A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Climate Champion Queensland State Government Bidding to Save Virgin Australia
It isn’t Virgin they want to save, it is the marginal Labor seats in the country.
Leftist Clickbait Site BuzzFeed Shutters British and Australian Operations
Australian Union Wants Global Push Back Against Chinese Communist Party
‘Clean energy’ job losses in the US continue to climb as the coronavirus hits the sector hard
Climate Change Experts Explain to Insurers They Don’t Understand Risk
The actuarial method of risk assessment has worked so well that it has enabled risk to be priced and traded away for hundreds of years. Scientifically derived, and successfully implemented. Dispersion of risk through a means of fair trade has removed the devastating consequences of a single unlikely event on any individual or family. Contrast and compare to a) climate change hysteria and b) pandemic hysteria. The loudest voices in those spheres ignore the experience and imagine the worst for the future. It is a clear and obvious reminder, even to academics, that the best way of modelling natural phenomena is to look at what happened in the past and use that as the starting point.
Early humans in China innovated technology to adapt to climate change 1-million years ago
Hi Keith, here’s a run down on Gates, may have to copy and paste into the bar.
Lots of links to follow up.
I have up until now, had little interest in Bill Gates but on looking at half of that can see he’s a very interesting guy.
Watched the “episode 9” attachment and if real, is disturbing.
Have to qualify that because what little I’ve seen of TV over the last few years has been opinion shaping rants from protagonists from each side. It’s disillusioning.
It’s hard to know what’s real and what’s fabricated.
In principle I like vaccines but am not convinced that the current annual Flu Vax is being done properly.
Is Bobby Kennedy Jr. a global warming agitator?
Yeah the more you know. I think Vaccines used to be good or at least the original idea was, but this is now a Trillion dollar industry and it is absolutely corrupt, Evil is a more appropriate word and you will never have good coming from evil.
Everything is part of the disinformation campaign, Confusion, disinformation and Fear. Push the fear and flood information/disinformation. I think its about overloading the head to the point you don’t know which way is up.
Bobby is anti globalist as were all the Kennedy’s. JFK’s last speech 3 weeks before his assassination was about the globalists take over. You can view that on their tube.
I am not to sure of Bobbies overall view, but he is about removing subsidies from Fossil fuels. Though I have no idea what subsidies they get other than the normal tax subsidies available to all business’s.
stuff was always better in your day aye? agent provocateur
Everyday is my day
Just looked up his views, full AGW supporter and HRC.
The more you know!
OHHH God not Chemtrails!
People please! Get a grip and wonder why the concept and title of “conspiracy theorist” is so not helpful? Follow the damn chemtrail off the engines that crashed into WTC. That “Chem” is why the buildings fell fourteen times faster than the speed of gravity.
Please…..Bill Gates was flying the plane too but jumped out at just the right moment.
Actually its Atmospheric Aerosol Injection, going by the Government name for it, but you may call it whatever you like.
Check the dictionary for what the actual definition of Conspiracy is! Then what the definition of Theory is! Semantics do not work with me.
I never looked at that part only Gates, of course Bill only has your health as his objective. Gates wasn’t flying the plane, his to limp wrist-ed to steer one of those.
You do realise (I doubt it) that you are on what you call a “conspiracy theorist” web site?
You got anything, you have not imagined.
I’m with you mate.
Did you know that when you analyse the audio of the second WTC tower that crashed down, especially the crashing of the floors as they concertina’d into each other, there’s 1.35 micro seconds difference between each crash, gradually increasing. If you record the collapse, play it backwards, convert it to French, and speed it up by 0.75 times, it distinctly says ….. “Paul is dead!”
Get a grip mate. Only conspir@cy the0rists (CT) like you think this is a CT site.
Atmospheric Aerosol Injection. Seriously?????
Yeah seriously, I don’t believe it, but I looked into it and it is actually called that or Stratospheric Aerosol injection. Bill Gates funded the trials, that’s why I looked it up. They sprayed sulphates from aircraft to reflect the sun light to reduce the effects of climate change.
I fly in the things all the time, I know vapour trails.
Who’s Paul?
Most people who believe in AGW would refer to it as and conspiracy web site, I do not, I regard it as a well presented Blog.
Lighten up Tony, there is more going on then meets the eye.
Yes Tony the conspiracy theorists are making a determined attempt to trash Jo’s blog
And make it Australia’s “Plandemic Central”.
MP – Paul McCartney.
In 1968 I listened to an hour-long documentary “Is Paul McCartney Dead of Alive?” in which DJ/researcher Martin Smith presented a lot of “evidence” allegedly making it worthwhile to at least ponder the question in the name of entertainment. For example, the Abbey Road cover – McCartney is out of step with the others and barefoot. At the end of Strawberry Fields Forever John allegedly says “I bury Paul” although I prefer “I’m very poor”!
As Gordon would say to Thomas the Tank Engine “stuff and nonsense”!
🙂 🙂
No Words big enough.
Cloud seeding for rain.
99% of Barclay’s Shareholders Vote for Permanent COVID-19 Economy
There is further evidence that Cov-2 inactivates the ACE 2 enzyme, whose role is to prevent the narrowing of blood vessels. It turns out that the role of ACE 2 in the body is much more important than we think.
The Covid-19 pandemic revealed that there is a loss of smell in many patients, including in infected, but otherwise asymptomatic individuals. The underlying mechanisms for the olfactory symptoms are unclear. Using a mouse model, we determined whether cells in the olfactory epithelium express the obligatory receptors for entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by using RNAseq, RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, Western blot, and immunocytochemistry. We show that the cell surface protein ACE2 and the protease TMPRSS2 are expressed in sustentacular cells of the olfactory epithelium, but not, or much less, in most olfactory receptor neurons. These data suggest that sustentacular cells are involved in SARS-CoV-2 virus entry and impairment of the sense of smell in COVID-19 patients. We also show that expression of the entry proteins increases in animals of old age. This may explain – if true also in humans – why individuals of older age are more susceptible to the SARS-CoV-2 infection.
A third of Brits might already have had the cv virus
In a separate report it is said the around a quarter of people who died of cv in hospital had diabetes
Here is the report stating that a quarter of people dying of cv in hospital in England had diabetes
This condition tends to be associated with obesity. Which in turn often leads to high blood pressure
They were asked to carry out swab tests over the two weeks up to 10 May.
One in 400 people in England has coronavirus, tests suggest.
This indicates about 148,000 people in England could be currently infected – 0.27% of the population.
Greening the planet and slouching towards Paris?
Probably in August (after an increase in solar activity) will have La Niña conditions.
UN vs UN: “COVID-19 is disrupting a food industry already thrown into turmoil by climate change”
On May 10, the temperature at Concordia Station dropped to -72 C.
Yet another reason to NOT flock south to the great southern continent/frozen planet of the penguins. Maybe I’ll give it a year or two (to get its warming act together) before it’s the only habitable spot on Earth to live. Brrr…
Climate Scientists Try to Rescue Renewable Energies from ‘Planet of the Humans’
Novel #Coronavirus and Climate Change: A Tale of Two Hysterias
I wonder why this from an address by the UK Chief Medical Officer is not getting wider coverage
If you scroll further down, there is a shocking example of what is being taught in ‘geography’ lessons.
I was reading an article about overcrowding complaints on the SA Metro trains as restrictions ease. Apparently there is a fault on the trains that serve to bulk of the lines in the Adeliade train system so many carriages are out of service with resulting problems in distancing.
The punch line was that the much vaunted green icon State’s Metro in 2020 is diesel powered, with only two lines electrified. You think Weatherdill would have dynamited the diesel locos when he did the power station.
Perhaps if they electrified they could use some more of their own power, instead of dumping it over the border when its not needed.
The costs in dealing with the Wuhan Bat Flu has racked up national debts massively. This means that governments will have to massively reduce expenditure across the board :-
1) not spend unnecessarily – not spend on vanity projects. Not spend on climate nonsense. Nor anything Wokist.
2) greatly reduce government employment. Get government employees (tax consuming) into the private sector (tax producing).
3) greatly increase the efficiency and productivity of the public service. Massively automate.
Kim, I think by ‘will have to’ you mean ‘should’.
But what they will do is-
1. spend money on frivolous prestige projects
2. increase government employment for more supervision of the others
3. impossible without massive cuts.
Thanks to Gates etc all this will be done, not by printing money, but creating it with computer entries.
The Globalist have a different Plan for their world. Short video The PDF from the Rockefeller Foundation
We are at a pivotal moment in history, enjoy the spectacle.
‘The evident divisions and contradictory results published in thousands of new studies in recent weeks (and the conflicting scientific advice provided to governments) is causing growing confusion, anger and disarray both within the scientific community and the general public.
‘Scientific models and predictions based on widely differing assumptions are exposed as fatally flawed as never before. As a result, institutional science is hemorrhaging trust around the world while the way research is conducted and published is facing an existential crisis. In many ways, the coronavirus crisis has triggered the biggest crisis of science in modern history.’
Benny Peiser/GWPF
Not Thurfriday open thread Jo?!
GretaFriggDay (?)
I hear she’s a next-spurt on novel ‘corolla’ viruses now too. “I can see them! They’re everywhere! We must lock-up adults for the sake of the children… and don’t forget to P.A.N.I.C.! Now where’s my cheque?”
via CNN – Corona Nitwits Network.
Health Departments don’t quite get it yet!
Case 1. Qantas reports that a passenger on a flight from Brisbane to Sydney on May 12 has tested positive to Coronavirus. The person had just been released from 14days mandatory quarantine in a hotel. It is therefore likely that the person had returned to Australia from overseas (mercy flight) and likely was infected on the incoming flight.
Case 2. A nurse working for 12 days in a Rockhampton nursing home with mild flu symptoms has tested positive to coronavirus. Rockhampton had previously been disease free. The nurse likely caught the virus in Brisbane before returning to Rockhampton.
Lesson? Employ testing where the likely cases are; ie before releasing people from quarantine and medical staff (particularly in nursing homes).
14 days seems to be not quite enough !
When I heard about the nurse I wondered how she got the virus in Brisbane. Was she caring for infected folk in Brisbane hospitals ?
If so how the hell was she allowed to go back to Rocky and then work in an aged care home ? Surely she should have been in quarantine for a while or at least tested a few times to make sure she was not a carrier.
But it seems that common sense is out the window !
Lesson? Find staff who have already had the virus and recovered? (A non expert student here)
I put this up on a previous thread but may have been overlooked amidst the noise, they found the missing heat in the oceans.
I read it ar your first post, el Gordon. Graphics there are highly recommended! (And research out of Hong Kong, I’ll note, too.)
I’m convinced that the dismissal of seamounts and underwater volcanoes as a factor in climate change for two decades is now at the frontier of serious real research, instead of the CO2 boogie-man. And somehow it will illuminate the key tole of ENSO semi-cycle events in cooling or warming the planet by redistributing pacific heat flux into the atmosphere. Just my conjecture. But I’m sticking to it.
That is my thinking too and the other point worth noting (according to the patter) is that the warm blobs impact jet stream behaviour. Our colleague WX may be able to confirm this.
YES, thanks el gordo.
I just reread it, but only after reading the alarmist “Antarctic Is Melting! WE Did It!” stories (March 31st) at CNN, London Express, and Deutsche Welle. Australian uni researchers are prominent AGW voices of alarm throughout.
By contrast, these two Hong Kong earth scientists note similar other weather disruptive warm ocean blobs in recent years believed to be generated by undersea volcanos. And thus finding tight evidence of natural warming in this, not from the Devil gas CO2, is extremely valuable.
In the weeks and months ahead, I’m sure our friends at blogs like Jo’s here will be revisiting this issue.
We have to also because we know that this graphic “proof” is like Polar Bears dying catnip to AGW alarmists.
About a year ago Judith Curry also took an interest.
This was Wedursday. Fascinated by the 200 km wide barrier to the Northern hemisphere circulation, from below 3000m right up through the troposphere, that stretched straight North from India, across Siberia and over the Arctic Ocean.;44;1&l=wind-600hpa&t=20200514/0300
anyone want to try weather forecasting with the help of a weather map like this?;44;1&l=wind-300hpa&t=20200514/0300
Things have ‘sorta’ quietened down a bit up North today, but isn’t that high altitude Southern hemisphere jet a beauty!;41;1&l=wind-10hpa
This is all a fine example of weather; changing all the time.
This started happening about 10 days ago when the Southern jet at 30000m went from a 3 lane highway, to 10 lanes, and the Northern jet came to a halt, then went into reverse. Within a couple of days the Northern Troposphere jets were affected, and reversing.
It almost looks like the atmosphere might have a bad case of covid! “Gaia’s got covid.” There’s a headline for the Doomsters to jump on..
Having checked back over a couple of previous years, it looks like this is pretty normalish. The North 30000m reverses at this time of year. The South doesnt seem to, it just goes quiet late in the year. Very changeable weather. I dont know if this is all normal, or there is a solar effect. Wikipedia definitely doesnt do the jets justice.
How has Hong Kong fared against the Chinese virus? Quite well, it seems. But how, given the governments arrest to impose its will against the people?
This article in the US based Atlantic magazine gives us an outline of events. But the short answer is this: old fashion local self Organization. And it is an inspiring tale indeed.
This effort built on the spontaneous people power of the pro democracy movement that dominated headlines out of Hong Kong last year.
The government leadership there of Carrie Lam remains highly unpopular there. She has a disapproval level of 80%.
When her government outlawed the wearing of facial masks, the people organised providing them, as well as hand sanitizers.
When the government insisted on importing the virus into Hong Kong by trains, the 7,000 stony health care workers union – itself a creation of last years protests – went on strike. In addition, the fire bombing of incoming trains finished this threat off!
More details at the link. Wow. This is a major unheard story to us. Am I wrong?
Watch Amazing Polly on Global Health Mafia, on U Tube
how about a link?
I have just watched the Weather (recorded) and I am calling B.S.
Mt. Barker (SA version) was said to have an overnight minimum of 6℃. OK, I would believe that Woodside may be 2℃ below Mt. Barker
It was the coldest night this year, the room living temperature dropped 1.4℃ below the previous night.
See how cold it was, I pressed POST not Preview.
My outdoor thermometer read 1.4℃ for some time after sunrise. It felt cold when I went to feed the birds and collect the paper. There was ice on the letterbox, the front garden bed, the roof of the 2 houses across the road and also on the farm paddock behind them. These seem to me to be signs that it was very cold 15 km. from Mt. Barker.
Any comments Bill in Oz?
I agree Graeme. I went to drive the car this morning at 7.50 am.
I had to scrape the frost off the back window of the car.
And all the other car windows had a light covering as well
And right now outside it’s freezing as well.
And yet another interview of a academic double expert (MD as well as PhD) and his takeaways from the medical economics perspecitve:
The article is written in the style of a legal brief. Powerline is a US lawyers blog. The bio of the Stanford Prof:
A bio of the interviewer:
Great Quals indeed. All the more surprising that he was involved in the Santa Clara Study.
…epidemiologists, statisticians, and other many other researchers were quick to express concerns—on Twitter and in lengthy blog posts—about several aspects of the study, from the choice of testing kit to the recruitment of participants to the statistical treatment of the data.
“I did not anticipate the firestorm,” Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and the study’s senior author, tells The Scientist…
Rampant selection bias. Misinterpreted.
This is only the start of a huge debate.
‘After decades of lobbying by farmers, the NSW Government will explore allowing cattle in national parks as part of bushfire mitigation measure. The move has the backing Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall, but not everyone in government is in favour.’ Daily Telegraph