and not alter other portions of the virus.
Omicron could not be natural and was hence designed in a lab. Obviously Omicron did not come from a Chinese or the US lab as both governments did not understand the tactical and political future implications of its release. The designer of Omicron is a mystery,
Omicron’s biological features are optimum for its purpose. Omicron at the limit of biological contagiousness, for all viruses and for the covid package. It appears it will not biologically/tactically possible to release a manmade version of covid, with new deadly features, now. Future, lab manmade covid viruses cannot be more contagious than Omicron, and hence could not replace the Omicron natural version, which will continue to circulate in the world’s population.
Does Omicron stop long covid?
The US CDC is now hiding (not releasing) the number of people in the US who are suffering multi organ inflammation (also called long covid) after being exposed to first release covid covid. The number of new cases of long covid in the US data was dropping to zero in mid-December as Omicron became the dominate strain of covid. At that point in time, the CDC stopped providing the long covid data.
Former BlackRock Advisor Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘FDA Is in on the Cover-Up’