A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Some of you already know what a wonderful resource the Aneroid site is for looking at power consumption data in an easily understandable way. There are just so many things that the site shows.
Here’s one of them that will show you just how much can be found, just by looking around, and once started, you’ll find more and more.
We all know (having been told so interminably by the media) that coal fired power is on the way out, and is being replaced by those three renewable sources of choice, wind, commercial solar and rooftop solar power. But, is that really the case, that coal fired power is being steadily replaced, not by plants closing down, but by actual generated power?
I would like to show you all something here, using Andrew Miskelly’s wonderful site. (at this link)
At the top right, in the black shaded area, you see the current date. Just by clicking on that date, you can view any date you wish just by clicking on the arrows at the left and right, alongside the Month at the top. The earliest date you can go back to is March of 2014, so seven years of data is available.
Okay, rather than you clicking on the date, I’ll do the first part of the exercise for you here, but any time later, just play around with that date function yourself.
This link is for Monday 24 March 2014, the earliest date available that is a working weekday.
Once the image shows up, under the graph itself, tick the total, and the black line appears across the top of the graph. Then, untick all the boxes except for brown coal, and black coal, and the colours are reasonably self explanatory.
As you hover your mouse inside the graph itself, the time shows up, and it also indicates the total at that time, shown at the left of the graph, the MW total. So, now hover your mouse over the time of the evening Peak power consumption, and that’s 6PM, the usual time for that Peak in the cooler Months. See the total, (black line) and that’s 24,600MW. Now see the total for both coal fired sources, the upper total, and that’s 18,700MW.
For comparison, let’s pick last Thursday, 29 April 2021, (shown at this link) also a working weekday, as weekends have considerably lower power consumption. That was the day that wind generation was at a miserable low. Okay, same exercise, tick the total, and then untick every box except for brown and black coal.
Now hover your mouse over the same time, the 6PM peak power time.
First up, note how the total has increased, to 26,200MW, so power consumption has increased in that seven years, and on these two days, it shows an increase of 1500MW.
In fact, compared to seven years ago, the total yearly power consumption has increased by 5,500GWH in that time, an almost 4% increase. (and while that sounds small, it’s 5,500,000,000KWH, and that’s the equivalent of a bit more than ten extra days power consumption, based on the current average daily power consumption of 555GWH)
Now look at the total for coal fired power, and that’s both of them, so the top number, here on this day at 17200MW. That’s just 1500MW less than in 2014. However, in that intervening time, the Northern Plant in South Australia has closed and been blown up, and the Hazelwood plant in Victoria has also closed. That removed a total of 2120MW. These plants were not closed because of green policies, but because both of them were time expired, and earlier than this, older plants in NSW were also closed down.
I have just picked two random days here, but back in 2014, in Summer and Winter, those plants at that time regularly generated more than 18,500MW at peak power times. The same is still happening now in 2021, where during the evening peaks in both Summer and Winter, the plants now are still generating up to 18,500MW, so again, getting more power from less plants.
However, that’s not really the case, as here in 2021, the total generated power across a whole year is 7.2% less, which I will explain.
So, really, coal fired power generation has not changed as much as you might think. It’s just that now, we’re getting more from less.
Even now I can hear those green supporters gloating about the loss of coal fired power over the years, but yet again that takes careful explanation of what is actually happening now. That 7.2% loss of generated power is, virtually all of happening on weekends and Public Holidays, the days when power consumption is always considerably lower, and here, note how I selected two working weekdays in the above exercise.
That loss of coal fired power is caused by the impact of rooftop solar power, and again I hear those green supporters gloating, and yet again that also takes careful explanation as well.
Coal fired power is lower on weekends because on those days, people are at home and using the power generated from their rooftops. So now, those coal fired power plants do not need to generate the extra power that WAS once used by those homes before rooftop solar power became available.
Instead of generating power for residential use, those homes are now generating their power on their roofs, and on weekends they are all at home, and using that generated power, instead of it being sent back to the grid to be used only in their local areas on their own side of the major sub-station, because it cannot be fed back further than that.
So, on weekends, those coal fired power plants wind way back further than they ever had, but still supplying the bulk of power being consumed in those non residential sectors, and again, as soon as the Sun sets on the weekends, coal fired power ramps back up to supply those homes again with the power they need.
And you wonder where all that coal fired power is being consumed. Overnight, all year round, coal fired power is delivering (on a year round average) 14,600MW of power into the grid, and at that time of daily minimum power consumption, around 4AM, that’s 82% of all the generated power the Country is using.
You wonder where it’s all being consumed, I’ll wager, because that average Base Load is 18,000MW of power, while nearly all of us are sound asleep.
The old green standby for that was coal fired power needed to have a use during the night, because those coal fired plants could not ramp down, and then back up, something that is so patently false, because every day coal fired power ramps up and down by anything up to 5000MW at times ….. EVERY DAY.
So, the green explanation for that was hey, it’s used for off peak water heating.
Well, that off peak water heating makes up about 5% of that Base Load, but only for two to three hours, decreasing with each hour.
You really want to know where that 18,000MW is used. Think of hospitals, all the emergency services, all the lighting for the roads etc. However far and away the largest of all consumers of that 18,000MW are tall buildings. Just look at any Capital city skyline, and then cities in general.
Each one of those buildings need hundreds of KiloWatts, some up to and more than 1MW, just to keep breathable air circulating throughout them, achieved with those huge Units on the roof of each building, air that just cannot be turned off overnight, just huge fans just humming away all night, and then in the morning as the Sun hits those buildings, the compressors ramp up to cool and heat the buildings.
Okay, last exercise.
Go back to those two images above, from now and back in 2014.
Hover your mouse over that lowest point each day, around 4AM. Note that the Base Load has also grown, and here that increase has been around 1400MW.
THAT is why coal fired power has a long future ahead of it, because those large amounts of power are needed 24 hours of EVERY day.
One day in the not too distant future, someone in a position of power is going to wake up and see that, and then say …..$h1t, how are we going to tell people that we need that coal fired power.
Note this, by Tony: {with respect to – – coal fire power}
” Instead of generating power for residential use, those homes are now generating their power on their roofs, and on weekends they are all at home, and using that generated power, instead of it being sent back to the grid to be used only in their local areas on their own side of the major sub-station, because it cannot be fed back further than that.”
A quite long, yet very readable sentence. 5 gold stars!
My question is about the “fed back further” – –
I’m in the great left coast state (Washington) of the USA.
Is the ‘block’ at a sub-station the same for all grids, not just Australia? That’s likely a question answered in Electricity 101.
Just thinking: If a large new housing development, all with roof-top solar, is built near a sub-station would there be an issue with a surplus of locally generated electrons?
John H:
The answer is Yes, there would be a surplus of locally generated electricity.
It has been happening here in South Australia for years when a suburb gets lots of solar installed. And the situation is getting worse because the Feed-in-Tarrif has been reduced, so newer installations are getting bigger as the householder tries to increase his return.
What has happened is that the local voltage is allowed to increase, then the panels automatically stop generating for about an hour, and restart only if the voltage is back down to the accepted level. So installing the extra capacity works to cut the benefit.
The problem is that many appliances have a limited range of voltage that is acceptable (±5%) and too much solar increase (when the sun appears from behind a cloud) can cause some to stop working permanently. Both I and my neighbour have, at separate times, recorded spikes of 270V whereas the units have an upper limit of 255V.
The State Government (pushed by the Grid Authority) wants to introduce a law that ALL new generating devices (such as solar) can be shut down by a signal over the power line. It is not a popular move.
John asked:
It has been a recognised problem in some parts of Australia for more than 5 years. The distributers have increased budgets to cater for automatic tap changing transformers so they can accept power flow either way.
My immediate neighbour installed a 6kW solar system last year and during spring and autumn the voltage is regularly at the 253V control limit. It is impacting on my exported power – probably average about 10% down this year from previous years.
New subdivisions in Australia should have the electrical infrastructure to handle the generated lunchtime power. It was an issue discussed at the 5-year planning meeting with our regional poles and wires operator some 4years ago. I figure all Australian distributers are doing the same.
South Australia should commission its first synchronous condenser this year. They add inertia and can improve power flow at transmission level.
One Sunday last year, SA rooftops provided 100% of lunchtime power in the state. Gas plants were ordered on to maintain stability but effectively their output was being exported to Victoria.
All the additions to the system to keep it stable just add to the connection fee. Ultimately the use of dispersed generation only makes economic sense when it occurs at the load. The high cost of energy storage remains the economic hurdle to doing that.
Absolutely there would be an overvoltage problem.
The Load is whatever is connected to the Grid.
Primary generators follow the load and provide voltage and frequency to meet that load.
Solar/Wind are Secondary generation. They follow the Primary generators. And, the important part, to inject their power into the grid, their voltage must be Higher than the grid voltage and at the same frequency. Their inverters “follow the primary generators who actually follow the load. The synchronization frequency, in your case 50 Hz, is provided by the primary generators. The control systems for the primary generators do NOT expect the voltage “downstream of the substation” to be Higher than the transmission voltage from the primary generators . That’s the issue.
Local “rooftop ” solar PV causes a control system problem by injecting “electrons” at a higher voltage than the primary generators expect to see in the overall system. By the time the primary (thermal- coal, gas, nuclear, hydro ) “see” that higher downstream voltage, it is often too late for them to respond. Seconds matter. Your appliances see an overvoltage and “die” long before the thermal power plants lower their voltage.
The issue is allowing the inverters on the PV/wind systems to exceed the tolerance of the grid voltage system.
Normally, a grid “allows” ( in AU, 50 Hz, 240 volts, single phase ) voltages to be within the range of 240 Volts, +/- 5%, and a frequency of 50 Hz +/- 0.03 Hz. So, you can expect to see voltages in the range of 228 to 252 volts.
IF the solar/wind inverters exceed the grid voltage tolerance, it can provide significant over voltage on a local basis. The reason the primary generators don’t “see” this situation is because their control systems never expected to see a down stream voltage that is higher than the design voltage. Their systems monitor upstream voltages, always expecting the downstream voltage to be lower. But, the solar inverters ( if allowed out of tolerance ) keep raising the local voltage in order to inject electrons into the system and “get paid”. The issue is allowing inverters to exceed the voltage tolerance within the original system design parameters.
” how are we going to tell people that we need that coal fired power.”
Just explain it the way Tony has explained it. Most people are smarter than most politicians believe them to be. Some day a politician with guts and force of personality will succeed by explaining the facts.
43% of Victoria’s public servants are not willing to go back to city offices. They prefer to work from home. Probably not much impact on power but it is taking pressure of city commercial and residential property demand. The property pressure is in the suburbs; smaller blocks with bigger homes.
As soon as I hear it mentioned that we don’t need baseload power anymore, I know they are talking out of their fundamental orifice.
Oh, and here’s the link to the AEMO data page. Each page has around two days of links, 48 hours, and each link is for the previous five minutes of power generation. Each link opens to an Excel spread sheet. The spread sheet lists every power plant in the country and the total power generated by that plant in those last five minutes, with a new spread sheet every five minutes.
This is what Paul Miskelly and others worked with long ago.
His son, Andrew said, Dad, you leave that with me.
And he went and set up the Aneroid site.
Now everyone can see all that data in a readily understandable manner.
Kids. We just can’t do without ‘em, eh!
Thanks Tony. Another site I like to check is OpenNEM.
It reports electricity consumption/generation by State (click on NEM button top left, even WA) for 3 days, week, month, year (back to 2006 – so you can readily see the change in mix). And for each State at each point in time it also reports average value (the spot price). You will notice how the spot price tends to plummet during the day as solar dominates supply. If you move your mouse to the table on the right, it shows the average value assigned to each source.
So for example, in Victoria for the last week, the average price was $68.61/MWhr, with the components: solar/wind $33-42, coal $66, hydro $124, gas $152/MWhr.
In much the same manner, Andrew’s Aneroid site also does the same.
When you open up the site, at the Home Page scroll down to the second image, and you see the coloured Load Curve for all the AEMO coverage area.
Under that image you see (at the right) a box headed ‘Region’.
Click on the box, and a drop down menu lists the States, and you can then isolate out the State you wish to see, also showing the different colours for the different power generation sources, which you can then also tick or untick the generation source boxes.
In the UK and Ireland on May 1 there is very little power generation from Wind.
Most of the renewable power is coming from a hydro electric plant originally build in the 1920s. Only 11 MW wind turbine generated power at mid-day today. As of 2020 Ireland has 5510 MW and the Republic of Ireland has 4235 MW of installed wind power nameplate capacity. Peak demand for electricity happened in early December 2020 with 5,112 MW.
Not only that much of Western Europe has very little wind today –
Germany right now is getting 1.9GW from a nameplate capacity of 62.6GW of wind.
All western European countries within the EU are following the same policy directed by the bureaucrats. The vulture capitalists (i.e borrowers, subsidised by government mandate) are lining up for the new gold rush in Ireland, offshore wind turbines. They are also building a ~400KM inter-connector to France under the ocean. It is sold under the illusion that they will be able to sell surplus wind generated power to French consumers . . . nope, wind power cannot be generated on tap, such power will be supplied below cost. Republic of Ireland has 4th highest electricity prices in Europe.
Here in the UK, looking at my weather diary, entry after entry reads either no wind or light wind. I have to go back to Week commencing 11th March for a week that was consistently breezy and we are right next to the sea so tend to get a lot of wind.
It has been exceptionally sunny but also exceptionally cold during April, with the mean average temperature the coldest in a century. The days have been chilly but the nights positively cold and we have had the central heating on every night for at least 3 nights.
So quite where the renewable power to cope with the cold weather would have come from I don’t know
In a standard wind turbine it takes 33 mph sustained wind to get full power and that is a heck of a lot. Many places never see that except in a few big storms. (It takes about 8 mph to generate at 1% of capacity.) Nameplate capacity is a cruel joke. It has nothing to do with what the windmill will actually produce, whereas in fossil plants it is the actual measure of reliable production.
So that’s why all those wind plant turbines are sitting still on days with a slight breeze, I just thought the aliens inside them had succumbed to our various bacteria.
Mr. Wojick:
The no output, low output and and highly variable output problems of renewables are EASILY solved without increasing CO2 emissions. The answer is technology.
My company has designed nuclear powered fans to drive windmills at their optimum speeds.
We are also developing nuclear powered spotlights for shining on solar panels at night.
Both nuclear powered devices are zero CO2 emission solutions to the “minor” problems with windmills and solar panels caused by climate change (lack of wind at various times, and the lsck of sunlight at night).
If you would like to invest, I am offering 1,857 one percent shares in my new Green Dream Corporation, for only $1,000 a share. We only accept cash and money orders. Al Gore is a member of our Bored of Drectors. This is a serious financial offer, not satire.
“minor” problems with windmills and solar panels caused by climate change (lack of wind at various times, and the lsck of sunlight at night).
Lack of sunlight at night is not a problem caused by climate change, it’s a given that happens everyday. The lack of sunlight caused by climate change is the clouds, rain, fog that occurs frequently during the daylight hours.
And if the multi-talented Mr Global Warming, Covid AND Computer Man Bill Gates has his way you will be able to add clouds of chalk dust to the other clouds, rain and fog that disrupt solar panels during the day. But then Mr Gates idea is a global warming solution. Just a pity it cuts across the solar power global warming solution.
Good point! Dimming the sun dims solar.
Thank you Maptram
— We will make your recommended changes to our financial prospectus. With our high technology products, we make all renewables reliable !
— Are you interested in joining our Bored of Directors?
Mr. Gates has turned us down, and we seem to have one opening.
Richard Greene
COB, CEO, President, Vice President,
Secretary, Wine Steward and
Executive Washroom Attendent
The Green Dream Corporation
Present temporary address:
Jackson State Prison, Jackson, Michigan
I’d like to see AlGore on a board.
Tony the NAO is negative so you should expect the cool conditions to continue throughout summer, depending on the position of the Rossby Waves.
The chilly breeze is coming directly from the North Pole.
It is interesting that a large proportion of Europe is suffering from a wind shortage.
It used to be said in favour of wind that the wind was always blowing somewhere in Europe, and with interconnectors they could would keep everyone happy.
UK now at 24 days of a wind drought, thank goodness for the gas powered generators.
That is called the supergrid. But you then need enough real generating capacity (not nameplate) for everywhere, in each of 4 or 5 different places. Incredibly expensive redundancy.
…as is nuclear powering of individual windmills, or any individual device.
John C:
Is that 11 MW for all Ireland? It represents 0.2% of capacity. Germany is getting 3% from its wind turbines (it used to be around 18% average when only land based but those off-shore turbines average close to 40% (with newer machines).
Your point about the interconnector is valid, when the wind blows there is lots of electricity which has to be used, and with France trying to switch to wind turbines, the demand and price will be low. Fortunately for the Vultures the UK has led the way in paying them not to generate, and rather generously, so expect higher electricity bills.
For those who may be interested in US data (curiosity, comparison, etc) :
Real-Time Operating Grid Monitor Dashboard:
Data Tools, Apps, Maps:
Electricity Data Browser:
Thanks for the link, Lance.
The overview map that appears shows the BPA node in northern Oregon. Of interest at Wikipedia: Path 66 (aka: California Oregon Intertie)
Have a look. Celilo location: (Lat./Long.) 45.596501, -121.117367
Current and previous 7 days shown here:
It has been a bumpy week. The local nuclear facility – Columbia Generating Station (CGS) – has been staging since early April for a partial shutdown, now started just as the wind dropped. Look at the May 1 (Friday to Saturday transition).
CGS begins refueling and upgrade
Thanks Lance.
Again, I so often harp upon about the Base Load, that absolute minimum that power consumption gets down to overnight, around 4AM each morning. That’s around 75% of the total power consumption across any given day, every day.
While you look at the Load Curve for all Australia and note that the Base Load here is 18,000MW, and the average year round total power consumption is 23125MW, so that Base Load is 77% of all power consumption. (generation)
That Base Load is close to the same percentage when distilled down to the smallest area as well as on the large Country wide scale.
Now, when you look at the U.S. data, Australia multiplied by (around) 20, you see that the Base Load is remarkably similar, hovering at around 75% of average total power consumption.
When you need three quarters of all power consumption, ABSOLUTELY, for 24 hours of EVERY day, only then will you realise how important those large scale constant and reliable power generation sources really are.
The minimum demand in the NEM is occurring more frequently around midday:
Sunday and Thursday last week and almost certainly today will have minimum demand around midday, not 4am. That means the base demand is being eroded by intermittent generators.
This becomes the issue for coal plants. They are difficult to start and stop on a daily basis. That is why the Federal Government is keen to get more gas plants in the pipeline:
The trend becomes quite clear when you take a longer view of how the generation is evolving:
Ultimately the coal plant will be paid to remain viable. That should be reasonably easy to plan to suit seasons.
Tony, something else to consider:
US has about 1100 GW of installed generating capacity. All sources.
US consumes about 13 million bbl petroleum daily for transportation (~ 159 liters/bbl). One bbl petroleum is equivalent to 1.7 MWhr . This is equivalent to 920 GW each hour of every day. I looked at US, UK and AU. Their petroleum usage ranges between 79% and 84% of generation capacity. The US uses petroleum at the equivalent of about 84% of electrical generation capacity. UK and AU are somewhere around 80% of installed generation equivalent.
A Tesla mechanical energy output at the wheels is about 63% to 80% efficient, depends on speed. Take and avg of 72% vs. ICE at about 27% overall energy efficiency. 72% of 920 GW is ~ 662 GW.
So, if the US wants to go with EVs, charging them in a 24 hr period would require an additional 662 GW of generation every hour of the day. If you want to charge the EVs in 8 hours, you’d need an additional 1,987 GW of generation.
And…. the entire grid infrastructure would have to handle the additional loads at the primary and secondary transmission lines as well as the secondary distribution system downstream of the substations in addition to upgrading each home service entrance cabling and breaker panels to 350 A at 230 VAC.
One might argue that not everyone will charge their vehicles simultaneously, so if we take a probability of 0.632, that reduces the system baseload to 1255 GW new generation that is only used 8 hrs a day and still requires doubling the transmission/distribution capacity.
So, the Baseload required will greatly depend on the number of EVs and how quickly they need charging and the probability of simultaneous charging. In any case, it means vastly increased infrastructure.
It has taken 120 years and about 10 Trillion dollars to build the grid the US has now. Doubling it’s capacity in 20 yrs is physically impossible. The resources don’t exist to accomplish it.
All the talk about Net Zero by 2030 is nonsense.
But nobody is talking about the EV Baseload requirement. Or the distribution requirements.
Just a thought.
Thanks again Lance.
And yet again, note the complexity involved with Lance working out something like this.
Try even explaining the simplest part of that to the 97.5%+ of the general populace, who have no comprehension of even the most minute part of electrical power, other than ….. it comes out of the ‘hole in the wall’.
(an old Maxwell Smart conversation)
Chief – Now listen carefully Max … and then the chief goes off into the explanation, and as he finishes he asks Max if he got all of that.
Max – I missed a bit Chief.
Chief – What part did you miss, Max?
Max – that bit right after ….. Now listen carefully.
It’s exactly the same here.
What Lance has done here is exactly the same as that, something that just CANNOT be explained to the general populace.
THAT is the problem we have.
Not a problem. Just another challenge. Keeping it simple and relatable to an everyday scenario is easy – how about:
Before fridges were invented everyone was reliant on the regular delivery of a large block of ice that would be put in a food box along with the food that needed to be kept chilled/frozen. As more and more people adopted this new technology the demand for ice went up. The local ice producer was able to comfortably supply the market until gold was discovered and the population of the town went from 10,000 households to 20,000 over-night and all the new folk wanted their ice block for freezing their food. It was impossible for the company to double its capacity so only a handful of new customers were added to the delivery list each week. However even limiting additional customers was disruptive because some existing customers didn’t get their replacement ice block when they needed it and so their lives were disrupted when their food spoiled and became inedible.
Explanations: The food box is your electric car that will need constant recharging. The ice block is the flow of electricity that is needed to charge your car. The ice producer is the electricity grid that generates the electricity that recharges your car. The population of ice users is the same population that will use the electricity to charge their cars. The gold rush is the boom when everyone has to change from gas powered cars to electric cars when fossil fuels are done away with.
The electricity grid cannot be expanded to cope with demand by 2030 when fossil fuels are meant to stop. Are you ready to walk to the shops when you can’t charge your car over night?
I remember the ice man.
And the night man.
Be careful, be very very careful, we are headed back in that direction!
Actually that example is symptomatic of the problem rather than a solution. I betrays the age gap between those willing to see the truth vs most of the faithful that just want to beleive or have been indoctrinated to beleive.
Good luck with the ice block example in a millienial world. That was “before their time”
“What Lance has done here is exactly the same as that, something that just CANNOT be explained to the general populace.
THAT is the problem we have.”
It could be explained couldn’t it?
It is explained to me weekly by such as TonyfromOZ (much appreciated BTW).
Don’t we have a corrupt political and academic system that is purposefully misleading (ok … outright lying to … Czar Kerry OMG) the public?
Two (of more than a few) big disappointments in my life.
Apollo and the Internet.
We were supposed to get “the Final Frontier”.
Oh well.
We were supposed to get egalitarian infromation, but we got an almost absolute propaganda tool.
Oh well.
Where modern England was created-site found of great battle between Viking and King Athelstan the Saxon king
Athelstan was a grandson of Alfred the Great-who the Queen is descended from. His will can be read online at the British Museum web site.
He met with Vikings who told of this great New land where Bowhead whales were commonplace and was asked if he wanted to invest. If he had we might have owned Iceland. Strange to think that it was the start of some 400 years of warmth now known as the Medieval Warm Period
If you enjoy tales of epic battles between the Vikings and Saxons can I recommend the Books by Bernard Cornwell who also wrote the ‘Sharpe’ series. Stirring stuff!
So that’s why I am who I am
And who you “amn’t”
Isolation very popular with Australians and it could be years before international travel restarts
Presumably locals are spending lots of money within the country rather than on overseas travel. I don’t know what sort of effect a 2 year closure of the country would cost in terms of tourism, education, business travel etc
I had m second Pfizer vaccination this morning, so far I feel fine. The first jab 12 weeks ago made me feel a little under the weather for a day.
Locals are spending a lot domestically. Australians are finally seeing places in Australia that they’ve never been too. It isn’t the same as foreign tourists who tend to spend mroe and take longer trips, but some holiday zones like South West WA are packed. Roads are full. I know people who used to fly to Japan to go skiing or the French Riviera and now they are visiting Tasmania and Broome (obviously not for skiing) instead.
And mining is back. Cu $10,000/t and Iron ore $200. ScoMo will look a genius as we storm out of the pandemic.
Good news I guess, although it seems we will always just be a quarry.
What better job is there than the ‘quarry’ industry?
My decades in mining were completely satisfying, interesting, rewarding, of benefit to many people. Lots of travel and the added benefit that most people you worked with were above average intelligence.
Recommended for a future carrer path to all who are willing to learn Geoff S
Any job where value is added rather than extracting stuff and shovelling it off overseas to create jobs there.
I dont denigrate mining jobs, but they a small in number and not a basis for an independent and robust economy. The recent shortages of all kinds including basic medical supplies should have woken people up on how exposed we are. As the Arabs learnt you need to build capability or you are left with nothing when the well/hole is empty. We seem to squander our natural advantage.
Thanks Jo. It seems like there are consequences of the ultra strict quarantine rules with 30 Oz cricketers stranded in India
In theory its a 5 year jail sentence if they try to evade it but sportsmen and celebrities seem able to get round the rules. Or perhaps they should just claim to be XR supporters and no doubt they would be waved through customs.
Tilba Tilba and Fitzy don’t work weekends? Or no comments because it was May Day?
Sorry. Meant to be a new comment.
TT’s in the naughty corner, I think.
I’ll go wake them up.
We have just spent four days around the Great Ocean Road and the Otway Rainforest – it was superb. No international visitors but plenty of locals out in numbers, and our accomm property was pretty-well fully booked.
And on our return we drove past the windfarm near Winchelsea – the weather was fine (as it had been for days) and the winds were light … of the 8-10 turbines I spotted, only one of them was rotating, and it only very very languidly.
I agree you cannot run an electricity-generating system like that.
A “to have or not to have” discussion in this and following comments at Chiefioi
Pfizer genetic modifier,
This is the labelling of the Pfizer vaccine and it tells you, WHAT IS THE PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE? The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. 2 Revised: 06 April 2021 The FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
These may not be all the possible side effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials.
AD or whom ever, got a few in Mod
Good News Tony!
The CDC has added information to its database that substantially lowers the morbidity due to the SarsCov2 (at 2:12)
John Cullen, who I understand claims responsibility for the Oracle database at the back end of the Worldometer shows the CDC figures suggest the Influenza A & B vaccines are probably statistically a better bet for a healthy life.
On the spending thing, another Cullen suggests (at 2:06)the Banksters are not going to grow the economy. They will print more cash to basically ‘run the grader’ over their past failed policies. To avoid hyperinflation they need to collapse productivity by 10 percent per year.
How would collapsing productivity 10% avoid hyperinflation?
Less goods = higher prices.
“To avoid hyperinflation they need to collapse productivity by 10 percent per year.”
Perhaps he meant collapse consumption by 10% per year. A 10% annual reduction in consumption would create a recession, this would make Leftists very happy.
Prosperity is the enemy of the Left.
I assume that is less goods produced in the countries being targeted. More goods from China and India sold over Amazon?
The World Bank has been accused of using the cash to buy off Politicians.
We certainly see leaders acting in a strange fashion, lock downs, masks, school closures, super markets good / small business bad, PCR Test gold standard, flu cured in week 11 2020, Covid still running at ~%5 of Washington State virology reporting of P&I!!!!!
Why wouldn’t any leader with half a brain question what is happening.
“Why wouldn’t any leader with half a brain question what is happening.”
The money is piled up too high in front of them; blocks the view.
This is interesting.
New Map shows how Aboriginals invaded Australia. Wonder what happened to the people they displaced? Will it be taught in schools, or can only Europeans be invaders??
I didn’t realise Oz was connected to Port Moresby before sea level rise, in same way that Britain was connected to Europe by Doggerland until 10000 years ago
I love this:
‘used tens of thousands of years ago ‘
Followed by this:
‘connected to Papua New Guinea as part of the ancient landmass of Sahul about 10,000 years ago‘
And what about the domestic dog migration super highway?
In 2020, the first whole genome analysis of the dingo and the New Guinea singing dog was undertaken. The study indicates that the ancestors of dingo/New Guinea singing dog clade arose in southern East Asia, migrated through Island Southeast Asia 9,900 YBP, and reached Australia 8,300 YBP brought by an unknown human population.[87]
You have to appreciate the gift this great Anthropologist gave his country and its peoples.
Norman Tindale collected information on the various groups of people who have made this land mass their home.
Its more than likely that the dingo came with the Harappan immigrants fleeing climate change.
From the article:
Yeah, right. Every time I drove from Townsville to Brisbane, or Sydney, I always looked west to Uluru to see where I was.
On other occasions, when driving to Perth, passing through Narrabri and Willcania, it was always a comfort to look out my driver’s window and see Uluru off in the distance.
Centre of Excellence, more like Centre of Clowns on the gravy train.
Have these people ever been outside of Sydney or Melbourne? (Overseas travel doesn’t count)
Well there was the story about some would-be tourists from Bidenland who wanted a hotel suite in Sydney with a view of Uluru.
True story; group of business people about to visit Australia sent planned itinerary
Land Sydney in morning, collect local businessmen.
Fly to Perth, conference. Visit customer’s plant.
Fly back to Melbourne and have business lunch with locals after tour of factory there.
Fly back to Sydney and visit customers, followed by meeting at Australian H.O. in mid afternoon. I think I missed their evening plans while roling on the floor.
There was also one about a couple who asked their Sydney hotel concierge to get Australian Open Tennis tickets and were dismayed to find they were in the wrong city.
At a more prosaic level, we had dinner out after a long day on the road at a pub in the local town. Its called the Corner Hotel. After a while a group of 6 tourists come in and say they have a booking. After a bit of no you dont, yes we have! it all gets a bit strident and the leader of the pack whips out his phone to show the manager the booking. He had booked the Corner Hotel in Richmond, central Melbourne a 150kms away. The manager invited them to have a drink at the bar while a table became available.
The questions asked of the Tourism department before the Brisbane games are hillarious. One I rember was would it be better to walk from Brisbane to Perth or Perth to Brisbane to keep the sun out of your eyes?
“coming from a distance” is a pretty useless term in Australia , it could mean anything. A lot like “it’s just down the road”
If your eyeballs are 5ft from the ground , the furthest you could see a 300m tall rock, ( Ayers Rock) would be about 37.5 miles, around 60 kms.
Amazin what you can see standing on a milk crate. Collinsville isn’t the a ole of the country, but you can see it from there standing on a crate.
Sometimes depends on the atmosphere. On the Nullarbor one evening, kept watching the very bright headlight of the fast goods that appeared to be just over the closest ridge, about 3 miles. Was still waiting for the train another four hours – turns out it was over 57 miles away.
For a better view.
People tend to be worried about sea level rise. The greater concern in Australia should be getting tipped off as the continent moves north and nose dives under Asia. Darwin has gone down 200mm since 1990 while Lorne has only gone down only 70mm.
And a little known fact Australia is moving north at about 50mm a year. Or downslope 1 in 7 at Darwin and 1 in 25 at Lorne. The northern movement is enough to observe using a GPS.
Fortunately no one currently living will need to worry about this in Australia.
The Australian Academy of ‘Science’ has a new video and 97% ‘science’ report:
The risks to Australia of a 3C degree warmer world
0.36 seconds: “ … with just 1C degree of warming so far, wheat yield has fallen …”
100% real science fact check:
ABARES,02/17/2021: “ Australia raises wheat crop estimates to new record”
“… the 20/21 wheat crop was 5% larger than the previous record out turn of 31.819M tonnes …”
This non funded fact check finds that the Australian Academy of ‘Science’ is not ‘science’ but a highly tax-payer funded, low-info, fake news UN sock puppet for failed doomsday global warming.
A study by the Israel peoples committee on the vaccination program and the errors, corruption and false information.
Thanks MP,
Terrifying, but essential reading.
Cheers (?)
Dave B
Another thanks. And here’s more information on the subject that’s worth the time, imho.
It’s an interesting report; just read the intro and a few items later.
Doesn’t say much for the Israeli government but probably the same could be said about most other COVID19 crushing governments.
Vaccination programmes were once about protecting the population, but current CV19 testing and vaxxing seems to have an indifference to medical reality and a large focus on Money.
This satement, from the linked report, is my comment of the day…
Lawlessness is a defining characteristic of the Insane Left and controlling, China-invested Globalists.
I read an article recently (link) about the claims of the huge success with the high percentage rate of COVID jabs in Israel.
There were only 19 COVID deaths among nine million Israelis in one seven day period in mid-April 2021.
That sounded really good … until you considered that during the same week in April 2020, pre-vaccine, when the pandemic was allegedly out of control. 44 people died in that seven day period, which is also small relative to a nine million Israel population.
Rare blood clots have been given a name
Norwegian and German researchers recently explained what happened to these patients in a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine. They have given the syndrome the name VITT—Vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia.
Trust me I’m with Pfizer
Pelosi Laptop still at Large.
During the occupation of the Capitol building on 2021, Jan 6 the laptop computer of Nanci Pelosi went missing (as we say in Oz), from her office. This was confirmed by a staffer.
Now the FBI is trying to get it back. They are going to considerable efforts. 12 armed agents kicked down the door of a suburban couple in Alaska but the laptop wasn’t there.
Who has it now and what is on it are still questions to be answered. The story gives me hope that things are still happening below the surface and that democracy may still be restored in the USA.
On the surface there are many stories about the Audit of Votes in Maricopa county, Arizona. There may be a result soon.
Michael Yon, a war correspondent who is known for his excellent coverage of wars in the first two decades of this century, has made predictions from his observations that have been more correct than not.
I am warning and warning and warning we are steaming towards a civil war
>> People everywhere have had enough of the lockdowns, face masks and black looters matter …
Anger as ex-generals warn of deadly civil war in France
Just like the shooting of the Duke for World War One, it was one in many sparks when conditions were right.
The internal collapse of democracies like the US and France is troubling, but at least we’ll avoid WW3.
‘China is not al-Qa’ida or Islamic State, or even Saddam Hussein. For years, Xi Jinping’s leading planners have been working on ways to win a war with the West without fighting.’ (Oz)
We are at war. The pen, propaganda, cyber and censorship are the weapons.
In some ways the Civil War has been going for some time already. BLM and Antifa conducted violent Mayday assemblies across the USA and also in France and Britain.
Civil authorities reaction has been minimal and the passive majority should be getting restless, if they are not restless already.
Today I listened to a sermon on why we should all love one another. It is the Christian message, but it does not excuse bad behavior.
We Love you; BLM and Antifa but you still have to face the consequences of your acts. Civil society demands it.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I should say here that the sermon did not in any way reference BLM or Antifa Violence.
The interpretation is entirely my own. I went along hoping to enjoy familiar rituals (which is what I feel I need right now) without reference to contemporary social interpretations. I was not disappointed.
🙂 Good news PeterC.
Infection with the virus in gene modified willing participants is increasing, (what does this poison actually do again) some are dying?
The CDC has requested PCR samples of infected participants.
A CDC document on the outbreak (breakthrough) of COVID-19 infections in Vaccinated persons, sets the CT value for testing at <28. Seems to be different rules for prior to vaccination and after?
Respiratory specimen for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing •Specimen selection – Clinical specimens for sequencing should have an RT-PCR Ct value ≤28
John Cullen identified the use of the technology breakthroughs such as Biofire PCR test for pandemic influenza and not seasonal flu in his claim foe a Nobel Prize. He is still waiting for the award and the PCR test is still being used to detect the Sars Cov2 virus in just about anything.
I can’t wait for samples from Mars to be tested, at anything above 28 repetitions I expect a gold standard confirmation of Covid infection on Mars.
🙂 🙂
Koch’s Postulates
The suspected causal agent (bacterium or other microorganism) must be present in every diseased organism (e.g., a plant) examined.
The suspected causal agent (bacterium, etc.) must be isolated from the diseased host organism (plant) and grown in pure culture.
When a pure culture of the suspected causal agent is inoculated into a healthy susceptible host (plant), the host must reproduce the specific disease.
The same causal agent must be recovered again from the experimentally inoculated and infected host, i.e., the recovered agent must have the same characteristics as the organism in step 2.
Gee wiz? Sars Cov2 has failed all four even with the replications cranked up to where the atoms are flying to bits!
That pesky Arctic Sea Ice just won’t melt. Damn!! Greater sea ice extent today than on this date in any of the past 6 years. Oh, and greater than the same day in 2004, despite 17 years of CO2 increases and global warming alarmism. Any year now the left might start to question cult leader Gore’s predictions…. surely?
Tony Heller reprising Kerry’s arctic ice pontification
Interesting when searching for it I specifically searched “Tony Heller Arctic Ice” in youtube and he came up about 15th behind a lot of guff repeating the same nonsense as Kerry
Signs of the times, good to heed them.
“Ultimate Refutation of Anti-Meat Propaganda. Eating less Meat won’t save the Planet.
Farmers, motorists targeted in the Andrews Government emissions strategy
Almost $20m will be spent slashing farmer’s emissions and $3000 offered to buy an electric car as part of the Andrews gov’t climate initiative.
A rapid expansion of renewable power, more energy efficiency in homes and businesses, and the announced closure of the Yallourn coal-fired power station in 2028 will allow Victoria’s targets to move to a more ambitious level than in most other states by the end of this decade.
Former federal climate change minister Greg Combet, who was commissioned to advise on state-based targets, will join Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio to outline Victoria’s role in fighting dangerous global temperature rises.
As part of the agricultural component of the package, $15.3 will be spent on research and trials to reduce emissions on farmland — including by feeding seaweed to cows.
The feed additives reduce the amount of methane produced when cows release gas.
Up to 250 farmers will also be able to tap into $5 million in grants for tracking and reducing emissions on their land.
Bob Davie, whose family has farmed a property on Phillip Island for 70 years, has been carbon neutral since 2014 by developing a carbon sequestration initiative.
His family has removed and capture carbon dioxide by mass planting tree and plant species, mulching crops back into the land, and rotating cattle through paddocks.
“You could spend money on a machine that costs $1000 a tonne to draw in carbon from the atmosphere, or you could use Australian farmers,” he said.
Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio said climate change was “a significant challenge facing the agriculture sector”.
“This package makes it easier for farmers to take action to reduce emissions, and will help fund cutting edge research,” she said.
Agriculture Minister Mary-Anne Thomas said the state was well-placed to be a leader in agricultural reform “without compromising its growth or profitability.”
“We will work hand-in-hand with industry to shape and implement this important work,” she said.
The quote mentions that Greg Combet is a former Federal Climate Change Minister, but neglects to mention that he is now chair of Industry Funds Australia and Chair of IFM Investors, a global asset management business owned by the industry super funds, so a good indication of why the industry super funds put members money into “renewable” energy projects.
Timeline History
* Mid-1980 deregulation of the banking and finance sector of the economy, and the A$ floated, economic reforms based on the Campbell Report’s many recommendations.
* Late-1980 introduction of the Superannuation Guarantee Levy on employers for employees retirement funding.
* Early 1990 superannuation businesses established by the Trade Union Movement.
The above were implemented by Federal Labor Government, noting that following the deregulation of banking and finance no industry specific government watchdog was created, not until 1998 when the Federal Coalition Government created APRA (Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority).
Many business and political observers were concerned that the “industry superannuation funds” advantaged by compulsory employer funding of employee super funds via the SGL would result in the Union Movement using those funds to buy shares in publicly listed companies and gain influence at board level, even gain seats on boards.
And now the industry super funds are manipulating taxpayer-government subsidies and other assistance in creation of profits via “renewable energy” investment and devesting of assets in fossil fuel related business ventures.
A very useful outline.
I wish we could divest ourselves of corrupt governments, swamps and onions.
Well, you know what I mean.
Analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two
potential risk factors for inducing prion disease is humans. The RNA
sequence in the vaccine [3] contains sequences believed to induce
TDP-43 and FUS to aggregate in their prion based conformation
leading to the development of common neurodegerative diseases.
In particular it has been shown that RNA sequences GGUA [4],
UG rich sequences [5], UG tandem repeats [6], and G Quadruplex
sequences [7], have increased affinity to bind TDP-43 and or
FUS and may cause TDP-43 or FUS to take their pathologic
configurations in the cytoplasm. In the current analysis a total of
sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were identified and additional
UG (ΨG) rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences
were found. G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but
sophisticated computer programs are needed to verify these.
The spike protein encoded by the vaccine binds angiotensin
converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), an enzyme which contains zinc
molecules [8]. The binding of spike protein to ACE2 has the
potential to release the zinc molecule, an ion that causes TDP-43
to assume its pathologic prion transformation [9].
That’s getting very techi there MP.
I’ll just have to take your word on it.
He’s pasting stuff and has no idea what is means or if it even means anything
You are likely correct.
Do you have any thoughts yourself about the possibility of spike proteins ( manufactured by the cells of people who have been inoculated with the mRNA vaccine) twisting into prions?
No real thoughts except that there is no structural reason for it to happen. Prions are funny things though and so hopefully it will be kept in mind by researchers.
That link is FOS btw.
Full of Sagacity I suppose.
Your old mate Classen again.
prion disease (Mad Cow is a prion disease)
Related to prion disease: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
prion [pri´on]
any of several pathogenic, transmissible forms of the core of prion protein that cause a group of degenerative diseases of the nervous system known as prion diseases. Prions have a structure different from that of normal prion protein, lack detectable nucleic acid, and do not elicit an immune response.
prion disease any of a group of fatal degenerative diseases of the nervous system caused by abnormalities in the metabolism of prion protein.
ALS – thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cordALS – thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
TDP-43 TAR DNA-Binding Protein 43 (cellular protein)
Over the last two decades there has been a concern among certain
scientists that prions could be used as bioweapons. More recently
there has been a concern that ubiquitous intracellular molecules
could be activated to cause prion disease including Alzheimer’s
disease, ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. This concern
originates due to potential for misuse of research data on the
mechanisms by which certain RNA binding proteins like TDP-43,
FUS and others can be activated to form disease causing prions.
The fact that this research, which could be used for bioweapons
development, is funded by private organizations including the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation
The interaction is quite concerning given the belief that the virus
causing COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, is a bioweapon [10,11] and it
is possible that the viral spike protein may have been designed to
cause prion disease.
There are many other potential adverse events that can be induced
by the novel RNA based vaccines against COVID-19. The vaccine
places a novel molecule, spike protein, in/on the surface of host
cells. This spike protein is a potential receptor for another possibly
novel infectious agent. If those who argue that the COVID-19 is
actually a bioweapon are correct, then a second potentially more
dangerous virus may be released that binds spike protein found on
the host cells of vaccine recipients.
If you would of read the article/paper.
Its out there now its on here.
Spare us the “would of” illiteracy please.
Was not addressed to you. If you could not understand it, that says more about you than me.
Seems to be a higher toll then we are being told.
The certainly is an interesting web site 😀
If you have already had the Vaccine I suggest that you ignore it.
Avoid anxiety!
Did the green part confuse you or are you going after the messenger again
A funny item on a recent race in the ever exciting Formula E electric car racing series
I assume the link will be allowed later
or try again
I’m guess you have to drag a goats entrails across the keyboard or dance around a fire backward whilst covered in bats blood to get a link to appear. I’ll try that
there I knew it would be something simple like that
Only took you 7 hours
Check the dates GA, not only the times!
Good one Annie,
GA works office hours!
If he’s blogging on here for three hours a day how is he working office hours.
good point 31 hours. That’s persistence.
It seems for me at least, if i use the link option when editing , it doesnt work. If i paste a link just as text, the site converts it and all is well.
Use the preview button. If the link isn’t in the preview it wont be in the final version.
Some more on the corruption in the pharmacuticle industry.
Appears the fact checkers are funded by big Pharma.
Great site, informative article MP.
Worlds largest vaccine trial
43,538 people had been enrolled in the Phase 3 trial by early December 2020 viii
The study does not end until January 2023;
people who take the vaccine should be aware that it is still essentially experimental.
MP that’s right, covid ‘vaccines’ are experimental for Emergency Use Only according to the FDA and also, the WHO. Emergency Use Only means, per that one patient. It does not mean, as the NZ Govt had tried to do, declare a Public Health Emergency, and force people to undergo a medical procedure against their will.
We should remember the Nuremberg Codes 1947 which insist on Informed Consent by the person being offered any medical procedure.
We have the right to decline any medical procedure and any attempt to force/coerce/mandate, is essentially a Crime against Humanity. There is a German Lawyer who is organising a huge Class Action against these types of Crimes. I forget his name just now.
The NZ Govt is telling Customs Officials get the Vax or loose your job. 8 people are declining. I can’t believe it but the NZ Defence Forces have mandated Vax or resign. Compare with US Military, 40% or more have declined. We have absolute Nazis over here. I have written to local news sites to ask Journalists to ask our Government the hard questions.
There will likely be a Nuremberg 2 after all of this due to the scale of abuses and Crimes. I hope people in authority will think about this and begin operating in an Ethical way before they get hauled in front of any such Tribunal.
Thanks Susan, very relevant and well laid out.
The German Lawyer Mueller on Human Rights in relation to Covid19 measures
Another doc on CDC requirements for COVID 19. CT value no greater then 28
Requirements (Each of these is required for approval for specimen submission)
• All persons must have been diagnosed with COVID-19 by a positive viral diagnostic test,
such as RT-PCR, other nucleic acid amplification test, or an antigen test.
• The RT-PCR Ct value is no more than 28. Not required if Ct value is not available, or
can’t be obtained
• Specimens must meet the required MSPHL submission criteria for COVID-19 testing
available at, and must be received by the MSPHL
within 72 hours of collection, or have been stored frozen and shipped frozen using dry
• Prior approval from DHSS is obtained prior to specimen submission.
“Oceanic Warming? Well, sorta.”
“Absolutely fascinating how climate scenarios (RCPs, SSPs & their derivatives) are enabling entirely new markets for consulting based on financial risk assessments of fictional futures
It is also amazing how much money is being paid to explore these outdated, fictional futures”
And in comments there
May 1, 2021 7:49 am
I would often see references to how “scientists” are substituting modeling for reality, but never quite understood how this worked or happened. It was a bit mindboggling, until this article made it very clear.
As I now understand it, such “science” produces a hermetically sealed circular environment that all transpires on inexpensive silicon chips:
1] Develop a computer model of the ecosystem with all known or desired inputs.
2] Run the model at the current input levels to get a picture/plot of the ecosystem fifty years or so into the future.
3] Reduce one of the inputs through government policy, (ie laws and regulation).
4] Rerun the model and generate a picture/plot of the ecosystem fifty years into the future.
5] Notice that the new picture/plot has improved the ecosystem to the desired degree.
6] Declare the problem solved and call it a day. (without ever having the want or need to look at real world data and measurements (ie do science)).
So, if you discount the unethical types (which I believe are present en masse), and assume many are true believers, then you get a situation analogous to Plato’s Cave, where all are watching shadows on a wall.
And thus it goes without saying, that if anything does not conform to the “shadow world” you are going to “adjust”, “flatten” and “discount” real world observations and data, as they simply don’t fit your “reality”.
This article is a keeper. (sigh) Once again a rather simple article at WUWT has greatly contributed to my understanding!”
“”Pat Frank
May 1, 2021 8:42 am
The monetization of incompetence. Build back bunglers.”
“Lies, damned lies and statistics” is outdated with “statistics” being replaced by “science”.
Another Ian.
Thank you for such a brilliantly concise summary refuting the arguments put out by the anti-meat and dairy product activists.
It spurred me to do the back of an envelope calculation on the use of fertiliser in growing crops.
Please could someone check my calculations!
200kg of nitrogen per hectare will increase wheat yields by typical 5 tonnes per hectare, given adequate rainfall. (UK HGCA)
The carbon used in producing ammonium nitrate is equivalent to 1 tonne of coal. (Data produced when ICI were making fertiliser)
200kg of ammonium nitrate will have a ‘cost’ of 580kg of carbon.
The carbon content of 5 tonnes of EXTRA wheat yield is of the order of 2.5 tonnes.
So by using carbon to generate nitrogen fertiliser a greater amount of extra carbon is sequestered than used in making the fertiliser.
I know comments will be made about nitrous oxide produced after the fertiliser has been applied, but the extra yield of grain will account for 96kg of nitrogen, and more will be taken up by extra root and straw growth.
I await the brick-bats.
Thanks Stephan,
I have not checked you calculations but could you provide a few details:
“200kg of nitrogen per hectare will increase wheat yields by typical 5 tonnes per hectare, given adequate rainfall. (UK HGCA)
The carbon used in producing ammonium nitrate is equivalent to 1 tonne of coal. (Data produced when ICI were making fertiliser)”
I am not sure what that means.
How does carbon generate Nitrogen fertiliser?
Might help.
Well Thank you MrGrimNasty,
Here they say;
It has been said:
Don’t ya jus luv it? Someone said it, let’s all genuflect to Ghia.
Trouble is it sounds dodgy. N is 78% of the atmosphere. That indicates it is relatively inert. Ag Science 101 [which I did] says that the only [natural] way a farmer can add N to his soil is to rotate crops to legumes which can fix N in the root nodules. That, of course means that 25% of his land is feeding his livestock. He can also prey for a thunderstorm which fixes N as a soluble oxide which falls in the rain. Storms both cleanse and fertilise. 😀
So what happens when nitrogenous matter sinks into the sediment to be covered by silt? I guess it is lost, what do you say?
I don’t see a closed loop where N is neither gained or lost, it seems to be a slow but eventual loss in agricultural societies. A new prime source is needed and that can only be from rock. Rock is being eroded from the Himalayas and deposited in the Ganges Delta permanently. Ganges Delta farmers would not be buying urea by the ton. They could not afford it.
Even in my backyard this plays out at a microscopic level. I had a bore sunk 4 years ago. Since then I have seriously watered my yard, and the big trees over my back fence have thrived. It’s a mixed bag, tree roots suck the N from my lawn, but the rain of leaves will lift N from the rocks not far below the surface as the roots crack that rock and acids dissolve the nutrients in the newly exposed rock surface and make them available.
I won’t live long enough to see my barren back yard become an oasis, but maybe, one day while water is pumped on it and an owner throws urea fixed with natural gas, on it, anything is possible.
BTW it is the 50% I query, not that we are ever increasingly dependent on factory fertilisers. Has anyone invented a windmill that spews out nitrogenous fertiliser? natural gas can.
My apologies if this is a little disjointed, such is life.
Reply for PeterC
The UK Home Grown Cereals Authority produces a whole library of articles about most aspects of cereal production.
The carbon footprint of ammonium nitrate can be calculated from data in the International Fertiliser Society publication:
It is interesting that ammonium nitrate produced in Europe from natural gas has a lower carbon footprint than elsewhere, with China production from coal being almost three times as great.
The CO2 equivalent of European ammonium nitrate from natural gas is 3.5 tonnes, which multiplied by 0.27 to get the carbon footprint of 0.945 tonnes.
More on the PCR
Any CT “positive” result over 40 is complete garbage. Or, more gently, “scientifically and diagnostically meaningless.”
The W. H. O.’s test standards with a CT of 45 is beyond garbage!
Using the Vietnamese Value System:
Jacinta from Alice Springs Number One.
Jacinta from NZ. Number Ten. (Bold Buck Bitter- Marxist slogan)
Jacinta P is good value. A real human being.
And on the other side we have AOC and Kamala; can any country survive the presence of two “numba tens”.
Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Waters, Newsome, Whitmer et al, the place should have burst into flames by now….oh wait
British Airways Partner ZeroAvia’s Hydrogen Test Plane Crashes
ZeroAvia has been covering good ground in the mission to launch innovative sustainable aircraft over the last few years. The company was testing its hydrogen propulsion system with a Piper Malibu Mirage on April 29th. However, the plane sustained notable damage when landing in the English county of Bedfordshire.
Looks like it reconnected with reality.
Ivermectin does work. Not that this surprises many here.
Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.
No, its doesn’t surprise many here. In fact I’ve been hearing all the good science around ivermectin from about mid last year. Some of it from this site. Ivermectin (and possibly HCQ) could be a viable solution for returning Aussies into quarantine. There’s already some science showing that a 14 day quarantine may not be needed for COVID. In fact 9 days may be sufficient. By dosing COVID +ve returnees with ivermectin ( +zinc+Vitamin D) this quarantine time could be possibly foreshortened even more. To think that some of the original research highlighting ivermectin potential efficacy was here in Australia is really infuriating. Then Dr Thomas Borody did follow up work. Our CHO’s are asleep.
The CHO’s aren’t asleep. They’re complicit.
S, good news today! Dr Vladimir Zelenko gets recognition for his Covid19 Treatment Protocols using HCQ and zink
We’ve got everything we need to treat this virus, and it’s safe and cheap.
The good news is that Dr Zelenko has been nominated for the Nobel.
He is famous for advocating the use of HCQ with zinc supplementation.
Hey again S
Dr Ryan Cole who has treated 100,000 Covid19 patients give this great talk on how Vitamin D is essential to our immune system, and that Ivermectin is the safe fast inexpensive treatment for Covid, Sars and other viruses. It’s less than 30 mins and he speaks well.
Thanks again to Jo who was the first person I found telling us about Ivermectin.
Western democratic societies are bottom up societies. The voter and the customer are king. Socialist – feudal – societies are top down societies – the government and the corporation are king. When big business and politics merge that produces a fascist society. When the government is the business, when it owns everything, that produces a communist society. In western societies when you use free web sites – free commercial services – big tech – you become the product. This is a top down relationship. When the corporation is politicised it is a fascist relationship. When the corporations take over the body politic it becomes a fascist society.
The means of control that the socialists use are in a number of areas :- i) control the speech – PC, hate speech, censorship, cancelling, ii) divide and conquer, set people up against each other – racialise and sexualise \ genderise society, iii) impose massive amounts of regulation – guised as compliance, favours the big corporations, attacks small business, iv) control the money supply, v) politicise society, vi) use people’s good intentions – their moral impulses – against them, vii) create scares.
‘The means of control that the socialists use …’
One minor correction, replace the word ‘socialists’ with ‘totalitarians’.
More crap in Queensland, on a Michael smiths blog this morning.
-its-compulsory-for-you-to-log-in-at-qld-pubs, and clubs
May be a time to take a stand, getting all local venues to react in unison would be a good start.
Also contact Avi Yemini
in comments -Hector said…
Privacy act, section 94H, anyone requiring someone to download or use the covid safe app is committing an offence and can be jailed for 5 years
This could be a good legal defense for business owners. In my opinion the states and politicians are totally out of order. The commonwealth, instructed federal police to implement some covid provision up here in qld.
here in Adelaide, Police have been locking doors in businesses and checking that everyone inside has used the check-in app or signed the paper book at the door. Fines/warnings are issued to anyone who has not.
Nice, sounds very 1930s Germany, “vere are your papers!”
someone mentioned you tube searches previously, and wow it has become abundantly clear that their algorithms are only going to allow the ‘pure’ information to be found. Anyone with an alternate point of view is buried under an avalanche of contrary skepticism. The only way I’m finding anything interesting, is from the side bar, once my point of view becomes obvious. Just subscribe to the interesting sites, you’re not going to find them from a search. Even trying to find something seen previously with a pretty specific search is a struggle! I said it a while ago – ‘abc, opening the door to 1984.’
Thank god Murdock’s mum reached a ripe old age. When he goes……………………..crickets!
QLD PREMIERS FATHER LINKED TO GENE DATA STORAGE TECHNOLOGY – A MARKET THAT IS SET TO BE WORTH TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS | Henry Palaszczuk, father of Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has been linked to Singapore-registered and China-tied Gene Technology Alliance Foundation (GTA) which has entered a market worth trillions of dollars by tapping into Gene Data Storage & Sequencing.
The QLD government (the Chook) purchased new electoral software from a company called Konnech, it was purchased specifically for the 2020 local and state elections, the entire QLD electoral roll of all residents, Addresses, DOB was also handed over. although registered in the US this is a Chinese based company with Chinese owners and the programmers are based in Wuhan China.
Want details, nope, its protected by the stake holder confidentiality agreement.
QLD’s last lock down and 14 day mask mandate was on the 29th of March, the Easter long weekend. Queensland’s emergency act expired on March the 31st. The act was renewed for another 3 months due to the outbreak where no one had symptoms and the lockdown lifted on the 1st of April. Very convenient.
I am guessing you have not heard of ID2020, what else is the Palacechook family up to?The ID2020 Alliance and its 2030 goal
According to the Alliance’s Governance material “by 2030 it aims to have facilitated the scaling of a safe, verifiable, persistent digital identity system, consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals” agreed upon by the United Nations.” It’s short-term focus toward that goal is the development and testing of the best technological solutions for digital identity; and working with governments and other entities in their implementation. The focus on the 1.5 billion people without identification is part of that short-term vision.
The long-term vision revolves around the Alliances “Case for Action” which states a convergence of trends provides an unprecedented opportunity to make a coordinated, concerted push towards the goal of universal digital identity. Those trends include political accord among United Nations members, growing global connectivity, emerging technologies and global calls for a new model of identity.
The patent for this is below, if you thought 5G was so you can download a movie in 2 minutes instead of 8 so you can watch it tomorrow, think again. This is nano technology inserted into your body that reacts with the internet of things. You will be given a task to perform for a reward in digital currency to your social credit account.
Qld’s own President Xi, Palacechook is partnering with the Gates to produce a micro needle delivery system (ties in nicely to the above ID2020). Don’t ask your government for any details on the deal, they are locked into the deal, it’s a stake holder deal and privacy clauses prevent disclosure, same as Morrisons deal with the Vaccine manufactures. This is what is called stake holder capitalism a joining of private industry, corporations and government. Morrison is virtually starting a task force for everything nowadays made up of private corporations, this is stake holder capitalism feeding off the tax payer teat. Vaxxas was created in 2011 after Mark Kendall’s research group at the University of Queensland commercialized the nanotechnology under the company, UniQuest. The company has raised more than $35 million for the nanotechnology. It’s partnered with vaccine manufacturer Merck – a company whose drug Vioxx caused more than 27,000 deaths by heart attack before the company revealed the risks it had hidden from the public. Merck has repeatedly been accused by judges for “egregious” ethical breaches and of “improper testing and data falsification” on its Gardasil HPV and MMR vaccines.
Willis on OHC, a new discovery.
I reckon JP hits genius level on this skit. The Babylon Bee, JP, and KVon keep me smiling.
What the government promises to take away, so it promises to give back. Victoria has announced a $3000 BEV subsidy:
Overall the budget is $100m, say 33k BEVs; partly funded by the BEV road tax.
The new Nissan Leaf e+ at $60+k comes in under the subsidy threshold of $69k. But no Teslas make it under.
A Camry Hybrid comes in under $35k on road. The Leaf could never make up the cost difference in any savings. Banking the difference at a lousy 1% interest (you need to shop around to get that high) would go close to paying for fuel.
Hybrids do not yet attract any additional road tax either!
You would need to be seriously wokeful to take up the $3000 subsidy.
Just as a break from the disaster that is our energy policy I thought we should have a look at racism. We have heard that the US is racist but in what way. The following explains it in detail but the racism is directed at white farmers; you know, the people who keep the woke fed.
Farmers Sue Agriculture Department Over Loan Forgiveness Only For Minorities
By Human Events Staff | April 30, 2021
A group of five farmers is suing federal officials over the new FSA loan-forgiveness program, which provides relief to farmers so long as they are a minority.
Provided as part of COVID-19 relief in Joe Biden’s $2 trillion American Rescue Plan, the program officers “socially disadvantaged” farmers $4 billion in loan-forgiveness, which includes direct payments of up to 20 percent of the loan value.
Specifically, the law says those eligible must be “Black/African American, American Indian or Alaskan native, Hispanic or Latino, or Asian American or Pacific Islander.”
“There is a case for loan forgiveness for individuals,” dairy farmer Christopher Baird said. “But we shouldn’t be looking at the color of someone’s skin and sayin , ‘This person needs more help or less help based on the color of their skin.’ That’s just wrong.”
Baird is among the five white farmers from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, and South Dakota who are suing Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux, alleging racial discrimination and violation of their right to equal protection under the Constitution.
The farmers filed the lawsuit Thursday in the U.S. District Court in Wisconsin. The group’s lawyer seeks a temporary injunction preventing the Biden administration from applying racial classifications in determining loan eligibility, per the Daily Signal.
The Agriculture Department is in the process of reviewing the complaint and working with the Justice Department, a spokesman said, but USDA has no intention of stopping the program.
“During this review, we will continue to implement the debt relief to qualified socially disadvantaged borrowers under the American Rescue Plan Act,” the spokesman said.
That is sure to create friction which is just what the communists in Washington want.
I heard on the radio last Friday, someone from the Aust Cancer Council was talking about smoking and it’s effects on health. At one point she said that the US Government is going to ban menthol cigarettes because a large proportion of African Americans prefer them. Talk about racism
M,interesting aye? Why menthol cigarettes???
I read somewhere yesterday (sorry cand give the reference) the motive is to ramp up division among us. Its out of the Marxist playbook, a strategy to cause division. I believe it! Anything that gets us thinking ‘us and them’ thoughts when we need to be looking to be united does not have a wholesome motive.
Walking through a cig factory when they are running menthols is a great head clearer
Really? They are standard cigs with the menthol in the lining paper. They are embargoed for a while to allow the menthol to permeate through the pack.
The new packaging would smell.
Policing in the US is becoming more difficult as People like Le Bron James criticises a white cop for shooting a black girl intent on stabbing another black girl. An Idaho cop makes a satirical video and is suspended without pay by his less than courageous superiors. A Gofundme has raised over $260000 in two days for him.
Officer Who Mocked Trusted Policing Source LeBron James in Satirical Video Suspended Without Pay
By Human Events Staff | April 30, 2021
An Idaho police officer went viral last weekend for mocking LeBron James and his condescending attitude towards the severity of policing in America.
The basketball star turned police policy expert faced serious backlash after he tweeted and deleted a picture of the police officer involved in the Ma’Khia Bryant shooting with the caption “you’re next.”
In efforts to make light of the situation, officers across the country used their social media platforms to make satirical videos.
Deputy Nate Silvester with the Bellevue Marshal’s Office posted a Tik Tok pretending to call James for consultation before intervening in an imaginary attempted stabbing occurring outside his cruiser.
Been at a caravan expo all day checking out what we will get after selling up and blow me down an all electric caravan (no gas) even the Weber was electric .
Powered by a massive automotive lithium battery bank and charged from 2400 watt of solar you could run the aircon 24/7 for seven days , I was amazed by the setup and how far have we come in this industry .
One little hitch with the best vans I noticed is the weight and the only thing really capable of pulling 3.5 tonne plus is the big yank utes or trucks as they call them.
So they would be the big yank utes which are NOT powered by a massive automotive lithium battery bank, eh? However, burning all that lovely petrol/diesel to tow a solar powered caravan is somehow ‘saving the planet’ in their tiny, atrophied brains.
What about using a ZED70 or a voltra ecruiser? They have 10s of km of pulling power.
And when you are out of power on a dusty, isolated outback track perhaps you could raise your puny caravan p.v. and wait a couple of days for everything to charge ( providing the wet season doesn’t kick in) then make your way to the nearest charging station. Good luck.
All good suggestions.
There will be no charge stations on “the road less travelled”. EVs are incompatible with regional living or remote tourism so why would there be a charge station?
It should be noted that Copper Stream II, a plan to get HV grid power to the mineral province in West Qld is still only a plan, starting soon. A supercharger would dim the lights in most of the west. NT is mainly powered by open cycle gas plants with only Darwin’s main plant being closed cycle gas. It will be a long time before any sane person goes west from Townsville in an EV.
To get the power grid on the Isa line into perspective goto
page 1, top right corner. Ross, the sub providing them is in Townsville.
I’m a bit colour blind but it looks as if the 132kV stops at Charters Towers [Millchester]
There probably would be some who buy one for “saving the planet” reasons but yeah you’re not dragging one of these around without a massive V8 and nothing says massive like the Ram or Silverado , most if not all variants here in Oz though seem to be petty but I’m told diesel variants are on there way .
you missed the canyonero
What have you done with Gee Aye and who are you ? The real Gee Aye never had a sense of humour !
The 0 to 100 in some of these behemoth’s is actually quite impressive .
Victorian public servants refuse to return to the office, despite orders
Victorian public servants are still enjoying work-from-home perks, including a weekly allowance, with many yet to head back to the office.
Almost half of all Victorian public servants have refused to return to the office more than a month after they were ordered back to their desks.
The Sunday Herald Sun can reveal just 57 per cent of the state’s 50,000-strong public service are back in the office despite the government ordering them back at least three days a week.
It can also be revealed they are still being paid a generous working from home allowance that is tipped to have cost taxpayers at least $50 million since the beginning of the pandemic.
But senior government sources have confirmed the payouts are now under review, and if axed could encourage workers to get back behind their desks.
The bonus allowances were introduced in March 2020 and available to all public servants required to work from home.
They received a one off payment of $100 for home office expenses and an extra $20 every week for home office consumables and utilities.
Staff could also claim taxi fares to take bulky office items home, including chairs or computer monitors, instead of using public transport.
The state government has refused to detail how much it has spent on the allowances since it was introduced.
However Freedom of Information documents obtained by the state opposition have revealed the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions had paid out more than $2.8 million.
The Department of Treasury and Finance had paid out almost $600,000.
All ongoing or fixed term staff and casual employees required to work from home were entitled to the allowance.
Official data shows there were 50,474 employees working in the Victorian Public Service as at June 2020.
Public servants also locked in a lucrative pay rise amid last year’s ongoing lockdowns, with a new four-year deal that ended a long-running enterprise bargaining dispute.
It included annual pay increases, a new mobility payment, increased overtime rates and night shift allowances, and more parental leave.
The pay rise for public servants came despite a pay freeze in other state jurisdictions.
James Newbury, shadow assistant minister for Scrutiny of Government, slammed the government’s refusal to reveal its total allowance bill.
“It is sickening that Daniel Andrews would give public servants a secret work-from-home allowance, whilst refusing to support thousands of small businesses who have been forced to shut up shop,” he said.
“To add insult to injury, these secret payments are on top of Daniel Andrews’ mid-pandemic cash splash which delivered a pay rise across the public sector.
“The State Labor Government has no shame and will always reward tax spenders, whilst tearing down tax payers.”
Small Business Australia executive director Bill Lang said business owners had been unfairly left behind.
“Last week the Ombudsman came out and said thousands of small businesses had missed out on government support because of flaws in the rollout of the Business Support Fund.
“Now this. Not only did public servants get a pay rise during the year, they got extra allowances, they didn’t have to drive in or use their Myki cards.
“But are we seeing an improvement of productivity, given the quality of the implementation of the small business grants program. I don’t think so.”
A Department of Premier and Cabinet spokesperson said 57 per cent of all public servants had returned to their original work premises.
“The Victorian Public Service has demonstrated its ability to continue uninterrupted service delivery throughout the coronavirus pandemic while working remotely, and the return to office approach will continue to support ongoing flexible working for all VPS employees,” he said.
“As per the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s current workplace directions, the VPS are encouraging staff to return to work premises while balancing flexible work options.”
Comments not kind to VPS
The above is clearly erroneous. That’s actually the total number employed. On a good day you might find 20% of them actually working.
link does not work
“Economic problem, sorted”
Here is France, they are going to reduce restrictions slowly. from 3 May, we wont need a permission slip to be outside. “non essential” businesses, theatres, museums, galleries, etc should reopen on May 19. Cafes and restaurants can only have people outside, and a maximum of 6 per table. We’ll still have a curfew, though it will be moved later and later as the months go on. All people will be eligible for vaccination from June 15. We still have to wear masks absolutely everywhere we go… until… who knows.
Being an apparent masochist, I’m in a couple of Facebook groups for Australians in various bits of France, and all I can say is that there are a lot of people who have no tolerance for personal freedom of choice. if people mention that they are concerned about the fact that the vaccines are new, and still essentially experimental, then they are shouted down as being anti-science, anti vaccination, and essentially, murderers. some of the loudest are those who have had at least 1 vaccination round, so, it’s mystery why they should care, although they’ll likely get a shock when they are finally told that need to have the same vaccinations again next year, just like current Flu ones (which I believe will happen, but maybe it wont).
The same goes for people saying “wouldn’t it be nice to meet up and talk to some fellow English speakers?”. they get bombarded with really nasty reminders that there is a “pandemic”, and they shouldn’t be encouraging anyone to break the rules, etc etc.
Textbook case of lynch-mob forming without knowing or caring about facts…Lord of the Flies, Aussies-in-France style…
As for having to have paperwork to prove vaccination or a recent test, it’s amazing how many people are willing to do it, and actively support it. Yes, this virus is not good, but what other communicable, but low lethality disease has ever prompted such proof of vaccination or testing when going about ones daily business?
Sure, some counties require Yellow Fever vaccinations etc, and it’s recommended to have Hepatitis A, B, typhoid jabs too (and I have no problems with any of these), but why can’t people see that governments taking the easy option, and offloading compulsory vaccination tracking, and indeed movement tracking to private enterprise is a recipe for disaster and significant intrusion on personal freedoms?
rant over….
Did you really have to get a permission slip to go outdoors? Would that be a one off trip or as many times as you liked on the same day? Presumably mask wearing is for indoor venues, not outdoors.
There are certainly a good number of people even here in the UK who want to play it ultra safe and would be happy to remain under house arrest for years
It bodes ill for freedom lovers when the full weight of the Govt is brought to subdue the populace into accepting severe restrictions to combat dangerous climate change.
We have become SO gullible
It’s a form you have to fill in yourself, either on paper, or a smartphone version. The police can ask to see it, and there are a lot more of them everywhere. I live in central Paris, and I haven’t been asked for my papers yet, but it does happen. 135 euro fine if you don’t have one, a lot more if you do it more than once.
last lockdown, it was a 1 hour limit, now there is no technical time limit, aside from the curfew hours of 7pm-6am. travelling more than 10km from home needs some evidence of a need to do it. I needed a form from my employer to justify that I needed to travel to the office (less than 10km)
The forms are available here in English and French.
I am surprised the yellow jackets stood for what are very severe restrictions on personal freedoms. A severe curfew is bad enough, let alone a form needed to leave the house.
Why wasn’t there widespread rioting?
Substitute ‘dangerous covid’ for ‘extremely dangerous climate change’ and a large percentage will just roll over and thank the govt for saving them from the burning planet. BAAA!
The crazy thing is that in France, like a lot of European countries (and the UK, US etc), there are 10’s of thousands people who have been infected with COVID and recovered. Possibly millions. So their immune system already has resistance to COVID and is probably a better balanced response than that produced by vaccination. They don’t need to have vaccinations. They are not infectious and so should be able to go about their daily lives unimpeded. Vaccine passports have been discussed earnestly now, in some shape or form, for probably about 6 months. Maybe more. But this natural immunity subject has yet to be raised, because then the next logical progression is rapid antibody testing. But then its starts to get a bit ridiculous. Vaccine passports should never be implemented, it will create too much division. Au revoir.
I don’t see a lot of governments actually following through with vaccination passports when they can happily stand by and watch private enterprise do it for them.
Mind you, the European parliament has voted on some sort of digital certificate, and the French government seems pretty keen on it, unfortunately:
Not my usual – a horse story
I wonder if revival of “Breeding the master race of horses” is on the one world government’s agenda?
Darwin lease reconsidered.
‘The Morrison government has tasked the Department of Defence to review the Northern Territory’s 99-year-lease to a Chinese-owned company – a deal that has unsettled national security figures.’ (SMH)
ummm reference!
Its only a ‘beat up’ by the SMH, doesn’t have legs.
I went to the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally today. It is located near Beaufort in Victoriastan, about 2 hrs drive from Melbourne.
There are normally two rallies a year but the 2020 rallies were cancelled due to the plague.
I was appalled to find that in the over one year since I’ve been to the area the surrounding countryside has been infested with about 149 windmills, claimed to be Australia’s biggest wind farm, marketed as “530MW” and servicing 425,000 homes although we all know those figures are nonsense.
The entire countryside has been trashed. It looks horrible. There are windmills everywhere you look, and beyond. It’s disgusting.
I made a video of the obscenity:
Not one appears to be moving yet the video shows that the grass is blowing in the wind.
It takes sustained 8-10 mph wind to begin to get them moving.
What happens if it’s breezy?
Do the turbines start to get going at 10mph then shudder to a halt when it drops to 5 then whirr merrily along at 15 only to shudder to a halt when the wind drops back to 5mph?
What on earth does that do to bearings and hearing?
Yep. If you are oscillating between 15 and 5, with a few minutes each time that is just what they will do, if allowed. The operator might not let them do that since almost no power is being generated.
At higher wind speeds these oscillations still occur which must be a strain of sorts.
What eyesores, David M. Even worse than the ones polluting the Highland area between Yea and Seymour. What a shame, a disgrace, that beautiful country is being spoilt like that.
And not an environmentalist in sight … 🤔
“Japan Joins The Lemmings”
“And that means that to achieve Minister Koizumi’s dream-driven target, Japan would have to find a site for, get all permits and licenses for, excavate, manufacture, install, test, and commission a brand-new 1.6 GW nuclear plant every two weeks from now until 2030. (By comparison, each of the six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima plant was half of that, 0.8 GW …)
A. New. Nuclear. Plant. Every. Two. Weeks. Until. 2030.
Yeah, that’s totally legit …”
Previous inspections
He’s already had a look at US
“Next, from today until January 1st, 2030, when Biden’s plan calls for our emissions to be down to 3,000 MT of CO2 per year, there are about 454 weeks.
And that means we need to find sites, do the feasibility studies, get the licenses and the permits, excavate, manufacture, install, test, and commission two 2.25 gigawatt nuclear power plants EVERY WEEK UNTIL 2030, STARTING THIS WEEK.”
“2.25 GW of Nuclear every week for the next 10 years”….
..and that is assuming NUCLEAR generation would be acceptable.?
..If the US continued with the Wind & Solar conversion programm, then you would have to upscale that to 10+ GW (nameplate ) per week !…….AND an incalculable amount of Storage (batteries ?) etc.
And with capital costs of $1.3m – $3.3m (offshore wind) per MW,….
The investment needed would be between us$650 bn and us$1,720 bn per year….
……without any back up or Storage facilities included !!!
🤭. oops ! i missed the .. “ TWO x 2.25 GW nuclear plants every week”..
So you can DOUBLE those costs to us$1300 bn, to us$3500 bn, per year …..
US$ 3.5, to 9.5 billion dollars per day ! ..every day, for the next TEN YEARS !
..just for the wind & solar capital & install costs,
Actua;;y, looking at this again there is a major flaw in that WUWT post.
The US CANNOT reduce their CO2 emmissions by 50% , just by replacing their Electricity generators.
There are currently 1,120 GW of generation installed, of which 9.0 % is already Nuclear, 25% is Renewables (Wind, Solar, Hydro) ,….leaving just 66% (740 GW) of Fossil generators ( Gas, Coal, Diesel etc)
So , no where near enough to eliminate 1900 MT of CO2 by 2030. !
Further, the Biden plan for that 50% by 2030, was referring to ALL sources of CO2, ..Power, Transport, Industry, Agriculture etc,.
And there actually was a seperate target for electricity generation to be “Zero” CO2 by 2035……which would imply a rate of replacement for generation plant of roughly 1.0GW per week (if using Nuclear).
It is still totally impractical and impossible, ……but its less of a task that 4.5GW of Nuclear every week !!
Interesting report from Business Insider that I found on ZeroHedge
1 in 5 electric vehicle owners in California switched back to gas because charging their cars is a hassle, new research shows
So much for the argument that EVs save you the “hassle” of filling up the tank of an ICE vehicle
How anyone thought recharging inconvenience and wasted time WASN’T going to be a major issue beats me but 1 in 5 abandoning the type means that the 10% threshold is years further away than calculated.
Recharging – the RE vehicle owner’s equivalent of this descriptive of a Lotus Eclat in “Top Gear’s Mid-life Crisis Cars” –
“In practice you got very familiar with the hard shoulder, the RAC and innovative ways to entertain children with a spanner, a torch and a tartan blanket”
Try this one on owning an EV
“UAH Global Temperature Update for April 2021: -0.05 deg. C”
Looking good, Fitz will be praying for El Nino.
It has really got the dragon kooks excited on Roy Spencer’s site.
Ta, most informative.
‘The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) remains neutral. Climate model outlooks indicate this neutral phase will last at least until September. With little sign of El Niño or La Niña developing, the Bureau’s ENSO Outlook status is INACTIVE.’ (BoM)
With a quick scan of the data, it looks like UK wind power generation has been negligible for more than 1 in 3 of the last 30 days.
It just failed to deliver anything worthwhile 3 days running, then today it surged to almost 15GW/50% of the entire UK grid demand.
That’s probably considered a roaring success.
I stumbled upon this research crowd “AGU” by accident after reading a small portion of their paper on Australian mega droughts , on my search for the paper in question I found this one on “GCM’s” and drought .
Lot of gobbledygook in the abstract but couldn’t help notice where it says “Incorrect observations” .
A suggestion from The Chiefio.
He suggests that importing Mexicans is pointless, instead the USA should hand the whole (or most thereof) State to Mexico before it slides into The Pacific.
Has the added advantage of removing lots of WOKE politicians from Congress.
Germany had a chilly April.
The new pause in world temperature, six years and counting.
Well really?
Maths is hard – when you are an ABC headline writer
” “An overwhelming 87 percent” thankful to Joe Biden”