A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Apologies for putting this up again, a hindcast and projection, but something feels wrong.
el gordo:
I think that any calculation of the planetary influence on solar cycles that doesn’t include Saturn is missing something.
Its there, but opposite.
‘I offer you a challenge…I say all grand minima happen when Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are together with Saturn opposite.’ Ulric Lyons
Search didn’t turn up Saturn hence my comment. Does this relate to the movement of the barycentre (as Isaac Newton would have spelt it)?
The motion of Jupiter, the heaviest planet causes the greatest shift. In the upper frame, when Jupiter and the other heavy planets (Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are all on one side of the Sun, the barycenter (marked B) is located outside. In the lower frame, when Jupiter is on the other side, the barycenter will fall within the Sun. It is hypothesized that the resulting changes in orbital angular velocity of the Sun will cause variations in solar output, affecting climate on the Earth.
‘Does this relate to the movement of the barycentre …’
Presumably, but I’m out of my depth.
My problem is predicting the start of the next mini ice age, Lyons has it at the end of century, but I have my doubts.
This from David Evans and his Notch Delay Theory: ‘Global temperatures will come off the current plateau into a sustained and significant cooling, beginning 2017 or maybe as late as 2021. The cooling will be about 0.3 °C in the 2020s, taking the planet back to the global temperature that prevailed in the 1980s.’
A string of La Nina in the coming decade would be the primary mechanism, but I also expect the NAO to go negative.
I have just started to watch this but my first impression is “What’s new?”
It is an expose’ of treatment of WuFlu patients in Cuomo’s NY.
Maybe not of importance for denizens on here, but Candace Owens is having a baby in Dec, then starting a run for President! Could be a Candace vs AOC race! She has married into money, her hubby’s family was a major Nigel Farage, Brexit backer.
That’s great news. Have you got a link?
When Donald wins in November, he gets another four years. However, the worry is who’s next in line to be POTUS.
Candice Owens sounds wonderful, but I reckon it’s a bit premature for her to make a run in 2024.
you’re probably right about premature, but AOC is definitely aiming for it. I reckon there will be a bit of a problem, because of having to try to pick up the pieces from the 2021 civil war, and the crawl out of the rubble of the pandemic. 2020 has been ano horrobulus. Not looking at much sunshine and gaiety in 2021.
Annus horribilus?
Candace Owens will be the right kind of person after another 20 years.
AOC, never.
Not good reading for a day
“Can we step back before going over the cliff?”
The latest “zero emissions” electricity /energy plan from our NSW Planners.. … n-by-2027/
Basicly use Solar to produce Hydrogen via electrolysis , and use that Hydrogen in Fuel Cells to generate “Dispatchable”. electricity for backup and overnight electricity.
Also extra Hydrogen to be used for industrial heating and processes to replace Natural Gas usage.
Sadly, It seems they have not run the numbers to estimate the physical or financial implications od even simply maintaining 20-25 GW of grid demand overnight.
I do not recall of ever hearing of a GW h2 fuel cell, or a cost estimate ,.. let alone a 25GW capacity system ?
Which would of course require a substantial quantity of H2 ..(5000+ tonnes/day ?) be produced and stored somehow ?
Of course , production of H2 from Solar is a well established process (???) at about 75% process energy efficiency .
So just considering process efficiencies .. Electrolysis, fuel cell.. and ignoring minor details like hydrogen compression, losses etc… we get under 50% energy output from the input to the electrolysis.
Combined with the solar efficiency ( 20% optimistic best) ,..we realise that it would require approx 100GW of Solar capacity, ..dedicated to the electrolysis.. to produce the h2 just for 1 nights normal demand !
….And of course there is the obvious question….
…….what happens if there are one or two days with little or no sunshine ? 🙄
Note , that there are very few 1 GW solar installations anywhere in the world !!
I have not bothered estimation the costs involved in this proposal , but the last CSIRO report i saw put H2 cost from electrolysis at $18/kg, with a best forcast of $10/kg by 2030..
That would put the cost of just supplying the hydrogen fuel to the Fuel cells , at $250 /MW at 2030 prices !.. or, 10x more than coal.
We are being lead by gullible fools who are being manipulated by scheming profiteers, exploiting Political soft spots..
I was thinking the other day that renewable energy was the modern world’s answer to perpetual motion machines. People keep thinking these things generate so much power and everything will be free and clean, but the panels and turbines never completely make up their production energy costs. Almost, close, maybe, but never enough to do anything more than spin in place.
If only that was the limit of the damage they do
For the covid mix
“Covid-19 Testing 1,000-times Too Sensitive?”
Maybe this is worth another page by Jo?
But the science was settled?
This just in – Victorian lockdowns appear *not* bssed on medical but (presumably ) political descisions….
If so, is everyone in victoria effectively currently a political prisoner?
If true, this is startling news….
“Mr Kenny said in what was an “amazing exchange” between Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton and Neil Mitchell on radio station 3AW, the Professor revealed the curfew in the state wasn’t based on his advice.
“”I was consulted on it, but it was a separate decision making pathway,” Professor Sutton said.
Yes just seen that the Curfew was not implemented on health advice , is Sutton throwing dangerous Dan under a bus here .
Noticed he was missing from the conference today but tomorrow should be an interesting one .
Probably distancing himself from whats coming….
Im honestly surprised Scomo hasnt had the ADF remove El Presidente wearing some steel bracelets, yet….
Like most odious pollies, they usually wind up in some socialist utopia employed by some obscure and useless NGO…like the UN…till the heat dies down…
Sutton has been ordered to hire a press consultant. Dan believe Sutton HAS to learn how to avoid telling the truth. I think the tipping point was revealing the true nature of the contract tracing system being based on 16th century technology using pen and paper. Sutton did say in an interview that the GPs had progressed to using faxes rather than hanging on telephones for hours or mailing in information on specific cases.
The mail is now very slow in Victoria because the social distancing had reduced manning in the distribution centres. The move to faxes avoided a lot of wasted time for GPs.
I have a link to a Guardian article down thread that gives details of the consultant to get the tracing system up to 20th century standard. See #13.
Computerising the system over a network will enable the contact tracers to work remote from the main paper shuffling centre now being used. It would allow the remote tracers in other States to provide effective assistance rather than following up on information that is days old.
German Health Minister Jens Spahn has come out and publicly admitted that the lockdowns were a mistake. Mind you it’s just about the lockdowns, not the other approaches of tackling the pandemic, which are useful. Stop and think about it. Why rely so much on lockdowns when they are clearly of no value after more than 6 months other than to destroy people’s jobs and livelihoods, cause unnecessary stress. etc.? If it hasn’t worked by now then they will never work.
In the 2020 environment, that is a hugely significant statement.
A short piece but amazing from the perspective that someone has the guts to stand up for what they believe in.
Words are being messed with…watch the video about the curfew….wow…
If you think communism was bad for people, check out what communism does for the environment.
So what, the environment is where you dump stuff, destroy stuff, pollute stuff. On this all governments agree.
Vandals are everywhere.
I have no trust in our medical system anymore.
I used to believe doctors were working in our best interest but that has totally changed over the decades as they get paid for you to have more and more testing.
No questioning over the decades as I had 100% trust that they are working in my best interest and not in their pocket book.
Too many things happen over the decades that question this.
I am almost convinced that the MRI my wife went through a few times affected her circulatory and nervous system and added to her pain. Since our blood has heavy concentrations of iron and this extremely powerful magnetic system could have changed the concentrations around.
But hey, it is perfectly safe…
Like a few other things that I refuse now after experiences and what other people have gone through.
All it takes is one bad dose or shot of something foreign in your system to be screwed up for life and you don’t know where the medicines come from anymore…
But our government says that they are perfectly safe.
Ok…heres a shocker…
Capitalists created Marxism – the plan appears to be to create a dialectic struggle between capitalism and anti-human marxism, then let them fight it out, and the mega rich then have a guaranteed monopoly under a mish mash political system left when the dust settles.
Easyvto get whst you want when you control both sides of the conflict.
Controlled struggle = controlled change.
“Cartoon by Robert Minor in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1911). Karl Marx surrounded by an appreciative audience of Wall Street financiers: John D. Rockefeller, J. P. (Pontifex Maximus) Morgan, (Pontifex Maximus), John D. Ryan of National City Bank, and Morgan partner George W. Perkins. Immediately behind Karl Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.”
Ralph Epperson wrote a rivetting read called “The Unseen Hand” that basically outlines all this.
“These radicals … were being used by the establishment to condition the people to radical change … Rubin [Vietnam War Protest Leader] admitted as much, that he knew the young people were being used. He wrote: ‘Revolution is profitable. So the capitalists try to sell it. The hip capitalists have some allies within the revolutionary community, longhairs who work as intermediaries between the kids of the street and the millionaire businessmen.’ Rubin also knew that there was another group who knew the young people were being used. He identified that group as well. ‘Only the right wing sees us for what we are.’ ” [Epperson, “The Unseen Hand”, p. 403]
“Health experts, ER heads join chorus against new lockdown
“Open letter from some 90 doctors and researchers, including Nobel laureate in Chemistry, urges Israel to adopt Swedish model and try to reach herd immunity while shielding elderly.
“Dozens of doctors and scientists have launched a campaign urging the government not to impose a new lockdown, claiming that fears over the coronavirus pandemic are overblown and that the economic damage from such a move will prove too high a cost to bear.
It’s time for PM Morrison to look for a loophole to stop the lockdown nonsense. If there isn’t one then make one. We are supposed to be one nation, not a bunch of loosely aligned states similar to the cities of Ancient Greece, which resulted in fights and wars.
We already have too many laws and regulations that make it illegal to do any job except what our government deems legal.
Constantly changing the board game of life that very few know all the rules and a few privilege companies can be exempt r gets government backing.
That neatly sums up the whole gigantic catastrophe.
Seems to me that they could get something approaching herd immunity, and quite rapidly, by encouraging everyone to bring their vitamin d levels up to 50+ ng/ml. I think the term is “bolus”, or big initial dose, over a few days followed by a regular/ daily maintenance one could achieve that within a week for the individual.
Dave B
As a follow-up to Jo’s Asymptomatic covid patients with no symptoms still get lung damage, a new study out of Austria has shown that
Article here:
Couldn’t find a link to the study and it’s bed time, but hopefully this is enough.
Does that mean we can put off taking the faux vaccine without worries about residual damage?
If we have a choice I would prefer to get infected for reals…
It is official, Victoria contact tracing is moving boldy into the 20th century. They are about to replace pen and paper with computers:
In an interview today Brett Sutton stated that the tracing team had been using faxes to get information on positive cases from GPs rather than the mail system to speed up the process as the mail was now very slow due to the impact of distancing rules in the mail distribution centres.
There will be a major training program required before the new computer system is effective because the existing contact tracers, selected from diverse backgrounds , did not necessarily have English as their first language.
All this is reminiscent of weather dependent electricity network that produces power when the weather is conducive to producing power.
Using pen and paper as the key technology in the tracing system would be REALLY funny if the consequences of the poor performance were no so serious.
In reality, the contact tracing system was not solely pen and paper. The images I have seen inside the main tracing room showed that there was a Whyteboard with post-it notes stuck to it. I think both those were 20th Century inventions so it is not accurate to infer the system 19th century or earlier.
As the Guardian article sets out, the use of networked computers would enable tracing teams to work from different locations rather than trying to social distance in the main tracing centre. GPS would be able to use computers to enter directly to the common database rather than using Faxes, hanging on telephones or mailing information as they have been doing.
It is now a little clearer while Victoria has been making large increases in number of deaths as they reconcile the data in the National database with the state files so the State officials can tally the numbers in their hand written registers.
“there was a Whyteboard with post-it notes”
Recycling the one used by that federal minister?
The commercial software world is awash with CRM/Networking/Collaboration software. It easy to see how they ended up where they did if they were under resourced as claimed and had not done the prep for a pandemic. You work with what you have got.
Apparently Brett Sutton has been told he must hire a press consultant. Dan does like Sutton’s honest and revealing answers during the press conferences so he is to get a $200k spin doctor to better prepare him to avoid honest answers.
I think the honest advice on 19th century contact tracing system was the last straw for Dan. It is not easy for Dan to keep a straight face under press scrutiny when telling the press that the contract tracing system is the best in the world while Sutton undermines him by stating it is based on pen and paper. It would be a tough look for Dan to sack Sutton at this stage so a minder is the best option.
This will remove some of my wife’s enjoyment of the daily Covid soap opera because she was always alert to Sutton’s bombs that made Dan squirm. There have been some wonderful moments.
On another note, Dan is likely to set a world record for a Head of State fronting the press on a continual daily basis. If he does not drop the ball he should still be holding daily press conferences until there is a viable vaccine. At best, that will be early 2021.
Sutton said- no end to lockdown until there is a vaccine 80% effective.
Note- flu vaxs are up to 60% effective.
Covid-19 CFR and IFR Confused
This PCR test– (again)
– Has been described as Nobel prize winning. The Nobel was awarded to the inventor, Kary Mullis, who said it is unsuitable for the purpose of identifying coronaviruses.
– Relies on ‘amplification’ to make it more sensitive.
“The problem with amplifying things too far is very well known.” Indeed!
There is no standard for this amplification. Most testing companies have chosen the outrageously high sensitivity limit of 40 PCR cycles – meaning that the DNA in a sample is exponentially increased 40 times in order to amplify its signal.
Worse, the amplification could be set by the operator.
Amplification of 33 has been mooted by the CDC. The difference in findings between an amplification of 40 and 35, or 33, is dramatic.
At 40 PCR cycles –the sample is exponentially increased 40 times. This lack of a standard for amplification is a fatal flaw in itself.
– A quote is given from a presumably reputable source, ‘PCR is now one of the most widely used….’, and so on. This is appeal to authority, not evidence. It may be fact that the test is used by acclaimed Prof Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, London, and by the Australian State of Victoria under the Honorable Premier Dan Andrews. (Where would they be if there were justice?)
– There was the ‘test of the test’ in Tanzania. Specimens from a fruit, quail, and goat sent to lab reported positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus disease in humans. So, “Falsification”.
Thus asking for evidence of the statement that ‘The PCR test does what the public thinks it does’, in peer reviewed journals doing double blind randomized trials, is unnecessary, the proposition has been falsified.
– It gets worse, the test reports not just live virus but also genetic fragments (bits of nucleic acids), leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk — akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left.
It gets worse, it can report the presence of a particular DNA sequence (RNA?) present in all humans.
– A defence can be made by saying there is nothing else. There are many stories from people who have not had the test and are informed they have tested positive, fewer negative stories. Save money and get the Health Dept to send those letters to all. Ah, but manipulation is easier with an amplification test than with Ouija boards.
– There is the argument from whataboutism. It does not matter that government decisions from PCR data are bad, it is not as bad as .. whatever. I’ve seen pics from North Korea of their electrified fence to keep people in. True it not as bad here, the power supply is not reliable enough.
The US CDC reports based on test data, large numbers of people, some carrying insignificant amounts of the virus, and who are not likely to be contagious tested ‘positive’ to the virus. There is a claim that the vast majority of people marked down as being positive actually turned out to be negative. (Of course you could ask, “How would anyone know? Exactly)
The material above is from many sources almost all derived from what is on our great JoanneNova site.
I do follow and read links, even Russia Today and NY Times. (WUWT 7Aug. Thanks Another Ian)
Some info above may be wrong. Considering how it is used, in NY and UK, and particularly Victoria, the onus of proof is on those claiming the test is good.
Last reading before press Send, my proposition is- That the PCR test is worthless,
oh no, fatal flaw, IT IS USEFUL – but for what? For whom?
Latest England/Wales death stats.
Lowest COVID deaths (mentioned, not necessarily from) since w/e 13th March – 101, not insignificant to the individuals and their families obviously, but insignificant in terms of causes of deaths.
Positive tests (increasing) and deaths (decreasing) seems to have completely decoupled (no guarantee it will stay that way obviously).
Compulsory face masks in shops (from July 24th) do not appear to affect number of diagnosed cases at all.
A corona puzzle for readers
“World Bank : More Than $10 Million In COVID-19 Diagnostic Equipment Sales In 2018”
Inside Russia–the reality on video; 20 people/day will be disappeared by CCP
Gates’ polio vaccine not so hot
Here is a bit of light relief, Disney is indebted to Beijing.
I can say with 100% certainty, I wont be seeing it
Is this company that Australia has hitched it’s financial/health wagon to hoping for the miracle solution
Jo, our host, rightly worries about permanent heart and lung damage from Covid-19. But a report on a study of Austrian patients find roughly half of patients show significant improvement.
Surely, larger data is needed, and finer characterisation of the specific problems. But this is still one hopeful sign.
I wonder what the ongoing affects of pevious viruses have been?
Surely if we ever get to be able to use the ‘cure’ drugs, that seem to also shorten the illness’s life span, they should cut the time the virus gets to stew, and do damage in our bodies?
OK, this is technical, but even I could almost follow it. They have sicced a super computer onto covid 19, and found many major avenues for attack. Well confirmed the several promising paths we have been following. It explains the intricacies of why Invermectin and HCQ, and zinc actually work. In some detail!
Thanks F c,
I also found it heavy going, but am glad I persevered. It’s 45 minutes, good picture and sound to support a lot of information. I’m glad he remembered to go back and show why zinc is so important, as well as vitamin D. And quercetin as well as hcq for their property of being zinc ionophores.
Well found, and thanks for posting it.
Dave B
Very interesting Youtube
Watch/download before Utube censors it, or The Netherlands conquers the entire North Sea..
The Impossibility of windmills by Jan Smelik; dutch graphics but excellent commentrary in english (by engineer).
Lots of interesting facts in that presentation. 67% energy loss when producing hydrogen?
Contiuous hydrolysis is 62% efficient, intermittent hydrolysis about 35-37%.
Then there are the losses in compression (including cooling), storage, delivery and use. For hydrogen fueled cars with a hydrogen fuel cell the efficiency is 62 by 60 or 37% (without the other losses).
This video gives clear insight into the challenges of weaning the world off fossil fuel – the numbers are reasonable and simply explained. The fossil fuel based electricity production systems have been around for about a century. Within the next century the fossil fuel resources will inevitably become harder to find and cost more to extract.
The failed experiment with weather-dependent electricity production should at least compel smart people to focus on more realistic replacements. Dabbling with them now might find a few applications where they provide an economic benefit.
In the long run, maybe within the next century, fusion appears to be the only viable option. The 2020s is shaping at providing the crucial insights to net energy production from fusion reactors.
ENSO Riddle Unravelled
‘ … the switch between El Nino and La Nina is caused by a subsurface ocean wave propagating from western Pacific to central and eastern Pacific and then triggering development of SST anomaly. This is based on analysis of all ENSO events in the past 136 years using multiple long-term observational datasets. The wave’s slow phase speed and decoupling from atmosphere indicate that it is a forced wave.
‘Further analysis of Earth’s angular momentum budget and NASA’s Apollo Landing Mirror Experiment suggests that the subsurface wave is likely driven by lunar tidal gravitational force.’
Lin and Qian 2019
Every 18 years?
Here is the link.
What initiates the ‘forced wave’?
Randomised double blind vitamin D study for hospital treatment of Covid-19 results “more positive than I could have imagined, says Dr John Campbell.
The total numbers treated are small, because it is a pilot study. None died, all recovered;of those treated without vitamin D (fast acting calciferol) 2 died, and a number suffered complications.
THIS looks like a frontline treatment option, given how inexpensive it is and how widely available it is,
Correction:Not “calciferol” but CALCIFEDIOL.
One more feature: BOTH groups got HCQ, plus antibiotic if needed. Obviously, getting HCQ in Hospital is not necessarily early application of this treatment. But this Vitamin D protocol looks like a serious and viable rival, if not superior to, HCQ and likely Ivermectin for low cost effectiveness.
Eradication in sight, China to become the world’s first Covid Free Zone.
‘Chinese mainland reports 2 new COVID-19 cases, all imported.’ China Daily
And China is the most Democratic country in the world and Tibet was invaded by Martians.
Its not democratic, but they did pull the people of Tibet out of religious ignorance.
They “harvested all of their available forests first before installing their own religious head.
Admittedly they are heavy handed, like a bull in a China shop, they trample people’s rights. Then they began educating the children in the hope that literacy would prevail.
The religious head installed is only a puppet and the fellow that was in charge of the campaign to civilise Tibet is now working on concentration camps elsewhere.
Dr John Campbell reports that (at 27-29m) a first Covid-19 vaccine will become available by October or November at the latest, “according to people in the know.”
Then he runs down the status of leading candidates.
Elsewhere, he further suggests that his optimism about the odds for the virus to be eradicated in future have grown. When? 2022, or possibly the next year out, as The last reservoirs of infection get stanched out.
If so, the the pessimism of many that Covid-19 will become endemic, popping up seasonally, perhaps, will not happen. Good news on two fronts!
Have the left revived Karl Rove’s 1999 tactic of attacking the enemy’s strength, rather than their weakness’. Back in 1999 he went after McCain’s overwhelming military record advantage over George Bush, and produced the ‘swift boat’ adds, which changed things hugely.
Now the left are using racism, White privilege, and White fragility to attack our culture’s strengths. It’s been so successful that individualism, industriousness, punctuality, nuclear families, colour blindness, objectivity,competitiveness, and forward planning are viewed with scorn. Awww, you’re just being White! It’s working pretty well.
Have the left revived Karl Rove’s 1999 tactic of attacking the enemy’s strength, rather than their weakness’. Back in 1999 he went after McCain’s overwhelming military record advantage over George Bush, and produced the ‘swift boat’ adds, which changed things hugely.
Now the left are using racism, White privilege, and White fragility to attack our culture’s strengths. It’s been so successful that individualism, industriousness, punctuality, nuclear families, colour blindness, objectivity,competitiveness, and forward planning are viewed with scorn. Awww, you’re just being White! It’s working pretty well.
White people must be coming out of these seminars in tatters!
Hi Jo (and all)
I just wanted to share this
The best i have seen just brilliant – absolutely worth the 30+ mins
I left a comment requesting he look at AUSTRALIA – if more of us ask….it might happen 🙂
Despite your recommendation, I do not watch utube.
Perhaps you can give a summary?
I could not possibly do it justice…..i would just cheapen it
The Title : Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained!
Its covers Europe and US in detail – using logic, data and curves explains the pandemic – its behavior and patterns, historical patterns and behavior.
He covers Sweden and the nordics in detail too…..he covers excess deaths…..its really really good
Hope you can bring yourself to view it on utube…..but do understand you not.
Watched a bit of it.
Looks promising.
Yes TIP, it’s quite excellent.
Lucid and compelling data presentation. Thank you!