A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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If the common cold used Covid rules.
I heard on the radio today, that they are now recommending if one has symptoms, to not go get tested, but to isolate for 5 days from the onset of symptoms and assume you already have omnicron.
I have seen this story several times, once when it was claimed the devices were used to give instructions to the crowd and the other that it was used as a Weapon? Anyone know the truth of it?
they stood in the sun and got sunburn. How did all the media and police, mingling with the protesters avoid this evil beam?
Seriously, find a different conspiracy.
Funny how the sunburn was very localised!
you mean like on the skin facing the sun?
Funny how you examined them to determine the veracity of their claims.
And funny how none of the non protesters got it.
I looked at that photo of the woman with blisters on her chin at the top of page following the link above … and if you truly think that’s sunburn then you might as well just admit that you don’t have the slightest idea on medical or biological issues.
The “pea sized blisters” description does at least match with the photo … although I’m not making any claims about where those photos came from and of course I cannot check what exactly happened to that woman.
But it sure as heck ain’t sunburn.
So, she has a skin condition.
Don’t feed the trolls.
Leaf you denied they even used these devices even though the Feds acknowledged both having and using them , as to the effects it seems there is a wide range of possible side effects on humans so it’s possible that LRAD could cause a burn . I’m not convinced it did and remain skeptical , also who was facing the devices and who was facing the crowd ? Media and cops were mainly facing the crowd so had their backs to the devices .
Yes by all means remain sceptical, but at some point you’ve got to draw the line and dismiss a claim. Sound causing burns to just the skin of protesters and nothing else. You believe this? On capitol hill?
“Mainly”? So not only then. My point exactly. Also their necks and arms must be all blistered.
According to you the use of these devices was a conspiracy in itself , if your an expert in LRAD tech are you saying that it’s impossible for LRAD to inflict these types of wounds ?
It would be best to break it down to the specific devices. audio frequency devices will not cause burns. the frequency is too low and from what I have read the LRAD device is 2KHz-20KHz max so audio range. this could damage your hearing and some other effects unrelated to heat, but it will not cause heat.
the other device shown in one of those links was a microwave frequency device, you can see by the size of the dish. how on earth would they control that device? seems dangerous to me. the distance from the device would need to be know exactly to not cause genuine harm! microwave range will possibly cause heat damage to skin/eyes/body etc.
I suppose it is possible to put a small microwave transmitter in one of those lrad devices, but it is unlikely, by the size of the LRAD it would produce a very focused beam which would be dangerous. it is possible there was something else in the area though like the device for microwaving people.
yes. A sound emitting device cannot target and seek out only the skin of certain people and burn them. It can do none of those things singly or in concert.
And you know for sure no other devices were used I suppose and you are ok with the use of these devices on peacefull protesters or you see it as a massive over reach ?
Incorrect. No devices were used.
Did you see them using the beam in areas where there were police and media? Perhaps they knew where to aim…
More we will never know..
No we will never know if ghosts are real either.
I have had and seen a lot of sunburn. The nose is the only part of the face which burns NOT the chin. AND it takes a lot of sun to cause blistering. It is unusual for that to occur other than on the shoulders/back.
You have knowledge 😀
The old rule of thumb is never to believe anything until it has been officially denied.
It is notable that a resident troll has popped up to spray ridicule on your question.
A well targeted FOI request may disclose the weaponry in use.
A conspiracy theory generally ends up being a spoiler alert
It has been confirmed that the police used an LRAD – long range acoustic device at the Canberra protest against Covid 19 mandates. This was reported in the Australian edition of the Epoch Times. Australian Police Confirm Use of LRAD Sonic Weapon at Protest Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates. The Chief Police officer said the weapon had been used previously against noisy crowds, in this case the crowd was mostly peaceable however it was the largest gathering seen in Canberra since the 1980’s .
A senator from Tassie questioned the AFP boss during senate estimates about the use of LRAD devices on peacefull protesters, there must be a vid of the estimates session somewhere .
Senate estimates videos are on the APH web site. Go find them.
Yes I saw that confirmation somewhere. Which constitutes a denial that other weapons were used. And that further enquiries are in order. The first enquiry is what other weapons were in use.
That’s how you hide something in plain sight. Oh it was just a weapon we’ve used before. In other circumstances it would be calling a rocket launcher nothing more than an ice cream van.
Personally I would invite the local police to explain how weapons of any kind targeted into a crowd promote the twin goals of public safety and enabling peaceful protest.
Oh dear.
They certainly used LRADs but that is an acoustic weapon which has been purchased by Australian paramilitary police forces.
Reference: Google “lrads Australian police” without the quote marks.
At typical deployment ranges I don’t think they cause burns but are documented to do other physical damage.
BTW, it is incorrect to call these weapons “non-lethal”. The correct terminology is “less lethal”.
I would not be surprised at any other lethal or less lethal weapon they may use. Freedom-loving Australians are now regarded as the enemy and the Left are well on the way to getting just about everything they want.
I don’t think.
In this video Craig Kelly asks about LRAD weapons used against peaceful freedom protesters, in Parliament and is sneeringly laughed at by the Speaker of the House, Andrew Wallace.
What a disgrace!
Incidentally, Daniel Andrews, Dictator of Victoria, and the Left in general have sufficiently lowered the bar for the acceptance of paramilitary police violence against peaceful protestors that it is almost considered acceptable.
In the US, police already murdered Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol.
It is only a matter of time before such murders happen in the other Anglo-heritage democracies, or people “get disappeared”, or witnesses get hanged and its disguised as suicide (oh wait, that last one already happened, twice).
David, another woman was also killed by police at the Capital. She was in the tunnel heading towards the Capital when police released gas into the tunnel. As people attempted to escape she was knocked to the ground and people fell on top of her. Other protesters pulled people off her and as she was now behind police lines and still on the ground, the police attacked her with a stick, beating her repeatedly . Her faced was smashed and bleeding. Men who attempted to save her and stop the police brutality were pepper sprayed. These men managed to pull her out of the tunnel and give her CPR, the police pulled them away and dragged her by her leg to a different location. The coroner found she had died from an overdose of prescribed medication – her family when interviewed said they did not believe that finding as she had been on the medication for 10 years.
I have only seen this tragedy published in the Epoch Times.
There is video footage from the men who attempted to rescue her and from a police camera.
But as with PM Trudeau and the Government of Canada in the State of Victoria the Premier & Cabinet used State Emergency Power legislation passed in the Victoria Parliament.
The worrying part of the VicGov Emergency Powers is that the most recent amendment passed allows the Premier to impose those powers at any time, without reference to the Parliament.
The injuries appear very similar to those inflicted by Raytheon’s Assault Intervention Device. The blistering can occur in that limited-radius pattern if the device is used too close to the target.
They are used in the US prison system and by various security services around the world.
I’ve not heard of them being used (officially) in Australia but I wouldn’t be surprised if some radical group here might have access.
There is also the possibility that Raytheon’s Active Denial System was used or a smaller version of it.
I think the attitude of the Government is that “anything goes” when dealing with pro-freedom demonstrators.
Triple jabbed are most at risk of infection as vaccination effectiveness fails
“Triple jabbed are most at risk of infection as vaccination effectiveness fails”
Opposing opinions
Protection against Covid-19 by BNT162b2 Booster across Age Groups*
Studies Suggest COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Save Lives*
UK Health Security Authority Agency
COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report, Week 51
Who to believe?
*Studies based on same groups.
Hi Tony.
I totally agree. Omicron has defeated the deadly Delta variation. In the UK 98% of the population now has covid antibodies. Everyone will or has been infected with Omicron, in the next few months. Omicron has made the first release vaccines obsolete. Everyone will have long term immunity to covid. Inflection with Omicron, unlike the RNA vaccines provides long term immunity to covid.
The RNA vaccines are ineffective and dangerous. This is an excellent summary (written for the general public) of the evidence that the first release RNA vaccines are dangerous and that the UK media and the UK government hid that fact from us.
Covid-19 Vaccines” for Children in the UK: A Tale of Establishment Corruption
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Research, and Practice
William Astley. Everyone in moderate good health has ALWAYS been safe from SARS-CoV2 becoming symptomatic (becoming a problem), in the same way that anyone in moderately good health can walk up (several?) flights of stairs without ill effects.
This is why no-one on earth can name 5 people under 60 who’ve died from Covid19 (maybe not name even 5 under 60 who’ve had the “disease”)
Some troll can spend all day googling and still not make out a case that there’s ever been a pandemic of any sort.
Viral “disease” can affect anyone…but NOT THIS BS IMPOSTER. Nothing but lies since Day One as anyone….not yet gene-jabbed so as to cause vascular dementia….. will know.
I can easily give you 15 people under 60, mostly 3os that have had the O variant. Just saying. It depends highly on location and the pool of people you have knowledge of.
Did they test positive as well as being ill and symptomatic?
This is why no-one on earth can name 5 people under 60 who’ve died from
I don’t know a single person who has died from Covid, and that includes the many hundreds of people who attend small sports events that I photograph. However, I do have three people in my close family who have experienced strange ‘seizures’ following vaccination, one of whom has since been diagnosed with a brain tumour. All of this was ascribed to ‘coincidence’ and so will not be recorded anywhere as being related to vaccination.
Also, my elderly mother-in-law died from cancer a few weeks ago when her chronic (thirty years) diverticulitus suddenly worsened. A tumour had suddenly developed which metastisised extremely quickly. She had her booster in late September (UK) and her problem accelerated soon after. Because she died in a care home, no autopsy was performed.
So I know of nobody who has died from Covid, but four people who have suffered strokes, seizures and/or cancer post-vaccination.
Modern sea level rise began in 1863′ pre dating co2 rises.
Although of course through our sea forts from roman times and sea castles from Norman times we know there have been a number of sea rises and subsequent falls for thousands of years
On the larger scale picture the oceans topped out after the recovery from the last glacial maximum around 25,000 years ago.
The topping out was about seven thousand years back at between 6 and 7 metres above present.
Since then sea levels have fallen to present through a series of oscillations peaking at 4.2 metres and more recently 2.4 metres.
The final fall was 1.2 metres over the last two thousand years. Since then it’s been basically level.
It’s on the cards that the next movement will be down, maybe even 120 metres!
Tonyb. I go walking around in the Aussie Mts., where we find dozens of glacial lakes, tarns, moraines, cirques and and and…
These are no secret spots, but rather well known features which are explained in thousands of publications as left-overs from tens of thousands of years of glacial retreat as temperatures increased over these tens of thousands of years….example:,Twynam%20Advance).
Why even an infantile mind would accept the “recent warming is new” hogwash is anybody’s guess, but do not surprised that the left’s love of substance abuse is THE MAIN CAUSE. Poor lame-brains have addled themselves!
BTW: Since leftists, and addling themselves for free, is their greatest wet dream…you now know why they so love free mind-altering gene jabs from Pfizer and Co!
Oh gosh! Is it Tuesday already?
@ #1 Good to see something from Zoe Phinn, thanks Tim.
@ #2 Could some of the burns have been sunburn? I seem to remember that it was a very clear sunny day.
@ #3 I saw that on TCW, I get their email everyday.
It is not Tuesday, it is Twosday (Jo, you missed an opportunity with the thread title)
Thanks.. I’ll collect the red thumbs so that you don’t get them.
Not only is it Twosday it is also a Palindrome Day and they don’t come around “two” often
Honk for 2202/2022 – toot!
I hadn’t noticed though it is not a palindrome for mm/dd/yyyy
When is the next one??
3 February 2030.
It’s also a Palindrome week and was an Ambigram day…
I would caution people thinking the war against the vaccine pushers has been completely won.
The evidence appears to point to a temporary tactical retreat, since they have hit resistance, and am fully expecting another push via another mechanism either just before or just after the US mid terms.
Canada apparently may have UN sourced mercenaries “helping” with enforcement of “stability” – reports have surfaced of unidentified persons and UN aircraft flying in. Kissinger allegedly once said that UN troops would be used for “support” – the reality is foreigners, as Stalin proved, will happily control the locals, whereas the locals wont shoot thier fellow countrymen.
Funny how so many thing slike vaccine passports etc were considered “conspiracy theories” until they became real.
It would also appear that the main push was to get draconian laws in palce, ready for re-use at the next push. The “retreat” is I think purely tactical, but its not a defeat….. yet.
It may be a different war on freedom next time but the totalitarians will have learned many valuable lessons about manipulating mobs of people.
Hopefully those wanting to be as free as possible from government and big business interference in their lives will have learned a thing or two as well.
“Hopefully those wanting to be as free as possible from government and big business interference in their lives will have learned a thing or two as well.”
[Snip] Maybe practice what you preach!]AD
Thinking and not just regurging talking points would be a start
My thought precisely Yarpos.
“…but the totalitarians will have learned many valuable lessons about manipulating mobs of people.”
According to a survey by Aahurs University Denmark 10,000 people from 21 countries “despise” the not inoculated. They even asked what the reaction would be if a relative wanted to marry an “anti” and the response was:
“…vaccinated people would be far happier seeing a close relative marry a middle eastern migrant rather than someone who has not been jabbed.”
Karen Kingston in detail exposes mRNA patent info showing what the vax companies are vaxxing people for. Start via video full screen at 15:45 of link:
Thank you for that. Cheers
“Funny how so many thing slike vaccine passports etc were considered “conspiracy theories” until they became real. ”
Not to worry there’s always another right wing conspiracy theory to fill the gap as as is evident from the suggestion that
“Canada apparently may have UN sourced mercenaries “helping” with enforcement of “stability” – reports have surfaced of unidentified persons and UN aircraft flying in”.
The UN Aircraft at Jack Garland Airport were there for maintenance and have been in North Bay for several weeks. As that appalling right wing rag Bitchute is the only source I can find re UN mercenaries that too is unlikely to be the truth
Ian. Fancy falling for conspiracy theories…
Meanwhile Voyageur’s Airways website says zero at all about them ever having had any kind of maintenance relationship with the UN. UN says….”However, the United Nations itself owns, or in a few cases leases, a fleet of 21 aircraft, averaging 22.7 years of age as of August 2020. These are kept operations-ready at a number of locations in the US and Europe”
Good thing we now know that North Bank, Ontario is in either the US or Europe. Have you informed the UN of this?
[Snip. Nah. Let’s not. – Jo]
Nice deflection attempt. Must have been you saying vaccine passports were just a made up story.
“Funny how so many thing slike vaccine passports etc were considered “conspiracy theories” until they became real. ”
Not to worry, there’s always another right wing conspiracy theory to fill the gap as as is evident from the suggestion that
“Canada apparently may have UN sourced mercenaries “helping” with enforcement of “stability” – reports have surfaced of unidentified persons and UN aircraft flying in”.
The UN Aircraft at Jack Garland Airport were there for maintenance and have been in North Bay for several weeks.
Of course! ..and the local cops who were beating up protestors took off their badges, donned unmarked uniforms and wore balaclava masks because they didn’t want to be doxxed by the terrorist truckers… There’s no reason to bring in outside troops when the local Police are happy to beat up their countrymen.
I Note that Moderna shares were approx us $20in Jan 2020, they peaked at $449 in September 2021 and are currently trading at $145 as of today.
They made their huge profit for shareholders (insiders??)
They now need a new pandemic to reignite the need for a new vaccine.
They now know how to profiteer from so called pandemics
The cycle will now continue.
Something to digest about big pharma!
And the trolls spring into action. Always a sign you are close to the target.
If only we had better trolls.
“If only we had better trolls.”
If only trolls had better commenters.
So you admit it.
They will lose interest if people would just stop feeding them. All they want is attention.
The “retreat” is I think purely tactical, but its not a defeat…..yet
A headline in today’s Daily Mail:
“Millions of over 50s are set to be offered Covid boosters this autumn as boffins rain on Boris’s freedom parade with Whitty and Vallance using No 10 briefing to warn virus is NOT ‘trivial’ and more dangerous variants WILL appear”.
Not the emphasis on WILL in the original.
‘locals wont shoot fellow countrymen’
They will, as in Melbourne Vic, nor do the Ottawa police appear to suffer from such restraint. US DC Capitol police, the same.
Climate Change has left science behind. Facts are now irrelevant. It’s an emergency.
You have to reduce your Carbon footprint.
Whole countries must achieve Carbon Neutrality* ASAP (*only applies to Western Democracies))
The Great Barrier Reef is dying from Climate Change and it’s Australia’s fault, especially the government’s fault.
Wuhan Flu was not made in Wuhan. It came from imported Frozen chickens.
The WHO needs more power and money according to Tedros Adhonem.
And according to the US army, General Milley, Climate Change is responsible for both heating and cooling.
Collectively, this is known as The Science. Which is quite different to actual science.
Just seen a friends fishing expedition around the Whitsundays and according to said friend the GBR is looking pristine at the moment,TdeF.Wish I could have gone with him.To anyone who would be contemplating a holiday,It would be well worth your while visiting any where around Queensland.
Nailed it. Your friend has sunk climate change.
The things that affect the reef are cyclones, Crown of Thorns starfish and very warm water affecting shallow corals – mostly ENSO related. All natural so nothing to see here except the false posturing of AIMS/JCU and other rent seekers who receive large amounts of taxpayer (who are duped) largesse. You have nothing GeeAye aside from your ignorance.
The scientific authorities have been warning us for months that the GBR will be bleached this summer, but with La Nina hovering around that seems highly unlikely.
I go out on the reef about 10 times a month…and this for thirty years. Got millions (yes millions) of photos stored away and whatever year I select at random, there is ONLY improvement in corals and marine life in the photos.Just another scam for down-south city slickers.
Same deal as the “Koala wipeout”. These critters were NEVER plentiful: so much so that the very first live one ever seen was in 1803 after FIFTEEN YEARS of British expeditions etc to find whatever lurked in the NSW bush! This first one seen in the colony was from about 40ks inland. Read about it here… FFS!
BTW: How’s that soil salinity armaggedon going? As much a fizzer as every other Green scare?
Re that Qld soil salinity thing that went away
“Qld Country Life 01 July 2004
Salinity map a bit artful
The Ringer hears that some southwest graziers, scientists and artists have acquired such an aesthetic appreciation of the composition of the State Government’s salinity hazard map that they are referring to it as “Red Poles”. Why? Because the map, made up of what they claim are just random splotches and splashes of red and orange, is just as controversial and costly to the taxpayer as the National Gallery of Australia’s infamous purchase of Jackson Pollock’s abstract artwork, Blue Poles.”
or they could just be sharing holiday experiences not thinking some tosser would make it a global statement
Why only that state?
This is the “what about” comment of the year so far.
Could that be because it is the only state with the GBR?
Anyone visited the WA reefs lately? I’d imagine they too are doing well.
Only the GBR is vulnerable to climate change mate. The sad state of public discourse.
Friend told me to visit the GBR in the next couple years before its gone. His daughter attends JCU.
IF that were true, why would you go to a funeral?
At 80 I am just one of a very few people who remember the GBR in its splendour. Trust me it is NOT pristine but it is alive and worthy of preservation.
I’ll shout this: Only if the COT starfish is controlled can the GBR survive long term. Everything else is peripheral.
What kills the CoT or controls it?
With the obvious failure of the “vaccines” to control COVID and the increasing evidence that triple “vaccinated people become sicker than unjabbed people surely the “vaccinations must be stopped. Our Daughter, who is unvaccinated went to a function with her triple vaccinated friend where they both contracted Omicron. Our daughter was unwell for 1 day and recovered completely. Her friend has not been able to return to work nearly 4 weeks later.
Triple vaccinated appear to be showing signs of ADE where the immune system has problems fighting Omicron. The time has come to call out the “vaccine” fanboys and charge them with endangering health.
Could it be that the unjabbed are not typical in that they have deliberately “prepared the terrain” by maximising their own health and immunity? That would surely be true of the pure-bloods on this forum at least.
Could anyone pick the naughty word in that post that ensnared it in the filter?
Asking for a friend.
Trudeau is triple vaxxed yet he came down with Covid. But of course he could be lying, he likes to lie.
Sadly, it looks like this is correct. With so many vaccinated here, and globally, it is a considerable health worry for the future. Fortunately, it appears that there is growing resistance to the so called “boosters” aka 3rd, 4th etc doses.
And so it starts. Russia has sent troops into the Ukraine. If the UN and, more specifically America, decide to fight Russia, just keep an eye on Taiwan. I have long forecast a coordinated expansion by Russia and China. Xi will use America’s involvement in Europe as just the distraction they were waiting for. A nation that can’t even organise a withdrawal from Afghanistan isn’t prepared for war on two fronts.
It’s not an invasion, they are “peace keepers”. And Ukraine is a dictatorship so clearly deserves to be invaded by the democratic Russians.
LOL to both.
Of course they are “piece keepers”. They want t keep another piece of Europe. Just a spelling mistake. . .
Someone should invade Russia from the East.
In 2014, Crimea went back to Russia. It was under the rule of The Ukraine, but the people identified more with Russia than the Ukraine, and so it went back under Russia again, and many (nearly all of them in ‘The West’) claimed it was Russian authoritarianism to regain Sevestopol as its Black Sea Naval Port. Those dirty rotten Russians, eh!
Who would have thought something similar has happened here, with bluster about ‘War’ from those dirty rotten Russians invading poor old defenceless Ukraine.
And now we find that there are a couple of regions in Eastern Ukraine who want to get out from under Ukrainian control and declare their independence from Ukraine, and hey, Russia has now acknowledged these two regions, hmm, mostly identifying more with Russia than with The Ukraine. It sort of now defuses the whole situation somewhat, eh!
Surely this couldn’t have been a ‘beat up’ from a President wanting to divert things away from his own very poor performance in mostly everything, you know beating his chest against those dirty rotten Russians, and a compliant media falling into lockstep with their Democrat handlers, as Joe gets schooled on what comes up next on the teleprompter.
Puhleeese! Excuse my cynicism!
Oh, and our ABC breathlessly crosses to Nick Dole in Kyiv (now oh so carefully pronounced by the talking heads in the studio) every night, well, pre recorded anyway.
Hang on, wasn’t it that same ABC who told us that Kyiv was covered by a toxic cloud of nuclear waste fallout from Chernobyl for all of time.
Hmm! I hope Nick Dole is covered by the ABC for that.
Tonyfrom Oz. Don’t know why you are so down on OUR ABC, as they are my go-to source for correct pronunciations of everything foreign.
Down at Woolies when I ask for my weekly supply of Chicken Kyiv, I get great pleasure in seeing the sub-human deli staff squirming as they say “Is that the Chicken Key-ev?”
Ha ha ha. Now to get home for a raucous round of laughter at Mrs Bucket calling herself “Mrs Bouquet”. That’s my fav: the ABC’s most trusted programme for snobs and tossers like me, dontcha know?
During the last bushfires I stopped listening to the ABC emergency broadcasts because the mis pronunciation was so bad most locals wouldn’t have known the fire was heading their way .
Look forward to you visiting New Zealand. Bring your jandals to wear to the beach and have a cold one from the chilly bin.
The last time we visited NZ (now a distant memory) a rotund lady security officer asked us as we approached the immigration barrier “have you got chups”. Being worldly wise (well, NZ exent wise) we knew she meant “chips” but could not connect the meaning to anything meaningful.
Turned out she was referring to our “smart chips” in our passports that allowed us fellow antipodeans to use the smart gates.
Listening to Comrad Adern is painful.
On my last visit to the Land of the Wrong White Crowd, I spent almost an hour at the airport searching for gate sex. Bloody liars.
Try the Chicken Kharkiv (formerly Kharkhov) . Three great battles there in 1943.
When I travelled to what was then the USSR many years ago, I was told (with some irritation) that my pronunciation of Kiev was incorrect, and that it was pronounced as per Kyiv.
Incidentally, our local tourist guide was also agitated when we expressed a concern about whether the food was OK being only a short time after the Chernobyl explosion. “What nonsense”, she said.
Agreed. Especially as they speak Russian, not Ukrainian. Ukraine is actually younger than Australia after the expulsion of the Zaporogian Cossacks by Grigory Potemkin. He then advertised world wide for people to inhabit the vast fields in the West. Kiev had been the capital of the Kievan Rus before Moscow and other lands were Polish, grabbed by Stalin.
And Ukraine declared its independence in 1991 like other SSRs but it is a mix of very different people but as you head East, it is traditionally very Russian. And Crimea was always Russian. The Crimean war for example, when a Russian warm sea port was a real concern for Europe, especially Turkey. The Crimean war was an utterly unjustified attack on Russia, what they called at the time a ‘punitive’ war. To teach the Russians a lesson. It never stops.
And the people in the Donbas who have revolted with great loss of life know they would be far better off financially rather than under the corrupt kleptocracy in Kiev. These are freedom fighters, not revolutionaries. But the West supports Ukraine as a counter to Russia and a buffer state. It’s a scary place where the distinction between the police and the criminals is zero.
As the President of Ukraine said, there has been no change in the disposition of Russian forces in a long time. But Joe Biden needs to distract everyone from China. And the Democrat bogey man is always Russia. It was why President Trump was impeached when it was Biden himself who withheld billions to look after his son’s crooked employer. Trump was impeached for what Biden actually did.
The real worry is that while Biden distracts the world with China, openly aggressive China gets zero supervision. And if you think about it, Russia’s real worry is their nuclear powered very aggressive neighbour China along a very long border along the Amur river. And it was China who launched their military virus on the world and claim innocence for over five million deaths, not Russia. So who’s the aggressor from India to Australia to Hong Kong and openly threatening Taiwan? China.
Such obvious blatant distraction politics by CCP BFF Biden and friends. What else?
An interesting address by Tony Abbott on the Ukraine/ Russia relationship. On the occasion when Abbott “shirt-fronted” Putin, he said Putin respond by seizing him with both hands & telling him that “You are not native Australian. But I am native Russian”. In other words. you do not understand historical reality concerning nationalism.
The Eastern half of Ukraine is Russian and largely voted for Yanukovych before his democratically elected government was ousted in a coup which was aided by the US.
Hi Tony,
Regarding your first paragraph about Crimea:
Luboš Motl, of Czechia, on his blog “the reference frame”, posted on this subject:
2014- Split country: understanding how West, East …
2017- Return Crimea to Ukraine? Return to Earth …
“And now we find that there are a couple of regions in Eastern Ukraine who want to get out from under Ukrainian control”
Funny, I’m guessing there’s some folk in western Canada feeling the same way about Ottawa this morning. Might even be the same bunch both want to be out from under control of.
Sumpin’s happening.
I think it’s the Utopian Oligarchs vs. well … everybody that is not a Utopian or an Oligarch.
I think there’s thousands of Trucker Luthers nailing their grievances on doors of Government Cathedrals.
To quote Churchill, “this is going to be long and hard, there will be no withdrawal.”
“In two official decrees, Putin instructed the defence ministry to assume “the function of peacekeeping” in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Moscow provided no details or date for any deployment, with the order saying only that it “comes into force from the day it was signed.””
So he has ordered the function of peacekeepers to the military, but not the deployment. He has obviously learned from the USA, military advisors to start with, then peacekeeping forces.. At least it won’t be another Vietnam, the locals in Donetsk will be happy to see the official Russian army arrive.
They would have used the UN, but those peacekeepers were busy with the truckers in Canada.
Yet another Australian success story, forging ahead despite the best efforts of the Government.
Modern DC chargers are very impressive, recharging to 80% in the time it takes to have a cup of coffee.
EV charging is quicker than I thought (at least for a part charge)
I stopped for a cup of coffee at the Euroa service centre on the way back from the Canberra rally. A Tesla owner had just plugged in to one of the 4 EV charging points. Only 2 charging points were in use. I had a brief chat. He said he was on the way home to Melbourne from Coonabarabran. I suppose that the Tesla car knows where the available charging points are.
He complained about the cost of the charge. He said it would cost about $15 for a full charge but he would charge from 40% to 70%. Euroa is about 90 minutes from Melbourne and the cost was lower at home.
I went in for a cup of coffee and 15 minutes later he had gone.
What he is demonstrating is that maximum speed is achieved by part charging more often. It must be very frustrating trying to balance all the calculations and of course being at risk if the charging station is busy or out of order, the more you use.
My Audi will run at freeway speeds to Sydney and half way back without stopping with a range of 1400km. And refuelling is five minutes anywhere. And generate less CO2 than a coal fired Tesla.
We went from Blackheath in the Blue Mountains to Coffs Harbour in a Range Rover Evoque (610k) and would have managed it easily on one tank, but chickened out and refuelled while having a coffee somewhere en route.
Joe Biden must be hating his mask rule. He couldn’t bury his nose into the Tritium CEO’s hair.
Only the ABC could applaud that they’ve reached a point where 20% of the car’s range still can’t be used.
Nice! At least someone in the country can still make a success in the world!
“From 2022-26, Tritium estimates, all these new electric cars, buses and trucks (outside China) will need 120 billion kWh worth of charging.”
I hope we’ve got that sort of electricity on standby for them! I suppose you just put a diesel generator at every charging station..
Interesting to see trolls on early duty this morning. It’s sort of a pity they are so lame.
Lame is my game
If only the quality of comment came anywhere near the frequency.
As the actress said…
Lol! Good one!
Someone slipped up in the editing of the video at the link below – at the 19 second mark we see “the special anti-viral medication” the Queen is currently receiving for her latest Covid infection:
See more at:
This is obviously an attempt at assassination! What were they thinking?
you know this is fake right?
A show in Melbourne added a photo of a pill packet, the wrong packet, in a story about the Queen and you think that is meaningful. It was just a file photo cut into a story. The doctor being interviewed was outraged since he did not want to be associated with the photo in any way.
Well, as a post on Gab pointed out, she does like horses.
I figured she was under the best of care of the Royal Horseguards.
Can’t load that.
35 sec video at:
I bet the clueless reporter didn’t even know what Stromectol was….shown at 19 sec mark.
But why only 3mg pills ?
For 0.2 mg/ body weight …
Yes, the video showed both Sotrovimab (approved) and Stromectol (not approved).
For the other one, “horse deworming agents” are not approved, although the Queen does love horses.
What is the appeal of the WEF?
If certain world leaders became adherents, how was this bonding accomplished?
I seems to be the most significant cult of all time.
How did they do it?
Money? Power? Blackmail? Groupthink?
“How did they do it?”
Why would anyone who wants to be a “leader” not accept a scholarship at WEF?? As Forest says, group-think will do it, you are immersed in a group of similar-thinking people who ALL want to rule the world. You make friends that you can count on as you amass power, people who help you into the US Presidency because of your skin colour, or to the top of any country.
Money follows that power, and the sense of being in the “inner group” means blackmail is never needed. Blackmail you reserve for those who never went to that college, to keep your minions in place and to make sure they push for the goals that the cult leader decrees. You never lose the mana either, look how often some old has-been of a “former Minister blahblah blah” is trotted out as though their opinions are important.
Its certainly better to be at the top of a corrupt organisation than the bottom of an honest one!
It’s a form of networking. Even within the WEF however, there will be ‘grades’ of membership from the elite’s elites, down to the wannabees. How high you climb will be a reflection of your value and usefulness to those at the top. All will aspire to reach the top though, and/or will hope to gain connections that will benefit them personally. Some who think of themselves as ‘big fish’ will be made to feel small but, if they obey orders, they might get to sit at the high rollers’ table. People at all levels can have their greed manipulated.
In the same way, a person with millions, even hundreds of millions, in the bank can feel ‘poor’ simply because of the circles they mix in. If you have a 80M yacht, you’ll be super happy till you have to berth it next to a 200M yacht.
Networking and future opportunities and open doors. Its no different to senior level anywhere with glad handing and praising the most obvious BS if it enhances ones career opportunities.
Interesting article on the WEF, and what may be coming next, at this link
After Legitimizing China, International Olympic Committee Narrows Down Choice For Next Olympics To Iran, North Korea, Or Canada
February 21st, 2022 –
The Brisbane Olympics are in 2032.
Might be home ground for the CCP by then.
I’ve warned about a spreading global trend of Salmonella poisonings for a few weeks now.
It’s also in North USA, Canada and Singapore and now in Australia so be on guard.
Urgent baby formula recall issued over contamination fears
A urgent national recall has been issued for three brands of baby formula in Australia.
Abbott Australasia Pty Ltd and Abbott US are recalling some EleCare, Similac and Alimentum infant formula products, which were manufactured in the United States.
In a statement on Sunday, NSW Health said the recall was “due to potential microbial contamination (Cronobacter and Salmonella) which may cause illness if consumed”.
According to the health department, the formulas are available across the country by prescription at pharmacies, hospitals and via direct mail order.
nothing is spreading. You are just reporting cases as they occur and claiming some sort of trend while providing no evidence that this is an increasing trend.
An increasing incidence is a trend, sunshine.
How flat is the Earth btw?
..not to mention I predicted the increases, regions and directions days/weeks AHEAD of time. 😎
sure you did
you did not show a trend of any sort. You asserted that you’ve found something but showed us nothing.
Hmmmmm sounds familiar !
Sounds familiar that people here disapprove of certain things and approve of others even when there is no evidence.
AGW lacks scientific rigour.
“The current thinking and approaches guiding this conceptualization and description have been shown to lack scientific rigour, the consequence being that climate change risk and uncertainties are poorly presented. The climate change field needs to strengthen its risk science basis, to improve the current situation.” – Norwegian risk scientist Terje Aven (Climate Etc)
Browser updates warning
Users of Chrome, Firefox and Edge have been warned to prepare for an update that could crash some of the most popular websites.
The three sites will move to version number “100,” and the transition could cause some of the web’s most-visited sites to fail.
Unlikely to affect me given the sites I frequent 😅
Bill Gates Says Covid Deaths All Caused By ‘Misinformation’ — Asks Why People Fuss About Mask Mandates When We ‘Have To Wear Pants’
Well now…where to start 😅😅
mmmmm Bill Gates breathes through his genitals? who knew?
Oh yes, yes, pleas and please Mr Gates make it that everyone has to wear pants, EVERYONE!!!.
Lomborg is probably the most hated of the Scientific group that tries to use proper data and evidence to argue their case about so called climate change.
Here’s his article in the N Y Post and a quote about dopey Biden’s claims if the US achieved net zero by 2050.
And don’t forget Lomborg uses the UN IPCC standard model as well. So 0.3 F reduction by 2100 is about 0.19 c. Why couldn’t the delusional Glasgow clowns just use proper data and save us the WASTE of trillions of $ by 2050 and ongoing to 2100?
“In Glasgow, Biden has restated his goal to have the US emissions net-zero by 2050, but this will have a surprisingly small impact. Even if he managed to get the US to zero today and keep it there for the rest of the century, the standard UN climate model shows this would only reduce the temperature rise by the end of the century by 0.3°F.Yet doing so would be spectacularly costly. A new study in the journal Nature shows that reducing emissions 95 percent by 2050 — almost the President’s promise of net-zero — would cost 11.9 percent of GDP or more than $11,000 present-day dollars for each American citizen, every year”.
Unusually high surge of deadly brain disease found in ticks just after first ever gene-edited ticks were released as new weapons against Lyme disease
Just after scientists engineered ticks to contain Lyme disease, a virus outbreak warning has been issued in the US after an “unusually high” number of ticks were found to be carrying a deadly neurological disease.
More than 90 percent of ticks sampled in the Lawrence Township Recreational Park, in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, were found to carry the rare and potentially fatal Deer Tick Virus.
For comparison, the highest infection rate previously recorded at a single location in Pennsylvania was only 11 percent — and for the whole of the US around 25 percent.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, a whopping 91 percent of patients treated for Deer Tick Virus go on to develop severe neuroinvasive disease and may experience encephalitis or meningitis, both infections of the brain.
Something else to track 😉
And let me guess, Pfizer has a vaccine for that.
There’s an experimental mRNA vaccine for that!
A Lab-Stage mRNA Vaccine Targeting Ticks May Offer Protection Against Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases
NIH researcher Andaleeb Sajid discusses her study’s finding that ticks were unable to feed on vaccinated guinea pigs, preventing transmission of the pathogen that causes Lyme disease.
Andaleeb Sajid
Nov 18, 2021
Mr. M.: And that vaccine will not be mandatory, and never will be- until it is.
Police FINALLY waking up to the fact that they’re expendable, defundable and replaced by UN goon squads if the NWO wins..
For the 32nd Saturday in a row, Paris protests to end COVID law today. Police in Paris have joined the march against Covid mandates.
..and Ottawa and numerous other countries & cities.
Is Her Majesty getting ivermectin?
Dr Mukesh Haikerwal inferred so. The part of the interview on Ch 9 [Aus] that showed the IVM tabs has since been clipped.
You can still see the original uncensored video at:
I bet the clueless reporter didn’t even know what Stromectol was….shown at 19 sec mark.
She relies on homeopathy, as did the Queen Mother. It suspect it will stand her in good stead against Omicron.
That was sarc max ?
Declassified Government Projects
Well, a few anyway…
Just goes to show much governments love their people.
Dr Eli David:
IMH publish 2006-2021 mortality data.
WHAT pandemic?
Here is the latest from NOAA.
The World had one of its warmest Januarys and simultaneously one of its coolest in the US…
1) January 2022 was Earth’s 6th warmest on record
February 14, 2022
2) U.S. saw its coolest, driest January in 8 years
February 8, 2022
The first is a global and the second local, weather is not climate.
Look up ‘confirmation bias’
Weather can offer a glimpse of climate change, anyway the world ain’t too hot at the moment.
I prefer the scientists at the CSIRO or NASA, etc, etc
I guess you haven’t seen any of Tony Heller’s videos documenting data fraud at various government meteorological agencies?
All wonderfully debunked by the CSIRO, go see , Galileo
What of Heller’s work has been debunked by CSIRO?
Claimed debunking. You need to be a sucker to believe it.
A review of how they fiddled the data for the EU
“Evaluation of the Homogenization Adjustments Applied to European Temperature Records in the Global Historical Climatology Network Dataset ”
sorry couldn’t post my link.
Of course its much simpler isnt it?
‘I prefer the scientists at the CSIRO or NASA, etc, etc’
Yeah, I prefer Roy Spencer.
One scientist , unsupported, against the facts. The scientific method still rules
Where is Heller wrong?
Where did CSIRO debunk.him?
And science is about consensus. It doesn’t work like that.
As Einstein said about the book “One Hundred Authors Against Einstein”, Einstein replied that to defeat relativity one did not need the word of 100 scientists, just one fact.
Oops! I meant to say science is NOT about consensus.
Where is Heller wrong?
Where did CSIRO debunk.him?
At first glance I read “Where is H!tler wrong.”
A Freudian slip? Would CSIRO denounce him? His dogma WAS consensus in Germany.
Yes, as Einstein said, everyone can believe me, but it only takes one scientist to prove me wrong.
I see no-one mentioned the BOM.. busted for massaging the temperatures by an in-house method that can only be performed by their experts in their offices. Rather like NOAA, changing the colours of the ocean temperature maps to make it look like its got hotter.
When NSW gets hotter, I’ll worry. Until then its all rubbish. Coldest, wettest summer in decades.
See my post at #27. BoM at it again, as you say, ‘massaging the temps’.
NOAA should give us a monthly version so that we could compare and contrast.
Not to worry, February should fall below the Spencer line. The global cooling signal is unmistakable, have you no interest in watching climate change?
This is a collective view.
At the end of the Eemian Interglacial there was a sharp upward spike in world temperature and it wasn’t caused by a jump in CO2.
Mr. Dave: Way to hit those talking points, kid. Weather isn’t climate, until it is. This way, you AGW fans can insist the climate changed even as the weather stays the same (always changing, welcome to Ohio). Then, when the weather changes, you can call it “climate” and you are covered. Once you guys got past that “reproducible” hassle, nothing can disprove your theory. If you study history (we can see that you don’t), you can see the outcome of lots of theories that could not be disproved. Enjoy yours while it lasts.
Current on line Courier Mail headlines
“Masks, restrictions scrapped as 5k new cases, five deaths recorded
The Premier has announced that masks will no longer be required in shops, workplaces, schools and hospitality venues, and density limits will be scrapped from March 4, as Queensland recorded 5583 new Covid-19 cases and five deaths overnight.”
The rest behind the Murdoch Wall to me
I don’t know if anyone has noticed but NSW’s max mean for Jan, 22 is 0.72C above average.
But if you look at the max means for the 130 or so sites, only around 20 are actually above average.
Even the ACORN designated sites for NSW average around 0.9C BELOW average.
At one site, Cobar (District 48), the max mean for the airport is -0.7C but the MO is +1.6C. That’s more than 2C difference in the same town.
There has definitely been some adjusting to the average max mean by the BoM.
It just means that, to the BoM, some sites are more equal than others.
I mentioned elsewhere that the January temperature for our area was in a 1degree above average when we have been running 2 below. February following the trend with current 2.7 below foe maximum and – 1.8 minimum.I don’t believe that we have achieved 30 this summer.
ABC jumps shark over Roper River allocation.
Trudeau has won parliamentary support for tyranny despite the pairing of the Conservatives with the Bloc Quebecois and their allies. Marxists rule.
“The Canadian Parliament voted Monday night to approve Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act by a vote of 185 for and 151 against.”
And it’s a long time until the next election. What’s next, gulags?
That really is depressing news.
Like Andrews’ emergency powers and the flaccid opposition parties support of Ardern and her policies this comes as no surprise. Unfortunately our “representatives” in our liberal Western democracies will find themselves at the wrong end of a short rope if this continues. There is a lot of anger out there.
sounds just the Americans with their constant “its gonna blow!” claims on mandates,2A, race , antifa etc. Nothing much will actually happen
That’s what happens when your population has been almost completely dumbed down with the exception of the few that still believe in freedom.
Farewell Canada. I wish you well. ToM
Still has to pass their Senate.
Is that good news, or is it just a rubber stamp?
It’s now 9:40 pm Tuesday. Nothing in ABC’s Just In or the SMH equivalent about the Canadian vote, and no mention on the 5pm news. Curious.
It’s now 2:30 pm Sydney time and this is the only story I’ve found so far about the Canadian Senate vote. It hasn’t happened so far, and the report gives no estimate of when it will.
The report gives me some hope.
” The Senate will be sitting again this week to continue their debates on the extension of the Emergencies Act. They will then vote. It is still unclear when that vote will be taking place, as Senators can decide to prolong debate as long as they choose. If it fails to approve the act, it would be immediately revoked. ”
Dave B
If the Senate is still to vote on this then negotiations are in progress.
The negotiations take the form-
We would like to help you to avoid the need to stand again in an election.
What do you want? and
How much?
Senate still has a say
They voted “pro”
From “Bankysy” ! 😀 😀 😀
Sorry – Banksy, atirical streetart
You frightened me, until I opened the link.
Not quite- the attendees are split between pigs and sheep.
How did Moderna’s Patented Sequence End up in Sars-Cov-2?
How did bats copy the moderna patent sequence into their coronavirus?
Chinese bats are very clever, you know.
MR. M.: Yes, they are clever, and you can never tell what eastern bats are thinking. Inscrutable is the word.
Good to see the same old “one rule for thee and another for me” still applies for ScoMo’s trip down to Tassie. In the news video no-one in the group was wearing masks or 1.5m apart.
Yet the masses there still have to wear masks.
I hereby make the following testable prediction:
COVID of any or all varieties is going to infect the WA population at an extremely rapid rate if and when the borders are opened.
The population is essentially devoid of natural immunity to covid due to extreme lockouts and isolation and the “vaccines” won’t stop it.
It will be like centuries ago when diseases first crossed oceanic boundaries and the newly infected populations had no resistance.
Yes but as Bill Gates moaned, it’s faster than inoculation. And free. Better now when Omicron is 99% of infections and looks relatively benign. It’ll be over in a month. And Australia will be open for business. I have not read anything however on the risks to full blood aborigines which would be a critical regional problem.
but WA have been inoculated well in advance with the safe and effective vaccines, so all will be well.
for those who want to see Bill have a moan
Are you seriously saying that the vaccines don’t work? ( non sarc )
Mr. Dave: What does “95% effective” mean?
“They’ve Lost The NY Times”
“The CDC has repeatedly and intentionally refused to publish anything that goes against their “preferred narrative”, such as the fact that among healthy children Covid-19 is less of a risk than the flu and thus there is zero reason to vaccinate them, that due to this extraordinarily low risk there was also never a reason for masks in schools or shutdowns and more.”
More at
“Damn Lies and Covid Stats”
“Never in the field of pharmaceuticals has so much been gained by so few for delivering so little. With apologies to Winston.”
Australia’s regulator, the TGA is headed by John Skerritt. A recent TGA statement claims that children are at risk and many should be jabbed. The target was not 100% so it is (or may be) a relief it will not be mandated (=compulsory).
But Pfizer do not have a current request in to the FDA for jabbing 10yo and younger.
Any comments by somebody in the know about this push from the Atlassian guy and his cronies to kill the coal arm of AGL? Can somebody follow the money and tell us what he is predominantly investing in?
Well there is that whole solar extension cord to Singapore thing
This Green Extension Cord?
Well apparently tiny little bits of the solar farm are going ahead.
But major buyer in Singapore has gone broke.
They’re looking for more Loose Cannon Investors!
He looks a bit stunned in this interview!
I can’t believe that the Singapore, or any, Government could commit to having a good proportion of their energy come via long undersea cable in international waters. The whole country could be shut down if an enemy such as the Chicomms cut the cable or it breaks due to natural means.
Singapore should just build one or more nuclear reactors on their own territory. They currently produce about 12GW of electricity.
G’day Rupert,
This is from an article in today’s SMH:
” The duo of Australia’s billionaire tech investor Mike Cannon-Brookes and Canada’s infrastructure giant Brookfield have broken the mould with their $5 billion offer for troubled energy operator AGL. Rarely do corporate predators take on the image of environmental superheroes. ”
Brookfield is described as a Canadian organisation.
Dave B
From VladTepes blog:
How predictable was this? On Thursday, Robert Spencer wrote an article comparing Trudeau’s Emergencies Act to Adolf Hitler’s Enabling Act that established his dictatorship and pointed out that while Hitler’s Act was supposed to be temporary, when it came up for renewal, his opponents had all been outlawed, imprisoned, or killed, and there was no one left to raise a dissenting voice. Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act was supposed to be temporary as well, but on Friday, Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the Trudeau regime’s intention to make some of their new authoritarian powers permanent. This, my friend, is how democracies die
The Left see freedom and democracy as the main “problem” facing the Western World and what’s holding them back from establishing their “glorious socialist global utopia”.
We are at a turning point.
Time to pick sides.
It’s freedom or a long slow (or short) death under socialism.
a recap:
‘BMJ gets fact checked’
Feb 2022
Dr. John Campbell
History of The BMJ:
The BMJ is one of the world’s oldest general medical journals. It published its first weekly edition on 3 October 1840 as the Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal before uniting with the London Journal of Medicine and publishing from January 1853 as the Associated Medical Journal. Four years later in January 1857, this merged journal became the British Medical Journal. The title was shortened to BMJ in 1988, and then changed to The BMJ in 2014.
Kamran Abbasi, The BMJ’s editor in chief:
“We should all be very worried that Facebook, a multibillion dollar company, is effectively censoring fully fact checked journalism that is raising legitimate concerns about the conduct of clinical trials.
why is Facebook acting in this way?
What is driving its world view?
Is it ideology?
Is it commercial interests?
Is it incompetence?
Users should be worried that, despite presenting itself as a neutral social media platform, Facebook is trying to control how people think under the guise of ‘fact checking.’”
‘Please send to your politicians’
Feb 2022
Dr John Campbell
Germany’s vaccination board STIKO ständige Impfkomission, Standing commission for vaccination
now recommends aspiration
The vaccine is to be injected only intramuscular (i.m.),
and in no case intradermal, subcutaneous, or intravenous.
‘Debunking the BBC debunk of ivermectin’
Oct 2021
Dr John Campbell
….many of them anti-vaccine activist….
“Is that true? Let’s take me for example and a lot of other people I have been talking to. We are very pro-vaccination…. We are also very much pro treatment….If treatments are available, we want that treatment.
I’m greedy, I want both…”
‘Vitamin D in Israel’
12 Dec 2021
Dr John Campbell
I wonder if a supplement of Vit D should/could be standard care in Aged Care homes? (or a combination of these supplements when possible, or is this already included in the standard care?)
It would be great if doctors could give advise to their patients.
… for example vitamin K2 may interfere with some anticoagulant medications, so you should see your doctor for individualises advice.
on Healthline:
You need zinc for a number of vital health benefits including immune system function, DNA synthesis, and growth. Chelated zinc is more easily absorbed by your body than zinc on its own.
Before adding a zinc supplement to your diet, discuss your plans with a doctor. They can help make sure that you’re taking the proper dose and that the supplement won’t negatively interact with other medications you’re using.
Last medically reviewed on December 3, 2019
So, how do you think NSW will cope when they “shed” Liddell (1680MW, down from 2000MW) closing from April ’22 to April ’23 and Eraring (2880MW) in 2025? A total of 4560 MW of proper, cheap, reliable power generation.
And will they be following standard Australian green practice of destroying the power stations immediately rather than mothballung them?
Where are they going to find 4560MW of cheap, reliable 24/7 power? I guarantee it won’t be coming from solar or wind.
“The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has said the grid would likely lose two-thirds of its coal capacity by 2030, and this could occur without reducing reliability.”
Well, someone is confident… I suppose he has nothing to lose personally.
The kid trying to buy AGL said-
“This is not crazy futuristic technology, this is taking the technologies we have today and deploying them very pragmatically and sensibly at scale to bring that transition here as quickly as we can to bring down prices for power customers, industrial manufacturing all the way down to residential,” Mr Cannon-Brookes said. “It makes total logical and economic sense.”
So he has obviously got the world sorted out! I’m looking forward to solar farms and wind bringing down my power bill!
Funnily enough he’s not showing us any numbers in support of his projected “at scale” rollout; regulars here know such numbers cannot exist as it’s fantasy and all of a piece with the log rolling by Gang Green to set the tone for the impending federal election.
Thx Catherine.the enlightened voice of Dr John Campbell – careful to say what he needs to, data wise under the radar re Covid, Bill Gates and the Covid booster.
Check this list of Canadian links to WEF
His Highness plus
All names of those included;
1.Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
2.Francois Philippe Champagne, Minister of Foreign Affairs
3.Brian Gallant, Leader of New Brunswick Liberal Party
4.Terry Beech, department of fisheries, oceans and Canadian coast guard
5.Ailish Campbell, Chief Trade Commisoner, Global affairs Canada
6.Michelle Rempel Garner (conservatives)
7. NDP leader Jagmeet Singh
8.Renee Maria Tremblay, Supreme Court Of Canada, Senior counsel 9.Elissa Golberg – Minister for strategic policy, Global Affairs Canada 10.Karina Gould – Minister of International Development, Global Affairs Canada
11. Melanie Joly – Minister of economic development and official languages, science and economic development
12.Maryam Monsef – ministry for women , Gender equality and rural economic development
Might be more than time we had a look under the fingernails of our politicians
Didn’t we run all our federal politicians under the section 44 brouhaha five years ago? Barnaby undertook the process and Albo escaped scrutiny, a choice which may come back bitingly if he’s granted government.
In most proper countries it is considered quite acceptable to burn rubbish as a fuel to produce electrical power.
Obviously modern plant has extensive pollution control measures and these plants are used in the most extreme green European countries.
Why is the idea considered so abhorrent in Australia?
I dont know why this is, but I agree, it should be considered. I’m pretty sure this is what happens in parts of France. The apartments I live in have recycling bins emptied twice a week, and other waste bins emptied every day. all of them are always full. The recycling bins also accept small household appliances/e-waste, so it’s a good way to get rid of this too.
There are 2 recycling bins, and 1 normal bin – all the same size, so, per week, it’s 4 recycling bins to 7 normal. Sadly, no dedicated glass bin in my building, so I have to take that to the nearest option a couple of streets away.
For another thing, the ABC doesn’t like it, so there must indeed be merit to the concept.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Did Justin Trudeau’s Financial Crackdown Really Spark a Bank Run in Canada?
Five of Canada’s largest banks mysteriously went offline this week after the government announced it was freezing assets of people supporting the Freedom Convoy, sparking rumors of a bank run or computer hacking.
Good video:
Dr Suneel Dhand talks about Novak Djokovic’s decision to maintain bodily autonomy.
You cannot completely escape the spike protein because it is shed by the vaccinated. I got a neuropathy after my husband got his shot. It took 3 months to start abating and then got worse when son and girlfriend living with us got vaccinated. This means that most of the unvaccinated have antibodies to the synthetic spike. The toxic effects of shed spike on me are one reason I am suspicious of the touted Novavax, the supposed protein based vax.
Speaking of you know what theories looking less like theories …
I see no one mentioned that another associate of Prince Andrew’s infamous party island host has terminated himself in a French jail.
And the security cameras just happened to be malfunctioning … again.
Total coincidence I’m sure.
Well, what a surprise!! Nothing lasts longer than a temporary government program…
“Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture.
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that many of the measures imposed ‘temporarily’ to deal with the protesters (after they had been suitably demonized as violent extremists) will now become permanent.”
The Government of Canada contacted the Nunchuk team to halt crypto transfers, here’s how they responded..
Interesting projections from Pippa Malgrem :-
The good news is that this lets everybody off the hook. Market makers will take a much-needed break and gossip about how long it will take to turn the exchanges back on. The bad news is that if this happens persistently enough, the Russians and Chinese – driven by their non-truly capitalist ideologies – may kill the underlying belief system of capitalism itself, the idea that you can price credit and deals and that you can always transact. All options become worthless if they cannot be exercised. The new nuclear option is to kill the idea that the future can be discounted. This is how you slowly murder the faith and belief in the concept of credit. The internet ate everybody’s lunch and gave us Uber Eats. In this scenario, there is no more Uber Eats. No more SatNav, GPS, or online anything. No more internet. No more metaverse. No more market.
And Rabobank’s Michael Every breaks it down : Full Steam Ahead with The Plan :-
As Dr. Malmgren asks, “will there be a market” in a world of “non-truly capitalist ideologies”? Yes -but it won’t be like the free, global, Western-centric, dollar-denominated, English-language legal contracts we take for granted today. At least not without serious pushback from said architecture, even at the cost of splintering it.
What the reality we will emerge into when this is all finally over will look like remains to be seen: but it’s likely to be very, very Dr. Strange and Dr. Strangelove while we get there.
Well fella’s ( and Jo) ; “it’s been good to know you”.
Here’s a better understanding of the truth about the so called Russian invasion into Ukraine as perpetrated by the MSM and Biden who are just flat out lies. I’m not saying that Putin is necessarily a nice guy; just that the lies being told by the MSM are just that, lies, and their intention is to kick the can down the despot road for the benefit of the Western governments so they can achieved an Orwellian future for us all. Don’t be fooled by our MSM and by our governments.
The West’s Desperate Effort to Switch the Enemy from COVID to Putin
Breaking News!!
That’s a nice article on Armstrong Economics. Its just like Africa, the West drew lines on a map in their palaces in Europe and instantly caused civil wars that lasted down centuries. They split tribal areas into more than one country and jammed ancient enemy tribes into one country.
The whites have a lot to answer for in the parts of the world they invaded.
Good luck to Putin, I hope he can unite those Russian areas that Yanukovych won in the 2010 elections. It will move American missiles a bit further away from Moscow.
Odd, no one refers to the Cuban missile crisis which was the same in reverse.
The US said at that time-
No matter what Cuba agreed, we will not allow Soviet missiles in Cuba.
Small win for Trudeau. Protesters, such as the freedom fighters in Canada have done well to inform more people about what the Western governments’ intentions are for us. However, current political forces today are too powerful to bring down with such protests. They have the police and as it appears unmarked UN troops in Ottawa on their side. The protests are a valuable way to inform the sleeping public there is a problem with our despot leaders. The ballot box is then the ultimate way to defeat them once people have been sufficiently informed with the facts. Of course the problem there is most people have already been indoctrinated by the MSM and politicians to follow their despot ways. So, the longer we have governments like those in place today, the closer we get to an Orwellian existence. It would be far better if we nip it in the bud now at the ballot box than to wait for things to get worse and risk having our lives under complete control of the government.
Found on Realclimate science.
I know that our journalists are bad but this is extraordinary. Not even a slight inclination to look like researching in order to have an opinion. Just pure propaganda.
Thanks for posting
Saw it. Made me embarrassed to be Australian. Kari Lake was gracious in the face of combination of stupidity & insolence from Aussie reporter.
It’s interesting to examine the German elections of 1932 in light of recent electoral adventures in N. America.
Trudeau came to power in 2015 as the Paris Climate Accord push was taking place. The election was in the wake of Liberal (=Democrats in Canada) claims that the 2011 election was stolen by the Conservatives through voter suppression, demanding a loosening of voting regulations. Trudeau got 184 seats in the parliament, but won only 39% of the popular vote.
During May 2019 hundreds of thousands of ghost voters were removed from the Canadian voting rolls. In the September 2019 elections, Trudeau lost votes down to 33% (lost 28 seats in the parliament) of the popular vote but still retained control of the parliament despite the Conservatives winning 35% (gained 22 seats in the parliament) of the popular vote.
During 2021 Trudeau called another election hoping to gain a majority but lost further ground. This time Trudeau only got 31% of the popular vote.
In Germany during 1932 AH decided to run against President Hindenburg. This was following the 1930 elections where for the first time the National Socialists won significant seats in the Reichstag and became a political force. Hindenburg, aged 84 years, was in poor health and everybody, including himself, were certain that he wouldn’t live to finish another seven-year term. It looked like AH would walk right into to presidency because there was no viable opposition. Hindenburg, however, decided to run anyway.
During the March 1932 presidential election Hindenburg defeated AH. However, the margin of victory was small enough to require a run-off election on April 10th. AH gained votes in the run off election but so did Hindenburg, and AH lost again.
Hindenburg to keep AH from becoming head of state in the event of Hindenburg’s death, (which would occur in 1934), appointed Franz von Papen as chancellor and called a Reichstag election which was expected to give von Papen a majority government.
The Reichstag election would be held in July of 1932. Taking advantage of new very loose absentee/mail in voting, with virtually no safe guards against voting fraud, (sound familiar?) the National Socialists won control of the Reichstag, and so AH gained control of the Reichstag with 230 seats under his control (37%). It was a stolen election.
The sole act of the newly seated NS controlled Reichstag was to declare a no confidence vote of von Papen. A new Reichstag election was called for November 6th 1932. In this election the National Socialists lost seats (down to 32%) but AH continued to demand the chancellorship as the leader of the most powerful faction in the Reichstag.
At this point von Papen committed a fatal error by resigning from the chancellorship in an effort to be conciliatory and talked von Hindenburg into allowing a new coalition cabinet which von Papen claimed would control AH as a co- chancellor. Thus, AH gained the chancellorship.
Following the Reichstag Fire, a failing Hindenburg signed into law the Enabling Acts. This was equivalent to an emergency act whereby the chancellor’s decrees/mandates/executive orders, had the force of law.
After the death of von Hindenburg, AH merged the presidency and the chancellorship into a single office.
SKYNET 2.0: Unstoppable secret network bypasses internet
“There’s a secret network in operation today and this network can send centralized commands from its master to slave devices without anyone being able to stop it.” It can also track your precise location even when your phone is turned off.
I saw this a week ago and it’s a good watch and totally correct technically, if a tad dramatic.
Given the obsession with smartphones the technically INcorrect idiotic & effortlessly debunked theory of injected nanotech becomes moot.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to the ongoing protest by truckers in the country’s capital city of Ottawa, Ontario, is negatively viewed by most voters in the United States, according to a new poll from the Convention of States Action and The Trafalgar Group.
The poll shows that just over half of American voters disapprove of Trudeau’s actions, including about three-quarters of independent voters and almost 9-in-10 Republicans. However, most Democrats approve of Trudeau’s response to the protest.
55.3% disapprove of Trudeau’s handling of the protest.
35.1% approve of Trudeau’s response.
9.6% are unaware of the situation.
74.4% of independents disapprove, 20.8% approve, 4.8% are unaware.
87.3% of Republicans disapprove, 8.1% approve, 4.6% are unaware.
65% of Democrats approve, 17.2% disapprove, 17.1% are unaware.
Which all just goes to show that the average person doesn’t have a clue about the significance of the protests and how their political bias will be their own undoing.
Next up: Aussie elections.
Oh to have a crystal ball. Heh 😈
World’s first scan of dying brain reveals final moments.
Wave patterns showed activity similar to dreaming, memory recall and meditation.
For the first time ever, scientists have recorded the activity of a dying human brain, discovering that it showed the same patterns as seen during dreaming, memory recall and meditation, a new study has revealed.
Martin Armstrong provides some very interesting insights about what’s happening with the Russian-Ukraine and related issues. I do hope he’s wrong but we can’t discount his arguments so easily.
Volodymyr Zelensky – The Man Intent on Creating World War III
Biden Speaks – Nothing but Lies Again to Start WWIII
More on the big Ukraine beat-up
“Joe Biden” Wins World War Three”
Adjust link appropriately
It turns out that the Russian intruders are just undocumented migrants.
I see what you did there!
Glioblastoma is generally fatal. Possible treatment disclosed.
“The results of this study offer a new therapeutic option against glioblastoma: the use of the drug ADI-PEG20, which eliminates systemic arginine, in combination with the application of focal brain radiotherapy. With this, it was possible to observe how a brain tumor, incurable to date, was completely eliminated in in vivo models that died of natural causes without showing any manifestation of the disease.”
More Canada
‘The Five’ rip Trudeau for freezing bank accounts of Freedom Convoy truckers
Interview with ‘Candy’ Candice Sero, “The Trampled Lady”, in Ottowa.
She is the lady that RCMP injured with their horses. She is apparently of the Mohawk Indian Tribe .
10 min video.
Haemorrhagic virus already detected in some parts of Spain
The haemorrhagic virus that causes Crimean-Congo fever is already present in some areas of Spain
The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers Crimea-Congo as one of the most important emerging infectious diseases. It has a great capacity to change, and mutate, and they believe that it could become more transmissible between people in a short time. Also, the associated mortality rate is approximately 30 per cent.
According to experts, the possibility of eradicating the virus in Spain is practically impossible. However, they recommend a series of indications to avoid contagion.
While we’re at it let’s go see what the MSN news channels say.
CNN – nothing
Fox – nothing
ABC News – nothing
MSNBC – nothing
Reuters – nothing
CBS – nothing
RT – nothing
Well…I guess I don’t watch CNN like the internet trolls do then 😅😅
Pot on simmer again
“Thousands of people, hundreds of trucks ignore Emergencies Act to convoy in Edmonton”
The next couple of weeks should see Australia return to hot dry conditions.
‘Late summer important heat and dryness is appearing in 15-day outlooks by all forecast models. The hot/dry risk is related to the subsidence phase of the Madden Julian oscillation (MJO).
‘The convective phase is to the north across Indonesia and into the Eastern Indian Ocean. The GFS ENS indicates the hottest anomalies are across the northwest continent, while the rainfall forecast is dry for most of the continent over the next 2 weeks. Soil moisture anomalies are currently trending drier across west and north portions of the continent.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Except for south east Queensland.
‘Rain and embedded thunderstorms will continue to affect southeast Queensland and far northeast NSW on Wednesday, with rain rates intensifying from the afternoon as the low pressure trough deepens further.
‘Forecast models suggest that this wet and stormy weather will persist into Thursday, Friday and possibly Saturday across southeast QLD and northeast NSW as an upper-level trough passes over the region.’ (Weatherzone)
“The Canadian Senate: The Final Frontier”
Now before you pick a side on Russia vs Ukraine read this
“History In Ukraine & Russia Matters”
Good read.
Putin wants all the states on its borders to send NATO packing and who can blame him.
Now before you pick a side on Russia vs Ukraine read this
“History In Ukraine & Russia Matters”
In Germany, the “Permanent Vaccination Commission” (StIKO) recommands now “aspiration” when vaxxing, because of the danger of myocarditis etc.
“Experts” claim it isn’t a good idea, on the one hand becaues of the upcoming discussions about earlier COV-19 vaxxes given in a different way, on the other hand, because these side effects only concern younger men in combination with testosteron.
It is hard to be staunch: I yielded and was single jabbed. I deliberately chose a “hub” “manned” by 100% RNs. I insisted that my Lady and I be aspirated. I was assured it was unnecessary and may cause stress but the RN complied, SHE KNEW HOW TO DO IT! TOTAL CRAP.
“A Major Backfire – Is the Canadian Financial and Banking System in Serious Trouble as a Result of Their Attack on Private Bank Accounts?
February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 185 Comments
Has there been a massive exodus of capital out of the Canadian financial system?”
More at
From SDA
“Extra, Extra, read all about it…
Conservatives did, in fact, table it:
“Facing Financial Peril and a Pending Senate Rebuke, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Revokes Emergency War Measures Act
February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 54 Comments”
Seems some documents “fell off a truck” to the Senate
“Keep an eye on the story of this Senate discovery. From all indications, even the liberal allies of Trudeau in the Senate were unable to support the Emergency Act after they reviewed the non-public documents. There’s something very damaging in those documents, likely internal emails between Trudeau and his various ministers.”
“USA Freedom Convoy Departs California, Let’s Roll America Ground Report, Detail and Links for Updates
February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 243 Comments”
A reminder of another Trudeauean Triumph