A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“WATCH– Texas Doctor: Studies Claiming Hydroxychloroquine Does Not Work Are ‘Fake Science’ ”
“Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference”
Chiefio on the Texas item
“Watch Before It Is Deleted”
Damned good videos A Ian. The Australian TGA won’t allow GP’s to prescribe HCQ for covid-19. Perhaps the authorities (eg Bernard Murphy) and others in the TGA and some of our politicians need to be chained to a desk and forced to watch the videos. While we haven’t had a lot of deaths in Oz many of them didn’t need to happen.
Something about “the futility of lack of utility”
“Ah, the “Bits Must Flow”. Someone else has already video captured the whole thing and put it on Bitchute, all 45 minutes worth: ”
Via Chiefio
Thanks AD. I’m patient so I’ll wear it.
Chiefio later says that the Bitchute piece is only the main part of the rant and there are hopes that the full video might come up later
Thanks Jo. It did seem odd and I was testing
No problem with Chloroquine back in 2005.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.
We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.
Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
Keywords: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, chloroquine, inhibition, therapy”
Also covered here:
“Dr. Simone Gold Exposes the Truth About Coronavirus and Hydroxychloroquine (Full Interview)
“She discusses how hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment against COVID-19 and that there is a constant smear campaign about it from the media. She also discusses school re-openings, QT Prolongation, and making HCQ an OTC medicine.
9 minutes
Great Barrier Reef: $444 million Turnbull Government donation to an obscure fund regardless of government department advice to donate less and spread the payments out into several donations over time.
I heard on Sky News recently that a Senate Inquiry was not supportive of that donation and the handling of it.
Does anybody know what our donation has achieved so far?
Paying to hide the truth of scientific malpractice at JCU ??
Seven tonnes of Gold.
The Lady Appointee at the top of the Peter Ridd affair is a “member” of the Great Big Barrier Reef Foundation along with Mal, Alex (by proxy) and probably Mrs Mal.
Nic Lewis
“Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought – update”
From the artice: ” I opined, based on my modelling,”
In short, it was an educated guess.
And aren’t they so prolific and valuable.
I see Daniel Andrews has a new excuse for the growing numbers of infected and dying patients today !
“cdquarles says:
28 July 2020 at 4:50 am
Another good article about covid: Absolutely correct. The PCR method amplifies segments of nucleic acids. There is no such thing as a specific string, especially when it is short. ”
More real EVIDENCE that the planet is actually in a rather COOL period of the current interglacial.
Not in 1922 when the sea around Svalbard (then known as Spitzbergen) was ice free even in winter. Contrast that with this year when ships relieving over wintering eco nuts are having problems getting close to the island in SUMMER.
Cue: PiFfle about AGW happening.
You for instance, have ZERO credibility… and you work hard at maintaining it.
Peter Ridd had PLENTY of evidence of scientific malpractice at JCU, but the far-left bureaucrats in charge couldn’t let the truth come out.
Poor peter , a parrot now, are you. 😉
Highlighting your total lack of credibility… So funny !
Where is your evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2
You remain EVIDENCE -FREE, and are just mindlessly trolling. A little bit of slap-stick.
Peter Rid showed several cases of scientific malpractice
But that is what you worship, isn’t it. Its all the AGW meme is built on.
It is also noted that you have absolutely ZERO commentary on the main point that….
the planet is very much at a COOLER PERIOD of human existence
Its been much warmer, way more than the fantasy scare-point of 2ºC, for most of the last 10,000 years.
That must really hurt your AGW mantra-washing. 😉
Facts always do.
The woke have banned hurtful offensive facts including all history.
Hi Jo
I saw the W.H.O. give a press briefing on the virus today at which the number 2 peanut declared that travel restrictions alone don’t work to stop virus spread. Amazing! Perhaps he thinks viral particles magically leave the human host in one country and fly hundreds of miles over mountains and seas to rain down on unsuspecting folk in another country.
Stopping people traveling all over the place is the most effective way to stop the spread from one place to another and will alone, if put in place fast enough, prevent an unaffected population from becoming infected. Viruses need a host, they do not do well outside in the wild and so if you stop the bodies moving around you also stop the virus moving around.
Simple really, even a 1st year biology student should know that. Not a top level W.H.O. official though, apparently having the right socialistic/communistic friends is the most important qualification for a UN job.
Another great moment for the W.H.O. I wonder why the Americans no longer want to pay for this quality advice 🙂
It’s well past time to leave the UN and all its subsidiary subscriptions; then we won’t have bureaucrats creating policy based on the IPCC’s lies.
Don S. Are you so sure that it cannot travel frozen or overnight on freight packages?
BrightRed, I too wonder about that, but I guess if it did, we’ll see random inexplicable outbreaks in places like NZ, iceland, WA?
I do worry about Frozen. We should be UVC treating it all.
But packages I think would have created a new outbreak if they were going to.
Note that — as far as I know — none of the “Hard Borders” have stopped packages.
Has not happened. So … frozen packages are safe!
Worry about the real means to transmission; coughs and sneezes.
I guess you can dream up any, tiny level of risk if you want to. This has been running for many months, and this does no appear to be a recognized factor. So it in the possible but unlikely camp. Just as an aside , I dont think much of anything happens overnight these days, at least for commercial services.
‘A Daily Mail survey has found dozens of Britain’s biggest firms have no immediate plans to bring staff back into the office, despite PM Boris Johnson urging Brits to get back into work from August.
‘Some of London’s busiest train stations, including Canary Wharf, Victoria and Waterloo, remain all but deserted compared to scenes of packed forecourts during rush hour just a few months ago.’
Daily Mail
At 1300 CST SA wind power was producing 0.6% of nameplate and VIC was running at 10%. Fossil fuels saving the day once again.
When will they ever learn.
“When will they ever learn?” I don’t think that they can. Just sprout slogans.
Its still enough energy to power 200,000 homes or whatever. The pollies do the press conferences and walk away. Learning will come with over committment and grid crashes. This will be delayed by earnest engineers applying ever more band aids with batteries, synch condensors and layers of complexity until the wheels fall off hard.
When Will They Ever learn?
Here are Peter, Paul and Mary (about my age) singing: Where have all the flowers gone.
Unfortunately that reminds me of all the cancelled folk events this year: especially missed the Nationals at Canberra.
First miss since 1998.
This story is up at wuwt (its a bit old) here is the original.
They claim North American megafauna went extinct at this time.
Australia’s megafauna became extinct more gradually over 100,000 years and humans are not implicated.
The transition from the Bronze Age to Iron Age was chilly.
And dry, causing agricultural failures and many Environment Refugees – except these were violent – see The Sea Peoples.
More corona links FWIW
July 28, 2020 at 12:39 am
Interesting video on the mechanism of action of Hydroxychloroquine in the suppression of coronavirus. I haven’t been able to cross reference it but the presenter is well qualified.
More of interest: ”
In yesterday’s Telegraph:
Headline: “UK wind power revolution will mean customers get pay out as costs keep falling.”
IIRC the same was said about nuclear power in the 1950s
Coal and oil have been paying negative subsides for several decades. !
Its called taxation.
I’m still dubious of accelerated herd immunity claims. Measurements hAve too much uncertainty, methinks.
A few weeks back I commented on my intention to get a blood test and specifically ask to include my vitamin D levels. I had my appointment with my Doc last Thursday week and got the necessary referral. He also checked my records and found a test from 2 years back included vitamin D and my level then was 58 nmol/L, which he described as “normal”, and was close to the number I used as my assumed base for working out that I should be taking 6000 IUs per day.
As I only go into town on Thursdays, and it had to be a fasting test for me, it was last Thursday before I gave the sample. I got the results this morning, and was delighted to find my current level is 118 nmol/L, which is better than I’d hoped. And puts me into the less-likely-to-die category.
I’ve decided to stick with the 6000 IUs per day and target 150 nmol/L
Dave B
Thanks David,
6000 IUs (International Units – whatever they are) is 6 tablets per day. I am taking just 1 tablet per day. I might get my level checked to see what it is.
I also use the 1000 IU tablets, initially because I didn’t have a clue on how much to use, but now so that I can adjust my dosage easily. It appears that, once you get to a satisfactory level, 5000 IU per day is needed to maintain your level. If I became, or thought I might have been infected I’d increase my intake to at least 10,000 IU per day for the period. How many days? Don’t know, but I’d hope it’d be less than a week.
And yes, getting a test done is a great idea. But don’t forget to ask the doc for the actual numbers, and the units being reported, ngml or nmol/L.
Dave B
Watching the precious metals markets lately. A most interesting pattern. . .
They spike when the Asian markets are open and sell off when the EU/American markets are open.
Methinks that some Asians are prepping for the coming famine by buying precious metals. (Old Arab saying: “A Man with money (read precious metals) can eat sherbet in Hell.”)
China warns of new floods as Three Gorges Dam under pressure
GDP may fall 0.2% in Q3 in the face of 45m evacuees and $17bn in damages
SHANGHAI — Chinese authorities cautioned on Sunday of water topping warning levels on the Yangtze River as a third wave of floodwater is expected at Three Gorges Dam over the next three days.
The country is already facing one of its worst floods since 1998 with water breaching record levels at key waterways and lakes.
Doctor says 99.8% of cases are mild….
video presentation
A very angry doctor promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine:
Can you imagine the kinds of conversations the premier of Victoria might have in this respect. The intellect!!
If you combine OriginalSteve’s contribution, above, with the angry doctor’s observations in relation to hydroxychloroquine, and add in other inexpensive purported prophylactics and cures, you are left with nothing at all to worry about. Which begs the question, why is the world being so encouraged to worry??? The answer is probably not benign, and has nothing to do with a virus.
Thanks nb,
“Our” ABC is reporting about her speech, without giving an active link to it, generously saving us the trouble of having to listen to her. It seems they didn’t even have time to do an internet search to discover she is an MD, and does have a practice in Texas. Nor did they even mention that she claims to have treated – successfully – 350 patients with hydroxychloroquine, zinc and an antibiotic, let alone seek out any of those patients.
But they had no trouble finding words to vilify the lady – without evidence.
What a damnation of the AB’s “reporting”.
My best wishes to Dr Stella Emanuel.
Dave B
Hydroxychloroquine and the Australian Covid Trail (ASCOT)
I asked these questions of the manager of the ASCOT trial. I also copied in Greg Hunt (Minister for Health).
Unfortunately the formatting does not tranfer to this website. Lets see if anything comes back.