A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Inspiring confidence in your next flight
“Want better? The FAA says no pilot should be medically cleared to fly if they use a medication that has been fully approved for less than one year. There are no fully-approved jabs actually available in the US so any commercial pilot who has been jabbed, by the FAA’s rules, is medically unfit! Of course the actual law when it comes to airman medical certificates is irrelevant when politics get in the way of not dying at the controls — right?”
And much more at
What are the airlines doing to check the “brain fog” of pilots? It is a common symptom of Covid and of Long Covid. Vaccination doesn’t prevent infection and the risk of getting Long Covid. Maybe lessens it? There is too much we don’t know.
Wirebird. The gene-jabs cause brainfog in every case. This is because the spike proteins emerging from blood-vessel-linings pick up passing platelets which are INTENDED to cause clotting. This process is most prevalent where the vessels where blood flow is slower: the brain for example.
The result is stroke if a big clot develops. However, in every other case micro clotting must lead to “vascular dementia”, which used to be the second-most common form of dementia world-wide. Used to be!
Now that the gene-jabs are causing a veritable pandemic of vascular dementia, we can see why there can never be an actual end to the pandemic: only the rise of the undead vaxed, who are demented (ie unreasonable; frenzied, irrational)
Can zombies be said to have brain fog? Do zombies ever think straight again? Should the pure-bloods get too close to the zombies. Be watchful for the trembling and frothing!
A tsunami of dementia in future years won’t be a big problem because, coincidentally, the increasing use of euthanasia applies to those poor souls affected by it.
Cool, huh?
If I look up FAA form 8500-8, and go to Item 19, “Visits to health Professional.” If I look at the follow guide to filling it out, which is not done online, it does not list pharmacy assistant, who I believe are injecting most of these “vaccines” as a professional to list.
I updated my medical back in October. The Doctor did not say a word about Covid vaccines. So right now as I read it you do not have to confess that you have got this vaccine during your medical. So if it turns out there is a problem, I bet a lot of pilots will just tear up their vaccine cards like they never got it. Getting special issuance is a slow and long process.
Covid figures are ramping up after Christmas.
I expect that new cases will plateau at about 20,000/day, which is a long way short of the more lurid predictions of 200,000/day from the modelling.
Fortunately hospital numbers are steady in Vic and only a small increase in NSW.
WA is locked down tight and still has virtually zero cases.
Good News from that – 30 Dec 21 – ICU 121 -5
Bad News at $85 cost to Australian Govt – Total Tests per 100 Residents – Australia Total tests 54,612,824 per 100 – 213 = $4,642,090,040.00 Total Cost of Tests
Must be mind numbing to work in the related pathology labs.
And what happens when WA rejoins the rest of Australia let alone the rest of the World?
A highly recommended source of information about Covid is the weekly FLCCC webcast, which lasts more than an hour, including the informative Q&A. It is on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM eastern time in the US, but links to it will appear on the website in a couple of days.
Highlights for me, from yesterday’s program:
1) Take vitamin D3 and melatonin for prevention – don’t wait until you are sick with Covid. And gargle.
2) Do not unquestioningly believe data and information from the US health agencies, and the media which parrot what they are told. (At the time claims were made that 99% of the hospitalized were unvaccinated, the CDC’s internal documents showed the number was actually 24%; they were lying trying to increase vaccination rates.)
3) From the UK: The all-cause mortality for vaccinated people is higher than for the unvaccinated. People who take the Covid shots are more likely to die of something, than are the unvaccinated. Astounding.
Leftist fact checkers are attacking Robert Malone saying he is NOT the inventor of mRNA vaccines but he certainly holds patents. Of course, most inventions involve the use of certain prior knowledge and collaboration but they are trying to diminish his role because he is an ardent critic of the current vaccines
His patents here:
Leftist “fact checker” attack here:
Guess who partly funds
The World Homicide Organisation.
Guess who partly funds WHO?
Robert Malone has also just been banned from Twitter ; re Tony Heller. This is not done out of ignorance, but rather a concerted attack to silence the rational voices.
The little screenshot from Wiki and the Wayback machine that showed the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pages of Dr Malone’s involvement in RNA vaccines said it all.
From being a brilliant scientist who invented the RNA envelopment system he disappeared completely from the re-written page, a prime example of Orwell’s vanishing of a person.
…and my wife keeps telling me- “So all the best scientists in the world advising Govts are stupid and someone on the internet is better?”
Do you have a link or copy of that?
Thanks, Graeme. P.
I do have a copy, I just took a screen capture at the time 6months ago & tossed it in my ‘Covid’ file, but I don’t know where I was reading it at the time.
Searching for the link just now, it appears it turned into a shit-fight between Wiki editors, and there are now plenty of websites bad-mouthing Malone for trying to steal the invention for his own reputation.
The page in question is, between June 14th & 16th this year, the “History” paragraphs.
Lol- It reads differently again now! First was one set of names, then a different set, now no inventors are mentioned by name.
How does she know they are the “best” scientists? Because they have been picked by Govt? Thats a very low bar.
This is what Dr. Malone was tweeting about when he was banned:
“We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. ”
So, let’s look at the evidence.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
10 hr ago
Therefore, this Substack is not going to be an essay but instead a synthesis of some of what I have discovered.
In this discovery process, I have uncovered this amazing video made by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance. This video goes through the Pfizer 6-month data shows that Pfizer’s COVID-19 inoculations cause more illness than they prevent. Plus, an overview of the Pfizer trial flaws in both design and execution.
Please take the time to watch it and pass it on to your friends.
They also have a power point presentation called “More Harm than Good”. This presentation is extremely detailed and shockingly direct – it is basically the video above in power point form.
Finally, for those that haven’t seen it the primary document that the Canadian COVID Care Alliance used – one might wish to read the actual Pfizer Adverse Events report. This is a FOIA document of the first 2.5 months after the vaccine roll-out.
“Health Feedback” is related to “Climate Feedback”
The Worst of the Worst far-left propaganda of the AGW and COVID agendas.
Another miracle of Vitamin D, the extremely useful vitamin/hormone the medical establishment and government refuse to acknowledge with respect to reducing the seriousness of covid infection (when taken weeks or months in advance at appropriate doses, useless once infected).
Paper from 2013:
Impact of vitamin D supplementation during a resistance training intervention on body composition, muscle function, and glucose tolerance in overweight and obese adults
Andres E Carrillo et al. Clin Nutr. 2013 Jun.
Conclusions: Vitamin D supplementation in overweight and obese adults during resistance training induced an early improvement in peak power, and elevated vitamin D status was associated with reduced waist-to-hip ratio.
The intolerance we now witness of virtually all reason- and evidence-based new and alternative ideas relates to the domination of the Left, or as Americans call them “liberals” (as opposed to the pretend conservative party we have in Australia of the same name) who now dominate virtually all institutions.
It all started in 1967 when Rudi Dutschke told his followers that violent Marxist revolution was difficult but they would succeed through a “long march through the institutions” as they infiltrated all levels of society and all institutions over a long period such as government at all levels, academia, the education system, the legal system, even the large woke private corporations that so greatly benefit from the “gift” of “crony capitalism” bestowed upon them.
There are no more intolerant people than the Left either in their International Socialist or National Socialist forms.
The Left are at war against the core Enlightenment values of Western Civilisation such as the pursuit of happiness, the pursuit of knowledge obtained by means of reason and evidence, ideals such as liberty, ongoing progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state (they are imposing their own Leftist religion upon us).
The phenomenon of Leftist intolerance was written about by Kim Holmes in the book “The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left“.
Why majority is always wrong? Look at the presentation that is fortunately available outside the Box.
Why majority is always wrong?
He did not attack the other side with talking points that lead into immediate dismissal because thinking would have created painful cognitive dissonance. Instead he used talking points that lets the others mutate their thinking one step at a time.
It is absurd for our government to give Pfizer billions for the experimental technology of mRNA jabs, mandate us to take their experimental jab, grant Pfizer immunity from accountability for harm, yet refuse to let us see the data required for their experimental product to be licenced.
Some of the data you want to see?
If Covid or the vaxxes don’t get you then maybe Alexa will 😈
Science that can’t be questioned is just propaganda
How do they come up with these suggestions.
And what else has been suggested that we haven’t heard about?
The 23 craziest TikTok challenges so far – and the ordeals they’ve caused
December 22, 2021
9. Penny challenge
This shocking fad involves sliding a penny behind a partially plugged-in phone charger, as seen in multiple viral videos circulating on YouTube and TikTok
While the prank may seem innocuous, the coin can strike the metal prongs, causing “sparks, electrical system damage, and in some cases, fire,” warned Massachusetts Fire Marshall Peter J. Ostroskey in an advisory issued last year.
Case in point: The marshal obtained a photo of a scorched outlet in Holden reportedly caused by the viral prank. In another incident, a student at Plymouth North High School allegedly started a fire after performing the challenge in what Plymouth Schools Superintendent Dr. Gary Maestas called an “irresponsible act. Fortunately, no one was injured — but the accidental arsonist was charged for the crime.
Mom claims Alexa encouraged kid to try deadly TikTok challenge 28 December 2021
A mother was shocked and appalled after Amazon’s digital assistant Alexa allegedly suggested that her child try a potentially deadly TikTok challenge. A screenshot of the risky recommendation currently boasts over 10,000 likes on Twitter.
That’s when Alexa reportedly dropped the unexpected bombshell. “Here’s something I found on the web,” it suggested, per the Twitter screenshot. “According to The challenge is simple: Plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs.”
She was referring to the “Penny” challenge, a viral stunt from several years back with the potential to create sparks, damage electrical outlets and even start fires.
– “Why then in the love of all that is holy would an organization that should know better like @amazon sell a product that randomly selects content from the mess of the internet to use in conversation with any random person at any level of critical thinking ability?” one skeptic wrote.
– “This is not an Alexa/Amazon problem,” another argued. “It is an internet literacy, critical thinking problem. What do I mean! This ‘challenge’ existed nowhere.”
– “There is literally no reason to have an ‘Alexa’ in your house,” deduced another critic. “This should tell you that if it wasn’t already obvious.”
In the UK and Australia could be very deadly as 240V vs 110V in US
She was vaccinated so she would be fine.
if she was vaccinated, then everyone in the room with her is also safe, via the amazing powers of… I’m not sure, really, it’s not science, so it must be magic!
Never fear! Some idiot will try it.
Biden’s handlers have triple-vaxxed Biden fully masked when walking alone on the beach with his wife.
Triple-Vaccinated Biden And Wife Alone On The Beach. They Still Wear Masks.
Biden last July: “Don’t have to mask if you come home to Delaware with me.”
By Hank Berrien
Dec 30, 2021
Bit silly when old numb nuts regularly unmasks at Whitehouse events. More Covid theatre.
While mutating, Alpha variant may have gained ‘skills’ to successfully block the ‘innate immune system response’, new research has revealed.
Published in the Nature magazine, the research claims that the Alpha variant has learnt how to successfully evade a human body’s initial line of response.
Science that can’t be questioned is just propaganda
I remember when Nature used to be considered a respectable journal.
And then it became woke.
Scientific American was also once a respectable journal. It became dumbed-down in 1986 when it was purchased by Holtzbrinck and then some time after that it became woke as well.
Reflecting on NZ’s approval of euthanasia for COVID patients, a conservative would find it bizarre that in NZ you can get euthanised for covid but you can’t officially get Ivermectin, HCQ etc. as those drugs are not approved for covid. (Although I don’t think they are banned either as in extreme Nanny State Australia.)
Jacinta comes from a communist background. She attended Kraus Schwab’s Young Global Leader’s Course at the World Ecomomic Forum.
She attended University on a Masonic scholarship.
Jacina Ardern was a reject from the Darren Weir stables and then attended the YGLC, Schwab told her she’d never have to tolerate jiggers again and that unlike his forefathers she had the potential to finish a race.
With a mortality rate as low as NZs why is this something taking up legislative bandwidth?
Because the Left are trying to “normalise” euthanasia for any and all reasons.
Feeling depressed? Get a needle.
Lost your job? Get a needle.
Have a treatable medical condition? Get a needle.
In The Netherlands children can be euthanised plus there is no medical requirement that the patient be close to death.
And in Belgium:
Anti life,
like the campaign against CO2.
Is the banning of use of Ivermectin for covid19 tantamount to Govt. sponsored euthanasia?
It’s not enough to kill people with the vaccine and refuse proven treatments to assist patients to survive the virus. Now they want to promote euthanasia to COVID patients. Pure evil.
What’s going on in China?
Maybe not just the “10% as dangerous as Covid-A” Omicron “yawn” variant…
Science that can’t be questioned is just propaganda
I can’t wait for the π strain to be released…
They have the infectious vector in omicron, now the Chicomms just have to add a deadly payload.
As with the Communist-style lockdowns, the CCP is showing the West what they must do next.
They are trying to contain Covid ahead of the Winter Olympics in February. By all accounts it’s really brutal over there.
That sounds like a reasonable assumption.
Wion news from India, stated that the virus that has shut 13 million people in their homes IS NOT the corona virus but an unknown virus . Unknown to the locals that is, the CCP may know exactly what it is and where it originates.
Anything you want to tell us NASA?
Full disclosure is long overdue.
I’d think any aliens visiting Earth now would just say “Meh. Let’s find somewhere else”
I would say to them “at least take the politicians and govt health experts with you!” 😅
Timing? … perhaps the first message from another civilization is ‘Merry Christmas’.
“It’s a COOKBOOK!”
Have you noticed that all the instruments looking for intelligent life are aimed away from the Earth?
So if there is intelligent life out there, why would they want to have any contact with us?
““at least take the politicians and govt health experts with you!””
‘Quickly, get on Ark Spaceship B, the world is ending and we need to keep you important people safe. Come along! ALL you bureaucrats. We’ll follow you as soon as we can.’
As per the Hitchhikers Guide..
Unfortunately most theologians do not understand their own text book, i.e. the bible.
I follow the science.
“The science” is the term the Left use to describe propaganda. Science is open for discussion.
Don’t think you watched the vid. That is a link!
Biden: “You’re not going to get Covid is you have had the vaccination”.
Trice vaccinated, masked except when sitting and terrified.
Hugh Jackman is dying from the Rona.
I’m glad they wear a mask when they make a video.
I watch 6 feet from my computer screen, just to be safe.
Yeah, masked while doing selfies, very common in influencer circles. Propaganda.
From the United Australia Party..
Don’t like Clive but he has many good points.
Is that a black eye, has Clive made the club, or did he walk into that low hanging chandelier.
Podcast, Tom Woods interviews Robert F Kennedy, Jr.
There’s some horrible stomach churning bits in there when he describes the experiments that Dr Fauci has approved and funnel taxpayer money to.
Worth listening to … but not pleasant.
yes well worth listening to
thanks for posting
CDC Withdraws Use of PCR Test for COVID and Finally Admits the Test Can Not Differentiate Between the Flu and COVID Virus
Is this the same PCR test that we use?
No, they used the gold standard, ours is brown.
07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing
Audience: Individuals Performing COVID-19 Testing
Level: Laboratory Alert
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.
Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.
In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
Just a reminder to all to mark your calendars.
5 days to go to your first of many boosters.
This comment brought to you by Pfizer, because we care about your health.
194.8 million doses according to this Gov doc. That’s eight each, you may want to mark your calendars for a reminder on the 4th of every month.
Luckily they hid the scary parts.
We have supply agreements in place for the following vaccines. The contract documents/supply agreements themselves are not appropriate for release as they contain confidential and commercially sensitive information.
Thanks for posting that OldOzzie.
My first take is that there are apparently many authorized tests and the one which has been withdrawn is but one of many. My second take is that the CDC did not give a reason for the withdrawal of the authorization. I find that disturbing.
I would be interested to see something supporting the claim in the GP article about the admission by the CDC.
The CDC website says of the withdrawal “CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses”
Not quite an admission of inability to distinguish them, but close.
And yet when conservatives and others on the rational side of science and politics said such things they were accused of being “tin hat foil conspiracy theorists” by Leftists and other members of the ignorati.
Haven’t you heard? They are all in it together.
Again and again, Last year’s ‘conspiracy theory’ is today’s reality.
The Turn……brilliant! Must be reprinted in mainstream trashmedia weekly to chip away at the peripheral useful idiots! It sums up my long held mantra; there’s no tolerance in the tolerance movement.
2022 must become the turning point where the Marxists are repelled. The Seattle autonomous zone of 2020 encapsulated the folly of a marxist utopia and it’s inbuilt hypocrisy and hatred. It failed within a fortnight, but the house that Ole Dementia Joe has built by Executive order must be derided and importantly the inherent hatred examples shown to the useful idiots and look them in the eye and ask if that is what they stand for?
The hypocrisy is circling the world under the guise of covid security, but the warning signs are flashing for Australia as Andrews in Victoria has TRIPLED his bureaucracy of tax paid executives all with increasingly bloated departments of rusted on grateful labor voters. All this with a Victorian State labor party under the control of Andrews old flatmate Albo, or in ScoMo parlance, AnAl!
It might eventually turn out that traditional political alliance doesn’t inform this current stupidity, but right now the left is driving the insurrection against democracy in the tried and true method of character assassination of your opposition to allow you to use the same tactics with impunity. Pelosi’s careful orchestration of the ‘Capitol insurrection’ of flag and phone wavers calling out Republican Pence was the writing on the wall in the US and Ole Dementia Joe’s marxist ‘advisers’ deciding the destruction of ‘bad’ capitalism ratified by Executive order, rather than put in frnt of Congress is the quintessential Marxist hypocrisy, while still character assassinating Trump for signing EO’s.
That’s Australia’s future if the left isn’t called out NOW!
The Seattle autonomous zone, was the best show on TV in 2020. Covered many issues, gardening, gun safety, clean living, mental health and art. Something for everyone, great entertainment for the whole family!
I’m hoping it gets syndicated, reality TV at its best.
Imagine if we never had the PCR test! It would save Australians $5billion in tests straight away, Not to mention the billions for vaccines, the hundreds of billions for welfare and the loss of hundreds of billions in GDP.
People would only go to a doctor when sick, or hospital when really sick. Nearly all would stay at home with ‘the flu’.
It would be a really bad cold, thousands of doctors would try different remedies and we would end up with the Ivermectin/Vit D/HCQ and others as medicines to take for it.
Eventually there would be a vaccine, but without a panic it would be a few years in the development and testing, and like other Coronavirus vaccines, it wouldn’t work.
With the country carrying on as normal we would have a lowish debt like we had, not the world’s greatest which we do now, and we would still have a lifestyle that was the envy of the world.
It would have cost us thousands of the people living in Death’s Waiting Room, shortening their “lives” by a year or more. Maybe it would have lead to some serious questions about how long people want to live as their quality of life collapses and they just become income streams for the medical/retirement industries until they die.
It might even have made people wonder if chicken-coop retirement homes are the best way to treat our elderly.
The Pandemic of the PCR Test. Are we better off than in 1919?
Did vaccines cause the 1918-19 Spanish Flu pandemic?
REVELATION: Only the “vaccinated” died during the 1918 Spanish Flu
That is interesting as it applies to the young, fit and healthy who died as any “flu” can kill those with compromised lungs.
Peter C:
What were they vaccinated with? No ‘flu vaccine then or for many decades. The recommended treatment in Australia was fresh air and sunshine (and masks of course as these are powerful juju).
Summed up by President Trump when he said “the more you test, the more you’ll find”.
It might have been John Campbell who said 50% of tests in NY are +ve. Hasn’t it become pointless by then?
Laboratory Alert issued by CDC reads:
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only.
CDC encourages laboratories to consider the adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate the detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
So, the current PCR test is not reliable for telling the difference between COVID-19 and the flu. Most of us already knew that over a year ago.
New video re COVID, Omicron, Long Covid. Where we are up to understanding the disease and reasons to be cautious until we know more.
Prof Jeremy Nicholson, Head of the Australian National Phenome Centre (at Perth’s Murdoch Uni) talks COVID basic science in this interview by Andrew Miller.
Is this 2021 or the middle ages?
Non compliant chinese lockdown rule breakers being publicly shamed.
It’s a virus people! They’re carrying on like medieval peasants afraid of the number 13.
Perhaps we can try sacrificing the purebloods to a god. Bring back witch burnings and the Spanish Inquisition.
Maybe even blood letting and trepanning.
I wonder if channel 10 with their totally laughable self-promo tv ads about honest investigative journalism will cover this story? Rhetorical obviously..
Once more, with feeling:
PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction. It is NOT a specific “bug” test. It is a statistical procedure; essentially “uversampling”.
Even the bloke who invented it (Malone???), has apparently decried its abuse in the current circumstances.
So we get RATS, instead…..
Anyone else getting images of rooms full of “political scientists” and terminal bureaucrats yukking it up over a few “adult beverages”?
Pretty sure he Akansided in 2019.
Kary Mullis.–inventor-of-the-pcr-technique–dies-66256
Such an event would be “consistent”.
I’ll go and have a look for his stuff online, if it has not already been “memory-holed”.
And, speaking of “political” scientists:
Sinking ship; RATs: some disassembly required?
Thought for the day:
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
― George Orwell
Another firearms registry problem has emerged with reports that the NT Police have lost several Glock handguns.
The NT News has reported that 11 guns went ‘missing’ from the police armory, with recording errors to blame.
The NT News story revealed that two Glocks were missing, “possibly stolen” and a further eight were unaccounted for.
It says that five police members undertook a full search of the armoury building, including the roof space, but failed to locate the firearms.
The NT Police’s Deputy Commissioner Murray Smallpage told the NT News that two of the missing Glocks were the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation and could not rule out that they ended up in the hands of criminals. (can see why she’s the boss)
Trust us ….
The Deputy Commissioner told the paper:
“I want to reassure the community of the Northern Territory that we (approach)
the management of our weapons with the highest concern and any time when
we’ve got firearms missing is a grave concern to us.
Given the seriousness by which our lawmakers regard firearm laws, we think that simply saying they hold ‘the highest concern’ is far from good enough. Had a licensed firearm owner done the same thing, thy would most likely be up on charges.
So who is accountable for this, and what is the sanction?
Recently, NT Police charged an Alice Springs man who carried a firearm to ensure his own protection when he went to help a neighbour who had been stabbed. He did not lose the gun, and nor did he use it. Yet he’s now before the courts, while the officers who lost their firearms are not.
Chargeable offence for the rest of us, but of course for them its just oops! and nobody is responsible. Bit like a hotel quarantine enquiry.
The Australian Aborigines are running an exercise for the real one I hope. Do like the way he pronounces the capital Can-bear-a, defiantly a can of something.
One of the stupidest things I’ve seen for a while.
Wondered who would buy into that obviously staged theatre.
20 police were beaten back by two people with their arms outstretched, others with a boomerang, a digeridoo and two drums. But it was all white people at the front then they peeled off.
They retreat into an unlocked door of the building where they had obviously come from. Appears the controller was leaning against the wall, as they retreat he taps them on the shoulder.
The news had more footage and stated pepper spray was used, yet none of the footage shows any effort by the boys in black to control anything, they walk up than retreat.
The MSM showed the solid hardwood doors burnt all the way through, buy the size of the fire a huge amount of accelerant was used (black smoke) but the old fella reckons it was the police trying to put out their smoking fire with their non-flammable spray that caused it to burn up and across the roof. Hard wood takes hours to burn through. Why two smoking fires and why one against the doors?
Why was that sand on the road and was that the smoking ceremony fire burning on that sand. Who provided the sand?
A white fella goes up to the stairs and brings back a bag of something.
Another camera that has degraded optics, heavily edited footage.
Appears to of been the whites doing all the work.
Our own little Reichstag fire.
the secret cabal against Abraham Lincoln that included Booth
Pfizer Inc. teams up with a major CCP company
All my electrical power ‘stuff’ is now almost at the stage of what was mentioned in the Thread below. (The Turn) People are now mentioning to me (and even some family members in fact) that ….. Tony, people don’t want to hear any of that any more. It’s mostly untrue in fact. One even mentioned that the 18,000MW minimum power consumption referred to as the Base Load is in fact a con$p1r@cy theory.
It is however still relevant, huh, if anyone wants to know. The point is that everyone has now been conditioned to believe that it is all so simple, and that Renewables can just seamlessly take over from coal fired power. However, far from being simple, it’s immensely complex to understand, let alone try and explain in a manner that can be understood, and that complexity is now why I am at that point mentioned in The Turn, where I’m more likely to just not even talk about it any more.
I was asked a question across at my home site about the difference between the Load Curves for power consumption and the difference in shape between what the Summer one and the Winter one look like, and the Curve for the Cooler Months has that distinct dip in the middle of the day between the two Peaks (AM and PM) while in Summer, there is just that one Peak and it’s closer to the middle of the day. Those peaks are still there on the Summer Curve, but power just keeps rising after the morning peak in Summer, and then gradually falls away after that high point. At its height, the difference between the peak in Summer and the dip in Winter can be anything up to 8000MW to 12000MW, and that’s a sizeable chunk of electrical power consumption.
Virtually ALL of that power consumption extra in Summer is from what is called HVAC, (Heating Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) and all of it is consumption in the two sectors OTHER THAN the Residential Sector. All of that HVAC is in high rise buildings.
Now rather than explain it all here, I have a link for you to follow. It’s to a Post of mine from four years back during my year long daily Series on the Base Load. That explains it best rather than go over it at length here. Once you are at the link, scroll down to the text under the data.
This is the link to that Post, dated October 2017. (thanks Robber)
Again, just from reading this, you’ll see how complex just one small part concerning power consumption/Generation really is, and from that, why no one wants to hear about it any more. Because it’s not …..easy.
Please do not stop posting your comments and analysis of the power system.
You have an enthusiastic and appreciative audience here.
More people need to understand how the excess introduction of Roof Top Solar and utility Solar , causes such huge problems for the other generators and the effectiveness of the grid in general.
Don’t stop! I find your explanations of the power industry fascinating, something so important to all of us yet almost none of us have any idea about.
I just read the politics of electricity in places like the UK or Germany and shake my head! Obviously the politicians have absolutely no idea about it either!
As an aside, China has commissioned a 1 gW generator. Imagine the mess if they destroy that like we did Callide 3.
A Chinese power company said the first of four 1,000-MW units at a new coal-fired power plant in a northwestern region of Inner Mongolia has entered operation.
The Guodian Power Shanghaimiao Corp., part of the state-owned China Energy Investment Corp., on Dec. 28 said Unit 1 of the Shanghaimiao plant is online after a 168-hour testing period. The facility is the largest coal-fired power plant currently being built in China.
That’s the biggest under construction in that Country ….. Mongolia.
China has had 1000MW Units for a long time now, more than a decade in fact.
In fact, the largest in China is now at the Pingshan Plant, and that is running a 1350MW generator, and here’s the link to an image of that Unit. The generator is the half round structure between the squarish box in the foreground and the three stage turbine at the other end of the generator. Look closely and you’ll see some men on the floor, and that will give you some idea of the size of this ‘giant’. Oh, and remember how coal fired power is dirty filthy black and toxic.
I have used this image a number of times now, especially when people tell me that coal fired power is dying, and all but dead in fact.
Those humungous conglomerate Companies that specialise in manufacturing coal fired power equipment and infrastructure (and there are four ‘biggies’ here) are still spending Billions on advancements in coal fired power, and in fact, they are more ahead of their (coal fired power) game than any renewable manufacturer are on wind and solar, and in fact, those same biggies are the leaders in those renewables as well, just that there’s as much to be made from coal fired technology as from renewables.
If coal fired power was (supposedly) dying or dead, they would have gone under long ago. They’re making billions let me tell you.
Read this Post of mine at this link from June of this year.
Umm, just two of these Units will deliver more power across a whole year than ….. EVERY wind plant in Australia.
Coal fired power has a veeeeeeeeeery long future, and Australia and the U.S. and the U.K. have fallen by the wayside here I’m afraid.
That’s an impressive-looking big generator Tony. And the surrounding floor looks like it has been highly polished.
Obviously they have a powerful detergent/solvent that eradicates that filthy CO2 stuff!!!
Tony, you are a very valuable asset to this blog/site.
Thank you.
Your posts are very valuable Tony. I’ve always found them interesting.
Tony your remarks are where the meat is, much appreciated.
An excellent solar farm result for your collection
“135 megawatt plant in southern Alberta. Not producing enough power to charge your cell phone”
Again, it’s notable how none of the resident Leftists ever contribute to Open Thread where one is free to express virtually any opinion on just about any topic.
They only ever react in a negative way, never offer any new, positive or original opinion. In general, they are terrified of new ideas or independent thought.
They are not paid to do that. Instead, they are here to disrupt, obfuscate and confuse as they are in every site where I have dueled them. Their typical hallmark is absolute ignorance of actual history and present reality beyond leftist tripe, and they define Santana’s quote.
Hard to make talking points fit the discussion.
I will keep saying it: the best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them, no matter what they say. Argument is their aim and they enjoy making people respond. I can 100% guarantee that, if nobody ever reacted to their posts, they would eventually go away.
I received a newsletter from America’s frontline doctors today and in it they included a statement supposedly made by the White House prior to Christmas. It says:
“We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You have done the right thing and we will get through this.
For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”
I have tried to verify this through, but have been unsuccessful. Can anyone shed any light on this seemingly horrendous message. ToM
There is a video of Joe’s message somewhere. It is real.
Lots of sources on youtube, heres on
It is real.
Originated in White House twit … I mean tweet.
Confirmed by Chief of Staff (or Wearer of Pants Sans Depends) Ron Klain.
When asked, he replied “the Truth is the Truth”.
He is likely one of the obscure leaders of the religious sect.
The point is of course to seek clarification of their concept of “unvaccinated” which will change every 3 months as worthless boosters are deployed endlessly.
So if the nightly news reports hospitals filled with unvaxxed, think again!!
any idea what country they are talking about?
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells in Kent probably.
I just noticed a site where Prof. Norman Fenton’s tweets can be read.
Some useful links and graphs relating to COVID mortality data:
I don’t know how much it cuts Twitter out of the picture … I hope it does — they’re bad actors so depriving them of data-mining revenue is a plus.
A co-author on the Neil, Fenton et al paper, was Joel Smalley who has a Substack blog that covers similar ground:
I’d like to know why Victoriastan leads the nation in Covid deaths ?
Queensland now has 8586 active cases and not a single person in ICU. The magical vaccines continue to work just as well for the unvaccinated.
Nice little analysis here:
Simple and to the point:
“ For the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is blamed on those who haven’t taken it.”
On another subject, electric cars, as governments try to push up the cost of electricity by robbing electricity bills for their friends in the Green wind/solar industry, there is a big collision coming.
Basically so much of the cost of gasoline/diesel/LP gas has always been in hidden government taxes. These could reach 90% when Australia was self sufficient in petrol and the prices were set on Singapore prices, not actual cost. We had rocketing prices even when we had our own petrol.
But now the Governments are realising that electric cars do not pay petrol taxes. So not only electric car owners demand subsidies, exemption from registrations fees and even free charging stations at public expense, they are not going to return anything in the form of taxes.
Government never built petrol stations, subsidized cars or exempted anyone but the Canberra elites want their free charging stations and their free Green energy and a pat on the back for saving the planet. We all pay for this egregious behaviour but in governments the penny is finally falling. Nothing comes back in massive petrol taxes.
So they are inventing kilometer taxes on electric cars and in fact on higher efficiency hybrids and those evil petrol cars. These and more will have to replace the billion $$ petrol taxes. So logically it will cost as much to drive an electric car as a petrol or diesel one, even if you provide your own electricity! Expect the cost of running electric cars to skyrocket as governments switch from handing out our money to the elites to raking in their money from everyone. Especially rich owners of electric cars.
This will be to pay for the roads of course. Like all the other taxes.
With all the advances in the 20th century, no one has found a cure for Government greed. And the ABC wants more money too. They deserve it. Or they will bring down the government of the day. Politician by politician. If you can put a Cardinal in Jail and remove an attorney General by false accusation and no evidence at all and a campaign of disinformation, you control the government.
2022 will be the start of a time of energy poverty as Canberra and AGL and their friends start blowing up more powerstations, including Liddell and Loy Yang. This summer, if we get one this year, will be one of blackouts. No, that’s not racist.
And AGL has never explained why it turned down a $250Million offer for Liddell. Why would anyone not accept all that cash for something they are planning to destroy? That is the multi billion dollar question, as coal power plants are worth more closed than providing cheap, reliable, controllable and adequate power.
Especially after the adverts with bearded wokester walking purposely through a windmill littered landscape assured us that AGL was “getting out of coal” Then when presented with a rolled gold opportunity they back away.
AGL have planning permission to install an 850MW battery/gas fired generator at the Liddell site. I expect they consider the site valuable for this reason. It can make use of the existing infrastructure and operating permits.
I do not know if the project is approved. They are probably holding out for government assistance of some form. I have seen reports that the Federal Government will fund a 600MW gas plant on the site. So the battery may only be 250MW. The various governments are throwing a lot of money around to support any project in the Net Zero cause. The gas plant is notionally duel fuel – NG and hydrogen. That fits in with THE “plan”.
It is no longer possible to do away with a big coal generator without having additional dispatchable generation. That usually means gas fuelled.
It is the shareholders who were forced to pay.
You are correct in opining that a milage tax [I’m old fashioned] will be introduced, wrong in assuming it will not be cumulative with petrol tax.
Never stand between a politician and a pot of money.
There has never been a financial argument for buying an EV
EVs have always been as expensive to run as equivalent ICEs.
The inital extra capital cost offsets years of any potential fuel savings.
In Many countries, electricity recharge costs are significant,..especially public charge stations.
And if the EV owner recharges from RT solar, that also has a capital cost to offset.
Being new technology, i also suspect depreciation of EVs could be higher as new better models are introduced
There needs to be a X10 improvement* in “bang for your buck” in battery technology, as promised by EV fans. If it doesn’t happen EVs are dead, if it does happen no one will want the old technology.
* Absolute minimum would be X4: A doubling of range and halving of cost. I don’t believe either to be achievable in my lifetime.
December 30, 2021 – The real efficacy rates of the COVID vaccines
The Biden Administration and the mainstream media have been pushing a mandate of the experimental COVID vaccines for the American people. Their talking point is that “COVID vaccines are effective and work against the pandemic.” That’s not true. I have been following the “U.K. vaccine surveillance report” since last September, and have seen enough evidence about the real efficacy of the COVID vaccines to show that they’re not as good as advertised.
My last essay revealed that more vaccinated people have been using the healthcare system in U.K. than unvaccinated people. Now I am going to talk about how MSM and politicians use so called “rates” to hide the truth and to mispresent the actual data in order for their narratives.
Here is an example of the “Unadjusted rates” chart in the UK Vaccine Surveillance report, Week 51.
How can the Unvaccinated do better than the Vaccinated? In order to show the greatness of the COVID vaccines, they used Unadjusted rate per 100,000 people. There is a footnote under the above chart in the Week 51 report, and every other report: “Comparing case rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection.” That is to say that “we deceived, so that don’t use those rates.”
It’s therefore time to stop the vaccination mandate and all the nonsense about a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”
Unfortunately the link isn’t complete
Sorry Link –
December 30, 2021 – COVID treatment protocols and the death of ‘trust your doctor’
Recently, President Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, said: “For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”
That unvarnished statement, from the podium of the White House Press Room, was then followed by an update from CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, and the chief medical adviser to the president, Dr. Anthony Fauci. During the entirety of this government-sponsored “infomercial” on the dangers of COVID-19, not a single mention was made of the importance, availability or efficacy of early treatment for COVID-19.
No one on the podium described the importance of a person’s Vitamin D level; no review of the need to address underlying comorbidities; no attempt at explaining the many protocols for sequenced, multi-drug interventions; no thought of a monoclonal antibody treatment such as Regeneron; and no mention of the fact that older people are at a much higher risk than the young for an adverse COVID reaction.
Instead, the public was once again treated to the familiar and failing policy of prevention through vaccines and their boosters, the unscientific recommendation to mask up, the inconvenient need to maintain social distances, and the commonsense suggestion to improve the ventilation of indoor settings. The policy is always presented as a requirement for all, rather than nuanced for age groups or other conditions.
December 30, 2021 – The real ‘green’ in green energy is all the money involved
America has a few remarkably good, stable, readily available sources of available energy, all of it relatively clean to very clean: Nuclear power, oil and natural gas, and clean-burning coal. All, though, are too impure for the green lobby. (The clean-burning, safe, modern nuclear plants are especially verboten.) Instead, they want water, wind, and sunlight, all of which are intermittently available, two of which (wind and sunlight) create require and create toxic and non-biodegradable byproducts, and all three of which significantly increase consumer costs. That third issue is on display with the problems surrounding a windmill project that Richmond-based Dominion Energy is planning to implement.
Dominion’s plan, which is already being put in place, is to build 180 hideous, loud, bird-slicing, non-biodegradable, intermittently-productive wind turbines off the coast of Virginia Beach. (My assumptions are operating there. Maybe the planned turbines will be beautiful, quiet, bird-supportive, biodegradable, and endlessly productive but the odds are against it.)
The proposed cost for this project is $8 billion. However, thanks to inflation, Bonner R. Cohen writes that Dominion is already predicting that the project, due to be finished in 2026, will cost at least $2 billion more, with further cost overruns very likely:
What’s become increasingly obvious, whether the subject is solar power, windmills, or electric cars, is that green energy is an obsession of the college-educated Whites who increasingly make up the Democrat party’s most powerful bloc. If you’re looking for White privilege, look left. In Democrat-land, Blacks are expected to vote and shut up. It’s leftist Whites who have all that White-privilege.
The green energy boondoggles allow those same Whites to assuage their climate guilt and flaunt their virtue-signaling, all while transferring government money to their pockets or getting the government imprimatur on laws and projects forcing consumers to pay the greenies more. It’s the perfect scam, maintained by telling the ratepayers, “You’re evil and dirty, so shut up as we help purify your environmentally-unfriendly souls.”
China’s one-child policy suppressed the birth rate with forced abortions and political terror for a generation. Only allowed one child, many Chinese families chose to abort their baby girls.
The deficit of 40 million female babies is now the specter stalking Communist China.
China’s aggressive military moves against Taiwan and India are a desperate gambit by a corrupt Communist elite facing domestic social instability and millions of men who can never marry.
But while the focus has been on too many Chinese men, it’s the too few women whom the regime is starting to fear. The Communist society is being forced to reckon with the social problem of supply and demand in the marriage market.
Women, formerly despised, are now in the driver’s seat, with the bride’s family demanding tens of thousands from prospective grooms.
That price is putting marriage out of reach for a whole other category of poorer men.
But what really has the Communist elite worried is not the high price of marriage, but the growing number of professional women who aren’t interested in getting married at all.
And many of those who do are getting divorced, leading the regime to impose a 30-day cooling off period after there were more divorces than marriages recorded in China in 2019.
The big question for Communist leaders was whether they could defeat the West economically without becoming so much like it that they would have to adopt its society and its politics.
The fall of the Soviet Union was a cautionary tale about the dangers of western liberalization. And China appeared to have avoided the pitfall, suppressing its democracy movement and maintaining a Communist oligarchy even as it outperformed America in the marketplace.
But Xi and the Communist leadership fear that they just delayed the inevitable.
The combination of an aspiring professional female workforce with the sex-selective abortion caused by the one-child policy has made China’s gender relations uniquely horrible.
The single career women who have redefined the culture and politics of America and Europe are on the rise in China. In interviews they express a disinterest in marriage and family.
They enjoy focusing on themselves, shopping, socializing and traveling with little interest in the future of their country or their society. They seek no meaning beyond the luxuries and comforts of life.
The new society spends less time calculating the price and profit of marrying off children and worries about the imminent disruptions of a child on a young urban couple’s quality of life.
While this century has been heralded as belonging to China, studies suggest that China’s population will drop by 50% by 2100. While 732 million may be nothing to sneer at, much of that will consist of its rapidly aging elderly population.
By 2050, 336 million Chinese elderly will form a bloc larger than that of the United States.
If the birth and marriage rates keep dropping, a Communist gerontocracy will preside over failing dams, mega-cities, and a shrinking empire of senior citizens and single career women as the “barbarians” in the Muslim hinterlands with stronger birth rates sweep in.
Communism claimed to be able to harness history, but history always has the last laugh.
I read a tragic story only this morning from China, where a divorced father threw his two little toddlers off a balcony, killing them. He allegedly did this because his new girlfriend didn’t want children and wouldn’t marry him while he had them. No mention of the ex-wife.
Both father and his girlfriend have been sentenced to death.
That description of young Chinese professional women FITS perfectly 60-80% of similar in the white west where even one child is an effort.
If you add the white Leftist lunatics with their vows to have no children, the west is already in deep doggy-do.
Bringing in barbarian hordes will solve that problem but only by the destruction of the west as we know it.
As a bioweapon covid achieves its effect by cumulative damage. Omicron was made seemingly milder so that idiot Westerners, too stupid to use ivermectin and other antivirals, would think that they could live with it.
And thus we have the spectacle of the new Chief Health Officer for Queensland recommending vaccinating and boosting as much as possible while letting the virus rip. So that it will be endemic.
Vaccination is to reduce the load on the hospital system, not for the health of the vaccinated. A succint summary of his proposal:
Endemic doesn’t mean mild, it just means it’s all over the place. And Covid infection doesn’t give immunity either. You just keep getting reinfected until it kills you. Great plan!
Unless vaccination kills you first. A school district in New York has had to hire a doctor just to look after sudden cardiac arrests in the kindergarten to twelth grade group. Heart attacks in children used to be as rare as hen’s teeth.
Most of the Western world is vaccinated and most age groups in the vaccinated have a higher rate of infection than the unvaccinated. There has been another interesting development in the weekly covid statistics from the UK:
In the last data set, for Week 51, suddenly the 18 to 39 year olds have shown a jump in infectivity for the vaccinated relative to the unvaccinated.
The reason why young people and children had seemed immune to covid is that they have more active immune systems than adults. The fact that the vaccinated 18 to 29 year old age group is suddenly more prone to infection suggests immunological exhaustion.
SARS-CoV-2 can replicate within tissue for over 3 months after infection in some individuals, with RNA failing to clear from multiple compartments.
Photos from autopsies are coming in too. The fastest way of dying from covid is having blood clots in the lungs:
Figure 2 shows a champion covid blood clot. The most common effect, including in the asymptomatic, is micro-clotting. The best way of detecting these is with a D-dimer test.
By the way, quercetin is a thrombolytic which means it helps dissolve blood clots.
As well as being a zinc ionophore and also an antihistamine.
And no surplus for at least a decade.
How to milk an interest cow, for idiots.
“Lesko Brandon, CDC Reports 431,567 New Cases of COVID Today
December 29, 2021 | Sundance | 174 Comments
Sooner or later the CDC is going to use the word “eleventy” to describe their covid data.”
And the last cartoon there
“But, this graph goes to eleven.”
CDC virologist Dr. Nigel Tufnel.
According to ZOE COVID Study incidence figures:
In the vaccinated population (at least two doses) there are currently 27,000 new daily symptomatic cases in the UK. An increase of 6% from 25,411 new daily cases last week.
To compare Delta and Omicron, London data was selected from a week where Delta was dominant (03-10.10.2021) and compared to the most recent data (03-10.12.2021). This initial analysis found no clear differences in the early symptoms (3 days after test) between Delta and Omicron.
The top five Omicron symptoms reported in the ZOE app were:
• Runny nose
• Headache
• Fatigue (either mild or severe)
• Sneezing
• Sore throat
Professor Tim Spector, lead scientist on the ZOE COVID Study:
As our latest data shows, Omicron symptoms are predominantly cold symptoms, runny nose, headache, sore throat and sneezing, so people should stay at home as it might well be COVID. We are also seeing two to three times as many mild infections in people with boosters in Omicron areas as we do in Delta variant areas . . .
. . . the new strain has caused some previously-unreported symptoms, including nausea and vomiting. [among vaccinated patients – no mention of vomiting in unvaccinated as yet]
While the Omicron variant of the coronavirus can cause the classic symptoms of Covid-19 – fever, persistent headaches, and a loss of smell or taste, it can also cause the symptoms of a traditional cold.
Schwab’s Young Global Leaders — Class of 2021
Only 2 Australian contenders this year:
Jessica Mauboy
Andrew Bragg — Federal Liberal Senator for New South Wales. Andrew was the National Director of the 2017 Liberals & Nationals for Yes campaign in support of same sex marriage which delivered Yes majorities in 71 of 76 Coalition seats. Following Andrew’s election to the Senate, he was elected Chair of the Senate Select Committee into FinTech and RegTech and is a member of the Senate Economics Committee and Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services.
Last week, the FDA authorized two much-hyped antiviral treatments for COVID (just in time for Christmas): Merck’s Molnupiravir and Pfizer’s Paxlovid.
Almost immediately after the first data were released, critics were questioning the drugs’ safety profile.
Unfortunately, both Pfizer’s and Merck’s drugs come with some serious drawbacks, the biggest being that they can cause life-threatening reactions with widely used medications like statins – taken by people with high blood pressure – blood thinners, and even some antidepressants.
What’s more, the FDA doesn’t recommend Paxlovid for people who have severe liver and kidney disease.
We have a question: if a patient dies from an interaction involving a COVID antiviral and their blood pressure medication, would that still be counted as a COVID death?
I am hoping for that turning point where the conspiracy theorists are no longer prophets.
The difference between conspiracy theory and the truth used to be 5 to 10 years. Now it’s 6 to 8 months.
It’s now down to 4 months (thanks to government man*date) soon to be same-day turnaround.
Here in France, the media and government is going bananas because the number of infected people is very high, and increasing. 90% of the population has had at least 1 vaccination, and the hospitalisation rate is lower, or about the same as it was in 2020. the death rate is also not what it was before either.
Now, we are back to having to wear masks on the streets again… I think a dog chasing its own tail has more idea of cause and effect, and a better grasp of reality than the media and government here.
Meanwhile, back in the USA, the COVID count has soared to 465,000 new cases yesterday. To get a sense of proportion, the January 2021 peak was 305,000.
The CDC is obviously getting their analysis from decapitated chickens. Three days ago, they claimed 73% of the cases were Omicron. Yesterday, they “corrected” that to 23%.
Do any of the numbers in the US mean ???
I heard one person being interviewed on RT News lately that the Omicron strain is less serious and will lead to more serious illnesses. How’s that for a contradiction. That’s the logic of those who have bought the scam hook, line and sinker. They really believe in the lies being perpetrated by MSM, politicians and health officials.
For those interested iHerb has quercetin back in stock. Don’t be slow.
Merry christmas and an even merrier new year et al. A cellebration is in order 🙂
But i digress
This study is so well presented it is like just ‘wow’/ refreshingly concise…lots of homework for me here, especially with respect to source material/reference verifycatiousness (A new word?).
In summary, the Pfizer vaccine provides far greater serious harm or death than any absolute efficacy benefit it might provide. Sounds like the vaccine is more of a poison, which many of us already knew many months again. As Dr. Roger Hodkinson stated “It’s All Been A Pack of Lies”
Yet our government is coercing people to take the vaccine. I among many others are hoping that one day our leading politicians and others involved in the cover-ups are charged and found guilty of crimes against humanity.
That won’t happen, they are all in it together. There is a strong possibility that Labor may form a coalition with the help of the Greens and Independents.
‘To stay a majority government, the Coalition cannot afford to lose a single seat, and for Labor to form a majority in its own right, it will need to pick up seven seats and not lose any. This will be challenging for both sides, as the Coalition hold two seats with margins of less than one per cent, and Labor have five in that precarious position.’ (Herald Sun)
Poll: 9 Out Of 10 Americans Support Tossing Dr. Fauci In A Volcano
Babylon Bee
December 29th, 2021
Not in a Hawaiian volcano. I have far to much respect for Madam Pele to do that to her. . .
The latest US number seemed to be bothering me, and I couldn’t figure out why.
465,000 (or so) new cases. Then it hit me.
latest US Census (2020) population 410,000,000 (or so).
410,000,000 / 465,000 = 881.
Did the US really have 1 out every 881 people get diagnosed with COVID (any strain) – IN ONE DAY? And that’s AFTER the US has already had 54,000,000 cases already diagnosed since COVID started.
These are crazy numbers, from an epidemiological standpoint.
Jo, do you have any ideas?
Suggested watching in a comment at Chiefio
“Two hour video. Very worth watching despite that”
“Vitamin D – what’s the catch”.
In the second minute of that video they discuss something I bang on about regularly: A placebo controlled trial of well documented beneficial treatments cannot be ethical.
Dr Malone substack link
“The Video Message That Resulted in Dr Robert Malone Banned from Twitter, An Alarming Warning About Vaccinating Children
December 30, 2021 | Sundance | 189 Comments
Dr. Malone has always presented himself as an intelligent and thoughtful man of even & stable disposition.
This is being reported as the video {Direct Rumble Link Here} that got Dr. Robert Malone banned from Twitter. In this video Dr. Malone makes very strong statements about the “irreparable harm” to children caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. ”
Direct link
“Virus propaganda, or is it dimwittedness?”
“Virus propaganda, or is it dimwittedness?”
Perfect synonyms.
Big winter snow storm brewing in the US.
Break Your Chinese Shopping Habit for 2022: Here’s How
No, you don’t have to give up Amazon or
It’s almost impossible to beat the convenience of online shopping at Amazon, Walmart, and the like. Luckily, there’s a simple way to filter your search results for items produced by American workers in American companies. When you type what you’re looking for into the search field, first add the phrase “made in USA,” then type the rest, like so:
The search results will feature products made here at home, and not in China. But what if you really wanted Egyptian cotton, and none of the American-made products fit the bill? If your goal is not to buy anything made in China but you’re okay with most other nations, you can use the “Customer questions and answers” feature to determine the country of manufacture. This section is found on each individual product’s page. You’ll need to scroll all the way down the page, and the answered questions appear just above the customer reviews. Usually, someone has already asked where the product was made:
Unfortunately, the “made in USA” search term trick doesn’t work as reliably in your favorite browser’s shopping mode as it does at Amazon,, and other retailer websites. The items that come up are just as likely to be imported, in spite of the search parameters you keyed in.
If you want the wide-ranging shopping experience of a browser but with only American-made products in the search results, you can visit a site that limits products to items manufactured in the U.S., such as Once you’re on the website, it works like your favorite big retailer website. If you’re looking for sheets, for example, you simply select “bed and bath,” “home and kitchen,” or something similar from the menu. The difference here, however, is that these websites don’t actually sell anything; rather, they direct you to American companies’ websites, based on what you’re looking for.
If it happens, it’ll be the first major snow storm this winter in Northeastern Ohio. I’ll be interested to hear Joe Bastardi’s take on this in his upcoming “Saturday Summary” on WeatherBELL Analytics (
Oops, that was meant to be a reply to el+gordo @ #58
A reminder
“Three Years Till The Guardian’s Global Climate Catastrophe”
“No wonder the Guardian is in such dire straits. Apparently I am one of their top readers globally, having read 64 articles this year!”
I see there’s a new Y2K style computer Armageddon date being predicted for 2038 ! Apparently this time it’s going to be caused by a binary code glitch .
Got to say, the existing snow depth across the entire northern hemisphere looks amazing right now, don’t think I’ve ever seen so much snow near January 1st before. Despite very early heavy falls in China and in Europe, they’ve both got off the lightest by far, as the rest of the northern hemisphere has been absolutely hammered by very heavy snowfall. Scandinavia is getting hammered though. But south of Norway the standing zonal locked NH jet pattern is again bringing the pulse of south central Atlantic relative warmth to Western Europe once more this week and pushing the colder weather back into Russia. This is the same thing that occurred during the 2019-2020 winter, due to the same NH zonal jet pattern flow bringing warmer south central Atlantic air in to Western Europe from the WSW, in-between major Atlantic meridional jet ‘storms’. It’s looking like a similar setup during this Winter, we’ll soon see if the global zonal jet flow creates a sustained warm-anom in Europe again (and over Russia into March) as it did during 2019-2020.
The Middle East and Central Asia already have deep snowfalls over ground and are about to get much more. This also looks like a re-run of the very bitter cold of 2019-2020 winter … so far.
The NH Jet also becomes much more ZONAL this week plus it’s clearly edging into the tropics here.
Remember how I said last week that ultra-dry, 0% to 1% rh formerly stratospheric air, was in-falling directly on all the world’s global arid-zones, and true deserts? Here’s an image of such very dry air mixing-in at 3,000 ft, and diluting the moisture levels in those locations. This image is at the same time as the zonal image shown above. Sinking stratosphere is falling all the way into the most convective parts of the atmosphere even over open oceans, in both hemispheres.
Britain is exceptionally warm for this time of year but by Tuesday its expected to return to normal winter weather. Of greater interest is the stretched polar vortex, which should turn up sometime in early January.
The zonal jet bifurcation in the central Pacific disappears around the 6th to 7th, then a N-S bifurcation tries to get re-established, but much nearer the US west coast on about the 10th of Jan. i.e. the NH zonal jet flow gets about 3,000 km to 4,000 km longer in that process of the bifurcation migrating eastwards.
10th Jan 2022 forecast, 39,000 ft, massive zonal flow in NH:
I still expect strong meridional flow over the North Atlantic into Western central-Europe, but it has not developed yet (I’m taking real deep and real fast flows) and may not until early February.
Very interesting couple of articles (C Treehouse and American Farm Bureau) about the rising prices of food in the US – we’ve got that too of course. The implications of the increased energy costs feeding into increased fertilizer costs feeding into increased foodstuff costs are very clear.
That’s not very festive! Ikea hikes prices by 50% as Covid pandemic sends supply chain costs soaring
– European furniture retailers are increasing the price of goods in their UK stores
– Retailers claim the hikes are due to difficulties with shipping and energy prices
– Customers complain prices have increased over the Christmas period
I despair. What can be done?
Homewood is an avid reader of the Guardian and they reckon the end is nigh.
At the end of that article
He also got a notification that he was one of their top readers – at 64 articles
More useless but odd info , if you add your birth year and your age you will get 2021 .
“Thanks to a FOIA request we now know that Biden’s covid czar Anthony Fauci will, when he retires, enjoy the highest pension in US history! He will be pulling in more than $350K for his 50+ years of “public service.”
Tough at the top!! I expect he will do a quick dive soon , just in time to dodge the flak he has caused.
Praise Heraclitus for having observed one cannot stand in the same river twice as though he was fully aware of the solar system’s trajectory through its hosting galaxy; the other side of the argument is themed on groundhog day the nirvana of the brain dead left who are pleasured by the misery their spurious idealism entails.
At the coming elections federal and state whichever party advocates for the return of the pillory will be substantially augmented in my estimation; crime commissions is a waste of everybody’s resources.
There has been an instant change in the US fake news outlets. Suddenly, this week, all of the US Left Wing media hacks are saying the same thing about covid. (See linked to article).
“Liberal journalists shift on coronavirus as omicron variant surges: ‘We don’t orient our lives around the flu’”
William: Does this mean mandatory covid vaccination and/or covid vaccination passes is going to stop? How about forced third vaccinations?
It looks like the Biden administration is starting damage control (accepting the reality on the ground) in response to the Omicron surprise. It appears almost everyone is going to get infected with Omicron in 2022 and Omicron is roughly as dangerous as the normal flus. It appears the first release covid vaccines are more dangerous than we were told based on critical examination of the Pfizer covid vaccine test data.
This is a critical review of the Pfizer test data from Pfizer covid test and published report.
The political issue is countries like Australia and Canada do not have large pharmaceutical industries to protect to interfere in elections. Vaccinating people with a dangerous vaccine to protect against Omicron which is assumed to be a flu like illness is not justifiable scientifically, morally, or politically.
In fact there is a real risk that there could be criminal charges and/or the end of political careers, if vaccines are harming some people and the general population find out. It is local government’s responsibility to find the dangerous vaccine problem in the data and take appropriate action. In the Canada, data altering to hide stuff is not allow or possible and each province has responsibility for health care and has complete access to the data and has independent analysis.
“Liberal journalists shift on coronavirus as omicron variant surges: ‘We don’t orient our lives around the flu’”
CNN’s Brian Stelter
“We collectively took action to protect the elderly from Covid. Now, shouldn’t we be doing more to protect children by letting them live normal lives? Or, to pose the Q another way, are we really going to close schools again and let kids suffer even more?”
“MSNBC’s Chris Hayes had a similar realization on Wednesday, saying that for those who are vaccinated and boosted, the disease was more like a seasonal flu: not good, but also not something to scramble all of American life.”
Thanks for sharing.
To all readers and writers: an happy and better 2022 !!
something related I read the other day