Even CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times have stopped defending him.
These are the same teams that hid the Hunter-Biden Laptop from hell, the “10% for the Big Guy” scandal and that the FBI had possession for a whole year and did nothing.
As @gabrieljhays says “Hell Freezes Over”:
ABC (America) News said: ” when you listen to the President, he is saying things that simply do not comport with the reality.”
In the last week Joe Biden’s own Defense Secretary, and the Pentagon Spokesman both flatly contradicted him in the media. Tucker Carlson says that’s something that never ever happens.
The Afghanistan debacle was so complete, it’s like it was planned. Could someone merely incompetent achieve a perfect fail?

When you’ve lost the New York Times
Paul Mirengoff:
The New York Times has turned against Joe Biden on Afghanistan. For the last two days, it has covered for him. With only brief, passing mentions, the Times has suppressed the issue of American citizens trapped in Afghanistan.
Today, that is all changed. Not only is the issue of getting Americans out mentioned, the headline article in the print edition is: “Despair in Kabul Undercuts Biden on Rescue Effort: President Goes on Defensive as Criticism of U.S. Evacuation Grows Louder.”
Tucker Carlson : “Things are changing fast”
It’s clear if you watch closely that things are changing very fast in Washington. The people around Biden are moving away from him, in ways that are not subtle.
Why is this happening now? Was it always the plan? Did the party that hates white guys finally realize it was being led by one? Again, we don’t know the answer. But the signs are everywhere, and they’re strikingly obvious.
Some of Biden’s most senior appointees are contradicting him in public. If you cover politics, it’s shocking to see that. This is a violation of the first and most ruthlessly enforced rule in any White House: Don’t diminish the boss.
But suddenly they’re doing just that, and they’re doing it openly. Just hours after Joe Biden assured us that things were fine in Afghanistan, for example, Lloyd Austin, his defense secretary, described the situation there as a disaster. And then Austin repeated it, for emphasis. Others are doing the same thing. Biden this afternoon told us that American citizens are having no trouble getting to the airport in Kabul … But just an hour later, the Pentagon spokesman told us that’s not true. Actually, Americans are being beaten in Kabul …
Afghanistan is hardly Biden’s first disaster. As of tonight, our southern border has collapsed, the murder rate is spiking in our cities, the Covid vaccines do not work, inflation’s out of control, and the country’s entire population of school children hasn’t been educated in more than a year. All of that’s been going on. None of that seemed to bother CNN in the slightest. In fact, they reserved their energy to attack anyone who noticed those trends. But now, suddenly their anchors are weeping on the air because Americans are trapped in Afghanistan. They don’t notice the 70,000 who die every year from drug overdoses. But this has sent them into a self-righteous rage. Call us cynical, but we don’t buy it. Something else is going on here.
The legacy media move as a herd. Once a shift comes at the top, the rest will follow. Who will fight for him?The man who got 80 million votes (theoretically) may become one of the shortest serving Presidents in history.
How long can Joe last?
h/t David E and Bill in AZ
The puppet is so incoherent there’s no need even to Epstein him.
How long can Joe last?
Just long enough so they can Kamikaze Kamila first!
There’s not much use speculating about how Democrats will jettison Biden. It will be done in plain view. The real game will be how the media publicly deal with the ouster and replacement
Stand-by for the Real Insurrection… by the Democrats
Consequently, we are about to witness a genuine insurrection that will put Jan. 6, 2020, into proper perspective. The unruly mob that stormed the Capitol was weak tea. Even its most militant participants never intended to overthrow the government. Their purpose was simply to have votes recounted and verified, which still hasn’t been done.
What looms today is far more serious, infinitely more calculated, and definitely more likely to achieve its goal: to replace a sitting president in mid-term, probably against his will. It ain’t gonna be pretty. It has the real possibility of resembling a banana republic coup d’état.
Many people note that the 25th Amendment to the Constitution permits the yanking of a president out of the Oval Office against his will, but consider the obstacles for replacing the vice president to ensure a Senate tie-breaking vote for Democrats. Recall how little the Constitution and laws have meant in recent years with the 2020 election improprieties, the politicizing and weaponizing of the FBI and Justice Department, nationwide illegal lockdowns and mandates, the wide-open southern border and, of course, the blind eyes turned to the Clinton attempts to frame Donald Trump. And consider this: Democrats really have no other option that works for them.
The motivation for a such drastic move is that the situation already is urgent and grows more dire by the day. No longer can Democrats trust Biden to stick to talking points rehearsed beforehand, or even to read from teleprompters or cheat sheets he carries to the podium. And when he goes off-script, Biden is at best unpredictable, often contradicting his own administration and frequently spewing outright lies that have even CNN blanching. At any moment, the president is liable to veer into forbidden territory with a devastating flourish.
The Only Way Back To Deterrence Is Firing Biden’s Entire National Security Team
America needs experts who can reverse the damage Biden is doing to our national security and will stand up to future unsound and dangerous decisions.
To remove the president under the 25th Amendment, the vice president and the majority of the cabinet would need to determine that Biden is unfit for office. Congress would then need to approve that process by a two-thirds vote in both chambers. It is hard to see how a majority of Biden’s cabinet or two-thirds of the Democrat-controlled Congress would agree to such action.
Impeachment would require passage of articles of impeachment by a majority of the House and conviction and removal by a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Democrats will not permit this now, but it might be possible in early 2023 if Republicans take control of Congress in the 2022 midterm elections.
Since removing Biden from office is not possible right now, other action must be taken: replacing his top national security advisers with experts who have the experience, principles, and gravitas to reverse the damage Biden is doing to our national security and will stand up to future unsound and dangerous decisions by this president.
It is pointless now for National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley to claim or leak to the press that they opposed Biden’s decision to rapidly withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan. They knew this decision was wrong and dangerous. They were duty-bound to resign and report Biden’s reckless decision to Congress.
It’s gonna be difficult to sneak Joe out the back door of the White House without someone wondering where he went.
Sad to see but fun to watch.
Biden part is almost over. Politics is about the next election. Biden is losing/has lost Democratic congressional support. Biden is damaging the Democratic brand and scams. The Republicans/US Majority do not want or trust Harris as President.
The Washington insiders now all believe that Biden is senile, a liability to the Democratic brand/scams, and cannot and will not take a cognitive test (he will resign).
Biden is not capable of being an effective, focused, competent US President because Biden is senile.
Biden’s support has fallen 11 points in about a week. Senile Presidents do not get better with time.
This is a link from the Washington Post coverage of the Biden conference which includes reporter questions.
56 minutes to 1 hour 2 minutes
CBS Reporter Ed O’Keefe
“A new poll out today shows Americans wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan, but they disapprove of the way you’ve handled it,” O’keefe said.
“The majority of Americans – forgive me, I’m just the messenger – no longer consider you to be competent, focused, or effective at the job. What would you say to those Americans?
Look that is the job.
My job is to make judgements.
My job is to make judgements no one else can or will make.
I made them.
I am absolutely convinced I am correct.
Biden ‘confuses’ the word ‘decision’ with the word ‘judgement’. Here in the reply to the CBS reporter and earlier.
Biden has lost the understanding of nuance of words. He is not absolutely convinced he is correct.
This is a link to the CBS reporter’s question. Because Biden’s response is so garbled and non-logical, it is not included in the article. I found the Biden’s response and attached it above.
Sad for the Americans, but entertainment for the rest of the world.
“Sad for the Americans, but entertainment for the rest of the world.”
So the chaos and violence around Kabul airport are entertaining are they? I wonder how many here share your view of what constitutes entertainment. I certainly don’t.
What is happening in Kabul is certainly not entertaining.. Its downright sad.
What is happening to Biden and the democrats is better than slap-stick comedy.. real “popcorn-time” stuff ! 🙂
Since the previous 2 posts were clearly about the Biden situation in the US, ..
… why did you try to conflate it with the situation in Kabul, Ian ?
And yes, the pseudo-election of Biden was a very sad day for America.
Trump had Afghanistan completely under control, cementing what Obama had done with no soldier deaths since 2014. Trump also destroyed ISIS with a MOAB, leaving a few of them stranded on a small island in the middle of a river in IRAQ.
What we see now in Afghanistan and surrounds, and the Afghanistan debacle, are completely on the heads of the Democrats & their puppet Biden.
Ronin, sad? In your dreams.
I’m a proud American and I’m lovin’ every second of this debacle!
And I and 75,000,000 are, as well.
The Dems are collapsing in real time. They have backed themselves into a corner. There’s no way they can get out of this. All us 75,000,000 knew this was going to happen. Even months and months before the election we were convinced this this was going to be the outcome.
Their plan was to gut it out with Biden for four years and then install somebody else. Now it’s abundantly clear that that can’t happen. That senile old fool is history.
Ms. Kneepads (Harris) isn’t fit to run a yogurt stand. The only way she got to where she is now is by being the mistress of the former governor of California Willie Brown. Go ahead. Look it up.
So now they have to figure out something else. Nancy Pelosi is over 80 years old. She would be third in line for the presidency if something should happen to both the VP and POTUS. So that’s not an option either. They are quaking in their boots. And we are lovin’ that too.
These are the consequences of a stolen election. They made their bed. Now they have to sleep in it. And the sheets are full of broken crackers and sand (among other things I can’t name here. Use your imagination).
What goes around truly comes around. This is karma at its finest. And we are all very, very lucky to be witnessing it in real time. This is truly an earth-shattering event, akin to the French revolution.
These are the consequences of a clearly stolen election. And this will never again happen in an American election.
This is not going to be fun to watch. This is escalated now in real time. We are going to be involved. The US will not have time to ‘recover’ from the Biden administration. Biden has failed so badly….
The CCP are worried Biden will be replaced instantly by a real US leader. This is escalating now in real time. Today there is news of a Havana Syndrome attack on Harris’ team in Vietnam. There have been two cyberattacks on the US in the last two weeks. The US and the free world are under attack in a cold war that escalated with the release of Covid.
It is interesting that Harris team has been attacked by a microwave weapon, while in Vietnam. This is cloak and dagger by the CCP.
“Incidents of Havana syndrome began in late 2016 in Cuba and a Senate committee said earlier this year that the number of suspected cases appeared to be on the rise.
Victims of Havana syndrome have reported a varying set of symptoms and physical sensations, including sudden vertigo, nausea, headaches and head pressure, sometimes accompanied by a “piercing directional noise.” Some have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries and continue to suffer from debilitating headaches and other health issues years later.”
Of particular concern is a lack of information from leadership, including what some say has been a hands-off approach from Secretary of State Tony Blinken who has yet to meet with any of the State Department victims despite saying he would prioritize the incidents.
Fear of the mysterious illness is impacting diplomats’ career decisions, sources say, with some foreign service officers deciding against taking jobs that they worry could make them targets of the unexplained phenomenon that has sickened hundreds of US officials over the past few years.
Two diplomats who spoke to CNN decided not to apply to jobs in Berlin and Vienna because they wanted to avoid cities where they had heard of incidents occurring.
Diplomats and intelligence sources who spoke to CNN said they want basic information such as the number of people affected and locations of the incidents — data that the State Department used to release publicly in press briefings about the incidents in Cuba and China.
We currently have a ‘Leadership Vacuum’ where when this Afghanistan Crisis broke out President Biden was on vacation. He was and Kamala ignored other leaders phone calls and they couldn’t find anyone who was in charge.
Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada had to call Hillary Clinton who isn’t even if office.
They had no communication as to what was going on and what deal is in place.
Even the Taliban’s agreed upon date of allowing the evacuation was not clear as allies like Trudeau figured September 11 was the time allocated and set times for evacuation by it.
Now it’s August 31 which is not what Canada is prepared for.
President Biden and Vice-president Harris lack of communication on Afghanistan has been a huge problem for Allied Nations to pull the people that they wanted to evacuate.
Germany Angela Merkel had to call President Putin of Russia for guidance on Afghanistan.
Canada’s Castro called the the team behind Uranium One for instruction.
Will only get worse. For some Democrats 2024 can’t get here fast enough. They defend him because they have to defend him. In private a lot of eye rolling.
l agree Denny, they have to defend their team
but its pretty hard to defend Biden when he is being mocked by everyone in the world including the Taliban
who didn’t he say something about them being from the stone age?
here is a the Taliban mocking Biden by wearing their gear and recreating the Iwo Jima flag raising
it must be heart breaking for the Americans
not a proud moment in history for them at all
I said last fall the Dems would dump him after the 4th of July and before sometime after summer recess.
Why else was K.H. on the ticket?
Now she has shown her incompetence.
What to do now?
I have popcorn.
As David wrote: “Fun to watch.”
Big problem John. Kamala is hopeless so expect her to meet with an accident or maybe have to retire for health reasons. Then the US will have the ultimate headache as Queen Pelosi ascends the throne. She is no three and very capable although in the completely wrong direction.
I agree, but why she got put on the ticket is a mystery to me.
Where are the investigative reporters?
Kamala was on the ticket due to identity politics; black and female. That’s all.
Lawrie, please read my comment, above.
I read somewhere in German news abd found it too in American news now, Bin Laden would eliminate Obam* for the reason Biden will replace him, beeing completely unprepared.
Osama Bin Laden Wanted Biden To Be President So He ‘would Lead US Into Crisis’: Report
I just see, the English speaking news are full about.
The impression I got was the average U S citizen is “as mad as hell” now.
The jackals in the MSM are sniffing the wind and sensing a rise in citizen power that is I think going to openly challenge not just the huge lie of covid, but the results of the Arizona election audit are so damning and point to careful and systemic vote theft by the Left, that its game over.
The next 3 months I think the Elite will either start a war or release another pathogen to keep thier puppet of choice in the Whitehouse.
If the average US citizen is “mad as hell” then how come the average citizen still complying? No, the average citizen is a asleep, just like here in Australia. There are those who are awake but they are in the minority. If the people were awake the ruling elite would not have achieved so much in steam rolling the people with their dictatorial demands and applying increasing pressure on the public. Unless one is asleep, it is clear the Australian police for example are becoming more and more like the Stasi of East Germany, perhaps eventually like the SS of Naz1 Germany if given enough time. What remains to be seen is how much more of this even those who are asleep can take this thuggery attitude by officialdom and police. Will the people in general keep ignoring it while taking their shots? Only time will tell. I have little doubt the ruling elite will have something else up their sleeves even if people do start taking notice. We just have to live with it, not just the virus but more frightening and dangerous, we have to live with rising evil in the world, and perhaps even die from it. Reality bites.
The looming great fracture in Oz is that the police will no longer be seen as part of civil society and respected and supported as such, but part of an authoritarian government that seeks to destroy society. Oh, that’s what you said: here come the SS.
Many of the police dont see themselves as part of society and view the general public as adversaries. We used to socialise with police (wife still does) and found them a troubled and inbred bunch(in the sense of only having police relationships) we were often viewed with suspicion or fresh aired as social events as we werent in the “club” I gave up on it.
To be fair in any large organisation you get a % of nutbags, however out in the world they generally dont daily carry firearms or have legal power to abuse.
The world realises, what BL knew since years.
Make no mistake they are too heavily invested in Joe Biden to stop now.
Don’t mistake a small amount of current negative press with any critical examination of this president, elected in questionable circumstances surrounded by multiple scandals – whilst hiding in his basement.
The plan was simple – elect a fool, suffer through a couple of years of extreme mediocrity whilst positioning his successor ( a woman of colour) for a decade of Democrat rule.
Nothing about that plan has really changed, except that they might just be realising what a bad successor the Kackling Kamala Klown show is likely to be…
Harris may have to be Agnew-ed out of office, Biden declared incompetent, and the next set of unelected mouthpieces installed.
Here come President Pelosi – God help us all!!
They have to do it before oct 2022 cause thats when Pelosi gets the boot.
I remember commenting at the time of the election that Joe Biden was simply a convenient front man. It was known at the time that he was utterly incompetent and there was never any intention that he would serve out his term. The real goal was to put Kamala Harris in the position of president. I (and many others) predicted that Biden would not last a year before being displaced. Seems like the prediction is coming true – how surprising!
‘The real goal was to put Kamala Harris in the position of president.’
Yep, it was the only way to legitimately organise it.
Bloomberg will be happy — he was a prominent supporter when Kamala was still on the stage during the Primary debates… yeah! an actual fanboy if you can believe it, while millions of Dem party supporters were turned off by the “cackles” (and the rest of her).
He’s done very well since the Great Financial Meltdown — not much fun having huge wealth if you can’t throw your weight around, and shove aside the will of Dem party supporters.
Wonder if he’s doing his sums as we speak… seeing what’s good for Mike as the wind changes…
The problem with that logic is that it assumes the existence of a puppet master, one (or an organisation)that is pulling the strings. That also presumes that the puppet master is smarter than the puppet.
However, the scale of this disaster sadly proves that the puppet master is equally incompetent. Swapping out one puppet for another will hardly improve the situation. As to whether the next puppet has any ability to improve the situation, I suppose we should all just review Kamala Harris’s track record on economic management, unemployment, foreign affairs, and defence to get an understanding of the level of competence she will bring to the position.
But it does beg the question: if the 25th amendment is used to replace the US president, who replaces the vice president?
Historically there have been different approaches to an empty VP seat.
When LBJ assumed the Presidency, it was left unfilled until the next election
When Agnew resigned as VP, Nixon nominated his successor and was approved by both houses
In theory the Speaker can step into either senior role (Harris/Pelosi….now there is a nightmare scenario)
It has been suggested that, with the current balance of power in the US Senate (Democrats 48; Republicans 50; Independents 2 – who caucus with Democrats), that the US Congress will face an interesting time if Harris gets appointed.
Traditionally, the VP holds the balance of power if the Senate is deadlocked. If appointed as President, this authority no longer applies. Similarly, if they appoint any Democrat senator to the VP position, the balance of power might end, leaving the Republicans in charge of the Senate.
If the Democrats don’t like that option, they might try to leave Biden in place as long as possible.
With US domestic policies rapidly worsening their economy, and this latest example of US international policy incompetence, the 2022 mid-term elections are going to be entertaining. Just imagine what another year of this administration might bring!
Bring on the popcorn.
And the puppet master is Barak Obama with his ever faithful Susan Rice.
Both the puppet master Barack Hussein Obama with his ever faithful Susan Rice hate America
Obama’s aim has always been to destroy America
Pauly; I agree with what you say. I never wanted to suggest that the goal of using Biden to get Kamala into the presidency was based on competent political judgement with Americas best interests at heart. However, what really scares me is that just maybe the puppet master is China (or maybe a loose consortium of totalitarian nations) and it is very far from incompetent. Its just that its goals are very much counter to what is best for America and the “free world”. How better to improve its position than to simultaneously disrupt the world with Covid 19 and destroy competent political leadership in America.
I thought most of us agreed some time ago that Kamala has no chance of replacing Biden because even a lot of the left can’t stomach her. What’s changed?
I found it very odd that Jen Psaki, White House spokesperson, political adviser and White House Press secretary who has covered for Joe Biden since his inauguration, answering questions he should have answered also went on holidays at the same time. Was there only her answering machine at the White House?
And VP Kamala Harris suddenly decided Communist Vietnam was a very appropriate place to visit. It’s as if someone ordered the pin pulled on a handgrenade and everyone ran for their lives, Harris as far away as possible. And far away from the Mexican border she was tasked explicitly with managing.
Even total uncaring wilful incompetence does not explain what has happened.
Having endured an election where the candidate hid in his basement, it is looking like a Presidency where the President, his wife and dog are now on permanent vacation. And the entire disaster is due to the determination of the President and all his advisers to abandon Afghanistan instantly and create the worst hostage situation since Vietnam. Jimmy Carter was pilloried over 52 American hostages in Iran. Now try a hundred times that number of American citizens and tens of thousands more former friends of America from other countries.
And President in waiting Kamala Harris who has plainly refused to do the job given very publicly by the President also claimed substantial credit for the decision to abandon Afghanistan overnight without any plan at all and against expert written advice from everyone.
Is this what happens when the swamp gets the mumbling incompetent geriatric they wanted? If there is a bigger plan, Harris did not know about it and ran away when she realised. I suppose a visit to Australia was not possible with the immigration restrictions, so it had to be Singapore.
How could you make a decision like that and go on summer vacation? Harris is not on vacation, just suddenly as far away as she can go without going closer to Afghanistan.
There will be calls to remove the President and soon a lot will depend on Nancy Pelosi aged 81 and President of the U.S. Senate – Patrick Leahy (D) also aged 81, from Vermont. Both older than the President, born before the US entered WW2.
Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
And here was Harris’ response in March when asked if she was going to visit the Mexican border after being ordered by Biden to take overall charge. Appalling.
And then there is Harris’ reaction yesterday to a question regarding Americans trapped in Afghanistan:
No worries! She’s heading of to Singapore and Vietnam because both those countries have serious issues.
Kamala is who they really wanted, but by herself she was/is unelectable.
To the Swamp and to the left she checks all the boxes. However, she got drubbed in, even the Democrat’s, primaries in a Kalifornia, her home state. As soon as that happened Biden was appointed the nominee and it was a foregone conclusion that Harris would be the running mate.
But Harris remains unpopular with the general electorate and her flippant giggling at serious questions just confirms her unfitness for the office.
The story I hear is that eventually Biden will resign the presidency and Kamala will replace him, this will leave the VP position vacant. She will nominate Hillary Clinton for the office of vice president, who will later run for the Democrat nomination in 2024. What say you?
Better make it quick. I think that nomination needs approval of both houses, and that isnt looking good for Dems from next year.
I wonder how safe the Taiwanese are feeling right now? After all the US foreign policy is “when the going gets tough, we leave” And for us in Australia, with a friend like tha who needs….
There has been talk that Oz should quit the American Alliance before US capitulation.
Right now the Taiwanese, like everyone else, are pining for Trump.
Good question. I suspect they are increasingly becoming very nervous. It’s just a matter of time China will make their move on them. After all it’s a strategic supplier of a lot of computer technology to the West. It’s not so much of a “kill switch” for the West but at some time in the future it would be a key step in accelerating the decline of the West as Chian increases it’s influence over the world. It doesn’t necessarily mean China will win in the end. There still is the possibility of the West forming an alliance with Russia to defeat the CCP. It’s not possible at the moment but with the right sort President in the US it could be very possible.
Their practice runs are a clear and present danger for the Taiwanese
Merkel asking Putin for advice on Afghanistan, maybe they should have asked him in 2003 before going in, ‘ get out, stay out’. OMG
I think the AZ audit will destroy the Left…
They just want Team Disposable ( aka Bidet ) in the firing line …..
I think there will be excitement among the virulent pro-Trump media, and the usual suspects among pro-Trump politicians, but a lot of others, including some Republicans, not just Democrats, know that the “fraudit” is without credibility at any level – and it will be treated as such.
We still don’t know why the pro-Trump CEO of “Cyber Ninjas” took a truckload of ballots up to his hunting lodge in the woods of Montana for “analysis”.
Not suspicious much?
Only the far-loonie left can still continue to support Biden and the election farce.
It shows the utter contempt they have for truth, facts and rational thought in general.
Fixed it for you tilba:
… the “Fresident” is without credibility at any level – and soon will be treated as such.
Tilba, stop telling lies, it gets boring.
OMG, that audit has been releasing their final report for the last 4 months. Still not even a blip on the screen. Even the people trying to shut it down have forgotten about it. A big fat nothing burger.
No Greg, it is definitely coming, by end of August? like Santa checking his list twice, they are making sure it is absolutely water tight, legally indisputable and unchallengeable.
They are yet to do the Electronic audit on Dominion as they still won’t hand over the subpoena info.
The dumbocraps are already filing FOI’s for the Ninga’s Emails
exactly like santa in all ways it seems.
for you GAy!
Coal for you GAy!
Dopey Joe is now trying to distract from the bungled Afghanistan withdrawal by promoting vaccination on the back of the rushed full FDA approval of the Pfizer gene therapy spike protein vaccine, Comirnaty.
Afghanistan is not his first perfect fail. Just about every policy he has instituted has been a failure.
His immigration policy is another perfect fail, although up until know, wall driven TDS has caused the left to ignore this.
There are already calls for impeachment and unlike with Trump, there are real reasons behind this. Unfortunately, his replacement will be far worse.
He will stagger on until the mid Terms next year after which the Republican will impeach. Although the Arizona audit may take the world into unchartered territory.
Plus China may well invade Taiwan, seizing the moment. It would be a risky strategy though, with Biden still with his finger on nuclear Armageddon. He has proven as dangerously unpredictable as he is incoherent.
If I was the Chinese government, I would have put landing craft ashore the day after this Kabul fiasco and run with it.
Oops, I thought that was the red button to summon Kamala.
No…thats the red button for assistance to the toilet !
Is there a difference ?
A message to all who are referencing the Arizona audit:
I live in Arizona. The audit is facing attacks from almost every side. There are strong elements in the Arizona political structure that are doing all they can to keep that audit bottled up.
And Biden Justice Department is fighting tooth and nail to keep that audit from coming to light. So, don’t count on that. Our governor Ducey tends to be a squish. Not always, but we can’t really count on him. (He is great, however, on Second Amendment issues.)
All I’m saying is don’t count on Arizona audit to be the magic bullet
Are you saying that they all owe their tenure to ballot stuffing and thus have no wish to go to a fair election?
Whoever has the bigger boot wins. lol
The guy at the airport told me that if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about.
I wonder why they are so worried about that old audit … why if they had nothing to hide then they would be happy to be audited because it would just prove how clean the election was.
As I stated days after Trump left office when he failed to “cross the Rubicon” as some suspected he would, it appeared to me and others he decided to go away peacefully to fight another day after allowing the Democrats to dig their own holes. Trump as most of us know is a patient man and a strategist, as well as a nationalist, unlike the Democrats of today who are just puppet fools of the globalists.
Trouble is that at the rate they are digging, there may be no USA left if election cycles run full term. Who could imagine the scale of destruction in less than 12 months?
I hear you. I think Trump is aware of that too. He will go down fighting if necessary to save America, although IMHO it’s way too late as the America of today is not the same as it was say 100 years ago. There’s just too much evil and filth. It really needs a flush down the toilet and start again.
I expect and mostly welcome change, but what is happening now isnt change its vandalism at an epic scale.
Depends upon your metric. If you want to reduce US power, then things seem to be going according to plan!
It should be obvious to even the densest person that Biden has been a complete puppet from the start. He makes a very small number of entirely prepared speeches that he can barely read and then has canned answers to scripted questions. Frankly Obama was not much different. He rarely spoke off script and often sounded foolish when he did. I don’t think the people actually pulling the strings really care who is in front of the adoring press. In addition, I don’t think they particularly want Harris to “lead” as she isn’t capable. They simply added her to the ticket to try to maintain the black and female vote. The people making the decisions will continue to make the decisions no matter who is “president”.
Biden’s teleprompter told him to “LEAVE NOW” when his speech was concluded
Joe Biden is imploding before our eyes
Watch: Biden Gets Caught Off-Guard When NPR Reporter Changes His Question at Last Minute
“Are you saying unequivocally that any American who wants to get to the airport is getting there and getting past the security barrier and to the planes where they want to go?” Detrow asked.
“I though the question was — how can they get through to the airport outside the airport?” Biden replied, obviously a reference to questions that were pre-screened by the White House.
The Dems should quit while they are behind and just hand the reins back to Trump.
The way Biden’s mental state is going he could accidentally appoint Trump as Vice President, LOL.
I don’t know why he’s sitting in the seat at all. He was running for the Senate.
Hmmmm… orchestrated…Biden has mild age related cognitive decline, almost certainly, but isn’t impaired enough to be this incompetent. He’s a career politician who wouldn’t want the legacy he now has. He’s been setup. He’ll be forced to resign for health reasons, which is good for him but bad for Kamala, because once that card is out the deck, her only way out of the Oval Office is, well…. let’s just say they’ll mourn as HRC gets inaugurated as President, having been picked by Kamala as the logical VP. Kamala couldn’t pull off a coup like this, she doesn’t have to power, nor the connections. But Hilary does…
Washington Witches’ Coven. Heaven help us.
Following the failed exit, some of the first MSM reports were focused on American occupation as being an evil neo-colonial white-man’s suppression of Afganistan. With nasty white colonial men allowing women to work and study men and even remove their head scarfs in public. Obviously they were defending Biden under orders from the Woke House, but now that they new orders are to attack Biden so as to garner public support for his annexure to nursing care, I’m betting the MSM is glad they no longer have to write that Biden defense drivel, especially with reports of horrific scenes of women being raped and tortured.
you are gifting the MSM with morals and a conscience; a tad generous I think
Notwithstanding the fact of the fraudulent election, there were still some people that genuinely voted for Biden.
They must bear full consequences for the stupidity of their actions. Even with extensive socialist media and legacy mefia censorship and lies, it was still possible to see the evil of Biden’s, Harris’ and their party’s ways and the pure evil of their controllers such as Obama.
The objective of these people is to destroy the United States, and the West in genetal. Every single thing they do is evidence of that.
How would you see those full consequences being applied without collateral damage over spray?
A lot of people voted for Dan Andrews as well. Vindictiveness doesnt seem to be a good way forward.
I am saying they bear responsibility for what they’ve participated in. I didn’t say normal people should take vengeance against them but they are certainly worthy of social ostracism. There is no legal penalty for being stupid or selfish and voting yourself “free stuff”. Those that did actually participate in election fraud should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I would bet that the people who did vote for Biden (all 20 of them, Pelosi ect.) are already on bread lines and wouldn’t recognize any difference.
David, the traditional punishment for a stupid vote is to do it again at the next election.
One of the fundamental facts in a democracy is that when the electorate is unhappy for any reason a lot of voters blame the incumbent.
Trump was always up against the odds with the CV19.
Biden is worthless and anyone with an IQ that is more than 2 above plant life, knows it.
However. There are reasons why nothing will be done about him for the time being.
1. Kamala as VP is the tie breaking vote in the US Senate. Dems need her as VP, not Potus.
2. If Kamala ascends to the Presidency, Mitch McConnell (Rep) is in control of confirming any new VP pick. And that is a very big deal. Mitch can totally control who becomes VP.
3. Articles of Impeachment must originate in the House of Representatives and it is Dem majority, so that isn’t going to happen.
4. 25th Amendment removal has to be confirmed by a majority of Senate and House. That isn’t going to happen with current power balance. Dems own the House and Senate is split 50/50 with Kamala deciding.
Absent him actually dying in office in front of witnesses or on TV, Dems will keep Slow Joe because it retains their power.
At most, SecState, SecDef or Chmn JCOS will be sacrificed/fired to appease the Press until after the 2022 Mid Term Elections. Lots of noise, maybe a sacrifice, but that’s it.
Just my guess.
Unlike in our Westminster system nothing can be done.
Both us and Britain changed leaders a few times, Australia over energy policy and Britain over Brexit. The US has no mechanism to rid themselves of this disaster.
I should qualify:
The US has no mechanism to rid themselves of this disaster(ous administration).
If things get really bad and the Government extensively disobeys it’s own laws and Constitution, the Second Amendment is there to correct that problem. The people, who are the ultimate (earthly) power in the United States, will remove the corrupt Government.
According to the Declaration of independence:
If the Democrats can’t be removed at the ballot box or the ballot box is corrupt, General Trump may be the one to lead the Second American Revolution and remove these destroyers of the United States.
We had a gun show this weekend in Casper, Wyoming.
I saw a T-shirt that said, “The next Civil War won’t be North vs. South.
It will be Americans vs. Democrats.”
Jus’ sayin’.
Yup. On the $$$, Vlad.
I’ve been saying to many since far before the election; There Will be Blood before this is all over.
David, I keep hearing of gun sales beating records and a high number are first time buyers.
You have the option of revolt, we don’t.
I often hear that I’m revolting … … …
and some Americans snicker when other countries change leaders
This is pretty good Lance…at this point in the crisis.
Events aren’t static.
Here’s your Tom Clancy Scenario.
Sept 1 the Taliban enforce their deadline.
We aren’t out so they line up a bunch of Americans outside the gate and shoot them.
Our troop on planes trying to get out are brought down by surface to air we left behind.
Enough Dems in the House are sick to their stomach that they swap parties temporarily, impeach both Biden and
Harris, Senate follows through on an emergency basis, and Kevin McCarthy is the new President.
It didn’t take me twenty minutes to write out a dozen others; we go back in if force; NATO decides to act without us,
Israel invades Lebanon….
Whatever “plans” this administration had clearly evaporated on first contact with the enemy; they are self-constrained
from a vast number of possible responses for reasons only they know, and there are lots of actors who create adverse events.
And to many thirty-somethings who have never lived in the real world are still worried about their polling numbers, and telling each
other “this will blow over, don’t panic”.
However it happens, a public mass of dead or hostage Americans will keep thing spinning farther out of control.
And these are people who Flew the LBGTQ flag over the Afghan embassy not too long ago. They’ll not cope.
The scenario won’t happen – disloyal Democrats would lose the next election and the money tree – that’s what matters most. Anyway – they can’t impeach President Biden and VP Harris on the one day – if they nailed Biden, new President Harris would immediately appoint a VP, and if they impeach VP Harris first, President Biden would immediately appoint a new VP. Anyway – won’t happen.
Less than a 100:1 outsider.
McConnell is a RINO and so would make a public display of ‘resistance’ for the cameras, while meeting with Dems behind closed doors to help install the Democrats’ choice.
Don’t forget Manchu Mitch’s other master — the CCP.
They hold the Sword of Damocles over the head of his wife’s family (namely their multi-million dollar shipping interests).
If he does the wrong thing they could get punished — it’s always a threat — and Mitch’s father-in-law has been very generous to Mitch — that tap might be turned off.
That makes sense Lance. So basically for the next period of time, no one actually listens to what Sleepy says. We, more importantly, watch the actions of the administration. In effect, Joe Biden just becomes the lightweight news anchor. The David Kosch of US politics.
You’ve heard of Brawny Paper Towels?
Well now it is Scrawny Paper towels. Image:
(Language warning)
The reality is that it doesn’t matter if Biden is in power or not.
He is demented and incapable of independent thought or action. He is only a puppet for other evil doers such as Obama.
Any Democrat replacement would be just as evil as Biden or more correctly his handlers.
All the points of Lance’s comment #19 above also apply.
The Democrats won’t replace Biden to “save Anerica”. The destruction of America is their goal no matter which puppet they put in power.
Watched a funny clip the other day of Psaki saying the President always takes questions, immediately cuts to Biden droning in his 3-4 word teleprompter cadence, finishes his lines, turns and exits stage right. Camera pans to journos yelling questions and the giant teleprompter screen with his last words on it (some insincere scripted drivel the safety of those left in Kabul)
Is there any evidence for this? The goal for the Democrats – like any political party – is to win the next election and stay in the big chairs. They don’t win elections by wrecking the place.
Perhaps, were I to have a positive test, I should request treatment with Ivermectin and, when refused, demand that refusal in writing, for future use by my widow?
Whoops. Wrong thread. Sorry.
me too, wasn’t paying attention to which thread we were in.
If they refuse a treatment, they obviously think you are not ill.
So, no need to self quarantine.
Yes. Refusal of known effective treatments must be documented in writing. And then those that refused treatment must be sued if you get sick or worse.
What if those refusing to offer a treatment are doing so because they don’t know how to offer it safely?
Well, then they need to read the literature, or ask someone who has a clue.
If millions of untrained plebs wandering around the internet can learn what the Ivermectin protocol is, then any doctor who doesn’t know should be sacked.
If Sleepy is replaced then it will be another Democrat. So, like Biden, the machinery will just pull the strings of whoever the puppet they put in place. You know Biden hasn’t had an original thought in the past 18 months. With Trump you got a sense he would challenge his advice, question the narrative,. In fact do what he campaigned on – attempt to drain the swamp. The legacy media will get behind whoever they put in place and everything will remain the same.
The strings are much more in play when Republican puppets in power … there are far more Republican and rightwing puppet-masters than there are Democrat ones. If I had to choose between who is most subject and craven to the Deep State, and Big Corporate Money – it always has to be the Republicans.
[Because that is how you are programmed right? – Jo]
That uptick was for Jo, not TT
I think this has already been mentioned in here sometime, but from an American commentator on another forum:
“As an old Government teacher – The 22nd amendment is interesting. It limits the number of times a President can be in office. They can be elected for 2 terms – 8 years. Everyone knows that but if you look at the entire amendment it also states that if the Vice-President becomes President before the start of the 3rd year of the Presidency then they can only run for one more term.
If the President leaves office one day after the end of the 2nd year then the Vice-President, now President can run for 2 more terms. So effectively Harris could be President for 1 day less than 10 years.\
They will not get rid of Joe until after he has served for 2 years… ”
What I’m trying to find out though, is whether that gift would be available to WHOEVER was VP at the time. If yes, perhaps there is a plan for some musical chairs over the next year or so, positioning somebody, not currently on the radar, to be VP and the Prez for ten years. My God, I hope it’s not the Hildabeast …
Can you imagine that?
Twelve years or so of Biden, Harris then Clinton 😮
Even Jake Sullivan , Biden’s National Security Advisor, has turned on Biden by saying all decisions on Afghanistan are being made by Biden.
Sullivan, saying this, is showing he is a despicable swamp creature acting like a 2 year old.
The real problem comes when using Amendment 25 to remove the mentally unfit from office requires a toxic VP to be instalked. Harris is truly despised by both Washington and the public as her early exit in the primaries showed.
It also brings up a Democratic conundrum for Pelosi, Harris is the dividing vote in the Senate. Without her the Democrats can’t keep ramming their social engineering thru with the same ease they expected with control of both Congress, Senate and White House. Devi, deep blue sea AND rising sea levels? Any wonder the trashmedia rats are looking at the good ship Biden with fear!
The dems are able to bury the moral weaknesses of their people. “Heels Up” Harris is morally bankrupt.
I don’t think you’re fully accounting for the Senate filibuster, and the 60-vote threshold required. Democrat capacity to get its legislative agenda passed is very restricted. Anyway – President Biden is not going anywhere. It’s a dreadful rightwing meme (and wishful thinking) to overstate President Biden’s mental decline. He’s quite okay.
BCP (Black Conservative Patriot) has a video showing where Biden is at a presser and a “journalist” asks him a question. The former Vice President, as BCP calls Biden, says “I thought the question was (going to be)… ” and then gives a pre-prepared answer from the teleprompter to what the pre-prepared question was meant to be…
The fun starts at 2:40 If you don’t want to watch the whole video.
See https://youtu.be/gxKuBGfu9_c
Johnson didn’t have a VP for his first term. The problem with that now is that Pelosi would be one bullet/heart attack from the Presidency.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am ……………
Reply to DM #30
Who would be a likely VP if Biden “resigned*” or was removed under the 25th or Epsteined?
*When I say “resigned”, it wouldn’t be a conscious decision on his part, he just signs any piece of paper put in front of him.
An appropriate wording for the resignation would be what Nixon used.
“Dear Mr Secretary (Kissinger),
I hereby resign the Office of President of the United States.
See https://catalog.archives.gov/id/302035 for original.
President Kamala Harris would choose a VP, and the Senate would be under significant pressure to approve her choice, one would think. In a fair world. But that Moscow Mitch is a devious piece of work, for sure.
[You mean China-Mitch of course.. -Jo]
For most of my working life I worked hard, drank hard and was a snob who only watched ABC ]Au] news.
There are two politicians I have since reversed my opinion of: Nixon and Qld Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen.
Incidentally there is no requirement in the US Constitution saying the President must be of sound mind. That is for voters to decide or the Cabinet and Congress if it goes to the 25th.
The following Presidents have had mental disorders but no one has ever had dementia and they have always had the intellectual capacity to do the job.
Depression: James Madison (4th), John Quincy Adams (6th), Franklin Pierce (14th). Abraham Lincoln (16th) suffered a depression so severe that friends feared he’d commit suicide. Calvin Coolidge (30th) fell into a bout of depression after the loss of his teenage son, who died suddenly of sepsis, a fatal condition caused by a staph infection.
Social Phobia: Thomas Jefferson (3rd), Grant and Calvin Coolidge (30th). Grant also retreated into alcohol.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Woodrow Wilson (28th)
Mania: Theodore Roosevelt (26th) and Lyndon B. Johnson (36th) displayed manic energy, an indicator of bipolar disorder.
What did Reagan have?
A lot more success than Carter. 🙂
What did Reagan have?
Reagonomics 😉
Wilson suffered a debilitating stroke on Oct 2nd 1919 in Pueblo Colorado.
It was not his first stroke:
The Dems covered it up. It was a shadow government.
Yabut! The same is true for business success/failure, fidelity in marriage and all other past history.
How did that work out for Trump?
Yeah. Media has some clarity.
“Even prior to the stunning display of American failure in Afghanistan, President Biden appeared slow-witted and spineless on crucial U.S. national security matters.”
I’d strongly advise a visit to theconservativetreehouse.com This website provides a thorough, detailed analysis of what is happening in Washington. This is coordinated. The State Department (and the intelligence branch – who support the state dept) is throwing the Executive branch under the bus. That’s why the media outlets are turning on Biden. They know the 2022 midterms are coming, and with the audits so close to revealing that there was fraud, they need Biden out of the way and he’s a liability.
US policy has been a disaster since the Korean War. And Australia lets itself get dragged into all the disasters.
Will this finally make the Australians understand that the Americans are both untrustworthy and idiots?
Will the Australians produce a government that does not base its foreign policy on sucking up to the USA?
Will Australians stop following every damn fool economic or social idea that becomes fashionable in the US?
I would hope so.
But I don’t expect it.
I think that the Australian political class are idiots as well.
Australia could have avoided WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan if we were political mature. Oz should quit the Alliance before a demented President involves us in WW3.
Yeah well … up to about 1966 we were “British to our bootstraps”, and after a period of two weeks or so, we became a lickspittle American satellite. We’ve had no period of independence and neutrality, as much as many of us would like it to happen.
Our economic future revolves around Japan, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia – but sadly the Brits and the Americans have huge investment in this land – and so they call the tune. Plus we’re supposed to be on the White Team – which I think is horseradish.
We have never had one day of national pride like New Zealand has – when it told the US that it would not accept nuclear ships. We haven’t had a moment of similar infamy, when the French bombed a Greenpeace boat in Auckland Harbour.
We’re basically a nation of craven convicts – who just happen to have a lot of minerals and fibre that other people want. It’s “The Lucky Country” indeed – as in Donald Horne’s ironic book title.
Jos’ post about the mainstream media “turning on” President Biden I think supports my view (expressed on here previously) that the media so often criticised as “left” are in fact just as conservative as other media, operate under the same herd mentality, try to construct narratives that involve conflict and failure, participate in the same feeding frenzy, and so on.
The usual suspects – CNN, MSNBC (which I don’t receive), NYT and WaPo – just because they didn’t support Trump doesn’t make them “left” – it just made them against Trump, which was a reasonable position to hold, and it was one that their audiences wanted … and they are all about market share and delivering audience to advertisers.
Devoid of any real issues and scandals from the Biden Administration – which has bounced along fairly un-controversially since January – they are now trying to construct a narrative that Biden has stumbled badly, like the former guy did.
Personally I think it’s a beat-up, and the numbers now being evacuated daily from Kabul is proof of that.
Not the “entire population” by any means … there’s a significant number doing very well as home schoolers, and that number is growing.
Sadly there’s also a large fraction of school children that hasn’t been educated in more than a generation, and that has nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with the failure of the school system. Australia is not as bad but it’s getting there.
“there’s a significant number doing very well as home schoolers”
because of home schooling my children have become more focused on their work
it was an eye opener to see how little interest they had to strive for top marks in their schoolwork or how little work they had to do from the schools in lockdown, they needed a push to start thinking for themselves and forget about things that should not be a thought for a young child
my wife has had many conversations with other parents who have thought the same
Hi Mark,
There’s a bunch of widening divisions in society and one way it has split is between the successful home schoolers … generally have attentive parents and sufficient resources to get underway … vs the underclass of kids whose parents don’t care much and don’t have much.
Government schools have been social leveling institutions, bringing the best students down and the worst students up. I’m happy for your kids to be doing well (don’t get me wrong) but keeping everyone at the same level also kept the peace. Envy can be a powerful, and destructive, force so don’t be surprised when you get blamed for doing OK in bad times.
Of course he will be blamed but the optimistic* side of me says the US has hit rock bottom and meritocracy will return.
* Hanrahan was the eternal pessimist.
On another forum I post as LoadedDog
Apologies if this has been pointed out elsewhere. Am I right in thinking the Democrats are in a chicken and egg situation? If the laughing idiot Harris is appointed Acting President she will no longer preside over the Senate, hence the Democrats lose her casting vote and the Republicans, and possibly some saner Democrats, will not confirm her as the new President. Impasse. Does anyone know the constitutional position?
I’ve heard that too. But I want more information please! Anyone?
The Order of Succession is spelled out in the Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 as amended.
The 25th Amendment, Section 1, clarifies Constitution Article II, Section 1, Clause 6, by stating unequivocally that the vice president is the direct successor of the president, and becomes president if the incumbent dies, resigns or is removed from office.
If the President dies in office.
If the President is Impeached in the House and tried and convicted by the Senate.
If a majority of the Cabinet members And the VP declare the president incapacitated or otherwise unfit under the 25th Amendment.
If the President voluntarily resigns office by written instrument to the Speaker of the House.
If the VP becomes President, he/she may appoint a successor, subject to confirmation by the House and the Senate.
The VP casts the deciding vote if the Senate vote is tied on any issue. Thus, if VP becomes President, there would be no deciding vote until a new VP is confirmed by the Senate and House by majority vote. This could stall budgets, laws, etc, for some time. May be the reason Pelosi is changing House rules today to “deem it passed” by simple majority vote for the 3.5 Trillion USD “Infrastructure” budget. She may be fearful of losing that deciding vote in the Senate.
At present, Kamala Harris casts that deciding vote on tied issues.
There would be lots of “negotiation” prior to confirming a new VP. Senate Leader McConnell would have a lot of power during that negotiation.
Congress has no role – if President Biden dies, resigns, is removed via the 25th Amendment, or is convicted by the Senate after impeachment – then Vice President Kamala Harris automatically and immediately becomes president for the remainder of the term.
And she is President, not Acting President. And she has the role as of right – she isn’t appointed. Like LBJ after the killing of Kennedy.
Her choice for new Vice President – because they haven’t been elected by the people it is different. Under the terms of the 25th Amendment, a vice presidential vacancy is filled when the president nominates a candidate who is confirmed by both houses of Congress.
It’s not essential that a President Harris nominate someone for VP – LBJ functioned as President without a VP for the last year of John F Kennedy’s term.
I don’t think she’s a laughing idiot … the right’s obsession with vilifying her is weird and creepy.
This guy is great! Only posts 2-3X a week. But his writing style is always short, precise and to the point. He’s truly a gem.
From https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/throwdowns-and-showdowns/
$$$$ graph:
“This week marks the beginning of the Deep State’s hard time. Its narratives are shredding. Its mind-control measures are slip-sliding away. Half the country has been onto their game for years, and the other half is about to feel their heads explode as a corrective reality elbows into the scene. That is, the real-and-only reality, not the one confabulated backstage for you by skulking quislings. See how you’ve been played? They have taken your country.”
RTWT and bookmark him.
This guy is great! Only posts 2-3X a week. But his writing style is always short, precise and to the point. He’s truly a gem.
I’ve been reading James Howard Kunstler for nearly 20 years … but much less so these days.
For many years he concentrated on meaty topics – peak oil, resource depletion, the tragic path of suburban landscapes across wasteland America, cultural deserts, and economic decay. He’s written many books on these subjects – about life after capitalism collapses.
(The Geography of Nowhere and The Long Emergency are excellent).
But increasingly the college speaking circuit dried up as he drifted right, and he has descended into a very weird (and very tiresome) rightwing loony world of conspiracies and evil. His hatred of the Democrats is incendiary. His decline and near-fall has been very hard to watch.
The people who now post their are fruit-loop tinfoilers and Biden-haters, with a smattering of far-right religious happy-clappers. It’s not a good place.
Commenters, with respect, the majority of the US Government is corrupt.
That includes both Democrats and the GOP.
Both parties have been lying to their constituents for decades.
Repeating the same action and expecting a different result is insanity.
Voting is a failed action and has been for at least 75 years in the USA.
The two corrupt major parties control who the candidates are in almost every election, as they have for decades.
Another election will change nothing, especially when the vote counters can now make widespread changes to the count.
I am all but certain that there is no peaceful way to restore individual liberty in America.
You are locked in a two party system with no escape.
Here in OZ it would appear the same but our preferential voting system allows parties to wax and wane. It is seldom that either main party controls both the house and senate. “The Dismissal”* could not occur in the US.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1975_Australian_constitutional_crisis
It was less a crisis than today.
As an Australian I find it “interesting” that so many American conservatives want to hark back to some Golden Age – when both the political system (via the Constitution) and the economic system (via Capitalism) worked smoothly and fairly – for the betterment of average Americans.
However this mythological past didn’t exist – politics has been a tough dirty game ever since George Washington hung up his stockings and powdered wig. Capitalism has always been ruthless – and without unions and a lot of struggle, it would be much worse.
Donkeys and Elephants are almost the same, no matter what the media says. The same is true for OZ…the LNP and ALP are virtually the same, with a slight difference (and this is NOT in relation to CAGW). Thankfully, the extremes of politics (both right and left) are currently not in favor with the electorate.
I agree that that the difference between the Coalition and Labor isn’t huge – you have to appeal to the broad centre in order to win elections, so both sides aim to do it – but there are still very significant differences. I worked for the Australian Public Service for 20 years – half under Hawke-Keating, and half under Howard … there were very real differences indeed.
Anyway – I don’t Vote 1 for either of them – I prefer the “Pixies at the Bottom of the Garden” – as PJK famously called them.
Biden has demonstrated that he is a Pacifist on foreign policy.
And an incompetent one !
And so he will be replaced in 2024.
Just as Carter the last Pacifist USA president was in 1980.
In the meantime life may be too interesting/
Served his purpose – to win the election. Imo, he was always an interim President. But, will Harris be his replacement. If he is drummed out of politics, perhaps Harris doesn’t have to be the one to replace him, especially as her vote for President was 1 or 8%. Both of them are on the nose electorally, so to continue with either is a sure fired Democrat wipe out at the coming midterms. It’s surprising Biden has lasted this long because his policies are irrational, and the Dems will see the border issue has got them as many assumed new voters in the right places as they can get away with. They will try to paint Biden as St Joe in 3 years time.