A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Claim: Global Warming will Increase the Threat of Weeds
The Triffids are coming!
The models tell us so !
If I recall correctly, triffids were bred to be an alternative energy source. Quite fitting really.
Mess with your triffid and you’ll go blind.
safety glasses must be worn at all times
Nonsense. This thread is very unthreasded. Thar means it’s connections very nonexistent. Nothing you say here c hurt anyone.
Indeed Roy.
Very unthreaded weekends, can be caused by events like public holidays, and entangle threads more than normal unthreaded weekends.
For example…
“Hydroplate Theory: Origin of the Grand Canyon
•May 30, 2018
There is much mention of “the flood” and the end credits cite creation science dot com which is explicit enough but the material’s plausibility lacks a central support concerning whether the source of the water which effects the rapid plate movement (alluded to in passing) be plutonic; this component is presumably found within other presentations.
A most interesting diversion taking cudgels to the straw man of steady state geology. Thanks.
Is it the reason for TdeF’s use of asterisks? Should I write *reation *cience *ot *om in future?
It could be that TdeF is using asterisks, in a sense, in a way similar to the seemingly random placement of massive boulders, as though from out of the sky that permeate the limestone landscape of the Grand Canyon, as if to draw ‘special attention’ for the rest of time, like a megalith. Asterisks are an interesting phenomena in the English
language perhaps equal in significance to Ayers Rock in the southern hemisphere.
Kind of..
The first historical known use and why of an asterisk would be interesting. Surely they are not Latin.
A quick Wikipedia search revealed…
“The asterisk has already been used as a symbol in ice age cave paintings. There is also a two thousand year old character used by Aristarchus of Samothrace called the asteriskos, ※, which he used when proofreading Homeric poetry to mark lines that were duplicated.”
Cloud Feedback, if there is any, is Negative
‘The inescapable conclusion is that any cloud feedback is negative.’
Good effort by Mike Jonas.
White Surface Tesla Crash in Taiwan
Self driving cars, they can’t be serious—a-limited-future
Cars with sufficient intelligence to be truly autonomous will require counselling to even make them leave the garage.
It’s a dangerous world out there.
The alternative to the paranoid android is the psychopathic robot. The latter is easier to develop. Guess which will hit the market.
“the psychopathic robot”
Already here.. Called AntiFa or Extinction Rebs or Democrats
or Greens
Very appropriate.
🙂 🙂 🙂
The death rate per 1000km from these vehicles ought to be compared against the death rate per 1000km from human-driven vehicles, not against perfection. Unfortunately lawyers won’t think that way.
Let’s get it done, then we can all drink and drive (again?)
The UK and California and perhaps South Australia at least will eventually mandate it, cause they know whats best for citizens.
Claim: Floating Wind Turbines Could Save Us from Climate Change
The EU had lots of money to waste on expensive toys Rick.
At least it did till the latest economic crash.
NOW it doesn’t.
These have a secondary purpose – Not only will they rip off tax payers, but they will be excellen collision hazards when they end up somewhere other than their original location and/or their ballast control systems develop a fault.
How laid back will they get?
some coherent, not CCP, discussion of the article, please: Lawrence Sellin “far more likely scenario is that native receptor binding domain within a bat coronavirus “backbone” was artificially replaced
Friday, June 5, 2020
5-15-20 COVID-19’s receptor binding domain, which allows the attachment of the virus to a human cell, is structurally closer in its amino acid sequence to that of pangolins (scaly anteaters) than to bat RaTG13.
COVID-19 –
Pangolin –
RaTG13 –
As you can see, the pangolin sequence differs from COVID-19 by only one amino acid (10th letter from end), while RaTG13 differs in seventeen positions.
Within the receptor-binding domain there are fourteen specific amino acids that were previously shown to be critical for coronaviruses to bind to the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 receptor that initiates the COVID-19 infection in humans.
At least two pangolin species match those critical COVID-19 amino acids in thirteen out of fourteen positions, whereas RaTG13 matches only seven out of fourteen and other bat coronaviruses do so to an even lesser extent.
Chinese scientists suggest that the pangolin receptor binding domain was “donated” to COVID-19, presumably through some type of recombinant event occurring between a bat coronavirus and a pangolin coronavirus inside a pangolin host. Their naturally-occurring explanation for the presence of a pangolin-like receptor binding domain is highly speculative and no evidence exists to support such a contention.
A far more likely scenario is that the native receptor binding domain within a bat coronavirus “backbone” was artificially replaced with one from a pangolin strain.
After that came the insertion of the furin polybasic cleavage site, found in COVID-19 and none of the close bat coronaviruses relatives yet identified and a distinctive feature is widely known for its ability to enhance pathogenicity and transmissibility in coronaviruses.
There is additional information now being discussed on virology blogs indicating that COVID-19 is not naturally-occurring because its differential ratio of synonymous to non-synonymous substitution is vastly different compared to that which occurs in nature among bat populations as well as natural factors that would select against the presence of a furin polybasic cleavage site. -Ret. US Army Col. L. Sellin
I read a counter-argument to this here
A similar discussion to Aaron’s in the following article:
Tracing indicates that this virus did not originate at the Wuhan markets, as no animals there were found to have this specific virus. The DNA evidence suggests it was already in human hosts for several months before the outbreak, again due to lack of rapid mutation.
‘ … COVID-19 is not naturally-occurring …’
It does appear to be the case and I’m thinking the lone actor who dispersed it into the wet market, did it on impulse.
That wet market in Wuhan that was closed was a seafood market, not an animal market.
Correct, the evidence seems overwhelming, which is precisely why Morrison jumped quickly.
Here we see the most recent data.
Over 94% of COVID-19 patients successfully treated
‘As of the end of May, a cumulative total of 83,017 confirmed cases had been reported on the Chinese mainland, 78,307 infected had been cured and discharged from hospital, and 4,634 people had died. This demonstrates a cure rate of 94.3 percent.’ China Daily
I love the CCP’s positive propaganda spin.
It also represents a death rate of 5.7%. (Not the China Daily).
I wonder how many of those deaths were Uighur, Falun Gong and Free Hong Kong protesters?
Cannot say, but Beijing is fighting back. They have organised an inspection of Australian gaols, black deaths in custody is on top of their agenda.
Black deaths in custody has already been done. Per arrestee/inmate, blacks are less likely to die than whites.
Of those that do die, the predominant causes are substance abuse, pre-existing conditions, self-harm and violent interactions with other inmates.
Its more a human rights issue.
Nah….. Actually reading the article, it’s more a UN-Politics point-scoring issue.
We have been niggling Beijing for quite awhile, over their human rights, so they only had to whisper to the UN and hope to embarrass Australia.
while you were out
11-16-2015 Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Esoteric or what? Thanks for the link but no thanks for the implicit suggestion I engage with the alphabet soup detailed in the article and comments.
o yeah the amino acid sequence letters were real hard, right, real real hard to follow. come on.
Spoken like a counting computer Rob
Was the Pangolin sequence uploaded to the database after the outbreak and fromChina? If so, why trust it?
Ha! You lot are just like all the other sheople: you’re still looking down … at yer feet!
Look up!
Look out!
It’s an alien virus from deepest outer space: Read and enjoy.
Suspend your disbelief … Hoyle and Wickramasinghe were right!
Get really radical. 😀
I have long held the view that the climate change issue will eventually be settled at the ballot box. I also believe that a healthy percentage of voters are, in the main either disinterested, disconnected or undecided. The size of this cohort is unknown but I’m sure it is large enough to win or lose an election should they all vote the same way.
Sceptical scientists and specialised bloggers quite often present way too much in-depth analysis for these people and so they will only ever hear the alarmist version via the blizzard of headlines, hysteria and hyperbole’ thanks to the MSM and the climate activists.
Consequently, there is a large and influential group of voters who are really only hearing one side of the argument and this is a serious concern which I believe needs to be addressed.
In the hope of playing some small part, I have established a blog that looks at all sorts of subjects, not just climate change. My regular readers, typically of the kind referred to above, would be turned off by someone constantly bangin’ on about climate change and so it only gets limited mentions from time to time.
In essence, I try to be brief, simple but not patronising, providing appropriate links should anyone wish to know more.
I have just made a post aimed specifically at the disconnected voters which I will update each month.
As any blogger would know, harvesting readers is a challenge and so, hopefully with Jo’s blessing, I am asking for some help. Basically what I need is people to share my posts on Facebook with their ambivalent friends and if so inclined, to register on my blog to receive notifications of new posts.
My blog is Also if anyone has any thoughts, ideas or advice about all of this, my email is [email protected]
You are fighting a lost cause. “Sustainability” and everything that embodies is deeply rooted in the Australian education system.
This gives an idea how well it is wrapped up:
Not much to argue with there. In fact you need to take care not to miss the solar panels.
This is an example of how sustainability is translated into detail for a primary school:
Not much to argue with there but look closer:
Then in curriculum:
This is where they will lean about greenhouse gasses and CO2 is demonised.
This is the Victorian example but you will find the same sort of thing in all Australian States.
All this gets amplified and reinforced in secondary school.
By the time these kids are paying electricity bills they will have no other reference. Whatever it is will be the norm. They will have no reference to how it was before 2000.
Think of the challenge of getting young adults to work in a coal mine or a coal fired power station. It is against everything they are being taught.
Slight change suggested
““Sustainability” and everything that embodies is “deeply rooted” in the Australian education system.”
You are NOT a REAL person
I’ll remember to maek a typing mistake for you
You’re still just an unreal person..
An AI generated model of a human.
And we all know what rubbish models are.
If it’s got a computer involved, we can’t trust it: climate and covid models are both incredibly wrong — out by orders of magnitude.
I do trust engineering models: they’re verified in the engineering labs and are right. Any other computer model?
But climate and covid? Orders of magnitude wrong. Every time.
Sheesh: they’re so bad, they’ve given computers a bad name.
Expletive deleted: # sucked into moderation.
I really dislike those scripts …
” and are right”
Being pedantic here.
“right” is not the correct word
Given the amount of constant testing and validation done in engineering models, (totally missing from climate models)
… engineering models give a very good approximation to what actually happens in the actual engineering project…
….. mostly.
Andy: your correction accepted.
The trouble is that sustainability has not advanced beyond benefit-cost analysis. What goes under the rubric is hope and mysticism, nonrepeatable, not science.
All is not lost. My eldest son is in Year 7 (NSW public high school). Before his climate change lesson, the science teacher told his class (obviously paraphrasing): “what I am about to teach you is the education department’s view and not my own necessarily”. My son returns home, tells me his science teacher doesn’t believe in human-caused climate change either; kids are talking about it at lunchtime.
My other son, Year 3 last year, had to draw a poster about climate change during class-time. He said he drew the New York City skyline at the bottom and a mile of ice above it. Told the class it must have been difficult living in NYC 20,000 years ago buried under so much ice! My daughter, same primary school, has had two teachers openly tell her class they don’t believe in anthropogenic warming theory.
Unbalanced views/bias are counter-productive to the system. The same happens with primary school kids and multiculturalism. At our school the annual public speaking contest is ALWAYS about the benefits of multiculturalism. Why can’t it be about civilisation or something else interesting asks my daughter? By the time the kids reach Years 5/6 they realise that they’re being brainwashed and don’t put in the same effort as Years 3/4.
Thanks for the anecdotal evidence RB, it gives us hope that the young will always attempt to overthrow the accepted paradigm.
Strongly suggest the teachers organise red and blue teams to combat on atmospheric science, political science, paleo climate history and economic history.
That’s so reassuring to know that there are principled teachers in the NSW system.
I began my journey through the same system 68 years ago and looking back I can’t believe that a poor family like ours could have received the world class education we got. It was undoubtedly world class. True socialism, everybody equal.
Now it’s a shambles.
“It is against everything they are being taught.” Indeed it is.
So it is necessary to make them understand that they have been misled.
Which might not be all that difficult. Promotion of cynicism has brought us to where we are. Cynicism can turn back on them.
The Lancet hasn’t done their cause any favours in recent weeks.
I have just signed up to your blog, thanks Aussie Pete.
I agree, keep it brief and simple, which I do with my young kids. I simply explain to them context. Put up a long-term chart of CO2 levels and explain the context of today’s numbers. Same with the temperature record. Alarmists DENY natural variation, focus on that using unpatronising statement and logic.
A couple of years ago our family went to the NT. Our Aboriginal guide (Alligator River cruise) said Aborigines have known about climate change for 1000s of years. This resonated with our kids who could see the impact of a rising sea level and changing environment in the Kakadu rock art.
Thanks RB, your comments are very encouraging. I’m just wanting to get the message out there, that the science is not settled and to give people just a morsel of food for thought instead of dumping a four course meal on them.
Not only “not settled” but that the science actually exists. Really simple stuff.
Same holiday in Alice Springs, our Airbnb host, lovely lady recently finished her anthropology degree looking for work in Aboriginal communities. We got on to the topic of climate change and she thought humans have been able to measure Earth’s temperature only recently. That’s what she was taught at university.
So I discussed some of the science behind the known temperature record. Light bulb moment for her comparing it to the science extending Aboriginal existence in Australia from 45,000 years to 65,000 years. Boring science reveals all sorts of interesting things!
Climate Change is Increasing Violent Conflict
And on a more personal level
Actually, leftist humans are tearing cities apart…the pallets of bricks however are naturally occurring landscape features called Democratis Antifas, and appear to occur in Socialist controlled cities.
The U.S. has an election in November. If Biden is the Democratic nominee, as is assumed, then he will almost certainly talk about climate change as one of his main issues.
Trump has surprised me about this issue. I thought he would be more aggressive, especially after he (thankfully) removed us from the Paris Accord. A scientific adviser, Princeton physicist William Happer, stayed one year on the job as he had said he would, but was willing to stay longer and help if Trump wanted to fight the climate alarmists. However, influential advisers persuaded Trump to not start that fight.
The election campaign should force Trump to become more engaged – it is impossible to believe he would back down from a fight started by Biden.
As with the Paris withdrawal, it is highly likely that Trump will only fight Biden on economics, not on science. If re-elected he might go after the science as a lame duck. Especially if COP 26 is rescheduled for late 2021. That is the hope.
And if he’s not re-elected? The first item on the agenda would be a Paris u-turn; I’m sure we’ll hear more throughout the campaign.
This is something that needs to be seriously considered by Americans.
Looking on from afar, Biden inspires me not at all.
But on Facebook I note a complete loss of confidence in Trump by many US friends
An ambaressment even, that he is their president.
And then there are others who are aggressively pumping for Trump.
Internally, the USA is in a very fragile condition.
Auto filter still faulty ?
I don’t think so. History of riots like Nixon years of 1972 suggests a substantial win. Plus, in special elections for Congress in the spring, victories were large for Republicans, and the only seats to change from last elections also went to Republicans.
Be on the lookout got a lot of polls that oversample Democrats. We’ve seen them game results before. I expect no different now.
PUSHBACK against skewed US polling, malicious media intent exposed by sampling and design of questions, say polling consultant.
For example, under polling Republican as 25% instead of 33% as shown in 2016. Details:
I think it likely that campaign opportunities will be limited and campaign time compressed. Topics will be those the parties believe move the needle.
One seldom sees climate change at the top of such lists, and the appeal of another voluntary shutdown for a different reason may not be easy to
commit to a bumper sticker. This is a most strange time, as both parties believe their opponent fundamentally unfit to hold office.
Idiocy about the climate will probably take a rest as we are forced to listen to idiocies about a number of other topics.
“Reminder: World’s worst computer modeler ruined the world economy”
“From the “all models are wrong, some are completely useless” department.”
COVID-19 Global Economic Downturn not Affecting CO2 Rise: May 2020 Update
In point of fact it demonstrates no such thing. The big green idea is not to do without the energy presently causing all these CO2 emissions. It is to get the energy in a way that does not have these emissions. That this is presently impossible is a different issue.
It wouldn’t be that the Mauna Loa algorithm is set monotonic increasing with no inflexion points possible…nah, that’d be dishonest.
Might as well save money and time on calibrations.
I know this is not the only measurement point, and that the Southern Hemisphere has lower CO2 readings, but if a ‘denier’ only referred to the behaviour of 1 sensor and extrapolated it to cover the globe, we’d never hear the end of it…
“A saying back in BC was that
A statician (under protest) could fit a curve through 3 points
An engineer through 2
And an ecofadist through 1”
And don’t ignore the magic Yamal tree
UK – but
“Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”
March 17th: UK Labour MP Barry Gardiner repeatedly insists that “the most vulnerable in our society [must be] protected”
June 3rd: UK Labour MP Barry Gardiner breaks social distancing rules to protest the death of a man 6,462 km away … a man he had never heard of prior to May 25th. How many lives did Gardiner endanger? How much regard did he have for not putting extra strain on the NHS? How many REAL calls for his immediate resignation have been issued?
This Twitter thread is priceless. And it turns out that Gardiner had written a scathing letter to his constituents about Dominic Cummings seeking childcare for his autistic son. But that letter has now been scrubbed from his website.
#Hypocrisy #LeftistPriorities #HorrificHumanBeings
The word from close to President Trump is that he would have wound back the IPA regulations but was restrained by carryovers from the previous administration and people who didn’t want to rock the boat any more before the election.
At home, wind watchers will have been amused by the recent wind drought.
In Victoria the wind hit zero at noon on Thursday and stayed under 10% of installed capacity through Friday morning until it hit zero again at 3pm Friday and stayed there until 5am Saturday, then it crawled up through the day to reach double figures at 10pm.
In South Australia it was under 10% from 6am on Friday and hit zero at noon and was near to zero until mid morning Saturday and then moved up to double figures at 8.30pm.
In NSW it was near 10% for 24 hours on Friday, then it started Saturday on 5% and stayed under that mostly near zero until it got up to 5% at 6pm and 10% after ten o’clock.
Across the whole of the NEM the wind was delivering under 2% of the demand for power from Friday at dinnertime until 9pm last night when it got up to 3.3%.
At 6 this morning it was 8% of 19GW demand and blowing at 20%. The average capacity over the year is 29% although the industry likes to say 30-35.
The numbers have changed of course since this was posted
Its all to do with the blocking high being too far south in winter, no wind.
What we see here is the kind of high pressure system that produces the classic clear and frosty nights that we normally see in southern NSW and Victoria. Frost is a phenomenon of clear sky and no wind. We’ve had them as long as records exist for the area.
Wind-power is always going to be unreliable in any area with a history of frosty winters.
This has happened the past 3 nights in SA
Frost due to the big high sitting smack bang over us
And no wind
So when it’s really bloody cold and we need lots of power to stay warm at night
Wind and solar unreliables are just not around.
In the Southern Hemisphere winter the centre of the high pressure should be around Byron Bay. The cold fronts and low pressure systems cannot break through, so there are a lot of people standing around with red faces because they discounted natural variables.
This is my attempt to make sense of what I’m reading about the Wuhan flu, how it progresses and how it might be reduced to an insignificant irritant.
For this discussion I consider three phases which are of different lengths, with the third having two branches and two distinctly different outcomes.
Phase 1: the period prior to first exposure to the virus.
The general assumption by our public health officials appears to be that there is nothing that an individual can do to avoid infection once exposed to the virus, and are awaiting the development of a vaccine, or herd immunity.
My interpretation of the work of Drs Zelenko, Ban and others is that there are two probable prophylactic approaches that can be used: vitamin D3; and hcq/zinc. And these can be safely used together as Dr Ban has demonstrated.
My recommendation is that people, all people, build up their vitamin D levels to at least 30ng/mol (ref 1) and have those levels confirmed by a regular (annual?) blood test. Also ensure your zinc levels are adequate.
Phase 2: Exposed/infected.
2.1 Immediately activate the Zelenko “cocktail”, plus vitamin D3, the latter at least until the individual’s blood levels are established, without waiting for any further test result for this virus.
If this is not done early the probability of hospitalisation is increased, as is the probability of death. Those that survive phase 2 go on to Phase 3, in just a few days ( Zelenko, Ban) if the above is implemented; weeks or months otherwise.
2.2 If you can’t stay out of hospital with the above, it’s probably too late for the hcq to be effective.
Phase 3: Recovery
3.1. For those who follow the hcq(or quercetin)/zinc/D3 before exposure, and have achieved adequate levels before exposure, infection will be avoided, so recovery time is zero.
3.2 For those who are put on to the regime immediately, or no later than first symptoms, recovery time will be a matter of days, with no after effects.
3.3 Too late. Weeks in hospital, and/or death.
Hydroxychloroquine (hcq)
A derivative of the anti-malarial drug chloroquine, hcq has been substituted for it in some countries, possibly because of supply problems. The two have similar (even identical?) anti-viral and ionophoric properties, and the side effects of hcq appear to be less pronounced.
Vitamin D:
The knowledge behind my view has been developed in just the past few months (March – May, 2020) as discoveries and experiments have revealed detailed aspects of COVID-19, but the new information has not been as widely disseminated as it might have been. Newspaper reports have regularly highlighted adverse results from studies and trials which have had significant flaws, especially in those investigating hcq, often excluding zinc from their trials, or using excessive doses, and administering it too late in phase 2, including after the patient has been admitted to the ICU.
The common view that a vaccine is the only way to achieve community relief has meant that precise public scrutiny of either a simple, fast cure or a preventative medicinal regime has been suppressed. And that suppression has not only occurred in the media but also in the public health bureaucracies. This failure is causing unnecessary deaths, other hardships and economic chaos.
My sources:
hcq = hydroxychloroqine – only available with a doctor’s prescription
Quercetin: available without a doctor’s prescription. I got mine from the local health food store.
Vitamin D:
and thanks for the comments which provided the above, and other useful links,
Dave B 6/6/20
David-of-Cooyal-in-Oz #13. Excellent summary, thanks.
You have covered the ground well, perhaps there could some mention of vaccines:
Examples of successful vaccines for corona type viruses, none (I think) at least for one-shot only.
Viruses mutate fast, for flu a new vax has to come out every year, it is effective (about 60%) for 3 or 4 months, good continuing business.
There is still much hope of a vaccine, but still nothing that works and is safe.
Thanks Lucky,
I considered that idea, but decided to concentrate on what is currently available, approved for use, and cheap. And while there’s a lot of newspaper hype about “possible” vaccines I’m not seeing anything to suggest any will be available for the average person until sometime, late(?), next year. I’d rather do something now. So I’ve opted for vitamin D, quercetin and zinc. Will get my doc to include the first and third in my next blood test which will be soon. Then I’ll recalibrate, but I’m not expecting much change. (My rather regular hay fever symptoms disappeared soon after I changed to that mix, so I suspect my levels were low previously. No surprise really as I’m more into covering up to avoid thorns and sunburn than nude sun baking.)
Dave B
Denial of Truth Allows Easier Trespass….”
Telling comment by Jederman that the far left doesn’t need to rob banks anymore as they’re funded by the likes of the Hungarian dwarf.
You are a real person NOT.
obsessed much?
Slicker’n deer guts on a doorstep!
Smooth as a filly’s nose!
Here in this jug’s a miracle drug
So new that nobody knows!
Feed it inject it or plant it
Stick it under an ear.
Pick any breed, results guaranteed,
The data’s perfectly clear.
It’s good for foot rot in gophers,
Chafing on buffalo thighs,
Horses with corns, Angus with horns
And girls with fire in their eyes!
Goats with a bad disposition,
Lovers losing their spark,
Turpentined cats, blindfolded bats
And dogs that forgot how to bark!
Friends. Are you troubled with aphids?
Kids all down with the flu?
Cattle won’t gain? Needing more rain?
I’ll tellya what this’ll do;
Kill all the weeds in your garden,
Patch up your innertube,
Leaven your bread, stiffen your thread
And work out your Rubik’s cube!
Give you more miles per gallon,
Relieve your gastric distress,
If that ain’t enough, this wonderful stuff
Eats barbecue stains off your dress!
I see you don’t quite believe me!
The best I saved for last
Pay me the cash then quick as a flash!
See? Oh, I went too fast
Okay, let’s do it again.
Watch and you’ll understand.
Safe and improved, it gently removes
A five dollar bill from your hand!
Baxter Black, “Coyote Cowboy Poetry” “
Who thinks that matter in space can only radiatively transfer heat to other matter in space, and who thinks matter also transfers heat into the void of space?
Can heat transfer from something to nothing?
Zoe Phn: “who thinks matter also transfers heat into the void of space?” / “Can heat transfer from something to nothing?”
Heat can definitely be transferred into the void of space. If it couldn’t, the sun would not be able to warm the Earth.
No Aaron, that is just the sun “radiation”. Crossing the void of space until it impinges on anoth surface ..which it then warms.
The space voud does not get any warmer…its always freekin’ cold out there !
Chad: The space voud does not get any warmer…its always freekin’ cold out there !
I didn’t say the sun warms space.
I said the sun transfers heat into space.
How else would it heat the earth, if not by transferring heat – through space – to the earth?
Given the distance we are from the sun, if it did warm space, it seems unlikely to me there would be any heat energy remaining to heat the earth.
Aaron that is complete junk, energy leaves the sun in the form of electromagnetic energy not heat energy.
What is the temp of a vacuum? Ie nothing, nada, zip? How can nothing be heated or cooled? Think for gods sake get off face book and think!!!!!
Really moderation again, well done AD bet you feel tough now hey
[Craig I have no power over the auto filter that’s a problem that only Jo can sort.]AD
This blog has become the very thing it claims to despise
Too harsh CraKAR24.
Be Patient. The moderation filter is not working well at present and the moderators have to clear many comments.
[Yes the filter is playing up and seems to be getting worse, I’m releasing them as I see them ]AD
The human one is not working that well either Peter.
( PS No red thumb )
I think the auto-moderator is acting up.
I would suggest your filter is broken.
Affected by CV-19 maybe 😉
or climate change..
Me: I didn’t say the sun warms space.
Crakar24: How can nothing be heated or cooled?
Crakar24: Think for gods sake get off face book and think!!!!!
Your reading comprehension (which ironically requires thought) leaves much to be desired.
[Chill with the personal attacks please – Jo]
[Jo – how is what I said any more of a personal attack than what I was replying to?]
There is a significant difference of meaning between “into”, and. “through”. Space !
Such subtleties are found in English
But not in many other languages Chad
So such a criticism amounts to sophistry
And consider…..
We now know the age of the universe
And the time of the big bang -~13.4 billion years ago
But prior to that there was only ‘nothing’.
But it was a ‘nothing’ seething with unlimited vast energy.
It must have been thus because otherwise the universe we live in
Could not have happened.
Now that must give us all pause to think.
Bill: didn’t you get the memo about The Big Bang? …
see The Real Crisis in Cosmology – The Big Bang Never Happened Youtube.
Our universe could be older than 13.8 billion years (see Methuselah’s Star)
… and later episodes of the Crisis
Chad: There is a significant difference of meaning between “into”, and. “through”. Space !
If you run water through a hose, do you run water into a hose, and then see it come out the other end, where it wets the grass?
Whilst pedantically you are correct in drawing a distinction between “into” and “through”, the process in toto involves both the sun transferring heat into space, where said heat travels through space, then (for example) into the atmosphere of Earth, where it heats the earth.
To clarify: heat as in energy transferred from a warm object to a cooler object (ie entropy)
So I am specifically talking (and visualising with respect to the example of the sun heating the earth) transmission of heat energy. Or more generically, energy.
There is heat energy “in” the sun, which is then “in” space, then “in” the atmosphere of earth. It’s transferred from the sun to earth’s atmosphere via space. It just loses very little energy whilst in space, due to the lack of particles (~1000 atoms / m^3) that can absorb the heat.
Peter C
For me it was broken two weeks ago and the week before that and the week before that.
Perhaps a disclaimer is in order at the top every post describing the fault symptoms and what commentators should expect.
I fully expect to be put into “moderation” occasionally 😉
You have to “test the envelope” as they say with flying
Excellent response.
Zoe’s question is one that I had not given any thought to before.
I am inclined to the view that matter transfers heat (radiant “heat”) into the void of space. However the void of space is not warmed. Only matter can be warmed.
It is not going into space is propagating a wave, where E=hf.
E released from the Sun, as photons, propagates through curved space where the curve is a function of nearby m, distorting space as G.
But there’s no guarantee such a photon will ever intercept matter on its path, to deposit that E which eventually becomes re-radiated IR f (at some point).
So space it propagating packets (quanta) of h, where f determines how concentrated the packet of E is.
Stretch f and you get IR from the same packet, i.e. it becomes a less concentrated packet of E, but it is NOT lower and energy, just the E is now spread out over a longer wavelength, so is less concentrate.
This is so because h is always constant (or at least presumed so), which means E never changes either, it just gets spread over a larger volume of space.
Thus a gamma ray is not in fact more ‘energetic’ than an IR photon, E is just being diluted by a larger radial volume of space as the gamma wavelength increases to the length of an IR photon.
If that is not so, E≠hf.
What Zoe is in fact claiming (and angling towards) is that matter will not emit any excess energy as photons unless that very photon was already pre-directed toward intercepting a specific bit of matter somewhere in the cosmos, at some point.
In other words, she ‘s claims there are no photons propagating in space which are not ‘predestined’ to interact with a particular bit of matter which was was known about — or rather, it was all spooky ‘predicted’ buy the emitting matter itself, to come into existence at some point and interact with the about to be emitted photon — all known in advance of the photon’s emission.
I don’t buy it, Occam’s Razor ‘n all.
[Apologies WX the auto filter seems to be on the Fritz not just yours getting caught.]AD
Why that triggered moderation I’ll never know.
No, nothing is lost, the same packet of h is being released by IR at a different f, it’s just f that had reduced, it’s what has varied. i.e the increased volume of space over which h is being delivered by space, i.e. the h becomes less concentrated in space, but it’s universally the same packet of h being transmitted to matter by even a HF frequency radio photon.
If the cosmos shortened f, as well as lengthened it, we’d easily realize an IR wave is literally just an expanded gamma wave, as the E would rise again, but same packet.
The only difference then is the degree of concentration of the packet’s delivery (the impact area it affects) and that concentration of impact is what we have referred to as a change in ‘E’. But E is just an effect of scale, it’s not a real thing.
It’s the packet of h (which is a packet of wave disturbance to the medium of space) which converts into m.
E is just a measure of the SCALE of that wave disturbance to space, if the scale is large the disturbance is very small, if the scale of the wave in space is small the disturbance is very strong, due to its impact area being so much smaller.
But always the same packet of wave dosage (h) is being emitted and absorbed.
Wave does not change between gamma -> IR, only the volume of space in which E, which is really the scale of h distribution in space, is being expressed is changing. And f is what changes it. But a change in f is not a change in E, because E is really just the volume of space affected by the same wave packet, h.
The way we think about E is what’s wrong.
E is just a measure of the degree to which h can disturb space, and also disturb any standing-wave m withing it. If the packet is concentrated in space as a gamma it has a bigger local effect, it exerts more E as an EFFECT, on what it may impact in space to trigger further emissions, of propagating h, from m, proportional to v.
E is thus just the measure of the EFFECT on space, not a separate thing in its’ own right. And that effect is expressed as m, as well as more randomly emitted photons
[Zoe is of the view that they’re not randomly emitted, in effect she’s saying the packet of disturbed medium as ‘h’ can predict the future (or rather space can, thus true randomness would be non-existent), which would suggest the cosmos is actually h-mechanical (quantum mechanical), and controlled by an elaborate level of predestination. That to me is a bridge too far, more likely the result of a misunderstanding of the physical properties of the medium itself, which allows such h propagation interactions.]
Thus m is the aggregation of standing waves in the medium, and E (as a ‘photon’) is really just the effect of the concentration of the packet of, h, as a propagating wave in the medium, which is of course a real medium with real physical properties, one of which is propagating h v=c. All media have a characteristic wave transmission speed, and space’s propagation speed happens to be c.
Which is to say everything is a physical ‘space’, there is nothing else in infinity, all the stuff “in” space, is just a standing or else propagating disturbance to space itself. Thus mass has no intrinsic properties of its own, the properties it expresses are actually the properties of space, because m is just a standing aggregation of wave-disturbed space.
By which I mean, I reject the notion that m is something other than space, that’s being ‘waved’ by other packets of disturbed propagating ‘waving’ space. The disturbance is proportional to the scale of delivery of h, which is f, thus E=hf.
E signifies the EFFECT of how h impacts and scales with f. So nothing is lost from gamma -> IR, because is is h being delivered by a photon, not E, which is just a scale of the volume of space affected by disturbance, h.
Our mental model of how we think about E has been wrong all along, because a photon delivers h, not E. E, which is really f’s scale and volume of space affected, just determines what m this packet of h can interact with, and couple with to produce more h as m, and further h photons, emitted at lower f.
What was lost?
If I may venture into the realm of possibly metaphysics (the speculative and not well understood) …
I’m of the view that all matter in the universe is “tethered” to other matter. Information travels faster than the speed of light.
Photons are not corpuscular. They are waves. Waves in a medium.
The only use of corpuscular photons was to explain photoelectric effect. But others manages to do it without corpuscular assumption. Einstein must be right is a bad scientific method.
At least half of mainstream science is pure garbage. Maybe I’m smart enough to figure out which half.
Cognac is too pleasant.
Skimmed over that. Zoe would find that very interesting.
Thank you for the contrary opinion.
I think you’re suggesting that matter will emit photons regardless if there’s something to hit. Correct?
If photons can form willy nilly without a “spooky” knowledge of the dimensions of their cavity, then there would be more wavelengths of photons possible … the density would go up … and Planck’s formula would be wrong.
Planck’s formula only works if some type of photons form and not others, and this is determined by the dimensions of the cavity.
The Corpuscular Theory of Light (the photon as a particle) falls short here.
What do you think?
There’s no such thing as a photon.
That’s simply one of two models used to describe and quantify radiant energy.
Wx, if incoming UV hits the ground and is reradiated back towards space as IR, there is a loss of energy at the turnaround: that energy is not conserved.
And Zoe, energy will always move from a point of higher potential towards one of lower potential. There’s No Need for a target.
Hi Zoe,
I’ll read those links and get back to you at a later time.
I think space doesn’t know that much about the future, that actual non-repeating and thus unpredictable true randomness is a real and innate property of the cosmos. Which means, yes, photons don’t have an m target in ‘mind’ when they emit.
If you think ‘they’ do, what’s the mechanism of that?
Keith, I replied to you above, don’t know how I managed to put it up there mate.
WX, can’t find it.
It got a day of well-deserved moderation for its many sins, it’s there now.
This will probably go into auto moderation too.
After reading through you links I’d say you’re throwing about a bunch of stuff with no cohesive argument. OK, fair enough, not going to convince though.
The presence of non-repeatable permanently unpredictable random movement of particles means there’s no ‘cavity’ to space, no outer wall, no limitation to space’s expanse. And randomness by its very presence, i.e. an infinity of non-repeating non-predictable possibilities, confirms that space is therefore an infinity medium.
I don’t see how you get predictability of the future geometry of space from that.
Thank you, AD.
For the love of God peter the sun is not a bar heater warming the solar system its just electromagnetic radiation energy
You’re both saying the same thing.
Keith, one view is that the sun actually loses ~63 MegaWatts/m^2, and the other is that the sun loses 1361 W/m^2 to Earth, plus 2604 W/m^2 to Venus, plus etc…
There’s a big difference between the sun actually draining 63 megawatts/m^2 and ~14 kilowatts/m^2.
Like most of your recent comments, this one also has no discernible point of contact.
What are you on about?
Please, cool it.
Why should she cool it, KK?
Zoe asks neat questions. That one has got almost everyone scrambling around tying their shoelaces together!
Keep it up, Zoe! 🙂
She’s trying out her new product: Zoe’s Blog Extender.
Well done Zoe.
Hi Soph,
Yes, it’s good fun, but its scientifically low grade.
btw I should check to see if she’s located that pocket of the universe that’s exactly at Absolute Zero.
Zoe is an excellent computer programmer.
KK: Zoe is an excellent computer programmer.
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!!
But seriously though – got a link?
Aaron what I should have said is that she shows more logic and competence in programming than in the conceptualization of thermodynamic setups.
The misuse of the S,B equation in situations that require other approaches is a widespread problem and Zoe is not alone there.
So dark matter is just matter that collided with something and was deflected away from it’s future photons path? What happens to the orphan photon?
False flag! Thread corrosioon!
Aaron, Zoe works with computers.
But maybe it’s a trick question.
I’m sure she’ll come back later and clarify things.
In the meantime we can acknowledge that heat, radiation, thermal energy: whatever you want to call it will always be eager to move from any point to another one of lower potential.
thx, it was getting cold out in nowhere. radiating into nothing. but of course the trick is that there is no spirit supposedly. dumb radiating into more dumbness, like the WHO.
KK: But maybe it’s a trick question.
I went and did some background reading, and see now that it was in fact a “trick” question. I won’t pursue ongoing “discussion”.
It’s not a trick question.
There’s an actual scientific answer.
And there’s a political answer.
The scientific answer refutes many false premises that are too popular, even among skeptics.
To clarify:
Does space itself drain energy from matter?
Does space cause molecular motion to slow down?
Is space an actual heat sink or a neutral medium for radiative transport of matter to matter?
I would say yes.
If an astronaut takes a spanner out from his/her space capsule at say 20C and leaves it outside I would expect it to cool down (by radiation).
Maybe I keep being unclear.
The spanner was previously 20C because a source of energy made it so in real time.
Once you take the real time source away, what ever heat capacity remained will be drained out. Drained out not by space, but by the lack of a source.
So I think it’s not space taking away its energy. Space simply has no energy to give it. And energy must be given for molecules to move.
Is the spanner radiatively cooling to spacw are the molecules just slowing down due to lack of energy?
Remember, you can’t monitor the spanner by a radiation based sensor because that would be an object the spanner could interact with.
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? I think yes. Air compaction and rarefaction.
If an object has nothing to radiate EM to, does it form outgoing EM waves anyway? I think no.
What do you think?
Even a vacuum can contain electrical energy/field which could act on a body passing through that chunk of space…..
That’s true. Matter generates the fields and can interact with matter entering them.
The sound of one hand clapping.
The spanner was previously 20C because a source of energy made it so in real time. Yes
Once you take the real time source away, what ever heat capacity remained will be drained out. Yes
Drained out not by space, but by the lack of a source. No. The spanner had a store of thermal energy (“heat”). The heat was drained out by radiation into empty space.
So I think it’s not space taking away its energy. Space simply has no energy to give it Space is taking its energy away. Space does not have any energy to give it. Space cannot give it any energy but it can take it away.
I think YES, as explained above.
I suppose we could ask NASA to perform the experiment just to be sure.
NASA already knows the answer.
What if I told you that the popular SB Law equation you know already has a built in assumption? Namely that there is another object to transfer heat to (not space)?
Would you believe me?
Have you seen the most generic formula?
Do you know what the View Factor is between matter and nothing? If it’s ZERO, …
OK, Do I understand all of that? Probably not.
Lets agree that the SB Law equation assumes that there is another object to transfer the energy (heat) to.
The equation you quoted is: q (rad)=sig.e.A.F.(T1^4-T2^4) I wish our keyboards had scientific notation but you can check Zoe’s reference.
So empty space can be T2 and the equation is OK( space is about 0K with a large heat capacity). SB is still valid. The spanner still cools down.
T₁⁴-T₂⁴ 😉
please stop this.
It is beyond ridiculous.
Peter has described what happens with the spanner.
Energy Moves Down The Temperature Gradient.
It does not need a target.
Very Good. How did you do that?
Zoe, all of that just highlights what I have said previously.
The Stephan and Boltzman equation requires a great deal of “fitting” to be used correctly, mostly in very localised situations within machinery and high temperature industrial processing.
The use of S_B requires training and practical experience and if anybody is telling you that it will accurately predict planetary temperatures derived from solar energy I would think again.
The best measure of planetary temperatures would be via other technology to get directly measured values.
Zoe, that is just so wrong.
The view factor?
Do you have any idea what you’re talking about..?
“How did you do that?”
Its classified.
I could tell you…
but then ………… 😉
Kalm Keith: Energy Moves Down The Temperature Gradient.
“So empty space can be T2”
Can it?
And what about the view factor?
It can’t be ignored.
The commom formula everyone uses doesn’t have the view factor because they already assume another object. In fact the most commom formula (eAsT^4) assumes another parallel surface as close as possible.
FYI, I will will write an article about this, and wanted to see opinion prior to writing.
I appreciate all the comments.
“Peter has described what happens with the spanner.”
Yes, but the initially 20C spanner is located in Earth’s Orbit. The spanner is free to transfer heat to Earth’s atmosphere, which is at ~235 W/m^2 (-18C). The spanner has a HUGE “surface” area to emit to.
And there is the hypothesis that matter
Is constantly being created out of the invisible energy in ‘nothing’
This is an extension of the hypothesis that the universe started with a big bang
Before which there was ‘nothing’…..
Clearly this empty ‘Nothing’ has a lot to answer for.
But then again, virtual particles are not nothing, space does ‘fluctuate’, i.e. it is full of waves, in 3D, as opposed to the surface of an ocean’s waves, in 2D.
Where at least two wave peaks coincide, a transient ‘virtual particle’ appears (in 3D), and then disappears just as quickly, but within a non-zero time period, it has a rise and a fall in amplitude with time. So it’s physically real, not ‘virtual’ (what it lacks is a stable structural ‘self-orbit’ of the two waves to maintain the amplitude).
Where a peak and a trough coincide they cancel to flat undisturbed space (even though at least two waves are present to get that).
Where at least two troughs coincide it produces a real ‘virtual’ anti-particle.
So a virtual particle is as random as the surface of the ocean, except it’s moving in 3D in any vector, and is thus completely random and will never repeat. So what denotes a + or a – space amplitude level? Those are the degree of departure from the average cosmological isotropy of space.
Which is to say that, unstructured ‘virtual’ ‘particles’ (which are just wave, there is on;y waves n space, there are no particles), and stable structured standing-wave particles which expressing m and G of space, are local anisotropic departures from universal average isotropy.
The property f and inverse λ is what determines the scale of an anisotropy, and the degree of disturbance to space that it imparts.
The question is, what created the emitted and material anisotropy?
Or rather, what created the stuff which ‘waves’, in 3D?
Because a big-bang then would just be an input of anisotropy within what always existed, but was isotropic, even at a ‘local’ scale. i.e. it had no virtual particles in it, so no oscillations, so no randomness … and yet a random oscillation caused a big bang in it? … yeah … slight conservation problem in a lossless medium. Once anisotropy is present it could never go away. So how could it ever ‘begin’ within an infinite medium?
Which means the average cosmic isotropy consists of a bell curve of local +/- anisotropies as random wave oscillation is space.
So it makes much more sense to admit the local and cosmic scale anisotropy features were always present. What we perceive to be a ‘big bang’ is just that, a perception which is a reflection of our present ignorance bogged-down in theory, not a physical prior event.
WXC That’s interesting. Thanks.
It does provide some explanation of what was BEFORE the Big Bang.
The cosmologists I’ve read seem to assume that before the Big Bang there was Zip
And ignore the problem of where all the energy for the Big Bang came from.
And given that we normally think that energy ‘disperses’ after a bang,
Where the energy for the continued evolution & development of ‘complexity’ in the universe, comes from as well
Taoism is interesting. Dao de Ching is beautiful prose.
I hope no one confuses it for physics.
Exactly. The energy levels in the spanner would come to equilibrium with the energy potential of the surroundings. Round about 1.3C° above absolute zero.
The left over heat from the Big Bang.
i wonder why it has not cooled down to absolute zero ?
What about below absolute zero, you know like the volume knob going to eleven.
Sure why not !
I like Fred Hoyle myself. He suggested the “Big Bang” as a term of derision. It was then coined as the explanatory catch phrase.
The universe has trillions of heat sources (stars). Why should the back cosmic ground radiation get to zero if the background radiation is coming from all the stars, not the leftover Big Bang.
Well done.
KK: Exactly. The energy levels in the spanner would come to equilibrium with the energy potential of the surroundings. Round about 1.3C° above absolute zero.
1.3 ° C is far far too hot by c. 270K or so.
The universe’s limiting temperature is the cosmic microwave background of c. 3K.
( = 2.725 K (K = kelvins = absolute temperature)).
Soph, you are misrepresenting what I wrote
” above absolute zero ” OK
Minus 273.16 C° = 0 °K.
Notice where the degree sign goes.
It was perfectly clear, KK. Perhaps sophocles has trouble understanding English?
wink wink.
Now I am wondering if Godwin’s law is another example of entropy…
Sorry to all those who have suffered from my laziness in not double checking.
As Soph says the temperature of space is hotter than I stayed.
It’s actually 2.7°K or C above absolute zero.
That doesn’t essentially change much and I’m still waiting to be given the location of the zone of absolute zero?
K is absolute temperature so it doesn’t need a ° symbol.
The absolute 0K region is extra universal (ie: outside the universe) — see/think cosmic background microwave radiation. It’s all pervasive.
Sounds good. Extra universal. Even there would it actually reach absolute?
My laziness was compounded by the confusion induced by the change is absolute.
Sixty years ago it was one figure and now it’s about 0.2 up?
Minus 273.16 °C ?
We can’t know as we can’t get to it to measure it. If you can figure out a ‘warp’ drive capable of reaching outside the universe …
All loaded questions.
O.K. So you posted a photo a while ago, who cares.
What about being sensible and reframing the questions so that they are not ambiguous.
For example “space” is a location. The important issue is the properties of that location.
What photo?
Does space have a property to drain molecular motion when all that space is is room for that motion. Is that better?
The one you put up without your glasses.
My looks are from my mother, my brain is stictly from my father.
Please don’t look into my eyes. Lust will render you stupid. I wear funny glasses for your protection.
🙂 That’s it.
The message that went with the photo:
and I laughed.
Now confirmation; “Lust will render you stupid. I wear funny glasses for your protection.”
But really I must apologise for being more interested in the last name you travel under.
The only nationality it seems to link to is V and the link is about a coffee utensil?
My great grandmother Mary F who used to post here would be very curious as to where a name like that would originate.
Don’t confuse the asian phins with the european phins.
Vaig donar una pista
My wife vn
My great grandmother used to love to expound on “models”. Here’s one of her posts;
September 11, 2011 at 8:09 am
On the other thread the comment was made that :
“”The models are more accurate when accounting for the known radiative force of GHGs.””
I totally agree with that comment by Blimey.
This is because any model is going to give better results when more real time factors are included.
There are many factors in Global Warming Science and each factor has its own range of error which leads to a need for the use of a Modeling Technique known as the black box.
This involves isolating many smaller or less relevant effects to a black box, which is effectively a collection of effects whose sum will be an unknown but constant value during experimental measurements but which is always acknowledged as a controlled series of variables.
The effects under investigation are then varied or data collected from nature is examined and useable results can be obtained for very complex systems with this method.
There are limits to this technique however and Climate Scientists have developed a new technique to replace the black box. The primary problem with this is that the model and reality can give correlations which are extremely high and this is not useful in Climate Science so additional techniques are required in that field.
Climate Scientists have made use of a small lidded cardboard box whose dimensions are approx 450mm by 350mm by 400 mm which has the colour of a standard manilla folder, a dull yellow/brown.
During all Climate Science work all small or even inconvenient effects, such as water vapour being the primary “GHG”, which would normally go to the black box, are placed in this receptacle.
For security reasons mainly to do with funding,it is cleared daily; the contents reduced by vacuum packing and posted to the IPCC head office at the UN Building in New York.
Here they are carefully locked in a safe where neither real scientist or the public can get at them.
The resulting Climate Modeling done for the CAGW proponents can then be used for the true purpose for which it was intended; to deceive the public and give politicians something else to whip us with.
I hope this clears up some of the Scientific issues surrounding Climate Science, which is not really a science but a politically useful amalgam of law, politics and philosophy.
[Trying to get the problem with the auto mod resolved KK, we release all comments as soon as we see them.]AD
Thanks RW.
Mary has a way with words.
Lonesome friends of science
Cowboy logic
Andrew Bolt’s column mocking Greta Thunberg breached standards, press watchdog finds –
News Corp columnist accuses Australian Press Council of sabotaging debate and doubles down by repeating slurs about Thunberg’s autism:
“The Australian Press Council ruled that the language in Bolt’s August 2019 article breached standards because it attempted to “diminish the credibility of Ms Thunberg’s opinions on the basis of her disabilities and by pillorying her supporters on the basis of her disabilities”.
But, but … those who believe in doomsday global warming openly seek help …
The Climate Anxiety Doctor Is “In”
“Climate scientists, who spend their working lives detailing the nuances of the planet’s increasingly grim prospects may be particularly susceptible to climate-related mental health issues, but the general public is also at risk.
Climate change can affect mental health both as a result of individual significant weather events, and as a result of more gradual changes in climate.”
Climate change is affecting mental health, UN official says
Rising seas, stress levels spawn climate anxiety support groups
>> Of course, if you don’t believe in failed doomsday global warming, you don’t need to seek help.
Doom(er) versus Boom(er),
meh, give me boom any day…
As Basil Brush would say: “Boom-boom!”
Lord, can you just imagine a “climate anxiety support group”? whats it called, Hand Wringers Anonymous?
Nope: Hand Wringers Unanimous.
All the people I know who have studied psychology, did so to work out why they were so messed up…..
Unfortunately if you extrapolate that, it may apperently mean in a kind of art imitating life monent, that the higher level expertise in such matters may require the expert to be as sufficiently unhinged as thier subject matter….
And we havent got to talking about psychiatry yet….
A comment from the psych side of management traning that I heard
“You can’t psychoanlyse yourself – you’re too biased”
Thats kind of amusing …..its a catch 22 scenario whereby just observing an experiment affects the outcome.
Joke: how do psychiatrists greet each other?
“You’re okay, how am I?”
Have these people heard of or ever looked at the ABC?
Quite a few “breach of standards” issues there, one rather interesting flagrant breach by ABC was re-broadcast on Sky ‘Outsiders’ just yesterday, involving the lying hacks who manufacture ABC’s ‘news’.
If there are no discernable C-19 infectious spikes within two weeks in the major Aus cities (with honest tracing, unlike the concocted Blackwater incident), then we have these possibilities:
1) C-19 now eliminated in Aus, so going to the footy is now ok. No issues apart from international borders
2) lockdown was all b/s. Taiwan and Hong Kong show this anyway, without wriggle room. Repeat, NO wriggle room – which is why these examples are ignored
3) all the demo participants were under 70 years old, so the 70+ population should have been locked up in the beginning, like Ardern did. Then real people could just get on with life (despite all those vascular symptoms)
3) these samples were just the wrong 70,000 people. Another 70,000 sample set will supply a different result. Of course it will …
We are being comprehensively lied to, yet again. Including those plonks who have deliberately ignored real comparisons with Taiwan and Hong Kong. Pretend “science”.
These demos have provided a real experiment. Not a tiny sample with extrapolated results from hidden code and scarified in lurid Daily Telegraph headlines (including this website). Now we watch for real results. We know the actual results will be as hidden as possible from public view but nonetheless the scrutiny will be real.
[That Vic Police may, or may not, fine some demo organisers is irrelevant to the value of the experiment. No wriggle room there].
You have two “3)”. So:
5) Masks are effective in preventing spread of the virus.
It appeared in the shots I saw that most of those marching had some sort of face covering. But I was not there to verify that observation with my own count.
6) People showing any sort of symptoms are now concerned enough not to expose others. All lives matter!
Taiwan and Hong Kong were not “deliberately ignored”. In fact Taiwan is widely recognised as having the gold standard CV19 response:
I get 21.9M hits. I do not think you could in any way claim that Taiwan is ignored. It does not often get into the charts because it does not meet the threshold set for number of cases or number of deaths.
JoNova implored Australia to quarantine the country in February 2020. If that was done then Australia could have avoided a good part of the economic impact.
By the end of 2020 we will see how Brazil and Sweden fare as comparison to those countries that had effective quarantines from external and internal infection.
You have to remember that at all the Antifa stirrers always wore masks – before the Wuhan flu it was to conceal their identities from the authorities. Now they just pretend it’s for coronavirus protection.
Brazil may have already peaked, FINALLY, but I still feel we are not testing enough, and most tests being carried out are giving positive results. The practical upshot is that most people being tested were already sick, and the real numbers are probably much higher. 20-30k new cases per day are being recorded.
Jair Bolsonaro still in denial and even tried to hide the data a couple of days ago, maybe trying to switch Trump for Xi Jinping as his role model. We would then be in the same group as other powerful democracies like Nicaragua, Turkmenistan, or Belarus.
Bolsonaro is also in a political turmoil and will probably NOT win the next election, scheduled to 2022.
Our moderator is being hyper vigilant again.
And put me in moderation.
No good for this blog.
IanL above is allowed to get away with this ‘casual’ in his comment :
“all the demo participants were under 70 years old, so the 70+ population should have been locked up in the beginning, like Ardern did. Then REAL people could just get on with life (despite all those vascular symptoms)”
So anyone over 70 is not a real person ?
When AD are you going to moderate that insult to of us old farts ?
Or will you allow my reply to him to be seen by others here ?
Or do you agree with him ?
Our Moderator says in a private comment to me that he does not think IanL’s comment was “disrespectful ” of persons 70 & over
I’m sorry but that is utter nonsense.
IanL says we are NOT REAL people.
To the Nazis the Jews were not real people.
To the Slaver owners in the US Confederacy slaves were NOT Real people
To the Stalin and his minions in the 1930’s, anyone else apart from them, were not real people.
To the Japanese invading China in the 1930’s & 1840’s, the Chinese were not real people.
To the British National Health, old people in their hospitals infected with Covid 19 were not real people and so they were forcibly bundled into Aged care homes to infect other elderly people and die.
So now anyone over 70 are UNREAL people and can be dealt with as such him and his Dumbnut or Dingbat or simply Callous followers ?
AD, if you cannot see what is rotten about such thinking, it’s time you gave the moderation game away.
[Ok Bill lets show the people exactly what I did write .
“[Bill the comment your replying to may be misguided it may even be wrong and even I may not agree with it but disrespectful is something I’m not seeing .
Unlike your reply which was , Rickwill also found issue with it and responded with facts not insults.
As always email Jo if think you have been treated unfairly.]AD”
I think it depends on how you interpret his very first sentence.
Over reaction Bill.
See #25.2
Thanks Bill,
e because I disagreed with your comment, or for some other reason?
I think we tread a fine line when it comes to censorship/moderation, for example what guidance/standard does AD refer to when they decide what should be moderated and what should not?
Does he follow legislative standards, Jo’s standards or his own? AD definitely does not follow Bills moderation standards. If we dont consider the opinions of users as to the level of moderation applied then can we still call it moderation?
I think not
[Craig 90%+ is in the “Guide for commenting” the rest is extras from the host, the only AD part is using my judgement on a comment that could be construed to be offensive / aggressive.
All comments moderated or auto held without comment are checked by the host and either cleared or remain in moderation.]AD
Crackar, moderation is an art, and I’m very grateful for the volunteer help of several excellent troopers, at least one of which has been helping for ten years or more. Without the mods I couldn’t keep comments open.
I don’t provide simple rules either. I found all literal printed “laws” would be gamed by people determined to bring strife or just waste our time. In the end it’s useful to moderate patterns of behaviour, rather than having a rule about each and every comment.
Imagine this is like a book club with many people in a room. If they wouldn’t say it face-to-face, it’s probably not a good idea to let it run far in writing. If people turned up to a book club with no knowledge of past discussions and expected attention, answers, and to dominate the conversation, even if they use polite language, they are rude. It’s just about manners.
So people who turn up with one or two rare silly comments don’t face the same bars in moderation as people who post many comments. The more often someone comments the higher the standard imposed.
I ask mods to judge when the heat in a thread is on track for a flame war.
We have several wise souls in the room who effectively moderate unofficially through their replies to calm things down, and I prefer that kind of moderation to one imposed from above.
Thank you to those people who may not realize they are part of the team.
The mods are subeditors on an international daily and I salute them. The automatic claw which picks up words and puts the comment aside, is too sensitive for no apparent reason and may need looking into.
Jo I stand by my criticism of what AD in his moderating above.
Of course you do.
What Person of Principle wouldn’t.
Thank you, for showing everyone who you are.
So, Ianl, I am not real and fit only to be locked up? I don’t think so. I suggest YOU get real and value all people, whatever their age and strength.
Senior Citizens Vote Too
The corollary of being valued as a person, rather than an anonymous item on the national database, is that you take responsibility for your own security and ask to be treated according to your individual needs.
It may suck, but demanding that the majority suffer so that you can have what you want…. how should we describe that?
Peter that perspective is a false one because it does not reflect reality here in Oz..
Almost all persons I have discussed the Covid 19 lock down & quarantine restrictions
Were happy that it has happened.
And happy to cooperate with the restrictions.
In the interests of preserving the health of all Australians.
Regrettable but necessary.
And pleased that now the lock downs is gradually being eased.
In fact virtually the only place I see any opposition to those strategies
Is here in the comments on Jo’s blog
And many of these are not by Australians.,
And so do not reflect the Australian experience.
But whatever has happened in the UK, the USA, New Zealand, Canada, etc.
But I suspect that in those countries also
This view is a tiny minority.
Once again the AI filter does not like me.
Maybe it doesn’t like rubbish.
Most filters hold that back.
Quite so; I take responsibility for my own health and go out taking sensible precautions. Life has to go on but with everybody thinking about others’ welfare; like observing good hand hygiene and so on (unlike some of the selfish visitors in our local supermarket, bringing up their bugs from Melbourne and ignoring the supplied handgel, they were rushing in in droves the Friday before last; I was furious with them and the supermarket staff were upset at being put at risk).
Annie…. You were furious.
Lockdowns are still the equivalent of denying sober people the right to drive because a few drive drunk.
I’m puzzled.
Peter tells us all how ‘Furious’ Annie was.
Do you know Annie peter beyond this blog ?
Or are you exercising your extraordinary psychic powers ?
He also makes the completely false assertion that the recent lockdown was “the equivalent of denying sober people the right to drive because a few drive drunk.” Good grief !
It seems to escape your thinking Peter, that people choose to drink and this get drunk. So eliminating the . drunks from our roads is good sense.
Whereas this virus spreads itself where ever it can. People do not ‘Choose’ to get infected. So reducing all opportunities for the virus to spread is SOUND EFFECTIVE public health policy.
And this got past our moderation process.
More disturbing is that 5 persons (?) approved this nonsense with their greenie thumbs.
[Bill stop trying to micro-manage what others are saying or get your own blog (and stay there)! You’ve stepped way over unless you know Annie you’re guilty of what you accuse. Peter makes an analogy which I find somewhat compelling. Your whinging response is entirely off target. ]ED
And of course daring to make a comment has lead to it being suppressed by the blog’s ‘filter’ again.
We already had a national test bed – thousands of supermarket staff in daily contact with each other and with millions of general public, in every size and population density region of the country. The four major chains would have centralised staff records and know how many have had to take sick leave. There’s been no news of any supermarket closing down for disinfection, and no stats published of staff downtime.
For the thousands who protested the government is most likely on fear of there being no increase in infection. It would show up the unfounded fear.
Thanks Gary.
You have identified a very real natural experiment (The SuperMarkets)! Every one went there (almost all without masks). No one got sick from a Supermarket.
Gary, All supermarket Checkout now have large clear perspex screens.
This has minimised the level of micro-organisms being spread around there..
So has the use of hand sanitiser at the entrances to supermarkets
The precautions taken at Supermarkets are far not a good analogy for a national lockdown.
The screens are not hermetically sealed, they merely increase the air-distance between the employees and the hundreds of breathing, coughing, farting customers who come through their checkouts.
Nor do the service staff working in the aisles, as opposed to those at checkout – have screens.
Peter the screens now in use at all supermarkets
mean that they are not a ‘natural experiment’ and cannot be called such.
BTW, my suspicion is that these screens will remain in place
After all the restrictions are eliminated
Why ? Because management will take the view that they provide a healthier environment for their employees.
And that view will be loaded into the SOP’s for employee health & safety.
Not an outcome I personally want but highly probable.
I don’t see why not.
Regardless of how you play the semantics, the only obvious conclusion is that we have a large sample of people who have not been locked down and have enjoyed limited protection. We are entitled to observe the results and draw conclusions.
Speaking of “drawing conclusions”, as a sometime employer and worked with a government agency, I have observed a great many “safety” decisions (not to mention making one or two myself). The conclusion is that a great many of them are based on cost and anticipated legal consequences, not actual employee safety. The screens will no doubt be left in place because doing so costs almost nothing and they create the perception that management has “done something”.
Peter If you want to use some thing as a natural experiment with useful conclusions, you need to yake into account all the changes that happened.
1: Clear plastic screens installed at check outs.
2: Sanitiser at the entrances
3: All customers had to queue & wait until allowed, as the number was limited by area.
4: All trolleys and baskets were wiped with sanitisers
5 : Older folk only allowed to shop first in the mornings at 7.00 am
6: All known infected persons in isolation or quarantine
7 : Many people perceiving a high risk did not go to supermarkets but organised home deliveries ( Eg Jo )
8 : All cafes & restaurants in Supermarket Malls where folks usually have a coffee or a meal while shopping were closed.
9 : Some people wore face masks
10 : Just about everybody ( 99% in my experience ) practised ‘Social Distancing’ within the supermarkets.
I’m sure other folk can think of yet more changes which happened.
But with so many variables changed there was no comparison between the two times. of Pre Lock down and lock down.
That is what is in place now, when its effectively over
Many of those measures where not in place as the scare was an its height
Supermarket workers work all over the store and are exposed to lots of passing human traffic and touched surfaces.
They and their workplaces are probably the single best guide to the real worst case extent of the virus.
Have a look about, there are no people older that 50 working in the public areas of the supermarkets any longer.
My observations are somewhat different. If I am wrong, then some people have not aged well…..
High risk people didn’t necessarily shop.
Some people, like me, did not visit a store for nearly 2 months (and I’m not high risk). Online deliveries were booked out to the max, even though Coles and Woolies employed many new staff.
We were largely unable to use Coles or Woolies the whole time. Instead I ordered meat, wholesale goods, milk and yogurt and Fruit and Vege from 5 smaller different suppliers and mostly had to wait 1 – 2 weeks for delivery because they were all swamped with requests.
Delivery businesses were booming across Australia.
they didnt necesaarily not shop either, I saw plenty who I thought woud be better off at home. We will never know , part from anectdotes , especially in regard to the age and vulnerability distribution.
Good one.
Agreed Gary. I ask the checkout person every time I go in – “Hey, did anyone get sick here”?
The answer every time: no.
There apparently was ( I havent seen it ) a recent interview with a well known celebrity chef who holds views that may apparently run counter to the Establishment views on some medical practices.
But I think people generally are starting rightly to question everything. This interview in some ways appears to allow an alternative opinion to be put out there but in a clever way. The Establushment are working hard to try and put the genie back in the bottle but I think too late….
I think the globalists are really panicking now…people are questioning openly the official narrative on a lot of stuff, including Trump suppressing the latest illegal leftist insurgency attempt at his overthrow, so I suspect we will see things happen to try and scare the sheep back into compliance with the overlords.
If this is so Gary, that’s good. So, what with that and the fact that all those huge demonstrations were permitted, why are our ‘beloved’ dictators still trying to control our normal activities? It seems to be that some people have an appalling reaction to this blighted virus, some a serious one though not fatal, a lot have milder reactions in varying degrees and some are totally unaware of having had it. I think it was right to be very careful for a while as the wuflu was so unpredictable in its behaviour, but now? I guess we’ll have a better idea in two or three weeks, after all those selfish id1ots demonstrated all over the world.
Modded again 🙂
During almost all of April I noticed that all of the items I bought had been sprayed with something. I presumed they used a fogger to achieve such a level of coverage once the shelves had been re-stocked prior to midnight. Plus a lot of it wasn’t being restocked and there were many fewer staff on roster than normal. After the restock, presumably an anti-viral fog was applied in the early hours and the place ventilated. This spray coating was on on everything, including apples and oranges. The coating disappeared before the end of April, so the supermarkets were taking active antiviral measures all thorough April. The result of this was that the act of picking up a carton of milk, or a bag of pasta, meant you transferred that antiviral coating onto your hands — we were being disinfected as we shopped.
Fat thumb. See green.
What’s your source?
ianl at #19.
Sophocles, I can see the cartoon character already:
‘Quick Draw Ardern – fast and hard!’ No wait, slow and sloppy… A certain online encyclopedia translates ‘Quick Draw’ into the Spanish ‘Tiro Loco’, more fitting for a ‘lanky dimwitted horse’ (ouch!).
Today is the day we find out if Sheriff Cinders releases us from our bondage/chains/prison – hoowee! – only one more ‘level’ to go… maybe.
Free free, set them free…
Herr Jacindarella has dropped us to Crockovirus Level 1 (as of midnight tonight). Celebratory drinks have been opened with a soak in the hot pools to follow.
Sorry Aussies, our airports are still closed to farangi so you’ll have to wait a little longer – unless you have connections in the government or Hollywood film studios, or both. ‘Second wave’? What’s that!
If ANYTHING else worked as badly as this, people would be asking some pretty stern questions. Where’s the ‘Choice’ ratings people on this?
How many Billions of dollars have been thrown at wind power?
As long as I have been looking and now with three years of detailed daily totals, I have NEVER seen wind generation as low as it was yesterday, Saturday 6th June 2020, and it now has the highest Nameplate it has ever been.
We have a total Nameplate of 7728MW and all it delivered across the whole day was an average of 469MW. That’s at a Capacity Factor of 6%, so, on average of the (around) 4200 individual towers across Australia, only 250 of them actually had their blades turning over. The wind picked up (a tiny bit) after 6PM, but up until then it was only averaging 325MW for those 18 hours from Midnight to 6PM.
For heaven’s sake, that daily average of 469MW is only a little better than ONE Unit at the ancient old Liddell plant on life support. The Nameplate for wind is FIVE times higher than Liddell can currently manage with its four Units, if and when they are ever all running together, and all wind can manage is only a little better than what ONE Unit is delivering.
You can bet that the Australian public isn’t aware of this. (or, more seriously, if they even care that is)
Their money, just flushed down the gurgler.
You are correct Tony,…most do not care and are not even aware.
..but nor should they need to be !.. power is a Utility service which we pay for, .
It is managed by “professiionals” ..which we pay for…and overseen by government officials, ..which we pay for,..and ultimately is elected government ministers.
The “Average Joe”. Should not have to concern himself with the technical/economic options, ..he has paidfor someone else to do that and “Elected” his choice of government to make the crucial decisions……
We just have very poor options when it comes to electing officials to make those crucial decisions.
Trust has become a human frailty and scepticism an absolute necessity.
It’s the Limbo Rock innit? How low can you go? Increase that nameplate and still get under the bar; let’s add some more nameplate and do it all over again. Ain’t RET wonderful!
But it’s getting cheaper.
According to blog renewables fans and their favourite information sources such as RenewEconomy.
They cannot explain why electricity pricing is becoming more expensive at the same time.
Then we see the headline from Euronews, that double sided solar panels have arrived and they are 35% more effective that conventional panels. But they don’t say that they still only work when the sun shines.
It’s a miracle !
The sunlight shines though to both sides !
And generates power on both sides ?
its all done with mirrors….sorry, I’ll get my coat and be off
And the smoke still comes from the solar panels?
I need to reflect on that comment !
Is that so you can turn them around when the other side quits?
Wow, a panel that picks up energy with it back side.
How “Greens” of it. !!
With two working faces, probably costs twice as much. 😉
What they are really saying is that the output from the back side is 65% LESS than from the front side..
Which, seeing as its facing the ground, makes total sense.
When you were weird, which was when–a Sunday
India 116302–9471= 125773. 9471/125773= 7.5% increase/day (new cases/active cases)
Brazil 322307-30136= 292171. 30136/292171=
10% increase/day
6-5-20 New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees directly responded to President Donald Trump on Instagram Friday night, calling out “systematic racial injustice” and waving off the distraction of kneeling protests during the national anthem at NFL games….“We can no longer use the flag to turn people away or distract them from the real issues that face our black communities,” Brees added. “We must stop talking about the flag and shift our attention to the real issues of systemic racial injustice, economic oppression, police brutality and judicial & prison reform. We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history! If not now, then when?”
‘THOUGH logic choppers rule the town,
And every man and maid and boy
Has marked a distant object down,
An aimless joy is a pure joy,’
Or so did Tom O’Roughley say
That saw the surges running by,
‘And wisdom is a butterfly
And not a gloomy bird of prey.’
-Yeats, 1919
I don’t get it; okay, let’s try again, boys and girls and the others–
Brees’ comments were echoed by his wife, Brittany Brees, who posted on the couple’s Brees Dream Foundation Instagram page, where she apologized.
“To say, ‘I don’t agree with disrespecting the flag’ … I now understand was also saying I don’t understand what the problem really is, I don’t understand what you’re righting for, and I’m not willing to hear you because of our preconceived (notions) of what that flag means to us,” she wrote.
“That’s the problem,” she added, “we are not listening, white
America is not hearing.”
“It’s our job to educate ourselves,” Brittany Brees wrote. “We are sorry.”
More unbiased opinion from the ABC on their friends ANTIFA !
Also noted is the story on ABC about Trump saying George Floyd would be proud of the employment figures , anyone who listened to what he actually said would know how dishonest this really was .
Time to defund our terrorist loving taxpayer funded communist apologists.
Anti First Amendment more like, totalitarian mobsters; it’s a pity Trump’s instinct to proscribe the group is unrealisable.
Since this is the Australian broadcaster not many might know about the first amendment
The ABC is a real set on its views about parliamentary terms
Tony, it’s all the fault of Gore Bull Warming.
It’s killing the winds !
I have been gradually formulating a personal policy for Green & Red ‘Thumbing’.
Originally I only considered whether a person’s comment was factually correct, made sense and was on topic.
But the debate about Covid 19 in recent months has made me realise that the “CHARACTER’ of the person making the comment is also important.
So now I award red or green thumbs taking that into account.
Person who have proven themselves callous and uncaring by previous comments get an automatic RED THUMB.
And only a comment of exceptional fact based clarity and logic will be able to over rule that automatic red thumb.
So its not really about the science then?
This blog is About the science.
But the comments come from person ( we hope )
And the character of those persons is necessarily often a factor.
Not only science…”A perfectly good civilsation going to waste…” is Jo’s heading in her banner. Her blog, her decision on what to include in it.
OK True.
But Science ( and ‘non-science’ ) & how it impacts our world, is the focus
‘But Science ( and ‘non-science’ ) & how it impacts our world, is the focus’
Think of yourself in a science tutorial, people go off track with personal stuff, a bit of banter and the occasional derogatory comment, but ultimately we are here to discover the science behind climate change and associated matters like politics and energy.
Its not a popularity contest, if you want to graduate with a high distinction then a strong knowledge of atmospheric science is essential.
EG, Some years ago I studied atmospheric science
Helped by a PhD from Adelaide Uni. who has his own website.
The nuttiness of the whole global warming scare was/is pretty obvious.
And Tony from Oz’s excellent posts about energy revealed the utter folly of solar & wind
As sources of electrical energy for any modern civilisations.
23 *
has a live update on their homepage announcing where & when ski areas around the planet are opening (it’s atmospheric science innit?).
Apart from numerous resorts (re)opening in the USA, Canada, Europe, Scandinavia (skiing under the midnight sun anyone?) due to the abundance of snow – in June! – the southern hemisphere’s first ski slope to open, yesterday Sunday, was Afriski in Lesotho. I know, climate weirding eh?
* Click on the 1st article: Snow-Forecast’s Rolling News on Ski Resorts Re-Opening (2020).
Indications that Europe is about to experience a cool wet summer.
Below the line its cool and wet, above the line its warm and dry.
We still have debate over the influence of the sun on the NAO.
While I’ve got the floor, David Whitehouse, a nicely measured post on how science is changing because of the Hiatus.
Oscar Wilde said; “The only thing worse that being talked about all the time, is not being talked about all the time”, or something like that.
So a red thumb is at least a recognition of your comment.
Personally I do not give red thumbs. If I don’t like the comment or I think it is nonsense I may make a reply but it is often better not to make any response.
Red thumbs make me laugh. Then you get people complaining about red thumbs. Those same people then apologise for accidentally giving people a red thumb when they meant to give a green.
Then they talk about the “character” of a poster here, when what they mean is, “I don’t like you so RED THUMB”.
Self awareness would be a gift.
You’ll have to recalibrate your red thumb multiplier!
I’d suggest 20X for one of Bill’s as an opening rating?
But then it would have to be identifiable as a “Genuine Bill” – we wouldn’t want to reward a “Bill-bot”
IanL – Person not real.
Does it happen that you are thinking I also post as “IanL”
If so then you’ve had your first disappointment for the day.
I do have an “l” in my name string but NOT in a position to get “IanL”
If you need to insult me by calling me a BillBot,
Then of course I will disapprove.
But of course you are the well known ‘Another Ian’
So no need to get your nickers in a twist.
In the national sport of “Taking the Mickey” I’ve been rubbished by experts
Bill, you sometimes get a red from me when you appear to be judgemental of others or I find it too unclear and unreadable; sometimes a green when you write something that makes sense in clear prose! Mostly I don’t bother!
Ho di ho, Moderation time for me…
Annie I appreciate your honesty.
Bill, now that you have figured out your “personal policy” for red thumbing,….maybe you can begin to understand a possible reason for you becoming such a magnet for Red thumbs yourself ?
Personally, i do not believe in the anonamous thumb system, ..if there is something worthy of response , i prefer to make a open comment.
Problem with trying to define people as “callous and uncaring” is that you are assuming that everyone shares your view of both real and perceived risk….. and shares your view of the world.
There is no such thing as a zero-suffering world. There is not even a commonly accepted measure and standard for “suffering”, so how the hell can we do the maths?
How do we arbitrate between authoritarians who argue that they know what is good for us, and that the “compassionate” thing to do is to force compliance, even if they do so by threat of suffering…. and those who argue that authoritarians cannot know what is good for the individual as well as that individual does for themselves, while also pointing out that the inability to make choices is also a form of suffering.
Each is a compromise… and I fall on the side of those who point out that authoritarians have been behind some of the greatest evils in history. Does that make me a bad character, or merely a better observer of history.?
Hi Peter. Thanks for this comment. You have put some thought into the issues I raised.
I’m still pondering about what you wrote.
When my brain has thought it through I’ll write a more detailed reply.
Following up on my previous comment.
Does the Earth actually transfer ~235 W/m^2 to space, or only to a monitoring satellite?
Does the Earth actually transfer ~235 W/m^2 to space, or does it transfer less than 0.3 W/m^2 (global averaged) to ALL the matter in space?
Drum roll please ….. and the answer is?
Still waiting for the answer.
The answer is the latter.
Why? Because if you look at a heat transfer textbook, assuming radiation doesn’t only go from matter to matter will result in you getting many questions wrong.
If you need a peer-reviewed paper:
“Thus, the amount of thermal radiation exchanged with the surroundings is highly dependent upon the fractal iteration. It is important to develop a correlation for the average view factor for perforated fins because this information is necessary to quantify the amount of thermal radiation exchanged with the surroundings. Neglecting the percentage of radiative heat transfer emitted from a surface that is actually exchanged with the surroundings would result in an overestimation of the amount of radiative heat transfer.”
Indeed. If the source is mostly surrounded by space with only a tiny view factor onto another object, the idea that radiation must go to space would drain EXCESS energy from the source, that is NOT observed. This paper tries to mathematically model the results.
“As previously mentioned, Dannelley and Baker [21] computationally examined, via the ray tracing method, the performance of Sierpinski carpet fractal fins dissipating heat via thermal radiation to free space. The term “free space” is commonly used to denote a non-participating medium (i.e., transparent to thermal radiation) at a temperature of 0 K.”
Why don’t you take a three year course in Thermodynamics and stop embarrassing yourself.
“The term “free space” is commonly used to denote a non-participating medium (i.e., transparent to thermal radiation) at a temperature of 0 K.”
Absolute zero is a theoretical concept.
Where exactly is this zero degree K cold spot?
What’s the problem?
You don’t think space is a non-participating medium? You think space is opaque to radiation?
You don’t think space is 0K? Pure space had no molecules. No molecules = no translational motion of anything = 0K.
I asked you:
“Where exactly is this zero degree K cold spot?”
Not OK, we need you to tell where the 0° K zone is.
That’s about minus 273.16 °C.
Where Zoe?
Space is 0K
No, space doesn’t have an energy level equivalent to absolute zero.
It’s UNDEFINED or ZERO. Either philosophic choice is irrelavant.
Within the galaxy, the energy level of space is approximately 2.7 °C above absolute.
In deeper space between galaxies Zero Absolute is more closely approximated.
Thanks to Sophocles for the actual correct temperature.
It’s been many decades since I wondered about Absolute Zero but I suspect that in reality it is never actually reached.
No, Keith.
2.7K is a minimum temperature that MATTER can obtain in space.
The temperature of space is undefined or zero.
Zoe, you did not read what I said: I didn’t mention a temperature.
“Within the galaxy, the energy level of space is approximately 2.7 °C above absolute”
I spoke of “energy level” or to rephrase that, an energy level equivalent to a temperature of …..
I understand that there’s no temperature in space but if you put a spanner in it you will measure the temperature of that spanner, at 2.7K
There’s one good thing to come out of all the protest marches across the whole of Australia.
Because of them, every single restriction will be rolled back on Monday morning. We’ll all be back at the footy next weekend.
The borders will be thrown open. Every workplace will have their full complement of workers back at work and every restaurant with a full house again.
In Queensland, I want the Premier asked what she will be doing with the money raised from the social distancing fines just for the Brisbane march alone, 15,000 people X $1666 came in at $25 Million. So we’ll be wanting to know where that will be spent.
Also in Queensland, we’ll be wanting the resignation of the Senior Medial Office, Dr. Jeannette Young, and that Health Minister, the smarmy Steven Miles whose only claim to fame is rigging online polls, who both made excuses for the marches.
Of course, NONE of the above will be happening anywhere.
The police, under instructions from that Miles bloke will be back on the beat tomorrow imposing those fines, and there had better not be another single dollar fine in any State. Huh, that won’t happen either.
I agree with the intent of those protest marches, but it seems no one has the nerve to apply the same rules to it as for everything else.
I better not see another Politician at an ANZAC DAY ceremony. Huh. Another futile wish.
The hypocrisy, how it burns.
Dr. Young who admitted that schools being closed contrary to Federal Chief Medical Officer’s and the Prime Minister from the National Leaders Cabinet was a scare tactic to frighten people into accepting restrictions generally.
Interesting. But before I decide if it is true or false
Perhaps you could give us a link to the evidence about Dr Young ?
or perhaps you could search it yourself, the truth is the truth and doesnt care about your assessment
In Victoria last Friday there was a protest outside the Premier’s electoral office. About 10 people were protesting about China’s treatment of Hong Kong and telling Mr Andrews to raise the matter with his friends the CCP. All Mr Andrews wanted to talk about was the Saturday protest and how the protesters would not be fined but the organisers would. Of course the press didn’t ask.
Something like: “If it weren’t for double standards, they’d ave no standards at all!”
all companies from abroad doing business in China: STAND UP TO CHINA, WORK TO free China, Tibet, Uighurs, HK and Inner Mongolia! Find your purpose in life!
Too late for the Ulghurs but we can evacuate the people of HK with cruise ships and fly ins, Australia will be happy to take these refugees. Hopefully the fascists will let them take out their money.
EG It is important to weed out the CCP stooges from among the genuine Hong Kong refugees.Not doing do would lead to future problems for Australia.
As for the Uighurs, Beijing is happy to allow them leave their homeland via the far western borders with Khazakstan, Russia etc.
Thus it will achieve it’s aim of sinicising the region
And many Uighurs have already left.
They will dilute the area of believers, send the young men off to become factory fodder in some far flung province. Plenty of time to consider their future.
not too late for HK, but compromise/rationalizing, wavering is too late.
ode to knee in neck:
Its standard procedure, but what do you think of my HK evacuation strategy?
Regardless of political manoeuvring and manipulation let’s return to normal democracy life, wear a shirt with “all lives matter including ours” and maybe carry a placard with “politicians no longer matter”?
If asked explain that you are protesting.
Too many not bad words?
My nomination for the theme song of the 21st century, particularly the refrain
You are NOT a real person.
Amazing new plant at the UAE
Clean, Green & BIG!
We should put in a couple of new HELE plants and ramp up a NUCLEAR future!
They are probably too expensive. 25 billion US$, and they would have had cheap labour.
Serp, I did not know that the USA First Amendment
Has also been added to the natural laws of Science.
How curious.
Doctor appears to question the lockdown
“Published on 7 Jun 2020
“Former chairman of The Department of Anaesthetics Dr Michael Levitt says Australia did not need to implement stringent lockdown measures to combat COVID-19, however they are unlikely to acknowledge this since “governments hate admitting mistakes”.
It appears he’s actually questioning why we need a phased reopening of everything…
That did not work very well;
Should read; Thanks Bill. Did you Red thumb me because you disagreed with my comment, or for some other reason?
Now I am puzzled Peter.
I don’t remember red thumbing you.
And your last comment shows no red thumbs.
But rest assured when I do I will tell you why.
OK ?
Four new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Victoria!
“One of the cases is linked to a cluster at a McDonald’s franchise in Melbourne’s north. The remaining three are overseas travellers currently in hotel quarantine.”
So all the cases are accounted for. They have been traced and quarantined. Almost cases are coming from overseas as our citizens return, mostly from China.
So far NO SECOND WAVE, which is very encouraging. I think our Health Authorities have done a reasonable job, despite some political bias.
Please note the Green Thumb !
For Victoria’s sake I sure hope there is less community spread, especially given the reckless weekend behaviour of those “above the law”.
There have been 177 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Victoria that have been acquired through unknown transmission, which is unchanged from yesterday.
There is a regular unknown sourced community spread in Victoria. Between 1 – 5 new cases nearly every day.
NSW is in a much better position with last unknown case on 27 May. Fingers Crossed.
QLD has only had one unknown local case since May 5th. Hopefully they will trace the source of the unknown case on the 04/06.
A new infection announced today in an aged care center Bright
Bright is a lovely small 2000 people holiday destination town in the Ovens Valley about 300 Ks North East of Melbourne.
And there is again no known source of the infection.
There is something quite odd going on in Victoria in the fight against this virus.
Bright is about 70ks from me and yes lovely town especially in autumn, last two weeks has seen an influx of 4wd’s from Melbourne to the area .
I wonder if one of the nurses in the local district nursing center
Treated one of these 4WD visitors
And proceeded to also treat folks in the aged care home.
Small town only one servo from memory with a Safeway across the road which is what most travellers to the area use to stock up .
Fuel there is Alpine mix for diesel so the servo does a roaring trade because Alpine fuel isn’t readily available in Melbourne, but this is just a guess at a possible point of transmission.
I will check the local news and see what i find but no mention on local faceache pages .
Did find this from the local newspaper.
From that article…
…so, is this a “Bright” case , or a “Melbourne” case ?
Jo: There have been 177 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Victoria that have been acquired through unknown transmission, which is unchanged from yesterday.
Public holiday today, infection numbers probably not updated yet?
Meanwhile in Brazil, Bolsanaro having decided that Covid 19 is not important.
But confronted by the fact of 640,000 confirmed infections,
And More than 35,000 deaths,( the third-highest toll in the world.)
Has decided to not allow his own citizens or the rest of the world know
Just how bad things are.
His regime has removed months of data on Covid-19
From a government website
And from now on will only provide Daily figures on infections & deaths.
It’s just as well that World of Meters is on the job
So we can all stay well informed despite this petty stupidity.
Bolsonaro has obviously failed the people of Brazil, which now needs a strong guiding hand.
Bill, perhaps this is your mission, to go over there and take over; they need you.
Well something ‘working’
Two of Craker’s comments and one of mine, have now been removed completely.
Ummmm ?Can comments be moved ?
Crakar’s two missing comments have reappeared back up the blog
While my own comment supporting him has also been moved but is in moderation.
Curiouser & curiouser !
Attention Joanne Nova Re-assessing the virus potency?
This news story repeats at least three claims that Covid19 virus is changing and may be weaker. Then it adds a few more, the most interesting fact mentioned to add support is th
Attention Joanne Nova Re-assessing the virus potency?
This news story repeats at least three earlier claims that Covid19 virus is changing and may be weaker today than it was two months ago, Then it adds a few more. The most potentially interesting fact mentioned to add support is that reported cases are climbing while death rates fall. Or, is this an artefact of the poorer populations newly affected?
How does one parse this thesis? What indicators, positive or negative, will help us form an intelligent opinion?
At any rate, I believe it is something worth re-evaluating somewhere in the future.
The Italians docs comments are interesting. Hard to know without numbers what it means. We’ve seen death rates falling in quite few countries, but there are so many reasons why that would happen. Mutations. Better medical treatments and methods. Younger or healthier patients.
The Ben Israel comments never had any insight into virology, and still don’t. I explained why in April.
It is possible with closed border that the virus is both nicer in some regions and nastier in others.
There are many conflicting reports on mutations.
Sweden’s death rate continues to decline whilst their infection count rises.
Here is the paper, accepted for Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery following peer review, which caused Richard Dearlove, a former head of MI6 in the UK, to declare SARS-CoV-2 a manmade product:
To gain publication,
the paper was watered down to remove explicit accusations against China… A further analysis produced by Prof Dalgleish and his colleagues, due for release in the coming days, claims the Covid-19 virus has “unique fingerprints” that cannot have evolved naturally and are instead “indicative of purposive manipulation”. Entitled “A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike”, the new study… suggests the virus is “remarkably well-adapted virus for human co-existence” and is likely to be the result of a Wuhan lab experiment to produce “chimeric viruses of high potency”. Th[is] paper concludes: “Henceforth, those who would maintain that the Covid-19 pandemic arose from zoonotic transfer need to explain precisely why this more parsimonious account is wrong before asserting that their evidence is persuasive, most especially when, as we also show, there are puzzling errors in their use of evidence.”
The words in italics, and Dearlove’s accusations (and words about reparation), are from this article in the UK Daily Telegraph:
The accepted paper (in the first link above) already explains much about SARS-CoV-2. It binds not only to the ACE2 receptor of certain human cells but also directly to their cell walls, an extraordinary (and suspicious) dual mode of infection which explains its great contagion. It destroys red blood cells (also known as erythrocytes – search the paper for the word). This explains the clogging of capillaries that has been observed and which leads to an extraordinarily wide range of symptoms. As red blood cells carry oxygen round the body, it also explains why ventilators are needed in acute cases, explains why low oxygen levels are an early sign of infection, and explains breathlessness during convalescence.
New Study: Climate Impact Of Grazing Cattle Overestimated
China Investigates and Clears Self over Coronavirus Response
bit like the ABC journalistic review process
And the backlash is going to be bigger than the virus? This shows what happens when one mixes riots with pseudo science of CDC virology (language caution at the end).
“Delingpole: Lancetgate Is a Humiliation for Trump’s Medical Critics”
“New Study: Climate Impact Of Grazing Cattle Overestimated”
“Indicia Of Incitement”
et seq
“UCLA Professor Canceled”
CORRECTION ON ORIGIN OF SARS-COV-2 No scientists studying Covid-19’s genetic makeup have reported signs it was manipulated, except reportedly those he cites — Professor Angus Dalgleish, of St George’s at the University of London, and Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen. —this was reated at
Let’s correct the above statement. No scientists studying Sars-Cov-2’s genetic makeup have reported signs it was manipulated, except, say, P. Chumakov, L. Montagnier, N. Petrovsky, Fang Chi-tai (, P. Pradhan, the guy at, F. Boyle.
So that is at least 9 scientists, not 2, but one should probably include Y. Deigin, making 10.
-R, Mt. Shasta
“Why don’t you take a three year course in Thermodynamics and stop embarrassing yourself.”
Why don’t you look at a free textbook:
Look at Figure 10.1 and Equ 10.1
Read page 550 “facing plates”
Look at Figure 10.8
Read pages 31 and 32
Search textbook for “space ” and “vacuum ” — there is nothing about heat transfer to space.
Look into view factor!
If view factor between objects was not important, and radiation “must” go to space then there would be a drainage of energy from object NOT in the direction of another object.
The cooling rate “would” increase due to space, regardless of another object, and some problems in the textbook would have the wrong answer.
I assume the textbook is correct and there is no consideration of cooling to space, because … it DOESN’T exist.
I guess that’s why thermos flasks work. Surround one container with a vacuum and the heat cannot radiate to the external container.
Heat cannot CONDUCT through a vacuum
EM waves CAN propagate through a vacuum.
Ah So!
Is that why the space station is able to take a photograph of earth?
Surely not.
Please. Not the space station photos of Earth.
Not fakes! Please no.
🙂 🙂 especially when the surfaces of the thermos are accidentally perfectly smooth and coated with highly reflective silver coating.
The vacuum-based thermos is my best piece of common sense evidence.
Think of two concentric cylinders.
If the radius of the external one is 10% greater than the internal, then by inverse square law, the radiative heat transfer is diluted by 21%.
That’s a good thermos.
But if you believe in heating-space theory then this makes no difference. The inner cylinder “must” cool to the gap.
lol. Thermos is no good.
As I said.
You know nothing about thermodynamics.
Be careful what you find in books: there’s that unfortunate story of the troubled bloke who sought guidance from the Bible.
You just cannot believe how eagerly I await Joanne’s next Thread.
Just wait till you see what people really think!
Now I’m hooked. ?
Me too!
Sorry Joanne,
this is just my being a little mischievous and hazarding a guess.
I apologise.
‘Now I’m hooked?’
It’ll be on the grand experiment, all those naughty people who rallied for no particular reason have to be tested.
No presser today from the Queensland Premier, her Health Minister, her Police Minister, and her Senior Medical officer.
They’re all too busy figuring out what to do with the $44 Million raised from the social distancing fines from the Brisbane gathering of those 30,000 people at $1666 each.
Oh! Wait a minute!
And just imagine, just imagine, what happens in a fortnight when the Wuhan Virus testing shows zero new cases?
No more excuses, eh! Not one!
Also, see her popularity in the latest ratings with only one in three voters approving of the job she’s doing.
With elections coming up in October its fair to say she has already lost.
Bother: no spoiler alerts!
No spoilers at all!
Unfair to small undead animals!
Nolte needs some help! He was a big fan of Fauci’s expert advice.
Nolte seeks an answer and apologises to his audience. Was Fauci a liar or a fraud?
Looking at the synoptic chart on the BOM website, it looks like a big high will be entered over the SE corner of Australia where most of the windmills are located.
I expect to see very little power coming out of wind mills on Wednesday
Possibly even zero at some point in next 48 hours
‘The CDC’s New ‘Best Estimate’ Implies a COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate Below 0.3%’
Ritchie From Boston.
Finally, nations starting to treat human international travelers the same as pets and other animals, viz, quarantines.
However, with respiratory, airborne viruses, it’s unlikely that 100% of viruses will be stopped at the borders in that some will slip through or, as some have conjectured, simple float in from world air circulation.
Anyone promoting the “lockdowns” should stand up and cheer the international traveler quarantine of the UK. May it spread to all nations if the alternative is the ineffective, horrific hysteria we’ve just (nearly) been through.
cedarhill, if the virus doesn’t spread fast outdoors in sunlight, it’s unlikely to get across the Channel without a plane or a train.
But yes — the UK quarantine is 3 months too late and weak, weak, weak…
Pets also have quite good documentation in regard to helath and vaccination in their pet passports. When out cat went to Europe with us I was quite impressed with its documentation compared to mine.