A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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You won’t see this on the MSM
Yeah weird. I wonder why not.
Phuc off fool
No way to talk to a lady, manners.
In the same way as you wonder why the scientific evidence supports the fact that the Sun heats the Earth.
And, you don’t wonder why CO2 doesn’t.
You really need to grow up.
Mixing memes is not a good idea.
We have to prove that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming and so far we have failed to do that. I’m happy to argue for the lukewarm position, that is CO2 causes a little warming but that mechanism switches off once saturation is reached.
You would be wrong. CO2 does nothing. There is a very powerful negative feedbacks that prevent the open ocean surface ever exceeding 32C.Shutters start going up at 27C:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3qPDHvnq-L6w5-5
Lights go out before the temperature can reach 32C; at least in the open sea.
The Nino 34 region has zero trend over the last 40 years:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3j-MHBpf4wRGuhf
I believe that Prof. Happer is a gent worth listening to.
CO2 does not “control” atmospheric temperature.
That’s the science.
All the rest, including, just a little bit of warming, is politics.
If humanity can’t right this wrong about CAGW, how the hell is DJT going to overturn the misdeeds of this flawed election.
I just watched Bill Shorten interviewed by Alan Jones on Sky News, blaming the government for Robodebt issues, and without blinking blaming the present government.
“The Australian
Labor’s leadership team of Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek pioneered the “robo-debt” data-matching system Centrelink is using to target current and former welfare recipients for apparently not declaring their income properly — but they now argue it should be suspended.
The automated system of matching income data from the tax office and income as reported to Centrelink to identify discrepancies was announced in a joint release by the then minister for human services, Ms Plibersek, and the then assistant treasurer, now Opposition Leader, in June 2011, adding an extra $71 million to the budget.
The release said the “tax garnishee process had been carried out manually once a year for the past 15 years and involved a significant amount of time on the part of departmental officers”. “The automation of this process will free up resources and result in more people being referred to the tax garnishee process, retrieving more outstanding debt on behalf of taxpayers,” Mr Shorten said at the time.
The measure was forecast to “identify” 63,000 former customers over four years in addition to the 43,000 captured in 2009-10. The amount of debt recovered from welfare letters in 2010-11 was $1.8 billion, jumping to $2.2bn in 2013-14. Under a dramatic escalation of the same system, the Coalition plans to recover almost $4bn in debt over the next four years, partly helped by a bipartisan vote in parliament that extended the statute of limitations on old debt that can be chased. Source link to full item: Labor flips on ‘robo-debt’ system Shorten, Plibersek pioneered.”
Nevertheless, it was a great effort by Shorten.
Natural politician
Yep. A rapist of the truth.
There’s that word again.
Truth. It will out:
** chuckle **
He was just lucky on this, but the ordinary people thank him anyway.
Yep thanked him by throwing him out on his arse, via the unlosable election.
Bill shouldn’t have hung out with the Greens and Albo is no better, Joel is Labor’s best chance of winning back the Treasury Benches.
A majority of Labor MHRs are from inner-city electorates where they must fight off the Greens, so their approach is “More Green than thou”. To the rest of Australia it comes across as “more gullible than thou”. Joel has no hope of majority support in the parliamentary party. Indeed lack of support may see him losing his seat at the next election, but not to The Greens who will preference against him. His hope is to gain support from “the poor oppressed working class” voters earning over $100,000. Labor and The Greens still rely on Karl Marx.
Numero Uno….. 🙂
Interestingly, noticing the Left-controlled social media in the US is now appear to be agressively booting conservatives off platforms
But…conservatives are now ready to rumble with the Lefties and use their own tactics against them. People have had enough it seems….
Bring it on.
Yes agreed I thing once Sydney releases the kraken all bets will be off.
Harris and Biden having the effrontery to pose as officeholders-elect and speaking in front of the Build Back Better slogan says it all for the WEF-CCP future an administration of theirs would impose.
Parler is the new twitter for freedom of speech lovers
I doubt those notional “freedom of speech lovers” ever used Twitter anyway and my guess is that should Parler achieve any traction it will quickly descend into the same abyss of intolerance.
Parler, Gab, Rumble, BitChute and others from the new media. Getting distributed and using their own servers as they can. Anything to get out from under. Just hope Apple, Alphabet, or Amazon don’t come knocking with a few billion dollars on offer. Odd that, all those major firms starting with “A”?
I hear that Adelaide has a cluster of new cases fifteen of which were from one family.
Are borders being shut? Toilet roll being cleared from supermarket shelves?
Yes and yes.
I haven’t worked out the toilet roll panic. I am still using up what I bought in the last panic ( after about 3 weeks I went to the local supermarket as I only had about 3 weeks stock). There were only 2 lots on sale, an 8 roll pack at $13.80 and a 24 roll pack at $9 (same brand) so I bought the $9 one. I expect that I may buy another pack around April next year, when the decreased UV and temperature allows a second wave of Covid. Does anyone have a design for a face mask made from surplus toilet paper?
Yes. That’s why I bought the large pack of Sorbent. There was a limit of one pack per customer as well.
Just beware, there’s different lengths of rolls! I once bought a ridiculously large amount of toilet paper for myself while living away from home. I didn’t realise the total length of a roll can vary by a factor of 5. Happened just before the pandemic and I left the excess toilet paper in the accommodation I was staying in, just before it became hard to get hold off!
aah the difference between one wipe or two (or more)
Do you know that Australians use toilet paper at nearly 2,000 kilometers per hour? Twice the speed of sound at C level, I’m told. Geoff S
Amazon has goofy prices like this all the time. My wife specializes in finding them.
David you should not be buying off the Globalists, shop at an independent, support the little people especially in these times.
You may pay a little more, but they employ locals people in your community.
Very sad to read that.
No, but I saw an emergency design using kitchen roll and rubber bands!
No instructions, but you will get the idea.
“a cluster of new cases”
… will we ever get numbers on how many of that “cluster” (scary) result in symptoms that require medical attention?
In my world, they were broadcasting Public Service Announcements featuring the head of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and Infectious Disease (or some such) which stated …
“80% of people exposed to C19 will never know they had it”
… heard it dozens of times on the radio in my car.
80% of the left over 20% will probably not require medical intervention.
Is that a Pandemic?
Where are the Pythons when we need them?
The Pythons are now employed at Schools of Public Health and Infectious Disease trying to get funds for the machine that goes ping.
Your question makes me wonder how these issues vary from nation to nation, or even in some of the more remote places.
In the USA the toilet paper producers had two production types, namely home and commercial.
The stuff going to the commercial market was somewhat different, but often made in very large rolls so that those attending to replacement duties could do other chores throughout the day.
When business, university, and other commercial buyers were shut down the use defaulted to homes, and producers were not able to convert quickly.
Most such issues have now been solved – although retail outlets may still limit purchases to prevent hoarding (or whatever).
Here’s a 47 min video abput a classic aircraft, the de Havilland Canada DH-2 Beaver. Fascinating.
The workhorse of the North, many still flying. Back in ’76 my wife and I built a log cabin on a remote island in Northern Ontario, where the principal industry is fly in fishing. The Beaver is justly praised and highly prized.
Was at an airport when a Beaver ran into a refuelling trolley, sending a prop tip straight through a refuelling shed and out the other side without deviating. Mechanic flies in, armed with a hacksaw and two sledgehammers, cuts the same amount off the other side of the prop, then hammers the damaged prop end back into shape with the two hammers. And away it flew. A great STOL aircraft.
Compare the situation “proposed” for Sweden after the 24th and to Victoria now.
Victoria “Up to 10 people from any number of households can gather outdoors in a public place —”
Sweden “The proposal provides that the police may cancel or disperse a public meeting or assembly with more than 8 participants. Anyone who organises an event in violation of the ban may face a fine or prison sentence of up to six months.”
“Which gatherings are not covered?
Private events such as parties or corporate events – events not open to the public – are not formally included in the regulation.
This category also includes gyms, swimming pools, libraries, restaurants, schools, public transport, squares, shopping centres and so on.”
“Prime Minister Stefan Löfven was very clear that the limit of eight people should also set a “norm” for private gatherings too, urging people to cancel dinners, parties and trips to gyms or libraries, but these kinds of gatherings are not regulated by the Public Order Act.”
In summary: recommended but not enforceable
A lot different to Victoria.
Keywords: Public and Private.
John of Cloverdale
IN Sweden that six months imprisonment for “Public gatherings” of more than 8 seems to cover among other things.
“gatherings that constitute demonstrations or which are otherwise held for discussion, expression of opinion or providing information on public or private matters;”
But then some things are exactly the same.
Sweden’s daily death toll seems to be doubling every four days as shown at the link below. This happened in Victoria too. It doubled from zero to zero and then did it again.
Just watched a show about the great reset, would not be much of a reset if the tanks are not involved would it.
Cue the village idjot to arrive with an incomprehensible one liner
If the yanks are not involved, out smarted by a $140 smart phone
I haven’t checked it out yet, but expect to find when I do that this “Great Reset” is little more than an attempt to excuse being where we are. On the brink of Communism. With our future depending on the result of the election of the US president.
Every “lever” they have pulled in response to the “pandemic” has advanced the cause of Marxism.
I say, has anyone noticed the ‘Build Back Better’ slogan lately?
Wonder where that came from?
Victorian Department of the Environment.
Victorian Government.
Boris Johnson.
Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Backing slogans on the wall behind dear old Tedros the Buckpasser of the WHO.
And, hey whaddya know, it’s a UN program.
Who would have thought it was the left side of the political divide who would latch onto it, eh!
This is an order.
A thought of the last few days
Likely (IMO) that the bureaucracy of their one world government will have hit the upper limits of “the Peter Principle” well before they get to sorting out the boss of the whole show
And we’re still in the U.N.and funding it.
The only world war where everyone paid for the agressor to subjugate them.
Yeah we are paying them to slap us into their reality.
Tony the slogan has history from 2015,
First approved by the UN General Assembly in 2015, the UN’s “Build Back Better” machinations were originally promoted by the Japanese government as part of the UN “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.” Among other points, the UN scheme called for building better infrastructure following disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. However, the plan was openly globalist in nature, also promoting “international cooperation” as well as “psycho-social support and mental health services” amid the aftermath of disasters. Before the UN adopted it, Bill Clinton used the slogan in 2006 while serving as UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery.
Today I’d equate ‘Build Better Back’ with the 20th century’s “Moving Forward’ both far left slogans with the same dire consequences.
An interesting experiment comparing CoViD-19 spread in a strictly locked down group of marine recruits vs one that trained normally over a 2 week period. The result doesn’t appear encouraging but perhaps those with more epidemiol knowledge and experience may care to comment(see table 1)
I wrote about Glenn Greenwald on my own site. Now there is a lefty journalist who has, most unusually, kept both his soul and his integrity.
He started a news magazine site named The Intercept; but resigned because they would not print a piece which states the exact truth about the abortion factory which is the American Presidential Campaign.
I hate to say it, as I dislike his brand of thinking: but I do wish there were a few more of his kind within the News Organs of today.
The structure of complex issues
by David Wojick
We live in a world of complex issues, which can be very frustrating. I have been doing research on the generic structure of issues for a long time. There is an underlying pattern that might be helpful to know about. I call it the issue tree. What follows is necessarily simplified to fit into a short article, but it is still a big step forward.
By a complex issue I mean one that generates a lot of discussion. Policy issues are a good example, as these can involve hundreds or even thousands of articles and comments. The issue tree explains how this happens.
The rest is here:
Please share this.
Drawing the issue tree of the fast growing election issues would be fun.
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
— HL Mencken
Well; often more than one simple answer that is wrong.
Blog comments are impossible to read in one letter per line.
I had the one or two words per line thing happen occasionally. Not recently though, touch wood (touch forhead quickly!).
Increasing your screen resolution will fix it.
‘The Great Reset’
What a great idea! We need to reset our systems to the format before where they failed.
(1) Paper Ballots – manipulation cannot be automated
(2) Locally controlled elections with scrutineers from candidates.
(3) Non Compulsory voting – disinterested and uninformed can go fishing for the day.
(4) 2 Year Terms with only two consecutive terms allowed – Representatives get in and do what they are elected to do then get out without becoming another level of the bureaucracy.
(4) Politicians compensated not remunerated. Politicians rely on their communities for their income and stay in contact with those they represent.
(5) No public funding of Political Parties. Politicians elected by their communities not pre-selected by a faceless party machine.
(6) Cash accounting not Accrual for Governments.
In summary, the ownership of the career Politician by the Swamp corrupts all the institutions of Government and we lose the separation of powers.
Let us capture ‘The Great Reset’ like the word ‘Gay’ was taken from us!
And rainbow, still pissed at that.
Completely agree and lets go back to the original Olympics where only men competed naked on Fire Island.
Hi Jo
Well done! Now opens at “Tuesday Open”
Lets say, for the moment, that we get screwed again and the party of phantom voters drags their corpse candidate into the White House.
The fix is in in a lot of places, so its the likely outcome.
The administration will face massive resistance, but the Left is used to governing from a tiny minority position using lies, deceptions,
fellow travelers, useful idiots, and the laws and rules of decent people against them. Its what they do.
Gotta fight back.
Spent about five minutes fantasizing about what’s in my closet and the fact I can hit a squirrel reliably (MOL) at 40 yards, but Naaah!
Just cant’, at least not yet.
Came up with three things to focus on.
First, where possible stop doing business with overtly left leaning companies and people, and tell! them! why!. There are a lot of soft and thoughtless folks on the left who are essentially left wing for social and narcissistic reasons; they may even complain bitterly about the policies they enabled. We are dividing geographically as much because conservatives are made to pay a physic price as an economic one for living in liberal land. As I live in a destination area, I am going to make it a sworn duty to help these folks remember why they left where they left, and under what circumstances I would be happy to see them go back where they came from rather than impost their stupid ideas upon their new home.
Second, keep focused on and talking about Climate. Covid is an authoritarians dream, but post vaccine they’ll still have climate. The election fraud and the climate fraud came from the same people! There are NOAA and NASA and USGS archives, and they can’t stand an audit; I remind my senator and representatives once a week that before spending trillions these outfits need to be audited. Each letter has an item from Tony Heller with Gov Doc references then and now. Climate Fraud (or at least, diddling) can be proven from government data! The model is that we don’t allow stock investment without an audit. Where not gonna stop the left dumping a few hundred billion dollars on its buddies due to “climate change”; we can probably stop them from crippling the power grid and killing energy prices. A few tens of thousands of union make work jobs for minorities will keep them fully occupied at modest cost as govt. boondoggles go. So
I focus on DO NO HARM; delay a few more years and they’ll be back to worrying about cooling anyhow. But the focus is, we can prove fraud with government data.
Third, lets coalesce around a single electoral goal. “Every vote cast should be traceable back to a piece of paper marked by a voter who was either validated live at a polling place, or signed with a signature that can be matched to a registrar’s book and a real person; and fully recounted or audited.” Not quite a bumper sticker, but easy enough. If you don’t buy that, you support fraud. No if’s ands or buts. Don’t conflate the registration battle with the voting battle, you’ll lose both ends. They want you to be arguing about whether or not 15 year olds can vote, so they can put in a few 100,000 imaginary ones and you have no way to check. In a lot of our states now, you don’t. Also, this can be a NATIONAL rules in the US, and still pass muster regarding state conduct of elections.
Oh, and it’s fine to answer every call for cooperation with “no”, followed by “what part of no don’t you understand” followed by “well, we’ve been watching you for the last four years and learned really well” followed by “don’t preach at me, if it weren’t for double standards you’d have no standards at all”.
Yeah, you’re all nodding and laughing. Its a little disgusting that the left is so predictable, isn’t it.
And final note; the thing in the whole world they hate the most is being ridiculed, cause deep down they know how stupid they look. I mean really, Could you stand in front of a burning forest, where the underbrush hadn’t been cleared in 40 years, and there had been devastating fires for millenia, and say on TV, with a straight face “this is Climate change”? DUh
“Until then, I think I’ll just not say the word “lockdown”. Maybe I’ll call it “house arrest” instead. Or “indefinite immobility instruction” (I.I.I. for short… or perhaps Ay yie yi…) ”
Interesting that I have not been getting updates for two days!
Proof tropical ocean temperature has not changed:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3j-MHBpf4wRGuhf
The Nino34 region has been monitored for a long time as it is recognised as a significant indicator of weather in Pacific rim countries.
And the reason why:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3qPDHvnq-L6w5-5
Clouds literally go ballistic once sea surface temperature exceeds 27C; known as cloudburst seen as monsoon and tropical cyclones at latitudes above 10 degrees. The surface becomes so well shaded above 30C that it actually cools under the midday sun.
Cloudflare snuck back on again. I’ve turned it off. (I hope) so people using Chrome get the latest posts.
New start up.
Thurs Open shows as latest with no comments there.
See what happens when this is posted
I was getting zero comments until I posted.
Very quiet here, isn’t it. Nought for lurkers?
I’ve been distracted by the forthcoming “Enabling Act” to befall Germany (and the world); removing parliamentary review and judicial process, including constitutional oversight; for the protections of the people.
Germany has a weakly-defended Basic Law that can be changed by parliamentary majority. No referendum.
Alas, Australia is only one manufactured crisis away from tyranny.
Big battery coming.
Four hours of 250MW is still tiny. But AGL says at the end they plan to replace coal with renewables plus storage. Good luck with that, just kidding.
More Press Release than information.
South Australia is heading for another State wide blackout as they frantically push renewables. First it was wind which we are told to believe did NOT cause the 3 – 5 day blackout in 2016. We are also told that renewables supply the cheapest electricity, despite SA having the most expensive electricity (in Aus) and Queensland (98% coal fired) being the cheapest.
Then they pushed (with State Govt. interest free loans) solar + battery. Enthusiastically taken up by the population, so much so the Govt. is discussing how to shut off those solar panels.
Now it is an interconnector to another State plus Synchronous Condensers to stabilise the feed. The latter – a snip at $160 million – will stabilise the grid (thus undercutting the main money earner for the big battery).
With demand in summer (our peak season) around 3,000MWh the proposed Superfragilistic 200MW and the steady phasing out of reliable generation you will see what difference it will make (HINT rearrange the letters A,S F).
Check this video out to see how the US voting system can be manipulated.
Yale University Graduates–2 Secret Societes
Still not able to see the latest threads. I’ve installed Xubuntu VMWare image and used its browser. No good. I fired up my old Windows XP and still no good. It’s as though my ip-address is being used as a filter to block this site for new updates. I have to revert to searching with Google for the latest threads but even that doesn’t fully work as I don’t see all the comments. Usin g my mobile phone doesn’t help either. Strange indeed. If I were a conspiracy theorist I would say I’ve been trapped by some authoritarian system and blocked from gaining access to Jo’s blog site properly. More likely though it’s something ot do with the blog software itself. The fault can’t be at my end since I’ve tried three different devices.
I’ve also used the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome and Opera on W10 and XP.
” It’s as though my ip-address is being used as a filter to block this site for new updates. ”
There’s a lot of it about.
The wonders of NBN. My connection has been slow for a couple of weeks now but it got hopeless today. A speed check showed 1.5 mb/s. I just checked it again and it came up 54mb/s, a speed I’ve never had before. Hope it lasts.
Even this site is loading faster. 🙂
1.5 is a speed I could only dream of once , but thankfully it’s now around the 20 mark .
So masks are compulsory in South Australia. Everyone who wears a mask inhales more CO2. Is this a warmist conspiracy? Are they using covid to sequester CO2 in mask wearers?
They’ve also banned all outdoor exercise to make sure people are more susceptible to infection.
Hi Jo
There have been a couple of big claims made about a vaccine for the Wuhan-19 virus recently, 90-95% effective and so on. My question is how do they arrive at these figures? Are they just testing the test subjects for anti-body response and making an educated guess as to how effective the vaccine will be? I can not imagine that they would be exposing the subjects to the real virus and seeing what happens, or are they?
Does this all mean that when the vaccine encounters the real virus out in the wild, so to speak, that it may prove to be a lot less effective then these extraordinary claims may lead the public to believe?
What I read was pretty much how you put it.
They would not expose the guinea pigs to the virus as it would be unethical, like they are so big on ethics.
30 years of trying, killed everything they injected, but got it right in 6 months, virtually no safety trials.
Just putting this out there…
What if you develop a vaccine for an unknown virus, one you created. (not the Kungflu)
What if you wanted to depopulate the planet by 90%. How would you do this, a vaccine that reacted to your virus that inserted itself into your DNA and supercharged your immune system so that your own immune system attacked you and killed you when you contact the virus.
What if you vaccinated everyone for this virus, but it was actually for your virus. a couple of years to vaccinate the entire planet as they continually tell us they will be doing then release the Kraken, everyone drops.
RNA vaccines historically have done just this, from what I read.
And everyone marched willingly to their demise, or some such saying.
I don’t know what the exact mechanics of it will be, but I suspect you are sailing pretty close to the truth there, MP. A 90% reduction in population has been the aim of the elitists for quite a while now.
Mind you, there doesn’t even have to be anything untoward about the vaccine itself. Simply using the necessity of having it would be enough to keep the vast majority under control, while a cooling climate does the rest.
Listerine kills virus in 30 seconds.
‘ … while a cooling climate does the rest.’
It won’t be so bad, similar to the 1960s cool patch. The only reason the Thames didn’t freeze solid is because of the coal fired power stations along its length, which are no longer there.
Listerine may kill the virus in 30 seconds. But once the virus is in your throat I understand it only takes ten minutes for viral entry. Who is going to use mouthwash every 10 minutes?
And if you breathe the virus right into your lungs, no amount of mouthwash will stop that virus replicating.
Thanks Jo.
Jo, you surprise and disappoint me.
Tell that to the sun, which has gone sleep (Grand Solar Minimum), and on past performance (it’s cyclical), won’t fully wake up again in our lifetimes. Nor that of our children, or our grandchildren.
Interesting debates at WUWT:-
““Covid-19 is not a hoax. It is not a fantasy. It is not simply made up. ”
Yes, it is a hoax, it is a fantasy and it was made up. 3 for 3 wrong.
As the virus has never been isolated in pure culture and characterized and shown to cause the purported symptoms, the virus actually does NOT exist factually. Sure there is one or more viruses that made people sick, but no one can point to a specific virus. It’s a joke.
Instead, we have the flu season salad of influenza and coronaviruses. One can contract more than one of these viruses at a time and present with a variety of symptoms, which is exactly how they describe Covid-19 syndrome. In January, they were even blaming hiccups on the virus.
Then, we have to PCR test which by definition cannot be specific for a virus no one has isolated. One group determined 37 base pairs of a virus isolate (again not a pure virus), then had a computer fill in the remaining 30,000 base pairs, and published the sequence. This means that this supposed virus C-19 was fabricated by a computer, which, again, by definition, used already known sequences from other coronaviruses.
The antibody test is equally nonspecific because, again, there is no specific virus identified.
And a vaccine against an unidentified virus simply cannot do what they say. So, what are they using or putting in these by-definition false vaccines?”
Open Sesame
Closed street.
How I get to see the rest of the content here
US Alliance in Tatters
Filling in the picture, bit by bit….
“Clues about the true nature of BLM have been available for quite some time. Last month, Black Lives Matter activists terrorized church attendees in Troy, New York, while chanting “hail Satan.” They even shrieked at black families and young mothers trying to get in the building. Just this week in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a church with a “Black Lives Matter” sign on it was torched by BLM activists. In a video that went viral this week, a mob of white BLM activists shout at a couple at a D.C. restaurant for refusing to raise their fists, with one activist asking the confused victims, “Are you a Christian?”
“In the audio, BLM co-founder Patrice Cullors, who boasted in a TV interview of being a “trained Marxist,” revealed that she is also consulting spiritual entities and allowing them to “work through” her. “I’m calling for spirituality to be deeply radical,” she said. “We’re not just having a social justice movement, this is a spiritual movement.
Impact of a quiet sun.
‘Assessing what effect this has on the atmosphere at lower levels is where it gets complicated. We are, after all, dealing with a fluid medium, on a rotating sphere, with centrifugal and gravitational factors involved plus variations in the nature of the surface all playing a part.
‘That thermosphere expansion and contraction does penetrate downwards, shifting the pressure and thermal gradients in what has been described an almost “tide-like” manner is both logical and evident in the data.’
Pacific island hopping came about through a fall in sea level and a drift into a more El Nino framework.
‘ … the oceanic climate reconstructions indicate a semi-permanent La Niña-like state in tropical Pacific SSTs during the early-middle Holocene
‘A prolonged, westward-concentrated La Niña during the early-middle Holocene agrees with terrestrial paleoclimate records indicating warmer and wetter conditions in the tropical Western Pacific region.
‘Moreover, the Holocene cooling to a more El Niño-like state in Pacific SSTs explains why Near Oceania became progressively drier in the late Holocene.’
Anderson et al 2007
The Covid pandemic began in Rome and not Wuhan as previously thought.
Seriously, China daily.
Its my little joke.
The inquiry will find that it wasn’t produced in the Wuhan Institute and Beijing is not to blame for this natural pandemic, so no reparations.
Thought you had a Bill in Aus moment.
Be Patient, Trust Trump!
Tropical cyclones have been on the wane since the Great Climate Shift of 1976.
So South Australia has a SUPER Covid.
There’s a surprise.
Hardly surprising.
Covid 19 is simply a mutation of Cov 2, aka SARS 2 (2017), which in turn was only a mutation of Cov, aka SARS (2003). Viruses tend to do that. If it were correctly named it would be Cov 3, aka SARS 3. The only difference this time is that, unlike the previous two iterations, SARS 3 had a little help developing.
That help started in the USA and was finalised in the labs at Wuhan, China. But not by the Chinese. That work was carried out under contract to a consortium headed up by Dr Fauci and Bill Gates, and who now own, and therefore control, the patents to both the virus and the vaccine.
that is taxonomically incorrect. Those viruses share a relatively recent common ancestor but they are not just mutations of each other.
here are a couple of example publications. You can look deeper yourself
Reply to #36.1.1
That first link shows a chart. The chart shows one virus being the parent of nearly sixty others without any intermediary or mutation. Or are each of the sixty (ish) new viruses mutations of the first? But none of them have mutated further. Is that what happens with viruses?
Hi Lucky, I might not have chosen the most easily interpreted visualisations of phylogenies. One thing I can say in each of the charts is that none of them are showing one virus being a parent of another. If you start with one of the terminal lines (ie the taxa) and move along it until you get to a node, that node is a hypothetical common ancestor of that taxa with any other taxa also connecting with the node. Follow the line from the node to the next node and you get the common ancestor of the previous group with any other taxa connecting to the next node.
Depending on how the phylogeny is made, the length of the lines leading to a node is proportional to number of mutations but it might not be a unit length/mutation. There are adjustments made for types of mutations and for the length of the total DNA and other factors. If two taxa are almost identical there might appear to be zero difference to them on these pictures – so it is a limitation of the graphics.
BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder. Not really surprising, considering the “spiritualist” nature of this ‘movement’. There is some kind of link between BLM and CAGW; both spiritual, quasi-religious and dogmatic.