A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Basically everything the government has told us to stay safe, is a lie.
The biggest lie is their lie by omission: Not telling “us” of +ve things we can do. We, on this blog, know but Joe Six Pack either hasn’t heard or doesn’t believe.
“We, on this blog, know but Joe Six Pack either hasn’t heard or doesn’t believe.”
“Joe Six Pack” is a very derogatory and demeaning statement that makes the, unsubstantiated, assumption. that “We, on this blog know” are far more intelligent than the average punter. What, totally unwarranted, arrogance.
Your comment does those that comment here no favours.
“Your comment does those that comment here no favours.”
that wouldnt be an unsubstantiated assumption would it?
“that wouldn’t be an unsubstantiated assumption would it?”
However the arrogance of Hanrahan’s comment is self evident.
Yeah, but Hanrahan is quite right. Ok.
It’s not arrogance, just another term for the proletariat*, a term no doubt you would prefer but i don’t speak to you.
*I know I’m part of this group, just a tradesman who knows how to search and read.
Likeme – a hyphenated “Unacceptable – Deplorasble” and proud of it
“a term no doubt you would prefer but i don’t speak to you.
But you are speaking to me and I’d rather you don’t do so in future
I’m on a public blog, but dont speak to me? Who is arrogant again?
Yours isn’t ?? 😀
Hey Ian,
Joe Six-Pack here. I’m a commenter, reader, and what-not on Jo’s blog, and I took no offense what-so-ever. I’m proud to be a Deplorable, a Depraved Deplorable, and ol’ Joe Six-Pack, one of the working stiffs (on the opposite side of the Big Pond from all y’all) who’s getting royally stiffed by those Corrupt Conniving Cretin Politicians running around D.C., Ottawa, and most likely, Canberra as well, not to mention other locales, where the whole goal is to drive Joe Six-Pack, and his main squeeze, Josephine Six-Pack, into the ground, so they can grind him (and her) under their jack-boot heel.
Hanrahan, you keep speaking up for us Joe Six-Packs; you ever decide to run for office, I’ll figure out a way to vote for you. Heck, if the CCP can manufacture votes for Let’s Go Brandon, getting me to vote for you should be a piece of cake!!!
Jeez you’ve managed to miss the whole point. That is quite something
Hanrahan wrote
We, on this blog, know but Joe Six Pack either hasn’t heard or doesn’t believe
Can you not see that the “but” clearly puts Joe Six Pack in some inferior group that hasn’t heard or doesn’t believe from the superior group “We, on this blog know”
You write:
“Hanrahan, you keep speaking up for us Joe Six-Packs;”
Hanrahan ain’t speaking for you Joe Six Pack Vlad he is doing just the opposite. He is demeaning you as sad losers
Ian-hate to break it to you but the average joe six pack is clueless to what is happening and Hanrahan is just quoting an observable fact. Lets face it-most people think these vaccines actually work even though the evidence is plain to see-virtually everyone in hospital or dying is double jabbed-or triple jabbed. And b4 you come back with the nonsensical ” because more people are jabbed” excuse (which ironically would prove Hanrahans point), worldwide including Australia the numbers are going the reverse of what should happen if these jabs were effective. Well NSW actually as they are the only state giving the raw numbers. And even then they are now changing the definition of fully jabbed to try and correct it.
“Ian-hate to break it to you but the average joe six pack is clueless to what is happening and Hanrahan is just quoting an observable fact.”
Having read Vlad’s comment it is difficult to disagree. But that said, Hanrahan is incredibly pompous with his/her comment “We, on this blog, know but Joe Six Pack either hasn’t heard or doesn’t believe.”
Seriously, having endured your posts since I first arrived, I have to ask:
1) are you just the devil’s advocate for the hell of it? or
2) do you seriously believe the garbage that you post as if so, it is absolute proof that you are totally unaware of your own indoctrination? or
3) are you simply paid to post such tripe?
I ask about (3) as I have run into not a few like that on conservative websites and the way that you post and reply, mimics them absolutely and the “evidence” that you post is straight out of the leftist handbook.
As for Joe Six Pack you really have not a clue what it means as in many ways you and he are twins as both of you are totally unaware of what is happening thanks to your belief in the eternal honesty of the media and the integrity of our politicians.
He and you cannot see the wood for the constant barrage of lie trees planted by the Lefto-globalist alliance all around us.
Will you write “Seriously, having endured your posts since I first arrived, I have to ask:”
You don’t have to endure my comments, just don’t read ’em.
As for having to ask, no one is forcing you to it is your choice. But I will reply to your points
“1) are you just the devil’s advocate for the hell of it? “.
Not entirely but I do try to prick the smug bubble that envelops most Conservatives and to put a different point of view from the many here who are more than happy to be in an echo-chamber as it means they don’t have to think.
2) “do you seriously believe the garbage that you post as if so, it is absolute proof that you are totally unaware of your own indoctrination?”
You clearly don’t read or don’t understand my comments. What you refer to as “garbage” is material culled from and the link given to reputable sources with a claim to veracity unlike the trash served up by far right rags such as Breitbart News and the Epoch Times which are firm favourites with many here
3) are you simply paid to post such tripe? Absolutely not. In fact quite the reverse
“As for Joe Six Pack you really have not a clue what it means”
On the contrary I know exactly what it means as comments 1.1.1, and show
Reply to Ian:
You are dealing here with a once Leftist and a once very active Green. But then I stopped listening and opened my eyes.
WRT not reading your comments, it is a little like doggy do, hard to miss and not step on.
“Smug bubble that envelops most Conservatives”?
Are you serious?
While I can agree that some Christian websites can be a bit OTT about god etc., you should try posting on some of your muslim allies’ websites
or even on your own leftist websites where all of you lunatic idealists seem to think that you have some divine right to be always correct.
Just sit back and look at yourselves. You will cringe when you become older. That is, if you do.
As for “don’t have to think?” The barrage of leftoglobalist garbage dropped upon us all by the Enemedia and the Joe Six Pack discussion above is absolute proof that those here think a lot more clearly than do you and your brethren.
I admire your courage but have absolute contempt for your views although you certainly have the right to post them here no matter what I think of them.
It is believing them that worries me about you. How can you make a Joe Six pack comment when you personify him, like your term: “reputable sources” That had me ROFL. You have no idea what that even means.
Notice how “global warming” from your “reputable sites” has now morphed into “climate change” (after the least warm summer in 75 years) and they still blame manmade CO2 but Asia and Africa(with 66% of mankind) totally ignore it as even they know rubbish when they read it.
No site is safe from the contamination and almost no scientist is safe. it is exactlty this that has been noticed time and time again and the credibilty of any science that is susceptible to financial or political blackmail is always opedn to suspicion.
Notice now how the tide is turning as it is now “our fault” if we had the vaccine and suffer from it. You have no idea. It is a real waste IMO, just like your clones in antifa and extinction etc.: brainwashed idealists used as tools. The political indoctrination of idealistic youth and the effect they have had on destabilising the west is a crime unequalle
‘Not entirely but I do try to prick the smug bubble …’
Mind how you go. Contrary to collective belief, you are a wasted talent.
We, on this blog, are not part of the flock of sheep!
Ian, there is an important mistake you make here and that is having intelligence and having knowledge are synonymous. They aren’t ….you can be intelligent, have a six pack and not be informed…..and you can be informed, not have a six-pack and not be intelligent. The intelligent Aussie who never needs to learn three languages isn’t necessarily less intelligent than the six-pack guy in Switzerland who knows three languages. We have to move on from intelligence =knowledge. And we have to move on from assuming someone with a six-pack is dumb …and some one from the back blocks of Ipswich is dumb….etcetc ….if we don’t we end up calling people deplorables and think we’re smarter than them.
I used to have a six pack, now I just drink em.
It used to be called a washboard tummy in the UK but that was many, many years ago when you could still sort of trust the Governments and the Institutions…………
Very well said Gerry. You only have to look at the Uni graduates with their heads full of their lecturers opinions. What I refer to as regurgitators and extrapolators, and yet to have their first ever original thought.
“And we have to move on from assuming someone with a six-pack is dumb ”
Gerry you’re talking to the wrong person. Try M’sieu Pompous at Comment 1.1 who wrote
“We, on this blog, know but Joe Six Pack either hasn’t heard or doesn’t believe.”
A comment with which I disagreed
M. Pompous then wrote in Comment “It’s not arrogance, just another term for the proletariat*, a term no doubt you would prefer but i don’t speak to you.I know I’m part of this group, just a tradesman who knows how to search and read.
As is apparent this epitome of pomposity a) apparently believes he is not part of the proletariat and b) my life will be ruined if he “doesn’t speak” to me
If he is “just a tradesman” then he is part of the proletariat and my life will be enhanced if he never speaks to me again
everyone here is wrong, A Joe Sixpack is an average, working-class American male. He is often characterized—sometimes positively, sometimes negatively—as a guy who isn’t very highly educated, who likes sports, and who enjoys putting back a couple of beers. the six pack refers to the beer not the abs.
Thank you Stuart.
Sorry Ian, you’re right….. I support what you said in reply to Hanrahan.
Case closed.
Ian was Hanrahan using “six pack” as a compliment or as an insult ?
Six pack could mean muscled chest !
“Six pack could mean muscled chest’
No it couldn’t. A six pack in the muscles sense is “a set of strong and well-defined abdominal muscles visible on a person’s midsection
And you know that Hanrahan has never seen photos of six pack Joe how exactly?
And you with your complete understanding are not abel to see what a joke is, or sarcasm or irony ?!?! 😀
Sorry, I don’t know Joe Six Pack. Should I?
The reason I frequent this blog is that there is a substantial number of people commenting here who are a great deal more intelligent than your average Joe. Starting with Jo and David, and including a number of wonderful people who are no longer with us.
average Joe = Joe Six Pack. How is this hard to understand?
I’m sure we here are, btw., not that it may be difficult. 😀
Ian, you refuse to believe this but I am a card carrying “unacceptable, deplorable, Joe Six Pack”. In my day I drank enough bulk beer to float a battleship. ‘Tis you, in Canberra, who takes offence, not on your own behalf but on behalf of the down trodden who can’t defend themselves, who have no phone and would be unable to get ID to be able to vote. Are you serious!
YOU Sir are a hypocrite.
As an aside, there must be hundreds of regulars on this blog , most of whom accept the “Joe Six Pack” tag as exemplified by the TU support I’ve received [Thank you]. I assume the vast majority have taken their own health seriously, proactively. The result? In spite of our high average age and higher than average “pure bloods”, as a group we have done well. I don’t recall anyone getting ill. [OK, unscientific]
~45 minutes ago
Russia moved ahead with its massive military buildup near Ukraine….Russia has also moved about 500 combat aircraft within range of Ukraine and has 40 combat ships in the Black Sea, said U.S. officials familiar with intelligence reports.
Last week my 24 y/o history buff son told me that Russia would be mad to invade Ukraine during winter as the Germans found out invading Russia. Now they have a bunch of tanks stuck in the mud while doing “military exercises” on the border. Maybe he should hire out his services to Putin as a military adviser.
“Maybe he should hire out his services to Putin as a military adviser.”
Perhaps he has
Whoo, red thumb!
The Wall Street Journal.. People still actually read that [snip]?? They have a car on fire & say its law enforcement training for hybrid warfare tactics “used by Russia in 2014”. That was when the Americans helped their poodles overthrow the legal Govt of Ukraine and install their puppets. When Joe Biden’s son became a millionaire with a directorship on Ukraine’s energy board as payment…
No, I wouldn’t trust a word you saw in that paper!
Just let Europe get the Nordestream gas pipeline working so they can buy Russian gas to survive the winter, and all will be well. …Except for the Americans of course, they hate peace!
If Biden really wanted to stop any military action from Russia into the Ukraine he would stumble up the steps of airforce 1 and make a bee line for the Ukraine . Spend a week or so on the ground maybe more , no way Putin would attack . Biden is weak but if anything happened to him Putin knows the military might of the USA would show up and even the ledger .
C’mon Hanrahan, and all those agreeing with your comment….
It’s taken two years of non-stop BS, including the past 12 months of gene-jab bullying, threats, coercion etc etc etc to get some % of the population to submit to being jabbed…and STILL the various govts are whining that 50% of the citizenry will not get boosted.
This means that Joe Six-Pack already knows the story is mostly BS, so why not face this reality?.
PLUS, of course, the % alleged to have been beaten into submission is probably an exaggeration…..
What I saw in NSW before Christmas when the masks were abandoned (15th-22nd Dec) was AT LEAST 60% stop wearing them within the week. They ARE well aware it’s all lies. Why not support the average Joe instead of insulting them?
BTW: I arrived at the 60% by doing rapid counts in shops and shopping centres etc, as people approached at random. In many different suburbs and in the country. Given 2 weeks and maybe it’d be 90%!
I was on a holiday break up the NSW north coast and threw my mask (well worn!) in the garbage can at one minute past midnight the day the mask mandate was lifted in December. Sadly, I had to buy a new one when the mandate was reimposed. Still got it and looking forward to a repeat performance on 27/2 (2/27 for you Yanks).
Bunnings had 10 N95 ones for $2.
Thankfully don’t need masks anymore I’m exempt on medical grounds , smoking 2 packs a day for 30 plus years has given me a few benefits . That and Covid can’t seem to get a hold on my lungs with all that tar that’s coating them .
” Why not support the average Joe instead of insulting them?”
Very encouraging to read a comment from someone who, like me, supports the a average Joe. Most commenters support Hanrahan’s comment although some don’t seem to understand he is insulting them
Supports they average Joe, how lofty. So really much the same as H but just in a different wrapper. We can pretend bell curves dont exist but that doesnt make them go away.
I apologise for my racist micro aggression. :WINK:
Like smoking and seat belts right?
Like, “Show me your papers.” and “We have ways.”
How many lives would have been spared from covid if the Government or health authorities even advocated simple measures like correcting micronutrient deficiencies like vitamin D or zinc or allowing antivirals like HCQ and IVM to be used?
That is the problem with young people today, they constantly expect the Government to solve their problems. People have become far too dependent on governments. If people are educated well to learn to be curious and think for themselves, they do not need governments to solve their problems.
Once you have a dependent population, the government is EXPECTED to plug all the holes where well educated population would take their own initiative.
Despite the poor education of the Australian population, the Government did a very good job in managing covid. There were very few people in Australia who actually died “of” covid. The vast majority died of complications associated with covid and long-term health issues.
Australia’s excess deaths throughout the covid period have been negative.
It is mainly the young putting everything on the line in Ottawa. In a recent Canadian poll, posted here over the weekend I think, the age group with LEAST empathy for Truckers were the Boomers (60% of those polled having no empathy). The youngest polled (I forget the age bracket) had most empathy. In other words, it could be argued, that it is older people who are more dependent/scared and expect the government to solve their problems today in Canada, more so than younger generations. If this is indeed the case, and it can be extrapolated elsewhere throughout the West, this is promising for the world moving forward.
I don’t expect the Government to solve my problems for me but they sure as hell shouldn’t be getting in the way of me making my own health decisions like they have.
Rick, one half of governments is all too willing to “solve their every problem”.
No need for their “advocacy”. Simply “not banning them” would have done.
Why do governments always feel the need to meddle in decisions above their pay grade [rhetorical, of coure].
Some people EXPECT the government to solve all their problems.
Heavens no that would be classic false equivalence, with a smudge of misdirection.
“Like smoking and seat belts right?”
No no no, just fauchiflu related.
Ronin since you mentioned seat belts here is an observation from the latest episode of the British cop show Vera.
Vera and her sidekick arrive at remote farm in search of abducted teen. While observing through binoculars from a distance they hear a gun shot. The male detective runs back to the car where Vera is seated, jumps in and…. puts on his seat belt as Vera drives off at speed toward the gun shot!!
The irony of keeping yourself safe in a speeding car on its way to perhaps encounter a villain with gun who obviously isn’t afraid to use it was probably lost on a lot of people not the least the director.
Gee Aye. Seat belts were such duds that airbags were invented.
Meanwhile, that the Commonwealth Govt is now paying for funerals of those killed by the gene-jabs (plus accepting liability for death and loss of income due to harm etc etc), should tell you plenty.
Never seen any govt anywhere accept liability for private manufacturers who are still in business. Never seen a govt accept liability for a known harmful product and then demand you use said product.
What next? Govt recommends everyone wear asbestos clothing against sunburn?
“Gee Aye. Seat belts were such duds that airbags were invented.”
Are you serious? Do you really want an airbag explosion if while, in a traffic queue, you get pushed into the car in front that can be effectively restrained by a seat belt?
Sure if it means it also goes of when I run off the road into a tree. Same old perfect/good argument. There are no silver bullets.
Meanwhile the definition of vaccine remains as modified as its contents..graphene story is popping up.
Pity choice still eludes Australians. Eg ivermectin, zn , D, etc.
Seat belts have saved lots of lives. The road toll dropped dramatically when they were mandated.
We put them in our vehicles before that. That undoubtedly saved a life when a vehicle rolled off a rocky embankment after hitting a kangaroo at night.
“Like smoking and seat belts right?”
Ah, yes seat belts, where do I start.
Seat belts were made mandatory for vehicles so that the ambos didn’t have to search through the bush looking for survivors/bodies from crashes, it also spread the business around to hospitals and orthopedic surgeons rather that just undertakers, who used to get the lions share of the business.
Good work Ronin. You triggered two of the resident trolls into tag team action.
In their own special way the trolls confirm you are spot on with your observation.
Only used half a pilly too.
Smelly prawn rather.
We in ” the know” of things piscatorial. Joe 6 pack would use half pilchard or smelly prawn eschewing a fresh squid. From experience.
Whale #1 to whale #2 – “here’s that sick squid I owe you”.
As they say in Oyrl’nd.
… and Hoof Hearted
as they say on the farm.
How do you get two whales in a car?
You drive west from England.
How do you circumcise a whale?
Use four skin divers.
‘Save the whales’, I’m hoping to get the complete set.
I guess those old “Land rights, for gay whales!” bumper stickers wouldnt be inclusive enough these days.
Did you hear about the gay oyster….. he pulled a mussel.
FWIW, yet another win for IVM. I know . . . it’s getting boring.
New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options, This Time for Omicron
Article by Dr. Joseph Mercola
1. Researchers used computational analyses to evaluate the performance of 10 medications against the Omicron variant, finding that ivermectin outperformed all of them, including the new nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid) from Pfizer that costs $529 per course of treatment.
2. Ivermectin lowers the viral load by inhibiting replication, reduces infection by 86% when used preventively, speeds recovery, protects against organ damage, lowers the risk of hospitalization.
3. Early treatment lowers your risk of long COVID, which includes physical and mental health conditions.
Honey has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of all sorts of ailments.
A few weeks ago I was at a local farm shop and I overheard a couple of women ask whether the honey on sale was pure honey because pure honey is good for treating horse worms. When I was leaving I saw them getting into a truck with a horse float attached, so I’m sure they would know more about horse worming than the people who tell us that IVM is horse de-wormer.
Horse people use untreated honey for the most horrendous wounds horses inflict upon themselves, mostly with fences . I don’t know about worm treatment with honey, however it is also brilliant for stomach problems in horses and humans.
Is there “treated” and “untreated” honey? I never knew. Like “organic” coconut oil. Anyone heard of “roundup ready” coconut trees?
Of course Kiwis would prefer to sell you Manuka honey but isn’t just the tree the bees feed on?
It’s a tea-tree.(or ti-tree, depending on which looneyversity one attended).
I recently wrote – there are generators, then there are generators; well here we go again, there is Manuka honey, then there is Manuka honey. I won’t bother to go through the time consuming process to find the medicinal support to back me. However I can say from experience as a researcher and user, that there is a strain of Manuka from which anti bacterial accredited manuka honey originates. IIRC when I was using it, it was a product produced and marketed – widely by NZ. More recently, Nth coast NSW producers have claimed that they can produce a similar product.
Firstly is your honey actual honey or corn/rice syrup, or a blend of real and fake? Australia’s biggest honey marketer was caught importing Chinese corn syrup for undisclosed purposes a few years back.
If it is honey, is it what it claims to be? World sales of “Manuka” honey are about 9,000 tons per year, which is somewhat odd since world Manuka production is 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes per year. Isn’t magic wonderful?
Large-scale commercial honey is heated during extraction to maximise the volume extracted. Heating destroys its anti-microbial properties. The best medicinal honey is spun out of the comb cold, “untreated”.
It’s the same with coconut oil. “Organic” is a furphy, but “raw” means cold-pressed, un-heated/untreated. Other coconut oil is extracted with heat and chemical treatments, once again to maximise production.
ie “virgin”. I am aware of the advantages of cold pressed oils but was unaware that the same applies to honey.
Yes. The honey you buy in the supermarket has been blended and heat treated, all the anti microbial and antibacterial goodness has been cooked out of it. Unprocessed honey can be bought from commercial apiarists. This honey has only been strained to remove the odd squashed bee or spare leg.
The test for measuring for the activation number determines the quality and quantity of micronutrients, and antimicrobial and antibiotic properties etc. Manuka honey from Manuka trees is measured at about 84 which is excellent . You will often see the number on the jars in the supermarket. West Australian Jarrah, Marri and Karri are in the low 90’s.
Wildflower honey is runnier, sweeter and has a much lower activation number. Apiarists will tell you if a particular honey has been tested for an activation number. The higher the number the more the honey is worth.
You have to be careful where you buy because if you live in cold climate such as England , apiarists will feed their bees sugar and water in the winter.
Wow. I thought “honey is honey”.
Just checked the kilo tubs I buy, they are from a family owned company, it’s “raw” with the tree clearly marked. I have yellow bark and iron bark in the larder now. I use it in my morning coffee instead of sugar so it is heated by the time I swallow it anyway.
I basted my last lamb roast with it so it was heated as well. lol
Several reputable research studies have concluded that Manuka honey is not significantly more medically beneficial that many other types.
If you can find a local source nearby, that would bee your best bet.
Don’t buy from the supermarket etc..
Flies lay eggs in wounds and when they hatch the larvae look like little white worms. That would be the context in which honey is effective against worms.
Incidentally, when flies infect a wound, the larvae only eat dead tissue, so that what looks horrid is actually an important debriding of the wound. I remember a cow that had a vulvar tear after birthing and the “worms” in the wound were not associated with any sign of systemic infection. She healed up fine.
I could not find any reference to treating horse worms with honey but it is certainly good for treating wounds such as cuts and infections in both animals and humans due to its anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
I wonder if Leftists should avoid using honey because it is an “animal wound treatment agent”?
And still the Australian Government will not approve the Dr Petrovsky, Iranian-Australian Spikogen vaccine for our use.
And still the Australian Government will not approve Ivermectin or HCQ thereby contributing to the deaths of thousands of Australians. Meanwhile their Jab alternative kills a couple of Australians every day. If in doubt see TGA page “Database of Adverse Event Notifications – medicines” and search under ‘vaccine’:
30 Second Philosophy – Australian Utilitarianism
I used to think that Philosophy was a useless activity. My attitude has gradually changed.
I have just finished reading an article about how a philosophical movement called Australian Utilitarianism has been undermining our social values since the 1970’s.
A further side effect has been a progressive and corrosive erosion of medical ethics, particularly with respect to to vaccine injuries to individuals.
I heard interviews with Peter Singer and Helen Krause on the ABC back then but did not take them seriously. I am not sure if I could have done anyhting about it anyway.
For your reading pleasure: (download before they edit it!)
Yes, Dennett started it with his definition of “Quine.” {Dennett’s a bit of an ass, but you’ve got to give him credit for the lexicon.)
Then it caught on. Lots of philosophers contributed, Actually, if you’ve read any of ‘em, you can tell who came up with which definition in a lot of cases. It’s a bit of an inside joke. Which is why it is best read, for those new to philosophy, with the Oxford Companion to Philosophy at hand for reference.
The take-away is that philosophers don’t take other philosophers seriously. And you should beware of any philosophers who take themselves seriously.
peter song, n. Related to the patter song (e.g., “Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it.”) a popular ditty exhorting one to love all creatures great and small, except those born deformed. Hence peter singer, n. a singer of peter songs.
Australian philosophers also have Smart:
smart, v. To argue against someone until what is going on in him is like what would be going on in him had he sat on a tack. “That smarts.” See also outsmart.
outsmart, v. To embrace the conclusion of one’s opponent’s reductio ad absurdum argument. “They thought they had me, but I outsmarted them. I agreed that it was sometimes just to hang an innocent man.”
The Winter Olympics are taking place because China has to make artificial snow, because of the warming climate melting all the natural snow.
But nobody asks the obvious question, that is, how does artificially made snow not melt due to increasing temperatures, but natural snow?
As we know, snow requires cold and precipation of moisture to form. Perhaps it’s cold enough for snow but there is no snow because of another element of climate, that is moisture, is lacking, normally called drought.
Unless of course the artificial snow contains chemicals that require higher temperatures to melt, but that’s another issue.
Much like the news a year or two ago about a ceremony in Iceland to mark the disappearance of a glacier, presumably because of global warming, but the photo showed ice, which means it’s cold enough for ice not to melt, so the disappearance of the glacier could also be due to drought.
I had not heard this claim but the answer to this is simple
It doesn’t melt because it is below the melting temperature. duh. Natural snow doesn’t melt either but that is moot if there is none.
It also has chemicals added. But just this once GA is right.
“The Winter Olympics are taking place because China has to make artificial snow, because of the warming climate melting all the natural snow.”
Read this entence again, more carefully this time.
Ronin got it.
Read my response again.
True, snow needs two ingredients, cold and moisture, if you have one without the other, no snow.
“Natural snow doesn’t melt at the ambient temperatures at the Olympics either”
nice bold. Was I meant to shout that in my head as I read it
Temperatures are hovering around – 20C at the Olympics, so Maptram is correct, no snow because its too dry. It snowed quite heavily for a couple of days and they had to postpone some events.
The convenient thing about man made snow is that it can be made where it is needed. Grooming assists in getting it where it is needed too. Ski resorts are expert at these processes.
Could you help TedM too?
Why doesn’t an aircraft at 30,000 ft ice up? It is certainly cold enough.
A. The air is dry.
Kinda but vapour trails are ice and they form at 30,000 ft and higher.
Only when you add engine exhausts. On external influence just like snow making.
Yep. I did say kinda. Every pilot needs to know about icing conditions.
The ice in a vapour trail forms with the water that is the biproduct of the combustion, not the surrounding air.
See above.
Water vapor is the big kahuna of greenhouse gases. Not only does it absorb energy over much wider wave link bands than CO2 and CH4, it overlaps the wave lengths that these gases absorb. Currently CO2 concentration is about 415 ppm and CH4 is about 2 ppm and they are said to be well mixed (uniform) throughout the atmosphere. Water vapor on the other hand varies substantially both vertically and horizontally from less than 1000 to over 40,000 ppm and averages around 20,000 ppm in the troposphere. So in the lower layers of the atmosphere where the bulk of the greenhouse effect occurs there is 50 times more water vapor than CO2 and 10,000 times more water vapor than CH4.
Just a 2% change in average water vapor concentration would have more impact on the greenhouse effect (GHE) than all CO2. A mere 0.01% change would more than match the CH4 GHE.
Thus, uncertainty in the water GHE contribution to global temperature swamps the effects of other GHGs making it impossible to validate calculated effects by observation. And that’s without even considering the effects of clouds on attenuation of incoming solar radiation.
Due to the condensability of water and the huge range of atmospheric temperature both vertically and horizontally, there is simply no way to model the GHE of water vapor as it actually occurs. This means that the modelers must simply assume that whatever effect it has is uniform and constant with some dependence on the average global air temperature. There is, however, simply no way to validate this assumption. Hence, all model related projections regarding future climate and CO2 are implicitly or explicitly prefaced with “all else being equal”. But all else is not equal and thus the outputs of the models are useless for projection of future climate states.
The real proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere is lower than that reported (415 ppm) because water vapour is removed from air before entering the metering instrument.
A gas (or vapour) always completely fills the volume it occupies.
Correct but not applicable to Stanley’s comment.
Gas measurements are by ppm volume not by ppm by mass.
Still does not apply.
The point Stanley is making, I believe, is that by removing water vapour prior to measuring CO2 concentrations the total volume of the sample is reduced and the apparent volume of CO2 is thus greater. I have no idea if there is some statistical adjustment for this.
What about water liquid and water solid in the atmosphere?
The “greenhouse effect” can be whatever you want it to be but the one thing it does not do is alter Earth’s energy balance or have any influence on climate.
The energy balance on Earth is set by two temperature limiting processes. Formation of sea ice at -1.8C to limit heat loss and formation of atmospheric ice to limit heat input over oceans at 30C.
Climate models fail because they will never be able to model clouds properly. It is not a matter of computing power but rather a political issue. If clouds were modelled properly, then it would be obvious that ocean surfaces are temperature limited to 30C and that eliminates any possibility of catastrophic global warming.
Something to ponder – If the nuclear reactor in the sun shut down tomorrow, how long would it be before the oceans were frozen solid?
The answer, it never would unless Earth’s nuclear reactor stops. Even without geothermal heat input, is would take 35,000 years to freeze just the top 2000m of the oceans. Point here is that ice is a very good insulation. 17% of the global ocean surface, on average, is covered in sea ice. Where does sea ice figure int the “greenhouse effect”.
The whole story of the “greenhouse effect” is smoke and mirrors. 30% of the incoming solar radiation is waved away as being constant and independent of surface temperature. That is simply ridiculous if you even have the most basic understanding of cloud formation.
NSW depends on coal-fired electricity.
7pm on Sunday night: solar 1%; wind 7%; hydro 5%; gas 4%; coal 83% with Liddell providing 700 MW, Bayswater 2,600 MW, Eraring 1,650 MW, Vales Point 1,650 MW.
Depend on more wind and solar? Tell ’em they’re dreaming.
Was good to see AGL spending $70 Mil, on boosting Bayswater output to a max of 2740MW, NSW is going to need it, money well spent.
Except the power taken by 100% renewable ACT of course.
Nah, they’ve got electron filters at the substation on the border that blocks any coal generated electrons from getting through to the ACT, they are the ones that make your fluoro tubes go black at the ends. 🙂
Julian Gillespie – Update on AVN Judicial Review to Stop Vaccines in Australia
Larry Elder talks about some scientists who are speaking against vaccine mandates.
15 min video.
Belated Congratulations and Happy Valentine’s Day to John Moses Browning.
On February 14th, 1911 John Moses Browning was granted US Patent 984519 for the 1911 Pistol.
Browning was perhaps the most gifted and prolific designer of firearms of all time.
That 1911 .45 pistol still looks like a modern one, how could he have got it so right.
Paper clips, toilet rolls, the pencil… good design persists over fads.
didn’t mention the safety pin
correct… I didn’t mention thousands of things but feel free to do so yourself.
Well you have to have a place for the cartridges to go in , bullets to come out and a handle to hold it so they do end up looking similar. Not many police forces worldwide still using the Browning mechanism, but never the less very popular and genius at the time.
I saw recently that FN have put the Browning HiPower back in production due to demand
Browning had a bit of “form” when it came to designing stuff.
He was one of a very rare breed of people who can work, mentally, in four dimensions: X, Y, Z and TIME.
“Old Slab-sides”, the 1911 pistol, was preceded by just over a decade of experimental and limited-production commercial models.
A lot of his designs are still in production by various makers. And, an example of sustained, active service with “modern” armies, the mighty .50 Cal. M2 has passed through a century of transitioning from water-cooled to air-cooled to quick-change barrel, whilst retaining its reputation for reliability and longevity.
A visit to the Browning museum is a fascinating experience.
John Browning was an outstanding firearm designer and most of his designs are still in use today.
He was educated by his father and learned engineering and design in his father’s workshop from the age of seven. At that age today an Australian or Western child would be learning about how evil Western Civilisation is and the multitude of supposed genders and could not spell or do basic arithmetic.
Unlike most “professionals” today, he had a deep understanding of the fundamental principles he was utilising and this shows today because most of his designs are still in use and have been unable to be improved.
My father was a naval lieutenant ww2 on minesweepers and used twin 1/2 inch browning machineguns to explode floating mines and as flak in Suez as part of convoy to discourage enemy aircraft, and then hurriedly taking cover as what went up soon comes down. After the war he purchased a Belgium made browning two shot semiauto shotgun inertia action which he later passed on to me. Many outings of duck shooting, skeet and trap never missed a beat.
Designed around 30 different firearms including the Winchester lever action but the Colt 1911 was his favourite, also responsible for many different rifle and pistol calibres still in use today .
While there is great drama over drama queen Trudeau, and Deep State chest pounding over Ukraine, it is slowly coming to light here in America that the Clinton campaign attempted an actual overthrow of a duly elected President of the United States.
Impeachment over accusations known to be false by the accusers.
A Clinton campaign lawyer has been inducted.
FBI and CIA types have been called before a grand jury.
Deep State murkiness.
Little is likely to be done about it as the DC establishment contorts to pretend to faux police itself.
After a series of wide reading across some of the alt-views ( i.e. non MSM ) sources, there was a prediction that the plandemic-du-jour would be wound back in March/April as the reality of the Canadian truckers protest effectiveness starts to bite, and it appears many Left wing governors in the US are abandoning the rapidy sinking covid meme ship, by dropping mandates based on arbitrary dates for such thing.
So hypothesising – what if a lot of the “crisis” is in fact politics?
Does this then open the door to pursuing legal action aganst govts and drug companies for mental and monetary damages caused by lockdowns and bodily damages by vaccines?
This is kind of the 3rd rail as far as the left wing world is concerned, but its a discussion that will need to be had, as I suspect we may see a decent uptick in more severe illnesses that many people will have trouble explaining via conventional means.
My prediction is that by September 2022 , the penny may finally drop for many people as to why they are sick, and the societal unrest that will follow. Expect politicians running for cover between now and then, with many distancing themselves from what has been done in the name of “the science”, this amorphous concept often being the polar opposite of actual science.
New analysis suggesting Great Barrier Reef sea water temperatures haven’t increased in 150 years.
Surprise, surprise, come on down Peter Ridd.
I have compared the bucket measured SST from the 1871 voyage with corresponding weeks using satellite SST from 2019. The 1871 tracks were actually warmer for the most part than the 2019 satellite path:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhEozIcfpIL-NB8RR
The really interesting measurement in the 1871 data is the water temperature in the Brisbane River. Looking at this, it should come as no surprise that Brisbane is noted for its supercells and monster hail stones. Brisbane has a lot of shallow water just to the east in Moreton Bay that can get warmer than deep ocean. Open ocean water is limited to 30C because the cloud formation cannot diverge to land like it does in Brisbane.
Using the Emergency War Measures Act, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just declared war against his own people. You cannot protest against government and still retain a bank account in Canada.
The announcement came after a meeting of the cabinet according to Trudeau and the financial measures were outlined in detail by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.
Corporate, business and individual bank accounts will be frozen and locked, this extends to crowdfunding sites and even cryptocurrencies. To support these measures the government has created federal protection from civil liability to all financial institutions, including insurance companies.
So, this passed parliament I suppose.
What good are parliaments then?
My guess is the the lack of parliamentary scrutiny is the problem. Most governments have at various times enacted legislation so that the government of the day has the power to act without the parliament.
And the power hungry just can’t resist the idea that they can rule forever without consequences. No surprises that their first targets are those who disagree with them.
“More on the “Canadian emergency” via SDA
Trudeau can call it but
“Must go thru Parliament and Senate
Thanks Mr. Peckford for clarifying.
Do we have any reason to hope it won’t go thru?
February 14, 2022 at 6:49 pm
The act comes into effect immediately without parliament. It must be approved by parliament within seven days or it is then void.
A lot can happen in seven days.”
“In a major exhibition of raw power of the federal police state, the Canadian government announced today they have instructed banks, insurance companies and financial institutions to seize the accounts of any individual, group or business who are associated with political protest.”
Ok, the impartial observers take a deep breath and ask what the natural consequences of that action will be.
Totalitarians have a real blind spot when it comes to learning from history. So be it.
Who is more associated with political protest than Justin Trudeau?
Seems as though a fate has been sealed, either Trudeau or Canada.
I really really hope its Trudeau
Incredibly stupid.
Chrystia FREELAND? And the irony eludes them.
” financial measures were outlined in detail by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.”
Squeaky voiced Crystia Freeland, running Canadas finances because of her degrees in Slavic Studies. Klaus Schwab once said he had connections in the high offices of most of the world’s legislatures, Freeland is a big fan and may be his top mole.
Yrufeau is done, and he knows it.
He has just held Canada face down in a pile of poop, and told them to inhale.
Its going to end in tears, but not for normal put upon Canadians. This is the exact reason they are protesting, and the govt has just doubled down on stupid.
If you think about it, it appears the govt has basically said to Canadians “we dont give a damn about you – power is all that matters”
Soooooo……now we see the Canadian govt for what it really is. Its bared its teeth and stomped on people, to maintain power.
Stupid beyond words, really.
I hear a bell, tolling …..
George Christensen decided to fact check the fact checkers. Surprise surprise with what he found. Gosh and I always thought that the fact checkers were paragons of the truth (sarc). ToM
Like our Federal Minister for Health, PM Justin Trudeau is a member of the World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” which includes Vladimir Putin in its ranks plus Macron, Ardern and many other politicians implementing the aims of the WEF.
Amongst the aims of the WEF, one is the genetic alteration of the human DNA. This has already been achieved here with something like 90% of the population having been jabbed so they are now a genetically modified sub-species of homo sapiens. Another is to place an electronic chip in every person so that every action they take can be monitored. This may be underway with odd microscopic, geometric pieces having been detected in samples of the vaccine.
The WEF is nothing more than a ‘nice’ sounding name for a front whose aim is the communist take-over of the world.
Via Martin Armstrong:
The West has clearly abandoned Ukraine. They are moving their own troops to their borders but they really are no match for the Russians.
Any sanctions imposed on Russia by the West will further kill the economy and propel inflation. The White House is quietly warning the chip industry to diversify its supply chain. They just realized that Russia could also block access to key materials that are needed throughout the economy. Most people are unaware that the West is highly dependent on Russia and Ukraine for many semiconductor manufacturers. Russia could shut down source materials like neon, palladium, platinum, and others. Over 90% of U.S. semiconductor-grade neon supplies come from Ukraine, while 35% of U.S. palladium is sourced from Russia.
Biden’s threats of devastating sanctions they have realized will be an attack upon so much of the West’s reliance on Russia for semiconductor production.
Putin has already won. The West tried to call his bluff and rejected everything he asked for. The problem with this poker game is that Putin holds all the cards and he is a master chess player. Our model picked up this week as capital flows have been in a state of panic. But Putin has previously sold all US debt holdings and we did not witness a massive wholesale liquidation of US debt by China. Our model has not shown a sustained crisis and it appears that we do have a situation where the West is crumbling.
.. It does show that Putin is winning the war without firing a shot. Ukraine will not be allowed into NATO. Will the West agree to secretly pull back to 1997 levels? The West has no power and the leaders of the West are incapable of winning a game of checkers, no less chess.
We are saddled with the most incompetent group of world leaders I believe in recorded modern history. This leaves Putin as the smartest by far. All he needs to do is wait and watch how the West is pandering because they cannot even mount any defense whatsoever.
I agree totally – Putin is a master strategist and the west has no-one remotely comparable to him.
This is what happens when you get car salesmen, real estate agents and musos going into politics 😆
The US military is techologically backward compared to Russia. US military morale, numbers and health make them cannon fodder should they be stupid enough to wage war.
You wanted “woke and vaxxed”. You got feeble & impotent.
“We are saddled with the most incompetent group of world leaders I believe in recorded modern history. This leaves Putin as the smartest by far. All he needs to do is wait and watch how the West is pandering because they cannot even mount any defense whatsoever.”
You have got that right JC2, with Sleepy joe, Bozo Boris and the effeminate Macron in charge, Putin is the smartest guy in the room by far, UK puts sanctions on Russia, their gas gets shut off.
Right. Among that group even Prince Charles looks half way intelligent.
Bloody hell, now I have to wipe up the coffee.
He is as bad as the rest of them. We are doomed!
A new book out worth buying:
The anatomy of evil. Michael H Stone MD Psych.
“In this groundbreaking book, renowned psychiatrist Michael H. Stone explores the concept and reality of evil from a new perspective. In an in-depth discussion of the personality traits and behaviors that constitute evil across a wide spectrum, Dr. Stone takes a clarifying scientific approach to a topic that for centuries has been inadequately explained by religious doctrines. Stone has created a 22-level hierarchy of evil behavior, which loosely reflects the structure of Dante’s Inferno. Basing his analysis on the detailed biographies of more than 600 violent criminals, he traces two salient personality traits that run the gamut from those who commit crimes of passion to perpetrators of sadistic torture and murder. One trait is narcissism, as exhibited in people who are so self-centered that they have little or no ability to care about their victims. The other is aggression, the use of power over another person to inflict humiliation, suffering, and death.
Narcissism & aggression…remind you of any pollies per chance?
Palladium is a key catalyst used in petrol car catalytic converters.
I once went to a concert at the Palladium.
Were The Cars the headliners?
Not sure if The Cars were involved but the performance was certainly exhausting.
Yes and Johnny Diesel and The Injectors were a gas.
You guys competing for top Motorhead?
Nah, just trying to decide who’s gonna drive you home after the Cars and Johnny Diesel and The Injectors concert at the Palladium.
I was going to start on songs with street/road names for the drive home, but I could sort of hear the readership asking for mercy.
Not sharing street names on the drive home? Making them anonymous then? This is my stop. Great chat. Thanks
More tales of woe about the renewables. ToM
Meanwhile, the ever entertaining wisdom of CNN analyst-wannabee AOC.
“I see people are rushing out to fill their cars for the hurricane at the gas station. This wouldn’t be an issue if they had electric cars. If the power is out for a week how are they going to get gas?
We need to start planning ahead and moving forward
Meanwhile NASA is using the Parker probe for detailed analysis of the Sun.
No doubt AOC will suggest it goes at night to avoid burning up 😅
They walk among us…and are in politics…
Our very own GREEN (sorry independent) memeber for Indi made a similar statement after the big winds last year blacked out the Dandenong ranges for weeks.
The claim was , if every local government area had its own stand alone micro grid and a battery, then power supply would not be a problem and these areas would not have been blacked out. This GREEN (sorry independent) senator failed to understand that power supply was not the problem at all. The issue was damaged distribution infrastructure, so if windmills and solar panels are NOT connected to the distribution system then we have the same end result. Blacked out areas.
She is still banging on about 2 million homes with subsidised solar and battery storage , not an independent but a green shill .
AOC never fails to entertain . What is disturbing is that people who vote for her are even dumber.
Nah! Can’t be so, that was from The Bee.
I’ll try again.
Nah! Can’t be so Tell me that was from The Bee.
What if women never had to give birth again
Short doco.
Maybe it should have been titled “What if women couldn’t give birth again”
I’d say “controlled” reproduction is a planned future. Given what we’re seeing on the fertility & birthing fronts now from the fake vaxxes, this may well be the only future for the species.
Not quite Borg maturation chambers but not far off.
“What if women never had to give birth again”
If men had to give birth, there would be six people on the planet.
That many?
Annie I wanted to do it I really did but nature said no .
Ronin – you do know don’t you that men CAN give birth?
If not, you’re a racist 😅
The chinese are well down this road , it may be their way out of the demographic time bomb they face.
It used to be said that the messiah would be born of a man.
Born of man (generic). Not “born of a man.”
Vlad is coming for Novorossiysk, their old warm water port in Eastern Ukraine.
Why is Vlad going for Novorossiysk when he’s got Sebastopol? You know the ice free port in Crimea which the EU tried to steal for their proposed EU defence forces!
The EU were dumb enough to think that Vlad is fast asleep! Big mistake!
“Why is Vlad going for Novorossiysk when he’s got Sebastopol? You know the ice free port in Crimea which the EU tried to steal for their proposed EU defence forces!
The EU were dumb enough to think that Vlad is fast asleep! Big mistake!’
Russia only has a temporary lease agreement with Ukraine in Crimea, which expires this year, so why is Vlad concentrating his forces in the East, where Novorossiysk
No, when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, they burned the treaties and leases that set it up in 1997. There’s no way Ukraine is going to try and take Crimea back.
I figure Ukraine is one of those countries that is screwed by the Yanks because it is close to their enemies, so it will be ruled by some token clown approved by the CIA , and in turn they will screw the country over so they can flee/retire rich.
Is Marburg the next planned pandemic?
Some informed sources say the CCP is using Olympics as an infection point.
My special source shows nothing significant at this time.
Marburg style haemmorhagic fever cases in the UK (not the UK again! 😆) having travelled to S. Africa.
Now if I wanted to unleash a real global pandemic, and I DON’T, I’d choose Rabies.
Incubation time varies from 2 days to 8 YEARS.
I’ll track this Marburg possibility too like everything but I doubt it’ll go anywhere. VAIDS is the next major concern.
“Some informed sources say the CCP is using Olympics as an infection point.”
Anyone else remember what happened a couple of years back at / after the World Military Games in some place called Wuhan?
Just wondering…..
Don’t know if this aspect has been covered before but..
High Levels of Melatonin in Young Children is Protective against COVID-19
Melatonin is now recognized to be an effective treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection [9-17]. Children under the age of nine can produce up to TEN TIMES the amount of peak melatonin than healthy adults. Even then, the maximum levels recorded for children showed a rapid decline as age increased. Children between the ages of 1 to 5 had peak melatonin at 325 picograms/m (pg/ml), while melatonin levels in those between the ages of 5 to 11 already declined to 133 pg/ml
Vaxx ’em anyway. Big pharma needs the dosh 😈
High levels of melatonin probably indicate exposure to sunshine, which will mean high levels of vit D. So which comes first?
Wouldn’t that be LIGHT rather than sun?
Coincidentally I was thinking about this concept the other day…
Galileyo is a new Information Distribution Platform that gathers uncensored, vital, and life-saving information via global Satellite Phone Networks when access to cellular networks or internet access fails or is offline and delivers that information to you (i.e. critical business information, weather information, terror alerts, cyberattacks, etc). Galileyo also enables you to send uncensored information to a private group of people of your choosing.
Hopefully not using Elon’s 40 splat-sats 😆
Jordan Peterson says to the truckers that it’s time “for the reasonable ones among you” to call it quits and go home.
The Truckers have made it clear from the start what their goals were – Trudeau out and all Covid mandates ended.
They haven’t got that, but Peterson says the small progress they have made on a few fronts is enough.
Has he been pressured to say this, or is he a sellout?
He sounds concerned to me. Blood is about to be spilt, possibly literally.
From listening to his podcast and also when on Joe Rogan, I wouldn’t say he’s a sellout. He’s possibly correct, they have achieved enough. Won the battle, not the war. Get to regroup and inspire others.
I think Peterson is just reading the tea leaves and not trying to assist the govt.
Ultimately law is against the Truckers. The states/provinces have yielded somewhat. So if the truckers claim a victory and withdraw they are the winners. If they stay and are ultimately lawfully forcibly removed they hand victory to the govt.
They’ve made the govt look bad. They’ve shown Trudeau to be a coward. They’ve gained some concessions from the Premiers. If they back off now it leaves room for Trudeau to gracefully give ground. If the protestors dig in then the govt has to dig in harder.
I suppose if you look at it this way. If it were extinction rebellion doing what the truckers are doing there would be a lot less support for them and many on this blog would be calling on the govt to crush them and cheering the govt on when it happened.
The law doesn’t change simply because we like or don’t like a protest. To take it any further both sides are going to have to be willing to get bloody and that’s not really how this works. It now needs to be fought at the next ballot box.
Wanna hear a doctor speak some serious truth about the epidemic of jersey switching?
It’s unravelling fast now.
You’re going to see the “lock down and mask up” crowd claim they knew all along that this did not work and disavow their role in generating and perpetuating this crisis.
Those who censored and vilified and silenced will take up the flags of those they had just shouted down and wave them as their own.
In 3 months, you will struggle to find ANYONE who admits to having supported this debacle.
Scroll down and read the commentary by Dr Lee Ritz.
Like Rob Malone said – soon they’ll be saying “no-one made you take it”
Don’t know what country it’s in but presumably one that doesn’t have any concept of real science.
I haven’t set foot inside a pub in years.
What’s it about?
One for the “duh” file. Study published 8/2/22 links long term Vitamin D levels to severity of COVID. Israel.. Stuff that most people knew 2 years ago. To date, I still haven’t heard one state or federal health official ion Australia talk about preventative medicine for COVID.
Ross, you won’t either, it’s a club and we ain’t in it.
I won’t repeat my post @ #1.1 [apparently it needs a trigger warning] but it applies.
Joe Six Pack was a term I had not heard before, but I straightaway knew what you meant. Keep using it to trigger the trolls.
PARENTS OUTRAGED After 6-Year-Old Boy Labeled ‘Transphobic’ By School For Being Confused by ‘Gender Fluid’ Student
A six-year-old boy from England was pulled out of school by his parents in 2017 after being warned by the headmaster that he was in danger of being labeled “transphobic”, and the parents are now calling for a judicial review of the Department of Education.
The young boy was confused by a classmate’s “gender fluidity” after the male student showed up to school wearing a dress. After expressing this confusion, a letter was written home to his parents, Sally and Nigel Rowe, alerting them of the potential for their son to be deemed transphobic.
Hell, I’m confused too and I’m way older 😅
Interestingly, Rogan just released a video describing the huge rise in self harm in juveniles. They hate themselves and want to be different. Anything will do.
Becone a cat! Become a turtle on alternate Tuesdays! Be male on Wednesdays, female on Thursdays and a pink unicorn on Fridays. The world is your oyster. Hell…BE an oyster 😅
There’s also the (quite reasonable) theory that juveniles are adopting these bizarre “identities” as a means of distancing themselves from being “racist, white supremacists” and the stats show that the alternate identity squad are predominantly white.
Divide and conquer. What will the final price be? If only I had a crystal ball 😆
It would seem the 6 yo who was confused is a normal kid, but his mate with the dress has issues, and obviously needs professional help.
Sony launches a £60 carrying strap for its robotic dog Aibo so owners can hold their bot on their CHEST ‘like a real baby’
I guess there’s no Bunnings or Walmarts in Japan because I see people at Bunny’s doing that with real dogs now. Maybe real dogs are on borrowed time..
Do they have lithium batteries in them, just so if I see someone in Bunnings start to issue smoke and flames, I’ll know which way to run.
The incompetent boofs in charge of fireant eradication have utterly failed after 20 years and $300M +, because ‘we didn’t have sophisticated technology only available from the US military’, what utter BS, all you need is a big map on the wall and a box of red pins and mark the map when infestations are discovered, people are ringing all the time , to avail, no ones home. What a farce.
I would like to think that those who measure atmospheric CO2 concentrations for political purposes do it correctly, but here is a discussion on how the presence of water vapour can dramatically alter CO2 measurements.
You would think the Hawaiian CO2 levels are relatively unaffected by H20 levels, being at high elevation and a slightly arid site. But CSIRO’s main recording station is Cape Grim in Tassie. Sea level with lots of moisture. Questionable ??
But i thought both stations reported similar results anyway ?
Is anyone familiar with the 1970 movie “Colossus: The Forbin Project”?
It is about a defence computer that wants to take over the world.
Here is a short synopsis.
It predates Skynet by a long time.
I seem to remember one movie that had a rogue computer taking over a nuke power station and it was going to open the reactor vessel while it was on line, think it was a UK film, scary.
Nuclear Hurrican, 2007 ?
The corruption in the Covid 19 saga gets deeper and deeper.
The lawyer that was mentioned (stop the covid 19 stuff) earlier needs to read this.
Climate Heretic
Evidence that wuflu injections make injectees more susceptible to later strains.
‘researchers from the Vaccine Research Center at the US NIH released a paper for peer review on the performance of a new mRNA vaccine targeting Omicron variant, delivered as a ‘booster’ after two doses of mRNA vaccine targeting the original Wuhan strain (ie, the current type of covid vaccine).’
‘The bombshell in the paper is that boosting with the Omicron-specific vaccine substantially raised antibodies to the original Wuhan strain, and was better at neutralising Wuhan strain than Omicron strain. This means that…’
‘boosting with either mRNA-1273 or mRNA-Omicron resulted in the expansion of a similarly high frequency of cross-reactive B cells likely stems from the principle of original antigenic sin, otherwise termed antigenic imprinting, whereby prior immune memory is recalled by a related antigenic encounter’
‘The real-world impact of OAS is likely to be that once the virus completely escapes a person’s vaccine induced immunity then repeated exposure to the virus will mainly ‘top up’ the ineffective immune response to the spike protein of the Wuhan variant of Covid, and there will be little targeted response to the new variant. The likely consequence is that as each variant shifts further away from the Wuhan strain further vaccines will become less and less effective, even if they target newer variants. Those with immunity following natural infection will have an immune response to proteins in the virus that don’t change much between variants and thus even if they also have OAS there should be some continued long term protection against these new variants.’
And so it rolls on; forever it seems.
Go I!
You have successfully taken over the blog.
certainly seems to have taken over your mind, I dont see anyone else commenting or linking to it. If we have boundaries on the open threads please announce.
Haha, this is anyhowe amazingly humorous;
Soldiering on was normal in pre-pandemic times.
‘There was a time when you might show up for work despite that tickle in the throat. Not any more. There is now a fervent expectation that those who are sick should stay away.’ (SMH)
Batch effects?
In “Then there is Australia” at
First year science students should read CLINTEL’s attack on the IPCC, or at least browse through it.
New spinal cord implant in Switzerland called success
GENEVA, Switzerland: Swiss researchers using a nerve-stimulating device controlled by a touchscreen tablet enabled three paraplegic patients to stand and walk.
Reported this week, the device uses electronic implants and artificial intelligence software to help paraplegic patients regain their autonomy, and researchers have found it works well on those with even complete paralysis.
The three trial patients, all men aged between 29 and 41 who were injured in motorcycle accidents, were able to operate the device on themselves with the help of a touchscreen tablet.
Within six months, they regained the ability to not only walk, but also participate in more advanced activities, such as swimming and cycling.
Hope its a goer. I had a couple friends in my youth become paraplegic. A very tough road.
So if Zali Steggal took money from the coal industry despite being big on climate action I wonder if any of the other so called independent’s that co-signed a climate action pledge also have skeletons in the closet ? I notice Helen Haines the member for Indi has shares in Igas energy PTY LTD (UK listed) . A search on Google reveals this company from the UK who are an oil and gas company
Wonder if this is the same company on her register of interests ?
Jet stream plays havoc on UK weather.
This is not new and I’ve been trying to find it and was successful. Jordan Peterson’s take on Justin Trudeau as a Prime Minister, long before the Truckers Convoy. Even more applicable today. ToM
Zali Steggal is a lying SOB. This woman could not lie straight in bed. Remember her idea that we could have wind turbines floating offshore from the Northern Beaches? Unfortunately, she has a good chance of retaining her seat in May.
The grand old Duke of York
He had 12 million quid
He gave it all to an American girl
For something he never did .
The answer is a definite yes: Australian Police Confirm Use of LRAD Sonic Weapon at Protest Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
The ‘alert’ function was not used? So they say. Given the lies we are being told about so many other things, I don’t trust they are telling the whole truth on how they are using the LRADs.