By a 7-2 decision The Supreme Court apparently decided that 18 States did not suffer if 4 States committed blatant election fraud by breaching their own and the national constitution. Only Justices Alito and Thomas voted to proceed with the case.
There is still a long way to go. Rudy Guiliani says “We are not finished, believe me”. The case was not rejected on merits. So it can be resubmitted by different parties who have “standing” to sue and who can claim injury, and it can be split into 4 or 5 different cases. Though, it is hard to justify why the rest of the USA is not injured by rampant corruption and States ignoring the Constitution. The fate of the USA hangs in the balance, yet no court has heard all the evidence of voter fraud.
The drums of civil war can be heard in the distance. The Texas GOP says “Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

Texas GOP replies
West later

States joining Texas Suit SCOTUS. Plus Alaska.
@Kyle Becker

Epoch Times: Attorneys on President Donald
Trump’s legal team,
Rudy Giuliani and
Jenna Ellis, shared on Friday that the team is considering filing separate lawsuits to district courts in the wake of the U.S.
Supreme Court’s rejection of a lawsuit from
Texas to challenge the 2020 election results in four battleground states. The two attorneys also called for courage from the courts to allow hearings on the lawsuits.
Rudy Guiliani says the allegations of fraud need to be heard and investigated for the sake of the nation, and because the case was not rejected on merits, only on standing, they can essentially send the case back to SCOTUS but as an application for Electors rather than States.
“The case wasn’t rejected on the merits the case was rejected on standing,” Giuliani said. “The answer to that is to bring the case now to the district court by the president by some of electors alleging the same facts where there would be standing and therefore get a hearing.”
Jenna Ellis points out that the team still has til January 6 when congress officially counts the Electoral College votes.
9 out of 10 based on 48 ratings
Not unexpected. The 3 Trump appointed judges helped throw it out. That was always on the cards because all 3 were recommendations from the establishment aligned Federalist Society. The judicial system is rotten to the core and it’s been that way for years. The district court will be no different.
If the political and judicial systems are corrupt, then surely its a failed state.
No….it just means martial law is required to clean it up, all courts included.
This isnt over.
I am, with you there Steve.
What is coming next? Anybody’s guess. The more that the US constitutional bodies duck their responsibilities the more severe the reckoning will become.
Peter remember Trump can enact EO 13848 45 days after the election, if this what it takes so be it people on the wrong side have no one to blame but themselves.
Ratcliffe is due to report on 18th of December, 45 days after the election. He likely knows nmore than most and this is what he spoke in an interview with FoxNews last weekend:
Essentially the election is in his hands and the power afforded via EO13848.
With Gina Haspel set adrift, a lot of the so-called conspiracy theories are beginning to have a ring of reality.
It is really difficult for Trump because he has about 95% of the swamp against him and almost all the media. However I do sense a slight swing in sentiment; possibly legacy media trying to stay relevant under the dominance of Google and Facebook – both censoring anything positive about Trump.
Trump got a good airing on the 7 network news in Australia with his vaccine announcement.
Maybe the SCOTUS has lost the opportunity to correct the election farce. It will be left to national security. Ratcliffe has identified a lot Chinese support for Biden.
With regards the supreme court rejecting the case, I was surprised. Maybe there is some legal mechanism im not aware of that has allowed it.
Probably if you boil it all down – if the supreme court rejects every case brought to it that has the concrete proof of wrong doing I suspect that the President may have to do what Lincoln did and arrest whole state legislatures and maybe even legal officials to stem the rot.
If the USA is fighting for its very life, then all bets are off and no holds barred. We could see military courts trying people…..
A failed state ceases to function. The US is functional but it appears has significant enemies within that need to be routed out.
May God protect America and legal rule of law.
The legal mechanism your refer to is cowardice.
Adherence to the constitution is courage under fire.
The President is Commander in Chief.
“Oath of Commissioned Officers
“I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
Any person or persons acting against the govt in a combative role ( rioting, insurrection etc ) is a domestic enemy.
Anyone in Antifa should be out of the country very soon or may wind up in Gitmo….deservedly so….
Well, this wet morning I am browsing foreign TV The MAYANS Culture. Look what happened to them. is that where the “Elites” stem from or obtain their ideas? They used the cemented heads of sacrificed 25-35 yr olds ( and maybe rest of skeleton ) to build their Towers. Who is being sacrificed today? Blame it on the Sun ?
“The judicial system is rotten to the core and it’s been that way for years. The district court will be no different.”
Evidence? Or like Trump and Giuliani and Powell iand Ellis s it that you don’t have any? If you do will you share it?
Please do due diligence on the subject Ian.
What particularly concerns me is that I was told (on ‘highest authority’) the day after the Plaint was filed that it would be thrown out by SCOTUS. That was from someone I have known for 30 years or more who is deeply entrenched in the global elite including UN, World Bank and with affiliations to WEF (Davos).
I now believe 100% that the US elections have been subverted by conspiracy, and one which stretches beyond the boundaries of the USA. Having read the Texas Plaint in full I cannot begin to understand how SCOTUS can reject what are prima facie breaches of the Constitution by Democrat controlled states.
No standing?
In Australia I have “standing” in this case. I will be substantially injured by the promised progression of the AGW scam.
Along with every honest citizen of the US of A.
I read somewhere some time ago it would be extremely hard if not impossible for states to form their own union under the law. I suspect the only way is to have another civil war to force the issue.
A political scientist says that is highly unlikely.
I bet a lot of people of high standing said the exact same thing prior to the civil war. If you really believe that millions of freedom loving and Constitutional abiding Americans would put up with any amount of draconian actions by a government chipping away their rights then you know nothing of history nor reality.
JustTheTweets: Dec 10
One anonymous whistle-blower was OK to impeach the President of the United States but, 1000′s of sworn affidavits of election fraud is not enough to investigate?
Jo – This one Tweet sums up the Corruption of the US SCOTUS – They do not want to want to upset their friends on the Washington Social Circuit
America is now the “New Venezuela” – “Your Vote is Worth Nothing”
Vale America
Forget the SCOTUS. It never really stood for the people. The people under the Constitution is what’s relevant. We have to remember that America is a Constitutional Federal Republic even between elections, not a Democracy where people have a vote on one day then the people have no power at all to do anything. Under a Republic like America the people can do anything to protect their rights and freedoms under the Constitution. Under a Democracy such as ours we can’t, at least not until at the next election where we can elect a different government, or if the party itself decides to throw their leader under a bus.
Correct, there was primarily 50 elections this election cycle in the U.S., and not one National Election. The Electoral College then votes for the President and VP as each state is represented by Electors equivalent to Senate and House representation. In recent history the State representatives do not hand picked electors, but just allow them to vote in the electoral college in agreement with the popular vote in each state.
But, listening to normal citizens by the hundreds testify to fraud in multiple states, it is being asked that the States take back their power to choose Electors, and ask them to vote for Trump instead of going by a possibly fraudulent election that chose Biden by irregular voting. The Dems and MSM called for this in 2016 to not vote for Trump in the electoral college.
The SCOTUS is dodging, because the 27 states and Texas should have standing as this was 50 elections to choose a National President through the E. College. If Dem controlled precincts cheat at the voting (Dominion), don’t follow the laws, or make their own laws to make cheating easier via mail ballots, then states who didn’t were hurt. That’s B. S. !
Lots of avenues still left to protect our freedoms in the U. S., but the Swamp is Deeper than most thought, but it’s becoming pretty clear as time passes who’s good, and whose siding with the Socialist/ Globalist. .
The year IS 2020, isn’t it? I can see clearly now! I’ve got “2020” Vision. Will have to look up and re-read my copy of the Brahan Seer. – about when the Stone falls and the Black Oil ….
Fox Drops News of Yet Another Federal Investigation Into Hunter Biden
What a complete and utter failure the media is at their job.
Or perhaps I should say they are great at the job that many seem to have chosen: being the media arm of the Democratic Party.
They are less great at their alleged jobs of being journalists.
We’re finally hearing a lot of the stories about investigations into Hunter Biden now, after the election.
Few other than conservative media were willing to put them out there before then, preferring to sit back or smear and treat the information like “Russian disinformation” rather than the real problem that it is and now the real problem it may portend for our country.
All of this could have been found and reported by the mainstream media. We reported on much of it. But they didn’t want to do their actual jobs.
Now Fox is saying that there’s even a new investigation, a fourth federal investigation, involving the Biden family.
The House Race Republicans Are Calling Pelosi’s ‘Most Bitter Loss’
A Comment from the above sums up the Thread
Jeff Brightone • 5 hours ago
The Supreme court failed to save the constitution that was trashed by the Liberal Democrats intentionally with no attempt to correct the fraudulent elections now or ever in the future. There is no constitution now while Trump is not conceding anytime soon. The facts are clear. The elections were rigged. The Supreme Court is ruled by pollical activist lawyers who do not know how to rule to save American constitution. The Union is divided between Trump led MAGA and the liberal Democrats, their military militia Antifa and BLM thugs, their fake-news hostile liberal media and globalist Big Tech conspiring against the US constitution with support of Chinese communist party. Why would any patriotic American MAGA desire to be ruled by lawless Sanctuary Cities that are led by China-ruled politicians and America-hating liberal Democrats of BLM and Antifa ideology savages? The great Rush Limbaugh is right to call for secession of the MAGA America from the sanctuary thuggery cities that are ruled by the Antifa and BLM savages who hate America and support Chinese taking over. Save America from the lawless anarchist and America hating immoral Sanctuary cities of the liberal Democrats and their media of the NY Times Elite Crooks that seek the demise of America and let them out of the MAGA American union that live by the constitution. The fake phony and fraudulent Biden family invented the ‘Plausible deniability’ which allow them covering-up their crimes against the American people and collaborating with the Chinese Communist Army company transferring American technology to China. Pelosi loves the Chinese spies and their large contribution to the Biden Election funding.
I had a “conspiracy” theory back during the Biden blackout.
Because we knew the FBI knew about the laptop, then likely, so too did the democrat masters (maybe not biden himself).
Democrat masters – would use Biden to get elected then roll on him after, replacing him with Harris (her running mate selection was just too ridiculous for words)
Endgame – Very left puppet president, first female president
There has been more than a couple Freudian slips along the way about the Biden/Harris future……end conspiracy.
Not a “theory”. Conspiracy yes.
More fuel to feed you fire, TIP
I have believed this from the beginning.
Texas Republican Party chairman’s response to Supreme Court dismissing case
Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.
End of story. The Kraken was a damp squid as well.
Time for Republicans to move on and work with the new President on bipartisan solutions to COVID-19 and anthropogenic climate change.
Dream on…
>”bipartisan solutions”
Too funny.
The Kraken will be unleashed with the crossing of the Rubicon.Just hang on for another day or two.
Sidney Powell’s law suits have been rejected in Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia. Judges have been damning saying that Powell’s claims are:
“nothing but speculation and conjecture,”
“the case appeared to be primarily about undermining “people’s faith in the democratic process.”
“sorely wanting of relevant or reliable evidence, and Plaintiffs’ invocation of this Court’s limited jurisdiction is severely strained.”
“only impressive for their volume,”
“void of plausible allegations that Dominion voting machines were actually hacked or compromised.”
“Allegations that find favor in the public sphere of gossip and innuendo cannot be a substitute for earnest pleadings and procedure in federal court,”
It is a fascinating thing to watch.
The best part are all of these folks putting up their hands.
The longer it goes on before the hammer comes down the more are flushed out.
It makes it easy to figure out, who needs to get taken out in the next phase.
Just like in a good action movie where the baddies all get wacked in the end.
This is all getting better by the day.
>Judges have been damning saying that Powell’s claims are:
“nothing but speculation and conjecture,”
How did know? They didn’t look at the evidence.
That quote was Giuliani – not Trump.
This means they did look at what was presented and found no evidence. Way to misinterpret the court man.
Allegations are not evidence. Plaintiffs writing page after page of ellegations are not presenting evidnec or signalling specific evidence. Not fronting up with witnesses, sworn affidavits etc is just making noise and using the courts to gain credibility for otherwise unsupported allegations. That’s why the courts throw the matters out after even hearing them.
Seriously, are people here generally fans of “Mad as Hell” ? I thought the ABC were evil “Lefties”?
Trump and associate legal teams have now lost 50 lawsuits. Their sole victory only confirmed that a small number of invalid and uncounted votes should not be counted.
Says more about the state of the judiciary than anything.
USA is now lawless.
The problem is courts don’t investigate. Just saying ‘I saw someone behaving badly during the election’ is not proof.
Proof is supposed to be presented to the courts by official investigators.
So who is supposed investigate reports of people behaving badly during an election?
Well that would be the people who where seen to be behaving badly.
They’ve been working on this for more than 6 months.
So what to do about it?
A: Kick up enough of a stink so they aren’t game enough to try the same trick during the senate runoff. Then contain the damage and try to ‘fix’ the problem for next time.
B: Use the left/media approved method of airing political grievances. AKA burn and loot during ‘mostly peaceful’ protest.
EVERONE is betting the Republicans won’t go that far.
And yet we all saw the suitcases roll out under the tablecloth.
Don’t believe your lying eyes…
Interesting the responses from the people who reviewed all the footage while investigating this allegation isn’t it??
Looks like that accusation may have been based on a bit of cherry picking the data.
Hmmm 4 people, 2 of them mother and daughter.
Counting votes without scrutineers.
Won’t pass at the Woop Woop local council election.
Let alone the most contentious Presidential election in resent history.
The fact that it’s hand waved away is the problem.
Let it go, Jo.
In your dreams, Ross.
“Proof is supposed to be presented to the courts by official investigators.”
Not really.
If someone threatens me over the phone, I record it. I submit an affidavit with a claim referencing an exhibit that is the recording. No one needs to ‘officially investigate’ anything.
When you seriously use the word “official” in a sentence then you probably don’t know what your’re talking about.
“KFC, official sponsor of the cricket.”
So you go straight to the court, not the police? That’s something I didn’t know.
Whether it’s a criminal or a civil matter, the court accepts what is provided, “officially” or otherwise. That’s the point that you seem to have deliberately missed.
The term “official” is just a convention for, say yeah a police investigation but, it doesn’t make it ‘special’, and is definitely not exclusively what is “supposed to be presented to the courts”, – otherwise no-one but ‘officials’ could submit stuff. See? The term just doesn’t mean much. Anyone can submit anything. Whether the court cares is (should be) based on the merits of the evidenced claims only.
You clearly have no idea of what the kraken is, or any idea of the not just evidence but proof. Or perhaps you are just l*ing.
>”States joining Texas Suit SCOTUS. Plus Alaska.[Map]”
Alternative view is Biden/Trump by county:
Two Economies [Map]
The distribution of the respective wins is stark – Biden’s concentrated, Trump’s widespread.
I’ve read elsewhere that in terms of food production, urban liberals need conservatives but conservatives don’t need urban liberals.
It was almost exactly the same in 2016. Even California, geographically, was all for Trump. Only the three big cities were for Clinton. Same again this time.
US Per Capita Gross Domestic Product by County
Kinda tricky spotting the dense urban-liberal Biden support centres.
And the ultra-woke University hubs don’t produce anything useful either apparently.
But check out Alaska.
but this may make us more aware that we have work to do in correcting our own political shambles.
Here in Australia politicians have blatantly made their own minds up about what’s right for us: time to confront them.
We’ve been enrolled in too many crusades being pushed by the Elite and have suffered accordingly.
Being a member of the United Nations.
Creating a Green/Woke Climate Change Catastrophe industry that has no scientific basis in theory, let alone rational evidence to support it.
Being crushed and restricted while under Covid Control.
CV19 undoubtedly exists but many issues surrounding it are about as believable as the U.S. Election. The damage to business and people has been appalling.
But put your arm out and take the shot for the team. Bill and Anthony need the cash.
The Bushfire Catastrophes of recent years have been man made through neglect of bushcraft and yet the deaths have been wrongly attributed to CAGW caused by we humans burning fossil fuels.
Ricardo Bossi has pointed out the hypocrisy of the recent outing and humiliation of our armed forces. The Brennan report was based on the work of a female academic and the background of the pile on is wokish to the core.
Politics, media/news and education all need a serious Rebore.
We are in deep doo doo and were hoping for a lead from the U.S.
Not going to happen; we must begin our own cleanup and reset.
Australia, where are you?
100% kk we’re aligned with the fate of the USA more than people think, I hate to say it but the average Aussie is wilfully ignorant to anything political and how it effects their lives and many deserve whats coming to them, unfortunately the ones awake are lumped in with the majority and present a bigger target for the reset.
I recently spoke politics with a self confessed ‘rusted on Labor voter’ who consider their vote as backing a favourite footy team for life, when I pointed out that a footy team doesn’t have any impact on their job, income, taxation or national interest all I got was a blank stare, this I fear is our future.
I’m of the belief that the Red states need to separate from the Blue – the sooner the better. Let the Blue states carry on with their “defunding the police”, climate change action et al. The Red States will then be free to hold the torch that was lit back in 1776, whilst the Blue states are free to collapse due to mad Socialist policies and corrupt authoritarian govt.
Having lived in a Red state it was always awful visiting California, and that was a few years back. California is nothing like what the founding fathers envisioned.
>”I’m of the belief that the Red states need to separate from the Blue”
Thing is though that the states are not homogeneous either way. The division is intra-state counties – urban liberal/rural conservative.
See Two Economies map at #9 upthread
The USA had that once before. Lincoln said NO. Reread the Gettysburg address again.
I have read that the Blue States want out again, but they can’t because they are all bankrupt!
We are at another turning point in history
With honest votes apparently GA and PA are red states. Maybe MI and WI too.
“With honest votes” – what the hell does that even mean?
You are just in denial. I really feel embarrassed for you.
(When will you get on topic without the personal attacks? I see you have many UNAPPROVED comments in moderation because you are not here for a civil discussion) CTS
Ask a Democrat fan what an honest vote was and he says “what does that even mean”.
Perfect reply John. Thank you.
What is an honest vote, it’s the same as a Democrats’ Truth, whatever you want it to be regardless of the laws or the facts. A Wisconsin Election Official said there was no fraud and we followed all the rules. Next paragraph was we always fill in all the address information at the Clerks Office on mail in ballots where it was missing against the law, because we want every vote to count.
It’s essentially legal to us to break the law because nobody complained about it before. That’s their truth, that’s their law, which is any lawlessness that meets our need is okay. Any vote we say is possibly for Biden is an honest vote. That’s anarchy when you don’t follow the law and say it was a perfectly fair election!
Just put a fence around the blue states and leave them to it.
They will be disease ridden, hungry, lawless and failed states within 60 days…..
The lefties consider the rank foolishness of PC to be holy writ, how would you expect them to run something real like a power station or hospital?
Much like in the movie ” Escape from New York” where the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a giant maximum security prison. I reality though a civil war would need to occur first.
“Just put a fence around the blue states and leave them to it.
They will be disease ridden, hungry, lawless and failed states within 60 days”:
Better check it out a bit better OriginalSteve. The 10 poorest states in the US are Republican.
“It’s not right, conservatives say, for spendthrift governments to use today’s emergency to finagle oversized bailouts from federal taxpayers, many in far less prosperous regions.
The response has largely been a familiar argument that in fact the subsidy goes just the other way — that forward-thinking Democratic “blue states” constantly prop up tightfisted Republican “red states.”
With their quality public services and strong schools, this argument goes, progressive states fuel dynamic economies that send more tax revenue to Washington than they receive back in the form of federal spending.”
>”…forward-thinking Democratic “blue states” constantly prop up tightfisted Republican “red states.”
Have you not heard of the Democrat debt bombs and unfunded pension plans?
Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink
Neil Weinberg, Forbes
Underfunded pensions make GOP leaders reluctant to send federal aid to states like California
“Why should residents of Wisconsin or Tennessee have to pay for the pension benefits of workers in Illinois and California?” asked Rachel Greszler, research fellow in economics at the Heritage Foundation,a Washington-based conservative group.
“Why should the people and taxpayers of America be bailing out poorly run states (like Illinois, as example) and cities, in all cases Democrat run and managed, when most of the other states are not looking for bailout help? I am open to discussing anything, but just asking?” President Donald Trump asked in a tweet.
Illinois is the Only State to Borrow Money from the Fed
MISH TALK, TheStreet
$261 Billion Shortfall
“Get Out of this Progressive Socialist Hellhole.”
It Takes 3 Weeks to Escape Illinois
Zero Hedge
Even Elon Musk has had enough of California.
Zero Hedge
“Data from the real estate website Redfin does show that New York City is the number one destination people want out of right now. But San Francisco and Los Angeles aren’t far behind.”
“So, go figure, these politicians seem completely clueless that they’re chasing away more than half of their tax base. It’s another victory for American Marxism!”
# # #
Problem for the destination states is that many of those fleeing don’t leave their destructive mindset behind – it’s just rinse and repeat.
A lot of Californiastanis are going to Texas but Texans complain that the Californians bring over much of their Leftist ideology.
Yeah notice the leftist nirvanas are turning into Stalingrads?
Zero Hedge
January is going to be a mess. America’s small-time landlords, along with their tenants, are in trouble as safety nets are set to expire. Tenants haven’t paid rent in months, with a looming eviction moratorium expiring at the end of December. According to Reuters, the lack of rental income for landlords has also been troublesome, with many skipping mortgage payments, potentially resulting in a firesale of properties in the year ahead.
For 12 million Americans and their families – this Christmas will be their worst – as the extended unemployment benefits that have kept many of them afloat are set to expire later this month.
John Pollock, a Public Justice Center attorney and coordinator of the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel, recently said January could bring a surge of eviction and homelessness,” unlike anything we have ever seen” before.
# # #
Barring miracles, on January 20th it’s over to Joe, or Kamala.
A petition in Georgia
The tragedy that has befallen America is what happens when conservatives and other free thinkers of the Right remain inactive and ignore the relentless incremental advancement of the Left.
The Left, like The Terminator, absolutely will not stop, ever, and there is nothing they won’t do to achieve their evil objectives.
Those on the Right just want to get on with their lives. Those on the Left want to destroy our way of life, culture, countries and even Western Civilisation itself.
The Right failed to see that and now it might be too late.
The Orwellian nightmare is about to escalate to an unprecedented degree.
Yeah it depends…you only need about 5% of the population to fight back to turn the tables.
If the left goes after peoples families, the average american will fight to the last man and wont give up no matter what.
I sincerely hope it never gets to that, but it could. This is a communist revolution , its going to get ugly because the communists love violence and have no morals. People are delusional if you think they can be bargained with. Its like feeding a croc and hoping it will eat you last.
300 million ticked off americans and likely at least that many guns….how do you reckon it will end?
We have to realise the left don’t have any common sense. They picked on the wrong nation to turn it to a socialist state. There are millions of Americans who will do whatever it takes to stop the left from going too far and rid of them. They haven’t reached that point as yet but when they do all hell will break loose. If the left think they can continue with their antics little by little endlessly, they are sadly mistaken.
OriginalSteve, less than 5%. It is estimated that only about 3% were involved in what will now become known as the First American Revolution.
There is a very good reason the Founding Fathers of the United States created the Second Amendment. It is the ultimate reset button of the US Constitution.
I highly agree, and there is a recent video of some Patriots peacefully gathering and the black clad anarchist came out to cause trouble. A Patriot with an American flag standard took it to open some whoop-ass on these fascists. He also had support, so the black shirts turned tail and left. My guess is this will not be the last of this scenario. People are tired of the Anarchy in all facets of their lives projected by the left, and that is growing daily. There is no going back to normal now as the left will not allow it.
There you go misappropriating Orwell again.
I just looked at the “Top News” on YouTube and the Texas SCOTUS case is not even mentioned.
I’m shocked David, shocked I tell’s ya!
I expected that Trump joining the Texas filing would have given the case standing as he was harmed by the vote rigging enabled by the unconstitutional changes to election procedure.
Maybe SCOTUS are suggesting Trump needs to file separately on constitutional grounds as Guiliani also states. That is what Jerome Corsi recommended a week or so ago.
The door is still slightly ajar; just slightly unless the military involvement is in progress but largely unreported.
Then something interesting here:
Is Gina Haspel now out of the picture?
Has Trump got the Trump card in all this and yet to play it?
I thought she was nursing wounds and holidaying in Gitmo?? 🙂
This one got by me until I started to look when the 2020 election report for EO13848 would be finalised. It is due on the 18th December:
John Ratcliffe casts real doubt over the likelihood of a Biden administration. He is very clear on the evidence of fraud and indications are that action is already taking place. Gina Haspel has been excluded from Trump security meetings and I believe that was a Ratcliffe initiative. He stated the meeting we “leaky”.
Think about the challenge that Trump faces – at least 95% of the swamp. 90% of the legacy media in the US and 100% in Australia (with conviction). Then the complete intolerance to anything positive about Trump from GOOGLE or Facebook.
I made the point upthread that the SCOTUS may have missed their opportunity to correct the election farce. As much as I was hoping for Ted Cruz to stand up, it could be left to John Ratcliffe. He is the guy to watch next week. He will have a target the size of Texas on his back.
Indeed, and as I mentioned on the 13848 thread:
Six days ago Ratcliffe said: “‘Now, I think one of the things that we did well this election was addressing problems from foreign interference, influence campaigns from other countries that we saw in 2016.” Oh, Holy Dominion, really?
Scott Goulet on the FrontPage site has reported that the FBI have found 500,000 fake ballots for Biden spread over the swing states.
NB the video was produced before SC decision.
He makes an updated comment that it is not over.
It was only “a motion for leave” that was rejected, it needs to be refiled as a “Motion to file a bill of complaint”
Hopefully that will be the case.
This is the basis of that reported FBI investigation:
This podcast goes into some detail around 34 minutes on ways that the story can be validated through the postal service:
I take the view that any case trying to make a criminal case for fraud will be outpaced by Trumps EO13848 – the report for that should be out on 18th December.
This might be the basis for the 500,000 they are talking about.
I don’t understand why so many are focusing on this one case. There are others still in the pipe. There are also other avenues to be exhausted before Jan 20. This is not over by a long shot.
Trump Legal Team Responds to SCOTUS Texas Decision, Outlines Their Next Steps
While obviously the Trump legal team has to be disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court wouldn’t take up the case of Texas vs. Pennsylvania, as we previously reported, they are saying that that decision hasn’t foreclosed their options.
Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax that since the case wasn’t rejected on the merits but rather based on standing, that he would just bring the case in the district court with the president and some electors, alleging the same facts.
The conspiracy theorists are never wrong. They just construct another conspiracy theory to explain their latest setback.
And, as usual, when things don’t go right, they don’t want to debate, they want to tear things up and cry like babies. We demand another election. We demand a new United States. We demand a new Twitter. We demand a new science. We demand a new legal system.
Utterly, shamefully childish.
[Non stop namecalling.Please raise your standards. – jo]
The lefties are never wrong. They whine for four years about how the vote was rigged. Then they cheat, lie, hide ballots in suitcases and expect everyone to be polite and patriotic about their corruption.
False comparison, Nova.
You ask me not to name call and then, there you are, “lefties”.
The FBI concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election but to claim the democrats said it was rigged is just plain false. Who cheated? Hidden ballots in suit cases? You saw the contents did you, Nova? Nup.
Jo – please go and get a real job and stop polluting the internet with BS.
I did not know “lefties” was an insult to people who are non-right. Would you prefer Marxists, Socialists, or Democrats?
If the suitcases were full of honest votes why did they lie and say they would stop counting and tell the Rep team to go home?
If the suitcases were not ballots why did they feed them into tabulators? hmm.
As for rigged, see “stolen”:
Hillary Clinton suggests 2016 election was ‘stolen’ from her
John, the level of projection displayed by Trump supporters is amazing. I suspect the assiduously avoid mirrors.
The court was right to decline the case. Texas has no right to decide how another state does their voting. Even the supreme court has no standing without the construction of the constitution. But, the s.c. does help modify the construct of our government thru the laws it passes thru the courts. An example is the voting rights of women. Those laws apply to all the states, after adoption by the states. The donation gives a framework of something to happen, such as voting, it does not say how it must happen, it’s not enumerated as how it is done, that unenumerated part is left to each state to figure out. A voting machine here, a mail in ballot there, age of majority here, types of identification there. Those are all state done. They were in the wrong venue. So, rightly done by the supremes. Now I’ll have their music running in my head all day long….
Calls for sedition, civil war are illegal. Especially by a political party. But, that falls into the same lines as calling for foreign interference in our electorial processes. That’s treason.
That’s amazing, coming from a party that espouses their ideals.
The Constitution of the United States requires that the legislature of each state sets their regulations for holding general elections. In the 4 states named as defendants, the regulations were changed by the state’s Executive or Supreme Court – not their legislatures. That is a clear violation of the constitution. So why do you say that the SCOTUS has no standing since it IS EXPLICITLY IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONSTITUTION ?
Absolutely agree with you, Jim!
Styxhexenhammer comments on the case.
Note, I am avoiding posting YouTube links and am trying to only post links for non-Leftist pro-free-speech sites.
Styx is being shadow banned on YouTube because the Left are unable to tolerate alternate ideas.
The CCP must be laughing at all this. The US Constitution is so flawed, it really isn’t funny in today’s world. The idea of having 50 states do what they like is a joke. To remedy this situation, either the US revises the Constitution, or abolishes the states (which should also be done in Oz).
Big fan of central planning Chris?
the CCP think that they are progressing the diversions and damage that makes them stronger, by comparison
their great fear is that freedom of speech will be retained
and even worse that the lens will be turned on China or even worse the actual persons maintaing their surveillance state
So the Supreme Court found their excuse.
It is clear NO court actually wants to hear EVIDENCE before the inauguration,
because there is no remedy they have the courage to apply if it is required.
The Supreme Court Case now has, in my opinion and as I thought it might, linked 18 states and the former president together,
formally and in public, as believing that the new administration took office through fraudulant and unconstitutional means.
It also provides a place for those who chose not to accept any of the “Dominion” issues to join in in a sober and evidence based manner.
It establishes the Governments of these states, now on record as not accepting the election of Mr Biden, as acceptable vehicles
for resistance.
States have a lot of power. States have a lot of resources. States have automatic standing in a lot of areas.
And states have precedent to lean on.
“Blue” states has chosen not to cooperate with ICE, to not enforce immigration law, to allow sanctuary.
They have asserted independence to make their own environmental regulations, their own educational regulations, their own gun regulations.
Each has its own interpretation of what constitutes a taking. Each can confer it own idea of limited immunity upon its citizens (stand you ground).
Right to Work is a state function.
A State, through its Governor or Legislature, has huge discretion to act; and can often obtain quick injunctive relief where citizens cannot.
Through legislation, a state can often keep matters in state courts for years through decision before federal relief is permitted.
If the majority of the population of these many states all act through their state governments, enormous power is available.
One essential of the progressive incremental takeover model is do do what you want while a case is winding it way through the system.
Like DACA. When it arrives it is moot. Absent a clear constitutional provision, it is not clear what happens if a single distrct judge
enjoins a state, and the stats says to pound sand.
Three things must now be forced.
Injunctive relief must be limited narrowly to the case and district at hand. The Supreme Court can simply enforce its own rule to make this happen.
Wickard v Filburn must go. Big states rang among the top 20 economies in the world by themsleves. Truly in-state economic activity must be respected.
“Chevron b NRDC” must go. Agencies have proven to have political aime well beyond their authority, and must support regulations on their merits, within the law,
not acting in their own ajudication and enformement mode.
Then, make sure the next election is clean where you run it, and operating in bright sunlight where the other folks do.
The eighteen states, and perhaps a few more of the majority the Republicans have some control in, don’t force honest, fair, clean elections with model laws,
its over. A state compact setting up brief, say, 4 day period including a weekend day where votes could be cast and by which absentee ballots received could go a long
way towards forcing a national concensus; if only four or five state are voting early and often they’ll be getting a lot of scrutiny, not the friend of the lawless.
This is crazy. One court after another says there’s mo evidence of fraud before they hear he evidence.
they are responding to what is in front of them.Not one piece of evidence exists since there was no election changing fraud except in the minds of some.
First there was murder in the night. Then came the very civilised development called the duel with both parties agreeing to show up at a fixed time and place to settle their affairs in a standardised format. Then came the court.
Courts are what you have so you don’t have people killing each other. Court is dispute resolution. Court is good. Not court is bad. Avoid not court.
What? Up:down votes 1:5? Well, in the spirit of continuing the beating until morale improves…
My point is that courts settle disputes. When a court refuses to hear a case, this may force the applicant to just go away, or it may force the applicant to go away – and put his camo gear on… US state and federal courts not hearing the fraud (and constitutional) claims may just mean that Trump might come back but, with fewer affidavits and more APCs. Because his dispute has not been resolved (in any direction), just ignored. And Trump has a right to be heard. And he is going to be. Be that in a civilised manner or, more kinetic.
I think people have just forgotten how rare living in peace is. We’ve come to not even be able to imagine having to run for our lives. But there is no rule that says everything will be fine for ever. Peace must be actively maintained. That means Trump needs to be heard in court.
“Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”
That didn’t work out well the last time it was tried!
This is what I have heard concerning the fundamental concepts, goals, and tactics of the ‘plan’. If the ‘plan’ is real, then there will be more to come.
Trump/US Milt pulled Milt personnel support for CIA overseas bases because…. The US Milt Intelligence noticed that the CIA had too much muscle in the US.
That does not make sense (waste of money) and the US Milt wanted to and did send a crystal-clear message to the CIA. There will be zero dagger work in the US to execute the plan and the US Milt are in charge. CIA personnel have moved out of the US. The CIA is not going to be a problem during the changes in the US.
CIA employees do not need to be concerned. People caught in a corrupt system are not going to be charged. Those selected to be charged are evil bad people who have all committed other crimes. The CIA will be cleaned up, after the convictions, and a few people will be fired after a fair process.
In addition to the covid issue, Chinese attempt to take over the US and the world, there are other fundamental country ending reasons, why the US needs a functioning/non-corrupt ‘Washington’.
For example: The US Milt officially noticed that the US spending/money/GDP issue and China attacking the US economically and stealing US companies… logically would led to the end of the US. China taking us over about, 15 years ago.
The US Milt at that time develop a ‘model’ that quantifies the US economic issues vs other countries and china. And determines when the ‘system’ will logically break (red flags, what happened in the past when the system broke) and what will happen when it does.
What would China do? How prepared is the US for an economic war? What would happen to the US economy? What options do we have?
The ‘Left’ wing and in fact almost all ‘politicians’ exist largely because almost all of their decisions are ‘political’ rather than reached via unbiased analysis, that does not ignore faults in their ‘plans, and because the Left do not evaluate competing needs in a country for money; and they do not accept the concept of limited money/ultimate limits of borrowing.
Supreme Court Refuses to Consider Texas Election Lawsuit Based on Original Jurisdiction
The position of the Supreme Court raises an important question that now sits unresolved. If an individual citizen is determined not to have standing to challenge an election result; and if a group of citizens represented by their interest in a state, any state, is also denied standing to challenge an election result; then who can constitutionally challenge an election, any election, that is mired in controversy and demonstrable evidence of fraud?
From the Alliance:
– An individual voter does not have standing to sue for election misconduct. (He/she is only one person and everyone cannot sue all the time for all elections.)
– An official who may be adversely affected, cannot sue before an election in anticipation of bad conduct because it is speculative (not ripe)
– An official who was adversely affected, cannot sue after an election claiming bad conduct because it is too late (latches)
– A state does not have standing to sue on behalf of its citizens to remedy other states’ bad election conduct (no standing)
My untutored mind is having difficulty figuring out just who, and under what circumstances, has a legal right to a fair election.
It seems the current answer is: no-one.
Robert Barnes
Any lawyer who takes “standing” as a serious & legit legal doctrine is not a lawyer I ever take seriously as a legit legal thinker. Standing is a judicially invented doctrine that is just a bogus excuse to play Pontius Pilate & evade decisions judges want to avoid making.
What the SCOTUS won’t do Prez Trump can. Now that he has pretty much shot all but two bullets to defend against the fraudulent elcton, Mr. T still has two shots.
One is the Insurrection Act, the other is Nullification as explained at the link.
Snipit from the article:
“Vic is an ordinary American who served his country in the military and is not happy about the prospect of the backers of China Joe Biden staging a coup and taking control of the executive branch. Appealing to Trump, he writes, “If state governments, the US Congress and the US Supreme Court fail to act to overrule the corrupted and defrauded election results in several if not all American states, then it falls on you to act in your capacity as the chief law enforcement officer in the American government to do so.” ”
What has happened to the “German Server” sopposedly held by the Military Intelegence ?
Is that still in play ?, or just a fantasy ?
Perhaps politicians should stop pretending that “states” exist and are able to do things that can only be done by humans.