Justin Trudeau froze bank accounts of bread-winners who had committed no crime, in order to stop a protest that had largely been stopped. Everyone could see this was wanton partisan spite. But in a financial system built entirely on trust Trudeau was sticking giant public pins in Banking Voodoo dolls. If banks are just tools of partisan petty Ministers to use on political opponents, no one’s money was safe. Even if Trudeau reverses all the theft, people can’t un-see the Voodoo Doll.
Canadian banks became a bad joke:
Trudeau wasn’t trying to stop the current convoy, he was trying to scare away all the future ones. It’s all about intimidation, to scare future donors from supporting future events. Canadians, we, all of us in the West have a choice now — to be scared into serfdom or to donate twice as much.
Google is on his side: identifying all the donors on a live map
In an extraordinary breach, Google published a map today for some hours with every hacked donor name and address, even including people who just donated $10. The link was here, but it’s just a “404 error” now. As @alberta_cw says “This is war”. Don’t feed the machine. Don’t click the ads. The only reason to have a g-mail account now is as a decoy.
The one good thing about this gross breach of privacy is that the 92,000 supporters can now find each other and get organized.
h/t to JoJoDogfacedboy and SmallDeadAnimals
Donors accounts will be unfrozen, but not so the Truckers. They have been found guilty and sentenced without a trial to be un-citizens until such time as they prove their innocence.
Canada Instructs Banks to Unfreeze Freedom-Convoy Accounts
Paul Vieira, The Wall Street Journal
On Monday, Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland defended the freezings, which some financial-law experts warned could affect people unaffiliated with the protest.
“These measures were put in place to disrupt illegal activity in Canada,” she said. “We were very clear that we would be following the money, that we would be using financial tools to disrupt illegal blockades and occupations. The focus absolutely has been on leaders and on the vehicles that were such an important part of the illegal blockades and occupations.”
“The way to get your account unfrozen is to stop being part of the blockade and occupation,” she added.
The protesters get it:
The organizers of the Ottawa protest said in a statement posted on social media that the freezing of bank accounts and other financial assets has shocked Canadians. “The more severe implication, however, is that by using [emergency powers] as financial warfare, it will sow mistrust in both the banking system and the government and the repercussions will be felt for years to come.”
Someone is going to have to explain Canadian Parliament to me. There must be a point of having an upper house?
The Canadian legislature voted Monday to extend the emergency powers for a total 30-day period. The extension still requires approval from the Senate, whose members are appointed by the prime minister and which rarely overturns measures approved by the lower house.
I’m still waiting for our PM to assure us that what has happened in Canada will never happen here. Actually, I haven’t heard him say anything about Trudopes actions.
luck with that!
Is that supposed to be an April fool’s joke? Australia is loaded up with despot leaders. Our PM and state premiers are more likely learning from Trudeau to see how they can implement more efficient means to subdue and subjugate the public.
Yes PeterS. There is no doubt that the bad guys learn with each evil iteration.
It is everybody’s duty to do what they can to overcome evil even if it is just throwing sand into the gears of the machine.
The more I see of the despots, the more convinced I am that the elections in Oz are rigged….
On the surface the fake news and fake polls tell us the despots are mostly adored by the masses for saving them from the common cold, now repackaged as a Chinese cold. This is then followed up by alleged wins at elections.
However, as over the past 3 months “death tolls” due to the Covid Cold have reached numbers not ever seen in Oz before, the masses are gagging for freedom. The dropping of mask mandates in December NSW (15th to 22nd) saw at least half the population abandoning them immediately. And now everywhere the restrictions are collapsing WHILE DEATHS AND CASES ARE SKY HIGH.
OK, so just how afraid are the masses? How reliable the polls saying they are? How grateful for being saved from something they are not afraid of? Is it all BS.,..and the election results just as much BS? Well?
BTW: When someone genuinely fears something they do not need to be bullied. threatened and fined into “taking precautions” against it, do they?
This is why you need at least 3 months money in cash (hidden away of course) in order to pay the mortgage, rent, food, transport, etc. The ATM system can fall over at anytime (computer system problems, hacking, etc.) and be disabled at any time. Ever heard of a Bank Holiday or a run on the Bank?
That will work now but if their plans to introduce a cashless society comes about, which is inevitable, then we are well and truly stuffed. Then again when it does happen we will only have ourselves to blame for not protesting at the ballot box.
Arguably it’s already the case, some buses do not take cash anymore.
here’s but one example:
Since COVID, some bakeries near me demand card payments, although they can’t refuse cash. seems stupid to use a card to buy a baguette for 1 euro…funnily this doesn’t seem to be something the French complain about!
Q: what did people use before candles?
A: Electricity
Q: what did people use before money?
A: Barter
In the U.S. we have legal tender laws. They will have to repeal those if they expect people to refuse cash legally.
There are already stores in the U.S. that do not accept cash, or have made it more difficult to use cash by installing automated cashiers that only accept cards. The latter category includes the CVS drugstore chain and Whole Foods supermarkets.
In the USA, Democrats used Operation Chokepoint by the Treasury Dept to force banks to put legal businesses out of business during Obama years. No bank account, no way to cash or deposit payments = no business. Now, Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees want to use the Fed’s power over banks to deny oil companies (or any other targeted entity) use of the banking system so as to bankrupt them.
Democrats have already mastered ways to use the financial system to destroy opponents or disfavored “unpersons”.
I guess Prime Minister Trudeau’s wife is finding his name is toxic as well…
More Unintended Consequences I guess.
More like “friendly fire” than unintended consequences. Either way it exposes certain Western leaders are totally divorced from reality and don’t give a damn about the health and safety of their own people after the evidence is made available for all to see. Martin Armstrong shows such leaders are more like Marx than Stalin. I tend to differ; they are all evil, whether they realise it or not. If a leaders can’t tell that their consensuses are evil even after so much evidence shows that the consequences of their actions are evil, then they ought to be considered evil anyway. Certainly they are not fit for purpose so they ought to be disqualified from remaining a leader forthwith.
Is Schwab Evil?
Sorry Aussies.
I’d gotten into the habit of saying ‘boomerang’ when hypocrisy or something else comes back.
Boomerang, as Unintended Consequences come back to bite.
G’day Jojo,
Our ABC has just published:
” Canada is ending rarely used special measures invoked nine days ago to tackle weeks-long protests that shut some border crossings and paralysed Ottawa since late-January, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Wednesday.
“After careful consideration, we’re ready to confirm that the situation is no longer an emergency. Therefore, the federal government will be ending the use of the Emergencies Act,” Trudeau told a news conference. “.
But, they don’t exactly shout it from the rooftops. In fact they probably should give me a discovery prize…
Hint: Practise your scrolling skills.
I guess we can assume the Senate leaders may have had a quiet word?
Since the state of emergency has been withdrawn before it was finally approved by the Canadian Senate, does that make all the actions taken under the guise of the emergency illegal?
Or does it merely mean that all imprisonments and fines are declared null and void?
Dave B
my boomerang wont come back
Canada needs to hold the olympic games to show what a wonderful system it has.
Digital ID ‘advert’ just shown on GBNews with suitable comment!
Says “Banks are highly regulated and trusted..” We just got a look at how much in Canada.
The tells are becoming more visible each day. Each piece of government or big business self praise just tells the world what not to believe.
The vaccines are safe and effective. Tells us they are not safe and not effective.
Banks and highly regulated and trusted. Tells us they are not regulated in the public interest and never to be trusted,
This is the sought of collateral damage that’s always occurs by ruthless and despot leaders. Expect more of this and much worse damage. Then perhaps enough people will wake up and stop voting for the clowns.
And wait for the “Kovid Kops” to rebadge as the “Klimate Kops”.
The “narrative” started, a few months ago, to transition back to a doubling down of the Klimate Kaper.
More “political science”.
That has already started. They have switched back to the climate change scam now that the virus one is wearing thin. More coal power stations closures on the way. I suppose the sooner they do it the more people wake up to these clowns and stop voting for them. Recall Orwell’s book 1984 where they switched from one fake news story to another to keep people subdued and “trained”. Let’s hope people today are a lot smarter than those depicted in the novel, but I have my doubts.
Advice to the populace:stock up on kerosine lamps and candles.
And whale oil.
Ownership of power stations supplying the electricity grid connecting the Eastern side of Australia States and Territory …
They were all owned by State Governments before privatisation which was started in NSW, VIC and SA by Labor State Governments, sales of assets completed in NSW by a Coalition Government but at the point of no turning back. However the Howard Coalition Federal Government as part of the Kyoto Agreement “greenhouse gases” emission reduction created a 3 per cent renewable energy target, it was then up to the States to implement as they are responsible for land use, development application approvals and other red and green tape requirements before projects of any kind can get underway. It was the Gillard Labor Govervnent that raised the target to about 30 per cent around the same time as they introduced the carbon tax 10% and renewable energy surcharge (tax) 10%, plus GST 10%, charged to electricity accounts.
The Federal Government has proposed three gas fired generators, one so far State Government approved for the Hunter Valley NSW, the others proposed for VIC, QLD and NSW remain unapproved. A new coal fired power station proposed, and with the Federal Government willing to underwrite the construction costs, also remains to be State Government approved.
Regarding Snowy 2 pumped hydro project, and I am not in favour of it for many reasons, to get that project underway the Federal Government ended up buying the Stage Government’s shares in Snowy Mountains Hydro Electricity and included in the share sale worth several billion dollars to the State Governments involved was agreement that planning approval and the other approvals for the project would be provided.
In other words no State cooperation, no pumped hydro project possible.
Thirty years from now this document will be regarded as a curiosity from antiquity and scholars will go on to prove that it is a forgery.
The reason the Left, (and I mean that to include once-conservative parties infiltrated by the Left) are pushing to eliminate cash and want an all digital cashless society is so that everyone can be traced, tracked and controlled and their purchases restricted to suit particular agendas.
For example, with an all digital traceable and trackable currency you might reach your monthly quota of 28g/1oz of meat, 30kWh of electricity or 1lire/0.25US gallon of gasoline “to save the planet” and you won’t be able to purchase more than that. However, since the Left are also pushing insect consumption instead of meat for the masses, you might be advised at checkout that your meat purchase is refused “but may I suggest 4kg / 9lbs of roast cockroaches because you have not used any of your monthly insect quota”.
Sorry, that was not meant to be a reply here.
Agree. We shall see though how awake the voting public are at the next federal election. If one or the other major party wins outright, it will prove beyond any doubt Australians still don’t give a damn about what’s going on behind the scenes to strip away what freedoms they have remaining. By the time they do realise it it will be far too late. That’s how the cookie crumbles.
David the GST was created for various reasons including to provide State and Territory governments with a reliable revenue source, in return they agreed to abolish various taxes including stamp duty and payroll tax and later failed to do that after signing on for GST distribution shares in accordance with the agreed formula. Collected by the ATO nationally but one hundred per cent paid to the States and Territories. The Federal Government abolished Wholesale Sales Tax and made adjustments to welfare payments to offset GST impact on cost of living. In fact removal of WST (17.5% to 27.5%) replaced by GST (10%) reduced the price of goods significantly.
Another purpose was to collect tax from tax evasion sources, the black economy in which money changes hands with no accounting and tax liability. Of course dealing in cash was a way around paying GST but we all spend money on goods and services so even the tax evaders pay 10% when they spend their monies.
Because of the loopholes of cash transactions, and cash being hoarded which messes up money supply and circulation for governments, cashless transactions using Debit Cards and internet banking eliminates those loopholes resulting in a more efficient monitory system and tax collection. No more black market transactions, apart from barter system maybe and offshore bank accounts in tax havens, but at the G20 Meeting in QLD 2014 Treasurer Hockey from the Abbott Coalition Government proposed that all member nations review and revise their tax systems to stop profit shifting, multi-national companies showing zero profit here or in other countries and declaring a profit in a country with the lowest company tax rate. Which highlights the need for more globally competitive tax rates in Australia. To achieve that we need to collect tax on black market transaction profits.
It is obvious, the black economy has been estimated in Australia as being at least half the accounted for taxable economy, so if that could be taxed the rate would not need to be as high as it is now.
Many or most Australians today use a Debit Card directly paid from their bank account. But even if we use cash our withdrawals are recorded and our deposits. The black economy does not use bank accounts. We are required to have a Tax File Number and lodge an end of financial year tax return, unless we have an age exemption or other.
When a deceased estate is settled the banking is all recorded as the accounts are closed and the payments to beneficiaries are recorded, solicitors are very careful about complying with the laws, no surprise.
There is an argument that during bushfires, floods or other natural disasters, or the internet is down, how could we survive without cash. Easy, same as we did when Credit Cards were first introduced and for many years after that, a portable imprint machine at points of sale, copy for buyer, copy for merchant and copy for bankers.
I think you will find those imprint machines have gone the way of the dodo
Of course, internet banking online made them obsolete, but my point is that they could be used again for emergency purposes when the internet is not accessible.
Cash = Privacy.
There is a saying about trading security for freedom. Eliminating cash is inviting tyranny.
I think the Canadian banks will get a black eye out of this. Canadians in general despise their banks and hopefully will never let them live it down.
I saw all this coming way back when employers insisted that all wages/salaries be paid by EFT into bank accounts.
The old adage now applies more than ever – “If you don’t want politicians and public servants to abuse their power, don’t give it to them.”
100% correct. The problem though is most people can’t help but vote for the majors out of sheer ignorance and/or foolishness, expecting things to get better. It’s often said that’s one definition of insanity.
“Finance Minister Freeland’s assistant deputy, Isabelle Jacques, informed a parliamentary committee that all bank accounts frozen by the federal government’s use of the Emergency Act, were immediately being unfrozen.
Is the Canadian government now experiencing a serious financial problem as the result of Trudeau and Freeland’s totalitarian lust for power and use of finance to crush their political opposition?
Apply Occam’s Razor here and the result is akin to: ‘How couldn’t they“.”
What’s the difference between freezing people’s accounts and closing down our coal fired power stations? Nothing really, just that the former is much more rapid to achieve the same financial disaster.
Sundance has just put a new update on this https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/23/boom-trudeau-reversal-motive-surfaces-canadian-banking-association-was-approved-by-world-economic-forum-to-lead-the-digital-id-creation/
Breaking News -Trudeau Revokes the Emergency Act just Two days after he declared it.
What changed?
Trudeau withdrew the Emergency Act 20 min ago, 4pm his time. I watched the Senate Hearing all day and there were some very powerful speeches against. The “for” crowd kept on about the “violence and illegal activity”.
It is likely the motion for the emergencies act would not have passed in the senate. Trudeau’s advisors clearly seen the writing on the wall. Revoking the act was the best option for them when faced with a losing vote. It could still be spun as a win and already is.
A glance at my avatar is a hint that I like a sly double-entendre.
We can say any of these with a straight face. We can post them on sites where criticisms are being filtered out or where people are keeping track of who is on which team.
Everything below can mean two opposite things, depending on the listener.
Bully for Justin!
He certainly has his father’s style
Since he took charge, things have really fallen together
I literally can’t say enough good things about our Prime Minister. I can’t criticize anything he’s done
He’s showed us what our country is made of
CBC programming is very effective. Their take has been critical
That was a serious threat to our freedom last week, and it’s still hanging over our heads
I can’t wait to see how those people get themselves out of this legal mess
We should waste no time contacting the Prime Minister’s Office with our thoughts
We are all good Liberals now. It’s criminal to be anything less. (well, maybe that last one would give the game away…)
And as an unexpected bonus, the acronym for a #BullyForJustin meme would be #BFJ. It goes rather well with #FJB, no?
Honk honk, with all the respect that our betters have earned. I hear that Pretty Weak Justin has now blinked; he can’t look any honest person in the eye.
Member of Parliament actually said that “honk honk” was code for Heil Hitler.
A reminder of another Trudeauean Triumph
The reason the Left, (and I mean that to include once-conservative parties infiltrated by the Left) are pushing to eliminate cash and want an all digital cashless society is so that everyone can be traced, tracked and controlled and their purchases restricted to suit particular agendas.
For example, with an all digital traceable and trackable currency you might reach your monthly quota of 28g/1oz of meat, 30kWh of electricity or 1lire/0.25US gallon of gasoline “to save the planet” and you won’t be able to purchase more than that. However, since the Left are also pushing insect consumption instead of meat for the masses, you might be advised at checkout that your meat purchase is refused “but may I suggest 4kg / 9lbs of roast cockroaches because you have not used any of your monthly insect quota”.
Once a person recognizes that something dressed up like a noble cause is actually just a power grab or a money grab, that person gets better at recognizing the pattern.
CAGW? Yep.
Tracking every transaction? Yep.
Amazon Alexa and the ilk? Yep.
Google search? Yep.
Facebook? Yep.
“It’s for everyone’s benefit.” “It will make your life easier.” Let me get back to you on that one. Might be a while.
Freedom, privacy and small government with western cultural values are the healthiest, greenest and most sustainable ways to live. Yield on any of these and we get weaker.
Honk honk, honk honk.
Shutting down coal fired power stations? Yep
Efforts to instigate the so called Great Reset? Yep
Police instructed to apply draconian tactics to shut down peaceful protesters? Yep
MSM? Yep
Major parties? Yep
I think that, admirably, its to combat crime.
Reality is that the policing is very selective and sometimes criminal itself. I was a victim of a set up to get attacked by a drug dealer and his son. It turned out that I was just one of numerous men who were attacked for fun. Fortunately, just got attacked by the father. The son got convicted of murder about 7 years later. The corrupt police threatened to charge me for throwing the father’s head through a plaster wall.
Not one of my finer moments but I had no idea of what I had gotten into and had been given a split lip out of the blue (I’m not into drugs). It really drummed home not only how corrupt some police can be, it’s the “caring” left who encouraged it. Amazing how many supposedly good people (Catholic school teachers who knew what was going on and could have warned me to stay away) turned a blind eye. They could have saved at least one life by speaking out. Probably more because the son was a suspected hitman – of probably as garbage human beings as him but not the sort of person you would want to judge if a death sentence is deserved.
Be very wary of giving away your rights for the common good.
A very appropriate warning given the circumstances…
This is just a pause. The stand off has just begun. *Apols for wind*
The Chinese have their social credit system- or so I have heard. Not sure how it works, how extensive it is or how extreme. But I keep hearing reports about it and where it was used to suppress activity under COVID restrictions etc. Call it a social credit system and one element of it is this digital currency proposal. I think there are people now in a lot of western financial systems just itching to insert a digital currency system into our economies. I was a little shocked to hear the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (Rishi Sunak) say exactly that, not long ago. Maybe as a weapon against cryptocurrency or maybe part of the plans of that WEF mob. You know , Klaus Schwab. Every time I hear him talk , I imagine the Star Wars/ Darth Vader soundtrack in the background. I think this is another situation where our supposed “leaders” are pretty well asleep at the wheel. I think most of us appreciate the ease and handiness of the EFT system, which accelerated during COVID. (I literally haven’t paid cash for anything in about a year). But, if our financial system can be abused in this way by governments and our assets frozen it will lead us back to hoarding cash again.
This shows one of the MASSIVE faults in the Parliamentary system.
And, by extension, the strength of the American Republican system.
Our Founders were wise enough to literally invent this to keep the Justins of the
out of my country.
(P. S. Go ahead. Tell me another nation that has what we have. If the Pretender Biden had those powers we’d be in some deep you-know-what.)
I will do some research later but I believe that the United States of America does have provision for a Federal Government to legislate for Emergency Powers, and for each State Government to legislate Emergency Powers, similar to what Canada, Australia and others listed below can do, emphasis on needing to get legislation passed by the Parliament or similar place of elected representatives voting for or against legislation bills.
‘Pretender Biden’ You said it.
So you think things are going well then?
Viva Frei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw7SlOcy3ew
How embarrassing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBXdKDHPJCY
And even more embarrassing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1mbZDMgOAs
So, yeah, Turd-dope is a Narcissist. He can feel shame, embarrassment, but not remorse or guilt. No conscience.
But what about Freeland and the threat of certain measures being permanent?
The WEF should be banned. Secret Societies are antithetical to a free society.
“Facing Financial Peril and a Pending Senate Rebuke, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Revokes Emergency War Measures Act
February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 54 Comments”
Seems some documents “fell off a truck” to the Senate
And a reminder of a previous Trudeauian Triumph
“Keep an eye on the story of this Senate discovery. From all indications, even the liberal allies of Trudeau in the Senate were unable to support the Emergency Act after they reviewed the non-public documents. There’s something very damaging in those documents, likely internal emails between Trudeau and his various ministers.”
The law of unintended consequences
When you hang your hat on a single issue, there a myriad of consequential issues associated with it
Government meddling in a fragile fiat currency relying totally in trust and confidence can totally unravel with brainless politicians making political decisions
Thanks for the link. I just came from watching Mr Blackface showing all decent and honourable about stopping the Emergency Act and my first thought was, “Now why the hell would he be doing this?”
It makes him look weak and even stupid to revoke it so quickly, particularly after the cops have been beating people and his minions have been trumpeting their totalitarian dreams of revenge and persecution.
Nothing like watching the international financial community react to him using banks as a weapon to get Trudeau’s masters to make him front the public – they should have made him wear blackface though!
Time to defund Google as well. Stop using the search, open a protonmail email account to replace your gmail one, divest every connection you have to Alphabet. (Google’s owner)
Displaying the locations of all the donors was madness – we already know burn loot murder and antifa have zero issues going and ‘visiting’ anyone that doesn’t agree with them whose address they can find.
Wait for lots of stories (not in the MSM of course) about people being raided by terrorists and having their proerty damaged by rioters… sorry I mean ‘mostly peaceful protests’!
More on that “FOT” in #19
“BOOM, Trudeau Reversal Motive Surfaces – Canadian Banking Association Was Approved by World Economic Forum To Lead the Digital ID Creation
February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 172 Comments
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. A promotional video from the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) helps to neatly connect all the dots about why the Canadian government made such a quick reversal in their bank asset seizures in the last 24 hours {Go Deep}. And yes, as we suspected, it was almost certainly contact from the World Economic Forum to Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that triggered the change in position.” More at
“The WEF is getting more and more exposure. Joe Rogan is covering some of it and reaches a different audience than Sundance.
https://100percentfedup.com/joe-rogan-drops-another-bomb-exposes-how-covid-fear-is-being-used-to-set-up-a-check-point-society-video/ ”
A comment at CTH
Kim Iversen on WEF Young Global Leaders
“Russia, the Ukraine, and US interests – the reality”
Be careful what is asked for.
Australia has more laws relating to financial assets than people are aware of.
Unexplained wealth laws are a relatively recent development in confiscation law, which require a person who lives beyond their apparent means to justify the legitimacy of their financial circumstances. Unexplained wealth laws are currently in place in the Northern Territory and Western Australia, while Commonwealth provisions recently came into effect. New South Wales has recently announced its intention to introduce laws mirroring the Commonwealth legislation.
Many new taxation laws were introduced into an already complex taxation system when the ATO realised that high wealth individuals were cheating by using Credit Cards issued overseas to pay for goods and services in Australia, so that the accounting was also offshore.
Typically the Credit Card/s are issued by a bank to a client company usually with a tax haven address, the Credit Card user appears to be an employee, the accounts are debited from the company’s account and the transactions are hidden from the ATO, the Credit Card user could be a foreign tourist or other and not a citizen of Australia as far as the paperwork indicated.
Apparently the ATO traced a large number of these users and investigated them, many ended up agreeing to a settlement of what the ATO deemed to be tax avoidance plus a fine.
For all those who don’t want to lose ‘friends’ when certain topics come up, JP has prepared the perfect scripts. So tempted to send this to certain people
Not so True Doo blinks…………………….
What a “Plonker” he is…………………..
I do not like the LNP and I deplore the failure of Morrison to actually have a clue and not kowtow to the NWO WRT “vaccines”(sic!) and climate lunacy.
But just imagine if we had a Green/ALP coalition running the country. You think that it could not be worse?
Then, you have no idea. We are nowhere near the bottom of the abyss yet, but the next election may well push us in.
There is a downloadable pamphlet on how to really make votes for minor parties count in Oz.
I have it on another PC but alas it it is umm “offline”.
IIRC the site is: https://www.reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au/latest-news/
“Oh Gawd! Turns out the “Honk Honk” means Heil Hitler (as claimed by a Canadian MP) was, in fact, yet another 4Chan spoof!”
Via Chiefio
If you wanted to tour around Canada now you would have to think seriously about not supporting a quasi-dictatorship.
Trudeau did say there will be consequences and he was right. People living in Canada that are supporters of freedom and democracy – as opposed to living with tyranny under a harsh dictatorship, will have no choice but to send their money offshore to a bank account that can’t be frozen or seized by Trudeau, such as in Luxembourg or Switzerland. This will have consequences for the Canadian banking system and the currency. At best, the government will be forced to prop up the banks with a big injection of quantitative easing, causing a big drop in the currency and at worst the banking system will collapse as people rush to withdraw funds in a move similar to what we saw with toilet paper back in 2020, but with a far messier ending. Trudeau will own this forever, there is no escaping, even with blackface and a mask.
I personally lost confidence in Canada’s banking system and our government and hid enough money to live without my bank account for an extended period. I did this in anticipation ahead of any action by the government on private bank accounts. It may not have been necessary but is also a form of protest.
We really do need to connect the dots when seeking to grasp what is happening on the world stage today.
It seems Trudeau’s actions may have awakened the masses a little further than planned for at this stage of The Great Reset.
“Yeah, that opaque shadow is getting a little clearer now.
“Perhaps you attempt to purchase dog food and get denied entry into Pet Smart because you didn’t renew the car registration.
Or perhaps you are blocked from entry because you forgot to change the oil on the leased vehicle you drive, and Toyota has this weird agreement with some retail consortium. You head to the oil change place that conveniently pops up in the citizen compliance App –it’s only two blocks away– they clear the alert after they do the oil change, and you are gateway compliant again.
“Missed your booster shot? We’re sorry citizen, your bank account is frozen until your compliance is restored… please proceed to the nearest vaccination office as displayed conveniently on your cell phone screen to open access to all further gates (checkpoints)…. tap to continue!
Vote for the wrong candidate? Attend, or donate to, a trucker protest?”
“Yes, it seemed transparently obvious where this was heading, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just awakened the masses:… ”
Read further:
Another website reported: February 23, 2022:
“Mainstream media headlines are reading, “Trudeau revoked the Emergencies Act.” If you thought Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland had a rare moment of compassion and concern for fellow Canadians, think again.
“Trudeau and Freeland caved in under the pressure of “screaming” bank executives and major shareholders who have a “front row seat” as they are witnessing billions of dollars leaving the Canadian banking system at breakneck speed.
“Trudeau and Freeland were both forced to back off their outrageous use of the Emergencies Act, not out of compassion and patriotism but rather in a fit of panic and loss of control…. ”
Source: https://www.extremelyamerican.com/post/martin-armstrong-trudeau-backs-down-after-major-banks-scream-about-massive-withdrawals?fbclid=IwAR3kPDFKXHuUr-TeAivhsGpAe_pHSxa6afcTeKjB7T9i78LUf-0LFvG8res
It should be remembered that the banks did not resist or protest this action in any public way.