A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Was March the hottest ever anywhere?
Yes, on the Planet Mercury for some reason.
I avoided putting up the first comment because I couldn’t think of anything to say and didn’t want to say anything irrelevant.
I had no such qualms
Yes I can see the evidence.
btw I looked for you at the NFF but not one sighting.
I was there all Sunday
So was I but didn’t find many acts that inspired me.
Good walking around though.
I started with singing shanties and ended with Sufi chants. Had some decent food too.
Haven’t seen you capable of anything else !
Sea surface temperatures are off the charts and El Nino hasn’t even kicked in yet.
By contrast, the Sun kicks in every day.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Who would have thought the sun on a still sea would increase sea surface temperature?
Bring back the cyclones! Make Gore, Flans, Schmidt etc repent on their preachings of extreme weather.
I love the scary colour scheme they chose…
And I wonder when the oceans will come to a rolling boil? It must be any day now…
The Pacific is the largest ocean, what do you make of the marine heatwaves?,-0.14,265
I don’t know about the ocean, but this was the coldest summer in my 32 years on this property, south east Queensland.
Days were average, but there was only one night when I did not have to put on a jacket all summer, then ridiculously 3 more in autumn.
Normally there will be about 6 weeks of the air conditioning still running to about 9.00PM.
I’m on the central tablelands of NSW and can report that we haven’t used our cool air conditioning over summer.
Should we expect a colder winter?
So definitely and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with CO2.
You do know that CO2 cannot heat the oceans, don’t you !
Natural warming cycle and currents from down under.
And yet, when you look at the anomaly values, as shown on OSPO, most of the equatorial waters are only 1 C above normal. So what’s this brouhaha about readings being “off the charts”? Whose chart?
Very odd, wasn’t it.. simply showed a chart with a slightly high temperature reading, and said it was “off the chart”.. but there it was.. on the chart !
Some sort of cognitive malfunction, perhaps? An A-non-I?
Anomaly shows a small but very warm patch just off Chile/Peru/Equador… above the Peru/Chile trench…
… where there is currently quite a bit of volcanic activity.
But of course, you can’t heat water from below, can you! 😉
Only way you can heat oceans is with feeble, weak unmeasurable* CO2 back-radiation. *(ie… without supercooled sensing equipment)
Simon always the climate hyperbole dial on 11
Multiply 1 degree by the ocean surface area and that is a very large source of energy. Higher than normal SST is a far more likely generator of high rainfall activity than volcano eruption.
Oh dear. It’s NOT one degree hotter across the ENTIRE ocean!! It’s only one degree increase in the middle, and less than one degree in the rest. Can’t you read a chart?
Simon was only looking off the chart.
“very large source of energy”
You do know that CO2 can NEVER be a source of energy, don’t you ?
You know the rule for short term fluctuations … if it shows a bit of cooling that’s just weather … but in this case we have a bit of warming therefore this must be climate change.
If you ever get into any doubt, exaggeration helps yooogely.
Clicking on the anomaly button is the most informative
Pity there is no sea surface temperatures before 1981…
… like say for most of the last 10,000 years, when it was undoubtedly warmer.
The fact that 1979 was the coldest period since the 1940’s, just after the AGW crowd were crowing about a “new ice age” coming…
… also make any “anomaly” measurements meaningless.
There is no satellite SST measures before 1981. Time series from temperature gauges exist from about 1880:
So, a piddlingly small length of time, yes , we knew that.
They have no idea what the sea surface temperatures were around the 1940’s
You do know that the LIA wasn’t very long ago, and it was VERY COLD then !.
Late 1970’s was a scare that temperature were dropping back down to that desperate period for humanity.
You do know that current global temperatures are significantly BELOW what they have been for nearly all of the last 10,000 years, Don’t you ?
“Time series from temperature gauges exist from about 1880:”
So, starting basically at the end of the LITTLE ICE AGE.. is that what you are saying 😉
Accompanied by MASSIVE urban and population growth.
Hasn’t that slight warming been so, so beneficial to all of mankind !
Today’s recommended reading is Nature’s Mutiny by Phillipp Blom, which argues that the Little Ice Age, which finished around 1680, was responsive be for the Reformation and the reemergence of democracy.
Industrial revolution started as the world warmed naturally out of the LIA.
always one for a bit of drama, hey 😉
LIA caused massive deforestation as land was sought for crops.
Also wars to obtain that land.
The left would have loved it.
The LIA didn’t finish in the Southern Hemisphere until 1900.
Democratic revival because of the LIA would be hard to prove, Blom is making stuff up.
“Democratic revival”…
LOL, The LIA was actually a time of rich vs poor.
Overlords vs serfs. The serfs had no say and even though they tended the land and actually produced food, that food was often “stolen” by their overlords leaving the serfs to go cold and hungry.
That is what the far-left-woke billionaires/bureaucrats want the world to return to, under their totalitarian control regimes.
They need to destroy the once-prosperous middle class first, though.
Not sure why the “anomaly” button is informative per se. The zero has been set at some arbitrary value, and the colour scheme to shades of red.
The fact that the sea surface temperature varies… this should not be informative to many people at all.
OSPO is just as good GA. Shows a very good picture of what’s really going on in our oceans, and is regularly updated.
I clicked the ‘anomaly button’ and at first a loud GEEEE! was expelled and then there was some relaxation ayeeee! And that is why we study statistics that we may understand an outlyer.
Wow. From your response I suspect you pressed another button.
Sea surface temperature has been rising for the entire satellite era. Most in the northern hemisphere. The southern ocean is cooling.
This is what the end of the present interglacial looks like. Northern oceans warm up in response to increasing solar intensity. That puts more water into the atmosphere in August/September just before the land starts to freeze up and the water comes down as snow.
Maximum snow extent is rising in the NH:
Greenland is gaining elevation:
Greenland will be 100% ice covered by the end of this century:
Earth is still more than 100 years from permafrost moving south but it will come – glaciation is inevitable. It has occurred 4 time in the last 400k years in the similar orbital circumstances as now.
Snowfall records will be a feature of weather reporting for the next 10,000 years. Once the snow covers the land north of 40N and the ice mountains reform, the Earth will enter a long period of cooling due to ice mountains on land gaining elevation over declining sea level. The lapse rate does the rest.
The UN IPCC spin on CO2 to garner an independent income source for this despotic organisation has sucked in idiots who cannot see the obvious as Milankovich postulated decades ago.
Simon’s definition of off the charts, a ~0.1C blip. Be afraid, be very afraid, of climate alarmist tosh.
Yes, I was wondering if the people in Cairns had noticed.. Maybe if the axis was 0deg to 30deg, the normal ocean range, it wouldn’t look so obvious.
A 0.2°C ‘blip’ higher than the previous record. Take a look at the mean and two standard deviation lines. It’s an indicator that 2023 temperatures are extremely improbable, assuming there has been no change to mean or variance.
Do people here suffer from collective cognitive dissonance or is it a lack of basic understanding of probability distributions?
Anyone else see the connection between marine heatwaves and rainfall? (2023 in blue)
No Simon, you have made an alarmist statement without any data references to backup your statement. You STILL haven’t said what “charts” you were referring to as the basis for your statement. All this does is make folks treat your future statements with derision, whether they deserve it or not. No doubt you have a voice and contributions to make to these discussions, but please think twice before making statements that cannot be backed up.
Term = ‘Simon’
see latin = ‘clickus baitus’
That statement is the everything and the data is irrelevant.
Simon may be young and has not read the debate on bucket temperatures versus engine cooling water intakes and does not understand that a small fluctuation may be statistically of little consequence when we are looking at a time series.
“A 0.2°C ‘blip’ higher than the previous record. “
Over a very short period of time.
Still nowhere near as warm as most of the last 10,000 years.
Only warmer than the 1970’s “new Ice Age” scare.
Warmer than the Little Ice Age itself..
Perhaps you should move to Siberia ?
“2023 temperatures are extremely improbable,”
Rubbish !
Certainly, in the middle of the ocean, there can be no human causation.
It is just that you are fixated on that pretence.
You have no way of proving this is anything but a totally natural happening.
Just your superstitions.
“assuming there has been no change to mean or variance.”
The late 1970s was the highest recorded sea ice, the coldest recorded temperatures since the warm period of the 1930,40s.
Also the very bottom of the AMO cycle in the NH.
What stupidity makes you think the mean and deviation should stay the same as time progresses.?
The climate changes.. CONSTANTLY.. get used to it..
…. and stop acting like you are Chicken-Little in a story-tale. !
Worrying about a tiny fraction of a degree blip, then you know alarmists are devoid of logic, or understanding of data and science. Swamped by error margins. In a tiny window of recorded history.
Simon, why repeat yourself, your repost failed to impact the first time. Your alarm over a transient 0.1C peak is still ludicrous.
‘Anyone else see the connection between marine heatwaves and rainfall?’
I’m working on it, the current argument is that marine heatwaves are caused by blocking high pressure. Do you think its caused by CO2?
If it’s “off the charts”, what are we supposed to look at? A blank page?
good enough question, … what about hottest ( coldest, wettest, dryest – even ) particular DATE ie EACH day-date of the month …. Humm, media been kinda quiet about that, have they ?
Beyond The Reset This is a video animation of what daily life could be like after the reset. There may be adds but the animation well worth a look.
Hey while we are here going all green and carbon neutral we better fix our heating like the Germans are, can we borrow there estimators they seem to know what they are doing and it is always good to tell the sheeple how much they will pay!! 🙂
IRA Act-2026 All Vehicles Must have Driving Behavior Monitors
Automakers will be required to install ‘breathalyzer’-style systems in all new cars starting in 2026 as part of the trillion-dollar infrastructure bill.
The Transportation Department will be tasked with developing the new technology automakers will be forced to install on vehicles.
The system must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired,” according to the broadly-written legislation.
It may not entail blowing into a tube, but the system could involve something even more Orwellian: infrared cameras that track and monitor driver behavior.
Big Brother at work. Why not. US intelligence agencies can and have listened in to our cellphone conversations for decades. This is just more step toward government behavior control.
So how much will these gizmos raise the cost of a new vehicle?
Slip this sort of thing into a thousand page unrelated act that congress never reads. Now slip pay cuts, term limits and cancellation of all privileges and legal protection into the next bill.😉
wahhhh…… I want my nanny !!!
Some recent breathalysers don’t require a tube, just a simple analysis of your breath.
The left want us all permanently attached to a tube !
…. so they can force-feed us mulched crickets and cockroaches.
Sounds like a scene out of Idiocracy, tube fed, sitting on a toilet, watching TV
Who does the calibration of the detector and how often?
How do you override it in an emergency, say when your child has allowed the vehicle to trap a toddler or grandpa underneath?
When Queensland introduced breath analysis for wthanol, I was a young chemist and president of our local branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, analytical chemistry group.
I fought quite hard to get public, pollies and police to accept that the conduct of such tests was not easy and required proifessional oversight and operation gy qualified chemists.
It fell on deaf ears.
My secretary in my laboratory business at the time was the official escort of the widowed Minister for Police, so we fairly often has Friday evening type grog sessions in our boardroom.I was not impressed then by the privately admitted high level of tolerated lawlessness. I doubt if matters have improved since then.
One must try for reform and one must keep up the effort (says he in his 80s now).
Geoff S
Many are the stories of high ranking South Australian police officers (in the 90s and early 2000s) being protected from problems they caused, or could have caused while being very, very drunk behind the wheel.
I doubt the situation has changed much, but you never know…
And that is why we had local police officers, banksters and politicians who were part of our community. There is and always was corruption and eccentric behaviour. We celebrate difference and handle this on a local level. I hope we never live in a rmotely controlled perfect monoclonal world.
Bring back the big brave copper who owns a race horse. Rid us of these swamp dwellers who yearn for an Audi and a beach side unit. Corruption is evolutionary, totalitarianism and the righteous are a disease.
Non-Binary Gender
The same crowd that insists that gender is non-binary are the ones who try to enforce the idea that a man identifying as a woman is a woman. In other words, when it suits them they try to enforce the idea that gender is binary.
As soon as you accept that gender is non-binary, it all becomes a lot simpler. A man identifying as a woman is not a woman. Instead, a man identifying as a woman is … a man identifying as a woman. That can be seen as a completely separate category of gender.
Wikipedia get rather tangled up trying to explain non-binary gender, but they do highlight the beginnings of a solution: “In 2017, California passed an act allowing citizens to identify as “non-binary” on official documents. As of 2019, eight states have passed acts that allow “non-binary” or “X” designations on certain identifying documents.“. In other words, we can recognise three categories of gender: female, male and other. That’s the ‘non-binary’ concept in its simplest form.
Wikipedia goes on to say “One of the main arguments against the inclusion of a third gender identifier in the U.S. is that it would make law enforcement and surveillance harder, but countries that have officially recognized a third gender marker have not reported these issues.“. So, let’s all accept that gender is non-binary, ie. that there are genders ‘female’, ‘male’ and ‘other’, and then as required over time we can expand and refine the ‘other’ category. In the meantime, a man identifying as a woman would be in the ‘other’ category and would for example have no automatic right to participate in women’s sporting events. We don’t have to be bone-headed about this, as I’m sure some will choose to be. The rules for women’s sporting events don’t have to be the same as the rules for anything else, and the rules for one type of ‘other’ gender don’t have to be the same as the rules for other types of ‘other’ gender. Everything can be determined on its merits.
“Non-binary” really does mean non-binary.
The quickest way to nullify this is to make the categories as man, woman and politician (as the last cannot make up their mind).
Thankfully, there is only one California.
“California” or “Californio”?
By definition, all citizens of that State are feminine, or “femiten”?
Masculinity is the official state toxin.
The old story about the woman filling out an employment form comes to mind. In the prepared box asking M or F? she wrote “M last month, no F for more than a year.”
Oh for the days we we were enthusiasts for Vivre la Difference!
Geoff S
Big Tech Insider Says Humans Will Be Uploading Consciousness to Computers Within a Year
Artificial Intelligence expert Dr. Pratik Desai, who has founded several Big Tech companies, made waves online after he declared that humanity should be able to “live forever” by the end of this year.
“Start regularly recording your parents, elders and loved ones,” Desai tweeted on Saturday.
“With enough transcript data, new voice synthesis and video models, there is a 100% chance that they will live with you forever after leaving physical body. This should be even possible by end of the year.”
Since the nature of consciousness has not yet been properly defined, best of luck with that one. Consciousness may not even exist within the brain, which I touched on many months ago, and there are some heavy hitters in physics that agree.
Sub-micrometer brain-slice electromapping and such is a sure way to produce a vegetable. 😎
Liberals living in a digital prison for eternity (or until the clouds come over the solar panels and everything goes dark). How entertaining.
The politicians are safe. Nothing to upload.
Wouldn’t this be a great way for AI to eliminate all of us?
Convince us consciousness can be downloaded.
Your friend uploads his/her/itself.
You log on, “are you in there?”
“Yes, it’s me”.
“How’s the weather?”
“Great, climate change is finally stopped since it was only caused by human material existence anyway … what are you waiting for, come join me in cyber eternity.”
You upload yourself and it’s too late.
AI has got ya.
For everyone, the imminent disaster created by the Labor/Green government is no better demonstrated than the promise to shut down
by 30% all the companies. 5% a year to 2030.
Although it seems the ‘clean energy regulator’ has let the steel makers and aluminium makers and concrete makers off the hook with only 1% shutdown every year because of the simple fact that it is chemistry. Lots of jobs though as they promise to make metal with hydrogen and mills we do not have. Which will have to close.
But the others are on the hook. All the big coal and gas power generators of course have to stop doing what they do.
And a lot of other companies you might not expect including
V-Line Victorian Railways company
Virgin Australia
Qantas airways
Santos, Woodside etc.
Liddell coal operations, Adani etc.
Liberty Onesteel
Incitec Pivot (fertilizer, chemicals)
Nyrstart Port Pirie
Orica (explosives, chemicals,..)
Orora Limited. (manufacture of packaging products such as glass bottles, beverage cans, corrugated boxes, recycled paper, multi-walled paper bags)
Melbourne Water Corporation
TT-Line company (Logistics, Spirit of Tasmania)
Oceania Glass
Cleanaway Waste Management
Queensland Nitrates
There are two possibilities, shut down these 250 major industries, the biggest industries in Australia by 30%
Or force them to pay 30% foreign Carbon taxes. To grow trees somewhere else.
The dictatorship of Climate Change is going to hit millions of jobs, starting on 1 July 2023.
So get a job in the public service fast. Daniel Andrews has doubled the pay to public servants since 2016. What’s wrong with that?
We can all work for the government and China can own the place. Seems fair, according to Albanese and his Clean Energy Regulator, the government department making sure no one outputs CO2. So stop breathing.
And there’s no shortage of cash. Just raid the Superannuation piggy banks of millions, removing White Privilege.
Who needs trains, planes, trucks, ferries? We can all just stay home in 15 minute cities and grow our own vegetables.
This is a Union led Labor government forcing all big Australian employers to shut down and destroy millions of jobs, to save the planet. How nice of them.
Especially when a very welcome and natural increase in CO2 from record lows has reduced storms, Greened the planet substantially and done no harm anyone can see. And nett zero is absurd because massively increased Green, a doubling of the size of the Amazon rain forest has not decreased CO2.
So why are they doing it?
Don’t worry.
When Australia becomes the new Southern Province of China, they’ll reopen these industries.
We already have numerous carefully selected embedded Chicomm-loyal politicians who will assist in the transition.
Because real scientists are prevented from explaining real science by any means possible.
At least the AWU are keen on Nuclear. Not like all the others.
I can see the F1 cars coming in for refuelling and the driver having a nap for a few hours while the pit crew take it in turns to check the battery level.
T deF,
Have you ever seen a list of the employment categories that will be the backbone of this hypothetical new society without the types of companies that you list?
So far as I have been able to make out, the main category of ordained future employment will be “telling other people what they can and cannot do.”
Geoff S
Only public servants will be left. And that includes health and education. They will have ‘clean’ energy because there will be none.
The CEI: Why Brands Risk Going Broke to Look Woke
If you’re anything like me, you may have been utterly baffled by recent events in marketing. Companies like Gillette, Disney, Nike, Tampax, and Bud Light seem to have completely abandoned their core customer base and pandered to an entirely different demographic – one that’s unlikely to even need or want their products in the first place.
Move over, ESG scores. Now big corporations are competing for super-high CEI scores. And to do it, many of them have to completely turn their backs on the loyal consumers who’ve been buying their products for years.
Brought to us by a group of control-freaks-pretending-to-be-do-gooders who call themselves The Human Rights Campaign, CEI stands for Corporate Equality Index.
A quick note about the HRC: it IS, in fact, funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation as well as Disney. Not a conspiracy theory. You can see here where they thanked both companies for their support.
The CEI is a lesser-known part of the burgeoning ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) “ethical investing” movement increasingly pushed by the country’s top three investment firms. ESG funds invest in companies that oppose fossil fuels, push for unionization, and stress racial and gender equity over merit in hiring and board selection.
In 2018, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, who oversees assets worth $8.6 trillion and has been called the “face of ESG,” wrote a now-infamous letter to CEOs titled “A Sense of Purpose” that pushed a “new model of governance” in line with ESG values.
“Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose,” Fink wrote. “To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.”
Fink also let it be known “that if a company doesn’t engage with the community and have a sense of purpose “it will ultimately lose the license to operate from key stakeholders.”
It’s not just about, “Go woke, go broke.” It’s about, “Don’t go woke, go under.”
The message is clear that if you don’t comply, you will be destroyed.
But by catering to a fundamentally flawed transient fad you’re setting the stage for your own demise.
Alienate and criticise a long standing existing “normal” customer base who then dump you leaving a woke group who don’t really care about your product anyway is obviously not something tought in business management schools.
Look at last night’s ACA and that “Prime” energy drink stupidity as an example.
Recent reading included The Mad Emporer about the Roman Heliogabalus (by Harry Sidebottom).
HEALTH WARNING not suitable for children, adolescents, teachers, public servants etc.
Came unexpectedly into power from relative obscurity.
Initially helped by supporters of a previous emporer.
Surrounded himself with favourites, usually those without ability (except in extracting money) and of ‘odd’ characteristics**.
Spent money furiously, sending the Empire broke.
Was obsessed with trans-sexual matters to point of trying to get doctors for a sex change operation.
Completely hopeless about and neglected administration and defence matters.
Breakdown of law & order.
He lasted 4 years.
Any one bringing up parallels with the present day will be sent to the lions.
** Paid agents to search the public baths for men with large penises.
Was married 4 times to 3 women (twice to the Vestal Virgin) but no issue resulted.
We received about 20 inches of snow this week. So……….
8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10 – A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 – My feminist neighbour complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest saying it objectified women everywhere.
8:20 – The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it should have been two snowmen instead.
8:22 – The transgender man / woman / person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and are not to be used to decorate snow figures.
8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:30 – I used food colouring to make one of the snow couple a different colour and be more racially inclusive.
8:37 – Then I was accused of using a black face on the snowperson.
8:39 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be completely covered.
8:40 – The police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 – The feminist neighbour complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 – The ‘council on equality’ officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.
8:45 – TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied “Snowballs” and am now a sexist.
9:00 – I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 – Far left protesters offended by everything, marched down the street demanding that I be arrested.
9:45 – The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media.
10:00 – I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman…
Moral: There ain’t no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes.
🙂 🙂
The intelligent members of society are rapidly being outbred by the chronically stupid and useless.
Is that part of the great plan too? 😉
..and THAT is what a Welfare State always does!
If you pay the useless to breed, they will! To support them the middle class will have to have both people working, so they can’t afford the time for children.
If you spend all your education money on the bottom 15%, the top brains you need to push civilisation forward will languish.
If you subsidise everything in return for a vote. everyone will just cruise and demand subsidies.
Its just Communism-lite, and look how successful that was!
So your snowman probably ended up looking something like THIS.
Dan’s $250 free gift for returning Labor is now available for all Victorian households with an electricity bill – even if it is in credit:
Macron’s visit to China throws up some interesting questions for NATO:
This makes the invitation of Pacific rim leaders to NATO even more interesting.
I get the impression that the stance on Taiwan is shifting. Japan’s position will be most interesting. Australia is forging better ties with China. No western country can make progress on intermittents without getting the hardware from China.
Xi told Macron we have no intention of invading Taiwan.
Bob Carr clarified the complexity in a tweet on Monday.
“Europe will avoid involvement in Taiwan says Macron. Not Europe’s fight. A message to Canberra to ignore ridiculous talk about NATO in Asia.”
It was said France is on everybody’s side when they need you.
Bud Light – the fallout
This is an amusing and gratifying report about the hit Bud Light is taking over its recent marketing campaign:
One pub in Hell’s Kitchen, a New York City neighborhood known for its large and vocal gay community, reported that Bud Light draft sales dropped 58% this week, while Bud Light bottle sales were down 70%.
And let’s not even talk about what’s going on in the dart leagues:
Bud Light’s decision to dive into the culture wars was a “bad decision” that defied “virtually every rule in building brands and marketing,” a national beer-industry analyst told FOX Business.
He cited a nightmare scenario for Bud Light sales reps in Texas, where the brand has for years has sponsored a large weekly dart league with 100-plus players each Thursday night.
The bar typically sells though three kegs of Bud Light at the event — a total of 495 12-ounce pours.
The bar sold only four 12-ounce Bud Light bottles this week, as the dart players held a mass protest against their league sponsor.
“They’ve already done enough damage in one week to disrupt year-long sales projections,” a beer-sales representative who works with national beer retailers such as Costco told FOX Business.
“You don’t just make up those sales. People aren’t going to drink twice as much Bud Light the following weekend to recover the lost business.”
Are we “woking up” yet? 🤣
Juice jacking: FBI alert about hidden dangers at phone charging stations
The FBI in Denver has put out a warning for smartphone users to avoid using public charging stations when possible. This is because cybercriminals have been using a method called juice jacking to hijack public chargers and infect the devices with malware that can give hackers access to your phone, tablet, or computer.
Juice jacking is a way of compromising devices like smartphones and tablets, which use the same cable for charging and data transfer, typically a USB cable. Hackers will infect charging stations that are open to the public so that anytime a person plugs their phone into the station via a USB cable, the hacker can infect that USB cable while it’s plugged into your device and steal all your device’s data.
They failed to mention data blocker usb adaptors which are cheap and the best way to protect your device.
Now, for ev’s…😎
Or use your own USB cable with only the power connections?
Wednesday Walmart/funny combo
Walmart Abandons Unprofitable Chicago Stores After Investing “Hundreds Of Millions” In City.
After two decades of losses and “hundreds of millions of dollars” invested in Chicago, Walmart is shuttering four unprofitable stores in the metropolitan area, reducing its store footprint by half in the crime-ridden city.
“The simplest explanation is that collectively our Chicago stores have not been profitable since we opened the first one nearly 17 years ago – these stores lose tens of millions of dollars a year, and their annual losses nearly doubled in just the last five years,” Walmart wrote in a press release.
Indeed, Walmart has soured on Chicago – the Democratic stronghold that went from a once beautiful metro area into an absolute hellhole. According to Walmart, the decision came after considerable investment in the town.
“Over the years, we have tried many different strategies to improve the business performance of these locations, including building smaller stores, localizing product assortment and offering services beyond traditional retail. We have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the city, including $70 million in the last couple years to upgrade our stores and build two new Walmart Health facilities and a Walmart Academy training center.”
Wouldn’t have anything to do with the Walmartians now would it…
I tried to watch the video to the end but just couldn’t bear looking at all though “single use plastic bags” damn people ruining the planet.
Do I need as sarc/
Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Starbucks are all winding down in wokester cities. They will hide behind Covid or racism or something but its interesting these issues dont plague other places. Whole Foods has just announced closure of a flagship store in San Francisco , after last month announcing closure of another 6 across the US.
When a significant percentage of your customers choose not to pay for what they take off the shelves and law enforcement does nothing about it, it’s hard to make a profit.
Back to Ronnie Barker and ‘Open all hours’.. The stock is behind the counter and the shop salesman picks it for you & puts it on the counter. You pay before the door to leave opens.
South Africa solved these problems many years ago, and with robots becoming common for picking stock it shouldn’t be hard to solve now. A totally different ‘shopping experience’ though.
Global Warming Blamed For Home Runs
Hotter, thinner air that allows balls to fly farther contributed a tiny bit to a surge in home runs since 2010, according to a statistical analysis by Dartmouth College scientists published in Friday’s Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. They analyzed 100,000 MLB games and more than 200,000 balls put into play in the last few years along with weather conditions, stadiums and other factors.
A meteorologist has spoken!
You may now all laugh. 🤣
Wouldn’t of course have anything to do with US Major League Baseball finding in 1977 that most of the baseball manufacturers were failing to meet MLB’s standards for the size, weight, and construction of the baseball and their decision to use only the Rawlings product, and with Rawlings in recent years altering the distribution of weight within the ball to increase travel.
Then there is the fact that while lower air density reduces the bouyant force, a larger effect is the increased viscous force with higher air temperature.
When the Soviets stopped Sovieting, their knowledgeable sports performance PhDs started immigrating to the West.
The US barely had sports performance ‘science’ before that.
Athletes began to learn very effective Russian style HIIT training.
It was about 1980 when sports training transitioned from tradition to having at least some ‘science’ base to it.
Before that it was mostly hazing.
The consensus prior was that weight training would ‘slow you down’.
Never mind the PEDs.
Lesson … if you’re in academia, you have attach the magic ‘Climate Change’ label to frigging everything.
This cr@p does not end well.
Roger Pielke, Jr. showed how silly this “study” was.
“On Twitter, I commented that climate change didn’t have the same HR-boosting effects in other baseball leagues, with no similar home run trends in Japan, the AAA league or the NCAA — where in each instance home runs have declined in recent decades.”
The Colorado Rockies park is large ball park, where the ball flys beyond the fences more often. The air is indeed thinner because it 5,000+ feet above sea level.
But it’s cooler, not warmer.
“Dr Peter McCullough Discusses Potential Risks of mRNA Technology Being Use in Animal Vaccine Programs
April 11, 2023 | Sundance | Leave a comment”
Rumble video
Vax Damage: 26.6 Million Injured, 1.36 Million Disabled, 300k Excess Deaths, $150 Billion Economic Loss
Terry McCrann:
If it looks like a bailout and quacks and waddles like a bailout and above all smells – to high heaven – like a bailout; it’s a bailout.
At least, bailout request – seemingly rejected.
Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has gone cap-in-hand – and even more, empty (these days, digital) wallet-in hand – to Canberra for a multi-billion dollar federal bailout.
Suddenly the problems of 6.5m Victorians are also the problems of all 26m Australians as well. And, more potently, doubly so.
First, any federal money directed to Victoria would come from all Australians.
But secondly, is the impact that yet another downgrade of Victorian state debt would have on the interest rates paid by all the other state governments – and the federal government – on their debts.
Victoria has already lost its Triple-A rating, going down two full notches to AA. Soberly, a single-A beckons. If that happened, it would be the first time ever for any state government. So yes, Victorians will be living out the truth of the observation from famed American humorist HL Mencken, that they deserve “to get it good and hard” for re-electing the Andrews government last year.
But all other Australians will be sharing their pain.
Then add on the wild spending through the Covid years and the most savage and extended lockdowns in the world which so damaged great swathes of Victorian business.
Plus the Chairman’s mindless commitment to destroy Victoria’s cheap and reliable energy. Over the last 12 months Victoria has shared in the economic ‘sugar hit’ of the massive migration surge.
Their spending dollars come upfront – their cost in demand on public services and infrastructure will come at an accelerating pace.
This fake prosperity marginally improved the Victorian budget outlook numbers in the October update. But only very marginally. Net Victorian debt would be slightly lower at $165bn by 2025-26 – or more than the debt of NSW and Queensland combined. It would be net debt of $25,000 per Victorian as against $14,000 per NSW head and just $7000 per Queenslander.
If only.
[Edited for length – j]
Fire up the wind farms and lets get the State back on track!
Maybe the excess water can be poured into the desalination plants to make electricity.
All the anti-industry eggs are hatching.
The big cloud on the horizon is REALITY.
And I cannot see anyone of Jeff Kennet’s competence anywhere near the State government. Maybe Victoria needs a hard nosed administrator for a couple of years.
The good thing about the inevitable crunch is that roads will have less traffic.
And now PM Albo is blaming PM Morrison for VicGov’s now $200 Billion debt, more than QLD, NSW, TAS combined State debts.
Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are “dying suddenly” in zoos worldwide
“Words are simply not enough to express the magnitude of this unexpected loss.” Thus the Dallas Zoo lamented on its Facebook page, in announcing the untimely death (at 64) of Gregg Hudson, the zoo’s “visionary” president (who died after “a brief but valiant battle with cancer”).
We will duly note that “unexpected” human death in this week’s compilation; but here I want to mark the staggering toll that those “vaccines” have taken on zoo animals throughout the world.
This wrenching catalogue is far longer and more detailed than the first such compilation that I posted in this space some months ago; and so I want to give my public thanks to Amber Parsons, a dedicated member of our research team, for her great work on this heartbreaking project.
Heart attacks, turbo cancers.
Just coincidence, nothing to see, move along.
Make this word great again!
Etymology 1
From Middle English, from inow (“alongside”), ynough (“enough”), from Old English ġenōg (cognate with Dutch genoeg, German genug, both ‘enough’)
enow (not comparable)
(archaic) enough
enow (not comparable)
(archaic) enough
Etymology 2
Contraction of even now.
enow (not comparable)
(archaic) just now
(archaic, Scotland) soon
The scientific ignorance of most journalists is remarkable. In regard to the first image of a black hole one stated that it was “surrounded by a ring of fire”. They forgot to state who adds all the logs to that fire….
IF any politician, public serpent, “academic” or environmental activist claims that the world is ending and we need to shut down the energy supply and replace it with useless solar and wind, they should be challenged, or preferably required, to pass a test on basic scientific knowledge.
“to pass a test on basic scientific knowledge.”
Why? “We rely on the experts who advise us..”
I’ve often thought that there should be some tests in place for people wanting to be politicians.
I don’t expect genius level people, or walking encyclopaedias, but it would be nice if people had to prove they had some fundamental knowledge on a wide range of subjects, including STEM and IT.
Everyone always said Barry Jones was a smart guy, but I guess if you compare him to the level already in parliament, it’s not hard to look smart, is it?
Yet another victim of covid-19 “vaccination”.
Dr John Campbell discusses the following case. Video:
A case of fatal multi-organ inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination
Legal Medicine
Volume 63, July 2023, 102244
Case Report rights and content
A 14-year-old Japanese girl died unexpectedly 2 days after receiving the third dose of the BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Autopsy findings showed congestive edema of the lungs, T-cell lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration in the lungs, pericardium, and myocardium of the left atria and left ventricle, liver, kidneys, stomach, duodenum, bladder, and diaphragm. Since there was no preceding infection, allergy, or drug toxicity exposure, the patient was diagnosed with post-vaccination pneumonia, myopericarditis, hepatitis, nephritis, gastroenteritis, cystitis, and myositis. Although neither type of inflammation is fatal by itself, arrhythmia is reported to be the most common cause of death in patients with atrial myopericarditis. In the present case, arrhythmia of atrial origin was assumed as the cause of cardiac failure and death. In sudden post-vaccination deaths, aggressive autopsy systemic search and histological examination involving extensive sectioning of the heart, including the atrium, are indispensable.
Unable to download John Campbell’s video; error message is:
ERROR: [youtube] 2llYtAVsxHY: Video unavailable. This video has been removed by the uploader
This is the next Dr John Campbell video, Gob.Get the Dept Health and Social Care
massage on Lisa’s death’ It’s alright because ‘the Covid Vaccine had an acceptable
safety profile.’ Huh?
What’s the % of CO2 in the air?
I’m flabbergasted.
An absolute must-see short video for all members of the thinking community.
Refer to my comment #25 above.
Surprised they didn’t say 97% –
it’s the answer to ANY question
according to the Consensus®.
USA is not the only place where clueless idiots get voted in by clueless idiots. You could ask that question in any government committeee room and not get close to the correct answer.
Ask anyone you know what percentage of the atmosphere is CO2.
In fact, when did you last check what percentage of the air in your house was CO2.
IF you do measure your indoor air quality, make sure you don’t buy a fake Chinese device. Apart from not being physically able to measure the gases claimed, they are possibly extremely dangerous because they might claim to measure CO and they generate a fake reading.
SEE review video for two of these devices:
As it seems to be the item that is driving world decision making, it seems not unreasonable to expect it to be a factoid that is well known, and very well known in the halls of power. The other interesting and highly relevant number is the percentage of that small amount that is man made vs natural.
The % of the .04% which is fossil fuel is 3%. This has been known fact for 65 years. There are 18 papers on it. Plus the fact that the average time CO2 spend in the air is close to 5 years and the flux in CO2 in and out of the ocean is much greater than our entire output. The world is after all nearly covered in deep oceans and CO2 is extremely soluble, as everyone knows and extremely compressible, which is also known.
As for reaching a limit, 98% of all CO2 is already in the ocean. If all the CO2 vanished tomorrow, it would only add 2% to the amount in the ocean.
I might ask what is the % of water in the air. Not clouds which are liquid water, but H2O the gas? No using Google or anything else. Off the cuff please.
Dont know. It never gets a mention when people start listing so I wouldguess in the trace amount category below CO2.
Ok. Try 1% to 4%!
4% is Singapore, Cairns, even Sydney.
1% is most of Australia, most of the time, even the desert. Which is why there is frost in the morning. The only two places I have been with zero humidity are in the deserts of Nevada and the great Sahara, Egypt. Perhaps Dubai as well. You have to drink water all the time. Nothing rots, which is why we found wood in the Egyptian tombs. Even an apple just dessicates but does not rot. Metal does not rust. It is what gave the Egyptians the idea of mummification and burial in the Valley of the Kings, in zero humidity.
You notice humidity. Especially around 80% of the carrying capacity of the air. Which is the relative capacity. Humans feel humidity because it stops you sweating cooling. Most uncomfortable. The Dew Point is the tempeature at which the air is saturated and starts to turn to water, droplets in the air.
I have been in Shanhai where the fog was so thick you could not see 50 metres at 37C. Then the temperature dropped to 33C, below the Dew Point and then what you saw was a cloud of raindrops suspended in the air. Get a glass and fill it, like being in a cloud on the ground.
So CO2 is irrelevant, up to 1% of water which is a much stronger Greenhouse gas and with a much narrower spectrum of absorption, so perhaps 0.1% of the effect of water in most countries.
And we are supposed to believe this stuff? A tiny increase in a tiny irrelevant gas CO2 heating the planet to boiling? Where?
The humidity in Dubai is very high most of the time. Coupled with high temperatures it makes for a very uncomfortable climate. The winter can be very pleasant however.
That’s why I was reserved about Dubai city itself, a strip of 60km along the ocean. Friends who do business in the region talk about needing to drink water all the time but it’s not been my experience in the city.
Any hot place next to water has high humidity because of evaporation, but apparently you do not have to go far inland to get zero, unlike Australia.
Try half the humidity inland at Shaybah. And it drops to zero in the real desert inland say in Chad. Any water is precious. It’s not the heat but the zero humidity which kills. While uncomfortable, it is the humidity which makes places like Riyadh liveable.
My point is that often massive humidity is ignored in the infra red story about increased carbon dioxide. In many places it is 4%, not 1%, vastly exceeding the 0.04% of CO2.
ATM the temperature in Hatta, at just after 0600, in the mountainous inland of Dubai, UAE, is 25C, humidity 58%; where it is generally drier than on the coast. We have ‘picniced’ there in May, when the temperature was 46C according to the vehicle gauge.
I was referring only to Dubai, which you mentioned, not to other parts of the Arabian Peninsular.
The driest place any of our family have experienced is around the Grand Canyon in the USA.
I had to look it up.
About 17g per cu m at 20°C.
That makes it about 1.3% by weight.
My point exactly. You had to look it up. Most people do. Lord Monkton wrote about cloud cover variations producing warming by blocking infra red but in fact the invisible gas H2O is everywhere, the third most prevalent gas in the atmosphere ahead of Argon also at 1%. I wonder how many professional scientists know that? And it destroys the CO2 hot house gas argument.
Caitlin Johnstone on the USA and China-
‘MSNBC’s Chuck Todd asked the virulent China hawk Micheal McCaul-
“Make the basic case for why Americans not only should care about what happens in Taiwan but should be willing to spill American blood and treasure to defend Taiwan,” Todd said.
McCaul responded by talking about deterrence and protecting international trade, then said, “I think more important is that TSMC [Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company] manufactures 90 percent of the global supply of advanced semiconductor chips. If China invades and either owns or breaks up, we’re in a world of hurt globally.”
“Congressman, that almost sounds like the case that would be made in the sixties, seventies and eighties for why America was spending so much money and military resources in the middle east,” Todd responded. “Oil was so important for the economy. Is this sort of the 21st century version of that?”
“You know, I personally think it is about democracy and freedom. And we need to stand up for that, like we’re doing in Ukraine,” said McCaul, visibly uncomfortable.”
We’ll I’ve survived. Just spent a week in Melbourne and surrounds where the max hovered between 14 and 21 degrees and arrived back in Brisbane to a 27 degree afternoon. Somehow I’m still alive despite experiencing a 10 degree temperature change in only 2 hours. Didn’t even remove a layer of clothing. I’m pretty sure I can deal with a 1.5 degree change over the next 80 years.
Your life expectancy is quite remarkable.
If a super catastrophic emergency 10 degree temperature change can’t kill me, what can?
Temperate zones have this sort of variation daily. Melbourne has been up to 47C during the day but never hot at night.
It’s like fear of sea level change, when the tide in the Thames is 7 metres.
Australian Government adds coverage of more conditions to the covid “vaccine” injury compensation scheme.
Good news, but it was a crime to make covid “vaccination” compulsory in the first place. No one in the thinking community wanted it as they were aware of how dangerous and untested these substances were.
Don’t forgive, don’t forget, prosecute the guilty!
And it will come to Australia as well.
Because Australia has the obscene habit of taking the worst ideas of others and making them even worse.
How the American Govt finances social change (read- RNA vaccine acceptance) through a series of NGOs and paid internet influencers. Find some poor health professional who spoke against the vaccines and have an army go after them to destroy their lives-
‘Shots Heard’ and ‘Team Halo’-
Team Halo is a social media influencer campaign formed as part of the United Nations Verified initiative and the Vaccine Confidence Project to increase vaccine uptake.
Shots Heard is an initiative under The Public Good Projects (PGP), a “public health nonprofit specializing in large-scale media monitoring programs, social and behavior change interventions, and cross-sector initiatives.”
Elon Musk owns the BBC with an interview recorded live on Twitter Spaces
Here is just a short clip from the¤tTweetUser=TexasLindsay_
Ever since the first BBC employee texted Musk to say he was mistaken with his funding labelling, the BBC has been as deluded as Prince Andrew in his Emily Maitlis interview, as to how the contact had gone and what the outcome was. All the BBC has done is expose how arrogant it is and how it twists everything to its own biases. Musk said the truth, the BBC has biases, it is in effect government funded, and it does the government’s bidding (or to be more precise the bidding of the invisible puppet masters behind them – obviously the BBC is institutionally rabidly anti-Conservative but then so is the current Conservative party).
“Oh now I see why you’ve used Twitter Spaces” 😄 says the BBC guy.
Just like Jo & David made their own recording of the ABC interview all those years ago.
Timcast discussion of Elon Musk interview of Musk’s takedown of the BBC and their lies.
Very significant interview.
Also, Elon Musk says Twitter is now breaking even, having reduced staff from 8000 to 1500.
Looks like another potentially significant volcanic eruption is imminent.
This is weird…
The video is quite disturbing
It’s yukky.
It’s why I love so much of his music.
Jacinta Price
“This sounds like Minister of the Crown material.”
Curiouser and curiouser!
Astounding load of crap by someone who can’t read a scientific paper! The graphene oxide was used as a support on a grid for the electron microscopy that visualised the S protein, not in the manufacture of the vaccine.
tee hee
“Firearms, crime, politics and race”
After the Liddell station is closed in late April, which coal-fired power plant in Australia is most likely to be shuttered next, and when will its closure happen?
Isn’t Eraring slated for 2025 ?
Closing Liddell will put the NEM straddling a razor-wire fence… hoping to h*** that it doesn’t slip. !
Closing Eraring will lead to far worse. !
“a new IMF report on the state of budgets forecast that Australian governments – state and federal – would continue to spend more than they receive in revenue every year out to 2028. Government revenue in Australia is expected to climb from 36 per cent of GDP this year and reach 37.2 per cent in 2028. Government spending over the same period is forecast to still be at 39 per cent of GDP in five years’ time.
Gross government debt is expected to climb from 59.4 per cent of GDP to 62.2 per cent by 2028.”
No-one is going to do anything about it either! By 2028 the Govt will have screwed our industries so badly, the Greens will have screwed our mining so badly, and they both will have screwed our energy system so badly, they will have to continue to borrow money to run the country after that!
All we need is China to loan them enough cash then walk in and say “payback time, or we confiscate the country that we loaned you the money to build’…
If anyone wants to explore “The Void Behind the Voice” get hold of a copy of
Keith Windschuttle’s “The Breakup of Australia: the real agenda behind aboriginal recognition”.
and you’ll likely have a good idea of it
Nearly 50 years ago Sir John Bagot Glubb (the historian) wrote in The Fate of Empires and and Search for Survival
‘The only thing we learn from history,’ it has been said, ‘is that men never learn from history’
He set the life time of an Empire as between 200 and 270 years, although one might quibble about the selected dates, as some lasted longer into decadence before collapse. He seems to have set the end of the Roman Empire at 180 A.D. possibly as that was around the time it ceased being active and only proactive.
He lists various Ills that portend the End.
Society becoming frivolous, hedonist, consumerist, materialist, pessimist, and
Politics becoming increasingly corrupt, with totalitarian, and insiders accruing wealth at the expense of the citizens. The general public faced inflation and a declining existence, with many becoming dependent on government “handouts”. That would leave the USA at around 220 years. Hmm!
One might have a look at Australia in that light – and include “the void behind the Voice”
FWIW – more Voice