A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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March 22, 2022 at 8:09 am
Now we know that they’re going to dump Biden. Barr is as swampy as you get.
Bill Barr says Joe Biden lied to Americans about Hunter Biden laptop: ‘I was very disturbed’
A news report today discusses Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre behaviour. First we have demented US President Joe Biden, then we have giggling Vice President Kamala Harris, now we have incoherent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The asylum is running the USA.
You have what appears to be a rogue organisation ( n**o) that seems to be literally hell- bent trying to start ww3.
I think the insanity is global.
People say there is no evil in this world, that it’s a figment of people’s imagination blah blah……I beg to differ.
When is it OK to correct an obvious lie. In 2020, Joe Biden said the laptop was a plot to destroy his good name, Russian disinformation or worse. He backed this up by quoting 40 former experts who confirmed the Laptop as Russian disinformation in a group letter. Mr Barr just said I’m not confirming the Laptop either way, I want to keep the DOJ out of the politics. The fact is, he knew, said and did, nothing. He let multiple lies go uncorrected, which should not sit well with a “Department of Justice”. But now he can speak freely, to profit from the sales of his new book, not when it actually mattered. End result, Biden wins election, Afghanistan falls to Taliban, Ukraine destroyed, China empowered and world unstable. Record inflation, record crime, border crises, supply crises etc. All because one man kept quiet and this my friend is why tyranny can prevail.
China Eastern Airlines statement on crash of Boeing 737 with 132 people on board.
Until they have found the four corners of the aircraft we know nothing.
The left and right might be easier to find. The front and the back are going to be in the middle, with everything and everybody that was in between. From the video, I think you’d be lucky to find those bright orange boxes but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
And did I mention the fire?
I think in this case, the four corners are a nice to have. The black boxes are going to tell the story, they are the only witness to the whole event, hopefully they survived.
Babylon Bee has been suspended on Twitter for “misgendering” Admiral Dr Rachel Levine, former name Richard, of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, by saying she should have been “Man of the Year” not “Woman of the Year”.
Their account will not be reinstated unless they remove the offending Tweet which they say they will not.
Tim Pool discusses:
I did some checking up on this.
Beware as you read
hisher title ….. Admiral Levine. She has never served a day in her life in the Navy, or any military service. It’s an equivalent positional rank in the Health and Human Services department of the U.S. Public Health Service, which has been added to the ‘Uniformed’ branches in the U.S. of which there are now eight of them. I can understand the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, and probably even the Coast Guard and the Space Corps, but the other two are a bit of a stretch.Oh, well at least he she gets to wear a pretty dress, and some medals, and spend an hour or two in ‘hair and makeup’. You’d think that now declaring herself an Admiral, she would have awarded herself more medals than the puny old row and a third in her official picture, shown above and also in the interview at this link, where she says she is so proud to be the first female 4 Star ranking office and openly transgender 4 Star across all eight uniformed branches. (shown at this link)
Huh! And you wonder why we have all become so cynical.
Such a fake, fake female, fake Admiral.
Four reasons why China is fast becoming the dominant power in the world…
1. They have a very low tolerance for crime. The death sentence is swiftly and routinely used for terrorists, murderers and drug traffickers.
2. Very low tolerance for Religion. They do not believe there is a Magic man in the sky. No such thing as a God. Almost no religious killings, and getting rid of the Indigenous Chinese Muslim population as fast as they can.
3 They have not been involved in any expensive wars or invaded any country for the last seventy years.
4. Their primary weapon of choice to conquer the world is Finance, and countries around the world are falling fast. Not just the USA but all world is in trouble. In the near future, China will employ millions of American workers and dominate thousands of small communities all over the United States. Chinese acquisition of US businesses set a new all-time record last year, and it is on pace to shatter that record this year. The Smithfield Foods acquisition is a great example. Smithfield Foods is the largest pork producer and processor in the world. It has facilities in 26 US states, and it employs tens of thousands of Americans. It directly owns 460 farms and has contracts with about 2,100 others. But now a Chinese company has bought it for $ 4.7 billion, and that means that the Chinese will now be the most important employer in dozens of rural communities all over America. Thanks in part to our massively bloated trade deficit with China, the Chinese have trillions of dollars to spend. They are only just starting to exercise their economic muscle.
It is important to keep in mind that there is often not much of a difference between “the Chinese government” and “the Chinese corporations”. In 2011, 43 percent of all profits in China were produced by companies where the Chinese government had a controlling interest. Last year a Chinese company spent $2.6B to purchase AMC entertainment, one of the largest movie theater chains in the United States. Chinese companies control more movie ticket sales than anyone else in the world. But China is not just relying on acquisitions to expand its economic power. “Economic beachheads” are being established all over America. For example, Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group, Inc. recently broke ground on a $100M plant in Thomasville, Alabama. Many of the residents of Thomasville, Alabama will be glad to have jobs, but it will also become yet another community that will now be heavily dependent on Communist China.
And guess where else Chinese companies are putting down roots? DETROIT. Chinese-owned companies are investing in American businesses and new vehicle technology, selling everything from seat belts to shock absorbers in retail stores, and hiring experienced engineers and designers in an effort to soak up the talent and expertise of domestic automakers and their suppliers.
If you recently purchased an “American-made” vehicle, there is a really good chance that it has a number of Chinese parts in it. Industry analysts are hard-pressed to put a number on the Chinese suppliers in the United States. China is very interested in acquiring energy resources in the United States. For example, China is actually mining for coal in the mountains of Tennessee. Guizhou Gouchuang Energy Holdings Group spent 616 million dollars to acquire Triple H Coal Co. in Jacksboro, Tennessee. At the time, that acquisition really didn’t make much news, but now a group of conservatives in Tennessee is trying to stop the Chinese from blowing up their mountains and taking their coal. And pretty soon China may want to build entire cities in the United States just like they have been doing in other countries. Right now China is actually building a city larger than Manhattan just outside Minsk, the capital of Belarus.
Are you starting to get the picture yet? China is on the rise and has been for a long time while America plays political games. If you doubt this, just read the following:
When you total up all imports and exports, China is now the number one trading nation on the entire planet. # Overall, the US has run a trade deficit with China over the past decade that comes to more than 23 trillion dollars.
# China has more foreign currency reserves than anyone else on the planet.
# China now has the largest new car market in the entire world.
# China now produces more than twice as many automobiles as does the United States.
# After being bailed out by US taxpayers, GM is involved in 11 joint ventures with Chinese companies.
# China is the number one gold producer in the world.
# The uniforms for the US Olympic team were made in China.
# 85% of all artificial Christmas trees the world over are made in China.
# The new World Trade Center tower in New York includes glass imported from China.
# China now consumes more energy than does the United States.
# China is now in aggregate the leading manufacturer of goods in the entire world.
# China uses more cement than the rest of the world combined.
# China is now the number one producer of wind and solar power on the entire globe.
# China produces 3 times as much coal and 11 times as much steel as the United States does.
# China produces more than 90 percent of the global supply of rare earth elements.
# China is now the number one supplier of components that are critical to the operation of any national defense system.
# In published scientific research articles, China will become number one in the world very shortly. And what we have seen so far may just be the tip of the iceberg. And for now, I will just leave you with one piece of advice – Learn to speak Chinese.
Longest thread bomb eva
Very short and pointless non-argument in response.
It’s unthreaded mr leaf .
It’s not easy to understand to many words in a long text, I feel with you.
You prefer the headline style, under the given conditions understandable.
Interesting perspective on being “involved” in wars.
“3 They have not been involved in any expensive wars or invaded any country for the last seventy years.”
Tibet. Tell the Dali Llama it wasn’t invaded, denuded of mature timber and re-established as a Chinese appendage.
Vietnam had a full on war with China after the Russian sponsored mess ended and 200,000 Chinese “helpers” wouldn’t go home because China wanted its reward.
Countries around the South China sea and the Spratlys would currently describe the situation as warlike.
Your “point 3” is a bit dodgy
Korea. 1951-53 saw a LOT of Chinese military activity in that protracted “police action”.
In payback for their “fellow communists” ousting the utterly odious, Chinese backed Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, China launched a serious, armoured assault into Viet Nam’s northern provinces.
The PLA “forgot” that their “fraternal cousins” had been at war for most of the previous Millennium, most recently seeing-off the USA and over-running the south of the country.(Previously an actual country of its own) It is MUCH more complicated than the standard LSM narrative, however.
The Chinese were also a bit miffed because they had backed Ho and Giap to the hilt since the early 1950’s, basically providing the logistical wallop to oust the French in 1954. but dealing with the soviet bear was perceived by the Viets to be a much safer bet than snugging up to the Chinese dragon, which, with monotonous regularity, had alternated between invasion and hegemony as their preferred modes of interacting with the Viets.
And let’s not forget their “adventures in Africa. They were (and remain) VERY busy there. Rhodesia, Mozambique, Namibia, Congo, Uganda, ALL places that have been “affected by PLA activity. In Uganda, Idi Amin was boosted by a serious Chinese political, military logistics and intelligence setup with North Korea providing actual combat troops for “training” and “border security”.
Robert Mugabe in Rhodesia / Zimbabwe was inextricably linked to PLA power projection. (His revolutionary rival, Joshua Nkomo was very much a “soviet man”).
Anyone who claims that China has been militarily sweetness and light and “dormant” since WW2 is either a “useful idiot” or a straight-up agent.
Graham you forgot exploitation, ignoring patents and routinely stealing technology.
GDP per capita in China was last recorded at 10430.73 US dollars in 2020.
GDP per capita in the United States was last recorded at 58510.24 US dollars in 2020.
GDP per capita in the United Kingdom was last recorded at 41811.36 US dollars in 2020.
GDP per capita in Germany was last recorded at 41259.18 US dollars in 2020.
GDP per capita in Japan was last recorded at 34366.48 US dollars in 2020.
Idea that Chinese economy or military is a threat to the US is not based on reality.
The portrayal of China as sleeping giant that is now awakening to take over the world – and take our jobs – is, like most such conceptions, a total delusion. The Peoples Republic of China is weak in almost every sense: politically, economically, and militarily, the PRC is a paper tiger and its rulers are sitting atop a volcano.
China is a paper tiger that is likely to go up in the flames of its own overheated export-driven inflationary boom. Its present course is unsustainable, and the Chinese leaders know it. It’s only a matter of time before the whole thing goes ka-blooie
China is a Keynesian laboratory. It has more central bank inflation than we do. It has more government intervention than we do. The apparatchiks who run it are stupider economically than ours are. They steal from their people on a massive scale. It is a rigged mercantilist economy. It is better than communism, but it is certainly worse than anything in the United States.
China rides the tiger of debt and bubbles
China debt ballooned from 2 trillion in 2007 to 20-24 trillion today.
the Communist rulers of China are economic dolts. They have loaned over $3 trillion to Western governments to subsidize massive deficits of aging countries that will all default. How stupid is this? Incomparably stupid.
the central bank funding $3 trillion in bad loans to the West, enabling Western consumers to buy cheap goods whose resources could have been used to manufacture cheaper goods for China’s masses, the wealth that would have accrued to China’s masses was transferred to the West. Was this stupid, or what?
Don’t turn your back!
I take both Graham’s and max’s points. They are each valid and point to us being at a critical period for the balance of this decade. Things could play out either way. The things I see mitigating against China taking over the world are:
# Xi’s increasingly authoritarian tone and actions around the world creating disquiet and reassessments of supply chains in which China is the sole or critical part. [Not to say the US doesn’t similarly project aggression, but it does so from behind a cloak of democracy and free enterprise, which allows for sins not granted to dictatorships in the 21st century.]
# Anytime in the past, just when China has looked ready to take over the world, it has turned inwards. This is very much a part of the Chinese pride in their cultural heritage, racial superiority complex, and fear of dilution from outside influences. In prior centuries, outside ideas have always reached a point where they were a threat to the then ruling regime. Today’s situation rhymes.
# Dictatorships are not generally favourable to innovation. By far and away, the biggest driver of technological progress in the past few hundred years has been not just capitalism, but laissez faire-style capitalism. The more that rulers and regulations interfere into that process, the more it stymies innovation.
This is not to say that I believe in unfettered, carte blanche capitalism. Society and life is more than just an economic construct, but the balance must be in favour of safety nets and prevention of the worst excesses, rather than governments and bureaucracies bending economies and peoples’ labours to their own devices.
Say what you wish about the American dog-eat-dog style of capitalism, it does seem to continue to churn out new inventions at an astonishing rate.
Don’t forget:
Confucius institutes. 1000 Talent program, Belt and Road and String of Pearls.
Confucius is dead.
But the institutes are alive and kicking.
Or did I miss the ‘sarc’ emoji?
What I find so annoying is that ‘wilipedia’ is prepared to waste so muchtime and effort on such a non-person. US is just so full of this gender crepe one wonders where they as a nation are headed. I have in the recent past contributed a small amount to their coffers. Never again . .
It’s like the last days of Rome.
Tony, you and I actually served. I have no medals although I did get a good score on the SLR, have you?
that’s the hardest thing to try and explain to, well, Americans, and 90%+ of Australians as well, those who have no idea of Defence Service medals, just used to seeing movies and news reports of Americans with ten rows of medal ribbons, and then Australians with not even one row of four ribbons.
As Serving Australians, the ONLY medals we get to wear are those that WE, as a serving person, are awarded, whilst any and every serving American gets to wear all the medals of any Unit they served in, hence you see Generals with row upon row upon row of medal ribbons. You also see serving members of lesser ranks, even non Officer enlisted members with rows of medals as well, and that’s the reason why ….. they get to wear them all.
Now, while in recent times, Australia has introduced many more medals for serving members, I come from a time in the Service when there were very few medals for us to wear, and to see a serving member with even one row of four medal ribbons was a very (very) rare thing indeed, and they were mainly those who served the minimum 12 Months in Vietnam, to qualify for the one Australian medal, and the second (minor) Vietnamese medal, and perhaps two other medals for time served.
I only have the three medals, all of them for length of Service.
The DFSM (Defence Force Service Medal) and two bars, so 15 years and two (five year) bars, for my 25 years of Service.
The ADM, (Australian Defence Medal) that every person who ever signs up gets, no matter how long they served.
The National Medal, introduced by Gough Whitlam to replace the Defence specific time service, when Labor sought to make the Public Service equal to Military Service, hence giving those public servants access to medals, and lowering the meaning of Defence Service as just another ‘job’. The Military worked for years and years after that to have a specific MILITARY Service medal for time served (to replace the old Long Service and Good Conduct Medal) and have it separate from that National Medal.
I served during that time when they introduced that National Medal, so I qualified for both the National Medal and the DFSM, and actually, there wasn’t very many of us who did qualify for the National Medal, which we somewhat disparagingly referred to as ‘Gough’s Gong’.
Huh! As for shooting, each year we had to requalify on the SLR. That was one whole day on the Range. Safety, Cleaning, and the shooting itself. The actual test itself (after a couple of ‘magazine loads’ for practice) was 30 shots in total, 20 of them from 50 metres, prone, sitting, squatting, and standing, five shots each. Then five shots prone at 100 metres, and five shots prone from 400 metres. (and at 400 metres the target was so minute as to be ….. where the hell is it) You had to get 15 shots on target to have qualified. Two times I had to go back to do it over, and the best I did was 24, and I’m absolutely certain the guy alongside me was shooting at my target, because that score (for me) was an aberration, my only time over 20. When I was promoted to Sergeant, I (thankfully) didn’t have to do the SLR again, but we did get to shoot the Defence Pistol (Browning) on the 25 Metre range, and that I could actually do. But when it came to shooting ….. I was a good aircraft electrical tradesman!
From Babylon Bee:
The first obvious question is whether the Babylon Bee award category is in recognition of the sex or gender of the recipient. It is generally recognised that sex is not gender and gender is not sex and instead both are separate “tags” with separate definitions.
I don’t know is on third
Is that a dig at David?
Or did you think your comment was about to land at #3 but missed by a few seconds?
I was rather pleased when I found that it was better to be on home base than third.
You found out Today.
I’m slow.
JD Vance to Newsmax: Biden ‘Crime Family’ Has ‘Blundered Us’ Into Crises
It is beyond ironical to have the corruption of the Biden “crime family” with Ukraine and Russia and now to be living on the edge of world war due to those same countries, Ohio Senate Republican primary candidate J.D. Vance lamented on Newsmax.
“Why is it that the very government that got involved with the Biden administration is now involved in a major world, a historic, crisis that [President Joe] Biden has blundered us into?” Vance told Saturday’s “Wake Up America.”
The corruption extends beyond even the president, his son Hunter Biden, and the Big Tech censorship to suppress it in a 2020 presidential election meddling campaign, Vance added to co-host Carl Higbie, noting the media was complicit and biased, too.
Also, Vance noted, it is not just the Russia-Ukraine war either. Biden has a number of crises he and his administration has caused.
“It’s effectively a crime family that we’ve allowed to plunder the country, to turn our country into a total disaster area,” Vance said. “That’s unfortunately [why] we’re living with the consequences today.
“The other thing that’s crazy about this is the media and social media, Big Tech engaged in this massive cover-up. If you were talking about this 12, 18 months ago, you were engaged in Russian disinformation, right. The tech companies would censor you for even discussing it.”
Perfect place to extort money and to launder it.
But it’s a little more complex than just Brandon being involved neck deep in corruption.
Ukraine has more oligarchs than Russia. It is also considered more corrupt.
It is right at the border of Russia and is the “bread basket of the east.”
The west of the nation are historically Ukrainians. The east—Russians.
Ukraine gained independence with the fall of the USSR essentially.
DC comes along and says ” play nice with us and we will give you all the benefits of the wealthy west.”
In comes a long procession of scumbag pols from DC and elsewhere with their hands out for bribe money.
Ukraine is rich in raw materials. But they need to develop them and they have no money at the time.
“Don’t worry, say the scumbag pols, we will give you aid.” Just make sure some of that aid comes back into our grimy, scuzzy, treasonous pockets.
And there you have it. Billions of public dollars directed to Ukraine from the US taxpayer to supposedly “aid” the Ukrainians become “free and independent” while the truth is far darker and nefarious. Ukraine is a giant money laundering scheme in an even bigger effort to defraud the US taxpayer.
So it’s not just Brandon that took part in this massive extortion and laundering scheme…it’s Obama, Senators and Congressmen from both sides of the aisle….along with various bureaucrats like Victoria Nuland, Alex Vindman, etc.
Bit late to grumble.
Enough of the US electorate hate Trump so much that they also hated anyone, any organisation that argued against their fixated beliefs. They ignored extensive and damaging riots around the country, had tunnel vision for anything woke and anything pushing AGW.
They saw Biden’s affliction and inability to perform in the election period, and they elected him. They accepted any matter as being ‘Russian disinformation’ if so directed by the Democrats and their disgracefully performing justice and security systems which reflected the mores of Russia rather than those of a free nation.
They made their own bed, voted for it and now have to lie in it for another 3 years. They condemned themselves, and the world, to being led by a cabal of unknown faces behind the deteriorating Biden image, at the worst of times for the USA, at a time the US is being deliberately enfeebled from within by outrageous energy and border policies. They are led by an enfeebled President scared to death of those behind him – a man noted even in his lucid days of almost never getting anything right. All this display of US leadership timidity and weakness and internal disarray has placed the World on the brink of a nuclear WW3 by emboldening Russia, Iran and China. Biden even tries to tie US energy supplies to Russia, begs the same of Venezuella and resumes the anti nuclear treaty with Iran. One doesn’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to wonder where all these reversals of traditional US governance, good sense, beliefs, traditions and self destruction are being empowered from. Looking at the actions of the US Security and DOJ over the last 4 years, one can’t expect any salvation from them. To the contrary indeed.
Things are so bad in the USA that even the ultraleft media empires must be shaking in their boots at the destruction they have brought down on the USA in 1year. This has resulted in a news organisation – not the security agencies, justice system nor armed forces – pulling the plug on its lying that the Hunter Biden laptop was full of Russian disinformation. They now state it is actually full of real information; not Russian disinformation as promulgated by the security agencies.
The real interest now is going to be how the end results of all that lying and deception by so many leading USA governmental, legal and media organisations can in any way be rectified. Barr stated Trump’s declared position of a fix being ‘in’ at the last election was wrong is starting to look very weak in facts, and maybe the Supreme Court has to be compelled to reverse its hands off position about the cases brought before it over the election, on the basis of social disruption. At this stage what the USA has now as ‘leadership’ is legitimised as a result of the Supreme Court JUstices refusal to review the systems that validated it.
Masterly summation of the process of weakness orchestrated from within.
One sentence with which don’t agree… not destruction wrought ‘by the media
empires in one year,’ this has been a carefully manipulated long march
through the institutions coming to a head.
The end of Antarctic exceptionalism?
Plunging Russia into the diplomatic deep freeze has implications far beyond Europe on cooperation over global commons.
Moscow’s latest invasion of Ukraine has turned Vladimir Putin’s Russia into a pariah state, essentially overnight, and seen the country saddled with an unprecedented international sanction regime. The long-term implications of freezing cooperation and dialogue with Russia are significant – even for the future of far distant areas of the global commons, such as Antarctica.
Antarctica is set aside under the Antarctic Treaty as a continent for peace, science and international collaboration. It is a strategic theatre in which Australian national interests directly intersect and engage with Russian national interests. Russia and Australia are two of the 12 original signatories to the treaty and hold equal standing in the consensus-based operation of the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS). Each has a substantial permanent research presence in the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT) and both proudly promote their Antarctic “identity”.
The ATS has stewarded Antarctica through enduring international strategic competition since 1961. For many, Antarctica is a beacon of international collaboration and post-Cold War cooperation. It is exceptional.
And its exceptionality has always been fragile.
In an era of renewed great power competition, fused with resource insecurity and sharpened by climate change, Antarctica sits at the intersection of many strategic forces. Putin’s Russia might not be about to invade or annex Antarctica anytime soon, but it doesn’t need to in order to end Antarctic exceptionalism.
Russia’s response to the “freezing” of Arctic dialogue and regional governance operations was telling, and troubling, for the potential changes coming to Antarctic cooperation. Moscow communicated its “displeasure” at the unprecedented suspension of Arctic cooperation via the Arctic Council, and noted its intent to continue on unilaterally with its own domestic Arctic agenda. Russia’s Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted the Arctic was a zone in which “international cooperation has never been hostage to the geopolitical situation”, continuing that “the desire of a number of countries to punish Russia will result in serious costs for the joint search for optimal solutions to urgent Arctic problems”.
It is this response which calls into question the looming decision facing Antarctic cooperation.
Goes with the International Space Station, and surprise surprise, this demonizing of Russia comes just after Musk takes American astronauts up.
Time to Rethink U.S.-India Ties
China Has a Huge Strategic Opening With India
While differences between the U.S. and India have widened, Beijing and New Delhi have made similar statements on the Ukraine conflict.
With All Eyes on Russia, Serbia Nourishes Ties With China
The war in Ukraine provides Belgrade with an opportunity to continue and boost its policy of replacing Russia with China as Serbia’s primary non-Western partner.
Years ago now.
Wasn’t it the USSR who supplied India with nuclear weapons technology?
And was it China who supplied Pakistan in response?
Can’t recall.
Ah… the Tuesday OldOzzie thread.
No problems, about to disappear and keep watching 1st F1 Race in Bahrain, having done morning exercise of “Little Grey Cells”
Your posts are greatly appreciated OldOzzie.
I second that.
Yes indeed. Pity Jo doesn’t like the T* word because it fits so well here.
You’ve stumped me. How many letters is it?
Five letters and rhymes with droll.
I noticed rather a lot of GA posts in the latest posts list a short while ago!
I enjoy Old Ozzie’s posts; much excellent info.
I have to wonder why the leaf bothers to read old aussies posts when they upset him so much , it’s a bit like walking down the street seeing some dog poo and deliberately stepping in it so you can be offended ! Old Aussie fills a void that Pat used to occupy , they only passed on information they found that they thought would be of interest and if you don’t like it don’t read it . Seems to be a problem with the hard left and any information that doesn’t come directly from them . A lot of old aussies posts are interesting and I’m more informed because of him and his searching of items of interest .
I’m a mechanic, not Machiavelli, but leaf’s posts don’t seem to have any purpose. Just t’ing.
I am very disappointed that there has been so little interest in the James Webb Space Telescope. In fact, many people have never even heard of it.
I think it is symptomatic of the general dumbing-down of society.
All its mirror alignment and other instrument alignment and calibration operations are progressing successively and to plan.
At least we’ll get to see better images of those new planets we can inhabit, you know 800 million light years away, you know, the ones that journalists tell us we can be there by next week!
(And right there is where the dumbing down starts, when people are led to believe we ….. can actually go to these Planets)
Umm, now where was that Ark Fleet Ship B.
Where have journalists written or said this? Who are the people being mislead. I must hang out with smarter people.
Or maybe you watch too much kids TV or you just made that up.
Every member of the Musk fan club and supporting media base., for a start.
I fail to see the link to the abhorrent practices of the perfume industry.
“when people are led to believe we ….. can actually go to these Planets”
Or that the planet even currently exists given that what we are seeing is the status as it was 800 million light years ago and any number of hyper-space by-passes could have been built by the Vogon Constructor Fleets in that time.
Man is never even going to reach Mars for one simple reason everyone seems to overlook. An expedition has to carry its own oxygen. If anything goes wrong everyone aboard will be cactus! That is the one thing Columbus, Cook, Magellen, Shackleton etc never had to worry about!
‘Umm, now where was that Ark Fleet Ship B.’
They are working on it, life imitates art. Technological breakthroughs should advance ways to overcome the tyranny of distance.
Importantly, if they find a planet in the habitable zone of some distant solar system, then they will build a starship which is uninhabited except for robots.
This is the design most applicable, travels fast.
There’s already a deadly virus there spread on unsanitary telephones.
Or was the deadly virus on Earth because the phone sanitisers were sent off in the First Fleet? So old, so long ago.
It gets a lot of reporting on the ABC. Can’t see much mention on Newsmax.
So there really isn’t a James Webb space telescope then?
There is push back on the claims that insurance companies are seeing big jumps in excess deaths, and the cause is vaccinations. The push back is that the cause was in fact Delta, which hit at that time. Milo Mac has looked at and graphed the numbers, and it is clear as mud to me. The narrative for the Delta cause is a little muddled too. So the excess corresponds to the Delta outbreak, but the deaths are actually caused by previously covid infected people, having some co morbidity triggered later, and they just drop dead out of nowhere. Those two things don’t actually really fit together to well?! Is there any data on previous covid cases, who don’t vaccinate, dropping dead later? Do actuaries go that deep?
I could complain about that article’s failure to look at historical variability to see if COVID years are outside normal bounds in any way, but that’s falling into a pretty much irrelevant argument.
COVID arguments pretty much all boil down to how many more/fewer would have died if something had been done differently. Maths can’t tell you that. What happens is that people come up with their own Just So stories, and then fiddle around with maths to try to support them.
Even properly designed randomised controlled trials only give you a probability that a particular treatment had such and such an effect, but here we are in a world where people died of COVID, people died of lockdown-induced suicide, people died of vaccination, people didn’t die of road accidents, etc., etc. Sure, you can wave some statistical formulas at the mortaility stats and pretend you’ve untangled it all, but you haven’t.
Remember when clueless haters mocked President Trump for establishing a US military Space Force? (The US militry already had a Space Command many years standing.)
Well, today the Australian military starts its space command.
Where are the clueless haters now?
The only good thing about Biden is that his presidency highlights how good Trump was. Trump is looking better and better each time Biden steps up to the podium or signs an Exucutive Order.
“Where are the clueless haters now?”
They are in power in Australia…
This just makes me cringe!! We don’t have a ‘space industry’ who are they trying to kid! NZ launches more satellites than we own, (less than half a dozen) and this stupidity is no more than grovelling to the USA as they ordered us to!
As big a waste of money as Snowy 2.
Transgender Who Raped Multiple Women in Hospital Spared Prison Because “Women Can’t Rape Women”
One look at this MAN’s face says a lot.
The #2 spot is the new #1.
Perhaps all competitive sports winners need to be checked to see if they have pets (performance enhancing testicles).
I find it difficult to believe that Once Great Britain spread Western Civilisation throughout much of the known world.
This demonstrates how easily civilisation and morality can collapse.
Civilization and morality collapse when the Left takes control.
The Left destroys everything it touches.
I don’t suppose you bothered corroborating this in any way?
It was mentioned in the House of Lords. Refer to 12:35 into video.
Now, just because something gets mentioned in the House doesn’t automatically make it true. They say they can’t name the victim. Take it as you will. But it’s not just some obtuse news outlet. This is someone stating on the record they have spoken to the alleged victim.
That case was years ago and had some very specific circumstances pertaining to it that JCII’s aricle failed to mention… why are they reporting that case now?
I believe the comments by Baroness Nicholson were made on 16 March 2022. That has probably prompted the reporting over the last 5 days.
Yes. This case does go back some time. That’s the point. It took a year of stupidity from the hospital before they finally admitted one of the women wasn’t actually a woman.
Here is another man who raped women in women’s prison in Once Great Britain. Unusually, this one got punished.
this is a verified report the other is not
The grand poobah Gee Aye – he, and he alone, can determine what’s verified and what’s not. All bow down in his presence. Please oh great one, please verify that this post was actually made by me.
Whatever floats your boat.
California Forces Transgender ‘Belief System’ on Female Prisoners Housed With Biological Males, Lawsuit Says
A lawsuit filed Wednesday by the Women’s Liberation Front accuses the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation of endangering women by housing biological males in women’s prisons.
Corrections must believe it’s better for these sad muppets to be ‘safe’ in with the ladies rather than leave them in with the boys, where they would be much more ‘appreciated’.
Documentary from 2018 Exposes U.S. Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine
A bombshell 2018 documentary by Al Mayadeen Documentaries exposes the secret U.S. funding of bioweapons using dangerous pathogens in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine.
..and one of the main projects was to use birds as a pathogen carrier…
Apple is DOWN: Thousands of users complain of being unable to access a host of the tech giant’s services, including the App store, iCloud, Apple TV and Maps
The company is yet to comment on the problem, but it is believed to be a global issue, with users complaining in both the US and UK.
Right on time with Biden’s warning of Russian cyberattacks…
False flags incoming, cash on standby 😊
And no one noticed….
Australia to expand powers in crackdown on online ‘disinformation’
The country’s media watchdog will be able to make tech giants hand over internal data
Under its extended powers, the ACMA will be able to hold companies to account for facilitating the spread of content deemed to be misinformation, and will also be able to force companies to provide internal data on their response to such content.
It comes after a June report made public on Monday found that Australians exposed to such content had “lower levels of trust” in government officials and “other authoritative sources.”
“The propagation of falsehoods and conspiracies undermines public health efforts, impacts businesses, causes harm to democratic institutions, and in some cases, incites individuals to carry out acts of violence,” ACMA claimed, before announcing that the government had agreed to its recommendations that the authority “be granted new regulatory powers.”
“These powers include information gathering and reserve code-making powers,” it revealed.
The report also claimed that Australians who had been exposed to “misinformation” were more likely to share links to “less reliable online news sources” instead of “mainstream” outlets such as Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News.
No need to worry about dictators over there, they are right here in our midst.
WE will get to decide what constitutes dis-informaton.
WE will decide what you can read, listen to, and importantly,
what you can think.
This is very dangerous legislation indeed.
Gosh, fancy not having trust in government or authoritative sources”, presumably like TheirTheiror TGA or BoM etc..
Back in the day, trust had to be earned and was not considered a characteristic that should be or could be imposed.
Hardly surprising.
Just a continuation of the move toward communism our Australian governments are subjecting their constituents to, with the last couple of years of covid measures (for our own good) being a prime example. Covid just put the process into fast forward.
If you thought it was normal for police “officers” to pepper spray or throw citizens to the ground for “offences” such as – not wearing a mask, walking through a park, venturing too far from home, etc. – then you were asleep at the wheel.
If the sheeple continue to comply “for our own good”, then we’ll all have to accept what is coming – and it will be too late to do anything about it.
It is because of actions like, that trust is eroded. !
And we used publicly to deplore the totalitarianism of North Korea; we’re probably already kidnapping aotearoans…
According to the discredited vaccine industry, sports referee WHISTLES are the cause behind heart problems in perfectly healthy athletes
If you play sports or even attend live sports games and matches, you may want to wear some ear plugs from now on. Otherwise, you might come down with a case of RWS, also known as referee whistle syndrome, where that loud, sharp sound causes your heart to stress out so badly you could have a heart attack and die, according to fake mainstream media (MSM) news and vaccine industry “experts.”
RWS – the latest nonsensical explanation.
Who comes up with this stuff? 😅😅
A. The fake news site you linked to.
Sounds like the very clumsy fake news trying to stupidly try and explain away the heart attack death of a certain senator recently…..
Also, spotted graffitied on a billboard on a drive to Albury, along the hume fwy near Gundagai, a picture of a needle, and words “99% fail”….
Red pill on a billboard…old school
Metal Shortages and Escalating Costs May Short-Circuit Green Energy Schemes
GM Electric Battery Engineer: “We have neither the raw materials nor the manufacturing capacity” to support massive transition away from fossil fuels.
You don’t say…
Oh the irony…
Such a shame, I am bereft.
Gee, who’d have thought? I mean, other than anyone with a calculator.
Pfizer Offers Millions in Bribes To Buy the Silence of Outspoken Doctors
Dr. Paul Alexander: ” Pfizer offered me $1 million, $50,000 month wage to stop writing and hammering them and Bourla. I said NO”.
I joined McCullough, Malone, Vanden Bossche, Oskoui, Rische, Tenenbaum, Trozzi, Wolf, Urso et al. willingly, to wage battle for society & our children
G’day J C II,
Thanks for that.
There’s an ongoing link which includes this advice for those who’ve been jabbed:
” You could based on protocols from McCullough et al. (myself included in this research group) with consultation with your personal doctor (you must seek your own doctor), take a regimen of blood thinners such as high dose aspirin e.g. 325 mg daily post vaccine for a period to reduce the risk of these clots. It thins the blood. The vaccine and subsequent clots can be devastating (see Dr. Hoffe, Canadian hero doctor). I am not your treating physician, I only tell you the science, please consult with your doctor. ”
Sounds useful, and simple.
Dave B
Excellent material from Dr. Paul Alexander.
That advice may be correct but may apply only to the mRNA type, and possibly the AstraZeneca.
Almost nothing has come out so far on ‘adverse effects’ of Novavax. either censorship is tight, or there are very few.
Bribes to silence doctors encourages other docs to speak up. They ain’t as dumb as they look you know.
World Expert Reveals Errors In Assessing LED Light Health Risks
Dr Nisa Khan, a respected international pioneer in LED lighting, has triggered consternation in the scientific community. Herein, she provides further insights as to why LED car headlights are a major risk to public health.
“Ask yourself, math or not, better light detection or not, color-temperature or not – do LED headlights bother you more than halogen headlights?”
Behind this is the reason that LED headlight peak luminance is much more than 1 million nits where as a halogen headlight peak luminance is around 40,000 nits!
Very interesting and excellent analysis.
We’ve all heard a great deal about Gun Control.
This is perhaps the best answer I’ve seen:
“Do you trust those in Government power, now and forever, to Not take your life, Liberty, or property, through the force of Government?
If the answer to that question is “No”, then the gun control debate is over.” KrisAnne Hall, JD.
The best gun control is a steady hand.
Military Arrests Dr. Fauci’s NIH Assistant
U.S. Marines on Thursday arrested Patricia L. Conrad, special assistant to NIH Director Anthony S. Fauci, at her home in Bethesda, Maryland, after obtaining a military arrest warrant signed by Deputy Judge Advocate General Christopher C. French, a JAG source told Real Raw News.
Interesting if true. Don’t know why this would be a military matter but it’s a good start.
Real Raw News is, as they say themselves “We take real news Articles and put our own twists on them” The word “fabricated” is also mentioned. So unfortunately we should take the Fauci story with a grain of salt. ToM
It’s strictly for laughs realrawnews, at least that’s why I used to go there; gradually I realized they’ll never do a story on the summary execution of Daniel Andrews and stopped visiting.
Now that biological men are starting to dominate in all “women’s” sports, I think it’s time to establish a special sporting code for biological women where biological women are able to compete exclusively with other biological women.
So, we would have two sporting divisions for people who have XX or XY karotype and then also the present women’s division which is a mixture of XX and XY ever since men have been allowed to compete.
For people with chromosomal or other gender-related abnormalities the division they participate in would be decided by an impartial panel of experts and would consider factors such as if their physique and performance has been influenced by past or present testosterone in their body.
No, gender specific sports ought to be governed by gender specific hormone levels.
Normal testosterone levels are usually described as:
300–1,000 ng/dL for men
15–70 ng/dL for women
Biological males have 400% to 1,400% more testosterone than biological females. That is an inappropriate advantage in terms of muscle mass and strength.
If a contestant has a serum testosterone level of more than 100 ng/dL , then that contestant is “doped” as a biological female and medically inadequate as a biological male.
Science is not difficult if one follows the facts.
It’s not hard to sort out, if you want to, but there’s too much wokeness involved.
Wrong. Even a male identifying as a female and who has minimal or no testosterone but who has gone through puberty will still have a male physique with greater height, weight, muscle mass, bigger heart and lungs and strength and probably still has a brain hard-wired for aggression. A castrated male who has gone through puberty will still be a superior athlete to a female.
Also, males have superior biomechanical advantages for running and certain other sports relating to angles of thighs and width of hips etc.
How is a lack of testosterone going to shrink the female to female proportions?
Science is not difficult if one follows the facts.
My second last line above should have read:
How is a lack of testosterone going to shrink the male to female proportions?
It’s abuse of science. There is no need for science to tell women from men. Science is very new. Gender is as old as the planet.
As for the performances advantages of being men, they are manifold, not just testosterone. What is being done is in post modernism you are told identity is a social construct and facts don’t matter. And they don’t matter in science either, which is why we are enjoying a Climate Catastrophe today, according to some press. It’s not true, but facts don’t matter.
But letting males compete in womens’ sports destroys a hundred years of hard won freedoms which has allowed women to enjoy their own sports ambitions and skills among the same gender. Now the people taking away womens’ rights are men who demand women’s rights. This aggressive male behaviour is the very reason womens’ sport was created in the first place.
Let’s not be too concerned, the ladies are ok with it, that’s why there’s no outcry.
I think many or most biological female athletes are NOT OK with it but they are terrified to speak out because they will be cancelled if they do.
Superficially they say “How wonderful, how bold”.
Unspoken is the thought and reality that they are having to compete against cheats.
Wouldn’t it be less invasive to do a sperm count?
Some of the lasses might show a higher count.
Just limit women’s sports to those who have had children…
Celebrity transgender and conservative Caitlyn Jenner is also opposed to men in women’s sports.
E.g. see interview about men in women’s swimming here:
What sport is supported by XXXX?…and Y?
The Largest Global Land Grab In Human History
In September 2021 the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) quietly announced that it had created a new asset class with a listing, “To preserve and restore the natural assets that ultimately underpin the ability for there to be life on Earth”. It looks both innocent and protective. Who doesn’t want to preserve and restore the planetary resources on which we all depend?
However, the subtext is that corporations who fit into this asset class, ‘natural asset company’ (NAC), get to maintain, manage and develop the natural resources on a given piece of land. It’s effectively a fast track to commodifying Nature’s natural resources.
Bill Gates is the largest farmland owner in the US, even though he has no obvious interest in farming.
He may nevertheless have an interest in controlling the food supply and may like the idea of reducing world population to a “sustainable” level however.
Isn’t Bill Gates the largest farm land owner in the USA? What a happy coincidence.
From the horse’s mouth (or the other end).
Biden – a new world order…×720/oPdGoJtp7cv8xGWB.mp4
It has been said before by many other leaders over the past few years. Nothing new but it is real. The Wets is most definitely pushing for a NWO. Whether they achieve it, only time will tell. They face strong opposition by Russia and China. For the West to have its NWO, first Russia and China will need to be taken down. Not very likely, not without the West taking down itself, which means the West will fail miserably and with much pain if they push it to the limit.
US Unexpectedly Sanctions China Officials Hours After Demanding Beijing Condemn Russia
Apparently not content with diplomatic war on one front with Russia, the Biden administration appears ready to escalate with China following on the heels of last week’s persistent accusations that Beijing was mulling cooperation with Moscow on weapons resupplies for its Ukraine operation, as well as assistance on Western sanctions evasion.
Soros’s objective – eliminate Trump, Russia and China as obstacles in that order.
Thought for the day:
I trust every word the government says.
It’s when they string them together to form sentences I have trust issues.
Things pretty quiet news wise globally.
Threats to Oz – nothing significant on my biological radar and nothing building either.
Europe – same chaos. Nothing new.
India – still the place to watch. They seem to be experiencing wide ranging post-Covid disease events.
Think I’ll go shopping…
Anyone noticed you can’t buy steel wool pads anywhere lately?
Ingham’s chicken products out nationally but Steggles ok?
TP seems to be stuck at 50% empty shelves.
Increasing amount of products out for weeks now. Can’t keep blaming it on Covid…
There seems to be a wind drought in UK and King and Flinders Islands.
Then, let them eat solar panels! (An allusion to Marie Antoinette.)
The Left are heavily promoting transgenderism, especially to children and underage teens but what they won’t admit to is the large amount of regret that many people have after undergoing mutilating and sterilizing hormone treatments or surgeries.
It was once the case that people who had rare cases of genuine gender dysphporia were distinguished from the mentally ill or publicity seeking or trend following by years of psychiatric and psychological counselling.
Now, there is very little, if any, counselling and trendy Leftist parents seem to encourage transgenderism among their children and treat “trans” children like exotic pets.
Besides, Leftists keep telling us there is no difference between genders so why would you want to encourage one to “become” the other?
Yet again with the “promoting”. Your challenge is to come up with one example of this.
There are many. It’s reaching scandal proportions. And the impact on young girls is a real problem as
they suffer from peer group pressure as adolescents much more than boys and can transition as groups. And the down sides of pain, urination, endless drugs for life and their side effects is not clear to them when they start. They lost the chance to become who they would have been. And it’s not as if this is a simple operation or cheap or just one operation. The informed consent is just not there in a society which is actively, even aggressively pushing changing gender as desirable and a simple solution to the anxieties of youth and identity. It isn’t.
This podcast with Jordan Petersen on this subject has had 950,000 views. He was even reluctant to do the interview because he would be attacked for even talking about it. The idea that it is an epidemic is the most worrying. Listen from 4:36.
Thankyou for that video link TdeF.
Nothing you linked to supports DMs assertions. None of that supports the notion of the left heavily promoting or trendy left parents blah blah. Read what he wrote and make yourself relevant.
The entire gender identity epidemic is a manifestation of extreme left post modernism inflicted on impressionable young people. Men are men. Women are women. Anything else is make believe lefty identity gibberish which has never existed in history. And is destroying young lives.
Fine… more rhetoric is so convincing.
thats all you ever offer
GA, let’s try Science.
XX chromosome = Female
XY chromosome = Male
That is a biological definition. Anything else is within the realm of psychiatry.
Or do you deny Science?
What is your point? I’m a geneticist.
Question is, why is Gee Aye supporting and condoning this !
It’s standard Labor doctrine the whole SOGI thing and Gee Aye backstrokes every morning in Lake Burley Griffin. QED eh.
What is?
Rachel worked her balls off to get the admiral job.
The Babylon Bee’s Man Of The Year Is Rachel Levine
Twitter suspends Babylon Bee for naming Rachel Levine ‘Man of the Year’
“Russia claims this Kyiv shopping mall stored rockets.”
Before and after photos
But in between those
“About That Russia Attacking a Shopping Center Story
March 21, 2022 | Sundance | 52 Comments
Again, it must consistently be repeated – trust nothing from western or Russian state media about the issues in the Ukraine conflict. Everyone is shaping the war narrative to fit their agenda. Question everything you see and hear, wait to get the fulsome picture, and eventually the truth will surface.”
More at
A few hours ago it was reported that Russian troops in Kharkov were shooting at unarmed protesters. The latest report is that soldiers are “dispersing crowds with gunfire”. The difference is massive but when creating the endless stories of the brutal murderous Russians, the truth comes last.
But Kharkov is still in Ukranian hands?
No, it was in Russian hands two weeks ago. But in the melee who can say what constitutes control. I suspect the protesters would not be protesting if their friends were still shooting. It’s a very odd and dangerous thing to be doing in the middle of a war, so the basis of the protest would be very significant, if we knew. But that’s not relevant to the reporters.
And Kharkov is a critical city which fell to the Germans in 1941, was taken by the Russians in 1943 then back by the Germans and then finally by the Russians again in their drive across the steppes. The young soldiers of both sides are likely the great grandchildren of the soldiers who survived the mass losses on the steppes to the better armed Germans. All of those cities, Yalta, Sebastopol, Simferapol, Odessa, Kiev were terrible battles both ways. Sebastopol was destroyed by super heavy shelling block by block over three months. It is terrible to see these cities at war again. The core issue is NATO, which is the Germans, the British, the French on Russian soil again after two hundreds years of war against Russia. Russia has always been suspicious of Western motives, with very good reason. Even Lenin came to absolute power with German support.
WWII turned at Stalingrad but the great steppes battle of Kursk/Prokorovka was nearby, just outside Byelgorod. I have walked the fields where another million died to achieve a stalemate. Nothing on the scale of these battles was seen in the West.
And Mariupol is the key to control of the entire West of the region and control of the sea of Azov. Which is why there is no surrender, despite an impossible situation. That is sacrificing lives for nothing at all.
I hope it will all settle down soon. Many of the strategic objectives have been met. Zelensky has to talk and he is starting to indicate he is willing to talk. My great hope is the intervention of the Israeli PM who has real leverage on both sides and not an enemy.
Kursk, 1943, the biggest talk battle, 6,000 tanks.
Kursk in Russia is to the NE of Ukraine.
There were over two million deaths.
It looks like the Israeli diplomatic initiative has stopped after the insult from Zelensky.
Another Ian I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the Aussie Cossack but he has gone full pro Putin and lost all his credibility.
To me Ukraine is a dumpster fire and all sides of politics everywhere are pouring fuel on it. It’s getting extremely hard to sort out who is doing what , as everyone in the media is lying or spinning madly. Corruption is destroying civilisation world wide and the media is its cheer squad . It’s possible that peace can be negotiated but with the current insanity it’s unlikely . Interesting times ahead..
The wife of the ex-Deputy of the Interior drove out of Ukraine with $US28million & Euro1.3million in the boot, and Ukrainian Customs thought it was normal. When she entered Hungary she had to declare it, and hence the photo of the Customs Office full of open suitcases neatly stacked with cash..
So that’s where the world’s aid to Ukraine is going, and I’m all in favour of it. The more the corrupt politicians use cash, the less likely we are to become slaves in a digital money system.
Scientists Shocked as ‘Impossible’ Antarctic Heat Wave Sends Temperatures 40°C Above Normal
Scientists say it’s still too early to tell whether climate change is responsible for an extreme heat wave in Antarctica that shattered records as it brought temperatures soaring as high as -12°C, a full 40°C/70°F warmer than normal for this time of year.
“It is impossible, we would have said until two days ago,” tweeted Stefano Di Battista, a researcher who has published studies on Antarctic temperatures. “From today (March 18) the Antarctic climatology has been rewritten.”
Yes, it’s all going to melt at -12C.
It was a weather related matter, a combo of effects coming into sync, but its surprising that the subtropical ridge is still in summer mode.
Stockman Slams Zelenskyy’s Hyperbole: Pearl Harbor My Eye!
We were already getting sick and tired of this Zelensky clown, but the sheer chutzpah of comparing Ukraine’s predicament with Pearl Harbor or 9/11 is just fricking outrageous. To paraphrase Senator Lloyd Bensten’s famous retort to Dan Quayle in the 1992 VP debate: We knew the United States of America and Ukraine isn’t any United States.
To the contrary, it is a cesspool of corruption, mal-governance and rank stupidity on the foreign policy front. For crying out loud, its situation is comparable to the drug cartels taking over Mexico, demanding the return of the Gadsden Purchase and then seeking to join a Russian-led anti-American treaty organization.
That is to say, Ukraine brought the Russian attack on itself by poking the bear in its eyes repeatedly since the 2014 coup. Yet now its leader has the gall to petition the US Congress to start WWII via standing-up a No Fly Zone in lieu of the obvious solution: Namely, Zelensky should resign and make way for a collaborationist government that will sue for peace on the following basis:
. Recognize that Crimea is Russian territory and always has been since it was purchased by Catherine the Great in 1783;
. Permit the separation of the Donbass Republics from Ukraine because the overwhelmingly Russian speaking populations there has been part of “New Russia” for more than 300 years and do not wish to be ruled by the anti-Russian fascists and oligarchs who control Kiev;
. Amend the constitution of the rump state of Ukraine to prohibit its joining NATO or any similar western alliance, while reducing its military to a domestic law enforcement agency.
Those terms may seem harsh, but it’s the only alternative to the complete destruction of Ukraine and an eventual Russian win anyway. The fact is, the NATO cavalry simply ain’t coming no matter how many standing ovations are stumped up by the armchair warriors of the US Congress.
That’s because even the bully boys of Washington and Brussels aren’t ready to trigger WWIII over the broken remnants of a country that never had been a country historically until Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev made it an administrative district of the Soviet Empire – the latter being a stain on mankind that thankfully disappeared into the dustbin of history 31 years ago.
Yet without direct US/NATO engagement with the Russian military forces now occupying growing segments of Ukrainian territory the expedient of sending arms – even highly advanced lethal anti-air and anti-tank weapons – is futile. Russia now has total air superiority over Ukraine’s skies, meaning that incoming NATO weapons (and the so-called “foreign legion” fighters, too) will be destroyed long before they can make a difference.
So for god’s sake Washington needs to stop standing on ceremony and leading the hapless Ukrainian government down the primrose path to national destruction. There is no way out of the current catastrophe except for Washington to:
In any event, a TV actor who has no script other than that handed to him by his Washington/NATO overseers is one thing. And at the end of the day, it small potatoes compared to the grotesque negligence and misdirection of Sleepy Joe’s own keepers.
That is to say, Secy Blinkey and Snake Sullivan should be bent over the above map in earnest conversation with their Russian counterparts as to the fine points of the partition, and the meaning of “neutrality,” “de-nazification” and “demilitarization” of the green area of the map, which is to become the future “Ukraine,” if there is to be anything left at all.
Needless to say, they are not even talking to the Russians. They are, in fact, so red in tooth and claw with the blood of economic warfare that they would drive the global economy to collapse rather than acknowledge that they – and they alone – brought this horrendous situation to the doorstep of the world.
The donkey knows…
Will the Australian government ever allow sensible things like this in Australia?
New Hampshire House Passes Bill Allowing Pharmacists to Dispense Ivermectin Without a Prescription
Australia could run out of oil but that’s okay because climate change
Fuel security is now almost non-existent with the country down to three out of date refineries, all of which are under review by their respective owners as to whether or not to remain in operation.
A 2020 report into Australia’s fuel security situation revealed that on average the country has five days of fuel reserves available.
Anyone fancy a Prado or Landcruiser?
We have plenty of oil but bugger all refined fuel .
Now it’s becoming clearer why the idiots are talking about battery powered tanks and electric cannons, because we have bugger all fuel reserves once the shooting starts, yes we have sunlight and wind and gas and coal but ships, jet fighters and tanks run on nothing but refined kero and diesel.
That five days reserve will be gone in 3 days once the panic buying sets in, I’ve seen it in the past.
Jerry Cans: The True Secret Weapon of WWII
Watched 30 mins last night – superb design still way ahead of its’ time – Australian Made Rheem Black 20l Container comes close
Were they black? Any I saw were a sort of dark olive green.
I think the Government just announced a fuel storage facility but it is above ground in an urban area and totally vulnerable to attack by internal or external enemies. It is thus useless as a strategic reserve.
Meanwhile Federal and State Governments have banned oil and gas exploration and fracking throughout large areas of Australia.
New poll finds that the more mRNA injections you take, the more likely you are to unquestionably endorse the government’s Ukraine narrative.
Yawn…nothing surprising there 😜
These idiots blame the PM for not doing enough about the climate. Gosh, you couldn’t have more of a “true believer” in “climate change” than our PM, except Alba-sleazy…
Flood Victims Dump Their Rubbish On Scott Morrison’s Lawn And Demand He Do More To Help
Charisa Bossinakis
Published 4:25, 21 March 2022 GMT
Last updated 4:25, 21 March 2022 GMT
Victims impacted by the floods in the NSW far north have taken matters into their own hands and dumped debris at Scott Morrison’s Sydney home to protest the PM’s plan toward climate action.
Megan Kelly puts up 2hrs of a 4 hr interview with Robert Kennedy jnr. She pushes back hard at times, I think To give her some kudos, and I’m pretty sure she’s on his side. Especially over the last 2 yrs. RKJ has a neurological speech problem, so it can be jarring to listen to, but I found I didn’t miss much. No one else will touch him. His book, ‘The Real Dr Fauci’ is devastating. The interview doesn’t touch much we haven’t already heard. The book does, it is white hot.
Excess deaths raise questions about COVID-19 vaccines
Correlation or coincidence?
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Sunday, March 20, 2022
Americans are hearing they need another dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The news is as unwelcome as an annoying jingle that keeps repeating unbidden in the brain. It is also puzzling since the pandemic and its attendant panic are subsiding. Before submitting for another jab — and another and another — the nation’s medical establishment should come clean on what it knows about troubling spikes in death that have followed recurring waves of frightened citizens crowding pharmacies for their turn to get vaccinated.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CBS’ “Face the Nation” a week ago the three-dose vaccine his company has manufactured “is good enough — actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths.” Protection against variants like omicron is short-lived, though, and “it is necessary, a fourth [dose] for right now,” he said.
There are certain effects associated with the Pfizer shot and the similarly formulated Moderna injection that raise questions — sometimes described darkly as “vaccine hesitancy” — among reasonable individuals.
One anomaly that fairly shouts for attention arises from a graphic published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing dramatic surges in the excess death rate among Americans of the 25-44 age group during the pandemic.
Concerned citizens with analytical skills have observed a fluctuating pattern to these coronavirus deaths and have searched for clues to explain it. Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd noticed a 36% death rate rise between November 2020 and February 2021 when the vaccines debuted, a much sharper spike between August and December 2021 when government-ordered vaccine mandates mushroomed and, most recently, a 42% hike during the first two months of 2022 when Americans were urged to get the third-dose boosters.
“The millennial generation experienced 61k excess death in the second half of 2021,” wrote Mr. Dowd in a March 10 tweet clearly crafted to roil vaccine orthodoxy. “That is a Vietnam War event. Death by government mandates … we call this democide.”
Correlation is not necessarily causation, but a seemingly recurrent interrelationship between inoculation and death within a relatively robust age cohort suggests that Mr. Dowd is eying a statistical nugget that requires a full accounting.
Biden’s vacant White House.
Administration lacks skill and strength
On that fateful April day, Kennedy honored his commitment to speak to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. Many presidents would have ducked it. Three days prior, with Kennedy’s authorization and the CIA’s guidance, thousands of Cuban Americans launched a disastrous landing at what we know as the Bay of Pigs. While Kennedy spoke, the final act of this sad drama was still unfolding.
Today, can anyone imagine President Biden facing a roomful of skeptical editors and owning up to his disastrous blunders. Honesty has never been part of Mr. Biden’s nature. For years, America tolerated his lies because he and they seemed inconsequential.
On the world stage, Mr. Trump had established the nation’s character. Not unlike President Theodore Roosevelt, Mr. Trump projected strength. He backed North Korea down, checkmated China and froze Russia in place. For all his misgivings about Mr. Trump, leftist comedian Trevor Noah joked uneasily last week that the Saudis would never have defied Mr. Trump the way they did Mr. Biden.
Mr. Biden set himself up for the fall. On day one of his administration, he shut down the Keystone pipeline. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had to watch in wonder as the world’s energy-independent superpower rendered itself as vulnerable to his energy whims as its weak sisters in the European Union.
Mr. Putin had to watch in wonder too as the world’s mightiest military focused not on improving its fighting strength but on making life more comfortable for transgender recruits, hectoring the existing troops with divisive critical race theory and terminating those troops who refused to be vaccinated.
In transforming the military as he did, Mr. Biden drove away from the strong, the industrious, the determined and the courageous. If a compliant American media chose not to notice, the rest of the world did, including many of the world’s bad actors, Mr. Putin prominent among them.
In his latest comment, Vox Day makes a very pertinent statement:
My advice is don’t pick any side, they are all evil. They only differ by how much, and I won’t bother to point out which side is the worst evil of all because that is currently in a state of flux.
You say potato and I say po tarto
You say tomato and I say to marto
Lets compare the Nadal reports…
Jacinda -Who-Never-Lies has had her bought-and -paid-for propagandists very busy over night pumping out screeds of obfuscation to mystify the masses, who are now to understand that they have “hybrid immunidy ” – this is the immunity that you have when you’ve just had Omicron on top of your two doses (+booster) of the miraculous “vaccine ” which the government has coerced you into receiving “to protect your loved ones” . . . . but not to stop you from catching and spreading Omicron.
The “media” articles are very lengthy for a good reason , (so you won’t bother to read it ) , but the guts of it is that your B-cells and T-cells will , because you’ve just had Omicron, recognise future variants as being vaguely similar and will repel the invaders while you develop a specific immune response to the new variant.
This is called “hybrid immunidy”.
You may not have heard of this before, possibly because you never before heard of vaccines that provide no immunity.
But now you’re informed (or not).
Kamala Harris loves prog rock
I wish the passage of time would speed up so we can no longer put up with her BS and lies.
The world is influenced by modern day evil narcissists mostly behind the scenes but in some cases they have infiltrated our governments at all levels. I really don’t see how anyone can escape that conclusion.
What Happened to People Who Volunteered to Fight For Ukraine?
The dangers of moral exhibitionism.
Ukraine & the Nightmare
My take on all that is it’s all a deliberate plan by the West to set up their version of NWO by first taking down Russia and then China. Now way that will end well either way. If we are to avoid either that NWO or a world war we need to first get rid of our leaders. The trouble is the elections are either too far away or rigged. Oh well, enjoy what precious time we have left whatever the outcome.
If this is what’s it all leading to then you can deal me out. I’ll be going off grid totally somewhere else.
Globalist/WEF cabal to implement their long planned cashless society.
ATMs have been being steadily removed from shopping centres and streets for years. “They” have already moved against PayPal as if you want to sell anything on eBay you have to link to a bank account to get paid.
Centralisation works well – just recall how great it was for LIBOR and global interest rates….
You will own nothing and you will be happy.
Around here the ATMs still exist just that the only ones owned and serviced by the banks are in the wall of the bank building. All the rest (shopping centers) have a $$ charge to use them
So these are the type of people the West want to help? People who not only want to murder children but also destroy Russia? Have we gone that mad? Let’s hope such people are not too influential but I have seen reports that some of them have minister positions in the Ukraine government. I pray that Zelensky takes Ukraine in the other direction and starts negotiations with the West and Russia to come to some sort of peace settlement. The alternative is too horrific to contemplate.
Ukranian That Thinks It’s Okay To Kill Russian Children
I think Zelensky’s strategy was
1. there was nowhere for him to go
2. he hoped by fighting that the western media would influence their voters to demand war.
Unfortunately the credibility of the western media has dropped considerably in the last 6-8 years and voters are reluctant to support war, and people in the EU know that the first step into hostilities will be the end of Russian deliveries of gas, coal (and wood chips which many burn for household warmth), so Zelensky has realised that the cavalry won’t be coming and is suggesting talks with Russia (something the Russians offered in the first week of hostilities).
It’s about time unions targeted their real enemy….
Soaring fuel costs threaten Victoria’s biggest projects
Media Whitewashes a real problem in Ukraine that very few in the West want to talk about. I wonder why?
Yes. Good video. It is an obvious concern that conservatives are being asked to support the same side as the Left when there is no way Leftists would be supporting the good guys.
I feel sorry for people who have suffered in recent floods but don’t build on flood plains or other known flood zones!
I have never bought a house without first checking if it is on a flood plain or not. Some of the people flooded in Brisbane are rebuilding for the third time in three years. That’s fine if they want to continue to do that but my taxes should NOT be expected to pay for their stupidity. And insurance companies shouldn’t receive government (i.e. taxpayer) hand outs to cover the damage either, as they did in the last series of natural disasters which included the last Brisbane floods. Let them charge appropriate premiums that reflect the high risk of building on flood plains.
Psaki Won’t Be Going to Europe With Biden After COVID Circles Back and Hits Her Again
So even after getting it, allegedly being double vaxxed and boosted, she got it again? Is she the unluckiest person ever? Or does she just not want to have to deal with Joe Biden’s gaffes overseas, not to mention all the flack that she’s getting over the Hunter Biden laptop? Doubtless, she will still be all-in for the fourth shot and if she gets it again, will praise that shot.
But having to always be on the spin patrol for Joe Biden and cover-up after his lies has to be a wearing job. Now, with the Hunter Biden questions to which there is no reasonable answer, it must be even harder. So maybe she just wants to avoid it altogether and what she knows in advance will likely be a disaster overseas for Biden.
BREAKING: Fully Vaxxed *And Boosted* Hillary Clinton Tests Positive For Covid-19
Unfortunately it isn’t very deadly.
The correlation between vaccines and the Ukraine-Russia war
When you look back over the last 60 years and think of anti-war types, they’ve been Democrats and other leftists. Also, when you look back over the last two years and think of pro-lockdown, pro-mask, and pro-vaccine types, they’ve also been Democrats and other leftists. With those two facts in mind (anti-war but pro-totalitarianism), you’ll find as fascinating as I did a poll out of Canada looking at the different responses vaccinated versus unvaccinated people have to the conflict in Ukraine.
Jack Posobiec tweeted out a chart based on data from EKOS Research Associates, a Canadian polling company, showing that the more vaccinated people were (three or more shots), the higher their rates of support for doing anything they could to support Ukraine, including Western military involvement:
Gil McGowan, the president of the Alberta Federation of Labor, thinks he knows why this is:
Gil McGowan
This polling from EKOS highlights an important fact: the anti-vaxxers among us simply don’t care about others. They’re suffering from a huge deficiency of empathy. Why have we allowed this mean-spirited minority to wield such power? It has to stop.
So, she got it, was vaxxed with the ‘Politician’s Saline” shots, and now wants to get out of traveling with Mumblin jow…
Still looking good for three consecutive La Nina.
‘ … despite the weak La Nina signature at the surface, the +SOI/increased trade wind regime/cooling subsurface tells us that La Nina is likely to gain some strength during late March and into April.
‘Meanwhile, the next Kelvin Wave is forming west of the Dateline. An eastward shift of this feature during APR/MAY is required to breakdown La Nina as climate models is forecasting for late quarter 2 of 2022.’ (Climate Impact Company)
The Middle East Is on the Brink Again
The Risks of an Unstable Authoritarian Order
Beyond a revenge of the old order, the autocratic resurgence playing out across the Middle East is a story of U.S. disengagement from the region and the geopolitical shifts that this has caused. The last three U.S. administrations, but especially the last two, have sought to pare back U.S. military commitments in the Middle East while maintaining Washington’s long-standing focus on combating terrorism. This has reduced U.S. influence in the region and made the United States more tolerant of autocratic partners, so long as they support its main priorities. It has also opened the door to greater regional activism by China and Russia and by regional powers such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the Gulf states—all of which conceive of their national interests as extending far beyond their borders.
The result has been a partial resurrection of the old authoritarian order, except without the authoritarian bargain—whereby populations reluctantly accepted economic prosperity in lieu of political freedom—that once underpinned it. Autocratic governments across the region are cracking down on human rights and rolling back democracy, but they can offer little in the way of jobs or other economic opportunities in return.
Fossil fools: How Germany’s fear of nuclear power put Putin in charge of Europe
Germany finds itself once again allowing a murderous dictator to run rampant in Europe, though this time it is due to incompetence and technophobia rather than malice.
. Nuclear power? Nein danke
Schröder and Putin’s bromance would blossom in the following years and decades. Schröder would call Putin a “flawless democrat,” defend the questionable Ukrainian election of the Kremlin-backed Viktor Yanukovych, and sign a deal for a Russian gas pipeline — later named Nordstream — in his final days as Chancellor. The project was run by the Russian company Gazprom, which was majority-state owned and headed by Matthias Warnig, a former Stasi officer. Days after Schröder left office in 2005, he joined the Nordstream project as the head of its shareholders committee.
. The Fukushima fallout
. Anti-nuclear chickens come home to roost
. Fossil fools
As war crimes mounted, Germany radically changed decades of foreign policy. It committed $100 billion to military spending and jeopardized its investment in Nordstream 2. Briefly — oh, so briefly — Germany considered reopening those recently closed nuclear power plants, but then ultimately decided against it. It did, however, reopen coal plants.
At the same time, Germany was mindful of its dependency on Russian energy. Chancellor Scholz would resist banning Russian oil imports and became the main obstacle in Europe cutting off Russia from the SWIFT banking system. Calls for Germany to ban Russia’s fossil fuels continue to fall on deaf ears, even to members of the Green Party. Economic minister and former Green Party leader Robert Habeck said that shutting off Russian oil and gas would lead to “mass poverty in Germany.” Notably however, Germany just recently announced a deal to replace Russian gas with supplies from Qatar.
. The irony of post-WWII Germany
Folly Writ Large
What price are Qatar charging/
The Poison Frog Strategy
Preventing a Chinese Fait Accompli Against Taiwanese Islands
. Introduction
How could Taiwan and the United States respond if China seized one of Taiwan’s outlying islands, such as Pratas/Dongsha (hereafter Dongsha) in the South China Sea? Whereas the U.S. national security community has focused on defending Taiwan against Chinese invasion, China’s recent military activities suggest that this kind of coercion and limited aggression might be an equally urgent question. More worryingly, such a scenario could be a prelude or pathway to war involving China, Taiwan, and the United States.
To explore potential policy and strategy options to prevent such a calamity, the Gaming Lab at CNAS wargamed this scenario with Taiwanese, American, and regional experts. Worryingly, the game found few credible options for pushing China to abandon Dongsha and return to the status quo. However, the game found numerous areas where preparation and multilateral coordination—particularly in concert with Japan—could deter limited Chinese aggression against Taiwan.
. Move 1
. Move 2
. Move 3
Key Takeaways and Policy Recommendations
Given the inherent difficulty of defending small, distant offshore islands like Dongsha, Taiwan and the United States should strive to turn them into what the players called “poison frogs.” This approach would make Chinese attempts to seize these islands so militarily, economically, and politically painful from the outset that the costs of coercion or aggression would be greater than the benefits. Militarily, this would entail local garrisons capable of preventing a bloodless fait accompli, thereby pushing China to escalate to the use of force. Taiwan should also be prepared to destroy critical infrastructure on such islands to deny its use to China. And Taiwan and the United States should be ready to exploit China’s belligerence and aggression in the information domain. This move could help galvanize a regional or international response to Chinese aggression that would underpin a strategy of economically and politically isolating and punishing China’s leadership for this behavior.
. Conclusion
Although not predictive, strategy games like this one provide an opportunity to explore the tools at the disposals of the United States and Taiwan to respond to Chinese coercion or aggression toward Taiwan. A Chinese seizure of Dongsha, despite its small size, would have broader implications for China’s efforts to incrementally change the status quo regarding Taiwan and other territorial disputes with U.S. allies and partners. For instance, seizing Dongsha could be a way for China to test the waters ahead of a more aggressive campaign, such as seizing Quemoy, Matsu, or the Penghu Islands. In fact, such actions could be the first step toward an invasion of Taiwan.
Perhaps most important, the way the United States responds to smaller-scale territorial Chinese aggression may affect Chinese future decision-making; if the United States allows Chinese coercion or aggression to go unopposed, China may extend its aggressive behavior elsewhere and may even posit that the United States wouldn’t defend Taiwan from invasion. Such actions, or lack thereof, could undermine deterrence by calling into question U.S. willingness to uphold its security commitments.
Opinion The Editors
Don’t Let Taiwan Become the Next Ukraine
The U.S. and its partners should be learning from one crisis to help avert another.
Hand waving jingoism from Bloomberg, here is a more rational article from the SCMP.
How could China possibly be inspired by this debacle?
Russia just had to drive over a line on the map, China has to duplicate D Day and Taiwan has had decades to set up defences.
Also, the West did eventually come to Ukraine’s aid. There is no reason to suspect that they will abandon Taiwan.
Beyond Fortress Australia
The Lowy Institute is an independent policy think tank. Its mandate ranges across all the dimensions of international policy debate in Australia — economic, political and strategic — and it is not limited to a particular geographic region. Its two core tasks are to:
• produce distinctive research and fresh policy options for Australia’s international policy and to contribute to the wider international debate
• promote discussion of Australia’s role in the world by providing an accessible and high-quality forum for discussion of Australian international relations through debates, seminars, lectures, dialogues and conferences.
1. Executive summary: Overcoming the Covid winner’s curse 1 Hervé Lemahieu
2. Fortress Australia is a smaller Australia 4 Michael Fullilove
3. Singapore’s pivot: Prospects beyond the fortress state 7 Emma Connors
4. Foreign policy: China gains from Australia’s interrupted diplomacy 10 Richard McGregor
5. National economy: The arithmetic of isolation 13 John Edwards
6. Pacific islands: Australia must lead a Pacific re-opening 16 Jonathan Pryke
7. Southeast Asia: There is no substitute for showing up 18 Ben Bland
8. Civil liberties: Covid response has weakened rights 21 Lydia Khalil
9. Public opinion: Border politics are shifting 24 Natasha Kassam
10. An expatriate’s view: Alienation from Australia rankles in the vaccine era 26 Jenny Hayward-Jones
11. Demographics: Surmounting Australia’s Covid immigration pause 28 Sam Roggeveen
12. Open borders: Australia must change the way it measures Covid success 31 Alex Oliver
Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China
A Report to Congress
Pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000
SPECIAL TOPIC: PRC-INDIA BORDER STANDOFF………………………………………………………………. 159
APPENDIX I: PRC AND TAIWAN FORCES DATA ………………………………………………………………….. 161
DOJ Corruption Continues – Biden Justice Dept Caught Spying on Project Veritas and Lying to Judge
According to documents reviewed by Project Veritas, the Joe Biden DOJ used subpoenas to Microsoft to gain access to documents and files belonging to James O’Keefe and other journalists at the organization. The DOJ issued gag orders to the tech firm to stop them from informing Project Veritas about the surveillance, and this DOJ activity continued even after a judge ordered the DOJ to stop exploiting the electronic devices previously seized.
The moves by the SDNY, as noted by Project Veritas, should not be considered in a vacuum. The institution of the United States Dept of Justice was disassembled by Barack Obama and Eric Holder in 2009, with specific intent to restructure the institution as a political targeting mechanism working jointly with the new FBI system simultaneously created.
The radical transformation of multiple executive branch agencies into weaponized political operations is the long-lasting legacy of Barack Obama’s terms in office. The installation of Joe Biden (Obama term 3) was, in part, done to ensure the systems were protected from dismantling while the corrupt cement dried within the system.
To fully appreciate how the four pillars of our new government were established, I would recommend reading the background of how the Fourth Branch of Government was created.
8 Joe Biden Scandals Inside Hunter Biden’s MacBook That Corporate Media Just Admitted Is Legit
1. Pay-to-Play in Ukraine
2. China Gets in the Game
3. Moscow, Kazakhstan, and More
4. Ukraine’s Firing of the Prosecutor Investigating Burisma
5. Obama-Biden Administration Ignoring Conflicts of Interest
6. The Intelligence Community’s Briefing of Biden
Another scandal reaching President Biden concerns his interactions with the intelligence community after the FBI, and presumably the CIA and other such agencies, learned in December of 2019, that Hunter Biden believed Russians had stolen Hunter’s laptop, rendering the Bidens susceptible to blackmail.
But there was another laptop — one Hunter believed Russians had stolen from him when he was binging on drugs with prostitutes in the summer of 2018 in Las Vegas. While the public did not learn about the existence of this earlier laptop until August of 2021, the FBI knew about it as early as December 2019, when they took possession of the second laptop Hunter had left at the repair store.
Among other material contained on the second laptop was a video of Biden recounting the circumstances of his first laptop disappearing with some Russians. Significantly, on that video Hunter Biden said his first laptop contained a ton of material leaving him susceptible to blackmail, since his father was “running for president” and Hunter talked “about it all the time.”
It is inconceivable that the FBI and the intelligence communities did not brief Biden on this discovery and the risk of blackmail, given that former FBI Director James Comey briefed Trump on the fake Steele dossier. On second thought, that is the initial question reporters should ask the president: “Did the FBI brief you, Mr. President, on the fact that Hunter believed Russians had stolen a laptop containing compromising information?”
7. Possible Collusion to Interfere in the 2020 Election
8. Joe Biden Is a ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’
The 2020 Election wasn’t Stolen – It was Mugged
The Hunter Biden Emails Warrant A Special Counsel To Probe ‘The Big Guy,’ Joe Biden
The Democrats’ radical, undemocratic agenda
by Washington Examiner
Last week, the Congressional Progressive Caucus released “Recommendations for Executive Action,” a six-page document outlining policies that left-wing Democrats failed to persuade even a Democratic-controlled Congress to pass. They now want Biden to use presidential power alone to implement what has been rejected by the representatives of the wider public. Can there be a more crystalline example of elitism over equality?
The scope of the changes Democrats are pushing for is staggering. The document calls on Biden to declare a national climate emergency using the same authority President Donald Trump used to declare a national emergency on the southern border to build a border wall. Instead of building a wall, the Progressive Caucus wants Biden to use the 1976 National Emergencies Act to cripple domestic energy production. They demand an all-out ban on fossil fuel production on federal land, an end to exports of domestic oil, and higher taxes on oil companies.
They also want mass amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. Specifically, the document demands that Biden grant temporary protected status to illegal migrants from Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Yemen.
Thousands struck down by Covid-like symptoms with horrific ‘super cold’
Reports of a horrendous ‘super cold’ have surged across Australia with symptoms very similar to Covid-19. Here’s how to tell the difference.
Warning over construction company collapses and buying off the plan
As a number of Aussie construction companies collapse like dominoes, experts have warned of the nightmare that will follow for thousands of homeowners.
The issue of defects
A mum who moved into a townhouse built by collapsed Aussie construction giant Condev recently described the horror living conditions inside the home, adding she wasn’t surprised the company had gone under.
So even if people get into their homes there is also the issue of fixing defects, Joyce added.
“The other thing is where you have a construction company that has failed, they will have buildings that have been completed that have a liability period,” she noted.
“Roughly 12 months after completion if any defects are found, the construction company is required to rectify the defects but in this instance if a construction company has gone into liquidation, they are not going to be available to remedy.
“It could lead to body corporates and individual owners having to deal with rectification work on their own behalf, which is another concern.”
Ukraine Is the Ruling Class’s Latest Propaganda Ploy
The war in Ukraine has been dominating headlines for more than a month, but it is still hard for most Americans to grasp what is going on. In part, that’s because most of what is coming out of Kyiv and Moscow is war propaganda. But it’s also because the US ruling class is once more waging information war—against domestic critics and internal enemies.
You can hardly blame the Ukrainians for inventing stories about fighter pilots who single-handedly downed scores of Russian aircraft. The country’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is trying to keep up morale on the home front while soliciting support from Western leaders to fend off Vladimir Putin’s onslaught. For those in power, lying is part of the logic of war.
What isn’t normal is the all-out effort to promote Ukraine’s cause in America—an effort grafted on to a long series of ongoing propaganda campaigns deployed by US institutions and industries against the same target: the American public. These campaigns have used the same methods, personnel, platforms, and even catchwords to deceive, harass, and punish working- and middle-class Americans to the benefit of the country’s increasingly powerful ruling oligarchy.
To help their chosen candidate, Joe Biden, unseat President Donald Trump, Silicon Valley giants blocked an October 2020 New York Post exposé about influence-peddling by Biden’s son Hunter. Fifty former top US intelligence officials characterized the Post’s reporting as Russian disinformation, a claim echoed unanimously and uncritically by prestige outlets. The New York Times repeatedly called the Hunter Files “unsubstantiated,” while National Public Radio’s managing editor for news, Terence Samuels, huffed that “we don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories.”
Yet even as the Times acknowledged last week that the Hunter emails uncovered by the Post were indeed authentic, the same tech firms are banning videos and stories that contradict the US political establishment’s official Ukraine narrative for the same reason: American spies claim it’s Russian disinformation.
Interesting paper.
Going “Full On Renewables”.
In the US it would cost USD 400 Trillion only for the battery storage.
20 times the total GDP of the US.
Electricity rates would rise by a factor of 14 to 22 times current rates.
“…my conclusion from their paper is that it is a further demonstration of the complete infeasibility — indeed the complete absurdity — of attempting in the short term to replace all fossil fuel electricity generation in a modern economy with only wind, solar and storage.
CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons
Selectively cherry-picking ‘The Science’ to suit a political narrative is not ‘Following the Science.’ It is malpractice and fraud.
According to a recent headline from The New York Times, “the CDC isn’t publishing large portions of the COVID data it collects.” That headline downplays what the article in fact reveals:
Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country’s response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said.
This rationale for deliberately hiding government-collected effectiveness data was even confirmed by the CDC’s spokeswoman, Kristen Nordlund. This taxpayer-funded agency didn’t want to give taxpayers the full picture of vaccine effectiveness—for their own good.
It also feels confident enough to publicly admit this, but only after many Americans were fired from their jobs and suffered from serious adverse events and deaths after they were forced to take shots they didn’t want based precisely on false narratives fueled by CDC duplicity.
That rationale from the CDC hardly justifies the fact that the selective omission of public health information is more than clinical malpractice; it is scientific fraud.
In reply to: CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons
“That rationale … …. the CDC hardly justifies the fact that the selective omission of public health information is more than clinical malpractice; it is scientific fraud.”
The general population is starting to wake up, in every country.
New Zealand is dropping significant covid restrictions April 4th because lawsuits (related to the fact governments hide RNA vaccine dangers and hide the fact that Omicron is not causing long covid and is roughly as dangerous as the flu) are coming. Government officials are going to lose their jobs, their reputations, and some are going to jail.
The CDC suddenly stopped providing the data (which is provide by each US state to the CDC) for long covid in December, 2021 as the Omicron variation, replaced the Delta variation and the insistences of new cases of long covid in the US, were dropping to zero.
Omicron has 32 mutations on its spike which explains why Omicron is biologically not causing long covid and is not killing healthy people. Omicron is roughly as dangerous as the flu.
The CDC has been hiding the fact that the first release RNA vaccines are causing complex health problems in people. The first release RNA covid vaccines cause similar biological damage as does getting covid Delta because it forces the body to produce first release covid spikes.
The CDC has been hiding the fact that RNA covid vaccines only provide short term protection against covid. The CDC has been hiding the fact that RNA covid vaccines are not effective against the Omicron variation as the Omicron variation has 32 mutations on its spikes.
New Zealand is set to significantly relax its Covid-19 restrictions with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern calling it a “new beginning for the country”.
“The vaccine mandates in particular, were among some of the main grievances of protesters, who stayed put for more than three weeks in February.
Public polls also showed increasing dissatisfaction with Ms Ardern’s government.
Under the new rules, which will come into effect from 4 April, double vaccination will no longer be required for people to work in education the police or the defence force.”
The Kentucky House of Representatives have passed SB83, a bill that bans transgendered competitors from playing in school sports events inconsistent with their gender at birth.
The “Save Women’s Sports Act,” makes the case that sports designated for “girls” in grades six through 12 shall not be open to non biological-born females.
Vote was 70 to 23.
Common sense returning to planet Earth?
Hells Gates Dam gets the nod in an election year.
‘The prime minister, Scott Morrison, announced on Wednesday that his government would build the 2,100 gigalitre dam – about four times the size of Sydney Harbour – that could potentially support 60,000ha of new land for irrigated agriculture.
“We need to build more dams in Australia. Building dams makes our economy stronger by supporting our agricultural industries to realise their true potential,” Morrison said.’ (Guardian)
The PM, the Deputy PM and others said the Federal Government will provide the finance, the State Labor Government is needed to approve development on State lands.
State approval is always the stumbling block, 4 gas fired generators proposed for VIC, NSW and QLD and so far only 1 approved for the NSW Hunter Valley by the State Coalition Government.
A coal fired HELE coal fired power station proposed by the Federal Government for North QLD, Federal prepared to underwrite financing, still not approved by the QLD Labor State Government.
Geez, I hope no one calls this pork-barrelling. A good project is a good project no matter where it is.
I did not know the project also included two weirs that provide water for irrigation between the Tablelands and the Burdekin.
I am a little familiar with the Burdekin Delta and the Burdekin Falls Dam mainly irrigates the northern Burdekin and the Houghton areas. The southern district AFAIK is still fertile and includes Gumlu a thriving small cropping area. The south bank sugar industry around Home Hill may well benefit from recharging a shallow aquifer from the Burdekin Dam, but it is clear that with water they can grow it in the Burdekin. Maybe not tulips. 🙂
What is odd is that for a few years there was a thriving rice industry growing long, hard grain rice. That industry died.
Forget your state loyalties, wouldn’t it be better to grow the rice in water NOT being taken from the Murray/Darling?
Is this propaganda? It feels like a rerun of WW2.
‘Nearly a month into the fighting, one of the biggest surprises of the war in Ukraine is Russia’s failure to defeat the Ukrainian air force. Military analysts had expected Russian forces to quickly destroy or paralyze Ukraine’s air defenses and military aircraft, yet neither has happened. Instead, “Top Gun”-style aerial dogfights, rare in modern warfare, are now raging above the country.
“Every time when I fly, it’s for a real fight,” said Andriy, who is 25 and has flown 10 missions in the war. “In every fight with Russian jets, there is no equality. They always have five times more” planes in the air.’ (BD News)
My various pro-Russian sites say the Ukies can’t get a plane in the air these days, and Zelensky himself announced the formation of a new battalion made up of ex-Air Force personnel who no longer have planes to fly or service.
The Ukies concentrate more on anti-aircraft missiles, a dangerous game as their radar marks them as a missile target immediately.
Maybe a month ago they were dogfighting, the Russians never targeted the air force outside the Eastern zone until more recently. Apparently there are quite a lot of Ukie planes in Poland, who won’t let them operate from there in case the Russians retaliate.
This is today’s on thesaker, he has maps on there too.
Very heavy combats near Avdeevka and Mariupol.
Combat pretty much everywhere the line of contact, which result in slow positional warfare with artillery exchanges and very careful mopping up building by building and even room by room.
On average Russian forces advance between 5 and 20 kilometers per day, which is rather fast against a defense in depth prepared for years.
The key cities of Kiev and Odessa are almost completely blocked, but not fully surrounded yet.
The Black Sea fleet basically controls the entire Ukie coast and all of the Black Sea itself.
The Black Sea fleet also prevents any resupply of Odessa from Romania.
Russia has full air superiority over the entire Ukie airspace
The Ukies are STILL firing both Tochka-U and Grad/Smrech missiles in the general direction of liberated cities just to create as many casualties as possible, but the Russians have become very skilled at not only shooting down these missiles (the destruction ratio has gone up very sharply) but also a destroying the key Ukrainian ammo dumps were they hide those missiles (this is what happened with the big building in downtown Kiev which the Russians totally vaporized with one perfectly aimed Iskander missile. If you have not seen this amazing video, you can quickly re-watch it here:
Road access blockage to Port of Botany in Sydney today done by Greens activists protesting climate hoax nonsense.
They are German tourists.
‘Ukraine’s ‘bio-labs’: how Russian propaganda went mainstream.
‘A former US congresswoman and a high-profile journalist have been caught doing Putin’s dirty work with a wild conspiracy theory that — before you could say ‘anthrax’ — became an article of faith.’ (Oz)
Link to latest Dr Campbell on covid
Note thread title – _”slated for deletion”
Even democrats catch rona. Both Killary and Psaki [vaxxed & boosted] are grounded.
There has been talk that the GBR is experiencing another bleaching event, which is unheard of during La Nina, but Jennifer Marohasy sets the record straight.
I don’t know what reefs are being bleached but here in Townsville [and all the Coral Coast AFAIK] we have had endless days of clear skies and little wind. That sounds to me to be the perfect recipe for bleaching.
If it is happening don’t deny it, you sound religious if you do. But of course this is WEATHER not CLIMATE. Imagine how much cooler you would be sitting beside a waterfall in hot sun than on a rock looking down on the pleasant scene. That’s how coral feels if a wind is whipping up a spray even if the tide is low.
Weather is never “normal”, that is statistically impossible so grin and bear it.
CDC Data Reveals 84% increase in Millennial Deaths Since Vaccine Mandates began
According to chart 4, the indication is that adults ages 25-44 saw an exponential surge in excess mortality, noting that it could potentially be the worst ever excess mortality rate in history.
Nothing to see here.
Neither of my sons understand that, in spite of having the first jab under sufferance I refuse the second. I do this because I cannot take the risk of an adverse reaction, or death. I am the only one who can hug their mother for hours while she sobs and goes to sleep. They can’t.
It is only now I think she has settled tonight. Without me they would have to dump her in full care where she couldn’t take her dog. Without me and the mutt she would not last long. They don’t understand what a lifetime bond means.
Whats next ?
Five million Aussies ‘will be told to get a FOURTH dose of Covid vaccine’ as Omicron BA.2 infections explode – and one of the most hated virus restrictions is going nowhere
The Truth About Viruses
Interesting video but neglects the evidence that viruses do indeed exist. Just because one can’t isolate a virus doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If it’s not the virus that makes people ill or kills them then what is it? What about the common cold? Are you saying there is no virus for the common cold? If not then please explain what’s the cause of the common cold. If not a virus then it has to be something else.
If you cannot isolate the Virus you cannot prove it is the problem?
No one can isolate gravity to the point of seeing it, not yet anyway. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The latest idea though is that gravity is not a force per se but is the effect of matter on space and time, causing it to curve thus making the appearance of objects “falling”. My point still remains. Just because one can’t isolate something doesn’t automatically mean it doesn’t exist. Perhaps it doesn’t but when we see people ill and dying due to some disease then there has to be an external agent infecting them, be it a virus or something. Besides, how do you think they develop whole virus vaccines? They use actual isolated viruses. That’s perhaps one reason to be dubious of any COVID-19 vaccine allegedly developed the old fashion way, which takes years of development and testing. If the COVID-19 virus hasn’t been isolated then how can they develop whole of virus vaccines?
No. They didn’t admit that. They admit one PCR test was created with a sequence for RNA. There are lots of PCR tests, and they are testable and cross-checkable in many other ways, and viruses are real. And the bottom line is that people who test positive to PCR are more likely to get sick, more likely to infect the people around them, more likely to show antibodies to covid later, more likely to produce plaque forming active virus, etc etc etc x 100. And from these people who test positive we get samples which are then fully sequenced and all 29,000 nucleotides of RNA are found in full with slight changes that fit natural mutation.
Covid exists and while some PCR tests may have been abused with over-done CT values, I’m interested in specific examples of that abuse, but not interested in generic dismissal of all PCR tests which runs counter to thousands of observations.
Dr Wu Zunyou Chinese Center for Disease control
“They didn’t isolate the virus”?
And “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available,”
What conclusion should we draw from this?
Only have to watch first 3 mins.
The Book Virus Mania by Dr. Sam Bailey
Her video “The Truth About Viruses” is a very good video and a very easy watch.
I am sceptical that the people finding more and more viruses are the same people supposedly finding more and more mandatory treatments?
Kevin a — See Nextstrain to get some idea of the monster amount of open source data that is available for you personally to download and start checking.
(Mouseover each dot to see which lab, which strain, date, country, lab, number of variants etc etc. )
Double click on each dot for even more information. It’s extremely hard to fake this branching pattern that grows live and has full open source data.
Scroll down to see how many variants there are in every single spot of the 29,000 bases. Look for “Diversity”
“There are millions of complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes available and this number increases every day. “
These are not just PCR tests these are full sequences of every single base.
See the country data on variants as they shift. Mouseover the graph to see the samples for every slice, every variant, every two weeks.
If by “the people” you mean all microbiologists in the world, then yes, they are the ones finding the viruses, though it is usually different medical researchers testing treatments.
Sigh. As for the video — they didn’t isolate the virus in the Fishmarket, but that only suggests it wasn’t “the fish market” and that’s two years old nothing news at the moment. We already know it wasn’t the fish market. The 5G stuff isn’t going to make a contact tracing pattern that matches the spread of the virus. It’s nonsense. Maybe something about 5G is bad, but that’s a different argument. And as for designing a vaccine in a couple of days, I can boil up a virus in 20 minutes and make “a vaccine”. That’s the easy part. The hard part is the 10 years of testing. And we have computer aided molecular 3D shape estimates that flow from DNA sequences that are astonishingly accurate now. They first do “in silico” studies of drugs to find drugs likely to match, then they do the lab work. Sorry, whoever is talking over that video doesn’t know much about molecular biology.
“but when we see people ill and dying due to some disease then there has to be an external agent infecting them” Where Fukushima deaths a virus if you did not know about Fukushima? Nutrition has nothing to do with Health or sickness is that right? Vitamin D deficiencies and nutritional deficiencies are Real and Doctors seem to be in denial of nutrition.
Rewrite so it makes sense.
This nonsense again. You failed to make a sensible response to the takedown of your last non-science post.
Besides, the virus is isolated. You can actually buy it if your really want a tube of virus.
Oh… this is Tuesday… hopefully it doesn’t appear again.
Can you watch my video from TOM COWAN, DR KAUFMAN AND MIKE ADAMS before you accuse me of not making a response and my posts are moderated for about 8 hours?
MIKE ADAMS owns and runs his own bio lab and is not able get a pure sample isolate form of the Delta variant or Omicron variant to calibrate his instruments, may be you can suggest how or where to get these sample from?
Very interesting book
Virus Mania
Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense
So the people finding more and more Virus mutations are the same people making the Cure? Interesting the third shot has zero FDA testing? What could go wrong?
Did you read my reply about Tom Cowan’s video?
Let’s aim for a higher level of scientific discussion here. There are rabbit holes that are not worth being distracted by.
MIKE ADAMS is not able to buy an isolate of the Delta variety. Simple video.
I could not GAF about whoever this is. What is the relevance?
The Laptop from Hell
This should be the #1 news item on the lips of all journalists. Instead all we hear about are lies, lies and more lies. If the citizens of the West don’t wake up soon, they will all find themselves owning nothing and be very sad, except those who are so far gone they will be happy.
This will fall on a lot of deaf ears but what Vox Day has stated below is so true.
When he mentions “Western civilisation and values” he’s referring to the original ones the West was founded upon, not the debauched and other corrupted values of today. His concluding remark demonstrates that point. Of course, the change he’s hoping for is unlikely going to happen because too many in the West are now too far gone through so much brainwashing by governments and MSM. The climate change and pandemic are just two cases of many more why it is so. Still, there is always hope but time is running out because soon all our freedoms will be ripped away from us all. Then we will be left with only two choices. Obey the NWO or not. I’ll leave it up to your imagination what happens next in both cases.
Russia Will Go Nuclear… if necessary
This has to be one of the most sinister ideas ever to come out. No wonder the West is going to crash and burn when we have such ideas being taken seriously.
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos pushing for a new lab-grown meat industry that harvests the blood of unborn cow fetuses
We already know those who are refusing to accept the narrative the vaccines are doing a lot of good and we must therefore keep being boosted have been and still are receiving a lot of vilification if not worse. It’s not an accident that the same sort of treatment is becoming evident against those who refuse to accept the narrative Ukraine is the good side and Russia is all bad. Such vilification actually started a long time ago with many other issues, not the least of which is climate change. There is a common thread though all of them, and it’s pure evil. Yet most people turn a blind eye to it. NOT GOOD!
Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?
An excellent video that I posted here.
Ops I did see that, funny guy.
How the COVID Vaccine Altered These People’s Lives
Week 64: VAERS Reports Rising Covid Vaccine Deaths – Now 27,382
Senator Gerard Rennick
Upon checking in on the latest NSW Covid data I was disappointed to see they have stopped reporting weekly and have reduced the amount of data in regards to vaccination status.
It’s not hard to see why. As the last detailed breakup showed, the percentage of unvaccinated people either hospitalised, in ICU or died was either lower or the same/slightly higher as the vaccinated.
The data is also skewed by the fact that a person isn’t counted as vaccinated until three weeks after receiving the vaccine.
The NSW data is unequivocal proof the Covid vaccines have made no material difference in Covid clinical outcomes despite resulting in an untold number of vaccine injuries.
Far from safe and effective they have actually made things worse for the people injured by them.