A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Hoping this is when we fi d out something solid regarding the direction of the World.
I’m tired.
Courage, DJT!
Ditto, TB.
I’m tired too.
Courage DJT.
Are we fvcked or not?
To answer your question. All being well only for seven more days
Unfortunately, it looks like the US is now a socialist state.
Purging and pulverizing President Trump and America, communist style
Democrats and progressives should wipe the superior smirks off their faces. What Big Tech and Big Commerce are doing, with their banning of still-President Trump, their attacks on Republicans who supported him, their censorship of negative news about Democrats, and their shutdown of social media site Parler, smacks of collusion, censorship, anti-trust, interference with interstate commerce, and breach of contract.
It is sickening to see fellow Republicans falling all over themselves, denouncing Trump as they grovel before the Democrats and liberal press. They have no principle or shame. Joe McCarthy would be so proud. The rest of the world is laughing.
So kiss the ring of Don Joe Biden and his consigliere, Nancy Pelosi, but that’s only the beginning. Viciously kicking Trump to the curb is the start of destroying us in this cycle, not the end.
Mr. Unity, Joe Biden, is off to a grand dictatorial start. Instead of tamping down the naked assault on free speech and competition, he is musing how to balance a second Trump impeachment with getting his cabinet approved.
With unity flying out the window, let’s remind the Democrats what President Trump and America have endured from them:
Here is JPs take on the Big Tech bans.
It is well worth the 5 minute view. He nails it as usual!
The Joint Chiefs memo includes
“On January 20, 2021, in accordance with the Constitution, confirmed by the states and the courts, and certified by Congress, President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief.”
That means, until January 20, 2021, President Trump is still Commander in Chief.
This memo contains nothing new. It is simply a declaration of the status quo.
I agree. It’s the left wing press trying to publish something negative about Trump. I expect that a similar memo would have been sent out by the Joint Chiefs on about January 12, 2016 saying that then President-elect Trump would be inaugurated and would become their 45th Commander in Chief.
The difference would be that the left wing press wouldn’t report the event as the Joint Chiefs abandoning Obama
Yes – but the Memo from the JCS is written for audience of just one … and Donald Trump knows he has no credible support in any quarter.
His energy would now be focused on pardons, keeping out of legal trouble, and cutting whatever deals he can still manage to avoid being prosecuted.
What would you expect them to say? What they have stated here is what you should expect from your military leaders.
Now imagine if you will someone produces evidence to show some people have acted in violation of the constitution, committed treason against the USA, based on the memo how do you think the military would respond?
The game is afoot……………..
Here’s a comment from the Citizenfreepress, for what it is worth. The facts are correct, but what this means in terms of the present situation, I don’t know.
““The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) is the body of the most senior uniformed leaders within the United States Department of Defense, that advises the president of the United States, the secretary of defense, the Homeland Security Council and the National Security Council on military matters. ”
“Following the Goldwater–Nichols Act in 1986, the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not have operational command authority, either individually or collectively, as the chain of command goes from the president to the secretary of defense, and from the secretary to the regional combatant commanders.”
They have no more authority than military advisers on CNN to give orders to the military.”
Some Good News – CNN Airport Network to Shut Down on March 31
Well, effective this spring, jet setters will no longer be able to watch the legendary CNN Airport Network. CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker announced in a memo to staff today that the company has decided to end CNN Airport Network operations as of March 31.
The network launched Jan. 20, 1992.
“The steep decline in airport traffic because of Covid-19, coupled with all the new was that people are consuming content on their personal devices, has lessened the need for the CNN Airport Network,” he wrote.
Here are six videos of Democrats calling for violence or physical confrontations that are still active on Twitter
But Trump.
Jack London called it “The Unparalelled Invasion”, now online at
He made the point that the Biden administration will regret what they have done. Sounds like he has conceded. Still, there is one more week to go before it’s all over one way or the other.
PeterS. – I agree I believe it is over, even naturalnews is flagging the possibility
Situation Update, Jan. 12, 2021 – Sources FRACTURE on outcome: Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare?
. There has been a coup in America, carried out by the globalists, the deep state and the CCP.
. My sources are now fractured, with some saying Trump has surrendered and others saying Trump will achieve a decisive victory.
. The bad news sources say everyone around Trump is refusing to follow orders for fear they will be charged with treason.
. The good news sources say Trump is still maneuvering for a decisive counterinsurgency attack against the coup plotters and deep state traitors.
. Chris Miller of the DoD signed the order for 15,000 National Guard troops to be mobilized into the DC area.
. Importantly, when Trump announces the Insurrection Act, all National Guard troops are federalized under Trump.
. Note: We still believe Trump has already invoked the Insurrection Act, but this has not yet been made public.
. Sources say Democrats and left-wing media were tricked into supporting a massive build-up of troops in DC because they mistakenly . / . think those troops will protect Biden. In reality, they say, Trump will command them.
. Most National Guard troops are loyal to Trump and despise Biden.
If one seriously thinks about it, it was inevitable that the globalists would win this round. Trump is alone on this, and has been for a long time. All other Western leaders at best have given him lip service. Once Trump is out the way it will be so much easier for the globalists to complete their long held ambitions to build a NWO. The things get really exciting as the people wake up and discover what the f… have we done! More pain more gain is the historical lesson. Expect really serious pain to come.
I think you are reading this incorrectly. Previously Trump referred to the incoming administration or the next administration.
This time and for the first time he referred to the Biden administration. Is that conceding?
I think Trump is being technically correct.
Before 6 Jan there was no elected President. Now Biden is the ‘President elect’. We are in the transition period. There are two administrations; the old administration and the incoming administration led by the ‘President elect’. There is an orderly handover of power.
However there is only one president and that is President Trump, until the new president has formally been sworn in.
“Most National Guard troops are loyal to Trump and despise Biden.”
Are you sure? Any evidence? Here’s a report from the Military Times that disagrees with your assertion. Link is below
“The latest Military Times poll shows a continued decline in active-duty service members’ views of President Donald Trump and a slight but significant preference for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election among troops surveyed.
The results, collected before the political conventions earlier this month, appear to undercut claims from the president that his support among military members is strong thanks to big defense budget increases in recent years and promised moves to draw down troops from overseas conflict zones.
But the Military Times Polls, surveying active-duty troops in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University, have seen a steady drop in troops’ opinion of the commander in chief since his election four years ago.
In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view. Questions in the poll had a margin of error of up to 2 percent.
Among all survey participants, 42 percent said they “strongly” disapprove of Trump’s time in office.
The unfavorable number matches what an earlier Military Times Poll found in late 2019, while the favorable total slipped from just under 42 percent last year.
In a poll conducted at the start of Trump’s presidency, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of him, versus 37 percent who had an unfavorable opinion.
The dipping popularity among troops — considered by Republican Party leaders to be part of the base of Trump’s support — could prove problematic for the president in the upcoming election.
Among active-duty service members surveyed in the poll, 41 percent said they would vote for Biden, the Democratic nominee, if the election was held today. Only 37 percent said they plan to vote to re-elect Trump.
“It’s fair to say that Trump is not as popular as Republican nominees have been in the past among this group,” said Peter Feaver, a White House adviser to former President George W. Bush who now works as a political science professor at Duke University. “The bottom line is that in 2020, Trump can’t be claiming to have overwhelming support in the military.”
Below is an exit poll conducted inNovember 3 2020. It too does not agree with your assertion. The link is
An exit poll at the 2020 election conducted by the Military Times showed President-elect Joe Biden made significant headway in reducing the GOP’s long-held popularity with military voters, according to early election data, which is consistent with what polling by the outlet Military Times showed before the election.
The Military Times this week cited exit polling from Edison Research that showed 52 percent of military and veteran voters preferred President Donald Trump to Biden, who 45 percent preferred. That margin is much narrower than in 2016, when Trump enjoyed a 26-percent advantage, pulling in 60 percent to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s 34 percent.
Among active-duty personnel specifically, Biden had a slight edge compared to Trump in an August Military Times poll, 41 percent to 37 percent.
Younger veterans were also more likely to support Biden than Trump, according to October polling. Of veterans ages 34 to 54, Biden was favored by 51 percent and Trump by 40 percent. By comparison, only 38 percent of older veterans (age 55 and older) favored Biden, compared to 59 percent support for Trump.
Ian, I would not place much weight on a poll among soldiers. But if it was true that the opinion of the majority of National Guard troops could determine the outcome of this struggle, then we are back in the times of the Roman Preatorian Guard. However, soldiers in action take orders, they don’t sit around answering pollsters. And please bear in mind that the Chiefs of Staff have NO executive military authority. And when it comes to soldiers, well, the NG is only one of many units and hardly the most combat worthy.
I was responding to this assertion “Most National Guard troops are loyal to Trump and despise Biden.” which, as far as I could see had no evidence whatsoever to substantiate that claim.
The polls to which I referred to were of all personnel not just the National Guard. They may not be perfect but they do show that Trump’s popularity amongst the military is declining not rising.
Reads like soldiers reflect the general population. In other words thay are a sample of the people in general. There may be a handful of them who would have or did storm the Capital but most of them would be appalled.
Sorry to rain on the fantasy parade some seem to be on.
These 15,000 National Guards are being deployed to control Trump-MAGA supporters … who are currently identified as a clear and present danger leading up to the Biden inauguration on 20 January.
Which is what you expect when feeble law enforcement was easily overcome during the storming of the US Capitol on 6 January. Government can be sluggish, but they rarely make the same glaring error twice in a row.
15.000 soldiers to protect Biden’s VIRTUAL inauguration ceremony, that’s rich.
I don’t think that’s the point – it is 15,000 National Guards as a huge sign of strength and preparedness after failing at the US Capitol.
It wouldn’t matter if they were defending a pet hamster in a wheel – they are there to thwart any and all riots – from wherever they might originate.
They do not want to be accused again of being “soft on insurrection”.
Remember the Alamo.
Colonel Travis Draws his line in the sand.
I would wager that very few today would know that is a call to remember the brutality of the enemy.
The coup has been successful. It’s over. Twice at least Trump referred to the Biden administration.
But it’s not totally over. Democrats are in real fear of an extra large proportion of the US population. They’re in fear far more from the thousands who peacefully protsted outside and their millions of fellow travellers, rather than the few who entered the Capitol.
READ: House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’
Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”
Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.
Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”
“The development of mass media and the internet has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around the world,” the bill also notes.
The bill includes a seven-section article to be added to the Consitution:
Direct election would incentivize vote-cheating in every state, not just in battleground states. At present, state boundaries provide firewalls against the effect of cheating in any one state.
This amendment would not be approved by the smaller states, which now have a disproportionate influence on presidential elections.
I generally disagree with the one national vote … it would the current weirdness, where quite small states have far too much influence, while the really big states have far less clout than they really should.
And not only would the candidates concentrate mostly on the big populous states, when they did go further, they would only campaign in the big cities in those states – that is where the votes are.
Small counties in Nebraska and Kansas hardly ever see a candidate now – with a single national vote they would see even less.
I think they could do these things to vastly improve the system:
(1) Beef up a proper Federal Election Commission that runs accurate federal elections in every state (states’ rights be damned!)
(2) Give each state the same votes as their House of Reps member numbers only – abolish the huge current bias of adding two to each state
(3) Have proportional representation – if you win 55% of the popular vote in California you get 55% of the votes – it would make candidates campaign in a lot more states
(4) Abolish the Electoral College, and “electors”, and slates, and all the other arcane horse-and-buggy rules and rigmarole.
Have a central electronic tally-room, and run the whole thing accurately and in real time. Put it in Las Vegas 🙂
… it would correct the current weirdness
Here’s How We Flatten the Democratic Party During the Next Four Years
Either we are in this for the duration, or we’ve lost. But we have not lost yet. There was massive fraud. Whether there was sufficient fraud to determine the outcome is beside the point. Large parts of the Democratic Party are criminal organizations and have to be held accountable. Take a cold shower and a deep breath, and prepare for a long war. Ask yourself if you want to win, or just let off steam.
Civil suits require a much lower standard of proof. Criminal cases must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, but civil suits require only “the preponderance of the evidence.” We may not be able to produce enough phony ballots or enough affidavits from Trump voters to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the results were fudged, but civil cases can produce a preponderance of evidence of fraud. Statistical arguments don’t hold water before a judge considering whether to overturn an election, but they contribute to preponderance of evidence.
Every Trump elector or Republican candidate who lost due to suspected fraud can sue the relevant Democratic Party apparatchiks in civil court. These lawsuits allow interrogation of the miscreants under oath. If we can’t put them in jail for vote fraud, we can get them on perjury. And we can wreak merry havoc on the Democratic Party organizations, and make mid-level officials pay the price for the nefarious schemes of their superiors. The rank-and-file fraudsters and the local party machines are the soft underbelly of the Democratic Party. That’s where it is vulnerable to a sustained and relentless attack.
This will require patience and the participation of tens of thousands of volunteers, as well as a good deal of money (although it might eventually pay for itself through the collection of civil damages). Civil suits have been litigated successfully against vote fraud for years. Thousands of such suits would ruin the Democrats.
“Ask yourself if you want to win, or just let off steam.”
I remember, from my Time Management days:
Tension relieving, or goal achieving?
Which is it, then? 🙂
It’s up to you.
There is rather a lot that is very problematic here.
Firstly – all the 60 cases brought by Trump or Trump supporters were “civil” cases … so nothing changes there, and I don’t know why the author makes such a major point of this.
Second, the same issues arise as in all the cases that did not get to first base: who would be the defendants? Terms like Democratic Party apparatchiks” and “fraudsters” are the sorts of language that goes nowhere. And in any case, in nearly all the swing states, the elections were managed by Republican officials (other than in Nevada).
Then there will be issue of standing – being a disgruntled elector or a losing candidate will not get you very far with in most courts and with most judges.
There are (a) administrative procedures to dispute elections, and (b) judicial mechanism to appeal any decisions, but they have been tried and failed, and that ship sailed a long time ago.
And what remedy would any suits be seeking – there is no court that can turn over the Biden victory – not even the Supreme Court – so what would be the point? Cases can be thrown out for being vexatious, and are regularly.
I can’t see a path where a range of lawsuits claiming election fraud in 2021 are going to distract or tie up the Biden administration very much at all.
They say there is a fat lady and she is supposed to sing. I wonder how fat Gina Haspel is?
Well, that’s that then.
Since 2015 the ABC has been firmly anti Trump.Since before this election they have been steeped in malice. For instance “allegations” are only allegations, but the ABC invariably report “unfounded allegations” as if they have been proven false. Endless chidish denigration.
Yesterday, for the first time, they showed a small move towards balance. Perhaps Ita finally watched a bit, and her gorge finally rose, or someone forced a review.
I have come to despise the ABC, carping termigants, sell them off. That I have no option but to finance them is a continual insult.
The Future for America – Frightening
PBS Top Lawyer Says Gov Should Build ‘Enlightenment Camps’ And Remove Children From Trump Supporting Homes
This is what the leftists, along with those that support their agenda, think about Americans. It’s in their own words. Believe them when they say it.
“Americans are so fucking dumb,” said PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller, who was chatting with one of Project Veritas‘ undercover self-described guerilla journalists. “You know most people are dumb.”
Beller is just saying what I would hear over and over again in Washington D.C. parties and pubs. He’s not the exception and his disdain for our nation makes my stomach turn because he, and others like him, are seizing power from the people every day. They hold positions of power that actually can affect our daily lives and that of our children.
And to think PBS if funded with our taxpayer dollars.
“Kids who are growing up, know nothing but Trump, for four years, you’ve got to wonder what they’re (Trump supporting children) going to be like, ” Beller told the undercover journalist. “They’ll (Trump supporters) be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids.”
Beller suggests removing the children from parents who supported Trump and then sending them to enlightenment camps.
This idea is similar to what is actually happening in China, as the Chinese Communist Party has been terrorizing and removing the Uighur Muslim population to supposed “re-education” camps.
Beller needs to be fired by PBS. My daughter watches PBS and she won’t be anymore. This is absolutely intolerable.
Oh, Beller also said that if “even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, Homeland Security will take their children away…”
Folks, welcome to America’s worst nightmare.
Some people laugh when I say this but the Left are really no different to theit predecessors, the National Socialists and International Socialists in their early stages.
And when the stuff hits the fan, the members of the useful idiot slave army of the Billionaire Socialists won’t be protected either.
‘Some people laugh when I say …. ‘
That would be me sir, what is happening in the 21st century has no relation to what happened this time last century. Everything is completely different.
Surely billionaire socialists are fascists and not socialists.
It was Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg who financed the Bolsheviks. The point is that any ideology to achieve their agenda is used.
Mostly it was Schiff who supported the Communists because the Tsar was persecuting the Jews. Warburg was involved to a lesser degree.
Going back a little further, Schiff supplied the money for Japan to build up a navy which defeated the Russians.
It matters not, if they advocate tyranny.
As the article mentioned, the people the Dems truly fear are the 75 million who have been cheated out of their rights….
Supposedly cheated, its history.
The Tech giants are at the top of the bourgeois pyramid and they are caught between a rock and hard place.
“Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange, and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells.”
― Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto
Nancy and the rest of her coven may also discover that they are unable to control the dark forces they have been summoning over the past few years.
Confers new meaning on the term ‘witch hunt’, eh?
Tell me about these dark forces?
Obviously you require a simple reply. Lefties.
The Future for America – Frightening
PBS Top Lawyer Says Gov Should Build ‘Enlightenment Camps’ And Remove Children From Trump Supporting Homes
This is what the leftists, along with those that support their agenda, think about Americans. It’s in their own words. Believe them when they say it.
“Americans are so fucking dumb,” said PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller, who was chatting with one of Project Veritas‘ undercover self-described guerilla journalists. “You know most people are dumb.”
Beller is just saying what I would hear over and over again in Washington D.C. parties and pubs. He’s not the exception and his disdain for our nation makes my stomach turn because he, and others like him, are seizing power from the people every day. They hold positions of power that actually can affect our daily lives and that of our children.
And to think PBS if funded with our taxpayer dollars.
“Kids who are growing up, know nothing but Trump, for four years, you’ve got to wonder what they’re (Trump supporting children) going to be like, ” Beller told the undercover journalist. “They’ll (Trump supporters) be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids.”
Beller suggests removing the children from parents who supported Trump and then sending them to enlightenment camps.
This idea is similar to what is actually happening in China, as the Chinese Communist Party has been terrorizing and removing the Uighur M@uslim population to supposed “re-education” camps.
Beller needs to be fired by PBS. My daughter watches PBS and she won’t be anymore. This is absolutely intolerable.
Oh, Beller also said that if “even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, Homeland Security will take their children away…”
Folks, welcome to America’s worst nightmare.
Apologies for double post – must learn don’t try and change verboten words – just wait for moderation – lesson learnt
Ice is only strong in its multi-layered state. All the big Wall Street banks hired the Chinese princelings by a deal with China: at least one princeling would be employed in each big US bank. That’s one reason we have multi-layered and very hard ice here; it’s called momentum in physics.
11-17-15 A decade ago a J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. managing director in Asia sent an email to the investment-banking team: “As you know, the firm does not condone the hiring of the children or other relatives of clients or potential clients…In fact the firm’s policies expressly forbid this,” the director wrote. Within two years, however, the team had begun orchestrating the hiring of dozens of relatives of powerful government officials in Asia with the express purpose of winning business, U.S. authorities said Thursday. The bank had created a separate channel to get unqualified applicants through the hiring process, and it later began tracking profits from any subsequent business awarded because of the hires, they said.
One candidate was described in an email as “the worst [business analyst] candidate they had ever see[n].” Another had a “napping habit” that would be an “eye-opening experience” for New York colleagues. In both instances, the candidates were hired, according to criminal and civil settlements the bank reached with the Justice Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Reserve. All told, the bank hired around 100 applicants referred by government officials at Chinese state-owned firms, and earned at least $35 million as the result of a “corrupt scheme,” according to the settlement documents.
Kira Davis: Free Speech Is Not Dead, But It Is On Life Support
What we have seen in the last few days on social media has been chilling. The most shocking realization (at least for me) has not been that Big Tech has so obviously been colluding with the Democrat party over the last four years in preparation for this very moment. What is most shocking is that so many of our friends, family and loved ones see the silencing of half the country as perfectly justified.
“Kira, you’re being hysterical. Only those who promoted rioting and violence are being deplatformed.”
Oh, sweet, naive friend. In liberal-land only those who “deserve” punishment are the ones getting it. Because the “good guys” would never unjustly paint an entire swath of people with one big paintbrush.
I have never in my entire career faced this type of censorship and indeed it is terrifying. If two or three companies can cut you off from your entire base, what else can they do? If they’re doing it to me, how long before they do it to one of my friends who think it’s fine as long as it’s just those “right wing nut jobs”? It seems naive to believe this won’t eventually bite every single American in the ass.
Look at it this way. Everyone, including the left will get a very strong does of their own medicine. Then it should get even more interesting what happens in the coming years. If that’s what it takes to wake up people of all types then so be it. For some time now I’ve grown tired of the BS being spewed out by all Western leaders apart from Trump. It’s time for the great awakening by the only way people tend to learn anything of real substance; the hard way.
Thanks Jo,
I was hoping for something different, but realised it established he was in Texas at that event until about 3:30 pm his time, and yesterday’s comments suggested any big announcement would be later.
I’d already tried Simon Parkes’ site, in hope, but got Error 404. Power outage, other glitch, or malicious?
Just tried again with same result.
Dave B
Simon Parkes explains a little why here:
It won’t be long though before he is proven to be on the money or just a poor old delusional con artist. I’ll make up my mind on the matter soon enough.
I think delusional con artist is correct.
I think so too but I will wait until Jan 20 to be sure.
The statement by the Joint Chiefs (linked by Hot under the collar at #1.2) that Biden will be CIC nails all escape hatches shut and signals that Amerika has irreversibly opted for naked authoritarianism to ram through the WEF Build Back Better agenda. A citizen’s liberty will extend no further than being allowed to specify the pronouns by which it is referenced. Cue el gordo to reiterate the usual Panglossian shtick.
His the fella who had a child with an alien, yeah I would go the latter.
If he actually had a baby then it would be the messiah which is prophesied to be born of a man. What phylum of alien I wonder…
His not the Messiah.
His just a naughty boy.
Coffee => Nose => Keyboard
Thanks Peter S,
I found him on Bitchute, seems without problem.
The link I posted above is still giving a 404.
Dave B
Thank You Jo,
Perfect timing for me.
I had expected to miss the live event (which I did), but here I am with coffee and toast to watch the whole event
He has conceded. This visit was to cement the imperative of strong borders. Before, it was easy to say strong words and allow the status quo to continue. This wall is the line in the sand. Now, if the wall is torn down it will be plain to every citizen where the intent reply lies. Cheap slave rate labour. Trump delivered on his promises. I fear that tenet of politics…the voters deserve the government they vote for…good and hard. Good luck America. This is going to last longer than fours years. Expect another 24 years of corrupt federal government of the democrats
Yes America, enjoy the Great Reset. It will be your wake-up call. As for 24 years, well I give it 16 tops as my guess. One thing I’m not so sure about is whether it will be the Democrats. It could be the Republicans under some really ruthless and evil leader. No point speculating on that now as time will tell. We’ll get a better picture of how it will all end after the next election or two.
Trump has NOT conceded, he has just accepted for now that he won’t be appointed the rightful next President of the United States on Jan 20th due to a rigged election and corrupt court system.
Had his opponent fairly won in an honest election he would have conceded without question.
Yes that’s true but in effect Trump has conceded by not honouring his own words to defend the Constitution by using the Insurrection Act. He chose instead to walk away and perhaps fight another day. I suspect he made the right choice otherwise there would have been a civil war, which is not good. Better to fight in other ways. Besides sometimes it’s better to let the enemy hang by their own means.
No – that wasn’t possible. Trump claimed for months that if he lost the election it would only be because it was rigged. It could only be an honest election if he won it.
The one Elephant in the room that no one has talked about is…..
It was China voting machines and China fake paper ballots confiscated.
That is a Declaration of War for President Trump as Biden was being helped by foreign agents.
Which is why early in the election, the Whitehouse stated Trump would be President another 4 years.
Hear or see any indication that he or his wife is leaving?
This you would want secret and let everyone run around conspiracy theorizing until needed.
President Trump is a chess player against checker players.
What were the bonfires in the yard of the Chinese consulate that had been forced to close?
There are lots of indications actually … and he might resign on the 19th to get a pardon from Mike Pence.
Its game on,
Trump is publicly condemning China and recognising Taiwan (as per the generals request) this caused IX ping pong to pop a rivet and put 7 provinces within China on a war footing, Trump has declassified a document 20 years early which shows the US resolve in the Asia region.
The DC governor called in 15,000 NG for JAN 20, Trump placed a national emergency over the DC area which means he now controls the NG
Two rumors, Pope arrested for kiddy diddling and ex Italian PM Renzi arrested for interference with USA vote data implicating Obama. Then all civilian air traffic cleared from DC through NOTAM (notice to airmen) then two planes left DC and headed to ROME. There was no need for the NOTAM except to advertise the fact to everyone a plane left DC and landed in Rome.
Q mentions the numbers 113 & 114
The left are probably too busy scrubbing all their fingerprints at the crime scene to notice the cops are knocking on the door 🙂
that’s some high class BS there hypo.
Which bit is BS all or some?
hyper; Vatican money handling from the Iran deal / Obama involvement is likely more relevant than claims of child abuse.
And the Taiwan support is a clear message of not conceding. Why on earth would an outgoing president waste time on this, when it would surely be quickly reversed by a Biden adm? The result would be a propaganda victory for China and loss of face for USA. Surely Trump does not want that? Looks more like a sharp warning to China not to do anything silly against Taiwan. Also, seven regions in China are said to be on a war footing with total lockdown, including Beijing, officially due to that wonderful political tool the Covid virus.
These are to protect DC from Trump-MAGA supporters who might get fractious as Joe Biden and Kamal Harris are sworn in. The mobs are probably well advised to stay very tidy … after the US Capitol total embarrassment for law enforcement, I expect they will be hyper-vigilant and primed to crack a few heads.
I found Trump’s speech particularly interesting. Then he made it more interesting by throwing in the phrase, completely out of context to the sentence ” secure the borders”. Was this a command to prevent certain people coming in or leaving the US ? It’s all a little nerve wracking.
Are you serious? Half his sentences are out of context. This is why conspiracy theorists love him and people keep thinking that there is something going on that he is hinting at, when in fact all he is doing is displaying his inability to put sentences together.
Donald has difficulty controlling his Mercurial nature and his speeches are an indication of the malady.
And you should know because ALL of yours are out of context. Perhaps you could enlighten those of us without ADHD?
So you agree with me? That’s a first.
Gee Aye. I always listen to people like you to see the disinformation that is currently being disseminated. In your own way you perform a valuable service.
If that was true I’d be saying something else to disinform you about what is being disinformed.
And maybe I am.
A Survival Guide for Conservatives During the Biden Years
Now that all the ambiguity has been removed, and Republicans, conservatives, and Trump supporters are confronted with the stark reality of — gulp! — the Age of Biden, the time has come to consider just how bad things will get, and how we can muddle through for the next two to four…years? Generations?
First, how bad is it? Pretty darn bad. Consider the fact that, even with Donald Trump in the White House and Mitch McConnell holding court in the Senate, leftists were predominant in every other consequential institution nationwide. They dominated the federal bureaucracy; primary, secondary, and higher education; the media; social media; Hollywood, and the arts and letters in general; corporate boardrooms; athletics — you name it, and they ran it. As a result, “the resistance” to Trump’s presidency was always stronger, and louder, than President Trump himself. Arguably, he, and those of us who supported him, never had a chance. That we got as far as we did was a small miracle.
To make a long story short, therefore, Republicans, conservatives, and Trumpers are about to find themselves living in a country utterly dominated by their political enemies. Moreover, these are not just people with whom we politely disagree. These are, by and large, crypto-Marxists who hold us in total contempt. When they call us racists, sexists, traitors, fascists, and the like, make no mistake — they mean it! We can confidently assume, therefore, that they will use their newfound power and privilege to persecute us. As always, our silence is the least of their demands. Most of them would prefer to see us bullied, humiliated, fired, evicted, and more than a few would like us to be incarcerated or hanged from the nearest lamppost. Of course, you can’t have everything that you want in life, but they sure will try!
How can we navigate this depressing landscape?
Oh it is bad enough but remember that there are other beautiful states to move to today. Sell your real estate in fringe Dem areas starting today and move to red states. High ground is there to be had but don’t wait.
elaborate government policy of surrender, secrecy and cover-up
A Modest Proposal to Germany, France and China: Save Free Speech in America
[Note: What follows is satire, in the spirit of Jonathan Swift’s 1729 “Modest Proposal” (to solve the problem of Irish poverty by selling Irish children as meat). Most people I know have lost their sense of humor, and those of us who haven’t yet are at risk of losing it, so a warning label in order].
I DO NOT GET IT! Here is a man that signed an EO two years ago intended to deal with exactly what happened in this election, indicating he expected the fraud. Two years to prepare. More than enough evidence of widespread, well organized fraud and more coming out almost daily. 75 million + supporters ready to stand with him…And he does nothing? Has this all been a game? I just cannot buy this.
Public servants uncooperative?
Too many of them Socialist Democrat appointees from Obama terms?
And, globalist influenced as with media?
Trump has always been dealing with the election issues in a lawful, constitutional manner. He appointed judges that were supposedly conservative Constitutionalists and DoJ staffers that were supposedly neutral as well as enacting the EO.
Then when the election fraud cane, he and his supporters brought up numerous complaints with signed affidavits but the people he was relying on, to enforce not just the EO but the state laws and Constitution rolled over and refused to consider the evidence. They used technicalities on timing and jurisdiction to run down the clock until January 6.
So the question a properly unaligned media would be asking is who exactly is presenting the threat to the US electoral process and democracy? But instead we have “our ABC”, SBS and all the other MSM here and overseas.
The EO requires evidence to act upon
Maybe we are all deluded with false hope & that false hope is being used to keep us sedated while the world changed around us, but unlike the jews in Europe in the late 1930’s there is no where left to run to …one false hope maybe the unravelling of the actual steal & how it was done
Even if its correct do you think they would let us know
Having clicked on your link I think you are very deserving of this link
The evidence is coming out tho,on her website Sidney Powell has the breaking news Super Computer and Military in Italy Altered the Election Results in 17 States
And Monkey Werx Overwatch from yesterday showed a flight that went very fast from DC to Rome.
Maybe.. the perpetrators are going down quickly?? Sure do hope so
Unlike impeachment apparently.
“The EO requires evidence to act upon”
But evidence-gathering is not enabled—so Catch 22.
However you like to spin it, the outcome is the same.
The real goal here is to dismantle the central banks, the fraud was perpetrated to stop trump doing this. So far all you have seen is evidence of voter fraud in an effort to begin the red pill process of the people. Now you are seeing the real nature of the deep state (DS) with wide spread comms black outs (twitter etc) and the calls for imprisonment of Trump and supporters. The more desperate the DS get the more they reveal their true nature.
Once all the evidence is revealed (between now and JAN 20) the people will be shocked but at least they will believe what they are being shown.
That has crossed my mind too. Perhaps Trump is a fraud after all. I really don’t know. Perhaps we will find out soon enough. Still waiting for Jan 20.
While I am reluctant to admit it, the same suspicion has occurred to me several times Peter.
Donald the Great is a demagogue.
They will stop him having his own news outlet to rival Fox, because it would promote insurrection and revolt. I’ll leave you both with the words of Judith Curry (Climate Etc).
‘Trump’s recent behavior has arguably earned a ‘Censure’ from the U.S. Congress. After the short-term catharsis of the big cancellation of Trump, the ability of Big Tech and corporations to ‘cancel’ somebody reflects a long-term danger to our society, much worse than whatever violence might be wrought by Antifa, Proud Boys, whoever. Tyranny, or radicalization across the internet? Hopefully this doesn’t need be either-or. Politically motivated and precautionary censorship is arguably the biggest source of potential tyranny. The control of speech by tech billionaires is a very dangerous place to be.’
Look at the jobs he brought to the people: Look at how unemployment fell because of his actions, and then look at the huge crowds that flocked to support him.
The achievements were real.
You are right and I think for the next 4 years at least we will hear continual comments from Trump along the lines of ” I told you so”. The biggest loser from the 2020 US election will not be Donald Trump – it will be the Republican Party. Mostly because they are lacklustre politicians and it would seem similar to other Centre right political parties infiltrated by imposters or opportunists. What they call RINO’s and we (in Australia) call LINO’s. But, he couldn’t fight the SWAMP, biased media, unsupportive public service, Democrats and all the leftie activist groups alone. He got scant support from the GOP at most times. But Trump has shone a big light in major problems in US politics. I am impressed that the man has kept his sanity and has remained stoic right throughout the last 4 years – even contracting COVID and fought it off.
Strongly disagree, Donald will be the biggest loser and won’t run again. Tentatively, I nominate Marco Rubio as the best choice for the Republican Party in 2024 because he is ahead of his time. We demand the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, we know its out there.
“Frankly, if it’s something outside this planet that might actually be better than the fact that we’ve seen some sort of technological leap from the Chinese or Russians or some other adversary that allows them to conduct this sort of activity,” Rubio said. “That to me is a national security risk and one we should be looking into.” (Vice)
Oh it is bad enough but remember that there are other beautiful states to move to today. Sell your real estate in fringe Dem areas starting today and move to red states. High ground is there to be had but don’t wait.
WTF why did this duplicate here! Sorry El G I hate you plenty but not this comment.
‘ … I hate you plenty …’
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll watch my back.
“Tentatively, I nominate Marco Rubio as the best choice for the Republican Party in 2024”
How about Tucker Carlson?
OK another outlier, it might work but the Democrat establishment won’t be happy.
‘In April 2020, Carlson’s program surpassed Hannity as the highest-rated primetime cable news show, with an average audience of 4.56 million viewers. During the second quarter of 2020, Tucker Carlson Tonight garnered an average audience of 4.33 million viewers, the largest for any program in the history of cable news.’ wiki
This is worth your time.
No ! wasnt worth my time !
What made you think that a “ transexual Gypsy” heckler was even faintly interesting ?
That type of thing happens to nearly any politician speaking in public
OK, I was wrong. Hope this does’t show up in my personnel file!
It was good. More of that “in your face” stuff might at least keep them indoors where they normally operate from.
K K..
It was tame ,..considering he is a hardened career Politican, not some small town local council wannabe..
Now, if He/Shee/It had been making the point with a baseball bat…..that would make more of a stirr and be watchable !!
Read the insurrection act of 1807. Then read the fake news reasoning stating why Trump cannot do what he has done on Parler. It is 2020 and wepons are modern sneaky and cunning. This makes Trumps invokation appropriate and necessary.Parler was a public announcement. Removing Parler is treason particularly when MSM public and private fail in their obligations. The parties Trump mentions all have traitors amogst them.
Release Hunter’s laptop, Hillary’s emails and other information. If Nancy’s laptop was confiscated it’s contents being leaked would be amazing. She looks scared. Obama will be implicated. This is not over.
Obviously not… but what are you thinking may happen ?
If you were to be a betting man,… using your own money,…what odds would you be prepared to take on something exceptional happening ?
If i had a gazillion billion dollars i would go all in
If relevant details are declssified Biden and Harris cannot be inaugarated. Suggestions abound that the declassifiction has been passed. It is also suggested that people are too afraid of the swamp to proceed. If Biden is inaugarated then, “This is not over” Americans are in 2021. Lenin, Stalin and Mao just murdered millions. The same mentality exists with socialists today as demonstrated by suggestions of making conservatives unemployable. Unlike Russia, China and Germany Americans have weapons and experience with protesting. Imagine trying to stop fossil fuel or banning fraking. That hits wallets, employment and living standards. The laws Trump has changed will not be altered without repurcussions. I hope declassificaton of documents and leaking of Nancy’s laptop data will prevent the inauguration of these serious criminals but even if it doesn’t I will bet my house that this is not over!
I hope that works,
It is well known that leftist rules are different to the rules they ally to others, their political enemies.
As someone said if the Trump supporters go violent they will lose unless they get the military on their side.
Whilst Trump has many vocal opponents he has many silent supporters and hopefully a few of these supporters are in either the Justice Department, FBI or CIA and that someone will get to the truth of what happened. Hopefully I don’t have to wait for the film to come out to see what happened but there must be some high ranking Trump supporters who are striving to get to the truth about this leftist coup, setting up who was responsible and giving them jail time. Without arrests , without confessions, without hard facts it will be difficult to change the narrative even though over 70 million Americans are barracking for you. The intimidation, threats, both physical and mental , blackmail and financial coercion mean that only truly courageous people of influence are able to stand up now to defend the US from this globalist affront.
There is also billions of people around the world silently seeing their worlds implode hoping that somehow America will find a way to push back against this globalisation tyranny. The world needs a strong USA.
Sorry, accidental touch on red, it should have been green but I didn’t steer straight. 🙁
Oh I dream Zig but:
There has been no news about state legislatures. At one stage several wanted to be called into session so they could investigate voting irregularities in their states. They were denied by governors but I understand they come back into session this week. It will not affect China Joe on the 20th but it could find the truth about the election and it could also mean the end of Dominion in their state. Can someone give a follow up?
Mitch McConnell Reportedly Sees Impeachment as a Chance to ‘Purge’ Trump from the Party
Reports are flying around this afternoon that Senate Majority Leader (for a little while longer) Mitch McConnell has pointedly said that impeaching Trump is preferable as a way to purge him from the party.
McConnell cordially telling Biden that he’ll check on still confirming all of his radical cabinet, while they try to convict Trump in an impeachment trial, is certainly a change of disposition. For the past several years, all we’ve heard about is how hard-nosed McConnell is, how he “gets things done,” and how he’d never give in to liberal pressure when push comes to shove. Yet, this feels a lot like doing just that.
The reports do say that McConnell did refuse to confirm whether he would personally convict Trump in such a trial, though it would seem rather odd for him to brag about purging Trump and then not vote to purge Trump. Trying to figure out the thought process of these Washington politicians is a bit like asking a ten-year-old to do quantum physics. I mean, they can try, but it’s probably not gonna work out.
There’s also the question of when such a trial would take place. Is McConnell really going get behind impeachment after Trump has already left office? That would rub most of the party’s voting base as nakedly political, i.e. an attempt to bar them from voting for who they want to vote for via technicality. If Trump is convicted, he can’t hold public office again. That’s what many Republican establishment figures want.
Report: Bitch McConnell Wants Impeachment, Sees It As Chance to Purge the President (and Purge the non-Establishment GOP)
Like an old country song says: When you’re not serving, that’s me not voting.
They’re not going to do that with Mitch the (China Communist Party) Bitch on board with impeachment.
This is not about Trump. This is not about “restoring civility.”
That is a lie.
This is about restoring orthodoxy — the GOP’s determination to sacrifice voters’ interest for donors’ demands.
They are fighting to make sure no one will every challenge the GOPe again.
They’ve been telling me for ten years that they want no voters except for top corporate CEOs, activist investors, and hedge fund managers, and I didn’t believe them.
I believe them now.
Byron York’s Daily Memo: The crazy impeachment
McConnell hard nosed? Not likely. More like dried $no!.
Did Mitch say that in his China voice?
Sorry Mitch, time for your retirement party.
Old Mitch was told by his Chinese wife that the CCP want Trump gone so good old Mitch did as he was told and picked up a nice cheque.
Professor David Flint speaking on Radio 2GB today about the US situation;
Let’s not forget the evidence …
For our American friends and mates.
The Star-spangled Banner played on the original Liberty Bell. It moved me and I’m an Aussie.
Springdam, Thank you for that. I know that world-wide we all came together and won against the tyranny of the time almost 80 years ago. Please stand by us in the US as we attempt to defend against this foe.
On behalf of the children of the Greatest Generation I thank you.
God Bless America indeed. I could not help noticing that most conservatives in America are unafraid to declare their allegiance to God, flag and country. The Democrats are the opposite taking pride in their lack of love for God , flag and country. Persecution of Christians does seem to be a winning recipe though. The Yasidis were not saved, Christians here are hounded by the woke and our supposed leader, the Pope, is a communist. Not too many wins there.
Having heard many people solemnly intoning about the deflowering and staining forever of that lovely white building, and the violation of American Democracy, I wonder how many of them have any real knowledge of the US Congress? Really, is there a bigger cesspit of shameless hypocrisy, corruption, and naked greed, than that august body? A sweet virgin has been deflowered? Nah, she looks she has been on the street for many years. Almost an example of ‘the King has no clothes?’
Well put.
The “King” had no idea that he was having his leg pulled:
by contrast the U.S. Political Swamp knows exactly how ugly they are.
Last poll has trump at 33%. with 62% in favour of impeachment
Fake news
Now that is a balanced and well thought out response, I’m guessing that you represent all Republican thought
And I’m guessing you represent all Commie thought. Which flavour China or Russia?
love a system where any criticism makes you a communist. Mark D what is your point?
you spelt [snip] wrong, Remember Mark, its easy for arm chair constitutional scholars like PF to judge from way over here in Australia. I am sure only someone in the USA can feel the tension in the air at the moment and await with trepidation what this week may or may not bring. Ignore PF and all the best.
Oh please don’t use such language here MarkD. You spoil what else you might say. Jo’s blog is a polite blog.
Of all the people I know and there are many Trump supporters, NOT ONE has waffled.
Not ONE!
I’ve seen RINO reprobates that will need to find a new career though.
I’ve seen deniers of democracy and fair elections, I’ve seen US citizens fail to uphold the Constitution.
Which team are you on Fizroy?
Not your foul mouthed one that’s for sure. I’m saying what the polls are showing, this is a fact, it is neutral. You can debate why, but to swear at me for posting is just showing that you can not handle the truth, to coin a phrase.
I agree Mark is just another loud mouth American, but I can’t find your poll. Link?
Srsly you could have found those yourself
Fitz, Our totally trustworthy search engines allow us to find polls everywhere to back a claim. I found this which counters your poll.
excerpts from the Washington Examiner.
The McLaughlin poll found:
23% prefer impeaching Trump.
77% say Congress should work on the coronavirus response instead.
74% say impeachment is “politically motivated to prevent the president from running again.”
65% said President-elect Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are “keeping the country divided.”
74% say if social media platforms can take away Trump’s free speech, “they can take away the right to free speech for any American”
Stay well Fitz.
Thanks Williamx, so what do we do – take an average?
Your guess is my guess Fitz. like most polls end up being imho.. btw I did not red tick u.. I stay positive and only tick green. All speech and debate is important. Yours and mine, even if we may differ and disagree my friend.
Cheers buddy, like you I will occasionally tick green, and like you, it’s not the point of view, it’s the debate.
Who cares about impeachment polls? This is not a matter that will be put to a popular vote. And who trusts pollsters these days anyway?
Remember Mark, its easy for arm chair constitutional scholars like PF to judge from way over here in Australia. I am sure only someone in the USA can feel the tension in the air at the moment and await with trepidation what this week may or may not bring. Ignore PF and all the best.
LOL Mark D ;-D
This does not look good.
The first paragrphis true. That first paragraph obligates them to investigate breaches of the constitution in 7 states.
The military should protect America and hence ANZUS from voter fraud.
A military that is incapable of discriminating such blatant fraud is incompetent. Perhaps appointed by swamp dwellers. Intelligence reports have data from 4th of the plan by antifa and BLM to disguise as MAGA and police let them in. Where is Nancy’s laptop?
I hope the military honour their vows and that means they cannot support Biden.
Will Joe go to jail when Hunter’s laptop involves the ‘big guy’ quid pro Joe as a criminal and traitor?
I don’t see it that way. Trump is still the Commander in Chief. The Senior forces personnel are just confirming that they will follow the commands of POTUS, whoever it is. Let’s see what this week brings.
There is nothing wrong with the statement, its what you would expect. They are simply saying they will not participate in a marshal law type action. If you show the CCP has infiltrated DC and pollies are committing treason thats when they act.
This is what everyone is waiting for Trump to do.
People see what they want to see. And very often, that is not 20/20 vision.
[SNIP off topic]
lets try this
Perhaps you should look at a real poll PF
These polls have proved to be very dodgy
Disgusting – Trump has shown himself utterly unworth of this office, as Republican Liz Cheney has said:
“The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing …There has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the constitution.” Alert – 20210113
So What? Another RINO. She can’t quote Trump because he didn’t say anything wrong.
Liz Cheney – a genuine product of The Swamp (2nd generation being the daughter of Dick Cheney)
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano spoke of the Masonic Globalist plot. The Freemasons want a one world government. I would not disbelieve that these Generals are Freemasons
Were those the Obama appointees?
Americans are suffering a terrible loss and the innocent but complacent and lazy of them …won’t even know it until it’s too late .
The more than 75 million who support Trump know it….the evil Democrat/BigTech, deep State cabal knows it and is triumphant about it …America’s foreign enemies know it….asinine foreign leaders pretending to be America’s friends…like Boris Johnson ….know it , but are deeply beholden to and must appease …America’s most dangerous enemy…and fence-sitting Wet Left leaders who are only in power via virtual Morrison …know it.
The loss is likely to be irretrievable in the lifetime of many of the people who are concerned now…because such seismic change creates huge momentum with effects that are self-perpetuating.
For Americans whose thoughts have been designated by the Fascist cabal to be so very unacceptable and dangerous, as to preclude them from almost all of the human rights that the world was led to believe were protected by the much-touted US Constitution…and by the hitherto revered Supreme Court Justices who turn out to be either cronies of the Cabal and therefore heinous imposters in their privileged role…or they’re cringing sheep-like pushovers for the Cabal ….for those silenced Americans the suppression of expression militantly required of them will likely generate a universal depression …mental and economic.
For others who are designated as safe and free because they are thought to be thinking the correct thoughts…like Andrew Cuomo et al …everything is acceptable ….policies taking lives of thousands of older Americans ….benefiting in wealth and power from the shutdowns causing deaths and destruction, but then turning on a dime to make sanctimonious condemnations of the very shutdowns he insisted on in order to slime Trump for electoral purposes…all his lies about getting no help….all evidence of that evil goes down the memory hole .
A reasonable person thinking unpermitted thoughts might think that those lives were wantonly sacrificed by the Biden/Harris Fascist Cabal , expressly in order to prevent Trump from getting any credit for anything…to induce voters to think Trump had mismanaged COVID….to prevent credit to Trump for providing separate accommodation for COVID cases to protect the uninfected… prevent credit to Trump for encouraging research into and use of ….therapeutic drugs of long-proven safety and effectiveness…to prevent credit for trying to keep the not-so-vulnerable working , playing and consuming …so America would continue to have a strong enough economy to retain the ability to maintain the fight against the China virus……all those lives sacrificed as part of the Cabal’s election campaign strategy….for Fascist power.
Such a ‘wrong’-thinker might think that the Biden/Democrat Fascist cabal sacrificed those thousands of lives and insisted the US economy suffer enormous damage….demanded that many people must lose their businesses and their jobs….let BLM and Antifa destroy cities and small business …..all in order to give massive comfort and huge moral high ground to America’s most dangerous adversary, the Fascists’ great benefactor…..for the Chinese Communist dictatorship’s moral justification for its economic and impending total enslavement of small countries around the world .
An entirely reasonable ‘wrong-thinker’ might think that all of that ripping and tearing at the fabric of America and the democratic world…that corrosive evil tyranny…in order to gain by their deceptions ,unprecedented illegitimate power over the lives of the American people……and in particular to win the election by foul means …was perceived as just the sacrifice ‘others’ had to endure … to keep the Cabal’s own criminality under wraps…and their money funnel from the CCP intact.
Like people in other totalitarian regimes the marginalized Americans deemed to be ‘wrong-thinkers’ and domestic terrorists… will do only what’s required of the cogs that they will be, to help them to stay alive and out of the gulags…to try to keep their families safe …and little more , because there’s no point.
The human part of them….the aspiration to get ahead…the innovation…the dreams for their children…their plans for a future….will be over…..and the gulf between those in control…the herders of people …..and the herded and will grow exponentially.
Above all….keep your children close.
Twitter red-faced after Pelosi tweet resurfaces declaring Clinton/Trump election was ‘hijacked’
Nancy Pelosi’s tweet suggesting Russia was behind Donald Trump’s 2016 election win remains untouched which has led to calls for consistency from Twitter as it continues to hit out at those doubting Joe Biden’s victory.
Uganda has banned Face book and twitter.
To ad to my former post, from “The Australian’ Jan 13 2021 page 6. “POMPEO RETURNS CUBA TO TERROR LIST”
With 9 days left in office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ……..(Cuba is a) sanctuary to several US fugitives in justifying the blacklisting.
Good ole Mike Pompeo.
Comments from
” The US military … Instead of taking orders, it is now making pronouncements. As each day passes, it more closely resembles the armies in South American countries.”
“If you have to tout your qualities by PR, you’re already in trouble, and admitting it, too. ”
“All that military power. Do they vow keep little girls safe when Snifter (TTT) in?”