A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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It looks to me that rainfall in South East Australia is back to normal after the Millennium Drought, contrary to the barrage of sciency propaganda about ongoing drying, and certainty that greenhouse gases are making it worse. There is a similar picture across the whole of Victoria, Melbourne is shown in the following:
Reminds me. of Disraeli’s three degrees of untruth. Lies, damned lies and statistics.
I suppose I must have known it, but that chart of running twelve month totals shows a hellofa variation consistent over the whole period.
I do wonder what the problems with data could be. I have seen too much of “new brooms” condemning the work of their predecessors.
What could be the greater plan for big Pharma with the vaccines? First they will make a lot of money on selling them, especially the boosters, but I think there is a second phase that can be much more profitable: make the the population a whole lot sicker, but not so sick that they die. This will sell enormous quantities of drugs.
I am a psychologist, and I see this with psychiatric drugs. One of the really big companies produces and antipsychotic drug that increases the rate of diabetes. They produce insulin and diabetes drugs. When people start taking antidepressants, they often get so agitated that they need valium like drugs to calm them down as well as sleeping pills. Most Psychiatric drugs make people obese, so then they can sell all kinds of drugs related to obesity.
What a perfect plan if they can make whole populations take a drug that will make almost all vulnerable to a host of disorders. That is what wee see with VAERS, already. Just think what will be the consequences in a few years. If the whole population just gets 10% sicker, it is a fantastic bonanza for big Pharma
The whole crisis is based on one premise that is not being challenged: we must all live as long as possible, no matter what life quality. There is never a right time to go.
Implicit is that there is no afterlife that is better than the life we are living. Many who are already suffering from one or more serious illnesses may beg to differ. Many would say: anything would be better than this. Many would also say: even if there is nothing on the other side, that’s ok. I just want to be finished.
Euthanasia numbers in the Netherlands were over 6000 in 2016 and rising., more than the total covid 19 numbers.
If a person has a religious faith or spiritual belief in a positive afterlife, there should be no need to perform heroic life saving with ventilators.
We are at the very high side of normal around our bit of South East Australia. Dams full, rivers charged and flowing, country side lush. Our biggest risk is flooding if we have heavy rain as it will be mostly run off.
… and of course bush fires once it all dries out in summer.
Which in turn will feed the oceans with CO2 and nutrients and put O2 back into the atmosphere.
Chris are you saying that the oceans are absorbing co2 from the atmosphere ?
Oceans already have some 98% of all free CO2.
Trouble is that because sea critters use it to build their shells and skeletons, corals etc, when they die the carbon becomes a permanent sink (ie sinks to the bottom) unless something else eats all the bones and shell etc.
Unlike on land where shells and skeleton may eventually become part of the life cycle as they provide calcium to the earth, hence to plants etc.
As per the link above, CO2 emitted from the 2019/20 bushfires causes explosion of life in the Southern Ocean.
No Geoff, that was shorthand for saying that the thousands of kilometres of phytoplankton
( which is bacteria and in the top 200 meters of oceans) uses CO2 during the photosynthetic process. This provides food for the very bottom of the food chain and returns oxygen to the atmosphere.
Australia has a symbiotic relationship with the oceans around us.
Every year massive fires burn across Australia for weeks at a time; these are lit by lightning. Because they are in the Kimberley or Central Australia where there is very little human occupation you will barely find one or two lines in the newspapers. When Captain Cook sailed up the east coast of Australia in 1770, he noted in his diaries that the trees were scarred 20 feet from the ground by fires. Much of the fire damage caused on the coast is from human mismanagement. Introduced weed species which have been allowed to run riot, poor forestry management, and people who think they are living with nature when the build in a Eucalypt forest.
The Australian ecosystems have been changed forever, not just by the arrival of Europeans who attempted to farm land according to British practices but also their introduction of rabbits. Without predators and living in a warmer climate the rabbits thrived and became a plague species, decimating millions of acres by eating everything in front of them. This allowed introduced vegetation which is less fire tolerant to become established and add to the annual fire load.
Chris, ..tou seem to be contradicting yourself to some extent regarding bush fires.
Having agreed that Cook reported the extensive , severe fires before a European ever set foot on the land, …how can you then turn around and blame European practices and introduced species for exactly the same events ?
Fires are a natural occurance, started by weather , dry lightening, etc,..and severity also dictated bt weather ,wind, rain, etc.
Sure some are started deliberately by humans, but the worst one are still those which nature initiates in inaccessible areas.
I think 2019/2020 proved that man can do little to control a major bush fire….much the same as trying to control the climate !
“There’ll be bush-fires for sure, me man,
There will, without a doubt;
We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
“Before the year is out.”
I’ve been waiting for this quote for quite some time.😄
The same applies here in SW WA. In my hometown we have had 42inches (1066.8mm) so far this year. Not if you look at the BOM data though, because their rain gauge breaks down regularly and can take over a fortnight to get repaired. Fortunately there are two reliable sources of weather data here. The DBCA which relies on a human to read the gauge, and if one human breaks down then another one reads it. The DBCA gauge is about 50 metres from the BOM gauge. The other source is AGWA weather station about 8km south of town and appears to be much more reliable than the BOM equivalent.
Just looked at the BOM data. According to the BOM my home town has only received 890.4mm very different from the 1066.8mm measured by AGWA just 8km away.
Recently back from the SW of WA. Cows and sheep knee-deep in lush green grass, paddocks that are normally brown at this time of the year all a lovely green. Farm dams all full. Crowds everywhere you go, Accommodation all booked out, all country restaurants requiring pre-booking.
Perth has had a cold, very wet winter – opposite of what the ‘experts’ predicted so I like telling people it’s all those electric cars and wind farms that are to blame. You know – cooling the planet and all.
And CSIROs “permanent drought” doomsday prediction goes the same way as all the other climate dart board predictions…Polar bears extinct, Himalayas ice free, more cyclones, runaway sea levels, no more snow seasons, etc, etc, etc As Tdef once said, surely they would get at least one prediction right through pure chance!
How many failed doomsday predictions need to be totally and utterly wrong for someone, anyone in govt going to call BS on all this nonsense and stop flushing billions down the toilet for no measurable change to the temperature or climate? We have the most insipid, weak and pathetic crop of politicians in Australias history at the moment.
It’s like someone made a blueprint based on green lies to trash this countries prosperity and standard of living and the uniparty is following it to a tee.
RMIT fact checked Gina Reinhart about polar bears and said she was wrong. I didnt bother reading all of their weasel words because they tie themselves in so many semantic knots and totally ignore any “inconvenient” data. But apparently the polar bears are gone.
Melbourne Water reports 87.2% full. That’s enough for maybe a decade of drought, like the Aswan dam in Egypt and based on the same ancient 11 year cycle about which Climatologist know nothing.
“Even the rains which fall are not going to fill the dams”.
That absurd Flim Flannerism nearly drowned Brisbane under a wall of water as the earthwork Wivenhoe Dam came so close, dropping three Sydney Harbours into the valley of the Brisbane River. Very recently installed emergency plugs prevented a world record loss of human life and ended political indecision. Of course the mandatory inquiry blamed the engineers!
Professional science fiction writers like our former Chief Climate Commissioner have not paid a price for the massive damage they did and the tragedy prevented only by a modicum of caution by the dam’s advisory board. And still they presume to offer ‘professional’ advice.
Where’s Tim flannerry Now?
Sitting at the bottom of an empty dam??
Like the frogs, he reappears in drought. Then don’t get me started on those three massive French desalination plants for which we will be paying tens of billions over decades but never used or even likely to be used. Perhaps $75Billion. More Flannery. Hot Rocks. “The technology is straightforward”. $93 Million. Where did the money go?
Where did the money go? Into union superannuation fund coffers.
The Sydney desalination plant was a milking cow for the Canadian Pension Fund for quite awhile.
Flummery is on a plane going to COP26.
At least all the enemies of science and democracy are in the one place. Supported by their friends in the finance industry. Fascism is when the extreme left does business with the capitalists against everyone else. It is the opposite of conservative.
There is absolutely no truth in man made carbon dioxide driven Global Warming and the Inter Governmental Panel for Climate Change will always find Climate Change, no matter what the facts. That should be self evident. How can it be independent and objective when it exists to find man made UN actionable Climate Change?
It was always a dream, to be able to tax the air you breathe, in or out. And the UN has done it. Supported by 30,000 people who are getting their kicks flying first class into Glasgow.
Here in America, our Overseers have just green lit C vax for 5 to 12 year olds.
Apparently without dosage research on body mass differences in 5 to 12 development.
Soon to ne mandated by virtue signaling hysterics who are willing to gamble the future health of children in the service of hysterical virtue signaling.
Especially when well compensated.
Here in Oz it looks to me that the primary contribution of health authorities is to prevent treatment, not promote treatment.
Funny how all the focus is on lockdowns and vaxxines … and isolation ‘centers’ instead of hospital capacity.
Treatment modalities are conspiracy theories.
Horse de-wormer.
I smell horse something.
Penicillin is very good horse medicine.
What?!? You wear shoes! Don’t you know that horses wear shoes?
You must think you are a horse or something 😉
It appears deliberate.
The “new normal” ….thats what they keep telling us.
In a court if law, anecdotal evidence by witnesses is presented and a case can be decided on that.
They seem to be hell-bent about getting experimental and relatively untested new technology vaccines into people.
“Teen equestrian star Cienna Knowles hospitalised with blood clots after Pfizer vaccine
“A “super healthy” equestrian star who was hospitalised with blood clots has blamed it on the Pfizer vaccine. Officials haven’t confirmed her claims.
“”Crazy how quickly I went from a super healthy 19-year-old kid who’s never had any form of health issues ever – working a full-time job, training and riding horses every day – to having it all taken away from me after my second Pfizer vaccination,” Ms Knowles wrote on Facebook over the weekend.
““My lungs are full of blood clots and heart’s under stress.
“”My new normal [is] now having a pulmonologist doctor, cardiologist doctor, blood tests, full-body scans, ultrasounds on my heart and lungs. Over a vaccination I got to do the right thing and I never wanted to get because I was genuinely scared of running the risk.
Well at least her vaccination will make other vaccinations work.
Covid-19 Australia updates: 60 Aussies in one week hit by heart inflammation after Pfizer
There’s been a jump in cases of a rare side effect linked to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in the past week. It comes as Qantas revealed changes to international travel.
Australia has recorded 60 cases of a rare heart condition linked to Pfizer in the past week.
Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) are rare effects on the heart that may occur after vaccination with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration Covid-19 vaccine weekly safety report released on Thursday revealed there have been 235 reports to October 24 assessed as likely to be myocarditis from about 21 million doses of Pfizer – an increase of 60 reports since last week.
“Our analysis of Australian data indicates there is a higher than expected number of cases of myocarditis in vaccinated compared to unvaccinated individuals Pfizer. This is similar to findings from other drug regulators overseas,” the TGA says.
The medicines watchdog says in Australia, myocarditis is reported in nearly one out of every 100,000 people after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. While it is more commonly reported in young men and teenage boys after the second dose (6.7 cases in 100,000 people
Cases usually occur within 10 days and resolve after a few days following treatment and rest. The TGA advises people to seek medical attention if they experience symptoms that could suggest myocarditis or pericarditis. This includes: chest pain, palpitations (irregular heartbeat), fainting or shortness of breath, particularly if they occur within one to five days of vaccination.
“ATAGI advises that people who develop myocarditis or pericarditis attributed to their first dose of Comirnaty (Pfizer) should defer further doses of an mRNA Covid-19 vaccine and discuss this with their treating doctor, the TGA says.
The TGA also reported one new ‘probable’ case of a blood clot linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine in the past week involving a 78-year-old woman from Victoria. This takes the total to 157 cases and nine deaths from nearly 12.9 million doses of AstraZeneca.
Qantas to ban the vaxed as they pose a heart attack risk on flights.
Andrews’ vax stand may be unforced error
The Formula One governing body does not mandate vaccines for its drivers; medical car driver Alan van de Merwe was not vaccinated and caught Covid this month.
But this is not just about Djokovic. It was recently reported a large cohort of professional tennis players are unvaccinated – on latest estimates up to 35 per cent of male players and 40 per cent of female players.
Sooner or later the question will move from injected to infected. Just don’t hold your breath waiting.
A British study rejected vaxxing youth, finding that age bracket is more likely to die and have severe complications from the vaxx than from covid but never mind lets jab away and worry about the consequences later. Am I living in some sort of bizzaro world where this is in any way acceptable?
“Am I living in some sort of bizzaro world where this is in any way acceptable?”
Acceptable only in a state of mass hysteria.
The only question is, did the mass hysteria spread naturally … like from say a, wet market …
or was it engineered in a mass hysteria lab … with the best science research intentions of course.
Poll: Majority of Fully Vaccinated Are Still Wearing Masks
The majority of those who are considered “fully vaccinated” are still wearing masks the bulk of the time when outside their homes, a Yahoo! News/YouGov survey released this week found.
As the Biden Administration and public health officials continue to push for mass vaccinations, originally pitching them as the way to return to pre-pandemic life, a majority of people, including a majority of the vaccinated, are still wearing masks “always” or “most of the time” when outside their home.
Overall, 56 percent say they do so always or most of the time. Democrats are more likely to say they wear a mask outside their home (78 percent), compared to 55 percent of independents and 35 percent of Republicans.
However, the survey found that fully vaccinated Americans are wearing masks at a higher rate than individuals who are not fully vaccinated.
A man wearing a protective mask drives a car during the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)
Kind of good news in a way.
There is great danger from injected people who are clueless about their infections. I’m happy to see them wear masks. It is a sign to stay away from them.
Here is an interesting analysis by decile of “all cause” mortality. Something is going on!
Thanks. Good info.
“Something is going on” said a few a the steerage passengers on the Titanic when they noticed the exit doors were locked.
Could you post link?
OP stated:
Meanwhile, multiple members of the FDA advisory committee that did this review have either worked directly for Pfizer, own shares of Pfizer or have had work funded by Pfizer
Additionally, there are committee members who are direct advocates of the CoViD vaccinations
Thanks Analitik,
You rightly point out the curious link between virtue signaling and financial benefit to the signaler.
Which I failed to observe … I mean, I wouldn’t intentionally question the integrity of the fine highly educated folk at the FDA.
Come on, 2018-2020 … so a whole year ago.
We shouldn’t be putting children’s health at risk “to protect the vulnerable”. Have they asked the grandparents about this? I most definitely do not expect it, I’ll take me chances.
BTW I have no Grand Kids, I do not expect others’ young to make sacrifices on my behalf.
Good analysis, start at ~ 26 minutes:
Oh Nos,
Torres Strait Islanders to sue King Canute for not doing enough to halt sea level rise…
Back in the 70’s it was erosion, investigated and confirmed by the Qld Government, as the cause of land loss at Saibai, which is mainly a swamp with extensive tidal mud flats (pretty much the same at Boigu). I wonder if Dauan island (high rocky island between Saibai and Boigu) is also threatened by “rising” sea level if there appears to be a buck or two in it.
I thought those islands were on the Pacific Plate fault line , and well understood to be subject to ocean floor movement ( down and up) much more than any sea level rise..?
William Gruber, Pfizer’s senior vice president for vaccine clinical research and developme
Dr. McCullough and Llana Daniel videos on vax
the power elite cabal of Kissinger-Klaus Schwab-Bill Gates-William Gruber of Pfizer (with their allies) are trying to run the Western world via the vax. See comment #5; come on, OZ
The EU play hardball with Poland over whose court has primacy and imposes a swingeing 1 million Euro a day fine until they comply
In the meantime over a fishing dispute France threatens to scrutinise in fine detail all trade going to or coming from the UK in order to seriously disrupt it, and to pull the plug on electricity supplies sent to us over the interconnectors.
They are like 5 year olds handed a revolver. Don’t sign a trade deal with them or you will get sucked into their orbit
Time for a Poxit
The proper term is ‘polexit’ but I prefer your version.
“The new test, developed by Dacheng Wei of Fudan University and colleagues, is based on a transistor made of graphene, an atom-thin sheet of carbon atoms. This is decorated with Y-shaped fragments of DNA that target two genes encoded in the RNA genome of SARS-CoV-2. Each arm of the Y-shaped DNA carries a sequence that can bind to one of the two viral genes. As more viral RNA binds to the DNA probes, it progressively changes the current flowing through the graphene transistor beneath, enabling the researchers to measure the viral load in a sample. Crucially, the method does not require a nucleic acid amplification step, one of the main bottlenecks of qRT-PCR.
mods, 6.2 is essentially a duplicate of 8, can you delete please.
[Deleted. Done. – Jo]
As much as I generally approve of Mod’s comments, it might have been prudent to do a bit more research before commenting Mod. What OS is commenting on appears genuine, and was being being discussed in a science paper back in April 2020. Electronic devices at the molecular level, many of which use graphene, are now being studied for many possible uses. This subject appears very interesting from a technical perspective.
[Fair point Graeme. Bear in mind though some commenters use a lot more mod time and patience up than others. For obvious reasons, you can’t see how many other comments are never approved. Some people constantly push the bounds. — Jo]
Genuine yes. But so what? There are thousands of papers published per year of a technical nature like this. Picking out this one makes little sense without giving a reason for choosing it.
I happened across in a a CE&N newsletter and found it interesting.
You dont have to read it, Leaf, but others might find the tech interesting…
“I happened across”. Is the key context. You applied your own limited knowledge and linked it to unrelated things.
In the context of the science realm of that paper it is run of the mill and unremarkable.
Leaf, you can suck the joy out of things….
Could this be a clue as to why, as some allege, there are graphene particles in the vaccines?
Ah… mean like cleverly dumping thier submarines?
UK reliance on France for dispatchable electricity appears to be on ever shaky basis. Maybe UK should be donating to Australia’s $2/kg hydrogen given Boris has been putting it on Australia to bring net-zero to Glasgow!
There’s an idea Australia should be getting handouts from the UN climate fund to back the development of $2/kg hydrogen using Australia’s abundant solar resources. Give Australia the money now and Australia will supply $2/kg hydrogen when it is available.
Rick, i got distracted by life ….but i must come back to this comment..
I was looking at this comparason in a similar way to you initially, ..but then i realised that it is a false comparison between the ENERGY source cost of Green Hydrogen ($2/kg based on 50 kWh @ $0.04 from solar )…
…..and the HARDWARE cost of batteries !
I dont see any allowance for the capital cost of conversion equipment ( Electrolysers ) , compression/ liquifaction, storage, recovery/regeneration back to electricity,…..for the Hydrogen route if it is to be an equivalent operation.
Im sure you are aware that those facilities will not be cost neutral.
I will attempt to find some typical costings for those.
I do not know how they arrive at $2/kg hydrogen. They may be counting on getting paid to consume electricity to keep the grid stable. That is a possibility now. The big batteries usually get paid to take energy. And then get paid to feed it back in.
The difference with hydrogen is that it could be used in 6 months or ten years time rather than tonight. A battery would self-drain by a decent amount over six months and probably destroy itself sitting around for 10 years..
There are already fuel cell vehicles with decent range. The Toyota Mirai has a range of 650km on 5.6kg of hydrogen. So $12 for 650km allows a lot of room for distribution and taxes.
Toyota has done well with hybrid and is focused on hydrogen rather than full battery electric. Toyota has a good track record of making models that meet customers needs.
Hydrogen is not without issues but it has high specific energy. Any place that has sunshine and water could be a site for a hydrogen plant. A lot of inland Australia meets those criteria – albeit water availability is challenging in some locations.
Rick, ..i must have missed the “sarc” note on your comment there ?
Do you really think a major future energy source like the massive proposals for Hydrogen, could be based on NEGATIVE ELECTRICITY COSTS .?
By definition , this green hydrogen is being sold as a huge consumer of electricity,…the capacity required for usefully significant H2 production would be enormous….just for the back up to those windless nights, never mind being a world Hydrogen “Superpower”
Here are a few costings i found for typical H2 1.0MW (input power) electrolyser install.
Note, 1.0 MW produces just 18 kg per hour of operation !
And those costs do not include any means (Fuel cell ?) of converting the H2 back to electricity ( @ 50-60% efficiency !)
All the proposed costings i have seen involve using input electricity costed at at $20-40 $/MWh, and a resulting output electricity cost of 500-600 $/MWh !
In order to keep Ozzie lights on through a 12 hr still night that is going to need about 200GWh output,..which means 400GWh input to produce the 3.6 million kg (3,600 tons) of H2 required !
Oh, and of course that 400GWh being generated during the day is in addition to the normal daytime demand of 300+GWh.
Does this begin to sound a little bit impractical ?
We’ll gladly take all they can give us and undertake to work on the feasibility , should be only a few years away.
Perhaps that’s why the UK is now looking towards SMRs. Interestingly, the UK govt was supposed to have issued a SMR order by now. Perhaps delaying it for a COP26 announcement?
The French have reinforced their petulant nature when they dont get their own way. Just on a bigger stage. The seem to be in synch with the Chinese in regard to throwing tantrums.
I wonder what turkey thought that depending on France for electricity and Russia for gas, would work ok.
What could possibly go wrong…note the area of technology.
“RNA-editing race intensifies as Big Pharma buys in
Investment in the nascent technology, which has seemingly endless applications, is invigorating the field
“At the conference, Huss explained to potential partners that Shape’s solution was to edit RNA instead of DNA. Our cells constantly produce short-lived RNA molecules that convert the DNA code into functional proteins. Incredibly, our bodies have already evolved an ingenious tool for editing RNA: an enzyme called ADAR—adenosine deaminase acting on RNA. The enzyme converts select adenosine (A) bases, one of four letters that compose the messenger RNA (mRNA) code, into another base that the cell interprets as guanosine (G). Shape was founded in 2018 on the basis of academic work showing that synthetic molecules called guide RNAs could recruit ADAR and direct it to make these A-to-G edits at precise sites.
You better not pick up a copy of Cell. It will frighten the wits out of you.
You’ve just met the tip of the iceberg when it come to being frightened by what you don’t understand.
Driving a car is dangerous if done with minimal understanding.
Frightened? Dear little Leaf, thats very amusing …no…just seen so many things misused and causing trouble, after a while you get to pick things up over the horizon when you see the potential for trouble.
Most tech needs some form of safeguard, and the occasional lab seized and shut down if they are doing stuff they shouldnt.
Anything DNA related is to be handled very carefully. Similar to IT, you dont just hand out system admin privs to just anyone….
You don’t get it. The implications you are deriving from that paper are in every other paper in a hundred journals every month. Your ignorance of the subject is no excuse for fear mongering.
“when it come to being frightened by what you don’t understand.”
Ahhh…. the “AGW /net-zero” meme writ large !!
The meme that is built totally on a future scare based on anti-validated models.
Note – graphene…..
“Graphene transistor detects SARS-CoV-2 in less than a minute
Device uses DNA probes to identify COVID-19 virus RNA with speed and high sensitivity
herald a new breed of rapid COVID-19 screening tests (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c06325). Although the device is not yet ready for clinical use, it already combines high sensitivity with speedy results.
“That could give it an advantage over some of today’s COVID-19 tests. Current nucleic acid tests, for example, seek out viral RNA using techniques such as quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). These tests are sensitive but slow, typically taking a few hours to complete. Conversely, disposable tests for antigens—usually, the spike proteins that bristle the surface of the virus—provide faster results but are not as reliable as qRT-PCR. Alternative tests that offer both speed and accuracy could be particularly useful for screening asymptomatic people who nevertheless carry SARS-CoV-2 and may be infectious.
Graphene is in it. So?
Basically it is a length of nucleotide that is complementary to a bit of the viral genome (let’s call it a probe). If viral RNA is present in the sample it will interact with the probe that is bound in the device causing an electrical change that graphene facilitates to be transmitted.
It looks neat. It is a small and tailored version of a phenomenon that is exploited in genome sequencing.
oooh graphene oooh
This is so funny LOL
so G A,
after all the denial from all the world big pharma experts about graphene being in the covid Jab LOL
you are coming out now saying it is in there LOL
and that it is safe because you say so after the big pharma cover up of it being in the Jab ROFLMAO
very very clever LOL
l trust you and big pharma 😉
someone put graphene in a microchip. What has that got to do with vaccines?
Exactly where in my post did I say it had *anything* to do with vaccines?
Stop wasting my time, Leaf.
Stop wasting mine. Marksman made that comment and I was clearly responding to them.
Yep. Widespread rapid testing + effective antivirals = end of problem.
I agree. It is being worked on. The thing about the type of gizmo that OS linked to, is that it should be applicable for targeting any organism and probably at no great cost for the device and almost none for the test (I’m guessing that each chip is reusable for a certain number of times with a wash step between samples).
Presumably these are proposed new laws , not actual ones in operation in Victoria
They sound very drastic and with huge fines
Tonyb, that’s what proposed in new legislation about to pass parliament.
Current State of Emergency legislation expires on Dec 15, so Disaster Dan’s government is proposing new pandemic laws that allow the Premier to arbitrarily declare an emergency with drastic penalties for noncompliance. Vale Democracy.
Victorian Bar president Christopher Blanden, QC, slams ‘disgraceful’ pandemic powers
The government’s “draconian” pandemic legislation has been criticised, with a top lawyer likening it to the Stasi.
Incorrect… pasted from wednesday open thread where someone made this claim. It can be arbitrary but the arbitrariness would be released and visible. Other states already follow this model.
The hand that signed the paper felled a city;
Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath,
Doubled the globe of dead and halved a country;
Those five fingers did ‘liberty’to death.
…With H/t to Dylan Thomas
That story is a beat up. The only provision that now exists for enforcing the various”rules” is under emergency legislation. It is clear the emergency has passed for Victoria as vaccination level is now approaching 80% so those emergency conditions no longer apply.
The new Pandemic Law provides a mechanism for the Chief Health Officer to make recommendations to the Health Minister that get tabled in parliament. It provides an on-going mechanism to enforce things like use of QR-code, mask wearing, social mixing for unvaccinated, not allowing the Joker to play in the Aus open if he does not provide evidence of vaccination and so on. The conditions are subject to quarterly review and require updated CHO recommendations.
The legislation requires the CHO recommendations to undergo public scrutiny rather than the secretive arrangement now in place.
In reality NSW is setting the pace for mobility restrictions and Victoria is basically forced to follow. NSW will ditch the social mixing rules for unvaccinated on 1st December. Victoria will have to follow that otherwise NSW has a competitive advantage for tourism. Victoria has reduced mobility restrictions faster than planned as NSW has moved ahead faster. The new NSW Premier is leading the charge out of lockdown and Victoria is forced to follow close to that pace.
Meanwhile Dan still enjoys 52% of the popular vote; almost guaranteeing re-election next year. And I expect that if the government changes, the new Pandemic legislation will remain. It requires cross-bench support to get through and that is all but assured.
When you have spent 9 months out of two years under curfew and 5km travel restrictions, you value the opportunity to take the car out on the freeway and clear the exhaust particle filter.
WA has two Victorians locked up for a couple more months for illegally entering the State. They have demonstrated they are quite serious about keeping the virus out of the State but a Victorian will eventually find a way to bring it in.
That story is no beat-up and concerns the Bill that is before VIC parliament on its 2nd reading in the lower house. That the lower house will rubber stamp it is a given; the upper house is likely to pass it, or it will be a close run thing at best. The Greens are backing Andrews.
It is the most draconian piece of legislation you could imagine. Here is the Bill:
and here is the Victorian Bar Association’s response:
Some salient points from the Bar:
• Andrews claimed that the bar association was consulted during the drafting of the Bill — they absolutely deny that happened
• The Bar was never provided with a draft of the Bill
• The Bar has grave concerns about the Bill’s content
• “The overriding concern is that the Bill confers on the Health Minister what is, in a practical sense, an effectively unlimited power to rule the State by decree, for an effectively indefinite period, and without effective judicial or parliamentary oversight”
• The Minister’s power is extremely broad and available whenever a pandemic declaration by the Premier is in force
• The content of the Minister’s Orders is effectively unlimited
• Cases brought against issues under that broad power are unlikely to be challengeable in the Supreme Court
• “The Bill expressly allows the Minister’s Orders to discriminate on the basis of an attribute within the meaning of the Equal Opportunity Act . . . including among many others, political beliefs . . . “
So Brad Hazzard has been draconian all these months?
Hazzard has nothing remotely like the powers that would be vested in the VIC Premier and Health Minister by this Bill, as you would well know.
Actually he has similar powers.
Princess Hazard has done a fantastic job.
If only he’d been working for the state taxpayers.
Gee Aye, it’s not whether a health minister (or premier) has been “draconian”. It’s that the legislation allows them to be if they desire to be.
Supposing everyone trusts Dan Andrews or Martin Foley to not abuse their position of power and supposing they don’t. That’s great today. But do you know who the premier and health minister will be next year? Or in 5 years? This legislation gives incredible power to people in the future.
To be perfectly honest, I think that Andrews has clearly demonstrated already that he can’t be trusted with the powers this legislation would provide. He has instituted restrictions that were greater than the CHO’s recommendations, that were purely for policing purposes, has used the state of emergency and police to quell government dissent, and has acted without decency and honesty in the various inquiries into many aspects of the party.
If NSW’s health minister has powers similar to what’s proposed here in Vic then that doesn’t mean it’s no problem for Vic to do this. It really means NSW should take a look at their set-up and have something a little more democratic.
I take your point but you are looking at parts of the legislation without looking at the whole. It has checks in it.
For how many dollars?
The checks are just window dressing. They’re not road blocks or hold points where consent or agreement by others is required to proceed.
You have no idea what I could imagine!
I could imagine rule of law like exists in China or North Korea or Afghanistan; disagree and disappear permanently..
The public will get to cast their vote on 26 November 2022. Dan still commands the popular majority. If the legislation can be hyped enough and energy maintained till November next year then it might give the LNP a look in. Remember the antivax unionists – they all voted for Dan last time and will probably vote for him next year. In fact not only voted but funded his campaign. Dan is the original union bully. It is all he knows.
Once the LNP is in power the legislation will not look so bad – at least to them.
Meanwhile, the Greens MP who is preparing to wave this disgraceful Bill through the upper house is busy tweeting about getting environmentally friendly “period products” into schools.
How much further out of touch with ordinary people can they get?
In the words of the Bill…the Premier will decide…
You would have no clue what % of the popular vote Andrews currently holds
The opposition has already stated they will repeal it.
None of my vehicles has or needs an “exhaust particle filter” the vast majority of cars on the road dont have them either.
Voters swing against Andrews but Labor in election-winning position
Daniel Andrews remains Victorian voters’ preferred premier but polling shows the return of Matthew Guy has halved the gap between the leaders of the state’s two major parties.
Labor is still on course to retain power next year despite voters drifting away from the government. A survey by Resolve Political Monitor conducted for The Age shows Labor’s primary vote has fallen from 43 to 38 per cent since the last state election.
With a little over 12 months until Victoria is due to vote on November 26 next year, the polling shows Labor would lose a handful of seats but still win a third successive term in government.
In August, 50 per cent of voters preferred Mr Andrews as premier, compared with 24 per cent who believed then-Liberal leader Michael O’Brien would do a better job.
Since then, support for Mr Andrews has slipped 5 points to 45 per cent while Mr Guy has recorded an 8 percentage point increase on Mr O’Brien’s position. Remaining voters were undecided.
But the Coalition has again failed to capitalise on the slip in support for Labor and Mr Andrews. The opposition’s primary vote has dropped to 34 per cent, below the 35 per cent it recorded at the 2018 election. The 1-point fall can be attributed to the Nationals.
Victoria records 1923 cases, 25 deaths
NSW records 293 cases, two deaths
Victoria has reported 1923 locally-acquired cases of coronavirus and 25 Covid-related deaths on Thursday.
The latest deaths – representing the highest daily toll this year – take the state’s toll for the current outbreak to 270, adding to 820 deaths of people with Covid in 2020.
Thursday’s 1923 cases follow 1534 on Wednesday, 1510 on Tuesday, 1461 on Monday, 1935 on Sunday, 1750 on Saturday, 2179 on Friday, and 2232 last Thursday.
The state’s record is 2297 cases on October 14.
The current seven day average is 1756, down from Wednesday’s seven day average of 1800.
There are currently 22,189 active cases, down from 24,164 on Wednesday. As of Wednesday, there had been 83,210 Covid cases confirmed in Victoria since the pandemic began.
There were 746 people in Victorian hospitals with Covid on Wednesday, including 137 in intensive care, of whom 85 were on a ventilator.
So after months of high infection rates, hospitalisation and daily deaths, the victoian premier decides to lift travel restrictions on what is essentially a 4 day long weekend.
I stress that the daily reported infections remain consistantly high, the very reason given that Victoria NEEDED to be locked down. This is now thrown out and country Victoria can look foward to a rash of infections early week commencing about the 8th of November. It certainly defies logic but hey you know Sydney had the Randwick races and we do need to get the Melbourne cup open to punters!
And interestingly they stop reporting on vax status of deaths. Although the will talk up vax status of cases, when a couple weeks ago we were told cases werent the focus anymore.
F’ing shysters
Victoria is well and truly stuffed when a madman can silence opposition by imprisoning them and violently suppressing the most basic human rights and still have majority support. Might have to pack my bags.
I cannot fathom why Victorians havent peacefully surrounded the parliament and not left until Andrews was put on a plane and exiled to China, which appears to be his spiritual home…..
We seem to be living out the “V for Vendetta” movie.
The behaviour of Dan’s thug private army should give you some clue.
That is a very specific thing to be unable to fathom.
What other complicated and specific things should people be doing that you can’t fathom that they’re not?
Maybe your narcissistic need to snipe?
Shorebirds are returning to our shores
They are as I write.
‘Might have to pack my bags.”
You’re not Robinson Crusoe there.
Brisbane is in a property boom as Victorians move north.
Many will enjoy the more laid-back life style and stay.
Is that true or did you just read it in the Age?
No jab, no jury: Big change for future of Victorian courts
Victorians who haven’t had the Covid vaccine may be exempt from jury service under a move that could result in indirect discrimination.
Victorian courts will be free to adopt a no jab-no jury policy with the government rushing through urgent reforms to juries laws to facilitate the move.
Under changes passed by parliament on Thursday the Juries Commissioner will now be free to exempt a person from jury service if there were health reasons.
In a letter to the Parliament’s Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes said the reforms were urgent to facilitate the safe resumption of jury trials.
Ms Symes said while the government was diverging from usual process to expedite the reforms, she said it was a necessary move.
She also acknowledged the proposed new provisions may limit the right to equality before the law and to participate in public life under Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
“If the Juries Commissioner exempted persons who are not vaccinated against COVID-19, it could result in indirect discrimination on the basis of religious activity if vaccination is incompatible with a person’s religious beliefs, or where a medical condition prevents the person from being vaccinated,” she said.
“Whether a decision to exempt a person amounts to indirect discrimination will depend on whether any disadvantage imposed is unreasonable, based on consideration of (amongst other things) whether the disadvantage is proportionate to the result sought.
“Given the importance of the purpose of the reforms, which is to protect the health, safety and welfare of jurors and other court users, I am satisfied that the potential limitations on the rights to equality and participation in public life are reasonable and justified.”
Shadow Attorney General Tim Smith said he was concerned about the way in which the reforms had been rushed through parliament without proper scrutiny.
He also questioned why rapid antigen testing couldn’t be used for juries given the human rights considerations conceded by the government.
“I know what they’re trying to do, but there is a way to do it,” he said.
“And I am concerned about the process and the lack of proper scrutiny and debate”.
Department of Justice sources said the reforms equated to a jab mandate for jurors.
But case law and constitutional issues prevented the government from actually prohibiting any unvaccinated person from serving on a jury.
Creating super-hubs of doubled-jabbed Delta-spreaders.
What could possibly go wrong.! 😉
The Left will never miss an opportunity to introduce even further draconian laws, never to be removed.
The French have reinforced their petulant nature when they dont get their own way. Just on a bigger stage. The seem to be in synch with the Chinese in regard to throwing tantrums.
Has anyone here registered to online community forum The Australian way to Net Zero ?
This is your chance to talk to the opposite side.
Nope – does such a forum exist?
If I Only Had
Virginia mother says feds, helicopter showed up at school board meeting and she’s received ‘daily threats’
Stacy Langton says she attended protest outside DOJ earlier this month
A mother of six in Fairfax County, Virginia said Wednesday that federal agents, including unmarked vehicles and a helicopter, were present at a recent local school board meeting.
“This is something that is incredible in America and it’s ridiculously un-American,” said Stacy Langton during an appearance on “Fox & Friends.”
Langton shared a photo on Twitter of a Department of Homeland Security vehicle as well as several “ghost cars,” which could have been either unmarked local or federal vehicles. In addition, Langton said a helicopter flew overhead, shining its spotlight down on the event.
From the Comments
At this point, the entire situation has nothing to do with school boards or parents. This is an issue about government overreaching and overreacting to the discontent of citizens. This is clearly a systemic problem since the Federal government has decided to support local authorities in order to intimidate average, law abiding Americans.
Substitute Victoria for Federal and Americans and you have Dictator Dan Andrews dream.
New York Gov. Hochul slammed for posing maskless on Broadway while children are forced to mask up in schools
Hochul has advocated for young children, who are very low risk to transmit the virus, to wear masks in schools
While Hochul is not actively breaking laws that she has imposed in the state for adults frequenting indoor establishments, the perceived hypocrisy comes in the wake of several prominent Democratic politicians being photographed without masks in large gatherings after urging the public to “follow the science” and continue masking and social distancing.
Last September, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a hair salon that had been closed down to the public as part of San Francisco’s coronavirus lockdown. Also in California, a recall effort was launched against Gov. Gavin Newsom in large part due to him being photographed at a swanky restaurant indoors without a mask with a large dinner party despite publicly telling residents not to do so.
Topher Field Arrested
Topher Field was arrested in his home and charged with incitement! He was later released on bail.
Monica Smit arrested for incitement, refuses bail conditions and spends 21 days in solitary confinement!
Just had a look at fuel burn for SCOMO’s A330, about 134 tonnes each way, about 268 tonnes return, maybe a bit less seeing as it will only have about 100 odd pax.
Scomo’s new ride, he named ‘The Shark’, is only just equal to the leaders of Algeria, Yemen and Zimbabwe.
What a shame there is no means of presence by telecommunications. It is as if zoom had never been invented.
Jo, could you give us an update on your broken bone.
I hope and pray that all is healed up.
If this is not enough proof that there are many involved in the COVID-19 “experiment” who are pure evil then nothing will.
A Fauci Funded Experiment Tormented Dogs as Insects Ate Them Alive
“When you’re on the same side as the dude who approved beagle pups be locked in cages so their faces can be eaten alive by giant sandflies, with the dogs having their vocal chords cut so the cannot cry out in pain …
You’re probably not on the side of the ‘good guys’.
– Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
I’m more concerned about the orphans they tormented to death, rather than the dogs.
Nolte: Plurality Say Anthony Fauci Is a Liar Who Should Be Fired
More bad news for mad scientist and serial liar Dr. Anthony Fauci as new polling shows a plurality of voters believe he’s a liar who should be forced to resign.
After the revelation last week that Fauci lied under oath about giving our mortal enemies in China funding for gain of function research, his public credibility landed in the toilet.
Rasmussen, one of the most accurate pollsters out there, asked 1,000 likely voters a series of questions about Fauci and his myriad of controversies. These two questions are the most revealing…
“Do you believe Dr. Anthony Fauci told the truth about U.S. government funding for gain-of-function research?”
Only 33 percent believe he told the truth, while a plurality of 49 percent say he lied.
“Should Fauci be forced to resign?”
Only 40 percent said no, while a plurality of 46 percent said yes.
A third question shows that the government and media’s attempt to cover up the lab leak theory has failed mightily.
“How likely is it that COVID-19 was originated in a Chinese laboratory?”
A whopping 71 percent said it is “very” (49 percent) or “somewhat” (22 percent) likely, while a mere 16 percent said it was “not very” (10 percent) or “not at all” (6 percent) likely.
Backing risky research in China should end Dr. Fauci’s career
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Renowned Dr. Anthony Fauci, despite his lofty title and far-reaching authority, is responsible for decisions that aided China in worsening the virulence of a pathogen similar to the one that has ravaged the world for nearly two years. Even if the offending virus was not the notorious COVID-19, President Biden should show his chief medical adviser the door. Assisting an adversary along the path of expertise in “gain of function” should lead to loss of job.
A letter last week from the National Institutes of Health to Congress owned up to U.S. funding of potentially dangerous research Dr. Fauci has disclaimed had occurred at the Chinese virology laboratory thought to have been the source of the deadly disease. In a “limited experiment,” read the letter, lab mice were infected with a strain of bat coronavirus, making them sicker.
“Gain of function” is a term the White House doctor swears does not apply to the research funded with a $600,000 grant he approved in his role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Fauci is splitting hairs. By any definition, a virus rendered more dangerous has undergone a “gain of function.” Curiously, the NIH no longer defines it at all: The troublesome term has been scrubbed from the organization’s website.
President Biden should show Dr. Fauci the door. Without responsibility, there is no accountability and no one standing between Americans and the next pandemic. “Gain of function” should lead to loss of job.
American Mengele
In the diminutive form of a medical bureaucrat named Dr. Anthony Fauci, has America created our own Josef Mengele — willing to conduct AIDS experiments on orphans?
Yes, orphans.
Please understand I’m not directly comparing the war crimes of Josef Mengele with … let’s be gentle and say “the ethical lapses”… of Fauci. But there is a disturbing similarity between both men’s lack of conscience or medical ethics.
“What,” American taxpayers might fairly ask, “is missing from the soul of a doctor who tortures Beagles and monkeys, and just as recently as 2004 was conducting medical experiments on New York City orphans?”
Here’s the background on a nearly-forgotten scandal revealed by the AP in 2005:
Nearly 14,000 kids were involved, from infants to teens. The AHRP noted in 2006 that “Those who conducted the experiments [were] in violation of federal regulations. They also wrote that “the children who were targeted to serve as human drug testing subjects” were “mostly poor children of color” and “not afforded the protection of a personal advocate – as is mandated by federal regulations.”
What we do know is that Fauci was the man in charge when his agency was indulging and/or paying for medical experiments on foster kids, the medical torture of dogs and monkeys, and the virtual weaponization of a deadly pathogen.
And all along, Fauci has either lied, been allowed to skate, or both.
This is a man with no detectable ethics, in charge of a vast — and apparently barely supervised — medical bureaucracy. Medical doctors possess intricate and arcane knowledge and deal with people at their most desperate. It’s no exaggeration, after looking back at the record of Joseph Mengele, to conclude that there might not be any field where ethics are more important than they are in medicine.
Without them, we’re never more than one short step away from an American Mengele.
After a considerable delay their ABC has announced that home covid tests will be available at supermarkets and pharmacies next week.
I haven’t seen any good explanation as to why these are not available for free just like the very expensive PCR tests. In the absence of any explanation I will work on the theory that it is because the governments are not keen to lose their monopoly on testing.
Now for the release of antivirals and novavax. Don’t hold your breath.
Apparently the Australian ones are free in the UK.
Yes, so my children in the UK tell me.
My sister has them, yes, they are ‘free’. I can guess how they are funded!
Scott Morrison press conference | 26 October, 2021, sbsnews via YouTube …
0.45: – Australia has already achieved more than a 28% reduction in emissions since 2005
– Australia has already achieved the highest rate of rooftop solar in the world
– Australia has a rate of installation of renewable energy that is 8 times per capital faster than NZ and Japan and 3 times faster than the US, EU and Germany specifically.
– Australia has already met and beat our Kyoto 2020 targets
>> Australia has failed to prevent, or reduce, or stabilise the climate, or reduce its damage or anything.
There is nothing that ScoMo, NZ, Japan, the US, the EU or specifically Germany, could point to, climate or weather related, after spending a combined trillion$ over all these years that justifies the waste of tax payer dollars.
Not a cyclone.
Not a slowing in sea level rise.
Not even a heatwave.
What a scam, ScoMo.
America Gone Mad
A report from abroad: Knowledgeable British and Europeans not only do not think America is back, they think it has gone mad.
By Conrad Black
October 26, 2021
After three weeks in Europe and extensive discussions with dozens of well-informed and highly placed individuals from most of the principal Western European countries, including leading members of the British government, I have the unpleasant duty of reporting complete incomprehension and incredulity at what Joe Biden and his collaborators encapsulate in the peppy but misleading phrase, “We’re back.”
As one eminent elected British government official put it, “They are not back in any conventional sense of that word. We have worked closely with the Americans for many decades and we have never seen such a shambles of incompetent administration, diplomatic incoherence, and complete military ineptitude as we have seen in these nine months. We were startled by Trump, but he clearly knew what he was doing, whatever we or anyone else thought about it. This is just a disintegration of the authority of a great nation for no apparent reason.”
No one could have foreseen that the egregious chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley—who appears to have been stuffed into his over-decorated tunic and bears more evidences of military distinction than victorious five-star combat generals George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight D. Eisenhower combined—would promise his Chinese analogue that he would warn him if President Trump intended to attack China, that he agreed with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that his commander-in-chief (Trump) was insane, that he would proudly help institute “diversity, equity, and inclusion” lessons in the Armed Forces, and that he would inform a congressional committee while under oath that he had warned Biden about the dangers of his Afghan policy (warnings the president professes not to have received). We have now also learned that despite President Trump’s hugely expensive renovation of the American military, it now has no answer to Chinese and Russian hypersonic weapons.
Despite my substantial agreement with their concerns, I vigorously attempted to defend the American interest.
I was not entirely persuasive: my knowledgeable British and European friends not only do not think America is back, they think it has gone mad.
USA is the sole nation that enjoys the incomprehensible privilege of creating the world currency. The USA is the only nation that can currently create its own money to repay its debt. So far the entire USA has lived a whole year beyond its means, consuming wealth created by other nations. It will be tough to reign in the make-believe lifestyle that has created.
Biden and his rabble are at clear risk of losing the privilege. China has increased the cross-border exchange of RMB by 40% in the last year and it is becoming a clear threat to the USA privilege. Those with the economic and military might get the right to create global money. USA is squandering the privilege by overconsumption. It will underpin rapid inflation and make holding USD no different to having a closet of toilet paper – but the latter is useful.
Kentucky Mayor Gets Lap Dance from Male High School Student During ‘Man Pageant’ at School Assembly
The mayor of Hazard, Kentucky, who is also the principal of Hazard High School, was seen receiving a lap dance from a scantily clad male high school student during a “man pageant” at a school assembly. Other staff members at the high school were also seen receiving lap dances from male students.
“The incident is under investigation, and as you know, anything under investigation I really can’t talk about,” Hazard Independent Superintendent Sondra Combs told the Lexington Herald-Leader on Wednesday.
The photos appear to show scantily clad male teenagers — some appearing to be dressed in drag — giving lap dances to staff members, one of whom was Donald “Happy” Mobelini, the principal of the high school, as well as Hazard’s mayor.
Parents said they were most upset about the photos showing teenage boys dressed in women’s lingerie, dancing on and near school employees.
Very classy for a school event
How do we get our democracies back?
Mao said, “枪杆子里面出政权.”
Power comes from the barrel of a gun
Why would you want to?
We already have representative democracy and look where we are. eg Victoria’s imminent gulag, to be followed by other states.
Direct democracy is no better.
In both cases the representatives typically have no worthwhile real-world expertise to fulfil their roles.
Name ONE politician with significant trading desk experience or who’s managed a hedge fund or who understands the business cycle or who understands multinational cash flows. Yet here they are running (ruining) the economies in this country.
Republics are no better. The USA is in reality a republic and look at them.
You can have your “democracies back” when the whole show collapses and the phoenix arises from the ashes.
That’s one of the reasons behind this “pandemic” – total control over the people before the unsustainable debt show collapses.
Churchill said something along the lines that democracy is the worst form of government except for the other forms of government which have been tried from time to time.
The three biggest problems are that a fairly small number of corporations have displaced the proper role of government; that people have discovered they can vote themselves money from the public purse; and that administrative government has been subverted by those only interested in increasing their power over individuals.
The solutions? Tell me next week’s lotto numbers first.
Seriously those are you criteria??? Wow , i wouldnt want most of those self absorbed dills running the real economy
He has been very good. He’s getting better.
Those pushing the inoculations KNOW it’s bad for you. Everything they are telling is the opposite of how to treat the virus.
If you got the “vaccine,” Dr Zelenko tells us how to treat the shot, toward the end of this video.
If you can stop them, …
In addition to zinc and a zinc ionophore, you also need to optimize your vitamin D level. The range you’re looking for is 60 ng/mL to 80 ng/mL year-round. The appropriate dose of oral vitamin D3 is the dose that gets you within that range.
Vitamin C is another important component, especially if you’re taking quercetin, as they have synergistic effects. To effectively act as a zinc ionophore, the quercetin needs vitamin C.
In an effort to make it easier for patients, Zelenko has developed an oral supplement that contains all four: vitamin C, quercetin, vitamin D3 and zinc. It’s called Z-Stack and can be purchased on For a downloadable “cheat sheet” of Zelenko’s protocol for COVID-19, visit
The take-home message here is that if you’ve gotten the jab, consider yourself high risk for COVID and implement a daily prophylaxis protocol. This means optimizing your vitamin D, and taking vitamin C, zinc
“vitamin C, quercetin, vitamin D3 and zinc.”
Every day with breakfast 🙂
Add a bit of Cat’s Claw and Curcumin.
Anti-histamines on hand. !
I am a big fan of Vitamins D and C as well as Zinc. Quercetin in found in apple skin and a few other coloured vegetables.
It is a good idea to take zinc on an empty stomach. Many things interfere with our ability to absorb zinc.
I wish I’d known of quercetin decades ago.
If you believe you have chronic fatigue [and maybe if you are just tired, there is a difference] take Q three times a day with sunflower lecithin. You should be on other flavonoids and antioxidants already so this is “as well as” not “in stead of”.
The effects of quercetin on CF is not well researched [I just did a quick search] so I am guessing but it fits with my reading.
Dr Sam Bailey on Quercetin
Maybe some info you have not heard.
Even if you’re a Fair Work Commission Deputy President you are not safe from re-education camp thought training.
DP Lyndall Dean will be barred from hearing workplace vaccination matters and will be excluded from full bench work until she completes training, after a complaint was made against her.
This was after she “likened vaccination mandates to “medical apartheid and segregation” and said the concept is “the antithesis of our democratic way of life and everything we value”.
How dare she tell the truth in her dissenting judgement.
Emporers new clothes….
Chlorine dioxide
Should the ‘not fully jabbed’ mix with the unjabbed?
The conversation does some “thought experiment” ciphering …
“The Victorian Department of Health find that unjabbed are ten times more likely to contract COVID than jabbed people.”
>> But the jabbed were mixing with the unjabbed prior to some unscientific arbitrary date made up by some unelected health bureaucrat with a penchant for slugs.
Not much thought has gone into this thought experiment when you ignore the inconvenient mountain of data pre/post jab rollout in front of you.
Also the id1ot/complicit authors of the study are not allowing for the fading immunity response as shown by Israel, USA, UK and other early, heavily vaccinated populations. Most Australian vaccinations have occurred in the last 3 months so this ratio of normal vs double-tapped infection rates will change greatly over summer.
The ABC last night talked about boosters being “made available” for the immune compromised and how this had been done in Israel without mentioning that Israel is already scheduling the 4th round of shots since the booster is proving to still leave people to be susceptible to “breakthrough” infections.
All this is going to be disastrous when the variant emerges that really hitches on through ADE. With the blanket coverage in some nations, it’s only a matter of time.
It’s already disastrous. Allegedly US VAERS data is continually being wiped and there’s been a holdup of months in the reporting of Australia’s mortality data.
The conversation? Proof that clever people can convince themselves of anything.
yes Forrest but there are plenty who would use it as an excuse to lock down the borders and have a curfew LOL
Novavax has finally filed for authorisation in the UK which would indicate that they have their manufacturing process sorted so MAYBE we will get access to it before the end of the year.
It’s still a single, toxic antigen (spike protein) vaccine but at least your body won’t be expressing the toxin from your own cells so the chance of auto-immune effects should be eliminated.
I am resigned to being forced to be shot at some point and Novavax is the least bad of the terrible options we are likely to have in the foreseeable future. I will be taking ivermectin before and after being shot as a precaution against side effects as some who have experienced side effects from the gene therapy spike protein vaccines have found ivermectin to eliminate or at least reduce the effects.
I am resigned to being forced to be shot at some point and Novavax is the least bad of the terrible options we are likely to have in the foreseeable future. I will be taking ivermectin before and after being shot as a precaution against side effects as some who have experienced side effects from the gene therapy spike protein vaccines have found ivermectin to eliminate or at least reduce the effects.
Yep same here – but as ivermectin unavailable, hope that well over a year of antivirals – vitamin C, quercetin, vitamin D3 and zinc, NAC etc will assist re effects – still the healthiest in 3 generation family (besides Head & Neck Cancer and CLL – definitely healthiest in Cancer Clinic Treatment every 3 weeks)
There is a readily available source with no other active ingredients but my post was pulled by the site owner when I last presented it.
I tried twice to try and buy ivermectin from India sites and twice had to cancel credit cards – then tried site saying PayPal accepted, but did not accept – have given up at this stage – Have HCQ and Azithromycin if required.
The source I have is a veterinary product. I posted the link to the MSDS that showed there was only filler besides ivermectin in it and anything that would poison a human would almost certainly poison a horse.
Try one of these from Mexico, OO, they might be better
I am going to try getting it for friends ans family shortly.
Brenda thanks – will look forward to your feedback
Bit Gun shy after 2 new Credit Cards needed
Thanks for that warning OO, I was thinking of trying that. I use a debit card with minimum credit for use on line.
I’m healthier than I was 30 years ago and have a source of supplements and have never been prone to panic so I’ll just take me chances.
There was already a Novavax clinical trial in Australia with good results but the government does not recognise those people as vaccinated.
If they want their “papers” they still have to get a regular clot shot as many of those people have done.
Hopefully the government will approve Novavax as quickly as they have approved others.
But note how Greg Hunt keeps mentioning mRNA vaccines? He has been told by his handlers to say that as it appears that the Australian Government has decided that they are the only answer.
An unprecedented Downthumb from me Analitik for your giving voice to defeatism.
The brand of gun you shoot yourself with matters.
That Dirty Green Energy
“Making a solar electric panel produces more CO2 than the panel will ever save.
And it’s also a sword of truth that solar electric panels are made in China. Made in factories using huge amounts of high heat in production. And these are powered by coal-fired electric generating plants.
Solar electric panels are basically created by fossil fuels. And as mentioned, their preparation produces more CO2 than they will ever save.”
A very interesting article Lance. Thanks. Solar Panel’s requirement, both in land and materials, compared to other energy generators was very enlightening. Also the statement that solar panels don’t reduce CO2, as they use more CO2 in their manufacture than they “save” in use.
Must-see TV: Sky News Australia takes on Greta Thunberg
Have you got 2 minutes to spare watching a teenage climate scold get her comeuppance? A commentator on Sky News Australia ripped the hypocrisy behind the children’s crusade demanding extreme measures to solve a problem that for thirty years or so has been about to end humanity in ten years. Those with no adult responsibilities for the consequences of their actions feel free to make demands they wouldn’t want to live with, if ever implemented.
Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace who retains a skeptical mind, tweeted out a two-minute segment in which those kids are instructed on the sacrifices they would have to make if they got their way.
Patrick Moore
Watch as Sky News Australia rips a new one for Greta. This would never happen in Canada, USA, or Europe. Three Cheers!
Alan Jones finishes the 2 min with Wake Up, Shut Up, Grow Up
In the interest of publically mapping long term impact of the vaccines on the population, I would welcome peoples analysis of UK govt figures for weeks 35 – 41 inclusive.
I’f Ive understood the raw UK Govt data correclty, we are seeing what appears to be an acceleration of ineffectiveness of the vaccines.
Now in terms of the ugly reality, these vaccines are what appears to be hurridly cobbled together new tech, and it should rightly be analysed closely. The last thing we need is a health system train wreck.
“Table 2. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status between week 35 and week 38 2021”
“Table 2. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status between week 38 and week 41 2021”
First column of figures : Rates among persons vaccinated with 2 doses (per 100,000) (week 35-38 – > week 38-41 )
Second column of figures : Rates among persons not vaccinated (per 100,000) (week 35-38 – > week 38-41 )
Ages 30-39: 780 -> 956 ( vaxxed ), 848 -> 751 ( unvaxxed )
Ages 40-49: 1225-> 1731 ( vaxxed ), 739 -> 772 ( unvaxxed )
Ages 50-59: 872 -> 1075 ( vaxxed ), 572 -> 528 ( unvaxxed )
Ages 60-69: 612 -> 714 ( vaxxed ), 374 -> 347 ( unvaxxed )
Ages 70-79: 458 -> 537 ( vaxxed ), 317 -> 267 ( unvaxxed )
Ages 80+ : 380 -> 406 ( vaxxed ), 352 -> 304 ( unvaxxed )
Assumption : that the rate of vaccine effectiveness declines are same rate ( shown above ) over next 6 months.
Possible outcome – that rate of decline will move beyond just reduction in vaccine efficacy, moving into permenant immune function loss.
Future boosters to continue possible impact – this is yet to be seen.
Thoughts welcome.
I’m posting this yet again for those who have not read it
This is THE best article I have read about the “pandemic” and how the actions taken by governments, including lockdowns and quarantines have made the disease worse.
The second wave of the Spanish Flu is touted by some as an example of a virus evolving to become more deadly but the article discusses how the lockdown type conditions of the western front were what provided the conditions for the selection pressure that favoured a more deadly variant.
The totally inappropriate use of the leaky vaccines to try and control the outbreaks and their utter inability to prevent infection is also discussed in depth along with the dangers of a dual track variant that is spread by the vaccinated (while their vaccination is still protective) and deadly to the unvaccinated and those with fading vaccine protection.
Best of all is the detailed, yet easily understandable description of ways our immune systems respond to different types of infection and differences between various viral diseases and how that affects vaccines. This sets the basis for all the reasons why everything being done is so wrong except in the context of forcing a permanent “immunity as service (subscription)“ model on us through continual, biannual (or even more frequent) booster shots.
It’s long but extremely well written and well worth your time to read and digest.
h/t election circus blog
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” – Sherlock Homes” ― Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Ruechel calls it a fantasy and yet millions of us live in real freedom thanks to short fast effective lockdowns that lasted all of 3 to 5 days here. We have no masks, no Chinese bioweapons, and no restrictions on pubs, meals, dancing and singing. I don’t want to rub people’s noses in anything. What’s happened in NSW and Victoria is appalling.
Perhaps Ruechel just didn’t do his homework. WA, SA, NT, Tas, South Is NZ, and Taiwan are all still zero covid. We wish our friends were too.
The worst impositions on our freedoms in WA are just starting now, with mandatory Vax rules, thanks in part to McGowan, but also to Gladys, Scott, and Dan’s failure at the borders, and Greg Hunt allowing the TGA to ban useful alternative medicines.
If you want to stop horrible long lockdowns, like I do, protest for the two things that will stop them. The rest is a distraction.
1. Antivirals, and medical freedom.
2. Hard sovereign borders.
If we could use ivermectin we wouldn’t need long lockdowns. If we put Limo-drivers in hazmat suits we’d still be free of long lockdowns, mass vax programs and bioweapons too.
No virus means no emergency totalitarian rules.
Sadly Ruechel is confused about what ZeroCovid is. I don’t know a single fan of ZeroCovid who says we should get vaxxed to achieve ZeroCovid. Instead, those who want zero Chicomm viruses argue that mass vax will never achieve it, especially with leaky vaxes. Ruechel sadly is the one, perhaps unwittingly, doing the Bait and Switch. ZeroCovid means hard borders, antivirals, and freedom from mass vax.
A lot of people here seem to believe all viruses become less deadly, which is usually true in the long run (years and decades of evolution). But mutation is just random chance in the short run. The only thing that matters is “more infectious” more fertile.
And before anyone says ZeroCovid isn’t permanent, note that I never once said it was. But every year without Chicomm weapons is a good year. And delays mean we know more about how to treat and prevent the disease, and sometime there will be nicer or a nastier variation (or both) and or a better vaccine option. We’re buying time.
But if the UK and US had been at full honest strength — and kept out bioweapons — we all could have been flying freely across our borders without vaccination, masks, quarantine, or long lockdowns. That’s what real freedom is.
We need a better pandemic plan for the next one.
l have to agree totally
Again, easy to sneer at the eastern states where the overwhelming majority of commerce and trade (besides bulk iron ore exports) occur. The eastern states act as WA’s (and SA’s and Tasmania’s) quarantine zone for this with goods trucked, trained, flown and shipped internally AFTER interaction with internationals has occurred in the east.
Please tell how else it is to be achieved without cowering forever behind a solid, quarantined border.
Rubbish. Less debilitating => more active & social host => greater chance of infecting more hosts – an evolutionary advantage that will be favoured by Darwinian selection
The virus is airborne, spread from person to person, it isn’t on freight. If there had been stricter quarantine procedures, including on air crew (and their limousine drivers) why couldn’t the eastern states have continued receiving goods and distributing them to the rest of Australia without letting Delta in?
Insisting on living in a covid-free state, or better, a covid-free country, isn’t “cowering”. On the contrary, it’s insisting on living free and standing up to the western world’s capitulation to covid.
There is no guarantee that a successful variant will be less vicious; it could simply be more sneaky. Delta is better at spreading before showing symptoms. That’s the kind of Darwinianism that matters to a virus – not what eventually happens to its victims. Smallpox, polio, rabies, and many other viruses have been around for centuries, if not millennia, without getting any kinder. And that’s not taking account of Long Covid, which is later striking many of the recovered (even young people and children who had only mild cases) and seriously disabling them for months or possibly even permanently.
So what if we are confined to national borders for a while: Isn’t protecting the long-term health and strength of a nation more important that overseas holidays?
The ACT had all of that freedom up until it was let loose in NSW. As a jurisdiction with limited ability to restrict movements we just had to wait. WA has no cross border towns or commuting and I wonder how it would have reacted if it had.
Mistakes were made and some decisions were not great but when things went wrong it wasn’t always because they were wrong headed.
Jo, totally agree with your points 1. and 2. If Parliament was school and I was their teacher I would keep all Premiers, the PM and their health bureaucrats (HB’s) in until they had their brains cleansed of politithink and re-neuroned with your two simple and scientifically effective points. Authoritarian measures on the pollies and HB’s, perhaps, but it would be a great start in re-educating pollies and HB’s in order to facilitate and fast-track Bounce Back Aussi.
“if the UK and US had been at full honest strength — and kept out bioweapons — …”
How could they have done that? And how soon would they have had to? Also, how could they have forced the other 190 or so countries in the world (note: the virus had spread to over 20 countries by the end of January ’20) to do the same?
John Lennon’s “Imagine” is playing in my mind just now, for some reason
What a really good Article written without all of that medical mumbo jumbo to bamboozle us………………..And I do like this bit.
“We know they are lying,
they know they are lying,
they know we know they are lying,
we know they know we know they are lying,
but they are still lying.”
― Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
“This is THE best article I have read about the “pandemic” and how the actions taken by governments, including lockdowns and quarantines have made the disease worse”
this is a great read Analitik, thankyou for posting
“Er… judge… about those hippos…”
And comments!
Earlier this year, we noted a comment by a Colombian expert that “Efforts to castrate hippos are not as easy as you would think” (to which my response can only be: “No s***, Sherlock”).
That’s not a yawn
I didn’t follow your link but I assume it is about the large and growing herd of hippos that formed part of Pablo Escabar’s menagerie.
Eh? Gee!
Wasn’t due to RSI as you were typing at #31
Worth reading the comments. Had a really good laugh with some of them. But it’s a serious subject – what do you do with an introduced species that’s now out of control? Like the idiot who released a breeding pair of lorikeets in Perth a few years ago, and now we have them all over the SW of WA…
Transgenderism has already been “normalised” by the Left.
Transpeciesism is the next big thing. Animals identifying as human and vice versa.
I did a brief search for the court transcripts but couldn’t immediately find it. It would be an interesting read.
Just seen at the Channel 9 website:
“Commander Jeroen Weimar warned that once the state reaches its 90 per cent vaccination target, unvaccinated Victorians would be locked out of non-essential retail settings.
Mr Weimar yesterday likened the delayed move as a ‘grace period’ to give people more time to be fully vaccinated before the strict rule commences.
“We are sending out a very clear signal that says if you are going to be active in these kinds of retail environments post-90 per cent, you will need to get vaccinated,” Mr Weimar said.”
Change a few words and it would not seem out of place in a 1930’s Berlin newspaper.
Sorry meant green, not steering straight!
The latest ivermectin blockbuster
I saw no mention of zinc being used in those studies. Why? It’s part of the IVM protocol. Why use a zinc ionophore without the zinc?
And Dr John Campbell debunked those claims of “fraudulent studies”.
Did you make this point in all those posts about how earlier meta studies showed how effective ivermectin is.
btw which clinical studies have you read the methods for?
While you are there, you might like to reveal the study that shows why a supplement is needed when excess zinc is bio-available in most diets and in the bloodstream.
I think you have ivermectin mixed up with hydroxchloroquine here, David. Don’t engage Gee Aye further along this path as it is pointless
well you shot him down better than I did. Thanks.
From comments
So no information provided on the assessment parameters and not peer reviewed.
Besides, it’s only a study of 12 studies so they have almost certainly cherry-picked the poorest quality studies they could find and there is no direct assessment of ivermectin in this study itself.
they used the studies used in all the other meta studies.
It appears that a paper accepted for publication and completed peer-review has been removed by the publisher without explanation (which is unusual):
Upon careful reading of the abstract below, it is particularly disconcerting as an advisory panel to the US FDA has approved COVID-19 “vaccine” for children from age 5.
Abstract obtained from
“Following the global rollout and administration of the Pfizer Inc./BioNTech BNT162b2 and Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccines on December 17, 2020, in the United States, and of the Janssen Ad26.COV2.S product on April 1st, 2021, in an unprecedented manner, hundreds of thousands of individuals have reported adverse events (AEs) using the Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS). We used VAERS data to examine cardiac AEs, primarily myocarditis, reported following injection of the first or second dose of the COVID-19 injectable products. Myocarditis rates reported in VAERS were significantly higher in youths between the ages of 13 to 23 (p<0.0001) with ∼80% occurring in males. Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group. In addition, a 5-fold increase in myocarditis rate was observed subsequent to dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males. A total of 67% of all cases occurred with BNT162b2. Of the total myocarditis AE reports, 6 individuals died (1.1%) and of these, 2 were under 20 years of age – 1 was 13. These findings suggest a markedly higher risk for myocarditis subsequent to COVID-19 injectable product use than for other known vaccines, and this is well above known background rates for myocarditis. COVID-19 injectable products are novel and have a genetic, pathogenic mechanism of action causing uncontrolled expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within human cells. When you combine this fact with the temporal relationship of AE occurrence and reporting, biological plausibility of cause and effect, and the fact that these data are internally and externally consistent with emerging sources of clinical data, it supports a conclusion that the COVID-19 biological products are deterministic for the myocarditis cases observed after injection."
The material used by the FDA advisory panel to arrive at their conclusion and approve use for children aged 5+ can be found here.
As Australia follows America we can expect pressure to damage our children in a similar manner and we really must prevent further experimentation mandated by our national and state "leaders". Particularly as children are almost immune to COVID-19.
Kind regards, xxxxxxx
PS Using search engines I did locate what appears to be an earlier draft at but I'm not in a position to validate its authenticity. However if true and accurate this should disturb any parent.
Earlier this week somebody posted the Stew Peters interview in which his guest showed a chart “Ontario Canada myocarditis by age after PFIZER” for males which showed in the age ranges numbers per million (all doses):
40+ 7 @ 1/76000,
25+ 13 @ 1/39000,
18+ 34 @ 1/14000,
12+ 95 @ 1/5200,
5+ no data
which is very strongly suggestive that frequencies of one or more per thousand for the tranche of five to twelve year olds would not be a ridiculous suggestion.
Watched a video last night where they had red blood on a slide magnified 100x & 40x. then they added pfizer and within 60 seconds red blood cells had turned white and began clumping together.
No wonder the vax kills people
Lets keep in mind that most people who get pfizer obviously don’t die from blood clots, and especially not in 60 seconds. Even though there appear to be many more deaths than they will admit to, and there is no informed consent, and mandatory vax is a crime, it is still likely that in 999 out of 1000 (and who knows what the real number is) this fatal clotting is not happening. There may be microclots which can cause long term damage. Oh for some data.
Plus there are unknown other long term effects (of both vaccination but also of real covid). My plea here is just that in this world of unknowns, lies and corruption, we must try to stay as balanced and accurate as possible.
it will be hard to get the data when so many are not reporting adverse reactions
many people l know have had the jab for every other excuse except being afraid of catching covid
the main being, they need to work or it just got to me l dont want it but l’m sick of the carry on
90% have had reactions that have kept them from working up to a week
a couple who have had to go to hospital but none have been reported
the two who went to hospital said they received no paperwork for their GP to follow up with
the reactions were, head ache, tingling numbness, uncontrollable throwing up with major head ache, kidney problems causing other problems back pain ect… , heart fluttering, weakness/tiredness, menstrual problems, rashes ect…
all the different vaccines not just one brand
lets just say l ask a lot of questions and get the stunned mullet look with the “why do l need to report it”
Good comment.
Two days ago I had the fifth and most heartwrenching of the adverse effects descriptions that have been given to me.
The bloke was a healthy sixty and was knocked down after the vaxx. The main thing that tells a story is that both his own GP and the hospital emergency dismissed his symptoms as anxiety.
He was so terrified that one night he kept the bedroom light on all night and had his phone by his side and would not allow himself to sleep.
Eventually he was scanned, and after two weeks of dismissal by the system eventually wound up in ICU.
Clots on both lungs.
In contrast I’ve not met anyone who’s had CV19.
What’s going on.
See 2.2.2 above – Covid-19 Australia updates: 60 Aussies in one week hit by heart inflammation after Pfizer
Michael Smith posted this on adverse reaction reporting in Queensland:
If you search around there were doctors who gave D-dimer tests to a largish bunch of people soon after vaccination and found yet microclots are common … based on the D-dimer indication, although not visible on a scan.
The amount of damage done is extremely difficult to measure, and the human body deals with low levels of microclots quite well … estimates of damage are highly speculative.
the human body deals with low levels of microclots quite well
This is what I am praying for re my family, who are all vaccinated – including the teenage children.
Jo, I guess we can all rationalise the bad news when it is told to us. In my case, a friend’s fits grandchild that would appear to have been aborted when it was found to be impossibly deformed in the womb. And more recently, a friend hospitalised with thrombosis.
Yes – these horrible things happen all the time in the normal course of life. I know that. But when the these unfortunates have been vaccinated with a substance that has not been studied longitudinally, of course we are going wonder.
And yes, we need more data. But isn’t that the very cause of our fears?
Sorry – should be “first” grandchild.
Vicki, I’m an unapologetic BLOKE but find it shocking that they are injecting pregnant women, or “women of childbearing age”. There were specifically excluded from the trials.
I think it was Zalenko who said first trimester miscarriages were up from 10 to 80%. Who needs abortion clinics?
I find it shocking too. Vicki, I’m so sorry to hear.
I spoke too soon..the economic decline just hit 6th gear.
In breaking news:
The Taper Tantrum Has Begun: Australia’s 2Y Bond Just Blew Up After The Central Bank Unexpectedly Refused To Buy It.
Long way still to go before the real you knwo what hits the fan. About 10 years ago they were at around 7% and more recently a few years ago around 2%. I expect one day to seem them well over 20% once things go pear shaped. Other rates to follow similar patterns. The housing market obviously will be crushed, much like what happened in the US during the GFC. Short term though property is still very bullish.
There’s talk on the radio and TV about upcoming thunderstorm asthma in Victoria. There are warnings that such an event could cause problems in a health system already under stress with Covid. No doubt some “expert” will claim such an event is caused increasing CO2 and climate change so as we progress towards net zero, so the incidence of thunderstorm asthma will also decrease. (NOT). The last time such an event occurred was 2016.
Christine McGinn, AAP
December 7, 2018 – 2:44PM
Climate change could bring fatal asthma thunderstorms to Australia
Fatal asthma thunderstorms could be heading to Australia, following unsettling findings that increasing temperatures could lead to more allergic attacks.
Christine McGinn, AAP
December 7, 2018 – 2:44PM
Australia is at risk of a fatal thunderstorm asthma event and allergic attacks due to the effects of climate change, research reveals.
Higher temperatures may lead to production of more fungal spores and indoor moisture and mould growth, which can cause allergic reactions, a review of international evidence published on Thursday said.
“It could be argued that these impacts pose a serious climate change, human health risk to Australia and they should, therefore, be among Australia’s climate change, human health priorities,” lead researcher Macquarie University Associate Professor Paul Beggs said.
Climate change: Polls shows rising demand for government action
– Exported jobs/wealth / loss of financial solvency and growth /aging populations
– Inflationary bubbles (Real estate, stocks, pandemic recovery, money printing)
– Energy scarcity, supply chain shortages – no slack / tipping point
– Crazed rush to heavily invest in inefficient renewables heedless of everything
This will trigger ugly global depression/inflation/stagflation and end support for Net zero spending
– Unable to create income (jobs exported, wealth exported)
– massively insolvent/invested/borrowed (inflationary bubble stuff)
– no funds (supply chain shortage, tipping point)
– Now embarking on massive renewable energy spending which is inefficient and need replacing before we get to net zero
It is just impossible and will lead to global econmic collapse.Nobody will care about climate change. They will be too preoccupied hurting from finding work, food and energy. They will be too preoccupied paying their mortgages and debts.
So many Union Managed Superannuation Funds are heavily loaded into “grine renewables” that a collapse of the current idiotic support for dissemblables by Government, and I use that term lightly, would ruin many trusting investors.
The most important thing about Union Super is that they need to employ former Union Executives to manage the funds. The reimbursement to these fund managers might only be $100,000 a year for 3 hours work every week, but somebody has to do it.
The economic inflationary cycle has been going on way too long as it is.
I remember 20% Government of Canada bond interest rates 25 years ago. That was at the start of globalization, before the green economy, when stocks were much lower.
Now everything is exhausted and inflated and skimp and countries are pushing harder thsn ever to spend even more on green investment
It will all come crashing down
Weatherzone forecasts more TC this summer.
‘The combination of La Niña and favorable ocean temperatures near northern Australia are forecast to bring an increase in tropical cyclone and deep tropical low activity.
‘In an average season, we usually see around 9 to 11 tropical cyclones in the Australian region. Weatherzone’s modelling predicts that there will be about 12-13 cyclones in the region this season.’ (Weatherzone)
Is there someone at Weatherzone who would care to have a small wager, maybe a slab of XXXX, that it will be another yawn year? Now I’m wondering if THAT will pass the filter. Always something to worry about.
I’m not sure if there is any correlation, but my belief is that during La Niña years, the number of cyclones in the NW of WA usually increase. I say “usually”, because I believe this didn’t happen during the last La Niña.
Why China Is the World’s Last ‘Zero Covid’ Holdout
Now, a “super cold” which is not COVID is overwhelming UK hospitals and elsewhere.
A very interesting development, but that announcer puts me off.
any stats on how many cases of the super cold have been doubled jabbed or not?
Those stats will be well and truly hidden !
Unbelievably, these are the latest figures for preferred Vicdanistan Premier.
Andrews 45%
Guy 32%
Undecided 23%
SEE, I told you there are enough stupid people in Vicdanistan to re-elect Andrews.
Hey – the polls also were wrong about the last federal election. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrews was actually interfering with polling.
Then again, Victorians endured the lockdown fairly quietly.
And there is a housing boom in Bris as wetbacks move north.
Please leave your politics behind, we have enough crazy lefties already.
The new CHO for QLD has quit before he started, must have got wind of all the court cases.
Nurse drops Vaccine truth bombs
WOW !!! Liberal Senator speaks up… and so the fun starts !
Good stuff.
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky speaks out on “Vaccine Adverse Events, Mandates and Secrecy in Australia”
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky is the Director of Endocrinology (Flinders Medical Centre), Professor of Medicine (Flinders University), Vice President of the International Immunomics Society, Founder of Vaxine and the creator of COVAX-19 and Spikogen.
Great, informative video.
Might take his vaccine….if the govt ever supports it.
Yes. He was forthcoming about the nature of vaccines. Very informative. I don’t like the thought of them being manufactured in Iran, if that is the case. It is unforgivable that they could not be manufactured here by CSL.
From comments:
(Monika Wisniewska)
“BBC Explains How to Have Carbon Guilt Free Sex”
Collingwood girls think having sex in a bus shelter is “protected”.
US but for the tax watch list here
Ian, are you aware that there is a category of Australians whose share portfolio is “marked to market” every Jun 30?
Here, as a sharemarket “investor” I cannot claim any expenses such as brokerage or investment letter subs as a tax deduction, nor can I claim any trading losses in the year they occurred against other income. I can carry forward such losses to offset any future gains, if any. As a sop I pay tax on only 50% of cap gains if I held the shares > 12 months.
A “professional” trader can deduct all expenses, offset losses against other income the year they occurred BUT his portfolio is market to market every year and tax paid at marginal rates that year. BTW no holding will be > 12 months so the cap gains “concession” cannot apply.
An investor can have both a “trading” and “investment” account in the same year. Cap gains will be paid on any transfer from the trading to investment portfolio at the time of transfer.
It is a long time since I traded shares so nothing here is claimed to be accurate or up to date.
Rita Panahi: Lack of transparency on Covid deaths only fuels mistrust
Victorians deserve to be treated like adults and furnished with all the facts on Covid deaths, not just ones that fit a particular narrative.
Why is the Andrews government concealing vital data from the public? On Thursday the state reported 1,925 new cases and 25 Covid-19 deaths but authorities refused to give a breakdown of how many were fully or partially vaccinated.
Deputy chief health officer Ben Cowie said the data was available but “we’re not going to be reporting on that”. That simply is not good enough. Every sensible person knows that Covid-19 vaccines provide a high level of protection against infection, hospitalisation and death but we also know that the vaccines do not stop infection, hospitalisation and death. We understand that Covid-19 jabs are not like the measles vaccine where one is afforded close to 100 per cent immunity.
Victorians deserve to be treated like adults and furnished with all the facts, not just ones that fit a particular narrative. Lack of transparency only fuels mistrust.
In contrast NSW has been forthcoming with data on Covid-19 deaths; the state recorded 293 cases on Thursday and two deaths, a fully vaccinated woman in her 90s and a partially vaccinated man in his 70s. For 18 months we have listened to authorities indulge in relentless scaremongering and all it’s achieved is to frighten the bejesus out of low information individuals while simultaneously undermining the trust many informed Victorians previously had in the public health bureaucracy.
It’s high time we were trusted with the truth rather than fed a narrative to motivate certain behaviours.
Just start saying we have to assume they were ALL double vaxed unless told otherwise.!
That would spurr them into revealing the data
Rita says:
Old Oz, I don’t think NSW is being as “forthcoming” as I would like to see.
It looks like they’re hiding some of the “Partially Vaccinated” people, in the “No Effective Dose” column.
That is, mixing them together with the UN-vaccinated (AKA purebloods, an increasingly popular term).
Nah! They deserve to be treated as they act: Frightened children to be taken advantage of by an “uncle” they don’t really know.
You get the politicians you deserve. Zero sympathy, well maybe a little, we dumped Campbell Newman our only Premier who tried. Collectively we deserve no sympathy. 👎
Recent US polls find that 71% of the US population believe it is very likely Covid originated from a Chinese lab.
I wonder how the US public would respond to the following US Intelligence which has been released to the public. There were official complaints by US Military personnel about the Chinese Wuhan Military Games which forced the US Intelligence to response to.
It is a fact that the Chinese used political/economic/favours pressure, to ensure(Imagine good things the Chinese agree to do or bad things they agree not to do, but the little catch is Chinese absolutely also want the silly Wuhan Military games to happen and to happen in Wuhan. Ha. Ha. Funny Chinese) to force the Wuhan Military games to happen and to happen in Wuhan on a specific date.
Why would the highly secretive Chinese want a world Military games to happen in Wuhan? What is their motivation?
The Western countries did not want military games and did not want Military games to happen in Wuhan for obvious reasons. What were the Chinese up to?
Military are not firemen or strong men coming to ‘compete’ for fun and as a television event. What the heck is the purpose of ‘Military’ games with a country that has developed a hyper sonic weapon that can complete defeat current US military defence.
And the participants of the Wuhan Military games official complained that the ‘events’ where held in rooms that obviously were ridiculously too small for the events and that the ventilation to the tiny rooms had been turned off. The rooms did not feel safe for the event. And the participants said the there were no people outside the buildings or on the street were the events were held. The streets had been cleared.
The Wuhan Military ‘games’ is the official cover story in China for the origin of Covid. The Chinese have used their media to push that Covid was developed in a US military lab and then it got to China via the Wuhan military games.
Criminal negligence is Covid leaking out of lab. Forcing the Wuhan Military games to happen and then destroying all of the bat virus samples and all of the samples from the Wuhan ‘wet’ market and creating a cover story, telling the world covid did not spread from person to person, not stopping flights out of China, working with WHO to hide Ivermectin… That is evidence of premeditation. Premeditation is implantation of plan… Not an accidence.
““How likely is it that COVID-19 was originated in a Chinese laboratory?”
A whopping 71 percent said it is “very” (49 percent) or “somewhat” (22 percent) likely, while a mere 16 percent said it was “not very” (10 percent) or “not at all” (6 percent) likely.”
“What we saw was a very significant event of a test of a hypersonic weapon system, and it is very concerning,” Milley said in an interview Wednesday on Bloomberg Television.
“I think I saw in some of the newspapers, they used the term Sputnik moment,” he added. “I don’t know if it’s quite a Sputnik moment, but I think it’s very close to that. So it’s a very significant technological event that occurred, or test that occurred, by the Chinese. And it has all of our attention.”
From a comment at Chiefio
“It should be spread as far and wide as possible.”
A. I. — — just an FYI for you, I’ve sent the link to a relative, and to a friend who has a decent-sized following. It is also posted in a comment at Anthony’s, and two posters have responded to it, so with any luck, the word will get out.
V. t. I.
Facebook fact checked
” Here, he brilliantly exposes Facebook’s supposed “factchecker”, PolitiFact, as the lying leftist propagandists are caught red-handed in those lies.”
More covid duck shoving in Canada
“Fact Checkers Fail To Refute Polar Bear Number Increases Despite Extensive ‘Expert’ Rhetoric”
It was the ABC fact checking Gina Rinehart’s school speech
All double vaxxed.. sad !
1 dead, several debilitated.
An ineffective vaccine, that doesn’t protect well at all.
This will happen more as more as the vaxxed congregate in spreader cells.
Harsh reality check for casual believers/ignorant. It’s those unvaxxed 12 year olds to blame. They stop double vax working every time.
The revised school library
“The classics are all wrong for our kids, but homosexual pornography is just fine”
Onion Weed – like cockroaches, would survive a nuclear blast
Wife complaining have deweeded Onion Weed yesterday, had re sprung up overnight to be just as tall.
Said “Someone should analyse, isolate and create the growth gene from Onion Weed and apply it to other plants to make them grow quickly”
You can add capeweed and flatweed to that OO!
I was unaware of it OO so looked it up and it is not unlike the bane of my lawn, nutgrass.
About 4 years ago I sunk a bore and have spent that time trying to transpose “established weeds” into “established lawn”. As Kermit says “It ain’t easy being green”.
Whatever the densest lawn grass in your area [NOT kikuyu] plant it, if buffalo that’s fine, and keep it trimmed with a line trimmer, make sure the weed never seeds and sacrifice a bit of grass to get rid of the weed IN SPOTS. At my age, walking slowly, swinging a whipper-snipper is good for my knees and I have the time.
I have an expensive nutgrass herbicide but find I’m not using it. A lot of water on my buffalo , and the trusted line trimmer is winning the war. 🙂
I have a second trimmer with a steel blade and where I see nutgrass that is not in the lawn I simply go down in thin slices so EVERY nut is powdered. It works.
“Russel Brand weighs in on Fauci’s puppy-gate shenanigans.”
Whoa, so Vic Health has stopped reporting the vaccination status of the covid deaths.
I’m guessing that ADE is starting to kick in like it has in Israel/UK/Singapore/US (basically anywhere they are pushing the shots) and the figures don’t suit the narrative any more.
How do we raise a FOIA request against Vic Health for that info?
Sing another verse of “The country’s in the very best of hands”
“SICK, EVIL PEOPLE: Buried in FDA Hearing the Editor-in-Chief of NEJM, Dr. Eric Rubin Says, “We’re Never Going to Learn About How Safe It Is Unless We Start Giving It” ”
“And Dr. Rubin is no ordinary doctor, Dr. Eric Rubin is the Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.”
Obviously no connection with NEJM rushing in on that early now retracted item? (/s)
“New Data Refutes Cheap Offshore Wind Claims”
“Claim: Hydrogen from Green Energy Electrolysers is Cheaper than Fossil Fuel”
Just hope i hang around long enough to see how that plays out !
Mainland dust storm hits Tasmania.
Tas Hydro looks to have had the taps wide for a while now, certainly today. That’s OK it is “despatchable”.
Hi Jo,
I have been personally predicting that after vaccines are deployed, that the Government will all of a sudden like the idea of of anti-virals. I think you’ve noted molnupiravir which was actually delayed from the Trump era – already concerning. But it has come at a time after vaccines being deployed. They don’t trust the vaccine, and will need anti-virals to make the protection absolute.
In fact, even with anti-virals, I predict that Governments will send out antivirals like molnupiravir for hotspots, and then claim that the Vaccine was what worked.
But it will take awhile for the media to catch on to the latest Government directive.
Look at how deceptive Arstechnica is being for example – see
Who cuts a successful trial short? I am thinking that they are worried they’ll collect too much evidence and reduce the error bars further. Imagine the study being reviewed by the FDA: “yes that looked promising, but you don’t have enough data”.
It gets worse.
Note “the effect was limited”. The author (and editor) are walking a fine line.
The last sentence should be the headline. It’s buried. 1 death in the placebo group, and 12 deaths in the placebo group. The study was cut short?? That’s 11 people dying unnecessarily, and now more because they cut the trial short! (You’ll see further down what’s going on here)
The figures and stats they use earlier in the paragraph look like an author trying to find the worst way to portray the results. “The primary outcome… 11% vs 16%”. Meanwhile death is a game-changing difference. “also a significant difference” – is horribly understated.
So it wasn’t really cut short. It was “expanded”. It was so successful, that everyone in the trial was switched to a life-preserving drug.
This is “ghosting”. As if the most important fact and result doesn’t matter. “1-in-20” is about hospitalisation. “12 to 1” is the life saving ratio – why didn’t they conclude with that? Why didn’t they conclude the fact that it was considered unethical to leave the others in the trial with placebos???
I’m so annoyed.
Indeed I agree. A long time ago I was asked how this would end, and I said one path will be when Big Pharma discovers a new expensive antiviral (knowing that they already had scores of potential ones before the first case of Covid). As long as it can be patented.
But I’m so cynical I can’t see them using any drug thats too effective. A drug that wiped out the Covid threat (even a drug that can be patented) is still not as profitable as a drug they have to inject every six months.
If they could make a vaccine that protected for life, would they?
Interesting, and parallel to that we have the original antidepressants based on the SSRI concept.
Twenty years ago I was introduced to this tangled web of pseudo medicine and was shown many “problems” with the whole thing and the ultimate certification.
Having considerable background in process analysis I found the basic concept very dodgy and the suicides of young depressed people given it a tragedy.
It seems to be that big pharma has one main focus, and it’s not helping people.