A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Last Saturday there was a very small, peaceful protest walk in NovoCastria that was linked to the larger, more aggressive marches in Sydney and Melbourne.
I personally disagree with the two larger marches which inevitably pit those demonstrating against the police:
such was not the case here.
Apparently, here in Our Town, the participants were not outwardly breaking any state government directives but what eventually happened leaves me disgusted with Australia.
The media response to this “event” on t.v. and in print seems to have been written by The Government and makes me belive that the police and government have shot themselves in the foot with this matter; Just Like O’Biden.
See if this link works for the;
I don’t know how to link to the Newcastle Herald article, but here’s the headline;
AUGUST 21 2021 – 3:30PM
Woman taken away by ambulance after being tackled by police following walking COVID protest.
It has been said that the woman was sixty years old and was spear tackled by the “policeman”? resulting in a broken collar bone and hip injury.
If you can access the photo you can see the relative weights of the two.
The other woman put into the wagon was also apparently roughed up.
Not happy.
To link to the Newcastle Herald just copy the headline and enter it into a search engine. The link comes complete with photos and videos
I sent as post that vanished which gave the link. I got it by entering the headline into a search engine
As often happens the first post vanishes and is then displayed after a second post. Why this occurs so often I have no idea
I find that I have to use the refresh button quite a lot when moving to another thread.
ditto !
And once you get there you check out the 30 photos.
One shows the woman lying part way down the grassed hill she had been taken down.
Your not the only one disgusted Keith.
I have respect for the thin blue line, but, the aggression, zeal and enthusiasm with which they have undertaken in enforcing the damaging, unscientific scaremongering tyranny of the politicians has forced me to be wary of them now.
If only the police had taken a knee, like they did for the BLM protests, there might not have been the violence.
Likewise, I have great respect for the local police and do not wish to comment on Melbourne and Sydney rallies but in Newcastle there were apparently a dozen people, possibly all women, walking in pairs. No rules being broken.
Why does a fourteen stone policeman feel it necessary to spear tackle somebodies eight stone sixty year old mother and grandmother. Was her collarbone broken, why didn’t the news reports mention this.
Was the policeman from out of town?
Ashli Babbitt.
We are from the government, we are here to help you.
That policeman finds it necessary to bolster his low self image by using brute force in a cowardly way to bring down a soft target. The police surely don’t need this type of officer if they want to be respected. That officer is an embarrassment to the good reputation of our police.
This looks like tyranny because it is Tyranny.
Tyranny, in the Greco-Roman world, an autocratic form of rule in which one individual exercised power without any legal restraint. In antiquity the word tyrant was not necessarily pejorative and signified the holder of absolute political power. In its modern usage the word tyranny is usually pejorative and connotes the illegitimate possession or use of such power.
The protesters, (and I mean all) are the hero’s, you folk under full Tyranny show the courage of the very few and hopefully dedicated.
KK you mentioned the yellow vest a couple of weeks ago, lets do it and anyone else who see’s the boot coming down.
I wrote an email to a Democracy website asking for permission to use their site address, no reply yet.
The issue I feel, for the lack of concern from society is people think they are alone with these thoughts, your not, there are millions like you, like us, you are not alone, I stand with you!
For those coming to their senses or not able to make a stand, we stand for you.
(Start email)
Hi my name is MP,
I want to first thank you for standing with us and for us.
I am in Cairns area FNQ and have attended all protests and I stand in the park every Sunday. I wish to run an idea by you about the yellow vest movement, I have mentioned this idea at the park peoples group and all agree it’s a good idea, but it will die if I do not progress.
An issue I feel lives in the public eye is the perception that they are alone in their thoughts regarding democracy due to media’s one side of the story. We need to find a way of letting people know they are not alone, the vest movement will help here.
The proposal is to wear them whenever the people go outside their residency, in public, let the people know they are not alone and a better benefit is it is very optical to the crooks and thugs that portray themselves as leaders. Looking down any street and seeing a sea of yellow vests, you know you are not alone.
This is a silent protest, a peaceful display of unity, it can never be censored and will always be visual.
I have costed the vests at $7.50 the printing is unknown and ball park is $5.25 per line so it should come out around $20.00 +/- per vest. But the logo will be simple enough for people to buy their own and a Niko for under $10.00. I am not after any assistance, I will fund a start and gauge interest.
I like the statement in your name, ******** ********* and was hoping to use it on the vest so people have a place to go for information, my idea for wording is.
***************** (web address)
I hope you will be OK with this use of your name and I look forward to a positive response, even a suggestion for the logo.
An Idea with the protests would be, when fronted by the law enforcement, the people turn their backs to them and Stand (with the vest) displaying the message to police. If they arrest us, let them, become dead weight tie up two or three per arrest, we will win any war of attrition. If they start shooting people in the backs, Australia will start rising up!
(End email)
Do not resist arrest, become dead weight, consume their manpower.
Tie them up in their own paper work, consume their time.
Do not pay their fines, tie up their legal systems.
If need be, fill their jails with peaceful people.
Buy a vest and a niko, buy as many as you can hand out.
This is the time to rise up Australia, your governments are the virus, the variant’s are the main stream media, social media and all the pushers of fear.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Stand in the Park.
Have been going for a bit over a month. It’s a start.
I hope I can buy a yellow this afternoon.
We can’t do nothing.
Yeah I know you have.
The new colour of freedom is yellow. sort of fitting to these back to front times.
Keith if you are still about, the whole logo or what ever you call it, with the site is-
Bit much for a niko maybe.
Thought Reignite Democracy was a perfect name, as it also relays the message and gives people a place to go for info.
Even Overseas is noticing – A Most Unusual Thing in Australia, Alice
August 24, 2021 | Sundance | 230 Comments
“Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.” So goes the wonderful words of Lewis Carroll from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland…. Which is the only appropriate frame of reference for what you are about to discover.
One Australian media outlet seems to have found a way. In this report from Sky News Australia, they avoid the censors by reporting on how the world is viewing Australian news, by sharing American news clips of Australian news. It is weird and the perfect example of how bizarre the world has become over COVID. WATCH:
Australia painted as a ‘dystopian nightmare’ as footage goes viral
Sky News host Rita Panahi says “to us, a bunch of teenagers being handcuffed in the middle of the night and fined $1,000 each for the crime of meeting at a Sydney beach has become normal,” she said. “But the rest of the world looks in abject horror.”
Ms Panahi then shares how people around the world are “marveling” at what’s happening in Australia, noting Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson has taken aim at how Australian police are treating protesters. “There is similar commentary and discussions I’ve seen from the UK,” Ms Panahi said. “Is this how we want to be perceived as a country?”
That’s the reason I’ve always stated it’s not a good idea to participate in these sorts of protests. It just gives the ruling elite more excuses to clamp down even harder. Also, it’s not worth being arrested when there in no gain, just all pain. A better way is just to get on with your life as best you can and let the ruling elite do their thing in the hope some of them, in particular in the police force and military, break ranks and side with the thinking people who know this is all terribly wrong. Then we might get somewhere as we would have legitimately armed supporters on our side. Whether that actually happens depends on the very people who are supposed to protect and serve the people. The ruling elite are now our real enemy. In fact they ought to be rounded up and charged with a variety of criminal offences, some should have been some time ago for other issues like paedophilia. I just hope the armed forces make the right decision. Unlike in the US, we don’t have the Constitutional right to defend ourselves with arms against a ruling elite gone mad. So, the best we can do is rely on our military and police force. Surely there will be lots of them who have families of their own who can see what’s really happening. At least we can only hope. Failing that we can kiss goodbye to the Australia we used to know so well.
Event was widely viewed and reported in the US.
” The various state governments within Australia are attempting to get rid of a virus by isolating the people in the most extreme ways possible; and when the citizens protest, they are met with batons, rubber bullets, pepper spray and some of the most brutal beatings you could imagine.”
Thanks Lance. An interesting take on how others see us.
Frankly Lance these US Conservative reactionary fake news sites are just as dismal and hyperbolic as CNN is.
I live here and when the police drive by or walk around there is zero sense of threat from them, they are not bullies, they are not acting gratuitously, and nor is anything “draconian” happening.
What is happening is some willful idiots are discovering that it’s a police force, not a police love-in festival. The law is applied with force when people disobey the laws created by a democratic state, and during a State of health emergency.
It’s the same all over the world, and is never going to be any different.
And that is in fact a real Conservative values reality.
“..these sorts of protests”. I can support KKs orderly protest but not the bigger metropolitan ones where tensions boil over.
Sorry Peter but I am getting tired of “..get on with your life.” This madness is disrupting my life.
SO what are you going to do about it? Throw a tantrum in front of Parliament House? It’s your right to do so.
What are you doing is the question.
Pleading to the cause of our grief, come on really.
I have a better suggestion. How about you contact your local police and discuss with them the situation and try to convince them to break ranks and join the rest of us in disgust. Perhaps then we can get our Australia back again from the thugs in state and federal politics.
Doug, those were peaceful protesters, it was the police that attacked them.
Many video’s of the police trying to get the protesters to go at them heckling them calling them pussies, they did not, so the police opened up on them.
They stood their ground, the rally could of ended peacefully if the cops stood aside and let it finish.
There is a movement world wide called stand in the park, its not much but its something. Every Sunday at 10:00 at your local park.
Above I wrote about the yellow vest movement, can’t get any more peaceful then that.
If folks are finally fed up with the Covid madness, the solution is simple. Stop voting for the Left.
I never have voted for the left, ever.
WHAT? you think there is a difference.
It is people like you who give us leftist governments.
Ask a lefty if he thinks there is so little difference between them he may as well vote conservative and you would be told in no uncertain terms where to go and how to amuse yourself when you get there.
Don’t spoil his delusion.
People like me, its cowards like you.
MP… how easy is it to characterise opposition as simplistic and undifferentiated in order to distinguish yourself. But sorry but, Hanrahan is right, it is more complicated and simplistic and ignorant rhetoric will not advance your cause at all.
*But sorry bud
Just replying in kind.
Not my cause, I am just on for the ride.
Here is a video from Marty Focker being arrested in Melbourne on August 11 away from the protest, what caught my ear was at the 2:40 minute mark where the officer says “This is where it happens hey” this comment is out of context with discussing the charges against the two detained, listen
I hear it as either an admittance that Victoria Police, planned violence against citizens, establish the beginning of a totalitarian push, or a psy-op was about to be staged.
This is the level we have arrived at, that is both shocking and revealing.
I applaud your efforts. I see Peter’s suggestion of contacting the police as reasonable, yet not as an alternative to peaceful protest. Non violent resistance is required when effective medications are ignored and lives and careers destroyed.
Tell that to the people who have lost everything; businesses, jobs, homes, life savings. Tell that to the mothers frantic in gardenless small units, with young children they can’t even take to a playground, units with non-opening windows, with abusive partners, with abused and suicidal children.
Tell them they shouldn’t protest. When they have nothing left to lose, tell them then they have no right to protest. Protest is the only avenue left to them.
They already know. In fact I know two who agree with my sentiments. So, I don’t understand what you means. What are we to do? The political elite have gone rouge and our only hope is to get our police force and military to come to our aid to take back Australia. We can’t do a damn thing without them as they have the arms, we don’t If we were like America and we were allowed to be armed then that would be a different story.
Rouge? They should be red-faced with shame.
To be honest some are so evil they would make Hitler proud.
I read about Freemason compromise is occurring particulary in the Police.
The political elite have gone rouge, excellent! either rouge as in the Khmer Rouge, the rouge flag of socialism, or a typo rouge instead of rogue – it works on so many levels!
Read about Gandhi’s principles of “Ahimsa” non violence. Using those principles effectively freed a nation. In the US the Government did all possible to portray the capital protest as an armed insurrection. They want a violent response. They want America divided, black against white, vaccinated verses unvaccinated. It worked in India because the masses understood and supported the movement.
There is much that can be done without guns.
“Such is the nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears he is a protector “
Plato. ( A pretty sharp dude)
So how would you implement Ahimsa with such policing?
The protestors were unarmed and peaceful. They were violently attacked, flattened out, then put on a stretcher. There was no opportunity for ‘non-violence’, or going limp, as provided for climate protestors.
That was not what happened to the Indians protesting the salt tax. I have seen the film and also read Gandhi and his autobiography.
Then to make it worse there is the attack from NewsCorp showing a nurse after a shift, blaming peaceful protesters – emotional blackmail, just an exhausted nurse after a long shift. Who is really to blame for that as there is no mention of treatments?
How long before Australia’s minority press gets threatened?
You would implement it exactly as done, although “Ahimsa” goes deeper then outer actions. ( neither time or space for the depth required”.
It is the non violence in the face of violence and Tyranny that is most powerful, and eventually wins very large public support. ( now days you must be your own media as well). There is always opportunity for non violence. India was many many confrontations and acts of non cooperation, not just a few.
In India, after one murderous British action, support for Indian independence soared, even within Britain. Ghandhi did admit that had he faced the murderous totalitarian State of Socialist Germany under Hitler, it would not have worked. I don’t think, and hope we are not there yet.
Well put Annie.
Things are bad and we should come to understand the great suffering that is out there.
That suffering and damage is way beyond anything coming from COVID19.
By all means we should avoid putting our heads in a noose: avoid the illegal, but we must find a way to Push Back.
I agree, and I have given what I think is the only way we can fight back. Not all police offices and the military are bad. I’m really surprised not many people see that as the most powerful means for us to take back Australia, barring a full scale revolt.
And who decides what’s legal and illegal? The government does. They are setting the rules, they are setting the tone. You’ll note that at the height of COVID last year in Melbourne, people were allowed to gather together and protest for BLM. And the police took the knee. As far as I’m concerned, your argument is only valid if you accept that the current rules on the books are warranted. Many do not. And they’ve been pushed to the limit. I imagine that if the protestors had instead decided en masse to sit down in front of the police and not budge, the premier would have decided that such an action would now be considered illegal as well.
There is a point though when enough is enough. We’ve passed that point some time ago but having a few protests here and there is not enough – it only adds fuel to the fire and gives the elite more excuses to go harder. We are becoming an embarrassment to the world and some are already calling us a prison colony. As I stated, either the police and military break ranks and side with us to force governments to stop acting as dictators, or at least say a quarter of the population decide to storm the “palaces” and demand they change. Nothing else will work. There is the possibility the alleged truck blockade threatened next week will change things but we just have to wait and see if it’s for real, and if it is whether it’s big enough or just a fizzer.
I could kiss you. xxxx
That’s to Annie. Just to clarify.
thank goodness
Exactly Annie! A lockdown was acceptable initially because we didnt know what we were dealing with, now with antivirals available as treatment, there is no reason to do it. Elimination is an impossible dream, – just treat the disease!!- its not Ebola!
According to my reading the PCR test is causing all this angst. Very reputable people are saying asympomatic positive cases do NOT transmit the disease, another falsehood being promoted. How many “cases” are in that category? How many are false positives, Dr Sukarit Bhakdi says about 2%. All that contact tracing and people in isolation unnecessarily. 🙄
My daughter had twins last May. With complications, more than 2 months in isolation in hospital, no visitors at home except for a short period last summer when Quebec reduced restrictions, now in 900 sq ft apartment with active little boys, not able to hire any home help. Yes she can now go to the park, but until a month ago, couldn’t walk fussy babies in the evening due to curfew.
I finally met them this month when the powers that be allowed air travel. She is still mostly sane and the boys are doing well. But these kinds of situations are why a children’s hospital in the UK reported a 300% increase in “non-accidental injuries”.
Reports like this one make our recent vaccine passport mandate a crime.
No No NO NO, submitting will achieve the same outcome, they are going to do this anyway.
If your not up to the coming challenge, there are many who are, support us, put on your vest.
A silly idea; put on a T-shirt or other wear suitable for a slogan supporting the government, e.g. “support your fascist government” or “obey all demands” or better select X (Cabinet Minister a bit down the pecking order) and
show “X for Premier”. Lots of people showing that would make the Premier nervous.
That is confronting and the opposite of the purpose, which is to have vests everywhere. It will go with any garb and every colour except red.
The purpose is a visual non confronting message, that people will wear despite their views. And the politicians will see eventually!
Some on this site see a growing problem, yet support the
tyrantsgovernments, this bypasses politics, we need to stop dividing and stand together.Its an idea, we need to do something now.
We are the 99%
Its for our safety:)
Its for the safety of the wider community, apparently.
Stay home wear your mask stay 1.5 meters apart if you go out, make it less then two hours and no more then 5 k’s from home and be home by nine.
If you go to the beach walk below the high tide mark, your safe there.
If you go to the park, don’t sit on the bench. If you go to the Pub, don’t stand.
Don’t shake hands and maintain 6 feet, bump elbows at 3 feet apart.
Don’t talk to your neighbors or any one else.
Please support your community buy shopping at Coles, Woolies, Aldi, Bunnings and on line at Amazon
And get vaccinated, Its for the safety of the wider community, apparently.
‘ … walk below the high tide mark, you’re safe there.’
It’ll all be over by Xmas, except for the occasional outbreaks which will be quickly mopped up.
Christmas, that is exactly what you said in 2020. Keep climbing that mountain, the Aliens will be along to take you to a better place, if not there is always next year.
The tide comment came from some female head of the cops in NSW or was it Vic, during the first ripple. If your feet are wet your safe. If that makes any sense to you at all there is no hope.
I imagine the SAS boys are not best mates with the media and the govt.
That’s the reason I’ve always stated it’s not a good idea to participate in these sorts of protests. It just gives the ruling elite more excuses to clamp down even harder. Also, it’s not worth being arrested when there in no gain, just all pain.
Even as a semi-active participant in demonstrations over a decade or two (Vietnam, Women’s Lib, Abortion, Environment, etc – all neatly summed up by “Land Rights For Gay Whales” slogan) – I often wondered what the real effectiveness of them was.
I often think we were just written off as long-hairs and hippie agitators – and that the very conservative (Tory) view was common – any display of protest against the ruling class was by definition treason. Even working class punters held this view … certainly all the Packer-Fairfax-Murdoch media were scathing. But it’s hard to know if it all meant anything.
Treason is being committed against us.
Listened to you lot for 18 months whimpering from under your beds while glued to the screen.
Turn off your screens, you would not know it existed. Your neighbours are not rotting in their homes, people are not dropping dead in the street, ambulances are not continually streaming past your door, that’s Tyranny knocking.
they had a very large family friendly peaceful freedom protests in Qld on Saturday
IMHO all the police should all be treating the protests like this but they would be much larger
these protests are getting more and more aggressive and are shameful
the police need to own their part in creating the monster that is going to get much worse because of their behaviour, the police push and the protesters push back, with the MSM backing the police using edited reports
thank the almighty for camera phones LOL thats how we are getting the truth
these protests have been called superspreader events so why haven’t we heard of mass infections from the long arm of the law at their stations ect..? something to think about
we are not America and these protesters are not Antifa ect… they are normal everyday people, a hell of a lot who have been double jabbed but still have to wear a mask and are locked up
but anyway have a look at this video about when protesters fight back, a bit of a laugh LOL
2nd attempt LOL,
they had a very large family friendly peaceful freedom protests in Qld on Saturday
IMHO all the police should all be treating the protests like this but they would be much larger
these protests are getting more and more aggressive and are shameful
the police need to own their part in creating the monster that is going to get much worse because of their behaviour, the police push and the protesters push back, with the MSM backing the police using edited reports
thank the almighty for camera phones LOL thats how we are getting the truth
these protests have been called superspreader events so why haven’t we heard of mass infections from the long arm of the law at their stations ect..? something to think about
we are not America and these protesters are not Antifa ect… they are normal everyday people, a hell of a lot who have been double jabbed but still have to wear a mask and are locked up
11-6-2009 Nanoparticles of metal can damage the DNA inside cells even if there is no direct contact between them, scientists have found. The discovery provides an insight into how the particles might exert their influence inside the body….nanoparticles – which are a thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair and used in everything from sunscreens to electronics.
In the experiment, scientists from the University of Bristol grew a layer of cells and exposed one side to cobalt-chromium nanoparticles. On the other side of this cellular barrier were human cells called fibroblasts. Though the nanoparticles never crossed the cellular barrier, they managed to damage the DNA of the fibrolasts via a cascade of biological signals in the intervening cells….
Case’s team found that the DNA in the fibrolasts had around 10 times as much damage, in terms of breaks in the genetic material, compared with control conditions. DNA damage can lead to various diseases, including cancer, but Patrick Case of the University of Bristol said the changes observed in his experiments did not lead him to believe the fibrolasts were becoming cancerous.
The research team deliberately exposed the barrier cells in their experiment to a dose of nanoparticles thousands of times higher than anything that would occur naturally. “We used high doses of them because we wanted to make sure that the dose we used would cause damage to cells if the cells were exposed.
Ashley Blom, head of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Bristol, said: “This work has raised some really interesting questions and given us insight into how barriers in the body might work. The body has lots of different barriers – blood-brain barrier, the skin, the lining of the gut , the placenta – and it may be that this mechanism works in some of these barriers.”
also interesting are and
How is it possible that news of the shooting of ‘sheltered’ dogs in NSW to enhance ‘Indigenous Equity’ (in the prevention of Covid) not worthy of reporting @ the ABC and the Guardian?
Probably because its a media political “beat up” , and not newsworthy ?
You have simply been alerted to the reality of the daily operation of a “animal rescue” center.
The ‘daily operations’ of a Rescue centre does not include shooting dogs to death, including 10 puppies – to prevent out-of-towners from coming to collect them…
Nothing about that is ‘reality’ in the western world.
No, thats true, they normally use leathal injections.!
But the “disposal” of unwanted domestic animals (pets) IS a task that animal rescue facilities have to undertake frequently simply because of the greed of “puppy farms” and similar, together with the unthinking Aholes that get a puppy but then realise that it doesnt fit into their lifestyle and hand it over to rescue centers, ..or fail to have them desexed etc.
The situation has been amplified during lockdowns with less “adopters” able to visit the rescue centers
You cannot go all “PETA” over this type of activity, it is no different to farmers sending thousands of lambs off for slaughter so we can all have lunch !
The ABC and the Guardian regularly go ‘all PETA’ over outrages such as the deaths of live exports in the Middle East and Indonesia – decrying these exports because these ‘inhumane’ deaths are in countries that lack local refrigeration capability &/or local religious practices.
They have caused great suffering to many Australian farmers by their actions as media outlets.
Questioning their ongoing silence about this should be both loud and heard.
Coupled with the ‘racial protection’ component as the council’s excuse should be rubbed into the ABC and Guardian’s collective faces, as some might to a puppy with their own poo ..
Many years ago I came close to bleeding out during a misscarage. As your blood pressure falls you feel calm and a bit euphoric; pain vanishes. It all comes back when they start a large gauge IV with a pump behind it. Since then I have considered the halal method of animal killing to be humane.
Very much agree Chad. I got asked at lunch today if I had a dog and was frowned on when I said no, like I was a lesser person from not having a cat or a dog. As a matter of fact I’m very glad cats and dogs are not permitted in our building and I would be massively annoyed if they were. It is a great relief not to have to put up with dog feces everywhere the anti-social infuriating yapping that owners take no responsibility for and refuse to put an end to it. Plus the cat fights, the hair, and the putrid stench of cat piss in a building in the tropics. Cats and dogs are are disgusting, but their owners are much worse, and as you point out, prone to hypocrisy and virtue-signalling about their excessive pet ownership, and its imagined moral superiority, caring and responsibility, which they sure don’t possess or exhibit, especially towards human neighbors.
This is a drought-breaker, a post by WX I applaud!
When someone is willing to take them, this does NOT normally happen. The dogs we’re scheduled to be picked up.
Yet another concern antivirals would solve, leaky vaccines won’t.
I presume that’s a rhetorical question. It just doesn’t align with their propaganda. There’s a lot of this sort of thing happening all over the place but the MSM keep ignoring them.
It was mostly reported in overseas media but in Australia only by Sky News, and quite surprisingly, The Socialist Morning Herald. Even the far Left Washington Post reported it. It must be bad if even Leftists think it was an appalling thing to do.
Here is the report by USA Today.
Is If David Maddison the same as (not if) David Maddison. Tom
Yes. The same. Typing on the phone, the name field got messed up. All OK now.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
h/t: Tony Heller
Update: ‘Blatant lie’: Animal rescue says it was ready to pick up dogs killed over Covid-19
No doubt there is strong message from the State and the media that is from the same page; people exercising their right to protest are (in their eyes) a rabble and disease-spreading scum.
Meant to be under 1 at KKs comment.
When I heard the actual detail of this event and compared it to the media reports I became worried because of the skewed reporting. It was as if pressure had been applied over an incident that may have been an embarrassment.
Surely this is not Victoria.
What’s going on?
I just think people have now had enough of the covid “Hunger Games” and are pushing back.
The gumint has to either go full crushing destruction of freedoms and unleash subsequent hell upon themselves everywhere as families and businesses collapse and people realize they literally have nothing to lose, or the gumint backs off a bit.
People also can now get ivermectin legally from GPs, so the power has shifted back to the people.
The Elite may unleash a new pathogen, or start a war as a distraction. What Bidet did in Unwinnable-stan recently has put him off side with the military the world over, which is a dangerous spot to be in. That and mandating shots for the military is putting a huge number of people off side, so my money is on a war with china soon to distract people and go full brutal with war emergency powers to completely shaft the entire population….which is thier plan anyway….
Just a little addition to your statement “I just think people have now had enough of the covid “Hunger Games” and are pushing back.”
I believe the BIG pushback will come when (I don’t say if – cause it WILL come) they start mandating compulsory vaccinations for all students and children under 18 years of age.
I for one will be white hot with RAGE if they attempt this and I think most people will be – VIVE LA REVOLUTION!!
There has been NO, I repeat NO, long term testing of these drugs which are still under “Provisional Approval” from the TGA.
This is why the drug companies aren’t recommending pregnant women get the jab.
What idiot would allow their children/grandchildren to be subjected to the dangers that they could be exposed to.
I notice that NRMA has ceased offering life insurance since 1 April 2021 – I WONDER WHY????
I weep for my once beautiful country Australia – I was privileged to serve (Navy) but wouldn’t now.
PM Morrison promised there will be no mandatory vaccinations. If it comes as you say then he ought to either make it illegal or resign. If neither then it would confirm what I’ve believed for some time now – he’s a fake Christian and has sold his soul to the devil.
The coincidental timing of Pfizer’s vaccine approval
Is it politics or science that’s driving the Biden administration?
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – – Monday, August 23, 2021
The day before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Pfizer full approval to its COVID-19 vaccination, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson pleaded with the agency, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Health, not to hurry the process.
“I see no need to rush the FDA approval process for any of the three COVID-19 vaccines,” he wrote in a letter to the agency heads, obtained exclusively by the Washington Times, dated Aug. 22. “Expediting the process appears to only serve the political purpose of imposing and enforcing vaccine mandates. The observational phases of FDA approval take time because there is no substitute for time in detecting and determining possible long-term harm.”
Mr. Johnson cited his concerns the FDA short-circuited many steps in their approval process, including the FDA’s decision to cancel assembling an independent safety panel of outside experts to evaluate Pfizer’s application. He also fears the government agencies downplayed adverse events of the vaccinations, citing how according to the Biden administration’s own data, 36.2% of people who received a COVID-19 shot and experienced adverse events, died within two days of getting the jab.
It’s a much higher death rate than all other vaccinations approved by the U.S. since the CDC began tracking the data 31 years ago, which, as Mr. Johnson pointed out, “should raise serious concerns.” These numbers don’t even account for those reporting permanent disabilities, hospitalizations, and total adverse events related to COVID-19 shots.
So what’s the hurry? After all, Pfizer’s FDA approval wasn’t anticipated for another two weeks.
It seems politics may be the answer.
Trudeau also said there would be no mandatory vaccinations, but now we have them.
There is number of petitions in place to stop the vaccinations for kids
I have no idea if these work or have any influence but have signed them
Flok, just adding the Petition No. for ease.
The petition is No. EN3084 at
Sadly, Popeye, the FDA in the USA has just approved the use of the Pfizer injection.
I will guess that the TDA will follow.
Popeye, on the news last night they are going to slaughter down to 13yo, last week it was 14yo.
So I heard of three school children dying two on scene at vaccination centre in chatswood other after a swim from heart failure on the day on vaccination.
Link to source ?
This is one aspect of the forced mass injections of 24,000 rounded up children in a stadium faux story that has been circulating in the US.
The dog story also gets talked about as though every puppy in Australia has been slaughtered.
Its more of the BS like “all the guns have been confiscated ” they seem to dream up and sadly when you have 150 million people below median IQ, in a hype loving culture, the stories get legs pretty quickly and bob up as little “factoids” all over the place.
I sense that too but only in a limited way. I’m more hoping many in the police force and military break ranks and decide to defend the people’s God given right to liberty as they are supposed to do in the first place, by refusing to carry out the draconian demands of the ruling elite. If push comes to shove between those armed forces who side with the freedom loving people and those armed forced who side with the ruling elite then the cat will be out of the bag and those people who are still asleep, which are still in the majority will finally have to wake up and choose which side to go with.
Push will never come to shove if we listen to those who believe we all ought to simply stay in our homes, refuse to protest, and wait for better days.
Better days won’t passively return. They need to be caused to return.
The longer these lockdowns and hysteria continue the closer we get to the dam bursting. At the moment officialdom are relying on “spillways” (ie, limited protests) for people to vent some of their anger. It can’t go on forever that way as the remaining anger keeps accumulating. At some stage officialdom will have to get rid of the lockdowns permanently or face the music.
They are going to do what they are going to do, but to their schedule. (script)
Bring it forward to our schedule, our terms, in our towns and cities.
Think globally, act locally. (H/T UN)
Why can’t it go on forever, given the “spillways”? I am alarmed that it has gotten this far. Two years ago I wouldn’t have believed it.
Constant political masturbation is not that attractive Peter.
OS, what makes you think people can get Ivermectin legally from GPs? I only heard last week that pharmacists have to report any prescription for Ivermectin for Covid use that comes across their dispensary. Also many tales of doctors refusing to prescribe IVM. Greg Hunt has said “Doctors were quite within their rights to prescribe Ivermectin outside of their approved indications as it’s not regulated or controlled by the TGA. It is at the discretion of the prescribing physician.” But it seems that that message hasn’t got through and doctors are still reluctant to do so. Any information? ToM
Interestingly, and at risk of invoking Godwin, Hitler referred to Jews in much the same way – “disease-spreading scum”.
“In a recent publication, Li et al. (Cell 184 :1-17, 2021) have reported that infection-enhancing antibodies directed against the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein facilitate virus infection in vitro, but not in vivo. However, this study was performed with the original Wuhan/D614G strain. Since the Covid-19 pandemic is now dominated with Delta variants, we analyzed the interaction of facilitating antibodies with the NTD of these variants. Using molecular modelling approaches, we show that enhancing antibodies have a higher affinity for Delta variants than for Wuhan/D614G NTDs. We show that enhancing antibodies reinforce the binding of the spike trimer to the host cell membrane by clamping the NTD to lipid raft microdomains. This stabilizing mechanism may facilitate the conformational change that induces the demasking of the receptor binding domain. As the NTD is also targeted by neutralizing antibodies, our data suggest that the balance between neutralizing and facilitating antibodies in vaccinated individuals is in favor of neutralization for the original Wuhan/D614G strain. However, in the case of the Delta variant, neutralizing antibodies have a decreased affinity for the spike protein, whereas facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors).”
BTW, every vaccine is based on the original strain.
Very surprising.
You can understand the mathematical development of the virus to defeat vaccination in highly vaccinated populations, but Delta came out of India/Pakistan, so it seems very unlikely. Now that does not mean it isn’t true, but that it would be very bad luck for everyone and mean that the race to develop new Delta specific vaccines is underway. Cui Bono?
What Charles Darwin would have predicted is the development and rapid expansion of a virus which was not only more infectious, as with Delta, but which attacked every part of the herd. Not just the sick and elderly. That has not happened yet but is far more likely than a variation which is current new antibody specific.
Isn’t the “attacked every part of the herd” just greater infectiousness? That is what Delta is doing with the increased detected cases amongst kids.
Yes, there are increased detected cases with every age group, men and women and children.
And despite this, we are no longer reading of deadly waves sweeping through aged homes and even cruise ships and mass deaths. Maybe this is the (relatively) benign strain? And the mass deaths in Russia, for example, may be the original strain.
Many are putting it down to better treatment, but there are not the pop up tent cities of Wuhan, London and New York. Boats offshore as portable hospitals.
A second wave does not have to be simultaneously more deadly. In fact that is counterproductive to rapid spread as walls go up fast. As an inanimate chemical, it just needs the herd to reproduce endlessly to dominate.
My point was more about the remote likelihood that the first strain based vaccination was connected to the mutation and driving the spread. My casual observation is that we are not seeing the same death rate in Italy, Britain or Australia. In England on June 1 there was not a single Wuhan Flu death in England. Even now it is only about ten per day when 115,000 have died in the previous 18 months.
Italy also has come down from 1,000+ deaths per day to an average of 41. That’s 25x better. And the full innoculation rate is 60%, comparable to the UK. It may be however that the most vulnerable are already innoculated, explaining the drop. And the virus already passes quickly through universally asymptomatic children. Or the virus may simply not be as lethal to its original target but has not expanded to take i n younger people at all as there is no mathematical advantage in alienating efficient carriers.
Also many of the most vulnerable were killed in the original, terrible outbreak last year.
I wonder. There were horror stories from some nursing homes, but most were not touched. Deaths were around 150,000 and Italy still has 4.5 million people over 80 years. We simply are not getting the same stories this time.
So something has changed or a combination of things. Vaccination certainly, better procedures, better screening of visitors and staff but every system leaks somewhere and there are no horror stories at all.
Hence my comments about the Delta being attenuated.
Also, early on, they weren’t even using steroids to reduce the inflammation of the cytokine storms from the infection. At least we have progressed to that level.
I was thinking that myself Analitic.
The most vulnerable are generally always inoculated. Italy had an extremely strong first wave, and was deep into the second wave, already declining, when the vaccines came out. It is very possible the hugging Italians had herd immunity to a degree as well. It is willful ineptitude to not know the already exposed population of a nation or state BEFORE administering dangerous vaccines.
Yes the death rate to cases in the first wave was through the roof in Italy
That is what I have been saying for a couple of months about the Delta variant. The mutation evolved in the very, lightly vaccinated region of India/Pakistan and became dominant due to the natural selection process.
The inherent toxicity of the spike protein limits how benign the SAR-CoV-2 virus ever can be since its cleaving function is fundamental to the infection rate.
And in an article on the turnstiles being proposed to limit access to Venice Italy (And 10 Euro per person), they have 80,000 visitors a day! I know it is super hot mid summer in Europe and that helps limits infection rates, but the incredible summer crowds are back without the death rate. That’s an MCG of people through turnstiles every day in Venice alone, a fabulous day for every virus on offer.
And the increased infectiousness was also accompanied by a drop in the mortality rate which is becoming obvious and without an increase in the age spread of the disease. No virus profits from killing its host , unless that in turn increases the spread as with ebola and the West African funeral customs.
Thanks for this post, David A.
That shows the spike protein vaccines are less effective against the Delta variant not only because of the greater infectiousness but the enhancing antibodies produced by these have an in vivo (in living bodies) effect rather than only having in vitro (lab) effect as with the original variant (which, as you stated, is used as the basis for all vaccines)
Regarding India, I do not know how many vaccines were delivered before the first Delta case.
Different articles are unclear. Sometimes the same article…
“ The variant is related to the Delta, an existing variant of concern, which was first identified in India last year and is thought to have driven the deadly second wave of infections this summer in India.
The health ministry says the Delta plus variant, first found in India in April, has been detected in around 40 samples from six districts in three states – Maharashtra, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. At least 16 of these samples were found in Maharashtra, one of the states hardest hit by the pandemic.” So Delta, or Delta plus?
So December 2020 as some say, or April 2021? India’s vaccine drive began on January 16th.
The rates were so low when the Delta variant emerged that it could not have been under any significant selection pressure from the vaccines.
South America shows how the vaccines alter the selection pressure as the vaccine resistant Lambda but no more infectious variant emerged from there in response to the widespread use of Chinese vaccines in some regions.
Whoops. I misread the paper and the increased likelihood of ADE has only been modelled.
It is not proven that the enhancing antibodies produced by the vaccines have an in vivo (in living bodies) effect, only indications that it may be a possibility and should be investigated.
I need to be more careful before posting.
That was my observation. While plausible it was unlikely and extremely bad luck but sensational. When has computer modelling given us the truth except by accident? It is hard enough to replicate the past and the present without projecting the future.
True, and when it comes to CAGW modeling there is great reason for skepticism. I have heard that within virology and micro biology modeling is far more reliable. Maybe so, perhaps not. Would be very good to be wrong here.
From a comment;
“ do not yet know if this is happening as we are deliberately not autopsying and investigating cases where someone was vaccinated, got infected anyway and then rapidly crashed going from being moderately ill to in an ICU or dead within 72 hours. There are multiple reports of this happening already. If this was someone who had a defective immune response then that’s very unfortunate but it does happen. We had damned well better prove that, however, and we’re not going the pathology work to do so. If it turns out that said person did in fact build a proper immune response then these cases are either OAS or ADE-enhanced disease and while this outcome is clearly not universal in those who got jabbed if it is happening even once in a while we had better figure it out right ****ing now or there is going to be a pile of dead bodies this fall and winter and it will be the direct responsibility of those who advocated for and in fact are trying to, in many cases, FORCE mass-jabbing of the population…”
I read of a woman doctor who in the last two weeks had 7 ( maybe 9) fully vaccinated patients suddenly die. She stated the odds of this happening to a fully vaccinated individual was one in one hundred thousand. She thought it odd, yet defended the vaccines.
While there is a lot we don’t know, we do know the vaccines are failing. The vaccinated, when properly accounted for via population percentages, are moving into ever higher purportions
do not yet know if this is happening as we are deliberately not autopsying and investigating cases where someone was vaccinated, got infected anyway and then rapidly crashed going from being moderately ill to in an ICU or dead within 72 hours. There are multiple reports of this happening already. If this was someone who had a defective immune response then that’s very unfortunate but it does happen. We had damned well better prove that, however, and we’re not going the pathology work to do so. If it turns out that said person did in fact build a proper immune response then these cases are either OAS or ADE-enhanced disease and while this outcome is clearly not universal in those who got jabbed if it is happening even once in a while we had better figure it out right ****ing now or there is going to be a pile of dead bodies this fall and winter and it will be the direct responsibility of those who advocated for and in fact are trying to, in many cases, FORCE mass-jabbing of the population”
We don’t know a lot that we should know. We do know over time nations are following the Israeli pattern – the distinction in cases and then hospitalized and deaths moves toward zero vaccine advantage, while the harms are many.
This is good news…
“August 13, 2021 The Centre for Digestive Diseases issued today a press release titled “Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers.”
“As we previously covered, this early treatment protocol combines ivermectin with doxycycline and zinc.
““Triple therapy specialist Professor Thomas Borody, famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving millions of lives, today released the COVID-19 treatment protocol to Australian GPs, who can legally prescribe it to their COVID-19 positive patients. They can also prescribe it as a preventative medication. Borody says this could be the fastest and safest way to end the pandemic in Australia within 6-8 weeks.”
The ZIVERDO KIT has landed…….
Sorry OS, that report although recent is based on one done a year ago. Its still agree its good news, it just hasnt got to GPs yet.
Original Steve….since that date, August 13, 2021, over 12 months ago, trying to find an Australian GP who will actually prescribe Professor Borody’s protocol is very difficult and Professor Borody himself has been under an investigation which began on the 20th August 2021 by the TGA.
“The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) are currently investigating ‘promotion’ of an ivermectin-based regimen for COVID-19, by gastroenterologist Professor Thomas Borody. Professor Borody, who developed triple-therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection, has recommended that GPs prescribe a triple therapy protocol using ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc. However, some of his comments are being investigated by the TGA as they potentially breach the ban on advertising COVID-19 treatments.”
So…Over a year after Professor Borody “released” his Ivermectin Triple Therapy protocol, it is still NOT approved for use against COVID-19, either as a treatment or a prophylaxis. The Australian Department of Health advised that (as of 1 June 2021), ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc should only be used in “properly conducted clinical trials with appropriate ethical approval”.
Ivermectin can be prescribed “off Label” by Australian doctors, but they must be able to justify their prescription should it be challenged. The covid medical network is a good starting point in Australia.
Or if you want to go it alone, you can order all you need through this website
So it appears to be a witch hunt in all but name against ” heretics” – those who may disgrace the Sat anic vaccne religion…..
Confirmed by the fact that Bill Gates admitted the world needs to be depopulated. When government agencies are taking money from Gates who is an open advocate of depopulating the world, is it any wonder the search for dissenters will likely reach fever pitch much like the witch mania described in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay?
This pretty well sums up the fact that the TGA and Government in general don’t want COVID to be treated or cured.
Professor Borody is an Australian Nobel Prize winner for Physiology/ Medicine and they are trying to cancel him too.
He has a treatment option that at the very worst is harmless but will almost certainly save lives and they don’t want it publicised.
Morons, the lot of them!
Have you actually purchased anything from this source? Reading their website I would be very reluctant to trust anything they claim.
I obtained a script from my GP no worries… but had to shop around the pharmacies to find one that had Stromectol in stock. The best price was $45.43 per dose. Purchasing Ivermec from my local veterinary store (which I would not use nor recommend) would cost 50c per human dose!
what mg per tablet was your Stromectol Prescription?
I tried to purchase from that site and very suss – came back saying Credit Card not right – which it was – email from UK address and subsequent correspondence- in the end cancelled card and reissued
james reid…I have used the site.
They are based in Qld and sourced the Doxycycline [omega pharma] Stromectol [Ranbaxy owned by Japanese]
“The Australian Department of Health advised that (as of 1 June 2021), ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc should only be used in “properly conducted clinical trials with appropriate ethical approval”
Quite inconsistent and hypocritical given the free pass the Covid injections have been given on properly conducted clinical trials, with far far more uncertainty on long term impacts.
“Quite inconsistent and hypocritical ”
Even more so when you read this –
“With Pfizer Likely to Get FDA Approval Monday It’s Worth Remembering Pfizer and Moderna Lost The Clinical Trial Control Group Testing Vaccine Efficacy and Safety
August 23, 2021 | Sundance | 437 Comments”
Interesting death stats for Australia from the ABS for year 2020. This could change but some interesting data to try and understand. This is from 1st JAN 2020 to 29th DEC.
Here’s some of their summary and 2020 was 0.2% below the baseline average and winter deaths lower than normal and summer deaths higher than normal. Deaths from normal flu + pneumonia were down by 36% and some heart disease deaths down by 10.7% and 7.8%.
Cancer, diabetes and dementia deaths were higher than normal. END of my comment and over to link and ABS comment.
2020 in review
“Numbers of deaths throughout 2020 by month are shown in the table below. This table provides counts of deaths for all of 2020 (rather than only to 29 December), for deaths that were registered by 28 February 2021. Some deaths that occurred in 2020 may not have been registered and reported as yet.
Key points relating to 2020 deaths include:
141,116 doctor certified deaths occurred between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020 and were registered by 28 February 2021. This equates to an average of 385.6 deaths per day, in line with the baseline average of 385.8.
The seasonality of deaths in 2020 was less pronounced, with numbers of deaths being higher than historical averages in summer and lower in winter. There were also substantial differences in numbers of deaths for some causes when compared to historical averages.
Deaths due to respiratory disease were 16.2% lower than historical averages. Decreases were recorded in both chronic and acute respiratory diseases.
Influenza and pneumonia deaths were 36.0% lower than the historical average with this result heavily influenced by a particularly mild flu season.
Deaths due to ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases were below average for every month of 2020, and were 10.7% and 7.8% below average for the year respectively.
Deaths due to cancer, dementia and diabetes were above historical averages by 4.0%, 7.3% and 9.1% respectively. Numbers of dementia deaths did not reach the usual peak during the winter months but higher counts of deaths between January and April contributed to the increase overall for 2020. Diabetes deaths were above average for most of the year and particularly high in April with 33.7% more deaths than average”.
All over the world the WuFlu cured cardiovascular diseases, and here in Canada it also cured cancer.
Also covid death rate at 2.7% with 87% having underlying health issue’s.
87%×27% – 100%
= !! 99.45+-+-+ survival rate.
Briefly looked at influenzas 3.9% pee 100,000. Arg I’m going insane.
Former race activist and senator Rev. Jesse Jackson and his wife were recently hospitalised in America with Covid. Both are in their late 70s but seem to be recovering OK.
If what I have read so far is true – that BAME and elderly people are most at risk – then he has had a remarkable escape.
I wonder therefore what treatments they have received? I have no doubt we will never know.
You forgot to mention that both the reverend and his wife are fully vaccinated
Done very publicly too.
If this chart is anything to by, they had about a 2% to 4% chance of dying from it.
They survived; that’s great. Congratulations to them.
More doomsday forecasts:
Australia faces more than 25,000 Covid-19 deaths and hundreds of thousands of long coronavirus cases if Scott Morrison sticks with his plan to open the nation with an 80 per cent vaccination rate, a cross-university group of academics claims. In a study for the Australian National University, a group of economists and medical researchers say the Doherty Institute’s thresholds for reopening Australia are too low.
On 16 March 2020, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said 50,000-150,000 Australians could die from the coronavirus. Remember when it was claimed that we would need 35,000 intensive care beds?
150,000 people die in Australia every year.
“150,000 people die in Australia every year.”
But this year, they will all be from Covid. !
Not only that, none have died from the flu for almost 2 years now. Of course that can’t be true so it’s more proof the stats are fake, and I would not be surprised if most of the alleged COVID-19 deaths have nothing to do with the COVID-19 virus. We already know that people who have tested positive for COVID-19 don’t necessarily have the virus as the test itself is unreliable as the CDC itself has admitted. Even if the test could test anything that’s related to COVID, it’s a COVID fragment test, not a COVID-19 virus test. In other words, the results can be a false positive for two reasons, not one.
Notice that the narrative has shifted now to the “vaccines” providing protection rather than limiting CoViD spread. The leakiness of the “vaccines” can no longer be ignored and the celebrity ads telling people to “do their part” have disappeared.
I wonder when they will face up to the fading effects (only 8 months after vaccination STARTED!) and how they will try and pivot the narrative.
They will just release bioweapon No. 2 so people are too busy surviving that to notice….
I’m waiting to see if the longer term effects of the vaccines start kicking in and then there will a shortage of body bags. That’s the real test of the vaccines our “masters” won’t tell us about given the fat these vaccines have not been properly tested and approved.
Mass death would be a nice side effect for our demonic overlords, but I starting to wonder if its all about compliance.
In Rev 13 it talks about The Mark in the right hand or forehead – without which “no one can buy or sell” ( that sounds like a financial/banking system to me ) . Taking the Mark is from a scriptural perspective a 100% guarantee of death by Gods hand, as the Mark is an act of obedience to the Devil, so you’ve shown who is your master.
The vaccines are I think a control grid, it not about medicine, as we’ve seen. They are a complete sham except for symptom suppression.So taking the vaccine is an act of compliance, and they will be notibg who has jumped to take The Mark lite, and who has hung back ( for a variety of reasons ).
Lets see how it plays out. If lockdowns continue, I predict cops will be injured or murdered unfortnately and the population will turn on our overlords , which they cant afford to have.
The figures I suspect are fabricated by some bunch of smirking bureaucrats each morning, and much like the warm up acts who used to whip punters at Htlers rallies into a frenzy saying Htler was getting closer and closer ( all the while he was off stage, drinking tea ) until finally once the crowd was hyped to the max, Htler would step out onto stage, and the show could begin….
And when finally the vaccine figures reach thier religiously appointed levels, the ring master of the circus, like a benevolent dicyator, decrees his “children” to be safe and to go forth once again.
Its a sick little side show. These people are not right in the head….
I am seriously hoping you are totally wrong with this as far too many of my friends and relatives have been shot.
The PCR tests most definitely cannot distinguish between the original and Delta version..
So where do the delta statistics come from ?
Some most likely come from the flu or some other respiratory disease given the test is virtually a fake.
No cross reactivity has ever been noted.
Says who?
The WHO!
Says the fact that it has not been noted.
You can’t just come up with a fanciful theory and expect someone to show you where no one has found support for it.
“There is a cow singing opera in a field on King Island.”
“there is no evidence of that”.
“The opera singing cow is real until you show me evidence of someone saying there isn’t one”.
They do a genomic sequence test for the positive results to trace the origin. The strain is determined during this process.
Gee Aye, to her credit, has explained this more than once for this same question
I understand that but they don’t go back and adjust the figures they have rushed out to reflect the truth. As soon as someone allegedly dies with the virus as distinct from by the virus, the label sticks.
I’m just talking about the genomic testing as relating to the variant being determined.
I agree the death figures are blown out of proportion with far too many dying WITH CoViD being counted as dying FROM CoViD. But this assessment is done with the PCR tests before the genomic sequencing is performed.
Jo responded to this exact question in another thread with the answer you just gave Analitik.
It should also be noted that within the delta strain there is genetic variation (most genetic variation is neutral with respect to traits – this is no surprise). This means that an outbreak with more than one origin (say a overseas arrival and someone from interstate) can have variation that allows them to be distinguished using genome sequencing. This can be a big help for tracers.
Pasted Jo’s previous comment below as the link is very cool.
It is a sensible argument. How often is it done?
Is it sufficient for the data to be reliable as indicators?
Lucky, it is done often enough to track spread* but its use is heavily biased towards first world nations.
*e.g. they wouldn’t do genome sequencing on all members of a houshold who caught the disease while in isolation.
So another 35 cases of CoViD detected in New Zealand yesterday which is a slight improvement over the 38 the day before.
I still expect the lockdown to fail as the Delta variants infectiousness and lighter symptoms ensures more undetected community cases than with the original variant that was eliminated with the current measures.
stand-by for the ACT update. I’m not too hopeful as we’ve had new cases identified that were infectious – and therefore new exposure sites – BEFORE the lockdown and the transmission to the first case is still unknown.
32 today and 11 infectious in the community at some point. This rise is potentially an artifact of the early phases (from a peak a week ago – close contact data points to this being at least part of the story here) of the outbreak but is concerning as it is also quite possibly an indicator of an upward trend. Both scenarios are plausible at this point.
What information is available supporting the idea that the original virus has now disappeared and only the delta virus is in circulation?
Delta i suspect isnt real…its vaccine leakage, but they call it that to hide the likelyhood that every vaccinated person is for at least 2 weeks after vaccination, a spreader.
“Delta”, “gamma”…its all made up nonsense….just part of the game…
This makes sceptics look like radicals. Please consider the scope of the conspiracy for this to be true – not that many doctors can be as corrupt as required to carry this out.
It is not just untrue it is a physical/biological impossibility. It makes no sense with the biology of this planet.
All you have to do is read the CDC advice – they now openly admit covid vaccinated people can both carry and spread the disease. Vaccines duffer “break out”. None of this is new.
Nothing “radical”about it….
Sorry…fat fingers…
Its cold and this phone keyboard is small.
Should read “suffer”
I fully agree with central bodies like the CDC and FDA (and possibly our TGA and ATAGI) being corrupted and beholden but to say they are hiding that everyone vaccinated becomes infectious for 2 weeks requires a far wider spread of corruption. You would be justified in saying that they remain a POTENTIAL spreader for 2 weeks.
Those vaccinated are still vulnerable to infection for 2 weeks after vaccination but I would say that all the vaccinated remain 100% vulnerable to infection since the spike protein vaccines do not prevent infection but help fight it off.
Genomic testing shows that we are fortunate enough to only have Delta variant cases at this point. The original variant would have sickened enough people to show up in testing if it was still circulating here.
In the UK, the original variant hasn’t disappeared but it does seem to be being rapidly displaced by the Delta variant and there are other (minor at this point) variants there as well. The same would apply to the USA although the more vaccine resistant Lambda strain has also appeared there (probably with the South Americans surging in at Joe’s invitation).
My follow up questions are firstly by what mechanism did the original virus disappear.
Secondly what testing is being done. Is every sample going off for both PCR and genomic testing? Or are positive PCR tests then going off for genomic testing? Is it genomic testing which is used to “link” cases and does the mean there is now a “DNA” database in use?
Lastly, what are the risks associated with undergoing a covid test? The thought of hanging out with people there because they think they might be ill and with testing staff whose hazmat costumes are reused for hundreds of people every day is way outside my acceptable risk profile.
1. Simple Darwinian selection favours the Delta variant over the Alpha.
It is more infectious because it is faster at entering cells so it generates higher viral loads leading to infected people being more likely to infect those they meet. Additionally, the Delta variant produces milder symptoms so those infected are more likely to stay active and social once they are infectious and may never realise they were infected before recovering.
This follows the normal evolutionary path of viral diseases.
2. From what I understand, EVERY positive PCR test gets followed up with genomic sequencing to help track the infection source. The variant will be determined during the course of this process as the sequencing looks for minute changes so variants within variants within SARS-CoV-2.
3. The risk is greater exposure to people who are possibly infected with PPE and sterilizing that cannot possibly be 100% effective. I think they do a pretty good job, though, else the testing site would quickly be found to be exposure sites. The public toilets at the testing centers would be the place to avoid as a tester was supposedly infected that way.
Thanks for 2 and 3.
I do not fully understand your answer to 1. Are you saying that every single transmission results in a mutation? So after “x” generations the original virus no longer exists? And somehow every transmission resulted in the same delta virus rather than hundreds or thousands of different versions?
As you can see virology is not my strong suit.
Mutations are continual but many do not affect the functions of the virus components so these will randomly take place and get overidden by other mutations – this is why #2 is possible.
A functional mutation causes a change that alters the behavior of the virus which may increase or decrease various operations that the virus performs in its “life” cycle – infect, replicate, other effects that kill the host, etc.
Since the virus doesn’t live on its own, all replication must be through a host. So the for the genes to optimally propagate, a virus needs to
a) replicate well and
b) be shed readily by the host but
c) also have the host coming into contact with as many other hosts as possible (ie a healthy but infected host).
In the absence of other factors (eg strange vaccines), natural selection provides the effects of #1 by favouring the genes from functional mutations that produce the outcomes a, b & c. Obviously “healthy” is going to be relative but killing the host, especially quickly, is not optimal for reproduction.
NZ has a very strict lockdown. I anticipate they will quash the outbreat and elimate through test-trace-isolate
Possibly although the test-trace-isolate methodology doesn’t seem very effective in Victoria at the moment.
Its a wonder its works at all given the propensity to lie when caught out.
… and that is I wonder how much genomic tracing is being done and how effective it is.
Watching Jeroen Weimar go through the daily report is like a detective series. It is outstanding work. The cases in Shepparton have been genetically linked to Melbourne, not NSW as some had surmised. This is Jeroen going through details:
His reports starts at 9:30.
The Shepparton outbreak was forecast by wastewater results before it was found. Jeroen was asking for people to get tested based on the persistent wastewater results.
They were able to link the Melbourne hospital to the Shepparton outbreak before they found the source of the outbreak in the hospital. It was only after a visitor to the same ward had contracted Covid that they realised there was Covid at the hospital and the infection had occurred during surgery on a Shepparton resident. That took 450 Melbourne Hospital staff out of action as primary and secondary contacts.
I believe there were no loose ends of the chains of infection in Victoria as of today – Tuesday. There could well be new cases that they cannot link but there are currently 30,000 primary and secondary contacts in quarantine in Victoria from only 522 active cases. All those people would have been contacted and are required to have immediate Covid test and then a day 13 test if they do not test positive when notified. There are still new cases occurring from the Al Taqwa school cases that occurred at the beginning of August.
The number of contacts of a single individual can be thousands for someone such as a teacher. That is why lockdowns and curfews work. They reduce the number of contacts. It allows the contact tracers to get their arms around outbreaks.
There would be very few locations that can match the performance of Victorian contact tracers now. I do not know if they are using genomic sequencing to close transmission chains in Taiwan but it is one location that may match Victoria.
Wastewater tests are providing an early warning and genomic sequencing is permitting closing the chain of infection to identify the primary source. I expect the genomic tracing will eventually find its way into police investigations beyond the current Covid application.
The CDC has given full approval to Pfizer .
How can they do that without the completion of phase three, with thousands of deaths due to the vax, and being untested on children and pregnant women?
Seems to be to “encourage” the vaccine hesitant and make mandates more likely.
It smacks of wheeling and dealing to me.
Yes, Dopey Joe is trying to distract Americans with this, tweeting out
I think it is exceptionally unlikely that Biden himself had anything to do with any tweet.
His handlers, then. They give him the script in any case.
It’s only truly his words when he’s flying off the handle at a difficult question (or ordering icecream).
G’day Brenda,
I wonder if the CDC used the same voting machines as were used last November to hold a secret vote, successfully getting a 97% consensus?
Dave B
Agreed, the PTB want vaccine mandates, so the FDA had their arm twisted.
Wasn’t helped by clueless commentators like Greg Jarrett (normally a sound voice) on Fox News saying the FDA were holding back full approval because they were bound up by “red tape”.
Another FOX pundit said the FDA were “dragging their feet”.
Well, NO actually, gathering long-term data is important and it can’t be rushed — but too late now I guess.
My latest on AR6:
The IPCC’s deliberate CO2 deception
By David Wojick
Some excerpts:
“Many of my disagreements with the IPCC AR6 science Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) are just that, disagreements. I think their reasoning is faulty but at least I understand it. See my last article “The UN IPCC science panel opts for extreme nuttiness“. One SPM section, however, is so wrong that it must be a deliberate deception. The purpose seems to be to make the atmospheric CO2 increase look like a simple accumulation of our emissions. I call this the pollution model of CO2 and it is extremely misleading. The truth is well known so this must be a deceptive act on the IPCC’s part.”
“The idea here is that some fraction of our emissions is absorbed by land (the biosphere) and ocean. The remaining fraction stays in the atmosphere, creating our cumulative emissions, which is the (supposedly very bad) CO2 increase. Given that the annual increase in atmospheric CO2 is less than our annual emissions, this simple story works well. So we find it is a common theme in ordinary discourse. But the scientists who oversaw the writing of the SPM are experts on this stuff and they know it is wildly false. Our CO2 does not accumulate in the atmosphere.”
“The point is that given this huge flux our emissions do not stay in the atmosphere very long before they are absorbed. The standard estimate (well known to the IPCC) is that fully half of our emissions are gone in less than 3 years from their time of emission. Almost all are gone in less than 8 years.”
“In plain language this is a hoax. There is no scientific issue here, no disagreement or argument. They are saying something important that they know perfectly well to be false. They are lying to the policy makers, deliberately perpetuating the myth that the CO2 increase is just our cumulative emissions building up over time. It is nothing of the sort and they know it.
Shame on the IPCC!”
There is a lot more in the article.
The C14 bomb curve was a perfect demonstration of the exchange rate of CO2 with the oceans. Doubled C14 isotope levels have dropped to normal in just 50 years and you cannot hide radioactive C14 in the biosphere, only the deep ocean. The single exponential curve for C14 tagged CO2 means one and only one giant reservoir for the radioactive CO2 and the fit is 12.5 years half life, but you have to halve this again to get the half life of CO2 which is in equilibrium, so 6.25years. In the 1960s the half life of CO2 was guessed at 5 years, but we now have a very accurate measure. I doubt anyone expected you could suddenly double aerial C14 on a planetary scale, but that is what happened.
It also proves that CO2 is in constant equilibrium soaking up our tiny annual ’emissions’. The real reason CO2 has gone up since the end of the Little Ice Age is that the sea surface is slightly warmer. And 98% of all highly soluble CO2 is dissolved in the oceans and comes out of solution as known in Henry’s Law. There (almost) no discernible man made CO2. It’s under 4%. So there is no man made Global Warming or man made Climate Change. But the IPCC knows that. They know CO2 disappears faster than their official half life figure of 80 years, the reference figure they use to rank all ‘greenhouse’ gases.
The clue is in the title. The Inter-governmental Panel for Climate Change. Says it all. Are they really going to admit man made Climate Change is fantasy?
TdeF – I suspect that if you factor in all of the CO2 sinks on land and within Australian Territorial waters, this wonderful land of ours is already well and truly nett zero. All that remains is for the satellite technology for monitoring CO2 flux to be internationally accepted as some of our previous contributors have pointed out.
The red thumbing is likely the usual knee jerk to anyone suggesting CO2 levels are not man made. What I would like to know is who put the original 2/3 there before the invention of fossil fuel based engines? I mean without mankind, there should be no CO2. Is that right?
Possibly the biosphere, which is roughly half of the flux, does not take up C14. Either that or the standard estimates of the flux are very wrong, giving a half life of under 3 years.
Speaking of the rona, there is yet another off-label, cheap drug to improve outcomes for the hospitalised according to the Jerusalem U.
Fenofibrate is a cholesterol lowering drug.
G’day H,
Sounds good, but I still prefer Dr Zelenko’s: “Don’t die, don’t go into ICU and don’t go into hospital”. The idea works for me, and I continue to hope that my use of his protocol allows me to follow his advice successfully.
I’m not frightened by COVID, but I’m terrified of getting into the hands of the current mess of police, politicians and hobbled medics.
Dave B
Dave, I see the benefit in this is by being the thin edge of the wedge. Trump never recommended this so it may be accepted. Once accepted the doctors who remember their oath may open their eyes to beneficial, conventional treatments.
I saw footage of Trump being booed for recommending those at his rally get the jab….it was a poor acting effort…part of his script…
No one is perfect. I don’t actually agree with a number of his methods but he is by far the best candidate for a leader they could possible have at the moment.
Once you can fake sincerity you have it made.
Trump has championed the vaxx all along so “sincerely” believes in them.
Whilst statins have had a bad press for various reasons, it has recently been noted (sorry haven’t got the ref at hand) that they seem to have cancer deterring properties.
It has also been proposed that they might be of benefit in the fight against Covid.
BCP (Black Conservative Patriot) has a video showing where Biden is at a presser and a “journalist” asks him a question. The former Vice President, as BCP calls Biden, says “I thought the question was (going to be)… ” and then gives a pre-prepared answer from the teleprompter to what the pre-prepared question was meant to be…
The fun starts at 2:40 If you don’t want to watch the whole video.
The Biden video link
It’s a small slip, but a telling one. Everything he says is from the teleprompter, question and answer. The Biden of twenty years ago did not need a teleprompeter. And there is something really fragile about his slow movements and frozen face.
And his pasty white face and thin stretched skin looks more like a death mask than a real person. He looks like a really fragile old timer trying to walk as if he has energy, seething with frustration and annoyance, not someone who should be in charge of the world’s biggest nuclear arsenal.
Thanks TdeF. I don’t know why the video link I posted didn’t come out a hyperlink.
I think you just pasted it. You need to write a phrase, highlight the phrase and choose link. The text editor does not recognize hyperlinks.
odd in my browser it the reverse, if i do it “properly” defining a url as a link, and if I just cut and paste as if its text up it comes all nicely linked.
I prefer a simple link, I don’t see red well, a lot of men are a little red/green colour blind. Could it be blue?
good to watch thanks for posting
Daily tidbits:
FDA approves Pfizer vaccine (even though public trials are ongoing!?) Things will get very interesting from here on.
Global mass resignations decimating businesses no doubt like the nurse shortage in the USA.
National truckers strike 31st August to protest lockdowns and human rights. Time to stock up on TP again sheeple.
Good to see Australia waking up and standing up to this plandemic nonsense. Bad to see the police “just following orders” with weapons, rubber bullets and pepper sprays though.
They need to wake up and follow the example of other countries where the police are siding and protesting with the people.( Swiss police now : “we work for the people not the elite”)
If they don’t then the next freedom march will be VERY bloody. That’s not a threat, it’s my prediction based on history, human nature and the current state of play.
Japan greenlights Ivermectin, following India’s runaway success. Australia is of course bound by their vaccine contracts…if it doesn’t make sense follow the money.
An expert has warned that a new variant dubbed “Covid-22” could be more lethal than the world-dominating Delta.
Professor Doctor Sai Reddy of the federal technology institute ETH Zurich, an immunologist, believes that combination of existing strains could result in a new and more dangerous phase of the pandemic.
Hands up everyone who didn’t see this coming.
Thought for the day: life is made up of years that mean nothing and moments that mean everything.
Whoa! That’s a massive new point!
Forgive me if this has already been posted. From Quadrant:
Dr Phillip M. Altman, a veteran of the drug-testing and appraisal industry, wrote to Dr Elliott to demand “revised recommendations for the use of ivermectin within 14 days”.
Dr. Julian Elliott is the Executive Director of the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce (NCCET), a body that advises policymakers and has been staunchly opposed to the use of ivermectin as an early treatment for COVID-19.
. . . the NCCET has selected in an arbitrary and imprecise manner a small number of published clinical trials (18) upon which to base its current negative recommendation for ivermectin use.
In addition, related to the current NCCET recommendation is the statement by the TGA (18 Aug 2021):
“There is currently insufficient evidence to support the safe and effective use of ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc (either separately, or in combination) for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. More robust, well-designed clinical trials are needed before they could be considered an appropriate treatment option.”
In reality, there is insufficient evidence not to support the use of ivermectin while new and expensive drugs are being expedited through the regulatory process and given provisional approval with far less clinical trial, efficacy and safety data supporting their use.
Dr Altman is supported by two consultants who have critiqued the NCCET’s response to the use of Ivermectin against COVID.
Altman points out, far from being a dangerous drug only for livestock:
Ivermectin has been in use for more than three decades. Four billion doses have been administered, it is on the World Health Organisation List of Essential Drugs and is one of the world’s most useful and well tolerated drugs.
Given the evidence available, doctors should be able to prescribe ivermectin as monotherapy or in combination without stigma or hindrance by a restrictive recommendation from the NCCET or the TGA.
Very good article.
The relevant experience of those authors compared with the execs at, for example ,the TGA is worth noting.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration is not happy about the import spike in Ivermectin being ordered into Australia and is warning against self-medication.
I wonder how long it will be before they turn off the private supply completely . . . for our own good of course. I’m surprised there aren’t reports of IVM overdose deaths every day, given how deadly it is. SARC
“The TGA strongly discourages self-medication and self-dosing with Ivermectin for COVID-19 as it may be dangerous to your health, the organisation said in a release.
The TGA warned that doctors who prescribed Ivermectin off-label must consider the potential risks and benefits, and obtain informed consent from patients about the condition and treatment options.”
Pity they don’t remotely apply the same standard to their experimental spike-vaccines instead of banging them into as many naïve arms as they can.
The good thing is that agricultural needs will prevent Ivermectin being outright banned as Hydroxycholoroquine has effectively been, due to the onerous TGA restrictions placed on it last year.
The big takeaway from the recent USA report mocking people taking cattle ivermectin is that there were ZERO hospitalisations and 85% of those who called their doctors only suffered from mild ill effects after taking 10 times the dose prescribed by the FLCCC Alliance.
This shows the TGA is misinforming the Australian doctors and public with their safety announcement.
Once read a book called ‘Catch-22’
Damned if I don’t, damned if I do.
Analitik, don’t be too confidant re the Ag supplies.
I have cattle & drench at this time of year. The drench is basically Ivermectin, & the brand I have used in the past is Ausmectin.
I have been unable to obtain this brand this year at one store, who evasively claimed they don’t keep it “because it has to be kept under refrigeration” (crap!). However, I was able to get another IVM product (Noramectin) from another store.
But since there are non-IVM products available for seasonal lice and grass mite in cattle, I suspect the IVM products will soon disappear from the shelves.
Poop. I’m glad I’ve already ordered my horse ivermectin, then.
Thanks for the update
Hopefully Japan’s use will knock sense into the TGA
Same. Luckily most horse worming pastes are based on Ivermectin although a few substitute Abamectin as the main ingredient in combination with other active ingredients. I checked the safety data sheets for about 20 horse products some time ago. You will also see Avermectin listed. Ivermectin is one form of Avermectin.
The next thing will be that you have to prove you own a horse or Ivermectin drenches will be available on vet prescription only.
A Utube link popped up of a guy who is taking IVM. The day after he took the first 18mg he worked all day in the garden. He felt great.
Well, now, the vax must be splendid.
“Functional neurological disorders (FND) were found to be associated with COVID-19 vaccines, according to recent case reports.”
FND is another label for what used to be called “hysteria”. In other words, “psychogenic” symptoms due to some sort of stress. It is also another way of saying “the patient is the problem, not the disease”. They go on to deplore any publicity about the reaction as it will lead to more vaccine “hesitancy”.
USA Stats for Annual Flu and Covid, 2019-2021:
2019-2020 flu cases 38 Million:
2020-2021 flu cases 2124:
Odd. Flu disappeared, but Covid increased dramatically. Coincidence?
The pandemic is to force you to get the vax
The vax is to force you to get the vax passport
The vax passport is to force you to get the social credit score.
The social credit score is to force you to obey the Govt.
The Govt now controls your access to:
Food, Energy, Fuel, Transportation, Employment, Health care, Freedom of movement
Property, Communications, Self Defense, Credit, Banking, Housing, Peaceful Association
“It isn’t paranoia if someone is actually trying to harm you”.
Just because you aren’t paranoid doesn’t mean you aren’t being followed.
Or flu didn’t spread this year. Guess why.
Bit hard to spread when everyone is stopped from being normal humans and hanging out with each other…
Has the daily fear p0rn…er…figures been released yet?
May actually be spreading quite nicely when you actually download the figures.
John Cullen at 31:00. The whole show is interesting if you can handle John’s classroom manners.
Yes but the suicide rate is higher, and deaths due other causes like cancer is higher due to the lockdowns restricting people to undergo their regular checks and testing procedures. The there is the big drop in exercising resulting in more other illnesses. One day someone might do a cost benefit analysis on all this. Of course, the other big unknown so far is the long term ill effects of the vaccines. That will have to be taken into account.
‘Guess why?’
In the old days we soldiered on.
hey OZ, NZ and yours:
facilitating harmonization (globalist term) of China-USA–nearly the whole top of Biden admin.
America’s election and a 6th order polynomial — making-up numbers by Excel spreadsheet …
Apparently, Australian Truckers intend to shut down the entire Country.
Long-haul truck drivers are not permitted to stop and eat, or shower, or rest outside their vehicles by orders of the government. That type of public policy is just insane. How are essential goods, foods and medicines expected to get distributed if truck drivers cannot safely operate?
Quarantine is when sick people are restricted. Tyranny is when healthy people are restricted.
Yes this is an absurd rule. They always punish the people who should be supported with their blunt instrument controls. Truckies should be the only people let out of the cities and catered for, their truck stops sterilised to keep them safe, given a pay rise, waited on hand and foot. WE are a bunch of idiots. The stupidity is depressing tbh.
Well folks it seems the battle has been lost. Gladys has decided the virus will be unleashed on the people, declaring zero covid is impossible. Of course this means, not only for NSW, her only jurisdiction, but all of Australia. How do Western Australians feel about Gladys’ decision for them?
We had a genuine chance of living covid free for a short while as we wait for a proper vaccine or to see what happens next, but the hopeless and exorbitantly paid bureaucrats couldn’t operate a quarantine system involving one port of entry (2 if you count boats). Its not rocket science, I could do it in my sleep. But people are resigned to the fact it is not possible. What a bunch of quitters and naysayers.
Nationally, pathetically weak bureaucrat Morrison has declared that absurd capitulation, “we must live with the virus’.
So it’s all over. So what were the lockdowns for? Was it worth it? It’s like the Afghanistan war where we went to war with no intention of ever winning. I guess we could argue we saved terrorist attacks, and I guess we could argue we saved 24,000 lives (our death toll should we have been like the Netherlands).
But the deaths that will occur in the future, without doubt, vaccinated or not …. oh well, it’s not many. And isn’t it nice to know, that if you do take the vaccine, and you die or suffer effects, you’re just a meaningless minor statistic and not to be concerned about. Should you catch covid and be a 1 in 5 sufferer of on-going effects or in the 1% who die….oh well.
At least the middle class can travel again, and Chinese students can fill our cities.
edit: * could argue we saved 24,000 lives with Covid, had we been like the Netherlands
The netherlands have nasty euthanasia laws to allow killing of people in iffy circumstances…
If you think it’ll help, you’re welcome to lock yourself in your house, wear masks, not go more than 5km from your home, not go anywhere at all after 9pm. Trust me, it’ll be just as effective if you do it on your own as if all your neighbours are doing it too.
As you say, there never was a real quarantine, and praise be if we draw this ridiculous Claytons quarantine to a close.
Robert you may not have noticed that when the quarantine was kind of working, we had a normal life. Queensland in fact still has football crowds.
I find it amazing that people cant conceive that if you have a tight border and a good quarantine system, the virus will not get in. But the concept is just too much for most to understand.
Never mind Queensland, the poster child for Claytons quarantine has to be NZ doesn’t it? Why do you think, after all their “success”, they find themselves in lockdown again? They might be closed to tourists, but they still need to import and export stuff to the rest of the world (at least until they can get themselves to self-sufficiency — silicon chip fabs may be a ways off), so ships and planes are still coming, and captains and crews too (not to mention cricketers, tennis pros, wealthy people, government officials …). Sooner or later, the virus will leak in. I know Jo likes to blame the Sydney woes on the limo driver, but that’s just shooting the messenger. Leaks are inevitable with this COVID control pantomime.
Huge blessing that it’s not a seriously bad disease.
Ive been saying the whole charade was pointless right from the word go.
The whole mess has been because people have DENIED the right to choose its own medical treatment ( vaccine vs drugs ). Thats tyranny. People went along with it out a sense of trust, and that trust has been systematically abused by abusive people.
The riots and street battles are borne out of a need to be free, with the rights and freedoms every person is born with from God.
Lockdowns are only for extreme cases. This is an annoying bug that causes maybe some hospital time rather than mass death. All the evidence appears to point being able to manage it or cure it with HCQ and Ivermectin based protocols.
The whole thing is a power grab, using a disease as the cover.
shoukd read :
“The whole mess has been because people have been DENIED the right to choose”
If I was in control, there would be no street protest. That’s because there would be zero covid here, there would be no lockdowns.
In this situation though, with a shot at getting it under control, I’d first put the army on the F1 out of sydney and no one goes through except trucks. No you cant visit Grandma. Id put the army on the streets of Fairfield and Canterbury with orders to fire warning shots at any street walkers. At a protest, I’d turn the water cannons on them that Morris Llemma bought.
You people are weak, with no interest in sacrifice to help other citizens. Hitler would not be proud of you.
Heil Philip!
Is that “Prince Phillip of Camelot”?
Whereas, it appears, he would be very proud of you!
Amazing again, how many people scoff at the idea of zero covid. It’s like they don’t want it. It cant be done they whine. Of course it can. In a country like Australia I can think of no easier task.
But your not in control, never have and never will.
How about you give up all your possessions to the people you wish to suffer, how about you sacrifice for them, they have done it for you for the last 18 months.
For the next 18 months you stay at home, wear a mask, stay within 5k’s while the people who aren’t afraid of your imagination get this country back together.
You are weak, with no interest in sacrifice to help other citizens. Hitler would not be proud of you.
‘Was it worth it?’
It gave us breathing space.
Yes as I alluded to. ‘ why I supported them, despite their sloppy handling. Still with decent quarantine none of them were necessary.
“A Useful Page On Chinese Wuhan Covid”
And some listings on HCQ
Via a comment at Chiefio
People, any news on the rumor these two vaccinated school kids are dead or such ?
Had a text from a friend this morning that a year 12 student (male) had passed away at St Pius X Collage in Chatswood.
A healthy young man who complained of chest pains after a swim and suffered a cardiac arrest.
Now, the letter of his death published by the principle does not say it was due to a vaccine but a family friend did say that it was shortly after taking the vaccine.
That is very sad news. Are no warnings given about post-vaccine activities? Singapore’s Ministry of Health advised everyone, in particular adolescents and younger men aged less than 30 years, to avoid strenuous activities for a week after receiving their 1st and 2nd doses of covid vaccine. Swimming, cycling, lifting of heavy weights, and ball and racket games were some of the activities named.
Australia doing a good job at keeping Delta under control. Keep going
Look forwards, like Japan. Not backwards like Australia and New Zealand.
Checking Japan now …
Sincerely, Australia is doing well against Delta. It’s a tough variant to beat. The NSW premier is wrong to give up early on containment.
Control Delta and you buy time for vaccination. I know that isn’t popular on this blog
Gladys has not given up. In fact the CHO and Premier have gained support as the number of cases level off around 800/day.
Curfews make policing much easier.
The figures 800/day look bad…but …compared to Israel of 7500/day its pretty tame.
And dont forget that at least 60% of israelis are fully double tapped…vaccinated…
Don’t forget the Israelis have already shot some people 3 times.
Pfizer CEO says COVID-19 vaccine-resistant variant likely to emerge
I feel that the Ivermectin train has started rolling, but I don’t know how far it will be allowed to go. If it does indeed gather steam, I expect some of those who tried to stop it will be run over. That would at least be a little justice.
But this leads me to wonder, if Ivermectin does indeed get ‘rolled out’ for Covid, would Australia have sufficient stocks and, if not, how could we deal with that? If this happens in Oz you can bet it will light up around the world, so shortages could quickly ensue. Can we manufacture it in Oz?
If Morrison and his team aren’t already thinking about this and preparing, he’s gone.
I really hope someone can convince Gladys to try it. Japan’s call to greenlight its use should provide her with “respectable” justification now.
There’s plenty of ivermectin due to agricultural needs.
I did state that CSL should start making a generic version so it’s dirt cheap like in 3rd world countries. It would be a far better use of its capabilities than upping production of AstraZeneca or getting into mRNA vaccines.
There’s plenty of ivermectin due to agricultural needs.
See my reply to Steve of Cornubia above – yes, the moment – but seeing resistance by Ag suppliers (I get supplies to drench my cattle).
Cant see why CSL couldn’t supply – except for “political” reasons.
Vicki, would you accept a less pure, possibly contaminated ivermectin JUST because it is for veterinary use?
I bet you wouldn’t. I don’t understand the reluctance of some to use a veterinary product.
Vicki’s other post was that ag ivermectin products seem to be lower in availability than in the past.
I’m hoping this is due to repurposing demand rather than suppliers withdrawing supply.
Are you indulging in a bit of “Homo animal supremacy” here and suggesting that your gut system demands a purer product than a mere sheep?
Ever heard the veterinary comment “If it’s good enough for horses it’s bloody good enough for you”?
I think Hanrahan thought Vicki had this reluctance because he misinterpreted her comment. His wording was a little odd but his final sentence is pretty clear that he has no issue with appropriate agricultural medications.
No, would be the quick answer to “can we formulate ivermectin in Australia?”. We did once have very good ag chemical formulation infrastructure in Australia., but like manufacturing it has now dwindled down. The important thing is the active ingredient or the “tech” in industry terms. My bet the a.i is possibly synthesised in China, as that is where a lot is done now. India sell a lot of ivermectin tablets etc (also Indonesia) but I dont know where they source their tech. For the small amount Australia would need, its probably easier to ask one of the Indian formulators to whip up a batch. There was also some billionaire in Indonesia who was gifting the product to his country. They were definitely making tabs at one stage to supply the local market- but again, where was the tech coming from. Japan were once a source of the tech, so maybe they would be another supplier.
Here’s a link to a scientific paper on the effectiveness of mask wearing. As to why we’re still required to wear them, I’m sure you’ll draw your own conclusions. If you feel emboldened to copy this well documented scientific paper and send such copies to your local State & Federal members and other interested affictionados of good science then that’s up to your good judgement.
I asked the nurse at the clinic I go to why she was wearing a mask.
I was told, ‘Our patients expect us to wear masks’.
Lessons in pandemic control –
Sydney daily Covid cases from 15th August:
Curfew Introduced
Melbourne from 18th August:
Curfew Introduced
In both Melbourne and Sydney, a few very selfish clowns felt it their god given right to attack police on Saturday and that may well prove to be a super spreader event.
The good news on vaccinations.
Uruguay has 71% vaccinated. Now down to 70 cases per day and deaths down to 1 per day.
Singapore has 74% vaccinated – now down to 35 cases per day and averaging less than 1 death per day.
Israel is 63% vaccinated and appears to have turned the corner on its post vaccination surge. Now 5k daily cases from a peak of 8k. Deaths around 30 per day.
Gibraltar is the most vaccinated location with some people already having a third jab. They are down to 12 cases per day and so far 2 deaths in August.
Taiwan has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the world – some 3%. Yet their deaths rates are one of the lowest too – currently hovering around 2.
Taiwan demonstrates how effective border controls can be.
It was open to tourism like any other nation until the pandemic struck, very similar to hear. We are more isolated than they are.
Wow, the curfew has a forward effect since the incubation period for CoViD is longer than 2 days.
You are right and that makes it even better news because the infection rate got pushed under 1 with just the travel limits that were introduced two days earlier.
The curfews will make the decline faster apart from the dingbats who went out to attack the police. One case amongst those violent mobs will spread like wildfire. Maybe they need a good dose so they can appreciate what it is like too struggle for the next breath.
In Melbourne, they should have herded thad mob into a cruise ship and took them out into the middle off Bass Strait so they were effectively quarantined. Come back in when Covid free. Bury the dead at sea.
Okay RickWill, we get it; maybe your third inoculation should be a rabies shot.
You shoud check out this graph – like an F18 on pure vertical…..stick right back…..
Look for “Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people”
Yup, hopefully they get to experience a double-pneumonia and struggle to recover for a few months.
Sky News:
Just another take on all the hysterical political bollocks being voiced up the page.
how come there are no mass infections for the police?
do they use IVM maybe? LOL
since they are grappling, hugging and not social distancing with all the dirty super spreaders you would think there would be at least one outbreak like there has been in hospitals RickWill?
Marksman asked?
Victoria Police have priority for vaccinations and get paid leave to have the jab. But I do not have data on the number vaccinated. However they dow wear masks.
In Queensland, unvaccinated police can avoid the border controls so that acts as a disincentive there.
The case of two US states:
Vermont – most vaccinated state with around 68% fully vaccinated has recorded 10 Covid deaths so far in August.
Alabama – least vaccinated state (at least those recording vaccinations) has 37% vaccinated is currently recording 40 deaths per day.
Allowing for population difference, Alabama has at least 10X the Covid death toll of Vermont.
and a very different population profile in many ways
During the same period last year (i.e. Aug 1-23, 2020), …
Vaccination rate: 0%. Deaths: 1.
Vaccination rate: 0%. Deaths: 444.
Point being: drawing conclusions based largely (let alone solely) on vaccination rate comparisons is wrong. This is a multi-factorial problem, and should be treated as such.
Surprised how well curfews work. We didn’t have one in Ontario but it did the trick in Quebec.
Not sure the ‘exit wave’ is over yet. The population transmission models don’t work well. The immunology data changes over time and through populations too
R is great for here and now but poor at predicting the intermediate future. It changes
The health authorities in Victoria Australia have a reasonable handle of the relative performance of different controls. They were able to monitor the impact of each control as they were introduced last year. That is why it was clear in Victoria that NSW was not getting ahead of the infection this year. They persisted with inadequate controls for way too long. There is hope now but it is a combination of vaccines, limited curfews and some level of lockdown. The vaccine was not in the arsenal last year. Those hospitalised on Sydney are a wide age spectrum this year and few in ICU have been vaccinated. The vaccinated older people are not turning up in emergency wards like 2020.
Border controls are by far the most effective and least intrusive for most of the people.
The controls against roaming spreaders is highly dependent on people’s experience with Covid. Many people in cities like New York and London and countries like Peru, India Italy and Sweden have had first hand experience and are wary of Covid. By contrast, few people in Australia have had first hand experience and conspiracy theorists are having a field day. Covid was kept at bay in Australia for the first half of 2021. It now appears curfews have got the infection rate under 1 – the magic number.
I have seen a few examples of people changing their view on Covid after contracting it. This is one of the more notable examples:
Having been through the lockdown tunnel 5 times, the mood really changes once the daily cases are declining. The first glimmer of light is appearing in Sydney and Melbourne. Al those little jobs that have been delayed because there is time in lockdown now need to get finished!
According to the Australian Government Database of Adverse Event Notifications – medicines, up to 10/08/2021 there were 452 cases where death was a reported outcome of taking the COVID-19 vaccines, meaning that they might not have been directly linked. The number of deaths reported who have died as a direct result of the vaccines is 9. However, the report contains some interesting results. For example, 102 died as a result of injury, poisoning and procedural complications as a result of an adverse event following immunisation. So, apart from than the confirmed 9 deaths due to the vaccines, the remainder are labelled as “susepct”. Take that to mean what you will.
Interestingly, the former 8 week delay on reports at DAENs is now only 2 weeks. I wonder what caused that?
Don’t know.
More interesting details:
It amazes me how two vital sets of data are interpreted so differently. On the one hand, healthy people dying soon after having the vaccine are vaguely categorised as ‘maybe’ due to the vaccine but probably not. Without any rigorous investigation.
On the other hand, an elderly and frail person with perhaps heart disease, kidney failure, dementia, cancer – who tests positive for Covid a day or three before dying – is unequivocally and confidently categorised as a Covid death.
Weird, eh?
Israeli researchers: ‘Astounding results’ from new COVID treatment
Hebrew University team say new treatment could be key to saving COVID patients. ‘All patients were discharged in under a week.’
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has infected over 212 million people worldwide causing nearly 4.5 million deaths.
Recent vaccination efforts have been hindered by multiple coronavirus variants that challenge current vaccines. While infection generally produces a mild disease, in some patients it can develop into a severe inflammatory COVID-19 requiring medical intervention.
Recently, Professor Yaakov Nahmias’ team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) reported that the new coronavirus causes abnormal accumulation of lipids, which are known to initiate severe inflammation in a process called lipotoxicity.
The team identified the lipid-lowering drug TriCor (fenofibrate) as an effective antiviral last year, showing it both reduced lung cell damage and blocked virus replication in the laboratory.
These results have since been confirmed by several international research teams.
An observational study carried out in multiple clinical centers in Israel was reported last October to support the original findings.
Thanks David for the reference.
My husband has reluctantly begun to take statins on the insistence of his cardiologist, even though his Cholesterol count is only 4.2.
He is 73 & extremely fit (farmer) & not obese. Since Covid appeared last year we have been on morning vitaliser of veggies & fruit + VitC, D3, Zinc & bioflavanoids.
However, I have recently read clinical study indicating anti- carcinogenic properties of statins. Now that there may be COVID fighting properties in the lipid-lowering Tricor, statins may be not so bad after all!
Hi Vicki,
Fenofibrate is not a statin.
It is also off patent so Big Pharma, Government and the Left will be against it.
Biden is obviously delusional, he is in big trouble. He thought he was President. He thought he could do things!
He could do things; just not good things
I am sick of of hearing people including some medical “doctors” and politicians mocking Ivermectin and calling it names like a “horse deworming agent” or “sheep drench”, which it of course is. However they are trying to make out it is a veterinary drug and totally unsuitable for humans.
These statements ignore several facts.
1) Humans share similar physiology to other mammals and drugs appropriate for other mammals usually work similarly in humans. Hence other mammals used in drug testing. This ought to be obvious and it is disconcerting that these “experts” would not know this.
2) It is on the World Homicide Organization’s list of essential medicines for humans.
3) I believe it was used for humans before animals.
4) From Wikipedia: “Half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded jointly to Campbell and Ōmura for discovering avermectin, “the derivatives of which have radically lowered the incidence of river blindness and lymphatic filariasis, as well as showing efficacy against an expanding number of other parasitic diseases”.”
5) Their ABC (Australia) said the FDA in the US warned against using Ivermectin. But if you look at the source you will see they are quite appropriately warning against using a veterinary size dose for a farm animal like a 400kg horse, not a 70kg human. (Apart from the fact that humans should only take drugs prepared specifically for humans.)
6) Are you aware that there is a Wikipedia editing war against any non-WHO approved treatment for Covid? Disgracefully the Wikipedia entry for Ivermectin says:
That extreme Left anti-scientific bias is why I no longer donate money to Wikipedia.
No I agree. Don’t send them any money.
They lost me when they mocked Anthony Watts as a Climate Denier and then refused to correct their post.
Most Australians were mislead to believe we lived in a somewhat free democracy governed by the rule of law. Current events prove that 1) this is not true and 2) we have very few legal protections against tyranny and 3) we have some very evil people running our Government, both politicians and public serpents.
Tyranny is mankind’s worst problem. Economy is probably the second. Political systems don’t handle diseases and natural events well because its tools: laws, regulations, use of force against people and money.
Propaganda on the key tool of the tyrants. They look for power and money, not making people’s life healthier and safer. Western constitutions limit government’s power to grab money and limit people’s rights. If money and rules are the solutions, it is likely not a (bad) problem at all.
How is money and rules the solution?
That is literally corruption’s definition.
Yes. Green New Deal is about wealth transfer to the rich not about alleged tiny changes in our weather.
Big Pharma earns with vaccines.
Correct, I inadvertently used the present tense rather than the past tense.
A personal sidelight to this homophonic mixup is that I had wondered at the meaning of “misled” for many childhood years before one day the penny dropped and I stopped pronouncing it with the sound of “eyes” embedded which highlights the importance of those primary school class exercises, likely no longer in use, where each pupil takes it in turns to read a sentence from the primer out loud; if only Julia had heard somebody use the word hyperbole before essaying her own pronunciation.
We are not as bad as the US and they have the “protection” of an explicit constitution. Congress now rides rough-shod over it and some of the Supremes ARE dems and Roberts has to ring the DNC before handing down a decision.
I remember NSW cops had a bad rap among us young servicemen 60 years ago. Nothing has changed except Vic cops are now as bad. I’m not bragging about ours BTW.
We knew of some bad police behaviour in Qld back in the early 1990s.
But they haven’t taken away your freedoms for the sake of it … they have not enslaved you for the purposes of greed and evil intent.
post by Dr Zelenko on GAB……
“Follow the Commissioners…
Scott Gottlieb – Former Commissioner of the FDA resigns and then goes to Pfizer to be on the board of directors.
Stephen Hahn – Replaces Gottlieb as FDA Commissioner and eventually resigns. He is now the Chief Medical Officer for Moderna.
Janet Woodcock – Wrongly advises Rick Bright (a fully-controlled individual) that HCQ is a dangerous drug requiring EUA that should be ONLY limited to hospitalized patients. Remember, all of the relevant clinical data at the time showed HCQ to be extremely effective in early treatment and NOT in hospitalized patients. Several months later Janet Woodcock replaces Stephen Hahn as the Commissioner of the FDA.
Is this all making sense yet?”
(I received this in an email, the video is EXCELLENT. It should be compulsory viewing for all politicians.)
Here’s a website which includes a brief video on the history of Ivermectin and the deadly human consequences of deliberately preventing its use in combating COVID.
Why would the politicians even bother to listen? They have already made up their mind and declared war on us. Just look at what some of them have said about Ivermectin. They think it’s poison and that anyone who takes it is a conspiracy theorist and a fool – their words not mine. As far as I’m concerned they are just mindless puppets following instructions from evil globalists who will not let anything get in the way of their grand plan to set up their new world order. If someone found a cure for COVID-19 tomorrow they probably will kill that person.
Why indeed. I’m sure their in-box is full of messages from people who want freedom of choice.
well…there ‘s hope for the vaxxed after all…
Since I don’t believe ANYTHING from Government or the health beaurocrats, I’d like to know if the Delta variant is really as infectious as claimed. E.g. can you really easily get infected just walking past someone in the street?
My reading of not official sources is that viral load only takes 4 days, not 6, to build up. This has its problems because your innate immune system has less time to “arm itself”. I still have not had it confirmed by reliable people that it is more deadly beyond that.
But, of course, I’ll likely read something different tomorrow.
Shades there of
“And don’t try standing on the seat
‘Cos spirochete can jump six feet”
Only “nice” boys caught it off a toilet seat.
Personally I believe that the reason it is infectious is because most people who catch it don’t feel all all that sick.
This might be partly the result of vaccinated individuals feeling “bullet proof” and therefore behaving inappropriately, and partly because the delta variant really does not make people all that sick in the first place.
Mind you, it eventually finds a person weaker than average and that person does get properly sick … just like every respiratory virus has done since forever.
What is this, ‘behaving inappropriately’?
WOW, what happened in Sydney today? I just looked a and a cold front has just passed over and there are 40+knot winds just offshore from Newcastle to Eden.
It looks like a ‘cut off’ low.
My reading of not official sources is that viral load only takes 4 days, not 6, to build up. This has its problems because your innate immune system has less time to “arm itself”. I still have not had it confirmed by reliable people that it is more deadly beyond that.
But, of course, I’ll likely read something different tomorrow.
Look at Biden’s squinty eyes. I wonder if he can play the banjo.
Ronald Regan
The precursor to climate science, presenting Dr. Fox:
WOW…so an off-coast NSW low deepens and causes a bit of precipitation. Must be a first…LOL. More importantly….what’s the ENSO prediction for the next 6-12 months? At the moment, it is allegedly neutral (according to the lying BOM). We’ll wait and see…
BoM is very cautious about calling La Nina until they are certain and yesterday’s weather wasn’t unique, we have returned to the 1960s.
‘Sydney may have just had its coldest day since 1984 and its coldest August day since 1962.
‘A thick blanket of clouds, persistent rain and a cold air mass saw temperatures struggling to reach double digits across much of the Sydney Basin on Tuesday.’ (weatherzone)
Bless the NYT … (bolding mine)
The Cotton Tote Crisis