A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Just over a year ago, the Lindfield Park fire started. This fire then became the longest burning fire in Port’s history and spawned many other fires around the area.
Of course, this fire was exacerbated by the drought, which lowered the water table and allowed the fire to burn underground in peaty subsoil.
one of the outcomes around here is that a lot of people, previously on the fence regarding the impact of manmade climate change are now supporters of that view. Those who are sceptical are also a lot quieter.
And still NOT ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE that humans caused this natural drought pattern.
You still have great difficulty telling the difference between WEATHER and Australia’s NATURAL climate variability, don’t you.
A total ignorance of coal seam fire history, doesn’t help your total lack of a point. !
Coal seam fires have happened, like, forever. !!
“Coal-seam fire instances on Earth date back several million years”
Must be human CO2 doing it.. right. 😉
Admin note: Most comments about PEter Ridd have been moved to the new thread on the topic.
Prove it.
Oh, you can’t.
Not that it means much, the history of one tiny area, not a lot to get excited about
Another attempt at relevance from a climate fear monger.
Anyone would think peat fires were a “new” thing from the way PF is carrying on
As it turns out, they have been around for millions of years in hot places, in COLD places.
There is absolutely NOTHING to indicate any human influence..
Another FAILED attempt at relevance from a climate fear monger. !
“previously on the fence regarding the impact of manmade climate change are now supporters of that view. Those who are sceptical are also a lot quieter.”
Another invention from fantasy land.
Un-backed by any actual evidence, of course, just what you “feel”.
Just happens to coincide with the social lockdown..
Remain clueless. !
Peter, to support your view that global warming is linked to drought in Australia, there would have to be evidence that Australia is experiencing more years of drought now than in the past. However, there is not one bit evidence to support that belief, and a look at the BOM’s rainfall records for the last one hundred years shows that there are almost equal numbers of years with more than average rainfall (49%) than years with less than average rainfall. Check the data yourself.
I think your theory has some merit so according to the NSW DPI major droughts were around 45 years apart until the last 2 which were only 8 years apart. The BOM and Climate Council state that rainfall has decreased in SE Australia, all of which supports the AGW model.
45 years is an average. Droughts are not chronologically equally spaced.
Peter doesn’t understand recurrence intervals or any sort of basic mathematical probability.
There has been no significant trend in rainfall in NSW over the history of rainfall data.
Nor is there any significant change “crystal-balled” in climate models.
Peter here’s the last 120 years of rainfall data and no pattern to see other than random .
Thanks Robert.
Peter, I wasn’t talking about any “theory”, I referred to actual data. Please look at this data and see if you find any “trend” that shows a drying climate.
As Robert has noted, there isn’t any pattern in this data – it’s just random.
Interestingly, the major bushfires that have occurred were all in periods of lower rainfall – look at the rainfall around 1939 for example.
There is an animated version of the same map but I prefer it as a poster .
Here is the last 100 years, form the same site
Classic , Peter try expanding the years back search and see what difference it makes to that map .
LOL, 1900 onwards shows an INCREASE in rainfall
Always with the links that prove your own nonsense, is just that.. NONSENSE. !
Somewhere there is a bigger version of this, can’t find it at the moment.
so this will have to do.
Good imagination if you can find trends in that…
… although you can maybe see an increase in the blue as you go towards the bottom of the page
I put the larger version earlier Andy But won’t make much difference to the CAGW crowd .
Thanks for the link Peter. It’s the left-hand bar graph of rainfall anomalies that I’m referencing.
Peter, let’s not talk assumptions or beliefs, let’s discuss actual data.
In front of me I have the BOM annual rainfall anomaly, in mm, from 1900 to 2019, (Don’t have a link to the graphic.) “Eyeball” figures for the last 10 years are:
2019: -190
2018: -50
2017: +40
2016: +80
2015: -15
2014: +10
2013: -25
2012: +10
2011: +245
2010: +240
2009: -5
So, I’ll ask again, WHERE is the trend?
BOM and the cliamate council proven to be LIARS by their own data
And for Australia.. an INCREASE in rainfall
P.F. caught regurgitating MISINFORMATION, yet again !!
“which supports the AGW model.”
The “climate models” predict such a mishmash of rainfall, either way, that basically ANYTHING could be said to be support by one climate model or another.
So which AGW model does it support.??
Provide EVIDENCE, rather than mindless supposition and baseless regurgitation.
Fact is that climate models provide no prediction of significant rainfall change over the next 40 or more years.
Check and analyze not-data from NarClim.
(I’m not even going to attempt to explain the graph to you. Every part of it would be totally beyond your comprehension)
Suffice to say that if you “averaged” the dots (as climate “scientistsᴸᴼᴸ” like to do), you would get a point, not just insignificant, but pretty much on zero !!
I’ll put this up for our international colleagues who know nothing about Port. The reclaimed water was a first in NSW.
Peter over the next decade its going to be wetter in south east Australia and cooler too.
That coal seam fire only burned for seven months.
Burning Mountain, NSW has been burning for 6000 years.
And I hope it keeps burning as it’s producing badly needed life-giving CO2.
I attended an army cadet camp In 1956, while at school in Scotland, at Cultibraggen, in the Highlands. We spent a great deal of the two weeks in camp dealing with a peat fire that kept on popping up to the surface after burning underground. There was no AGW in 1956 was there?
Read up on your paleotology PF. Start with Churchill he did a lot of work in peat swamps.
Hmmm, I wonder if this bloke actually catches anything, he certainly gets lots of bites
I was pointing out that this particular fire changed a lot views relating to climate change. If that is a trigger, you need help, as do most of the responders to my initial comment
A point that you have ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE for. !
Just your “feelings” in a time of social lock-down.
That fire may have changed views, because you are on the front line, but as you can appreciate the propaganda was relentless and the Denialati shunned.
In my milieu I have been quiet for years, which is more comforting than arguing with emotionally ignorant people.
The Paris Climate Treaty was/is designed to destroy the West. The UN is a marxist organisation hell bent on destroying the West. That is why China and Russia have no obligations to confirm to any reductions.
All totally irrelevant. Climate controlled by ‘nature’ can give us every symptom you true
believers throw up as proof of Anthropogenic Global Warming.
AS a relevancy, just look at history of ‘implied’ global temperature changes that have occured over millions of years. Charging that humans cause most of any warming you charge as being ‘abnormal’means that you have a total understanding of the forces that caused all changes in climate that came to pass throughout history.
All anyone requires of you, to believe your case, is that you now offer proof, to a high level
of statistical evidence, not ‘opinion’, that man has caused any global warming that has occured.
It is quite apparent that China, India and Russia have little faith or belief in your creed. They
just love providing the words and taking the profits from manufacturing everything the West
requires to ‘save the planet’ on the basis that western politicians now believe they can control the climate. Just as they are also believing they can control the people by using their Parliamentary powers to enforce changes to destroy our economies.
Even the EU, which seems to be the parent of this nonsense, escapes the world and the West’s scrutiny about why this should be so. The fact is, the EU is totally energy dependent on the Middle East and Russia for its energy supplies outside of nuclear power and hydro. This makes it really dependent on supply, as we have seen. The EU has much to gain, in fact, by forcing the rest – and best – of the West to give up its economy saving advantage from cheap fossil fuel.
When a poet is smart enough to see what a harsh land she lives in, and describes its history in
her lifetime – over a hundred years ago – one has to wonder just how dumb have we become by
believing in computers that derive outcomes from data clever people manipulate and use and yet
cannot ‘describe’ the climate that we know about, let alone the future of, but a decreasing number of our people believe their forecasts of armageddon. That’s illiteracy and naivety on a grand scale. Australians are losing – or is that regaining – their ability to smell out rats. And not
before time.
Hey, hey, steady on everyone:
PF did get two things right in this post:
1. He used a polysyllabic word (exacerbated) correctly.
2. He spelt exacerbated correctly
Well done Peter.
For the first time in several years, I send some praise to PF and the “No Scandal Scripts” sling my post into moderation.
Yay! Maybe they got it right for once! 😀
(See #1.13 if it ever pops up < grin > )
I notice the Polar bear will become extinct crowd at the ABC were running the same old story again yesterday , Covid has made Climate change irrelevant it seems .
Don’t sell Climate Change short, Robert.
Everything makes it irrelevant…
Perhaps they will claim that polar bears are being wiped out by COVID?
Would suit the ABC..NO evidence of transmission, NO evidence of deaths and NO evidence that polar bear numbers are declining.
… and from the Port News 22 July 2019:
Drones were used to assist operations, however aerial firefighting units were held in reserve because no property was under threat, according to Inspector Harrison.
“The reality is that this (area) hasn’t burnt for almost 30 years, there is quite a lot of fuel load,” he said.
Hmmmm…Fuel Load not Climate Fear.
There was also 2 years of above rainfall, followed by 2 years of NATURAL drought, so yes, lots of undergrowth and everything dried out.
Peat, once it gets burning, is very difficult to extinguish properly.
Nothing unusual about this at all..
Longest fire – do try to understand – it ran for more than 6 months see the el gordo link
A coal seam-fueled eternal flame in Australia known as “Burning Mountain” is claimed to be the world’s longest burning fire, at 6,000 years old. Using your dumb logic the world should stop mining an during coal.
This is proof you can’t argue with someone totally disconnected from reality.
Evidence? He doesn’t need any evidence. He just “knows” what he knows. His significant others said it, he believes it, and that settles it.
I suggest his “significant others” are all in his head as a total fantasy and delusion.
LOL, no, NOT the longest fire..
DO TRY to comprehend, at least a tiny amount. !!
Peat beds are notoriously hard to extinguish.
That is the case all over the world.
Many have burned for much longer.
NOTHING to do with human released atmospheric CO2.
No human forcing effect whatsoever, in fact.
484 new Covid cases in Victoriastan.
A suggestion based on a Tony from Oz comment over at Catallaxy Files
“The Ain’t Renewable Energy Wonderful” Game
When you open the site below
Scroll down to the graph “Today’s Total Energy Production by Source”
Then tick “TOTAL” which brings up a black line on the graph.
Then un-tick everything but “WIND”
The white space between the lines is what has to be made up if all fossil fuel generated electricity were removed.
At “choke points” in the last month wind’s contribution has been down to < 2% of base load (around 0.36 Despatchble GW) at around 4 AM.
Then tick "SOLAR" and "ROOFTOP SOLAR" to check what those contributed to "Renewable Despatch" over the day.
Then the white space between the black and the top of the coloured lines lines is what has to be made up if all fossil fuel generated electricity were removed.
Now you know the rules click on
and have at it.
Then check your candle supply.
(You have to redo the clicks when you update the graph)
Thanks Another Ian.
Okay then, now that you have that little green area rolling along the bottom of the graph, well, now tick that brown coal box. The light browny colour is now underneath that green colour.
Compare the two, and this is for actual generated power delivered to the grid.
The average for wind across the day (yesterday) was 1251MW at a Capacity Factor of 16.2%.
The average for brown coal was (a flat line across the page) was 3800MW, so wind MULTIPLIED BY THREE.
The total Nameplate for wind is 7728MW. The total Nameplate for those ten coal fired units is 4690MW. So wind has a larger Nameplate by a factor of 1.65.
However, there are two of those coal fired Units off line for maintenance, so that brown coal total was now delivered by just eight coal fired Units. So now take those (560MW and 360MW) missing Units from the coal Nameplate and you now have 3770MW, so wind Nameplate is now 2.04 times brown coal Nameplate.
So, half the Nameplate delivered three times the generated power. That’s from almost 4000 individual wind turbines. (Imagine the cost)
If you really really want to believe wind power is cheaper than coal fired power, then that’s on you. But frankly, it just DOES NOT WORK.
Incidentally, anyone else noticed this for those brown coal Units. Nameplate actually on line – 3770MW, and actual generated power was 3800MW.
Loy Yang A – 36 years old
Loy Yang B – 27 years old
Yallourn W – 47 years old
Macarthur Wind Plant has a Nameplate of 420MW and has been operational since 2013, so seven years now. It has NEVER generated its total Nameplate of 420MW.
Tony, the snake oil salesmen are taking advantage of the economy in hibernation to push renewables …
Yes I see they’re celebrating in Europe how they’re getting right out of coal.
Which might get interesting when they shake off Covid completely although they may be swapping coal for gas. All will be revealed in the long run with their Nirvana of 100% renewables.
Look at wind in SA right now. 91MW 4.2% of nameplate. Wind power is a delusion.
Renewable energy –
* when the wind blows.
* when the sun shines and no cloudy or overcast sky, best 10 am to 2 pm on not very hot days.
“Wind power is a delusion.”
Or perhaps more of an illusion.
Dont bother with the RT Solar ..that curve is complete fiction..
..There is no ability to collect RT Solar generation or usage data. is all estimated.
As it seems to make sfa difference I put it in for
“completeness against critical appraisal”
Do I need a /s?
A burned body has been found in a pawn shop in Minneapolis. They have video of the person lighting the fire and he has been charged with arson, perhaps soon to become homicide.
Murders in Minneapolis have now officially doubled.
What was the ‘protest’ about again? Police violence?
And murders in New York are up over 360%. And Chicago.
Annually half the burglaries are by blacks. And 44% of the murders. From 13% of the population.
There is a problem but it is not with the police.
And a white policeman is 18x more likely to be killed by a black than an unarmed black man by the police.
Now why would anyone defund the police? The police are not the problem. They are the thin blue line between peace and anarchy, especially for black people.
And when will the truth be told? 160 years after slavery ended in the US and black people have held every high office in the land,
this is nonsense, criminality, violent fascism posing as social justice.
There is a problem. It is not racism, which is illegal.
And why are big business and the Democrats and Progressives pretending that everyone is offended by everything, even history.
Captain Cook, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Lord Nelson, Churchill were heroes to everyone. And now they are villains? Who said?
It’s hard to argue against the press who are demanding Australia be crippled by shutting all coal mines, fracking and not to have nuclear. And that means no manufacturing, a helpless open cut mine of a country.
And possibly America, Australian and the UK and Western Europe are the least racist countries on the planet.
Why do people immigrate and then want to burn the churches down, like the destruction of the medieval cathedral in Nantes by a Zimbabwean migrant?
And who writes the script for the left wing progressives. How could so many people simultaneously across the world decide that statues are evil and Black Lives matter? Or carbon dioxide is a noxious world changing unnatural ’emission’? Within a week last year, statues were painted in London, New York, Sydney. Who organized that?
And who decided Hillary and Bill Clinton were saints and Donald Trump was completely mad? It’s very worrying when even the Australia press take the same imported views. Is no one skeptical? Or does Progressive really mean Programmed?
The news is just getting madder and madder. And Wuhan Flu is not making it easier to understand.
And in Sydney they want to march to show that Only Black Lives Matter in Australia too. Isn’t that racism?
As I said above
BLM is the the ULTIMATE in racism.. to its very core. !
So is changing our constitution to give one group a special ‘voice’ in our country based entirely and solely on race. I thought all men were created equal? Some are clearly more equal than others. As if billions were not already flowing annually to aboriginal communities based entirely on race. Slavery is over. And racism is illegal. Now there is a call for reparations. We are enshrining racism in our legislation. Where does that stop?
Black Panthers USA …… BLM ….. join the dots and connect the now many activist organisations globally funded by leftist donors.
I see you got a red tick from a racist Andy.
Maybe then it should not be BLM but BRM (Black Racism Matters)
You’re blotting these bloke’s copy book there
Or as we liked to call it… BRMMmmmmmmm !! 🙂
I was very sad to discover only today that Dr. Vladimir Zalenko has left his practice within the Kiryas Joel community of New York having been there for over 2 decades. He said “things have happened”, some of which might be that members of his community were concerned that he predicted and broadcast that 90% of them could end up with Covid, which made them feared as carriers in the wider community.
Judging by his own comments on a video as to why there is such resistance to his protocol of Hydroxychloroquine and zinc, one reason he states is that the makers of Remdesivir stand to lose up to a trillion dollars if their drug isn’t used, which prompted his remark that Covid isn’t killing people, politics is. So is he yet another who has been “got at” by Big Pharma and all those who would rather see people die while they wait to find a vaccine instead of trying something that has had proven very beneficial effects? Thank goodness for him and his Hydroxychloroquine + zinc prophylaxis. No doubt he’s already saved thousands. ToM
War Room Pandemic’s Jack Maxey said yesterday that Dr Zelenko has had a return of a cancer and has to go for treatment. Have no reason to disbelieve it.
I just found this. The man himself, from hospital. 2 mins.
May all go well for him.
And Tony From Oz continually proves, year after year that windmills are useless, that they are not cheaper, that they are unreliable and unmaintainable and not sustainable.
But to read the press yesterday, we have to blow up the remaining coal power plants are quickly as possible? And renewables are cheaper?
That is known to be utter nonsense, but how many journalists are prepared to say so? And this is despite prominent Greens like Michael Moore calling fraud on Green Energy and Green jobs.
So while we anxiously watch Wuhan Flu numbers every day, especially in Victoria, where are the headlines showing that grounding all the world’s aircraft, berthing all the cruise ships and parking all the cars has produced a massive drop in CO2 emissions but no one is measuring CO2 or looking for a drop. Because no one really believes it. No one.
The press are no longer reporting on the news. They are pushing their causes and the facts are irrelevant.
It would be nice to read that CO2 levels are doing down. Like Flu. I read that in testing they only found one case of the flu. Think of all the lives saved. Not mentioned.
And if CO2 levels do NOT go down with no planes, no cars and 400,000 windmills and billions of solar panels, why?
Unbelievable. Today our teflon Premier Daniel blamed the people with Wuhan Flu for not isolating themselves and being careless? I thought the forced incarceration in hotels was supposed to be totally because that was the case. And we allowed thousands of people to come to Victoria knowing that many would be carrying the deadly virus on the implied promise by the Victoria Government and Daniel Andrews that everyone would be isolated until non infectious. The police and army were NOT needed. Daniel had his own ideas and handed out contracts without tender or supervision. Or training. What could go wrong? Money for jam. Nothing to do. Nothing to know. Cui Bono?
Now it is the victims fault? No care and no responsibility Daniel is now saying he expected better from Victorians. We expected him to do his job, not act as if we have failed him.
And after six months of Daniel’s lock down, we are back where we started in February, many times worse. What about a quick Black Lives Matter March? Or doing a few favors for a few friends? Or hiring security people with no training, no equipment, no checks and no idea at all. No idea what they are supposed to do or how to do it. Sit in a chair with a mobile phone while millions of dollars flow.
Victoria is now far worse off than the whole of Australia at the peak. Six months of our lives lost and Melbourne a ghost town and we will soon be locked in our homes as the virus rages now in aged care homes and schools and day care. Thanks Dan, you’re the man. If you can’t do it. Resign.
Doubt that he is much concerned, Current Newspoll has him still rated at 57% approval. The problem is not Andrews! problem is – there is NO effective opposition in Victoria.
Polls are wrong. Incredibly biased to the left of politics, people on welfare, people who answer the phone and are happy to talk to stranger about politics.
Just as every prediction of Climate Science has been wrong for 30 years, so every political poll in the last few years has been rubbish. And that’s even without alleging that they are biased, as in the way of Sir Humphrey Applebee.
Polls are irrelevant and the opposition is not in government. The only poll that counts is at the ballot box, and the only party that warrants examination is the one in government. If the Victorians are stupid enough to keep the ALP in power after the next state election, as far as I’m concerned they can stop pretending they have a brain.
I can’t find the (printable) words to describe what I think of Dictator Dan and cronies.
I hope you are alright and keeping well TdeF.
Thanks. I’m fine. But never before has one idi*t politician, Premier Daniel Andrews through his own utter incompetence and arrogance has put my life at risk and those of my family and everyone I know. Especially those in medical services, emergency work and even kindergartens and aged care homes. The devastation he has wrought and will accomplish in this state of Victoria with his total lack of care is beyond anything I have ever experienced in its consequences. After all, we have six other states with which to compare. Only we are locked up, with masks on, fearing for our very lives and those of so many others.
Now in hindsight, he never told the truth and you have to wonder what he was up to not using the police, the army and all those services from complete professionals. And he will stonewall it all in his totally offensive smarmy way. And now he is blaming the victims!
I have always thought of the Labor cronies as crooks, lining their own nests, looking after their mates, buying votes, snouts in the trough, but this is beyond the pale. How many lives will be lost? How many ruined? How much suffering? All for the ego and at best total incompetence of one man, but I repeat myself. And as NSW is in anguish over 15 new cases, we have 500. Today.
Now I feel a little better but still angry. He should resign at an absolute minimum, but he won’t. It’s someone else fault. And it’s a great job, so why give it up and let someone else clean up the mess.
So now we are trusting him to fix it? Pigs will fly first. We could be locked in our houses for another six months at least and wearing masks in our own homes.
And what about all those very high at risk people in the Aged care homes? They are now very much at risk. Hundreds could die. He has jeopardized everything and everyone with his refusal to take advice and we have no idea what he was doing? Clearly, neither did he.
Ohh, come on Annie,….im sure you would love to try..
it could be a competition, to see who can post the most description past the censorship
I will start it off…
“5h1t for brains”
Nah, not going there!
‘For the second night in a row, Met Éireann has reported rare summer frosts ACROSS the Republic of Ireland.
‘Ireland suffered “another unseasonably cold night,” according to the Met Éireann weather experts (Ireland’s Meteorological service). Sub-zero lows (C) were suffered across the island, particularly in central regions.’
That could be the lack of CO2 keeping them warm. Ha!
Sky News
Cultists claim climate change will be worse than COVID-19
Analysis | Digital Editor Jack Houghton|22/07/2020|4min
As the world faces a legitimate crisis those who profit from spruiking the fake climate catastrophe have started to get anxious that they are no longer the main focus. There are billions of dollars up for grabs as the federal government attempts to pull Australia back from economic ruin with stimulus but very little of that will trickle into the coffers of climate cultists. Activists at the Climate Council hope to change that. They’ve released research dubbed The Clean Jobs Plan and have billed it as the solution to rebuilding Australia’s economy after it lost 830,000 jobs to COVID-19. The only problem is their plan will cost billions of dollars and create just tens of thousands of jobs. In one scenario, the Climate Council is asking governments to spend $2.25 billion employing 15,000 people to install “solar and wind farms” and batteries. The cost of a scheme is so inefficient that for every $1 million dollars taxpayers spend only 6.7 jobs would be created. And for a plan to “retrofit” public buildings it wants another $1.5 billion to employ 8,000 people to install “energy-efficient lights” or occupancy sensors. Each million dollars from this idea would yield just 5.3 jobs. Despite the glaring efficiency issues with the scheme, the Canberra Times swallowed the idea whole without question. “How tackling climate change could help the ACT’s coronavirus job crunch,” the paper wrote. “New modelling has claimed 1000 jobs could be created in the ACT that would help absorb some COVID-19 job losses while tackling climate change.” Not once in the 400-word news article did the Canberra Times mention the exorbitant cost to taxpayers of each project. Imagine how these same journalists would scrutinise the document if it was written by a mining lobby or was leaked from a government meeting. In fact, that happened in May when the National COVID-19 Commission manufacturing report was leaked detailing a plan to boost the domestic gas industry, creating up to 412,000 new jobs by 2030. The energy reforms across all industries were expected to create 170,000 well paid direct jobs and up to 800,000 indirect jobs. How did the Canberra Times respond to that report? “COVID-19 commission needs to come clean on gas industry links,” the headline read. “Hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money has been, and is going to be spent, on necessary fiscal measures before this pandemic is over. “But poorly targeted spending will do damage to the economy, increase unemployment and prolong the recession. “The livelihoods and well-being of hundreds of thousands of Australians hang in the balance.” This was supposed to be a news article even though the first few paragraphs were simply emotion fuelled opinions by the writer. And other bizarre statements were published in the recent Canberra Times article without any pushback, including the claim that climate change was a bigger threat than the coronavirus which has killed hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of months. “COVID-19 is a crisis, it’s clearly a crisis… however, the climate crisis is a way bigger crisis on a global basis and will have deeper and much more long-lasting effects,” Climate Councillor Greg Bourne said in the Canberra Times. “Here is the opportunity to rebuild economies and get people back to work, which we need to do anyway but helping it fix the future rather than just replicate the past.” It is a little disturbing a person can be so consumed by propaganda that they genuinely believe climate change is worse than 614,000 deaths and a global economic tragedy. But this line of rhetoric will intensify in coming months as the spotlight fades on their cause. We’ve even seen it on an international scale with The UN-funded financial arm of the Paris Agreement labelling COVID-19 an “opportunity” to raise funds for climate change action and “relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories”. Any tragedy is opportunity to make a quick buck, it seems. Image: Getty
Buddism is generally opposed to slavery and yet slavery still existed in Buddhist or substantially Buddhist countries.
Japan officially abolished slavery in 1590 but it persisted plus also “comfort women” slaves before and during WW2.
Sri Lanka abolished it 1820′s but forced to by British.
In Burma, forced by the British late 19th cent.
In Laos forced by the French late 19th cent.
In Cambodia forced by French late 19th cent.
In Thailand 1905 due to pressure from Western powers.
In Bhutan 1962 due to Western influence on the education of Jigme Dorji Wangchuck.
Even in those countries it was the people that the Left hate so much, white Europeans that forced the abolition of slavery (except Japan).
Most people don’t know, but the Icelanders certainly remember, the Ottoman slave raids to Iceland to take European slaves.
At the time of the newly formed US Naval raid on the Pirates of Barbary, there were reported to be over a million white people in slavery. Whole villages in Ireland were taken into slavery by the Arab/Ottoman pirates. And the English did nothing to stop it or to assist ships belonging to their former enemy, the new United States. In 1805 just three American ships wiped out the pirates ‘On the shores of Tripoli’ as in their National anthem. Even so the Americans paid 20% tribute to the pirates until the were wiped out and Algiers bombarded by the British. The idea that slaves were only black is ridiculous. Every society had slaves and many still have today. Look at the workers in Dubai today. There has always been a slave class and second and third class people.
After all over a million Irish died of starvation in the potato famine when the British did not feed them because of the Corn laws to prevent a drop in the price of ‘corn’, largely grain.
“The situation changed in late 1845 with poor harvests and the Great Famine in Ireland; Britain experienced scarcity and Ireland starvation.Nevertheless, Ireland continued to export substantial quantities of food to Great Britain despite its domestic privations. The problem in Ireland was not lack of food, which was plentiful, but the price of it, which was beyond the reach of the poor.”
They did feel bad about it, though. But profits for Land owners had to be maintained. Taking food from staving people is a crime against humanity, but it happened. Profits were important too.
And then the many Scottish farmers thrown off land they had farmed for hundreds of years because the Titled owners wanted to run more profitable sheep. You would have to redefine slavery where you were paid nothing, ate only what you could grow, the owner could take the lot and throw you out with nothing at any time. And then you get the Untouchables of India today.
Slavery. It was part of every society. And a cover for incredible violence in the US in the black 13% of the population. And it’s not racist to say so. It’s fact.
That is actually “The Marine’s Hymn”
Sorry. You are right. The other is about the war of Independence and the Naval bombardment of Baltimore, the rockets red glare and the flag still flying.
They both make girt by sea sound a bit weak. Who was Gert?
I think you need to do some research. The Irish famine was largely due to English inaction? You forget the intransigence of the Irish who insisted on sub-dividing farming land so people could lead a subsistence life**. Where more ‘English’ practices were in use the famine was non-existent to very slight. Those were the areas exporting wheat to England.
Then there was the problem of news reaching the authorities; it took 10 weeks for the first news of famine in the west to reach Dublin. And what would the peasants do with wheat? No ovens, no grain mills, no history of eating bread anyway.
And please don’t claim I am English. I have Irish & Scottish ancestors (and German, Portuguese and a New Zealander (but we always hush that one up).
**forty years (1816) before the great famine Robert Peel, then Secretary in the Irish Administration, forecast the likelyhood of future famine. It was him as PM who split his Party by repealing the Corn Laws. It didn’t stop the famine.
It was the failure, three times of the potato crop. They only had one species of potato and one blight wiped them out. But the lands and farms were controlled by the English Lords and their ‘corn’ went to England which had a shortage too. The Irish could not afford it themselves and their potatoes were gone.
Ireland was part of England, certainly after Cromwell disposessed them in the 1640s, driving them out of Galway at the very least. The subdivision of farms of which you speak was forced on the Irish by English Law and it destroyed them, forcing property to be divided equally among their children. The English had Primo Genitor for that reason. There were many laws which dispossesed the Irish. So within two generations they were forced off their own tiny worthless plots. And they had to pay a tithe to their Catholic church and another to the Church of England. There were many more terrible laws.
And surely you are joking that the Irish didn’t know what to do with wheat, barley, rye without English skill? The Irish knew all about bread and at the very least about porridge. Porridge is about as uncomplicated as food gets. Even the Romans lived on it. As have the Gaelic Scots for thousands of year, before the Scots and Picts even. There were Gaelic farmers in Ireland long before the English turned up and showed them how to farm. And when you are starving you will eat your shoes. And the Irish made Whiskey and lager and Stout. Frankly nutritionists suggest all vitamins in the Irish diet came from stout.
William Pitt’s English government foundered on his attempt to repeal the Corn Laws.
“Throughout the Famine years, large quantities of native-grown wheat, barley, oats and oatmeal sailed out of places such as Limerick and Waterford for England, even though local Irish were dying of starvation. Irish farmers, desperate for cash, routinely sold the grain to the British in order to pay the rent on their farms and thus avoid eviction.”
Throughout the Famine years
I know it is all called ‘corn’ but that was a generic term in England for wheat, barley, rye grasses. In America it was maize, which they called corn.
And the problem was made worse when Prime Minister William Pitt secretly imported shiploads of American corn for the Irish at a low price.
That was devastating as the Irish did not have the mills and corn needs to be milled twice. And it made them very sick.
Here’s a very good short video about America’s “first war on terror”.
It explains the origin of the line “to the shores of Tripoli” in the US Marine Corps hymn.
Also, US Marines have a curved Marmeluke sword as used by the enemy as part of their dress uniform. Explained here:
Also, US Marines called leathernecks because of a leather piece they put around their necks as armour because their Barbary enemies had a nasty habit of chopping heads.
This war was responsible for forming America’s military.
Also, Thomas Jefferson had a copy of the enemy’s holy book. Obama made a big deal out of this. However, Jefferson didn’t have a copy out of respect, but to try and understand the behaviour and ransom demands of the enemy.
Video here:
(Just refresh the page if you can’t read it at first).
‘The United Nations has enlisted 10,000 “digital volunteers” to rid the Internet of so-called “false” information that’s supposedly worsening the COVID-19 pandemic’
‘ We will also focus on generating support for vulnerable populations and countries through content focused on the best of humanity and opportunities to ‘build back better’, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris agreement on climate change.’
So the U.N. will be using their 10,000 sheeple to push both climate and health propaganda.
Australian Government sued by 23-year-old Melbourne student over financial risks of climate change
A 23-year-old Melbourne law student is suing the Australian Government for failing to disclose the risk climate change poses to Australians’ super and other safe investments.
For something different
“‘Get back to me’ goes viral ”
Link at
Three Gorges
“Three Gorges Dam deformed but safe, say operators…”
Same old photos from months ago.
Discredite by most experts as being fake
I do not believe ther are any satelite/areal photos of the dam since the frod started.
… i cannot believe any dam is designed thinking it may fail before the water level spills over the top with the dam intact
Consequent damage from high velocity “spill” water flow would be something else.
“A Historian talks about Climate Change. Some great quotes on experts, computer models, etc. ”
Brilliant superposition of Star Wars Death Star trench run and Dam Busters. It’s looks like Star Wars owes a lot of inspiration to Dam Busters.
Peter Ridd has lost at appeal court 2-1
The dissenting judgement will be interesting, as it was for Cardinal Pell. The original judgement was that Prof Ridd was due his backpay and future income, nothing much more. To lose that is inexplicable and grossly unfair when the appeal to the appeal will cost millions. So the only ones getting rich are the Vice Chancellor on well over a $20,000 a week and the lawyers.
Does nobody bother to read/check previous posts before posting here. ?
Ots at common curtesy on a comments blog .
Sometimes it sounds like a preschool echo chamber game !
Should read….
“It is a common curtesy”
Chad, the Ridd Judgement is a big deal, it’s not surprising that many people want ot talk about it. Most of the comments have been moved to the new thread . (Though not this nest because it’s gone off topic).
Sorry jo,
If they really just wanted to discuss or read about it they would have noticed the previous 3-4 post already started.
Looks like someone’s woken up and there’s nothing on television. And red thumbed my every comment, regardless of content. I suppose it’s part of therapy for the depressed. Mouse exercises for invalids. Usually there are three of them. A bit like those people around the world who graffiti buildings and railway lines in the false assumption they are being original. Across the world there is only one artist, with those fat letters. It’s something you learn while failing school.
Are there bots that do that?
Joe Biden said “I remember when”, and Hilary said “when what”, and Joe said “too much information already Hilary”.
Greta gets rich!
I can see her as president of her own activist think tank. Unlike many skeptics I like Greta. She is tearing alarmism apart.
More a feeling of pity for a puppet .
Website showcasing studies of hydroxychloroquine, finding it effective:
Discussed by Dr Ramin Oskoui in War Room Pandemic Ep 293, Bannon WarRoom – Citizens of the American Republic at
What are Australia’s health authorities doing in response to these studies?
nb- cannot comment on the youtube, I do not watch for ‘religious’ reasons.
Anyway, thanks for the ‘c19study’ link, a good site, up-to-date.
I had a look at the studies that had a negative outcome. There were problems with nearly all of those such as-
–the study was limited to cases with patients so far gone that HCQ (or indeed anything) would not be effective, it is pertinent to ask if the patients could have had the HCQ trial earlier,
–the study gave very large doses (gorilla doses) of size known to be high risk,
–the study was imprecise about support such as zinc supplementation,
of the other negative result studies, there were comments expressed about poor description and lack of controls making any conclusion unreliable.
Red Bull fires woke executives who supported Marxist BLM organisation!
I saw this in Quora forums…
Why do Europeans say “petrol” when the term petrol is short for petroleum which is not gasoline?
“Petrol” is actually a former British trade name for “petroleum spirits” that fell into the public domain when the trademark owner failed to protect it from copiers and because it was too close to the French word “pétrole”. When the British seller Carless was denied a trademark on “petrol” in the 1930s, its competitors started using the popular name “petrol” instead of the previously used “motor spirits”.
“Gasoline” was also a former British trade name invented to get around the trademark on “Cazeline” which was invented by John Cassel, around 1862. The name “gasoline” was adopted in the US around 1864 because the Americans didn’t respect British trade names.
Nobody in Europe but the British call it “petrol” unless they are speaking British English. In France, they call it “l’essence”, in Germany they call it “Benzin” which is named after Benz the car maker not benzene the chemical, in Italy they call it “benzina” and in Spain they call it “gasolina”. In South America, they use the colloquial name “nafta” which is derived from the chemical naphtha.
“Petrol” also has the advantage of clearly differentiating that liquid from the non liquid “Gas” as used for heating, barbeques and many Taxis and industrial Fork trucks..
I can recall seeing “Motor Spirits” on the wood boxes that were used to carry the two petrol cans – that’s how petrol was sold in the early days.
Covid-19 pandemic saves hundreds of lives.
‘Flu deaths re lower this year’
Yes that seems to be the case in several countries.
But why? Suggestions-
People are that scared of C19 that they get tested earlier than if thought to be flu, Some cases are flu (as well) but the tests are for C19, financial incentives on hospitals for C19 but not for flu, people with flu keep quiet as they do not want to know if they have C19 (for good reasons- the only known treatment in Australia is illegal).
Y’all might like to read this. Takes a bit of effort
Link won’t open for me Gee Aye , what was the punchline !
the link is good I think. I’d paste the abstract but the paper includes line numbers and they make the whole thing weird.
Bottom line is a tightening of the estimates for the temperature rise caused by doubling CO2 from pre-industrial levels from 1.5-4.5 degrees to 2.6-3.9. Same median value but the old upper limits appear highly unlikely but it also pulls up the lower limit.
Was this the one with the high margin of error ? From memory one of these had an error margin big enough to drive a truck through .
Not sure what you are referring to. In this report they have narrowed the confidence bounds.
You can call it what you like but a fudge factor would be closer to the truth , they still have to prove CO2 does anything other than fertilize plants and green deserts after all .
Crystal ball science is not science and yes your beloved models in climatology are nothing more than wild ass guesses and if there was any substance to it there would be more than educated guesses .
More proof of why the ABC needs defunding , this excerpt is from an article about Trump and the reason for the riots .
“Criminal justice experts seeking answers have pointed to the unprecedented moment: a pandemic that has killed over 140,000 Americans, historic unemployment, a mass reckoning over race and police brutality, intense stress and even the weather. But even so, crime in 2020 is down overall when compared to other years.”
Historic unemployment?
The weather?
yep. Crime is down so he needs to confect a problem in order to solve it and make his “tough on crime” claim in time for the election.
ABC is the one doing the confecting. !
Seems you think massive black deaths from blacks in Chicago and a big increase in crime in Albuquerque aren’t something he should concern himself with.
The amount of vicious attacks on ordinary citizens by thugs and rioters needs addressing and fast , just because the ABC say crime is down doesn’t mean assaults are down it may mean bag snatching and jay walking are down .