A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Climate Change Alarmism as a Class War
Ed Zuiderwijk
Good grief … now Global Warming Science (with 97% professional world-wide scientific concurrence) is now nothing but a commie plot! LOL
Personally I have no doubt that global warming is occurring, and is occurring as a result of fossil-fuel consumption, vast forest clearing, and industrial-scale agricultural practices. Without sending everyone back centuries – or even to the Olduvai Gorge – the real question is what to do about it.
My view is that we do not kill all our coal and gas fired energy production for as long as it takes to develop serious carbon-neutral alternatives. If the temperature goes up a small amount over the next three decades, we wear it and adapt to it, but not panic.
And what if the temp goes down over the next few decades, should we panic then?
Oh please, the 97% meme? seriously?
Yarpos said:
Yep. ‘fraid so. So he has said.
And the CO2 meme too.
Nobody’s told the poor little fella that it’s actually water.
That’s probably a good idea because then he would be wanting to ban the oceans …
But disproving the maths in
could keep him out of mischief for years š
Asking again …
in your fact universe, how much warmer is it?
Didn’t Mann’s H stick show .6 C or about 1F?
No Pause?
How much since 2000?
(Olduvai Gorge, interesting reference, in that it sounds like human shaming and infers humans are a unique threat to evolution. Excluding POC of course.)
If it were cooler would that be good and not our fault?
Except no response.
I am adapted to being ignored and shamed by my good, intellectually superior, inclusive, and tolerant social betters.
Sounds like you’re outside the consensus on Net Zero.
I am a consensus of one
It’s my truth.
‘Personally I have no doubt that global warming is occurring …’
Global cooling has begun and its all down hill from here, sea ice is average.
AGW is millenarian madness, a christian inspired meme but no commies.
Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.
George Carlin
The warm blob in the North Pacific.,16.85,265
I have no idea what causes it, would you like to hazard a guess?
Undoubtedly its alien subterranean activity.
There are several papers regarding the blob from 6-7 years ago. Iāve seen just one that gave an historical perspective. Climate science establishment seems to think everything is unprecedented rather than asking the obvious questions about past warm periods. If we had the technology during RWP and MWP would we have seen the same thing. Most likely.
The heat blob east of New Zealand in 2019 by Shi et al.
‘From the atmospheric perspective, the anomalous high-pressure system from the surface up to 300 hPa lasted for about 50 days, accompanied by the blocking pattern at 500 hPa and a deep warming air column extending downward to the surface.’
‘In conclusion, ocean heat waves caused by blobs formed by the natural release of geothermal heat through submarine volcanic eruptions acted, in combination with the sun, to warm the surface waters of regional oceans.
‘The 2019-2020 South Pacific Blob not only impacted the proximal seawater in the Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand but also impact the channel region between Cape Horn and Antarctica Peninsula. Such warming may account for a significant proportion of missing heat in oceans claimed by proponents of anthropogenic global warming.
Wong and Yim 2020 (Saltbush Club)
Tilba Tilba
You are 100% correct. Communism is using the manufactured artificial climate scare to implement crushing of the middle class.
Those who provide comfort and/or support for such an activity, appear to be acting against our way of life.
We also have propagandists who appear here sometimes of the same ilk. Such people I can only feel very sorry for.
TT, when you realise the human race exists on some 16% of the Planet. CO2 is the heaviest of the major (if you can call 0.0004%, major) gasses and it sinks to ground level and runs down to the sea much as water does, so as to enable the trees and grasses to access it and produce the oxygen that we need to breathe.
Sorta pushes the hypothesis of CAGW into the not Really possible column.
Casualties on the road to Net Zero Emissions
20.1 The Choke Point ā when the wind fails and the grid dies.
20.2 Four Icebergs in the Path of Renewables ā Titanic
20.3 The Island Effect
20.4 This is a warning to all leaders.
20.5 Lessons from the Californian Blackouts
20.6 Planning the Green Energy Transition. The AEMO Integrated System Plan
21.1 A Review of the CSIRO Gencost study
21.2 Environment Destruction ā The Dark Side of Renewable Energy
21.3 Australia is Probably a Carbon Sink
21.4 Firming Wind Farms with Batteries
21.5 Firming Wind Farms with Pumped Hydro
21.6 Short-term fluctuations in the supply of wind power
21.7 Intermittent solar and wind power can DISPLACE coal but cannot REPLACE it
21.8 Challenging the GenCost report on the cost of intermittent energy. 100% RE with firming could cost over $400 per MWhour
These items were originally written as briefing notes to politicians, with the format used in the NSW Department of Health to provide concise advice to the Minister. There is a short facing page that signals the purpose of the communication, the background, the critical issues and the recommendation. The briefing note proper follows, with a maximum length of three pages to convey essential supporting information to justify the recommendation. This could be as simple as āNote the informationā or as significant as āStart planning a new hospitalā. More supporting papers could be attached in the rare event that a major input of detailed information was required.
The first note 20.1 was sent in March 2020 and 21.1 is the first note in 2021.
Probably the best summation in easy to understand terms that I have read (TonyfromOz I enjoy and read thoroughly your posts)
I have sent the above plus the following to my MP’s
The first note 20.1 was sent in March 2020 and 21.1 is the first note in 2021.
Why Wind Power Wonāt Work
The road to net zero is a road to ruin of the environment, family budgets & the economy. Butchered wildlife, blackouts and bankruptcy.
All is not lost, the champions of energy realism are on the job
We are not from the government but we are here to help. We have people with lifelong experience in the power industry and related disciplines to offer informed advice to politicians as an alternative to the instructions that they take from green bureaucrats, industry lobbies and the wreckers of radical environmentalism.
In Australia we are uniquely situated to demonstrate the futility of the rush to unreliable energy. We are leading the world in the rate of growth of our solar and wind facilities but we have crippling disadvantages in the race to net zero emissions..
We have system planners committed to decarbonization regardless of other considerations.
We have no nuclear power and there is strong resistance to it in the Labor Party and the Greens.
We are an island nation so we cannot run extension cords to neighbours. We cannot offload excess power some of the time and obtain extra power at other times when we are short.
We have serious and prolonged wind droughts, but they are invisible to the planners who work on the average delivery from intermittent systems.
South Australia is the jewel in the crown of the Renewable Energy movement (RE). They set a new standard in virtue signalling by blowing up their last significant coal power station to show the world that they are serious. They are looking forward to generating more than 100% of their local demand from wind and solar power and to becoming a powerhouse in the hydrogen revolution.
South Australia is the wind leader, āthe RE powerhouse of Australia.ā And the result? Practically every morning and evening they import power from Victoria where there is still enough coal power to provide over 60% of their requirements. Hot breakfasts in the wind-leading state depend on spare conventional power in Victoria and considerable local capacity from gas.
A fire in a South Australian gas-fired power plant on the evening of Friday 12th of March 2021 provided a glimpse of the future for Australia without reliable conventional power.
The Heywood interconnector, which links South Australia to Victoria, had only half of its supply available due to a planned week-long outage, while the combined contribution from wind and large-scale solar fell as low as 2 per cent of the stateās installed capacity.
Several emergency generators were called into action and a hugely volatile period of pricing ensued over the following six hours to midnight, with 28 pricing dispatch intervals exceeding $10,000/MWh, according to data from consultancy GlobalRoam. The Australian, 15/03/2021
South Australia is bailed out by power from Victoria practically every day but the threat of early closure of the brown coal power plant at Yallourn has advance the day of reckoning by some years. No doubt that is why South Australia is desperate for an interconnector to NSW to provide access to Queensland coal power. NSW is of little help because most of the time they have to import from Victoria and Queensland.
The Mission of the Energy Realists
Our mission is to explain why the rush to zero emissions in Australia cannot work with existing storage technology.
A superb reference for Australia’s Path to Economic Doom.
Shivering Europeans Urged to Keep the Faith on Global Warming
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
….āthe fact that the climate is warming does not mean that Europe cannot experience cold April months, it means that such months are becoming less and less likelyā.
Now that global cooling has begun, such months will become more likely.
Apparently both global cooling and global warming are direct consequence of increasing CO2. And CO2 stays in the atmosphere forever, thousands of years. Unlike oxygen, CO2 refuses to enter the oceans despite being 50x as soluble. This is peer reviewed science from the IPCC. No one can argue against thousands of people who agree with each other. Consensus science beats the facts every day.
The word consensus is not a scientific word, it is a political word. IE, it’s when everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.
Evidence for this? The data for the last 40 years shows a definite upward trend in global temperatures, and particularly over the last twenty years. I can’t see where “global cooling” is supported by any data.
That is because you are not looking at the real data.
You are looking at the āadjustedā data sets as produced by BOM computers and the UNIPCC etc.
Where are the real data sets? Have you studied them? Ho does one get access to these sets?
After all these years you don’t know where to find them? You haven’t cared to look, you must broaden your reading, you are negligent.
Start with Tony Heller, he does a massive amount of research and presents it clearly. He has been shut down on tube but if you are interested you can find him.
One does not have had to study “real” data to accept that the temperature sets we see are produced by a small number of instruments, whose character and siting has changed over time, and whose number has declined seeing a education in rural and altitude stations over time, with very sparse coverage of the planet, and much interpolation over space and then time to produce a magic number; further that these data sets produce historic numbers for specific locations that keep changing from report to report in spit of no new data being acquired, and with no explanations of the reasons or transparency to the calculations. If documentation of these sets show them to be unrealistic; they are…that demonstration does not require that a more believable record exist elsewhere, although the raw satellite sets or raw station data are accepted by any.
Perhaps it is best to say that the record, and it’s self evident lack of precision when one examines station siting (there is a public surface station project), is unsuitable for the purpose.
Here is an example of the real data set for Darwin from GISS NASA. Note well the unadjusted data graph in light yellow in the background.
This data from GISS NASA for Darwin was the original graph before adjustments started around 2010.
That’s Chad’s point.
‘Evidence for this?’
North Atlantic SST cooling.
Tilba over the past 40 years the AMO has been warm, but after this NH summer it’ll slip into neutral.
Let us focus on the European theatre, remember Hubert Lamb, cool wet summers are a sign that climate is changing for the worse.
‘The Met Office has predicted the exact day the miserable weather will lift and Britain will bask in 20C temperatures once again. May has so far been a total washout that’s predicted to be the coldest since 1996 and has been 2.1C than the daily average of 8.3C this time of the year.
‘But thankfully it will start warming up very soon, with temperatures expected to reach a balmy 20C very soon.’ (The Sun)
The NAO continues below the line so the cool wet conditions should continue, with an occasional outbreak of balmy weather.
Yes TT, and the forty years before that showed a cooling trend that led the scientific community to be warning of a coming Ice-Age.
Collapse of the fake consensus on Covid-19 origins
by Judith Curry
I’m very allergic to conspiracy theories, and believe the scientific consensus in just about every case – but when I read that back in Feb 2020, I winced rather visibly. It was such a politicised statement, aimed at (a) not upsetting our rich and powerful Chinese friends, and (b) to dampen down wilder theories of bioweapon research, gain-of-function plots, or even a deliberate release to crush capitalism … or something.
So I can understand why those august magazines did what they did, but there is no excuse – the call was way too early, and not based on anywhere near sufficient evidence. I think the jury is still out – it could have been the wet market, or it could have been a dreadful accidental release from the lab.
A definitive statement either way is driven by politics and ideology.
Conspiracy theory = leftist labelling for anything i dont agree with. Most see this style of argument fot what it is.
Oh C’mon. 5G causes Covid-19? Bill Gates is implanting microchips into humans via the Covid-19 vaccines? These conspiracy theories don’t come from the Left but from the Right
what has that got to do with the discussion? why just make stuff up? only one side uses the conspiracy label broadly and constantly (usually with a smug grin as though that’s the killer argument), it pretty obvious
My thoughts are that you don’t need layers of complex propaganda if everything is honest and up front…..
Willis Eschenbach is still trying to find their CLIMATE EMERGENCY or Bidenās EXISTENTIAL THREAT, etc.
Heās extended his list and looks at scores of their scares over many decades and by everything theyāve told us we shouldnāt be here today. What a joke.
Heaps of data graphs proves his case and of course the reason we live such wonderful, long lives today is the USE of CHEAP RELIABLE energy. Today 80+% of our TOTAL energy comes from fossil fuels and long may it remain so.
Go Willis and everyone should read his post and stop listening to con merchants and fra-dsters.
But remember this is the REAL planet EARTH and not their FANTASY planet.
Fact Checking the Wildfire-Climate Link
By Jim Steele
Amazing that 1.5C in an average over 150 years can do so much! That’s not even the difference from one room to another or one side of the street to the other and nothing like the difference from full sun to under a tree. And if anyone believes that 1.5C will change the planet with massive bushfires and species extinction, they will believe anything. Which is the problem. And the UN/IPCC is about as trustworthy as the UN/WHO who announced that Wuhan Flu was not infectious, person to person with all the authority they could muster. 3 millions deaths later, the UN tells us 1.5C is dangerous and to send all our coal to China, cheaply.
Sometimes we ignore the obvious…..climate change v forest fires.
I’m sorry, I meant climate change and the length of women’s skirts.
Or did you mean climate change and the number of streakers interrupting cricket matches?
The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
The study linked was performed in Victoria last year yet I haven’t heard anything of this until stumbling across the link at WUWT.
WTF is wrong with our governments, health departments and media? (rhetorical question)
G’day Analitik,
I thought you were a more regular reader here. Jo has posted several times about it.
But Jo, may I suggest you put Ivermectin into your “Categories” list please?
Related, but different. I’ve developed a shorthand approach to getting people flying again and based on ivermectin. I think this could be implemented quickly, within weeks, at least between consenting countries, and unless WHO does something like declaring it to be poisonous.
So, for consideration:
. . .
COVID flight plan/ Fly baby, fly
A reliable technique to get people flying again, safely.
#1 Require all intending passengers and crew to have had an Ivermectin prophylactic treatment (or booster) within the 14 days prior to departure;
#2 Have all intending passengers and crew provide evidence of a recent, but no later than 14 days before departure, blood test showing a vitamin D blood level of 60 ng/ml or greater.
#3 A combination of #1 and #2.
#4 Offer #1 at check-in, for non-symptomatic people.
Jo has posted many times about Ivermectin but my “question” is about how this local study is totally ignored by the media in discussion of prophylactic and early onset treatment.
Sorry about my misinterpretation.
And I have no informed answer to your question, although I suspect any answer would imply a level of malfeasance.
Dave B
The authorities won’t be keen to let go of the vaxx passport notion, so we’re talking about a de facto health passport as proof of COVID free fitness for air travel via Ivermectin prophylaxis. Hopefully, this sensible alternative would satisfy the governments desire for control of public mobility whilst allowing vax refuseniks the freedom to travel by air.
Here’s another idea. Use hand held IR temperature scans to check individual health. An abnormal temperature may indicate the bodie’s immune response to disease. This method is used routinely in hospitals to monotor patient health, especially in movement between hospital facilities. It was also used in the SARS epidemic of 2002-2004 to monitor traveller health.
The government’s current notion of implementing vaxxine passports based solely on the COVID jab is oafishly cumbersome, totalitarian and promotes a medical caste system. Time for a sensible approach.
I pointed out in one of the other threads that even if Ivermectin is blocked there are other interventions that had sound scientific research but where is the mass uptake of cheap reliable interventions that would make this virus infection essentially a non-issue?
First I will link to a vit D interventional Pilot RCT (pilot due to the relatively small sample size of 76 participants).
the research was done during April 2020 and released August. 50 were given a high dose course of vit D while 26 were given the standard of care (which was hcq and one other drug, the vit D people also received this so there was just 1 factor different in treatment). 13 of the 26 needed ICU treatment and 1 of the 50 needed ICU treatment, these are numbers Ivermectin could only hope to emulate, but perhaps with Ivermectin involved maybe 0 of 50 would need ICU intervention I do not know. This second one involved using a compound found in asthma inhalers and based off an observation that asthma patients that used inhalers displayed a better response to handling wu-flu. This short study was cut short as the 28-day testing period showed a 90% reduction in patients needing higher level care compared to the control.
the positives of these findings of both studies might be in the treatment of other flu-like infections in the longer term. The standard of care may move to improving the immediate vit D status of the patient and using cheap and effective agents to limit the worst of the symptoms. There are various weaker studies that talk on the effectively of vit D supplementation and duration of infection and chances of complication in the wider public. Personally just get more midday sun, eat foods naturally high in vit D3, don’t screw with your cholesterol (no statins, vit D is manufactured from cholesterol) and worry less about ‘experts’ wanting to test a ‘immune therapy’ on you.
A very lay person’s response:
To answer your question, you need to investigate how medicines are developed and approved. The key aspect is a “double blind study” with a focus on dosage, protocol, and malady. The malady is usually a particular ailment, say Parkinson disease. The study has to be rigorously controlled and statistically valid. Because such studies have been done for one thing does not mean the result translated to anything.
The results of a study have to show that the drug does no harm, but does offer a benefit not provided by anything else ā for that malady.
The dangers of not doing a series of studies can result in widespread use of a chemical with unanticipated consequences. Thalidomide is one such chemical, not approved in the USA, but available nonetheless.
So, Ivermectin and some others have not gone through the double blind studies for Covid19, or whatever one calls it. Therefore it hasn’t been approved.
I suggest you investigate these ideas, and don’t quote me. I’ve never even played a medical type on TV. I investigated because I wanted to know why I would have to pay for a blood test for Vitamin D3.
The mentioned instances are not interested in any drug, else, the emergency approuval for the so called vaccines are obsolete.
Not more, not less.
BTW here’s that laughable Loony Biden yapping about his EXISTENTIAL threat.
In this 1 min 55 sec video he mentions his EXISTENTIAL threat BS and fra-d a number of times.
This is a direct contrast with the actual DATA/ EVIDENCE that Willis has linked to at above link.
But don’t worry this Biden Donkey is only the leader of the free world and ONLY wants the OECD to waste endless TRILLIONS $ to 2100 and beyond. And all for a GUARANTEED ZERO return on their so called investment.
OH and no measurable change to climate or temp at all. Just look up the co2 emissions of C hina, India and NON OECD countries since 1990.
OH and the OECD countries haven’t increased co2 emissions since 1970 or 1990.
GEEEEZZZZ I’m locked up in moderation AGAIN.
According to economic data, the Chinese sanctions on Australia are having a benefit to the USA, particularly in Wine and Barley (south china morning post)
So America encouraged Morrison to go hard on China, and then undercuts Australian farmers by selling into the Chinese market produce which was formally supplied by the Aussies.
With backing like that why wouldnāt not want to be Americaās friend
“According to economic data, the Chinese sanctions on Australia are having a benefit to the USA”
Interesting, who is making this claim?
(south china morning post) from my post
Oh, for a minute there I thought you might have a credible source for your comment but I was mistaken.
So you can’t prove it wrong then?
this is a centre right opinion saying the same thing
forcing the chinese to drink American wine instead of ours is a war crime which the chinese so richly deserve, let them drink draino for all i care
” South China Morning Post”, bwaahahahahahahahahahahahaah
nor you?
That rag is owned by a CCP member and even the New York Times reckons itās a propaganda machine for the CCP , hereās an example of just how credible they are .
nor you
Jack Ma forced to liquidate SCMP because he is not a member of the CCP.
“So America encouraged Morrison to go hard on China,”
another assertion probably from the Grauniad or their ABC
Speaking of “Their ABC”
US Govt seizes proceeds of crime from Washington rioter – funded by Australia’s ABC
‘With backing like that …’
Strategy got mixed up with commerce, unavoidable during a cold war. We should quit the American Alliance and join the non-aligned nations.
Commerce is in a state of flux, UK famers are saying Australia is going to dump on them.
The SCMP is good old fashion journalism, without fear or favour.
So you believe the South China morning post. Surprised that you even read it.
Dr Jim Steele tells us AGAIN about the history of wildfires and why we must get rid of forest floor rubbish during the winter months.
The Aboriginals carried out these winter clean ups on a regular basis for thousands of years and a young Charles Darwin described their careful use of winter burning during his stop over in SW WA about 170 years ago. Here’s Dr Steele’s link.
Thanks Neville,
His detail about fuel types and ignition was new to me.
Dave B
Eucalypt forests deposit litter at a rate of around 8 tonnes/ha, of which less than 29% decomposes annually. If left, this litter will rapidly climb over 20 tonnes/ha in a few years, well over the limit of unstoppable bushfires. WA has regular cold burns of around 10% of their forests annually, but NSW and Victoria burn less than 2%.
In Western Australia most of the indigenous people’s burning was carried out in Summer and Autumn.
Latest from WA re droughts.
One would have thought that someone should have done this before. Still can’t discern between natural and their alleged human component. Same people with their poor science.
Over the last couple of weeks there has been discussion in the press about the mouse plague, such as this:
I haven’t heard anyone claim that climate change has caused the plague but no doubt it will happen. A quote from the link is that \ “Experts have yet to uncover what recent wet weather and flooding will have on the out-of-control mice population.” No doubt some “expert” will produce evidence that the wet weather and flooding has caused the mouse plague and all the other believers will jump on board.
Then there is PETA whose representatives have been campaigning for humane treatment of the mice. One suggestion I heard on the radio from a PETA representative was that the mice could be caught and relocated somewhere else, once again demonstrating that such people don’t live in the real world.
It shows that climate change is an outdated topic, it was hot in 2009 but not so much anymore. Most people, other than journalists, realize now that it is just politics not science.
However the leaderless Biden administration is keeping it alive, following Kluas Schwabs instruction, and using it as an excuse to further the Lefts socialists dreams of control and power.
They’d better hurry, 2022 is fast approaching.
They can’t say the mouse plagues are caused by global warming.
‘In 1952, parts of Victoria and South Australia were struck by mouse plagues. … In 1972, parts of Queensland were hit by mouse plagues as were parts of Victoria and New South Wales in 1975. A plague in Victoria in 1979 cost farmers A$15 million in lost crops and damaged machinery. The plagues continued into 1980.’ (wiki)
Mice came with the First Fleet and spread west in the 19th century.
Australia and China are the only countries in the world to have mouse plagues.
ATTENTION JOHN HULTQUIST (and all you others as well)
Every day I look up information on electrical power, and more often than not, I find something new. Such was the case on the weekend.
John mentioned this in the earlier China powering the World Post here at Joanne’s site:
That caused me to revisit an old Post of my own from back in 2016. When I read it through again, I had the idea to Update it because it is still highly relevant, and it’s about the benefits of coal fired power.
If you wonder why China is ‘powering up’ the Developing World, you only need look no further than what happened in the U.S. Forget what is happening now in the U.S. with coal fired power, but look at what happened earlier.
I use that immense informational and database site the EIA for all things electrical in the U.S. (now here you need to differentiate between the two like sounding acronyms. The EIA is the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and the IEA is the International Energy Agency)
The EIA has data going back to 1949, now 72 years. I found a couple of charts (with accompanying data) that go all that way back, and they offer surprising information about how electrical power in general, and coal fired power both ‘boomed’.
Those charts and the data itself give an insight into why electrical power, and coal fired power made those advances possible in the US, and that insight translates into what is happening now in China, India, and also in the rest of the Developing World, now being advanced by China.
So, I then Updated that earlier Post from 2016 with the more recent information, and I have included the link to that new Post below.
Then, and it proceeded from that Post, I found something new about coal fired power. I’m still working on that, and I’ll have that ready for you all on the weekend coming up. If you think coal fired power is dying, then think again.
I think the Updated Post I have linked to is worth looking at because of the relevance with what is currently happening around the World with power generation.
And John, thanks for providing the spur to revisit this.
Link to Updated Post – The Benefits That Coal Fired Power Gave Us ā UPDATE May 2021
Tony here’s the data graph for co2 emissions per countries since 1970.See on RH top.
Note that USA + EU combined have not increased emissions since 1970 and China + other countries + India co2 emissions have soared since 1990s and more so since 2000.
Tony life expectancy in China in 2021 is now about 77 and growing every year.
Just another reason why they’d want to have RELIABLE BASE-LOAD power and not rely on the TOXIC S&W idiocy that has to be buried in landfill every 20 years.
Life expectancy in the USA is 78.7 years in 2019 but has declined since 2015. Covid will take the life expectancy lower again for 2020 because deaths in 2020 were 16% higher than in 2019. Claimed Covid deaths of 600k is 18% of the total annual deaths.
I suspect that the declining life expectancy in the US is due to drug abuse, both legal and illegal.
Their expensive, underperforming medical system doesn’t help.
Maybe “food abuse” too?
The kibble is so profitable and the nutritional sciences so easy to bribe that you get what you pay for… VP Harris was eating doritos while telling the press she would get rid of red meat for example.
I thought 2020 ran from January the 1st up to December the 31st, 365 days. There were 366,662 deaths in the USA for that period.
Your never ending accrual is now 510 days long, not that facts worry you.
Exactly, they’re reporting the same way in Canada. To bring the numbers up they are reporting over 17 months. They don’t want the public thinking that the deaths are no worse than an average flu season.
And the numbers are skewed.
People are wondering why the hospital asked them if they wanted their recent loved ones heart attack death recorded as a Covid death. Its because some life insurance policies pay more for a cvd-19 death than they pay for other deaths. That’s called insurance fraud and hospitals are engaged in it right across the country. Neat huh?
Could we calculate that, though?
It’s my understanding that deaths ‘with’ COVID and deaths ‘from’ COVID are lumped together.
I’d also like to see other numbers along side that i.e:
Deaths from seasonal flu.
Deaths per year from all causes.
BTW here’s the BOM cyclone trend for Aussie region data graph since 1970.
The trend is down for the last 50 years and the 2015 to ’16 season is the only season to not have a severe cyclone for half a century.
Just another problem for co2 as their control knob for so called climate change or the loony Biden’s EXISTENTIAL threat etc.
Funny how they lose interest in keeping it up to date when it going off narrative.
They console themeselves with a ” big one is coming” caveat, as if that is news somehow.
Anthony Fauci Reverses Course Yet Again: Now āHighly Likelyā Chinese Coronavirus Developed Naturally
– May of 2020, when he was asked, āDo you believe or is there evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was made in the lab in China or accidentally released from a lab in China?ā He answered:
If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats, and whatās out there now is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated
– May 11, 2021 claiming he is ānot convincedā the Chinese coronavirus developed naturally and that its origins merit investigation.
āNo, actually. ā¦ No, Iām not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened,ā Fauci said during an interview when a reporter asked about the origins of the flu.
– May 24, 2021, Fauci reportedly told the reporter who questioned former President Trumpās press secretary Kayleigh McEnany:
Dr. Fauci said that does not mean he believes the virus first emerged in a lab, as some have suggested. He does not know anything about the three researchers at the Wuhan lab who sought hospital care in November 2019 as reported by the WSJ.
Circle Back Fauci is at risk of having a head on with Circle Back Psaki if he isnt careful. You can only duck and weave so much before you collide with something.
They laughed at President Trump when he suggested the China virus had been artificially manipulated but it’s OK for Fauci to say it now President Trump has been defrauded out of office.
Mark Dice makes some good comments. Eight mins.
Repowering windfarm site – nice concept but in New Mexico they just blown them up (including the bases). H/T WUWT
Ka-boom, timberrrrrrr.
Beautiful sight.
All good, …but no bases ( foundation blocks).. being blown up there.
That will be a much bigger job than simply knocking over the towers.
There will be several thousand tonnes of reinforced concrete to crack and pull up for disposal.
Gonna need a LOT more bomb powder.!
Insanity to have put them up in the first place.
They are an engineering nightmare, designed to be everything an engineer normally avoids.
They are expensive, short lived, fragile and vulnerable.
Then you can’t get rid of them.
They dont want get rid of them. They aren’t there to generate electricity really, they are symbols of the Left, thats all they ever were. They stand there to remind everyone that the Left is in control.
They want them standing there forever.
Covid Lockdowns
South Australia has instituted a new lock down against Victorians in response to the recent small outbreak in the northern suburbs of Melbourne.
Attention has been focused on a shopping mall. As usual there are more questions than answers.
Way back when we were told that transmission was unlikley to medical staff if the contact was of short duration (<15 minutes). Is that still the case? If so it would follow that infection occurring from a single individual in a shopping mall would be very unlikely.
Thankfully the restrictions are only for those in the affected area , todayās announcement that the number has risen to five is a blow to anyone wanting to travel to WA and Iām sure the number of cases will rise .
As we know Covid and incompetence go hand in hand in Victoriastan especially with the villiage idiots in charge of the state.
notice Dan’s “gold class” contact tracing got the supermarket location wrong
yet another early stage stuff up
it seems unlikely they staff up based on competence
Let’s try and keep logic out of this; it’s about keeping the public’s anxiety simmering just below panic.
Partly in answer to my question about transmission above;
So it seems that almost all of the cases are the result of close contact (ie family). Also most infections are from a symptomatic person.
Frustratingly the virus seems to jump occasionally to a person who is not a close or regular contact. I suspect that is why the health authorities are casting such a wide net. Genomic sequencing saeems to be a useful and powerful tool in tracing the spread of the virus.
It just got worse!
Can only have five people in your house but the footy ground is exempt .
Now they think it might be the Train.
“Craigieburn to Southern Cross train service on May 7 ā departing 5.28pm and arriving 6.07pm.
Flinders Street to Craigieburn train service on May 7 ā departing 10.20pm and arriving 11.05pm.”
It was known Of Old as “Pursuing the Chimera”.
Insane Left, and Globalist Right, are you listening?
No, because it is War, not Science.
Rick Will has published Part 2 of his series; Ocean Surface Temperature Limit-Part 2 on WUWT.
Just asking if everyone else is having problems bringing up every time I try it comes up with an error and being the suspicious person I am I am wondering if he has been de listed by the powers that be? or erased?
it’s hanging and not loading. Are your suspicions based on any precedent?
diagnostics say the host is down.
It’s still down.
Tony Heller is on newtube and I think he is on Rumble also . He has been banned by you tube in the past, his graphs and data show things the moderators don’t like.
Leftists are terrifies of alternate opinions and/or the truth.
“What is truth quoth jesting Pilate and would not stay for an answer.” So Bacon may be the originator of post modernism where each citizen has its own truth.
Biden is trying to make Russia Great Again.
After blocking the Keystone XL pipeline, and angering ally Canada, he smooths the way for Russia to build a new pipeline to Europe.
ABC’s Australia Talks Survey, 60,000 Aussies surveyed – 600 questions. Survey closed now but you can see where you fit in with 50 selected questions.
How do they ensure a true picture of Australia?
How is the Australia Talks survey representative of the whole population?
Statistical magic.
To make sure the findings reflect the views of the wider population, we use sample adjustment techniques ā also known as weights.
Sounds like something the BOM does.
You’d complain about the data if 90% of respondants were Green voters. You complain about the data when they adjust down Green voter responses 7 fold (or whatever it is) to reflect actual voter numbers.
I reckon I could sell you a dominion conspiracy.
C’mon mods… I’m making a valid point. Just delete the D word
[auto mod grabbed it but was released as soon as it was seen.]AD
C’mon Gee Aye… you know we are held to a different standard
It is not the D word you are thinking of.
in summary – if there was no statistical magic the survey would not be representative due to the nature of the ABC audience (or so ppl on this blog think). Liberator snookered itself. Avon would never have let that happen.
” Avon would never have let that happen.”
I agree that Avon doesn’t scan; maybe some obscure deity?
I don’t know how the leaf links it in to this thread, but I assume he is referencing Blakes 7, the BBC science fiction series of the late 1970’s with Roj Blake and his crew, including Kerr Avon take over the abandoned space ship, Liberator, and try their hardest to outwit and destroy the Federation. However, the series ends in part 4 with the Federation winning which caused an uproar with fans!
Avon captained the Liberator after Blake disappeared.
Sorry I missed JoKaH’s reply. Spot on. Liberator initiated this discussion at 20.0
I did the survey and the ABC are full of sh*t.
Some of their claims:
55% of people believe allegations of sexual assault are almost always true.
81% of women and 52% of men say men and women are not treated equally in Australian society.
23% of Australians don’t think we should enshrine an indigenous voice to parliament in the constitution.
68% of Australians think we’re doing poorly at tackling climate change.
57% of Australians know who the traditional owners are where they live.
55% of Aussies think Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26.
62% of Australians are happy to use the pronouns someone identifies with. 21% think people should be referred to based on the sex they were assigned at birth.
41% to 59% (depending on age) think capitalism as it exists today does more harm than good.
Most Australians don’t want smaller government. (The question they asked was ‘I would prefer a smaller government providing fewer services rather than a bigger government providing more services.’)
69% of women and 51% of men think racism is prevalent in sport.
The results are supposed to be based on responses from a nationally representative survey of more than 60,000 people. Nationally representative my *rse.
Those questions are a good example of how biasing works.
Words used: climate change, indigenous, traditional owners, and etc. as well as concepts- eg. that governments primarily provide services, have meaning only to those who will answer questions in the desired way.
Leading Questions – Yes Prime Minister
Sir Humphrey Appleby demonstrates the use of leading questions to skew an opinion survey to support or oppose National Service (Military Conscription).
It look indicative of an ABC fan.
If you take the survey you will the questions are slanted and the answering options limited to drive towards the desired response
The data are normalised to reflect the general population
What does ānormalisedā mean in this context Gee Aye , is it like homogenised ?
No. Example is the greens one I gave. If greens were 80% of respondents and all said CAGW is the number one problem you’d reduce that contribution down to 10%- ish of the total since that is their presence in the population. This would be done with all categories of people. It is not rocket science and is pretty basic and transparent maths.
Should work a treat predicting election results too then?
With results like this you’d think the Greens would have a monopology on government but they don’t.
“How do they ensure a true picture of Australia?”
Sources like these?
“The mish-mash of other people’s video ABC 4 Corners cobbled together for its anti-Trump polemic”
I was wondering what had gone wrong in India, they seemed to be doing well.
Stopped using Ivermectin…the results are staggering!
Wow! Thanks Brenda.
Unfortunately I cannot share this with my family and friends because most of them have already had the first vaccine injection and I don’t want to scare the wits out of them.
I have made a comment regarding one of the statements in the article re:vaccination but it has caught the attention of the section-8 moderation filter.
Suffice to say that some of it amounts to the same sort of scare mongering as is used by the MSM
That said, here are 2 very recent cases of deaths from blood clots shortly after being vaccinated against CoViD-19
Our health departments claim that they know how to treat any clots resulting from “the jab” but this implies that the Cypriots and Malaysians do not.
Facebook Whistleblower Leaks Details of Users Being Ranked and Suppressed Based on āVaccine Hesitancyā Algorithm
Project Veritas has revealed some explosive information provided by two Facebook whistleblowers. According to documents and testimony by the insiders, Facebook initiated a program to control the speech of users who were expressing āvaccine hesitancyā, or concerns about the COVID vaccine. Anyone who was concerned about the vaccine was given a āvaccine hesitancy ā score. Unbeknownst to the user, that score was then used to ban, remove or shadow-ban the content.
In essence any speech, sharing of information or comment discussion that is not in alignment with the pro-vaccine narrative is considered adverse to the interests of the Facebook platform. Those users are then targeted to suppress their voice.
There is a very poor piece of analysis or very, very poor wording in Mathew Maavak’s section. He states that
This implies that the vaccine makes you more likely to be infected with the South African variant of COVID-19 but the article linked for this statistic actually states that
It’s important that hyperbole doesn’t get spread amongst the facts else the leftists will use such cases to “debunk” the whole premise of India not being as bad as presented by the MSM
Odd then that at least one cv19 vaccine triggered HIV detection…..
I recall that article that mentioned apparent bioengineering of the cv19 virus
H2O drives climate and not CO2, new paper.
Not a smoking gun, but close…..
“In the latest revelation about Chinese Communist Party (CCP) interest in biowarfare and its links to an earlier coronavirus strain ā the SARS virus ā a document written by Chinese scientists and Chinese public health officials in 2015 confirms they discussed the weaponization of SARS coronavirus. Titled āThe Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons,ā the paper predicted that World War Three would be fought with biological weapons.
“The 18 listed authors of the document include Peopleās Liberation Army (PLA) scientists and weapons experts.
“The current COVID-19 pandemic has been caused by a coronavirus named SARS-Co V-2 which apparently emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, several of which cause respiratory diseases in humans ā ranging from a common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
“COVID -19 is just the latest deadly addition to that family.
Is the CCP now panicking?
“The Global Times newspaper – seen as the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece on foreign policy – has issued a chilling message to Australia, saying that the country will be in the firing line if it meddles in any potential conflict with Taiwan.
“It comes after Australian naval forces undertook war game exercises in the East China Sea this month with the US, France and Japan.
“The training drill between the four nations, practising amphibious assaults and more, sparked anger in Beijing and the Global Times newspaper has blasted Australia with a warning.
“”The People’s Liberation Army doesn’t even need to make pointed responses to the joint drill since it’s insignificant militarily,” the article reads.
“”Australia’s military is too weak to be a worthy opponent of China, and if it dares to interfere in a military conflict for example in the Taiwan Straits, its forces will be among the first to be hit.
“”Australia must not think it can hide from China if it provokes.
The Global Times is a paper tiger and this issue over Taiwan is a smoke and mirrors affair, not serious brinkmanship. Beijing has no intention of starting a hot war over Taiwan, they will wait until all the African nations agree that the island belongs with the mainland.
This should come about within a few years, do you think the US would use its veto powers to suppress a UN resolution to that effect?
I disagree. It was planned years ago by the NWO to give Taiwan back to china, lets see if Im right….
At some point Beijing will woo them to give up the ROC.
‘As of 20 September 2019, the ROC maintains official diplomatic relations with 14 UN member states and the Holy See, although informal relations are maintained with nearly all others. Agencies of foreign governments such as the American Institute in Taiwan operate as de facto embassies of their home countries in Taiwan, and Taiwan operates similar de facto embassies and consulates in most countries under such names as “Taipei Representative Office” (TRO) or “Taipei Economic and Cultural (Representative) Office” (TECO). In certain contexts, Taiwan is also referred to as Chinese Taipei.’ (wiki)
China seeks carbon neutrality through hydro.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Fancy that!
Who would have thought, eh!
I wrote two Posts about this, and here are the links. I started on the third, but I couldn’t find definitive information, so I held off, even though the text was 90% complete.
Could Chinaās Interest In Tibet Be Hydro Power?
Intriguing Mystery In Tibet (Part One) The Airport In The Wilderness
If any of you go and have a read of the Posts, just out of curiosity, look at the date I wrote them both.
Umm, August of 2014, seven years ago.
ABC. Forever playing catch up.
I have actu ally been to Tibet and landed at the LinZhi Airport you speak about, Tony, in 2015. I was surprised at how modern and advanced it was for such a remote and unpopulated place, along with connecting infrastructure like beautiful roads. I was there on my way to visit Mount Everest.
Here is another consideration.
“China is weaponizing water and worsening droughts in Asia”
See link for rest.
China possessing Tibet is all about starving the rest of Asia of water. For that alone the CCP must be eradicated.
Russia is also building a 3000 km gas pipe line across the tundra to China. Every little bit helps.
These graphs suggest there is more to the vaccines than meets the eye
The anti vaccination mob will inherit the earth.
‘In an interview with the RAIR Foundation USA portal, Montagnier stated that we were dealing with something potentially dangerous: āa vaccination that creates the virus variantsā in a phenomenon known as āantibody-dependent enhancementā (ADE). He also warns that epidemiologists are keeping āsilent about itā. (Notrickszone)
Just a little information and opinions …
Fire and explosion at the Callide Power Station near Biloela in central Queensland – People from the Gold Coast to Caboolture have been impacted. Callide had been generating 1050 MW, now zero. Seems Gladstone also reduced generation.
Hope the people are OK there.
Things will get interesting in NSW if supply tightens in QLD.
Queensland power plant explosion causes mass outages across state
The fragility of our grid is on display again. I have just been told there has been an explosion or fire in the Callide power station.
Looking at the generation Qld has flipped from being an ever reliable source for the southern states to being an importer. Either the interconnector cannot carry more or the south can’t supply more power but rolling blackouts will continue. Fortunately the wind is supplying >4 GW of power. If that drops we are in deep do do.
Reliable source for NSW
H. What evidence do you have that
a. that explosion was less likely in the past
b. Whether or not “a” – if the explosion occurred in the past would the power outage have been different?
And H cant produced the evidence to your cryptic interrogation techniques within an undisclosed time frame you will be proven right?
Also what would I be proved right about exactly?
I have no idea as your comments never make any sense
A/ Major fails are always on the cards. Nothing new.
B/ Once there was enough reserve to ensure interruptions were limited in range and time. When engineers ran the grid there was a REQUIREMENT to have enough spinning reserve to take up any loss should the largest gen set trip. Those times are long gone.
Turns out there was enough reserves but they were shut down to protect them. So… you were saying
Link for that please. All I found were that some other generators were offline for maintenance.
Also note that hydro and gas plants were ramped up to fill the shortfall. I wonder why they didn’t also ramp up the solar and wind farms??????
And in the US, the lamestream media, especially the rabid leftist anti semitic New York Times are finally saying that the flu which started in Wuhan came from the military Wuhan Virus laboratory, partly funded by US donations. I mean, of all the cities in China in which to start, why Wuhan?
So they are blaming President Trump for the fact that they could not see it before because he ‘politicized’ the issue. The NYT makes our ABC look conservative.
Still in Australia ‘their’ ABC have their little wins like putting an innocent man in jail for a year without any evidence and trial by media and now costing the Attorney General his job without any evidence. That’s fact based reporting for you. Any senior conservative and therefore an enemy of the ABC is fair game in sex warfare, the new low in press reporting by our prize winning journalists. Any successful male conservative is fair fame, but not Joe Biden or Bill shorten or even Bill Clinton.
“Gain of function” research had been banned in the US. Why would Trump believe Fauci was breaking the law by funding Wuhan?
You really can’t be serious … the NYT is a very very conservative newspaper – it has always been, and totally remains, the paper that most represents the establishment, the privileged, and above all capitalism. Even right through the horrendous clown-car circus of the Trump administration, it played it dead straight as if the antics in DC had some political legitimacy … giving credence, gravity, and rationality to the most outrageous behaviour.
If you believe the NYT is “rabid left” – it only means you have never read a genuinely progressive or radical newspaper. It is deeply conservative, but has a few liberal and “lifestyle” bells & whistles because it is a big business – and has to attract the NYC ruling and middle class as its audience. Otherwise why would Lexus or Tesla or Tiffany’s or Burberry advertise in its pages?
And why anti-Semitic? I am most definitely and firmly on the side of the Palestinian people trapped and jailed in Gaza, and totally suppressed and demonised by the Zionist theocratic state of Israel – doesn’t make me anti-Semitic!
NYP ( New York Post) is conservative. You’re all over the place.
Yeah, I’ve noticed the free passage the Gaza folks have to and from Egypt.
re: the Grey Lady, it is fair to say it represents the establishment and the privileged.
Capitalism not so much; they have always had a soft spot for both socialist and authoritarian regimes of all stripes,
and and are very much in favor of government control of the economy a la China; especially on the opinion page;
much as they used to love and praise Soviet Russia.
Balanced, Conservative? I’d say far left almost to a fault with cya coverage below the fold on page twelve to make sure they can claim
evenhandedness by selectively quoting themselves…you do know I suppose that their last half dozen Pulitzers have been based on fraudulent reporting.
The New York Times is not a big business. It is traditionally, a small, family business in the US business context, that went through a near death experience as did many large papers during the not yet completed transition to digital. The wealthy community whom it advertises to is hardly a symbol of conservatism; it is the one of the most liberal in the US represented in the House and Senate by some of the most liberal members; Schumer, Nadler, AOC, etc.
Other than those few quibbles, I fully agree with you.
Hard to believe anyone could seriously consider the NYT conservative. Just because other extreme leftist rags exist doesn’t mean the NYT is conservative. It is an MSM organization and runs pretty much the same anti conservative line as WAPO, CNN and CNBC. Saying otherwise is just playing word games.
Blowing a gale here in SA, so it is holding the grid together, one wonders what would have happened if it was yesterday (not even a breeze all day). Imagine a third world country relying on the weather to maintain a society
We dodged a bullet – so far.
If itās too windy they shut down and if itās not windy they donāt work ! What could possibly go wrong with that ?
If the presstitutes were doing their job in Vicdanistan they’d be asking where Dear Leader Andrews is. He’s been missing for weeks. A control freak and narcissist like him doesn’t just go silent. I would be expecting daily updates about how his supposed injuries from his “accident” are healing. But nothing….
Not that any thinking person wants him back….but where is Dan?
Still recovering from his alcohol induced trip down the stairs .
This could provide the reason of absence
Might be this, as well:
The worldās largest wind-turbine manufacturer, the Chinese-owned Goldwind, has a growing presence in Australian wind and solar farms, especially in Victoria (under Chairman Dan Andrews) but also in NSW under Energy Minister Matt Kean.
Interesting. He has been on extended leave. The silence has been deafening.
Nonetheless, we are better off without him.
Okay, this was me, at 2.06PM this afternoon.
This will be a task for you all, relatively easy one though.
One of the Units at Callide went down, closely followed by the other three, with a fire in the turbine hall.
Then four of the six Units at Gladstone.
Then all four Units at Stanwell went down.
This was a typical cascading failure, one Unit failing and then the others not able to take the load, and they went down, and then the next plant at Gladstone, and then the next at Stanwell.
That left Kogan Creek, the four Units at Tarong and the one at Tarong North stayed up, and Millmerran in the South also stayed up.
Now here, there’s something you need to know here.
The Gladstone plant. Note how just four of the six Units failed. This is the oldest plant in Queensland.
Part of the plant is used to supply the Aluminium Smelter, and the State Government then uses the power generated by the remaining Units not supplying the Smelter. Hence two Units at Gladstone stayed on line, independently supplying the smelter.
All these plants that went down are in the same ‘general’ area’, and this was a cascading failure, which happened too fast (in and around that area first) before the grid could isolate enough consumers to cover what was still left, but it all happened so fast.
Okay, the task.
Take this link. Then, scroll down to the second image. Tick the MW box at the top right.Now, go to the bottom of the list of plants and UNTICK ALL the State Boxes. (even Qld)and the Total Box as well. Blank image remaining.
Now, go the individual boxes, and the first of the QLD plants is Callide, the four Units coded starting with CAL.
Under that tick Gstone 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Now tick all four the Stan boxes.
You can see the first loss there, as Callide went down, and then the second drop as all the others went down. The scale here is five minutes, because that’s the time increments, but all of this would have happened in seconds.
THAT is how suddenly it all happens. Virtually in an instant.
NOTHING can cover that.
Hmm ..? It seems the Anero site has crashed also Tony ?
Why isn’t the load tripped rather than the supplier ( generator).
I would suggest that load shedding takes time, an operator must manually take a sub off-line, in Qld it is the coal mine drag lines first to go. An overload trips a gen set instantly. The loss of that gen set overloads another and so on ad infinitum, the cascade TonyfromOz speaks of.
If the system goes BLACK there is no knowing how long it would take to get up and running. More’n a few days, so a robust grid is not a luxury, it is a necessity. This is a difficult concept for some.
The grid operators run with their hands on the kill switches for urban areas these days, in the wake of the 2016 South Australian blackout. They know that this is the only way to shed enough load to prevent statewide collapse in the event of a major generation loss.
The natural cascade you speak of would not have resulted in the power cuts the South East of Queensland without blacking out the whole grid.
This is what the closure of Liddell portends for the eastern grid.
G’day Tony,
These words confuse me:
” “The scenario of a hydrogen-filled generator exploding or failing mechanically causing hydrogen leaks and then also oil leaks, is probably the worst-case scenario in a coal-fired power station,” he said. ”
What’s this? Hydrogen within a generator at a coal-fired power station? Never heard of it. Have you?
It’s an ABC report…
Dave B
It’s explained here!
Lack of maintenance of the seals is probably the cause!
Thanks Dave. Something else which was new to me.
Dave B
I know the name “Brunker” from Collinsville, a family of union stirrers of the first order. They and their friends destroyed Collinsville as a mining/generating town. Collinsville/Bowen once elected a card carrying communist to state parliament.
If he is the union spokesman I must assume that poor maintenance had a lot to do with this. While Collinsville power station was struggling to survive the generating floor was a christmas tree of “Do Not Operate” tags. The lift was forever breaking down but some bright spark broke the telephone handset. That was a classic telcom hand piece and could never break by dropping. The union was always looking for a safety issue to excuse a strike, if they couldn’t find one, then make one.
My job was in a locked telecommunications room and I was told to keep the door locked lest someone saw me doing something that could spark a demarcation dispute. The place was toxic and if Collinsville unionists simply went to other stations then the cancer has metastasised.
Premier Joh got the ETU under control but not the CFEMU or its predecessors.
Gaseous hydrogen is used as a generator coolant, apparently it has a high heat capacity, it has been used almost forever.
All is good until it gets out or something untoward happens.
The generator rotors of large thermal plants spin in an hydrogen atmosphere to improve cooling and minimise drag losses.
accompanying link
Qld coal generation still well down, as is demand:
7am May 25 coal 5,681 MW, total demand 6,864 MW
7am May 26 coal 4,502 MW, total demand 6,369 MW
Their ABC has started laying the ground work for the smear campaign to follow in order to blame dir’y coal for the latest energy problems
Queensland hit by power outage!
The problem seems to be a fire in one of their coal fired stations. Queensland has the best network of coal fired electricity generators in the whole country.
If only this had occurred in Victoria instead. Then Victoria and SA would have been reliant on solar and wind. The full scale of the problem would have been laid bare.
At 5:39pm the price of power in Qld was $15000/mwh. In Nsw it was $13868/mwh. In the other states it was about $30/mwh.
A few minutes later the price remained at $15000/mwh while in the southern states it had fallen to zero except Tasmania where it was $1.88/mwh.
This is bizarre.
There’s an opportunity – buy a big truckload in Victoria and transport it into the NSW network near Tomago.
Callide ‘C’, a mid sixties coal unit, probably not getting the TLC it deserves because of ruinables, which right now are totally useless.
While typing my post #33.3.2 it dawned on me that it might be the CFMEU that is killing coal power. I witnessed the wilful destruction of Collinsville as a mine, a power station and a town. No one cared, the unions bullied shopkeepers to give them credit during their regular strikes and they had no option lest they be black banned and in that town a black ban was FINAL.
I had given up on the town before it finally died but I assume they just shrugged their shoulders and moved on to wreak havoc elsewhere.
The engineers can say something needs to be done and say it’s a 2 day job. What does he do when it isn’t finished in a week? Do not underestimate the destructive power of the CFMEU.
I watched a large % of the Royal Commission into the trade unions [I’m retired] and the CFMEU are a criminal enterprise.
Being an Abbott initiative Turnbull buried the RC. No one was charged. Pity.
Sorry, wrong Callide, ‘C’ is a 2001 model.
If it blew up due to negligence then there are hefty criminal penalties. You can’t just do what you like with utilities
Tell us when a union was taken to court.
Are white liberals the same as MuslimĀ extremists?
“If like me you think people are defined by their actions rather than their words, then the answer to that question is a definite yes. They both have that same reflexive and violent intolerance to anyone who doesnāt share their fanatical beliefs. The parallels are compelling. On any issue, there is only one correct position to take.”
Read more at –
[Sorry about the delay Pointman. The Thought Police don’t allow us to discuss Islam or Muslim lest we offend anyone, which means all comments with those words are moderated, and it is difficult to discuss that important topic here. If we have concerns for the welfare of say, Islamic women and children, Section18C stops us from helping. “Yay censorship”. – Jo]
Pointman, provocative, as always. :- )
Not sure the Liberals liking Muslims is “Like recognises like”. I think its more a case of “Ignorance recognises an enemy of my enemy”. It’s fair to say the only “like” they share is their dislike of conservatives.
Says a lot about Liberals that they will ignore all the things they don’t like about the ancient patriarchal structure because their shared hatred makes them temporary allies.
Hi Jo. Sorry, didn’t mean to be a pain. Looking into that Section18C legislation, I felt like that guy in Kafka’s book The Trial. It’s a very fuzzy piece of legislation which can be interpreted in any way that suits a censor. It must be tricky blogging honestly in a toxic legal environment like that. Commiserations. After reading more than enough of it, slow writer’s block Wednesday :(,Ā I still couldn’t work out why what is titled as anti-racial discrimination has to do with Islam, which is a religion rather than a race. The subversive in me thinks that might be a useful misconception hard-wired into the legislation for anyone running foul of it and up before the beak.
I suppose the knock on question is would you have to be as careful if the article’s title contained “Christian/Hindu/Buddist Extremists”, or is the actual enforcement of the legislation used to preferentially protect one particular religion from criticism? It’s of course a given that Catholics would automatically fall foul of the legislation!
Hope all’s good with you and yours.
Pointy, thanks for the sympathy. 18C also doesn’t allow Australians to offend ethnic groups too. Hence race / religion flexibility.
It is indeed a travesty all round. It has to go.
Doh! Having a senior moment there, triggered all the alarms by using the wrong nouns.
‘There will be no harm if the interests of Muslims converge with the interests of the socialists in the fight against the crusaders’
-osama bin laden
Qld power use and generation are still way down. Households may have power but some big users, think coal mines and Korea Zinc, must still be off line.
A while back Korea Zinc installed 1 million solar panels but they won’t help tonight. š
How good is pumped hydro?
Qld would be flat out on hydro ATM, it can be wound up in a minute or so at times like these but its o/p is just 138 MW, only 20MW more than that available from the Atherton Tableland hydro generators.
Where is the Winenhoe pumped storage with a nominal 450 MW output? Out of water when it’s needed? Pumped hydro can be an emergency supply or it can help smooth the duck curve. It can’t do both.
BTW While searching the Wivenhoe capacity I see Genex has today reached “closure” on a $777 mill PS at Kidston mine. That’s a lot of money for a net -ve generator, and so much infrastructure already exists there. We will never, ever do another Snowy I, at today’s costs there is no money after social security and defence.
Had an email to and fro with an Engineer from the Snowy Authority years ago around stated generating capacity vs the actual normally delivered. One of his statements echoed what you are saying. The system is for back up and smoothing not primary supply. Only a small number of blessed countries or regions have that luxury (one of the reasons I facepalm when people say”why cant we be like Norway”)
Yep, let’s all remember how Tasmania needed diesel generators shipped in the summer of 2015/16 when BassLink was disabled and the water levels were reaching critically low levels.
Anyone else in Western Australia been getting Synergy bills that are made up?
I understand they have to estimate power usage for occasional bills, but will later read your meter for real and adjust. In my case, I’m getting bills quoting a total usage figure that’s over 3000 Kilo Watt Hours more than my meter reads. And I’ve now had 3 bills quoting these fictitious figures. By stroke of luck, I just happened to catch the guy doing a meter read one morning before I left for work. I watched him read it and we agreed what it was. But when that bill arrived about 2 weeks later, it was over 3000 KWH’s more. I’m suspicious the problem lay with Western Power’s process in sending their info to Synergy, but they keep referring me back to Synergy.
Synergy just read from an idiot card when you ring them so I may have to try the Energy Ombudsman. Check your meters folks!
Wow, with thousands of customers being overcharged, perhaps a Synergy exeutive hits his growth numbers and earns a big fat bonus.
you’d think they were in it for the money or something.
Same is happening to me in Central West NSW, its a white collar crime.
Back when I had my solar installed, I decided to keep a book on my import/export figures and also the panels output and time of day, so far I haven’t seen any dodgy bills but three of my friends have had them, all in the power co’s favour, funny that.
Yes, when the ‘mistakes’ always favor one side you know it ain’t a mistake!
Nice to see that nothing, in this website, has changed. Tilba and the like (Gee Aye, Fitzy et al) are just raving on about the mythical CAGW and doing sensible people no favors. But I must be reasonable… Tilba etc etc wouldn’t know what “Science” was if they fell over it
Its imperative that a we have counterpoints, otherwise there is no argument and wit.
Tilba is rational but has a blind spot on climate change, same for Leaf and Mr Fitzroy, but they give us the opportunity to lift our game.
CHRIS point out where these people are raving about CAGW. You’ll find it is rare. Are you feeling threatened by counter comments?
A FYI – filed under “great moments in socialism”
“Butter made from coalā¦.mmmmmā¦sounds yummyā¦.”
And other recommended watching there
Seems required reading/listening for the “Biuden rigade” but not likely to happen I guess
“Pfizer Fine Print”
“Have a look”
And the comments where the Wayback Machine has been tapped
All of this talk about 100% EVs and grid stabilizing battery farms is never going to happen.
For instance:
World Lithium carbonate production is 392,000 tons/yr.
US requirements to reach 100% EV by 2030 requires 800,000 tons/yr.
Lithium mines in the US produce 5,000 tons/yr.
Lithium deposits in the US would, if mined, provide US requirements for 10 yrs and then theyād be exhausted.
Lithium deposits in the US will not be mined because environmentalists are blocking the mines over 10 acres of Buckwheat.
None of this accounts for Lithium requirements for mega batteries to support wind/solar intermittency which doubles the needs.
See: Bidenās Green Energy Dilemma On Critical Minerals
This is just for US lithium requirements, assuming the rest of the world has no need of it, and just for lithium.
News Flash: That which cannot be done, will not be done. It is a resource limited endeavor. Aināt gonna happen.
News flash… what if they don’t use Lithium?
Testing to see if SDA is the moderation trigger
“Pfizer Fine Print”
“Have a look”
And the comments where the Wayback Machine has been tapped
[Using a lot of characters upsets the auto mod but it seems to be the word āPfizerā .]AD
Thanks AD – I was of “testing mind” there
does its alphabet not have a “Z”?
[Tis a mystery even to me but if you work it out let me know Ian.]AD
So Pfizer or Wayback Machine?
Or “Another Ian”?
A balanced article which supports the idea that a hot war over Taiwan won’t happen.
You are convinced that China will not invade Taiwan. Don’t let dogma cloud judgement.
Honestly, they are not stupid. Taiwan can wait until most countries agree that the island is within China’s orbit.
Jennifer Marohasy on monster corals.
‘The prediction back in the 1980s was that as global temperatures increased so would coral growth rates. But forty years later we donāt actually know. Because AIMS changed their methodology for coring the massive Porites corals after 1990, and then, after the error was pointed out by recently sacked University Professor Peter Ridd in a study published in Marine Geology (volume 346), AIMS stopped this coring work altogether.
‘I was repeatedly told the coral coring work had stopped, not because of Peterās published study but because all the really large and old Porites are now dead from coral bleaching.’
IIRC the motto of “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” was “run and find out”.
Must be presumed to have not spread beyond the book?
I just heard an interview with Matt Canavan. He said the 660 MW, $600 mill gas plant at Kurri Kurri will only operate 2% of the time.
How is this financially viable?
The way things are going, when the unexpected happens, it’ll be on 95% of the time.
Disposable blue face Masks found to contain toxic, asbestos-like substance that destroys lungs
Health Canada has issued a warning about blue and gray disposable face masks, which contain an asbestos-like substance associated with āearly pulmonary toxicity.ā
The SNN200642 masks, which are made in China and sold and distributed by a Quebec-based company called MĆ©tallifer, had been part of Canadaās public school reopening plan. Students were told that they needed to wear them in the classroom to prevent the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Health Canada, however, discovered during a preliminary risk assessment that the masks contain microscopic graphene particles that, when inhaled, could cause severe lung damage.
āGraphene is a strong, very thin material that is used in fabrication, but it can be harmful to lungs when inhaled and can cause long-term health problems,ā reported CBC News.
For a while now, some daycare educators had expressed suspicion about the masks, which were causing children to feel as though they were swallowing cat hair while wearing them. We now know that instead of cat hair, children were inhaling the equivalent of asbestos all day long.
Just another reason to call the whole Cv19 lie as a lie.
In a news article I saw today, it was just one big “rah rah team” for vaccines.
The ultimate is vaccinating asmany as possible, for a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
So what is the *real* game then?
Stay away from the vaccine.
Victoriastan is now being put through the wringer. Again. On purpose it seems.
Why? To harden peoples stance against anyone who ( wisely ) refuses the experimental mRNA dodgy.
Forcing compliance on an already badly abused population.
Hers the thing – its not going to end. People naively believe getting the vax is the end? You are so wrong….
All the news “opeds” read like “do your but, roll up your sleeve….”
Like sheep to the slaughter…
As way of Exhibit “A” yer Honour :
Proof of current psyop’s effectiveness…..
Get your “sheeple card” here…..
“Vaccine hotline facing āunprecedented demandā
“The Victorian Department of Health says its vaccine hotline faced āunprecedented demandā today as new cases emerged in the state.
Dont forget too this virus has a 99.x% recovery rate …….and the vaccine isnt actually a vaccine…
‘The majority of Australians want action on climate change even if it costs them significant money, with the longest-running poll of attitudes also showing nearly two-thirds would back a ban on new coal mines and even the re-introduction of a price on carbon.’ (SMH)
So labor and greens had it between them in the Hunter bielection then. And labor wasn’t pantsed in regional Qld last Fed election.
Good to know.
Laba are majorly delusional, they need professional help.
The Lowy Poll is biased, but its still sober reading.
C’mon EG, you’ve heard it a hundred times before: There’s only one poll that matters.
Humans are herd animals and wokedom is the status quo, Lowy is reinforcing propaganda.
Chiefio needs a review
“A Peculiar Australian Perspective On USA & Australia as āCorporationsā
Victoria coronavirus exposure sites: Prahran, South Yarra on alert after Covid-19 exposure at bars
From the Comments
Kent 23 minutes ago (Edited)
Something tells me these worthies couldn’t track a herd of elephants down Swanston Street. They’ll be itching for another destructive lockdown.
We can’t keep going on like this. People must accept immunisation and that there will always be a few cases from time to time, just as there is with that other coronavirus (influenza).
Key features:
“Ontario logs 1,095 new COVID-19 cases as key measures continue decline”
“…another 135,308 doses of COVID-19 vaccines yesterday”
“Using the province’s total population, about 53 per cent of Ontarians have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.”
Ontario has about half the population of Australia.
We are starting the process of reopening over the next weeks/months trying to avoid a follow on wave
[…] of the sequence. Within an hour from hearing the news, I had already framed an initial reaction, (shown at this link to a Comment at the JoNova site) barely three hours after the […]
Tesla New factory on Fire in Brandenburg Germany Don’t understand why the “Left” is to blame…. thought all this green rubbih was Leftist thinking. So chop aafew caables nd world comes to a standstill. ezy pezy. but i’m not that kind of person even though all our UK dross is piling up.
Just Watching the ABCās new show āClimate Emergencyā , commentary from all the usual suspects such as Michael Mann and Matt Kean etc.
Signs that climate change is affecting oz right now were – Sea level rise and Bushfires , in other words it was a half hour radical Green love in where no facts were harmed .
Here we are, 2021, and the truth is still out there somewhere.
If Mr. Kean wanted to be an actor why didn’t he just join a local repertory club.
This is the greatest intrusion on humanity and it’s no credit to him that he’s in on it. Sorry I forgot CV19.
“Mfg of electric pick-up on hard times”
Interesting maps.
Read down for translation of the colours
And don’t miss the “changes in carry ” map!
More Us EPA shenanigans
“Lets see how we go with less coal power”
It is always interesting to view the ABC (Australia Biased Corporation) for their take on CAGW. I am always amazed at the ABC’s complete ignorance of facts (EG: no AGW since 1998), and their twisted ideas of what exactly constitutes “Global Warming”. What a laugh.