A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Lebanon in the dark after powerstations shut down.
Australia headed that way because our politicians are in the dark.
It used to be that Lebanon was highly dysfunctional compared to Australia but the difference is rapidly diminishing.
“Lebanon in the dark after powerstations shut down”
More accurately Lebanon in the dark yet again after power stations shut down
The reason why the power stations are shut down is because the Lebanese government which owns the two power plants, did not or cannot purchase sufficient fuel oil. 98% of power in the Lebanon is supplied by fossil fuels with only 2% from renewables and the Lebanon has had a major problem with power supply for decades.
Are you actually suggesting that more unreliables would solve their problem? How would that work when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine without an expensive and gigantic investment in batteries? And Lebanon is not a large country. Where would you even put the thousands of windmills needed?
“Are you actually suggesting that more unreliables would solve their problem? ”
No David Maddison I am not suggesting anything. I am stating facts.
Facts are that even Lebanon hasn’t had something similar before. It’s been close in the past few months and 10 years ago, but never got to this stage.
You were trying to imply that free energy from renewables would have solved the problem. It’s funny how only rich countries contemplate it.
Ian, it seems you don’t have much of an opinion on anything much.
Ian, what happens as more countries switch to unreliable sources prematurely. Nimrods are in charge.
“Ian, what happens as more countries switch to unreliable sources prematurely. Nimrods are in charge.”
No idea. I’m not advocating any type of power supply just stating the facts regarding Lebanon’s current power problems
Yes, they’ve also had major problems for decades.
Their best bet might be the large gas deposits in the eastern Mediterranian sea, but these are being disputed by Turkey, Cyprus and Egypt and Israel. Greece has also got involved because of the Cypriot claim, but as that deposit is north of Cyprus and close to Turkey I wouldn’t bet on their chances.
Fusion is always 30 years away, experiments have been ongoing since about 1938, so if in 83 years you can’t seem to get the fire going, the boy scout in me asks, maybe yer kindling is wet.
Ice Free Arctic been has 5 years away for just as long.
That’s still imminent.
Science deniers just have no patience.
I still have my Moon vacation bags packed and ya don’t hear me complaining.
With $1,500Billion a year going to windmills and solar panels and not going to fusion, is it any surprise? Windmills were wiped out by coal in the 1800s. They are no better today, an unreliable short term random power source with very limited life expectancy and fundmentally not serviceable. But only last month a fusion reaction at MIT was exothermic, which means more energy came out than went in. This is a huge event for humanity, but COP26 gets more press. News of the massive breakthrough experiment is nearly eradicated from google.
You have to look for SPARC to get any news.
Imagine if the $A6 Billion a year hidden in our electricity bills for gifts to windmill and solar owners was given instead to the MIT SPARC project to continue in Australia or to own rights to the technology developed? That would really be a science jobs boom and a massive windfall. And if it failed, we are no worse off.
But we persist in the imported windmill and solar business as if it is a solution even though solar is rubbish and wind is random. Our coal and gas are paying for Chinese windmills and solar panels and massive handouts to their owners because they are really nice people.
The MIT Plasma Science & Fusion Center in collaboration with private fusion startup Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS). is developing a conceptual design for SPARC, a compact, high-field, net fusion energy experiment. SPARC would be the size of existing mid-sized fusion devices, but with a much stronger magnetic field. Based on established physics, the device is predicted to produce 50-100 MW of fusion power, achieving fusion gain, Q, greater than 2. Such an experiment would be the first demonstration of net energy gain and would validate the promise of high-field devices built with new superconducting technology. ”
Why does Australia sit back, as the late and great Singapore President Lee Kuan Yu said, Australians dig it out of the ground or grow it on the backs of sheep. We are a lazy country, buying everything overseas as always. We make no cars and virtually no aircraft and in semiconductors have never made more than a transistor. We are not a manufacturing country at all. More an open cut mine.
The Smart country is a joke. So why not get nuclear moving, now that ’emissions’ come only from fossil fuels? The first step would be to partner MIT and CFS, Commonwealth Fusion Systems. And we need more nuclear technology expertise if we are going to have nuclear submarines.
Ronin … re ur statement “fusion is always 30 years away” …. It made me think of a discussion 42 years ago after I read an article about fusion and was discussing it with a prof and he cautioned me to not get to optimistic about fusion …. Raplh was dead on then and likely still is.
Fusion is great if u are a solar system … not so much if u live in a country run by the likes of Biden or Trudeau , Boris etc
Does anyone know why Basslink is down at the moment?
Strange, can’t find any reports on the Basslink outtage, down since 6am Thurs Ot 7.
How do you know it’s down?
There’s zero transfers, a bit unusual unless its down.
Lebanon has been blacked out.
Lebanon was plunged into a total blackout Saturday after two main power stations went offline because they ran out of fuel, the state electricity corporation said.
The Mediterranean country is battling one of the planet’s worst economic crises and has battled for months to get enough supplies of fuel.
Just in time for COP26?
I realise that UK politicians are delusional but they haven’t started shooting (yet).
But the UK is heading into problems; UK was reliant on wind 25% and gas 32% (2020) (whereas Europe was more like 30% in total)
Now getting 7% from wind (down by 72%) and a worldwide shortage of natural gas (with higher prices). Demand in Asia has shot up.
Meanwhile Russian gas supplies have dropped from 81M cubic metres in 2020 to 49M cubic metres in July 2021 (39.5% drop) followed by a further 59% drop in August 2021 to 20M cubic metres (an overall reduction of 75.3% in a year). Supposedly caused by mechanical problems but some suspicion that Russia is building their reserves going into an expected cold winter.
Norway has also reduced its gas output by 7.6%. With the huge surge in gas prices neither country has lost income.
UK coal capacity In 2011 the UK had 23GW coal-fired capacity; In 2021 only 5GW (but 2 Drax units running system support extra as well)
whereas unlike the UK, Germany didn’t destroy its coal fired plants and has restarted a number so their generation from coal-fired exceeds that from wind. (And the same situation in the UK). Poland defied the EU bureaucrats and built some new ones, and could be (I haven’t found any figures) benefitting from higher prices exporting into Germany.
France is having maintenance problem with several nuclear statins, and is playing “games” with supply to the UK. They’ve also have one of their interconnectors out of service until March due to a fire. The Irish has (temporarily?) stopped electricity export to the UK.
So the UK will struggle to maintain electricity this winter, and it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to close the remaining coal-fired plants. They haven’t time to build more gas-fired (nor the fuel even if they could) and nuclear is 10 years away. I think COP26 may go ahead with “emergency” diesel generators. And while Scott Morrison doesn’t want to go, I hope he does to see the “advantages” of relying on renewables and gas.
With the huge surge in gas prices neither country has lost income. Gas has gone up x10 in value.
Of course. Supply and demand. OPEC realised that in 1972.
Energy is as important to life as food in very cold countries and few are colder than Russia and none with such a big population. Murmansk with 320,000 people is inside the Arctic circle at 69 North, but other places are even colder.
There was huge anti Arab sentiment when they choked back the oil supply in the 1970s. Now the same thing is happening with gas and no one much is blaming anyone. Some are even applauding, like the Greens. For billions of people, their climate will change to freezing, thanks to the Global Warming fantasy. Even 1.5C would make no difference to anyone, but the fantasy of heat devastation will be responsible for huge number of deaths from the cold.
Vic Covid Hospitalisations
The number of people in Hospital in Victoria with Covid is not increasing as rapidly as predicted, nor even as rapidly as I expected.
This is despite the comparatively large numbers of new infections being recorded every day.
Perhaps that is due to the rising numbers of vaccinated people getting covid (although the covidlive website does not show that yet), or it might be due to younger people getting infected, or maybe there is just a long lag time.
But now, more people on ventilators in Vic than NSW.
Victorian hospitalization by vac status
09 Oct 21 578 65% 26% 8%
08 Oct 21 620 66% 26% 8%
07 Oct 21 564 66% 27% 7%
06 Oct 21 525 66% 28% 6%
05 Oct 21 517 66% 28% 6%
04 Oct 21 498 – – 5%
Vic hospitalization by vax status
Note the number of ully vaxxed is increasing as non vaxxed is decreasing
Date None Part Full
09 Oct 21 578 65% 26% 8%
08 Oct 21 620 66% 26% 8%
07 Oct 21 564 66% 27% 7%
06 Oct 21 525 66% 28% 6%
05 Oct 21 517 66% 28% 6%
04 Oct 21 498 – – 5%
So 532 not fully vaccinated from 42% of the population and 46 fully vaccinated from 58% of the population. I make that 16 times more likely to end up in hospital if not fully vaccinated compared with being fully vaccinated. They are good odds in my favour. In fact those odds are better than the results of the Phase-3 trials. Although Australia was slow to start vaccinating, the pace has accelerated so Australia could achieve herd immunity without the need for boosters.
The proportion of unvaccinated to vaccinated should close because the vaccinated group is growing fast. If 100% of the population was vaccinated and Covid still existed then 100% of hospitalisation would be fully vaccinated.
If 100% of the population is vaccinated, then hospitalised covid patients are there because the vaccinated are passing it around. Any new variants will come from the vaccinated. And you are OK with this?
The real issue is how effectiveness drops off dramatically. I’m also guessing that doubly vaccinated people are following the lockdown rules better.
Israel has about 80 000 active cases now, about the same as the spike at the beginning of the year. Death rate (7 day average) peaked at 61 back then and is 28 now. A bit better than reducing death by a half.
England have 78% of above 22 double vaccinated, 2/3 of active cases as the spike earlier in the year and a death rate 10% of what was in that earlier spike. That suggest 67% effective rather than 95%. Age differences, less deadly delta and better care might also be partially responsible for the reduced death rate.
Not completely ineffective but far from what you expect from a vaccine.
Thanks OS,
I have been following those figures.
They are a few days behind now.
This was revealing:
Mr Aly indicated on another source that the Covid cases are largely from ethnic communities (and also unvaccinated).
That suggests strongly to me that transmission is mostly happening in people’s homes. That is what I expected and it should trigger a very different response to management of those who test postive. As best as I can see at present people are being sent home, with no treatment and no monitoring. It seems that a bit over 3% wind up in hospital.
Allow a couple weeks lag for “cases” to flow through to hospitalizations and deaths.
If the buffet of vaxes work as advertised then thats the outcome you would expect, growing cases with less impact.
The reason is that people who are vaccinated are far less likely to end up in hospital.
In the UK the vaxxed represent 63.5% of deaths.
70% of today’s case were under 40yo.
Older people, 50yo and above, are still the most dying but the majority of the cases are from the younger unvaccinated group.
NSW produces a comprehensive report each week that gives good picture of the effectiveness of vaccines:
Being fully vaccinated is currently lowering the risk of being hospitalised 50-fold. Figure 2 is a good one because it shows how hospitalisations started to level out while case niumbers were still rising. That is a direct result of vaccinations.
Figure 5 shows the demographics of cases. the 20-29yo olds are way over-represented. They were the slowest to get vaccinated and are also the most mobile.
Victoria has had a few serious spreader events but vaccination rate was higher when the cases started to build than NSW. Victoria may not end up with as many hospitalisations as NSW in the pre-easing numbers. Victoria’s hospitalisations are lower than last year despite higher case numbers.
Thanks Rick,
Do you have a reference for that? Is that for Victoria?
I presume that “cases” means positive tests.
First guess today would be lag time. Keep watching.
Coming out of winter helps too.
I have tested positive (PCR lab test), but have had no symptoms. At all. None. Zero. de Nada. Nil. Zed. I would have never even known I had not been ordered to get tested because of exposure to someone else who tested positive. Still got 5 more days of quarantine to go though.
Natural Immunity
Good to hear Dave!
Please advise if you have been taking anything, eg Vit D, Vit6 CD, Zinc etc.
Do you require a negative PCR to get out of quarantine (It is not quarantine really becasue that is for people who may yet test positive). You are actually in isolation.
Correct, in isolation. I can end the isolation after 10 days from the onset of symptoms or with a negative test. However, since I have had no symptoms, I don’t know how long I have been infected. Therefore, they are requiring me to remain in isolation for ten days from the first positive test.
Yes, I have been taking about 5,000 units of vit D daily since Jo first pointed out the data over a year ago. Zinc and other vitamins and minerals as well. I also have access to IVM which I stock piled up on before it disappeared.
Really Jo putting out unspun data on these and other issues has been a great public service of unmeasurable value.
I won’t tell anyone Dave, promise, but how old are you?
I’m plus 50.
There are unconfirmed reports that vaccinated cases are getting Ivermectin while the unvaccinated get respirators to show that vaccines “work”.
good one
The dogs are barking it GA. Who are you to dismiss it with a wave of the hand? Queen Victoria?
Just as easy to dismiss it as to say it with a wave of the hand.
Sars2-vax-ivermectin news
Thanks rob dinn; it’s nice to have documentation that Biden said these vaccinations provide immunity, poor devil seems to believe it as does Daniel Andrews and our other premiers.
Like The Dance Band On The Titanic, The Band Plays On
Fiscal spookery is well timed given we’re a third of the way through October the month big crashes favour; too late to advance Christmas to September drat it.
Can anyone update this blog on what became of the Western Sydney uni research project started a few years ago and which involved covering whole trees with a plastic envelope and controlling air and moisture supply then examining the effect of different carbon dioxide levels?
There was much fanfare when this research started but I’ve seen no results. Perhaps a reader or researcher may know.
It has finished. A Sydney Uni project.
And as usual – they say Climate Change is to blame.
This article from 2017 might be of interest.
Also forests do not control global CO2:
The Amazon River outgasses nearly an equivalent amount of CO2 as the rainforest sequesters on an annual basis due to microbial decomposition of terrigenous and aquatic organic matter.
The Amazon River is a major source of CO2 to the atmosphere, but understanding the interplay between photosynthesis and respiration is critical for understanding the fundamental mechanisms driving these fluxes and the overall productivity of the ecosystem.
Thank you Dave – this is just a gloss over with a start paragraph as…. ‘Earth may be closer to climate tipping point’ suggesting that there is nothing to see here.
I suspect the data collected showed more than this report outlines. Did younger trees grow more quickly than mature trees? What benefits were there from increased CO2? Were there differences between various eucalyptus species and with other flora? Can we use the data to assist forest regenerate after bushfire?…..
In about 1985 Alcoa (possibly) had a whole tree phytometer near some alumina mine an hour or two east of Perth. It was near a public road, so anyone could see it, if they knew what it was. I’d love to see the results they obtained. Anyone know? Geoff S
I note that the word “may” seems to be somewhat overused in this article. Also the word “modelled”. ‘Nuff said!
They seem to omit studies that Jo has already covered
Everything about the study reeks of data error.
Wind, Humidity, temperature, Cloud Cover etc etc
Even mention of C3, C4 or CAM plants in the area.
It is a very sloppy uneducated (PEER) reviewed article.
MAY it improve.
The Health Nerd continues his critique of Ivermectin trials:
Is Ivermectin For Covid-19 Based On Fraudulent Research?
For those not following this.
These are not meta analyses or new stats done on published papers. The authors have gone to the authors (sometimes a revealing story in themselves) to obtain the actual data used in the studies. Much of the data is fake. Much of it poor. Much of it does not bare any relationship to the tables and analyses published.
Would you care to elaborate professor?
When you Much, how much?
Which papers, if any, had fake data?
Copied from Weekend Unthreaded:
I went to the link. There is nothing there except other links. I went to all those. A part 1 and a part 2.
Yes there is mention of two studies-
1. the Egyptian (Elgazzar), a large study (The paper has been withdrawn, the change in results in the meta-study that used it, none.)
2. One other study. Very technical language which, in my opinion, goes nowhere.
The first link from TT above implies that all studies on ivermectin are analyzed, discussed and discredited as fraudulent. Not so.
‘All’ at the moment would be about one hundred.
Why highlight the fact that you don’t understand?
The question is not how or if by poor comprehension or intention you describe my comment as ‘you don’t understand’ especially when the word ‘understand’ was not used in my comment.
The question that remains is:
Does the link,
Is Ivermectin For Covid-19 Based On Fraudulent Research?
contain backing for what it says?
it does.
This item from an Oz “Newspaper” is behind a paywall – but here’s the headline:
“Don’t freak out: vaxxed Aussies who catch Covid warned
If you are fully vaccinated against Covid the next step to improve your immunity may be to actually catch the virus.”
So, if you are “fully vaccinated” (what a nonsense phrase that is), your best protection is to catch the actual virus you have been protected against.
The cognitive dissonance in these people is off the chart!
And last year plenty of healthy young people figured their best bet was catch the virus early to build immunity … they were called idiots and worse names, despite the risk being minimal.
Now those young people who caught the virus to be protected will have to surrender their excellent immunity for the narrow, leaky, risky, temporary protection from the vaxx.
I agree, it’s barely understandable.
I can’t bare it any more.
My belly has grown embarrassingly large.
Ref, 9.1
This happened in 2018 and that must have been the time when Goolag officially decided evil was OK afterall, but they were already censoring before that.
Google Removes ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Clause From Its Code of Conduct
Kate Conger
5/18/18 5:31PM
Google’s unofficial motto has long been the simple phrase “don’t be evil.” But that’s over, according to the code of conduct that Google distributes to its employees. The phrase was removed sometime in late April or early May, archives hosted by the Wayback Machine show.
I’ve always thought, if you have to remind yourself to not be evil it’s because you’ll be evil if you don’t remind yourself.
Which means you are evil.
So it’s not like they were hiding anything.
This is why these people are genociding comedy.
They are the jokes that write themselves.
It’s self preservation.
The world is being deconstructed under the Covid plan:
“Is there a media blackout on last night’s air traffic controller walkout in Jacksonville, FL?
Hundreds of flights canceled.
Walkout due to vax mandate”
Here is an alternative view of the cause of the flight cancellations at JIA:
DALLAS – Travelers on Delta Air Lines endured hundreds more canceled and delayed flights on Tuesday as the carrier slogged through day two of its recovery from a global computer outage.
By late morning, nearly 400 Delta flights had been scrubbed and more than 700 delayed, according to tracking service FlightStats Inc.
A Tuesday morning check of the JIA Flight Tracker showed several Delta departure flights listed as delayed.
The cancellations Tuesday follow about 1,000 cancelled flights Monday and almost 3,000 delayed flights after an outage at its Atlanta headquarters initiated a global meltdown of it booking and communications systems.
Not related to Covid-19 vaccine mandates, nor deconstruction, it would appear.
Propaganda War – Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights, Claims Bad Weather and ATC Issues But Timing is Very Suspicious – Pilots Filed Vaccine Lawsuit One Day Earlier
The communications teams at Southwest Airlines are struggling to hide the cause of thousands of cancelled flights this weekend and are blaming Air Traffic Control and weather issues for the issues [Tweet Link]. However, customers are calling out Southwest for their nonsense, as everyone knows large numbers of Southwest pilots are not showing up to work in protest over the vaccine mandate.
People stranded in airports, and people working in airports, are responding on social media with the truth; but Southwest Airlines is not willing to admit the push back from the pilots is the real cause. The issue has become exhibit-A in the propaganda war currently raging.
Southwest issue as explained via NBC: “Southwest Airlines cancelled more than 1,000 flights, 27% of its schedule, on Sunday as disruptions that the airline blamed on air traffic control issues and bad weather affected the travel plans of thousands of customers.
yes there is a media blackout IMHO
Interesting , its all over the aviation media and the conservative media but not a squeak on the MSM.
Jacksonville is a non trivial hub in the US, that must have been mayhem. Shows the scope of media control.
The Left’s war against science and reason isn’t going to end any time soon.
They are now teaching “global warming” as an indisputable “scientific fact” in what passes as “schools” and “universities”.
No dissent is permitted or possible, unlike in real science.
Go for it. What have you got?
I was pleasantly surprised with the ease with which the nuclear submarine deal was accepted by the public.
It looks like Greens, politicians, woke “leadership” of the military and other assorted morons underestimated the acceptability of nuclear power among the public. Even most Labor voters accepted it.
The fear of China was greater than the fear of nuclear submarines
The media and the ignorant opticians business model is all about creating another threat and telling the public, we the government will protect you.
1984. Perpetuel war.
I suspect that this was a case of “anything but!”
When you haven’t got a job, when the bills keep coming in, when the kids are running amuck or quietly becoming depressed, when you don’t have money to fix or get a new washing machine …….nuclear subs aren’t important ….the world of the journalists is a precious, latte driven boutique life full of luxury beliefs
May be even the lefties have started to realise that to avoid war, you have to be well enough armed to be likely to win it.
These subs were to be powered by diesel. By the time Aus got them, fossil fuels would have been fazed out.
Along similar lines there are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can’t.
Hudson Institute
Virtual Event | Preserving Peace in the Taiwan Strait
• Mark Stokes, Project 2049 Institute Executive Director
• Scott Harold, RAND Corporation Senior Political Scientist
• Patrick Cronin, Senior Fellow, and Asia-Pacific Security Chair, Hudson Institute
• Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, Hudson Japan Chair
Disclaimer: This transcript is based off of a recorded video conference and breaks in the stream
may have resulted in mistranscriptions in the text.
A video of the event is available:
One of my favorite podcasts while on road trips with my son
Hoover Institute – GoodFellows
In uncertain times what’s needed is not just clarity about today’s pandemic, but insight into the challenges that lie ahead as America recovers and returns to normal. GoodFellows, a weekly Hoover Institution broadcast, features senior fellows John Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, and H.R. McMaster discussing the social, economic, and geostrategic ramifications of this changed world. They can’t banter over lunch these days, but they continue their spirited conversation online about what comes next, as we look forward to an end to the crisis.
Economists Rule?
interview with John H. Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, Tyler Goodspeedvia GoodFellows: Conversations From The Hoover Institution
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
As Washington mulls trillions in “human infrastructure” spending and remains at an impasse over raising the federal debt ceiling, what are the economic consequences? Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson and John Cochrane are joined by economic historian Tyler Goodspeed, Hoover’s Kleinheinz Fellow and a former acting chair of the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers, to discuss the latest DC drama, the present supply-chain crisis and cryptocurrency’s future.
“Always Be An Autodidact”
interview with John H. Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, H. R. McMaster, Bill Whalenvia GoodFellows: Conversations From The Hoover Institution
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
In this week’s episode, we dove into our mailbag of viewers’ letters. The end result: Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson, H. R. McMaster, and John Cochrane answering questions ranging from the future of US-Sino relations, sovereign debt, vaccine stockpiling, and bitcoin to advice for young students, the fellows’ favorite scholars, and movies related to their respective fields.
Stable . . . And Stagnant?
interview with John H. Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, H. R. McMaster, Bill Whalenvia GoodFellows: Conversations From The Hoover Institution
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Europe’s future includes a post-Merkel Germany, the fallout over the AUKUS technology deal, a shaky NATO alliance post-Afghanistan, Ukraine’s uncertain outlook, plus Russian control of natural gas supplies. Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson, H. R. McMaster and John Cochrane discuss the mood on the other side of the Atlantic, as well as President Biden’s UN address and China’s financial reckoning.
This Stew Peters video says the new Merck pill is nothing like Ivermectin and could potentially be dangerous. Lets see if it gets an EUA from the FDA.
That is one of many disappointments is this infernal mess. I innocently imagined that Merck would simply produce a patented version of Ivermectin.
Not so, it seems. Either that would have woken people up to the truth – or – worse, they really are not interested in marketing anything other than new, unproven technology.
For the revenue stream it’s important once we’ve been made sick that we’re kept there; remember how they kept rolling out stomach medications for years after Borody nailed the heliobacter. Go and get your booster as soon as it becomes available…
It is NOT a rebadged IVM, we/I were mistaken. It is not as effective if the limited trials are to be believed, it is A$1,000/treatment and potentially dangerous.
Must try harder.
According to links I previously posted, possibly mutagenic in host cells.
Must avoid it like the plague.
Based on based performance, it will definitely get FDA approval if it’s as dangerous as it is claimed to be.
Sad video about the police state in Vicdanistan, generally applicable with what all of Australia has become.
Age-gated unfortunately; too much rigmarole for me to be bothered downloading it, but thanks anyway.
you would be surprised how many Australian people think that the protesters deserved the treatment they received because they believe the narrative they are being fed by the Government and their PR squad the MSM
they will not open their bloody eyes to the truth, will not look at the other side
they are so afraid that the Wu Flu will kill them on sight and that anti viral drugs do not work
we have an unbelievable amount of daily cases now in Vic but our hospitalisations are not as much as what they were with lower case numbers of Wu Flu version 1 and the numbers never add up, never have from the start
cannot believe anything from the government or MSM, it differs so much blind Freddy can see it
Mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed sh!t
So, what is the explanation that in Vicdanistan, with by far the world’s most extensive and totalitarian lockdown measures and with the most severe economic and social damage, the virus continues to spread with record infection rates?
It’s a tribute to the depth political correctness has penetrated our public services –remember Van Diemen’s peculiar outburst at the beginning of the snafu.
We all knew from watching Israel that as soon as vaccination ramped up so would the positive tests but the dopes administering these daft policies are blind to all but the actions their dogma necessitates.
I’m expecting us to emulate Lebanon and lose our electrical power; if Basslink is really down as Ian1946 suggested upthread then it could be nigh.
Despite the “battery of the nation” hyperbole , Basslink is not that critical in the scheme of things. Basslink was down for many months , the major issues where TAS not the mainland.
Rowan Dean, compere of SkyNews Outsiders, calls Victoria Danimal Farm, after George Orwell’s book!
Simple – protesters now confined to homes or hospitals and scared s-less of Covid or John Setka seeking retribution. He is one scary man you do not want to be on the wrong side of:
Notice how the protests just fizzled at as the brain-challenged ended up with Covid.
Actually there was only one AFL grand final as well. Held in Perth but a lot of Victorians did not act in wats consistent with preventing rapid spread of the virus.
With regard the AFL parties in Victoria, a journalist asked if some of the current cases were linked to AFL parties. Jeroen Weimar confirmed they were. The journalist then asked if the party goers would be fined – Jeroen simply replied they now have Covid; implying that was worse than any fine.
They would have fined them if these parties really happened. The Vicdanistan Government and Vicstapo never miss an opportunity to fine people. I’m sure there were a couple of illegal parties but not many. No fines strongly indicates that large numbers of parties didn’t happen and were just Government propaganda and lies.
Illegal activities rarely get fines when they are associated with Covid outbreaks. The fines reduce the likelihood of tracking contacts down. It is only the ones silly enough to post their illegal activities on social media that get fines or jailed. Like the two rotting in a WA prison for breaching WA entry rules to attend the ALF grand final. Or those snorting white powder in groups.
The attendees at the engagement party back in August that attracted a lot of attention were fined because they were able to track down the attendees from social media photos. Normally the tracing information is not that easy to gather and requires honest input from those breaking rules to dob in others involved.
The NSW truck drivers who carried the Delta strain into Victoria were not fined although they breached entry protocols. As it was they were not forthcoming with all their activities but they eventually became known as the breakout spots were identified.
Not everybody sits at home wringing their hands
I was watching a some videos last night of people in Melbourne that have had enough , by the hundreds
l know of at least one Grand Final party that was left alone by the police
at the park where the 50 nurses and hospital workers had their silent protest, the day before
there were photos getting around showing the park full of people not social distancing having a party with no appearance of the Black shirts but the next day the 50 nurses were jumped on or should l say given the opportunity to leave
you cant say anything against the narrative, SIEG HEIL comrade
Well, it IS NaffDanistan.
And AFL IS the State Religion.
Gosh how deep and emotive of him. They could also be completely asymptomatic
Ridiculous. The protests fizzled out because of police brutality never before seen in Australia. Shooting at people (in the back as they were fleeing mostly) with large rubber projectiles that can put dints in cars, slamming cooperative people into the concrete head first, smashing rifle butts into peoples backs that were being held down by other police, pepper spraying grannies in the face and mass arrests. All for the ‘crime’ of walking down the street and not agreeing with the grand leader. Open your eyes.
I commented on this activity in the Australia or rather, I tried to. Any mention of police brutality, Ivermectin or Hunter Biden gets a ‘rejected’ for my comments in the Oz. Getting as bad as Facebook and YouTube.
More fact free drivel.
The protesters lost their will once they started coming down with Covid; weak kneed wallies unable to fight a mild bout of the flu.
Spend a few minutes to watch the Setka interview. This is a man not scared of much but he was visibly upset contemplating the consequences of passing Covid on to his parents:
Any protester who was a CFMEU member could also find it hard to get work on a building site in Victoria. Setka has a long memory and is out to get the Covid spreaders.
He is a self important dill who would be more injured by being bogan “dizrespeckted” than being on any altruistic Covid mission.
C’mon Dickie
Setka said the protesters were not members of the CFMEU union LOL
he said they were far a right wing white supremist mob, remember Dickie
he will loose his backing from the Bikies and Karma will come back and haunt him
when l was a child l was put in the naughty corner for telling fibs Dickie LOL
sometimes l think you are just after a response mate and we all should know by now that the tax payer funded ABC edits their news for a better story, a little example in the link below
Rick Will,
Are you for discrimination against the “brain challenged”?
You seem to be promoting IQ colonization.
Suppose you discovered an island of indigenous folk all infected with CV.
You would occupy and forcibly inject, wouldn’t you?
Their natural state could not be tolerated … by the righteously tolerant.
As Fauci has proclaimed, we must keep crusading … I mean injecting … until no one is infected, and he means with anything.
We can’t allow the “brain challenged” to continue to live in the Stone Age.
I say this as a part Native American person.
In the Elizabeth Warren tradition.
For a start, the contract tracing in Victoria is a farcical mish-mash of confused narratives being dumped on poor sods who have tested positive or live with someone who tested positive …..there were some people being told that they need to go into quarantine 4 days after testing positive, relatives that were told to do a “rolling isolation”, others being quarantined being given smart TVs because they complained they couldn’t isolate because they didn’t have one, etc etc …. It’s a complete dogs breakfast …
“Think. While thinking is still legal and still possible.”
“The Unvaccinated did not take your freedoms or liberties. The Government did that.”
“The Unvaccinated are not holding your freedoms and liberties at ransom. The Government is. ”
“If the Unvaccinated are a threat to you, then the Vaccine did not work. If the Vaccine works, then you should already be free. ”
“If known, effective, proven, antivirals, provide equal or superior outcomes to the Govt mandated jabs, but are denied to the citizenry, then the Govt has failed the citizens”
The Government has Lied to You. That is the only explanation for the current situation.
The key is the postmodern covid vaccine does not confer immunity and hence or otherwise mandating it is worse than pointless, a crime in fact given the harm it’s known to cause.
Well said Lance.
These vaccines will not work as the virus has already mutated and will keep doing so just like the Flu does. This year’s Flu Jab will not work for next year’s Flu mutation. Same thing happens every Flu season. You will be far better off just letting your Immune System do the work. In fact, there are now indications that these vaccines actually damage your Immune System…………………….
Say goodbye to what little free speech Australia has left.
We would’t want anyone to discuss or question supposed anthropogenic global warming or any aspect of covid or its treatment. That would constitute “dangerous misinformation”. Leftist heads would explode because they can’t tolerate a alternate opinions.
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce says the government is not joking over plans to regulate social media
Eventually “disinformation sites” such as this will have to go.
Good for Joyce and for this right wing government. Social media sucks big time
After following closely the coronial and civil litigation following a famous infrastructure disaster in Australia, I am very, very wary of computer modelling. I have watched leaders in their particular fields of science come to completely different, but plausible conclusions, from the same data.
” … instead of academia based experts”
You mean “progressive” white coat activists?
Playing darts with a global warming alarmist:
1. Claims overwhelming evidence by virtue of the bulls eye.
2. Thrown darts land anywhere on the board.
3. One dart hits the waitress passing by but this does not disprove the underlying warming trend.
If you liken the climate models to a darts contest, only one dart has even hit the correct wall, let alone the target !
(Russian player at least seems to know where the target is.)
Is anyone else out there experiencing 17% increase in household insurance premium?
And this in a year when Covid has reduced insurance payouts due to lower mobility of people across the world.
When confronted company says they are “experiencing significant increases in their costs of re-insurance”.
But they don’t admit this is certainly occurring because of woke-identified risks of “global warming”.
Just another “hidden” cost of the scare campaign and gutless businesses who really do know better.
But then, no real incentive for the insurance execs to say “let’s keep our premiums down by ignoring this [SNIP “BS”]”.
Change on last year* 20.9% – about to go through annual hassle
Anecdotal evidence supports Pfizer.
Before the Delta wave a friend had a medical condition, two-thirds of his left lung had shut down. He never found out what it was, but the antibiotics given weren’t helping.
Then he got his Pfizer jab and felt better straight away, he figured it must be a coincidence. A few weeks later he got his second jab, which restored him to good health.
Was it the Pfizer shot or the antibiotics which brought about his recovery? He is fairly convinced it was the Pfizer.
Who knows? The important thing is to keep an open mind on everything re the virus & “vaccines”.
It seems to me, that because of the gain-of-function origin of the virus, and the chequered history of gene technology in immunology (particularly with corona viruses), we are in unchartered territory.
I try hard to keep that in mind.
What is the evidence for the gian of function?
There were alarm bells ringing in 2015.
‘Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature.’ (The Scientist)
December 12 2007, Shi ( bat woman at Wuhan lab) publishes in the Journal of Virology. ‘Horse shoe bat viruses can be manipulated to infect and attack human cells using HIV – based pseudo virus’ – the first gain of function experimentation to be published.
Ian what is the evidence it wasn’t gain of function ?
Plenty of anecdotal evidence in my small circle of family and friends to suggest pfizer is very bad for ones heart. What does the future hold for people that experienced heart problems?
Vaers database in USA is absolutely damning for covid ‘vaccines’.
Anecdotal evidence supports beer.
Yesterday I was at Magnetic Island and I had just been for a jog followed by a swim.
I was feeling tired and a bit lethargic and looking at the beautiful ocean wasn’t helping.
Then I opened a stubby of beer and felt better straight away. A few minutes later I drank another stubby which restored me to good health.
What brought about my recovery? I’m fairly convinced it was the beer.
So in effect, the antibiotics worked and the jab was unrelated.
But was the effect permanent? Or do you have to keep getting booster shots?
Had quite a few booster shots today, all good so far.
Happy to receive more as required.
Are there any side effects?
Apparently the lung now functions properly. That is a reasonable side effect and not one reported on often.
He is now in very good health and won’t require a booster. No deleterious side effects were experienced.
Just visiting? The weather has been magic, enjoy.
Regular visitor from just across the waves.
Birthday trip for 10 days and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, especially with the ridiculous restrictions “for our own good”.
True story about the beer by the way.
John Campbell getting openly sarcastic, debunking the BBC debunking of IVM. Very un John!
I’ve just finished watching that. I don’t know what to make of it. Is he becoming a just a little sceptical, finally?
Dr Campbell:”It is clearly ludicrous to take Ivermectin intended for animals”
I stopped watching after that.
seems quite sensible to me, take the stuff intended for humans
Yes! If you can get it.
”It is clearly ludicrous to take Ivermectin intended for animals” ” . . . . when there already exists an approved ivermectin formulation for humans “.
Makes sense doesn’t it?
It’s a language thing: heard on (red) RadioNZ this morning parked at the beach having coffee in the sunshine 🌞
climate denier + anti-vaxxer =
“vaccine denier”.
It’s as if aliens have taken over the airwaves with their completely indecipherable lingo/jargon mumbo-jumbo. Rightio, off for a swim…
This article assessing NOVAVAX in The Atlantic in June of this year seems a little dated now.
However, it does provide a somewhat different perspective on the race to develop vaccines for COVID, & the necessity to “pair up” with the big pharmaceutical companies.
Thanks for posting that. The three existing approved injections rate a HELL NO from me. The more I dig the more I see concealed evidence of serious adverse affects. I have been trying to find anything on Novavax to figure out whether the adverse affects were less serious.
Your best bet , if you are concerned that you have insufficient anti-bodies for coronavirus , is to drink raw milk/colostrum from cows that have been vaccinated against coronavirus.
It’s that simple.
A nice beestings pudding , cooked slowly at low heat in the coal range is all you need.
In the USA, 100 to 200 elected Representatives, were treated with the Front Line Doctors Ivermectin Protocol.
That is 25% to 50% of the Governing Body who Makes Law for the USA. Apparently, the FLCCC protocol is superior to Molnupiravir.
If people in “actual power” choose Ivermectin to save their own lives, that means something.
Ivermectin for me but not for thee.
So, if the elites are using this treatment because they KNOW it works, but forbid us from using it, this can only mean they DO NOT want us to be protected.
They want us, the Hoi Polloi, to use the vaxx instead.
If people can’t work out what is happening from this information they are well and truly asleep.
Sleepy sheepies.
That is quite interesting. Nothing like the FLCCC in Aus. Tbh if I get covid I’m not sure I’d go to hospital, suspecting one wouldn’t be treated very well at all if not vaccinated. Reality might be a different story once struggling for oxygen.
Full country wide power shutdown in Lebanon, don’t they have any friends in neighbouring countries, who could ‘lend’ them some power for basics.
How is the govt still in power, they should have been lynched by now.
There were not lynched but they did resign in August 2020. Maybe the lights going out is lack of annoying actually being in charge.
There have been power supply issues for a while – at least since Beirut’s Big Bang.
Well there are only two choices and they are both sorta busy with their own issues right now
Solar forcing is still on the table.
‘ … a surprising result for climate science: the warming of the Earth in the last 20 years is mainly due to a higher permeability of clouds for shortwave solar radiation. During the period, shortwave radiation has strongly decreased and this equally for the northern and southern hemisphere. With solar irradiance remaining nearly constant, this means that more shortwave radiation reached the Earth’s surface, contributing to warming.’ (Notrickszone)
The monthly area averaged variation in sunlight over the oceans ranges from 330W/sq.m in July to 400W/sq.m in January over an annual cycle. That is a huge change in solar forcing. Much greater than any variation caused by cloud changes from year-to-year.
Each year there is around 300mm average depth of water returned to oceans as river runoff. That is the result of energy into oceans that was released over land to cause rain. The water transfer peaks in January when solar input to the ocean is at its peak with around 1.1E13 tonne of water lifted from oceans and dumped on land.
The other interesting snippet is that the oceans, excluding areas with sea ice, have the LOWEST surface temperature in January when the solar input is HIGHEST. Hence ocean surface temperature is negatively correlated with solar input – work that one out!
Where does this information come from Rick?
The data from CERES off the NASA earth observatory site. I have compiled in this paper:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhEjCGNSVmdejW0s1
It is more than interesting that the ocean surface is coolest when the heat input is maximum!. Also interesting that highest heat transfer from ocean to release over land occurs when the atmospheric water is at its minimum. Lots of counter intuitive aspects to weather that climate models get wrong.
Intuitively, does it have anything to do with latent heat content?
The Northern Hemisphere winter is approaching and we have this huge marine heatwave.,27.49,265
Ocean Heat Content over longer time. Can we confidently say the warming oceans produced atmospheric global warming?
You won’t hear this from BoM, La Nina will be moderate and ENSO is expected to quickly return to neutral.
The temperature hiatus should continue, which is great news for our side.
Lets Go Brandon
Post vaccination mobility increase in Israel now under control and herd immunity kicking in:
Israel down to 2,600 cases per day – similar to Australia with two largest states still having low mobility.
Global cases now down to 428k, down from 452k a week ago:
The warmer weather is Australia is also having an impact in the USA with their cases declining fast:
And just like the response to vaxx no.1 and then vaxx no. 2 and then Booster no. 1, there will be a few months of declining numbers until once more the vaxx loses potency and Booster no. 4 is required.
The globe is heading to be free of Covid by March 2022. Not sure I will even need a booster.
There has never been a more global wide effort to eradicate a virus as has been directed at Covid; now 2.7bn fully vaccinated and growing at 13M per day. And it is working a treat with global infection rate well under 1. There are 217 countries with a vaccination program.
Considering covid is a game of made up numbers and a virus thats not particularly dangerous, another way to look at it is that covid boogey man has been used successfully s a global psy op to drive people to take a danerous “vaccine” ( its only purpose ), so now they just slowly wind back the covid boogey man and everyone resumes the new reality of being under a permanent cloud of threat of lock down…..
Thats not freedom, thats slavery if they can pull that trick any time they want.
The reality is the “vaccines” dont stop or reduce infection. So why bother? Last seen, it was averaging 50/50 vaccinated/unvaccinated in hospitals.
And as many virus and vaccine experts warned, the mRNA tech is not to be used widespread.
On so many levels, the vaccination push is unprecedented and potentially incredibly dangerous to humanity.
Unless that was the idea of course?
Unsupported, fact-free drivel from OriginalSteve.
This is the current situation in NSW:
Hospitalised, 6990, 277 fully vaccinated. That is from a population of approximately 70% fully vaccinated and 30% only partially or no vaccination.
So 6713 from 30% of the unvaccinated and 277 from the 70% vaccinated. The vaccines lower the risk of being hospitalised by FIFTY times. Anyone would have to have mush for brains not to put those odds in their favour.
Have you looked at Israel, which Fooci has said “is the model we should all follow….
Its exactly that.
The model is jab like crazy, the virus break souty, vax again…repeat
Yes, a great example of how herd immunity kicks in once the number vaccinated exceeds 80% of the population. Their daily cases now down under Australia’s daily cases:
From a daily peak of 11,000 just 3 weeks ago to 2,600 now – very impressive. The vaccinations are brilliant.
always look like that when you only look at one side of the equation and have zero real knowledge of long term consequences. I’m sure Thalidomide actually worked really well for morning sickness.
I must be over the target ( goody!) when I start copping personally directed flak….
Rick, if you go here :
And search for this : חולים פעילים – גיל והתחסנות ( Active patients – age and immunization )
You will see, with only one exception ( 12-15 age group ), that the vaccinated hospitalizations are higher than hsopitalizations for the unvaccinated.
This is what Australia will look like as the vaccine starts creating a constant source of feed-forward closed loop infections from the vaccinated within society. If you think about it, it guarantees a never ending source of infections.
And as has been amply demonstarted, our gumints are only too happy to lock society down on the flimsiest excuses.
And, as the current batch of vaccines fails, more boosters wil be advocated….and again,…and again…..
A never ending cycle of medical slavery.
If they had 100% of the population fully vaccinated then ____% of hospitalisation would be fully vaccinated – fill in the blank.
No You are showing you inability to do maths.
The fact is that Israel daily cases have fallen off a cliff over the last 3 weeks. Three things:
1. A few more Covid cases gives natural immunity.
2. A few more vaccinations gets the infection rate under 1.
3. Reduced mobility after holiday weekend gets the infection rate solidly under 1.
Rick, clearly you havent bothered to look at the info.
” free of Covid”
Gosh ! just like that.
Makes you wonder what we were doing , mucking around for the last 40 years or so , trying to make an effective vaccine for coronavirus, with no success.
Amazing what an “emergency’ can do .
Just amazing.
What was all the fuss about then ?
No idea.
That puts it so well. Covid-19 focused the effort. I doubt there has ever been more effort to eliminate a single virus. There was no “mucking about” with Covid. So far 6.4bn jabs and processing at 25M/day. That is, without a doubt, the greatest effort the human race has put into eradicating a single virus. No mucking about!
an none of that old school longitudinal testing either, soooo yesterday
You are undoubtedly right. It is a moment in history. All of it created by a congruence of events – the emergence of an apparently deadly virus in a communist state which was secretive about its origin.
But at the same time, the extraordinary digital revolution provided global coverage of its emergence in the most graphic way. Similarly, unprecedented global travel & commercial interconnectiveness ensured its almost instant escape from its place of origin.
While the internet created immediate interest, the mainstream media in all countries across the globe saw the story of a lifetime & splashed its progress in vivid and exaggerated terms – terrifying an already frightened global audience.
Government, as scared as everyone, appealed to the pharmaceutical companies to save the day… IMMEDIATELY…….
The rest is history. And that is not even taking into account Event 201 & the Great Reset.
Yes – COVID focussed attention…. & showed us what a dangerous world we live in…..and NOT necessarily because of viruses…..
I remember getting stats from a govt source about whooping cough in 2000.
I called them when I saw that 67% of kids hospitalized in 0-5 age group were fully vaccinated….huh?
The kind gentleman who sent me the data said the figures were 100% correct when I phoned him back to double check.
This started my push to know more.
Its like pulling teeth to get data though…..quite a few govt depts basically treated me like a naughty child for daring to want to know. Some, including the ones who supplied me the data, were helpful.
These vaccines will not work as the virus has already mutated and will keep doing so just like the Flu does. This year’s Flu Jab will not work for next year’s Flu mutation. Same thing happens every Flu season. You will be far better off just letting your Immune System do the work. In fact, there are now indications that these vaccines actually damage your Immune System……………………
So let’s see Big Pharma try for a cure (vaccine) for the Common Cold (which is a coronavirus) then.
” Booster no. 4 is required.”
Unless serological testing revealed that immune systems in healthy people are perfectly able to cope with coronavirus.
Mark, I dont think there is any signal of the vaccine anywhere in case numbers eg-
it looks like what you would expect if there was no vaccine at all. the hospitalisations and deaths are another matter, when you look at eg the UK figures –
it looks like the theory about the unvaccinated being the vacuum cleaners of the virus, as explained by geert bossche, is becoming a reality. the reason why case numbers go down after a while is that the pressure for mutations is reduced for a period of time while there is a stock of newcomers, like the children who passed previously on innate immunity etc. if you vaccinate everyone at the exact same time, you would destroy the virus, but vaccinating people over a two year window means that there will be the inevitable hundreds of mutant strains that exist today, and the ineffective vaccine becomes less effective leading to constant pressure on the virus to mutate. never reducing numbers until everyone has actually had it and recovered naturally (or by antivirals etc).
If Israel does truly stay down in numbers, then it is possible that they just have run out of people to infect and herd immunity has been reached via recovery from natural infection.
Any screwed up theory to explain observations rather than the simple facts that:
1. Border controls work.
2. Quarantines work.
Victoria now in its SIXTH lockdown. Six time in and five times out; one out to go.
3.. Vaccines work.
Talk about “cargo cults”. There are now “Covid cults”. The silliest of theories to explain the obvious rather than observing the obvious.
“3.. Vaccines work.”
In this case, only for reducing severity.
These vaccines are acknowledged that they *dont stop* the spread of the disease.
So in real terms, they arent a vaccine, rather a drug therapy
Another unsupported fact-free assertion from OriginalSteve.
The spread of any viral disease simply requires the acquired immunity through vaccination or infection to get the infection rate UNDER 1. The wonders of exponential decay does the rest. The process of annihilating the Covid virus is under way across the globe:
Gone by March 2022 – 2 years after it was released from China.
Good work Rick, totally won the argument.
The extreme nature of Australian covid lockups have attracted worldwide attention and concern.
I think it came as a shock to most non-Leftist people the extreme totalitarian measures Australian Governments were and are prepared to apply.
And most of the Sheeple have willingly accepted it as well, with the notable exceptions of some brave freedom-loving people and also recognising the few police who resigned over the issues.
The latest insanity from the government is the banning of nicotine used for vaping.
Vaping is a safer alternative than cigarette smoking so it seems to make no logical sense.
I assume the concern is that the government wants to keep people addicted to cigarettes so they can keep extracting the world’s highest tax from them, much like any other drug dealers would.
Tobacco has been taxed to within an inch of its life, something of a luxury and vaping has been getting bad press because a young person died.
Um…remember that controversial law that allows foreign troopps to be used internally for “peacekeeping” purposes?
As the USA under Sleepy Joe purges its military of those who refuse the vaccine mandates, whats left is a force presumably loyal to leftist ideology….
“Marking 10 years in Darwin, top US diplomat signals bigger US marine deployments in Top End
As Stalin found to his benefit, the local troops wouldnt use lethal force against their own, foreign troops , however, would….
10,000 vaxxed people will be allowed to attend the Melbourne Cup but none of the untermenschen.
Sounds like a “super spreader” event to me.
Let ’em have at it, we’ll read the results later
When they get sick it will of course be the fault of the unvaxxed.
Won’t somebody please blame the children!
I am just trying imagine the level of entitlement amongst the glitterati that make the list.
To break the unending seriousness, some Covidian humour..
So, how come the judiciary of Vicdanistan have exempted themselves from compulsory vaccination?
It’s one rule for the Elites and another for the untermenschen…
Barristers might argue exempt one exempt all and win; a risk no government is fool enough to take.
I wonder who will be the first double vaccinated person to die from covid in NSW post “opening up”? I also wonder how many of them are going to die ?
Enjoy your last weeks to those about to cop it. Maybe take that cruise you’ve always wanted.
A small number of double vaxed people are dying all the time, if some die post opening I doubt it will cause anymore of a ripple than the one it doesnt cause right now. Have a look at the link in #
Every propaganda meeting we hear how many died and the break up of who had how many jabs and who didn’t so it’s a pandemic of the unvaxed but I wonder of the 1890 new cases reported today in Victoriastan, just what was the break up of who had the jab and who had not ?
does it matter? I think the main argument is around hospitalisations now. The thing we should be scared about is a bit of a moving target. These days cases can be whatever , but if few of them actually end up in hospital thats fine(ish) cause we got vaccines and a slowly growing pool of the recovered. I guess the Andrews/Sutton clown show will pull the lockdown lever if it gets out of hand. They have one tool and love to use it as we we know.
Yes and no , yes it stops the propaganda war with claims like “It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated” and no we’ve had enough shonky stats from governments.
The Ruby Princess might have discounted fares.
and some freebies for Brad Hazzard?
Nurses blow the whistle in Australia:
Afternoon all,
I just found this in Pointman’s “Aunty Pravda” post.
Dated July 26.
I don’t recall any mention of it previously in comments here.
Sounds like Scotus might have acted in support of US democracy? I hope.
Dave B
You really have to be impressed at Australia’s complete inability to control their outbreak, even with some of the strictest, harshest lockdowns & mask policies in the world
Imagine if anyone was willing to acknowledge how destructive & ineffective The Science™ actually is
This chart could really be in the top 15 “Great Moments in The Science”
Oops reply to 43
Sweden is doing much better than the UK with covid, that is certain. Still stubbornly high at 30K plus per day in the UK.
In terms of outcomes pretty much all of Europe is doing well now with all countries tracking without excess mortalities.
Case counting seems to be losing its attractiveness as a hobby. Bit like Influenza really , we never know the case count just the people who end up in hospital and/or die.
UK is a crowded place compared with Sweden. Population density 12 times higher in the UK than in Sweden.
The UK just went full Freedom Day and that proved to be a super spreader. UK is 7% down on mobility and Sweden 8% down. UK have had full stadiums at football matches since Freedom Day. Not sure if Sweden still permits full stadiums.
Both have the similar level of vaccination around 70% of the population and both have similar level of natural immunity. But Sweden has the infection rate under 1 while UK is stubborn around 1. I expect the 12-fold higher population density is the main factor in their current situation. Sweden has a preference for Pfizer vaccine. UK used more AstraZeneca but I doubt the difference in infection rate is due to different vaccines.
UK will gradually acquire more natural immunity as people get infected and that should get the infection rate under 1. They may need to get into boosters because the virus is not going away this year. The better news is that daily Covid deaths in the UK is low 100s. That is a tiny fraction of the pre vaccination death rate.
Selectively quoting there Rick. Uttar Pradesh is far more densely populated than the UK. You are the only one here denying their successes.
I agree Rick. But their two different approaches make the results interesting. How about Taiwan ? Very high density, no covid (basically). Masters that no one talks about.
No, but an interesting segment in BBC Gardeners World programme on last Friday showed the results sofar of a large experiment on the effect of CO2 on tree growth.
“We visit a ground-breaking project in Staffordshire, which is using living experiments to monitor the crucial part trees play in mitigating climate change,”
(Start at 39.05 if you want to avoid an interview with Al Gore.)
In the programme the lead researcher said that the effects on tree and root growth were all positive.
Although he added the usual postscript that the effects of future warming is unknown, and further research is needed.
Amazing how GW turned a celebration of trees into another BBC climate change lecture. The second Al Gore, billed as an environmentalist, appeared, the off-button was deployed.
That is why I said start at 39.05 so as to avoid seeing AG.
The Staffordshire research item was quite interesting.
The only -ve for increased CO2 on trees is that as they grow faster the wood softens. Sounds logical but that’s what these experiments are designed to dhow.
Softer wood is no issue for plantation pine headed for a pulp mill though.
Plant food mkay?
Asprin lowers the risk of contracting covid and of death.
Tas exporting via the Basslink again.
New electric CAR sales to hit 100% by next year, 3 years ahead of target.
So Norway to phase out the sale of new ICE vehicles by 2025 – they have beaten that goal already!
ICE vehicles only made up less than 10% of new vehicle sales so far in 2021, so 90% are some sort of electric/hybrid etc.
The fine print: 7 out of 8 cars sold in Norway are 2nd hand and are in the majority an ICE vehicle, with 85% of cars on the road in Norway being an ICE vehicle
So does this mean those that can afford electric are buying electric and selling their ICE vehicles and the rest of the Norwegians are buying the used ICE vehicles? Long term, there wont be any ICE vehicles left to buy as they are phasing them out completely by 2025.
How long will it take for all ICE vehicles in Norway to be completely replaced by EV’s?
If they dont make them illegal or tax them off the roads,.. it will be as long as a car remains useable,,… 20-50 years by my reconning.
( but they will be forced off the roads before then by one means or another…. fuel at $100/litre , maybe ?)
Two Qs:
Are Norway’s N Sea oil revenues holding up?
Assuming, like all oil fields, that they are depleting can Norway eliminate a large group of taxpayers to keep a large group of leeches happy?
Without mandates they will stick around forever: Think NZ 50 years ago or Cuba any time you choose.
It’s not a bad thing to have a thriving repair industry, you end up with a skilled trade base, not “technicians” with laptops. Kiwis my age were very versatile at the time.
Norway isnt really a model for anything. They are blessed with endless (it seems) run of river hydroelectricity and massive oil based sovereign wealth fund underpinned govt largesse. These characteristics are unique in the general scheme of things.
“The Old Farmer’s Almanac Seasonal Forecasts”
And here’s me thinking CO2 was a reasonably well mixed gas in the atmosphere .
A study showing people with covid dying from hospital acquired infections in India.
‘Out of 750 patients admitted in COVID ICU, 8.5% developed secondary BSIs (bloodstream infections). All severe COVID-19 patients who developed BSIs succumbed to illness. A significant proportion of BSIs were Gram-negative pathogens (53/64, 82.8%). Acinetobacter baumannii was the commonest isolate, followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (32.8% and 21.9%, respectively). Multidrug-resistance organisms (MDRO) were found in 57.8% of the cases. The majority of MDRO belonged to K. pneumoniae and Enterococcus groups.’
No doubt it is happening here too.
This claim appears to have been around since June. Here is the link to a “fact check” by a supposed covid researcher.
Just supplying so balanced view. Don’t shoot me I’m just the messenger, not even the sheriff.
“Role of ivermectin in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers in India: A matched case-control study”
Digital identity, Blaaa it will never happen in Australia
that sort of thing is in communist countries like China
and a look at what our country and life may be like if we keep going nanny progressive woke utopia
quite entertaining LOL
“Exclusive: Top Tory Sir Graham Brady Declares Australia’s Zero-COVID Policy ‘Doesn’t’ Work’”
Interesting moment to start bringing back the Australia Card.
I wonder what made that so important all of a sudden?
ABC says you need one … good enough, I’m in!
If you say nothing then that means you consent. It’s a bit like … ahhhh … I won’t say what it’s a bit like, but prolly you know already.
Isn’t that like putting all your digital eggs in the one hackable basket.
This is the disconnected logic that we are up against from senior health officials. No wonder Mr and Mrs Average have no idea. Here are the views of two competing “experts” on the risks of the vaxxed catching COVID from the filthy unvaxxed.
What are the risks of being around people who are unvaccinated?
Professor Jaya Dantas of Curtin University’s School of Population Health told Yahoo News Australia vaccinated people should tread with caution when knowingly or unknowingly mixing with unvaccinated people.
“There will be breakthrough infections among those who are vaccinated if they mingle with the unvaccinated,” she warned.
She has obviously not heard of the cruise ship passengers and the crews of the Royal Navy strike group accompanying the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier — all “fully vaccinated” — who developed COVID weeks out at sea with not an unvaxxed leper in sight to source it from. The vaxxed infecting the vaxxed.
She said other scenarios that could pose risks of unknowingly mixing with unvaccinated people . . . She said without vaccine mandates in such settings, clusters of infection were likely to arise.
Prof Dantas said vaccinated people should “set up rules” when they want to mingle with people without the jab.
She said it was a difficult task singling out unvaccinated people and if accommodating them, it would be favourable to hold an event outside for greater protection.
I’m glad she thinks it will be a difficult task singling out the unvaxxed for prejudicial treatment. Apparently the good professor is also not familiar with the study that showed the same viral load in the vaxxed infected as in the unvaxxed infected, whether either is symptomatic or asymptomatic.
The key word professor is “infected”, NOT “unvaccinated”.
Why vaccinated Australians shouldn’t ‘freak out’ if they catch Covid – and how it may be GOOD for them in the long run.
• Experts say cases will increase but that people should ‘definitely want’ [the] virus
• They say a mix of vaccination and having the virus will provide [the] most protection
• Leading epidemiologists are encouraging Australians not to ‘freak out’ if they get coronavirus after lockdowns lift – saying some people should ‘want’ to get it if they’re fully-vaccinated.
• The US CDC says vaccinated people who had also recovered from the virus had half the risk of reinfection compared to unvaccinated people who recovered.
Has anyone seen a reference for the CDC claim above that vaccinated people who had also recovered from the virus had half the risk of reinfection compared to unvaccinated people who recovered? If so, was the reinfection less severe in the unvaxxed with superior natural immunity?
Both are wrong.
Life is for the living. No need to live in fear, ever.
The younger won’t get sick, so no problem, and no need for any pseudo vax. The old have already lived and should have made their peace with the world. The middle-aged have no need to worry so long as they have maintained a positive attitude and healthy life-style, and if they haven’t, well, YOLO!, so that’s fine too.
The only people that should worry are boot-licking scientists and corrupt politicians. – May their respective false claims and crimes against humanity lead to many an arresting moment. Amen.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Vaccine apartheid.
Back to the days of leper colonies, South Africa from 1950-1990, WWII in Germany, and the time in the US when blacks had to take the rear of the bus. !
Judy Curry has an interesting post on cloud changes causing most of the warming in the last 20 years.
There is a longish tangent about Jo’s blog early on in the comments. Mostly people claiming they were censored.
the longish tangent about Jo’s blog is quite entertaining LOL
“No Moderna for You”
Iceland cancels use
“The Next “Horse Paste””
Anybody here familiar with something called a “Hydrino”?
Claims involving it include solving mankind’s (imaginary) “CO2 problem” …
It looks like one of those alien technologies by which the surviving elites plan to run the planet they are presently scouring of human detritus: “can build pressure to turn a turbine for a generator or an engine, BlackLight Power notes in a marketing plan.”
Well, I see on their website (this year, 2021) where a 250 kW (250,000 Watts thermal; no longer just a couple of Watts on a lab bench) test device is undergoing extended ‘op’ (operational) testing. This is certainly more than anyone else has produced, to date, including the ‘hot fusion folks. There are also some impressive lab tests used to evaluate the ‘product’ of the reaction, notably gas chromatography for one …
“Hydrinos” ?
Over here in Australia we use Merinos.
Each one gives out about 19 Watts but they’re cheap to run and the main problem when extracting the energy is the smell when they’re all crowded together in the heat extraction zone.
Thermal concentration is a bit low for city use.
Was actually looking forward to applying the needed ‘salve’ to the unhealthy CO2 pre-occupation society seems to have, but I’m ‘game’ for the occasional ‘word play’ as we go … reading the ‘tea leaves’ this product seems to be the answer in the “primary energy sector”, but there are so few blokes conversant, let alone familiar with the underlying physics of this tech …
“If this is true”
There are 535 members of Congress. On the lower boundary this is 19% of the members, plus staff and family or close to one in five. On the upper boundary it is more than a third.
Remember folks that doctors have been threatened with loss of their medical licenses for writing prescriptions and chain pharmacies, which are most of them, have in many cases refused to fill said prescriptions. The entire reason people have gone out and bought “pony paste” is that they can’t go to the local doc-in-a-box and get a script for Ivermectin.
Incidentally I trust animal meds in this sort of context far more than human ones. Go kill someone’s tens-of-millions of dollar racehorse and see how long you live. Whack Fluffy and it will be all over the news for a week with the responsible vet run out of town. But killing Granny, if you’re a hospital and can come up with a positive PCR test you get a $33,000 bounty — and everyone, including the media, yawns.”
More at
Here in Western Sydney where I live outside temp is 10 degC. Just lit up my wood heater to warm my home. Weather is crazy.
Cant help noticing how the lovely Angie Asimus, channel 7’s weather girl is so well trained on climate commentary. Whenever the temp. is 5 or 10 deg above average she lets us know, but when the converse happens she rarely mentions the fact.
Don’t get me wrong Angie is a lovely person and one of my favourite presenters . .
Angie should get real, a meandering jet stream and blocking high pressure are signs of global cooling.
Unseasonable weather, too hot then too cold, is associated with blocking.
Thanks gordo . .
“Yet More Covid Cures & Treatments”
Will the occupants of VH-_KAK currently enroute from Sydney (Bankstown) airport approaching the Qld border be required to quarantine if they land in Qld ?. (Tracking on at this time)
Landed Brisbane Airport.
I think it may be or have been owned by Victoria Police.
Could be there to pick up a criminal to be extradited?
“Understanding the Difference Between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism”
“What Will Our Lord and Savior, Anthony Fauci, Have to Say About This?”
“Given that he was entirely fine with large crowds at BLM rallies and assured us that illegal immigrants coming into the country weren’t a problem, one must assume that he will remain consistent and be entirely fine with what happened here in College Station, Texas . . . right?!? Otherwise he would be a Complete and Utter H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.”
And maybe others?(/s)
What will Rohan Dean do?
‘Rupert Murdoch’s many critics were savage on Monday after his Australian newspapers staged a spectacular backflip and embraced the need for faster action on climate change.
‘Newspapers that once warned of a $600 billion cost from cutting emissions now claimed a $2 trillion benefit from doing the same thing.’ (SMH)
I heard a [strictly] rumour that Bolt will not be renewed next year.