A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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PICS: Freedom Rally Protesters Clash with Australian Police Following Draconian Lockdown
by BREITBART LONDON24 Jul 202165
Way to go Australia!
Your my heros.
“Way to go Australia!”
So it’s OK for Australians to have “violent clashes with police” but not OK for BLM?
Why the double standards?
Poor Ian, can only see out of the left corner of his left eye.
Were any shops torched or vandalised ?
Were any shops or car set alight ?
Can you see any protestors carrying offense type weapons. ?
This is a far cry from a BLM or AntiFa rally, which are always with the intent of harm.
But I’m guessing you already knew that.
And yes, most of the violence yesterday was from the Police….. is that what you were trying to say ?
one lens and one lens only
That’s why the left project so well.
And here’s a picture of Police using the same tactics, knee on neck, they were forced to use against the thug George Floyd.
Where is your outrage, Ian !!
Where’s the violence, Ian ?
Where’s the BLM and AntiFa weapons ?
When BLM protests came to Australia the police were so busy kneeling they did not have the time to get violent.
BLM clashes usually end with cretins making off with big screen tv’s.
Presumably this is the same story
Some on this site have suggested a much harsher sharper lockdown to try to achieve zero covid
Your assaults on democracy already seem pretty startling to me bearing in mind the tiny number of cases.
Any idea what would be involved in an even tougher lockdown.?
Judging by the reactions of some politicians, police and proles a harsher lockdown would simply mean using live rounds.
I first saw this even on the ABC TV as I channel surfed. I don’t normally watch he ABC (indeed I had to change back to the afternoon news). Then it was on Channels 9 & 10 news hour.
Thousands out in the streets in Sydney and Melbourne; politicians (some) will take note that shutdowns aren’t popular.
When Gladys says, we are in this together,
NSW politicians increase their allowances to $26m amid pay freeze
(Daily Telegraph Paywalled)
An increase to ‘entitlements’ will give NSW pollies an average of $192,517 each to spend on work perks like meals and cars. The eye-watering annual figure is on top of their salaries.
Taxpayer advocacy group Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance chief operating officer Gabe Buckley said the extra entitlements were beyond the pale when so many NSW businesses struggled to make ends meet during the latest lockdowns.
“These guys are helping themselves to more of our money again, while so many people are losing their jobs,” Mr Buckley said.
“It’s tone deaf to increase the allowances when so many people are wondering how they will put food on the table next week.”
From The Australian Comments
23 minutes ago
Gladys, while us “boofheads” aren’t getting payed and businesses closed you and your bureaucracy are still getting payed. This reaction to your suppression of the private sector is unacceptable. You have said everyday that you understand our frustration. Do you?
Either implement a pay cut for yourselves and get some real skin in the game. Stop calling us “boofheads” and go and buy more vaccines and unlock the LGA’s that aren’t affected.
2 minutes ago
Liberals just wrote their resignation letters.
Good riddance, if you can’t look after small businesses and tradies, you have no right to be in power.
The last time I looked there was over 1400 comments, most people supported the “boofheads” whilst the remainder wanted them hung, drawn and quartered. My own comment was rejected because I mentioned that kindred spirits had protested in Britain , Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and other nations.
There is a cone of silence over the Australian public, we are not to know what is going on in the rest of the world with regard to this virus . I would like to know who made that decision to keep us as ignorant as possible and what gave them that right.
Re Horse Punch – have a look at Video on Catallaxy Files – Aptly Titled NSW Propaganda
I wonder if “boofheads” might be her deplorables moment? her and her loyal full pay cohorts sneering at the masses
Police horses wear shields because some have been hit across the face with iron bars and others have been poked in the eyes with metal weapons. Bridles have been slashed with knifes to stop police controlling the horses. Many police horses wear hard rubber boots because earth loving greenies are known for throwing jagged glass in front of horses and others have been attacked with cattle prods.
You can appreciate that many officers are very protective of their horse.
Police dogs and horses are regarded as “trained officers”. Pushing a police officer will get you charged with assault. Police horses are trained to push humans, which goes against their instincts. A number of horses fail police training at this point and consequently are sold on. I sympathise with the police, if someone put their fist up to my horses face like that I’d accuse them of punching her and be tempted to give them a good kick in the ribs.
Heaven Help Australia under Scotty from Marketing, the Liberal Party and “BoofHead” Gladys!
Businesses call for ban on Covid home tests to be overturned
Businesses are demanding the federal government lift a ‘crazy’ ban on Australian-made home Covid tests that are 96 per cent accurate and give a result within 15 minutes.
Businesses desperate to reopen are demanding the federal government remove a “crazy” ban on Australian-made home Covid tests that are widely used overseas.
Brisbane start-up Ellume’s DIY tests give results in 15 minutes and are being sold in pharmacies across the US as part of a $312 million order from the Biden White House.
But the rapid antigen kits, which are approved by the American Food and Drug Administration and are up to 96 per cent accurate, cannot be sold here because home-use tests have been banned by the Therapeutic Goods Administration since 2010.
Exceptions have previously been made to this TGA requirement, for HIV in 2014 and for other diseases including flu in 2019, and shutdown-shattered industries say Health Minister Greg Hunt needs to do the same for Covid tests.
“Something like this could alleviate the need for closing down businesses,” Falls Creek Chamber of Commerce secretary Steve Bond said.
“One would one would imagine that the United States would have done as thorough testing as we would do to get sign off.”
Transport boss Paul Freestone is paying a Victorian pathology lab $160 a test for each driver in his 100-truck fleet that services NSW, Victoria and Queensland.
“I support the need for testing but the system is becoming very, very frustrating,” he said.
Some of his drivers were losing necessary sleep time queuing for tests which could take four days to gets results.
“With something like this, you can imagine our drivers can pull up before the borders and do the test, or pull up and have the officers do the test while they’re waiting.
“We could be opening up and we can have open public transport systems, we can open our markets up.
“It’s crazy — who would not want to take it up?”
Ellume founder Sean Parsons said the ban was the only barrier to selling in Australia.
“I don’t have line of sight as to why the federal government isn’t looking to make these changes,” he said of a potential TGA exemption.
The Department of Health said: “Testing for COVID-19 should only be conducted in an accredited pathology laboratories.”
From the D/T Comments (paywalled)
6 hours ago
In the case of say, a person sitting at home with a cold and having concerns that this could be Covid this ‘at home test’ could be used to determine positive or negative and if positive the next step would be to get tested at a accredited pathology laboratory. If negative test again at a later date. Simple!
6 hours ago
Large Pathology companies would be lobbying Government hard to prevent this. Surely no one expects any government post 2005 to do anything proactive? They are so scared of losing twitter likes and offending the PC police and woke crowd they are paralysed.
Ian Oz
7 hours ago
It is beyond belief that an Aussie invention with a U.S. approval would be banned from use here, given the dire circumstances we are in? Will someone with authority and responsibility please get these test kits in circulation before we kill off so many businesses and jobs please?
Personally, I am extremely reluctant to participate in any test that requires the downloading of an “app” to carry out its function. It would be an kindergarten exercise for any Govt dept to capture your results!!!!!!!
“… live rounds.”
Wouldn’t they love to deal with “Covidiot boofheads” in this way.
However, a massacre committed in the name of public health would clearly reveal to all their animus towards the filthy traditionalist hoi polloi.
There is only so much damage you can inflict with lockdowns, and not nearly enough for the self-despising elites.
Handcuffs and leg irons????
Speaking of handcuffs and leg irons:
Covid is not ebola. Its a bit worse than a flu.
The UK is turning into the totalitarian state shown in “V for Vendetta”
Stalin used guns to starve millions to death, the UK gumint us going to use the Big Lie if covid and what appears to be a CCP / NHS police state tracking app to collapse food supply chains…result us mass starvation…..
“Supermarket leaders said an existing national shortage of lorry drivers had been brought to near-crisis point by the numbers sent into self-isolation by the app.
“Shelves were empty of supplies including bread, meat, fruit and vegetables in parts of Bristol, Cambridge and Southampton.
Tesco said it had run out of bottled water in its warehouses as the country swelters in a heatwave, while the Co-op said supplies in “a large majority” of its stores had been disrupted “due to the impact of Covid/isolation of colleagues”.
“A spokesman said: “This is a short-term but significant impact and has impacted our ability to supply stores. These issues are impacting a large majority of Co-op stores.”
“Iceland announced plans to draft in 2,000 temporary employees to keep stores open.
Nick Allen, the chief executive of the Meat Processors Association, warned that the supply chain was at risk of collapse, saying some of his members had lost up to 10 per cent of their workforce to self-isolation.
Why dont people just delete the damn app and tell the gumint they refuse to use it?
Problem solved….
I didnt realize the UK like communist china, has forced people to be tracked in real time.
Home of the Magna Carta or just a CCP outpost?
Im think “V for Vendetta” which showed the UK under a single party totalitarian state control, was forward looking….
The reports are vastly exaggerated. Other than a run on Kitchen roll here in this large town there have been no supply issues. Whilst the pinging has been a problem the lack of drivers predates it. Partly it is foreign drivers who have returned home, but many UK drivers of HGV’s have retired over the last 18 months or found other jobs and there were no replacements as the tests were suspended.
The tracking is not in real time. You are pinged if you scan in a QR code at a venue and forget to scan out and someone who has been to the same venue subsequently tests positive. Then you will advised to isolate. It is not mandatory.
Most don’t use the App or have deleted it and many give false paper address details at the venue
It sounds more draconian in Oz
The goal for the Oz government seems zero.
Impossible goals imply other underlying purpose.
Mitigation has morphed into elimination … of something.
“Of something”?
Our personal freedom.
As we understand that 80 percent vaccinated will guarantee nothing in the way of liberty- what will it take? Vaccination does not confer immunisation.
It will confer submission.
People jabbed with PLACEBOS during vaccine trials will have same privileges as those who are ‘fully’ vaxxed, UK minister says
The UK government views people who were given placebos during Covid-19 vaccine trials as fully inoculated, Britain’s vaccines minister has said, adding that they would enjoy all the privileges granted by the NHS Covid Pass.
In remarks given before Parliament on Thursday, vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi touted the country’s controversial NHS Covid Pass as having an “important role to play in slowing the spread of the virus,” and urged certain businesses and large venues to adopt the domestic health certificate in order to “keep their clients or their customers safe”. The NHS app can be used to show proof of vaccination status, negative test results or natural immunity.
But it seems the urgent need to methodically document people’s vaccination status, and use this private medical information to grant certain privileges, contains at least one loophole: individuals who have participated in vaccine trials will be viewed as “fully vaccinated” whether they received a placebo or an actual shot, Zahawi said.
Oversight, incompetent drafting or an assessment of the efficiency of the vaccine?
An official if rare assessment on the true efficacy of these vaccines.
“Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?
“Nearly 40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated – compared to just 1% who had been infected previously.
“With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID
“By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.
Appeasement means submission.
Appeasement means feeding the crocodile last in the hope it will eat you last.
Australias freedom marches have gone viral internationally, showing the globalists have lost control….
Expect either a war or crushing increase in “new cases” to collapse the economy and arrests of more pregnant women. It could get ugly soon….the globalists are panicking and may unleash a nastier bug to get control back.
Thing is, for globalist Collaborators, like in wars of the past, it never ends well …
Tonyb wrote:
The number of cases is irrelevant providing they are not roaming spreaders. Unless the infection rate is less than 1, exponential growth in cases soon make it a big number of roaming spreaders. Then Australia would be in the same mess UK and USA are in; 572k excess deaths in USA in 2020 and 75k excess deaths in UK. And there are still Covid deaths despite the high level of vaccinations. Death rate in USA from Covid so far is 1.8%; 2.2% in the UK. These are well above the predicted level of 1%. Both countries now relying on a vaccine with diminishing effectiveness. Australia had 188 more deaths in 2020 than the average of previous 5 years.
NSW had 38 identified roaming spreaders today; down from 45 yesterday. That suggests the infection rate across the state was below 1 at the end of last week. At least until the consequence of those sefl-indulgent children who went to a silly march is felt in the coming days – likely the same result as the BLM marches in Melbourne in 2020 and just as selfish. The NSW Premier has vowed to track them all down and fine them. That will be a good money spinner and worth considerable effort.
Yesterday NSW had 102k people front for Covid testing. Balance that with the estimated 15k children who fronted up to a silly march and you get where the majority of Australian sit with respect to Covid controls. By the definition of democracy, those two numbers are representative of the views of people and that is the value of majority rule – in Australia, the majority behave as adults. The vast majority of Australians recognise the value of Covid controls; are willing to follow the controls and frown upon those not following the controls.
Victoria through 2020 and 2021 provides probably the best test bed for effectiveness of Covid controls. The health authorities now have a good handle on how the infection rate can be impacted by each control measure – Delta becomes contagious in a shorter time and appears to spread in air more readily but the controls have similar effectiveness across strains. What is plainly obvious is border controls are most effective and least disruptive. That fact was identified on this blog in February 2020. Western Australia remains the best case study globally on effective border controls. The State has continued to supply almost half of the global iron ore without Covid impact. And the people of WA have shown very strong support for the Premier Mark McGowan.
When Longreach gets delta-qantas-variant covid in the community, then I will take notice of your fear stats. Am awaiting with personal interest to see what a 2hr plane ride with an infected hostie on 11 July turns up… it’s only a fortnight ago today. So far, crickets.
Western Australia was “isolated” before the COVID19 crowd control measures were introduced.
The only good thing is that Premiere McGowan is running WA and is no longer here and that’s a relief because we still have to deal with nutella when she’s not away on her United nations fantasies.
From the reports I found this quote chilling
“After the protests had ended, the New South Wales Police Minister, David Elliott, issued a stern warning to all who marched – not just the few who turned violent. He announced the formation of “Strike Force Seasoned, which will see 22 detectives work from now until whenever it concludes identifying as many people as possible who attended today’s incident and have them charged”. He went on:
I’m hoping that we issue 3,500 infringement notices, I’m hoping that we have people before the court, and I really hope that we can get some charges and convictions out of today’s work by the New South Wales Police. It’s essential for people to get the message. And to those that are calling for it to occur again next week, look out because these 400 officers will turn to 4,000 if needs be.”
Obviously to disguise themselves the protestors should have worn masks… 🙂
seriously, this is worrying. Are BLM and XR protestors hunted down with the same vigour? What on earth will the police do to dissenters if Covid gains a serious hold in OZ?
Cooler heads need to prevail and maybe the minister will rethink his deliberate escalation and avert seeing his state descend into even deeper iniquity.
Covid is *not* dangerous.
The whole covid thing is a lifeless corpse, that only looks alive as long as the media/govt unholy alliance keeps it animated, like Frankenstein.
Pollies and top public servants appear to be signed up to the globalist agenda, and likely cant be trusted as they dont appear to represent us any more, but rather appear to have crossed over to the other side….
the organisers of the only BLM to contravene a health order were charged and fined. The march itself fizzled out as the 10s of masked protesters dispersed.
Sydney July 2020
BLM in Sydney was bound to be an utter failure.
Did you support them ?
Look at the real and large crowds for freedom..
Do you support them ?
I think most people are referring to the June 6 2020 BLM marches that had many thousands attend.
NSW Police saw fit to fine the organisers in Sydney but made no attempt to track down attendees. Even after trying to prevent the march with a court intervention. But they want to track down every attendee at the rally the other day.
The Victorian Premier even announced that protestors would not be fined before the rally went ahead (even though restrictions were still in place) and the police made no attempt to stop it. But they were keen to stop the rally in Melbourne the other day.
Perhaps we the people are beginning to display a desire to be Free above all other options.
That is fairly clear, we love our freedoms. Some here have called them heroes, but history will see them as an undisciplined rabble.
The earlier BLM march produced no increased infections, but the authorities fear the new Delta variant maybe a super spreader event. We should know in a few days.
Have you got proof for that? I know it was not as bad as expected but I have not seen any data that confirms there was no impact on infections.
Every covid case in Australia has to date been accounted for – and none have come from the BLM marches.
Correct. The whole covid thing appears to be a massive stage managed lie.
“Cases” are likely invented and adjusted up and down as needed to keep the popluation scared
Bring on the Covid Nuremberg Trials…
A little bit of evidence might help support your assertion, OS.
Have you any?
If you find a way to extract reliable, truthful information from govt, let me know.
It appears the definition of a case is based on an unreliable PCR test. And given that the drive is to vaccinate the planet with a medical device that clearly appears to damage people and not actually protect against infection ( see the Israel topic recently ), and given gumints seem to love throwing thier weight around, on the balance of evidence thus far you would have to conclude there is no basis for confidence in gumint figures.
This little gem has surfaced in the USA this morning.
more PCR discussion at Catallaxy
Australians have known for some years that something isn’t quite right with the direction their society/lives has taken, unfortunately with decades of MSN misinformation, social distractions with sports, entertainment industries, hobbies etc we have taken the freedoms associated with these endeavors to be entitlements that never needed defending after they became a normal part of life.
What the masses are now seeing is that while government rules and regulations infringed upon the business and personal recreational pursuits over the years it isn’t what the government was focused on, the individuals right to free speech, movement and vote once removed is NEVER EVER given back freely by those that sought to take them.
“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.”
― John Milton , Areopagitica
I have memorized this quote and smile at the responses of everyday people when they ponder the implications of such a simple idea.
Victorians have been in lockdown 5 times and out 4 times; soon to be 5. That clearly demonstrates that the freedoms are freely given back. One of my annoyances is dopey Dan constantly apologising for restrictions that the vast majority of Victorians recognise are effective Covid controls. Most Victorians recognise that NSW is playing the same catch-up that Victoria went through last last year and WA, SA, Tasmania, NT and Qld have done since day one. Border controls first and foremost to prevent community spread. Short, sharp, severe lockdown if there are roaming spreaders. It is clearly the case that ripping the band aid off is less painful then slow, gradual long-term pain of playing catch-up once there are roaming spreaders.
We were never properly out of the Mark 4 lockdown; this present one is Mark 4 Part 2.
Remember the couple from Melbourne who went up to Queensland via numerous stops in all sorts of places with the ‘raging, travelling-like-lightning beast’? (Delta, so-called). There should have been thousands upon thousands of really bad cases of the Wuflu all the way they went. Where were they? I am sure there would have been massive hype if there had been.
Yeah but who controls the case data?
Its no different to the US “election”.
They just jerk us around for fun….dance plebs, dance….
They hated the riots because it showed them there are people who dont believe the lie…
Two spurious quotes that are very relevant today:
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
in that order.
Could we just focus on the law, Oz doesn’t have a First Amendment.
I understand, and in fact do not believe this time around rebellion would work. The growing power of tyrannical movement is already too powerful, and it’s only going to get much more powerful. You see it’s already too late to do anything about it. Any rebellion would be smacked down quick smart, much like what the Romans did with the rebellious Jews. I am comforted in my Christian beliefs as are so many others. The rest will have to deal with it on their own – and fail.
Just because tyranny occurs in another country doesn’t stop it from being tyranny.
Our democratic rule of law has been circumvented by governments for years, when that fails any successful methods to restore it is welcome regardless of its origin.
Rebellions only will work if those who rebel are armed and in sufficient numbers. Sorry, we don’t have that option anymore. Howard saw to that.
I do wonder though…Australians can be highly effective. We have the best SAS in the world.
An ex army powder monkey told me one day if push came to shove, he would stuff a roll of barbed wire with C4 and hang it in a tree with remote detonator as a way of providing a last line of defence in a war.
Nuff said….
Australia’s democracy and rule of law are sound. There are Creationist outliers who believe in Armageddon and desire guns, but the utopian socialists think this is madness.
“Perhaps we the people are beginning to display a desire to be Free above all other options.”
I wonder if “we the people ” in their “desire to be Free” include death “above all all other options.” I suspect they don’t
Yes, Ian, we know that you and your comrades seek to be the down-trodden.
Its in your very nature.
“Yes, Ian, we know that you and your comrades seek to be the down-trodden.”
Presumably you and your comrades seek to be the departed rather than the down-trodden?
Is it because you and your comrades do not understand that, unlike the transient inconveniences caused by lockdown, death is very permanent?
Good luck with your choice. I prefer mine and so do most who are capable of rational thought.
And as you may not be familiar with the word transient it means “lasting for only short time”; impermanent.
[snip. please lets not do personalized attacks – jo]
It must be so debilitating living in abject fear all your life…
“It must be so debilitating living in abject fear all your life…”
Actually I don’t live in abject fear of anything not even the blatant stupidity evidenced clearly by humans who have s**t for brains. It would be rude to say humans such as yourself so I won’t
You just admitted above that you do. !
You write “You just admitted above that you do. !” [snip]
Re-read what I actually rather than what you thought I wrote. I’ll repeat it so you can have another try at comprehending.
[snip repeat]
If the words, “include death”, don’t show your abject fear, what does. !
Read your own words and comprehend what you have said.
They are protesting in large groups that your imagination tells you will kill them due to the most lethal most contagious disease ever to strike the planet, so you contradict yourself.
You don’t know us, because us do not associate with people like you.
To answer your question up thread. BLM don’t matter
The freedom rally appears to have generated the same Mainstream Media images as other rallies throughout the world.
Actors are inserted to attack authority figures. These people appear to act against the general nature of the protest. Punching a Police Horse is the standard image. An injured Policeman supported by his mates is another.
The BLM and Antifa rallies where the Police are burnt in their building are however ‘Peaceful Protests’
Hmmm theBLM march in contravention of health orders July 2020 Sydney. 6 organisers arrested and 50 people in masks moved on. The end.
I find myself wondering, yet again, how many troublemakers deliberately infiltrated the protests in order to demonise them?
Same here Annie, we saw this in Victoria over five years ago, organized by governmental sources and projected by the MSM.
Yonnie, my husband was at a gathering/talk in Melbourne years ago, where the person giving the address was a member of the VicPol. They were told that the police knew who the trouble-making rabble were and that they (the toe-rags, that is) turned up at every protest to de-legitimise whatever the protest was concerned with. This cohort were deliberately stirring up trouble.
This was many moons ago (early 1990s) and we felt the police were on the side of normal, decent people at that time, mostly.
No doubt they knew, forward a few years later and those same police had different orders about who to arrest and let in and out of protest lines, we know the Yarra City Council is very active and connected to spring st where organized activism is concerned from Victorian Socialist Alliance to Safe Schools and the Media its all well organized but poorly played out which doesn’t matter when editing the final cut for the evening news.
I wonder how many troublemakers from the Right infiltrate the “genuine” protesters, in order to exploit the situation? I don’t think the Victoria Government funded or organised any agents provocateur LOL!
No trouble-makers anywhere…..
Just normal people.. You should try to some time. !
Perhaps not the “Government” Tilba Tilba.
However, some unionists are not adverse to taking a more direct approach:
Do you have a problem with workers exercising their right to organise and protest in a liberal democracy?
“I find myself wondering, yet again, how many troublemakers deliberately infiltrated the protests in order to demonise them?
And I wonder if you find yourself wondering how many troublemakers have deliberately infiltrated protests in order to demonise antifa and BLM.
None were/are needed – the violent BLM and Antifa protestors proudly post videos and images of their actions
Where are these trouble makers..?
the trouble makers were the ones who were put on show by the police for the MSM as the march was finishing and the protesters were leaving, it is recorded and is a setup
here is another video showing marches all over Australia without problems
and here is a video showing how protesters were setup by the police at the last Melbourne protests
probably not top of mind as its another country and another culture, some of us arent that aligned with them
Mate – it’s the same tactic the Right has employed for the US Capitol insurrection riot. Some 99.9% of those who stormed the building (injuring huge numbers of security and cops) were MAGA deplorable incel right-wingers … everybody knows this – every Republican, every media person, everybody – but the Right has tried desperately to find ways to blame “left-wing” agitators. These Rightists and Trumpists really are pretty ruthless.
Just making up the numbers eh? Or do you know how many FBI agents were at the Capitol Riot?
There is no vaccine to prevent stupidity, unfortunately. Marching to stop a lockdown only to probably prolong the lockdown. There is a bigger issue though – the generations-long income disparity between Sydney’s WASPy east and Sydney’s highly ethnic west. As one protester told a reporter, “You don’t know what it’s like being a wog!” And I expect a lot of those out west re hit disproportionately hard by lockdowns.
Obviously or you would of stopped commenting. Also there is no vaccine to protect you from your imagination.
It was only a matter of time. The federal and state governments (including WA) have been dragging their feet on all aspects particularly with the vaccine roll out which is going very slowly and is badly coordinated (state responsibility). People get stir crazy – very understandably. Pink Floyd – “Another Brick in the Wall” – replaced by Twisted Sister – “We’re Not Gonna Take it“.
Chevron concedes CCS failures at Gorgon, seeks deal with WA regulators
Michael Mazengarb 19 July 2021
We tried that carbon capture scam here in Canada a few years ago. The plant food was captured and stored in underground caverns, where it promptly leaked to the surface and smothered some cattle. Geologists warned them that this would happen but their warnings were ignored. Earth scientists, what do they know about the earth?
CO2 can be stored safely at depths below 800m as it becomes a liquid. In fact CO2 is recognised as a better fracking agent for oil recovery than water if it is available.
The LPG storage cavern in Sydney is only 130m below the surface. But LPG liquifies at much lower pressure than CO2.
That doesn’t make it safer. Failure of geological contaiment would just result in a denser bigger cloud of CO2 gas at the surface than if it were stored as gas.
Here’s the missing ‘n’.
You know where to stick it.
I worked there for some time and there was a lot of money spent on this
section of the project.
My question at the start, why would you want to put a gas, which is heavier than air, into the ground, even
if it was put there as a liquid?
The safety precautions needed would be VERY expensive. You would not want anything of value built anywhere
near where it is stored. It would be like a time bomb; but you would have NO IDEA when it was going to go off.
You would not want humans residing anywhere near the storage place.
It looked like the dreamers had taken over.
The Island is a nature reserve and I’m sure the plants there could do with a bit of extra food from the
Lake Nyas catastrophe 1986 should be in the forefront of living memory.
Chevron should offer to plant crops. That ought to do it. 🙂
Some mining companies do, particularly in the NW of WA. One crop grown is Rhodes grass from Africa, it is mostly used to feed beef cattle destined for the export market.
Plants do carbon capture par excellence.
A follow-up to a post about the Chevy Bolt recall posted on a previous thread:
GM issues second recall of Chevy Bolt EVs after vehicles catch fire
Michael Wayland
Looks to be our manufacturing is having a hard time transitioning from AC power to DC power.
I don’t think the components can take the extra voltage that they’re trying to convert to.
But our politicians want us all to have these sparkie toys who catch fire quite easily.
And the manufacturer doesn’t want you to park in your garage.
On the EV theme. VW EV and Tesla fail again.
26 hours for a — normally 7 hour — 765km VW trip across Germany/France.
The problems: lousy charging stations, lying apps and “suddenly decreasing range indicators” — and one might add, a lousy electric car as the real core problem.
The 550-km range advertised by VW was a bit too optimistic, and so they found themselves charging up already after 178 km. But the charging station there was broken and so the couple ended up seeking out a VW dealer a few kilometres away and charging their car in “rain and storm” for 2 hours just to get up to 40% charge.
It didn’t get any better thereafter.
4 months out of battery warranty, this fellow’s 2013 Tesla S will only take a 50 mile charge before disconnecting itself from further recharge. No worries though, a replacement battery is just US$17,000 to $20,000. “The car can lose 10 miles or more per day [in battery charge] just keeping all of the electronics cool.” [in hot weather] If the owners go away for a few days, when they get back the car is dead. His wife hated the previous Tesla he bought for her and insisted on an ICE Range Rover as her replacement. Wonder why?
James May hits Tesla reality too. Teslas have 2 batteries.
“. . . as May discovered with his Tesla, which is kept plugged in all the time, the big battery stops providing power when it reaches 100%. So while the 12v battery was powering smaller parts of the Model S, like the computer, the larger battery wasn’t topping it up again.
So it ran out of power, and because the 12v battery also controls the locks he couldn’t get inside to pop open the hood. Cue what can best be described as dismantling a Tesla-shaped jigsaw so May could jump start the battery.”
Expect repairability and service quality of EVs to improve over time. Problems of charging while travelling distance will get worse as more EVs go on the road. Queues will become a nightmare
No fun chasing after car companies to repair or fix defects. A Tesla is not in my future
So very true.
Excuse my lack of knowledge, but why can’t an alternator charge these batteries?
Because that would be perpetual motion.
They do. They’re ones at the power plant
To try and answer you seriously, you cant equate what an alternator does on an ICE car with an EV.
The alternator on your car is the prime source of electrical power when the ICE car is running plus it keep the relatively tiny battery charged up as well, normally keeping it near a full charge state not letting it have strong discharge/charge cycles.
The power required to usefully charge an EV battery is orders of magnitude greater than what is available from an auto scale alternator. As Peter C alludes to remember you only get the difference , the alternator causes drag/load covered by the ICE in a real car, but coming from the same battery you are trying to charge in an EV which is makes in a pointless exercise that would give you a nett loss.
And here is another story about EV battery fires. This time an electric bus in LA, California.
I am not sure that there is really an answer to having a small number of fires while ever these batteries are an aggregation of thousands of 18650 (or similar) individual cells.
The level of production perfection required to get every cell on spec and safe and then to get every interconnection on spec and safe and then to get the battery management system to keep the whole package on spec and safe to me becomes something I doubt can be achieved at 100% as very few things are 100% especially in consumer land. Sadly the outcome isnt just a leak or a bit of dysfunction but a blowtorch that ignites the package as seen in quite a few CCTV videos now :
The bus one alarms me if these things are just sitting static and not charging. Imagine a packed bus and the speed it ignites.
The Guardian: Japanese Green Energy Targets Threaten Australia’s Gas Exports
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
That was in The Australian the previous day. “Written” by Perry Williams their resident pusher of Green press releases. Comments weren’t allowed.
Well, let’s look at some things, shall we?
Energy cost to produce 1 kg of H2: 60.61 kWh/kg (65% efficient electrolyzer, current available technology)
Energy content of 1 kg H2: 39.39 kWh/kg
Hm. It takes 50% more energy to produce H2 than it contains.
Energy density per unit volume: Natural Gas: 37 MJ/m 3 Hydrogen: 12.7 MJ/m3
If using H2 to displace NG for thermal power (ICE, gas turbine) 3 times as much H2 by volume to produce the same output as NG fuel.
I’m not seeing Japanese Hydrogen displacing much of anything, except for taxpayer monies.
“It takes 50% more energy to produce H2 than it contains.” That’s not a bad thing in itself except that Natural gas is free. That’s why it’s called Natural Gas.
And it contains hydrogen too. So this is just a war on the element carbon and carbon dioxide, the greatest existential threat to humanity in existence, more than world war apparently. Except that without carbon dioxide, no life on earth exists and with more carbon dioxide we get more life. That is admitted by observation by NASA and our very own CSIRO.
When did carbon dioxide become undesirable, dangerous, illegal? And where is this Global Warming? And where exactly has the Climate Changed in 130 years?
And if we were looking for a more stable, better way to store energy, we would use better metals than hydrogen. Stable, transportable, cheap, utterly recyclable, no gas output. Aluminum would be perfect. 90% of the cost of making aluminum (American spelling) is electricity and if you recycle alumina, almost 100%. That downside is that as in the smelting of all metals, the removing of oxygen from any metal oxide, carbon dioxide is released.
So how are we going to have Green steel, green aluminium, green lead, green zinc or any metals at all in our new Green world? I can just see the Greens with their wooden iPhones and wooden Flinstones cars. How are they going to contain and transport hydrogen without a lot of metal? And no concrete either, as that is a major source of CO2. Without metals and concrete, cities would not exist.
Green is not science. It is not even fantasy science fiction. It is deliberate anti democratic manipulation of the masses largely by the media to believe the 20th century was a disaster for the world when it was a disaster for communism. And all scientists know this is rubbish, but they have families and jobs and mortgages too and cannot speak, unless they are on the Climate Council.
And Hitler is portrayed as the extreme right, when he was the leader of the Nationalist Socialist workers party. You could not be more Left except that Mussolini’s version of socialism had an unholy pact with rich elites like Krupp, much like today with the Silicon Valley internet billionaires. So he is classed by the left as extreme right because they hate the rich as much as they hate democracy.
Socialist is what totalitarians call themselves and their fantasy story of Climate Change/Global Warming/a Drowning world is rubbish which should be obvious by now, 33 years later. Surely?
Climate Change. Tony Abbott was right. Climate Crap.
Don’t forget when you burn hydrogen you get water vapour
Water vapour and water droplets are the predominant green house gas in the atmosphere
Has anyone one told these loonies
All this money wasted then of course there will be a light bulb moment when the greenies wake up
Just scam after scam
Mal alleged
You’re an optimist, laddie. 😀
Here, in Jacinda-land, Jacinda declares a “Klimate Krisis™” and NZ is “*about to import more coal this year” than ws ever have.
(* = Local headline…)
Where’s my Secretary? Take a letter:
To: Dearest
Stupidummm, no.To: Dearest
Idiotummn, no.To: Dear Jacinda:,
… better …
It’s going to take a long time for that little girl to wake up.
(Solid Energy, NZ’s own home-grown coal-miner was shut down a few years ago. Ha! Our coal is much higher quality than what we are getting from Indonesia, so we don’t have to burn quite as much for the same energy. As usual, it’s back to front …)
“Hm. It takes 50% more energy to produce H2 than it contains.”
hm, more like 65%.
Out of the frying pan into the fire…. the usual path of progress with all things green:
“Although it is not a pollutant in its own right, hydrogen can take part in atmospheric chemical reactions in the lower and upper atmospheres and these chemical reactions may lead to environmental damage. In the upper atmosphere, hydrogen may moisten and cool the stratosphere, slowing down the recovery of the ozone layer. In the lower atmosphere, hydrogen may hasten the build-up of the greenhouse gases: methane and ozone and hence contribute to climate change. Hydrogen therefore has the potential to cause global environmental impacts both on the stratospheric ozone layer and on climate change.”
The paper is an auto download entitled Hydrogen for Heating: Atmospheric Impacts and was published November 2018.
I doubt the Japanese are that stupid, Guardian journos not so much.
Following yesterday’s Freedom Rallies here in NovoCastria the next big push is for, wait for it;
BFM. Yeah !
So far on this thread there’s been mention of nuclear power, carbon capture and storage, plus the substitution of wood pellets for the “previous” fuel used in the electricity generation plant located in the country which was formerly “Great Britain”.
Apart from nuclear, which is currently too expensive, the rest is an unscientific mish mash of political pseudoscience designed to distract us from developing an awareness that ;
Black. Fuels. Matter.
Black. Fuels. Matter.
Yeah !!
6-22-21 A review of the WIV lab’s public records and internal guidelines reveals the existence of unspecified classified projects and discussion of the lab’s responsibilities under China’s state secrets law. Some records mention protocols for disclosing information to foreigners and the sealing of some research reports for up to two decades.
the official explanation for origin of Sars 2, by State Council Information Office press conference at Beijing, 7-22-21
7-23-21 Dr. Anthony Fauci praised the “qualified, highly respected Chinese scientists” the National Institutes of Health collaborated with at the Wuhan Institute of Virology over the years, defending NIH’s funding of bat coronavirus research in China.
His latest comments come amid a debate over gain-of-function research and the possibility of COVID-19 originating at the Wuhan lab.
7-23-21 More striking still, the physician says that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine endeavor is “going to go down as the most dangerous biologic medicinal product roll-outs in human history.”
Dr. McCullough has quite the résumé. Among other things, he’s the vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC), chief of cardiovascular research of the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute, and program director of the cardiovascular disease fellowship program at BUMC. He has also written 46 peer-reviewed publications on the China virus, is considered a foremost expert on the topic, and has testified before numerous governmental bodies on COVID-19 policy.
World military games at Wuhan; connecting many dots
Some article(s) doing the rounds about severe forest/bush fires, climate change and indigenous people practicing proscribed burns to diminish the severe fire damage.
Severe fires are bad and climate change causes more severe fires. Has something to do with the build up of fuel.
What on earth happened before people existed? No fire management and severe fires raged across the world..
So when you see those fires burn, appreciate it is better with human fire management
Best way to manage things is to bury the wood. Mimicks flooding, bog forming and glaciation processes. Takes carbon from the air and sticks in the ground where decomposition slows to the rate of fossil fuel lockup
Manage the forest by taking the wood out of circulation and burying it. No more rerelease by burning
Is this a cry for help or did you not think this proposal through?
But it is more profitable to burn wood, even if you have to import it from oversea. Example Drax in Yorkshire, which is operating profitably now they have converted 4 of their 6 units to burning wood chip from old forests in SE USA. They admit that this results in 32-33% more CO2 than using coal.
For this “green” way they get exemption from carbon tax AND subsidies. Makes a real difference to the bottom line!
They have even shut down the other 2 units which were burning coal and costing them money. They tried getting permission to convert them to burning natural gas, which would have reduced CO2 emissions, but that was denied. And the UK is busy shutting down coal fired and nuclear generation and will rely on wind, solar and French nuclear this coming winter. Don’t they realise that the French are also planning to phase out nuclear and rely on wind?
Denmark quietly imports wood from Russia for electricity generation.
Nord Stream 2 will be the energy salvation of Europe and Putin will have Europe by the throat.
They also buy wood chips from Finland & Slovakia (where both are starting to worry about deforestation.
And don’t forget that a third of Russian wood chips come in plastic bags for household use. A roaring wood fire gets around high electricity prices esp. if you cannot pay them.
Before people existed, no one was putting fires out.
Call it a natural balance, if you like.
Mimicks flooding, bog forming and glaciation processes.
Not in Australia it doesn’t — except for Huon Pine in Tassie which can last for thousands of years due to its special oil content.
Oz hardwoods (Coarse Woody Debris) can take up to 136 years to decompose in the air, unlike your wimpy Canadian softwoods. That’s quoting from our National Carbon Accounting System — Technical Report #6.
One further question: how the hell do you bury fallen timber bushfire fuel in inaccessible forests covering millions of square miles/kilometres?
Arrant nonsense.
I was also skeptical until I read a scientific reference which pointed out thst burying wood in 20 ft deep trench can slow down wood decay to 1,000+ years. Just think of buried wood from acheological sites.
Coal, oil and gas fields are formed by the accumulated sequestering of carbon. Sure methane can be emitted under some conditions but often the carbon moves downwards compressing to peat and foosilized fuel.. Notice the recent discovery of huge peat bogs in Africa.
You need oxygen for anarerobic processes. Burial limits the rate of oxygen migration downwards.
Build logging roads and bulldoze trenches to bury harvested timber. That is how we ccess millions of square miles of timber in Canada. Sorry but its not a big deal
What else are you goung to do with wood products
1. Burn wood in forest fires as happens naturally
2. Harvest wood products and burn it elsewhere (same as 1. but energy for transport and processing)
3. Bury woody matewrial and slow down emission by 1,000+ yrs or more
4. Burn forests to clear land for growing crops
Whatever we do or do not do as humans, the vegetative material gets burned or the vegetation gets sequestered … in other words, buried
Carbon transport upward and downward in soil is complex and varied. To imagine that all cabon moves perpetually upwards to be ultimatelybescapecinto the atmospere is a misanthropic ecological fantasy. Carbon is a trace elementband the trend is for it to occasionally escapecinto the atmosphere but pervasively decend in the matle fractionation column of the earth
Rmember that coal fields gas domes and peat fields can burn for centuries 100% natually without human involvement
In the main biology traps carbon at the surface but it is a a losing battle scavenging it in trace quanties from the atmosphere. Fortunate that the microenvironment just above and below the surface is carbon rich
“You need oxygen for
anarerobicaerobic processes”.Fixed it.
Thank you
First you need a problem, then the solution.
Keep Digging my Raving friend and we will chuck in the bits of wood, first removing any koalas or frogs of course.
By the way how were you going to dig the pits anyway, Solar-powered excavators?
Carbon sequestration via wood burial
Any carbon in the soil undergoes decomposition by microbes which turn carbon into carbon dioxide. If that carbon is in a moist anaerobic environment microbes will turn it into methane. Methane molecules are broken up by UV light when they reach the equator and they reform as CO2 and H2O.
Isn’t the carbon cycle extraordinary – goes to show CO2 is on the essential list for life.
I am reassured by the message on the disposable coffee cups (in SA) 100% Compostible and Biodegradable.
I am not happy about the level of education/common sense/ intelligence of the overpaid bureaucrat who dreamt that one up.
You think so huh? Apart from that which doesnt escape by get burned off above surface, Washed off in runoff or buried deeper as methane, carbon beds or fossil fuel
There seems to be an ecological phobia at play in regard to the world’s vegetation forming carbon beds
Even most Greenies know that competing is the way for biological breakdown of waste into fertile material.
I wouldn’t worry about methane being buried. I remember an American Chemical company plagued by complaints about odours from their factory,which was right next door to a huge municipal rubbish tip. The odours were coming from there as was obvious by the way the (covering) earth layer buckled. One of their chemists suggested they analyse the gases and they found they were largely methane. In short time they got permission to extract the gases from the rubbish tip, which they then burnt for heat.
End of odour complaints and a cost saving.
And If your conscious pains you, I point out that methane is listed as a (14,24, 35, 47, 73)* times worse GreenHouse Gas than the carbon dioxide formed. They were “saving the planet”.
And, by the way, methane isn’t that soluble in rain water. (and is prone to rapid biological & other breakdown in the atmosphere).
* depending on which alarmist you read.
Hang on,
that’s the fire you have when you’re not having a fire.
You can’t light a “proscribed” burn.
🙂 🙂
The indigenous people doing wide scale fire based land management many thousands of years ago always gets me. They would have a world view that extended as far as they could walk. I think if any fire based “management” occurred it was more likely lightning.
G’day y,
I think the aboriginal people were able to burn large areas, over several years, because they were nomadic and burnt country as they moved around, and in all seasons. Part of their management was of grassland to attract the animals they hunted and to keep their access open across their territory.
Dave B
Sounds fine, basically surviving. I have trouble accepting “management”, as per the spin of the last couple of decades.
I have also balked at that usage, but have decided to accept it as a reasonable descriptor for their “looking after country”.
Dave B
The battles in a nut shell:
Both are doctors but one is an unelected bureaucrat. The other a US senator as well as a physician and scientist. But still an outsider. An enemy of the swamp. So naturally the bureaucrat is proclaimed the credible one and the senator elected by the voice of the people is considered the ignorant one.
It’s never the truth that matters to the socialists. It’s always the side.
So farts can now pass on Covid-19.
Er…question will an N95 mask filter out a fart and its smell?
No. It might be simpler to round up all vegetarians into central locations where the gas can be piped into “carbon capture” underground.
That will be an expensive failure, as all other schemes of this sort have been — see RicDre comment No.2 above.
Reminds me of my old Dad’s favourite poem:
There was a young man from Australia
Who painted his backside like a dahlia.
A penny a smell was all very well
But tuppence a lick was a failure!
OK, so it’s a limerick not a poem, but it always made us kids laugh.
A GP1 or GP2 carbon filter mask will filter the odour. GP2 is equivalent to N95 for particles.
It’s the Great Crepitation Contest of 1946 between Paul Boomer & Lord Windesmear.
You may decide for yourself if an N95 mask would have helped.
I would have expected more people than me alone to upthumb this thing over ten hours Lance; ain’t life grand…
Not sure the ear loops on my face mask will stretch enough for me to wear it backwards and down over my rump.
SDA takes notice
“My Butts Already Double Masked”
Ministers are reportedly fretting in private over the possibility Covid-19 is being spread via farting.
The virus is primarily found in the respiratory system and spreads through coughing and sneezing – but it’s not the first time alternative routes have been looked into.
Now it appears figures at the very top of government are taking the threat of flatulence-based transmission seriously.
One unnamed minister told The Telegraph they had seen ‘credible-looking stuff on it’ from other countries, including evidence of a ‘genomical-linked tracing connection between two individuals from a [lavatory] cubicle in Australia’.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Will face masks protect us in the public loos?!
Further panic time!
No….smell is a physical activity….poop up ya nostril….
what next? N95 nappies/diapers for everyone?
Sheer madness…..
Poorly ventilated loos. Covid is airborne transmission
Dangerous New Freedom Variant Causing People To Ignore Government And Live Their Lives
July 23rd, 2021 –
Uh Oh, we’re gonna need more fossil-fuelled helicopter hunts …
‘One of the most damaging invasive species on Earth’: wild pigs release the same emissions as 1 million cars each year
An Aussie company has developed a very successful poison for pigs that exploits a feature of their biology to painlessly kill them, the poison which is harmless to other life is housed in a trap that only pigs can open with their snouts.
The active ingredient is also used to cure bacon, so how ironic is that.
Saw it on Their ABC Landline.
Interesting. Pigs are used for research as aspects of their physiology are much like human physiology.
In the very early days of liver transplants, the research first worked on pigs. This was at the QE hospital in Birmingham. For a while, children were flown from Melbourne to England before transplants were done here.
Ahah! Self-curing baconers.
They had me at shooting from helicopters
Giant razorback caught on outback station
But nowhere matches
‘Krys’ The Savannah King, Normanton QLD
Probably the most recognisable landmark in Normanton is Krys the Savannah King. This replica monument crocodile statue is scaled to the true size of a giant 8.6m estuarine (saltwater) croc, which is the largest ever captured in the world! The unlucky crocodile was shot on MacArthur Bank, Norman River in July 1957 by Krystina Pawlowski.
The croc hunter later regretted killing that beast given it was the largest ever found. However it was approaching her young daughter so it was to protect her child.
Krystine later ran a crocodile conservation park.
Its time for a green war on earthworms
Bird chopping windmills kill the birds which eat the worms that aerate the soil which produces methane
Okay, most birds don’t eat worms but the robin can eat up to 20 earthworms per hour
When a windmill kills a single robin, it can spare thousands of earthworms. Hence as the worm turns, windmills enhance methane emission
Dr. John Campbell uses the data to make the case for zinc for protection against coronavirus.
But within reason. Some people go too far!
Good thanks.
Looks to me that you can go to 40mg per day, long term.
If you think you have wuflu then going higher for a few days should be ok,
But 150 mg of zinc twice a day for six weeks gives suppressed immune system function
This would set the upper bound for short term self medication.
Slightly off topic.
I caught some of the program Have You Been Paying Attention on Fri night (replay). They show short bits of the ABC and another station get there expert to introduce themselves. They were epidemiologists with so many years of experience. Then Paul Murray introduces his guest, from Paul’s Lawn Mowing.
It just shows how bad the supposed intellectual elites have marched through everything that some smug comedians, who still get good pay during a lockdown, can’t see that it was there ‘let them eat cake’ moment.
The first two experts never ran a business.
?? ..sorry , i dont follow your thought pattern there ..
HYBPA is ch 10 comedy show ?
Abc and experts ??
P Murray is Sky TV. ?
“Let them eat cake moment “ ??
What exactly is your point ?
They showed the clips for a smug laugh. Trustworthy programs have expert guests while dodgy ones get a lawn mower guy on. They completely missed that lockdowns affect those running a business owners, contractors and casuals. You don’t need to be an expert to recommend people stay at home to avoid transmission. You need expertise to keep a business making a profit.
No sympathy from me. It appears your catching it was self-imposed. If your eyes were pinned open and you were chained down and forced to watch such errant nonsense then I would be sympathetic.
Interesting figures for Malta the highest covid-19 vaccination rate per population in the world vs covid-19 infections/deaths.
What is it exactly that you find interesting ?
Big surge in cases again in June/July ?
But, Very few deaths since early end of March ?
The detail that is missing is when the vaccinations started and % vaccination /by week .
Also what brand of vax ?
It shows a 91% recovery rate for those vaccination figures, the rest will interest statisticians out there.
Almost 3k new cases from almost zero cases at the beginning of the month dispute more than 1.6 doses per person administered. That shows very little protection from catching it and passing it on. Deaths lag by a few weeks.
If you go to Euromomo and look at excess deaths , nothing much has happened at all, all though you can choose to get excited about any aspect that suits your view.
G20 fails to agree on climate goals in communique
JULY 24, 2021
By Paul Homewood
Latest news from G20:
Great article on Ivermectin
I get a “Page Not Found” error when I click on that link, but this link seems to work:
Unfortunately behind a registration request
OK, try this:
thx !
Bookmarked – Thanks
When leftists shun ivermectin, they show how scientifically illiterate they are
By James V. DeLong
Saturday, July 24 is World Ivermectin Day, as “people of the world will come together to celebrate ivermectin for a day focused on unity, love, and gratitude for this precious gift from Mother Earth.”
I will be with them. Being of venerable age, I am at risk for COVID, so I follow the debates over the vaccines and treatments, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, with intense interest.
My conclusion, on which I am willing to bet my life, is that taking ivermectin is a superior alternative to vaccination, both for prevention and, should it come to it, treatment. I am convinced by the careful scientific work of the FLCCC, the BIRD group, and independent researcher Andrew Hill and reinforced by the refusal of the government health agencies to respond in any coherent fashion.
A priori, one would not expect issues of drug safety and efficacy to be a political hot potato, but one would be wrong. The Progressive wokesters, and especially their Deep State and Big Tech minions, are all in on the propositions that the vaccines are wonder drugs and ivermectin is worthless. These positions are maintained by a refusal on the part of the health agencies to examine the evidence and by intense censorship by Big Tech.
Speaking to relatives over the weekend, the view is that rioting over freedoms is bad coz now more lockdowns needed…..
I dont support violence of any kind, peaceful protest should be always followed.
And the predominant view is that vaccines will save us….
I make reference to this astonishing OZ desire to be locked down in 1.2
Case numbers are trivial yet many seem willing to accept restrictions on their freedoms of a nature that china would have been condemned for 15 months ago.
Yet some in Oz appear to want even tougher house arrest.
What degree of lockdown, curfew, police action and fines are a significant prrtion of the population willing to accept?
We are a disciplined society and apart from an occasional uprising, Oz will become Covid free no matter the cost. The reason for this, we are destined to be a tourist destination of excellence in the new world order.
Is the GBR to be included in this ‘tourist destination’ of excellence.
Of course, its a wonderful natural environment and with El Nino absent without leave, it should be in pristine condition when we begin to accept tourists.
Yep – on the basis that the visitor has 14 days to spare at the beginning of the visit for the mandatory quarantine and the money to pay to sit in a room isolated from other human contact.
New Zealanders will be able to come and go as they please providing that country remains Covid free.
There remains some hope that vaccinations will eliminate the Covid risk but that is unlikely in the near future.
The F1 circus participants ere not willing to do the two week quarantine so those visitors will not be coming to Australia for a while.
Hard to imagine why not. You are overseas I assume.
And when those tourists arrive, are they going to have to wear bubble suits, or are we?
No…just 24×7 tracking bracelets and China style surveillance and China style anal tests for covid ..for thier “safety” of course…
Well in that case I will most certainly leave Australia when that happens. You are so naive it’s not even funny any longer.
Only those wealthy enough to afford the luxury of coming here for an extended holiday, keep the riff riff out. A tracking device won’t be necessary after their 14 days in quarantine.
Where do you think you would go? why would they be better, and why do you think they would accept you?
When I can get out, and am there, then I may tell you / or maybe not.
I got out once for 5 years, its quite a process. Anywhere thats easy to get into as a legal permanent often isnt somewhere you would want to be. But tastes bary of course.
Leave, Government won’t let you.
So, I take it that, notwithstanding your comment here:
C4 and barbed wire is a no no?
If so, why ever post it?
ABC = Australian Broadcasting Collective
Australian Brainwashing Company
Assimilating Borg Collective
Australian Bog Collective?
Australian Bolshevik Collective
Yes, and funded by the government. Is that what he actually meant when PM Morrison said “we are in it together”?
Which means funded by us. The government has no money of its own.
Yes I know. It makes it even more stupid.
SloMo’s appointment of Ita Buttrose as Chairman of Their ABC was an enormous disappointment. Everyone thought she would clean up the trash but instead she found no bias.
She is just as much a disappointment as SloMo himself, another clueless pretend conservative.
Ita has spent her life being duchessed by whomsoever paid her way.
Her time at their ABC is no different.
Excellent 11 min statement about the Biden Regime’s takeover of America.
Please watch before YouTube delete it.
Good overview. My take though is slightly different as to the core reason why the patriots are hated so much by the left. I’m convinced the a lot of people have been convinced to hate Trump and his follows because they fear him as some extreme right-wing neo-Naz1 leader and his followers are right-wing extremists, which of course is an exaggeration. All his actions thus far have shown me he is not an evil extreme right-wing person. On the contrary I find him refreshing, albeit arrogant and foolish at times. Who isn’t in politics.
In any case the left-wing leaders are so scared of Trump they will do anything to stop him, including defrauding the elections. They truly believe they are doing it for the good of the world. Most in the left don’t normally have a major problem of slightly right of centre people. The left have convinced themselves with the help of their leaders that Trump is a right-wing extremists. Even some in the Republican Party believe that, which is why they hate him too and will not support him.
Where all this will end is up in the air. I don’t think it will end peacefully simply because a lot of Americans can see through all this and can see that their country is slowly but surely being overtaken by communist sympathisers.
Victor Davis Hanson: Biden Non Compos Mentis?
See if you can watch this through to the end and still feel the same about the medical mafia.
Eric Clapton Refuses To Play Where Covid-19 Vaccination Is Required
Eric Clapton’s Anti-Vaccine Diatribe Blames ‘Propaganda’ for ‘Disastrous’ Experience
Taken down already.
Most of the people (probably all of the people) claiming the safety of these vaccines seem to be talking without foundation (aka lying)
Given the way they have been introduced how can anyone speak with certainty? given the nature of the grand mRNA trial how can anyone know the long term consequences? they range from total efficacy to a Thalidomide rerun on a global scale.
I was told by my better half to have the jab. A couple of weeks after I had serious chest pains am still getting them weeks later. I did not see a Doc as I had read the reports and in young people can give them permanent heart damage. I would prefer invermectin as it appears to work well. Trump had covid and mentioned that that Hydrocloraquin was useful and the Vic Gov two days later had it declared a poison. Many countries with malaria problems the people take it every day since early last century they still have living populations.
Australian wide freedom rallies, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane.
The cat explains society.
More above in moderation
You have my vote for the post of the day.
Absolutely brilliant!, I’d like to think my cats voice is more like Simba’s Father but this is probably the reality. 🙂
Perhaps the NSW government wants to reward them for civic duty …
“NSW Police have set up a strike force to track down more than 3500 protesters who breached coronavirus restrictions by marching on Sydney’s CBD on Saturday.
Herald photographer Brook Mitchell documented the march and said the estimate of 3500 protesters seemed “very conservative” and there appeared to be thousands more.”
Nah … wrong protest …
Black Lives Matter protests may have slowed overall spread of coronavirus in Denver and other cities, new study finds
That’s a sure sign we are following a similar path as to what the Naz1s did. One step in their agenda was to search for and round up all dissidents. Only protests that comply to the government agenda are allowed.
We thought we are free but we are not.
Freedom comes with responsibilities, Oz is not on the road to fascism.
The road’s on your 6.
Ya’ll are standing at the gate, askin’ to be let in.
Australia is an island continent and we understand the meaning of isolation.
To the assertion that history repeats, its bollox, fascism is alive and well in China and Australians don’t like the look of it.
You may be thinking of jack booted, tank ridin’, nationalist fascism. We’re looking at rainbow, Autocracy of Science, indoor voiced, we don’t need camps we just cancel you, globalist fascism.
I tend to think we are heading for a fascist regime change where big business and governments are “in it together” to control and screw the rest of us. That’s why I don’t believe we will become a communist nation, and it’s a diversionary tactic. I might be wrong but I think you pointed out some time ago China is not a communist nation any longer. It’s more of a fascist state where they allow big businesses to thrive. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say China has become something in between communism and fascism. No matter, it’s just words and words can have different interpretations. The main point is we are most assuredly on the road to some form of fascism. One would have to have blinkers on or their head in the sand not to notice.
They refer to themselves as Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Xi thinks of himself as a benevolent dictator uplifting the Third World from poverty. It wasn’t in Karl’s manifesto.
Reading this morning’s China Daily on the Black Death, a third of Europe’s population dead, the article left out that it originated in China.
We are there, listen to our elected spokespeople. Morrison always refers to government partners, stake holders. The task forces are independent of government.
No deals being done are available for public scrutiny, due to confidentiality clauses with corporations. Thought that was the definition of Fascism.
Yes we are there to a certain extent. Only those with their heads in the sand are completely oblivious to it, nut evidentially they too will realise it as they get the you know what smacked real hard. However, it’s not finished yet. It’s going to get much worse simply because they are now committed to stamping out all “dissidents” who are a potential threat, real or otherwise, to their growing power structure. Some form of full blown fascism (or whatever one wants to call it – it’s actually irrelevant) with all it’s evilness is well and truly on its way. Nothing can stop it now. It’s too late. We had our chance to stop it years ago.
Yes, freedom comes with the responsibility to defend it.
What a load of hogwash from that Colorado news piece. The increase in social distancing would have been for that single day of the BLM protest which could not offset the mass crowding at the event itself.
But I do wonder if the protests did help by spreading CoViD-19 amongst healthy protesters who recovered asymptomatically this conferring immunity
So strange that I don’t recall a similar Task Force to hunt down BLM protesters during previous lockdowns.🤔
That’s because our governments don’t consider them to be a threat to their ever growing tyrannical power.
I assume they did the same thing for the BLM protests did they?
Who wants to think?
Sobering video, spread it far and wide.
I have and my Orthodox Jew friend (I’m a Christian but we do go on well together in spite of that) agrees a new form of Naz1sm has been developing with the government of Israel. It’s a not so well know fact that Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Jews hate their government. The Ultra Orthodox hate their government with a vengeance. Many secular Israelis now blame the pandemic on the Ultra Orthodox Jews. So strange at first but once one does their own research on all this it as I have done it makes a lot of sense.
Well there’s one vote for now who answers no. I can guess who that is.
How long now before the government of Israel mandates little yellow stars to be worn in public by those dirty unclean ones who refuse the “vaccines”?
The same question could be asked for others.
An Orthodox Jew who used to work here in Australia and some time ago went back to Israel sent me some news. He too believes it’s crazy and hypocritical. He also said some people have filed objections in the international court for human rights under the Nuremberg law. We should do the same thing if they start mandating people must be vaccinated. Thus far PM Morrison refuted any such moves will occur. Then again he has told fibs before so we shall have to wait and see. In any case, the states might go their own way. PM Morrison then should clamp down hard to put a stop to that as it would be illegal under the Commonwealth laws. Whether he would or not only time will tell. My gut feeling is the states will just keep pressuring us to be vaccinated by escalating their rhetoric over the need to do so “for the common good” – translated: for their evil agenda. The escalation might include restrictions placed on those who refuse to be vaccinated. That’s ceases to be a grey area and it would be considered as coercion, and under the same Commonwealth law it’s illegal to coerce people into being vaccinated. Bring it on.
yellow star
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines discusses the covid19 vaccines with Steve Bannon.
I suggest you fast forward to 18 minutes and later fast forward past Robert Kennedy Jnrs comments because he is unintelligible.
This is worth a listen:
France: Thousands protest against vaccination, COVID passes
Sorry, that’s the news from today, the link above is a week older:
Tens of thousands protest against health pass in France
Surprised no Kiwis have mentioned this previously, and we thought we had it bad in Oz.
Jacinda leads the Orwellian way on dealing with “misinformation” about COVID:
“Dismiss anything else, we will continue to be your single source of truth.”
Is that woman for real?
Yes she is for real and we will see much more of this everywhere before it’s all over. Moves are afoot in the US to put processes in place so they can search for people like us who are “misinforming” others and be banned from using the internet. The day is possibly coming very soon where we won’t be able to use sites like Jo’s blog if things keep going the way they are. It’s the next logical step for our so called leaders to take to keep the lid on the truth about CAGW and vaccinations. It’s all happening right under our noses and most people are not even aware of it. In fact most people will not care as they are too busy trying to make ends meet. I’m wondering if all these lockdowns are for that very purpose; to keep us busy and afraid, and to take our attention off the real issues so our “leaders” can roll in without too much resistance their NWO. They are becoming more and more power hungry now that they have tasted it. They are loving it and they will tell as many lies a needed to increase their power over the people.
In reality, Western democracy is in turmoil because of the pandemic and our politicians have the unenviable task of finding a way through. They are not loving it, nor are they telling us lies, and they will be judged at the next election.
Get your head out of the sand. Elections are no longer of any use. We might get the best of two evils but that are rapidly aligning on the same path. Either way it’s still evil. If you really think elections will solve the problems you must be more naive than I thought.
You’ve got those rose coloured glasses on again EG. Are you really suggesting that Dan and Annastacia & Co are not relishing every scintilla of extra power they have derived from locking up their states? Are the CMOs not basking in their new-found unelected power? The 2 hour daily rambling rants they all give should point to that fact. COVID has played right into their hands and they would be quite happy for it to go on forever. They are all power-mad courtesy of COVID, and loving it.
As for Morrison — he’s his usual bumbling, fence-sitting self. I do believe he would like it all to go away. He’d rather be bumbling at something else.
Yep, our straw haired CHO has got herself a new gig as Governor for toeing the line on behalf of the Premier. Jobs for the girls.
Put yourselves in their position and tell me what you would do?
All this nonsense about a universal conspiracy to bring down the Western World won’t stand muster.
Morrison is alright, but undoubtedly he made mistakes and will continue to do so. For example, the government finally adopted Albo’s idea of moving incoming people to special camps and Federal Labor is doing well in the polls.
That’s a stupid question but I will answer it honestly if I were in their shoes and had the same agenda in mind. I would call in the military, introduce martial law if violence breaks out and force everyone to be vaccinated. Those who refuse to be vaccinated would be put into retraining camps. Is that the answer you want? It’s the only you will get.
Governments are trying to control the pandemic without too much disruption, would you prefer the UK model?
The NSW police said they won’t be asking for military assistance.
Possibly because they are close to paramilitary anyway when you look at the kit they have …
As to how to get out of the situation?
There is no “situation”.
The virus isnt the problem – the media hyping of a fairly benign virus to allow a trojan horse hollowing out of democracy is the key problem……
You keep getting things confused. It’s not what I prefer. It’s what our governments prefer. They want more power for “the common good”. They don’t trust us any longer, and they do have good reason for that in some cases. The problem arises when they overreach and apply draconian powers, which has already started, with much more to come. Eventually it turns into a tyranny. One day you will grow up and understand as you face reality. It’s a slow process because they wait for the masses to get used to one step at a time before moving onto the next one.
“They don’t trust us any longer,”
And why would they…. were dumb enough to elect them !
Yes OS, the virus isn’t the problem. Even the vaccines might turn out not to be the problem but it’s too early days yet. I’m sitting on the fence for now as to their long term effects. As for the short term ones, there is anecdotal evidence they are harmful but no one knows for sure to what extent. There are too many conflicting reports. In any case, I won’t be taking up any experiential vaccine as a precaution. At this stage I rather have the virus and become immune the traditional way.
So, they are at best all just tools used by the despots to rain more power over us. Same story with CO2 emissions/CAGW. I’m certain they already have in mind more tools to use. They just haven’t found a need to use them as yet.
clarence.t, please exclude me as I don’t vote for either major party. I make sure I vote for some minor party and then only in a way to prevent preference flows up the chain, if possible. If not possible then I submit a blank paper.
Its taken him 80 years to get to this level.
We elected them.. end of story !
And Victorians keep electing Dan. Dumb is as dumb does.
Miltary doing police work doesnt have a great record of success anywhere.
How could she utter those words without knowing how totally Orwellian they are? The hubris is strong in this one.
New British TV network GB NEWS shoots itself in the foot, then rebounds.
After one of its (ex-BBC) presenters took the knee live on camera mid-show, viewership dropped to literally zero for a number of its programs in protest at the network’s perceived wokeness when it was supposed to be the antidote to woke. Having been employed there to promote a balance of views, it was suggested that the presenter was actually a “sleeper” awaiting his chance to inflict maximum damage.
The Guardian and Co reported gleefully that GBN was “in crisis”, along with plenty more trash talk and derision.
After that presenter was suspended and left in a huff, his spot was filled by Farage and the ratings picked up again to where they had left off, and even gained more traction.
In the 4 weeks to July 11 GBN newscast had 3.7 million viewers, compared to BBC News at 12.6m and Sky News at 8.4m. Of those, remarkably 32% of GBN viewers were in the 18-34 demographic that doesn’t generally watch TV news.
The real action is happening online however. In the 1st 5 weeks of operation GBN had:
• 9.9m YouTube views totalling 601,000 hours
• 39.6m Twitter views with 240.7m impressions at the rate of 7.8m/day
• 8.6m Facebook video views
It describes itself as primarily a digital media network with a bit of TV on the side.
Fairfield doesn’t need Pfizer. It needs Ivermectin. Someone said at the start of the pandemic, giving vaccines in the middle of a pandemic is just chasing your tail. It takes weeks to get any effect. I know this is just widdling into a hurricane of amazing stupidity (and greed). Sigh……..
You are probably right. One can view the current state of affairs as a failure of intellect. Jo’s comments in her post regarding some disturbing data from Israel (here) two days ago together provide a sound proposal for meeting the challenges of the CCP virus.
Contrasting with that, state premiers (not least our own in South Australia) hold to the monomaniacal view that vaccines are the solution. Thus: “Vaccination against COVID-19 is our pathway out of this pandemic” (from an email sent doubtless to thousands not just me). The intellectual failure deepens.
I do wonder after the grounds for this failure. What is the long-standing basis for such a way of thought, the genealogy of the concepts by which medical authorities operate that results in such policy. You can do such genealogies in history and, in a sense, the problem is one of intellectual history. Someone, surely, has undertaken such a study or has, at least, some hypothesis for the origins of our current problem of policy.
By the way, why does the Therapeutic Goods Association of Australia continue to prohibit the sale of home test kits for the virus? Taiwan authorities appear quite keen on them (although the source of the kits is unstated).
Why does the Therapeutic Goods Association of Australia continue to prohibit … ?
Everything has to be ‘approved’.
All tests must be performed by ‘qualified’ and ‘accredited’ personnel in proper and safe and approved premises, all fees, taxes, permits,licenses,.. paid.
Or, why have the TGA?
The word is credentialism.
Yep, and why have politicians if all they do is accept blinkered “expert” advice without adding any value or context.
G’day F C,
Agree, but don’t forget the zinc and vitamin D3. And start yesterday.
Dave B
From ‘The Australian’ today’s headline: “PM secures an extra 85m Pfizer booster doses”
Regardless of the importance of the story the editors should get the nomenclature right.
The symbol for million is uppercase M, not m. The lower case m means milli or one thousanth.
This is a common mistake in newspapers, web pages, blogs etc.
If the editors of our major papers can’t get things like this right then pity our children’s future.
The hostile takeover of the United States through a fraudulent election and the ongoing destruction of America by the policies of the Biden/Harris/Obama/Clinton/Pelosi/UN regime demonstrate:
1) Civilisations require ongoing hard work to maintain. When conservatives remain silent the Left continues their take over draining away human, economic and basic freedoms. They are relentless and like The Terminator, absolutely will not stop.
2) Civilisations can decline and fall very rapidly. Look at the destruction the Biden regime has caused in just seven months.
3) The mainstream media has failed to do its job of reporting and it is no more than a mouthpiece for the Left along with the socialist billionaires of Big Tech.
4) The destruction of America is also aiding the Chicomms to fulfill their ambition of world domination. There is no one to stop them now.
5) Most civilisations last around 200 to 400 years. Just saying.
6)) The ONLY possible hope America and Western Civilisation in general has is the return of President Trump.
The irony is that the Chinese are probably preferable to the watermelons we have in Australia and the US. For a start, the first things the Chinese will get rid of are the entire woke crowd of climate alarmists, gender benders, BLM rioters and welfare bludgers. Once they’ve served their purpose not a single cent will be wasted on these leaners. These sheep are totally oblivious to the fact in attacking the West, they are supporting their own demise.
David, I think you will find the media has been doing an excellent job pushing the agenda.
And social media sites like?
Sooner or later (more likely later) the truth will emerge that most of the people who died of Covid-19 died unnecessarily because known effective antivirals and other treatments were available, even before “vaccines” were produced. At the very least, such treatments would have been harmless.
Those who lied or covered up the truth such as politicians, senior public serpents and the medical and scientific establishment need to be held to account.
However, they are currently telling more and more lies to cover their previous lies.
I am actually not confident that the truth will be revealed soon as Australia and the West in general lack leadership in the political, medical and scientific arenas, and everywhere else as well.
Succinct and to the point. All I can add at the moment is the vaccines themselves are highly questionable in terms of their effectiveness, short and long term, and their risk factors, short and long term. So, no one really knows even with a small amount of confidence as to whether on the balance of probabilities it would be safer to take the experimental vaccine or to get the virus itself and become immune the traditional way. This is just more evidence exposing the lies coming from our “official” sources as they keep propagating the notion the vaccines are both effective and safe.
I think this is true generally but it depends on the metabolism of the individual among other considerations.
There is a need for a website that does the calculations for an individual based on-
lab tests, obesity, age, previous conditions, levels of vitD3 etc. location.
Results would be the chance of catching it in your locality, and the chance of death if you have it (1)
the risks imposed by the vax (that you would get) which include it not working.
(1) The calcs should include the action, if diagnosed positive, of taking Ivermectin at that point.
The calculator would incorporate a continuously updated data-set, or maybe data that the user can set personally.
Vaccines for your pets coming next. Snow leopard now has Covid-19:
My god we are doomed, snow leopards, minks, goats, kiwi fruit, paw paw, cola, is under our beds still safe.
I’m reminded of the movie THX 1138. It’s sometime in the future in a state controlled society where conformity and homogeneity are the rule. How this is achieved is through a mandatory drug regimen, and anyone who evades the drugs are arrested.
I doubt it; I expect the dust under our beds will be full of it. 🙁
I see my little red thumber is back! Hi there 🙂
Rules is rules
Capital G for God
oops, I apologise.
“Capital G for God”
Which one ?
I’m guessing that Ramil the Snow Leopard, wasn’t practicing social distancing or wearing a mask…….. right ?
Was it something he ate ?
Likely someone he ate.
In reply to Tonyb’s, W/T @ 0729 hrs “Yet some in Oz appear to want even tougher house arrest”.
We could have a VaxxWorld theme park where these lockdown afficionados could indulge their fantasies and fetishes of masks, jabs, QR codes, tough house arrest, heavy fines and being arrested for careless social media posts. For an extra level of reality they would be required to regularly attend the daily Premier FUD consternation update on the latest scariant.
Mrs Yonnie is home after a four day stay in hospital, the infection was Klebsiella from an ongoing UTI, its very drug resistant and a common problem in medical environments.
Take care of yourselves good people and don’t think you can fight off everything by yourself, get opinions and professional help.
Thanks Yonnie,
I was going to ask. Best wishes to Mrs Yonnie.
Glad to hear she is at home Yonnie.
Thanks Annie and Peter C, my biggest problem now is trying to get her to sit down and rest, I dread going to work tomorrow.
Good news.
But the advice is wrong.
If you have wuhu, you could be sent to hospital to die of it. Avoid this if you can! The hospital will not give you any effective treatment (except for side effects).
My advice for me is: Take Ivermectin even in the horse size dose if you cannot cut or dilute it down to your correct dose.
That reflects the state of the advice and treatment you get under socialist health care, free (you have pre-paid), but it works for itself, not for you.
American Olympic Team Uniform at Tokyo Olympics Opening looked like Elvis Presley in Jailhouse Rock
Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock
Elvis wore it better.
Interesting. I read somewhere that what people ware is a sign of the times. So apt.
Supposedly, if you’ve had the vaccine, the worst that can happen is that you can get a bit sick. If that’s not the case, what use is the vaccine?
So, if I’ve had the vaccine why would I care about others who choose not to for whatever reason?
Have we flattened the curve yet?
No, that’s not the case. The worst that can happen is you die. The second worst is you suffer long term illnesses.
So True Peter,
The answer to both problems may be Ivermectin.
I was told recently that long Covid can be cured with Ivermectin.
I turned up this paper:
And that’s just from the vaccine!
The intent of my question was more, “Why would a vaccinated person care if someone else wasn’t vaccinated.”?
Perhaps it is the desire to seek company in your predicament.
A ditty on the new world religion of Covidism:
Covid Covid Covid Covid Covid’s all you hear,
Covid on the television spreading Covid fear,
Covid on the radio said Covid’s coming near,
Don’t you leave the house without protective Covid gear.
Covid is your life from here on, Covid every day,
Covid is your lord and master, Covid is the way,
Covid Covid Covid Covid, keep those bugs at bay,
Covid ate your job but you survive on welfare pay.
Covid says to wear your mask and plastic gloves as well,
Keep away from Covid or you’ll lose your sense of smell,
Smother every part exposed in alcoholic jell
And be resigned to your new home – eternal Covid hell.
Yes, it’s clear the obsession with the virus is way over the top. What’s different this time compared to previous national emergencies is it appears to be never ending and in fact escalating. The mad governments have become drunk with power and they desire more and more of it. Meanwhile there are far more people dying from many other causes but there is no emergency for those events.
Two more deaths in NSW. Expect an escalation in the hysterical push for more vaccinations. People die all the time for any number of reasons, including due to the vaccines themselves. I wonder if we will ever be told the truth about how these two died.
One of todays deceased was a 30 yr old with alledgedly “ no pre existing conditions”..?
If there are a number of people infected but only one (or two) die,….
……how can there be no other conditions to complicate the viral effects ?
There has to be some difference biologically !
I hope there is a detailed autopsy to reveal the complications .
As we remain locked down and “social distanced” our innate immunity fades. This is not good.
Add that inevitable fact of prolonged lockdown, immunological atrophy, to the other aspects of the response: such as the direction of authorities for people to get out of healthy open air spaces, such as parks, gardens and beaches where viral transmission is virtually nil and return to interior spaces where the virus thrives.
Plus, the total absence of any government advice on prophylactic action such as vitamins and minerals and exercise, etc, and one can clearly see that health of the people is NOT a priority.
So when they virtually DEMAND that we take the shot, do we really believe it’s in our best health interest.
Yes. The outbreak and hospitalizations of children in New Zealand from respiratory disease is a sign of this (but no sign of any reporting by our MSM)
The 30-year old woman had just had Heart Surgery and went into Intensive Care, from there she spiralled downward and then died.
Because she “had COVID” when she died the media are saying she died “because of COVID”.
But in reality, she died from the complications of the Heart Surgery.
German flood deaths caused by human error and not for the first time.
At least they were warned. In China recently countless people died after dams were opened up in secret. The reason they did it in secret is to avoid litigation.
Clearly they were in panic mode and there are questions being asked whether the old dams and levees are fit for purpose.
‘On Tuesday night, the army warned a damaged dam in Henan province “could collapse at any time” after a record downpour. Troops blasted an opening in the dam to release water and raced to reinforce other embankments with sandbags across the province.’ (Phys Org)
I hope someone will try and explain how they are going to solve this Nett Zero problem.
All five days of this last working week showed a daily power consumption as the largest this Winter. The high was 645GWG a day, (645,000,000KWH) and the average for the these five days was 636GWH.
However, the evening peaks around 6PM to 6.30PM each day saw those peaks over 30,000MW each day, with the highest a little over 32,000MW.
Over 30,000MW times.
Monday – two and a half hours
Tuesday – three hours
Wednesday – two hours
Thursday – three hours
Friday – two and a half hours
The renewables total at that peak time, averaged around 6800MW, and here, keep in mind that 2000MW of that hydro part of the renewable total is just for the Tasmanian peak, so just 4800MW for the Mainland out of 29000MW+ on the Mainland.
That 30,000MW+ Peak is an ABSOLUTE.
Virtually all of the remainder is delivered by CO2 emitting fossil fuel plants, and around 18,000MW of that from coal fired power.
Where that power comes from at Nett Zero is something that needs to be addressed, and hey, no one, no one at all, even gives it any notice at all.
They can make all the claims they want to about Nett Zero, but until someone actually even begins to talk about those Peaks, then that’s all it is ….. TALK.
They are working it as we speak. Haven’t you noticed? Be patient.
Article from American Thinker about Swedens success without lockdown. Includes a link to a lengthy article about how lockdowns became part of the management of c19 based on CCP propaganda.
When covid started, I must admit to being horrified at TV images of the way the Chinese were locked up and others were dying in the streets. It seemed to be a devastatingly dangerous new plague. We must stop this virus at all costs!
Now I wonder if this was intentional.
Apologies the link only takes you to the home page. Article appears on the right
– Under last 24 hrs.
So would it be fair to say that lockdowns actually makes matters worse? Food for thought.
Fairly early on I thought this was deliberate fear production. The people dropping in the streets looked pseud and it was very strange that someone was around with ‘phone camera exactly at the ready to record the falls!
Exactly my thoughts too.
No, Annie.
It is the training TV camera men get. They have this instinct inculcated so they know when things are about to happen.
How else could BBC film crews be right there to film walruses stampeding over a cliff?
And in the last Attenborough propaganda piece when the mud wall along the riverbank just happened to collapse (drowning nesting birds)
when the cameras were there.
I had exactly the same concern. The only thing that stops me from thinking that the bootleg footage from China was disinformation is that Italy’s initial outbreak was similarly devastating.
I think in both these cases & in New York the high hospitalization and mortality rate was due to underlying health issues in a large portion of the populations: smoking in middle aged Chinese, older Italians who experienced a VERY mild previous flu season and obese Americans, with low vitamin D levels for all of these coming out of winter.
That too.
Mods any chance of checking the sin bin, I have had two in it for 4 hours.
If it were up to me I would forgive you immediately no matter what you have said, within reason of course. I believe in free speech 🙂
You noticed.
I wonder what the obligatory Climate commentary was today. In the UK Telegraph two items
Europe. French schools must provide a veggie option every day under new climate law
Plus, any meat or fish dishes should be from local producers with a proven environmental record
Environment: Prince Charles joins forces with iPhone designer to solve climate problems like burping cows
“It’s a visionary and imaginative way of helping address the world’s increasingly urgent environmental problems.”
Climate Craziness. Increasingly enshrined in law and endless activism. Why? What is the actual problem?
And in the Australian..
“‘Give us renewables, but don’t do it here’, say Nundle environmentalists”
It’s an old fight with an unexpected twist: environmentalists battling against a multinational energy company seeking to bulldoze untouched wilderness to construct a major infrastructure project.
But rather than a coalmine or dam, a battle to preserve the pristine natural habitat in the Great Dividing Range has pitted environmentalists against the development of a wind turbine farm in Nundle, around 50km southeast of Tamworth in NSW.
The proposal by French multinational renewables firm Engie to construct 70 turbines, each 230m tall, has resulted in an almighty fight, with the small and passionate community declaring the project would destroy or disturb more than 500ha of rare native habitat, including 50ha of koala habitat, and some of the tallest snow gums in existence.
And what is the problem to which windmills are a solution? Where is the drop in CO2? Or doesn’t it really matter?
Heard (on the Voice of Jacinda radio station) the CEO of an SOE, planning ‘green hydrogen’ production at Rio Tinto’s (ex- ?) aluminium smelter near Bluff in Southland, say:
“… because CO2 is dangerous.”
Due diligence? What’s that!? The smelter is built on a sandbar isthmus, in the Foveaux Strait – think Roaring Forties & Furious Fifties – barely above sea level. But hey, if it’s *sustainably profitable*, boom Boom BOOM!!!
Sounds more like flailing to find a sink for a lot of power no longer required.
He had his own burping cows at Highgrove. We used to buy the milk from them. I would be boycotting it now though; he is really annoying me.
The attack on cows, horses, dogs is just part of PETA. They could not win with their extreme vegan views, so now cows, horses and dogs and birds, in fact all wild life are an affront to our first obligation, making sure the climate does not change anywhere. And we humans are now in charge of the temperature of the planet. Really?
When did environmentalism metastasize into insanity?
The very first Earth Day (1970?) was a low point, something to do with body-parts in a suitcase in a wardrobe…
… then again, the Bible is full of tales of crowds, egged on by insane, yet wily, high priests, placating the local storm god by sacrificing all sorts of burned offerings…
… it’s been metastasising for a very loooooong time.
So Queensland, no sorry, Brisbane won the 2032 Olympics – Yeay…not. So Weatherzone is letting us know what the weather will be like then, based on current weather averages. Nary a hint of climate change in any of their “predictions” I thought we were all doomed by 2030?
So, the weather for something as important as an Olympic Games could be pretty important.
Back in 1956, for the Melbourne Games, it was just as important, and where did they turn for what the weather might be like?
Long range weather forecaster Lennox Walker.
He correctly predicted that after a period of intense rain, the weather would be fine for the duration of the Games.
100% correct.
The history of what is now his son’s enterprise, Walkers Weather now goes back four generation, (two of them the Walker family) doing long range weather forecasting with an 80% accuracy rate since 1892.
Our Forecasting History
I wonder if they factored CO2 into those forecasts back then, eh!
NSW Crime Stoppers has been flooded with thousands of calls to dob in people who attend the march yesterday. The NSW police have thanked the public for the co-operation and asked them to continue with the reporting. This is the yet another step in the development of a fascist regime change. They also stated the violence was unprecedented. Really? More lies.
What the protesters need to do is organize and network so very large numbers of them can turn up to stop an arrest or force a release, they have taken that step into confronting the enemy and now is not the time to back down, I know this sounds extreme to some but the alternatives are far worse for those that give in now.
Remember despite the cowards and traitors out there we outnumber all of them.
What they need to do is leave their mobile tracking devises at home.
But I agree.
I’m sorry but there’s no way anyone can convince me this man lost ❤️🇺🇸 @TrumpStudents #ProtectOurElections
Still waiting on the full result of the hand count of the ballots in Maricopa county, Arizona.
As far as I can tell the senate has given the electoral officials a further chance to make meaningful and detailed responses to the discrepancies, so far getting no response.
I’m hoping Trump doesn’t run again, TDS is still white hot and a second term would be as disrupted as the first and the nation as divided as ever.
I’d prefer that he be the king-maker, actively primarying the neocons and endorsing the candidate of his choice.
Best of all would be if he got himself in as House Speaker.
Doesnt really matter , whoever runs will be labelled a Trump puppet, totally ignoring the Biden reign where he was an actual puppet doing whatever the earpiece said and saying whatever was on the autocue.
The contrast between what we are neing told by our “officials” and what is reported elsewhere is getting bigger and bigger. At some stage the whole thing will explode in someone’s face.
Pfizer Bs 19 Vax “Destroy Every System of the Human Body” Warns Israeli Health Experts
Just a follow on from Jo’s leaky vaccine article.
This is from an article about Marek’s disease and vaccination
Joanne Devlin, an Australian veterinary virologist says comfortingly
But she says this in the context of
Sounds a lot like the way numerous vaccines have (& continue to be) been developed and then used under the emergency approval process…
Thanks again Jo, for giving a concrete example of something that just felt wrong in the way the CoViD vaccines have been developed and are being rolled out.
There needs to be a full audit of claimed C-19 deaths and blood samples should be stored for future analysis.
Not saying some people don’t die of C-19 but I have ZERO trust in politicians and the medical establishment.
Did those people die with C-19 or because of it? Sadly even those in their 20’s and 30’s die unexpectedly, perhaps due to a stroke due to congenitally weak or malformed blood vessels in the brain or other undiagnosed condition.
Claimed deaths of C-19 need to be proven, not just presumed.
But that will ensure inflated CoViD deaths as they will just look for indications of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the blood sample and proclaim each of those as a CoViD-19 death.
I am confident that they will use a process like the swab PCR tests on the blood samples to maximize positive results
Lessons From Africa
Does Arbor Day still exist in Australia?
Or has it been dumbed down to National Tree Day because people don’t know and don’t care about the Latin word for tree?
I see both uses.
WA public invited to have their say on native forests
David, one of my snowboards is an Arbor, a 170 cm-long big powder board, decked with sacred Hawaiian koa wood (or so the legend goes). Rode it one time, on a primo heli-day – and survived – then decided to hang it on the wall as a piece of art: the wood grain is a carbonaceous and beautiful thing.
A bit of afternoon delight.
I was expecting the Starland Vocal Band but this is good also.
40,000 in Sydney? That’s impressive if true. The NSW police have stated they will hunt down as many as possible. Looks like the fascist police state is well on its way. Of course all this is music to their ears for the soon to be fascists. It gives them another excuse to introduce vaccine passports so as to control who goes where. Then the real fun starts.
Peaceful protest is still legal, breaking WuFlu restrictions isn’t, ergo protest is illegal without ever passing legislation.
Everyone just has to declare they have the “Medical Exemption”
History of Trauma & mental illness (eg, anxiety) qualifies.
And the law states “you do not need documentary evidence”.
Thus, all those freedom fighters are safe from prosecution.
What is this law that’s been broken or are you referring to a directive from a unelected technocrat.
Thanks for the link on the crowds!
Fully vaccinated, fully lockdown?
Follow the science or follow the money.
Covid and the Way Forward,
My letter sent to Martin Foley (Vic Health Minster) and Greg Hunt (Federal health Minster)
In writing.
That way all arguments can be seen and not hidden in the usual media Verbalism that currently pervades all public information .
Great letter with an excellent idea for the debating process. TV shows like Q&A promote the idea that a debate is a group of celebrities carefully selected to be in agreement before any ‘debate’ takes place. I’m sure some young people have never experienced a real debate.
Unfortunately I’m certain both health ministers will either ignore your letter or just send the perfunctory “Your comments have been noted”.
Food Production & Carbon footprint nonsense in rural areas – where only grass grows:
Interesting perspective: Australia Police Defending Tyranny Still
Would our police switch sides and join the protesters? They should but I very much doubt it.
Not while the protestors are a small rabble, and way over 99% comply. Would you throw your lot in and your career away to join the lot that turned up?
There is one stark difference between the protests here in Australia and overseas. Here thousands are calling up Crime Stoppers and dobbing in people who attended the marches and the police are welcoming it, while overseas that’s not happening and in fact the opposite is happening with people praising the protesters. I suppose here we the people are not all in it together after all.
As part of their nightly CoViD scare, tonight’s ABC news focussed on “CoViD orphans”.
As a side point, they stayed that the death rate has fallen greatly from the peak without mentioning how.
Vaccination rate is about 7% fully vaccinated, 18% partly vaccinated so it isn’t that.
Increased social distancing? Roflmao
Masks? CoViD-19 is a respiratory disease so not that (the fleeting simultaneous door opening spreads at quarantine bottles hotels is proof)
11th May,
Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment
18th May, 4454 CoViD deaths
4th July, 723 CoViD deaths
24th July, 1081 CoViD deaths (22nd was 483, 23rd was ZERO so may well be inflated by late reporting)
getting on to 4 hours, mods
They must not be aware of your service level requirements
Yes they do. They just don’t stick to their own. We get moderated instantly here more often than if we posted on an ABC blog site. Go figure.
Yes, at least on the ABC and even RenewEconomy sites, the moderation occurs retrospectively rather than on submission
Yes, that’s the way it should work. At least there is a window of opportunity that gives us more free speech on an ABC blog than here given how the robotic moderation is tripped so easily.
French hospital goes on INDEFINITE strike to protest Covid-19 vaccination mandate
I wonder if the staff of any hospital here would have the spine to do the same thing.
I’ve commented before about the absolute waste in resources preventing the mythical fomite transmission of CoViD. This was brought back to my forefront the other day when a friend mentioned to me how another mutual friend said they were slowed down so much by the need to wipe down and changeover all surfaces between each ambulance call out.
Well a moment’s Googling brought up this article January from nature (which has become as mainstream an outlet as any other)
COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces. So why are we still deep cleaning?
All the fuss has been triggered by a couple of extreme cases from the early days of the initial outbreak in China
All the surface sanitation is serving to do is further accustom us to governments imposing regulations on to us (and on to each other)
Nice link and some nice points.
If the immunisation science works, the rubbing of a lesser infection onto an open wound, CowPox infection will prevent Smallpox, then why not rub bats onto open wounds to stimulate a covid immunisation?
Eradicating smallpox: the global vaccination push that brought the world ‘arm-to-arm’
Back then, the WHO was a reputable body doing good work.
The eradication of smallpox is a very illustrative example. They tried global vaccination for a period and managed this in the west but then realised it would never work in the long run as there would always be a reserve population somewhere that they couldn’t reach in time before infants were born and raised elsewhere who would be vulnerable. They then switched to targeting outbreaks and immunizing all those in the immediate community with monitoring of neighboring areas.
But a key difference vs CoViD-19 is that the vaccine for smallpox is not leaky – protection is absolute while the immunity lasts. With a leaky vaccine, smallpox would still be openly circulating across the globe.
Now this is really scary SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration
Quick translation, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can cause protein folding in the brain – this is the same mechanism that causes the degeneration from Alzheimer’s, Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob/Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/Mad Cow Disease. This appears to be why some CoViD
The potential side effects of the spike protein “vaccines” are getting more and more worrisome
Sorry, that should have been “This appears to be why some CoViD patient have extended recovery issues including difficulty concentrating.”
Extra sorry – somehow I botched the link
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration –
God help us all if there is a global outbreak of a variant of the Bubonic Plague, which would probably be 50 times more deadly than the current Delta strain of COVID-19. Our heroic politicians and chief health officers would be totally swamped (and therefore kiss goodbye about 40% of the world’s population…..”BRING OUT YOUR DEAD”)
Normal antibiotics can deal with the plague. It can’t be spun as something needing novel treatments
“……a variant of the Bubonic Plague”
we are in gain of function world now
A major ivermectin study has been withdrawn, so what now for the controversial drug?
But when experts who write doctors’ prescribing guidelines reviewed the data, they found not enough evidence to back ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19. These groups included Australia’s National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce and the World Health Organization.
This major review concluded ivermectin did not reduce death from any cause, the length of stay in hospital or people’s ability to clear the virus. The review also said ivermectin was safe but “not a viable option” to treat COVID-19.
Report that Joe Biden pinched little girl’s nipple.
‘Green buildings’ conveniently ignore the emissions from their construction
There are more articles about this recently regarding the UK and retrofitting for energy efficiency and such. Now seems to be acknowleded that building new is a mistake.
Changing the layout and function of urban spaces is complicated. Think about the alterations that change of density and utilization provide, Tearing down and rebuilding from scratch uses a load of energy
More to it than boilers, insulation, PV roofs, triple glazing and charging ports for EVs
Has anyone seen a correction to the NSW health officer who said yesterday the 141 cases yesterday were vaccinated except one. This had to be an error right?
Turns out he did make a mistake and corrected himself later
Do you know what he corrected himself to saying? I can’t find it. Cheers.
Don’t bother. They tell lies anyway.
Sorry can’t find it. It was on Youtube. Gateway Pundit didn’t show the full clip. A journalist asked for clarification and he quickly corrected it. Also he was referring to hospitalisations not the total numbers.
“With Narrative Established, CDC Announces Withdrawal of Rapid Response COVID Test to Belatedly Stop Diagnosing Influenza as SARS-COV-2?”
How convenient. In a court of law the judge would demand the jury ignore all that past “evidence”. This is far worse than what is being done to surface temperature data to promote a fake CAGW.
“Saturday Snippet: China, the USA and the “Long Game” ”
John Campbell discussed a study saying that the Delta variant generates 1000x the viral load of earlier variants! Which is probably why it is so much more virulent. Which leads to Dr Jackie Stone’s experience with IVM, that the bigger the load, the bigger the dose required to fight it. So the 2mg(?) per kg with IVM is probably well and truly superseded? It probably also effects the preventative dosing ?
Also John Campbell looked at the difference between Israel and Britain’s experience with Pfyzer and it’s ‘use by date’ problems in Israel. It seems the main difference between them is the time between doses – Israel 3 weeks, Britain 3 months. It wasn’t explained whether the shorter duration leads to less efficacy, or whether it is just a time thing, and 4 months after the longer timed second dose, that too will be less effective? (or whether the longer time between doses leaves us more vulnerable?)
Jackie Stone also lauds the finger oximeter as a detection device, because it picks up the lowering of blood oxygen, before people consciously realize things have changed. And people not feeling well, but waiting around days for test results, is dangerous. Oximeters are around $50.
A bigger dose of IVM to fight it you say? And didn’t it evolve in India where IVM was being used to counter the virus. That sounds a lot like IVM selected for the new Delta variant.
Hadn’t IVM been withdrawn at the WHO’s request before the vax programme started? Didn’t delta blow up in the wake of the vax?
Nope. Delta appeared and escaped into the rest of the world months before any vax program
You’re sounding desperate GA. This was happening in Zimbabwe with the SA variant, late 2020.
Is delta more virulent? I understood that it is more contagious though less virulent.
Really? Chris Martenson stated that the increased transmissibility was due to a more efficient cleaving mechanism so that the virus infects cells more quickly and this was also why it is better at evading the spike protein anti-bodies generated by the gene therapy vaccines.
Is there a link to the study mentioned by John Campbell?
“Who Watches The Watchmen? – Fauci’s “Noble Lie” Exposed”
the American CDC has said that PCR tests are not fit for purpose and cannot distinguish covid and influenza.
now, take a look at Figure 4. Notifications of laboratory-confirmed influenza, Australia, 01 January 2016 to 18 July 2021, by month
and week of diagnosis, included here:$File/pdf-flu-08-2021.pdf
notice how there is almost no influenza in 2020-2021 comparative to 2016-2019?
notice how influenza cases suddenly drop off in march 2020? right when covid ‘cases’ were taking off.
And how do we know that some if not most of the deaths were due to a flu and not C-19 given the official reports on C-19 cases now have no credibility at all?
The also test for presence of flu in hospital and postmortem. Why do you ask someone called V. rather than looking it up yourself?
why listen to someone called ‘Gee Aye’ rather than looking it up yourself?
Are you PeterS?
No V. is not me.
just a kindred spirit
How do you come across this knowledge GA. My understanding is most deaths are declared without forensic examination unless requested or is your source ‘Bones’ etc.
The contact tracer I spoke to said false negatives were the norm unless the subject had a runny nose. They had difficulty swabbing enough material from healthy patient.
PS: R Z V? or is V Z?
No, they said that they want the PCR tests replaced by tests that can determine if the sample contains traces of EITHER SARS-CoV-2 or influeza viruses. What they are saying is that they want the new tests to save time etc by testing for both rather than needing separate tests, NOT that the current PCR tests detect both and they all get lumped under CoVid-19.
Note that the CDC wanted this capability as part of the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test and this was what delayed the initial testing in the USA.
Sorry, I got that slightly wrong. What the CDC wanted was a PCR test that would detect other coronaviruses as well as SARS-CoV-2 but be able to distinguish between them
Analitik – you got heavily downvoted for being correct and V. upvoted for writing what the audience wanted. Please feel my pain.
Red thumbs don’t bother me as it states nothing but disapproval. Neither do poorly thought out responses except that it takes time to post a correction if it is misleading. Well thought out responses teach me something so I don’t see much downside.
Social distancing and lockdowns reduce the incidence of influenza as well as CoViD, red thumbers.
All true. PCR methods can test for a range of viruses at once. A kit that gives clear and consistent results should cost no more to produce and the analysis no more to conduct. The big cost saving is in doing one test rather than 2 or more.
*present in a particular sample type. In this case swabs from the upper respiratory tract.
The problem with the initial FDA requirement was that it greatly complicated the development of the test as getting the reagents to cover the other coronaviruses allowed many more opportunities for contamination. Since influenza is caused by a family of viruses, it’s possible that the newer testing regimes may also suffer from this but the lack of urgency should reduce this from being problematic.
Sometimes, separation of concerns is preferable to design elegance. Engineering is all about those tradeoffs.
I agree. The best strategy is to keep it simple. If they hadn’t we’d have had 18 months of some other fake concern from the likes of V.
I also failed to mention development cost and time which actually makes the difference between single and separate tests quite small once everything is added up. I used to do population sampling using huge numbers of variable loci amplified by PCR and found it more efficient to not spend time optimising and verifying multiplexing. Then again research and clinical contexts are much different.
Yes, they should revert to the normal diagnostic routine.
– Wait till the Patient presents with symptoms.
– Diagnose the possible cause.
– Confirm with appropriate test.
Bingo > 99% of the Pandemic removed immediately.
Imagine the savings in lives and resources that would have occurred if we had had Leaders with enough backbone to discern science from propaganda.
Reminds me of when the World waited spellbound for the team of Scientists confirmation of the powers of Uri Geller. The team assembled should have been Magicians and not Scientists to work out how Uri could bend a spoon.
Imagine how fast the virus would spread if we don’t find out who the asymptomatic spreaders are?
Probably as fast as the common cold. Certainly as fast as the Flu when the Show comes to town.
We are living in the absence of data Jo. You suggest in your latest post:
The correlation I believe is that the positive tests are related to the number of people tested and so far there has been little evidence to falsify this hypothesis. When the pyramid scheme of testing runs out of Chicken Littles to test, the rate falls.
And Delta rising yet infection rates and mortality falling. Not the hypothesized and preached correlation!
” the positive tests are related to the number of people tested”
Except they’re not. Unless 0.01% and 60% are the same.
In Western Australia they did 1.4 million tests and found only 25 cases in the whole state. But in Mexico at one point 60% of all their tests were positive.
Do check the data. It would take one big conspiracy to explain how hundreds of independent labs on every continent are faking a test that is cross checked by full genome sequencing at other labs and independently also by tens of thousands of ICU doctors who are all reporting the same set of symptoms befalling their patients in waves that match the testing. Excess deaths in different parts of the US match the waves of positive tests. Was lying seasonal?
There is a lot of hype (on both sides) in this debate, but not everything is done by paid actors who are in on a scam.
Calm down with inflammatory language maybe… its easier to think.
We are expecting a growing wave of mortality as the Obesity and Diabetes peak and the wave of Baby Boomers reach their use by date. If you couple the isolation of these people with winter and then pile on stress and fear, what is going to happen?
We have just experienced 30 years of a science based campaign linking a trace gas in the atmosphere to sea level rise and every other global calamity. John Daly, Jonova , Wattsupwiththat , McIntyre, Willis etc simply asked for the data and found there wasn’t any. Let us see what happens here.
So far there is a complete absence of data on any subject by which we can establish a baseline. There is yes/no from a centralized system of private testing laboratories in Australia. We do know from a recent FOI in the US, Fauci received an email early in 2020 to the extent that the there was a treatment that could take people of ventilators. He rejected such a treatment and many experts offering this advice were removed from the debate.
So I am not emotional, I am waiting for the next Stephen McIntyre or Anthony Watts to question the current Phil Jones or Michael Mann. We know Wodarg, Ionneides, Malone, Bhakdi etc are being censored and discredited. I watch Peta Credlin championing an unapproved treatment that is recording a massive amount of adverse reactions and deaths worldwide.
So, no I am not emotional or inflammatory, just pragmatic. There must be a lot riding on this massive campaign and something is about to happen soon as the resistance is growing and organizing all over the world. I am not part of this resistance, I am simply concerned for the community around me. I watched good businesses and hard working people destroyed not by illness, but by coercive and contradictory edicts, similar to the Global Warming missives.
So, yes people are dying of a dreadful infection, symptoms not dissimilar to the 1918 Influenza. I saved my Father from such a death in 2018 when he was left to lie in his own vomit and faeces in isolation with Influenza B in a brand new hospital in a first world country.
So cheer up.
Q. What did one Lab Rat say to the other Lab Rat?
Ans. Let us see what it does to the Humans first before we try it!
We all need the discipline to put science before politics.
There are vested interests on both sides of this debate. Reasoning that censorship itself (or political activism) tells us some scientific truth is a fallacy and a shortcut that doesn’t work. I can quote many who disagree with Wodarg, Ionnidis etc (including me) and we are censored too. There is no path to the truth with that type of analysis. I find their reasoning weak, cherry picked, and their Santa Clara study relied on blatant (quite shockingly bad) selection bias. Ionnidis was a hero of mine. What they say doesn’t fit at all with basics of virology and epidemiology. They ignore nearly all relevant variables.
You need better tools to figure out where the truth is.
Like I said, listen to the ICU doctors on the front line, they’ll tell you this is nothing like Influenza, and if you look at death rates in the early two months the ventilators and a treatment plan for ARDS which works with influenza — led to many deaths. Something like 8 out 10 on ventilators were dying. It was a death sentence. Now we know that it is a vascular disease. We also know that blood oxy levels can fall to levels we thought were unsurvivable, but patients can still sit upright.
I am speaking on behalf of the frontline scientists — the ones who have to make decisions and predict real outcomes (death or not) — exactly like I do in the climate debate. Only I had a head start because I already knew the basics — much better than I knew electrical grids or climate. And I also knew what a bad medical study looks like. They fail for many different kinds of reasons to engineering and physics studies. Mostly they drown in variables.
On data, first people need to learn which data matters, what variables are important, how to spot junk. There is almost too much data. See Nextstrain. It’s like one of the links you added before but 1,000 times bigger. See the Delta strain taking over — as I predicteed in May.
What matters is the hospitalization rate, the cluster spreading (K number) and the R0. Types of antibodies produced — Vaccines are not generating IgA, which we need. Rate of mutation. Selection forces. Nutritional deficiences. Base inflammatory markers, interleukins, cytokines, protein kinase activators. Also prior infections. Humidity. Temperature. Population density. Demographics.
I know people want to believe this bioweapon from China is a dud — “just the flu” (President Xi hopes you believe that, as does NAncy Pelosi). But that is not what the data shows, or the mass graves, overrun morgues, freezer trucks. They are worst case scenarios, they don’t happen everywhere, only in a few places. But they do happen.
Be wary of confirmation bias. We are all potential victims of it. Me too. That’s why I listen to the Wodargs as well as read the papers by the establishment. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Thanks Jo,
I appreciate the tone of your argument and share your concern:
I do not doubt the capability and the ability to execute such a scenario exists in those in power. So powerful each step appears modelled, rehearsed and hidden in plain sight. Jordan Peterson has referred to this evil as evidence that a equivalent good must exist.
John Cullen (‘your Monkey with a Computer’) appears to follow your sentiments and his current interest is in the BSL4 Labs and the funding of these research facilities around the world. They occur in some very unusual places. There appears to have been substantial interest in what was not ‘just a flu’ and in fact was the reconstruction of the virus believed to be responsible for 1918 Pandemic. This Flu shared similar symptoms to those being diagnosed by Emergency departments.
To leave you with a thought to take your mind of your wrist. Is the presence of the ‘signer’ in these pronouncements indicative the message is from the approved source?
[Leaving for Jo to see and approve though I don’t see why it was caught in moderation. It is part of a long exchange]ED
“to execute such a scenario…?
All it took was incompetence, and for Big Pharma and China to get some leverage over our institutions and “Committees”.
The MEdical Swamp is deep…
in NSW they run the PCR test at 40-45 cycles.
even if you believe PCR tests alone are a useful diagnostic tool (they’re not), that is out and out junk science.
That is junk opinion. As repeated a gazzilion times, the PCR test is real time and the exact cycle (e.g 22) of the positive can be revealed and quantification can be more accurate. Running it longer means picking up possible early positives or positives from poorly taken swabs. Acknowledging the risk of false positives means that such positives are retested.
But there is absolutely no indication that this number is used here for deciding on lockdowns and other restrictions.
Governor Ron de Santis of Florida passed a law requiring the cycle number for a positive test be reported so that they had proper context of the viral load sampled. This is not occurring here at all.
A capability is useless it not being utilised
tracing will soon show a problem with false positives. Melbourne is about to go out of lockdown. You don’t get dozens of positives, hundreds of thousands of negatives and positives all linked to other cases by chance. False positives do not follow patterns.
YOU are bring up false positives as red herring.
The rest of us are referring to IRRELEVANT positives due to ridiculously high cycle counts being allowed before a test is deemed negative.
explain this please. How do millions of negative tests fit with this? NSW has 50000 test and 150 positives. Most?
the PCR test detects viral fragments.
positive PCR tests alone are not dispositive of a coronavirus diagnosis.
and bye the bye: 50000 at $200 per test = 10 million dollars.
where did you get that costing?
and a positive for coronavirus is a positive for coronavirus. It is not a clincal diagnosis for disease. Medicos investigate every single positive and determine if someone is infectious, post-infection or shedding.
PCR tests a 40-45 cycles (as in NSW) will diagnose a pineapple with covid.
so explain the 50000 negative restults
no viral fragments detected.
Gee Aye, the negatives do not make the all the positives meaningful.
You have “repeated a gazzilion times” that the exact cycle number for a positive test is known.
I have replied a gazzilion times that these cycle numbers are not being used to assess the viral load associated with a positive test.
You acknowledge that 45 cycles produces junk results but there is no way for us (the public) to know the distribution of cyces vs positive results so some proportion of the numbers presented to justify the lockdowns etc is junk. If so, why are they considered at all or at least not weighted to assess the severity of an outbreak?
Accepting the positive results in isolation of the cycle numbers is junk.
I acknowledge that the chance of a false positive goes up not that it DOES produce junk. A positive glitch due to enzyme mistagetting due to depletion of monomers is easily distinguishable. Weak actual positives get a follow-up so the 45 cycle thing is a red herring and I suspect you know this.
and they don’t so no issue.
Please provide evidence of this.
I have NEVER heard any of the Chief Medical Officers etc mention PCR cycles in ANY context. There is no consideration of cycle numbers in our health departments when considering case numbers.
It is not mentioned because it is not an issue or a concern. They don’t mention lots of things and certainly don’t go into any other details of lab methods ever.
Prove it. You are presenting opinion as fact if you cannot present proof.
While I cannot absolutely prove that cycle numbers aren’t assessed, the FACT that the media announcements justifying lockdowns and easings ONLY ever mention case numbers is compelling evidence that you are wrong and the rest of us are correct.
Try this although some of what you seek is in links within
not this comment (and what follows (not pasted)
This means that multiplexed loci are being used. Why is that important? The only way to get a false positive is for contamination from other samples. If that happens you will get false positives all over the place in samples that cannot be traced to previous infections and you’d shut the lab down until it removed the problem.
Multi-loci testing means that any false positive that happen because of long cycle anomalies has to exactly match the melt-curve and sequence length of several PCR products. If it doesn’t it is rejected as false and never reported. If it did – take out a lottery ticket. This is the sort of thing that wont be observed in this or multiple universes until the end of time.
That only describes the testing process. It assures specificity which I do not dispute (I’m not a “it’s just the flu, bro” person).
Nothing about that relates to how the results are interpreted and the only interpretation that has ever been shown by authorities is that all positives (irrepective of the cycle count) are equal.
I now suspect you are just obfuscating with irrelevancies – you clearly know enough about the subject.
the flu has an average R0 of 1-2, comparable to (the alleged) covid19 R0 of 1.4-2.4.
data worldwide shows almost no influenza cases or fatalities for 2020-2021.
it is generally claimed the flu disappeared because of masking, social distancing, etc.
however, given those R0s, there is no reason why masking, social distancing, etc. should have eradicated flu cases but not eradicated covid19 cases in an identical manner.
Its not Pineapple season.
hard to test for something that doesn’t exist:
Meanwhile here in NSW they are becoming more and more like the SS of Naz1 Germany. Of course most are good people but they do have to take orders from their evil masters. It would be nice if they followed the example of the police in Florence though to show how good they really are. If they never do that then eventually they will all be like the SS and they won’t be able to use the excuse “we are only following orders”.
There was a vid clip on Michael Smith News of some French police who joined the protesters.
Did he make a mistake?
A health department official in NSW delivered news about the Covid Virus outbreak. 141 people in hospital and 43 in ICU. Those in ICU span the age groups from teenage to 70s.
Then he says all but one (of the ICU patients) were vaccinated!
That seems unlikely.
Its feasible …
In Australia, or in the Western world generally, what treatment, if any, is given to those testing +ve for the rona before they need hospitalisation?
It seems to me that immediate intravenous injections of vitamins C & D would help greatly but I doubt even this is being done. Is ANYTHING done at that stage?
You can’t absorb the “massive” ascorbic acid doses needed orally, injection is the best way.
Perhaps the reason they don’t use treatments that work is because it would give the game away.
Someone above mentioned that every PCR test costs $200. Who would want THAT river of gold dry up?
I read in the UK its 60 pounds a pop, so $100 AU
“The cost of a PCR test, including $48 for the GP, is $197, according to detailed modelling provided to The Weekend Australian”
“Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID?”
“So, in summary, with regard to our current “casedemic”, positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports… and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide…”
Via Cat Files
Under the health guidelines of defining what an epidemic is, there is no C-19 epidemic here in Australia at all even assuming all the positive tests are valid. It’s all blown out of proportion. We are just being scared to death to get vaccinated so that they can open the overseas borders. Then I fear we might have a real epidemic on our hands once they realize it was all for naught, and the pandemic becomes more serious as the vaccines fail world-wide. I hope I’m wrong.
Should Politicians Who Wear Masks be Impeached as Devious or Incompetent?
I would say both.
“The Other Side of the COVID Vaccination Argument, Video
July 25, 2021 | Sundance | 197 Comments
There is a lot of incoming information from government and the private sector promoting the vaccine. Recently, there has been a significant uptick in compulsory demands for taking the COVID vaccine. This forced vaccination approach has made many people start to question why this coordinated pressure campaign has increased with such ferocity.
As a result of such one-side information, people are increasingly skeptical. In this video below you can review the counter-position for why people do not want to take the vaccination shot. [Direct Link] I am not sure who produced it, but CTH is sharing it in an effort to provide balance. The claims are well cited.”
More at
Pretty damning. Conclusion: our governments are telling lies, but that shouldn’t be surprising since that’s their profession.
Some observations.
1. If the vaccines as some say don’t actually offer much immunity and reduce the severity of the virus then there is no herd immunity and so we would need to take the vaccines forever.
2. The deaths before the vaccine rollout in the worst countries have declined dramatically after the rollout. That could be because more people are now naturally immune plus a lot of the most vulnerable have already “taken out” and so there are less to be severely impacted by the virus regardless of the vaccines.
3. It’s far too soon but in time we should know more to assess the effectiveness and damage caused by the vaccines themselves. At the moment each person has to make their own mind as to whether they ought to take the vaccine or not. On the balance of probabilities and given the evidence thus far taking into account the errors and unknowns, it’s not clear whether it’s safer to take a vaccine or just have a dose of the virus itself.
So, this is simply one huge lab experiment conducted world-wide using experimental vaccines and questionable testing tools, all under the control of people who not many of us would trust as far as we could throw them, and who themselves have had clearly made false statements over the past 18 months but no one in the MSM or governments appear to worry about that. How convenient.
Of course, our officials would rubbish all that but that’s because they have a conflict of interest and a vested interest (and often tell lies as that’s their profession).
“The Other Side of the COVID Vaccination Argument, Video
July 25, 2021 | Sundance | 197 Comments
There is a lot of incoming information from government and the private sector promoting the vaccine. Recently, there has been a significant uptick in compulsory demands for taking the COVID vaccine. This forced vaccination approach has made many people start to question why this coordinated pressure campaign has increased with such ferocity.
As a result of such one-side information, people are increasingly skeptical. In this video below you can review the counter-position for why people do not want to take the vaccination shot. [Direct Link] I am not sure who produced it, but CTH is sharing it in an effort to provide balance. The claims are well cited.”
More at
What is this? Is this real?–Vaccine–Is-A-POISON—Link-In-Description
We have already been told by governments that the vaccines are experiential and had to be made available to the public (read coerced) under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Vaccines guidelines by the FDA. In other words, it doesn’t matter if they are poisons. Governments have decided it’s irrelevant.
And for something non-covid
There is a three part series on the Spitfire on this site. This is Part 3, with links to the first two:-
Including this bit on a couple of unusual records
“It should also be noted that the Spitfire achieved the highest speed ever attained by a propeller-driven aircraft. In high-speed diving trials conducted at Farnborough in England during late 1943 and 1944 a Spitfire Mark XI achieved a true air speed of 606 mph. Another Spitfire, a Mark XIX, reached an altitude of 51,550 feet in 1951, which is reportedly the highest altitude ever attained by a single-engined propeller-driven aircraft. In descending, this aircraft entered an uncontrollable dive during which it is calculated that a true air speed of no less than 690 mph was achieved. The aircraft landed safely. The Spitfire’s ability to achieve such speeds in a dive was due to its wing, which had a Mach limiting number of 0.9 – the highest of any Allied aircraft in World War II.”
Finally something that was properly tested
And it only cost 4.5 times of a Messerschmidt 109.
wars arent generally won by spending the least
The height record belongs to a Caproni 161 at about 56,000 feet
The sailplane record is about 76,000 feet
Read and beware
More reading