A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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What is the Trump team’s next move in restoring the Stolen Election?
Trump wins by over 400 electoral votes—a record
Please share this because it appears that the Tech Tyrants are squelching our content.
With best regards, you are a great audience!
Howell Woltz
Read at Richardson Post
Gina Hassal (CIA) and Christopher Wray (FBI) must be waiting for a knock on the door!
I’d be careful about claiming a record.
Reagan won 49 states en route to amassing 525 electoral votes……
But I hope you are close. 😀
I reckon the next move is the same as the first one. Find some evidence.
It is underway apparently, just not revealed yet, or at least not all of it.
surely Peter you don’t mean that on election night, and before, when evidence was proclaimed there was actually clear and known evidence but it was planned to be revealed some 2 weeks later?
It must be a very cunning plan. A plan so cunning that it includes multiple red herring court cases that were planned to fail for some as yet to be revealed reason.
The court cases have been based on evidence about illegal votes; dead people, postal votes received after the cut off, postal workers altering date stamps, GOP sructineers being excluded from the counting rooms etc. That should have been enough to swing the swing states back but it has not been. Election officials and state governers and judges holding firm so far.
On election night was there a predetirmed plan? Maybe not, but I think there was an expectation of electoral interference. That set of some events which are still playing out.
Democrat states, democrat courts. Wait until it gets to the supreme court.
Its not hte friggin minority report you fool
quite a magical view of how legal processes work out in the world, instantaneous it seems
I think you mean “show me the evidence” oh dim one. All things come to those who wait
Even when you show him the evidence he refuse to accept it.
After all he still believes that man-made CO2 will cause catastrophic climate change.
Nah – the whole “We waz robbed” whine depends on hearsay
Tell that to Sidney Powell (for explanation see here).
I just love the way the left deny/defend all the way to the end, no matter how much fraud is uncovered there will never be ANY evidence not well ok just a little but NONE LMAO
It is not over until the fat lady sings.
Well, well. More debunking debunked!
GA, please do a search to find the difference between “evidence” and “proof”. They are not interchangeable.
There is a mountain of evidence of fraud. Proof is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes, the weight of evidence is relative to the observer. In complex cases different people can look at the same evidence and come to opposite conclusions. Of course at least one side must be wrong. Let us hope that truth wins.
Looks like I can only post the txt of this story…
If Sharyl Attkisson is on this, it’s a big WOW moment! Those here who don’t, look her up and what’s happened to her under the Barry Soetoro mal-administration
There are two other affidavits in the story with hotlinks to use…
Follow the main link first after reading what does come thru…
READ: Affidavit from Democrat observer questioning Georgia ballots
Dated: November 18, 2020 by Sharyl Attkisson 1 Comment
A Democrat observer to the Georgia ballot counting has filed a sworn affidavit in a lawsuit challenging the legitimacy of the process.
Read partial excerpts from the affidavit below:
Read the document here:
Read another affidavit here:
From Wood v. Raffensperger
Read another affidavit here:
Reach Epoch Times story about the case here:
Read more below:
[You got friendly with the spam filter with all the links in one dose]ED
Here’s one move, Peter:
If Sharyl Attkisson is on this, it’s a big WOW moment!
Those here who don’t know her, please do a small bit of homework and see what she’s gone thru at the hands of the Barry Hussein Soetoro mal-administration.
She is a dogged investigational reporter, no partisan ax to grind. She is what good reporters used to be (or, at least what they should be).
This is just one affidavit from one whistleblower.
There are two other whistleblower affidavits in the story with hotlinks to use.
Follow the main link first. The other two have hotlinks within…
[You got friendly with the spam filter]ED
Warmists win bet that the 2011-20 decade would be warmer.
Was it bad luck that they lost the bet? Will they take another one?
Global Cooling just not happening yet for some reason or another.
Theoretically temps should fall at least 0.3 C with La Nina, what happens after that depends on the AMO and PDO. My feeling is that they will both be negative by this time next year, which should keep temperatures subdued.
The unanswered question is why doesn’t the temperature go back down after the El Nino events?
I am looking for the UAH Global temperature to go back ‘Below the line’. No evidence for that so far, more is the pity.
Yes, if temperatures bounce back up after this La Nina then CO2 must cause global warming.
In my mind the hiatus was caused by a negative PDO, but it moved back to neutral in 2014 and temps picked up again. We need to have faith in a 60 year oscillation, its the meaning of everything.
All of the warming in the 40 year UAH record has come in small steps coincident with big El Niños. Why? should be the central question of climate science but first they would have to admit that it was not due to the CO2 increase, or not clearly so. This would make all the billion dollar models wrong so they will not do it.
Happer’s argument for the saturation theory has merit and should be utilised to snap the brainwashed out of delusion, in the meantime …
My hypothesis is that the large oscillations like the PDO, AMO and NAO have a solar connection, otherwise some internal dynamic is operating outside of our comprehension.
Getting to the chase, when the PDO and AMO are both in their negative phase, world temperatures should fall. We stand before the abyss and laugh.
Chaotic oscillation driven by constant solar input is a good hypothesis for the internal dynamic. The system is known to be chaotic on shorter scales than decade to century, but is may well be on that scale too. The oscillations you’re list are in fact evidence for dec-cen nonlinear dynamics.
The solar input is massive and impacts the major oscillations, ENSO too it seems, but we still have to join the dots and prove it.
Non linear dynamics is natural variability, so they wonder what impact a linear AGW will have on our world.
I see you guys in Australia are screwed.
Your Royal Commission on the forest fires is not looking at the actual causes of forest fire management but blaming it all on climate change. Gotta love politics and the idiocy of having Government and governing bodies that are a total waste of time and money in brain washing everyone to follow our scripted narrative and not the actual root cause.
Tru tumas.
Tok Pisin
Lik lik.
Dispella, em i painim salla warra.
Thanks, I will have those nightmares again, back into therapy.
This fellow, he fights salt water.
This bloke is swimming.
I got it.
We never finished off the last time.
what were you there for.
I went to Nuku in West Sepik for a month over the new year. Either 69/70 or the next, so long ago.
Stayed in the village with a student from Goroka who was going back home for the break.
Dangerous then but much worse now from what I understand.
I was there at the start of the 90’s, we were attacked 3 times in the 4 years.
Best job I ever had in the worst place I have ever been and that includes a country were 30 of us were taken hostage and I was shot at in another place.
Good grief, you’re lucky to be here.
I have a friend who goes to crazy places to locate ore bodies and associated geological features. A year or so back he went on a job in South America with Ian Plimer.
In the more recent posts there’s a mention of quinine.
No we were screwed long ago, we are gangbanged to death.
We don’t spend 10’s of millions of dollars on what has become a constant syphon of our tax dollars on Royal Commissions to find the cause. We do it so we feel better, we’ve done something and deflected blame.
I demand a Royal Commission into Royal Commissions.
I hope they are providing some sort of witness protection program to assist all those who are coming forward with evidence, affidavits etc. This mob is making Al Capone look like a naughty schoolboy.
.??? Who are “they” ??
Martin…..??? Who are “they” ??
Would not be a witness protection program of any worth if they bloody told you the names.
No MP, ..who are the “they” who should be providing witness protection ?, and for which iaaus .?
ooooh I see, Proud Boys.
Can’t use ANTIFA, they will whittle themselves away.
BLM will be distracted by flames or any bright light.
Could use the folks from the million paws march, but they are still looking for the correct toilet.
Naa got to be Proud Boys
Nothing here yet today. Never been the first before!
I just looked at Jo’s entry in Wikipedia and the last sentence reads; “She is prominent for promoting climate change denial.”
They are indicted by their own ignorance – no wonder I don’t use it anymore!
On a different matter… the fraudulent election. I have to say that I am now very despondent that any of the revelations will make any difference. There are enough people in the thrall of the Fake News bubble that they can just make it go away by sins/art of omission.
Bu*&&3r. I was too slow 🙂
Never mind,
You made a good comment and it still got in at #4.
I am worried about that also. However see the link posted by c. Paul Barreira at # above for some cheering up.
In Pennsylvania and Wisconsin it is put up or shut up time
The margin between the two candidates is small enough to have a recount, but… You have to ask, and you have to pay and like in Wisconsin that cost is over 7 million.
Will the Republicans pony up the over 15 million required for recounts in both states?
Or will they fold?
Maybe there is a Plan B.
Yes, Plan A is still going:
For the love of God SF, once again the dead people et Al voting is not what will decide the election. The Republicans are bringing charges against people which amounts to treason.
You need to start thinking at a much higher level
Recounts do not determine if dead people voted. That requires an audit. Recounts are a useless smokescreen, a whitewash. The issues emerging now are enormously bigger than miscounting.
Thought this was interesting . . . . .
Next President will not be appointed/confirmed until January 2021.
All US States must certify the election results before the result is comfirmed.
POTUS Obama and supporters have a legal right to challenge vote counting.
If State Officials certify their election counts, despite serious evidence of election interference, do they face any consequences, given that election interference is a Federal Crime?
Since they are doing their job, however badly, I doubt it is interference. But it can certainly be litigated and likely will be.
Don’t know what you been smoking but the US Elections have Constitutional time limits and in January is the sworn in ceremony. We will long before know who that is. I think that is December 14…but I can’t swear by that.
Dec 14 is the deadline for electors voting, but that too may be challenged in various Courts. That this mess has never before happened on this scale means every step can be ponderously litigated. It might not be resolved by January.
I thought that if the electors are not resolved by the 14th, then it goes to a contingent election (which Trump will win)
Yes but it is not clear what either of those two descriptors mean. Not resolved and contingent election. It is a common and major role of the Courts to determine what vague statutory and Constitutional language means. This is likely just such a time.
The fact that the whole MSM gang, including the supposedly conservative ones jumped the gun and announced that Biden is President elect so soon and so quickly can mean one of two things. Either they are clueless or they are colluding and/or being told from above what to say with threats of dismissal. In any case, I don’t watch the news so it doesn’t really matter as I’ve lost all trust in them a long time ago. I just wait for the explosive events to see how things are panning out. For example, time will tell if the debacle over the US election ends in a civil war or ends with a whimper. Going by what’s being released on a daily basis over the Internet the former is more likely.
I think the majority of our journo’s are quite happy to join the throng and write their pile on rubbish. They don’t need to collude becausue they are all on the same team.
However there are a few journolists from the Murdoch Press who have been strangely silent about the ‘Stolen Election’. They must have heard about it but they are not saying a word. Consequently very few people, beyond this blog, are even aware that there is an alternative narrative about the election. I wonder when they will have to break their silence?
simply a huge Thank You for bringing the series of posts on the Democrats Fraud in the USA.
Keep up the great work.
I second that.
You have been highly informative at a time when the media was in an all out bliz of disinformation and propaganda.
Problem seeing latest comments back yet again. Every time I open up a browser, I have to Google search Jonova for the last 24 hours time span, select the latest thread where I see no or just a few comments, and finally post to see the rest. Jo, you really need to fix this permanently or else you will lose a lot of fans.
No problem here.
Anyway, I am willing to wait if necessary if things are a bit slow.
A tip I was given earlier
If you are using Firefox and opening at a “yesterday’s thread” try
“Shift + Reload current page”
Which will likely bring up the newer threads
You might have to do it again when you open the thread of interest to bring up the posts there..
Yes, that worked, thanks! Just to be clear the normal reload (CTRL+R) doesn’t work. It has to be SHIFT+CTRL+R (twice, once to get all the threads, then select the thread in question, then another special reload to get all the comments).
Suck it up big guy
“UPDATE: Treehouse 2.0 – Migrating Site After Deplatforming by WordPress/Automattic…”
Ruth 1:16
President Trump has steered his followers into different websites and platforms as all levels of the media were coordinated to do their disinformation and propaganda blitz.
It really gave him a eye opener that he too was being censored quite heavily.
Made getting the truth out that much more difficult and every word he put down was monitored.
Snapshot USA
From an east coast very Blue city.
My coffee buddy just texted a photo of the smashed window of his car.
5 cars on his street last night.
We just got new more restrictive mask mandates and curfews.
Guess the cops were busy elsewhere.
I should mention that this is my friend’s second smashed car window in last six weeks.
and you can bet that now they have a taste for agro and violence it will continue even if OBiden is electorated.
Somewhere along this choatic battle front, we have to begin to deal with a basic reality.
They are not like us.
This is one of the principle differences between wars, of which we have fought many, and civilized discourses, of which we have had a few.
In civilized discourse, the principles argue vociferously, in their selected forum, and, if empowered, reach decisions, and then, having appeared enemies,
come out friends. The image that sticks in my mind is a cub reporter, covering the speeches at the UAW Hall, where the Ford executives were the minions of Satan,
then the company presser at Cobo Hall, where the Union guys were the spawn of the devil, then the jubilant celebration the next day after the contract had been signed,
add all pledged to work together for the good of the company.
Knowledge that the last part is coming put up guardrails. In war they are taken down, and one is permitted, based solely on uniform worn or geography occupied, to kill the other party and expect the same in return.
We are getting there….losing one’s job and ability to make a living and ones status in one’s profession; being shunned in the community and dehumanized in speech are getting close. The intrusion of political views into life is currently asymmetrical. A part of the population being victimized may see the terms of engagement as requiring a response less
nuanced that “deplatforming”.
The left is a taking undue liberties with power.
The right has been passive for a long time.
The double standard in public life reaching critical mass. We are focused on Georgia. The left is apoplectic that DT will not concede. The also still think that Stacey Abramns is Governor, and she has not “conceded”. Millions of dollars of outside money and many outside people are flowing into a part of of the country not always sympathetic to outsiders.
There are passions being aroused. My wife, a proud native and graduate of Athens, can say in an accent you might not understand “Y’all not from around here”.
It once meant, “get off of my lawn”.
Liberals love aphorisms/ “if your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”.
AS there earnest young radicals head for Georgia for what they suppose are Civil rights, egged on by professional agitators, I would remind them that there are rural parts of the state where the only tool is a rifle.
And even in urban areas you might, apart from your urban synchophants, runs into some generally peaceful folks whose first thought will be “Y’all ain’t from around here”.
In at least one instance I can attest to, it is possible to have a PhD and thinks and speak that way.
In addition to all the other grievances one may have against leftist identity politics, have ya ever noticed that if you speak with any kind of a southern or south=western drawl they think you are stupid?
I hope it doesn’t come to war, or armed conflict, but feel constrained to point out that it wouldn’t be the first time; Keep doing your “states rights for me but not for thee thing” and You pointy heads from DC might just meet the sheriff at the county line when you come down here. Have we all forgotten that, while foolish in the breech, Florida’s travel ban was deemed unacceptable while Cuomo’s folly met with general approval?
For the umpteenth time, if it weren’t for double standards they’d have no standards at all, and that’s what folks will eventually get killed over, whether it’s COVID, CLimate, or the First Amendment.
I read that in Australia they are at the 5th mutation of this virus.
Logic(common sense) would dictate that this immunization will be like the flu shots in not working due to mutations.
Governments love blowing cash to big pharma for garbage in return.
“they are not like us”
When I began to educate myself about the climate issue is seemed clear right away that something was up.
The destruction of common American and Western values you outline are purposeful.
A righteous crusade and carried out by our own fellows in the halls of Academia and the coastal bourgeoisie.
On a lark.
Wonder if they will be as masterful in controlling what they have wrought.
Thanks Richard, that comment will help me get through the day.
There’s nothing more useful than a problem restated, more clearly outlined and given teeth: “there’s the border folks; y’all ain’t from around here, are ya”.
It’s time to honour the past and “make” our democracies work the way it was intended.
The structure of complex issues
by David Wojick
“We live in a world of complex issues, which can be very frustrating. I have been doing research on the generic structure of issues for a long time. There is an underlying pattern that might be helpful to know about. I call it the issue tree. What follows is necessarily simplified to fit into a short article, but it is still a big step forward.
By a complex issue I mean one that generates a lot of discussion. Policy issues are a good example, as these can involve hundreds or even thousands of articles and comments. The issue tree explains how this happens.”
The rest is here:
Also here:
Interestingly I got some good discussion on CFACT, but zip on WUWT, where it sounded like they never read the article.
Please share this.
Drawing the issue tree of the fast growing US election issues would be fun. Or big Covid.
This is interesting:
Google Doesn’t Like It
‘Surging fossil fuel use and exports, no large scale carbon pricing scheme, no carbon target – almost as if the Australian government and the people who voted them into office think the climate crisis is a total joke.’
Worrall / WUWT
Title or URL?
If only the government thought the climate crisis is a total joke. There is far too much legislation supporting CO2 emissions reduction which has not been repealed for that to be true.
But it is true that the people who voted them into office think the climate crisis is a total joke since the ALP campaigned heavily on the CAGW meme.
It is a total joke.
And the pushers are Marxist tools.
“Title or URL?”
Climate Thinktank Slams Australia for Global Warming Inaction
South Australia Bans Outdoor Exercise, Dog Walking Due to Coronavirus
If I’ve interpreted the latest news correctly we can now go outside and exercise and walk dogs immediately. The lockdown will end at midnight Saturday night. Seems a pizza bar worker told some porkies to the authorities which caused the 6 day lockdown. Also Nicola’s been discredited with her claim of a 24 hour incubation period for the virus. The whole thing’s turning into a circus!
“irony can be pretty ironic sometimes”
-Commander Buck Murdock, Airplane II
California’s Newsom imposes new lockdown, includes county where he dined at upscale French restaurant
100 out of 100 dictators recommend lockdowns as a way of maintaining control….
Oh Gawd… trying to delve into the minds of politicians attempting to tackle the COVID-19 issue. These idiots are totally oblivious to the issue, just like they are with CAGW. When anything vaguely scientific comes up for debate, they retreat into their caves (or, in Australia’s case, the Canberra Bubble) like the Pagans they are
Are you for herd immunity or elimination?
I think all politicians should be eliminated, as you suggest.
And sent to clear scrub from around Australia’s many new Wind Turbine establishments.
Make Australia beautiful again.
For what amounts to just a variant of the common cold?
Don’t you think if either were possible we would have done it long go?
This is not a variant of the common cold, it was designed in a laboratory and the Australian government took it very seriously. It was designed as a first strike weapon, but unfortunately some rascal released it too early and in their own backyard.
The Trans Tasman Bubble will become reality, a place where people mingle without masks and large crowds gather like in days of old.
On the other hand, history will determine if the whole thing was a Chinese hoax, a mild variant designed primarily to kill off senior citizens, brought the western world to its knees.
El tonto
“Like days of old” was 9 months ago.
A model bought the west to its knees, fuelled by the absolute fear of you and yours
Spot on, MP.
One only has to look at the timeline to detect the con. Early one Sunday afternoon our time Scott Morrison announced our draconian “lockdown” measures, complete with the newly-minted term and concept of “social distancing”. A website was ready to go, complete with diagrams. Three million people were summarily thrown out of work and onto some form of dole.
Nine hours later, but at the same time locally, that is, early Sunday afternoon, Boris Johnson made virtually the same speech, with the same results, in London. His presentation included the new term “social distancing” and was backed up by a website complete with diagrams virtually identical to that announced in Oz.
About six hours after that, but at the same time locally, that is, early Sunday afternoon, Justin Trudeau in Canada, and a spokesperson at the White House, delivered pretty much the same speech, complete with “social distancing” and a website to explain it all.
A few hours after that, but early Monday afternoon local time, Jacinda Arden delivered almost the same package to New Zealanders, complete with “social distancing” and a website with the same diagrams. The NZ delivery was less comprehensive because some of the measure had already been introduced. These are the five UKUSA Pact countries.
People like El Gordo and even our own host here need to wake up and smell the viruses. This is not about a disease; it’s about establishing a Fascist totalitarian regime in these five countries. The Deep State at work.
Yeah I know, they are all in this together.
I been looking at things to post on an unthreaded, came across this.
The Pandemic that never was, here is a study done on response to the pandemic, it was done on the 23 of March. 12 days after the Pandemic was declared and 5 days after the world was told to hide under their beds.
They must be able to see into the future. I will put the whole thing on the unthreaded, this was for vaccine acceptance.
Agree with the last two lines.
Given what’s transpired, that’s pretty scary stuff, MP.
How high, far, and deep did the pre-planning go?
The excellent documentary at traces major activity all the way back to the late 2000’s, with the WEF currently front and centre, and Bill Gates and Co pulling their strings.
The Australian government amended the Biosecurity act in 2015, to cover for this exact event, coincidence?
The procedures for everything that has happened was laid out and the government could not follow their own plan with quarantine, its almost like we had to get enough Typhoid Mary’s into the country first.
I watch bitchute of the one you posted last week, is that the one and what platform to view it on?
My reply to you has gone into Guantanova bay.
It may of been the link as it did show as unsecured.
The Australian government amended the Biosecurity act in 2015, to cover for this exact event, coincidence?
The procedures for everything that has happened was laid out and the government could not follow their own plan with quarantine, its almost like we had to get enough Typhoid Mary’s into the country first.
I watch bitchute of the one you posted last week, is that the one and what platform to view it on?
Okay so Wuflu is just a Chinese hoax which kills mainly old people and if that is true then its a WMD and WW3 has begun. Be afraid of the real fascists.
‘Australia conveniently forgets to mention that it has launched 106 anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations against Chinese goods, compared with only four by China against Australian products.
‘Moreover, over the past two years, Australia has halted more than 10 Chinese investment projects, from energy to agriculture and 5G technology, on the pretext of “national security concerns”.
China Daily
I think I have to say El gordo three times to summon you El diablo.
Do you think it was a hoax, here I was thinking it was real.
Bitchute have censored that Vid and placed some crap in its place.
Bitchute as well???
Same video, MP. Just with a five minute intro added at the front explaining how it was initially banned from mainstream social media – like so much other stuff.
As ever, it always comes back to money, power and control.
The Biosecurity Act 2015 is just the tip of the iceberg. We also have changes to the Banking Acts in 2018, turning depositors into unsecured creditors, The HoR passing the Cash Restrictions Bill in 2019, which will allow the banks to charge negative interest rates and prevent people withdrawing their funds to avoid it, the wholesale looting of our Super Funds to finance pie in the sky “ruinable” energy projects, profiting the usual rentseekers,and now the Banking Amendment Act, which will allow the banks to “bail in” your money to avoid going broke.
So much going on right under our noses. ALL introduced by a Liberal-National government. ALL with the full cooperation and backing of the Labor Opposition.
It’s a pity Jo spends so much time between the American election and avoiding catching a cold, to investigate any of it.
I have been on to the cash ban bill and bailin laws since their inception.
Bail out steal from the future
Bail in steal from the present.
Its theft either way to bail out private enterprises for causing their own demise. Slomo and his band of merry comrades will borrow Australia into Bankruptcy. After all we are a company, registered with the US securities on the 22nd of November 2010.
Doctor Ken Hennry’s signature at the bottom of the above doc
Yep we are in safe hands
Memory Vault they have found a way to avoid a rush on the banks and avoid another great depression. Don’t worry all the central banks are printing money.
Yeah. I know. All that money, and it’s all “free”.
Brings a warm glow of comfort and security to your heart, don’t it.
Weather analysis by an independent reporter.
“Our board has many discussions, but James … claims that our papers have covered the bushfires in Australia without discussing climate change. We do not deny climate change, we are not deniers,” Mr Rupert Murdoch said.