A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I watched the show. I am not a great fan of Biden but I thought he did perfectly ok. He spoke sincerely and without stumbling. Presumably he had an auotocue? If not it was a good performance, although he is not an inspirational orator. I thought the first lady looked elegant and is a considerable intellect in her own right.
A demonstration of how close the inauguration is to show biz could be seen when Lady ga ga! (!!) sang the national anthem but she was pretty good. Why jo lo? Sheer show business. Then a dreadful female youth poet . Again why?
By that time the thing was going down hill so I turned off.
Mind you it shows how well Trump fitted in, with his own show business background.
All in all a strange combination but I doubt Biden will be there for four years to carry out his pledges. The rather more unknown and fiery (think Pritti Patel a uk cabinet minister from Asia ) Harris will be President in 2 years without having to submit to an election. I find that concerning .
Will trump run again? I doubt it so the republicans will need a personale candidate in 2024 if they want to continue draining the swamp.
‘I doubt Biden will be there for four years to carry out his pledges.’
Probably true, but its not about the man, Harris is quite capable and can easily pick up the reins.
Yes she can pick up the reins, and then wonder what to do with them as after the next House election, presuming no fraud occurs, the reins will be harnessed to an Elephant.
Of course, that is US political democracy, the people will decide.
But we have just come out of a couple of months of ructions controverting your homiletic “the people will decide” el gordo. Where have you been?
It comes down to what the new Administration can achieve. US democracy is in good working order, but they need electoral reform or (heaven forbid) compulsory voting.
Why do leftists always want to ensure that people who have no interest in politics, policies, and who don’t know what they are voting for are forced to randomly select a candidate under threat of a fine?
But careful what you wish for elgordo… if voting is compulsory then they have to check be able to confirm who has voted … and how many times.
The system works well in Australia, fraudulent behaviour is practically non existent.
‘Why do leftists always want to ensure that people who have no interest in politics, policies, and who don’t know what they are voting for are forced to randomly select a candidate under threat of a fine?’
That is a very good question, but the left are not asking for compulsory voting.
No need for compulsory voting, but definetely need for mandatory ID-check, no mail-in voting (or only as an exception) and the voting being under the control of the military. State authorities can no longer be trusted.
That’s attitudinal. Trying to get 50 states to operate democratically and not in the Governors’ perceived interest is like herding cats.
So no compulsory voting. Perhaps electoral reform?
El Gordo. The people will decide. I assume you mean the people who run the CCP. They got their man into the White House. The American public are being told half of them are terrorists. If you think there is a system working democratically in the US I think you’ve been watching too much CNN.
Ah! Whistling in the dark masquerading as Revealed Prophesy? How much did William win at Paddypower betting on recent outcomes?
She is a rabid communist
Harris was consistently the tail end candidate throughout the Democrat primaries leading up to the 2020 presidential elections. I believe her popularity amongst Democrats at one point was less than 1%, after which she withdrew to save herself further embarrassment.
As a Jamaican born Indian on both sides of her family, I’m not sure whether she was raised a Hindu, or a Muslim, and have no idea whether she practices the faith she was brought up in.
But her politics are clear. There were only two other senators ranked further to the left in the US senate.
If she takes over the Presidency, it will be an interesting time for all the American people.
There is no reason to think Biden won’t serve out his term and its my observation that the VP job is only ceremonial.
Have you witnessed how much Biden’s health has deteriorated in the last 6 months ? I actually feel sorry for him –he is being used by the people around him.
Surely you mean supported by the people around him.
Don’t worry, Biden’s health is fine and he should see out this term.
Trump was used by the hothead religious zealots around him–to Biden’s good fortune.
Twitter Suspends Voices of ‘Rebel Alliance’ Resistance Against JoeBama Agenda
Posted on January 20, 2021 by Sundance
While the JoeBama administration is being formally installed today, the advancement of Big Tech’s control against any voice in opposition continues. Michelle Malkin, GateWay Pundit and RSBN Broadcasting were all removed from Twitter.
Simultaneously, in a stunning display showing the lack of actual support for the installation of the totalitarian regime, the streets of Washington DC were devoid of JoeBama supporters while 25,000 military troops were ordered to protect the illusion.
~ This picture gives the reality of the total crowd at the installation ~
Scroll Down – Notice: No crowds, only troops and police…..
The view from Biden’s motorcade as it made its way up to the Capitol
Looks like a whole platoon turned their backs on him!
Really stood out the troops with their backs turned .
Security details / guards / troops always face towards the crowd (or where a threat would probably come from). they don’t face the target … it would be useless.
Righto Tilba, except there was no crowd.
Twitter is sooo 2020. That bird will fall.
Kamala Harris and Pritti Patel is an epic false equivalence. Patel is intelligent, competent and outcome oriented and then you have Harris.
Patel is fiery and was investigated by the Govt for allegedly bullying her dept. Harris is also said not to tolerate those she disagrees with. That was my point of equivalence, I made no other comparison to people on different sides of the political scales
“We Want Revenge”: Antifa Anarchists Activate After Biden Inaugurate
From the Comments
Hahaha Democrats. You fed the Crocodile last summer. Payback is a b|tch.
Biden Signs First 17 Executive Actions Starting With Mask Mandate, “Racial Equality” & Rejoining Paris Accord
From the Comments
RIP United States of America – January 20, 2021
They foisted a fake pandemic on us and wrecked our economy
They rioted in our cities and promoted internal strife
They stole our election
They stole our courts
And when we wanted to be heard, they called us traitors and silenced dissention.
We no longer live in a free country – The republic is no more…
To those responsible – you are despicable tyrants
Joe Biden’s pick for national security advisor has weighed in on China’s showdown with Australia
. Jake Sullivan, who President-elect Joe Biden has picked as national security adviser, on Wednesday sent a subtle message of support to Australia, which is locked in an ongoing showdown with China.
. China’s confrontation with Australia has escalated this spring, most recently with Chinese official tweeting an inflammatory image referencing war-crimes accusations against Australian soldiers.
. US observers welcomed Sullivan’s message as a departure from Trump’s attitude toward allies but said Biden needs to follow-through on it after taking office.
Jake Sullivan, who President-elect Joe Biden has picked to be national security adviser, on Wednesday sent what appeared to be a message of support to Australia amid its ongoing showdown with China.
“The Australian people have made great sacrifices to protect freedom and democracy around the world,” Sullivan tweeted. “As we have for a century, America will stand shoulder to shoulder with our ally Australia and rally fellow democracies to advance our shared security, prosperity, and values.”
Sullivan’s message avoided mentioning China, which has steadily escalated a confrontation with Australia since earlier this year.
Questions for Incoming National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan
After watching a 2019 discussion with Jake Sullivan, I came away with these takeaways about his worldview (in the past, Sullivan served as a key advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President-elect Biden):
. Attachment to Europe’s culture, history, and geo-strategic thinking;
. Support for multilateralism through expanded national security collaboration with Europe, the UN, and international alliances and organizations, rather than unilateralism;
. Democracy and human rights-driven foreign policy (however, in the Middle East, Arab regimes do not lend themselves to human rights and consider democracy an existential threat);
. The reassertion of the worldview of many in the State Department crowd (despite their systematic blunders in the Middle East); and
. The restructuring of the defense budget by expanding “civilian tools” and reducing “military tools” of national security (this would occur in a stormy world, which requires an enhanced, not reduced, US posture of deterrence).
Jake Sullivan played a key role in negotiating the 2015 Iran nuclear accord (JCPOA). He opposes a regime-change policy because he thinks it is unrealistic and prefers to try to work with and around Tehran. He supports returning to the Iran deal under the right conditions — but it’s unclear what those will be.
The inexorable rise of Jake Sullivan
In his first interview as Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Sullivan lays out his plans for a world transformed by the coronavirus — and Donald Trump.
Didn’t all those alleged events occur on Trump’s watch, with McConnell’s Senate, and under a Republican Supreme Court? Hardly reasonable to blame Biden and the Democrats – been in power less than a day.
you are a fool. Biden is the swamp and been paddling around for 40 or more years.
And he had the hide to talk about democracy and a democratic election.
Most people know better.
As Sweden has been so much in the news and has been the subject of numerous cmments here, I provide this link which gives comprehensive data from Swedish sources about 2020
The take home is that the excess deaths in 2020 in Sweden were the worst since 2012 when taking into account population size and age demographics .
In the UK every year prior to 2008 to 1900 had worse excess death rates than 2020 when taking the same factors into account. There are many other factors to take into account in these bald figures.
Both death rates in Sweden and the UK were made worse by the decision to send infected or non tested patients from hospitals into care homes and not protecting the hospitals which in themselves became vectors of infection.
In Britain up to 30% of patients being infected who came in for other reasons. It is currently 12% and rising again, around 40% of all UK covid deaths occurred in our care homes and although it dropped late last year is rising again as the same policies are provided, as the NHs try to clear the decks to provide more beds
It would be interesting to see this data picked apart by those with knowledge of ty stats as no one wants to pretend covid is a hoax and that it is not a serious ailment, with those affected ranging from not knowing they had it to death and every condition in between.
However that is one part of the balance sheet, the ongoing consequences of ill health through not getting treatments,(some 4 million treatments in the UK are in abeyance) mental health, the economy, societal damage, all have to be included into the bigger picture when considering if the West generally have followed the right actions
On a cheerful note, supplied by Mother Nature (!), I let my breakfast cool while watching Mr Blackbird scattering water while he had a bath. There is an old bowl of water kept by one of the taps for the birds.
We see lots of different birds here, from tiny wrens to hovering hawks, crows, black cockatoos, all manner of other parrots and my least liked, the thuggish vandals, sulphur-crested cockatoos. You should see the mess of apples under the large apple trees!
We have loads of water dragons, ranging from babies up to really large and they like to sun themselves all over the property – we also used to have 3 families of blue tongue lizards, but have not seen them as frequently recently
I am woken every morning 1 hour before sunrise by our 8-10 Kookaburras, thankfully the sulphur-crested cockatoos fly over as do the Major Mitchell’s – love the sound of Currawongs and Magpies and always large flights of parrots flying over on their way down to night nesting in Manly
PS forgot the Bush Turkeys which thankfully have not nested in our grounds, and which shows the Local Area Fox Baiting has been working, since if the Fox that used to sit on the drive on the other side of the fence taunting our Beagles, was still around, there would be no Bush Turkeys
It’s a shame we eat roos, Emus and crocs, but no one has bothered to create a tasty recipe for a bush turkey. Is it really that hard?
Just need to hang them up for a while in a large fridge.
I’m thinking of getting a load of mulch in my back yard for the turkeys. Maybe then they will leave the front yard alone. Last year I had to trap an old male and release him in the uni grounds.
We have sea almond trees, not many on private property but the council has planted them in a beachside suburb. The fruit is as hard as little coconuts but the black cockies love the kernel and have the beak to open them up. They prefer to do this on the ground so they prune the branches leaving the tree rather denuded. They aren’t an attractive, leafy tree at the best of times [like many trees that survive salty winds] but they are a mess after this treatment.
Friend of mine calls black cockatoos B52 Cockatoos, for there slow graceful flight and dark presence.
Always nice to see them around.
or “their” even
I love to see and hear the black cockatoos. They love the hakea nuts, although some of our bushes are dying off and gradually being removed. They also feast on pine nuts, possibly also the young acorns, which are certainly favoured by the sulphur-crested mob. When the sheep hear the cockies in the oak trees, they rush over to pick up the knocked-down acorns. I read somewhere that acorns aren’t good for sheep but we can’t keep ours away from them and they seem to thrive!
B52! Love it!
Not sure what to make of this:
Apparently, sufficient quinine is available in Tonic Water to help with the covid.
Now… to tell the Mrs. why Gin is so very therapeutic…… 🙂
According to the Zelenko protocol for high risk patients with early stage infection 200mg of HCQ twice per day is prescribed, plus zinc, plus azithromycin and vitamin C. For prophlaxis with high risk patients the protocol is a loading regimen of 200mg per day HCQ for five days then once per week plus zinc.
If HCQ is not available for covid treatments such as in extreme Nanny States like Australia, then over the counter quercetin is acceptable and this has not yet been banned in Australia.
I’m not sure of the equivalence between an HCQ dose and a quinine dose but to get to the equivalent of just one 200mg pill you’d have to drink 6 litres of tonic water at 83mg/l. I suppose a lower than desired dose would be better than nothing, however.
drink 6 litres of tonic water – must add Gin but would not be able to stand
just pace yourself, you will be fine
I think I’d be out of it! Just enjoying my second prophylactic pink gin but that’ll be it! I need to cook our meal and water sagging tomato plants.
BTW, we find the Aldi own brand gin perfectly acceptable and cheaper than well-known brands, even the cheaper ones ‘on offer’. There is a cheaper one in Woollies that we used to buy in France and Coles have an equivalent. We usually use ‘shh’ tonic but lash out on Fevertree for special occasions. Home-grown limes are a good finish, all stirred by OH’s twizzle-stick he retained from an Emirates flight years ago!
I was irritated by the recent attack on Craig Kelly MP in “The Australian” by that medical Kelly fellow who says the recent evidence of the efficacy of HCQ is that it doesn’t work. He quoted no recent research in his bald attack on a Government MP. Just slander.
Here is some of the recently published research. When Kelly (the medical one) refutes it with peer reviewed medical science I’ll accept his advice. In the interim, he should put up or shut up.
Lagier et al. Outcomes of 3,737 COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis. Travel Med Infect Dis
(Jul-Aug 2020).
“Treatment with HCQ-AZ was associated with a decreased risk of transfer to ICU or death (Hazard ratio (HR) 0.18 0.11-0.27), decreased risk of hospitalization ≥10 days (odds ratios 95% CI 0.38 0.27-0.54) and shorter duration of viral shedding (time to negative PCR: HR 1.29 1.17-1.42). QTc prolongation (>60 ms) was observed in 25 patients (0.67%) leading to the cessation of treatment in 12 cases including 3 cases with QTc> 500 ms. No cases of torsade de pointe or sudden death were observed.
Conclusion: Although this is a retrospective analysis, results suggest that early diagnosis, early isolation and early treatment of COVID-19 patients, with at least 3 days of HCQ-AZ lead to a significantly better clinical outcome and a faster viral load reduction than other treatments.
Roland Derwanda, Martin Scholzb, Vladimir Zelenko. COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, Volume 56, Issue 6, December 2020, 106214
“141 patients (median age 58 years, IQR 40–67 years; 73.0% male) received a prescription for triple therapy for 5 days. Independent public reference data from 377 confirmed COVID-19 patients in the same community were used as untreated controls. Of 141 treated patients, 4 (2.8%) were hospitalised, which was significantly fewer (P < 0.001) compared with 58 (15.4%) of 377 untreated patients [odds ratio (OR) = 0.16, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.06–0.5]. One patient (0.7%) in the treatment group died versus 13 patients (3.4%) in the untreated group (OR = 0.2, 95% CI 0.03–1.5; P = 0.12). No cardiac side effects were observed. Risk stratification-based treatment of COVID-19 outpatients as early as possible after symptom onset using triple therapy, including the combination of zinc with low-dose hydroxychloroquine, was associated with significantly fewer hospitalisations."
Yi Su et al. Efficacy of early hydroxychloroquine treatment in preventing COVID-19 pneumonia aggravation, the experience from Shanghai, China. BioScience Trends.
“The early use of hydroxychloroquine was a protective factor associated with disease aggravation (95% CI: 0.040-0.575, p = 0.006). Clinical improvement by 20 days was significantly different between patients with hydroxychloroquine used early and those with hydroxychloroquine not used (p = 0.016, 95% CI: 1.052-1.647)”.
Huang et al. Preliminary evidence from a multicenter prospective observational study of the safety and efficacy of chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19. National Science Review, Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2020.
“The median time to achieve an undetectable viral RNA was shorter in chloroquine than in non-chloroquine (absolute difference in medians −6.0 days; 95% CI −6.0 to −4.0). The duration of fever is shorter in chloroquine (geometric mean ratio 0.6; 95% CI 0.5 to 0.8). No serious adverse events were observed in the chloroquine group.”
Hong et al. Early Hydroxychloroquine Administration for Rapid Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Eradication. Infect Chemother. 2020 Sep;52(3):396-402. English.
“Early administration of HCQ significantly ameliorates inflammatory cytokine secretion by eradicating COVID-19, at discharge. Our findings suggest that patients confirmed of COVID-19 infection should be administrated HCQ as soon as possible.”
And note, the American Medical Association (AMA) by way of Resolution 509 of November 2020 (yes, just after the election) retracted its earlier advice on the prescription of HCQ and noted in doing so that both “The Lancet” and the “New England Journal of Medicine” had to retract their articles critical of HCQ because of the serious deficiencies in the research (if you could call it that).
OK. In moderation. Too many URLs?
Here’s the link to the AMA’s resolution 509 of November 2020 retracing its earlier advice on HCQ:
You’ll need to scroll down to Resolution 509 of November to get the detail.
And, here’s the stupid comment by the Chief Medical Officer” (recently appointed) Paul Kelly as per “The Australian” of Thursday, 4 January, 2021:
(Paywalled regrettably).
The arrogance, hubris and outright deceit is one for the record.
Why should a democratically elected Member of Parliament be told by some upstart public servant what he (or she) should comment on? Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly typifies the authoritarian, censorious, wackers the increasingly infest the bureaucracy in Australia.
Give us the evidence Pauly boy or else stick a sock in it.
14th January. Not 4 January.
Perhaps we ought rename the White House to “Trader Jao’s”
The “New Biden National Anthem”
“Zhou Bi Den”
Oops! Spelling correction from there
“Zhou Bai Den”
The capture and takeover of the United States is the jewel in the crown for the Left. Once freedom has fallen there it will fall in all other Western countries (it doesn’t really exist elsewhere). Trump was the ONLY restraining force against these forces of evil.
If humanity survives this and there is ever freedom again to write true history, historians will mark the day Biden was illegally installed as President as a day of infamy.
Apart from vast amounts of factual evidence for election fraud, at the very top level, the mere fact that the Left refused to allow a forensic audit of election results proves it was fraudulent. There was absolutely nothing to lose. If there was no fraud as the Left claimed, it would prove that they were right and Trump was wrong and it would work in their favour. Plus it would have given credibility to the President as legitimate rather than most thinking people thinking he was illegally installed and being unwilling to observe his decrees or to respect him.
God bless America and the true elected President Donald Trump. Trump 2024!
‘God bless America and the true elected President Donald Trump. Trump 2024!’
The Impeachment should keep him from trying again, but his movement might find a charismatic outlier to replace him. Do you have any names to put forward, the future is in your hands.
How do you impeach a private citizen, which what he is now?
Anyway if the process had gone ahead it had no chance of winning, if it was based on the facts. Oh that’s right, we are talking about the most corrupt political setup in the world, so it might have succeeded
If you are charged with an offense does in matter what job you had at that point in time? He was impeached (the accusation phase) as President.
They want to make sure they lock him out. Shows how scared they are.
Yes they want to lock him out.
‘If convicted, the Senate also has the option to vote to disqualify the president from holding public offices in the future, in which case he would be prohibited from running again in 2024.’ (Independent)
So I suppose if I started proceeding to sack an employee but they retired today, I should still go ahead and sack them next Monday. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
They only need to blacken his reputation with a conviction to stop him entering the fray in four years. The Senate would be reluctant to do this because of the ruckus it might cause, nevertheless they are determined not to let this demagogue back into the house.
Donald’s best chance is to organise his new media outlet with a distinct bias.
Back in the day they called Rupert a kingmaker, Donald’s political power could also make him a kingmaker.
If the Republicans want to lose half their voters, by all means go the impeachment route.
Impeachment is a political process, and only for elected officials – your job status does therefore matter.
Obviously they cannot hold a Senate trial to dismiss someone who has resigned or completed their term, and it requires 67 votes.
However a Senate decision to bar someone from future office … most legal opinion says it can definitely happen, otherwise an official could run out the clock, or resign just before the decision was made.
I don’t think the Democrats are scared at all – but they do believe Trump’s admin was so bad that justice must be done for the sake of the country. Everyone has a view about this.
Further – I think they think they would benefit from Trump staying a strong influence in the GOP for the next four years, including planning to run again, leading to instability and internal conflict
Personally I think Trump will lose interest pretty quickly … he’s got plenty else on his post-presidency plate.
Biden’s controllers have written a huge pile of Executive Orders for him to robotically sign without reading them. These will undo all of Trump’s magnificent achievements in a matter of days.
I think the pressure will be on to get Biden to sign as many documents as possible before his advancing dementia precludes his ability to sign his name. Then, his controllers can ink his thumb and manoeuvre it onto the page for a thumb print or they will just make his last signed document his resignation for “family” or “medical” reasons.
*(A thumb print is an acceptable legal signature in most if not all jurisdictions derived from English common law and in most other societies. It is probably even better than a written one because the signer can be authenticated.)
For those who follow, the fact that almost no federal legislation in the US is written by elected representatives will not be a surprise:
As the above article mentions, Hillary Clinton had hundreds of pieces of legislation ready to sign, as soon as she was elected President in 2016. Trump’s will then, against all polls, fraud and election machinery halted the “legislative process” for many months.
I expect to see many “old” pieces of legislation dusted off and quickly rammed through over the next few months. In the Senate, a number of Republicans are likely to significantly increase their personal wealth during this next period, as their “votes” will be key to getting this legislation approved.
Why are you blaming “the left”? All 50 states held elections, and all 50 certified the election results, and a majority of these states had either Republican legislatures, Republican governors, or both.
Of the critical swing states, only Nevada is totally controlled by Democrats. Most of the officials who certified their elections were Republicans. Most of the judges and justices who heard cases were Republican appointees.
The left didn’t have to do anything … Republicans are almost wholly responsible for the election result, and it was certified as fair.
Biden’s controllers will have him sign back into the Paris agreement. I expect US CO2 emissions will increase (not that it matters) because Biden’s controllers will ban or restrict fracking which is what liberated so much natural gas under Trump to enable the US to reduce emissions.
I wish Australia had squirrels as a preferred aboreal rodent rather than the arboreal marsupials we currently have. Squirrels are intelligent, cute and fun to watch and possums are the opposite.
There is little that can be done at this stage, Morrison has rejected the idea of zero emissions by 2050. Not sure what Biden will do.
? Was that a reply to David’s squirrel comment? Explain what I have missed SVP.
‘It was angry, vicious’: spate of squirrel attacks leave NYC neighborhood in fear
At least three people in Rego Park, in Queens, have been jumped upon and bitten by a possibly deranged squirrel
Drop Squirrels? who knew? think I would rather deal with our Drop Bears in rabies free Australia.
The Drop Bear legend tells of a large, arboreal, predatory marsupial related to the Koala that ‘drops’ on its prey.
Danger to humans
The urban legend focuses on bush walkers being ‘dropped on’ by drop bears, resulting in injury including mainly lacerations and occasionally bites. Most attacks are considered accidental and there are no stories of incidents being fatal.
There are some suggested folk remedies that are said to act as a repellent to Drop Bears, these include having forks in the hair or Vegemite or toothpaste spread behind the ears. There is no evidence to suggest that any such repellents work.
My brother was seconded to a US airfield construction squadron in ‘Nam before the Army went there and as he tells it the Aussies never had to buy a beer, the yanks wanted to hear their accents and yarns. I believe this was the environment in which the drop bear was born: Aussies telling tall tales to Yanks who were terrified of the wildlife.
I like to think so anyway.
Dropped that in the wrong pigeon hole, apology. Possums are a nuisance, but alas they were here before us and have rights.
I imagine squirrels could be fun to watch:
They are. We used to watch the grey squirrels (a pest actually, imported from America) in our garden in Gloucestershire. They were very funny. One day we were watching them from upstairs. A great chunk of berried holly started running across the lawn; we then realised there was a squirrel attached to it!
Having said that, I much prefer the native red squirrel; much prettier and they are prone to be infected by disease aquired from the greys, to which the greys are immune.
We have three cuties that spend their evenings munching on the fresh leaves of our Manchurian pear. Apparental it is one of their favourite feeds.
I disturb the Cr@p out of them with the torch. My wife dislikes the mess they make below the tree. She says it smell like the sheep pavilion at ant royal show.
Well, I’m done with American politics, I cant bear to read or even look at Biden. The corruption runs deep and wide. Even the lawyers couldnt get their evidence viewed!
Having hoped that Trump would pull something out of the hat at the last minute, I am so disappointed.
So sad that the good work he did is being undone so quickly, Biden has rejoined the Paris accord already!!
Yes, I too was strung along with endless promises that some new strategy would work to correct the election fraud but nothing ever materialised. It wasn’t Trump’s fault of course, the whole system is rotten to the core with Leftist infiltration. I think The Swamp is far deeper than Trump, or indeed anyone, ever imagined.
One thing we learnt these last 4 years, and especially since about July last year when the “biggest election fraud system ever” kicked into gear, is how big and deep the swamp is. And how foolish and naïve many of those walking among us are…
I hold the naive belief that good will prevail over evil, but that is being shaken to the core right now and I have found this whole electoral process in the US depressing and despairing beyond words. The depth and the magnitude of the corruption is mind-boggling. To think that a nation like the United States of America has so few true patriots in positions that can steer the ship safely is beyond sad. Money is all powerful and it will win over integrity, decency, honesty and loyalty every time it seems. Shame on them. ToM
Me too. Depressed and in despair. Very sad about it all.
I’m disgusted and as much at Trump as the demonrats. Four years and not one swampy faced an investigation, let alone a charge and Hillary still free as a bird.
Vote rigging is now entrenched in law and the GOP is split so that in the mid-terms the GOP will be decimated. Trump is now impotent. Go back to your golf Donny.
For Jo Nova Blog Petrol Heads – SINGER’S ACS – the ultimate safari 911!
25 Mins 12 Secs of Pure Car Heaven
By 2 of the Greatest Porsche 911 Enhancers – and
Oh well, at least it has the same tyres as my 4WD
Driving the Porsche 911 Reimagined by Singer – ACS – 2 mins 55 secs
Tuthill Porsche
3.69K subscribers
The Porsche 911 Reimagined by Singer All-terrain Competition Study (ACS) was undertaken by Singer, in partnership with renowned 911 rally specialist Richard Tuthill. The impetus came from a Singer client request for a modified air-cooled Porsche 911 that could compete in off-road racing and demonstrate extensive all-terrain exploration capabilities.
To highlight the broad repertoire of the ACS, the client commissioned two machines, one – in Singer’s iconic Parallax White – focused on high-speed desert rallying and a second – in Corsica Red – configured for high-speed, high-grip tarmac events and disciplines.
Loved the dift around the base of the Wind Turbine!
More reasons to not like solar .
I hope none of those people have tank water
We are on tank water but out in the sticks .
More than half of the National Guard troops turned their backs to BiteMe(tm) during his procession.
(sorry for twatter, but that’s where the vid is)
US Military Not under Biden Control.
National Guard showed their feelings.
Pete Gaynor (FEMA) and Christopher Miller (DOD) are running the country.
We have been assured that they are in fact not turned away but facing the direction of any assault. They massed invader troops are using the advanced technology of invisibility cloaks.
Anyway, the guards are not carrying live weapons due to snowflake influence. If those are real pics they certainly look a motley collection comparing poorly with the massed ranks that China and North Korea put on for display. Those masked guards do not look fit enough to lift a loaded weapon.
I expect that China will be sending advisors to smarted up the Nat Guard.
To realise how sick some people are there is at least one extreme Q/Trump supporter who is now saying that Biden and Trump did a face transplant and Trump is still POTUS and the one with Trump’s body is actually Biden and will be arrested and sent to prison. How’s that for a conspiracy theory? NUTS! There are others with equally crazy theories. Goes to show how insane some people are. The truth of course is Biden is now POTUS and it’s not Trump masquerading as Biden. Now let’s get back to reality and focus on how the new administration will instigate the Great Reset to pave the way for the NWO to be fully implemented over the coming years. That’s not fiction; that’s reality for anyone who dares to open their eyes and see what’s happening around us instead of listening to drop kicks who run around with crazy conspiracy theories. The Great Reset is now about to be fired up and climate change action is to be one of their front-line attacks on the West. It will be revealing as to how they go about it.
Half the country, having got what they wished for, will be shocked at how quickly things go to hell in a handcart with Dem power lined up all they way through the US political system. The outcome is baked in, the big question is timing.
I thought you were going to refer to JoeBama, two faces.
China is having a hell of a good laugh at the leadership they put into office of the once great America.
A frail old man with dementia and a bimbo.
Now the American people have to suffer seeing this as their leaders.
So sad really.
They have the government they deserve. I never dreamt that Americans would skulk away into the shadows and allow their country to be taken over.
The sane ones must be wondering why they spent so much on their military.
They should focus on the senior ranks, I have no doubt that most of all other ranks are conservative patriots who are as angry as civilians about the voting irregularities or f*aud.
The Pentagon is a nest of vipers.
In California, Harris is known as :
Heels Up
flat knees
On Sale
among others.
That was 25 yrs ago. The “sell by date” is long since gone.
Susan Rice to be the shadow President? Ric Grenell thinks so. He says Harris will be too busy as the 101 st senator.
I still think Jill has reserved herself a seat at the table. She didn’t do all this hand-holding to get a Thank You card and be shown the door.
Drop Bear humour.
Excellent rant on a variety of topics by Dinesh D’Souza.
Someone suggested this as a name for supporters. “BIDOPHILES”
Since they call conservatives all sorts of derogatory names.
Biden supporters that is.
Dolores Cahill is a breath of fresh air. I post this here for readers and contributors.
Joe Biden will not serve out his term as president.
K Harris will be assinnated.
The USA will descend through a recession into a deep depression.
The Mid-Terms will be a landslide election, BOTH ways, the winners will win big, the outcome will be yet more division, depending upon how corrupt those elections are.
The 2024 election will be a nightmare.
The electoral college will be thrown into disrepute.
UN Women. Are part of the UN. It was set up to fight for women’s rights..
I totally agree with that.
Apparently their charter doesn’t really seem to matter to “UN women”.
The right to vote in some countries. The re education (like what is happening to the Uighurs).
The slave labor. The rights in a court procedure is not really that important to them.
What is important is a cartoon competition they have just launched. You will win money for the best cartoon.
Forget about the Women that need a voice in oppressive countries today.
This is the best they can do. (Apart from attending the many UN, gravy train, forums)
It may not seem too laughable. Until you understand that this cartoon competition, organized by a sub branch of the UN is a tribute to the:
“25th anniversary of the groundbreaking Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which set out how to remove the systemic barriers that hold women back from equal participation in all areas of life”
Go figure. seriously? promote Beijing?
Btw you get 1200 euros if you win their cartoon comp.
You need to submit it before 14 March 2021. I wish u all good luck!
U have a good chance as I don’t think they’ll let a Uighur Woman win.
I have an interesting idea. Trump would be well served to form a new party called the New Republican Party or the True Republican Party. I recon he would have a number of key Republicans say Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Jordon who could defect to the New Republicans and effectively leave the Rinos stranded. He wouldn’t have to be the presidential candidate , just a really key player . Maybe Nicky Haley could become the first women to actually be elected to the office of President and Trump would make a great VP. As a team they would be unbeatable..Rather than splitting the vote the Republican vote would just transfer from the old to the new.
By keeping the name so close most Republican voters would not feel any angst about switching loyalties. In fact the similarity of the names will remind voters that the Republicans is a party with conservative values that appeals to ordinary Americans. What you have at the moment is a party that has been infiltrated by leftist sympathisers . It is clear to me that Mitch OConnell for instance has been compromised by his wife’s China links and there are others who have exposed themselves as party traitors during the latest impeachment process.
As for the legality of using the similar names it was interesting that in Australia they could set up a party called the Liberal Democrats ( contra the Liberal Party) and managed to get a member David Lyonjhem elected to parliament. If such similar party names are legally allowed in the US such a tactic could be successful in not splitting the Conservative vote as only one party would be truely representative of conservatives ( especially Trump conservatives). The old Republican Party would be literally for RINOs only.
As well as the key people I named earlier there was around 139 lower house Republicans and 8 senate Republicans who objected to the election result . Whether that is showing support for Trump or realising that the integrity of the electoral system is irrelevant. These are politicians who are properly representing their constituents.That sounds like a pretty good basis on which to build a new party that could actually win a fair election.
“A Chain Of Effects”
Willis E on atmospheric water
“Sebastian Kaleta – Why I Decided To Regulate Big Tech in Poland”
Is the concept of an election week a leftist thing?
We have a city council by-election tomorrow and my daughter posted her postal vote today. I said she was too late because it must be in by close of voting tomorrow. WRONG! They have at least a week. If you want a postal vote what’s wrong with posting it in time?
The funny thing is, the school is closer than the post box.
I can’t find a news item but my normally well informed son tells that the Tokyo Olympics is off. They have been offered the next unallocated year.
Tried to present my opinions on the state of affairs in Victoriastan by calling talk back radio this morning but found my call terminated by the gatekeeper employed to censor calls when I told him I wanted to discuss what I considered to be the cruellest indoctrination campaign in the history of the State.
Our local community has many retirees and older people and though there has been no Corona virus within 150 kilometres of the place, mask wearing has become endemic.
The people have been frightened out of their wits and the precautionary principle is the victor!
Statistically, if the MCG, Marvel Stadium and AAMI Park were all filled to capacity with Victorians, only 1 (one) person would be covid positive and they would not even require hospitalisation.
Gross population infection statistics are not the tool to use with an exponentially spreading disease that has a hospitalization rate of 1 in 7. We have to work from first principles. It is cheaper and easier to stop the virus at the border with a two week quarantine. It is horribly expensive to stop the virus spreading if it gets into the community. Something Victorians know so well. Once there is even one superspreader in a community it requires a full lockdown — the only question is how much and how long. The sooner the lockdown starts the sooner it ends. Dan’s second biggest mistake was waiting two months while infections went from 1 to 700 a day. Hence if you are like me, and you don’t want to lockdown, the answer is hard borders, and if that fails, masks, vitamin D and antivirals.
Using arithmetic of cases/million is using linear thinking instead of log. Virus accelerates so fast, linear thinking will always be three weeks too late. See the UK.
Hospitisation 1 in 7? 20,434 cases in VIC , so 2919 ended up in hospital? I dont think so. Maybe 1 in 7 in older demographics.
It may be state policy but 100% of new cases in Qld are hospitalised – 23 active cases – 23 hospitalisations. This has been so for months. The only ICU patient in ages has survived and is back in the wards apparently.
I expect the hospitalization and deaths rates will soar know that the WHO has finally admitted that PCR tests produce a lot of Covid false positives (as evidenced by the magical disappearance of flu)
There are so many numbers, so many perspectives and so little consistency its possible to construct almost any story. About the only thing I trust is excess deaths , its pretty unambiguous.
Why, then, has there been silence from health authorities on the efficacy of vitaminD, zinc and other prophylactics readily available to help boost resistance to the virus?
Why was hydroxychlorine placed on the dangerous drugs/poisons register ?
Why masks but no eye protection when the eyes are vulnerable to invasion of the virus?
Why are there no protocols in place for discarded used masks, gloves, hand wipes?
Why is my G P reluctant to even discuss the use of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin, let alone consider prescribing it?
Why does a shop assistant have the authority to refuse my wife entry to a business in which she works even though my wife has a written exemption from her specialist doctor?
Why have ordinary citizens become moral judges about when and where we should mask?
Why have people become so terrified of the virus that they are willing to surrender their freedoms so meekly?
No silver bullet answers
Mainly about control by pollies or societies Karens that just love to people what to do.
If your wife lets a shop assistant rule her actions and wont escalate , I guess that goes in the you get what you put up with basket.
We have been bemused in some situations at how wedded city people are to their masks, but now being able to socialise with city friends we are realising that they were subject to a lot of indoctrination and control, far more than we were. Some of them are far more fragile people than we imagined, and of course there is another layer of people that just love being told what to do and to be good little compliers. It seems a leftist mentality to sit and wait to be told wait to do and say and then rush out and do and say “it” without question. Its why so many of them melt down or go blank when faced with facts and rational argument.
Our freedoms have come cheap on the home front. We have never ripped ourselves apart in civil war/wars to get where we are. I dont think its valued and I doubt modern generations relate the world wars to their personal freedoms. They are easily manipulated toward the nebulous common good by social and MSM.
Deaths are politics. Never let a crisis go to waste.
Yarpos, there was not a surrender from my wife, we just took our $100 business to another place and have remonstrated with the business owner!
The point I was trying to make is that the “pandemic” has created a class of panjamdrums
I guess we have different views on what surrender means. Yes there is good supply of people who just love rules and enforcing them, and Covid has certainly flushed them out.
The La Nina is taking its time. Good partitioning of hot and cold across the basin but the large and increasing body of colder water isn’t coming to the surface. If it does we get strong La Nina, but it’s looking like a fizzer right now.
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