A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Once again Paul Homewood uses AR 5 + the latest AR 6 DATA to prove that the con merchants at the BBC are telling us more porkie pies about their so called climate change.
And in the OZ region the trend is DOWN for all cyclones since 1970.
Another top post from an expert Indian scientist about ice gains in Greenland over the 2020- ’21 season.
He also checks out their so called unique rainfall event and finds numerous historical data that casts doubts on their fra-dulent claims.
Why can’t they EVER TELL THE TRUTH about Greenland?
They won’t give up their fantasy without a fight and will soon be king hit.
Orbital changes, mostly precession, will be increasing North Atlantic area averaged sunlight from 402.6W/sq.m to 405.9W/sq.m over the next 1000 years. That will correspond to a temperature rise of 0.6C.
North Atlantic had the most sunlight so far this century in 2020 – area average 402.8W/sq,m. Sunlight over the North Atlantic will fall till 2030 to 402.6W/sq.m then continue its upward trend for the next 12,000 years.
Atmospheric water over the North Atlantic will be peaking later each year and drop out faster as the boreal winters get colder. Snowfall will increase and eventually accumulate again on land.
Doubling or trippling CO2 from present level is not going to make any difference. Soot from incomplete burning of fossil fuel and biomass might retard the accumulation.
The NAO rules in the North Atlantic, with solar variability showing a two year lag. It synchronises in a quasi-decadal sort of way from stratosphere to the surface through a process of ‘downward propagation’.
Don’t bet on it gordo, natural decadal-variability can also occur, which seems to strengthen CO2 doomer hysteria for another 10 or 15 years. It will take a very long time to clear the gigantic fake climate-crisis fat-berg from the ‘scholastic’ mega-sewer … “the funding is strong with this one” …
Either outcome is not good actually, we will win the argument, or rather Earth will go off-script, then we’ll get global-browning, and western white men in particular will assuredly be blamed relentlessly for that too, and our racial ‘privilege’, and will need to pay compensation for our crimes, the UN will insist on racial ‘justice’, even though a creeping “desertification” (global-browning) process was a major yapping-point during the mid to late 1970s too.
Frankly other than El Nino events I love the way the earth has greened. More CO2 please, and more aircon! Symbiotic if you use coal, cheep power for more aircon and more CO2. What’s not to like (except it’s ocean buffering releasing it actually). For trees CO2 is better than a shovel of chook-poop (dynamic lifter).
But there’s no doubt we can still get 3 strong El Ninos with in a decade or so. Just the same way we got multiple wet cool La Nina’s in the 1970s, on a general cooling period, which intensified the variability.
Some people claim “Army Intelligence” is an oxymoron. Exhibit A, if this is/was the caliber of their intelligence officers.
Surprise surprise surprise …. Ms Durrant now works for the Climate Council.
‘Army Intelligence’, yeah, says it all really.
As terms go I’ve found that “Government enthusiasms” gets a lot more recognition than “Government wisdom”
So I reckon that would be “Army enthusiasm” – or perhaps more correctly “ex-Army enthusiasm”?
Army intelligence ,, Afghanistan!!
Says it all!!
“Ms Durrant said the government and military preferred to deal with uncertainty of a threat from the likes of China than certainty from climate change and its catastrophic effects.”
I think the dope has it ar*e about.
They mean like the certainty that Iraq had WMDs, which only exposed Western governments lied about them and got away with an illegal war that resulted in the deaths of thousands of allies? Even the CIA tried to convince the US government not to go to war but there were certain people in government who had a different view and fabricated the evidence. Such war crimes have gone unpunished. This goes to show all governments are evil, not just China.
PeterS: Putin’s double-game in Islamic terrorism
Some like Antony Blinken believe insider connections are better than gold
Depends on what you consider to be WMDs. IMHO, friends and relatives of the estimated 5,000 gassed in the Kurdish town of Halabja in 1988 on the orders of Ali Hassan al-Majid would be more than justified in claiming WMDs were used. Majid, a former Iraqi official and enforcer in Saddam Hussein’s regime known as “Chemical Ali” was also Hussein’s cousin.
“Iraqi jets swooped over Halabja and for five hours sprayed it with a lethal cocktail of mustard gas and the nerve agents Tabun, Sarin and VX.”
Majid accumulated a long list of atrocities and and other crimes including genocide. He was eventually hanged.
Ljnk for above comment.
What does she want to do
Go live in a cave like a Neanderthal
All the climate nuts know there is not a thing Australia can do about the climate apart from be alert and adapt
We are ending a period of interglacial.if we prepare for global warming and get global cooling, what disastrous waste i of effort and money
Today’s news item refer to Great Britain has had little wind for weeks has had to turn on back up coal plants
Prices have gone up 2900%
Windless conditions expected to last for weeks
So much for the climate scientists
Just another oxymoron and synonym for carpetbaggers
“Just another oxymoron and synonym for carpetbaggers”
Just another oxymoron and synonym for climatebaggers.
There, fixed it for you.
Same claim as the people who tell Biden what to say.
Biden to Troops: Military Told Me That ‘Global Warming’ Is ‘Greatest Threat to America’
Caroline Downey
June 10, 2021·2 min read
Bidet and his lapdog marxist Mulley of the Pentagram, are a bigger risk to the USA….
sounds like a diversity hire, the self inflating problem of activists advocating for more activists.
“Climate change is the greatest threat to Australia’s immediate national security..”
Whew that’s a relief, I thought it was China.
It would appear that Mrs Cheryl Durrant has been compromised. May have done an advanced university degree where she needed to back the global warming hoax to receive a pass. The majority of the Intelligence operators are centre right. Goes along to get along.
Due to the shadow banning if IVM i think we should rename it “Voldermectin” the medicine who cannot be named . Whoops I almost said it but I think I got away with it…..
“Voldermectin” – the medicine who cannot be named – will use that from now on – love it
PJ Watson pointing out a new front on the ‘clash of civilisations’. China takes the long handle to ‘degeneracy’. An interesting description – ‘girlie guns’.
Let’s hope the WA wheat belt can recover from some recent bad frosts earlier in September.
Just a pity that temps from zero to minus 5 hit some of the areas, that so far seemed to be heading for a near record year.
And even their ABC told us Canola crops were incredible and as high as the roof-line of their utes.
Let’s hope for the best for the farmers in that area.
Neville, ..i am sure it will vary from state to state etc, but i have just heard a report on the ABC that this years crops , Nationally, are resulting in the most productive year EVER recorded for Aussie farmers. !
Yes Chad I heard that too and the 2020/’21 season was also the highest year ever for all Farmers and they grossed about 66 billion $.
I linked to this here a few weeks ago from the ABS. Look it up.
So much for their terrible , dangerous climate change nonsense.
And WA wheat belt area has had the best rainfall since records began. ( 1900 to 2020)
That’s compared to the last 700 years.
See O’Donnell 2021 dendro study from Uni WA.
Where’s the global warming.
From my reading its over, but thankfully Oz was spared the worst of it.
It’s tracking the sun. Where the sun is, the earth is warmer. When it sets it’s colder. That’s the part the alarmists haven’t figured out yet.
Only in the minds of the true believers of the Catastropharian religion.
And nowhere else.
I believe the Avon River here in Perth (well, about an hours drive away) was flowing well for this years Avon Decent about a month ago. Only a week or so before a climate scientist was assuring everyone that the wet winter we’ve had wouldn’t add to our water supplies as most of it would have soaked into the ground.
And, I’m out of my depth here but -I thought much of Perth’s water came from underground sources anyway even if that was true.
Your two main dams (Wungong, Canning) have the capacity to supply Perth for about 4-5 months
They use it when its there, but most of your supply comes from Desal and aquifers
iirc.. Perth an annual consumption of around 300GL
of this 125GL comes from the aquifer (max allowed), up to 120GL can come from Desal
Yes, there’s a good amount of bore water in Perth’s supply (or individuals houses). So don’t drink it if you have septic tanks in your area because it’s draining into your water. 🙂
The aquifer is distinct and not connected to the groundwater
It’s a problem for the superficial aquifer.
The water authority is/has retrofitted sewers into septic areas specifically to avoid the leaching of septic into groundwater.
It’s a problem for individuals who have bores and maybe not so much for the broader water supply.
I didn’t think that Perth used much bore water since the Desal plants were commissioned?
Probably so. There were quite a few individual properties had them when I lived there … a while ago now. Generally for yard use.
There are something like 200,000 bores in Perth. They keep gardens green. I’m just trying to get ours running again after the winter break.
They mark the fences and walls a lovely iron ochre color with all the iron…
I remember seeing the amazing iron stains around Perth when visiting our family there; the lawns were very tough and green. We won’t be back now that our family have moved interstate, much as we like what we’ve seen of WA. We are of the ‘unclean’ 🙁
Wow that is definitely rusty water – you know I did not understand why Perth People were called Sandgropers, it was not until my 3rd visit to Perth, that I ventured out of the City to the Suburbs and discovered Perth was built on Sand
out of your depth….water…I see what you did there
I’ve also noticed a continuing stable price in the meat I buy the past few months (rarely buy from supermarkets but cheaper wholesale type butchers). Even months after the wet relieved the drought parched soils west of the dividing range in parts of QLD and NSW the price of meat with pushed up by nearly double for some cuts for several months. The main reason was that due to the drought farmers had lowered their numbers and this meant stock that would normally be used for meat were needed to increase numbers again leading to a delay in a return on good meat returns.
Not a fan of mono-cropping as we will see with issues with that land used as such in the years to come.
In other words, in times of drought you sell off steers and poor stock to feed lots or export. When the drought breaks you keep the remaining stock to build the herd back up.
I am going to a field walk tomorrow to check on the frosted crops. Did this cold air come from Antartica?
We had -1C yesterday morning here, with frost on the roof and grass. We are in Nth Central Vic.
Remdesevir is killing people. And this is the drug of choice in the US at $3000 a dose. Renal failure is the problem it seems.
The Safety Board pulled remdesivir from the [Ebola] study because it killed more people than any of the other three drugs,” Dr Bryan Ardis said, “remdesivir killed 54% of all the people that got the drug.” And, note that Reuters quoted a study which reported “a” – one – patient with coronavirus who had shown improvement after taking remdesivir.
Remdesivir has been proven to cause kidney failure which leads to pulmonary edema. Officials are calling this secondary pneumonia from Covid, said Dr. Ardis, “no it wasn’t, they are shutting down everybody’s kidneys with remdesivir, causing their lungs to fill with fluid, and they are drowning them to death.
Thanks Brenda. The one thing of which I am sure is that confidence and trust in pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession continues to be eroded.
Another Study Shows Hospitalization Numbers of COVID Patients in U.S. are Overinflated, Not Drawing Distinction Between COVID Incidental To Admission or Treatment Thereof
From the Comments
September 13, 2021 7:36 pm
My oldest friend sent me this as part of a letter:
“One takeaway point of great concern is the failure of notification of repurposed generic medicines with many conclusive studies showing their effectiveness at all stages of COVID-19 infections such as the extremely safe and effective Ivermectin and the slightly less safe and effective Hydroxychloroquine. I have been following these two medicines for over a year which is something the CDC, WHO and others have turned a blind eye to because they would negate any possible Emergency Use Authorization for the new vaccines. Their actions are should be considered as the largest Crime Against Humanity in the history of the world when you calculate job and revenue loss for the average person around the world along with all the other health related issues caused by the lockdowns i.e., Suicide, depression, drug overdoses and people’s medical checkups being cancelled which resulted in countless and unnecessary premature deaths.”
The much despised WHO suspended remdesivir from its recommended list in November 2020
but despite that Australia and America were using it ltill Apri/May 2021.
There were several reports of it’s effectiveness in Covid 19 but there were also reports it was of little benefit.
I wonder if, with hindsight, ivermectin, will be found to be another remdesivir
What have you read to give you that idea? Nothing I have read supports the use of remdesivir or convincingly argues against IVM.
” ivermectin, will be found to be another remdesivir”
Remdesivir is known to cause kidney and liver issues, compounding CV19 symptom, it is a dangerous drug.
Ivermectin has been proven totally safe in some 3.6 billion doses over many years.
so, No !!
From your link.
Remdesivir also improved mortality rates for those receiving supplemental oxygen (4% with remdesivir versus 13% with placebo at day 29 of treatment). All-cause mortality among all patients was 11% with remdesivir and 15% with placebo at day 29, but this difference between the treatment groups
. The preliminary findings hadn’t shown an effect on mortality.
blocked instead of bold
Remdesivir also improved mortality rates for those receiving supplemental oxygen (4% with remdesivir versus 13% with placebo at day 29 of treatment). All-cause mortality among all patients was 11% with remdesivir and 15% with placebo at day 29, but this difference between the treatment groups was not large enough to rule out chance. The preliminary findings hadn’t shown an effect on mortality.
I would be far more worried about what the Pfizer vaccine will be found out to be , especially with the penchant for dosing the young
Unbelievable. There should be an investigation into the remdesivir tragedy. Killing people with a drug, Remdesivir, that does work (to stop covid or alleviate covid symptoms) and that causes an astonishing high percentage of patient’s to have multiple organ damage is not unethical, it is murder.
The same group that is causing organ damage are hiding the fact that there is a drug, Ivermectin, that is highly effective at killing covid. And there is possible paradigm change.
Ivermectin is now available in a super form which makes it 8 times more effective. Ivermectin can be 8 times more effective at killing covid if it is repackaged to work around the fact that Ivermectin is one of 13 highly effective drugs that are not water soluble.
Ivermectin can be a super anti viral because Iveremectin the chemical connects to the part of the covid spike which cannot change because it, is required to connect to the ACE-2 connector, in our cells to replicate.
Ivermectin (with the solubility work around) will always be a super anti viral. The reason Ivermectin is not a super anti-viral, now, is that is not water soluble and the Pharmaceutical giants and the health industry do not a water soluble version of Ivermectin. For the same reason why the medical industry does not want the population’s Vit D deficiency fixed. It is all about the money. The medical industry needs chronically sick people. People that need medical ‘treatment’ as they get older and their organs start to fail (the ‘condition’ of gradual organ failure that effect more than 10% of the US population is called Metabolic Syndrome) because of the population’s severe Vit D deficiency, super over consumption of sugar (factor of ten), and over consumption of ethanol (factor of three).
The pharmaceutical industry does not want a super effective anti viral. That explains why Pfizer did not do the basic engineering, to come up with a work around, to the fact that Ivermectin is not water soluble and hence does not disperse effectively at a microscope level in the blood.
The Ivermectin insolubility problem is partially helped by taking Ivermectin with a fatty meal. This explains why Ivermectin is working for some people. They take higher dosages of Ivermectin and with a fatty meal. This is the reason (to ensure no one developed a super Ivermectin anti viral) Pfizer purchased the rights to Ivermectin. Ivermectin is now off patent.
This is from Brenda Spence’s link.
“According to Dr. Ardis, multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome is the number one cause of death in all ICUs in the United States of America (“USA”).
In June 2020 a trial was published of 61 patients with Covid-19 who were given a 10-day course of remdesivir. The results of that trial noted “12 patients (23%) had serious adverse events. The most common serious adverse events — multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension … Four patients (8%) discontinued remdesivir treatment prematurely: one because of worsening of pre-existing renal failure, one because of multiple organ failure, and two because of elevated aminotransferases, including one patient with a maculopapular rash.”
Based on this trial remdesivir was used in protocols to treat Covid in the USA.
People did not die of Covid-19, Dr. Ardis said, they died from remdesivir. Remdesivir has been proven to cause kidney failure which leads to pulmonary edema. Officials are calling this secondary pneumonia from Covid, said Dr. Ardis, “no it wasn’t, they are shutting down everybody’s kidneys with remdesivir, causing their lungs to fill with fluid, and they are drowning them to death.”
“They are using remdesivir the same way that they used gas chambers to destroy people in Germany. This is how they’re doing it, and perpetuating those deaths, using a drug in hospitals,” said Dr. Ardis”
” … multiple organ damage is not unethical, it is murder.”
Maybe, but it’s not enough to get it banned – it would mark a return to the principles that would also ban the “vaccines.”
Just when I thought the green menace couldn’t get any more ridiculous with the claims about climate change they out do themselves , teaching cows to use the toilet to help reduce climate change has to be up there with the most embarrassing ridiculous nutty ideas I’ve seen .
“There’s a story in which a performance of _Aida_ in Covent
Garden, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham, featured real horses.
And midway through the chorus, one of the horses did what horses
do, and the music was stopped while stagehands came in to clear
it up. During which Sir Thomas turned to the audience and
remarked, “A distressing spectacle, ladies and gentlemen, but
gads! what a critic!” ”
Let the cows run free!
Let the cows run free
Cows with guns!!!! Be afraid! Very afraid!!!
BUY BRITISH Back British farmers… or I will have to put corks in my cows’ a*ses, says Jeremy Clarkson
Surrounded by his grazing cattle, Sun columnist Jeremy’s brow furrows as he outlines the red tape that is tying his farm, Diddly Squat, in bureaucratic knots.
Take his shorthorn cows’ muck — which his newly-acquired 19-strong herd are producing in big quantities.
One Government department, he says, encourages him to use it to fertilise the land, while another official body wants to ban him from doing it where it might pollute the water supply.
“What do I do then?” Jeremy wails in exasperation. “Put corks in the cows’ a*ses?”
The “ridiculous levels of legislation” are one reason why he is an outspoken supporter of today’s Back British Farming Day.
Teaming up with the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), Jeremy wants the Government to commit to Britain remaining at least 60 per cent self-sufficient in food. It has slipped from nearly 80 per cent in the 1980s.
Helping to launch the NFU’s new Food Report, Jeremy is also asking shoppers to buy British products, which he insists are better quality and greener.
WATCH NOW – 7 mins 37 secs
DIDDLY SQUAT Watch our exclusive tour of Jeremy Clarkson’s farm as he urges ‘buy British’
It’s actually a very simple and clever idea. The aim isn’t just to reduce NO₂ emissions, it also assists in keeping nitrogen out of waterways. It appears that cows are very trainable.
So, absolutely nothing to do with “climate change” Thanks Simon.
So why do they carry on about “greenhouse gases”. Make one wonder, hey !
stops carbon being sequestered into the soil. Which is not what you want.
This stops the grasses and pastures from developing deeper root systems which help defend the soils against erosion. So either you have marginal increase in nitrogen or a substantial increase in erosion. Of course a warmist would support the more damaging option.
Cows are very trainable, Simon.
We’ve trained them to give us steak and sausages for the BBQ.
Simon – you have no idea. They are far far smarter than people imagine.
We have a breeding herd of a particular breed (Belted Galloways), so that they are permanent residents & not commercially raised for slaughter. As a result, we get to observe their relationships within the herd & their individual personalities and idiosyncrasies. It is both amazing and endearing. Mind you, they also have all the prejudices and nasty features of our species eg the “Belties” treat our small group of Angus cattle with undisguised contempt.
Gonna write a book on the sociology of cows someday!
Is what Simon was implying. Seems that only cows are smarter than people imagine.
Nice animals, taste good as well and dual purpose, Angus can’t multi task.
Potty training cattle, tell em their dreaming.
Vicki, One of our neighbours has miniature belted galloways. I have wondered why and now that you mention your BG’s are “permanent residents & not commercially raised for slaughter” I’ll ask you why have them?
Are they just for lawn mowing?
We also have:
Australian Lowline
The Australian Lowline is a modern Australian breed of small, polled beef cattle. It was the accidental result of a selective breeding experiment using black Aberdeen Angus cattle at the Agricultural Research Centre of the Department of Agriculture of New South Wales at Trangie. It is among the smallest breeds of cattle, but is not a dwarf breed.
I don’t know that much beef is available yet but there is a logic to it: Smaller families only need smaller cuts.
I just did a search on belted Galloways, I had not heard of them, and it seems they are in demand for cross breeding.
Saw heaps of them driving around Tasmania, I thought someone had painted a racing stripe around them.
What they can drive as well 😉
We have two desalination plants. Aquifers such as the Gnangara Mound and dams. It depends on where you live as to where your water comes from. Bore water is mostly used for gardens and by professional market gardeners. People who live in those areas without access to scheme water have rain water tanks. Some have filtration systems which filtrate the bore water which is then stored in tanks. Perth water is full of iron, without a filtration system you will see fences, walls, driveways with massive rust stains.
If necessary they can buy water and top their tanks up, usually towards the end of summer.
Too bad they scrapped the idea of bringing water from Lake Argyle.
With the existence of cheap energy, Desal plants are viable for Perth. I doubt that we will ever be able to resurrect the idea of bringing water from the Fitzroy.
“the “Belties” treat our small group of Angus cattle with undisguised contempt.”
This might explain why on British TV dramas, the worst insult one woman can aim at another is to call her a “cow”. Always results in a fight.
Simon says: ” It appears that cows are very trainable.” Yeah!, think about it, but then, it is probably above your level of expertise.
Once again Cliff Mass tells the truth and provides the DATA about the so called “Walden Climate Change Fire.”
Just incredible that a tree branch falling on a power line can lead to so much BS and fra-d.
But L W pollies and the MSM etc are so committed to their delusional fairy tales, that promote and encourage any falsehood as long as it suits their sinister agenda.
Sorry above should be Malden fire not Walden.
Both are mentioned in the story but I’m sure Malden is the correct spelling.
Even the WHO recommends against it. But our TGA recommends it, as almost the only treatment for covid19, while saying they are following WHO guidelines! Can someone point this out to them?
F & C … what is. “it” that the TGA are recommending ?
Vaccine passport opens the door to ugly segregation
Campbell Newman
Recent polls suggest most Australians support vaccine passports. History, however, is littered with examples of a temporary popular opinion being dead wrong.
Our great-grandparents lived in a world where smallpox outbreaks occurred in Australia. If we had a smallpox-like outbreak now with 30 per cent of infections resulting in a fatality (and younger people overly represented) there’d be little need for a debate about the worth of a vaccine passport; if government didn’t mandate one the people rightly would.
At the other end of the spectrum is regular flu. It’s forgotten now but 2017 and 2019 were relatively bad flu seasons in Australia and there was zero discussion about the need for a flu vaccine passport. If we had introduced a flu vaccine passport then, yes, there would have been a small reduction in flu fatalities, but it’s also true there would be fewer fatalities if we banned motor vehicles. Both are absurd suggestions because it would have been self-evident that the collateral economic and societal damage was too high a price.
The question facing Australia today is this: if a smallpox-like virus would justify a vaccine passport but a bad flu season does not, then what rate of fatalities justifies their introduction in a liberal society and suspension of our hard-earned liberties? That is not a question for health bureaucrats; it’s a question to be answered by political leaders in consultation with a range of experts.
Covid is worse than regular flu but it’s also true Covid is closer to regular flu than smallpox.
Here are the undisputed facts. The average lifespan of an Australian is 82.6 years. The average age of Covid fatalities in Australia is 85. Since the pandemic began, the Covid fatality rate for Australians under 50 is four in 12,000. Sixty-six per cent of Covid deaths have been in nursing homes. Seventy-three per cent of Covid deaths involved pre-existing chronic health conditions and a higher number involved non-chronic but somewhat serious health complications.
The case is closed – Covid is more comparable to influenza and nothing like smallpox. If we had no lockdowns then our overall fatalities would have risen but these statistical ratios would have held. Covid is serious, but these facts do not justify societal upheaval.
Last weekend Prime Minister Boris Johnson backed down from implementing Covid vaccine passports in England. Johnson has been disappointing in many ways but this was a relief. The credit belongs to Tory backbenchers who in significant numbers voiced their concerns about legislating a two-tier society and the marginalisation of millions. The fact so few backbenchers in Australian parliaments have taken a similar stand is shameful.
Judging from the recent comments of our woeful state and federal leaders it appears vaccine passports are coming at us like a freight train. At some point they inevitably will be discarded, but how much damage will be done between now and then?
Campbell Newman is a Senate candidate for the Liberal Democrats.
From the Comments – The best Response I have seen
1 hour ago
Vaccinations work and protect you or they don’t work and don’t protect you; or they work but have other risk factors (i.e. mitigates overall risk or doesn’t mitigate overall risk). The long term effects of covid and covid vaccines are still currently unknown. I am vaccinated and ‘hope’ there are no long term side effects. If others want to make the choice and ‘hope’ there are no long term side effect from covid, that should be their choice just as being vaccinated was mine.
There is no science available to guide us here, no one will have a decade+ long study for another decade+.
Let’s err on the side of liberty and freedom, rather than fear and a misguided view of safety. People that choose not to vaccinate are not enemies of those that chose to vaccinate. They are not trying to infect us all. They just looked at the situation and came to a different conclusion to myself and the majority.
They might be right; they might be wrong. Either way they deserve the right to choose and not be outcast because of it.
Does covid demand a response that we have never used for anything else… ever…? I can be vaccinated for covid, but have a myriad of other horrible communicable diseases and can participate in society, but someone perfectly health will be excluded? That’s not right, that’s not freedom. Don’t sell your freedoms so cheaply for a brief ‘feeling’ of safety.
Covid sucks, we’re in a horrible situation we can’t ‘document’ our way out of this.
Stay safe, stay free, love you all!
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” – Mark Twain
Old Aussie,
Your on the money : in history , those who trade safety for freedom get neither…..!
CAUGHT ON HOT MIC: Top Israeli Health Minister Admits Vaccine Passports “Only Intended to Pressure Unvaccinated to Get Vaccinated” (VIDEO)
Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.
“Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and not for medical reasons, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said on Sunday, ahead of the weekly Cabinet meeting,” reports J@wish News Syndicate.
Unaware that his words were being broadcast live to the nation on Channel 12, Horowitz told Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked that not only should the green pass be removed as a requirement to dine at outdoor restaurants, but also, “For swimming pools, too, not just in restaurants.”
“Epidemiologically, it’s true,” said Horowitz, adding, “The thing is, I’m telling you, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need [to influence] them a bit; otherwise, we won’t get out of this [pandemic situation].”
The health minister went on to acknowledge that the system wasn’t even being enforced in most venues.
There is a kind of universality to the ‘green pass’ system, other than at malls, where I think it should be imposed, [because] now it’s clear that it applies nowhere,” he said.
Israel was once lauded for its successful vaccine rollout and the speed with which it introduced vaccine passports.
The green pass was heralded as an “early vision of how we leave lockdown.” However, the country recently reported its highest ever number of daily COVID cases, with nearly 11,000 infections being recorded.
Although the early threat that the unvaccinated would be banned from entering numerous public venues convinced many younger people to get the vaccine, once it rolled out, the ‘green pass’ system was rarely even enforced and was subsequently scrapped at the end of May.
But once cases started rising again later that summer, Israel’s vaccine passport system was reintroduced and expanded.
Meanwhile, Sweden, which never imposed a hard lockdown, recently banned travelers arriving from Israel from entering the country.
Study Shows Americans Think Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is a Mountainous Pile of Bovine Fecal Matter
The Trafalgar Group, in partnership with the Convention of States Action, polled over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters on their attitudes towards Biden’s vaccine mandate. The report revealed:
58.6% of voters do not believe President Biden has the constitutional authority to force private businesses to require vaccine mandates for employees, while 29.7% believe he does have the authority, and 11.7% aren’t sure.
Opinions on the matter fell largely on partisan lines with 83.5% of Republicans believing Biden lacks the authority to issue this type of executive order and 54.9% of Democrats believing that he does. But among Independents, 68.2% asserted the president doesn’t have the authority to issue the vaccine mandate.
The survey also analyzed attitudes towards governors pushing back on the president’s mandate. It found that most Americans agreed with governors who are fighting back.
From the report:
56.1% of American voters support the efforts of state governors to oppose Biden’s nationwide vaccine mandate on private businesses—46.3% strongly support, 9.8% support.
Most Republicans (78.5%) and Independents (62.3%) supported governors who disagree with the mandate while almost one-third (29.8%) of Democrats agreed.
While many Americans are not opposed to taking vaccines, they believe taking the jab should be a matter of personal choice. Indeed, a Trafalgar Group poll conducted last month revealed that 71.4% of respondents felt that taking the vaccine should not be compelled by the government and that people should make their own choice regarding the matter.
Meanwhile, here in Danistan, I have just heard the Victorian police commissioner warn people that next week ends proposed protest march will be met with RUBBER BULLETS.
What an outrages response to the citizens of this state. This same police force did NOTHING when a known violent felon drove a car down the Swanston st Mall killing 8 people. Vicpol command just wanted to wait and see, you know for the safety of everyone. Good to know where our priorities lie. I will wait, probably in vain, for the recycled leader of the opposition to decry, protest, call out this totally unnesseccary response to our right to protest. Welcome to the most liveable city well, somewhere in Victoria.
I located the article on targetting the unvaxxed for the woes of the vaxxed that I saw a while back. Makes good reading and explains the unscientific irrationality we’re seeing.
The whole driver appears to be this :
1. the “vaccines” are designed to generate spike proteins that resemble the CV19 virus proteins, allegedly so they can be recognised by the body to fight the virus.
2. the proteins are manufactured but this seems to wane, hence the need for boosters.
3. the spike proteins damage the lining of blood capillaries, such that the proteins lodge in the wall of the capillaries, causing obstructions, potentially leading to clots forming.
4. If. enough capillaries are damaged (e.g. the lungs ) then people lose lung function as lung tissue dies, possibly causing suffocation?
5. People have the threat of ex-communition from society through lack of vaccination, so to avoid a social stigma, they get thier clot shots.
“Daddy…what did you do in the covid wars?”
Have I missed anything?
Is it just me or is there an insane push by insane tyrants to force dangerous vaccines on people, and to brutalize those who dare resist thier franken-jabs?
If Im right, this planet is seriously messed up.
According to VAERS Website: There Were 3,296 COVID Vaccine Deaths in US Since July 24 – Or an Average of 70 Deaths per Day
Happening Now: New Yorkers Chant “F**k Joe Biden” as They March on Brooklyn Bridge Against Mandatory Vaccines (VIDEO)
“Another Study Shows Hospitalization Numbers of COVID Patients in U.S. are Overinflated, Not Drawing Distinction Between COVID Incidental To Admission or Treatment Thereof
September 13, 2021 | Sundance | 58 Comments
Interesting data on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) being released and discussed today. The first is the release of a study [DATA HERE] indicating that half of all recorded hospitalization cases for COVID-19 are incorrectly being interpreted.”
“COVID Data, Facts Not Fear
September 12, 2021 | Sundance | 414 Comments
Twitter user Jason Bailey [LINK HERE] has done a deep dive into the latest CDC data on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). ”
Doesn’t look a good day for those who ticked “renewable electricity only, please” in the south.,145.158,6,i:pressure,m:cCYaj3J
They will say its only weather, but in fact the blocking high pressure is a sign of climate change.
‘Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide and all forecast to reach tops of 16-17 degrees on Tuesday, with Hobart and Canberra expected to top out at 13-14 degrees. These maximums are all about 2-4 degrees below average for this time of year.’ (Weatherzone)
Yesterday we were as ‘hot’ as Sydney, 17 degrees Celsius. Panic, the climate is changing!
Or: Sydney was as ‘cold’ as NZ. Meh, it’s just weather, eh Fitz, Soyman, Ian, etc.
Okay then, go and look at this Synoptic Chart at this link, and this is the one for later in the day, today Tuesday 14Sep2021.
Note the position of that huge High Pressure System in the South of the Continent.
It’s centred over the South East corner of South Australia and Central Western Victoria. Under those huge Highs, there is all but zero wind blowing, so no blades turning, so no power being generated and sent to the Grid.
In just that area there are FORTY SEVEN wind plants with a total Nameplate of 5250MW, and that’s 61.2% of all the wind generation in Australia.
When those huge High Pressure Systems are over this area, wind generation drops away to usually under 500MW, so with a Capacity Factor of LESS THAN 5% on not just this area, but on the whole of Australia wide basis.
Yeah! Look I know. It’s a pretty rare occurrence, eh!
Well, more than 150 times in the last two and a half years.
Doesn’t sound too rare to me, almost on a regular basis, as those Large Highs roll across the Country.
And that same area is also where they just keep constructing more of them.
“Well, when you are on a sure thing go for it” (/s)
Here it is in pictures:,141.579,6,i:pressure,m:cChaj3W
The authorities expect less blocking over the Southern Hemisphere as the planet warms, according to AGW lore, but that isn’t happening. Wind generation is not looking too good.
Currently, in that same area where those 47 wind plants are located, with a total Nameplate of 5250MW, the total generated power comes in at 38MW. That’s at a Capacity Factor of 0.72%.
So, that’s around 2600 wind towers in all, and only 20 at most actually have their blades turning and generating power.
The current total power demand in those two States is 7700MW, so wind is delivering 0.49% of all that power, less than HALF OF ONE PERCENT.
To use their own (false) terminology, that’s about enough to run ….. twenty homes. (across two States)
Now you see why we need to build more of them, surely?????
… total Nameplate of 5250MW, the total generated power comes in at 38MW.
Which affects their ability to earn and to ever be recapitalized and replace with newer windmills. What private investor would ‘invest’ in such a white elephant? As soon as corrupt political taxpayer support is pulled, this entire silly farce will fall apart. They’re are not ‘renewables’, they’re unrenewables, because they can’t turn enough profits to replace themselves, as they age. How could they ever be considered a “sustainable” development? The whole wind-power/and wave-power concept is a dead-end. It was a dead end in the 1950s, the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, a dead-end in the 2020s, and still a dead end in the 2030.
How did anyone ever run the numbers and come up with a bottom line that was sustainable? IF they were sustainable they would not have needed subsidies or .gov encouragement to expand in scale. The only good news is the fools who bought and built them will eventually be ruined (think superfunds of Lovies …).
3 MW of wind at the moment, doesn’t even show up on Nem Watch !
If that holds until this evening, they will be on close to 100% gas, yet again !
A short snapshot
Cases__ Deaths__ case Freq,__ Death Freq__. Region
44,485__ 240____ 5.45______ 0.029_______ NSW
25,591___824____ 3.83_____ 0.123________Vic.
2007______7_____0.39_____ 0.001_______Qld.
233______13_____ 0.43______0.024______Tas.
630 ______3_____ 1.46______0.007______ ACT
204 ______ 0_____0.83______0_________ NT
Frequency is per thousand of population
Influenza & pneumonia deaths in 2019 4,124
The virus is the boogey man – to drive people to get the clot shot. Thats all it is. Thats why medically it never held up.
Australians are like herding cats sometimes, so the globalists finally realized that unless they crushed peoples businesses and locked people long enough to down to create enough *pain* and cry “uncle” and become complaint like good little inmates.
They said ( which is a pure lie ) that life would be “normal” once they reached the mythical 70% target. Rubbish.
But – they have no intention of honoring that. You can expect the Devil who is a proven liar, to have any form of honour.
So, threats of ex-communication from society for people who have a brain and wisely refuse the widow maker jabs, in effect becoming modern untermunchen who dare not take their kill shots.
And you have to check in everywhere so the govt knows where you are, and just for fun create a lockdown just to keep the sheep kicked and cowering in a corner. and dont forget kids, you can never escape the watchful eye of Big Brother, and if you want to fly, go to the pub or just be out an dbaout…. you need to bend over……forever.
Australia is under occupation by the globalists.
But fear not…..
Jabs Macht Frie……
Do you believe every line of what you just wrote?
This is my favourite so let’s go…
who is “they”? When did they say it?
Why do you call your own statement, “They said”, a pure lie? So you are admitting, in real time, that your claim is a lie?
Life would (“will” is correct) be normal. No one said that.
There is a 70% target so it is not mythical. Maybe you mean that the efficacy of the 70% is mythical?
“Maybe you mean that the efficacy of the 70% is mythical?”
Probably close to the point.
Efficacy drops off rapidly until another jab of spike producer is injected around the 6 month mark.
Russian roulette every time. !
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
A difference between you and Gandhi is that he could write coherent sentences.
You may like what you find in this Quadrant article written by Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM MB BS PhD DSc FRACP FRCP(A) RS(N), a genuinely authoritative source.
My grammar are atrotious…..
Coherence is not a grammar problem, it is putting forward your ideas so they are understood. Oh, and having coherent ideas helps too.
OS – the word is “Untermenschen”, i.e. subhumans.
Cases__ Deaths__ Case Freq__ Death Freq__
This leaves out three stats that are issues for health officials:
Serious (Hospitalised) Cases – ICU Cases – Long Covid Patients
It also doesn’t factor in that without public health measures, 100 cases can become 1,000 or even 10,000. It is the aerosol transmission, high infectiousness, and infectiousness by the asymptomatic, that make it a serious respiratory disease.
With the flu, people feel dreadful and are usually confined voluntarily – and are less likely to circulate in the community – especially shopping, public transport, schools, and workplaces.
long haul flu is also a thing. this isn’t anything new.
Yeah, right, so let’s just totally ‘ignore‘ (lie by omission) that from Feb 2020, Italy’s ICUs were choc-full of people with severe COVID19 cases, and people with other diseases (like pneumonia from a flu) died as a result, in much higher numbers as well.
And lets also conveniently ‘forget’ (just plain lie), that of the people in Italian ICUs at that time, and into March to June about ~16% of the COVID19 severe cases in ICUs died anyway.
And let’s also ‘ignore‘ that this pattern and death rate was also observed in most countries in Europe.
In fact, let’s be real dills, and re-write history to remove inconvenient facts, so we’ll assuredly repeat the same mistakes, as soon as next year.
And let’s also just ‘ignore‘ the implication that we’re only taking these vaccines because all this actually occurred, when there was no vaccine, and insufficient lockdown, and that it will definitely occur again, and this time here, if we don’t act in multiple parallel ways to make sure that it doesn’t.
Hence the warnings that rubber bullets could be used on the selfish idiots, who want to ‘forget‘ and ‘ignore‘, the reality of that shared predicament. This is actually how Democracy works, it includes recognizing that selfish fake-excuse-making self-righteous willful idiots do exist and must be FORCED to behave, or else identified and removed from society, to a location where they can freely associate with other fellow selfish idiots, and are no longer able to harm the innocent within that Democratic society.
We’ve always had this capacity in the form of her majesty’s prison system to deal with the willfully ignorant and dangerous to others.
Some inconvenient facts as reported on Your ABC and done by the NSW government.
Hey big fella, why don’t you go and front the “self-righteous wilful idiots” show them your the Man. See you next Saturday hero.
Take a nappy for yourself … precautionary principle …
That makes no sense, not that anything you write does.
A pandemic so deadly, the government pays lairs to push the agenda. This makes sense to you in your state of constant fear.
It is deceiving to call it a “respiratory disease”. While the lungs are attacked – it is the blood clotting which starves the lungs of oxygen. As many now know – it is the cytokine inflammatory response to the virus by one’s own body that causes the severity of the response.
One of the frontline COVID doctors (Scottish Doctor Malcolm McKendrick) who has treated thousands of COVID patients, has said that one of the most astonishing things he has observed is the occasional complete and sudden shutdown of a patient’s body as a result of this process. He says he has not observed this before.
No one is denying that this is a very very nasty virus. But this response is infrequent and occurs in patients with compromised immune systems.
” … starves the lungs of oxygen…”
That’s right, so always keep a pack of Aspirin around, and if you find yourself breathless chew up and swallow 325 mg straight away.
Dr Jackie Stone in Zimbabwe, is also at the mortality end of Covid. She points out that it is not just the lungs but every organ in the body is starved of oxygen and any health issues are exacerbated. She says that the epithelium layer is damaged so there cannot be a transfer of O2 into the cells and toxins and CO2 out of the cells. She also says that haemoglobin hangs onto O2 when levels in the blood are lowered and will not release it. For this reason she nebulisers patients with nano silver which carries 10x its molecular weight in O2 . The silver quickly releases the O2 and levels go up rapidly. Semi conscious patients can be sitting up and speaking coherently after 15 minutes.
Her explanation of damaged organs stressed further by lack of O2 and the epithelium layer being destroyed may explain the observations the Scottish doctor has also seen.
Zimbabwe’s death rate is negligible, they routinely use Ivermectin.
“Zimbabwe’s death rate is negligible, they routinely use Ivermectin.”
That’s because the authorities there love and take care of their own people.
Are you suggesting our authorities don’t love us?
from – The first year of COVID-19 in Australia: direct and indirect health effects
I think the thing that surprised me was in Chapter 2
Table 2.2: Most commonly certified pre-existing chronic conditions reported as associated causes of COVID-19 deaths Condition (ICD-10 codes)
Number %
Dementia (F01, F03, G30) 258 40.9
I had a mate in his late 60s who developed Dementia and he went down rapidly over 18 months with death at the end.
Speaking with his Physician in his last 6 months, he said that his body was shutting down..
Sorry that was reference to
One of the frontline COVID doctors (Scottish Doctor Malcolm McKendrick) who has treated thousands of COVID patients, has said that one of the most astonishing things he has observed is the occasional complete and sudden shutdown of a patient’s body as a result of this process. He says he has not observed this before.
non-flu pneumonia spikes in vaccinated for the normal flu shot by about 440% over unvaccinated. I’ve not seen any data on pneumonia for and against the clot shot though.
I have had 2 pneumonia vaccines
Prevenar 13 & Pneumovax 23
The UK govt are now trying to con Turkmenistan school kiddies about their so called Climate Change.
Let’s hope this doesn’t lead to more delusional Greta types and crying before the cameras by more silly con merchants AGAIN.
its been so serious lately with the all the vax talk so has anyone else heard something funny about the vax
l had a headache last night so l asked my wife to take some pain relief to help me get rid of it
today is a hot day so l put some sunscreen on myself so you wont get burnt
might get myself castrated so the neighbours dont have any more kids
l have a sore right arm, l have taken voltaren, it would really be Australian of you if you took some as well to help mine work better
seems an apt place to piggy-back this one; from today’s SMH
“Tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes has joined a host of prominent investors backing eco-friendly toilet paper company Who Gives A Crap in its first big funding round of $41.5 million.
The company sells recycled toilet paper in bulk, direct to consumers and it boomed during the pandemic as people rushed to stock up on toilet paper.”
Beats me, how would this stuff be salvaged?
“The company sells recycled toilet paper”
Complete with skid marks?
The company words it as “made from recycled paper”. They donate profits to third world toilets. I have been using them for 3 years now.
What – youve been using 3rd world toilets?
I have done. Is that a problem?
They sell toilets in Australia, you really should upgrade.
Bunnings has a pretty good range.
They do get a bit upset when you test drive them though….
Seems Caroma has an invasive niche in USA – “the home of the newfangled water saving toilet that doesn’t because you need multiple flushes and likely a backup masher”
Many places in the Third World don’t even use toilet paper, or toilets.
Rather than sending monies for stupid woke virtue signaling Leftist programs like Random Energy, one of the most important contributions Westerners can make to the Third World is to help them build toilets. It results in a dramatic reduction in disease, and a dramatic improvement in the life of women in particular. All this was discussed in the following book.
I donate about $250 a year to an outfit that builds toilet (and other stuff) in the Third World … I’m happy to do that. I’m a centre-lefty and don’t like gratuitous (or pointless) virtue-signalling either.
I wish I had not been so loose with what I wrote. No it is not just toilets… sorry for misleading you. On the other hand you’ve gone off with your woke fear in a way disproportionate to what I wrote. Are you resentful that I choose a toilet paper provider that is trying to help?
Guess what… they build toilets!
Read this evil wokeness
I think we all understood the point.
Got to take these opitunities when I can.
Heard it through the Grape vine!
Queensland Covid19 numbers are low due to the testing laboratories scientists there deciding the threshold setting for the PCR test was too high.
This would explain why the retirement state did not report a higher number of the deaths of the elderly as Covid19.
Does anyone have any information on the cT cycles used as recorded in each state? The coviddata site certainly did have the links for the Queensland Covid19 deaths as having significant existing potential co-morbidities.
no, but the science I had seen the usage of more than 28 cycles for PCR was determined to produce too many false positives to be useful. CDC PCR vaccinated 28 cycles PCR unvaccinated 40 cycles… nothing to see here.
Sounds reasonable speculation to me.
Otherwise known as rumor … except for on the internet … where fiction magically transforms into faction, in the twinkling of an unsourced eye, and becomes immediately subject of credulous extenuation of speculations, and as soon a 30 seconds later, it escalates into a full blown conspiracy without source or basis, well before lunch time.
So credible.
The grape vine was also a hospital based pathologist and a lecturer in the subject. This is still a grape vine for me as I have not seen the actual thresholds reported for these positives or negatives.
So no evidence either way on this pandemic only a possible suspect for the low deaths with Covid19 reported in Queensland.
Yes, my old whimsical friend you have to be careful with spreading rumours, that is why I did not repeat what the Pathologist did say about the vaccine as it was difficult to corroborate by other evidence I am currently aware of.
The way all of the state premiers and others have been speaking with so much hatred against those who won’t get vaccinated makes it abundantly clear they have megalomaniac tendencies, and that such tendencies have been unleashed using the current mild pandemic as the excuse. I suspect they can’t help themselves simply because deep down they are actually evil people who have very little or no due regard for their fellow human beings. Perhaps one might excuse them by claiming power has gone to their heads but I believe it goes deeper than that because they are relentless in their pursuit for more power as demonstrated by recent changes to the law, and they show no remorse at all for the actions taken by some police officers who have been absolutely brutal in some of their approaches dealing with the public.
The issue of whether the vaccines are good and/or bad is a separate issue. It’s the way our political leaders and others have behaved that’s shocking and very revealing. I do hope one day they are in fact charged with certain criminal offences such that when found guilty they end up in prison for a long time. It’s what they deserve given their lack of human decency and lack of sincere concern of the victims of the draconian measures, including those who have not only lost their jobs and livelihoods but also those who have committed suicide. We may never know the true total cost of all this. Of course, it’s unlikely they will ever be punished for a number of reasons. For starters, it has already gone to far and any pullback will only expose it as an act of exposing their guilt, and they would be aware of this. So, they must either continue down he draconian path to its ultimate conclusion, which is total tyranny, or if they see signs of too much resistance and then they will create a diversion or distraction.
It’s a sad reflection on the character of all political leaders of both major parties. Anyone who will still vote for either must be completely blind to the situation, or in some cases just as evil and relish what is happening and wish more of it to hurt as many others as possible. I’ve heard a few people even say they want those who are not vaccinated to be refused any treatment for any ailment, and die a horrible death. If that’s not a sign of an evil person then nothing else is, and in fact they probably are the type of person who praises what Hitler and other evil people have done. We fought a major war against such an evil person as Hitler, yet today we are seeing a similar rise in evil. It’s too early to tell if we already have a leader somewhere in the world who can become as bad if not worse than Hitler but we will no doubt find out. Our current crop of leaders are doing their level best in preparing for such a possibility. Let’s hope our leaders wake up from their evil tendencies and decide to roll back from a tyrannical future, which anyone with eyes to see is coming up so fast for now.
It’s a sad reflection on the character of all political leaders of both major parties. Anyone who will still vote for either must be completely blind to the situation, or in some cases just as evil and relish what is happening and wish more of it to hurt as many others as possible. I’ve heard a few people even say they want those who are not vaccinated to be refused any treatment for any ailment, and die a horrible death. If that’s not a sign of an evil person then nothing else is, and in fact they probably are the type of person who praises what Hitler and other evil people have done. We fought a major war against such an evil person as Hitler, yet today we are seeing a similar rise in evil. It’s too early to tell if we already have a leader somewhere in the world who can become as bad if not worse than Hitler but we will no doubt find out. Our current crop of leaders are doing their level best in preparing for such a possibility.
Let’s hope our leaders wake up from their evil tendencies and decide to roll back from a tyrannical future, which anyone with eyes to see is coming up so fast for now.
Gladys and the NSW Liberal Party – Definitely Not.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian has issued a stern warning to people who have not yet been vaccinated as the state recorded 1257 new Covid cases and seven deaths.
On Monday, Ms Berejiklian warned unvaccinated adults would not enjoy the freedoms due to ease in mid-October.
“For those who choose not to be vaccinated, that’s your choice, but don’t expect to do everything that vaccinated people do even when we hit 80 per cent. I want to make that very clear,” Ms Berejiklian said.
Australia of the Future under Liberals
Stranded SA grandparents Theresa and Tom Young given SA Health exemption to go home after weeks of waiting NSW at truck stop
An elderly couple stranded at a NSW truck stop outside Broken Hill have finally been given an exemption to go home after weeks of waiting.
A helpless elderly South Australian couple stuck on the side of a dirt road in the middle of the outback for almost three weeks have finally been given approval to go home.
“We’ve got winds blowing off the road like you wouldn’t believe. The dust is driving us nuts. Every 12 minutes a truck goes past. At night the sound comes up from the ground … you just vibrate. We’re in a Covid hellhole,” Theresa Young, 75, said.
The couple are just two of many SA residents who left the state for a holiday and are now unable to get home. Residents must apply online to SA Health and receive a government green card to travel, but many have heard nothing back for weeks, waiting in limbo on roadsides and scared they will catch Covid.
The grandmother, with her husband Tom, 76, is at a truck stop about 20km out of Broken Hill as awaited a response from SA Health after applying for border exemption.
Yes, lets see if a couple or so million people who are not vaccinated in Australia really care about the freedoms they won’t get back. I for one couldn’t care less about whether I can attend a cinema, restaurant, coffee shop and the like.
Do you think the vaxxed think they will get the old normal back, after 458 days of 14 days to flatten the curve.
No, the old normal is dead and gone forever regardless of what happens from now on.
Actually Peter, I think they think they are doing the best that they can with the information they have. They are largely guided by boffins and beaurocrats because they dont have the time to do their own research.
I’ll bet they believe these injections are like other vaccinations and they believe they are protecting the public. I read an interesting comment that gave me a paradigm shift on the vaccinated
We’re Battling the Biggest Propaganda Campaign in History
In closing, Fleming says:
“One of the things I do want to make a comment on now is for the people who have not been vaccinated. When you’re looking at people who have been vaccinated, step back for just a moment and recognize that many of those people got vaccinated because they were told that this was the only way to protect the people that they loved.
What we need to do is have the intelligence and the compassion necessary to look at those individuals and say, ‘I get it. No judgment.’ If there’s a shedding problem or something like that that you’re dealing with, there are treatments available that you can look at. I put those on the website, too.
But come together and support those people, because they were just doing what they thought was right. Many of them are scared, and they have been made so scared. By the way, what type of country, what type of world, spends so much effort frightening the blazes out of its citizens? That says something.”
Indeed, this is undoubtedly the most effective propaganda campaign in the history of humanity, and it’s hard to blame someone for cracking under that type of a coordinated assault. The good news is that common sense has not entirely died yet. F
People have had to fight to get that information out, but it’s that sharing of information and knowledge that is so critical to turning this around, and actually bringing all of this nonsense under control. Not just the virus, but the manipulation of people that has been going on and the lies and the deceit and the abuse of power. They used our money to do it. They used our lives to do it. They used our livelihoods to do it.”
Actually Peter, I think they think they are doing the best that they can with the information they have. They are largely guided by boffins and beaurocrats because they dont have the time to do their own research.
I agree with this Brenda. I always have a hard time believing that people are “evil” & look for rational explanations. Even so, I cant forgive them for not taking the time, given the extraordinary repercussions, to thoroughly research the issues & be advised by a variety of virologists.
Of course, there are also moments when I despair and/or become enraged by the misery they are creating through their intransigence.
BTW The horror that I grapple with every day is that my precious daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren have all been (progressively) “vaccinated.
He made the first decision because of employment requirements, the 18 year old boy because he wanted to be able to go to the pub (!), the granddaughter because she believed her (private) school would otherwise deny her school access. And my daughter relented because she thought they would inevitably bring the virus home.
It broke my heart. I pray constantly that I am wrong about my conclusions re the dangers of the current gene technology “vaccines”. I have never wanted so much to be wrong.
The thing is, the vax doesnt actually appear to stop people catching the virus and bringing it home.
In history, whenever you see a section of society marginalized and scapegoated, its not going to end well…..
1930s Germany comes to mind.
Our power crazed pollies would do well to remember that when the dust settles, people have looooong memories.
Except with regard to European ICUs full of people dying of COVID19 in March and April 2020, where up to 17% of them carked it in many countries. That can be totally forgotten in less than a nano second, completely ignored, and dishonestly pretended-away.
In fact you’d be a total baahsted if you didn’t, right Steve?
Totally agree Vicki, my children are the same. Scares me when I hear what some virologists are saying, I just hope they are wrong.
Bear in mind that there are groups that benefit from amping up the vax fear and scaring Republican etc type voters. This is pure speculation on my part, and how would we know. But it would seem appealing to the same sort of groups who benefit from the BLM type division. Imagine if you could scare many older voters into hating the Vax, and thus increase the death rates among old Rep voters? Also increase the derision from the Left — to hate the Right more. All of which serves… Big Pharma, Democrats, the CCP.
That is no basis for deciding the Vax is safe or not safe (sorry). The hype is also probably hyped by some on the right who really really want to believe the vax is evil and therefore the decision to say No is easy. So we have a hopelessly political minefield with bad outcomes and hard decisions both ways.
Though we really have no idea on whether ADE will happen and make the Vaccinees more susceptible, but it might. And we have no data on long term problems that may or may not occur. We do know Covid is horrible for older people and a few risk groups.
In the end the Vax is probably not as bad as the worst fears on the right, but definitely not as good as the banal simplisitic hope on the left. I wish I could be more useful.
I can’t imagine how you “could be more useful.”
On second thoughts fixing the “Recent Comments” page would be a good start so that again we see the chronologically ordered last thirty comments across all threads with the beginning words appended to the username.
The sort of studies that bother me are the ones done on animals where most of them died when exposed to “wild” viruses. See Prof Doris Cahill.
Strange thing -last week my son was so ill with a respiratory virus that he took 10 days off work. He has 2x Pfizer, the 1st in April through the WA health Dept. His teenage daughter also caught it but took 2 days to get over it, hardly touched her. He was so unwell that he was short of breath on exertion and seriously thought about getting a covid test! In WA!
Never had anything like it before.
I know who not to believe Jo…
The yahoo’s that made these decisions…
* Ivermectin – Safe and effective. Proven in numerous third world countries as an effective covid killer. – CENSORED
* Hydroxychloroquine – Effective at early stage COVID and as a preventative. Used worldwide for the off label use of fighting arthritis. – CENSORED
* Various vitamin regimens (including zinc) – CENSORED
* Use of steroids and anti-inflammatory to treat bad cases – CENSORED
Approved treatments:
* Remdimsivere – Causes slow heart rate and kidney failure in up to 10% of patients. – PROMOTED.
* Ventilators – Statistically more likely to kill you than not being on it – PROMOTED
* Not allowing you visitors while you waste away in a hospital without a valid treatment – PROMOTED
* The most deadly vaccines created in history. Vaccinating groups that have a higher risk of dying from myocarditis from the vaccine than from the actual disease – PROMOTED
Congress judges postal workers exempt from vaccine mandate.
Zero autopsies on 15 suspected vaccine deaths.
I trust the Doctors and scientists risking their lucrative hard fought for careers to report the kinds of vaccine harms. I trust the Eric Claptons, and thousands of others with serious harms, and their stories of pain, and their stories of there harms not even making the adverse events lists.
Typo 15 THOUSAND US suspected adverse event Covid vaccine deaths, zero autopsies.
“The hype is also probably hyped by some on the right who really really want to believe the vax is evil …”
No hype required to show the vaxes are evil.
The VAERS database is showing somewhere over 15,000 deaths so far – the principle prior to Covid was that a drug trial was discontinued after 50 deaths.
And we must all admit that the entire vax rollout is nothing less than a world wide drug trial
The EudraVigalance site – The European database of suspected adverse drug reports, shows 21,766 deaths and 2,207,410 vaccine injuries to August since rollout.
Sounds kinda eveil to me.
Jo says:
Jo, you’re mainly speaking for yourself there.
Anyone who has spent an hour with DuckDuckGo looking into this issue has already found the reports and the explanation for why ADE should not happen with Pfizer & Moderna jabs. (key words: Type 1 helper T-cell response.)
Anyone can take the stats from Doc Chant and judge whether ADE is happening in New South Wales at the moment.
* ADE only begins when vaccinated are “challenged” with same or similar strain.
* NSW is now several weeks into the outbreak of a challenge strain (Delta).
* NSW today hit 80% population having at least one vaccine dose, 47% completed the pair.
* Today there were 234 people in the ICU with covid, 49 (234-185) were previously vaccinated.
That ratio: 49÷234 = 21%
This share of the ICU is far short of the 80% vaccination rate in general population, so the vaccinated are underrepresented in severe covid, not overrepresented as one would expect if ADE were happening. That’s still true if you use the double-jabbed figure.
There is the latent variable of the vaccinated being biased towards the older age group since they were done first. This group probably socially intermix much less widely than younger age groups, which reduces their chance of ending up in ICU. On the other hand, IIRC, earlier charts from ATAGI showed that a vaccinated person in their 80s had similar chance of covid death as an unvaccinated person in their 30s. My only assumption is that the age effect is stronger than the mixing effect. So as the younger age groups catch up in vaccination status, assuming no ADE, the robustness of the vaccinated set will increase and so the probability of the vaccinated going into the ICU will likely decrease from this point onwards. If there is ADE, the opposite trend will happen. It’s testable.
So the stats now show no ADE, this has been going for weeks already, and the trend in immunity will probably firm up that conclusion, not detract from it.
Where’s the mistake? How is this not daily proof of no ADE?
And you, being so wise, noble, self-righteous and beneficent, should be instantly believed, sans a doubt?
But as I see it Peter, I strongly suspect it’s you who is, “speaking with so much hatred against those“, who “deep down” is “actually evil“, and who has “very little or no due regard for their fellow human beings“. Look in the mirror. You’re constantly hypocritically projecting that stuff at others. What I do know (and most people in QLD would readily agree with this btw) is that the QLD Premier (and QLD Health and Police) have done a very good job of keeping COVID19 out, despite everyone thinking The Premier’s next to hopeless in all other areas.
So yeah she’s getting pludits for that, and not likely to let up, because as it turns out, obvious overwhelming success happens to be incredibly popular with regard to life and death health issues. So don’t wait up for that to change.
In Vicdanistan they are now claiming those sick with the ‘Rona are mostly under 50 and many considerably younger than that.
1) Are they actually sick or are these merely positive PCR test results.
2) Are they lying?
Found some mail from a large local clinic that questions why PCR tests are not labelled from the testing lab, dodgey much?
Mostly younger because of the high percentage of vaccinated above 50.
1. they are cases irrespective.
2. no
They are not lying? There’d be no panic gradually enveloping a bureaucracy (them) watching their vaccination targets slipping away which could tempt them into uttering some little white lies eh.
On point (1) a “case” is anyone who got a positive test result, regardless of whether they feel sick. In the NSW surveillance reports they sometimes use “Date of Symptom Onset” and in other cases “Date of Report”. The official index is here, if you want to look up any reports. It’s worth reading at least a few of them.
In the fine print it explains that in order to get “Date of Symptom Onset” they merely interview the person and ask if they feel unwell, and if so when did you start to feel unwell. There’s another fine print note.
However no actual numbers are provided as to how many asymptomatic people there are. They do have a chart showing how many days the typical overseas traveler has been in quarantine before they ping a positive test result (if they are going to end up positive) and it’s usually two days, although in a handful of cases closer to 12 days but those people probably caught it in quarantine. Thus, we can comfortably presume it’s normal for an infected person to go around for about two days, not feel at all unwell and not ping any PCR tests either.
On point (2) they have redefined the definition of a “case” as compared to all medical practice up to and including 2019 … it used to mean a sick person with real symptoms … but now it means a positive test result regardless of symptoms. That said, this redefinition has not been concealed, therefore not strictly a lie, but could be misleading to those people who expect the meaning of words to remain constant.
Anti Biden chants getting LOUDER. Whole stadiums [stadii?😀] at the college football joining in. Almost any poll question now shows a plurality disagreeing with Bien. Surely they won’t be able to sneak enough ballots past aware poll watchers to prevent a catastrophe at the mid terms. Can the US last that long?
I can’t find the reference right now but I read how some lamestream media organisations are changing their polling methodology to make Biden appear better than he really is.
Anyone have anymore info on this Sydney demonstration – upwards of 50,000 they say:
I just heard on the radio that there will be no public transport running so it may be hard to get to.
Sounds like something that happens in the very worst dictatorships.
There’ll be a demonstration so shut down the entire public transport system.
Similar protests are happening overseas yet nothing on the MSM. Isn’t it obvious? The MSM and governments of both persuasion are not only telling us lies they are also covering up what’s actually happening. Why do you think England has given up on the vaccine passport? I suspect it was because they realised that if they went ahead with it there would be mayhem. France are having huge protests almost daily now. In the US Biden is being cursed en mass by sports crowds. I’m wondering if our politicians have bitten off more than they can chew. We shall see.
good sources of info on this and
The Biden Sniffed Me version of AOC’s Tax the Rich dress made me laugh; thanks.
Even a lot of Democrats are realising what a disaster Biden is.
The problem is that he is only a puppet and if Harris replaces him she’ll be still be a puppet of Obama and other evil doers.
And if they then impeach Harris it will be Pelosi’s turn. This is a nightmare.
Not true. Impeachment is just a step in a process. In the criminal system it is charged but not yet convicted.
Yes! I know that, pedant.
It is hardly pedantic as you are claiming a specific outcome that actually can’t happen due to what you claim (ie presidency passes to Pelosi). Your statement is plain wrong.
Pelosi is third in line for the presidency. Right or wrong?
I made no comment on odds. AFAIK it has never happened before.
Impeachment does not remove a president from power. Yes pelosi is next. No, impeachment doesn’t mean a Pelosi presidency.
‘The Speaker of the House is by law second in line to succeed the President, after the Vice President, and 25th Amendment makes the Speaker a part of the process announcing presidential disability.’
But impeaching does not cause a president to go out of office so it is irrelevant. Why write that elG?
How many of the covid “cases” are people who are genuinely sick with symptoms as opposed to merely positive PCR test results?
The PCR test results would be more meaningful were the count number included. Where’s the famed “transparency” in government we keep being promised?
Another Study Shows Hospitalization Numbers of COVID Patients in U.S. are Overinflated, Not Drawing Distinction Between COVID Incidental To Admission or Treatment Thereof
Meanwhile a group of scientists and researchers have published an article in The Lancet Medical Journal today recommending that any effort to introduce “booster shots” to supplement the experimental COVID-19 mRNA gene therapy, aka “the vaccine”, be stopped because the approach by the medical system ‘writ large’ is undermining confidence in the healthcare profession. [Lancet Article Here] – 4 page PDF
The scientists write: “The effectiveness of boosting against the main variants now circulating and against even newer variants could be greater and longer lived if the booster vaccine antigen is devised to match the main circulating variants,” following the same protocol as the annual flu vaccine (which is not based on gene modification).
As you can see directly in the wording of the medical scientists and researchers the underlying message is that if the mRNA genetic modification approach is to be continued, they will need modifications of the ‘vaccine‘ to match each specific strain of the virus. This is exactly what critics of the vaccine approach have been saying openly for quite a while; however, it is the first admission by the scientific community of that reality.
Their scientific admission proves the point….. If you take the genetic modification approach (vaccines) to create artificial antibodies; thereby destroying the natural immunity antibodies; you are creating a scenario where the genetic modification of the immune system will need to continue (more boosters) in perpetuity for every variant.
USA has now achieved a Covid infection rate below 1 with mobility only 8% down on pre-Covid days:
The states vary in performance and there are some surprises. New Mexico, for example, is in the top 10 of vaccinated states:
Their infection rate has been in clear decline for the last week similar to the USA as a whole:
California turned the corner about 2 weeks ago. Their daily cases are now down to half of their opening up peak:
Thanks for posting this RickWill; nothing there I can see to warrant the welter of red which has arisen –people are funny eh.
Announced today that the ACT will be in lockdown for a further 4 weeks.
the numbers
19 17 22 16 11 8 19 16 30 9 14 21 26 13 12 13 23 12 18 32 15 11 19 20 15 24 15 15 13 22
Only 3 were definitely not infectious in the community. Cases increasing in regional NSW around Canberra, in particular Yass.
Previous report here
Is this still making sense to you?
There is nothing in the data that enables any particular prediction. The data plus my best guess based on the nature of the shutdown and anecdotal observations of adherence, is that we wont get to covid zero nor have a Sydney/Melbourne type of outbreak.
In a way it is interesting since we have an active outbreak and nothing is changing ie dynamic variables are possibly being held constant, an important fact for assessing a variable that is free to change.
In this case the variable that is not constant is the % of vaccinated people in the population. If vaccination is effective, numbers should go down or, if the shutdown is relaxed, effective vaccination will mean a mild or moderate bump in case numbers.
*thinking further, there are other variables that are not being controlled. e.g temperature change, behavioural changes linked to the duration of the lockdown.
Thanks Gee Aye. What would it mean if the ACT got to 0 when it is surrounded by NSW so closely ? I supposed any “0” would be a temporary situation…
completely. If we had say not had the August 13 case or had zero’d straight away we would have had new infections from NSW since. I’m a bit unclear about numbers but I think it is 2 or 3 cases from outside ACT have led to community infections since the first case.
Build a couple of walls around the ACT and Jervis Bay; that’ll get the numbers down and provide thousands of jobs.
ACT is the most progressive State for vaccinations in Australia. They are currently 52% double dosed. NSW is only 47% but probably catching up now that ACT no longer has a vaccine supply advantage. Victoria will likely goi past both NSW and ACT because there is significant community engagement in the recent immigrant communities and these communities have experienced the greatest impact from actual Covid cases.
Once ACT gets to 80% by around mid November they will be able to open up and the infection rate will be low enough with simple precautions like masks that the virus will not spread.
Globally, daily case numbers for delta are already declining with mobility only 7% below pre-Covid days.
The USA has achieved herd immunity with mobility 8% down. Even California is now 3 weeks past its peak daily cases with mobility 19% down:
The vaccines are doing their job very effectively even with the high R0 of the delta strain. The high R0 means that >80% of the population must be carrying antibodies to keep the infection rate under 1 for normal mobility.
Chile and Uruguay are both ahead of Australia in vaccinations by a couple of months but same hemisphere. Both countries are enjoying increased mobility with daily cases in hundreds having dropped from tens of thousands. They are in the top 10 of vaccinated countries. Australia probably makes the top 100 now.
Even long before this virus came along I was supporting the idea of building an iron Trump wall around the ACT, followed by scuttling the airport, in order to keep all of the politicians together one place. Even better if we cut their power and gas lines (no nasty fossil fuels) and make them live on rooftop solar cells. Once upon a time I would have claimed it was for the good of the nation.
These days I’m very happy to do exactly the same thing I wanted to do anyhow, but claim I’m doing it all for their own good … to teh Zero Covids!!
Besides that, they have nothing to complain about because it’s an emergency and will be only for two weeks … heh … heh … heh … chuckle.
A simple “no” would of done.
I think MP might have been seeking a little more user-friendliness in your numbers. I must concede that I wouldn’t mind either.
I started out just posting just the day’s number and summarising the stats (ie no trend). Then someone started writing – “so today is higher than yesterday it is an upward trend! Clearly it is out of control.” This annoyed me. (where is Analitik these days?)
The string of numbers tells you the story. No trend, just daily fluctuations due to this and that – every day has a story.
This odd looking link will actually give the ACT cases as a bar chart:
The actual site that has that chart is here:
There are other tables around the web listing the cases in the Australian States.
I prefer this site
Gee Aye those days of higher numbers are they the same day of the week or close to the same day of the week , eg Saturday, Sunday or a Monday in other words on or either side of a weekend ?
No one in the Public Service actually works in the ACT
It is not consistent.
OK… 13 today. I’ll can these daily updates until something notable happens like we have a surge in cases or approach zero.
Keep it up, it is of interest. TT got it wrong in regard to my comment.
Your running numbers do show no trend to date, but tests conducted is worth adding or ratio.
no trend is no news. I have 4 weeks from Friday of daily updates if I want. I don’t want.
How to do it
“I bought myself a politician”
As many can see, because the “fully vaccinated” can get infected with Delta, and when this happens they become exactly as infectious as an unquackzinated person, there is no scientific justification for “vaccine passports”.
The unjabbed can still resist by refusing to be jabbed, but if “vaccine passports” are introduced, there is still something that those who have already taken the shots can do to help destroy the system.
It’s called “malicious compliance”.
Don’t use your phone to check into a business, use a printed vaccination certificate instead. This complicates the checking system and forces the technology burden back on the business or establishment participating in this unscientific medical apartheid. If huge numbers of people say their battery died, or they left their phones at home, but insist on “doing the right thing” by using a printed vaccination certificate, the system will fail.
Any phone older than 4 years will not operate the smartphone check in systems. I expect there will be a lot of people using paper based system if they actually get off the ground unless the government supplies smartphones to everyone. So far I have only used hard copy venue registration unless I am with my wife and she uses her more up-to-date phone.
There is talk of real time confirmation of vaccination status. That requires state QR Code systems to talk to Federal vaccination register. Imagine the communication overhead that entails. It will probably be faster to use pencil and paper until the communications is sorted; not something State and Federal system developers are renowned for.
It seems a pointless exercise other than encouraging vaccinations. Australia is rocketing up the vaccination curve:
Herd immunity at close to full mobility will be achieved within two months.
NSW already has reducing case numbers with greater mobility than people in Victoria:
The benefit of priority supply of vaccinations.
Case numbers globally are in steep decline with average mobility close to business as usual apart from international travel
Australia will be one of the last places to reach herd immunity and will only achieve that through very high vaccination rates as Australia has had very low numbers of people infected with Covid so natural immunity is very low compared with the vast majority of other countries.
In Victoria?
I have two phones an old Samsung note 3 and a 6 month old smartphone that can do scan in , I love the note 3 because it can’t do scan in but can be used as a remote for any TV or stereo etc even split system aircon i believe . So much fun switching channels at the docs while waiting .
Note 3 with broken screen (survived for 4 years) finally gave up the ghost – bought second hand refurbished Note 8 from Kogan with 64gb Ram and 512Gb micro memory card (very happy)- versus Wife’s replacement for Apple 5SE 64gb, which gave up, with Apple 16Gb 5SE of which IOS takes up most of the 16 Gb, so can only SMS and Make Calls, forget Apps
“… other than encouraging vaccinations”.
So you can see that the vaccine passports have no utility in stopping transmission and are only being used to coerce uptake of the vaccines.
But the vaccines remain experimental. Coercion to use experimental medicines? That is a clear violation of the Nuremberg code!”
Are you now getting why people are so very upset?
As to herd immunity, that’s only available to the nations that didn’t use the vaccines. People who took the shots surrendered their chances of aquiring long lasting broad based natural immunity. This is the reality. If you take the shots before infection, you don’t get the natural immunity. Those who take the shots face continuous reinfection.
Not quite in those words – I stated days ago that I doubted there was any point to passports for Australians because the virus would be gone before Australia had a system up and running efficiently.
The more people with anti-bodies, the sooner the infection rate gets below 1 at higher mobility. That occurs because a vaccinated person, on average, is infectious for much shorter period and is not exposing family, friends, paramedics and clinicians to the virus for weeks or even months. Some people with Covid have been in care for many months.
Once herd immunity is achieved it does not matter if you are vaccinated or unvaccinated because the virus has disappeared from the community. The virus is being eradicated globally and at a rapid rate.
The infection rate across the globe is now below 1 with mobility near pre-covid level across most countries – but little international travel yet. Latest daily case numbers are showing rapid decline. Now down to 550k daily cases from recent peak of 750k.
It is bound to move around a little but a clear downward trend has occurred over the past 3 weeks. That trend is observed in the Americas, Europe and SE Asia.
No, mass use of the quackzines will not see R0 drop below 1 among the quackzinated. Not after restrictions end.
With Delta they are building the same viral load for the same period as an unvaccinated person.
This is why cases continue to rise in Isreal and the UK.
Why would you mention countries that are not in the top 10 of vaccinated countries when considering the effectiveness of vaccines.
Here is the top 10 in vaccination rate:
A sample of the biggest population:
down to 49 daily cases,
down to 7800 daily cases
Down to 911 daily cases
Down to 632 daily cases
All have infections rates under 1.
Israel now has infection rate just under 1 with vaccination rate of 66%:
But case numbers are not much below the peak yet.
UK infection rate is hovering around 1 with vaccination rate of 72%:
The R0 is around 4 for delta so herd immunity will not be achieved until >80% of the population are carrying antibodies.
It has been an amazing achievement to develop vaccines that are so effective in such a short period of time.
R0 I believe is more like 5 – 8 for Delta.
China uses closed borders and mass testing and lockdown still doesn’t it? That doesn’t necessarily say anythign much about the Vax.
Interesting in the Israel graph (log not linear) that all the vaccinations have not changed the relationship between cases and deaths? Curious? Should deaths be lower or are the infections now in younger unvaxed people but the disease has become more deadly?
UK has an enormous base of natural immunity after all those deaths and months of infections (at least compared to Aust)
considering the cdc changed the definition of vaccination from immunity to protection you cannot claim herd immunity using vaccination anymore.
A very good point !
I read others arguing – that definition now allows vitamin D to be a vaccine… Haha
well since they didn’t change the definition to what shortie wrote, vitD cannot be defined as a vaccine.
No Konrad, there’s a paper form then for people to fill in, instead. But if you’re intent on being highly dishonest, and of ill will, you could still write false information, to make sure contact-tracing doesn’t work, and that people spread it unchecked, and others get sick and some of them die. There is that option open to you if you so wish to really try to harm others and make sure their families suffer a loss too.
Not like you’d want to encourage that though, would you?
So it’s not just because modern mums are too posh to push or their doctors don’t want to miss their golf game, that C-sections are so common.
The risk of C-section drops 400% between Vit D deficient mums and those in the high range of 60ng/ml. Who’d a thunk it.
Really informative on a the topic of Vitamin D – sufficiency, sources, benefits and deficiency impacts.
My GP said that the best sunlight was before 10am and after 3pm – exact opposite of what is stated in the video.
more like a quack than a doctor it sounds like.
UV B is the specific wavelength used for vit d generation so the middle of the day provided there are not clouds blocking the sunlight is the best time. The before 10am and after 3pm is purely the ‘I believe sunlight causes cancer’ mumbo jumbo which only seems to be an issue in light of the modern diet.
Getting dawn and dusk light is good for red light therapy though there are plenty of lamps and lighting options good for that these days.
Who is correct?
Before 10am and after 3pm reduces the risk of sunburn becasue UVb is filtered out. Maybe we need that to make Vit D
The guy in the video appears to know what he is talking about. My GP simply stated that everyone in Australia should be taking supplements. The reason she stated before 10am and after 3pm was to lower risk of skin cancer.
Less chance of ANY cancer with a high Vit D level. Catch 22.
I’m at Lat 16 S so there would be benefit here but not in Sydney. A good gauge is the length of your shadow but I forget the X factor. I water my lawn in the middle of the day so my solar system powers my bore pump, but I don’t burn easily. I’ll be putting on an open shirt soon though, it’s a bit hot today.
Offshore wind turbine installation (I refuse to call them wind farms) being processed and the usua couldl power so many homes, output up to ……
Another example using nameplate capacity as actual capacity. How about being honest and using capacity factor?
The recent advice from the Thugs and Goons Association banning GP’s from prescribing Ivermectin for COVID is in contradiction to a recent letter from the “Health” Minister Greg Hunt to GPs advising that it was completely acceptable to do off-label prescribing.
All GPs in Australia were sent this letter.
More of the truth comes out.
“There is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate.”
— Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz
Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion
There you have it. The vaccine passports prove yet again it’s not about the pandemic but the plandemic.
The assertion that a vaccine passport has no medical or epidemiological justification is highly debateable indeed. However that side, you don’t need a hot mic – everyone from President Biden to Australia’s premiers have been stating that pretty clearly – that the lifting of restrictions and the increase in freedoms will be biased towards the fully vaccinated.
What else would you expect? The vaccination shouldn’t be punished because of the unvaccinated, in my view. The unvaccinated make up the overwhelming percentage of serious cases and deaths – they are prolonging the pandemic.
And please – the “plandemic” meme had its day and is now really old.
You are still not getting it.
Because the quackzinated can easily get infected and when infected build up the same viral load as an unquackzinated person there is zero scientific justification for vaccine passports. With Delta, the quackzinated can be just as infectious as the unjabbed. They are just beginning used as a means of coercion and control.
And this coercion is a total violation of the Nuremberg code and the Australian code of practice for inoculation against infectious diseases. This is wrong on every level.
Beyond the many side effects of the quackzines, there is the issue of using coercion to get people to surrender their chance at aquiring long lasting broad based natural immunity. Take the jabs and it’s booster shots forever.
If you’re going to use kindergarten words like that, I don’t read any more of your post. Please do act as a mature adult.
Don’t waste time on this. In two months or so it will be apparent to all.
No, I don’t think so, there is no reason to think this is not just an effort to get as many vaccinated as possible to prevent unmanageable infection levels. The passport idea will obviously be dumped. As you point-out there’s no way it logically follows or works as intended.
What I think will occur is that people who remain un-vaccinated will have more severe cases, and more of them will die, if the medical system were actually overrun with cases. But as Rick is pointing out, that’s not happening where countries have enough people vaccinated.
Which was actually the intent of the mass vaccination effort. Hence a living with current Covid19 strains and new vaccinations will emerge when the passport thing dies a natural policy death (i.e. opening up permanently) and it will cease to be a bigger issue within a year.
Maybe just face up to the fact that govt policy implementations via coercion and control have been a feature of Democracy for every day of your life, and will continue to be a feature and not a bug, until the day you die also?
I so find it strange and curious that people like to pretend Australia was ever any different. No, it’s always been this way, it’s functional. Same in Singapore, same in NZ, same in Norway, etc, etc.
All the best places in the world to live do it.
Read this comment from Voxday.
I suspect he is right to a point. I don’t expect there will be a purge of the doctors and scientists until well after the whole society collapses and goes through the real reset, not the colluded one under the Great Reset label. Enjoy the ride in any case, it will be very rough.
Such drivel.
Using a science fiction author as a source for scientific information is not very smart.
Think about it – there are about a dozen Covid vaccines in use. If the Chinese were the only country to develop one and offered it globally I would be suspicious and indeed reluctant to have it injected.
Literally the smartest person I know works for AstraZeneca in the UK. She was not directly involved in the AZ vaccine development but she is the calibre of the people they recruit and pay well – she is in 30s and has already discovered a significant number of genetic disorders that have led to miraculous cures with, as an example, people confined to wheel chairs being able to walk again after a week or so on a targeted corrective “medication” as simple as dietary supplements. All AZ employees were offered their vaccine as soon as it had successfully completed Phase 3 trials. She got her first jab as soon as she could. Do you think AZ are going to deliberately expose their extremely talented, highly trained and highly valuable employees to a deadly poison – think about it!
You have a brain – think for yourself rather than taking notice of science fiction writers on science topics.
It no longer matters in the US as they have achieved herd immunity. And you may be interested to know that New Mexico is in the top ten of vaccinated US States suggesting it has a strong democrat leaning rather than republican.
Australia is rocketing up the vaccination curve so a few anti-vaxxers should not prevent Australia from achieving herd immunity the easy way through vaccinations:
Something that a friend in Missouri pointed out to me was that Trump lost a lot of support over his mixed messaging on Covid. It is not surprising that US States that experienced serious second wave Covid cases went to Biden
Look at the high second wave peaks – New Mexico, Wyoming, Tennessee. All part of the CCP’s eveil plan to install their man in the Presidency.
Maybe those states went to Biden because the election was stolen.
As you know, I have raw data that shows some strange coping ons in the tallying. But, so far, nothing has gained credibility.
I have not done a complete review across the States but New Mexico stood out. I was surprised it was in the top 10 of vaccinations. I expected Stars like Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, DC, Rhode Island etc but New Mexico was a surprise. That led me to look at their Covid experience.
To do a proper check I should go through the Presidential voting changes for the States that had high incidence of Covid just before the November:
Trump won the Dakotas but I think there were significant swings to Biden. I do not recall any fiddling with the election tally in these states. They may have really raised the rigging concerns.
Maybe an exercise for later.
the smartest person I know knows several languages etc an actual super brain, but have serious mental issues and is as big as a car. You could say I will not take life advice or vaccine advice from them.
How many genetic disorders has the smartest person you know discovered? Where did they study for their PhD and was it related to healthcare? Were they also awarded a fully paid scholarship to their chosen university for being in the top 10 in their state for university entrance?
There are only a handful of people working in healthcare across the globe with the academic and life enriching achievements of the smartest person I know. AZ are not going to pump poison into the body of any of their employees, particularly not one so gifted and well regarded as the one I know. And she has the knowledge to know if it is life threatening to her. I expect she has already identified the genetic variation of normally healthy people at risk from the AZ vaccine. That would be her role in AZ’s vaccine rollout.
Australia mass-vaxxing everyone is coincident with moving into summer.
Covid numbers usually decrease in summer due to more sunlight exposure and thus more Vit D, low levels of which lead to much greater susceptibility to covid and other diseases.
Most Australians remain locked up so will not get much sun and therefore we may not see the natural decrease in covid which comes from more Vit D.
Vaccinated or not, people are still going to get infected with covid and will be more susceptible if their Vit D is low.
Because Australia now ranks among the most stupid of all countries, Vit D is not even a topic for discussion with respect to covid susceptibility among the woke and the mostly incompetent and unread medical and scientific establishment who make the decisions.
Maybe you are right. Israel’s latest wave started during winter and surged during early spring but has now crested as summer approaches:
Spain has a similar trend with cases dropping off as it warms up in September:
A slight aberration though because they had high cases in summer, January and February? Is it possible there is another explanation for Spain?
“A slight aberration though because they had high cases in summer, January and February? Is it possible there is another explanation for Spain?”.
No, it is winter in the northern hemisphere, September is in Autumn, it is cooling down.
Exactly. The common factor in declining cases is the proportion of population with antibodies via infection or vaccination combined with the mobility. Pre-Covid mobility is possible when >80% of the population are carrying antibodies. The season is a trivial factor that mainly acts on mobility. In winter more people crowd indoors with better conditions for virus transmission but it it is no the critical factor currently driving cases down.
However at this point in the progression of herd immunity, I would rather be in the Southern Hemisphere than Northern. UK for example is delicately balanced close to an infection rate of 1. They may not drive the case numbers low enough before the Covid antibodies wane.
In Israel the coldest months are Jan, Feb.
Jan, Feb 2021 are when they had their second biggest wave, going by infections … and their biggest wave so far going by deaths. This would exactly fit the seasonal hypothesis.
The current wave is the biggest going by infections and it started in Aug which is their hottest month. Deaths in the current wave are comparatively not so bad, but still typically about 20 to 25 deaths a day which is significantly worse than Australia … especially when you consider their population is only 1/3 of Aus. High percentage of vaccinations have certainly not reduced infections, although perhaps they have reduced the number of deaths … although you never know exactly what is cause and effect there.
Nonsense David, the US case numbers exploded in the Summer and crashed mid-winter. I went through that in detail last year.
As the Left consolidate their power in Australia, this sort of thing is going to get far worse.
Australia as a liberal democracy is finished.
I misspoke – the Coalition has had 27 years since 1975.
They weren’t wearing masks and walked off as a group, clearly in contravention of orders. Australia’s liberal democracy is safe and sound.
You’re taking the mick eh el roguo, as so often, but nobody gets it which must make you giggle inwardly.
Sorry, but Aussie police have become the epitome of the banality of evil.
Surpassed only by that Dan person.
From the outside, your country appears to have become a dystopian nightmare unsurpassed in the most LSD fueled 60’s
sci fi.
At least the CCP doesn’t pretend.
At least the robot cops in THX1138 would stop after it was no longer financially viable.
Ya’ll ain’t gonna be that lucky.
LOL … your meme and stereo-type version of ‘Australia’ differs considerably from my lived experience. If anything our police are probably the best we could hope to have. Try smoking less pot, or whatever it is your taking, and your imagination will stop giving you so much poor feedback and bad ‘advice’ about the nature of the world you live in.
Actually, drug and and alcohol free.
Operative words … ‘from the outside’ and ‘banal’.
Oz seems to me to have a curious contradictory mix of wild independence and utter submission to authoritarianism.
Isn’t banality a sinister component ‘equality’?
Absurd rules are fine if they are equally applied and enforced by professional unemotional robot like martinets.
Funny how a career criminal with a lethal amount drugs in his system, mishandled by a cop in Minnesota (a place many in Oz couldn’t find on a map) causes protest in Melbourne, but an elderly man suffering a heart attack while being arrested for not wearing a mask is no problem.
Good luck getting to Net Zero Virus cases.
I’m sure those ‘National Resilience Centers’ are temporary.
Something I’ve noticed about lived experience is that it is good until it isn’t.
Wishing yours continues without complication.
Oh, and limit those chats with your neighbors.
More EV publicity
“Via Zerohedge: A truck carrying a load of Tesla batteries in Placer County, California crashed and rolled over, causing the batteries to light on fire and blocking a large portion of I-80 on Friday night.”
“UK: E-car chargers will turn off to prevent blackouts”
So the UK grid is struggling already and the EV journey hasn’t got started yet.
Rejoice, European hypocrite emissions (especially CO2) will at least double in the process, to getting a majority fraction of the way to the pending mandatory EV adoption rules.
i.e. it will take a massive effort and a Typoon of endless mega-lies to cook the emissions books enough to make it look like they’re meeting Paris ‘agreement’ baloney, and the net-zero drivel.
Just look at Volkswagen … lol.
And it will be come increasingly easy to demonstrate what liars and hypocrites they all are too. Things that are not currently possible, don’t happen, and maybe never will.
This is interesting:
Select Yes or No to each question to contribute your vote and to see the poll results.
Looks like the NWO is on hold for a long time!
As I am still unvaxxed, I received the letter yesterday from the federal govt going on about how all I had to do was call and make an appt. to get my jabs. Sorry, no. Not going to happen. Seriously considering moving back to the US especially if Mark McQuacken institutes his covid passport in WA.
NSW Parliament exempt from the jab, everyone else too bad
Vaccination will be compulsory for more than half of NSW’s public sector workers. But not for our parliament
Here is a song for all those evil decision making parasites
By Dead South
In hell I’ll be in good company
Calls for Royal Commission into Ivermectin restrictions in Australia
Action is needed, not waiting around for a royal commission to hand down sanitized findings five years hence.
Members of Parliament cannot be fired from their jobs, except by the voters. Public servants can be fired, although they have a strong union, and if it goes to the wire the union might stand up for them … but I doubt it.
The CPSU recently came out supporting the idea that vaccines will ensure the safety of your family and your customers and the community at large … which I think means they still believe the jab reduces the spread despite not putting forward any evidence of this. If I had to bet on it I would expect the CPSU is going to enthusiastically support the mandate.
I suspect one thing that will stir people up is when governments keep on pitting neighbour against neighbour, relative against relative, leading to much friction. Then it can’t be covered up any more and everyone starts talking about it and ends up being front and centre of every conversation. I look forward to it finally coming to the fore so that everyone, including the sleep walkers can finally see reality. What happens after that is unknown at this stage.
Can anyone see this happening here in Australia?
Police officers, firefighters, paramedics and other first responders protesting against mandatory vaccines
Viva & Barnes: LAWSUIT: Is the Vaccine FDA Approval Legit? Lawyer Explains – If I heard it correctly the manufacturers can’t be sued but any employer who compels their staff to take the vaccine can be sued – they are liable.
“Police officers, firefighters, paramedics and other first responders protesting against mandatory vaccines.”
In other words, they know and don’t want a bar of the clotshots, same with aged care staff.
Departing FDA regulators pan Covid boosters in paper.
I’ve watched dozens of videos where nurses have blown the whistle and stated most of the sick in hospital allegedly sick due to the virus are actually vaccinated. Yet here we are told most are not. Someone is telling lies. I trust nurses much more than politicians. The other interesting thing to note is some of them are saying the officials don’t rate a person as vaccinated if they had the second shot less than 2 weeks prior. Hmmmm.
Y’all might be interested in this
It’s about Facebook using “fact-checking” to censor debate in climate change
Excellent, Willie Soon and the Connolys have been stirred up. Thank you for this.
“More than any other place on Earth, Australia is a land shaped by fire. As the firestorms that threaten Australia intensify, people must use science and new technology to stay safe in the future.”
This from the clowns at their abc.
No,no,no, When there is drought and the hot dry winds blow, make sure you ignore everything the greens say and do the opposite, clear the vegetation from around your home and sheds, barns, etc.
Rig sprinklers on your roof, build an underground shelter close to the house. Just use common sense and above all, ignore the greens.
Surely we can outlaw the greens. Stalin would have, why can’t we?
Stalin would have embraced them – Useful idiots.
Interesting Doc’o on the ABC last night re the fires..
Basicly the first half of the prog was all AGW drama causing ever increasing fires , whilst admitting that most were started by lightening..(but initiate by AGW induced storms of course !)..
BUT…. the second half then went on to explain that these extreme fire events could be eliminated by the re-introduction of “traditional” burning practices to control the fuel load ??
So, what iis the cause ?….AGW, ..or poor forresty management ?
I know which one i would blame .
What happened to Australian culture such that no open debate on COVID is generally possible in the conventional channels and more seriously, how is it that Australia got to have the strictest lock up regimes in the world with extremely heavy financial penalties (fines), much more so than anywhere else in the world?
We became addicted to “The Good Life” which, translated into contemporary terms means cafe life, restaurant meals, takeaways, cheap goods purchased in malls, gymnasiums for exercise, Netflix, computer games (in place of books), dance parties……..
When much of that was taken away from Aussies…they panicked……& turned to whatever (vaccines) would restore “the good life”.
Whither western civilisation? Who knows…..
“When much of that was taken away from Aussies…they panicked……& turned to whatever (vaccines) would restore “the good life”. ”
And didn’t check on how CDC et al have changed the definition of a “vaccine” from what it was pre about 2015 (IIRC)
A Sad and Shameful Day for Australian Medicine
13th September 2021
Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM MB BS PhD DSc FRACP FRCP(A) RS(N) is Foundation Professor Pathology, Medical School University Newcastle, Clinical Immunologist and (Previous) Head of the Newcastle Mucosal Immunology Group, with special interest in airways infection and vaccine development
September 10, 2021, was a black day, the day a group of faceless bureaucrats known as the “Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling”, through its effector arm, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), compromised medical practise and the health of their fellow Australians. The TGA used its regulatory muscle to prevent doctors at the COVID-19 pandemic’s coalface from prescribing ivermectin (IVM), the one therapy available that is safe, cheap and which reduces mortality in the order of 60 per cent. This poorly conceived action threatens the high standards of medical practise we have achieved in Australia, and the credibility of the administrative structure within which medicine operates.
The immediate consequence of the TGA Notice means patients contracting COVID-19 are left to hear, “Sorry, no treatment for COVID-19 is legally available. Just go to hospital when you get very sick.” In the longer term it means that bureaucrats can change the way medicine is practised for whatever reason without review by, or discussion with, the medical community. It is important for Australians to consider two issues that follow the TGA’s decision: first, it adds risk to those exposed to COVID-19, putting additional pressures on health-care facilities; second, it drives a wedge into the fault lines that have appeared in medical practise during the course of the COVID-19 saga.
Looking at the first issue, the decision by the TGA to prevent general practitioners from prescribing IVM to manage COVID-19, the Notice is flawed and misleading, although giving clues to its political motivation. The evidence that IVM is safe and effective in both preventing and treating early (pre-hospital) COVID-19 is overwhelming, as has been laid out in four Quadrant articles published through 2021. Despite this evidence, every artifice has been used to quash IVM’s use and to do so in unprecedented fashion. The causes for the suppression include political agendas, pressures from pharmaceutical companies, ideology and breakdown in medical communication. This latest blow by the TGA follows its previous form in shutting down use of hydroxychloroquine, another safe, effective and cheap COVID-19 therapy. Every experienced doctor prescribes drugs for “off-label” indications. It is anathema and dangerous that the doctor-patient relationship can now be over-ridden by government agendas.
The driving source of “evidence” that IVM has unproven therapeutic value is the Cochrane Review, which concluded from a single meta-analysis that the benefit in treating COVID-19 was “unproven”. This was out of line with a series of supportive meta-analyses by non-conflicted competent epidemiologists. Yet results from Cochrane have singularly been adopted without criticism or discussion, initially by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce (NCCET), then by diffusion via various professional and regulatory bodies while being fanned by an even less critical mainstream press. Thus IVM is seen by many, including some medical professionals, as the snake-oil of our age. What is not discussed is the validity of the Cochrane Review and the advisory messages from the NCCET. The influence of vested interest parties on Cochrane has been previously raised. The circumstances of generating the review by an unknown German group when experienced epidemiologists were available needs explanation. More immediately, critiques of the Cochrane analysis and the NCCET by unaligned British epidemiologists show defective methodology, cherry-picked data and exclusion of a raft of supportive data.
The information source used to formulate policy in Australia is both out of kilter with conclusions from over 60 controlled clinical trials and the positive experience recorded when IVM was used in national and regional programmes. Cochrane is an incomplete and unreliable basis for decision making on COVID-19 management in an Australian context. The views of international experts are trumped by unknown local bureaucrats.
Surprisingly, the reasons given by the TGA for their decision on IVM are not the usual mantra of “unproven”, based on Cochrane, although that is left hanging as a “given”. The reasons are even less defensible: “supply may become limited” (incorrect, but this nevertheless demonstrates there is a need for the drug); “concerns re toxicity due to dosage determined by social media” (this concern is easily remedied by controlling usage through front-line doctors), and, lastly, the real reason: “It may interfere with the vaccination programme”. What an extraordinary statement!
The reason for “vaccine hesitancy” has nothing to do with IVM use. Doctors promote IVM as complementing the vaccine programme, which, given concerns regarding vaccine resistance caused by Delta strain of the virus and waning of post-vaccine immunity, makes early drug treatment more needed than ever. It is irresponsible to exclude IVM as a drug to control high numbers of infections that will be encountered as Australia moves out of its “bubble”, irrespective of the level of vaccination. The only parts of the world not experiencing a “third wave” of infection are those where lockdowns have been avoided, such as Sweden, or where IVM is used throughout the community, as is seen in parts of South America, Mexico and India.
The real cause of “vaccine hesitancy” is lack of transparency and discussion. Where is the discussion that death from COVID-19 is one thousand times greater than reported deaths linked to the vaccine? That is a fact easily understood. There are genuine concerns about experimental genetic vaccines, yet discussion is suppressed, and these issues are treated as “best kept secrets” by authorities. Failure to openly discuss these concerns in the context of a plan for a safe future vaccine strategy is reason in itself for uncertainty and conspiracy theories. It is unacceptable to shift blame onto IVM for “hesitancy”.
I bet Bob Clancy never gets invited to speak on commercial TV or the ABC ! He has written two BRILLIANT articles in Quadrant on the virus & particularly the efficacy of Ivermectin. He is incredibly well qualified as a renown immunologist – and he is an Aussle.
He is also on government advisory committees for COVID. Obviously they take no notice of him at all.
“The real cause of “vaccine hesitancy” is lack of transparency and discussion.”
If people really knew all the details of these “vaccines” there would be no hesitancy at all – no one would touch them.
Ask yourself this question – if the “vaccines” are “so safe and efficient”, why would Biden’s extensive vaccine mandate, designed to protect people from the disease, have the following groups EXEMPT from the mandate?
White House – Staffers.
All members of Congress
Federal Judges
All members of the CDC
All members of the FDA
All members of the WHO
Pfizer employees
Moderna employees
Johnson and Johnson employees
And all illegal aliens and refugees.
Any ideas why?
Do you have a source for this assertion?
you jest?
Neither the AMA nor the ASGP has endorsed Ivermectin as a prophylactic or treatment for Covid-19. The TGA can be demonised, but they seem to be on the right side of “the science”.
what science?
Thank you Professor Clancy.
Thanks Auld Aussie for bringing this to our attention.
Somebody has stood up for the truth.
Professor Clancy is a credit to the concept of what Universities are supposed to be about.
‘Why are they not being arrested?’ Kevin Rudd’s wife demands to know why Sydneysiders aren’t being LOCKED UP for enjoying the sunshine – despite the virus almost NEVER being spread outdoors
I don’t get it. Is there a safer place on earth than a sunny beach with an off-shore wind?
Methinks not but Woolnorth, Tas would be a close second. As our guide said “The only thing in the air is penguin farts”.
Despite sunshine being required to produce vitamin D, to boost the immune system.
Again look at the blow out in Hospital cases from Sydney Western Suburbs and you see video’s on news of women full hijab and totally covered from South Western Sydney, complaining about easterners at the beach.
A question I keep asking that I would like Dr Kerry Chant NSW to answer – what are the vitamin D levels of the patients admitted to Sydney Hospitals?
Would it have not been simpler and cheaper than $85 PCR tests to give the South West Sydney Population & Aboriginals etc. Quercetin, Zinc and 5000 iu Capsules as Prophylactic approach?
“Would it have not been simpler and cheaper than $85 PCR tests to give the South West Sydney Population & Aboriginals etc. Quercetin, Zinc and 5000 iu Capsules as Prophylactic approach?”
I must confess I am constantly amazed that so many people still believe the government “health orders” have anything to do the health of the people.
Hijab is a head scarf – fully covered is a burqa. What is you point anyway?
Vitamin D
Aren’t we so glad that Rudd and his relatives aren’t here any more? We just need to send the rest over to be with them, both ALP and LNP – the whole lot of them! Craig Kelly as PM.
Who said this?
Any guesses
Sounds like Jacqui Lambie.
Yep the lesson here for all is be careful who you vote for
Jo may want to promote this
“Nature Promotes Frivolous Lawsuits”
an article by Andy May for Clintel, about what he considers frivolous lawsuits brought against governments etc over climate change.
Canada is having an election soon.
California is pretending to have one.
But a real plebiscite happened across the US this weekend.
WE played, and watched college and pro football. Buildings were full.
TV ratings were high. Masks were rare. Numerous crowds chanted obscenities referencing
the President, ignored on the media but viral on social media.
The left, thought to own the patent on civil disobedience and theatrical social protest,
has their panties in a wad and is apoplectic; I see a glimmer of civil health as the programming of
young people has not fully “taken” yet.
Is this how it starts? “Hey Hey LBJ, How many kids did you kill today?”
Clearly, our mass propaganda monoculture is pervasive, but not necessarily persuasive.
“Covid Joe has gotta go!”? We will have another test of state force, Probably in DC. You might look up Kent State University
if you are a young person.
2% fatality rate for covid19 in Toronto
That’s more than double the areas of India that started mass use of Voldormectin.
Spain targets energy firms as European bills surge
Electricity prices are too high
Good link. Italians, Brits, and Polish are all complaining about super and increasing electrical prices.
The kicker is…. The Green Scam do not work and never will work. Climate change is the never ending war … Same as the war in Orwell’s book 1984. Climate change is a war that can never be ‘won’. There are at least a dozen independent reasons why the climate war cannot be one.
Starting with the fact that it is impossible for humanity to get to zero CO2 emissions using the green scams. Implementing a ‘plan’ that cannot work and that will destroy countries is sabotage, not ‘governing’.
The EU are aggressively, implementing, a plan that will not and cannot work for multiple reasons.
The Zero emission Green Plans, will make electricity/hydrocarbon fuel more and more expensive; shutting down all industries that are energy dependent and bankrupting the country or there will be civil disobedience and/or new governments.
This is from the BBC link.
He was addressing the European Parliament during a debate on EU plans to cut emissions by at least 55% by 2030. Polish MP Anna Zalewska warned that citizens would “unfortunately pay for the ambitions of the EU”.
Polish MEP Anna Zalewska warned against people ending up in fuel poverty
Last week, the UK’s energy regulator warned that the soaring cost of fossil fuels would feed into customers’ energy bills.
Italian minister Robert Cingolani warned on Monday that electricity bills were likely to go up by 40% in the coming quarter, after a 9.9% increase in the last one. “We have to face these things,” he said, blaming the increase on the cost of both natural gas and CO2.
Italy has already injected €1.2bn into the system over the summer to reduce bills but is now considering a complete overhaul of the billing system, possibly transferring the cost of supporting renewable energy to general taxation.
(Spanish day ahead electricity price)
An Interview with Dr. Tess Lawrie on Ivermectin
This exposes the mountain of lies being told by our governments regarding the use of Ivermectin.
Thanks Peter. That video is gold. We have our peaceful weapon. That video will convince young people, particularly woman.
Dr Lawrie is part of nonprofit research group. We have our weapon. Dr. Tess Lawrie’s Interview | Oracle Films
This is a well-produced, video, that has authority. This non-profit company has made an unequivocal recommendation that Ivermectin should be used now as an early covid treatment, based on independent Ivermectin research in multiple countries by a non-profit company.
Tess Lawrie is a scientist and very convincing spoke person. She is connected at the highest level.
The Video lays out a case, that there is an organized conspiracy to hide Ivermectin and to issue propaganda to stop Ivermectin’s use. This a criminal act and mass murder. And it needs to be stopped.
The large media companies are actively trying working to stop Ivermectin’s use, blocking videos that support Ivermectin and/or issuing and distributing to users….. propaganda false statements Ivermectin statements based on fraudulent ‘research’.
Science is repeatable. This is not a science problem. This is war. Ivermectin is our weapon against covid and the forces of evil that are trying to stop Ivermectin’s use.
What an intelligent and well-spoken woman – compare her to the muppets the Premiers wheel out at the daily press conferences.
It is reasonable to assume that collectively the governments of the world have been directly responsible for the deaths of more then 3 million people, and the utter destruction of billions of people’s lives. All to promote the sale of a $25 per dose poison that is more dangerous and less effective than a 3 cent pill. Outside of wars this is the greatest crime against humanity in our lifetimes.
When every politician, public health mouthpiece and bureaucrat on the face of the earth is telling us to do one thing and one thing only to treat this virus, alarm bells ring. The world is a sick place, and anyone who queues up to be injected with this trial toxic cocktail is complicit.
Here’s one musician who speaks his mind on COVID-19 with real life experiences on a vaccine. Perhaps he will be right; music might temper the polarisation on the topic but I have my doubts. It’s certainly worth a try. Eric Clapton
Something else to get your worry beads rotating
“COVID-19 vaccine may be linked to bilateral cornea melting”
Hope the bloke behind me in the Cancer Ward yesterday had not had that vaccine – the Doctor speaking to him said the bleeding in his eye was due to low platelets and the redness would stay but would not affect his sight
Hmmm, my platelets were down on latest bloods Monday, but as I said to the Cancer Nurse, still pretty good for me as I began round 26 and as always, feeling healthy.
““Kim Iversen: Is Fauci’s Botched Handling Of The AIDS Epidemic Being Repeated?””
Big battery big problems .
Big problems alright, amazing how quiet our battery fire has been, no news since then, what’s happening.
Given operation of the five km tether and the nine pm curfew I doubt anybody except the site workers would know.
Worth listening to. By his own admission, not a huge intellect, but honest and courageous. He discusses what has happened in his own experience as the vaccine was rolled out with no honest discussion.
“Never before in history has there been a need to “protect the vaccinated.”
There isn’t one now unless the jabs not only don’t work, in some percentage of people who took them they make infection worse — and they know it.”
More at
A look at the supply chain
Trump says secret calls to China by Milley described in Woodward book amount to treason
Sen. Rubio Demands Biden Fire Gen. Milley Over Secret Calls With Communist China
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio is calling for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley to be fired after he reportedly “contemplated a treasonous leak of classified information to the Chinese Communist Party.”
In a letter to President Joe Biden, Rubio referenced reports that Milley “worked to actively undermine the sitting Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces” by making secret calls to Communist China’s Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army to reassure him that the U.S. was not organizing a strike.
“These actions by General Milley demonstrate a clear lack of sound judgement, and I urge you to dismiss him immediately,” Rubio wrote. “I do not need to tell of you the dangers posed by senior military officers leaking classified information on U.S. military operations, but I will underscore that such subversion undermines the President’s ability to negotiate and leverage one of this nation’s instruments of national power in his interactions with foreign nations.”
Not only did Milley disregard national security, Rubio said, “even more egregiously, reports indicate that General Milley interfered with the procedures by which the civilian commander-in-chief can order a nuclear strike.”
“He purportedly instructed officials not to take orders without his involvement and forced them to take an oath to that effect. A senior military officer interfering with that civilian-controlled process is simply unacceptable at best, and at worst, would cause ambiguity which could lead to war,” Rubio warned.
Rubio also chastised Milley for trying to “rationalize his reckless behavior” by claiming the “military’s judgement was more stable than its civilian commander.”
“It is a dangerous precedent that could be asserted at any point in the future by General Milley or others. It threatens to tear apart our nation’s longstanding principle of civilian control of the military,” Rubio wrote before reiterating that Biden “must immediately dismiss General Milley. America’s national security and ability to lead in the world are at stake.”
Hilarious: Mark Milley Has Even Lost Alexander Vindman Now
As we reported earlier, according to a Washington Post story, Gen. Mark Milley, the head of the Joint Chiefs, allegedly took action to stand in the way of President Donald Trump’s command power, telling the military in charge of the nuclear weapons any orders or actions needed to go through him before being acted on. He apparently tried to interfere in that power of the president after being pushed to do so by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, something I reported back on Jan. 9. When Pelosi approached the military, as I said then, she was told they couldn’t act against the Constitution — that would amount to a military coup.
But then Milley did, in fact, act on what she said. On top of all that, Milley contacted his counterpart in the CCP and said that if we were going to attack China, he would warn him. Milley did not tell the president of his actions/conversations with the Chinese. That’s another unbelievable and improper action on the part of Milley going completely rogue and bordering on treason.
How is this guy still in office at this point and not under investigation? Not to mention Pelosi should be impeached for this coup attempt, if it’s true. Of course, none of that is likely to happen when Democrats are in charge, so all the more reason for a full-court press to change the House and the Senate in 2022 to stop these egregious actions from continuing. Talk about blowing up norms. There are no norms and nothing to which the Democrats won’t stoop, it seems.
You don’t get an “exception” because you don’t like the guy in power in the White House. You still have to uphold the Constitution. But Milley and Pelosi did everything they could to usurp this power behind Trump’s back.
How clear a problem is this?
Well, when even Alexander Vindman, the guy who thought he had a right to dictate policy rather than Trump, thinks this is a problem, then you know how bad it really is.
“Bordering on treason” Ya gotta be jokin’.
Hard to believe labor are promoting Kristina Kennealy as a migrant who made a success of her life.
They ditched a local lass for a North Shore silvertail, this won’t play well come next election.
That voice and the attitude, and I don’t even live anywhere near her state.
It’s not hard to imagine a tacky TV show called Clash of the Targets. The pilot episode might feature US-born Kristina Keneally fighting to secure a safe Labor seat to stay in parliament. She’s up against a Vietnamese-Australian community worker, Tu Le, who ticks a few of the party’s diversity targets: young, female, Asian. Pulling out the big guns, Keneally says she’s a boat person too; after all, she lives on Scotland Island, a salubrious suburb on Sydney’s northern beaches accessible only by boat.
The brilliant Johannes Leak captured the reprehensibility of Labor’s decision to trash its diversity targets last week. Keneally may gab about diversity but she’s not willing to stand aside so a local Vietnamese-Australian lawyer who lives and works in Fowler may get preselected for the safe NSW federal seat.
Oops meant to be reply to Ronin in 63
That Leak cartoon is behind the Murdoch wall – but there is this
Thanks another ian – I did not know how to get the Leak Cartoon on the Boat person – I forgot Michael Smith News
Massachusetts Activates National Guard To Bus School Children After Vax Mandate Staffing Shortages
Some thoughts on another “vaccine”
Xi Jinping ‘will soon be removed from office’ in coup as China’s regime ‘inwardly weak’
XI JINPING “will soon be removed from office” in a coup d’état mounted by Chinese Communist Party rivals, according to former diplomat Roger Garside.
There is nothing surprising in this. How long since you’ve heard commentators say breathlessly: China has just had another 8% YoY GDP growth? I have long believed that without that growth the CCP will lose control over the masses.
That’s a very big call … where is the opposition to the PLA and the Party going to come from?
Try an official publication
Jian Bozan, Shao Xunzheng and Hu Hua (1981) :A Concise History of China”. Foreign Language Press, Beijing.
From the masses. While there is high growth there is a general acceptance of poverty but when those moving from the country to the city can no longer find work resentment will rise.
The world’s largest RE developer is at risk of going under, unable to meet hundreds of billions of debt. That will hurt the middle class who will expect to be bailed out. I see a bad moon arisin’.
Tuesaday was another great evening for those unreliables across the AEMO grid.
At 6pm, to meet the evening peak demand of 26,900 MW:
Solar 460 MW from a nameplate capacity of about 10,000 MW
Wind 1,380 MW from a nameplate capacity of 8,800 MW.
Battery 62 MW.
Coal 16,700 MW.
Gas 4,000 MW
Hydro 4,300 MW
Landslide for California’s Newsom is unsurprising given that registered Republicans arrived at polling stations to be told they had voted already.
This article is staggering.
I was a tiny bit nervous before, but now I’m … ahhh … more nervous than that.
Thanks Tel. Saw a reference on Robert Malone’Twitter feed. He also supplied Link to an analysis of the development of mRNA technology. The latter is fascinating – though very technical & stretches the mind.
It does, in my limited understanding , explain what can go wrong in the vaccines. The technology allows, as we know, the delivery of the protein to enter the cells without opposition. This is particularly assisted by the lipid capsules.
It is cited by virologists as brilliant technology. But to my simple mind ……..what could possibly go wrong when you deceive our immune defences?
Suggestions of a big security announcement tomorrow at 7 AM, possibly involving ditching the French sub contract and going with leased Nuclear subs.
FYI -This is (IMO) a very serious read
“Why I’m Saying “NO!” To The Mystery Jab”
In comments there
More CDC “data diddles” re flu
“The anomaly in the flu data is easy to explain. For decades the CDC has been padding the Flu death data by adding in the pneumonia deaths and calling them “flu related”. So for decades the Flu death numbers have been overstated by a lot. I used to have a link to the ONE CDC page that broke the numbers down, but they’ve moved it and made it much harder to find. So Instead of the 50,000 or so “flu” deaths that we were told about every year it has always been more like 1000. Since they had to use the pneumonia deaths to pad the covid deaths last year they had to remove them from the flu death count.”
Opposition to “Viden Maccine Bandate”
“Novavax – Is It New Enough? Moths Between You And mRNA”
More pro-IVM