A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The warm SST blob that wx was discussing earlier, its the tail of the South Pacific Convergence Zone.,-28.44,530/loc=-165.705,-26.624
With ocean heat driving South Pacific climate, we are in for an unusual autumn
Everyday being the monthly average would be the most unusual thing that could happen. Could you be more specific?
80% of the souther hemisphere is water, changes in the ocean heat content, and events like La Niña have a magnified effect, of the 20 of the Southern Hemisphere that is land.
Almost 90% of the Southern Hemisphere is water, 28.7E12sq.m out of 255E12sq.m.
81% of the SH was ocean last Autumn. The measured changes in heat content (that have bigger uncertainties than admitted to) are in the one hundredth of a degree range. La Nina is just the distribution of this heat.
The magnification bit doesn’t make sense. How can the warmer sea surface of part of the ocean (it gets cooler elsewhere) only warm the lower troposphere over land?
‘ … changes in the ocean heat content, and events like La Niña have a magnified effect …’
As our colleague RickWill has explained, OHC cannot go above a certain limit and the effect of ENSO is well documented. During El Nino events, the Western Pacific Warm Pool ‘expands horizontally but shrinks in vertical depth. The opposite occurs during La Nina.’
The South Pacific Convergence Zone appears to take the warm water from the WPWP at depth until it reaches the end, creating a warm blob.
Sorry el gordo I do not accept RickWill’s assertions, he is making assumptions which are not backed up in physics. But the point I’m making is that the oceans have a larger effect on the climate in the southern hemisphere, than in the north. Small changes in the ocean temperature therefore…
The bald assertion “he is making assumptions which are not backed up in physics” requires at least one instantiation if it is to be taken seriously.
Rick might be wrong, SST was apparently higher during the Holocene climate max.
‘Mid-Holocene South China Sea maximum temperatures were ~3.5°C warmer (33.5°C vs. today’s 29.9°C) about 5000 yrs ago, when corals experienced an “optimum coral growth period”. There were “numerous coral bleaching episodes” even when temperatures weren’t as high, as coral bleaching is naturally occurring.’ (Notrickszone)
….. ??? Could YOU be more specific as to what YOU are refering to ?
A prediction that is just “unusual” doesn’t show any understanding of climate science. Pointless apart from looking on top of things to a dumb kid.
The water originates in the warm pool and appears to be natural.
According to BoM its a ty[ical La Nina year with minimum temperatures above average, probably because of night cloud.
The BoM knows Jack.
This time last night they calling Kimi a Cat 2 cyclone. Trouble is their own rain radar image showed no circular motion in the rain bands. One wind site I have showed a weak vortex, the other none, there certainly was no “wall” which is the defining feature of a cyclone. This morning they had it as a simple low pressure.
Looks ominous with a really deep central pressure when I looked of 1004hPa. Dangerous winds gusting to 25kts.
Apparently there is a lesson here that the World’s best practice homogenisers are doing with tropical storms. If they are named, they add to the number of NAMED storms. Anything higher than 10 degrees latitude that has associated rain now gets a name. There has been a massive increase in named storms in the last 2 years. More proof of “climate Change”.
Yes, quite horrifying. A TS without even a closed circulation in the northern side of the quasi ‘eye’ is declared a Cat-2 Cyclone by BOM. It was a trough TS, nothing more. Hopeless joke that ‘met’ org has become.
Yesterday’s Brisbane routine frontal storm was called a 1 in 100 year event by BOM.
Yeah … whatever BOM …
Is this in lieu of the long, hot summer that you predicted a few months ago?
Great swathes of the masses were expecting another heatwave this year in south east Australia, but it didn’t eventuate and some got quite angry. No coral bleaching either.
Western Australia got it instead
Yes they did and it has a lot to do with the blocking high pressure bringing warm air from central Australia. It is cooler at the moment with a southerly buster.,-20.54,1688/loc=113.893,-17.373
That cyclone has the potential to move further south, there is a blob of above average warm water sitting in front of it.
Its only a tropical low and probably doesn’t have the energy to bridge the gap.,-21.14,2120/loc=126.030,-21.454
Fitz’s forecasting ability relies on faith, but natural variability is too powerful and overwhelms AGW.
We all agree that BoM needs good audit and the warm bias squeezed out of the organisation.
“With ocean heat driving South Pacific climate, we are in for an unusual autumn”
Guess that carbon (sic) induced permanent drought is down the memory hole.
There are three tropical oceans and they all achieve the same maximum temperature over a wide area as a result of a delicate radiation balance that is being grossly distorted by the minute presence of increasing CO2 gas:
The Southern Atlantic;
The Western Pacific:
The Indian Ocean:
These bodies of water are isolated from each other and entirely disparate in the shape and exposure to sun and land. And yet they all achieve the same maximum temperature. I figure most primary school kids would appreciate that they are temperature controlled when presented with this widely known information.
The idea that there is a delicate radiation balance is plain ridiculous. Cloudburst provides a powerful negative feedback that prevents sufficient sunlight reaching the surface that energy uptake goes negative once the surface reaches just over 30C. That means the only surface that gets above 30C is located near land where the cloudburst cycle gets disrupted by the land induced wind.
This is a great moored buoy because it is easy to remember, 0N0E:
Same old story of all the tropical buoys in the ocean warm pools – max out at 30C year in and year out. Try to find CO2 sensitivity in that temperature trace!
#2 in moderation?
Rick, that link to the 0N0E bouy seems to just pull up the generic intro front page ?
How do you access the detailed single bouy data ?
Kimi, yesterday’s cyclone, was predicted to do a circe and head back north. I don’t knock BoM’s tracking predictions, they are as good as one can expect. The point is that when stationary or circling in a small spot a cyclone degenerates as [I think] you describe. The cloud cover and rain cool the ocean surface [the only bit that matters] ergo the upwelling of hot air subsides.
One cyclone off NQ actually died this way some years ago. The explanation was an ah ha moment that has stuck in my memory.
… point is that when stationary or circling in a small spot a cyclone degenerates as [I think] you describe.
Not really true, its ocean heat that is diluted, and it can take a very strong stationary storm to do that inside 24 to 36 hours, depending on depth of the warm layer. Hurricane Dorian was a classic example in 2019, a Cat 5 that sat on the Bahamas for two whole days, at similar strength the whole time.
Is it just when I view the website that the Weekends unthreaded is 404 comments with only the first comments thread shows up?
Yes , its a problem of your own……I see them all .
It must be system dependent, I have never had these issues. MacOS/brave.
Just using my phone. Came up ok after refreshing.
More Snow in the Sahara Desert
Snow has fallen in the Sahara desert after temperatures dropped to -3C (27F).
Just in case anyone thinks the world is still warming!
If it begins to accumulate there then be very afraid. That would be real climate change that could have dire consequences for a good portion of the global population. Australia would look attractive to a good many of those displaced by the ice.
Fortunately the Earth has climate control that keeps the average temperature in a very narrow range at least until the orbital geometry changes from where it is now. Interesting times about 10kyr away to see if the land masses surrounding the North Atlantic begin to accumulate ice.
My latest realisation is how burying a good proportion of the northern hemisphere forests under metres of ice would sequester a large amount of carbon no longer available to the atmosphere.
If all the CO2 sequestered in our existing coal/oil/gas deposits was once trees, earth must have been habitable or the trees wouldn’t have grown to make the deposits ergo if ALL the sequestered CO2 were released the earth would still be habitable as it was then.
Coal is generally made from trees and plants, however oil and gas are mainly created from tiny marine animals (plankton) and tiny marine plants and algae.
Good outline Rick.
Ten thousand years will surely see us well on the way to another prolonged deep freeze like the others of the last half a million years.
WOT, me worry?
I’m sure at least one of the hundred different ‘settled science’ climate models predicted increased snow in the Sahara … surely. Oh, that’s right, they all just need tuning do they can accurately predict yesterday’s weather.
This Aïn Séfra عين الصفراء Algeria?
It is in the Saharan Atlas Mountains.
Plenty of snow this year on the High Atlas in Morocco to the west.
“The town in the Naama province has experienced snow only three other times in 42 years – in 1979, 2017 and 2018”.
And now 2021.
The pictures I saved in 2017 were from The Daily Mail who mention 2016 as another occasion in this (2018) article.
1979, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2021 is there a pattern?
Darned chilly in the Northern hemisphere. Many record cold events catalogued here.
Joe Biden is just about in! But what happened to the Kraken? When is Trump going to enforce the Insurrection Act, as many people claimed he would? If not why not?
Fossil fuels to dominate Africa’s energy mix this decade – report
H/T Paul Homewood
As of now, Trump is POTUS.
Question …
what authority ordered the deployment of 25-65,000 armed soldiers to DC?
What a giant con. All the while the dems were warning that Trump was HItler and about to implement martial law, that’s exactly what they have done and no one blinks.
Half America is criminal, the other half is stoopid. Maybe half are stoopid criminals.
Think about it! The US has a higher percentage of their citizens incarcerated than any other nation. Wiki says 665/100,000. Australia has 170 by comparison.
I am NOT saying that 3 out of 4 US prisoners are unjustly incarcerated, I AM saying that they are a lawless nation.
I suspect that “fly over country” is as law-abiding as we are. What does that say about the rest, DC in particular? DC is a magnet for crims and they vote 95% D.
I didn’t mention that the actual prison population is 2,121,600
The US has a violent history: They had a war of independence, we simply separated administratively. They had the wild west, still a big part of folk lore, we had the Kelly brothers. They had the Indian wars, we had mistreatment [possibly overstated] of our natives and some isolated killings [comparatively speaking]. The Civil War is a cancer yet to heal. The Star-Spangled Banner, Battle Hymn Of The Republic and the Marines Hymn (The Halls Of Montezuma) are all battle cries.
Their problems are too deep seated for “gun control”, whatever that means, to be useful for anything other than politics. But every thing is politics, no legislation is passed “because it is a good thing” without a $billion of pork added in an omnibus bill.
The US is stuffed. RIP
I for one am grateful that the USA was “violent” enough to save us in ww2.
US violence in WW2 was no different to the other combatants, weapons of mass destruction became popular.
It all started back in the late 19th century when a US banker gave cheap loans to the Japanese to build a navyal fleet, then they went out and sank the Russian navy. Its the law of unintended consequences.
Its rarely mentioned that the US stock market crash made Hitler a dictator.
You misread me. I am not anti-American and happy to have them as Big Brother. I just called it as I see it.
Wow Hanrahan, does the US have any redeeming qualities? I served with Australian troops in Vietnam, always had great regard for the Australian people. But in your case, I could make an exception. And, so you will know, gun control is “do you hit what you aim at!”
It is very hard for any wounds to heal is someone keeps picking the scabs off. It will never heal until the race baters can no longer make money off it.
Thank you, Henning Nielsen, but I fear if the need ever arises again you will find us deficient.
I have never been to America so have never picked any scabs.
Be honest with me: Is what we have witnessed in the last couple of months “normal”?
BTW I am not anti-American, I was trying to explain how the US can have an armed coup, contrary opinion welcome.
Hanrahan, all I am about to say is only my opinion, worth no more than you paid for it. No, it is not normal!! And not just the last few months. The last few decades perhaps. Perhaps since the 1960s. The vast majority of people in the US that I have encountered in my life are peaceful, fun loving, just leave me alone, give you the shirt off their back types. Please see attached link, to illustrate the source of our problem:
Note the islands of blue in a sea of red. The sea of red provides for and sustains the blue islands (think Hawaii) as they produce nothing in quantity (I generalize) of real value (food, clothing, shelter). But they are the population centers (thus the need for electoral college). I liken it to having a new litter of kittens (say 12). Six of the litter I put in a farm environment where they can wander freely in the barn or down the road, up a tree, etc. The other six I place in a cage with many other cats of all types and sizes that have lived their lives in the cage. You are going to have two very different groups of cats.
Now add to this environment an attitude that the caged cats are just better cats than the farm cats. Better educated, thus smarter, have more “stuff”, etc. Mix in the echo chamber of all the caged cats telling each other how stupid, and unsophisticated the farm cats are. And the divide widens. And in time, with their superior self-aggrandizing opinion of themselves, they begin to demand that the farm cats do and act like the caged cats. And all this time the farm cats are looking at the caged cats thinking, just leave me alone. But the caged cats are far to superior to the farm cats to not impose their will on them. (Note: Have you ever been the Newark, NJ? Smells like vomit! But the people who live there cannot smell it. It is their norm.)
“When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.” Thomas Jefferson
The founders, the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were students of human nature. Everything around us changes but human nature is constant! They knew that greed is at, or near, the top of human motivations. So, they devised a system to check and control the greed of man (Constitution). And if that fails, a means for man to check greed with force, if necessary (2nd Amendment).
Today, the American voter is given a choice each election of voting to eat poop with or without crunchies, i.e., the career politician (again I generalize). And if you are not in the club, do not bother to apply. Case in point, Donald John Trump.
Now add “El Gato Gordo”, the Fat Cat that wants to be in charge. (Have you ever shaken hands with a politician? Like shaking a rubber glove full of jello. Never turned a tap in their life. (OK, most, again I generalize).
You can see were this is headed. One group telling the other group they must do as they are told and the other group saying leave me alone. You see, the farm cats think that up is still up and down is still down and the caged cats think everything is relative to what is popular on Twitter today.
I have heard it said that civilization is a thin crust on a raging volcano. All men are capable of great violence under the right conditions. But not all men are capable of barbarism under any condition.
When farm cats hear caged cats saying, “take the kittens of the farm cats and make them think like us”, the farm cats are concerned. When the farm cats hear the caged cats say, “do not let the farm cats eat or have homes (fire them from their jobs) or speak freely, until they accept our ways, think and act like us, the farm cats are concerned…and take the caged cats at their word.
When a double standard become “the” standard, the crust grows thinner.
I believe we could see violence on a scale not seen since the 1860s, if things continue as they are. But I advocate for a different path. To a avoid violence, I would suggest treating an island just like an island.
Not suggesting you pick scabs but many here in America make a living doing it. I have reconsidered, I will not make an exception in your case. Best to you and everyone down under.
If this offends anyone, please feel free to fill out a complaint form (not provided) measuring 1cm sq. Please print.
America is a fantastic place … we have visited 8-9 times and driven about 80,000 km (including a fair bit in Canada).
It has fantastic natural geography, really friendly and sensible people (in the main), wonderful small / medium towns, great driving, and some uniquely fascinating cities. The energy, craziness, wild diversity – and yes, the politics – are all part of its sprawling, unruly fascination.
What it lacks is intelligent television, watchable sports, really good fresh food, decent affordable cars (we always rent a Japanese-Korean model), fair wages for $200 million, and people-oriented town planning. The car is king.
But these are mere quibbles – the good features far outweigh these mightily. Go there immediately if you haven’t already been!
It doesn’t make any sense to say the US is a “lawless nation” in the same breath as you make fun of how many people are imprisoned does it?
Unless you claim somehow the imprisoned are wrongfully charged, tried, convicted and incarcerated under the law.
“fair wages for $200 million”.
No country can afford to pay its workers that much.
Their law enforcement is also a total ‘pigs breakfast’
‘I AM saying that they are a lawless nation.’
A military industrial complex and police state, leader of the free world.
Run by a criminal cabal and [maybe] about to become irrelevant in SE Asia, which concerns me.
Should be alright, Beijing only wants to take over Australia commercially.
Serious question.
“Military Times” says it was Secretary of Army Ryan McCarthy.
Wonder who told him?
Likely same folk that arranged Biden winner of Dem primaries.
Guess POTUS is not ‘Commander in Chief’.
Redux from 25th October 2020 – What if Biden wins?
“In Tennyson’s epic poem about the death of King Arthur, his last remaining knight Sir Bedivere tries to do his bidding but finally realises the new world he’s going to have to deal with – “… the days darken round me, and the years, Among new men, strange faces, other minds.” The story that’s reproduced in full below is from the viewpoint of the common man’s eyes and although set seven years hence, will start becoming true from this afternoon onwards.”
Read on at –
If you haven’t read “The Road to Serfdom” by Hayek recently, it is time to do so. A free condensed version is available online on the van Mises institute website, and they run their own servers so it should stay up.
I find it impossible not to conclude that human nature has remained constant, and that the current administration, with the exception of a few members who are perhaps clown-car stupid, is in fact venal.
Why you makeafuna my car!
This is messed up……either a vaccine works or ( cough ) it never does…..
So hey…the Establishment jabs people with a franken-jab but you still cant have any freedom…….um…….hang on…..
So does this mean this was never about the vaccine, they are still leeping everyone on a leash regardless? If so, vaccinating people is just a sc*m.
“We don’t yet know whether being vaccinated will prevent the transmission of Covid-19 from one person to another. Just because some people might want to celebrate their newfound immunity, it doesn’t mean they can’t pass the virus onto someone who hasn’t been called up yet. Until we know more about transmission, it’s irresponsible to be trawling in a frenzy.
“So does this mean this was never about the vaccine, they are still l(k)eeping everyone on a leash regardless? If so, vaccinating people is just a sc*m.”
In my humble, soon to be in a De-lousing/Trump de-programming camp, opinion …
(I disavow this opinion in advance.)
Smart John R Smith but you should have used John R Doe.
I’ll be seeing you in camp soon.
Wil has a look at the tropical rain belt
And despite 27 models – –
Hmmm! Unmangled
Willis’s look at
It used to be “GIGO”. As they now use super computers it is (IMO)
“Garbage in, super garbage out so GISGO”
more compute power just means the garbage appears quicker
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”
The 2020 election has reminded us of the power of the
gatekeepers. WHO SHALL PASS?
—vote counters can swing elections
—algorithms decide what sites come up
—media companies decide our news
—big tech censors at will
—the cancel culture is killing free speech
Add to this the rioting of the left and the
physical attacks by leftist thugs on anyone
they dont like and it is clear that tyranny
is on the march!
If free speech is suppressed, if our institutions
fail us, if repressive legislation is passed and enforced,
if the judiciary turns its face away and the military does
nothing,if every avenue of protest and redress is denied us,
if the gate keepers shut us out, is there any alternative to
I am not an American but what I see over there alarms me. We depend on America and what happens is America often spreads to
other countries. You really have to fix it over there.
You really,really GOTTA FIX IT!!!
And we gotta fix it here too; we got it bad.
Just look at the Tony and Zarli episode: frightening.
Get ready to laugh!
Tim Flannery on water shortages – Wed 29 May 2019, Lateline
“Last month, rainfall across New South Wales was 58 per cent below average – worsening a drought that’s threatened the water supply of towns in western and central New South Wales.
The Burrendong Dam services Dubbo and it’s on track to being empty within 12 months.”
Burrendong Dam, current dam level: 41.6%
3 or 4 months to go!
Thank goodness Flannery is consistent(ly wrong) …
Flannery, 2005: Running out of water – and time
“There’s only two years’ water supply in Warragamba Dam,” says Flannery, “yet Frank Sartor [NSW Minister for Energy and Utilities] is talking about the situation being stable … If the computer models are right then drought conditions will become permanent in eastern Australia.”
Flannery issues global warming warning
Sat 11 Jun 2005
TIM FLANNERY: Well, I’m afraid that the science around climate change is firming up fairly quickly, and what we’ve seen is three major phenomena that are depriving Australia of its rainfall.
TIM FLANNERY: Well, you can’t predict the future; that’s one of the things that you learn fairly early on, but if I could just say, the general patterns that we’re seeing in the global circulation models – and these are very sophisticated computer tools, really, for looking at climate shift – are saying the same sort of thing that we’re actually seeing on the ground.
Tom Foolery
It *was* empty, you [Snip]
Dubbo spent months and months on level 4 restrictions and then ran out of water completely – at one point they were providing residents with water by truck.
Strange the story says the lake was at 1.8% which given the photo obviously means it wasn’t empty ! Craig have you and Fitz been swapping info on how to post a link that says the opposite of what you claim ?
The Burrendong dam was completed in 1967.
Unfortunately, like most infrastructure under government “management”, the draw rate was increased to a level that exceeded capacity to service new users and it dried up.
Was a new dam built to cater for the increased demand since the original plans were made; nope.
We get what we vote for: unless you are currently in the U.S.
It is good to see Rowan Dean back on Sky evenings, and giving a biting editorial on ‘climate change’, now that we we have settled into such a cool/hot wet/drought. The baying crowd had me convinced last year, that the climate had changed, and I am admiring the mental gymnastics they are conjuring up, to explain the present situation. Thank god I do hear that the blast furnace doors will be opened in a few days. Unfortunately not in my area? I have plants that would love more than a day of sunshine.
Here’s a clear and concise look at wind and solar power and why they’re really not all they’re cracked up to be. Surprise!!!! ToM
A reliable emetic.
Just put this in to Google search and look at what comes up.
“photography Biden sniffs hair”
Soon to be Mr. President.
And we are supposed to believe Hilliary. Nanci, AOC and Kamahla that the U.S. is just fine.
Yes, but remember what they say: hair today gone tomorrow.
Few sentences have been quoted more often than the aphorism: “Justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done”. This dictum was laid down by Lord Hewart, the then Lord Chief Justice of England in the case of Rex v. Sussex Justices, [1924] 1 KB 256.
US Presidential Election 2020?
I just checked in and noticed the last 7 Nova threads are all
American politics
American politics
American politics
American politics
American politics
American politics
American politics
What does this mean? Don’t we have anything to talk about in this country?
What happened to all the climate change stuff? Sept all that under the rug have we?
Maybe now’s a good time to do a “looking back over 5 years” exercise again, and see how Nova’s “information” and predictions have panned out?
You must be kicking yourself for having missed the early November threads. We’re fully conversant with everything that’s been canvassed Trumpside since election day and all agog for news of the arrests these last hours are promised to bring.
‘What happened to all the climate change stuff? Swept all that under the rug have we?’
No sir, David Evans predicted global cooling should begin no later than 2020 and as you can see we are home by a whisker.
Been asleep for a while? you never griped over 9 months of Covid, Covid, Covid
American politics, at the moment is in the same state of disorder as that of Eire.
Oh, welcome back Craig!
Seriously Annie ? Although the links he posts are similar in hilarity Peter Fitzroy’s .
He still hasn’t changed that suit; it must be a hundred years old now.
I wait with baited breath for the next CAGW posting on this website (once we get over this USA election nonsense). For all the predictions made here, such as GSM and other solar-related hypotheses (???) , how about a little bit of PRAGMATISM and REALITY? I always thought that the aim of this website is to be a bulwark against the Church of Climatology, and its goal lof global domination. However, it looks like I was wrong (pity :()
Living wage: money for just sitting around.
Free “Education”. BA in how to complain effectively.
Free Elections, or how to Dominionate your way to a fairer result.
All these topics have one thing in common: Kontrol of the people, in their own best interests of course.
As an example, there’s No scientific basis for the CAGW superstructure that’s been assembled over us;we’re enslaved.
If you can’t see the control link between all the above then you can go and get vaccinated.
It’s free.