A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Somehow, we have a vast majority of economists, climate scientists, scholars, etc. that swear by cycles even though they all never exactly repeating and all have to be adjusted or simply trying to push one that’s not there.
Here one example:
In my opinion the information at the link
Is data mining combined with a wild
Guess the future climate will get cooler.
In scientific terms this seems to be
A ibig pile of steaming farm animal
digestive waste products.
My qualifications for that scientific
Opinion are 43 years of editing an
Economics newsletter, a BS degree,
A finance MBA, a climate science
Blog with over 61,000 page views,
and most important, I once
Saved a friend from drowning.
People are healthier in warmer weather
And our planet supports more life when
It is warm.
Enjoy life – Perfesser Greta says we
Only have 12 year’s left !
I think only about 11 years left now Richard. By the way I’m jealous of your qualifications,where can I get a degree in BS. Does it come with a BS detector that I can use when watching the ABC or reading anything that comes put of the UN. There again I guess that would make it redundant.
“BS detector that I can use when watching the ABC or reading anything that comes put of the UN”
Would need to go to 11 on the dial !
And that would be ona scale of 1to 5.
ABC and UN just need more cowbells in their reports. !
MY BS degree is from BS University
All their degrees are called BS degrees.
I actually majored in beer tasting and evaluation
My MBA means I am a Master Bullshirt Artist
I intended to go on to a Ph.D. but my
advisor claimed my BS was already
Piled High and Deep, so why bother.
I then went out to find and job, and retired two weeks later.
Told the boss work is for losers.
And that is my story.
Joe Biden reckons we only have nine years to turn around climate change.
Joe Biden can also hide his own Easter Eggs successfully.
If he accidentally found one, he would wonder where it came from !
Wait. What?
The Australian Press Council has published a finding against the Australian for ‘a climate-denying’ article it published during the Black Summer bushfires:
“The Press Council considered whether its Standards of Practice were breached by an article by Emeritus Professor Ian Plimer headed “Let’s not pollute minds with carbon fears” published by The Australian in print and online on 22 November 2019.
The article was an opinion piece in which the writer criticised what he described as an “attack” on carbon dioxide.
The article included statements that there “are no carbon emissions.
If there were, we could not see because most carbon is black.
Such terms are deliberately misleading, as are many claims.”
The article also referred to “fraudulent changing of past weather records” and “unsubstantiated claims polar ice is melting”, as well as “the ignoring of data that shows Pacific islands and the Maldives are growing rather than being inundated…”.
Factcheck: “It’s official – Belong is the first telco in Australia to become carbon neutral.”
>> Q. What colour is the carbon (sic) emissions in this current advertisement?
A. Black.
Who is misleading now?
Professor Ian Plimer is correct.
Researchers discover, what Jo has been telling us for months from looking at research.
More than 8 weeks have passed since the publication of the ICL team’s warnings against reopening, meaning we can now see how their model performed.
As with other examples of ICL COVID modeling, their attempt to predict the effects of a US reopening can only be described as an embarrassing scientific failure.
“Having healthy asymptomatic people wear masks at what is clearly the end of a routine pandemic is asinine.
Do you know we get these once every twenty years or so?
But we only went full gibbering raving panic for this one.”
Mask Madness — Our Latest Moral Panic
I’m not sure that Drs that work with patients with covid-9 would call it routine. In fact none that I have listened to or who’s reports that I have read, suggest anything of the sort.
Hi Ted.
Here’s one:
Redfield and Fauci wrote an article in the New England Journal of Medicine 3/26/20, and suggested that Covid-19 was “akin to a severe seasonal influenza”.
“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.
This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.”
FWIW. My objective in posting links above.
Though there is ‘science’ involved, this is a political virus.
It was released to get Trump.
The UN-W.H.O/China do not care how many people they kill, as long as they get Trump.
They have muddied the science to point it is meaningless to argue about masks:
Dr. Fauci Made the Coronavirus Pandemic Worse by Lying About Masks
After masks, you will be required to wear a Che Guevere t-shirt.
Chinese sandals are also optional … for the moment.
Brought to you by the same people who brought you failed doomsday global warming.
It appears that all CMO’s/advisors lied about masks. Now they have to muddy the waters enough, while now they discover for themselves that they work; Just long enough to make sure that the populous have forgotten that if they had not been lied to in the first place we could be in a much better situation now.
HCQ+Zn+masks+physical distancing+normal hygiene, and most of us could go back to work.
Not to overlook lying about HCQ. Also to make Trump look bad.
Travis T. Jones said, “. . .But we only went full gibbering raving panic for this one.”
An article by Jeffrey A. Tucker, “When will this madness end?” is worth a read. It has been posted on a few sites.
He states, “I should have immediately turned to a book that captivated me in high school. It is Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay (1841). I liked reading it because, while it highlighted human folly, it also seemed to indicate that we as a civilization are over that period in history.”
‘Eventually, people have and do come to their senses, but it is as Mackay said: people “go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”‘
Patience, patience I say. But on the other hand, stop laughing, this is serious.
Hi Travis: The first sentence…”If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high…”
If one assumed this with regard to the flu where would that end up?
Also I referred to Drs. who worked on a daily basis with covid-19 patients, there are a number of examples and links that can be found on previous threads of this blog.
This is probably the first issue on which I have disagreed with you, and I doubt that will change.
One loss of life is too much and my sympathies go out to all the families who have lost loved ones from this virus.
“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.”
I am just a dumb-f*** trying to make sense of this.
Case in point::
‘Delhi’s Sero Survey Results Show We Are Fast Approaching Herd Immunity’: Epidemiologist J P Muliyil
“In an exclusive interview, noted epidemiologist Jayaprakash Muliyil tells Outlook that the results of the Delhi’s Sero survey indicate that we are fast approaching herd immunity. He says Covid pandemic is going to end on its own when we reach herd immunity.”
>> We all expected India to drop like flies, yet the Indian Health Ministry advised on March 22 to administer HCQ both prophylactically and for treatment across India.
With a population of 1.4BILLION to date, it has lost fewer people (30,654) than NYS (32,656) alone.
We know they lie about HCQ just to get PDT because he took it.
Perhaps we might agree there is more to this virus than just the virus.
curses %$@&^*.
Missing link:
The efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine is still unclear, which is a real shame. India is using it, apparently both as a prophylatic and early in the course of the disease. Their mortality rate is still comparatively low (23/million pop cf USA at 451/million pop). Hopefully there will be some publications soon.
I doubt there are any accurate and reliable numbers for who dies of what in India at the best of times.
Some parts of India are very sophisticated. I would expect that they can produce reliable data from the patients who get treated with hydoxychloroquine.
Arguments about masks are anti-science.
They reduce the spray distance when you cough or sneeze or holler at the police.
The spray can carry he virus if you are infected so you could infect others even if you don’t know you are infected.
The science is over 50 years old and most likely applies to Covid 19.
Want to debate something?
There is no science behind the six foot rule… a violent cough can spray 20 feet … less with any mask on … but there is no proof 6 feet is a magic number even with a mask on.
There is now going to be a concerted effort to get the Wuhan lab off the front page.
‘A gene that helps the spread of the coronavirus in humans appears to reduce the infectivity of a similar bat virus, according to a new US government study that may cast doubt on a theory that the virus originated in a Chinese laboratory.
‘The virus raTG13, found in the dung of horseshoe bats in a cave in southwest China, was the closest known cousin to the novel coronavirus, with over 96 per cent similarity in genes. The biggest difference between them was the spikes, or proteins that bind the virus to a host cell.’ SCMP
That seems to be true el gordo.
A friend sent me this article from the Economist; “The hunt for the origins of SARS-CoV-2 will look beyond China
The virus may have been born in South-East Asia”
I don’t recommend anyone reads it. They interview various experts on bats and tropical diseases who “have a hunch” or “guess” about the bat origins of the disease and note that bats are ubiquitous in South East Asia. The topic of the Wuhan virology lab is never mentioned.
I pointed out that the Ecomonist is known as the Ecofascist because of their left wing views. I think I have been unfriended!
If one accepts that the RatG-13 virus actually exists and is not a fabrication hurriedly thrown together to take the focus off the experiments being performed at the WIV. Let’s not overlook the fact there is no sample of the virus at WIV (nor anywhere else) but we are supposed to accept its gene sequence that has a miraculous genetic similarity to SARS-CoV-2
The biosecurity was slack at WIV and its obvious they were making trips to that copper mine in south west China.
Nikolai Petrovsky of Flinders University in Adelaide told The Times: “If you really thought you had a novel virus that had caused an outbreak that killed humans then there is nothing you wouldn’t do — given that was their whole reason for being [there] — to get to the bottom of that, even if that meant exhausting the sample and then going back to get more.” (Mirror)
When was there an outbreak of a novel coronavirus in Yunan province (where the cave is situated)?
This article was published in 2017 and gives us a clear view of what the authorities suspected would happen.
The outbreak mentioned in that article is the original SARS, not RaTG-13, plus the article only states
It’s all just some whimsical justification for the WIV to indulge in “research” on bat coronaviruses.
In any case, RaTG-13’s genetic sequence is potentially dangerous enough that its discovery would have been triumphantly announced when it was supposedly discovered back in 2013. Instead, it was conveniently trotted out by the WIV in late January 2020, only after SARS-CoV-2 had spread beyond the control of the CCP
And Nature is the publication that “debunked” the notion of SARS-CoV-2 being engineered, all based on the premise of the genetic similarity of RaTG-13. How nicely circular.
It does appear they were manufacturing a weapon of mass destruction at the WIV and it was accidentally or purposefully released at the Wuhan fish market.
Just finished listening to the ABC Insiders host “robustly interviewing and continually interrupting” the federal treasurer – pretty pathetic behavior on the interviewer’s part verging on bullying IMO.
I thought Leigh Sales asking Scott Morrison if the world would be worse off if Donald Trump won the upcoming US election was about as low as the ABC could go.
Kip Hansen on the Butterfly Effect and Chaos Theory.
‘Until Climate Science, as a whole, fully recognizes climate as a non-linear dynamical system, and understands the implications of its deep chaotic nature, there will be little progress made in long-term prediction.’ WUWT
I’m becoming more besotted with Candace Owens by the day! She has her own show on youtube (doesn’t come up much on search, unless you specifically search ‘Candace Owens Show’. If you just search Candace Owens 3/4 of the hits will be anti) Most of her interviewees I’ve never heard of, but this interview with Steve Bannon, even though it is a year old, is a beauty. Absolutely worth a watch.
This one is just an indulgence. 2 hours of Russell Brand and Candace Owens going full ding dong joyous argument. 2 hours and I didnt want it to end! There’s plenty of hippy dippy stuff, but a perfect example of what will be lost with cancel culture.
“The efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine is still unclear” and it will remain so until the angel blows the trumpet if Big Pharma gets its way.
ditto, Vitamin C and any other substance that is not able to be patented and monopolized for maximum profit.
I once took a child of mine to an elderly GP because they had “swimming pool ear.” He prescribed antibiotics but gave some very reactionary advice. “To avoid this in the future mix up a dropper bottle of 2 parts methylated spirits and 1 part vinegar and apply to the ears after swimming.” If the AMA had got wind of this he woulf have ben de-registered.
Sorry, that was supposed to be a reply to Peter C #7
Did that mixture work?
I have a friend who is a dermatologist. My wife had chronic otitis externa (swimmers ear) and had tried a variety of antibiotic preparations prescribed by ENT specialists but it kept recurring.
I mentioned this to my dermatologist friend at a social gathering. He promptly replied (without seeing her, nor charging a fee), “the ENT guys always make that mistake, try Burow’s solution”. It works like a charm.
So I went went to the chemist and asked for some Burow’s solution. Their response was that it is and old remedy and is no longer available! I remonstrated with the chemist, because it was part of their university training to actually prepare pharmaceuticals and they should remember how to do it. I knew this only because we had one lecture during my medical course from an old pharmacist, who told us how to make a pill!
At that I was at least told about a source of Aluminium Acetate from a chemical supply company and I went there and bought a 500ml bottle. It was labelled BSP (which stands for British Standard Pharamacopeia -ie medical grade). I brought a few plastic syringes and a cannula, and syringed the mixture into her ear for 7 days. The ear infection cleared up and has never recurred.
Burow’s solution works in much the same way as methanol and vinegar (it dries out the ear canal) but methanol and vinegar are easier to buy.
Twelve and a half years ago, back in early 2008, when I started doing all this, I heard this rumour that the Chinese were bringing on line one new large scale coal fired power plant every seven to ten days. You see, I had only just found out that a large scale coal fired plant (2000MW+) burned 6 million tons of coal a year and emitted around 16 million tons of CO2, so if the Chinese were opening up one of them every seven or so days, then that would shoot to hell all that UN talk of emissions reduction.
So, I had to go looking to see if it were true or just that rumour. I didn’t want to read it a ‘blog’ site, which may just be repeating that rumour, so I went looking for data, for real ‘numbers’ on Chinese power generation. It took a while, but in the end I found that data, and it took a while, back in 2008 remember. Then I had to translate it and decipher it. The good thing was that they released data that was only two Months old, and it was released on a Monthly basis, so it was accurate to almost real time. I have used that same site from the CEC (China Electricity Council) for the last twelve years now. It has actually got me into trouble at times, and I’ve lost count of the number of times I was called a li@r when I wrote those figures up, and in fact one person still does call me a li@r, but hey, data is data, eh!
Anyway over the last four Months, that site became unavailable. I put it down to perhaps the Chinese becoming a little wary as to who may have been accessing their data and perhaps becoming a little more secretive in these now coronavirus times.
Anyway, all it really was was that they were constructing a new site, that is now (perhaps a quarter anyway) up and running, and wow, talk about detailed.
Here’s the link to the Chinese Electricity Council site for all of you, and bookmark it, because it will take you a very long time to get through it.
Also, and note this right up front. Previously, I had to run it all through a translator, but now, (I think) they sense that it is an outside source, and it immediately comes up as the full English translation, as shown with the url, and try and imagine the programming behind the site to do it all, and then repeat it all in English, because originally, I had to run it through the google translator, hence the need to decipher a fair bit of it. I say bookmark because there is so much to see. You’ll also notice that they are still constructing the site, and my guess is that it is maybe half done. Some of the data is still being added to the new site from the old one, and that includes some recent data. Luckily, (and sometimes you never even know why you do these things) I saved a copy of the full 2019 data readout page, as that one is one that is still being worked on, and the page for that area shows data at the end of 2018.
They still do the data updates on a Monthly basis, but now it is released in just three weeks, and really, that is actually pretty astonishing in fact.
The equivalent in the U.S. is their EIA, and that was (probably still is) the most comprehensively detailed electricity data site in the World. They did their releases for a Monthly basis, only it took them three Months to do it, way better than anywhere else on the Planet. Two years back, they got that down to two Months, and incidentally, they are also in the process of completely redesigning their own site, so the fact that the Chinese can now do it in three weeks is pretty astonishing.
There is just so much information at that site. Having access to all the data for those last eleven/twelve years, I can compare China with the U.S.
In 2010, China finally caught and passed the U.S. in total generated power, 4200TWH to 4125TWH. Now, at the end of 2019, the U.S. has been relatively stable, and is 4120TWH and China now generates 7400TWH per year. (Australia 210TWH)
Coal fired power makes up 71% of all generated power in China. Of fossil fuelled power, coal fired power makes up 96%, and Natural Gas 4%. And yes, for these last twelve years China has indeed brought on line one large scale coal fired plant every ten days now for those last twelve years, and are still going mind you.
Okay China also has the largest ….. Nameplate for both wind and solar, but when it comes to actual power generation , wind is operating at a Capacity Factor of 20.5%, and solar is operating at a Capacity Factor of 10.6%, so basically, when it comes to power generation, the Chinese know where real electricity is generated. The percentage for wind plus solar of all generated power in China is 7.7% and here in Australia, it is 11.6%. (not including that very rubbery guess for rooftop solar (RTS) of 5.9%, and the Chinese do not even bother with RTS data)
When it comes to power consumption, 38% of all generated power in the U.S. goes to the Residential sector, (similar in Australia when household natural gas is added on) while in China, only 14% of generated power goes to the residential sector, as the bulk goes to Industry. In the US for the first ten or so years after WW2, the largest percentage of power also went to that Industrial sector, so China is just following what has happened everywhere else. As more power becomes available, then more homes get connected, but Industry is more important.
So, cruise around that Chinese site if you want to. I’m sure you’ll find things I haven’t found yet.
There’s a lot I disagree with when it comes to China in recent times, but here, you have to hand it to them. When it comes to something like this, they do it well.
If only we could build ONE new efficient COAL fired plant, how wonderful that would be.
That’s a very Very small ask Peter; I wonder why it can’t be done.
Are the Chinese retiring old coal plants when the new one are brought online, or are these new plants additions?
They are closing very old ones that are in or near cities.
They are indeed shutting down old coal fired plants. Originally, coal fired plants were those small and dirty ones, between 10MW and 100MW. (average closer to less than 20MW)
The new plants opening up are all around 2000MW so they can shut a lot of those old ones down, and they are. The proof in that also comes from that original Chinese site, where each Month, they detailed the grams of coal burned per KWH of generated power.
That figure has steadily come down year upon year since I started looking 12 years ago. That’s because those older plants burned more coal, and the newer USC plants burn less coal per output power, and burn it with a greater efficiency. China gets more power per coal burned than ANY Country on Earth, because nearly all their coal fired plants are those USC plants. (HELE)
Hundreds upon hundreds of those little tiddlers are closing down, and without even looking at the Nameplate for those closures, the green filth have latched onto those hundreds of plant closures to say that China is ‘getting out of coal’, when the opposite is the actual truth. Close down one hundred (average 20MW) plants and open one 2000MW+ plant. The same applies for large scale hydro, and the Nukes now getting built in China. Open one of them, and another hundred tiddlers shut down, pretty soon there’s hundreds of coal fired plant closures and it’s the only time greens neglect to mention Nameplate, just a large number of coal fired plant closures.
One reader here fell for it hook line and sinker, proving they’ll believe what they really want to believe, without even bothering to find the truth of the matter.
Thanks Andy and Tony. That’s what I suspected was occurring.
So true. About 5 years ago, they made a big deal of all the windfarms that were deployed in the north wast and the UHVDC interconnectors that were to tranmit the generated power to the industrialised south east. And now, not a whisper.
Do as I say, not as I do is their secret mantra to the west. Of course, not having to court public opinion like that in the west, does allow them to make more logical decisions for their infrastructure (ghost cities and high speed railway links to them, aside).
Another big CV19 day for Vic, with 459 new cases from a record 40,000 tests (just 20,000 tests the previous day, average is about 28,000 tests/day).
At a bare minimum that’s a million dollars every day, possibly up to two.
Okay then, seeing as hydro is all the go at the moment, look at this page from the above CEC link.
This is the new Wudongde Hydropower Station. It’s on the Jhinsa River in China. That river flows into the Yangtze River, so this is (way way) upstream of Three Gorges. There’s 9 major Rivers (I can find) which flow into the Yangtze upstream, and the Jhinsa is the longest of these. There are hydro plants on four of those Rivers (again, what I can find) fourteen hydro plants in all (also what I can find) on four of those rivers, and the Jhinsa has seven of those hydro plants.
This Wudongde plant has twelve turbine generator Units, the generators being driven by Francis Turbines.
That top image you see is of one of those generators. It has an output of 850MW, so the hydro plant has a Nameplate of 10200MW. There are six of these generators in each of the turbine halls, so here the photographer is standing between Units 4 and 5, so number 6 is behind the one in the image and there are four behind the photographer. This is the turbine hall, and now imagine how big that turbine hall is.
Now, scroll down to the second image. The dam is in the centre screen, with the spillway flowing. The turbine halls are INSIDE the mountains, one each side of the dam, and the outlets either side in the foreground are the water outlets. The Inlets are either side of the other side of the dam wall you see.
Oh, and recall how each new wind plant mentions it generates enough power for X number of homes.
Well this one hydro plant generates enough power for, umm, Victoria, well, 82% of Victoria anyway.
Now, with Three Gorges in the news and perhaps the concrete in that dam, read what is at this link about the concrete in this Wudongde dam. Very interesting.
Note also how it is referred to as ‘Run Of The River’ hydro. Water out equals water in.
Low heat cement?
The curing of cement in large masses was recognized as a problem at the time of the construction of the USAs most famous dam, Hoover?
At some points ice was mixed in the pour to prevent excess heat causing trouble.
That’s also why it was constructed in blocks rather than as a continuous pour. The result was a very high degree of structural integrity.
<a href=""The mask story is not clear-cut.
Trying the link again.
How about a summary of the info at the link. Then I might read it
Saputo Dairy have caved to PC minority cancel culture and are changing the name of Coon cheese. For a list of dairy products to no longer buy, see their website:
Lot of raccoons here in the states gonna be pissed about that…cue the RLM…. Raccoon Lives Matter
I found this article in the UK Sunday Telegraph interesting. Is it true?
Aggressive paywall stopped me; try a twenty-five word summary perhaps.
Here’s a nice article explaining how PURE capitalism works as opposed to the faux version that we live with, distorted by interventionist government policies in the name of “fairness”.
Those who blame the ills of our society on capitalism would gain a lot by reading this (but I doubt they will)
New Opportunities for Marxists: Climate Change and Coronavirus
‘Marxists argue that capitalism would bring about violent colonialism and imperialism.’
When he wrote his manifesto that was already happening, Americans still kept slaves and the Europeans were exploiting through colonisation and imperial adventurism.
Interesting flashback about masks… From the 2003 SARS outbreak:
The BLM protesters are now finding some resistance from extreme right-wingers, some armed. It was inevitable.
Heated Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz 1:20 mins great video.
The NY Times did a beat up and it went viral.
‘The astrophysicist Eric Davis, who consulted with the Pentagon’s original UFO program and now works for the defense contractor Aerospace Corporation, told the Times that after he examined certain materials, he came to the conclusion that “we couldn’t make [them] ourselves.” In fact, Davis briefed a Department of Defense (DOD) agency as recently as March about retrieving materials from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”
Popular Mechanics
When a council loses its way the government sends in administrators; unfortunately for citizens of Victoria the framers of the Australian constitution hadn’t put such a mechanism in place for dealing with states which have run amok with maladministration.
I like the US system of being able to trigger a recall vote for Governors. Going back to the people seems better than just another set of govt appointed flunkies.
The governor of Victoria “has the right to dismiss the premier” according to Wikipedia without going into the detail of what such action would entail simply referring the reader to Constitution of Victoria (1975), Part 1.
‘ … most reserve powers are usable only in certain exceptional circumstances.’
This is not the time.
If we are going to plead incompetence or benign neglect, it won’t wash, that is a matter for the Parliament to determine. While we are at it, Morrison needs to be critiqued for not giving casuals any money, particularly low paid workers at aged care facilities.
Massive fail, rank incompetence, but I don’t think we’ll see a class action.
I won’t be surprised if on Wednesday the premier announces that after six months of grappling with the exigencies he finds it necessary to take a short break to lick wounds and consider his future.
For something completely different, Eric Worrall kindly gave everyone a chance to crack a joke.
More and more EVIDENCE that the world is actually in a very COOL period of the current interglacial
As I post, SA has ZERO wind energy.. YET AGAIN
10% solar, its day time, y’see,
88% GAS
In fact those windmills in SA were using 5 MW to keep the blades spinning.
Wind delivering 200 MW in Vic and declining, while brown coal keeps on delivering 4,200 MW.