A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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There is all manner of claim and counter claim but does anyone have a trustworthy site with comparative deaths from the rona and the vax? My son says there is a 1:1,000,000 risk from the vax.
It’s hard to know how many deaths have been caused by the vaccines. Deaths following vaccination are under-reported to VAERS etc, and some of those are coincidental. Currently VAERS, EUDRA and UK deaths are 34,497.
There’s the recent autopsies done by a German doctor that found about a third of 40 deaths were caused by the vaccines. Is that representative of all deaths in the two weeks following vaccination? Were around 11,500 of the reported deaths caused by the vaccines? Because of under-reporting the total number of deaths by vaccine would be several times that 11,500.
Then we have to add most of the people who have died from covid in the 2 weeks following vaccination because of the immune suppression the vaccines cause for a couple of weeks following vaccination.
We need lots more autopsies to be done.
Hard to know.
See below at #6.
Those autopsies, I would expect that the most suspicious cases would get the autopsy, thus the finding ‘the vaccination was the cause’ would be biased high.
Same as choosing who to test?
A study by Harvard I think it was, showed that VAERS only captures approx 1% of all serious incidents from vaccines
Do if you multiply your figures by 100 you will be roughly in the ballpark.
Heres a point to consider :
Sweden : 1,100,000 covid cases, 14,658 deaths – 1 death per 75 cases
USA : 36,600,000 covid cases, 621,000 deaths – 1 death per 58.9 cases
UK : 6.270,000 covid cases, 131,000 deaths – 1 death per 47 cases
Australia : 39,000 covid cases, 966 deaths – 1 death per 40.37 cases
Which country has done worse? ( and no doubt other factors come into it which I havent gone into. However…..)
Sweden had almost 30x higher case load than australia when averaged out.
Many people hold up total cases, but this I think is a *misleading* metric.
Sweden is the clear winner here……( does “I told you so” dance….)
You do need to be given the percentage of the population tested to find “cases” otherwise the figures can’t be compared.
I had a thought about testing – namely if testing happens late in day when they turn up at hospital coughing up thier lungs up, the outcome might be worse versus picking it up weeks out…..
Good Question!
Dr Robert Malone has stated that other doctors have contacted him in despair because their attempts to log adverse events for reactions to the vaccines on the VAERS site get rejected. While anecdotal, he has no skin in the game and is generally supportive of vaccines that have been properly tested.
Not surprising.
Everyone is looking at deaths, the injury’s for the clotters include removal of limbs and lengths of intestine.
The US CDC stated 2.7% of adverse events the victim is unable to preform normal daily activities.
**unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional. (What is a normal daily activity, getting out of bed, going to the toilet) 2.7% of people who get the vaccine cannot perform normal daily activities.
First you say:
The US CDC stated 2.7% of adverse events the victim is unable to preform normal daily activities.
Then you say:
2.7% of people who get the vaccine cannot perform normal daily activities.
A does not equal B.
A + B may not equal C. By clicking on that red bit starting with http, you get it from the horses mouth.
But reading down I see that for a vast majority of you are not capable of feeding yourselves and need/require to be spoon fed. There lies the problem with the majority of the population, requiring to be spoon fed by your ABC and MSM and incapable of looking for themselves.
Can’t fix that.
Australia’s TGA used to be a source you would expect to get the right trustworthy answers from but after the public became aware of the data that was on their website that did not compliment what was being put out there by the MSM the content was taken down and changed
this link shows what was on the TGA website before having the content taken down
l know this because l saved the PDF file of this before it was taken down
so l suppose the TGA used to be a good one, sry l cant help
l do not agree with your sons estimate
Am I shadow banned? I’ve already pointed everyone at the Australian version of VAERS several times. Please reply if you see this post.
Things just disappear sometimes, its happened to many going by the comments at times.
Why would they find vaccination-related deaths when they are deliberately NOT looking for them? Hear no evil; see no evil.
Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says “she’s shocked that not only are there no autopsies being performed on COVID-19 vaccine-associated deaths, but that government agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and HHS do not require them.
. . . voicing her concerns that of the more than 9,000 COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS, she has seen reports of only a single autopsy.”
No Autopsies on COVID-19 Deaths: A Missed Opportunity and the Lockdown of Science
Despite the increasing number of published studies on COVID-19, in all the examined studies the lack of a well-defined pathophysiology of death among patients who died following COVID-19 infection is evident. Autopsy should be considered mandatory to define the exact cause of death, thus providing useful clinical and epidemiologic information as well as pathophysiological insights to further provide therapeutic tools.
And those they do find, they misrepresent:
During a press conference last week, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that her assertion that over 99 percent of covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated was a load of nonsense.
The allegation which was echoed by Anthony Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and other top officials, was exposed as a fraud on July 29 by the CDC’s own statistics, which was published by the Washington Post. According to the CDC, the number of covid patient in-hospital deaths in May was 15% among the vaccinated, not 0.5 percent as they all claimed — a figure that is 30 times more than they claimed.
After being questioned Thursday on the number by a CNN reporter, Walensky said that “those data were data that were from analyses in [ONLY] several states from [ONLY] January through June and didn’t reflect the data that we have now from the Delta variant.
So the take-out, Beowulf, is that of all Covid patients who died in hospital in May in the USA, 85% were unvaccinated.
85% of the hospital deaths were not vaccinated. Wow!
That’s a pretty strong reason to get inoculated.
No. The takeout from what I linked to is that in the US at least, they are doing almost no autopsies on vaccinated or unvaccinated. They won’t find what actually killed an individual if they deliberately choose not to look, but simply pigeon-hole them according to their biases or instructions or guesses, and wave them through into the stats.
Cause of death is being assumed, not investigated.
So, are you saying that the 85% of non-vaccinated who died, did not die of Covid-19 but from something else?
What did the 15% who were vaccinated die of?
Are the percentages likely to be the same across both groups?
Hanrahan, it looks something like this for the UK:
a. Deaths in the UK from Covid vaccines = 1,536
b. Number of injections given in the UK = 84,457,622
Hence, death from injection of the vaccine = 0.00182%
Feel free to do your own sums.
That link is Blocked Brian.
Interesting – if a vaccine is normally pulled after 50 deaths, but assuming the figures on the website are correct,
then covid vaccines are up to 8000 alone in the USA,
why are they still being used?
Our put another way, thats a whole small UK village wiped out by covid vaccine , up to 30 July 2021.
In 2019 parliament passed a bill allowing foreign troops to be stationed on our shores.
While looking for that I came across this. They have passed another giving protected persons indemnity from prosecution and this includes foreign forces.
What does this mean?
Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020
Registered03 Sep 2020
Introduced HR03 Sep 2020
123AA Immunity in relation to certain assistance
(1) A protected person (see subsection (3)) is not subject to any liability (whether civil or criminal) in respect of anything the protected person does or omits to do, in good faith, in the performance or purported performance of the protected person’s duties, if:
(3) Each of the following is a protected person:
(a) a member of the Defence Force;
(b) an APS employee in the Department; (Australian Public Service, my insert)
(c) a person authorised under subsection (4) to perform duties in respect of the provision of assistance mentioned in subsection (1).
(4) The Chief of the Defence Force, or the Secretary, may, in writing, authorise a person, or each person in a class of persons, to perform duties in respect of the provision of assistance mentioned in subsection (1), if the person, or each person in the class of persons, is any of the following:
(a) an APS employee or other employee of the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority or agency;
(b) a member of the naval, military or air force of a foreign country, or a member of a foreign police force (however described).
The USA demands civil immunity for their servicemen/women when posted abroad.
This is still part of the washup from WW2. Australia was exposed to the threat of Japanese invasion. PM John Curtin ceded complete control of the military situation to General Douglas McCarthur and appointed him as Supreme Commander of Australian War effort including all Australian forces.
We have been the deputy in our region ever since. Now things are ramping up again with China so we cede again.
The US has had their armed forces outside of Darwin for decades and they are subject to the laws of the host country.
They have tacked in the public service with a very broad definition.
(a) an APS employee or other employee of the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority or agency; (very broad brush)
So I am not buying the “its for our own good”.
KK posted some quarantine numbers for June (no link) I think it was 80,000 for the east coast states and SA so about 100,000 for all of Aus states. In November of 2020 the Gruberment stated there were 30,000 Australians to return. A work mate has been in Lima Peru, (nothing going on there) and has just returned to Aus, he flew AA there, but AA contacted him that they were cancelling all flights to Aus so they got him on United, there were 13 people on that flight and it was subsidised by the Gruberment, so they are not coming from the US. There is no quarantine on going into the US either.
Who are these people flying here, they are not tourists.
Want to know how long you will be locked up for, look for your states emergency act renewal dates, QLD is due at the end of September and as this has been proven over the last 18 months, QLD will go soon as well.
All the state misleaders have continually stated there is never going to be a lifting of all restrictions, they know this is never going away, because they will never let it go away.
WA and QLD have banned travel across the boarders if you are not modified, so our constitution means nothing anymore.
for our own safety of course.
People are willing to live their lives on their knees.
Internment settlement specialist, required in the USA.
FEMA are hiring,
The USA demands indemnity for all their service persons when abroad from foreign governments.
I think this is preparation for the coming conflict with China, when we will likely ,once again, look to the USA.
I am not sure how much use they will be next time.
D’ya think we’ll be much use!
We will be out of fuel in days.
This is part of the deal with the Trump administration covering the stationing of USA forces in the Northern Territory.
I expect it’s not that sinister … the Americans now have Marines stationed year-round at HMAS Coonawarra, in Darwin. And presumably those personnel required or demanded legal indemnity.
There have been US military personnel at Pine Gap for many decades – and other than sacking Gough Whitlam, they haven’t interfered too much.
If that scurrilous rumor were to be correct, than it could be said the alliance is worthwhile.
As Stalin learnt, using foreign troops to shoot the locals works, because local troops wont do it.
If we assume the evil globalists are in control ( well, as far as God allows ) then it makes sense if your local lawmakers are globalist puppets then it makes sense to fly them under the Sat anuc UN flag as “peacekeepers”….
But it hypothetically could also make foreign troops enemy combatants.
Just sayin’….
Who is surprised Swampy Joe failed to see the fall of Kabul when he “knows” failed doomsday global warming is the greatest threat to his country …
Look over there, unicorn!
And hopefully the Taliban are following Fauci’s advice and wearing their masks, wouldn’t want the Fall of Kabul to be superspreader event.
I would think it inevitable. How can those refugees avoid it? Wherever they go the covid will go.
Uncle Sam couldn’t have been more generous with all the equipment they left behind as well as stocking and supplying the Afghanistan Military which now belongs to the Taliban.
Twenty years ago, the technology was totally different from today where you still need people for Military might.
Un manned drones, rockets with smart computer systems and amazing sniper scopes make them a hazard today. Alot of ‘contractors’ muddling up the battle field also contributed to this imminent retreat by the Americans and NATO.
The US couldn’t resist trying to be the police of the world and unfortunately, they stayed to long in a time of innovation that made the Military obsolete.
The US debacle in Afghanistan, which they should have seen coming, is viewed with dismay here in the UK, like other allied countries we lost many hundreds of our armed forces and had no warning of the precipitate flight which whatever joe says, has loud echoes of Sainon.
It was impossible to carry on without American troops and air force at Bagrum-which they left in the dead of night-so everyone had to scuttle. Quite shameful really.
However it does beg the question as to how reliable America is as an Ally?
Would they defend Taiwan? Would they defend Australia and New Zealand? Would they defend Europe? Although with 2 nuclear powers there they are in a better position.
Under Trump, the US was and would still have been a stalwart ally.
Under the fake Biden administration, it’s anyone’s guess.
How so? This whole withdrawal process was started and promoted by Trump – he made a huge deal about it in 2016, again in 2020 (with his Taliban Deal), and right up to June he was bragging about the withdrawal – and taunting President Biden to implement it fully.
President Biden has been fully vindicated and proven right, with the instant collapse of the Afghan Army, with hardly a shot fired.
For twenty years the US has been in denial … it’s not Biden’s baby. He just ended a fiasco. It’s as bad as Saigon, or Iraq.
And it’s amusing how the Republican Party have erased all their Afghan Withdrawal bragging from their websites in the last few days.
oops.. Tilda stuffs up yet again.
Note that it is Tilba, not Tilda.
The post responded to was a direct comparison between Donald Trump and President Biden, and did not refer to anything further back then 2016. Do you want to discuss the disaster of the original decision to invade Afghanistan as well? (Hint: it was under George W Bush).
Trump said today – Australian time – that Bush’s going into Afghanistan was the biggest mistake the US has ever made. It should never have been done. The response to the downing of the Towers should have stopped with Iraq. Trump had spoken direct with the Taliban leader of the day. The Taliban was told, if the Taliban transgressed the US, it would suffer the biggest retaliation ever seen. After that the US force was limited to 2500 soldiers and had 1 combat fatality in the last 18months.
Enemies listened and believed Trump; they had seen the bombing of the Russian-Syrian centre after the gassing that happened after they had been warned, and they saw the taking out of the Iranian commander responsible for the missile attack on the US base. Trump’s plan for leaving Afghanistan was to take out the US civilians and helpers first, destroy any equipment left behind and then remove the troops.
Biden acted precipitously with no planning and against advice, it is said. He has thousands of US civilians locked out of the airport by the surrounding Taliban forces. He has modern US equipment, munitions and helicopters ( Black Hawks) left behind. He has told those left behind that if they want a lift home, just email the office! He left the allies without warning about what he was doing and currently nobody knows just how reliable the US word on defence is. The CCP will be salivating over the indecision and Taiwan.
If this is a good result in your eyes, with all those potential US citizens hostages and Afghan helpers literally looking down the barrel and worse, then what planet are you on Tilba Tilba?
14 April – President Joe Biden announces US troops will withdraw from Afghanistan starting on May 1 and ending on Sept. 11, bringing America’s longest war to a close.
He was “honouring” the 2020 Agreement that Trump made – the one that lead to the release of 5,000 hardcore Taliban, who no doubt are key players today.
President Biden could have revoked the Trump agreement, sure, but he was also committed to ending endless wars. There is a very complex set of arguments about the withdrawal and how it was done … but I’ve never had much respect for US foreign policy and war-making, so it seems to me the bar is set really low anyway.
I’m 69 and was “blooded” politically in the era of the Vietnam Moratorium campaigns – in the last 50 years nothing much has approved. But let’s hope that everyone who really needs to escape does escape, and that Taliban 2.0 are a bit more civilised than the butchers of the 1990s.
We still wind up with a backward emirate under sharia law. I expect the young, talented, and educated will flee in droves.
“How so? This whole withdrawal process was started and promoted by Trump – he made a huge deal about it in 2016, again in 2020 (with his Taliban Deal), and right up to June he was bragging about the withdrawal – and taunting President Biden to implement it fully.”
It wasn’t the starting of the process that was the problem, they had been there 20 years, so it was time to go ,how much more could you do for them, it was the final implementation that was the problem, Biden, ignoring advice of his generals, like someone else history wasn’t too kind to, went ahead and did it his way, and now you can see the consequences.
Tucker Carlson, noted that billions of dollars of American money was siphoned off by Afghan authorities. The media commented that the prime minister couldn’t get all the money he had into the helicopter when he left. Other examples such as 40% more Afghan troops were on the books than on the ground, the same with the police force. Then there was wastage from Washington such as financing millions of dollars of gender studies programs.
Afghan religion and medieval culture is alien to western thinking and the media has always found it difficult to get its head around the fact that the Afghanis and Pakistanis are tribal and related. Their border is nothing more than a western artefact. It’s not surprising that the Afghan army did not fight, who wants to shoot their cousin or brother. Afghanistan wore down the Russians and the British, they choose to be who they are and Americans have chosen not to financially support it any more.
Really? Just over a week ago, Dopey Joe said the folllowing
Do you have dementia, like Dopey Joe, to forget so quickly, Tilba Tilba?
Does “squirrel chasing” qualify as exercise?
Suggestion or request for anyone posting a link.
I’d suggest adding a paragraph (or a couple of sentences at least) outlining what the information in the link covers.
Sometimes the words in the link can give a clue, but if you’re taking the time to post something please take the extra minute to say why or what it’s about.
Don’t assume that because you found a gem of information and share a link that others will click on it simply because it has been posted. A good portion of people will likely ignore it until someone else gets curious enough to click on it and provide a response that may pique interest.
That is true Strop.
Tracking shows very few people click on links. There is just so little time. But if it is sold with a good line about what it shows would be doing other readers a service.
That is exactly so Jo. I do click on some but the ones with plentiful describing them are almost redundant! There is a happy middle path.
I would add that posting links to Twitter is now pointless.
Twitter is now restricting access to view to those who also have Twitter accounts. They want to be able to track who is viewing what content.
Previously anyone could view using a web browser, and if you’ve bookmarked a link to someones feed, you may not notice the restriction. But if you try to view a feed you haven’t viewed before and you don’t have a Twitter account, access will be blocked.
Cut and paste content you want from Twitter you wish people to see, because non users are certainly not going to sign up just so what they view can be tracked and profiled.
What am I missing Konrad? appears to contradict your advice.
The Spanish Flu of 1918 and 1919. Only the vaccinated Died!
The reference suggests that the Spanish Flu was actually caused by vaccination programs which went wrong. That would explain why the pandeminc affected young fit adults so severely. Normally it is the very young and the elderly that get the worst cases, but not that time.
I am still trying to understand all of this. The Spanish Flu pandemic was said to be world wide. There did seem to be an infectious agent of some sort. However it might not have been influenza. I don’t think virus had been isolated at that time and I am pretty sure that there was no test except the clinical presentation.
Vaccines were still fairly primitive yet there was a lot of interest in them. Even less was known about the immune system.
Did people in unvaccinated communities suffer deaths from the Spanish Flu?
What do others think?
A photograph that I saw of people at the time of the Spanish ‘flu showed them all to be wearing masks. These would have been cloth masks that would absorb moisture from the wearer’s breath and encourage bacteria to breed in the warmth of the cloth leading to upper respiratory lung infections that Dr Fauci once said was the cause of the deaths.
The vaccine was apparently given to US soldiers before being sent to Europe in WW1 so it is unlikely that it caused the civilian deaths. Once again fear caused panic and mask wearing which, in turn, caused the deaths.
Thanks Bevan,
Apparently WW1 ended earlier than expected. The Rockerfeller Institute had plenty of vaccine left over so they used it on the civilian population in the USA and sent lots of doses abroad.
Australia got the disease late and had fewer cases and deaths than other countries. Did we have less vaccination?
None the less some aboriginal communities had 50% death rates. Were they vaccinated?
I’ll reiterate my ongoing disagreement about masks on that point: I can’t see that wearing a fomite on your face is a solution to this pandemic!
Two thoughts on masks:
1. The bacteria you breath into a mask are coming from your own lungs. (Masks are unlikely to introduce any bacteria that you don’t already have.).
2. Hundreds of thousands of doctors have worn masks for decades and consider them essential and would not work if the were unavailable. (We have to ask if it is likely they would be doing something that was detrimental to health? Docs do get things wrong, and en masse, but the mask issue is not that complicated, nor was it politicized until 2020. If masks are causing infections it would be something docs would be very interested in. Surely?). Poorly fitting unwashed masks are not what docs use, but lets start from a position that masks themselves are probably pretty safe when used properly and have been road tested by mostly smart people interested in the outcome. If bad mask management causes harm let’s fix bad mask management.
Doctors wear sterile medical masks that fit firmly and would be discarded if compromised.
I see very few members of the public wearing masks to anything like the same standards. The masks are often dirty, continually fiddled with and shoved in pockets to use again.
If a surgeon did this they would be removed from front line duty and sent back for reeducation in mask protocol.
Only wear mask once when necessary, and dispose of as soon as possible – longest wear 3 hours Cancer Infusion.
It will never be possible to police bad mask management in the general populace.
I feel sorry for workers who have to wear a mask over the course of their working day, ie supermarket employees. How is rebreathing their own exhaled air for hours on end affecting them?
Jo, you would know better than I about mask pore sizes. Surgical masks are worn to protect the patient from the surgeon’s microbial environment as he stares down into the wound and breathes in the same direction.
Surgical masks are changed often, and often between patients being operated on. They gather expired air moisture.
Surgical masks are never put in pockets for reuse; they are contaminated in that context. They go in the bin and a new one donned just before washing hands.
To see politicians putting them on, taking them off, putting them in pockets and getting them out again, is to have no idea of the context in which doctors in operating theatres use them. To do so in an environment where COVID19 is in the air means one gets hands contaminated from the outside of the mask at least, and if pocketed, gives the virus a free ride and spread whenever the hand goes back into the pocket. Just saying,
“Surgical masks are worn to protect the patient from the surgeon’s microbial environment”
Well that’s what doctors tell their patients… 🙂 but I know people who work in ICU wards in Australia with Covid patients and they were discussing the ethics of retiring and quitting if the Australian gov couldn’t provide them with masks. That was March 2020.
Obviously, doctors didn’t want to work in Covid wards without them.
Is wearing masks rigidly enforced outside an operating theatre? At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious a surgeon doesn’t want his fluids entering an open wound.
“ The bacteria you breath into a mask are coming from your own lungs. (Masks are unlikely to introduce any bacteria that you don’t already have.).”
Yet is not exhaling a viral load into fresh air and sunshine healthier then re-breathing it? If you are creating a moist Petri dish on a cheap old mask, and inhaling through that mask, are you not potentially increasing your own viral load through preventing an opportunity to reduce it. ( Exhale the bad into the sterilizing sunshine, inhale the fresh air into the infected body.) Deep breathing alone in fresh air has been shown to reduce bacterial and viral illness severity and duration.
All the Best…
It’s true it could concentrate a load, but not much in the big scheme. Viruses can’t multiply in a mask, but in a cell the burst rate is something in the order of 1000 – 30000 virions per infected cell.
Bacteria can multiply in a dirty mask, but they’d replicate faster in a warm nose.
I’m just saying, there is a lot of hype. Teach people how to put them on and off and wash them and fit them.
The Mask Theory of disease has been discussed at length.
The point of the article that I quoted above was; did the vaccination program(s) cause the deaths during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1818-1919?
A definitive answer might not be possible, given that 100 years have elapsed since them, original records are limited and not easy to access (if they exist at all), viruses had not been discovered then and the actual cause of the pandemic is still not known.
The question involves; how much do we know about the immune system, even now?
If people had died at the point of the needle or shortly afterwards, that probably would have been noticed. Apparently it was not noticed and the story of the great influenza pandemic continues up to this day. Only now are people asking; why were young fit people affected dis-proportionally? A possible answer is that their immune systems were primed by the vaccines to over react when the next disease came along. The concept is known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). There has been quite a lot of talk about it recently. It has been mentioned in respect to the extreme inflammatory reaction in the lungs of Covid patients.
Some of the people who are talking about this are immunologists, who were not previously anti-vaccers, such as Dr Mike Yeadon and Professor Dolores Cahill.
The flu virus of 1918 has been sequenced. I gather the second wave involved an antigenic shift.
The link above is a fascinating story of the sequencing and the characteristics of the virus. The sequence was published in 1999 from lung tissue from a soldier who died and from an Inuit woman buried in permafrost.
The author cooks their own goose. Under a link called “Those who were not vaccinated were not affected”, it goes to New Scientist, which says this:
Medical and scientific experts now agree that bacteria, not influenza viruses, were the greatest cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic.
Brundage’s team culled first-hand accounts, medical records and infection patterns from 1918 and 1919. Although a nasty strain of flu virus swept around the world, bacterial pneumonia that came on the heels of mostly mild cases of flu killed the majority of the 20 to 100 million victims of the so-called Spanish flu, they conclude.
The story is just shrill anti-vaxxer voodoo, trying to dress itself up as historically accurate “science”. It is extremely dishonest, and childishly written too.
Thanks for reading it through.
The link as you say did not give any evidence that the unvaccinated did not die. In that and other respects the main article falls short.
None the less the idea is intriguing so I will continue to look for evidence one way or the other.
I think getting more detailed information on the Spanish Flu would be useful too – especially why it hit young healthy people (and not just war-weary returning defence forces) – and older generations were spared much more. Some theories are that a similar “flu” (or perhaps a SARS virus) went through in the late 19th Century, and older people had a natural immunity.
I guess my Conspiracy Detector antennae were alerted by the article, and its strong implication that vaccines are worse than the disease.
Mine too.
Thanks for posting it.
“They cooked their own goose”.
This extract is the “killer paragraph” (para 15):
And most compelling, Brundage says, medical experts of the day identified pneumonia as the cause of most deaths.
And, it makes good sense as to why Zelenko et al prescribe Azithromycin as part of their HCQ, Zn, D3 treatment.
Found this interesting lecture last year while in lockdown concerning reason for the death of 20-29 cohort in the Spanish Flu Pandemic. No conspiracy theory just a perfect storm of flu mutations over the previous 80 years.
‘According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House and most mainstream media, what we have now is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” with 95% to 99% of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths being attributed to the unvaccinated.
To achieve that statistic, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June. The vast majority of the U.S. population was unvaccinated during that timeframe.
By Jan. 1 only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots and as of June 15, 48.7% were fully “vaccinated.”’
Of course they are. Like the media, they have an agenda.
To manipulate everyone to take a substance that has adverse effects on your health and degenerates your body, the more you take it.
Not surprising that they started with the Elderly first as in clinical trials, it killed every animal it was injected into.
Can you imagine if they did like a normal vaccination program and started with our children first?
Couldn’t hide the massive data this time and the outrage from parents.
As our parents get sick, they are too weak to fight back as they come for our children next…
Those CDC numbers were carefully picked from January when vaccination rates were far lower and hospitalisations and deaths peaked. Rochele Walensky, the director, recently stated this when pressed and said they were in the course of getting updated figures.
The games being played are disgraceful.
I don’t necessarily agree that the data from January through to July is “old” and therefore misleading.
For the numbers to sustain in the 95%-99% range, it means that truly tiny numbers of the vaccinated are presenting as serious cases, right up to the latest figures.
But a “snapshot” would be nice – of the last million cases that required (or indeed still require) hospitalisation, how many were vaccinated? I still think the number would be very small – despite more and more people generally being vaccinated.
The data is suggesting that the vaccines are very effective against serious or fatal outcomes.
“The data is suggesting that the vaccines are very effective against serious or fatal outcomes.”
Fully agree and most road accidents are caused by faulty brakes, not poor driving.
The data confirms it.
The ratios for unvaccinated vs vaccinated were just January, not January to June. So your statement is totally inaccurate – they are deliberately misleading and I’m the context of the usage, “old”
I can dig up the video where Walensky admitted this when pressed for specifics.
Gregg, the data was extremely misleading. The vast majority of cases were in the early period, at the peak of a wave that was just starting to reduce without vaccines. Worse then that, the cherry picked “certain states”. What states? The LEAST VACCINATED states.
Anybody defending their lies is defending the indefensible. Also the failure of the vaccines is time dependent, increasing as time goes on.
Take Israel, July 4th to July 10th cases, vaccinated vs unvaccinated, with percentages. ( Note, the more recent the chart like this, the greater the percentage of vaccinated vs unvaccinated, and, like this chart, the vaccinated become the majority. )
In early August in Israel, 95 percent of serious cases in Israel were vaccinated!
All nations, including the U.S. are following the pattern of Israel; initially the vaccines are somewhat effective, quickly becoming indistinguishable from the unvaccinated, first in cases, ( because only the vaccinated symptomatic get tested) then in serious illness and fatalities. Will the R.O.W. follow Israel and soon the most and worst cases will be the vaccinated? The pattern is real.
Also we should consider that the vast majority of serious cases of Covid 19 were in the 65 plus demographic. Yet very early that population was vaccinated! What would the early Covid waves have looked like if that demographic had been unaffected or immunized from the virus. ( Smaller, much smaller then the post vaccine waves)
My point is the vaccines should have been far more effective then demonstrated, especially initially, because the vulnerable were almost 100 percent vaccinated very early, and the most vulnerable had already died. Also the current time period has the additional benefit of far more people with natural immunity and seasonal Northern Hemisphere benefits. ( Yet every major MSM outlet mindlessly gives 100 percent credit to any reduction to the vaccines!)
In summary I see zero vaccine benefits, ( other then an initial reduction) and signs of then being counterproductive, ( mutations, more contagious, etc…) not to mention the ignored adverse events, and clearly, for the majority of the population in very little danger from the virus, they are already worse then the virus. The vaccines may negatively affect T cell immunity, so those that were exposed to Covid 19 prior to the vaccines may have harmed their natural immunity.
in this link a DR Bridle talks about Biden’s apparently “pandemic of the unvaccinated,”
from the introduction “Laura Ingraham – Aug 05, 2021 – Dr Bryam Brindle sets the record straight regarding vaccinated vs unvaccinated. The vaccinated are the ones creating the variants. Also explains the lie of 95-99% unvaccinated in the hospitals (it’s old data).”
l have seen other sources that say the same as Dr Bridle
Climate modeling civil war!
The beginning:
Looks like the climate modeling community may have a civil war on its hands. Some serious players are rejecting the new hot models, but probably not their owners. If so we will see modeler against modeler. Be still my heart.
The first loud public shot has been fired by the prestigious journal Science (actually it is more of a magazine but never mind). Science is devoutly alarmist but they reject the hot models in the strongest possible terms (in a lengthy article that is not paywalled). Their blunt article title is “U.N. climate panel confronts implausibly hot forecasts of future warming“. When it comes to science, “implausibly hot” is very strong language. Scientific language is normally extremely polite. (The U.N. climate panel is of course the IPCC.)
But it gets even stronger in the text. Here we find NASA’s Gavin Schmidt, arguably America’s top alarmist scientist and a major modeler, saying that using these models “You end up with numbers for even the near-term that are insanely scaryand wrong.”
The full Science article is well worth reading, see
For a leading modeler to describe a lot of the latest climate models as INSANELY SCARY is incredible. I suspect this is an act of war because I cannot imagine the owners of these newly hot models agreeing.
The ending:
How the IPCC handles this model mess remains to be seen. The bigger question is how will the modeling community handle what looks like a civil war emerging. That community has always been a solid wall of (false) certainty, a position it can no longer maintain.
Climate alarmism has always been based on modeling. Now the modeling is a mess. Can alarmism survive the loss of modeling? Stay tuned.
There is a lot in between.
Please share the article. This is big!
It’s farce, not science. ‘Running too hot’ is a euphemism for being completely wrong, or at least as wrong as you can be.
The computer modellers have had 33 years at least to get their models right.
They are looking at what is now a long history of being wrong and they only have one variable to predict! Having the gall to simultaneously present them all as realistic, accurate, even remotely right is beyond belief. So why do they do it? How can they all be right at once? Or any of them? Some are running hot? Pull the other leg.
If you could not predict accurately what is now the past, you have no hope of getting the future right.
And the premise of them all is that CO2 is the dominant force in global temperature, the major cause of so called global warming. But warming by their measure has stopped long ago while CO2 is still climbing steadily. So it’s all obviously busted. How does any amount of computing handle that?
It’s utter rubbish, a competition between druids who are all wrong but pushing the idea that using computer software makes it right and they are all correct, but some more than others. Who is paying for all this pretend science? We are.
These “things” are not models in the true scientific sense, they’re merely a form of authoritative presentation used by the climate influencers.
A true model requires that there be a clear measurable and observable link between atmospheric temperature and human origin CO2 levels: there’s No such link.
Why are we still discussing “climate models” when their true function is to act as a political control device.
Am not conerned about climate wars focus because things are falling apart at the periphery of the AGW consensus
People have to contend with emissions from a developing world which is stimulated to industrialize and emmigrate by net-zero zealots
Net-zero titans need constrain themselves harder to save the planet and feed ‘never too much GDP growth’ China
Massive amounts of metal concrete plastic, land development and energy are required to build up and maintain RE
Merely industrializing the unindustrialized in a bid to mitigate the ravagesof climate change is sufficientt to flood the atmosphere with new emissions
Hi David, things are heating up in the climate change debate and I feel the worm has turned in favor of science and common sense. Ed Berry has had his pre print 3 accepted for publication asserting by using the scientific method that the IPCCs core theory of human made Co2 is wrong. This is a thorough bit of research and has been peer reviewed by top Physicists. Could you or Jo add comment to this work as I feel it is a break through in exposing the anthropogenic CO2 nonsense. Also Ed has kept an open blog on this and has answered all sensible critiques and comments in a scientific manor for several years. His approach of proving the IPCCs core theory wrong is unique and ground breaking. As Im not a scientist I would appreciate further comment on this.
New paper affirms that solar energy drives the climate, not CO2
A Repeat post ??
In case people missed it the first time.
It bears repeating.
Solar energy drives the climate..
Unfortunately, Otherross, I disagree with Ed B, not his math but his logic. I tried to discuss this with him on a listserv about 6 months ago but got nowhere.
I have not checked his math but he may well have correctly calculated the fraction of human emitted CO2 present in the overall CO2 increase. That fraction is pretty low. But he then claims that it follows that this is the fraction of the increase that humans have caused and I do not believe it does follow.
The fact is that because of the huge CO2 flux our emitted molecules are only in the air for a few years before they are replaced by naturally emitted molecules. Most estimates give a half life of less than 3 years. This is why the fraction of our molecules is low. But our molecules can cause an increase before being replaced. Thus even though the resident fraction is low we could still have caused 100% of the increase.
Note that I am not saying we have caused that much, merely that Ed’s calcs do not show that we have not, as he claims. I think it is even possible that we have cause none of the increase, as some have argued, so it is still an open question. Thus in my view Ed B has not answered that question.
“I tried to discuss this with him on a listserv about 6 months ago but got nowhere.”
Yes, similar experience here.
One of the most interesting areas of physics education research is trying to understand the various ways that people misunderstand stuff in physics classes. The science of misunderstanding ain’t easy. Ed B clearly misunderstood what I was saying, because the things he said about it did not make sense. But I could not figure out the nature of his misunderstanding so could not address it.
I don’t know what Ed Berry is on about but you may remember our “similar experience” from about a year ago.
I made a point about an aspect of science which to any trained scientist would have been irrefutable.
You trashed what I said, and that was a significant revelation that has stuck with me ever since.
I dont know why so many dedicated Scientists and experts devote so much time and effort in arguing the AGW/ CO2 situation ,…when the IPCC clearly state how unbelievable the basic concept is with statements such as this ..
With a known error of +/-20% on a estimated 210 GTC ( IE, +/-42GTC)….suggesting that 9.7 GTC could be responsible for the CO2 increase , rediculous.
I disagree. It is estimated that 1/2 is retained. That may be wrong, yet not ridiculous.
Who gets the CREDIT for increasing the gas of life was never a hook I would hang my hat on. I have listened to experts on both sides, and decided it is not clear, but in general I expect mankind should get some credit for aiding the biosphere.
Unintended consequence often are not beneficial. This one, assuming we are primarily responsible, may be the best unintended consequence in history!
I could be wrong David, but I thought the biggest statement made in that article, as reported by The Australian newspaper’s Graham Lloyd, was the explanation of why the models are too ‘hot’!
Scientists had to accept there is NATURAL VARIATION occuring, according to a scientist involved in the article. This wasn’t taken into account nor previously admitted to, and that admission was really something of a death knell to the entire debate for the CO2 story (my amateur thought). The scientists went on to say natural variation hadn’t been and couldn’t be taken into account in the modelling software because it was so variable as not to be able to be digitally described.
As I say, I’m no expert in these matters, but can follow argument in general. I would have thought both matters would put a bomb into the debate, but after a week or too, nothing seems to have happened.
We are seeing an outbreak of demands for the rights of the un-vaccinated to be severely limited. The vaccinated need to understand that if the future side effects from the fake vaccine prove to be life threatening or disabling, it will be the un-vaccinated that will be needed to bury the corpses or take care of the disabled.
It may be that the un-vaccinated are those that have taken the trouble to guard against illness by boosting their immune system with vitamin D, zinc supplement and various antivirals. Unfortunately Medical officers have failed to recommend such action and have made it difficult by banning the purchase of known, effective antivirals. How many shares do they hold in Big Pharma companies and what other benefits have they received from them ?
A good observation.
Conform or be crushed.
The ten points of the Nuremberg Code for human experimentation are as follows:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential. This means that the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the effects upon his health or person, which may come from his participation in the experiment.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made, and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill, and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
All COVID vaccines emergency authorized by the FDA have not yet been approved and are experimental, as they have undergone no long-term safety trials. Safety data are being partially collected in real time as adverse events are reported to VAERS. The tenets of the Nuremberg Code apply here as these vaccines are — by definition — a medical experiment being administered worldwide.
Yes but while vaccination may be risky it is not an experiment. However, informed consent is also required for medical procedures like vaccination.
Interestingly the nurses at my local hospital just demonstrated in protest against their required vaccinations. If nurses do not want it that speaks volumes.
Qantas becomes the second major Australian company to make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory for ALL staff – with pilots and cabin crew given just three months to get jabbed
. Qantas to make Covid vaccinations mandatory for all staff in three months time
. Frontline employees will have until November 15 of this year to get vaccinated
. Remainder of the airline employees have been given until March 31 in 2022
. Qantas said decision was made after majority of staff backed the move in survey
The tyranny of 50% + 1.
So what are the consequences for anyone at Quantas exercisong “free power of choice” and refusing to be vaccinated ?
Dismissal ?, Demotion, ? Suspended ? “Black balled” ?
Sounds a lot like duress, coercion, etc etc
Or even 36 plus a fudge factor.
A QLD business owner will pay his staff a $500 Christmas bonus if they DELAY their vaccinations because he has decided jabs on offer in Australia aren’t good enough after doing his own research . . .
What? Own research? How dare he! The unions seem to be giving his stance tacit support too.
Old Ossie, it’s a difficult question because it involves the rights of two groups which are diametrically opposed. It is apparent the Federal government doesn’t want to go near forcing Vaccine passports. However, businesses wanting to protect their interests and those of other customers have a valid argument and they will be the ones demanding vaccination or no work and no entry. It won’t be a government law, at least Federally, but the Feds are going to protect those demanding proof of vaccination. Not getting vaccinated is going to make life very difficult, but it will still be a personal choice at the ethics level. I believe one State government is demanding vaccination of its employees, or no work. If nurses decide ‘no work’ then life is going to get very interesting indeed.
‘However, businesses wanting to protect their interests and those of other customers have a valid argument’
No they don’t. The vaccines are less than 20% effective at preventing infection from the Delta strain. Vaccinated infected and unvaccinated infected carry the same viral load, so the vaccines are less than 20% effective at preventing transmission of Delta. They are a treatment for reducing symptoms and people can make that choice for themselves.
If the employer wanted to actually protect employees and customers against infection, they could offer Ivermectin to employees as a prophylactic.
Greggg, I accept the basis of your argument. However, in the eyes of the public and at government insistence, therapeutics are condemned as ineffective. Using the same force of argument that they have got away with in the global warming argument ie use of government power to decide a question and tolerate no debate, the public are left with no choice but to accept the status quo. Again, those arguing against government logic are deigned ‘sceptics’ . Their points are ignored and they are debased by officialdom. The result is, it’s the government’s way or the highway.
Businesses and customers therefore see vaccination as the only way to get on with life.
Re Therapeutics. The government, having deemed the familiar cheap drugs etc as ineffective has left itself only one option. Accept newly approved for purpose drugs, pay through the nose and hence limit use to only more severe cases. This is again different to the ‘useless’ drugs because they are active best in the early phases of COVID-19.
In your argument you suggest choice using therapeutics. That doesn’t solve the problem for businesses nor customers who consider vaccination is the only effective way to go, even if the later data seems to throw doubt on just how effect are these vaccines or how risky. However, the sales point of saving one from death, even if not from getting the disease seems to be the driving force for the surge of patients now getting vaccinated.
It is unfortunate the msm seems to have no interest in getting stuck into the real position of therapeutics. It would be called ‘UNAUSTRALIAN’ to muddy the waters currently, so one presumes that’s why the media leaves it alone. We are increasingly led by the nose. One hopes in the case of the virus it doesn’t lead to the same degree of national destruction as is happening with AGW, but the lockdowns are going to come at a huge cost economically, especially running in parallel with AGW.
The survey results were of course released and audited / as they never are.
It is an experiment.
Health Minister Greg Hunt, (go to 12:50 mark) states the world is conducting the largest trial of a vaccine ever. It is a trial, he has stated this in many interviews.
The UN IPCC science panel opts for extreme nuttiness
By David Wojick
An excerpt:
Figure 1b is my personal favorite and has been for a long time because it makes the fallacy of alarmism crystal clear. It shows the supposedly observed global temperatures since 1850 plus two climate model computer runs. One run includes both human and natural “factors” while the other only includes natural stuff. Not surprisingly the natural one shows no warming while the human driven one matches the so-called observations.
What makes this so silly is shown in Figure 2, which lists all of the “drivers” of temperature change used in the model. All are human! Obviously if all of the drivers are human then all the warming must be human, right? But this is an assumption, not an outcome. So Figure 1b, the supposed proof that the warming is caused by humans, is merely restating the assumptions built into the model. The reasoning is perfectly circular.
In short the IPCC’s nutty argument goes like this: “Assuming all warming is caused by humans we find that all the warming has been caused by humans.”
There is a lot more in my article.
Listed are the five fundamental fallacies of alarmism.
The question is no longer what is wrong, but if anything at all is right. And that is just using the accurate data of the last fifty years. The idea that mankind has any way at all of heating or cooling a planet is utter fantasy. It would have to be proven by more than correlation equals causation.
I blame Sir Edmund Hillary for climbing Mount Everest, now a group sport. Since then we have owned and control the planet. And putting a few men on the moon fifty years ago meant we control the universe.
I think it is important to point out what specifically is wrong, because a lot of people continue to have false beliefs in human caused dangerous warming.
Did anyone watch Catalyst on Monday night ?
Titled….” The future of the grid “. ( try iview ?)
It was a review of the progress of converting the Grid to RE generation.
Nothing revolutionary, the usual promotion of Wind and solar etc and what unique oportunities we have for endless Solar and wind power, with no mention of costs, and only fleeting mention of the need for storage to make it all work.
Surprisingly, a discussion with the guy running the AEMO control center revealed that he had no doubt 100% RE would be no problem !
Generally lots of omitted details, false claims, and over optomistic suggestions.
The one fact that surprised me was that each and every ceramic/glass insulator stting on the transmission lines, are pressure washed at least every 2 weeks…using a helecopter with a pressure washer wand attached !😲
Aubrey Zibelman’s appointment as CEO of the AEMO showed that it had become politically oriented rather than technical at the management level.
I remember a university colleague who ended up working there telling me how simple the renewabubbles were to integrate into the MARKET when I tried asking about integrating them into the grid. The 2016 SA blackout occurred shortly afterward and I asked him about the contribution of renewabubbles and he deflected to an irrelevant point about black start. He is an electrical engineer.
Sorry, I keep hitting the wrong colour.
Maybe they will switch to drones, nevertheless the scale of building & maintaining RE quite blows me away. For example …
I watched some of it (recorded). Was surprised by the low level of hysteria although continued claims that rising CO2 means rising temperatures, climate disruption etc.
I gave up when they got to the smelting of silica to silicon, in a roaring fire supposedly fired by electricity, with a passing reference to the oxygen (from the silica) being absorbed by coal. A complete lack of chemical knowledge?
The other was the young, attractive, articulate, female apprentice electrician. Made me wonder how long it took the producer to decide on using her (answers in milliseconds).
Excellent open letter.
A Letter to the Unvaccinated
Posted on August 2, 2021 by admin
OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt and several fellow Canadian academics penned an open letter to support those who have decided not to accept the COVID-19 vaccine.
The group emphasizes the voluntary nature of this medical treatment as well as the need for informed consent and individual risk-benefit assessment. They reject the pressure exerted by public health officials, the news and social media, and fellow citizens.
Control over our bodily integrity may well be the ultimate frontier of the fight to protect civil liberties. Read the letter here:
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated
You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated. Politicians and the media have taken a uniform view, scapegoating the unvaccinated for the troubles that have ensued after eighteen months of fearmongering and lockdowns. It’s time to set the record straight.
It is entirely reasonable and legitimate to say ‘no’ to insufficiently tested vaccines for which there is no reliable science. You have a right to assert guardianship of your body and to refuse medical treatments if you see fit. You are right to say ‘no’ to a violation of your dignity, your integrity and your bodily autonomy. It is your body, and you have the right to choose. You are right to fight for your children against their mass vaccination in school.
You are right to question whether free and informed consent is at all possible under present circumstances. Long-term effects are unknown. Transgenerational effects are unknown. Vaccine-induced deregulation of natural immunity is unknown. Potential harm is unknown as the adverse event reporting is delayed, incomplete and inconsistent between jurisdictions.
You are being targeted by mainstream media, government social engineering campaigns, unjust rules and policies, collaborating employers, and the social-media mob. You are being told that you are now the problem and that the world cannot get back to normal unless you get vaccinated. You are being viciously scapegoated by propaganda and pressured by others around you. Remember; there is nothing wrong with you.
You are inaccurately accused of being a factory for new SARS-CoV-2 variants, when in fact, according to leading scientists, your natural immune system generates immunity to multiple components of the virus. This will promote your protection against a vast range of viral variants and abrogates further spread to anyone else.
You are justified in demanding independent peer-reviewed studies, not funded by multinational pharmaceutical companies. All the peer-reviewed studies of short-term safety and short-term efficacy have been funded, organized, coordinated, and supported by these for-profit corporations; and none of the study data have been made public or available to researchers who don’t work for these companies.
You are right to question the preliminary vaccine trial results. The claimed high values of relative efficacy rely on small numbers of tenuously determined “infections.” The studies were also not blind, where people giving the injections admittedly knew or could deduce whether they were injecting the experimental vaccine or the placebo. This is not acceptable scientific methodology for vaccine trials.
You are correct in your calls for a diversity of scientific opinions. Like in nature, we need a polyculture of information and its interpretations. And we don’t have that right now. Choosing not to take the vaccine is holding space for reason, transparency and accountability to emerge. You are right to ask, ‘What comes next when we give away authority over our own bodies?’
Do not be intimidated. You are showing resilience, integrity and grit. You are coming together in your communities, making plans to help one another and standing for scientific accountability and free speech, which are required for society to thrive. We are among many who stand with you.
Angela Durante, PhD
Denis Rancourt, PhD
Claus Rinner, PhD
Laurent Leduc, PhD
Donald Welsh, PhD
John Zwaagstra, PhD
Jan Vrbik, PhD
Valentina Capurri, PhD
To avoid a repeat of Joseph Mengele of the Third Reich medical experiments in WW2 the Nuremberg Code was endorsed by nations of the free world. 1st point, ‘The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.’ That same point raises the issue of ‘informed ‘consent. People need to be made fully aware of the dangers involved in the medical procedure… (?)
Excellent point! Informed consent is the issue. Note that informed and consent are two different issues, each huge.
It’s almost a rule of thirds with ‘informed consent’ in medicine, imo.
A third want to know and understand all risks.
A third don’t want to know anything, due to fear usually, or just accept they have to have the treatment so risk knowledge just adds to the worry and they just want to get on with it.
A third don’t absorb what is said, accepting they should know but don’t really want to know.
These days it can be hard to satisfy everyone but still cover the legalities rising from consent issues.
Not only the rule of thirds, but when doctors do explain risks and benefits, the doc’s own beliefs govern the way they express themselves.
Surely ,in the interests of “informed consent”the immanent recipient of the “vaccine” should be told of the existence of the alternate tested treatments in use in at least 40 other countries with positive results at least equal or superior to the “Vaccine”
Excellent point.
Thank you for that David. This extract is important:
All the peer-reviewed studies of short-term safety and short-term efficacy have been funded, organized, coordinated, and supported by these for-profit corporations;
and none of the study data have been made public or available to researchers who don’t work for these companies.
Such a contrast with the studies on ivermectin.
I think the letter is quite irresponsible, uses emotional and highly unscientific language, and to be honest … is just a re-wording of tired old anti-vaxxer voodoo.
It provides no statistical analysis that show that the risks from the various vaccines are minute – and that the risks from Covid-19 itself are FAR higher, especially for the vulnerable, and those lover 60.
It didn’t mention the thousands of kids in the US who are infected with the Delta Strain, and seriously ill in hospitals.
People with PhDs should not peddle such “letters”.
And people with common sense should not trust the numbers given by experts and governments. Has the climate change propaganda machine taught you nothing.
It’s taught me that that there is a whole generation (or two) who are now so cynical, so conspiratorial, so agitated, that they don’t trust or believe ANY science or ANY facts unless it comes from their favourite fruitloop with a website and an agenda.
There is a huge amount of valid and reputable science and research out there – on the virus, vaccination, and climate – and it’s not all designed to pull the wool over our collective eyes.
And yet, none of them can predict rainfall a year from now…
Probably the greatest insult anyone could throw at me would be to call me a sheeple.
One should NOT live to my age without becoming a sceptic of whatever we are told. Naively I still believe in the basic goodness of most of my peers.
Too late at night.
That red was a miss-hit.
You have yet to produce any science related to climate.
You have fail utterly when asked to.
I take it you just “believe” (spooky music) with no understanding or comprehension of science whatsoever.
You are not basing your “beliefs” on science….
… you are basing them on what you are told to believe.
The climate debate is exactly designed to pull the wool over our eyes, that’s its only purpose to obscure the reality.
Science is reaping what it sows.
I do not believe the MSM, Government and the people in white coats in the climate debate. I will not believe the same trash in the Kungflu debate no matter what title they clip to their coats.
Where is the long term statistical evidence that the gene therapy spike protein vaccines are safe or effective?
I think their usage quite irresponsible beyond those who are inherently vulnerable by age or comorbidities and therefore need the protection given the statistical distribution of deaths and adverse reactions to CoViD.
To carry over from the question I posed in the previous post.
The spike protein is the issue, so we then need to inject millions into people to get the cells to manufacture these spike proteins.
When the spike is injected the immune system will recognise it and develop an immune response, attack and destroy it and develop antibodies before it can enter the cells. Therefore to sneak it past the immune system into the cells it must be cloaked in a lipid nanoparticle, (PEG) so that it can enter the cells and so the cells can produce billions of spikes for the immune system to identify and destroy. Why does this not make sense, seems to be a couple of unnecessary steps here.
Makes you wonder if the pharmaceutical industry has been feeding this PEG into us to train our immune systems to ignore it, for future projects!
The argument that the unvaxxed are responsible for the accelerated evolution of new strains is blown out of the water by genomic data mapping of time and location of the emergent new strains.
The bursts of mutations closely match the clinical trials and later mass use of the Quackzines. It is exactly as scientists have warned for 70 years: mass use of non-sterilizing inoculations in a pandemic just accelerates the evolution of new viral strains.
(Those with Twitter can view the map on Dr. Malone’s feed).
If you’d like to visualize the mutations over time and by location, Nexstrain has done it. is an “open source” group of researchers that have been doing the sequencing of SARS-CoV2 and tracking the mutations since December 2019. They have mapped both the genome and the locations over time.
This link will take you to the AU data.
This is the link to the global visualization, from it you can filter by country, etc.
It is visually clear that AU is now dominated by the Delta variant.
Australia’s “COVID Zero” strategy serves as a perfect example of the ole adage (properly attributed to Alcoholics Anonymous, not Einstein, btw),“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Behold:×4096
The history of that quote is given at:
I think it’s the reverse of that. Here in Victoria we are in Lockdown6, and in each previous one we have achieved the desired result. And I expect we will this time too.
Not without a lot of economic and social pain, but what is the alternative? Florida with 25,000 new cases a day, and overwhelmed hospitals? Or even NSW, where 400-500 cases per day means they are on the brink of runaway infection.
Whats the alternative. Antivirals, vit C and D etc .. havent you been listening?
That, yes.
Plus HCQ, Zn, D3 and Azithromycin in accordance with the Zelenko protocol:
And, get vaccinated.
The 7 day moving average of cases in Florida is 14,024 and dropping sharply.
Yep, as usual, Tilba Tilba is taking things out of context – Florida MAY shortly have hospitals overwhelmed but this will be due to staff shortages. And the staff shortages are driven by the federal government handouts that have people better off staying at home rather than going back to work.
And mandatory vaccination has seen large numbers of staff quit, which has led to a large number of wards and beds being shut, which feeds the “oh the humanity, hospitals are near capacity”.
Fear porn.
MP, is there a class action lawsuit yet from those forced to quit. There should be a few thousand of them
Think the word “quit” means it’s voluntary. If I volunteer to say take an experimental something, then the dealer is not liable.
Class action means a group of entities filing one suit to my knowledge.
Is there a point to that statement?
I guess there are stats and stats. Worldometer is showing for Florida:
Current Day new cases: 21,669 … Prior Day new cases 17,216
But the main point is that Australia has taken a different path, and been “rewarded” with far fewer cases, and it seems, far less hospitalisation. Although NSW with 633 on Wednesday is not a good trend to have.
“Here in Victoria we are in Lockdown6, and in each previous one we have achieved the desired result. And I expect we will this time too.”
The desired result being what? That Lockdown6 will work … until Lockdown7 is needed, and so on? Just like Lockdown1 worked until Lockdown2 was needed, which worked until Lockdown3 was needed, which worked until Lockdown4 was needed, which worked until Lockdown5 was needed, which worked until the current one was needed?
Seems to me that, rather than countering my point, you’ve succeeded in reinforcing it.
Granny killer Dan remains in power … that would be his desired result.
He won’t be able to kill as many grannies as Governor Cuomo did, but they were both working from the same playbook.
Locking them in their rooms ensures nice low vitamin D and poor physical and mental condition to maximize their vulnerability. When they finally do catch it from breathing nothing but recycled air the only treatment they get is plenty of sedatives ensuring their already weakened lungs operate as little as possible.
But hey, when your reward in life is to reach the final destination locked in a small cell like a helpless prisoner, at that stage they probably don’t have too much fight left in them.
Nice one Dan! If only everyone could care so much as Dan does.
“Granny killer Dan remains in power”
Fair enough, we all make mistakes, and he was elected.
But to see him operate and then re-elect him is hard to fathom.
Corona Committee: “COVID-19 is a Super-PsyOp … against civil societies’
The “Corona Committee” (Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss) tries to sound “official” – holding “hearings”, taking “testimony”, issuing “findings” – all the flowery language of courts and parliaments.
But it’s just a bunch of (mostly) ideologues and deniers who provide a front and platform for all the truly extreme anti-virus and anti-vax quacks and others out there.
It’s a sham and a scam indeed. How can the virus be a “PsyOp”? How many thousands would have to be involved?
[Snip – LVA]
Probably the same amount required to drive the climate change fear porn industry. Hundreds of thousands.
Deniers of what ?
Not the virus, but the reactions, they fit in the puzzle.
Interestingly the motto in the cartoon is from the Buchwald Concentration Camp…it basically translates to ” you get what you deserve”.
Now as it appears the globalists are and have always been the natural reservoir of the n*zi “virus”, it doesn’t surprise me.
But its a pretty hard hitting comic in that it basically accuses the globalists of being n*zis…..the imagery is stomach churning…
No OS. The reservoir of the aberration you refer to has always been the socialists – left and right.
Fascists all.
What is the scientific basis, if any, for the 9pm to 5am curfew currently being ruthlessly enforced in Vicdanistan in terms of the claimed reduction of covid transmission? Is the shutdown of all “non-essential” shops not enough?
If there is no scientific basis then the exercise is just pointless and economically and socially destructive or it’s really “collective punishment” for some people breaking covid restrictions.
Surprisingly, collective punishment does not appear to be illegal in Australia. It is illegal under the Geneva Conventions and it is also illegal for the Australian military to apply due to that reason and also Australian military law but that only applies to armed conflict.
Not a “scientific” tactic – just an enforcement one. There have been cases of lockdown flout – parties and pub-crawls (involving large groups and alcohol in the evening). These can be identified and stopped/punished much easier if the police have curfew-enforcement as a tool.
I don’t like mandatory curfews either, but scoff-laws do increase public-health risks.
From Wednesday’s Australian: “Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says he does not need to prove the efficacy of a curfew in bringing down coronavirus case numbers, despite having chosen to impose one on five million Melburnians.”
In Victoria, arbitrary laws are imposed on the advice of a CHO who survives because he serves his Premier. Meanwhile kids are suffering without schooling, and families are prevented from visiting each other. Shame. Where is the political judgement about the trade off between more cases and mental health, economic damage, children’s education?
I’m sure the rationale behind the curfew is to stop late night parties, yet such gatherings were aleady banned. But whatever the rules, some people break them.
See you are using logic in this debate. First victim of the Kungflu in February last year.
David, last Monday I rang a mate to chat. As soon as he answered I new something was wrong. What followed was an extremely upsetting conversation with my mate crying both unashamedly and un controllably. One of his teenaged daughters friends had taken her own life last Sunday. As he stated, these bloody lock downs, no one in government cares about any of the fall out. Harsher and harsher restrictions are utterly destroying many people. The young particularly are suffering great mental stress and our leaders neither acknowledge nor seem to care about anything other than covid control. The old adage “the operation was a success, the patient died” is so apt. When the reality of approximately 1000 deaths Australia wide is so out weighed by almost every other cause of death Covid pales into insignificance.
The destruction of social fabric does appear to be the desired out come not the overall public health of Victorians ( Australians ). When Victoria was in the last lockdown we even had a urologist on television saying his patients were talking about their mental health, and many,in his view as a clinition had diagnosable issues. A Urologist for heavens sake, pointing out the bleeding obvious. I cannot recall any mental health experts being interviewed on the huge ramifications that lock downs cause.
I spoke to my daughter about my own two teenage granddaughters, these kids are well adjusted with supportive parents and grand parents, my daughters concerns about these girls was palpable. I am very worried for their ongoing well being.
Motivated by this I have written to my local MP. ( currently in opposition ) expressing concerns and asking that these very important issues be raised both in parliment and in the media, its only the start of the third day, as yet no reply.
That is very sad and so unnecessary. I really dont know what it is going to take to get the antivirals out there. The pressure is so strong to “vaccinate” to the exclusion of anything else.
I despair for all these young people, the intellectually disabled, lonely elderly and sole home dwellers. Lockdowns are now doing huge damage.
Panic Management= State and Federal Governments. Who the hell can trust any politician/health lackey to tell the truth???
I’ve got a lot of time for Professor Brett Sutton, the Victorian CHO. He spends a lot of time detailing the data, and explaining why he is taking the steps that he is.
Some of the other state CHOs are good too – and in general they don’t rely on the spin that you get from elected officials.
Len posted the follow tidbit a couple days ago about our CHO
Additionally, she was one of the players in the Event 201, Global Pandemic Exercise back in October 2019.
This epidemic response run through was funded by the Open Philanthropy Project which in turn is heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Footage shows Jane had a fair amount of verbal input. Jane works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Jane is Australia’s Covid Coordinator and she is the person that both our Federal and State governments answer to.
Some evidence for this? Not sure either the federal or state governments answer to anyone except the electorate … and anyway, what is the point? You seem to be suggesting that (a) the Gates Foundation is somehow involved in the pandemic, and (b) that Professor Brett Sutton is somehow compromised because of whom his brother is married to.
Is there some evidence for either of these suggestions? And Event 201 has been demonised for no valid reasons at all. It is what it is. An unremarkable simulation exercise – the sort of thing that happens all the time in all manner of contexts.
You’ve misinterpreted that Tilba Tilba.
The issue is the roll-out of anti-virals.
It’s already been established that the Gates Foundation has partly funded a mock study into IVM. The study was designed to fail. And, surprise, surprise, it did.
What Analitik says in correct. The Gates Foundation is, like it or not, involved in the pandemic.
There is a massive conflict with Haldon. She may well be an honourable actor, however, the optics are very poor.
It’s not good enough for conflicts to not exist. They need to be seen to not exist. In her case, there is a perception of conflict at the least. It may well go deeper.
During one of the previous lockdowns (which all worked) in Victoria, Prof Sutton managed to get an exemption for himself (being very impotent of course) to attend an out-of-state venue. It was to accept (from memory) an award. Well done, sir!
We are all in this together.
His sister in law Jane Halton can send him the latest from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
h/t to you
Professor Sutton himself may be traumatised, because last year under his watch 820 Victorians died from CV-19.
And after that he stated that he did not want any more deaths on his watch.
So he will advise lockdowns for ever to stop more cases, regardless of other impacts on mental health, economic disasters, lack of schooling, as they are not his problem.
Suicides, self harm and anti-social behaviour brought on by the restrictions should fall under his purview since a CHO should be concerned with mental health.
The wonderful Don Aitken has recently retired his blog. Just now I was rereading his “concluding thoughts on climate change”. He laments the absence of sound supporting data for the AGW meme.
My formal study of science ended with my Leaving Certificate a long time ago. But between that and what I have picked up since (I was always interested) I knew enough to be certain that the AGW “science” that dominated media reports just did not pass the test of the scientific method. So much of it, especially the almost divine computer models, lacked repeatability.
I hadn’t thought about it before, but as I read Don’s article Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick came to mind. Supposedly developed from tree rings in some remote location. Having been a pioneering farmer I know just a little about tree rings. In the timber I am familiar with they are not very noticeable in older trees, though no doubt a scientist could identify them. But in our part of the world there are no native deciduous trees, all evergreens. I imagine deciduous trees might well have more discernable rings. The rings in some furniture are very noticeable.
Where you can see the rings is in saplings and younger trees. And they vary greatly! Not from changing temperature, but from available moisture. In a wet year they put on a great deal more growth. And I couldn’t be sure if rings are annual or marking rainfall events. Whatever, hereaobuts, rainfall beats temperature by a long way.
Our climate is temperate in the Australian style of droughts and flooding rains, with average rainfall about 600mm, very erratic, with winter frosts rarely below about -4 and summer highs rarely above 40 degrees.
An interesting article about the flaws in the IPCC AR6 Hockeystick
PAGES19 Asian Tree Ring Chronologies
Stephen McIntyre
posted on Aug 15, 2021 at 3:25 PM
Whilst i understand his reasoning and conclusions, …i have always believed it is very unprofessional to publish graphs without ledgends and units clearly identified on each axis.!
Like so
Additional article on Solar driving Climate, Not CO2:
New Confirmation that Climate Models Overstate Atmospheric Warming
Posted on August 17, 2021
by Ross McKitrick
Interesting article by Lubos Motl at The Reference Frame. If the R0 for Covid-Delta is 5 to 8 and the Pfizer vax is only 42% effective against it, then the population will never reach an immunity R0 of <1. Motl explains things quite well. You might disagree, but he does make good points.
Immunology, vaccinology, epidemiology 101
Makes HCQ and IVM look better and better. 🙂
Thanks Lance. He certainly emphasises the submissive psychopathology that has swept Australians but we won’t suffer any embarrassment because we are to be perpetually isolated from other nations whose people would certainly goggle and jeer at the sight of this abject population. Mind you across the Tasman in Jacinda’s spuriously named and governed Aotearoa western civilisation has been fully vanquished but we’re well on the way.
“The Beatings will continue until morale improves”
“What we’ve got here, is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach.”
(Cool Hand Luke )
A readily available drug may help fight COVID-19
In laboratory experiments, the researchers found that fenofibrate destabilized the spike protein and inhibited binding to the ACE2Trusted Source membrane protein, through which the virus enters the cells.
Dr. Richardson added: “Fenofibrate is widely available. We estimate that the cost of a course of treatment would be about £10–20 [$14–28].”
“destabilized the spike protein”
Aha! Could this be the long awaited antidote to mRNA vaccines?
Climate Hype Hurts the Environment and Undermines Our Society
Reposted from the Cliff Mass Weather Blog
The present covid “vaccines” are not “sterilising” so after vaccination you can still be infected with covid plus still be infectious. Therefore they will do absolutely nothing to prevent the more totalitarian of governments such as Australia’s from doing mass lock ups and curfews.
It is claimed however that there is a lower mortality level for a period of time (6 months?) after vaccination, at least until the “leakey” vaccines allow the evolution of an unstoppable super virus.
On the other hand, a person treated with an appropriate anti-viral agent will either not get the virus when used for prophylaxis or if they are not under prophylaxis and they do get the virus, the virus will be eliminated from their body (in most cases, since the antiviral agents are not necessarily 100% perfect either).
This therefore means that a mass (volunatary) administration of antivirals such as HCQ or Ivermectin according to published protocols (not those trials specifically designed to fail) could wipe out the virus and restore us to normality in weeks or months.
Do you agree?
Yes, we could virtually wipe out the virus as a threat with the use of anti-virals.
We certainly are just making things worse with the use of non-sterilizing inoculations.
However we need to learn from HIV/AIDS. Mono therapy with just one anti-viral drug won’t work. We need a therapeutic triple therapy, preferably with drug rotation. We have now identified enough effective therapeutics to achieve this. And better yet, the drugs are all old and tested.
A national lab just achieved a ‘Wright Brothers moment’ in nuclear fusion
Catherine Clifford
WHO says some Covid data suggests increased risk of hospitalization from delta variant
Rich Mendez
Nothing the WHO says can be trusted.
They maintained the lie about “no evidence of human to human transmission” into late January 2020, facilitating China’s export of the virus.
They fought against the use of anti-viral drugs, going as far as to rely on fradulent science, even after papers had been retracted. They also used studies against therapeutics where patients were intentionally overdosed with fatal amounts of HCQ.
The WHO is responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths. They must be ignored by any nation that wants to defend the lives of their citizens.
For many months they refused to accept that the virus was spreading as an aerosol. This resulted in people getting infected in hospital, and was one of the factors in many nursing home deaths.
They never apologize for the previous blunder, just go on to the next, and the next … we are supposed to forget what happened yesterday!
Critical information from Israel:”
While many know that a large number of recent Fauci Flu infections in Israel are in “fully vaccinated” persons (~40%), what is not being discussed is the power of natural immunity aquired by surviving prior infection.
Percentage of those with natural immunity among new infections? Just 0.0086%!
Surviving infection with the help of therapeutics is clearly the answer and the Quackzines are a dead end.
Link for a news article on the Israeli findings re: natural immunity.
Nice find
There are two takeaways from this info:
1. There is no point to pushing on with mass use of the non-sterilizing inoculations. Given the high protection of natural immunity, the high efficacy of the therapeutics in preventing hospitalization or mortality, the unusually high numbers of adverse outcomes from “vaccination”, the clear evidence that that the “vaccines ” are accelerating viral evolution and that an ADE signal is emerging, continuing mass quackzination is simply unethical.
2. Given the high “vaccination” rates in Israel and the high prior exposure rates, it would appear that the Quackzines ability to negate natural immunity is temporary, possibly failing as fast as their efficacy. This is a good thing. It would mean that those who took the Pfizer shots still have the future chance of natural immunity.
Point 1. Yes.
Point 2. It could be that the vaccine destroys the natural immunity which does not recover when the vaccine’s efficacy drops.
Yep, must watch,
Well, wadda ya know, J&J is grown on human foetal cells. That makes me queasy.
Currently 95 percent of hospitalized in the GROWING Israel viral wave were vaccinated!
for the Brown & Root people out there, you may be interested to watch this BBC Scotland prog. aired tonight. Fascinating stuff.
Aye, the SNP and Eddie Heath couldn’t get their paaws on OIL quickly enough
[Snip. Improper language. – LVA ]
to the Moderator: No! We in that area ( There are TWO Areas with this name) 1. in Ross-shire /Easter Ross where the Docu was made is at the edge of NIGG bay, and goes around to the Nigg hotel on to the North Souter, opposite Cromarty. 2. Just South of Aberdeen, Scotland, where they are building a new Port.
so as you can read, WE in THIS AREA of ross-shire who were never racist – too far removed to be bothered to be woke, then or now, are delightfully known as “The Nigg***s” however you wish to spell it.
There are Brown & Root / Wimpey people all over the place who had NOTHING to do with Nigg, My Comment was intended for the Diaspora of the Inner Moray Firth who may not be in regular contact with home: indeed this Prog was not widely advertised and I only happened upon it by chance in the local paper. and by the way, then, Brown & Root could likewise be misconstrued as something else, FYI. -as it was then when there were the orange juice strikes, etc. (watch the film ) and ENJOY!
[Regardless of how the commenter believes this to be innocuous, the risk and price of any blowback rests with Jo and her blog. Jo Alone calls this one as it is hers to call. – LVA ]
[This is such a stupid situation. Some words are now radioactive. Sorry for *** stopping this one turning up in search engines. But everyone understands your point, and the local customs are interesting. The-word-that-shall-not-be-named is auto-moderated. Thanks for understanding. And is this type of stupid word game reminiscent of the Soviet Union? Sure feels like it. – J]
to the Moderator: Thanks all! and FYI My PARENTS lived and worked on Ankerville Farm, at Nigg, many many moons ago.. …. so I can claim to be *one* too! – and when I work outdoors ( not INside) a tractor Cabin, I get very dark. Now when I was in school, just many moons ago, we had a “West Coaster” who had black hair and a darker than the neighbours skin ( worse than mine, and all year round) yet no one thought ill nor otherwise of him. -not even a dark E!. Now also FYI.ppl from Wick, ( further north, maybe even for the entire County, are known elsewhere as a * Wicker*
Now as for Brown & Root/ ….. could NOT have said “people” as McDermott’s ( across the water at Ardersier) became ‘entangled’ with the B&R Co and later when I got involved with them, was known as Hi-Fab ( HighlandsFabricators) and since few speak about it all now, I’ve already forgotten what it’s correct full name was.( done a kwik Lotus Org.check: it was BARMAC – @ Nigg & Ardersier )
Yes indeed, Some words are now radioactive -but ( I was going to say … didn’t kill anyone, Hmm naw, People survived! ) Slàinte Mhath !
An al nathrac, uth vas spethud, doc hiel tien dre.
“English” has certainly evolved: at on time,long ago, there were 250 million Chinese learning English.
Aye, ‘know that Easter Ross is very well known for it’s Seed Tatties’ and they have to be dressed – but that Riddle confuses me! At best, gaelic is spoken thru’ the nose with clenched teeth ( we think / say here) and as for Breath of serpent, spell of death and life, … well we’re all getting older and wiser. But it’s a local thing here, right enough amongst the gadgies.
410 km/hr jetstream flows are still being produced during our winter, but there are just fewer of them and they don’t last as long now.
May as well open up the Bubble again … We got the dreaded Delta.. Our incompetent Puppet Masters have once again showed their incompetence in keeping Covid out and MIQ has once again failed. 7 days of Gulag at this point ( when there was one case) now there are 5 and Jacinda The Great (Insert suitable adjective here) eg Liar, has forbidden us to talk to our neighbours… I didn’t know we had time travelled back to Germany Circa 1939….. Best part is one of the infected was FULLY vaccinated, a nurse….. Maybe Dr Malone is right…
Greenhouse gas concentrations (especially anthropogenic ones) are driving climate on the century scale and Global Warming – Milankovitch Cycles drive it on the longer scale. The Maunder Minimum did not cause the Little Ice Age, nor did it especially affect temps at that time.
And your link will not open – at least not for me (Chrome | Windows 10).
That naughty clarence.t posting such a recalcitrant link.
“Greenhouse gas concentrations (especially anthropogenic ones) are driving climate on the century scale”
There is absolutely zero evidence of that
Stop making up BS !!
Yeah well … I expect we have to agree to disagree, and 97% of climatologists can’t be wrong 🙂
And that percentage is BS too!
Appeal to a fake consensus.
About the level of science we expect from you, TT.
When it comes to actual science, you are a void, a null point, not even a singularity.
Still waiting for some science from you, Tilda..
Surely you can’t remain non-science all your life.
“The Maunder Minimum did not cause the Little Ice Age, nor did it especially affect temps at that time.”
Just happened to coincide with very cold period…… right
You really are full of anti-science garbage. !
An infectious disease expert on the ABC’s 7:30 Report admits the NSW lockdowns are futile
America has left behind billions of dollars of military hardware, including black hawk helicopters. The embassy alone cost $700 million to build with goodness knows what technology. What happens now? Will India find itself in a pincher movement between China and Pakistan/ Taliban? Or will the Taliban join forces with the Iranians as both are “friends” of China? Was this withdrawal in the middle of the night part of a grand plan between China and the WH?
It’s amazing when I can no longer believe anything coming from our institutions and governments, I’m likely to believe anything else.
The USA has already frozen all Afghan assets under the existing ruling for the Taliban. This will only open up the Taliban to offers from China for “assistance”. Expect the next BRI announcement soon.
The helicopters are useless. They need a full service every 50 flight hours. They have no service personnel or parts.
China will buy them to examine the technology
Konrad, not certain that is true. The Afghan Army was trained in maintenance and there were certainly parts on site. So Islamist fanatic says to defeated soldier, “fix whirlybird or die.”
It’s a fair way off but there is a silver lining to this black cloud: Vaccinations alone aren’t going to end this pandemic, it will only end when antivirals become an accepted part of the game plan. Once accepted these same antivirals and protocols will tame seasonal flu.
As per my previous post for the 7:30 Report, I’m giving NSW 2 weeks before they give up on the lockdowns and reopen. Then they will be forced to try antivirals and maybe realize that following the WHO playbook wasn’t such a smart idea afterall.
NZ with their lockdown for a single case is even more preposterous than Victoria’s. Jacinda makes Dan look like a centrist.
I think you’re being very optimistic there AA on 2 counts: firstly I think they will try to lock down even tighter, don’t know for how long; secondly I believe Gladys will stick with the vaccines until death — hers or ours. I detect no signs of fact-based rational behaviour from the various premiers or their advisors in the foreseeable future, just more of what hasn’t worked.
Unless she has a way to about-face without losing face, there will be no appreciable change, but I really hope you’re right and I’m totally wrong.
I hope that Analitik is right but fear that NSW is going to continue with the lockdown.
The areas in Victoria and Sydney that have experienced significant lockdowns must be close to collapse.
After a week and a half here in NovoCastria the lockdown is the final insult.
Politics has reached a new low.
Two days after the initial, very soft, lockdowns in Sydney, there were local members and councilors for the 3 affected areas complaining about the effects it would have on businesses. No one in similar positions in Melbourne has ever spoken out against the lockdowns effects that were and have been imposed – all they ever said was it was painful but necessary. Some regional Victorian politicians have spoken out but in the context of them having zero cases at the time.
There will be far more political pressure on Gladys Berejiklian to get Sydney operating normally than Red Dan has ever faced.
Personally I think the Liberal Party is done for in Sydney … I’ve not seen this level of anger from normal folks before.
I’ve heard lifetime staunch Liberal supporters saying “Pauline Hanson”.
Given that Sydney is their heartland, this won’t be good for the Liberals.
I just found this.
Dr Chant said she wanted to see the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) approve the vaccines for younger children.
“We vaccinated the 16-year-olds. I’m keen to get into the 12 to 15-year-olds personally.”
Does that sound how a Chief Health Officer should sound? They are doubling down on vaccination as the only strategy. There is no hope for these people and little hope for us underlings.
Just for perspective on what this means for trying to control the outbreak to eliminate the virus, that’s a R0 figure of more than 2. GLWT.
Yes. I was just shocked by her intent and the way she expressed it, even without regard to its effectiveness or lack of same.
This is obviously not true beowulf. NSW and VIC made very clear yesterday that a strong lockdown was their primary strategy being used during the coming weeks (probably until early Oct) to prevent transmissions between infected and non-infected people, to knock down the numbers of cases and burn it out, as opposed to the continuous rise we’ve been seeing from a lack of that strategy being used.
The other aspect you are ignoring is that testing is being greatly expanded and sped-up with that strategy. Why are you ignoring the basic facts of what is being done?
The vaccination effort is a much longer period project and it will go into the middle of next year at least, and probably be followed by booster shots for those that will benefit from it.
Like everything else with this virus pandemic, that mix and emphasis on vaccine and other strategies will be continuously adjusted which is what must occur to get the most effective coverage, and stymie spread until more vaccination has occurred. I don’t see anything unusual or ad-hoc being said by the Chief Health Officer, they will have been thinking about this for weeks at least. They want to reduce the damage to the education of students who will enter the workforce in the next few years. To do that they need high-school students vaccinated.
It also doesn’t help that you say vaccination is the only strategy being used when anyone can see that’s a gross misrepresentation of the massive efforts being made to reduce the spreading ASAP, including a huge contract-tracing effort. You should reflect on this before saying things like that. And also acknowledge that people make mistakes every day in the process of learning, and learning quickly from those mistakes is what we need most now to limit damage, Until the threat of general community spread reduces we’re going to get damaged by it.
Norway has given up any thought of ever eliminating CoViD and have downgraded it to endemic status rather than pandemic. Iowa in the USA are doing the same.
These regions are doing the sensible thing and facing the reality that CoViD will be a community disease like influenza. Their only mistake is to still have faith in vaccines as the means of living with CoViD.
Your “other strategies” for dealing with CoViD are simply extensions to lockdowns and thus dead ends.
Happy to see their experiment and method succeed, but it hasn’t yet.
Jair Balsonaro also attempted something similar to that around a year ago to favor the economy over people’s health and longevity, told everyone to just live with it. Brazil got 571,000 dead so far, 2.88% of all known cases are dead.
The 1918 Spanish flu was also about 3% mortality, in many countries. Not exactly a shining example of what to do.
And isn’t Iowa a bit of an isolated backwater, by US standards, where population density is low and spread is more controllable? Isn’t Norway also remote, sparse with excellent control of border entry points?
Let’s not presume this was such a great idea, eh? Time will tell, but at present both locations have recently rising cases of delta strain.
Cases but not deaths. And most of the “cases” are merely positive PCR test results and not people who are actually sick. This is why those regions are going to start stop counting “cases” and treat only those with symptoms as being infected. Which is the correct way to deal with a disease, particularly a community disease.
Even the ABC are coming to the realization that NSW will need to do the same. By implication, the whole of Australia will too.
As for population density, why is NSW worried about their regional areas if low density makes CoViD spread immaterial?
Brazil got 571,000 dead so far, 2.88% of all known cases are dead.
Not cases.
Ok forgive my sloppy terminology. I was referring to actual solutions, not window dressing solutions.
Their primary strategy is vaccination, vaccination, and more vaccination! We get that shoved down our throats at every opportunity. That is what it’s all about. That is why they have 80% and 90% targets. You don’t have a high target if it isn’t the focus of your strategy.
I’m ignoring the other measures because they are an irrelevance as permanent solutions. Testing — so what? Testing doesn’t wipe out a virus and would be completely unnecessary if people could access prophylactic antivirals. Lockdowns — a harmful, temporary, bandaid solution. Remember that the virus has been found in wild and domestic animal populations, so it will continue to make episodic appearances as new mutations. No matter how many lockdowns you have or how many swabs you stick up someone’s nose, it doesn’t make a scrap difference in the long run.
Neither lockdowns nor non-sterilising vaccines are capable of wiping out the virus either individually or in combination and that is THE problem.
And seriously, you find nothing outrageous about the CHE wanting to “get into the 12 to 15 year olds”? I think it’s a complete bloody outrage that that woman wants to shove a spike toxin into kids as young as 12. It’s an outrage that she wants to shove it into anyone quite frankly.
As for making mistakes — they have had 18 months to make their mistakes, so when exactly are they going to start learning????? Repeating the same failed measures again and again and again because next time it might just work. How many lockdowns has VIC had now? Whatever number they are up to, all the previous lockdowns were “successful” were they?
While ever these so-called vaccines are being pushed as the primary and ONLY CORRECT solution to the viral outbreak, real, effective, sterilising antivirals will be suppressed as they are now. Get rid of the vaccines and the vaccine mentality, then we might get actual control of the virus.
The only reason we are going to get damaged by it is because the powers that be won’t allow us access to effective antiviral drugs that are available on every street corner in every 3rd world hole that you could name.
Strong words.
That paints you as a radical anti-vax nutjob. Plus you’re saying you will pretend noting else but vaccination is occurring, which is absolutely untrue and just a LIE you have decided to push.
Disgraceful claptrap.
In Australia we had repeated vaccinations during school years and also when we were BABIES, to prevent diseases of the day and longer term threats from circulating and reduce suffering and death. It all worked, those diseases are for all intents gone now, no longer a threat.
But you call that “shove a spike toxin into kids”.
You’re going to convince NO ONE with any brains and experience of life that sort of immature unbalanced garbage.
As pathetic as it is dishonest.
Actually, it paints you as grossly ignorant on the subject. Do you actually have the remotest idea what you are talking about? The vaccines we had as kids were NOT SPIKE TOXINS. How many times do we have to tell you these so-called vaccines are NOT THE SAME AS CONVENTIONAL VACCINES. Your arguments are as threadbare as your logic. The spike protein IS toxic.
Some remedial reading for you from the Salk Institute, you know the fellow that invented the 1st polio vaccine:
Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells,
. . . it’s really a vascular disease, . . .
That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.
. . . the paper provides clear confirmation and a detailed explanation of the mechanism through which the protein damages vascular cells for the first time.
. . .scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented.
… resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls.
So yes, it is an absolute outrage that our CHE wants to shove that toxin into the arms of 12 year olds, and remember that the effects cited above are only the tip of the iceberg. They didn’t test for every outcome of vascular or other damage.
And for your information WX I am fully vaxxed with all the conventional childhood vaccines plus boosters for tetanus and annual flu shots. I am not an anti-vax nut job, but I am anti-spike toxin injection, especially when better alternatives are to be readily had.
I reiterate, vaccination currently remains the ONLY AUTHORISED solution to the COVID outbreak. Masks, lockdowns, nasal swabbing are not solutions, nor are the “vaccines”. You can pretend otherwise until you are blue in the face, but it won’t alter the reality of the situation.
People seem not to understand the maths. The original covid had an R0 of 2. With a vax having 90% efficacy on that variant, the “apparent” Ro is (1-.9) x 2 = 0.2 which is 1 so the spread will expand exponentially even with a vax.
The upshot of this is that you Cannot vax your way out of covid. There MUST be antivirals to help people survive whatever variant they get so they can attain natural immunity. After surviving, they must NOT get any kind of vax because the vax destroys the natural immunity and the vax side effects are much greater in people who have natural immunity. The only way out of this is to utilize whatever effective antivirals are known or found. Everything else is simple folly.
Should show Less Than 1. but the symbol didn’t appear. Don’t know why.
Something went weird. Part of the post didn’t post. Guess I shouldn’t use the LT or GT symbols.
Original Covid has R0 = 2 and vax efficacy of 90%. Effective R0 is (1-.9) x 2 = 0.2 which is less than 1, so that situation is controllable and would stop the spread, eventually.
The Delta variant which dominates AU has an R0 of 5 to 8 and the vax has a 46% efficacy against Delta. So the effective R0 is (1-.46) x 5 = 2.7 which is greater than 1, so the spread will increase exponentially even with a vax.
R0 can be temporarily suppressed with behavioral modifications but these are neither economically not socially sustainable.
Someone Will shortly pipe up about Victoria last year getting the R0 below 1 with the (draconian) lockdown but that was with the original less transmissible variant so fundamentally, you are correct. Even the ABC have presented an expert that agrees with this.
stupid autocorrect – “neither economically nor socially sustainable”
Curious how you understand countries who have delta present and currently have progressively declining numbers?
I should have added, doesn’t personal and national diet quality, vitamins, fitness, good sleep, antiviral use, age and prior infections all modify that trajectory? Doesn’t isolation do the same?
Yes. There are many factors that are being ignored.
I’m looking at the R0 for Cov-19 , 2.0 , and vax efficacy Pfizer/Moderna ~ 90%, vs R0 for Delta , 5 to 8, and Pfizer/Moderna efficacy ~ 42%. You “can” vax your way out of the Alpha, but you cannot vax your way out of Delta because of the higher transmissibility and lower vax efficacy.
Delta is displacing Alpha at alarming speed, but Delta is less deadly.
Everyone is going to get Delta, someday. No way to avoid it because there is an animal kingdom sink for coronaviruses. The best way forward is get Vit D levels up, get basically healthy, and use antivirals to knock down the cytokine over-reaction so the patient can survive and acquire natural immunity, and NOT get a spike protein vax after acquiring natural immunity.
Everything else, lockdowns, masks, forced vaccinations, etc, will ultimately have no positive impact. AU is already Delta dominated.
This link will take you to the AU data visualization.
It is visually clear that AU is now dominated by the Delta variant.
Thanks Lance, curious why you emphasize this?
The spike protein destroys any natural immunity.
that sounds so sciency
To summarize Lance’s reply – herd immunity. Delta has spread far more widely than most people think as the majority of those infected suffer such short and mild symptoms that they never knew they had it. Serology surveys for antibodies to SARS-COV-2 has proven this in countries that have bothered doing such testing.
That’s fine, but 571,000 dead in Brazil is NOT an acceptable way to get there, sorry.
Natural immunity is 700 percent better then vaccine immunity, BEFORE talking about a dozen vaccine harms.
Antivirals are far better then any of the experimental vaccines and far more effective, relative risk vs absolute risk.
Solutions are everywhere but not being used. History, here we come..
‘Tis cheap enough and available but some brands are on back order:
Great to see increasing recognition of importance of anti-virals in dealing with Covid – especially the use of combining drug therapies, as in HIV AIDS.
Fauci’s announcement last week of this “pivot” (as Dr. Robert Malone called it) hopefully will be a game changer, as our pathetic medical bureaucrats look solely to the FDA & CDC for their direction.
Any doctor treating AIDS or cancer with a single drug would be struck off. Why are antivirals trialed as stand alone and not as part of a combination protocol?
Um, Money, Power, Control? possible reasons. Maybe sociopaths are in charge?
Maybe sociopaths are in charge?
Media and politicans are involved so quite a few personality disorders and pure wickedness are all implicated.
Anecdotally there are vaxxed who are getting crook from the virus, but are wary or shame-faced about the possible cause.
Just a point of interest and to see if other towns have the same thing happening on the feeder roads.
A youngish fella I met in my nearest town showed me a photo of some signs going up around our town. Big blue double posted signs with welcome to name of town with the speed limit in the centre, there is one on opposite sides to each other facing incoming traffic, he told me that he had seen these when in the military stationed overseas, these were for removal and placement of boom gates. I thought nothing of it but checked on my way out of town.
There has been major road works to every town in my area for the last few years all new roads, but now they are ripping up these new roads and making them wider.
With the signs, these are all located in areas that you cannot drive around (cuttings, steep slopes) of note is that as all the roads are new and the line marking done these signs are located centre of an even newer section of bitumen laid over the new surface approx. 100 meters in length.
Made me curious so I have now gone to all the towns in my area (6) and every town is the same, new section of road over the top of the old new section of road, all in areas that you are unable to go around, both signs in the centre of these new sections facing incoming traffic.
Strangely these new signs are made of 4” aluminium posts, in a cyclone area, and sleaved for ease removal/placement.
The little towns have feeder roads coming in from rural areas or old mining towns, basically one way in/out roads to nowhere, but all the feeder roads also have these welcome to such and such and on the opposite side from each other, located in areas you can’t drive around, anyone on these roads knows where they are going.
The towns used to have welcome to such and such on the inflow side and you are leaving on the other side, never exactly opposite and never on the feeder roads to town only the main roads into.
Going into one town they have painted the markings for the line work and at the centre of these new sections where the signs are is the markings for traffic islands?
The major town pop 10,000 is more advanced and these sections have a red strip about a meter wide painted across the width of the road, I went to main roads and asked what the red stripe was for, the dude told me it was to indicate a change in speed, well blood red on a black road is not that obvious especially at night and the reason they use white for line markings, yellow is the first colour the eyes see, so it does not make sense.
Some of these new areas have a new pole about 100 meters from the signs, nothing on them yet.
Does anyone else have these popping up around their area, I am in FNQ.
I am sure it’s for our own safety.
Easy way to check.
Pick a target location. Drive though and war-scan for localized radio activity. (Not short range wifi).
Then revisit, first on foot to place the trail cams, then later with a ute with mud splattered plates at 2am to deface the signs and remote activate the trail cams. (No harm, the signs are not officially road safety signs).
After the signs are repaired, do a drive by to interrogate the trail cams and find out who is involved. Local council workers or others?
These games are fun.
Day 523 of 14 days to flatten the curve. If you are allowed to go out of your yard have a look around your area, you may need a permission slip if its outside cat swinging range. Don’t forget to wear a mask while outdoors and while having a drink, be home by 9pm and don’t bring a friend and GET VACCINATED.
See something say something.
2 months old, but very interesting.
A Plant-Based COVID-19 Vaccine Could Soon Hit the Market
“Key Takeaways:
Researchers have developed a plant-based COVID-19 vaccine that has shown to produce a strong antibody response.
The vaccine uses plants to create virus-like particles (VLPs), which are non-infectious.
Phase 3 clinical trials are underway and the vaccine maker hopes the shot will be available in the U.S. and Canada soon.”
57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations – Global Research
There are still far too many unanswered questions regarding the Covid-19 vaccines’ safety, efficacy, and necessity. This study is a bombshell that should be heard by everyone, regardless of their views on vaccines. There aren’t nearly enough citizens who are asking questions. Most people simply follow the orders of world governments, as if they have earned our complete trust. They haven’t done so. This manuscript is a step forward in terms of accountability and the free flow of information on this crucial subject. Please take the time to read it and share it widely.
-enVolve, May 8, 2021
Looks like ADE is a problem
The vaccinated will have to be careful, not the unvaccinated…..
Seems that years of well known commercial experience is being overlooked with these “vaccines”‘
It being well known that the first run of any product rushed to market is best avoided due to subsequent problems that emerge. Illustrated particularly with motor vehicles.
And yet what is happening with these “vaccines”?
Are there “lemon laws” for “vaccines”?
I’m sorry Ian, did you not read the contracts from Pfizer leaked to the web?
They are lemons and they are exempt from all laws. Pfiser has zero liability for side effects, adverse reactions or future Antibody Dependent Enhancement issues. This is what Scotty from marketing signed up to.
You have no legal recourse for damages.
Your only defense is: DONT TAKE THE DAMN QUACKZINES!
Seriously, how hard can this be?
There is a big bold print /s in there
Do not take. How hard can this be?
Not hard, at present.
But ‘they’ are working on it.
We need to work on how to fake it.
An antidote to the existing vaccines.
Another vaccine that is safe (efficacy not important). How about the BCG?
BCG even works against the wuhu! Sinopharm? If it can be got here.
Import certificates from China.
Hacking into the gov data bases.
“Tim Pool and Schlicter. This one has apparently been censured by the YouTubs
Tim Pool was left of centre not long ago.
There are millions of leftists with sincerity. The statist may have bit off more then they can chew with this insanity, as even the cloaked msm only may be beginning to see the insanity.
Hey, so the question is – who knocked the nuts out of this one, and what colour is it? surely it too isn’t red? I want to keep watching out for it in case it stampedes past our place.
Not a good read on where USA stands (falls?) at the link here (IMO)
It ain’t exactly what you’d be looking for in a business partner!
And comments
The spike proteins generated by both the mRNA vaccines don’t stay in the shoulder muscle, but spread to the brain, heart, ovaries, etc. They also know that the spike protein is what causes the damage with Covid—and now it is clear how it is causing so much damage in other parts of the bodies of the vaccinated.
Audio from a radio show has emerged wherein Dr. Byram Bridle reveals the scientists behind the COVID-19 “Vaccine” made a terrible mistake.
I’m not into rap, but there are a bunch of truths spoken in this song.
Tom MacDonald – “Brainwashed”
A fragment of a mysterious 8th continent is hiding under New Zealand — and it’s twice as old as scientists thought
Aye, ‘know that Easter Ross is very well known for it’s Seed Tatties’ and they have to be dressed – but that Riddle confuses me! At best, gaelic is spoken thru’ the nose with clenched teeth ( we think / say here) and as for Breath of serpent, spell of death and life, … well we’re all getting older and wiser. But it’s a local thing here, right enough amongst the gadgies.
Stupid PCwin 10 – causing me no end of trouble with typos aand losing paasaswords ( as yo see ) ThisComment should have been a reply to Kalm Keith earlier on ( as it is now)
“Dr. John Campbell on Ivermectin”
Employee of the month!
“CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Announces Benefit of COVID Vaccination Diminishes, States there is “Increased Risk of Severe Illness” for Previously Vaccinated
August 19, 2021 | Sundance | 193 Comments”