It’s a sociological phenomenon. People will find a way around the censorship.
In the space of two months Lets Go Brandon has gone from pure R&D to full retail outlet:

Meanwhile on a different battle, a new protest variant has appeared
All around the world, apparently, the people are singing.
It starts a bit slow, but at the 45 second mark, there’s the “Hardware Store” version, then at 1 minute — the London massed choir rendition, strangely civilized and offensive at the same time.
It is as crass as it sounds.
If the crowds were signing You can stick your coal fired power up your @***, in mass rallies of tens of thousands, the BBC-CBC-ABC-MSNBC complex would be playing that as the lead story. Since they don’t, the rest of us need to share the news.
Plucky Bridgett takes on the Board of Supervisors in San Diego
Mariah Scary! Woman sings anti-COVID mandate version of All I Want For Christmas at California board meeting
‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas, just body autonomy,’ she started off. ‘I don’t care about the variants because of natural immunity.’
‘I just want my freedom now, the Constitution will show us how,’ she continued, off-key. ‘Make my dreams come true, End the state of emergency and acknowledge early treatment too.’
Ivermectin not just horse paste, and hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C and Vitamin D, and the Zinc. I won’t wear a useless mask, I don’t need to stay at home. And my kids should go to school, we don’t need to be alone,’ she sang.
‘I just want my freedom now, the constitution will show us how,’ She ended her performance. ‘Make my dreams come true. Baby end the emergency, let’s have a happy holiday everybody!’
Bridgett is having a go at more than just the school board.
We are still being made to wear useless masks when shopping and to check in and out of businesses regardless of how little time we spend there or how distant we are from other people while there, or how relatively harmless the latest variant is.
People are still being denied ready access to alternatives to the dodgy mRNA vaccines that have proven to have no lasting effect except for those who unfortunately have lasting side effects.
I won’t list again this time all the issues that governments have got wrong so far this century, but the trend is disturbing.
“I won’t list again this time all the issues that governments have got wrong so far this century”
Even a “double length” toilet roll would not be long enough !
… dodgy mRNA vaccines that have proven to have no lasting effect except for those who unfortunately have lasting side effects.
A couple of high level vaccinologists have mentioned that we may not know the full extent of the adverse effect of the mRNA jabs for another few years.
Even so, still births, spontaneous abortions, heart and other clot issues etc are already starting to become apparent.
What other long term adverse effects there will be is totally unknown, especially as 3rd, 4th, … nth jab are taken
This headline should be everywhere but it isn’t.
305 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 176 Dead, After COVID Shot
Note: This is the 10th update of the original.
Latest research by a respected UK doctor suggests that by looking at the south African experience we can reasonably assume that the variant is mild and the panic has been wildly exaggerated
Did I read that western Australia has closed its borders again?
It won’t matter how mild the actual Omicron variant is, it will be used to the same end as the original strain:
Gove leads push for Plan C Covid restrictions including ‘pub passports’ after modelling showed Omicron could cause MORE hospitalisations than last winter – but Downing Street resists new crackdown amid Tory revolt
A major adverse event with the gene-therapies is blood-clotting. In a few rare cases it’s large, immediately harmful clots (strokes, lung/heart problems etc), but in most cases it is micro-clotting…which presents over time…and MUST result in impaired cognitive functioning.
From DEMENTIA AUSTRALIA “What is vascular dementia? The second most common form,
Vascular dementia, is the broad term for dementia associated with problems of circulation of blood to the brain.”
Anyone who’s had to deal with people suffering from dementia will know how difficult it is to have a reasonable discussion with them. Anyone dealing with a vaxed person will maybe have experienced similar. Always remember: mind altering drugs MUST impair the vaxed person’s INTELLECT. We are dealing with damaged people, poor sods!
BTW: Tales of Boris and Co: Obama a few weeks back….partying hard…indicates THEY have not been vaxed. No sign of their brains impaired enough to make them believe their own BS, is there?
It was only a matter if time….
In the USA the federal vaccine mandate is being shut down by court after court, but the MSM don’t want to tell you that…
Greta’s “Climate Crisis” version of the song for Glasgow *did* receive coverage.
Sometimes the cover version of a song is more popular than the original.
This is not fully on topic, but is about dissent, and from a surprising pair of sources, a greenie and the ABC. The pictures also seem to be current and appropriate, (an unusual set of words from me also). The setting is north Queensland.
The title: “The wind farms angering renewable energy fans”.
Dave B
I can’t believe that Australia is still installing these expensive, dysfunctional, unproductive, life damaging ten year wonders.
The engineering reality is that for producing electricity they are an ugly, intermittent nightmare; Then, after ten years, the cleanup.
This is all about money going back to the manufacturers, sideways to politicians and back away from the ripped off electricity users.
This was never about producing electricity.
Mt Emerald is 40 mins from me, the seed farm I get my seed at is located below it, it very rarely has any spinning other than on the go slow and the farmer tells me that’s the normal.
They are building another monstrosity 15mins the other side of me in the Rain forest clearing three thousand of acres, not a peep from the greenies or wildlife protection people.
wind farmsubsidy farm.260
Mt Emerald windmills have a nameplate capacity of 180 MW. Earlier in December output was averaging about 60 MW, fluctuating from 0-160 MW, but in the last 4 days output has not been above 40 MW with long periods of zero output.
There used to be a wind thingy near Newcastle, as you go towards Port Stephens.
Last time I was down there, it had disappeared.
Not only are they building them – They are building them in areas where the power lines are not large enough to carry the load. Which is why most of them are braked or throttled right back. The power lines were originally built to carry the relatively small amount of power, into the relatively small population of the these rural areas. No one thought there would ever be a need to carry large amounts of power OUT of these areas. QLDs power grid was designed by the NLP, 50+ years ago around a number of large generating units located near coal fields, with transmission lines branching out in size relative to anticipated demand. The reality of carrying power away from generating units and the size on the line needed, is something completely beyond the mental capacity of Labor governments. Like converting the old Brisbane Powerhouse into an entrainment center – Brilliant idea…. except there’s no-were to park.
Yep that is correct, the farmer told me there is to much power for the lines as the two hydro’s also feed into these.
Windy hill subsidy farm is 5 mins from me and connects to the Tully hydro lines, the new Chalumbin job will also hook up to that grid, they have to throttle back windy or the hydro for that reason.
As all these green dream solutions create problems which require the tax payer to rectify and create another problem.
The same has occurred in western Victoria so the renewables lobby blames the old SECV for not having the “foresight” to have overbuilt the rural grid. Meanwhile, they accuse the grid operators of gold plating the suburban grid because rooftop solar sometimes causes local consumption to plummet so that average utilisation is lower than the capacity.
All circular logic to justify the narrative.
Funded by the RET which PUP “protected” on behalf of Al Gore.
This is surely one of the most significant events in the history of Australian politics, and still nobody has noticed.
That was Senator PUP and it was a very odd moment in Australian politics.
It’s all part of the same game plan by our governments we the people in general are too stupid to realise and so keep voting them back into power. If anyone still doesn’t know what the game plan is given what’s been happening over the years then they most definitely fit into the category, “stupid is as stupid does”.
Just waiting for a category 10 to blow the whole mess down. I made up category 10 because I reckon I can do better than BoM.
I commented to you so I could add another approval tick for making me larf.
Wind farms are great under two circumstwnces:
1) When individual units catch fire they make cool YouTube videos.
2) When they are explosively demolished they also make cool videos.
And then there is this.
Protesters block roads in Serbia over lithium mining.
According to this news piece these protesters are also environmentalists.
They always hype how many homes will be powered by their turbines but fail to mention that 65% of the time the power will have to come from another source, probably coal or gas. The ABC would also know this but failed to report it leaving a whole lot of ignorant people thinking that the numbers are for 24/7 generation not for only when the wind is right. Good to see a few people getting upset. For the city enviros however the area is waaaaay outside their view so does not matter a damn.
This is the Mt Emerald wind farm,145.378,14,i:pressure
Oh jeez, now Pfizer is gonna produce a suppository version of the vax.
Giving new meaning to the term ‘booster shot’.
Brilliant, because they won’t ever have to pay out!
I guess depending upon the way medical staff insert said vaccine it might be some kind of incentive for some
Suppository? Might as well stick them up ya butt for all the good they’ll do ya.
There just may be something going on here…death rate up in Germany by some 15,000, Airline Pilot deaths up an amazing amount over the last year, Fizzer now announcing that the booster should be brought forward a month, the South Australian Government removing the exemption from having the present ” vaccines ” for those enrolled in trials of new vaccines, presumably to force people out of the trials. How then do we trial new vaccines without any unvaxxed trial participants ?
Yep..I think something is going on, and it is not for my benefit. I think the big lie may be starting to unravel hopefully.
Do you have a link for the airline pilot death rates? It’s something I’d like to show some people.
I do know that many US pilots won’t get vaccinated because they can be permanently grounded by the FAA regulations if they suffer from permanent neurological or cardiovascular side effects.
I gave a link to athletes dying at #1.1.1
There is a magazine called “Airline Pilot Magazine”. The attached video/drivel, is not supported by a link, but he shows the deaths of a large amount in the US from photo’s of the pages from a hard copy, apparently. Got my attention.
Here you go…
Thanks Glenn – that’s a much clearer image than the one in Steve Kirsch’s article
The text in the link states
What do these deaths represent?
Just in the USA?
Pilot deaths while not flying?
Just airline passenger commercial pilots?
Does anyone truly believe that just one pilot died in 2019? There’s 100,000 commercial pilots in the USA. Only one of them died from all causes?
You gotta be suspicious of a story showing a supposed listing of deaths and using a magazine page as evidence without showing any info about the magazine or full context.
The names listed in the magazine are names of active and retired pilots who passed away, as notified by relatives to the Air Line Pilots Association. They say more pilots died in 2019 and in 2020 than 2021.
Their supposedly verified twitter account published this in response to a query about the death claims being circulated.
I’m impressed that the Left have not yet turned everyone in the world into a mindless drone.
Unfortunately there is a voting majority who are already mindless drones. Just look at Vicdanistan for an Australian example.
Doped out on refugees, BLM, gender dystopia and climate-change plus anything I feel that I’m entitled to. It’s not fair that Gina is rich but I can’t afford to buy a house in a trendy inner- city suburb. Boo hoo I say.
The problem David is that greater than %50 are on the public teat and like our politicians they will not bite the hand that feeds them.
Yup! Those stupid Vicdanistanis were dumb enough to vote Dopey Dan back in last time, and they’ll do it again next time around.
Like a dog returning to his vomit.
the problem we are facing here in Vic is that a hell of a lot of the anti CCP Dans have moved on to other states that are not greener pastures LOL
l cannot believe the insistence of the “l stand with Dans” who think he is their saviour
the common retort to “Dan is a Pr!ck” is and what would have the Libs done differently LOL
very easy to give an answer to eg… if the libs were in power they would have followed the NSW contract tracing procedures and not murdered over 800 of our elderly for absolutely nothing
then there is silence
but maybe you are right although l believe Dan will resign after the Christmas break so the Labor party can try and mend some bridges before the next election, l keep telling people it was not just Dan who made the draconian decisions that have ruined the state and not one of the Labor party members has tried to stop anything
Sorry? You are impressed by what that the “left” has not “turned” everybody into a “mindless drone”. Do you even read what you write?
Its worked on you !
I really cant believe they are are going to bring forward boosters of a vaccine that cant prevent the spread of a variant that doesnt hurt you:
That is so stupid that it really does make me believe that there really must be something sinister about all this.
I am so sick of the psycho sycophant “news” presenters mindlessly repeating the term look at the evil anti-vaxers protesting.
You don’t have to be an anti-vaxer to protest against forced medication by totalitarian stupid politicians.
I was an Environmental Health Officer who proudly organised immunisation clinics at Council venues and at schools for more than a decade and a half.
I am not an anti-vaxer but I have no intention of submitting to scumbags !
You ARE definitely an anti-vaxer. If you haven’t seen this Aussie nutter politician in full flight, then here is a firm rebuttal to your claim…..
Keep an eye on the jabbing finger (the syringe is at the end of his hand); the spittle…and the unblinking psycho eyes. I’m guessing Michael Gunner has been CREDIBLY threatened by powerful dangerous people. Wide-eyed with fright, ring any bells?
European countries with low vaccination rates (45% to 65%) have alarmingly high hospitalisation and death rates with Covid-19. Belatedly those countries are now introducing harsh mandate laws, mask wearing, and isolation. Too late for many people – In the UK with 2 1/2 times Australia’s population, 51,800 deaths with Covid in the first six months of 2021. In almost two years, Australia has had around 2,000 deaths with covid. We would have had half that figure if not for Victoria’s disastrous quarantine management during 2020. An now, Victoria is consistently experiencing around 1,200 new infections per day, as it allows mass mandate protests etc every weekend. Common sense has long ago flown out the window.
Their rights don’t end where your fear begins.
I doubt you ever had common sense.
The UK has very high vaccination so don’t know what your point is. Excess deaths for 2021 number in the low thousands and flu has virtually disappeared, which in a bad year would kill as many as covid, as would hypothermia. Heart disease, obesity and cancer kill many more.
Please see my post just above which details the apparent mildness of the new variant.
The world has violently over reacted as only a tiny percentage of the population will succumb to what is a nasty disease but is not the plague.
It overwhelmingly targets the same age group as flu, those over 80 and with existing serious illnesses.
Omicron’s coming to get you Colin…..
It sure is. It’ll give you a runny nose for a few hours and that’s it. A couple of Bex and a lie down and it’s all over.
The WHO announced on 9th Dec that so far NO-ONE has died from Omicron.
I’ll take my chances with that for permanent immunity from the Cov19 family.
Watch out Rick,
It’s coming to get you.
Dave B
150,000 Omicron cases in South Africa, but no omicron deaths. Rick must be really scared…
PS. I am joining the protests today, again, come and stop me.
When and where MP?
How does one find out?
Ours is Cairns at muddies on the Esplanade.
I get the info from our standinthepark mob as I do not have facebook, apparently telegram is the other site, though I do not do any social media, other then this site. I may go onto telegram for this.
Though we have a parallel one in Atherton today as well, as Cairns is 2 hours drive for a lot of people and we are going after the local councils.
This is a major issue with the freedom movement, no open access site for people who wish to participate but not sign up. Most disorganised rebellion in history.
In my view it is about showing numbers to the government, but the most important aspect is to show numbers to our fellow Australians, for when they are ready to stand with us, this is happening, be it slow.
We do the best we can with what we have.
I am doing the Park stand at 10am to 11 and will be packing up and heading down but I will be 2 hours late, so I may go through Atherton and check out the crowd as they can’t contact me since I ditched my mobile phone last year.
Try astandinthepark on FB or telegram.
It is a problem, especially as I avoid social media and do not wish to sign up.
Peter, next Saturday is another world freedom rally, will be in the normal places. Todays was a “hold the line”, I have no idea what this line is or how I am supposed to hold it. Waste of fuel.
Good on you, MP.
I’ll be leaving for ours in an hour.
Very rough estimate of turnout; about 2,500.
Population wise, that equates to a Sydney turnout of 25,000.
Craig Kelly was there but I don’t know if he spoke, had to leave early.
About eight police securing the roads for the March etc.
The Cusack had a couple of vids on the gathering.
The main event should be next Saturday.
“And now Victoria is constantly experiencing around 1,200 infections per day as it allows mass mandate protests etc every weekend.”
If only they carried BLM signs and yelled different slogans … they scare away that clever virus …
Research determines protests did not cause spike in corona virus cases
Bulgaria and Slovakia, central Europe has low vaccination rates and yes they are having a spike in deaths, I havent seen hospitalization figures. But so is western Europe. Italy, Germany, France, there’s a deaths spike on all of them at the moment.
But of course you would expect a vaccine to reduce deaths. I have no problem accepting that claim.
I worked for 4 years in Bulgaria and have an unfulfillable contract for March last year, I have many contacts there. Nobody knows anybody who has got sick let alone die, though a couple have tested positive, no symptoms.
Go figure.
The Bulgarian government can be bought and is, they are the left overs from the old communist system and funded by the world bank.
Media BS.
Our premier previously shut down the state on the back of a few cases and held press conferences every day – now with 1200 cases and several deaths per day, not a peep – Did you think to ask why?
Hint: most of those infections are in the vaxxed as the NSW cho just admitted with their outbreaks. I know some high up in ambulance vic – andrews supporter of course but admitted that hospitals are filling with vaxx injuries, mainly younger males with heart problems.
This is just the very early signs of some people becoming fed up with he draconian governments of the West. It could lead to civil war in the US over the coming years. Time will tell.
There will never be a civil war. Trouble though, sure, a high possibility.
There appears to be a globalist timetable to get as many hit with the clot shot as possible. The *only* reason to mandate mandatory vaxes is to get it done by a certain date. The boogeyman virus stories are just to try and get people take them out of fear, but as we have seen, they are happy to club the population with mandates to achieve thier brutal and evil agenda.
It is what it is.
We , the people, are effectively at war with the globalists and thier stooges. We didnt pick this fight, they did.
One correction. We the people are not at war with them, not yet anyway. We the people by and large have fallen for their evil agenda hook, line and sinker. The willing acceptance of the draconian restrictions for such a long time and the massive take-up of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out is proof enough of that. In time though that might change if enough people wake up. Then and only then will there be a war between “them” and “us”. It can eventuate in two forms, one peaceful and the other not. The peaceful one would be fought at the ballot box, which I don’t believe will ever happen for obvious reasons; widespread apathy and ignorance for starters. The other one could be fought with violence. I’m not so sure that will happen for similar reasons but will not rule it out. Even if it does occur we will still lose as “they” are far more powerful with the help of the antichrist, false prophet and other influential and powerful people who will support them. All this means we are done and dusted and the evil ones have won the battles and the war, at least until Jesus returns and turns things around completely and the evil ones get what they so richly deserve. We didn’t pick the fight and we will not end the fight. The fight will end thanks to our Lord and no one else. Otherwise, the fight would go on too far and lead to the complete destruction of mankind, something our Lord will not allow.
Keeping your vitamin D 3 blood levels up could make the vaccines less dangerous and more effective.
I don’t have any real evidence for the following other than personal observation but you may find it useful.
Jo mentioned some months ago that there are two pandemics running side by side: Covid-19 and vitamin D3 deficiency.
50nm/L seems to be a bad threshold where Covid-19 will put a person into hospital and probably into ICU
A bit lower and death is a likely outcome.
125nm/L seems to be an upper threshold where Covid doesn’t want to know you nor become intimate.
That’s it, for what little it’s worth.
I’m not medically qualified, and it’s not a recommendation — just a thought with a few figures attached.
I had just read a paper COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate close to Zero Could Theoretically be Achieved at 50ng/ml (125nm/L) 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, paper, which got me thinking along these lines.
The V-D research normal D3 level .. is 56nm/mg (140nm/L). nm/mg = (nm/L
The Lord helps those that help themselves. From what I read of your thoughts, you are not filling your end of that agreement.
It is war, just not the conventional war. Grow a set and stand with the people that are standing for you.
You just demonstrated you are not a Christian. Christians do not judge others. Only God judges.
“we the people in general are too stupid” I can go back through the many other comments of yours for the last year and peel out far better, the old jelly backs was banded around frequently. Sorry got off track, you where saying “Christians do not judge others.”
“All this means we are done and dusted and the evil ones have won the battles and the war” What battle, you surrendered without firing a shot.
If you are presenting yourself as a Christian, then your right, I am not like you, thank God!
If you have been triple jabbed against a virus with a 99.5% survival rate, and yet you still want to strip other peoples of their freedoms and human rights so you feel safe, then you have a serious problem.
You can shove your vaccine mandate up your @r53!
Unless the minority of independent thinkers in Western Society wake up and do something we face a future of endless lockdowns and other violations of human rights and endless compulsory vaccination.
If it can be done in the once-free, egalitarian country of Australia, it can be done anywhere.
I think the medical stats will give all the information we need. Observing a surge in heart issues will be likely obvious.
Although i did see an attempt to spin a jump in heart issues as “Pandemic Stress Disorder” or in other words, they try to spin it as “its not the ***cine, its just people getting lockdown induced heart problems.”
Yeah, right……
Expect to see a lot more of this nonsense to explain away symptoms of the clot shot doing what it appears to have been designed to do.
But a 300k figure now gives a handle on a shot-to- morbidity ratio.
“Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians”
We’ll also knwo soon enough it it’s true that for everyone one that’s saved from the virus using a vaccine, two or more die from the vaccines. If that proves to be true, why can’t we place all government officials, state and federal under arrest for murder or at least manslaughter?
That’s it exactly Travis. An analogy is when you have a car with six airbags, and you are demanding serious punishment for anyone with only one airbag, or no airbags at all, in THEIR cars, so’s you’ll feel safe. Totally psychotic anxiety disorder..
Weird as!
Only a minority are independent thinkers. A majority believe or generate garbage like the following:
COVID-19: Omicron could cause between 25,000 and 75,000 deaths in England without tougher restrictions – experts
Experts at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine say that, if their most pessimistic scenario occurs, we may have to endure more stringent restrictions to ensure the NHS is not overwhelmed.
Saturday 11 December 2021 18:10, UK
The Omicron variant could cause between 25,000 and 75,000 deaths in England over the next five months if no additional measures are taken beyond Plan B, according to experts.
New modelling from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) used experimental data to look at how Omicron may spread as the country heads into 2022.
The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, suggests that Omicron could potentially cause more COVID cases and hospitalisations in England than during the wave of January 2021, if additional control measures are not taken.
Even Leftist propaganda “fact checking” site Snopes accept that no one has died of omicron.
Is It True That No One Has Died of Omicron Variant?
Early studies indicate the strain may cause less severe COVID-19 symptoms compared to its precursor, the delta variant.
Jessica Lee
Published 9 December 2021
Updated 10 December 2021
As of early December 2021, no one worldwide who tested positive for the omicron variant of the coronavirus had died.
On a related note, many of society’s fools believe the leftist Facebook “fact checkers” for most claims.
How Facebook uses ‘fact-checking’ to suppress scientific truth
By John Tierney
May 18, 2021 | 12:38pm
Facebook asserts in a court filing that ‘fact checks’ created by third-party organizations and used to remove content or to suspend users are nothing more than ‘protected opinions’
New attack on the anti-vaxxers arising. Now the filth are MAKING A PROFIT!! Horrors.. They have vague ‘self-styled’ leaders & they are “are really seeking to exploit fear.”.. Strangely enough, unlike Govt, all money is voluntarily donated!
SMH is always laughable! Just so hopeless!
Thanks posting Jo, haven’t had a belly laugh for a long time. You commented: “It is as crass as it sounds.”
I have an alternative take.
—What do Progressives do when they don’t get their way.
Trump elected: riot and burn things.
Floyd George: riot and burn down whole neighborhoods.
FU Biden quickly evolved to Let’s go Brandon
Vaccine Mandate song uses the word a$$
So, use of the word a$$ or burning neighborhoods down. Who’s classier in their protests?
From “Sleaze New Network” (CNN)
What I found interesting was what was left out.
“One vaccinated patient was hospitalized for 2 days, and no deaths have been reported to date,”
They said 79% of those infected had been fully vaccinated with either two doses of Pfizer/BioNTech’s or Moderna’s vaccine or one dose of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine. Five of the 14 who got booster doses had been boosted at least two weeks before and should have had maximum levels of immune protection.
What about the other 21%? (unvaxxed or insufficiently vaxxed)
No mention of how many hospitalized and no mention of deaths, either.
Obviously, the data is known, or they could not have calculated the 79%. You’d think they would want people to know just how bad Omicron is for non-vaxxed people, in order them to go get the vaccine.
Is it mild because of the vaccine, or just mild, vaccine or no vaccine?
However, “crickets”. . . . .
You can stick your vaccine madate, you can stick youe vaccine mandate, You can stick your vaccine mandate up your @$$. . .
Just a lot of fear p0rn.
Titleist Bans ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ From Customized Golf Balls, but Permits ‘Kill Cops’ and ‘Kill Trump’
Great editing on this video!!
At 2:36 of the video, when Ardern starts talking, I honestly thought she was going to say:
“I know this is a question many Aucklanders have, you can now….”.. stick this vaccine up your……
Not my editing but the additional expletive was very tempting!
(I’m an Aucklander).
In Paris the vaxxed and pure bloods form a human wave against Macron’s NWO agenda.
90 is sufficient; try previewing and then stripping the rubbish from “/?ref=” onwards.
The danger of Original Antigenetic Sin and using vaccines based on an antigen that has long been displaced by variants could be deadly to the vaccinated. Luckily for them, infection from the omicron variant is mild enough that even with OAS, the vaccinated are not adversely affected.
It also further explains why the elderly are more adversely affected by Covid since the greater likelihood of having fought off past alpha and beta coronavirus infections increases the possibility of OAS reducing the effectiveness of the immune response.
The covid 19 vaccines are toxic:
The link to the original article here:
Climate Heretic
Thanks C.H.
Interesting and worrying stuff that confirms what’s happening around me.
Seven people with post VaXXine issues.
British / Australian larrikinism at its finest. Humor is always best.
We shall not, we shall not be forced,
We shall not , we shall not be forced,
To take the Covid jabs,
To take the Covid jabs,
We shall not be forced.
( Sung to Seekers….We shall not be moved.)
Perhaps it’s because I am no longer in the workforce, but it has only just occurred to me that, whether by accident or design I don’t know, but one way that our governments have managed to gain support for the various measures has been through devious bribery. I don’t mean the extra payments for the unemployed last year, or the furlough support, but simply the ‘work from home’ directions that have been used. I see that they are back on the table in the UK. In the public sector, they never went away and millions of public servants still ‘work’ from home. Even in workplaces that didn’t shut down, such as hospitals, other measures have resulted in many staff twiddling their thumbs with nothing much to do.
While there has been plenty of grumbling about restrictions to freedoms such as masking, shutting down bars and closing borders, there is still a surprising amount of support for Covid measures generally. I reckon that’s partly because many, many people are actually enjoying working from home or ‘nursing’ on empty wards. I’m sure, when Boris Johnson brought it up yesterday, lots of people actually rejoiced.
Perhaps there is a feeling out there that the restrictions can be tolerated so long as I don’t have to go to work? Clever, huh? Basically, it’s a form of bribery.
Alex Berrenson, confirms what I’ve been saying for over a week – reports from South Africa show the Omicron variant is highly infectious but mild enough to make the vaccine irrelevant.
Immune escape from the vaccines is a bonus but only if the health authorities look away from the big pharmaceutical cliff notes and recognise reality.
This is the Highwire, they do good investigative work with all links. Informed consent?
Below is the link to the Pfizer doc discussed.
20 A song for these times??????The Weavers “I Dont Want To Get Adjusted to This World.”
Fifty-one week incarceration is become the tool of choice for your tyrant; through clenched teeth I link Monbiot —
Yep and nobody cares.
“strangely civilized and offensive at the same time.”
Very British.