Dear Complier, you can mock and throw angry names and I will still fight for your freedom
Feel the implacable calmness that comes from someone who knows exactly what they stand for.
From Anon:
Dear Complier,
We’ve met, but you probably don’t recognise me. You may remember referring to me as a “conspiracy theorist”, “racist”, “sexist”, “bigot”, or “anti-vaxxer”, but in fact I am none of the above, and much more to you than you realise. I am your friend, family member, colleague, lover, acquaintance and neighbour. I am everywhere, but I don’t self-righteously disclose where exactly.
You’re wearing a mask so I can’t see the scorn set on your lips, or even your smile (if it’s there). Your eyes are visible, but in them I see only compliance, fear, shame and defeat. I don’t judge you, as I know you are a victim. You have been efficiently conditioned, the result of which has left you stripped bare of self-confidence, dignity, power and compassion.
Your only strength is to attack those unwilling to join you in obedience. It’s okay – I don’t feel mad – I feel sad for you. I will allow you to direct your fear at me and I will accept it, because the battle I am fighting is for you as well as me. It’s for your children and grandchildren, as well as mine.
You and I both had a choice to make, and I decided to fight for freedom. You submitted instantly, and attempted to shame, intimidate and coerce me into the same, becoming outraged at my independence and my belief in “my body, my choice”. You disagree with my striving for a fair and just society, free from fraud and deception. You call me a “fascist” for arguing against government overreach. Do you see this irony?
While you continue to angrily comply, to follow those who have continuously lied to you, I will continue to push back. I will continue to value my autonomy and I will use my strength to free us both from the path you are blindly walking down.
One day you will see how much your compliance almost cost us, and hopefully you will see that I was never your enemy. I look forward to this day, and I will celebrate it with you. Until then, I will be here propping you up and preventing you from falling, anonymously of course.
Sincerely, Anon.
Below — Another RedPill Moment — send it to friends who may not know what historic events are taking place. It’s the dead of winter. They’re a long way from home. And no one is paying them to be there.
The most important way to help them is to share what they’re doing. Don’t let their effort be wasted. Tell The World.
Thanks to Scott of the Pacific for both.
GiveSendGo has already raised $4.6 million for the Convoy.
The claims presented to life insurance companies show that the vaccine campaign of 2021 did more harm than good. At an annual rate, claims more than doubled.
“The global life insurance industry was hit with reported claims due to COVID-19 of $5.5 billion in the first nine months of 2021 versus $3.5 billion for the whole of 2020, according to insurance broker Howden in a report on Jan 4, while the industry had expected lower payouts due to the rollout of vaccines.”
The covid origin question and the how dangerous is the covid first vaccines question, are both going to be slowly answered, as we remove the evil in our governments and wake up the population as to what has happened.
The covid virus uses biotechnology from other research which is found in peer reviewed papers. I kid you not. There is limited evil things that are possible biochemically. The designers of first release covid knew vaccines that are based on the covid spike would causes strange dangerous side effects. This is because of the deadly biotechnology used to design the covid first release spike. i.e. The objective to design evil first release covid was to create a deadly virus that will cause economy hardship in Western countries. As noted in your link vaccines based on the covid spike do not provide long term immunity to covid. This forces boosters which increases the damage to the body because the RNA vaccines force the body to produce a first release covid spike.
The covid vaccines are now medically/scientifically obsolete because we will have long term herd immunity because of Omicron.
What is also interesting is Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 both originated from Covid first release, not covid Delta. For dozens of independent reasons, covid variation BA.1 and BA.2 could not have occurred naturally. The objective of designing and releasing Omicron BA.1/BA.2 appears to be stop the covid biological terror.
BA.2 is almost the same as BA.1 except for modifications to the spike which makes BA.2 120% more contagious than BA.1. Covid first release turned into the evil deadly Delta variation of covid. BA.1 and BA.2 appeared to have been developed to defeat the first release covid biological package. I believe BA.2 is biologically the most contagious covid virus possible. The super contagiousness of BA.2 makes it not possible for someone to construct a more contagious covid virus which is more deadly than Omicron. Omicron and its virus decedents will always be in circulation.
U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy’s Report to Inspector General of DoD (See Bob’s above link).
“Murphy states that SARS-CoV-2 or, in his words, “SARS-CoV-WIV” (Wuhan Institute of Virology) is: “less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitchhiking a ride on SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm…it is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors and inserted into a recombinant bat SARSr-CoV backbone.” …
..USMC Major/Dr. Murphy also emphasizes the vaccine’s poor efficacy in protecting against coronavirus, explaining that the “vaccine approach lacks sufficient epitope coverage to protect against quasispecies of coronavirus.” This is a critical point because it bolsters the argument that natural immunity, from exposure to the full virus, almost certainly provides sturdier, long-lasting immunity to the virus than does a vaccine that only amplifies the spike protein.
Moreover, evidence suggests that spike proteins from the vaccine can circulate in the blood, causing inflammation and micro clotting. And, there is growing evidence that the spike proteins in the vaccine are themselves causing harm and/or death….”
USMC Major/Dr. Murphy also emphasizes the vaccine’s poor efficacy in protecting against coronavirus, explaining that the “vaccine approach lacks sufficient epitope coverage to protect against quasispecies of coronavirus.” This is a critical point because it bolsters the argument that natural immunity, from exposure to the full virus, almost certainly provides sturdier, long-lasting immunity to the virus than does a vaccine that only amplifies the spike protein. Moreover, evidence suggests that spike proteins from the vaccine can circulate in the blood, causing inflammation and micro clotting. And, there is growing evidence that the spike proteins in the vaccine are themselves causing harm and/or death….
Murphy also seems to confirm that the “mass vaccination campaign” will make matters worse, simulating its own “accelerated gain-of-function,” making the virus deattenuated—or stronger. He states that the vaccination “campaign” was “done with the world’s population” as a result of the virus’ escape from the lab in Wuhan….
One of the more disturbing confirmations in Murphy’s letter—obtained by Project Veritas—centers on his discussion of the known therapeutics like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to inhibit viral replication and modulate the immune response. He appears to confirm that effective therapeutics were known and suppressed for reasons that are yet unclear. There is certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that therapeutics were purposely withheld at great cost to hundreds of thousands of Americans. …
I have been told by a friend that his Dr said he is not allowed to test him to see is he has had covid has anyone else heard that Drs are not allowed to test to see if you have had covid??
With regard to ‘long covid’ I am hearing more and more about this and it will be something that will continue to plague many until someone works out how to get rid of it. Has anyone seen any treatments for long covid?
Vitamin D seems to continue to be important :-
Long covid is a rare phenomenon and long term viral issues are not unknown. My wife had a very long recovery from being hospitalised with the flu years ago and her doctor filled us in on it at that time.
But if one looks at “long covid” sufferers nearly all of their suffering is actually psychological problems and a certain subset of the population, middle aged women, are the most likely to suffer it, and also the most likely to have mental conditions.
In short, long covid is being peddled, falsely, by the covidian cultists as a reason for more vaxxing, which does, as we know, absolutely zero in stopping one get an infection.
It is the fact that it is first you banana. Since this is not a strongly themed topic it probably wont matter but the guy has form.
[Nil content from you Gee Aye. You are the thread bomber today. Do you have nothing to say related to the post topic? Vaccine compliance, and protests? – Jo
[PS: Please, commenters, DONT add to this pointless subthread. The real topic is so much more important]
The last sentence in the link really bites home and reinforces why the Truckers are so right.
The article is all about the utter stupidity of mandates and force vaccinations.
Right on target !
“Murphy explains that the push to limit disease transmission should be dropped “as a strategy” and is not even “feasible.”
He also says that early treatment and prophylaxis are preferred interventions over the use of vaccines.”
The police chief called this an insurrection. I see only free people telling government “NO” and government doesn’t like that word, unless they say it. Lord help them if they ever see the true definition of insurrection.
It is not unreasonable for Canada to require that truck-drivers crossing the US-Canada border be vaccinated. It has become necessary because of the dysfunctional US response to the epidemic.
Follow the science that tells us that this is ineffective against the current strain and of course, the talisman of obedience (a mask) is also ineffective at preventing or transmitting the virus.
I am not an anti-vaxxer. I had the Moderna mRna booster just before Christmas. It caused my immune system to attack me, and I was partly immobilised for several weeks. After six weeks I am not quite back to normal. I have just found out that a neighbour had an almost identical reaction to Pfizer. Also, my doctor said her daughter had a very severe reaction to Moderna. The more I talk to people, the more I find that has gone wrong with the vaccines.
I am still not an anti-vaxxer, but I recognise that anti-vaxxers have a case, that they should be listened to, that governments should never ever make these vaccines mandatory, that governments should be open about the risks, and that alternatives like existing anti-virals should have been openly and honestly discussed with the general public instead of the obscene demonisation (“horse wormer” eg) which actually occurred.
I support the Canadian truckers’ anti-mandate protest. And no, Mr Trudeau, it is not an anti-vaccine protest. Those Canadian truckers are standing up for all of us.
You do seem to have been unlucky. I had a booster injection on December 13 2021 and have had no untoward reactions whatsoever. Nor did my wife or any of our friends who have had a booster jab.
“I hereby reject my allowance of jabs, and award them to Ian, seeing as he thinks they are safe for him.”
So far I haven’t had any reason to suppose they are unsafe nor has my wife or my sons or my-daughters-in-law or our friends. Why do you think they are unsafe? I suspect it isn’t from your personal experience as It seems you might not be getting vaccinated
Ian. I’ll assume you are on the level, so I’ll take your question…”So far I haven’t had any reason to suppose they are unsafe nor has my wife or my sons or my-daughters-in-law or our friends. Why do you think they are unsafe?” to be legit….
The commonwealth govt has established a dedicated Vaccine payment….“Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs”, which is a very good reason to think they are unsafe.
If you know of any govt anywhere establishing a payment to cover damage done by a private manufacturer’s product (say asbestos, tobacco, mercury etc etc) tell us about it.
So, now that you are aware that the Federal Govt has tagged the gene-jabs as killers, why persist with the “I ain’t seen nothing”? This is it.
There must be some common reason why some people have bad reactions and others not, but because of the politicians reckless nothing to see here policy, it will take some time to get to the bottom of this while the side effects continue to mount up.
Just because the bomb or shell missed you and your company does not mean that they do not hurt others.
It is called “luck” and IIWY I would hope that it continues as those nasty spike proteins can have long term effects.
I went to see my very experienced GP a few months ago to find out the least worst option if I get forced to take the shot for work. He said dont get anything if you can – he only got the AZ shot himself to keep his job. He is seeing alot of neurological problems with fizzer especially and also heart problems in younger males. He had one patient almost die after first fizzer shot, in hospital for 3 days, then still went back for the second shot – he was gobsmacked. He said he will not give the shot to anyone being coerced, only to those coming of their own free will, because he doesnt want that on his conscience.
Family member who is an ambo (very pro jab) admitted hospitals are filling with young men with myocarditis/pericarditis – said it was better than getting covid! Insanity – what risk do young men have from covid?
I know plenty of people, mostly under 50 that have had serious reactions to all types of covid jabs. My very fit cousin called an ambulance thinking he was having a heart attack the day after fizzer shot no2. Emergency doctor dismissed it as having nothing to do with the jab! How many are going unreported? This is criminal. One glance at VAERS, tells you everything you need to know about covid ‘vaccines’ and that is massively under reported – I have seen U.S. nurses stand before committees and say their colleagues didnt know what VAERS was!
“Family member who is an ambo (very pro jab) admitted hospitals are filling with young men with myocarditis/pericarditis – said it was better than getting covid!”
When people, especially those who should know better, tell you that risking four times the vaxx injury rate (the US CDC’s own stats) is a better health bet than a healthy young man risking a few days off work with a bad cold, you KNOW that the theory of mass psychosis is very likely true.
Your family member (the ambo) may be brain-damaged.
The gene-jabs cause spike proteins to protrude from blood-vessel-walls into the blood-stream, where they pick up passing platelets to form clots. These clots then cause diminished flow, followed by brain damage, which is known as vascular dementia.
Major signs of this condition are loss of intellect / reasoning ability (sounds like your ambo) AND aggression if forced to think / reason.
Look at how rabid politicians, journalists etc have become on this issue…and simultaneously ir-rational. Vascular dementia writ large!
I have told the story before but I had uncontrolled BP abt 4 weeks after jab 1. It was at the limit of my home tester’s range. I was never asked my status in ER so no way would it be a vax side effect. /sarc
I was not offered any explanation why it happened and no one opined on my risk. I just think that a BP of 220 puts one at high risk brain haemorrhage.
The up side is that my arteries passed their stress test.
It would appear that there is significant variability between batches
“We looked at European Medicines Agency, FDA and Pfizer documents and found that the active ingredient, modified RNA, is allowed to vary by 50% from batch to batch. This “acceptability standard” was set by Pfizer arbitrarily.”
Fran. Already discussed this variation in strengths, on many occasions…
The object is to inject everyone with a cumulative fatal dose of RNA. The varying strengths allow many first and second shot survivors to spruik the “benign” nature of the gene-jabs. SOME may have got placebos both times. But everyone else got something…and as the boosters accumulate EVERYONE will get something. After several shots the deaths will accumulate too.
This is like playing roulette in a casino. Betting at random; varying amounts on different numbers. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but OVER TIME you are sure to be wiped out. AND it is all random!
The so called vaccines are not vaccines at all as they promote infection. The CDC and co changed the definition of vaccines to try to incorporate these concoctions. I don’t think their changes actually include the promotion of infection…
I have three relatives who ended up in hospital and know many others with severe reactions, far worse than they would have had with covid. I also know many who have had covid recently and its just like the flu.
The vaxxes are not necessary as we have far more effective treatments which actually work, which Jo has kept us all informed on. They need to be banned immediately as they do nothing to stop infection, and as you have found out, cause all sorts of issues. And almost certainly will cause severe long term issues in many.
Simon, the experimental shots are clearly ineffective at stopping transmission of the virus.
No flappy-hands excuses about reducing hospitalization have the slightest relevance here.
If they don’t stop transmission then governments are breaking the rule: never mass use a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic.
That’s it. White or black. Right or wrong. There is no wriggle room on this. The governments that continued to push for jab mandates and passports after it was clear that the jabs couldn’t stop transmission of Delta, let alone Omicron, were in the wrong.
There is zero scientific justification for jab mandates and jab passports. There is solid scientific reason to immediately end mass use of these failed shots. The truckers are right and the government is wrong.
We know a young man who ended up with an orchiotomy; a horrifying and painful price to pay in order to travel.
Locally, of the people we know who have had covid, only 1 was unvaxxed, the rest were ‘2 plus booster’. Hmmm. We also know of quite a few bad reactions including hospitalisation.
Hospitalisation rather than getting sick or passing it on. And that is not from a straight forward analysis.
I suspect that if it were a repurposed cheap drug, the analysis of the same results would not be so conclusive and labelled as ineffective. Remember that age makes a large difference and omicron is much less severe. The under reporting could be very large.
This would imply that only 3 of 10 vaccinated people have come down with Omicron. Of those I know, it’s more like 9 out of 10 and of those I know with natural immunity from the original version, with or without vaccinated immunity, it’s only about 1 out of 10.
The study doesn’t say what you think it’s saying.
The 70% number was biased up by a short ‘proxy’ period of only 3 months so many of the 70% were not even exposed. It also doesn’t differentiate between Omicron and Delta, except by a proxy assuming more Omicron in one period than in the previous 3 months. The study was specific to hospitalization rates, not actual effectiveness against Omicron.
They say trust the science.THAT is why we are here.The”Science”is wrooong.Just like it is wrooong about”Global warming(Climate Change)”Since OUR betters(sic)will NOT listen,then WE must MAKE THEM.Time to boot the lot of them out and bring in some new faces.The BIG 4 must go.
Of course the science was wrong, they had tried for years to get an mRNA vaccine to work and it failed in every trial.
Why did they think it would be any different this time?
If you think that science adapts to evidence, then why do you still believe that CO2 controls the climate? The science is unambiguously clear that it does not.
Rand Paul recently opined that the biggest causality of the irrational response to the China virus is the integrity of science. This has already happened as a result of the IPCC distorting climate science for ideological reasons and is what turned scientific misinformation into the most useful tool the political left has.
Joe Biden is not in charge of anything. But clearly he personally ordered the immediate military evacuation of Afghanistan. It took time for others to convince him to allow the soldiers to go back. He undid in 12 hours everything for which so many people have died. And now Afghanistan is a totally dysfunctional country facing mass starvation. Meanwhile Biden’s minders are pushing war against Russia, to hide the rolling disaster with China. I expect the Donbas region will secede from the Kleptomaniac government in Kiev and the military are there to prevent civil war, not start it.
But Biden needs to get attention away from China and not least, the Wuhan Flu pandemic for which China is totally responsible. You can add Nancy Pelosi and Dr Fauci. Over 5 million lives lost, the deliberate Chinese pandemic has allowed socialist governments around the world to become tyrannical and exercise rule by edict. And massive fines for anyone who dares disagree. This is the military viral attack undermining Western Democracies including Canada and Biden’s cabal doing their best to distract the public.
We can easily agree that the response , almost everywhere , was dysfunctional, but the “epidemic ” to which you refer – what was the nature of this “epidemic”?
I know it’s just an analogy, but there’s an Australian ad on TV doing the rounds for Canadian Club, about the guy who ‘doesn’t like beer any more’, and only drinks it because it’s ….. Summer!
Then there’s a cutaway scene to the guy pushing Summer Beer in the bottle shop, with that totally blank disinterested look.
“It’s delicious. 30% more Summer. Just drink it.”
Just substitute the word vaccine for beer.
Just ‘comply’.
It’s funny, the first time I saw that ad, all I could think of was the attitude towards the vaccine.
You do not understand what the Trucker’s are protesting about. It is criminal negligence for the Canadian government to force people to be vaccinated with the experimental first release RNA covid vaccines. There is evidence the first release covid vaccines are dangerous.
The Trucker’s are ‘protesting’ because the RNA covid first release vaccines are dangerous and because we have herd immunity because of Omicron and because Omicron is 1/10 as deadly as covid Delta. The Canadian forced covid vaccine policy is not required and dangerous.
As “U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy’s Report to the US Inspector of the Department of Defence” noted.. (See Bob’s link above.)
“Moreover, evidence suggests that spike proteins from the vaccine can circulate in the blood, causing inflammation and micro clotting. And, there is growing evidence that the spike proteins in the vaccine are themselves causing harm and/or death….”
There are two issues.
1) The first release covid spike was designed to and does cause complex biological problems in the body. The covid RNA vaccines force the body to produce the first release spike in the body. There is hard evidence that the covid spike moves beyond the injection site, causing biological damage and death in some people.
2) The Canadian population and the world population will get herd immunity in the next few months to the covid biological package because of Omicron. Omicron is 1/10 as deadly (1/10 the hospital admissions, 1/10 the number of patients in ICU, and 1/10 the deaths. as delta. The first release RNA covid vaccines are more dangerous than Omicron.
Many of the truckers involved ARE vaccinated. They just don’t believe that their fellow citizens should be forced (or coerced by losing their livelihood) to have the vaccine. It is a peaceful protest against an authoritarian government – very like what happened in Eastern Europe before the Berlin Wall fell.
People who have been forced to vaccinate to keep their jobs, travel, ect are also angry. Not only that, but they see the threat of “boosters” being required.
I have had non stop Family pressure to be vaccinated (live in 3 Generation Family household, with 5/8/10 year olds restarting School, and always someone is crook), and have said I would go with Novavax, but with the Australian Governement saying it will be only 2 doses and at this stage, Novavax is not eligible for booster.
As I said to my Wife yesterday, since she said I was reneging on my statement to have Novavax – Novavax is not available till 21 Feb 22, at this stage I am more concerned about Major Op 17 Feb and coming out the other side OK, and if 2 doses of Novavax is not sufficient for Vaccine Certificate, why bother, since I only wanted Vacciination Certificate for future travel – do not want Pfizer Booster and am happy to stay with Anti-Viral apptoach of last 2 years.
. Premier has warned double dosed travellers may be locked out of some venues
. Scott Morrison on Monday said overseas arrivals would not need three doses
. ATAGI is set to announce if they will change definition of fully vaccinated person
. Mr Andrews has already enforced triple dose mandates for some workers
Overseas travellers arriving into Victoria will need to be triple vaccinated in order to participate in society and freely move about the state, Premier Daniel Andrews has warned.
The move comes despite the Prime Minister saying on Monday all tourists would be welcome Down Under as long as they had two Covid vaccinations, and not a booster shot.
Mr Andrews has warned that while international travellers with two doses may enter the state, they could be locked out of retail and hospitality venues that require vaccination certificates to enter.
National Cabinet is waiting for advice from ATAGI to whether a ‘fully vaccinated’ person is deemed as someone with three doses.
Mr Andrews has already enforced triple dose mandates for workers in health and aged care, disability, emergency services, corrections, quarantine accommodation, food distribution and education.
2 doses of novavax are all that is needed, no booster required. they just wont approve it as a booster for the other kind of vaxed as it is a totally different concept and they have no idea how it will mix with fake spike proteins
Murphy explains that the push to limit disease transmission should be dropped “as a strategy” and is not even “feasible.” He also says that early treatment and prophylaxis are preferred interventions over the use of vaccines.
Dont you just love it when Simon contributes. Throws a hand grenade into the commentary then walks quietly away. Doesn’t really contribute to anything. Maybe Jo pays him to be an alternative view.
BruceC. Raw figures look like about 20-25% unvaxxed, but we have no insight into why those people were unvaxxed.
Young healthy people with philosophical qualms? Or very feeble people who may have died IMMEDIATELY if vaxxed? I suspect the latter to predominate…judging by the ages we’ve been gioven for so many of the deaths.
I love this post! I have the appearnace of the Complier because I mask. I mask for two reasons. One, when the jabs came and the “public health authorities” said you can ditch the mask if you get the jab but must mask if not jabbed, I said “ok, I’ll just keep the mask on.” Two, I wear it to amuse myself, watching it all unfold as the jabs prove that “net zero” exists, just not the one they think.
And I agree 100% with MR. Mountain re what an actual insurrection might look like, and I’d really like Liz Cheney to see one up close. What we do have (he said hopefully) is the beginning of an insurrection. At this point those in power are gonna try to wait it out, calling in the military is not on the table (if they do call out military, the ranks may break and join the protesters, and that is what an insurrection looks like!).
Liz asked me over the phone last year in a survey if I was a follower of Q Anon but I had to admit that I didn’t know who/what that was. BTW What is Q Anon? She didn’t believe me. She didn’t believe that I was university educated either. Her level of contempt for her fellow Americans and self righteousness is enough to make one puke.
This, over mandates for a vaccine that doesn’t work, and upwards of 70-80% of your population has already complied.
So, as a rocket scientist, I think it’s about something else.
There comes a time when things become counter productive. I was going to make a small donation to the truckers until the go fund me business happened.(some choccies for jo instead)
There is no doubt the initial truck convoy was great. However they are now seriously annoying the locals of Ottawa with the continued honking of very loud horns plus it is difficult to move round the city and supplies to shops are being held up by the vast amounts of trucks blocking the place. There is no point in alienating those they want to support them so it looks like it is high time to move to a phase 2 of this demo, although I have no idea what that may consist of.
Agreed. They should go home. But first use the media to make a simple demand of Trudeau and his friends. End the mandates and we will be gone overnight. Or would he lose black face?
The blockade had value for two different goals. One goal was to force the government to change its path. That is not going to happen. No government can afford to give in to such tactics. The country would be shut down after that any time someone disagreed with anything. Plus, as a simple matter of face, no government can back down in this manner.
The better value lies in how this blockade has brought people together and made explicit the fact that mandates and lockdowns are no longer democratically popular, and should be ended. This was the success of this protest – and it has succeeded, wildly.
To stay longer forces the government to retake its authority, in physical ways that can only end in tragedy.
The truckers should now announce to one and all that they have accomplished their goal, that government must now see where the people’s sympathies lie, and that government should now go back to work and play its proper role as a democratic-led civic hireling. “You work for us” is what they needed to demonstrate, and they did, spectacularly. Going home now, before violence, will retain the support they have built.
Force and showdowns now will only detract from what they have accomplished. There is no loss or surrender in knowing when to end a victorious action.
The problem is that if they go away now, and the govt ignores it all, what follows?
I don’t want to think about that.
Realistically, if the govt refuses to back down, its going to get ugly. Good thing Truckdea has all those chinese troops in Canada, no doubt for just such an occasion?
So the chief of Plod appears to have said they will target the protesters effectively through gathering of intelligence – it appears to sound like “were gunna git ya”.
So when the plod sound like the Stasi, that’s why no matter what, even if it ticks off the locals , it shows how deep the authoritarianism and evil is within the canadian govt – and that they cant afford to back off.
Keep it peaceful and polite, but they cant afford to back off until the govt caves.
The Army sensibly have said “No way”, and left it to the govt to swim in its own filth…..
That is correct. Either we win now thanks to the freedom movements in Canada, here in Australia and elsewhere – or we lose big time and the next phase of our draconian despots will make what we’ve been through over the past 2 years look like a picnic. Even if the win now is only temporary, it’s better than nothing.
Here in the UK things are virtually normal, except for the still large numbers too scared to take off their masks but the numbers are diminishing. I have no restrictions as to what i can do or where i can visit. Denmark and other countries have also got rid of their covid restrictions.
Do you feel that Australia and Canada will hold on to their covid restrictions even when it is obvious to everyone that they are no longer needed?
“Do you feel that Australia and Canada will hold on to their covid restrictions even when it is obvious to everyone that they are no longer needed?”
Yes! Just look at Danistan to see how vindictive politicians are when disobeyed. This has nothing to do with health, this is “comply or die”. West Australia.. well. just a lost cause! They will keep restrictions on the unvaxxed until every one of us is jabbed or dead, they will not relent. How will Austria get out of their laws without losing face? because that’s what its all about!
People have lost their sense of comparison. Maybe its what the vaccines do to you. How can you even think about fines of $10,000 or $20,000 for not wearing a mask or not keeping a certain distance from someone else. How fast would I have to drive through a primary school zone to get that fine?? Just crazy!
Anyway, if the truckers give up, its all over, politicians will seize control again and life will go on, us doing what we’re told, them doing what they like. The only relief will be when some PM dies and everyone says Thank God!
The non-left are their own worst enemies. Constantly talking themselves into failure and serfdom.
“its a lost cause”…
“if XYZ fails, “it’s over”…
The left constantly remind themselves that a few people can change the world, and then they make their fantasies happen.
The right — in the majority and with truth on their side on most things — constantly tell themselves they can’t win, it’s no use, and why even try.
KP you have much to offer, and you are only saying what many are thinking. But we need the discipline to imagine a path somehow to suceed — especially when things look bad. Lets stop talking ourselves out of success.
This rhetoric about “it’s all over”, has been said over and over again since the beginning of time. It is as regular as the “game changer”, “tipping point”, “block buster” topics that appear on blogs that never eventuate into anything.
I just think the blogsphere is full of drama queens.
KP, I feel the same way but we do not know for sure how things will go. The freedom fighters initially triggered by truckers is very likely a huge game changer. If it keeps gathering strength, and it is for now, then our despot governments will have no choice but to give up and stop the mandates madness.
Good points but “No government can afford to give in to such tactics.” Why not?
This is not some Alt Right, Fascist, red neck, violent, anti Vaxxer meeting of the Flat Earth society. These are people who have had enough of a tyrannical government. It’s a fair point and while Trudeau command more than half the vote, you cannot treat the other half like dirt. Especially if you need them and you really need them. What would it really cost Trudeau to give in? Nothing.
The fact that there is no discussion, no discourse, no forum, no compromise says much more about a tyrannical mindset of Trudeau and his close friends than the families and workers he is confronting. It’s not a standoff. It’s sheer effrontery and arrogance not to meet and discuss, as if the truckers and their families are beneath contempt of the city elites. That will not resolve anything.
As Lincoln said, it is government by the people, for the people. Not government for a few of the rest. And the reality is that the virus is burning out, going docile. He could let his people go.
“It’s a fair point and while Trudeau command more than half the vote, ”
Not quite right there TdeF. While Trudeau did get the majority of seats at the last election, his party fell 13 seats short of obtaining an outright majority. His is a minority government.
Popular vote figures are
Conservatives 34.3%
Liberals( Trudeau.) 33.1%
New Democrats 15.9%
Greens. 6.5%
So it appears that he was not particularly popular from the outset.
Sort of reflects the way Austraila may go at our next federal election
Then it’s a coalition government. You would think he would be a bit more conciliatory? Or even just publicly hear them out and compromise? Bob Hawke was the master at defusing situations like this and getting popular support. It’s an odd world where left wing socialist governments set about alienating the workers whose vote they have always taken for granted.
Exactly- As a Unionist, then ACTU, then as PM.
M.O. – create/inflame a stir, publicly comment, (organisers inflame situation), let it run & grow.
Then- call a Summit, ( all the lads get together at taxpayers expense), Bob as Chair, would sort things out.
Hero Hawke. Repeat, repeat-tried & proven. Media loved it too.
The truckers must stay . Yes , some people are unhappy but most of the reports we are seeing are from the MSM who are lying . If the government escalates the situation then people will realise that tyranny has arrived and all bets are off. The truckers will stop working and so will the supply chain . These protests are similar to the protests the brought down the socialist governments in the 80’s. Canadas government is a dystopian disaster and if someone doesn’t do something things will crash . Some pain now or agony later….
Your statement that “people in Ottawa are getting annoyed” is straight out of the MSM publicity. Truckers kept an emergency lane open everywhere. The Police have put up barriers all over the city, and these are annoying people. They have ALWAYS stopped the horns at 6pm: the media lied yesterday when they said the truckers had made a concession about this.
At the very least the truckers should stay until out illustrious prime minister comes out of hiding and speaks to them and apologizes for calling them racists and a fringe minority.
At the end one spokesperson points out that Ottawa is his country’s capital; he has a full right to be there to express himself to his government. This is a necessary inconvenience for those living in the city.
So give up now while they are winning and move to “Phase 2” — but you have no idea what Phase 2 is.
Giving up + ????? = winning. Great plan you’ve got there.
Who cares if the locals are inconvenienced! Minor inconvenience versus long-term freedom. If they alienate the locals, tough luck. The locals are the minority in the country. If those locals have a drop of freedom left in their blood they will be out there supporting the truckers.
After two years of this, the blanket bans, the mandates of the world are completely unthinking and increasingly useless. The crisis is over or will be in weeks.
As expected, Omicron is now the relatively benign, much more infective strain of Wuhan Flu for which the world has waited. And we could not stop it if we wanted to do so. And we should not, except to slow the explosive growth and hospitalization. We can expect death rates to plummet as Omicron displaced Delta and others.
In North America Omicron is now 90% of infections and in Australia 86%. I would be looking to actively kill off Delta and let Omicron win before another more dangerous strain appears. It’s far cheaper than inoculation and much faster. So if someone has Chinese Flu, ask if it is Delta or Omicron.
And what the truckers and airline people and others are demonstrating is that in advanced countries where the bulk of the population are in fragile giant cities, it is crazy to attack truck drivers who feed them and airline staff who transport them and soldiers and military people who defend them. That is just unthinking. Mandating rules for people, especially working age people who are not a great risk but are absolutely essential is the essence of an unthinking bureaucracy. Give the very vulnerable their boosters, lock up those with nasty strains like Delta and get back to living.
Besides, in Australia with Omicron growing at 5% a week and soon to displace Delta completely, we can open up by the end of February. And use RAT tests on everyone coming to the country and there is no reason to stop testing for viruses of all sorts at the ports. There never was. Australia is so far away from the rest of the world, there is time to test for everything. And why not?
The truck blockade does more to expose the socialist dictators of Canada than to solve the problem. And it is a great relief for the truckers to force the elites to recognize that punishing the hard working people on whom they depend even for food is a really stupid idea. And sending in the army to attack your own people should never happen.
And we need to be on the lookout for a killer variant which attacks everyone of every age group, which is what happened in the deadly second wave of the original ‘Spanish’ Flu in 1920. So the sooner Omicron dominates the better. And innoculating children is just wrong. They are far less at risk and need to develop natural immunity, as with every major virus of the 20th century. For older people, they need to keep away from grand children and young children for another month. It will be over quickly.
My price is cheap. Just let me legally play golf on a golf course in Victoria. I promise that I will then join Dan in his quest for permanent and total control over all Victorians and King Island too if he chooses to invade.
Did you just write ” lock up those with nasty strains like Delta and get back to living”?
I think you have strayed onto the wrong site, but then it does seem to outsiders that the Australians have not significantly protested their government’s concentration camps for the unclean.
I think you are taking ‘lock up’ too literally. I do not mean imprison, quite the opposite. This virus mutation is killing elderly people, especially in nursing homes. I mean to recommend that elderly people keep isolated as much as possible from children and mass (spreader) events for a few weeks but not in home arrest or prison or literal isolation but away from places where infection is rife and moving rapidly. It’s advice not edict. For people to die from Delta in the last few weeks of its existence would be a double tragedy because it is avoidable.
One piece of news last week is that 2 million French people were infected in a day. This is the last stage of exponential growth. If you are going to get exposed, far better with Omicron.
William Wallace got it Samuel Adams (1722 to 1803) got it “Will the spirits of the people as yet unsubdued by tyranny, unawed by the menace of arbitrary power, submit to be governed by any force? No.”
We met in Ottawa while supporting the truckers, and you will remember that vigorous discussion about whether graphene was in the vaccines and could self-assemble inside your body, under the influence of the 5G network, into a rival neural network that would take over your brain. I thought it was nonsense, you believed it and probably still do. You had had no jabs. I have had two. Next to me was that guy who had had three jabs and would take more, but who believed that the government was overreaching itself. The important thing is that we all support freedom, meaning no discrimination between vaxxed and unvaxxed in any part of life. Let our unity in this goal be greater than the things we disagree about, and let us stay here peaceably until Trudeau concedes. Then let’s start a fresh political party to contend the next election.
Whilst grocery shopping this AM, I parked my climate destroyer next to an EV with a bumper sticker that read “ if you are a Trump supporter maintain a distance of 500 feet from this vehicle.”
And then something comparing Trump to an STD.
Forget grand political values.
Civil wars are just “I hate Yankees” and “I hate Rebels” affairs.
The grand cause is added later, to make survivors feel heroic.
The parade of fools is sad to watch.
I am disgusted to see so many here post that the freedom fighters should go home now. It’s typical of those who don’t know how serious and critical it is, and it covers more than just the COVID-19 mandates. We need to send the message loud and clear to the despot leaders we had enough of the climate change nonsense as well. Failing all that by pulling away the freedom fighters is only going to give the wrong message that we have given up the fight and so we let the despot leaders continue on with their madness, and link it to the climate change issue, which has always been their main agenda.
I agree Peter (although everyone can speak, so that’s good) – just the hope engendered by this protest for the rest of the world is so important, let alone what is doing for those in Canada.
There comes a time when a forceful in your face action becomes counter productive and you alienate those you need support from. We saw that in the UK with extinction rebellion, insulate Britain and other groups, whereby the public got fed up with them and sympathy and support fell away.
The truckers need to move on to phase two as tooting your horns continuously, blockimg access and reducing the freedom of those in Ottawa to move around their home town will not bring the residents on board. The longer they do this the more support will ebb, which I suspect was lower in the first place in Ottawa than rural areas.
I would hope that even now the trucker leaders are deciding their next move which may include starting a new political party.
I hear what you are saying Peter , but I think this battle can now be moved to another front , and another time . We are not going away.
And it is just one small battle in a very long war.
Electing to fight on another front , of our choosing, seems like good strategy to me.
Yeah, I’m sure that’s what they said to Wat Tyler in 1381 before they killed him — go home now you peasants, there’ll be plenty more chances for freedom. PS You’ll just have to wait another 500 years to see it.
If the truckers go home now, their cause is lost.
The Boy Wonder will return in triumph; the truckers will be picked off individually by the thuggish “law” enforcers. The truckers’ only strength is in their numbers. They must out-wait the coward.
Our Law Makers need to read and digest this epic, well-crafted, note! The next time they stand in front of TV cameras, burbling on about case numbers, trying to convince us that their words and thoughts are paramount they’ll know how they really look and sound!
“You and I both had a choice to make, and I decided to fight for freedom. You submitted instantly, and attempted to shame, intimidate and coerce me into the same, becoming outraged at my independence and my belief in “my body, my choice”. You disagree with my striving for a fair and just society, free from fraud and deception. You call me a “fascist” for arguing against government overreach. Do you see this irony?”
i am triple-vaxxed, as are my family. i wore masks when asked.
plenty of people, who did the same as me, didn’t ‘shame, intimidate and coerce’ others to do the same.
you can be triple-vaxxed, mask up and still be against mandates. the two aren’t mutually exclusive.
it’s interesting that those who write these things are sometimes becoming what they espouse to rail against.
everyone has a choice. that’s the most important thing. i stand by my choices.
Luckily for you, you are free to stand by your choice. People denied a living or freedom of movement and access to services don’t have the same. That is why Jo and others are speaking out. I suggest you spend a while watching Viva Frei’s livestreams from Ottawa to get a good understanding of the oppression.
Dave B – you Colour Blind too? – I did not realise they were different till someone mentioned red/green thumbs – thought they were just up or down – still do.
I have tried on several occasions to give up votes or down votes, and even though its a brand new comment I have not seen before, its comes up with “duplicate vote”
It is worth refreshing the page to see the updated count. It frequently jumps by two or three. My guess is that the software can’t handle multiple simultaneous button pressers.
Happens all the time, either that or your vote won’t record at all. You can also have your vote show up, then come back to the comment later and find your vote has disappeared. Gremlins.
The thing to remember about ‘open letters’ is that they’re not addressed to everybody. My reading of it is that he/she is addressing the militant pro-vaxxers who support mandates.
I prefer my medical choices to be freely made and fully informed. Despite your protestations there is no way on earth that your choice was fully informed because the relevant information is not available.
The word I would use for those who make voluntary uninformed decisions is dupe.
i made the choice based on the information that was at hand, and based on who provided it. i can’t make a decision, based on what information might appear later (sometimes years later).
what i find curious is that many people will consult with doctors when a cancer diagnosis is made (for example), but suddenly won’t trust those same medical institutions when it comes to COVID vaccinations.
just to clarify, i am completely against the mandates being made (as i said in my original post) and am a supporter of Jo, particularly when it comes to climate misinformation.
“I made the choice based on the information that was at hand, and based on who provided it. i can’t make a decision, based on what information might appear later (sometimes years later).”
At the time the vaccines were first available, there was very limited information available to support safety and efficacy. No long-term, and only dubious short-term trials, with a lot of hanky-panky with the data from the clinical trials. This information regarding lack of safety data was readily available and many medical professionals were accordingly waiting for further studies before taking or recommending the vaccines. It was your choice to rely on your doctor’s opinion without doing your own research on the evidence for vaccine safety. If there’s a lesson here it’s that we are always responsible for our own decisions.
“what i find curious is that many people will consult with doctors when a cancer diagnosis is made (for example), but suddenly won’t trust those same medical institutions when it comes to COVID vaccinations.”
That’s why there is this second opinion thing. Sometimes the original diagnosis is wrong. I find it curious that people don’t get a second or third opinion, not just for doctors diagnosing cancer, but for doctors failing to diagnose easily operable cancers. You know your body better than anyone, even your doctor.
Why would you trust them? They are not infallible, and many times they are compromised. Get real.
really? if i spoke to five doctors, who all recommended to get the jab, then is that enough? how many opinions are enough, in your opinion?
what i find laughable is that people like you comment/pontificate on how you need to ‘do you own research’, but then when asked to provide said research, they can’t/don’t.
i like to think that i do more research than the average bear, but all i could find was hearsay and a lot of research that wasn’t backed up. but i could find plenty of independent medical professionals, in the required field, that recommended the jab.
in the end, this narrative that those of us who got vaccinated are ‘sheep’ is laughable. if my father got COVID, he would die, of that there is no doubt. i got vaccinated for his benefit.
Shannon , all the research that you needed to make an informed decision has been published on this site , and others , over the last two years.
At the end of the day , placing faith in other people’s opinions will never serve you well , particularly the opinions of many in the medical profession who were under extreme pressure themselves to conform . Failure to do so would have resulted in their de-registration .
I can agree that it was not so easy to get at the truth ; it never is.
But the fact is that there were alternative treatments for people like your father, and your being “vaccinated ” was never going to negate the possibility of you infecting him.
It is also a fact that large numbers of people got vaccinated , trusting the advice of politicians, because they were threatened in a variety of ways , if they did not comply.
It has been a learning experience for all of us , to learn who to trust, if anyone .
“But the fact is that there were alternative treatments for people like your father, and your being “vaccinated ” was never going to negate the possibility of you infecting him”
like what?
i never said it would negate the possibility. it makes him more likely to survive an infection. and that’s a medical fact.
“all the research that you needed to make an informed decision has been published on this site , and others , over the last two years”
what about the research from actual medical organisations, and actual doctors, and actual epidemiologists? is that for naught?
as i said previously, i respect Jo’s reporting on a great many things. but, surely you understand why people would be wary to trust information on a blog, against information from medical institutions and doctors?
Research from actual this and actual that, actually what matters is where the actual money comes from.
Information from many in an authoritarian organization is worth one point, same as if from one person.
If from a government agency/department, it is worth zero as the gov/minister makes the decision, someone who knows nothing.
Does not matter how many doctors, epidemiologists and whatever are on the payroll.
Shannon, I think you are raising an important issue about how people act under conditions of limited information, specifically in cases where we have to make a choice. I’m suggesting I applied the precautionary principle in the case of the “vaccines.” I recognized that there was limited information available to support safety and efficacy (this did not require extensive research), so my heuristic said to wait until more information was available. I think your heuristic was to defer to the supposed “authorities.” I think my heuristic was successful in this case, namely to avoid “vaccination” until there was sufficient data to support safety and efficacy. Do you think your heuristic was successful? If not, how do you propose to modify it?
so, medical institutions/independent experts are no longer ‘authorities?
“I recognized that there was limited information available to support safety and efficacy”
you forgot the ‘in my opinion’. i don’t believe we had limited information. you do. we can agree to disagree.
“Do you think your heuristic was successful? If not, how do you propose to modify it?”
define ‘successful’. i am assuming you follow this same methodology for EVERY SINGLE THING you put in your body (food, medicine, etc)?
have i, or any of my family had COVID? no.
have i, or any of my family had side-effects as a result of being vaccinated? no.
in my view, my ‘heuristic’ (your term, not mine) has been successful. yes, you could also answer those two questions in the affirmative, withouth being vaccinated. if that is the case, does that make you right because you weren’t vaccinated? i don’t believe so.
One thing to remember is that many of those that have complied are not hateful towards those resisting.
One of my employers ran into the massive rally crowd building at the train station on 22nd of January. Initially seeing hundreds of police, patrol cars, horses and a chopper overhead and thinking he and his wife had walked into some riot situation. Then he saw my sign beyond the wall of blue and realized it was an anti-mandate anti-passport rally. He and his wife, both double jabbed, then decided to make their way past the police to say hi and get selfies with my 3D sign.
Even if they were not motivated to join these rallies, they were both happy enough to post “we were there” images on social media. Many who took the shots can now see that something clearly isn’t right.
Ironic that protesters – who are claiming to be protesting to the federal government- are jamming the roads of Canberra when Canberrans couldn’t give 2 hoots about vax status. No mandates and no badge wearing here.
We’ll be mightily peed off if the protest camp at the showgrounds (EPIC) stops the show from setting up in a couple of weeks.
Canberra happens to be the seat of the Federal Gov’t. and it is therefore a place all Australians are entitled to be and to make their protests about injustices.
I notice the mainstream media made much fuss of one person who set a pram on fire but they have pretty well ignored the quiet well-behaved freedom protest unless to denigrate and demean it. That speaks volumes to me.
They can make their protests but protesting to them about state issues is a bit of a waste.
The pram person was pilloried by the media and the perpetrator was charged with a misdemeanor and went to court… but if that is what you seek, so be it.
Here is a very good Australian video comparing the shocking conformity and obedience we are seeing in Australia (and elsewhere) with that observed with the famous Solomon Asch psychological experiments of the 1950’s.
If you are not familiar with the Solomon Asch experiments, I copied this from elsewhere:
The Asch conformity experiments were a series of psychological experiments conducted by Solomon Asch during the 1950s. The experiments revealed the degree to which a person’s own opinions are influenced by those of groups. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group.
The person who stays in the room is actually exhibiting reasonable behaviour … not because of “peer pressure” but because he has correctly determined the existence of esoteric knowledge.
If you can see that the others around you are deliberately ignoring the obvious, that necessarily implies they know something you don’t know, and because fire is dangerous and frightening at the very instinctual level you can further deduce that absence of the standard signs of fear (e.g. twitching, sweating) in those other people means you can confidently be sure there is no personal danger.
A good example is Simon up above, claiming 70% effectiveness against Omicron at the same time we have 90% of Australia with two doses of mRNA in their arms, and infection rates worse than anything previously seen. Australia went from about 2% of the population confirmed as having been infected with COVID, up to about 10% of the population (roughly where we are now) in the space of a month. Clearly no one could possibly be stupid enough to believe those vaccines are “effective” and yet people keep saying it … very much like the room filling up with smoke.
In the case of the smokey room, the collaborators were instructed beforehand and paid to sit there. In the case of the COVID vaccines we have already reasonable evidence of corruption, although we don’t know quite how deep it goes. We also see people behaving in ways that indicate political alignment and perhaps religious fervor … things that make them willfully ignore the world of empirical evidence. Thus we can reliably deduce the existence of esoteric knowledge, although that might not be sufficient if you can’t pinpoint the exact source.
The ‘NZ Convoy 22’ participants are arriving at Parliament House in Wellington this morning, some having driven up (and across on the ferry) from the South Island, the majority having driven down the length of the North Island.
Today is the official opening day of Parliament, and mirroring her Schwab-trained counterpart in Canada, Ms Ardern is refusing to meet, or even talk with, some of her employers – the people.
Wellington in summer is a far cry from Ottawa in winter: it’s overcast with a cool southerly off the ocean and may reach a maximum of 20 C (above freezing). Not exactly the fiery furnace Greta the Panic Troll warned us about, even with all the extra vehicles and people gathered outside the Beehive.
Various media have begrudgingly, and dismissively, covered the convoy over the long-weekend (a double-whammy public holiday celebrating Waitangi Day and Bob Marley’s birthday, both on the 6th of February). I’ll drop by later on with any news or updates…
We hosted them in Palmy last night ; they got through a dozen boxes of yoghurt – no sweat.
The remarkable feature of the gathering was the fact that such a broad cross-section of society was represented .
It seems that freedom is an issue for almost everybody . Who’da thunk it?
I live in Sydney, but have another holiday house a few hundred km north where I divide my time. What amazes me is the huge divide in the political viewpoints. Down in Sydney people are mostly compliant to mask and vaccine mandates and you hardly see a national flag. Up north in the rural beach community, all I see are Aussie flags and on Australia day there are more flags than people. In this rural area, people are enormously upset and can see their freedoms being removed and they want to fight back hard. Compliance or silence is not an option and losing this fight is absolutely not an option. I also see the same stance in most of rural Australia and this is the source of many of those who have joined the convoy to Canberra. I don’t think the government (other than Matt Canavan) has a clue about how rural Australia is reacting to this new authoritarianism and there is a massive shock coming their way. This pro-freedom stance by people in the bush is so enormous that you can’t even begin to try and explain to those city dwellers who have somehow been conditioned to sit at home in fear and obey all draconian orders without question. But in May of this year it’s going to be a big awakening to all in Canberra. I’m expecting a huge rout in LNP rural votes, but these people won’t vote Labor or Greens, who want even more draconian control and instead we will see an exodus to minor parties, such as Palmer, Aussie Democrats and One Nation. The great defining trait of rural Australia is how it still captures the great Aussie spirit of freedom, where people embrace their neighbours, national flag and Anzac Day. The rejection of the Aussie spirit is where our leaders have fallen down and election day payback now awaits. Whilst it is anyone’s guess as to who becomes PM in May, it is now almost certain that we will have a minority government and the minority will be a major force.
btw – The best outcome would be seeing Dutton take over the LNP leadership (This might happen in March) and a minority government with a collection of UAP, AD and One Nation.
These businesses enforce the QR, masks etc as required by the NSW government. If you don’t do what they ask you don’t get served. You are suggesting that the people running small businesses are Canberrans working from home. ie, unlike the north coast, you don’t get away with not being compliant.
I actually think Serge as making stuff up but anyhoo.
Canberra public serpents are likely customers of those businesses and would gleefully report them for non-compliance and subsequent business-destroying fines if they didn’t comply precisely to the letter. The business owners know this.
Meanwhile, no public serpent or politician in Australia lost a single day’s pay due to the economic chaos they caused. Why would they care? Their jobs are secure for life, and a good number of the senior leadership are also psychopaths and certainly don’t care.
Plus a lot of them got to “work” at home during the lockdowns, enjoying friends, family, walks in the park etc. on full pay while most other people suffered.
How many politicians/ public servants lost pay , were let go apart from those who wouldn’t agree to get the voluntary jab ? Not sure you can back this one up leaf .
South coast is not so different. The wealthy pollies and government workers that exist off the backs of taxpayers with real jobs still mainly vote in Canberra and only use the south coast as a playground on the weekend.
This pandemic so appears to be another leftwing/progressive/champagne-socialist stunt. Not that its a hoax or even a molehill made into a mountain (more like Mount Wycheproof turned into Everest).
It looks like the many times that a real problem is exaggerated, massive amounts of money thrown at it, and only enough of it actually used to deal with the problem superficially and the rest stolen. A vaccine that barely has any effect on transmission of the disease and about as effective in reducing serious illness and death as cheaper alternatives labelled as ineffective.
Two years and only now getting medications approved for reducing symptoms once infected. Its a joke.
Thanks to decades of indoctrination by the Left, most Australians and other Westerners don’t even value or understand concepts of freedom.
This even applies to a possibly voting majority in the United States, the only nation specifically founded on the ideals of individualism, freedom and liberty.
Ideals of freedom have to be taught from an early age otherwise they are easily given away and are hard, if not impossible, to get back short of a total freedom-oriented reset of the society.
I’m more optimistic. The law of natural consequences will bite people on the bum regardless of whether they understand it or not. Of course much misery ensues when people try to live without due consideration to that and the other natural laws like gravity.
Another age of reason will come along but probably not in our lifetimes. Now if you’ll excuse me I think my hermetically sealed bubble has sprung a leak.
Lots of the “vaccinated” only did so due to peachy-keen vaccine propaganda. Just get it so you can do business/travel/reassure your clients; it won’t hurt you.
They don’t want and won’t get boosters.
They are telling their kids not to get it. They want healthy grandchildren.
Many are seeing vaccine injuries in their own families. It’s way beyond normal.
This blockade looks to me like government for the people by the people. The continued push by “authorities” is awakening the sleeping giant. People now know that the vaccines don’t stop transmission. They know that the vaccines have been responsible for deaths and adverse reactions. Major Dr Murphy is one of many confirming the real science. People know that lockdowns did not work. The virus mutated and continued to spread. However, lockdowns destroyed small businesses and caused more harm than good. People now know that climate change is about changing our entire system. They see the hypocrisy of the Greens calling for air conditioning in all classrooms or Allegra Spender the candidate for Wentworth. She is running on climate change while paying for a diesel truck to run it’s GHG emitting engine all day. When energy bills go up and people can’t afford to heat or cool their homes, run their cars or take a basic holiday. When they can’t afford to heat the water or cook for their children. Then they will wake up in massive numbers and depose the government that caused it. The government that they the people own.
I’d say the relevant principle is that the people can only be governed with their consent and any sensible government would be noticing that consent is being withdrawn.
All that is needed is an opposition which does not play along with the authoritarians.
We who are as good as you, swear to you, who are no better than we, to accept you as our king and sovereign lord, provided you observe all our liberties and laws, but if not, not.
The minister’s oath of office starts something like “I will well and truly serve …”
Perhaps the governor could stop them there and ask them to repeat those words before they continue. Or at the end ask them what was the bit about serving?
That hasn’t been thought through… What if the horn honk was a legitimate warning for a pedestrian or other vehicle to get out of your way, in the normal manner of using a horn?
It’s fairly obvious the Ottaws authorities are using the creep method to fight the protestors. The footage (Real rukshan) of the Melbourne freedom protest at the War memorial showed this tactic in situ. Every 15 mins or so the police cordon surrounding the shrine shuffled forward 1 step, gradually bottling up the protestors. This is the same tactic probably being used in Ottawa, except not on the ground. Its was ancient attackers did for fortified castles – just waited them out. First, the authorities tried to restrict fuel and food supplies. Now, we have the horn honking ban. Then the commentary into MSM that the trucks are adversely affecting the locals. Drip, drip, drip. Unless something happens soon, the police and authorities will employ this psychops creep stategy and jus wait them out.
Those from overseas who think Australia is a nation of “rugged individualists” as portrayed in the movie “Crocodile Dundee” need to realise that that movie was a fantastic work of fantasy.
With some notable exceptions such as those who heroically participated in the various freedom marches and convoys in the presence of paramilitary police who violently responded in a manner Australians are not used to, most Australians are highly compliant and subservient to authority.
The culture is distinct from the USA which was founded on an insatiable desire for individual freedom and rights.
Australia was essentially founded after Once Great Britain lost the American colonies and was used as a place for Britain to dump unwanted prisoners.
Thus the culture developed as either that of a prisoner who was subservient to authority (nowadays expressed by most people) or the authoritarian prison warder mentality as expressed through the Government and public “service”.
Since Australia ceased being a prison colony, there were plenty of free settlers, however they didn’t change the prisoner/prison warder mentality very much. If the immigrants were committed to the ideals of freedom they went to the United States rather than Australia.
Melbourne was never a penal colony. That’s really a Sydney thing what with the first fleet and all. So I think it is not quite right to assign the national psyche with penal colonies.
I think the national psyche is far more attributable to the hardship experienced by the european colonies. Fortunately people attitudes like live and let live, every man’s home is his castle, and never let down a mate in need.
Of course waves of immigration have brought people with every different heritage imaginable. The one thing I find people have is a desire to live a better life. Much is made of migrants not wanting to fit in but my experience is the opposite. Almost invariably have a strong desire to assimilate and be dinki di Aussies.
But American history is fascinating. Australia has nothing even remotely comparable to their the history of violence.
It has nothing to do with antivax or at least I can’t see the connection? And a google search shows similar cryptic questions (that insert “I see” into “and”) go back to a time before covid.
“There’s some salty language here as the Canadian police begin to go full Australia with the arrests in/around the Freedom Protest groups. The elderly man (80 yrs) , albeit a little salty with the officers, was identified by police as a non-compliant threat to their authority. He is then roughly manhandled, put on the ground and eventually handcuffed and taken away.”
Govt wonks must be truly afraid of losing control.
They have good reason. this may be the real deal.
Funny, I always assumed the Yanks would be the first to rebel, it’s in their DNA, but maybe it is BECAUSE there are so many guns that they have been reluctant to start a civil war. In the US it could easily become hot because there are always agent provocateurs [as there have been in Canada] in the wings. Rittenhouse may have been legally right but imagine if a lefty version of him got among American trucker protestors.
Is this what you have come to Jo? Posting self-righteous self-aggrandising passive aggressive claims of virtue above all others, while listing the many ways everyone who disagrees with anything is morally bankrupt, and how much they are in debt to you (I mean “Anon”). Thank you for the smug promise that you (I mean “Anon”) will merely say “you’re welcome” when we come to our senses from the mental illness we have embraced. I am sorry you too have overdosed on partisan polemics. It is an immense loss for all Australians.
GA — if someone thinks they “think for themselves”, then finding out they were blindly compliant would hurt wouldn’t it?
GA: “Funny how they use the name anon while claiming such virtuously superior morality.”
Those who give charity anon instead of advertising their own name can claim a moral superiority (except they can’t do that publicly, because that would break the anonymity). Tricky paradox eh?
I fixed it! – And if this looks wrong, then maybe the original post is wrong too.
(Or maybe the original post was just Jo trolling for “engagement”?)
Dear Unreasonable,
We’ve met, but you probably don’t recognise me. You may remember referring to me as a “self-righteous”, having “scorn set on my lips”, having eyes with “only compliance, fear, shame and defeat”, “victim”, “efficiently conditioned”, “stripped bare of self-confidence, dignity, power and compassion”, weak in everything except to “attack those unwilling to join in obedience”, “fearful”, “needing you to decide what’s best for me or my children or my grand-children”, that I “disagree with striving for a just an fair society free from fraud and deception”, I’m a name caller who denigrates those he disagrees with, that I’m ignorant and stupid, or a quisling betraying his own society. But in fact I am none of the above, and much more to you than you realise. I am your friend, family member, colleague, lover, acquaintance and neighbour. I am everywhere, but like you I’m too much of a coward to say where, unlike you I won’t use my hiding of my name to take another swipe at you for being “self righteous”.
You’re not wearing a mask so I can see the scorn set on your lips, or even a smile (if you ever do). Your eyes are visible, but in them I see only defiance, fear, anger and frustration. I don’t judge you, as I know you are a victim of theories you are not equipped to assess. You have been efficiently conditioned, the result of which has left you stripped bare of independent thought, humility, and compassion.
Your only strength is to attack those unwilling to join you in defiance. It’s okay – I don’t feel mad – I feel sad for you. I will allow you to direct your fear at me and I will accept it, because the battle the majority is fighting is for you as well as me. It’s for your children and grandchildren, as well as mine. They need our help as much as you do.
You and I both had a choice to make, and I decided to fight for health. You submitted over time to the sophistries of conspiracy and tribalism, and attempted to shame, intimidate and coerce me into the same, becoming outraged at my independence and my belief in “my body, my choice”. You disagree with my striving for a fair, just and healthy society, free from the influence of wing-nuts and charlatans. You call me a “fascist” for arguing for what I believe. Do you see the irony?
While you continue to angrily defy, to follow those who have continuously lied to you, I will continue to push back. I will continue to value my autonomy and I will use my strength to free us both from the path you are blindly walking down.
One day you will see how much your defiance almost cost us, and hopefully you will see that I was never your enemy. I look forward to this day, and I will celebrate it with you. Until then, I will be here propping you up and preventing you from falling, anonymously of course.
Dear Joanne,
Mention of The Sheep Awaken above makes me want to bore you with the following.
Resist defy do not comply
With the new world order,
They demand your soul complete control
With no regard for border;
Hung out to dry you must comply
With being marked and jabbed and muzzled
If you object to this project
You leave your masters puzzled.
Rules for thee but not for me
Says Soros Gates and Schwab,
You’ll own nothing and be happy
With the green new dealing blob;
Build back better makes you a debtor
As fiat pennies fall from heaven,
Watch the old succumb to cold
As their clock ticks past eleven.
Stay at home is a palindrome
For the bought and paid for media,
You will not find an enquiring mind
Without a case of agraphia;
The poor old sheep are all asleep
As the wolves disguised as shepherds,
Herd them into the shearing sheds
Where the un jabbed are now lepers.
Yes thank you Jo Anna
My beloved of 53 years tells me write too much and should play more golf!
I have oodles of them on global warming, Wuhan Flu and the squatter in the white house.#
She says get them published, but I do not know how.
U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy’s Report to Inspector General of DoD
The claims presented to life insurance companies show that the vaccine campaign of 2021 did more harm than good. At an annual rate, claims more than doubled.
“The global life insurance industry was hit with reported claims due to COVID-19 of $5.5 billion in the first nine months of 2021 versus $3.5 billion for the whole of 2020, according to insurance broker Howden in a report on Jan 4, while the industry had expected lower payouts due to the rollout of vaccines.”
Your link is interesting Bob. Thanks.
The covid origin question and the how dangerous is the covid first vaccines question, are both going to be slowly answered, as we remove the evil in our governments and wake up the population as to what has happened.
The covid virus uses biotechnology from other research which is found in peer reviewed papers. I kid you not. There is limited evil things that are possible biochemically. The designers of first release covid knew vaccines that are based on the covid spike would causes strange dangerous side effects. This is because of the deadly biotechnology used to design the covid first release spike. i.e. The objective to design evil first release covid was to create a deadly virus that will cause economy hardship in Western countries. As noted in your link vaccines based on the covid spike do not provide long term immunity to covid. This forces boosters which increases the damage to the body because the RNA vaccines force the body to produce a first release covid spike.
The covid vaccines are now medically/scientifically obsolete because we will have long term herd immunity because of Omicron.
What is also interesting is Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 both originated from Covid first release, not covid Delta. For dozens of independent reasons, covid variation BA.1 and BA.2 could not have occurred naturally. The objective of designing and releasing Omicron BA.1/BA.2 appears to be stop the covid biological terror.
BA.2 is almost the same as BA.1 except for modifications to the spike which makes BA.2 120% more contagious than BA.1. Covid first release turned into the evil deadly Delta variation of covid. BA.1 and BA.2 appeared to have been developed to defeat the first release covid biological package. I believe BA.2 is biologically the most contagious covid virus possible. The super contagiousness of BA.2 makes it not possible for someone to construct a more contagious covid virus which is more deadly than Omicron. Omicron and its virus decedents will always be in circulation.
U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy’s Report to Inspector General of DoD (See Bob’s above link).
“Murphy states that SARS-CoV-2 or, in his words, “SARS-CoV-WIV” (Wuhan Institute of Virology) is: “less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitchhiking a ride on SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm…it is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors and inserted into a recombinant bat SARSr-CoV backbone.” …
..USMC Major/Dr. Murphy also emphasizes the vaccine’s poor efficacy in protecting against coronavirus, explaining that the “vaccine approach lacks sufficient epitope coverage to protect against quasispecies of coronavirus.” This is a critical point because it bolsters the argument that natural immunity, from exposure to the full virus, almost certainly provides sturdier, long-lasting immunity to the virus than does a vaccine that only amplifies the spike protein.
Moreover, evidence suggests that spike proteins from the vaccine can circulate in the blood, causing inflammation and micro clotting. And, there is growing evidence that the spike proteins in the vaccine are themselves causing harm and/or death….”
USMC Major/Dr. Murphy also emphasizes the vaccine’s poor efficacy in protecting against coronavirus, explaining that the “vaccine approach lacks sufficient epitope coverage to protect against quasispecies of coronavirus.” This is a critical point because it bolsters the argument that natural immunity, from exposure to the full virus, almost certainly provides sturdier, long-lasting immunity to the virus than does a vaccine that only amplifies the spike protein. Moreover, evidence suggests that spike proteins from the vaccine can circulate in the blood, causing inflammation and micro clotting. And, there is growing evidence that the spike proteins in the vaccine are themselves causing harm and/or death….
Murphy also seems to confirm that the “mass vaccination campaign” will make matters worse, simulating its own “accelerated gain-of-function,” making the virus deattenuated—or stronger. He states that the vaccination “campaign” was “done with the world’s population” as a result of the virus’ escape from the lab in Wuhan….
One of the more disturbing confirmations in Murphy’s letter—obtained by Project Veritas—centers on his discussion of the known therapeutics like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to inhibit viral replication and modulate the immune response. He appears to confirm that effective therapeutics were known and suppressed for reasons that are yet unclear. There is certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that therapeutics were purposely withheld at great cost to hundreds of thousands of Americans. …
Murphy explains that the push to limit disease transmission should be dropped “as a strategy” and is not even “feasible.” He also says that early treatment and prophylaxis are preferred interventions over the use of vaccines.
I have been told by a friend that his Dr said he is not allowed to test him to see is he has had covid has anyone else heard that Drs are not allowed to test to see if you have had covid??
With regard to ‘long covid’ I am hearing more and more about this and it will be something that will continue to plague many until someone works out how to get rid of it. Has anyone seen any treatments for long covid?
Vitamin D seems to continue to be important :-
I have heard about the govt trying to ban serology tests.
This mob may be able to circumvent that.
Long covid is a rare phenomenon and long term viral issues are not unknown. My wife had a very long recovery from being hospitalised with the flu years ago and her doctor filled us in on it at that time.
But if one looks at “long covid” sufferers nearly all of their suffering is actually psychological problems and a certain subset of the population, middle aged women, are the most likely to suffer it, and also the most likely to have mental conditions.
In short, long covid is being peddled, falsely, by the covidian cultists as a reason for more vaxxing, which does, as we know, absolutely zero in stopping one get an infection.
The current TGA statement re COVID serology test.
To your question on Long COVID and Long Vaccine the answer appears to be yes.
These guys have the answers.
Great info on that link, thanks dinn, bob.
nice thread bomb
Dream on ; one comment with half a dozen replies(if we count yours ) out of 26 comments , and counting.
It is the fact that it is first you banana. Since this is not a strongly themed topic it probably wont matter but the guy has form.
[Nil content from you Gee Aye. You are the thread bomber today. Do you have nothing to say related to the post topic? Vaccine compliance, and protests? – Jo
[PS: Please, commenters, DONT add to this pointless subthread. The real topic is so much more important]
Nice post bob.
The last sentence in the link really bites home and reinforces why the Truckers are so right.
The article is all about the utter stupidity of mandates and force vaccinations.
Right on target !
“Murphy explains that the push to limit disease transmission should be dropped “as a strategy” and is not even “feasible.”
He also says that early treatment and prophylaxis are preferred interventions over the use of vaccines.”
The police chief called this an insurrection. I see only free people telling government “NO” and government doesn’t like that word, unless they say it. Lord help them if they ever see the true definition of insurrection.
Hillary’s fake Russian collusion hoax is the very definition of sedition and it even worked to replace a legitimately elected President.
Biden’s relinquishing America sovereignty is defined as an act of treason.
The summer riots were an actual act of insurrection, while Jan 6 was a mostly peaceful demonstration of no confidence in our government.
Do you really expect the loony left to be rational, especially considering how wrong they are about so much?
When has the”Looney Left”ever been right about anything??????
They all seemed to enjoy blackface at some point
From Monty Python right through to Justin Castreau
Nailed it perfectly!
It is not unreasonable for Canada to require that truck-drivers crossing the US-Canada border be vaccinated. It has become necessary because of the dysfunctional US response to the epidemic.
Follow the science that tells us that this is ineffective against the current strain and of course, the talisman of obedience (a mask) is also ineffective at preventing or transmitting the virus.
Oh wait, you don’t believe in actual science …
The Pfizer vaccine retains 70% effectiveness against Omicron according to this paper in the NEJM.
Even if that proves to be true , why would you bother to cripple your economy for something like the common cold?
For how many days does the booster shot work Simon. Days….?
I am not an anti-vaxxer. I had the Moderna mRna booster just before Christmas. It caused my immune system to attack me, and I was partly immobilised for several weeks. After six weeks I am not quite back to normal. I have just found out that a neighbour had an almost identical reaction to Pfizer. Also, my doctor said her daughter had a very severe reaction to Moderna. The more I talk to people, the more I find that has gone wrong with the vaccines.
I am still not an anti-vaxxer, but I recognise that anti-vaxxers have a case, that they should be listened to, that governments should never ever make these vaccines mandatory, that governments should be open about the risks, and that alternatives like existing anti-virals should have been openly and honestly discussed with the general public instead of the obscene demonisation (“horse wormer” eg) which actually occurred.
Belatedly, the media are now trying to tell us that the anti-virals really were looked at and some were used by hospitals, but (a) some anti-virals were actively banned without testing, (b) many anti-virals are best used very early or as a preventative and by the time a patient gets to hospital it’s too late (and they knew it), and (c) it is impossible to think that any genuine attempt to evaluate anti-virals was ever made. Just read this and ask what happened to the 47 “promising leads”.
I support the Canadian truckers’ anti-mandate protest. And no, Mr Trudeau, it is not an anti-vaccine protest. Those Canadian truckers are standing up for all of us.
PS. GoFundMe should be sued for theft.
You do seem to have been unlucky. I had a booster injection on December 13 2021 and have had no untoward reactions whatsoever. Nor did my wife or any of our friends who have had a booster jab.
I hereby reject my allowance of jabs, and award them to Ian, seeing as he thinks they are safe for him.
Go for it! More the merrier.
“I hereby reject my allowance of jabs, and award them to Ian, seeing as he thinks they are safe for him.”
So far I haven’t had any reason to suppose they are unsafe nor has my wife or my sons or my-daughters-in-law or our friends. Why do you think they are unsafe? I suspect it isn’t from your personal experience as It seems you might not be getting vaccinated
Yet again. Nothing to do with you clarence just to the site idiosyncrasies
“Why do you think they are unsafe?”
Its called “data”…
You obviously have not been paying any attention at all. !
Ian. I’ll assume you are on the level, so I’ll take your question…”So far I haven’t had any reason to suppose they are unsafe nor has my wife or my sons or my-daughters-in-law or our friends. Why do you think they are unsafe?” to be legit….
The commonwealth govt has established a dedicated Vaccine payment….“Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs”, which is a very good reason to think they are unsafe.
If you know of any govt anywhere establishing a payment to cover damage done by a private manufacturer’s product (say asbestos, tobacco, mercury etc etc) tell us about it.
So, now that you are aware that the Federal Govt has tagged the gene-jabs as killers, why persist with the “I ain’t seen nothing”? This is it.
BTW: Link….
There must be some common reason why some people have bad reactions and others not, but because of the politicians reckless nothing to see here policy, it will take some time to get to the bottom of this while the side effects continue to mount up.
Just because the bomb or shell missed you and your company does not mean that they do not hurt others.
It is called “luck” and IIWY I would hope that it continues as those nasty spike proteins can have long term effects.
Just because you are not allergic to peanuts does not mean peanut butter should be mandated for everybody
As usuaL
I went to see my very experienced GP a few months ago to find out the least worst option if I get forced to take the shot for work. He said dont get anything if you can – he only got the AZ shot himself to keep his job. He is seeing alot of neurological problems with fizzer especially and also heart problems in younger males. He had one patient almost die after first fizzer shot, in hospital for 3 days, then still went back for the second shot – he was gobsmacked. He said he will not give the shot to anyone being coerced, only to those coming of their own free will, because he doesnt want that on his conscience.
Family member who is an ambo (very pro jab) admitted hospitals are filling with young men with myocarditis/pericarditis – said it was better than getting covid! Insanity – what risk do young men have from covid?
I know plenty of people, mostly under 50 that have had serious reactions to all types of covid jabs. My very fit cousin called an ambulance thinking he was having a heart attack the day after fizzer shot no2. Emergency doctor dismissed it as having nothing to do with the jab! How many are going unreported? This is criminal. One glance at VAERS, tells you everything you need to know about covid ‘vaccines’ and that is massively under reported – I have seen U.S. nurses stand before committees and say their colleagues didnt know what VAERS was!
“Family member who is an ambo (very pro jab) admitted hospitals are filling with young men with myocarditis/pericarditis – said it was better than getting covid!”
When people, especially those who should know better, tell you that risking four times the vaxx injury rate (the US CDC’s own stats) is a better health bet than a healthy young man risking a few days off work with a bad cold, you KNOW that the theory of mass psychosis is very likely true.
Your family member (the ambo) may be brain-damaged.
The gene-jabs cause spike proteins to protrude from blood-vessel-walls into the blood-stream, where they pick up passing platelets to form clots. These clots then cause diminished flow, followed by brain damage, which is known as vascular dementia.
Major signs of this condition are loss of intellect / reasoning ability (sounds like your ambo) AND aggression if forced to think / reason.
Look at how rabid politicians, journalists etc have become on this issue…and simultaneously ir-rational. Vascular dementia writ large!
I have told the story before but I had uncontrolled BP abt 4 weeks after jab 1. It was at the limit of my home tester’s range. I was never asked my status in ER so no way would it be a vax side effect. /sarc
I was not offered any explanation why it happened and no one opined on my risk. I just think that a BP of 220 puts one at high risk brain haemorrhage.
The up side is that my arteries passed their stress test.
It would appear that there is significant variability between batches
“We looked at European Medicines Agency, FDA and Pfizer documents and found that the active ingredient, modified RNA, is allowed to vary by 50% from batch to batch. This “acceptability standard” was set by Pfizer arbitrarily.”
Fran. Already discussed this variation in strengths, on many occasions…
The object is to inject everyone with a cumulative fatal dose of RNA. The varying strengths allow many first and second shot survivors to spruik the “benign” nature of the gene-jabs. SOME may have got placebos both times. But everyone else got something…and as the boosters accumulate EVERYONE will get something. After several shots the deaths will accumulate too.
This is like playing roulette in a casino. Betting at random; varying amounts on different numbers. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but OVER TIME you are sure to be wiped out. AND it is all random!
The so called vaccines are not vaccines at all as they promote infection. The CDC and co changed the definition of vaccines to try to incorporate these concoctions. I don’t think their changes actually include the promotion of infection…
I have three relatives who ended up in hospital and know many others with severe reactions, far worse than they would have had with covid. I also know many who have had covid recently and its just like the flu.
The vaxxes are not necessary as we have far more effective treatments which actually work, which Jo has kept us all informed on. They need to be banned immediately as they do nothing to stop infection, and as you have found out, cause all sorts of issues. And almost certainly will cause severe long term issues in many.
The fact that you use the term “anti vaxer” shows you are still in thrall of pharma.
Mike, please, not “Anti-vaxxers” but “Anti-COVID Vaxxers”.
There is a massive difference.
Simon, the experimental shots are clearly ineffective at stopping transmission of the virus.
No flappy-hands excuses about reducing hospitalization have the slightest relevance here.
If they don’t stop transmission then governments are breaking the rule: never mass use a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic.
That’s it. White or black. Right or wrong. There is no wriggle room on this. The governments that continued to push for jab mandates and passports after it was clear that the jabs couldn’t stop transmission of Delta, let alone Omicron, were in the wrong.
There is zero scientific justification for jab mandates and jab passports. There is solid scientific reason to immediately end mass use of these failed shots. The truckers are right and the government is wrong.
At this point Konrad, I would be classifying mRNA jabs as a contraceptive agent
We know a young man who ended up with an orchiotomy; a horrifying and painful price to pay in order to travel.
Locally, of the people we know who have had covid, only 1 was unvaxxed, the rest were ‘2 plus booster’. Hmmm. We also know of quite a few bad reactions including hospitalisation.
Blessedly not the orchioectomy.
On that subject –
“Male Castration Cult Headed by ‘Eunuch Maker’ Raided by UK Police”
” … never mass use a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic.”
Unless, of course, you are using the excuse of a “pandemic” to deconstruct the entire human world.
Hospitalisation rather than getting sick or passing it on. And that is not from a straight forward analysis.
I suspect that if it were a repurposed cheap drug, the analysis of the same results would not be so conclusive and labelled as ineffective. Remember that age makes a large difference and omicron is much less severe. The under reporting could be very large.
Sorry, Simon, you are laughable.
Rubbish 80% of serious hospital cases in Israel have had three Pfizer shots.
“The Pfizer vaccine retains 70% effectiveness …”
This would imply that only 3 of 10 vaccinated people have come down with Omicron. Of those I know, it’s more like 9 out of 10 and of those I know with natural immunity from the original version, with or without vaccinated immunity, it’s only about 1 out of 10.
The study doesn’t say what you think it’s saying.
The 70% number was biased up by a short ‘proxy’ period of only 3 months so many of the 70% were not even exposed. It also doesn’t differentiate between Omicron and Delta, except by a proxy assuming more Omicron in one period than in the previous 3 months. The study was specific to hospitalization rates, not actual effectiveness against Omicron.
They say trust the science.THAT is why we are here.The”Science”is wrooong.Just like it is wrooong about”Global warming(Climate Change)”Since OUR betters(sic)will NOT listen,then WE must MAKE THEM.Time to boot the lot of them out and bring in some new faces.The BIG 4 must go.
Science isn’t “wrong” as it adapts on the basis of evidence.
Except the vaccine don’t work.. not after 2-4 months.
But don’t let that fact get in the way of a quaint bit of leftist propaganda.
Of course the science was wrong, they had tried for years to get an mRNA vaccine to work and it failed in every trial.
Why did they think it would be any different this time?
“Why did they think it would be any different this time?” – But isn’t that the very definition of insanity?
If you think that science adapts to evidence, then why do you still believe that CO2 controls the climate? The science is unambiguously clear that it does not.
Rand Paul recently opined that the biggest causality of the irrational response to the China virus is the integrity of science. This has already happened as a result of the IPCC distorting climate science for ideological reasons and is what turned scientific misinformation into the most useful tool the political left has.
Excellent summary!
You’re right, Joe Biden has done a terrible job.
Joe Biden is not in charge of anything. But clearly he personally ordered the immediate military evacuation of Afghanistan. It took time for others to convince him to allow the soldiers to go back. He undid in 12 hours everything for which so many people have died. And now Afghanistan is a totally dysfunctional country facing mass starvation. Meanwhile Biden’s minders are pushing war against Russia, to hide the rolling disaster with China. I expect the Donbas region will secede from the Kleptomaniac government in Kiev and the military are there to prevent civil war, not start it.
But Biden needs to get attention away from China and not least, the Wuhan Flu pandemic for which China is totally responsible. You can add Nancy Pelosi and Dr Fauci. Over 5 million lives lost, the deliberate Chinese pandemic has allowed socialist governments around the world to become tyrannical and exercise rule by edict. And massive fines for anyone who dares disagree. This is the military viral attack undermining Western Democracies including Canada and Biden’s cabal doing their best to distract the public.
We can easily agree that the response , almost everywhere , was dysfunctional, but the “epidemic ” to which you refer – what was the nature of this “epidemic”?
Just “comply”.
Your masters will be happy with you then.
Not so sure about that clarence.t.
Or maybe you meant to “comply” with all present and future dictates.
I know it’s just an analogy, but there’s an Australian ad on TV doing the rounds for Canadian Club, about the guy who ‘doesn’t like beer any more’, and only drinks it because it’s ….. Summer!
Then there’s a cutaway scene to the guy pushing Summer Beer in the bottle shop, with that totally blank disinterested look.
“It’s delicious. 30% more Summer. Just drink it.”
Just substitute the word vaccine for beer.
Just ‘comply’.
It’s funny, the first time I saw that ad, all I could think of was the attitude towards the vaccine.
Yes u got it
There was a series of NZ ‘Tui’ beer ads with the catchline “yeah, right!”
Yeah, right!!
You do not understand what the Trucker’s are protesting about. It is criminal negligence for the Canadian government to force people to be vaccinated with the experimental first release RNA covid vaccines. There is evidence the first release covid vaccines are dangerous.
The Trucker’s are ‘protesting’ because the RNA covid first release vaccines are dangerous and because we have herd immunity because of Omicron and because Omicron is 1/10 as deadly as covid Delta. The Canadian forced covid vaccine policy is not required and dangerous.
As “U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy’s Report to the US Inspector of the Department of Defence” noted.. (See Bob’s link above.)
“Moreover, evidence suggests that spike proteins from the vaccine can circulate in the blood, causing inflammation and micro clotting. And, there is growing evidence that the spike proteins in the vaccine are themselves causing harm and/or death….”
There are two issues.
1) The first release covid spike was designed to and does cause complex biological problems in the body. The covid RNA vaccines force the body to produce the first release spike in the body. There is hard evidence that the covid spike moves beyond the injection site, causing biological damage and death in some people.
2) The Canadian population and the world population will get herd immunity in the next few months to the covid biological package because of Omicron. Omicron is 1/10 as deadly (1/10 the hospital admissions, 1/10 the number of patients in ICU, and 1/10 the deaths. as delta. The first release RNA covid vaccines are more dangerous than Omicron.
Many of the truckers involved ARE vaccinated. They just don’t believe that their fellow citizens should be forced (or coerced by losing their livelihood) to have the vaccine. It is a peaceful protest against an authoritarian government – very like what happened in Eastern Europe before the Berlin Wall fell.
People who have been forced to vaccinate to keep their jobs, travel, ect are also angry. Not only that, but they see the threat of “boosters” being required.
I have had non stop Family pressure to be vaccinated (live in 3 Generation Family household, with 5/8/10 year olds restarting School, and always someone is crook), and have said I would go with Novavax, but with the Australian Governement saying it will be only 2 doses and at this stage, Novavax is not eligible for booster.
As I said to my Wife yesterday, since she said I was reneging on my statement to have Novavax – Novavax is not available till 21 Feb 22, at this stage I am more concerned about Major Op 17 Feb and coming out the other side OK, and if 2 doses of Novavax is not sufficient for Vaccine Certificate, why bother, since I only wanted Vacciination Certificate for future travel – do not want Pfizer Booster and am happy to stay with Anti-Viral apptoach of last 2 years.
Daniel Andrews’ overrides Scott Morrison and announces a shock new rule for ALL international travellers entering Victoria
. Premier has warned double dosed travellers may be locked out of some venues
. Scott Morrison on Monday said overseas arrivals would not need three doses
. ATAGI is set to announce if they will change definition of fully vaccinated person
. Mr Andrews has already enforced triple dose mandates for some workers
Overseas travellers arriving into Victoria will need to be triple vaccinated in order to participate in society and freely move about the state, Premier Daniel Andrews has warned.
The move comes despite the Prime Minister saying on Monday all tourists would be welcome Down Under as long as they had two Covid vaccinations, and not a booster shot.
Mr Andrews has warned that while international travellers with two doses may enter the state, they could be locked out of retail and hospitality venues that require vaccination certificates to enter.
National Cabinet is waiting for advice from ATAGI to whether a ‘fully vaccinated’ person is deemed as someone with three doses.
Mr Andrews has already enforced triple dose mandates for workers in health and aged care, disability, emergency services, corrections, quarantine accommodation, food distribution and education.
2 doses of novavax are all that is needed, no booster required. they just wont approve it as a booster for the other kind of vaxed as it is a totally different concept and they have no idea how it will mix with fake spike proteins
I would be a bit hissed if I had taken the risk and had both shots to now be told I again have no rights without the booster.
Surely the risk is cumulative?
Murphy explains that the push to limit disease transmission should be dropped “as a strategy” and is not even “feasible.” He also says that early treatment and prophylaxis are preferred interventions over the use of vaccines.
Dont you just love it when Simon contributes. Throws a hand grenade into the commentary then walks quietly away. Doesn’t really contribute to anything. Maybe Jo pays him to be an alternative view.
Here he is doing a headstand and looking for those last four votes.
His employers pay him a dollar fifty for every red and a twenty dollar bonus for the century.
He loves the fame and attention.
The vaccines are doing diddly-squat!
NSW COVID deaths since January 11th (10th) – February 8th (7th), 2022 – as per NSW Health Government daily reports:
Deaths: 821
Vaccinated*: 631
Not-vaccinated: 190
*NOTE: includes three doses, two doses and one dose (the majority are double-jabbed).
BruceC. Raw figures look like about 20-25% unvaxxed, but we have no insight into why those people were unvaxxed.
Young healthy people with philosophical qualms? Or very feeble people who may have died IMMEDIATELY if vaxxed? I suspect the latter to predominate…judging by the ages we’ve been gioven for so many of the deaths.
I love this post! I have the appearnace of the Complier because I mask. I mask for two reasons. One, when the jabs came and the “public health authorities” said you can ditch the mask if you get the jab but must mask if not jabbed, I said “ok, I’ll just keep the mask on.” Two, I wear it to amuse myself, watching it all unfold as the jabs prove that “net zero” exists, just not the one they think.
And I agree 100% with MR. Mountain re what an actual insurrection might look like, and I’d really like Liz Cheney to see one up close. What we do have (he said hopefully) is the beginning of an insurrection. At this point those in power are gonna try to wait it out, calling in the military is not on the table (if they do call out military, the ranks may break and join the protesters, and that is what an insurrection looks like!).
Liz asked me over the phone last year in a survey if I was a follower of Q Anon but I had to admit that I didn’t know who/what that was. BTW What is Q Anon? She didn’t believe me. She didn’t believe that I was university educated either. Her level of contempt for her fellow Americans and self righteousness is enough to make one puke.
Dave, As far as I know, Q Anon is a thing on the home shopping channel. It’s used like a shark repellent, to chase away reason. Liz got drenched.
This, over mandates for a vaccine that doesn’t work, and upwards of 70-80% of your population has already complied.
So, as a rocket scientist, I think it’s about something else.
What you do not realize is that at least 30% of those “vaxxed” were injected by force – eg, you cannot work, travel, eat out, see your granmother, …..
The forcibly “vaxed” are at least as angry as those who are being threatened with loss of income now.
There comes a time when things become counter productive. I was going to make a small donation to the truckers until the go fund me business happened.(some choccies for jo instead)
There is no doubt the initial truck convoy was great. However they are now seriously annoying the locals of Ottawa with the continued honking of very loud horns plus it is difficult to move round the city and supplies to shops are being held up by the vast amounts of trucks blocking the place. There is no point in alienating those they want to support them so it looks like it is high time to move to a phase 2 of this demo, although I have no idea what that may consist of.
Agreed. They should go home. But first use the media to make a simple demand of Trudeau and his friends. End the mandates and we will be gone overnight. Or would he lose black face?
They SHOULD now go home.
The blockade had value for two different goals. One goal was to force the government to change its path. That is not going to happen. No government can afford to give in to such tactics. The country would be shut down after that any time someone disagreed with anything. Plus, as a simple matter of face, no government can back down in this manner.
The better value lies in how this blockade has brought people together and made explicit the fact that mandates and lockdowns are no longer democratically popular, and should be ended. This was the success of this protest – and it has succeeded, wildly.
To stay longer forces the government to retake its authority, in physical ways that can only end in tragedy.
The truckers should now announce to one and all that they have accomplished their goal, that government must now see where the people’s sympathies lie, and that government should now go back to work and play its proper role as a democratic-led civic hireling. “You work for us” is what they needed to demonstrate, and they did, spectacularly. Going home now, before violence, will retain the support they have built.
Force and showdowns now will only detract from what they have accomplished. There is no loss or surrender in knowing when to end a victorious action.
The problem is that if they go away now, and the govt ignores it all, what follows?
I don’t want to think about that.
Realistically, if the govt refuses to back down, its going to get ugly. Good thing Truckdea has all those chinese troops in Canada, no doubt for just such an occasion?
So the chief of Plod appears to have said they will target the protesters effectively through gathering of intelligence – it appears to sound like “were gunna git ya”.
So when the plod sound like the Stasi, that’s why no matter what, even if it ticks off the locals , it shows how deep the authoritarianism and evil is within the canadian govt – and that they cant afford to back off.
Keep it peaceful and polite, but they cant afford to back off until the govt caves.
The Army sensibly have said “No way”, and left it to the govt to swim in its own filth…..
That is correct. Either we win now thanks to the freedom movements in Canada, here in Australia and elsewhere – or we lose big time and the next phase of our draconian despots will make what we’ve been through over the past 2 years look like a picnic. Even if the win now is only temporary, it’s better than nothing.
What do you mean by ‘win’?
Here in the UK things are virtually normal, except for the still large numbers too scared to take off their masks but the numbers are diminishing. I have no restrictions as to what i can do or where i can visit. Denmark and other countries have also got rid of their covid restrictions.
Do you feel that Australia and Canada will hold on to their covid restrictions even when it is obvious to everyone that they are no longer needed?
“Here in the UK things are [for the time being] virtually normal”
“Do you feel that Australia and Canada will hold on to their covid restrictions even when it is obvious to everyone that they are no longer needed?”
Yes! Just look at Danistan to see how vindictive politicians are when disobeyed. This has nothing to do with health, this is “comply or die”. West Australia.. well. just a lost cause! They will keep restrictions on the unvaxxed until every one of us is jabbed or dead, they will not relent. How will Austria get out of their laws without losing face? because that’s what its all about!
People have lost their sense of comparison. Maybe its what the vaccines do to you. How can you even think about fines of $10,000 or $20,000 for not wearing a mask or not keeping a certain distance from someone else. How fast would I have to drive through a primary school zone to get that fine?? Just crazy!
Anyway, if the truckers give up, its all over, politicians will seize control again and life will go on, us doing what we’re told, them doing what they like. The only relief will be when some PM dies and everyone says Thank God!
The non-left are their own worst enemies. Constantly talking themselves into failure and serfdom.
“its a lost cause”…
“if XYZ fails, “it’s over”…
The left constantly remind themselves that a few people can change the world, and then they make their fantasies happen.
The right — in the majority and with truth on their side on most things — constantly tell themselves they can’t win, it’s no use, and why even try.
KP you have much to offer, and you are only saying what many are thinking. But we need the discipline to imagine a path somehow to suceed — especially when things look bad. Lets stop talking ourselves out of success.
Wise words.
“But we need the discipline to imagine a path somehow to suceed — especially when things look bad”.
I agree Jo, we need to force open the Western Australian border now.
This rhetoric about “it’s all over”, has been said over and over again since the beginning of time. It is as regular as the “game changer”, “tipping point”, “block buster” topics that appear on blogs that never eventuate into anything.
I just think the blogsphere is full of drama queens.
Gee Aye,
Your comment puzzles me;
“I just think the blogsphere is full of drama queens.”
Hasn’t that term been genderised and eliminated?
KP, I feel the same way but we do not know for sure how things will go. The freedom fighters initially triggered by truckers is very likely a huge game changer. If it keeps gathering strength, and it is for now, then our despot governments will have no choice but to give up and stop the mandates madness.
“The Army sensibly have said “No way”, and left it to the govt to swim in its own filth…..”
IIRC the military has been starved of funds for a long time. And they’re being told to kick out troops that are not “vaccinated”.
Level of loyalty to Canada probably OK but might be questionable to Trudeau
Oh – I forgot.
And getting the full woke treatment.
Good points but “No government can afford to give in to such tactics.” Why not?
This is not some Alt Right, Fascist, red neck, violent, anti Vaxxer meeting of the Flat Earth society. These are people who have had enough of a tyrannical government. It’s a fair point and while Trudeau command more than half the vote, you cannot treat the other half like dirt. Especially if you need them and you really need them. What would it really cost Trudeau to give in? Nothing.
The fact that there is no discussion, no discourse, no forum, no compromise says much more about a tyrannical mindset of Trudeau and his close friends than the families and workers he is confronting. It’s not a standoff. It’s sheer effrontery and arrogance not to meet and discuss, as if the truckers and their families are beneath contempt of the city elites. That will not resolve anything.
As Lincoln said, it is government by the people, for the people. Not government for a few of the rest. And the reality is that the virus is burning out, going docile. He could let his people go.
Trudeau did not get but 1/3 of the vote.
“It’s a fair point and while Trudeau command more than half the vote, ”
Not quite right there TdeF. While Trudeau did get the majority of seats at the last election, his party fell 13 seats short of obtaining an outright majority. His is a minority government.
Popular vote figures are
Conservatives 34.3%
Liberals( Trudeau.) 33.1%
New Democrats 15.9%
Greens. 6.5%
So it appears that he was not particularly popular from the outset.
Sort of reflects the way Austraila may go at our next federal election
Then it’s a coalition government. You would think he would be a bit more conciliatory? Or even just publicly hear them out and compromise? Bob Hawke was the master at defusing situations like this and getting popular support. It’s an odd world where left wing socialist governments set about alienating the workers whose vote they have always taken for granted.
My recollection of Hawke was that his accomplices would inflame disputes to enable him to be the hero. 100% confected.
The most recent similar situation was the fake dispute between Dan Andrews and the CFMEU.
Exactly- As a Unionist, then ACTU, then as PM.
M.O. – create/inflame a stir, publicly comment, (organisers inflame situation), let it run & grow.
Then- call a Summit, ( all the lads get together at taxpayers expense), Bob as Chair, would sort things out.
Hero Hawke. Repeat, repeat-tried & proven. Media loved it too.
It’s not a formal coalition, TdeF. The NDP party is backing the Liberals, but they have no cabinet posts.
Justin Castreau is a Neo Liberal
Not a Leftist
A fauxialist if you like
The truckers must stay . Yes , some people are unhappy but most of the reports we are seeing are from the MSM who are lying . If the government escalates the situation then people will realise that tyranny has arrived and all bets are off. The truckers will stop working and so will the supply chain . These protests are similar to the protests the brought down the socialist governments in the 80’s. Canadas government is a dystopian disaster and if someone doesn’t do something things will crash . Some pain now or agony later….
Your statement that “people in Ottawa are getting annoyed” is straight out of the MSM publicity. Truckers kept an emergency lane open everywhere. The Police have put up barriers all over the city, and these are annoying people. They have ALWAYS stopped the horns at 6pm: the media lied yesterday when they said the truckers had made a concession about this.
At the very least the truckers should stay until out illustrious prime minister comes out of hiding and speaks to them and apologizes for calling them racists and a fringe minority.
I have sent money to GIVESENDGO.
The locals should open their eyes and join them.
Ottawa is the Public Servant Class – the Canberra of Australia – did not need to work during Lockdowns, got pay rises and do nothing anyway
How could they understand normal Canadians who have to work for a living to pay their wages?
A statement this morning by the leaders of the truckers.
At the end one spokesperson points out that Ottawa is his country’s capital; he has a full right to be there to express himself to his government. This is a necessary inconvenience for those living in the city.
Truckers vs “Liamedia”
So give up now while they are winning and move to “Phase 2” — but you have no idea what Phase 2 is.
Giving up + ????? = winning. Great plan you’ve got there.
Who cares if the locals are inconvenienced! Minor inconvenience versus long-term freedom. If they alienate the locals, tough luck. The locals are the minority in the country. If those locals have a drop of freedom left in their blood they will be out there supporting the truckers.
IIRC the locals have been alienating most of Canada for a fair while
After two years of this, the blanket bans, the mandates of the world are completely unthinking and increasingly useless. The crisis is over or will be in weeks.
As expected, Omicron is now the relatively benign, much more infective strain of Wuhan Flu for which the world has waited. And we could not stop it if we wanted to do so. And we should not, except to slow the explosive growth and hospitalization. We can expect death rates to plummet as Omicron displaced Delta and others.
In North America Omicron is now 90% of infections and in Australia 86%. I would be looking to actively kill off Delta and let Omicron win before another more dangerous strain appears. It’s far cheaper than inoculation and much faster. So if someone has Chinese Flu, ask if it is Delta or Omicron.
And what the truckers and airline people and others are demonstrating is that in advanced countries where the bulk of the population are in fragile giant cities, it is crazy to attack truck drivers who feed them and airline staff who transport them and soldiers and military people who defend them. That is just unthinking. Mandating rules for people, especially working age people who are not a great risk but are absolutely essential is the essence of an unthinking bureaucracy. Give the very vulnerable their boosters, lock up those with nasty strains like Delta and get back to living.
Besides, in Australia with Omicron growing at 5% a week and soon to displace Delta completely, we can open up by the end of February. And use RAT tests on everyone coming to the country and there is no reason to stop testing for viruses of all sorts at the ports. There never was. Australia is so far away from the rest of the world, there is time to test for everything. And why not?
The truck blockade does more to expose the socialist dictators of Canada than to solve the problem. And it is a great relief for the truckers to force the elites to recognize that punishing the hard working people on whom they depend even for food is a really stupid idea. And sending in the army to attack your own people should never happen.
And we need to be on the lookout for a killer variant which attacks everyone of every age group, which is what happened in the deadly second wave of the original ‘Spanish’ Flu in 1920. So the sooner Omicron dominates the better. And innoculating children is just wrong. They are far less at risk and need to develop natural immunity, as with every major virus of the 20th century. For older people, they need to keep away from grand children and young children for another month. It will be over quickly.
I’m more on the lookout for totalitarianism.
My price is cheap. Just let me legally play golf on a golf course in Victoria. I promise that I will then join Dan in his quest for permanent and total control over all Victorians and King Island too if he chooses to invade.
Did you just write ” lock up those with nasty strains like Delta and get back to living”?
I think you have strayed onto the wrong site, but then it does seem to outsiders that the Australians have not significantly protested their government’s concentration camps for the unclean.
I think you are taking ‘lock up’ too literally. I do not mean imprison, quite the opposite. This virus mutation is killing elderly people, especially in nursing homes. I mean to recommend that elderly people keep isolated as much as possible from children and mass (spreader) events for a few weeks but not in home arrest or prison or literal isolation but away from places where infection is rife and moving rapidly. It’s advice not edict. For people to die from Delta in the last few weeks of its existence would be a double tragedy because it is avoidable.
One piece of news last week is that 2 million French people were infected in a day. This is the last stage of exponential growth. If you are going to get exposed, far better with Omicron.
Last week while shopping I ran into an elderly couple in their mid eighties who I hadn’t seen for a few years.
They had taken the shots and I had to ask if there had been any reactions following.
The lady said she had spent five days in bed after one jab.
This is not what we expect of real vaccines and needs sorting.
Latest on “Daschu on the Downs”
“Queensland’s quarantine detention centre open – 1,000 beds by April”
“This video has not been brought to you by Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and the WEF.”
William Wallace got it Samuel Adams (1722 to 1803) got it “Will the spirits of the people as yet unsubdued by tyranny, unawed by the menace of arbitrary power, submit to be governed by any force? No.”
And how about another open letter:
Dear Friend
We met in Ottawa while supporting the truckers, and you will remember that vigorous discussion about whether graphene was in the vaccines and could self-assemble inside your body, under the influence of the 5G network, into a rival neural network that would take over your brain. I thought it was nonsense, you believed it and probably still do. You had had no jabs. I have had two. Next to me was that guy who had had three jabs and would take more, but who believed that the government was overreaching itself. The important thing is that we all support freedom, meaning no discrimination between vaxxed and unvaxxed in any part of life. Let our unity in this goal be greater than the things we disagree about, and let us stay here peaceably until Trudeau concedes. Then let’s start a fresh political party to contend the next election.
Whilst grocery shopping this AM, I parked my climate destroyer next to an EV with a bumper sticker that read “ if you are a Trump supporter maintain a distance of 500 feet from this vehicle.”
And then something comparing Trump to an STD.
Forget grand political values.
Civil wars are just “I hate Yankees” and “I hate Rebels” affairs.
The grand cause is added later, to make survivors feel heroic.
The parade of fools is sad to watch.
I think parking 500 feet from an EV is sensible…when they go up, its good to stay a safe distance….
G’day John,
Perhaps he knew that Trumps supporters know it’s a good idea to stay away from such fire-bombs, and was being kind?
Nah, perhaps not.
Dave B
Another example where cognitive dissonance has failed to cause learning in the driver with the bumper sticker.
Is psychopath the right word for someone who believes they have the right to enter a shared space and control others in that space?
You could have added a “Let’s go Brandon” sticker
Over 3/4 million views in 10 hours!
I am disgusted to see so many here post that the freedom fighters should go home now. It’s typical of those who don’t know how serious and critical it is, and it covers more than just the COVID-19 mandates. We need to send the message loud and clear to the despot leaders we had enough of the climate change nonsense as well. Failing all that by pulling away the freedom fighters is only going to give the wrong message that we have given up the fight and so we let the despot leaders continue on with their madness, and link it to the climate change issue, which has always been their main agenda.
I agree Peter (although everyone can speak, so that’s good) – just the hope engendered by this protest for the rest of the world is so important, let alone what is doing for those in Canada.
There comes a time when a forceful in your face action becomes counter productive and you alienate those you need support from. We saw that in the UK with extinction rebellion, insulate Britain and other groups, whereby the public got fed up with them and sympathy and support fell away.
The truckers need to move on to phase two as tooting your horns continuously, blockimg access and reducing the freedom of those in Ottawa to move around their home town will not bring the residents on board. The longer they do this the more support will ebb, which I suspect was lower in the first place in Ottawa than rural areas.
I would hope that even now the trucker leaders are deciding their next move which may include starting a new political party.
Why leave just now?
I hear what you are saying Peter , but I think this battle can now be moved to another front , and another time . We are not going away.
And it is just one small battle in a very long war.
Electing to fight on another front , of our choosing, seems like good strategy to me.
Yeah, I’m sure that’s what they said to Wat Tyler in 1381 before they killed him — go home now you peasants, there’ll be plenty more chances for freedom. PS You’ll just have to wait another 500 years to see it.
If the truckers go home now, their cause is lost.
The Boy Wonder will return in triumph; the truckers will be picked off individually by the thuggish “law” enforcers. The truckers’ only strength is in their numbers. They must out-wait the coward.
How does ” We are not going away.” (what I said ) equate with “truckers go home now” (what you took from it)?
O.K , so what would be wrong with a silent protest , at this point?
The silence could be deafening.
Hmmm, too late now.
Ask French and Russian nobility what happens when you annoy the populace too much for too long.
Even China.
I have a copy of “A Concise History of China” by Jian Bozan, Shao Xunzheng and Hu Hua, Foreign Language Press Beijing, 1981
which points out that excess oppression was a major cause in the various dynastic changes in China.
Our Law Makers need to read and digest this epic, well-crafted, note! The next time they stand in front of TV cameras, burbling on about case numbers, trying to convince us that their words and thoughts are paramount they’ll know how they really look and sound!
with all due respect, Jo…
“You and I both had a choice to make, and I decided to fight for freedom. You submitted instantly, and attempted to shame, intimidate and coerce me into the same, becoming outraged at my independence and my belief in “my body, my choice”. You disagree with my striving for a fair and just society, free from fraud and deception. You call me a “fascist” for arguing against government overreach. Do you see this irony?”
i am triple-vaxxed, as are my family. i wore masks when asked.
plenty of people, who did the same as me, didn’t ‘shame, intimidate and coerce’ others to do the same.
you can be triple-vaxxed, mask up and still be against mandates. the two aren’t mutually exclusive.
it’s interesting that those who write these things are sometimes becoming what they espouse to rail against.
everyone has a choice. that’s the most important thing. i stand by my choices.
Luckily for you, you are free to stand by your choice. People denied a living or freedom of movement and access to services don’t have the same. That is why Jo and others are speaking out. I suggest you spend a while watching Viva Frei’s livestreams from Ottawa to get a good understanding of the oppression.
Sorry Janet,
I’ve done it again, hit the red rather than the green.
Dave B
Dave B – you Colour Blind too? – I did not realise they were different till someone mentioned red/green thumbs – thought they were just up or down – still do.
Something odd going on here.
I have tried on several occasions to give up votes or down votes, and even though its a brand new comment I have not seen before, its comes up with “duplicate vote”
Thing is.. its intermittent.. very puzzling
Yes, the up down voting is a little bit broken.
It is worth refreshing the page to see the updated count. It frequently jumps by two or three. My guess is that the software can’t handle multiple simultaneous button pressers.
Happens all the time, either that or your vote won’t record at all. You can also have your vote show up, then come back to the comment later and find your vote has disappeared. Gremlins.
The thing to remember about ‘open letters’ is that they’re not addressed to everybody. My reading of it is that he/she is addressing the militant pro-vaxxers who support mandates.
i don’t disagree with that sentiment.
Good for you Shannon.
I prefer my medical choices to be freely made and fully informed. Despite your protestations there is no way on earth that your choice was fully informed because the relevant information is not available.
The word I would use for those who make voluntary uninformed decisions is dupe.
Peace out.
i made the choice based on the information that was at hand, and based on who provided it. i can’t make a decision, based on what information might appear later (sometimes years later).
what i find curious is that many people will consult with doctors when a cancer diagnosis is made (for example), but suddenly won’t trust those same medical institutions when it comes to COVID vaccinations.
just to clarify, i am completely against the mandates being made (as i said in my original post) and am a supporter of Jo, particularly when it comes to climate misinformation.
Shannon. let’s face it, you chose.poorly.
“I made the choice based on the information that was at hand, and based on who provided it. i can’t make a decision, based on what information might appear later (sometimes years later).”
At the time the vaccines were first available, there was very limited information available to support safety and efficacy. No long-term, and only dubious short-term trials, with a lot of hanky-panky with the data from the clinical trials. This information regarding lack of safety data was readily available and many medical professionals were accordingly waiting for further studies before taking or recommending the vaccines. It was your choice to rely on your doctor’s opinion without doing your own research on the evidence for vaccine safety. If there’s a lesson here it’s that we are always responsible for our own decisions.
“what i find curious is that many people will consult with doctors when a cancer diagnosis is made (for example), but suddenly won’t trust those same medical institutions when it comes to COVID vaccinations.”
That’s why there is this second opinion thing. Sometimes the original diagnosis is wrong. I find it curious that people don’t get a second or third opinion, not just for doctors diagnosing cancer, but for doctors failing to diagnose easily operable cancers. You know your body better than anyone, even your doctor.
Why would you trust them? They are not infallible, and many times they are compromised. Get real.
i chose poorly?
really? if i spoke to five doctors, who all recommended to get the jab, then is that enough? how many opinions are enough, in your opinion?
what i find laughable is that people like you comment/pontificate on how you need to ‘do you own research’, but then when asked to provide said research, they can’t/don’t.
i like to think that i do more research than the average bear, but all i could find was hearsay and a lot of research that wasn’t backed up. but i could find plenty of independent medical professionals, in the required field, that recommended the jab.
in the end, this narrative that those of us who got vaccinated are ‘sheep’ is laughable. if my father got COVID, he would die, of that there is no doubt. i got vaccinated for his benefit.
if that is being a sheep, then ‘baa’.
Shannon , all the research that you needed to make an informed decision has been published on this site , and others , over the last two years.
At the end of the day , placing faith in other people’s opinions will never serve you well , particularly the opinions of many in the medical profession who were under extreme pressure themselves to conform . Failure to do so would have resulted in their de-registration .
I can agree that it was not so easy to get at the truth ; it never is.
But the fact is that there were alternative treatments for people like your father, and your being “vaccinated ” was never going to negate the possibility of you infecting him.
It is also a fact that large numbers of people got vaccinated , trusting the advice of politicians, because they were threatened in a variety of ways , if they did not comply.
It has been a learning experience for all of us , to learn who to trust, if anyone .
“But the fact is that there were alternative treatments for people like your father, and your being “vaccinated ” was never going to negate the possibility of you infecting him”
like what?
i never said it would negate the possibility. it makes him more likely to survive an infection. and that’s a medical fact.
“all the research that you needed to make an informed decision has been published on this site , and others , over the last two years”
what about the research from actual medical organisations, and actual doctors, and actual epidemiologists? is that for naught?
as i said previously, i respect Jo’s reporting on a great many things. but, surely you understand why people would be wary to trust information on a blog, against information from medical institutions and doctors?
Research from actual this and actual that, actually what matters is where the actual money comes from.
Information from many in an authoritarian organization is worth one point, same as if from one person.
If from a government agency/department, it is worth zero as the gov/minister makes the decision, someone who knows nothing.
Does not matter how many doctors, epidemiologists and whatever are on the payroll.
Shannon, I think you are raising an important issue about how people act under conditions of limited information, specifically in cases where we have to make a choice. I’m suggesting I applied the precautionary principle in the case of the “vaccines.” I recognized that there was limited information available to support safety and efficacy (this did not require extensive research), so my heuristic said to wait until more information was available. I think your heuristic was to defer to the supposed “authorities.” I think my heuristic was successful in this case, namely to avoid “vaccination” until there was sufficient data to support safety and efficacy. Do you think your heuristic was successful? If not, how do you propose to modify it?
“supposed “authorities.””??
so, medical institutions/independent experts are no longer ‘authorities?
“I recognized that there was limited information available to support safety and efficacy”
you forgot the ‘in my opinion’. i don’t believe we had limited information. you do. we can agree to disagree.
“Do you think your heuristic was successful? If not, how do you propose to modify it?”
define ‘successful’. i am assuming you follow this same methodology for EVERY SINGLE THING you put in your body (food, medicine, etc)?
have i, or any of my family had COVID? no.
have i, or any of my family had side-effects as a result of being vaccinated? no.
in my view, my ‘heuristic’ (your term, not mine) has been successful. yes, you could also answer those two questions in the affirmative, withouth being vaccinated. if that is the case, does that make you right because you weren’t vaccinated? i don’t believe so.
Hi Shannon. I missed your reply.
Where we appear to differ is that I assessed the amount and quality of information publicly available and decided it was insufficient to proceed.
You’re gonna run out of words to describe your injection count soon.
It gets a bit tricky after “quadruple”.
One thing to remember is that many of those that have complied are not hateful towards those resisting.
One of my employers ran into the massive rally crowd building at the train station on 22nd of January. Initially seeing hundreds of police, patrol cars, horses and a chopper overhead and thinking he and his wife had walked into some riot situation. Then he saw my sign beyond the wall of blue and realized it was an anti-mandate anti-passport rally. He and his wife, both double jabbed, then decided to make their way past the police to say hi and get selfies with my 3D sign.
Even if they were not motivated to join these rallies, they were both happy enough to post “we were there” images on social media. Many who took the shots can now see that something clearly isn’t right.
It might be just me but the injectees would have had to drink an awful lot of kool aid not to see that something isn’t right.
Ironic that protesters – who are claiming to be protesting to the federal government- are jamming the roads of Canberra when Canberrans couldn’t give 2 hoots about vax status. No mandates and no badge wearing here.
We’ll be mightily peed off if the protest camp at the showgrounds (EPIC) stops the show from setting up in a couple of weeks.
Canberra happens to be the seat of the Federal Gov’t. and it is therefore a place all Australians are entitled to be and to make their protests about injustices.
I notice the mainstream media made much fuss of one person who set a pram on fire but they have pretty well ignored the quiet well-behaved freedom protest unless to denigrate and demean it. That speaks volumes to me.
They can make their protests but protesting to them about state issues is a bit of a waste.
The pram person was pilloried by the media and the perpetrator was charged with a misdemeanor and went to court… but if that is what you seek, so be it.
“stops the show from setting up in a couple of weeks”
Yep, gotta have your quaint little show..
Will you have to be triple vaxxed plus to attend ?
Regarding the show – there are no restrictions in the ACT.
That’s not what the show managers are stating.
Compliance and Submission are requirements for Freedom and Liberty only if you are a Prisoner.
[…] Dear Complier, you can mock and throw angry names and I will still fight for your freedom […]
Here is a very good Australian video comparing the shocking conformity and obedience we are seeing in Australia (and elsewhere) with that observed with the famous Solomon Asch psychological experiments of the 1950’s. (under 10 mins)
If you are not familiar with the Solomon Asch experiments, I copied this from elsewhere:
I’ve always liked the experiment with the room that slowly fills with smoke,
The person who stays in the room is actually exhibiting reasonable behaviour … not because of “peer pressure” but because he has correctly determined the existence of esoteric knowledge.
If you can see that the others around you are deliberately ignoring the obvious, that necessarily implies they know something you don’t know, and because fire is dangerous and frightening at the very instinctual level you can further deduce that absence of the standard signs of fear (e.g. twitching, sweating) in those other people means you can confidently be sure there is no personal danger.
A good example is Simon up above, claiming 70% effectiveness against Omicron at the same time we have 90% of Australia with two doses of mRNA in their arms, and infection rates worse than anything previously seen. Australia went from about 2% of the population confirmed as having been infected with COVID, up to about 10% of the population (roughly where we are now) in the space of a month. Clearly no one could possibly be stupid enough to believe those vaccines are “effective” and yet people keep saying it … very much like the room filling up with smoke.
In the case of the smokey room, the collaborators were instructed beforehand and paid to sit there. In the case of the COVID vaccines we have already reasonable evidence of corruption, although we don’t know quite how deep it goes. We also see people behaving in ways that indicate political alignment and perhaps religious fervor … things that make them willfully ignore the world of empirical evidence. Thus we can reliably deduce the existence of esoteric knowledge, although that might not be sufficient if you can’t pinpoint the exact source.
Tel, Simon may be one of the instructed.
The ‘NZ Convoy 22’ participants are arriving at Parliament House in Wellington this morning, some having driven up (and across on the ferry) from the South Island, the majority having driven down the length of the North Island.
Today is the official opening day of Parliament, and mirroring her Schwab-trained counterpart in Canada, Ms Ardern is refusing to meet, or even talk with, some of her employers – the people.
Wellington in summer is a far cry from Ottawa in winter: it’s overcast with a cool southerly off the ocean and may reach a maximum of 20 C (above freezing). Not exactly the fiery furnace Greta the Panic Troll warned us about, even with all the extra vehicles and people gathered outside the Beehive.
Various media have begrudgingly, and dismissively, covered the convoy over the long-weekend (a double-whammy public holiday celebrating Waitangi Day and Bob Marley’s birthday, both on the 6th of February). I’ll drop by later on with any news or updates…
The NZ truckers should don hijabs, then Ardern will be pleading for a photo op while she gives out free hugs.
We hosted them in Palmy last night ; they got through a dozen boxes of yoghurt – no sweat.
The remarkable feature of the gathering was the fact that such a broad cross-section of society was represented .
It seems that freedom is an issue for almost everybody . Who’da thunk it?
We are being hoodwinked by OUR betters.
[The video author, Dorothy Joyner, requests at her BitChute page ( ), that the updated version of this video , Conflict of Interest: Covid in Australia, be posted instead of the older version. Updated version: – LVA]
I live in Sydney, but have another holiday house a few hundred km north where I divide my time. What amazes me is the huge divide in the political viewpoints. Down in Sydney people are mostly compliant to mask and vaccine mandates and you hardly see a national flag. Up north in the rural beach community, all I see are Aussie flags and on Australia day there are more flags than people. In this rural area, people are enormously upset and can see their freedoms being removed and they want to fight back hard. Compliance or silence is not an option and losing this fight is absolutely not an option. I also see the same stance in most of rural Australia and this is the source of many of those who have joined the convoy to Canberra. I don’t think the government (other than Matt Canavan) has a clue about how rural Australia is reacting to this new authoritarianism and there is a massive shock coming their way. This pro-freedom stance by people in the bush is so enormous that you can’t even begin to try and explain to those city dwellers who have somehow been conditioned to sit at home in fear and obey all draconian orders without question. But in May of this year it’s going to be a big awakening to all in Canberra. I’m expecting a huge rout in LNP rural votes, but these people won’t vote Labor or Greens, who want even more draconian control and instead we will see an exodus to minor parties, such as Palmer, Aussie Democrats and One Nation. The great defining trait of rural Australia is how it still captures the great Aussie spirit of freedom, where people embrace their neighbours, national flag and Anzac Day. The rejection of the Aussie spirit is where our leaders have fallen down and election day payback now awaits. Whilst it is anyone’s guess as to who becomes PM in May, it is now almost certain that we will have a minority government and the minority will be a major force.
btw – The best outcome would be seeing Dutton take over the LNP leadership (This might happen in March) and a minority government with a collection of UAP, AD and One Nation.
You better avoid the south coast then.
Full of Public Servants from Canberra working from “Home”
Could be, though they’d have to be running the pubs and shops in small towns.
though they’d have to be running the pubs and shops in small towns. Que?
These businesses enforce the QR, masks etc as required by the NSW government. If you don’t do what they ask you don’t get served. You are suggesting that the people running small businesses are Canberrans working from home. ie, unlike the north coast, you don’t get away with not being compliant.
I actually think Serge as making stuff up but anyhoo.
Canberra public serpents are likely customers of those businesses and would gleefully report them for non-compliance and subsequent business-destroying fines if they didn’t comply precisely to the letter. The business owners know this.
Meanwhile, no public serpent or politician in Australia lost a single day’s pay due to the economic chaos they caused. Why would they care? Their jobs are secure for life, and a good number of the senior leadership are also psychopaths and certainly don’t care.
Plus a lot of them got to “work” at home during the lockdowns, enjoying friends, family, walks in the park etc. on full pay while most other people suffered.
In all of this you’ve neglected to remember that the vast majority of people in that part of the world live and work there.
is, of course, false.
But you have to admit that “public serpent ” is a nice turn of phrase.
How many politicians/ public servants lost pay , were let go apart from those who wouldn’t agree to get the voluntary jab ? Not sure you can back this one up leaf .
I know what you mean but there must be a better word than “working” to describe what public servants do with their days.
And having written that another term is required for “public servants” because they aren’t.
Public is a collective noun, and these guys serve the collective.
South coast is not so different. The wealthy pollies and government workers that exist off the backs of taxpayers with real jobs still mainly vote in Canberra and only use the south coast as a playground on the weekend.
This pandemic so appears to be another leftwing/progressive/champagne-socialist stunt. Not that its a hoax or even a molehill made into a mountain (more like Mount Wycheproof turned into Everest).
It looks like the many times that a real problem is exaggerated, massive amounts of money thrown at it, and only enough of it actually used to deal with the problem superficially and the rest stolen. A vaccine that barely has any effect on transmission of the disease and about as effective in reducing serious illness and death as cheaper alternatives labelled as ineffective.
Two years and only now getting medications approved for reducing symptoms once infected. Its a joke.
Thanks to decades of indoctrination by the Left, most Australians and other Westerners don’t even value or understand concepts of freedom.
This even applies to a possibly voting majority in the United States, the only nation specifically founded on the ideals of individualism, freedom and liberty.
Ideals of freedom have to be taught from an early age otherwise they are easily given away and are hard, if not impossible, to get back short of a total freedom-oriented reset of the society.
I’m more optimistic. The law of natural consequences will bite people on the bum regardless of whether they understand it or not. Of course much misery ensues when people try to live without due consideration to that and the other natural laws like gravity.
Another age of reason will come along but probably not in our lifetimes. Now if you’ll excuse me I think my hermetically sealed bubble has sprung a leak.
i see we are entering the “freedom is insurrection” stage of authoritarian derangement
Lots of the “vaccinated” only did so due to peachy-keen vaccine propaganda. Just get it so you can do business/travel/reassure your clients; it won’t hurt you.
They don’t want and won’t get boosters.
They are telling their kids not to get it. They want healthy grandchildren.
Many are seeing vaccine injuries in their own families. It’s way beyond normal.
Here, Dr Ryan Cole discussss an increase in unusual infections and cancers after covid “vaccination” that he as a pathologist has observed.
I assume this will be soon deleted from YouTube.
Well what a steaming pile of delusional self importance. Good on you anon.
“Well what a steaming pile of delusional self importance”
ie, ga isn’t able to counter one bit of what was written…
This blockade looks to me like government for the people by the people. The continued push by “authorities” is awakening the sleeping giant. People now know that the vaccines don’t stop transmission. They know that the vaccines have been responsible for deaths and adverse reactions. Major Dr Murphy is one of many confirming the real science. People know that lockdowns did not work. The virus mutated and continued to spread. However, lockdowns destroyed small businesses and caused more harm than good. People now know that climate change is about changing our entire system. They see the hypocrisy of the Greens calling for air conditioning in all classrooms or Allegra Spender the candidate for Wentworth. She is running on climate change while paying for a diesel truck to run it’s GHG emitting engine all day. When energy bills go up and people can’t afford to heat or cool their homes, run their cars or take a basic holiday. When they can’t afford to heat the water or cook for their children. Then they will wake up in massive numbers and depose the government that caused it. The government that they the people own.
I’d say the relevant principle is that the people can only be governed with their consent and any sensible government would be noticing that consent is being withdrawn.
All that is needed is an opposition which does not play along with the authoritarians.
Time for a revival
“Oath of allegiance to kings of Castille (Spain)
We who are as good as you, swear to you, who are no better than we, to accept you as our king and sovereign lord, provided you observe all our liberties and laws, but if not, not.
J.H Elliot, “Imperial Spain”
The minister’s oath of office starts something like “I will well and truly serve …”
Perhaps the governor could stop them there and ask them to repeat those words before they continue. Or at the end ask them what was the bit about serving?
“I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Attributed to Voltaire.
“God is on the side not of the heavy battalions, but of the best shots.” -Voltaire
Canadian court bans horn-honking in Ottawa freedom protests for 10 days.
Justice Maclean of the Ottawa Superior Court also made the point that the ban on honking would not rob demonstrators of their right to protest.
That hasn’t been thought through… What if the horn honk was a legitimate warning for a pedestrian or other vehicle to get out of your way, in the normal manner of using a horn?
Clearly the ban would not apply to legitimate and reasonable use of a warning device, where such was necessary to ensure public safety.
It’s fairly obvious the Ottaws authorities are using the creep method to fight the protestors. The footage (Real rukshan) of the Melbourne freedom protest at the War memorial showed this tactic in situ. Every 15 mins or so the police cordon surrounding the shrine shuffled forward 1 step, gradually bottling up the protestors. This is the same tactic probably being used in Ottawa, except not on the ground. Its was ancient attackers did for fortified castles – just waited them out. First, the authorities tried to restrict fuel and food supplies. Now, we have the horn honking ban. Then the commentary into MSM that the trucks are adversely affecting the locals. Drip, drip, drip. Unless something happens soon, the police and authorities will employ this psychops creep stategy and jus wait them out.
In this video Canadian police confiscate fuel from the Ottawa Freedom Camp.
With extremely cold temperatures possible in that country people could easily die without a supply of life-giving fossil fuels to keep warm.
Interesting concept that. Remove fuel from stationary vehicles as a means of getting them moving.
Those from overseas who think Australia is a nation of “rugged individualists” as portrayed in the movie “Crocodile Dundee” need to realise that that movie was a fantastic work of fantasy.
With some notable exceptions such as those who heroically participated in the various freedom marches and convoys in the presence of paramilitary police who violently responded in a manner Australians are not used to, most Australians are highly compliant and subservient to authority.
The culture is distinct from the USA which was founded on an insatiable desire for individual freedom and rights.
Australia was essentially founded after Once Great Britain lost the American colonies and was used as a place for Britain to dump unwanted prisoners.
Thus the culture developed as either that of a prisoner who was subservient to authority (nowadays expressed by most people) or the authoritarian prison warder mentality as expressed through the Government and public “service”.
Since Australia ceased being a prison colony, there were plenty of free settlers, however they didn’t change the prisoner/prison warder mentality very much. If the immigrants were committed to the ideals of freedom they went to the United States rather than Australia.
Melbourne was never a penal colony. That’s really a Sydney thing what with the first fleet and all. So I think it is not quite right to assign the national psyche with penal colonies.
I think the national psyche is far more attributable to the hardship experienced by the european colonies. Fortunately people attitudes like live and let live, every man’s home is his castle, and never let down a mate in need.
Of course waves of immigration have brought people with every different heritage imaginable. The one thing I find people have is a desire to live a better life. Much is made of migrants not wanting to fit in but my experience is the opposite. Almost invariably have a strong desire to assimilate and be dinki di Aussies.
But American history is fascinating. Australia has nothing even remotely comparable to their the history of violence.
Came across this in the Times Cryptic (at
R.B. was that an anagram pun for “Dear compiler”.
Just amusing. I don’t know if it was meant to be snarky at antivaxxers or sarcastic.
Read and worked out with 9 minutes or hit “reveal”?
It has nothing to do with antivax or at least I can’t see the connection? And a google search shows similar cryptic questions (that insert “I see” into “and”) go back to a time before covid.
“There’s some salty language here as the Canadian police begin to go full Australia with the arrests in/around the Freedom Protest groups. The elderly man (80 yrs) , albeit a little salty with the officers, was identified by police as a non-compliant threat to their authority. He is then roughly manhandled, put on the ground and eventually handcuffed and taken away.”
Canada has gone insane. Manhandling an 80 yr old man. Govt wonks must be truly afraid of losing control. This is crazy.
They have good reason. this may be the real deal.
Funny, I always assumed the Yanks would be the first to rebel, it’s in their DNA, but maybe it is BECAUSE there are so many guns that they have been reluctant to start a civil war. In the US it could easily become hot because there are always agent provocateurs [as there have been in Canada] in the wings. Rittenhouse may have been legally right but imagine if a lefty version of him got among American trucker protestors.
The Sheep Awaken – Thank You Truckers
And yet we have some people wanting them to withdraw and give up on all the good work they have achieved so far. What the?!
Is this what you have come to Jo? Posting self-righteous self-aggrandising passive aggressive claims of virtue above all others, while listing the many ways everyone who disagrees with anything is morally bankrupt, and how much they are in debt to you (I mean “Anon”). Thank you for the smug promise that you (I mean “Anon”) will merely say “you’re welcome” when we come to our senses from the mental illness we have embraced. I am sorry you too have overdosed on partisan polemics. It is an immense loss for all Australians.
Clever how I got it first published on another blog and with multiple Twitter accounts too first eh?
So something there was causing you a mountain of pain? Feeling compliant perhaps?
“Ullo, ullo , ullo, got a “right” one ‘ere , ‘ave we Charlie?”
Funny how they use the name anon while claiming such virtuously superior morality.
btw. What is wrong with compliance?
GA — if someone thinks they “think for themselves”, then finding out they were blindly compliant would hurt wouldn’t it?
GA: “Funny how they use the name anon while claiming such virtuously superior morality.”
Those who give charity anon instead of advertising their own name can claim a moral superiority (except they can’t do that publicly, because that would break the anonymity). Tricky paradox eh?
The German Jewry have known the answer to that for 75 years
The biggest problem with compliance is that it’’s founded on a lie.
Carbon dioxide does no harm.
I fixed it! – And if this looks wrong, then maybe the original post is wrong too.
(Or maybe the original post was just Jo trolling for “engagement”?)
Dear Unreasonable,
We’ve met, but you probably don’t recognise me. You may remember referring to me as a “self-righteous”, having “scorn set on my lips”, having eyes with “only compliance, fear, shame and defeat”, “victim”, “efficiently conditioned”, “stripped bare of self-confidence, dignity, power and compassion”, weak in everything except to “attack those unwilling to join in obedience”, “fearful”, “needing you to decide what’s best for me or my children or my grand-children”, that I “disagree with striving for a just an fair society free from fraud and deception”, I’m a name caller who denigrates those he disagrees with, that I’m ignorant and stupid, or a quisling betraying his own society. But in fact I am none of the above, and much more to you than you realise. I am your friend, family member, colleague, lover, acquaintance and neighbour. I am everywhere, but like you I’m too much of a coward to say where, unlike you I won’t use my hiding of my name to take another swipe at you for being “self righteous”.
You’re not wearing a mask so I can see the scorn set on your lips, or even a smile (if you ever do). Your eyes are visible, but in them I see only defiance, fear, anger and frustration. I don’t judge you, as I know you are a victim of theories you are not equipped to assess. You have been efficiently conditioned, the result of which has left you stripped bare of independent thought, humility, and compassion.
Your only strength is to attack those unwilling to join you in defiance. It’s okay – I don’t feel mad – I feel sad for you. I will allow you to direct your fear at me and I will accept it, because the battle the majority is fighting is for you as well as me. It’s for your children and grandchildren, as well as mine. They need our help as much as you do.
You and I both had a choice to make, and I decided to fight for health. You submitted over time to the sophistries of conspiracy and tribalism, and attempted to shame, intimidate and coerce me into the same, becoming outraged at my independence and my belief in “my body, my choice”. You disagree with my striving for a fair, just and healthy society, free from the influence of wing-nuts and charlatans. You call me a “fascist” for arguing for what I believe. Do you see the irony?
While you continue to angrily defy, to follow those who have continuously lied to you, I will continue to push back. I will continue to value my autonomy and I will use my strength to free us both from the path you are blindly walking down.
One day you will see how much your defiance almost cost us, and hopefully you will see that I was never your enemy. I look forward to this day, and I will celebrate it with you. Until then, I will be here propping you up and preventing you from falling, anonymously of course.
Sincerely, Nona.
Dear Joanne,
Mention of The Sheep Awaken above makes me want to bore you with the following.
Resist defy do not comply
With the new world order,
They demand your soul complete control
With no regard for border;
Hung out to dry you must comply
With being marked and jabbed and muzzled
If you object to this project
You leave your masters puzzled.
Rules for thee but not for me
Says Soros Gates and Schwab,
You’ll own nothing and be happy
With the green new dealing blob;
Build back better makes you a debtor
As fiat pennies fall from heaven,
Watch the old succumb to cold
As their clock ticks past eleven.
Stay at home is a palindrome
For the bought and paid for media,
You will not find an enquiring mind
Without a case of agraphia;
The poor old sheep are all asleep
As the wolves disguised as shepherds,
Herd them into the shearing sheds
Where the un jabbed are now lepers.
Patrick Healy
Did you write that Patrick?!
Great job….
Yes thank you Jo Anna
My beloved of 53 years tells me write too much and should play more golf!
I have oodles of them on global warming, Wuhan Flu and the squatter in the white house.#
She says get them published, but I do not know how.