A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Delingpole has put together a very interesting article about Australian covid madness with particular emphasis on melbourne. It leads to a documentary.
I think I have been shocked by the extreme measures Australia has taken and the huge infringements on people’s rights and the violence.
The author Makes the very good point that Melbourne, like California, has attracted woke young left wing professionals who support the leftist government and wouldn’t recognise a conservative idea if it bit them in the leg
I suspect that Ottawa could be added to this list and suspect the woke young professionals in that city are being alienated by the truckers rather than endorsing their actions
Woke young professionals and truckers.
I know what truckers do, I’m at a bit of a loss to describe what woke young professionals do.
I observe a profession everyday as a professional maneuvers a large semi into a tiny space to deliver food to my local grocery.
I can’t remember seeing a woke young urban professional doing anything that resembles a ‘profession’.
There’ doctors I guess.
But I’m pretty sure doctors kill way more people than truck drivers.
And there’s no highway patrol keeping an eye on doctors.
Doctors? Actually;
There are three professions which carry peculiar social burdens.
1. The police. They have to work with the criminals,
2. The clergy. They have a few mates that they work with all the time and a lot of mates they only see when they have an impossible problem, and
3. The doctors. They put years of study and toil into saving people from dying, but everybody goes to the doctor for a death certificate.
Then there are different kinds of doctors. Young doctors whose life experience has been wholly devoted to just getting here and older doctors who have a better understanding of how society works. Or public service doctors, some of whom never learn how the world works.
I have a relative a NSW GP, his wife is a nurse. After two years of CV19 they are planning to take a year off. This suggests to me that a third of our medical work force is exhausted. All at once. It’s surely already showing in our aged care sector.
How far behind are the truckies and teachers?
I personally know some young professionals, some doctors, that approved of the burning of police cars last year.
(A couple of young lawyers in NYC actually handed out the Molotovs.)
They may be even more contemptuous of religion.
Doctors work hard sure enough, and are rewarded quite well, at least here in the US, and have the luxury of taking a year off when burned out.
Curious that in the year of an overwhelming pandemic, doctors and nurses would be fired for not taking an ineffective, non vaccinating ‘vaccine’.
The 60 year old ladies at my grocery worked straight through the pandemic, Zoom not applicable, and oddly made np dancing Tik Tok videos, nor did they leave their work to applaud BLM marches.
I think you are wrong to include teachers. Here in Canada they are still refusing to work with unmasked kids in most jurisdictions. They are part of the woke lot.
“Professionals” is simply the term they came up with to distinguish themselves from the scum that don’t get college degrees.
I ordered a double espresso today from one of my favorite professionals over in town.
The IPA have done some good reporting on the divide here with the elites and those who actually do the work.
I am in the crowd that actually make products, develop products, put food on peoples table and build things that last. But I am in a shrinking group apparently as we have all sorts of rubbish “clerisy” types who “make policy”, “advocate”, and all sorts of other activities that I struggle to see that we actually need. When the chips are down our country needs me and the many others who actually do something and actually provide something, vs those who just provide hot air and steal oxygen.
If you keep dudding me and my fellow workers then at some stage you won’t have any food, no buildings, transport etc etc.
Its high time we stopped the govt (who are the major villian here) from continuing to add “make work” positions that do nothing in reality. And taking money off us to pay for them.
I feel so oppressed
Some would say you should be oppressed but the best I can do is to suggest you try to be better at what you do and do it somewhere else.
The Left are always mocking concepts of freedom. If that’s not a warning sign of their ultimate intentions, I don’t know what is.
Seem like the right have no sense of humour.
I dunno ; I laugh at a lot of your comments , and enjoy all of them.
Maybe I’m not right.
I think I am being set up here
You may not be right farmerbraun, but you are certainly correct.
Laughing at freedom is no joke.
Of course not. Your concept of freedom is though.
GI, in the spirit of helping you to be better at what you do I offer this as constructive suggestions.
When you are trying to be humorous put a smilie face at the end of your message 🙂
When you forget to put a smilie face and your humour is misinterpreted as snark then write something like “oops I forgot the smilie face :)”
I have plenty more if you show goodwill.
ga.. thing is, ga thinks his/her snark, is humour !
You do it to yourself, ga. !
Indeed. Like most antisocial people GI appears to have no ability to get on with others.
Either that or the antisocial behaviour is intentional in which case my encouragement to be a better troll is well and truly justified.
Kindy report, ‘ Doesn’t play well with others’.
You got me again. Yes I’m guilty.
The MJO stagnates and strengthens.
So does this imply that the La Niña will hang around for longer?
Yes, La Nina will string out into the Austral Autumn, but the models are ambivalent about precipitation in Australia.
My reading is that a positive Southern Annular Mode will keep Oz fairly wet along the east coast.
Forecasting that our extreme east shall be wet at any time is just about as difficult as suggesting the centre shall be hot in January. It gets a lot harder if talking west of the Divide, south/central Australia and the south west. These places are not easy in any season.
That is true, but according to BoM: ‘January was 1.09 °C warmer than the 1961–1990 average for Australia.’
Its madness having an average over the whole country, the south east has been unseasonably cool, while the west baked. They are missing out on the excitement of watching climate change.
Back in early 90s I can remember the standing joke in Sydney was “What do you call the day after two days of rain?” “Monday”.
We had something like 30 or 40 consecutive weekends of rain and it got to the point where msm were reporting and quoting doctors who were concerned at the increased depression rates they were seeing and projecting their fears of increased suicides because people were stuck inside weekend after weekend. Doesn’t surprise me that 30 years on the weather cycle is still, well, cycling and not actually c h a n g i n g.
I was in Sydney then. It rained every weekend for the first 6 months. Sometimes only a spot or two but still got things wet..
I was coaching one of my son’s soccer teams at the time. 9yo. The field we played on often was not well drained and actually had undulations that caught water. I encouraged the kids to kick the balls through the puddles as a warm up. They started the match already wet and grubby. The other teams tried to avoid the puddles. My team used them to their advantage. They played the wet conditions well. It was easy to train them to handle water than it was to handle wind.
I used to like playing rugby in the wet.
Fond memories! One of my greatest sporting achievements was played at Rugby in the rain. At Murrurundi.
Somebody scored in the corner. I was the goal kicker. The ball was sodden leather. But I had a policy, always have a go.
So in pouring rain I placed the ball on the 25 yard line a yard off the sideline in water nearly deep enough to float it, stepped back and I still remember wiping the water from my eyes, ran in and laid the boot in. The ball reminded me of an old featherless cockatoo, furiously flapping its wings but never getting far off the ground, and it sneaked over in the corner.
Ever after, imagine my disgust every time I missed an easy one.
McGill U has a “lawn” on main campus. In spring the groundsmen tie up snowfence around it and plant grass. When term starts in Sept people lounge around on it. When it gets wet in Oct, the rugby club puts up goals and mashes it into mud. After a period of freezing and snow, the routine starts again.
We called it ‘ bosses’ weather’.
It looks like Godzone has another ex-tropical system heading down the West coast this weekend ; more rain then, on top of the 4″ we just got, will see us well into March with a bit of luck .;114;1&l=rain-3h&t=20220211/0300
Murray Darling Annual Rainfall 1900-2021. Nothing to see here. But wasn’t it Flannery who said our dams were never going to fill again?
Flannery did not say those exact words. You be the judge. His actual words were supposedly distorted by Andrew Bolt:
I am not sure of the other means that dams fill without rain but there must be another way.
Darn EG, I was hoping that you weren’t going to say that, as it could mean a very long, hot summer for us folks on the lower west coast. I can remember some summers in Perth when the heat extended past Easter into the start of May.
LaNina still looks pretty strong here
The SAM also looks fairly robust.
SAM is positive, but the most important point is the see saw effect.
Weather that is too hot and then too cold, is a global cooling signal.
That’s what I also look at Ted. That huge pool of cool water across the Pacific doesn’t look like reducing any time soon.
Here is a bird’s eye view.,-6.70,530/loc=-138.598,-15.055
My guesstimate is that ENSO neutral will be the next cab off the rank around June.
If you can’t break the Truckers Convoy in Canada…then change the laws!
Judge must mean jail time any infractions of his court order of honking Downtown is now illegal.
What’s the boundaries to his court order?
It also means ALL vehicles who honking including law enforcement is now illegal.
Jail time boys, jail time.
Important things in a Public Sevice Capotal
Judge grants interim injunction against loud honking at Ottawa protest
There are any amount of other things that you can make a noise with…whistles, trumpets, drums…I bet the Truckers will get creative.
They have outwitted the hapless stasi at every turn. The stasi started confiscating fuel so the next day everyone brang jerry cans lol.
The pathetic, limp coward castro jnr cant win this one. Even if they bring in the army and break up the protest, who is going to deliver things?
See 4’10” grandfather arrested for tooting as he passed the truckers BEFORE the injunction came into effect.
4D Chess: Truckers Loot Nike Stores, Burn Some Cop Cars So GoFundMe Will Reinstate Them
February 5th, 2022 –
Mr. Dre: Thankx for that gem.
I defy anyone to beat this one for sheer stupidity.
Bristol niversities has instructed its staff as to how to address students who identify as cats. Yes ‘catgender’
How the Russians and Chinese mist be laughing at the west as we run rapidly towards the cliff of economic and social disaster whilst purring our approval of net zero and multiple genders
Are animals allowed on campus, other than in the laboratory and vet school?
Why does a cat have a special non-gendered pronoun? A person identifying as a cat is surely either a female or male cat and he/she/her/him etc is entirely appropriate.
I trust the University has paid it’s Cat Boarding License Fee to the city, and responsibly de-sexed and tattooed the ear of the cat students.
WTF! Why am I even thinking about this rubbish?
I’d just tap on a can of catfood with a spoon and see how they react 😅
Identify as a cat…here’s your can of Whiskas, next we’re off to the vet.
As cats don’t have phones I’ll take that off you too. Deprive them of their dumbphones and this nonsense will end in record time.
All these made up genders and animal personas are just social dividers intended to keep people apart.
Well…big news day…where to start…
Canada, but not the truckers.😮
well, it is Bristol; what do you expect? (with apologies to all the decent normal people still to be had there, but we did encounter some strange ones).
They are called “otherkin” or “trans-species”.
From wiki:
Otherkin are a subculture of people who identify as not entirely human. Some otherkin believe their identity derives from reincarnation, trans-species dysphoria of the soul, ancestry, or metaphor. Others attribute it to unusual psychology and do not hold spiritual beliefs on the subject. Categories of otherkin include Fictionkin, those who identify as fictional characters; Conceptkin, who identify as abstract concepts; Weatherkin, who identify as weather systems; as well as a number of other more obscure categories.
Otherkin may identify as mythical creatures, with others identifying as creatures from the natural world or from popular culture. Examples include: angels, demons, dragons, elves, fairies, sprites, wolves, foxes, horses, aliens, and fictional characters. Many otherkin believe in the existence of a multitude of parallel universes, and their belief in the existence of supernatural or sapient non-human beings is grounded in that idea.
I would like to know, if you identify as trans-species or otherlin, are you subject to compulsory vaccination?
Otherkin, not otherlin.
Hey you bloody speciesist! I identify as an otherlin.
And do you have to wear a mask? Are you allowed to vote? For humans, or only for your chosen animal?
No kidding, our youngest in the car this morning said he’s added “F” to the long line of letters and identifies as a FROG. The kids all think it’s a major joke, surely this nonsense will pass?
I think I can beat it – with this BIID. Body integrity identity disorder.
And caused by climate change no doubt.
The Stacey Abrams photo-shoot story with masked kids is getting worse:
“Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams, who recently appeared maskless among dozens of masked-up children during a visit to a Georgia elementary school, did so “on the condition that everyone around her” wore a face covering, including children, her campaign said.”
David Perdue’s new header photo
Unmask Our Kids
Maskless LA School Board Member Reads To Masked Children In Photo-Op For Re-Election Bid
Another Democrat Lawmaker Spotted Maskless in Room Full of Masked Peasants
NYC Mayor Eric Adams is spotted maskless INSIDE Bronx restaurant days after doubling down on mask mandate: Joins hypocrite Dem leaders Gavin Newsom and Stacey Abrams in flouting their own advice
This photo-shoot disaster could end her political career once and for all, she may have to go back to writing questionable novels again.
She keeps her mask off just in case some food appears
Adellad: That’s a mean thing to say! Of course, I’m worse, I wondered if they counted the kids to make sure Stacey hadn’t consumed one whole. She could have said that she doesn’t wear the mask when eating. Kids.
Analysis: Who Wants a War in Ukraine More – Putin or Biden?
This is Putin’s mission-critical demand, which the US says is not up for discussion. As I noted in a previous piece on RedState, Mr. Putin knows that losing Ukraine to the West is the end of his long game to bring Russia back to the stature of the USSR in Eurasia. Ukraine becoming part of NATO transforms the Black Sea into a shared space with the West. The coastline would be over half NATO. The entire southern belly of Russia starting with countries like Georgia on the Black Sea coast to Uzbekistan on the Chinese border become future dominoes in a march across the landscape that the Russian Federation would rather not see happen.
The line in the sand is in Ukraine. Both Russia and the West know this. So, both sides posture and keep trying to talk. The question is: Will talks break down? And more importantly, who wants talks to break down and why?
To ponder that, we need to step back from our emotions for a moment.
Emergency or Imagination?
Who Wants War?
is this really a new level of provocation by Russia?
Or is it the United States’ infamous attention deficit disorder in foreign policy waking up and looking for a new shiny obsession after totally blowing it so badly in Afghanistan?
Right now, the official US narrative is that Russia is the unreasonable party in the process. But increasingly, the facts are not adding up. It’s the United States that is ramping up the tension with a positional bargaining stance that is increasingly militarizing Ukraine into another Fulda Gap.
Putin’s BATNA
In the world of diplomacy, there’s this concept of BATNA. It stands for Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. In this case, what’s Vladimir Putin’s BATNA where he can ignore Joe Biden and carry on with his agenda?
Mr. Putin’s best course of action in the short term to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO is to simmer the burners of his stove.
Biden’s Quandary
Nah, just terribly simple.
The Yanks had plans to cut the legs from under Putin by running gas up from Qatar but their Syrian war of 2011 failed. Putin made sure Assad stayed in control and if the Americans want to steal his oil wells they can, it won’t worry Putin. However that pipeline won’t get built.
So then the Yanks pushed the elected Pro-Russian Govt of Ukraine out with one of their colour revolutions in 2014. They flew the gold reserves out, put puppets like biden’s boy in charge and set about making the country one of their vassals. The Eastern side broke away, seeing they’re mainly Russians anyway.
Putin could see what was happening to Ukraine so he started the Nord Stream gas line to get rid of all these annoying little ex-USSR countries he had to pipe gas through to Europe, and the Americans are not going to allow that to happen. They want Russia crippled economically and their missiles right up against Russian borders.
The only hope for the rest of the world is that Germany joins Russia and hooks up the pipeline, rather than being told to freeze to death by the Yanks. Europe trades with Russia & ignores the Yanks, NATO subsides and Russian border countries get some peace.
If the Americans win this one we will see another few decades of their insufferable boorishness, bullying and ignorance as they confront the Russian-Chinese alliance they have created through their own actions. They are losing their world domination, crypto currency will destroy their free ride with the greenback, but they will not easily sink back into their role as the next Spain or Portugal.
Just pray they don’t take us down with them!
Biden Admin Tries to Keep Panic Alive as Ukraine Says Chance of Russian Invasion ‘Low’
President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan predicted on Sunday that Russia could once again invade Ukraine “any day now,” shortly before Kyiv once again clarified the odds of such an occurrence were “low.”
The government of President Volodymyr Zelensky has expressed frustration and dismay with the White House for weeks in response to apocalyptic predictions that Russian leader Vladimir Putin may invade and annex the entire country of Ukraine. Concerns erupted into an international panic last month after Biden himself claimed he believed Putin would soon invade and his government would not defend its ally Ukraine in the event of a “minor incursion.”
The White House repeatedly cited the upwards of 100,000 Russian troops allegedly amassing on the Russian-Ukrainian border. Zelensky, however, noted the number was not as high as it was a year ago – when no governments or international news outlets expressed any particular concern for Ukraine – and that the “panic,” in Zelensky’s words, was destroying the Ukrainian government and making an invasion more likely.
I have trouble with the supposed Putin, so maniac, that he plans to invade The Ukraine in the middle of winter while (supposedly) concentrating troops near the border giving months of warning. I would suggest a bargaining counter,
Meanwhile politicians either facing a loss of Office this year (Macron, Biden, Johnston etc) have suddenly discovered this “emergency”.
As for the suggestion that any “hostile act” will see the Nordstream2 pipeline shut down along with the rest of the Russian pipelines I wonder what idiot thought that any European or Brit would want to freeze to death for no possible gain (except higher heating bills next year).
“is this really a new level of provocation by Russia?”
1. China moves its ships in and takes control of the Great Barrier Reef.
2. AUS objects. Stridently.
3. Is this really a new level of provocation by AUS?
(Good article.)
If contraceptives had similar efficacy to Covid ‘vaccines’ they would have been withdrawn at warp-speed.
Great Quote – will use that if asked re Vacccination by GP
Wait … are you saying the Covid ‘vaccines’ aren’t contraceptives?
They are if they make you sterile.
Interesting analogy. If contraceptives were like the injections they would INCREASE the risk of pregnancy.
From Open Thread below – Crisis for the Climate Models?
One of my heterodox positions on climate change is that many of our scientific efforts to improve our grasp of the earth’s climate system since it became a hot topic (no pun intended) back in the 1970s have actually moved our knowledge backwards. That is, we actually understand it less well than we did 40 years ago.
This is especially true of the heart of the matter: the computer climate models we use to make predictions about future changes in the climate.
One big reason the 100 sq km resolution of climate models is inadequate is that the behavior of clouds and water vapor can’t be adequately modeled—something the IPCC reports usually admit in the technical sections the media never read. The WSJ story is similarly revealing on this point:
“If you don’t get clouds right, everything is out of whack.” said Tapio Schneider, an atmospheric scientist at the California Institute of Technology and the Climate Modeling Alliance, which is developing an experimental model. “Clouds are crucially important for regulating Earth’s energy balance.” . . .
In an independent assessment of 39 global-climate models last year, scientists found that 13 of the new models produced significantly higher estimates of the global temperatures caused by rising atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide than the older computer models—scientists called them the “wolf pack.” Weighed against historical evidence of temperature changes, those estimates were deemed unrealistic.
A climate model able to capture the subtle effects of individual cloud systems, storms, regional wildfires and ocean currents at a more detailed scale would require a thousand times more computer power, they said.
But shut up, the science is settled.
We will know climate models are close to reality when they show ocean surface temperature being constrained between two hard limits. -1.8C under sea ice and 30C in tropical warm pools.
Once they get this correct, the idea of catastrophic global warming is caput. So reality and CAGW are incompatible possibilities.
As WSJ Article states
As world leaders consider how to limit greenhouse gases, they depend heavily on what computer climate models predict. But as algorithms and the computer they run on become more powerful—able to crunch far more data and do better simulations—that very complexity has left climate scientists grappling with mismatches among competing computer models.
While vital to calculating ways to survive a warming world, climate models are hitting a wall. They are running up against the complexity of the physics involved; the limits of scientific computing; uncertainties around the nuances of climate behavior; and the challenge of keeping pace with rising levels of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases. Despite significant improvements, the new models are still too imprecise to be taken at face value, which means climate-change projections still require judgment calls.
“We have a situation where the models are behaving strangely,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Goddard Institute for Space Sciences, a leading center for climate modeling. “We have a conundrum.”
“We have a conundrum.”
For the climate high priests it will be a disaster, when the biblical prophesy fails to materialise.
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO – Ottawa Activist Asks Trudeau to Leave Undisclosed Location: ‘Come and Say These Things to Our Face’
Political denigration of the protesters as bigots amounts to “projection,” she held.
“Projection is what’s going on with Trudeau and his government,” she stated. “Telling us that we are violent is absolutely ridiculous, because all that one has to do is look around to know that we are actually motivated by love, not fear, and we dare you, Trudeau, to come and speak to us to our faces. You owe us that. We deserve that — and let’s go — because we’re not leaving,” she concluded.
Rumble Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million Four-Year Deal with Commitment to ‘No Censorship’
How does Rumble get that much money ?
Had a couple of “cov-vax” moments recently:
(1) My mum said one of her friends who had been having medical issues for a while , and they still couldnt find the cause – then just has this massive stroke. Likely was vaxxed.
(2) Wifes friend in the UK, her healthy husband at age 50 has massive blood clot and dies. Likely was vaxxed.
(3) A collegaue who is vaxxed, has in the past had seizures. Thsi time – 3 weeks off work and knocked him around very badly.
I’d be interested in other peoples stories…..
251 – it’s seven weeks now and I’m doing a lot better, but still some way to go.
Here’s some OS
1: Brother in law dead by cancer. Three weeks from diagnosis to death. He was an avid vaxxer.
2: Friend’s wife now has breast cancer, vaxxed.
3: Friend had leukemia but it was in remission, that was until being vaxxed. Now surviving on blood transfusions.
4: Two friends had heart attacks, both vaxxed.
5: An epidemic of shingles in my home town just now. Just about everybody here is vaxxed.
[Ted, (and I think Jo will agree) with vax rates as high as they are one could make all kinds of imaginary claims. “had vax-stubbed toe, had vax-crashed car, had vax-prety much anything. Not really helpful are they?]ED
Ed, and Ted, Jo does agree, with both of you. Every day people are dying of heart attacks, getting leukaemia and going blind. That’s why the database of the US Military is so important, and the data from insurance companies.
So I didn’t blog on these individual stories, because the data wasn’t there, but now it is. And I’m reading the mechanisms too. P53. mTOR. IFN. I certainly won’t stop people sharing their experiences, though I ask people to avoid hyperbole. Tell us what is happening to you. I want to hear.
Yes correct Jo. P53 Dr. Ryan Cole gives excellent information. His interviews can be found on Rumble. As for shingles, the frequency has increased in all areas of vaccination post vaccination, and suppression of the P53 gene (the P53 suppressor gene, guardian of our genome) explains it.
Also ED I forgot to add my youngest brother with kidney cancer. All scientific advancement begins with observations. Observing anomalies.
Spoke to our friends couple of days ago, They had to get vaccinated – they drive school buses for the owner of the business. After the first jab they both felt extremely unwell, but got up and went to work regardless.The second shot – he was very ill, weak, sweat dropped of the tips of his fingers when he stood up. She told me with a deadpan face:”I think I am dead.” She has so many health problems at the moment (it’s been over two weeks since their second needle), she can’t cope. When she contacted relevant authority to report her adverse effects, she was told that it was all normal. Even if all their health problems would go away (hopefully), their mental scars aren’t going anywhere – anxiety, depression, hatred for those who forced them into having unwanted injections, and, if one of them succumbs to any, even unrelated, illness, guilt. Because you would never know, would you? “Would we have lived for many years, growing happily old together, grandchildren, company of friends, tiny troubles of everyday life…if we hadn’t had to have these experimental vaccines.” If it’s all “normal” how do you know that your loved one suddenly died because of some unknown, undetected medical calamity or…? Doubt and guilt are very hard to deal with.
Therapeutic Albo will decide who can use the internet, and the circumstances in which they can use it
Children to get digital licence to safely use the internet under Labor plan
Would you feel more comfortable if your child earned a licence before being let loose on the internet? A new plan will see them do just that.
Australian children will earn a digital licence to use the internet safely under a new plan by Labor.
Under the plan, announced on Monday, the eSmart Digital Licence program would be rolled out nationally in schools for students aged 10 to 14, with a new junior version for children aged five to nine.
It is a similar concept to how children earn their pen licence to upgrade from writing in pencil.
Labor has promised $6 million in funding, if elected, to roll out the program nationally over three years and fund an eSmart Media Literacy Lab program for secondary school students aged 12 to 16 to help them engage with news online.
This is the first I have ever heard of a pen licence. My kids used crayon, pencil, ink, charcoal or watercolours as the situation dictated.
A stupid idea is not really stupid until the wrong person has had it.
Will this licence indicate gender? What colour filters will be included?
It’s a stupid idea no matter who had it!
What is a pen licence?
A pen licence is a formal acknowledgement children receive from their teacher once their handwriting is accepted to be of a good standard.
The pen licence grants children permission to use a pen instead of a pencil when writing in class.
Why is handwriting important?
Updates to the National Curriculum in 2014 state that children must be able to produce ‘fluent, legible, and, eventually, speedy handwriting’. Handwriting is important for a number of reasons:
. Most of children’s future assessments will be hand-written, so pupils whose work isn’t legible are likely to suffer.
. Children that can write comfortably at speed can access higher-level aspects of composition and content, meaning their work is likely to be more creative.
. Handwriting is important for note-taking, an essential element of education as children get older.
. It engages more motor and cognitive skills and activates the brain more than using a keyboard.
. Good handwriting helps with communication in other areas of life.
A long time ago in a state far far away… pens were allowed once you mastered a pencil. It wasn’t called a “license” in that state but was basically the same thing. I thought it must have been a carry-over from ink wells and nibs as they would really need maturity to use and am surprised it is still a thing.
I completely agree with you on your supposition about carry over from inkwells. I speak from experience of someone who managed to actually start with an inkwell (first year at school). It was advisable to practice in pencil. People don’t realise now that when real ink gets on the page, it’s fairly runny and soaks in. Thus blotters were used. If you make a mistake, the only way to correct it was to scrape it (after it’s dry) with a razor blade. Yep, the double-sided, uncovered, unprotected, sharp blade. If you are not careful, it might leave a hole in your page. We, children of the Past, lived dangerous lives :).
Sorry, why all downvotes to the Gee Ate’s remark?
I reckon if someone red voted me they read my comment which means I am more popular than Old Ozzie.
I don’t see any sense in insisting that children have good hand-writing. As a left-handler, when using slow-drying ink, I either smudged my work or wrote from underneath, resulting in very poor stroke control. So the sooner I switched to typed work and eventually computers the better.
Ah yes, the curse of being left handed in a right handed world. At best they tend to end up with a totally kack handed way of gripping a pen.
It’s a good thing lefties are generally more intelligent and creative. And no I’m a rightie.
Just buy the right pens. A solved problem by the mid 80s (father of lefty)
By the time we could use biros, too late, my writing style was locked in. Far easier to go digital.
Handwriting isn’t important … we have keyboards now.
Wrong, anything they do of any importance in their lives will be typed up.
What their teachers think is rather irrelevant … indeed, teachers themselves are barely still relevant.
A Govt only gives you something so they can take it away again when you don’t do as they wish.
This is instantly spread to adults at the same speed vaccines spread to toddlers, so expressing certain opinions & visiting certain sites will get your licence to use the internet revoked.
The only thing that has held them back is the biometric ID, so they know who is accessing the net no matter what device they are on. There are companies working flat-out to create a system that works, it will be worth as much as a vaccine contract!
Yet another brushfire we need to stamp out before it gets going, but there are so many of them these days!
Spot on!
Now, that’s a modern day Jim Crowe proposal.
At my children’s primary school last year, a child was suspended because he had in his possession and was sharing, a video of another child recording themselves (publicly on the internet) committing suicide. These kids thought it funny according to my son.
If ONE shot of J&J vaccine confers an enduring(Non Expiring)classification of fully vaccinated as stated in the definitions of “Fully Vaccinated” why is it NOT available in Australia and why are we importing millions of doses of Novavax instead ????
Follow the money. Pfizer had way more money to splash around to promote their vaccine. Money for marketing, but also for influence. Its why AZ vaccine copped all that bad publicity. Pfizer wanted to dominate the market and dominate they do. The J & J vaccine had some earlier adverse publicity as well – quality issues? In Australia the federal health bureaucrats and politicians didn’t have much choice other than sign up to these big vaccine deals. FOMO big time, especially with our small population. The whole vaccine thing has been a pharmaceutical companies wet dream. No need for a sales force because you sell direct to governments who then pay you with one or minimal payments. The companies don’t even have to distribute, the governments have done all that as well.
It is a real pity that the Australian Government decided not to support the Australian developed Covax-19. This is a very informative video with Prof Nikolai Petrovsky from Flinders Uni. who developed it.
Ummm because “Fully Vaccinated” is a malleable concept prone to frequent change to meet the political needs of the day.
You might be thinking of the medical version of the concept.
Could a molecule found in broccoli help the brain repair spike protein damage?
It turns out that, contrary to popular belief, damaged brain tissue can be regenerated naturally, possibly even after getting ravaged to death by the Covid “vaccine” spike proteins.
For decades it was believed that brain regeneration was not possible. But compelling evidence for brain regeneration began to surface in the 1960’s and research continues to show that common foods like broccoli contain sulforaphane (USA) or sulphoraphane (UK) compounds that can stimulate the renewal and repair of nerve tissue in the brain.
Unfortunately sulforaphane is not found in mature broccoli heads in any useful quantity — only in young broccoli sprouts.
Sulforaphane can be purchased as a non-prescription supplement.
Don’t expect research to get far as it is not patented by Big Pharma and inexpensive.
If it proves to be effective the Australian Government would ban it.
But broccoli of all things.. 🙁
Why not chocolate, chips or beer..
Those from overseas who think Australia is a nation of “rugged individualists” as portrayed in the movie “Crocodile Dundee” need to realise that that movie was a fantastic work of fantasy.
With some notable exceptions such as those who heroically participated in the various freedom marches and convoys in the presence of paramilitary police who violently responded in a manner Australians are not used to, most Australians are highly compliant and subservient to authority.
The culture is distinct from the USA which was founded on an insatiable desire for individual freedom and rights.
Australia was essentially founded after Once Great Britain lost the American colonies and was used as a place for Britain to dump unwanted prisoners.
Thus the culture developed as either that of a prisoner who was subservient to authority (nowadays expressed by most people) or the authoritarian prison warder mentality as expressed through the Government and public “service”.
Since Australia ceased being a prison colony, there were plenty of free settlers, however they didn’t change the prisoner/prison warder mentality very much. If the immigrants were committed to the ideals of freedom they went to the United States rather than Australia.
Thats a bit rough, there was the Eureka stockade.
I did say there were some notable exceptions.
If “Their ABC” and the “Liamedia” had been on the job you’d never have known
Ah yes the prison model, bevause nothing else has happened in the last 200 years. It just like how the US is still a slave colony.
I daid it was a prison mentality and culture and Australia was not founded on principles of freedom like the United States was.
Here, Dr Ryan Cole discussss an increase in unusual infections and cancers after covid “vaccination” that he as a pathologist has observed.
I assume this will be soon deleted from YouTube.
Damming and convincing, we shall see how bad it is during this year-
More signs that long-covid will impact USA for many years to come. Fortunately Australia is a more disciplined society that avoided covid until almost every adult was vaccinated and omicron arrived.
Yes, and the rest of the free world is pretty much appalled by Australian ‘discipline’.
Govern me harder, Danny.
Drag me to my pre-fab isolation camp pod.
Make me resilient.
In this video Canadian police confiscate fuel from the Ottawa Freedom Camp.
With extremely cold temperatures possible in that country people could easily die without a supply of life-giving fossil fuels to keep warm.
The driver in Canada who mowed down several Truckies with his vehicle, has been identified as a far left, Antifa, dissident:
“Justin Trudeau’s Public Safety Minister, Marco Mendicino, stated the Canadian government intends to target any American who may have donated to the Freedom Convoy protest effort. ”
Turd’eau is giving Canada’s government a worse reputation.
Americans do not give a flying flip at a rolling donut for whatever this Mendicino clown says, thinks or does. The Girly Men governing Canada are almost as embarrassing as the US Drooling Geriatric Occupant. Western Civilization has seen better days.
What about the foreign donations to his Trudeau Foundation over the years that have made him a multimillionaire?
Oh yes, he’s got an ethical problem that by just apologizing stays any criminality investigations.
So, our politicians are protected by law to lying and cheating without any criminal prosecution.
Our parliament in Canada has no ethical laws except an apology.
I do a few online surveys -gets me a little extra $ for not a lot of effort – just giving them my opinion.I sometimes get surveys from universities for research projects. Interestingly, they tend to have at the start of the survey notification that if the content or the subject of this survey causes you any distress then please contact any of the following: usually lifeline, beyond blue etc. Sad that a survey could cause you enough distress that you need to go seek help.
sad but bad things happen to people them and you can’t write a survey to account for all possible responses.
Dont know what all the red thumbs are about. If you have a mental illness it can take very little to send you down hill. We have a guy in our car club struggling with PTSD from emergency services experiences and he can be quite fragile on his bad days.
Thanks Y. I think we all know people and the red thumbs are probably just automatic and not an indication that people disagreed (I hope)
Deloitte did a survey and found businesses were stressed over climate change. They know the political culture is unified on AGW and there is no escape.
‘More Australian business leaders think the world is at a tipping point in responding to climate change, a survey showed.
‘Two-thirds of those questioned expect climate change to have a high or very high impact on their organization’s strategy and operations over the coming three years, according to the 2022 Deloitte CxO Sustainability Report released Monday in Sydney. The proportion saying that the world needs to act now rose to 74% from 52% just a few months earlier, the report showed.’ (Bloomberg)
Just let them know that it is cooling – oh wait they’ll need to act now on that too.
But nothing we can do about it except beef up the reliability of our electricity and gas supply infrastructure.
That means not wasting huge amounts of resources on unreliable supplies.
The globe has been warming for 400 years. That trend will continue for at least another 1000 years before the current cycle of glaciation starts to take a grip. I have not got into the detail of the year when the cooling trend begins but know it is not within the next 1000 years.
Interestingly 2020 was the lowest net rainfall across the globe for the last 400 years and it will be a long time before it is drier.
‘ … they’ll need to act now on that too.’
Adaptation to climate change is something we can all agree upon.
We are entering a decade of cool wet conditions in Australia, like the 1950s or further back to the late 19th century. Its a cyclic phenomenon related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
Did said business leaders differentiate between “climate change” and “politics of climate change” as their cause for concern?
The stress comes from knowing its BS but having to act on it anyway because its fashionable and you have to tick the box. Corporate life.
This quote is often attributed to Pericles but I have never seen an actual source quoted, so let’s just call the origin unknown.
Use this one then with a more certain authorship
-Ralph Nader
Mix science and politics – you end up with politics.
“Mix science and politics – you end up with politics.”
Mix art and politics – you end up with politics.
Mix economies and politics – you end up with politics.
Mix health and politics – you end up with politics.
Politics poisons all it touches.
Go read what some Northern Australian Insurance Lobby said as they convinced the Govt to take money off most of Australia and give it to them as profit. Along the lines of “people in natural disaster areas (cyclones) are suffering a market failure because they have to pay more for insurance than someone in Sydney..”!!
Either no understanding of how the free market works, or much more likely, happy to bulldoze any free market with the power of a Govt when it benefits them. They got down as far as ‘insurance is a human right’ or some such rubbish!
Gone are the days of “the foolish man built his house upon the sand” and “The little pig had built his house of straw”
It never ceases to amaze me how people do stupid or ill-advised things like building in fire, flood, earthquake, cyclone/hurricane zones, low-lying tsunami-prone areas etc. and when the inevitable natural disaster comes along they expect their fellow taxpayers to bail them out.
There was never a “market failure” whereby insurance policies cost more in cyclone (or other natural disaster) prone areas than safe areas. The policy cost was priced correctly according to risk.
Word for the day: Rantallion. Don’t Google if easily offended but let’s just say “one whose shot pouch is longer than the barrel of his piece”. (c. 18th century).
Could you use it in a sentence please
From Urban Dictionary:
Dr Berg on YouTube shows you how to grow your vitamin D in massive amounts using mushrooms and ultra violet light:
Oh dear. It appears that even the non-complying sheep are as brainwashed as the compliers.
Both can get covid and both can die from it. Belief systems afford no protection whatsoever. Basically, susceptibility all comes down to genetics – not beliefs.
There is probably a lot of ground between beliefs and genetics, yet to covered.
Meme of the Day #15
Wearing a belief system is like wearing a face mask. They both make the wearer feel impervious to potential threats. How much protection either afford is under investigation.
Dr. Zelenko: “Zinc Is The Bullet — It Kills The Virus. The Only Problem Is The Bullet Doesn’t Get To The Place Where It Needs To Be”
Here is a transcript of highlights from the video:
Dr. Zelenko:
“Zinc is the bullet – it kills the virus. The only problem is the bullet doesn’t get to the place where it needs to be.
The virus is inside the cell. The enzyme is inside the cell. And the zinc on its own cannot get into the cell. You have a bullet without a gun – useless.
Now, it turns out there’s a class of medications called ‘zinc ionophores’ or a class of substances called ‘zinc ionophores’ — what they do — is they open up a channel, a door, which allows zinc to go from outside the cell to inside the cell.
There are four of them that are readily available – two of them are prescription and two of them are over-the-counter.
The two prescription ones everyone has heard of: Hydroxycholorquine and Ivermection.
They’re the guns that shoot the bullet. The bullet then gets into the cell and stops the virus enzyme from helping the virus replicate.
So you have a gun and bullet. Only the synergy of the two creates a functioning unit.
In april of last year, Cuomo issued an executive order that was directly targeting me and my patients – because I was the only one in the state doing it. Where pharmacies would not dispense hydroxychloroquine to patients. So all of a sudden, I had a gun and a bullet approach, but…he took away the zinc delivery system — at least he took away access to my patients.
So I was forced by necessity to innovate. I did more research, and on the NIH servers of all places, I found papers saying a substance called quercetin is a zinc delivery system, as well. It’s a zinc ionophore.
To be honest, I’d never heard of quercetin. So I googled it and I see it’s over-the-counter.
That was one of the most significant realizations in my life and probably in humanity.
Why do I say that? Because now there was a cure for tyranny.
There are two risk factors for dying from COVID: It’s the doctor you choose and the government you live under. Besides that, there’s no reason a person should die from COVID.
Now, you don’t need a doctor and now you don’t need permission from the government. You can go to a pharmacy or go to a supermarket and buy an over-the-counter option of quercetin together with Zinc and Vitamin C and Vitamin D.
Together it creates a very powerful immune-boosting nutritional supplement. According to the FDA, I’m not allowed to make any claims except that it’s an immune booster and nutritional supplement. So what I’m going to say is the following: Quercetin and Vitamin C together form a functioning zinc ionophore — a zinc delivery system. Zinc is what it delivers, so you actually need zinc as well. You need the gun and the bullet.
And Vitamin D – the studies all show – Vitamin D3 levels between 50 and 70 virtually eliminate hospitalizations or admissions in the intensive care unit. It optimizes their immune you need Vitamin D, then you need Zinc, which is the bullet. And then to form a functioning gun, you need Vitamin C and quercetin…
You know that I read all of that , right here on this blog, about two years ago.
Zinc plus a zinc ionphore. Specifically quercetin , as I recall.
Might even have written it myself , in support of the theory that Kiwis who were soaking up the sun and Vit D at the beach , eating a lot of shellfish , and daily nasal saline rinses , couldn’t get sick with Covid if they tried. Although the govt left the border with China open for six months which surely should have been long enough.
Why the Sudden Hostility Toward Off-Label Medicines?
Over the past two years, the medical establishment and media have reversed course on off-label medications, not only dismissing them but shaming and vilifying anyone promoting their use. The two drugs in question are well known, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Both drugs have been FDA approved for human use for decades, but the media and even the FDA choose to characterize them as animal medication or “horse paste.” This refers to the veterinary versions of these medications, ignoring human approval and use. That’s like calling corn and oats animal food just because farm animals happen to eat something humans eat as well.
Both of these drugs have shown benefit in treating, not curing, COVID. A meta-analysis of 73 ivermectin trials demonstrated, “Using the most serious outcome shows 66% [53‑76%] and 83% [74‑89%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis.” A similar meta-analysis of 369 hydroxychloroquine studies showed, “Early treatment consistently shows positive effects.”
These are not cures but are safe and inexpensive therapeutics that if used appropriately, recommended by a physician as an early outpatient treatment, may keep people out of the hospital and ICU. Isn’t that the goal of early COVID treatment?
So why now, almost two years into the COVID pandemic, are we not throwing everything at this virus? There is an all-out push for vaccines and boosters, yet vaccinated persons are still getting sick and dying. While vaccines reduce the chance of severe disease, they don’t eliminate it. One could say the same about the off-label therapeutics mentioned above based on multiple clinical studies.
Then why such hostility toward off-label treatments, even when the physician follows well-established precedent, making a decision for their patient after weighing the risks and benefits? And why are physicians who follow this accepted approach for off-label medications threatened with loss of employment, license, and reputation?
Why is science being upended for COVID, from off-label therapeutics to natural immunity, well-established concepts now suddenly considered junk science and dismissed? Is this what we can now expect from the finest healthcare system in the world, the Orwellian politicization of medicine?
Why the sudden hostility toward off label medicine?
IMHO in Australia because Dr Tom Borody from Sydney came out with a protocol that he said cured covid
the TGA went after him after he released the information about his protocol but they could not get him for anything
The protocol involves a combination of ivermectin, zinc and the antibiotic doxycycline
Congress Investigating Claims of NIH Funding Cruel Experiments Injecting Puppies with Cocaine
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is facing a congressional probe after reports emerged alleging the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) spent millions of taxpayer dollars on a cruel experiment, injecting beagle puppies with cocaine.
I think our Neurotic 10 Month Female Beagle Puppy reject may have been part of the experiment.
Great Beagle – hates being alone and loves Family life (had a deformed mouth and was saved by retired Beagle breeder who hand fed her and her sister, when the original breeder was going to have them both put down))
So let’s see how the Coalition apologists – I think that there are at least a couple who post on here, handle this one. Yesterday, on Mon’s open thread, #51, I accused and gave reason to call the P.M. redundant. It gets worse today. Today I’m calling him out as being in Contempt of Court. Australia politics live news updates: “PM apologises to Brittany Higgins as parliament acknowledges history of bullying, harassment, sexual assault”.
The accused has pleaded not guilty, and presently the case is to be heard in early June. Here, again as with the George Pell trial, both politicians and media are infusing themselves in a place where they should not be.
Late twentieth century Leftist: “Question authority.”
Early twenty first century Leftist: “If you question authority you are a racist.”
“Hypocrite: The man who murdered his parents, and then pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Daniel Andrews’ overrides Scott Morrison and announces a shock new rule for ALL international travellers entering Victoria
. Premier has warned double dosed travellers may be locked out of some venues
. Scott Morrison on Monday said overseas arrivals would not need three doses
. ATAGI is set to announce if they will change definition of fully vaccinated person
. Mr Andrews has already enforced triple dose mandates for some workers
Overseas travellers arriving into Victoria will need to be triple vaccinated in order to participate in society and freely move about the state, Premier Daniel Andrews has warned.
The move comes despite the Prime Minister saying on Monday all tourists would be welcome Down Under as long as they had two Covid vaccinations, and not a booster shot.
Mr Andrews has warned that while international travellers with two doses may enter the state, they could be locked out of retail and hospitality venues that require vaccination certificates to enter.
National Cabinet is waiting for advice from ATAGI to whether a ‘fully vaccinated’ person is deemed as someone with three doses.
Mr Andrews has already enforced triple dose mandates for workers in health and aged care, disability, emergency services, corrections, quarantine accommodation, food distribution and education.
Comrade Dictator Dan is a psychopath. One day somebody is going to take umbrage to his violent suppression.
Labor/CFMEU premier Andrews announces RATests for 3-5 year olds. Seriously.
Good old Dan , striking another blow for VIC tourism. Clearly didnt think it was damaged enough.
Taliban elite send daughters overseas for ‘good education’
London: Taliban officials are sending their daughters to school despite keeping classrooms closed to female students.
High-ranking officials have enrolled their children in overseas state schools and universities while depriving schooling to millions of girls within Afghanistan since they seized power, according to a report by the Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN).
A member of the Taliban’s negotiating team in Doha said they had started to educate their children in school in Qatar: “Since everybody in the neighbourhood was going to school, our children demanded they go to school too.”
The daughter of one current Taliban minister and former member of the group’s leadership council is currently studying medicine at a Qatari university, according to AAN.
An Obama photograph proves the lies of ‘climate change’ and COVID
The left is built upon a mountain of falsehoods. Two of the biggest are that humankind is trembling on the brink of destruction because of “climate change” and that onerous COVID restrictions are the only things keeping us alive. So what are we to make of an unmasked Obama standing around construction workers, very grumpy about work on his multimillion-dollar beachfront Hawaiian mansion?
What I make of it is that both “climate change” and COVID restrictions are huge parts of that mountain of lies.
Here’s the picture that is a microcosm of all the lies:
He has great faith in that his election “was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal,”
Narcisism, arrogance, mendacity and hypocrisy in one neat package.
Very wealthy given humble beginnings and limited years in public service
Another “Adolph Trudeau”
One of the Best – Girl comforting other Girl crying “it’s only the Flu now” followed by Adolf Trudeau saying “My Father Castro was a Dictator, he would be disappointed in me now”
Actually pretty good showing of
February 8, 2022 at 4:23 pm · Reply
Comrade Dictator Dan is a psychopath.
I like the latest edit of the WA premier.
Mark McGowan Creates His Own Country:
Does anyone know why 51 million doses of Novavax have been purchased by the Australian Government? Does that mean two more doses for the entire population after the “booster”?
Because previously people have screamed because they havent been ready with vaccines. Now they have all the vaccines in case one proves to be useless or damaging or doesnt get delivered. The important thing is to keep injecting people with stuff.
Let’s see if anything happens. I have my doubts the PM will bother even to listen let alone respond but we can only hope.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison gets “served” by the people of Australia
As someone who started Computing in 1962, with the Sydney University Physics Laboratory SILLIAC and was a member of Austraian Computer Society ACS
This is an excellent History of Computing in Australia – 356 Pages
A Vision Splendid The History of Australian Computing
Graeme Philipson, author
Foreword By Angus Taylor 006
Introduction By Anthony Wong 008
Acknowledgements By Graeme Philipson 010
01 The Analog World 012
02 Trevor Pearcey and the CSIR Mark 1 018
03 The First Australian Computer Conference 028
04 Airport Interception Changes the Face of Australian Computing 034
05 UTECOM 046
06 Fire Across the Desert 056
07 Australia’s Last Designs 064
08 The Birth of an Industry 074
09 Australia Gets a Computer Society 082
10 It’s All Academic 090
11 Control Data Australia 100
12 IBM Redefines the Computer Industry 112
13 DEC and Data General – Enter the Minicomputer 120
14 The Government Takes Notice 128
15 United We Stand 136
16 The Mainframe Era: The BUNCH 144
17 The Mainframe Era: ICL and Fujitsu 156
18 The Mainframe Era: Plug-Compatible Manufacturers 168
19 Australia Gets a Software and Services Industry 178
20 The Minicomputer Revolution 194
21 Local Manufacturing 214
22 Personal Computing – This Changes Everything 228
23 Computers and School Education 244
24 From Data Communications to the Internet 256
25 The Fourth Estate 270
26 The Applications Software Revolution 286
27 Commoditisation, Services and Applications Development 300
28 The Internet Boom and the Information Millennium 320
Postscript The Power of a Profession 334
Bibliography 339
References (Endnotes) 343
I spent about 20 minutes skimming through it. Fascinating compilation but way beyond my understanding of the fine detail.
My first experience with a computer was at a boy scout corroboree in Adelaide in 1967 when we could try and beat the computer at naughts and crosses. No-one did. It was too early to see a computer at school but I started being a user in 1974 at university. Watching the Apollo space program and the race to the Moon was probably most people’s first opportunity to marvel at the power of the computer, such as it was back then but it got the job done!
Thanks OO.
Formula 1 Analysis
The design trends to watch in the 2022 F1 car launches
The images of the Haas Formula 1 car may not have been the finished article, but they still gave us answers about how teams are interpreting the 2022 rules.
Although the VF-22 may be different when it appears at the first test, the early snapshot was enough to provide some insight into how teams have approached things in a different way to the FOM show cars we saw last year.
As F1 now builds up for a run of launches this week, including Red Bull, Aston Martin and McLaren, there are some key areas that can be focused on where teams may make different choices in their quest for performance.
Excellent Technical Drawings as usual by By: Giorgio Piola
Verstappen wins Autosport’s International Racing Driver of the Year Award
Formula 1 world champion Max Verstappen is the winner of Autosport’s 2021 International Racing Driver of the Year Award presented by Pirelli.
Verstappen ended Lewis Hamilton’s domination of F1 by snatching the crown in the dramatic Abu Dhabi Grand Prix finale. The Red Bull star took 10 wins and 10 pole positions on his way to his first F1 title.
Autosport readers have voted Verstappen the best racing driver of 2021, ahead of main rival Hamilton, IndyCar champion Alex Palou and Formula E title winner Nyck de Vries.
Verstappen’s victory was announced on 6 February at the Autosport Awards, which returned to a live event at Grosvenor House on Park Lane following the online-only competition of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“First of all, I would like to say a big thank for you to all the fans for voting for me to win this award. All the support over the year was amazing,” said Verstappen via a video message.
“I would like to thank Red Bull and Honda for giving me the car to win the world championship.”
Red Bull boss Christian Horner accepted the award on behalf of Verstappen, adding: “Obviously he has developed and matured over the last few years. The way he drove last year was outstanding and to go up against Lewis Hamilton who was at the top of his game.
“Max led more laps than any other driver and won more races, he thoroughly deserves this award.”
The award, which has been running since 1982, is open to professional racing drivers competing at international level. Verstappen is the first Dutch driver to win the award.
The computer weapon that has given F1 confidence over 2022 rules
Formula 1 fans may be full of excitement for the new car designs that will roll out this week, but the true answer about the success of the 2022 rules is still some way off.
As Haas technical director Simone Resta said on Friday after the reveal of his team’s VF-22 images: “So far everyone has been playing with models, whether it is a wind tunnel scale model or whether it is virtual model, simulator, simulation etc. It’s all in the virtual world. There’s nothing on track.
“The only thing that matters is on track performance with the drivers. We really need to see how the package will work, how it will interact with the tyres, how it will interact with the setup, etc.
“We can only be able to judge and improve the following once we will be able to stay one second behind another car in a fast corner, and understand how the delivery will be if compared to 2021.”
Resta’s cautiousness is based on the times that the FIA and F1 chiefs have pushed on with bold rule changes to improve the spectacle, only for them to fall flat when the cars ran in the real world.
One of the most famous examples was the 2009 regulation overhaul that was aimed at tidying up the aero of the cars to help them follow each other better.
FIA work on simulating airflow turbulence left the sport’s chiefs hopeful that the tweaks would work; but the teams scuppered things by over-riding the intention of the rules through their quest for performance.
The way the team’s aero panned out actually disrupted the wake in such a way that it made it difficult for the cars to follow each other.
As the FIA’s current head of single seater matters Nikolas Tombazis, who worked for Ferrari at the time, said: “The rules were just full of so many freedoms that within a few weeks of windtunnel testing, and obviously I was sitting on the other side of the fence [working for a team], we had totally negated all the good things that had been thought of.”
As F1 heads into a much bigger rules shake up than even 2009, there is a much-increased level of confidence from the sport’s chiefs about how the regulations will deliver.
“One of the most famous examples was the 2009 regulation overhaul that was aimed at tidying up the aero of the cars to help them follow each other better”
Mmmm cause thats what F1 needed something to make it more processional.
The regulation change was intended to enable chasing cars to get closer to the car in front without being handicapped by “dirty air” (turbulence), ..and hence create MORE overtaking opportunities.
As per my earlier post on doing surveys, I just did another one one climate change and that natural Gas, heating, hot water and cooking is the big bogie in your house. More scare mongering to drive us away from natural gas to a fully electric house? No thanks I’d like to have my gas as a backup for my heating hot water and cooking when our every so reliable electricity supply starts to fall over. I don’t use my gas heating because it’s too damn expensive to run now – but its there just in case. Hot water heater is outside so no risk, cooking 20 mins a day max, using an exhaust hood, minimal risk.
The references for the information provided earlier in the survey are:
Thank you for your time, this survey is being conducted on behalf of speakslouder.
Please click on ‘Submit’ to send us your answers and receive your points.
Exclusive: Whistleblower Videos Show Systemic Issues With Pennsylvania Elections
These videos indicate there were widespread violations of the election code in a large Pennsylvania county, followed by coverups.
Regina Miller, a contract worker assisting Delaware County officials, secretly filmed the videos as she helped election employees gather material in response to a “Right to Know Request” that sought documentation to confirm the election results certified by the county.
In one of the several most-recent videos The Federalist obtained from someone familiar with the situation, two employees are speaking. The first woman states, “This is what a provisional bag looks like.” As she continues to explain the process for safeguarding provisional ballots following the close of polls, she notes, “And what we currently do not have is a valid chain of custody for the provisional ballots.”
The shocked whistleblower repeats the claim as a question: “So are you saying we never had a chain of custody?” The other woman replies that only “20 percent of precincts have locked the blue bag in the past,” a reference to the bag in which provisional ballots are to be stored and safeguarded.
“Personally, I think that this is happening in every county in Pennsylvania,” the Delaware County election official notes. “We’re working on this antiquated law,” she explains, “on top of the new law,” an apparent reference to changes instituted shortly before the 2020 election.
While these latest videos provide more evidence of significant issues with the November 2020 election in Delaware County, the totality of the whistleblower tapes has two broader implications: First, the problems captured on video suggest systemic issues with American elections. Second, without whistleblowers filming the behind-the-scenes chaos, the public would remain blissfully ignorant of the apparent banana republic-like state of our electoral process.
Even with the videos, public officials continue to brand the evidence “misinformation.” Americans need to wake up—and soon.
Who thinks it’s strange that not one resident of China has yet received any mRNA vaccine.
They say they are developing one, but not used as yet.
Or Russia I beleive
The tealeaves are stirring?
“Shifting Narratives, Leading CNN Political and Medical Voice Says Time to Drop the Mask Mandate
February 8, 2022 | Sundance | 81 Comments
Something has changed in the past several days. Likely the private COVID fear polling continued to show an overwhelming number of Americans are just done with the constant COVID-19 fear porn and mandates.”
More at
Tucker on Canada
Tucker + Rebel News
There is no sudden hostility to off label medicines. It has been there as long as Fauci has had any control – 40-50 years! Read histories of the AIDS epidemic. Watch ‘Dallas Buyers Club’. That was happening because Fauci was spending 80% of the Aids budget on AZT, and zero on generic medicines. The death toll got so in their face, that his backers in Congress abandoned him, and he was forced to back down. He was forced to allow community trials of drugs. Once he got AZT out and killing people, he chucked generic drugs out of the faster community trials, and used them for pharma drugs. Anthony seems to be the ultimate killing machine!
As a southern American, our Civil War looms large in my own personal identity construct.
This usually meant being put down by popular culture as a ‘redneck’, and being embarrassed by my accent.
My father talked about being ridiculed by arrogant Yankees in WWII, only to have them to look to the hard as nails Southern boy to save their butts when the shooting started.
And then there’s our friend Neil Young.
This same, age old, cultural divide seems to have developed worldwide as result of the ‘pandemic’.
Non-compliants are the new global rednecks.
And the butt of snide quips … Aye, and the entire media and political talking headosphere.
I recommend the Clint Eastwood movie, ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’.
You’ll see what really ends up motivating rednecks and truckers.
In 1860, the Northerners and the Southerners had much the same survival skills.
Not so much nowadays.
The Elites know not what they do.
Enjoying the youtube channel “its a southern thing” at the moment. Some funny stuff 🙂
WRT Canada…a farmer who joined the protest in Ottowa reminded the worst ever Canadian PM (Justin Trudeau) of the current situation… “NO TRUCKS, NO FARMS, NO FOOD”. Nothing like starvation to wake up the Canadian voters.
The truckers best strategy now is a truckers strike. The government is not going to give in, and if the truckers give in, the totalitarians prevail. However, they can go home but then go on strike. This will put the screws on the government officials and give the truckers and their allies the upper moral ground.
The government might then try to replace the truckers with military convoys, but that would cross the Rubicon.
“Tweets speak to added language in Pfizer earnings report today. Quite interesting considering they are mandated to produce info on trials now, and not in 75 years.”
More at
Tim Pool on Ottawa
Maine Doctor Ordered to Undergo Psych Evaluation for Prescribing Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine
More in the above link.
“Quebec Liberal MP Speaks Out Against Stupidity of PM Justin Trudeau Position on COVID Mandates, Immediately Removed From Position
February 8, 2022 | sundance | 150 Comments”
In comments at that thread Judge orders return of confiscated fuel
Here’s another one in the long list of reasons for the freedom fighters to win on our behalf; to stop babies from being vaccinated:
Injecting Babies…Why?
The answer is Diabolical
The world’s first female F-35 fighter pilot crashed a plane on its first flight
The world’s first female pilot, crashed an F-35 fighter on her first try.
After the publication of a video of the collision of an American F-35 fighter with the deck of an aircraft carrier, it became known that the world’s first female F-35 pilot was at the helm of the US Navy’s fifth generation fighter. This, according to American sources, was her first flight from the deck of an aircraft carrier, which was enough to destroy a fighter worth more than $ 100 million.
The information that the fighter was flown by a woman was presented to the media by one of the crew members of the American aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, noting that despite the fact that the woman had completed a full course of training and successfully completed the take-off and landing training program on the deck of an aircraft carrier, for her, the current flight was the first from the deck of a real warship.
It is noteworthy that in the video (50 Secs)you can hear that the crew is furiously giving instructions to the F-35 pilot, probably realizing that the crash of the fighter will be virtually inevitable, and literally in a matter of moments the woman is trying to align the fighter with the deck, but completely unsuccessfully.
The command of the US Navy has not yet commented on such information.
Leaked Video Emerges Of US Stealth Jet Crashing On Carrier In South China Sea
In late January, a $135 million single-seat, single-engine, all-weather stealth fighter jet designed by Lockheed Martin crash-landed aboard the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson in the South China Sea. A partial video of the incident was published days after the Jan. 24 crash but didn’t show the full impact until now.
What I don’t understand, although would assume carrier travelling 20 knots into wind, why a rescue boat wasn’t launched to get a tether around the F35?
Below is a confirmed photo of the F-35C floating in the South China Sea after sliding off the flight deck.
Found a flier in the letterbox encouraging attendance at an introductory talk, exclusively for those who show “proof of vaccination”, on the Extinction Rebellion approach to our climate emergency.
This is what the premier means when he talks about the vaccinated economy innit?
Only a small turnout should be expected.
‘We are on the brink of a global catastrophe. Life on Earth is in danger, with scientists agreeing we are entering a period of climate and ecological breakdown. From wildfires to heatwaves, droughts to rising sea levels, the symptoms of our inaction will only worsen, the longer we take to address the causes of this crisis.’ (Extinction Rebellion)
I was going to post my usual breaking news stories on Tuesday but something just hit my radar that makes everything else irrelevant.
This is super massive and I’m spending all my time on this.
My next post, whenever that may be, may well cover this event.
The warmest La Nina year in history, they are clutching at straws to prove CO2 causes global warming.
King for life , a parody of the WA glorious leader .
Extinction Rebellion are intellectually challenged nonentities. The Earth has not warmed significantly since 1998 (the year of the super El Nino). I am predicting that La Nina (for Australia) will be the dominant climate factor until at least 2025.