A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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BP and ‘Beyond Petroleum – More like BP and ‘Broken Profits’.
BP for some reason also reminds me of the Blue Peter nautical flag, which is flown when a ship is about to leave port and a sign for sailors to return.
Blue Peter was also a brand of rum in days past.
BP used to be COR.
Commonwealth Oil Refineries.
About the rum. Red Mill rum was bottled by a bloke named Fesq. He used to go in the Sydney-Hobart yacht race. A brother-in-law’s father was an OBE grade publican. Speaking to Fesq one time he asked: What is it like going in the Sydney-Hobart yacht race?
He said: It’s like standing under an ice cold shower tearing up ten pound notes.
Colonial Oil Refinery is my recollection.
I remember Corio whisky – Every one called it “COR 10” because they reckoned it tasted like COR —
I researched the link COR and Anglo-Iranian oil for an article some time back.
Here are some notes that you might find interesting.
I spent some time in Persia just before the Shah was deposed.
Geoff S
Here is the article i eventually wrote.
I enjoyed doing it. Interesting historical story.
Geoff S
This article looks at IVM and HCQ use during the plandemic in the United States. Note that the article is extremely biased against their use and does not examine evidence of their efficacy.
In Australia, IVM and HCQ were banned for covid-19 treatment. (Note, IVM and HCQ to be taken according to appropriate protocols.) No doubt that decision caused many to die, as did failure to recognise greater susceptibility to covid due to failure to recognise the adverse effect of Vitamin D deficiency on covid outcomes.
Their angle is that the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were overused and people should have used Remdesivir (or Run Death is Near as it became known)
They are a journal that started from Project Hope – claim to be editorially independent from their funders though (so that is reassuring – sarc) – Project Hope’s primary funding is donations and corporate giving
Floggin’ a dead horse; how many more years of this?
A discussion of the terrorist, concentration camp overseer, executioner, mass murderer, racist, sexist, misogynist, homosexual hating, psychopath, who also had extremely poor personal hygiene, so beloved by the Left and whose image they frequently wear on t-shirts.
Che Guevara
I remember seeing those hippy types in the 70’s wearing ol’ Che.
Not a good look.
Have a look at this thread of NSA, DIA, CIA, and other federal intelligence agency employees have secret transgender ‘sex chatrooms’ where they have been sharing … well, we almost can’t bear to repeat it, so check it out for yourself.
It Gets SO MUCH WORSE: Christopher Rufo Shares More Batpoop Insane Secret NSA Chatroom Messages
Lord have mercy. There were many more revolting screenshots in Rufo’s posts that you can read about here, but pay attention to the critical statement in the initial tweet — all of this was taking place on the clock.
In other words, taxpayers are funding these deviant sex chats.
DNI Tulsi Gabbard this morning promised to put an immediate end to all of it.
Well, hang on a second there, Ms. Gabbard because you may also want to add criminal investigations prosecutions to your actions to fire everyone involved.
Because it gets worse … it gets SO MUCH WORSE.
Today, Rufo released more screenshots from the NSA chatrooms, detailing how these same employees were also actively trying to subvert the current Trump administration. And they had some shameful things to say about Gabbard herself.
Unbelievable. And these are the people who are spying on American citizens.
They have the gall to think they are the good guys as they spew this hateful, false, and defamatory rhetoric about their fellow Americans.
Elon Musk@elonmusk
I wonder how long this has been going on.
These are individuals with the ability to spy on any Americans at will.
Having it go on for even a minute is one minute too long. And it has been going on for far longer than that.
Again, this was all while they were being paid with taxpayer money.
Which begs the question that Elon Musk recently asked them, ‘What did you get done this week?
‘Science blogs’.
Isn’t much of it a reaction to the political corruption of ‘Science’’.
Certainly the main reason I began to read them.
Even to the layman, something sounded off.
Then … “believe the Science’” and “follow the Science” and “consensus” became threats.
‘Science’ allowed itself to be bought and comprised by ideology and now responds to the public’s loss of faith with the abandonment of Free Speech ideals and developing support for censorship.
Some blame has to be accepted by the many senior scientists who did little or nothing to stop the rot. Much blame is directed to institutions like the Australia Academy of Science that used its reputation (gained from the excellence of earlier scientists) to allow weird people with weird ideologies to take over.
In time, this will be corrected but give yourself decades to see it happen. When these ideologues get that mad gleam in the eye or when they talk a lot about how Life has treated them badly, they are beyond the ability of Mortein for a quick fix. Geoff S
The real purpose(s) of the Elon Musk email to US public serpents.
One reason is to establish that there is a real person actually reading their email as there is a suspicion that some salaries are getting paid to dead people or other false names and the money collected by others.
Hence it containing words to the effect that if the recipient doesn’t respond they will be fired.
Also, how hard should it be to fulfil the other request in the email to write about five bullet points about what they did last week?
Disable the email account and see who phones the IT desk. Do it in waves to avoid a mass event. Once the phone call comes in, log the number and see if it repeats. And of course, ask them to appear in person at a suitable desk for an ID check, including facial recognition. If an account is found to be non responsive, then start the process of cancelling that employee.
I have a very strong suspicion that the sum of the fake payroll accounts will be supportive of (part) of the financial gain of those previously in charge.
Any illegal activities detected needs to result in instant dismissal and jail time, (after a fair trial). As always, follow the money.
(From one year ago.)
Saint Greta Thunberg got arrested for protesting against ….windmills!
If Airbus was dragging in the polls before, this latest debacle should just about finish him off.
You can’t lie and obfuscate about national security.
The generals should be ‘invited’ to parliament house to explain to us how they didn’t know the Chinese ships travelled down our East Coast.
It seems the first anyone knew anything was when the Virgin pilot picked up the Chinks radio call and passed it on to the ATC who then notified the relevant authorities.
If such a basic intrusion as this can’t be detected by our military, it makes you wonder what else they’ve missed or will miss in future.
And perhaps the the Jindalee Operational Radar Network (over the horizon radar) should be extended to that area as well. Of course, it is another question why that region isn’t already covered.
It should also be investigated to what extent we have Chicomm agents embedded in the Australian military.
The “intrusion” , (movement and location) of the Chinese ships was well known before. It had been reported on madia news.
It was the “live fire” incident that was apparently either unexpected or not communicated until the Virgin pilot reported the situation.
Albo now claims that they did know about the live fire in advance, but he fails to explain how if that was the case, why it was not communicated to the airlines, air traffic control, etc
It all sounds like a Ass covering exercise to me.
Maybe the airlines should be doing a dump of the toilet waste as they fly over.
And of course, to be fair, put out a call on the radio as they go over.
A part of me would hope that they freeze the waste into brick sized lumps before dumping, just to make sure they hit the surface.
If only planes actually dumped when in the air….. If only.
It has happened, though probably not intentionally.
Jindalee has been a dream for 50 years.
“Over the horizon” is an enormous place, how do you know where to look when there is no indication that there is anything to look for?
There are forms of intelligence and surveillance. I doubt they guess , although it makes sense to keep sweeping you domain.
In olden times JORN faced northish. I have NFI what its scope is or what its place in the tool box is these days.
If you have a X500 telescope with the best of gyroscopic stabilisation, could you guarantee to find an aircraft at 30,000 ft [above the radar horizon] if it loitered there all day at a distance? Of course not, it’s a fool’s errand. You could be lucky and win the jackpot and see it but knowing everything that happens “somewhere out there” is impossible. Our brain is limited, it has developed to see a limited no of pixels and any screen in front of us is has that limit.
Jindalee is tool but a very limited one. I was at RAAF Edinburgh where our [very boring] task was flying the planes the boffins at ARDU wanted in the early ’60s. Jindalee was the best thing since sliced bread back then. Hope you don’t own shares.
Five Eyes / AUKUS / Commonwealth / Big Brother … all blind as a bat and just as mute. Then again the sea is named after a Dutchman, Abel Janzoon Tasman.
They’re too busy spying on us to bother about potential enemies.
That’s very likely the real reason.
Too busy creating dossiers on people questioning the safety and efficacy of covid “vaccines” or questioning anthropogenic global warming or asking other questions.
They don’t like people who ask questions.
I suspect most contributors to this and similar blogs would have dossiers on them for asking too many questions about the Official Narrative.
They are unconcerned about Chicomm spying, Chicomm violations of sovereignty or eventual Chicomm invasion.
Not sure Kiwis are in any position to rubbish anyone else on defence capability.
Apparently I’m not the only one who recognises the Left’s war against inexpensive and enjoyable protein like chicken and eggs, such as their mass killing of chickens due to avian influenza when a) without gain of function modifications its very hard for humans to get bird flu and 2) if the disease is allowed to run its course in chickens you will end up with naturally resistant animals that can be bred to create new superior stock.
The following commentary is about the situation in the US but we have the same situation going on in Australia.
Here is the communications between the scientists involved in funding and undertaking gain of function research on the avian flu. How Fauci approved research despite Obama’s instruction to cease.
And here is an interview with a vet horrified by the mass killing of chickens and pigs.
President TRUMP just posted an important message about the Ukraine war. I can’t post it here because its in the form of a photo from Truth Social.
The US will also establish a “critical minerals and rare earths” deal with Ukraine to help the US recoup some of the billions of dollars of cash and equipment sent to the Ukes.
“I am in serious discussions with President Putin concerning…major Economic Development transactions which will take place between the United States and Russia.”
NOW we’re getting down to the real reasons he wants to end the war.
The problem is that the Europeans also want the security of those rare earths, so they plan to outmanoeuvre the giants with a better deal. Laissez faire economics.
There should be enough to go round.
Meantime the US and EU become less dependent on China for these critical minerals.
There isn’t enough to go around, especially not for the local bully who made a land grab.
‘The draft deal does not commit Ukraine to using the profits from its natural resources to repay the United States up to $500bn in wartime aid, which was a key demand of the Trump administration.
‘Rather, Kyiv will contribute 50 per cent of funds raised from the ‘future monetisation’ of state-owned mineral resources, according to a copy of the agreement seen by the Financial Times.
‘While the deal does not include explicit US security guarantees, Ukrainian officials see it as a good outcome and a step in the right direction.’ (UK Mail)
Aren’t rare earths fairly unrare? China has a monopoly because the processing is very polluting, and no one else wants to do it.
They are not so rare.
As you say, the Chinese are happy to produce the massive pollution processing involves and Western countries are not.
Trump is not The Boss. He is too scatterbrained to be serious.
Poland has had three years to train and equip their forces and millions of reasons to hate Russia. They know that if Russia can digest Ukraine then sometime in the future it will be them.
Poland and France matter, Trump is busy fighting domestic wars.
I understand that the USA has given $350 Billion, no strings attached to support Ukraine’s war while the EU has provided a $100 billion LOAN.
It seems that Trump is the only one really wanting to end the killing.
The reason for minerals becoming involved could be to recover something back for Biden’s $350 billion to keep the war going, at all costs.
Here is a video of the staggeringly clueless Australian politician, Kate Chaney, MP, saying how its a hot day so it must be climate change blah, blah, blah.
She is a Teal and Federal member for Curtin (in Perth).
Her YouTube channel is at:
Rita Panahi reacts to bizarre comments by Australian Senator Fatima Payman who claims Iran is a wonderful place for women, which no doubt Payman’s Leftist comrades, “feminists” and useful idiots of the Left agree with.
It is a lot better place for women in Iran than under the Taliban 2.0.
Some extremely brave ladies and men here:
“We must take inspiration from the struggles of women in Iran, Palestine, Kurdistan, India, Latin America, and other nations fighting oppression to continue our relentless battle against fundamentalist fascism and its imperialist masters”
Not sure if this is appropriate to post here, but just wanted to share my analysis of the 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanely Kubrick. I’ve been fascinated with this movie for years since I first saw it in 2017 and believe it’s conveying a deep message about the alchemical transformation of the soul. The movie, some have suggested, has Gnostic and Hermetic elements to it, such as the ascension of the soul through planetary spheres (found in the Hermetic path of ascension), the psychotic AI named HAL as a sort of Demiurge stand-in, and the protagonist Bowman who resurrects seems to be your archetypal Jesus figure.
Excellent and very deep analysis, Richard.
What a load of codswallop.
Arthur C. Clarke NEVER subscribed to mystical mumbo jumbo.
2001 is about an alien galaxy wide community of intelligences guiding apes to become human and eventually taking their first steps to join said community. It’s simple not mystical.
The movie made it mystical, contrary to the book intent. Out of his other books, I did get an impression of Clark being a “IXX century rationalist”, like Wells and other SF writers.
BTW, the movie was excellent but of a different genre.
Clarke’s 2001 and Kubrick’s 2001 are two different works. The book isn’t the movie. The movie has a lot of occult symbolism in, including Freemason symbolism (like the two pillars seen as Bowman is reborn). But if that’s your interpretation of the movie, that’s cool. I personally see the movie as an allegory for the alchemical transformation of the soul, similar to some Masonic and Gnostic teachings.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind had Biblical allegory holding it together.
Ooh, did someone mention the black monolith, symbolising mankind’s future and current scientific ignorance, combined with primitive deity worship?
You want to understand reality then move sideways, not ascend to some “higher plane”.
/cryptic comment
I recall first seeing it in the 1970s , possibly in a slightly purple haze of misspent youth. Dont think I reached an intellectual conclusion but it was a very cool movie at the time.
Fantasia was very good viewing for the slightly impaired also.
Hey, it was the 70s
I believe HAL was a play on the company IBM (ie using the previous letter in the alphabet).
Now they’re making windmill blades out of wood in an effort to make them “environmentally friendly”.
Fire resistant wood, ok.
So, first we cut the trees down to make an area for wind turbines to be built, then we cut trees down to provide wood for the turbine blades, then we have monoculture plantations of things like Balsa wood trees to make the blades and then they still need replacement every couple of decades. Hmmmm sounds like its still the only way to save the planet.
I expect that they will need occasional surface restoration to prevent water ingress.
Time will tell if the. LVL blades are more economic than FRP blades. My experiences with boats indicates FRP is more durable than wood products.
A general publication to seek finding, no doubt.
Shortage of balsa wood for the use in blade manufacturing was mentioned in 2019.
Decimation of plant life for decimation of economy supporting industries where all new roads built lead to a windmill.
Hydulignum mentioned in here
Amazing Spitfire propeller repair, overhaul and manufacturing service.
The FDA’s top regulator just took a senior job at Pfizer
In TRUMP’s first term he banned that type of thing. I wonder if he reinstated the ban?
Word of the day: squatchee.
Cap button?
I was thinking that the p might have fallen off, and hence it was a word implying a free toilet break.
ie the saying, ‘to spend a penny’, (as used in the UK). Penny being one pence, ‘p’ for short.
So by dropping the p, (pence), the toilet break must be free. Hence squat cheap.
Am I thinking too much? Or have I just added a new slang meaning to the word?
Obviously that is the word for the remains of someone attacked by a Sasquatch
I rather think it will be the other way around.
Tropical cyclones on the move -cooling the earth
Tropical cyclone Bianca is heading south into cooler water and must soon dissipate.
Tropical cyclone Alfred is cruising around in the Coral Sea, staying in warm water.
Tropical cyclones seem to act as giant air conditioners, cooling the Earth. Not only do they generate massive cloud cover (umbrella), but there is an evaporative cycle and a refrigeration cycle and also lots of rain.
Greg in NZ said there is a third cyclone wandering around further east of us but it does not appear on our weather maps.
A couple of days ago there were 6 tropical lows in the vicinity of Australia. One slipped to the east of NZ and dissipated. The other over WA dissipatated. That left 4 yesterday. I posted this image on WUWT to show their temperature regulating effect; limiting surface temperature to 30C:
Cyclones depend on convective instability to spin up. Once spun up, they are self-staining providing that can be fuelled by warm drier air to promote surface evaporation. The most powerful towers over open ocean are limited to a surface temperature of 30C and cyclones usually spin up over ocean around 30C. The sea surface temperature adjacent to land can exceed 30C because the cyclic instability gets disrupted by air advection to the land.
The higher surface temperature in coastal regions can lead to very powerful convective towers that result in large hailstones. And the USA has a very interesting geologically driven convective storm where warm moist air travels north from the Gulf of America and meets dry air coming off the rockies up Kansas way. The mixing of the two air masses produce very strong instability that produce tornados giving rise to convective overshoot and water reaching above the tropopause.
This article in the ABC today describes the BoM’s approach to estimating the developing path of a cyclone, and includes some of the difficulties.
Dave B
Peter C, that third cyclone is now ex-TC Rae drifting southeast towards oblivion and/or union with the Roaring Forties which endlessly circle Antarctica.
Not that it’s causing any ‘heat’ for our Shaky Isles:
25C Auckland
17C Wellington
18C Christchurch
17C Dunedin
Where’s my catastrophic warming!? It’s cold!
Anyone else really worried about Alfred.? Its seems like he’s stuck in the Coral sea and will be for quite a while.
Lest we forget: Alfred was supposed to be Anthony but the settled science decided on a name change because Anthony is such a good looking young boy and he’s engaged and he’s just purchased a new house overlooking the Pacific and is he really a Trotsky-ite? He talks funny. So does our PM, Christopher Luxon, 100% corporate gobbledegook jargon-speak. Fire both of ‘em.
I’m starting a petition to circumvent the rules of Australian of the Year and nominate Elon Musk for next year. He needs to win this award. The man is selflessly sacrificing himself for the greater good. He has nothing to gain (especially financially) for his political deeds. He is completely selfless, not to mention humble, and will be ranked amongst the likes of Mother Theresa when it comes to service to humanity.
The award is especially pertinent to Musk because of his media shyness. The world barely reports on the doings on this great man. For that reason, he should be immortalised by receiving Australian of the Year. This man invented EVs because he loves us. He doesn’t care about money. We need to act fast before he burns out. After all, he heads multiple giant companies (he’s definitely not a front or nominal head), is able to tweet every 10 minutes during his waking hours, managed to become a top player in a video game known for grinding (i.e. involving 1,000s of hours of gameplay) and still fixing our crooked world with his political service.
And he is father of 14 children, and counting.
You nailed it on the head. He is the real deal. Tweeting every 10 minutes from the time you wake up until you sleep, heading half a dozen major corporations, spending several hours gaming a day, being a father to 14 children and working on the political side of things. This is all very believable and for that reason, I admire this man.
Here’s a youtube short of our selfless servant, Elon Musk, stating that a single solar farm (100 miles x 100 miles) can power the entire US grid.
It goes to show that this father of 14/head of a dozen company/professional gamer is also an energy expert! And he definitely aligns with our viewpoints!
I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not.
But, I agree that he is a very great man.
Sheesh. We’re meant to be sceptics here aren’t we?
Of course he’s being sarcastic. He’s made similar OTT comments for the last few days.
Brother you need to step away from the bong !
You are worshiping a false god
Musk is sure stirring things up, but he is just acting as Trumps “Sergent in Arms” shaking out the dead wood etc, but it is not his initive, it is Trumps..
And he is no Robin Hood.
Anyone with his wealth and freedom to operate without repercussions, would likely do the same
Sarcasm is the only way to see this post especially after mention of Mother Theresa who is one the greatest frauds of recent times.
Finally, at long last, change…
Three tropical cyclones are now whirling in the South Pacific between Queensland and Tonga, although TC Rae (Cat 1) is expected to be downgraded to a low today. should go straight to Fiji’s latest map of all 3 spinning Catherine Wheels 🌀 🌀 🌀
Tiny little TC Bianca off WA is fading fast, while on the other side of the Indian Ocean, this summer’s persistent low pressure between Mozambique and Madagascar is drenching coastal parts of southern Africa: if it isn’t a drought it’s a flood, which of course in Climate Science has never happened before – send more money!
Has Albo-Toss sent out a Welcome to Country meet-and-greet party to your new Sino-language friends 218 km off Tassie’s east coast yet? Shirley that’s the friendly thing to do plus it follows ancient protocol of the Boomerang Bob mob, no? Nihau comrades!
Democracy is working so well even the Far-Left SMH is getting panicky. In their editorial they rack up the cost of the promises that the two clowns who want to rule us are making, and how we can’t pay for them.
“As Australians struggle to pay bills…the Albanese government is taking heat for having overseen the biggest spending increase as a share of the economy for a first-term government since Gough Whitlam…The approaching federal election is being framed as a cost of living contest, but the major political parties appear oblivious to the need for economic restraint. For instance, Labor and the Coalition pledged a $9 billion injection into Medicare at the weekend without any credible plan to pay for it.
The Albanese government has also promised $7.2 billion for a Queensland highway, $3 billion for the NBN and $1.7 billion to rescue the Whyalla steelworks in South Australia..But none of the leaders have the political guts to talk about how they propose to pay for their promises and the revenue measures needed.
..voters, concerned about self-interest, were electing populist governments engaged in “intergenerational larceny”. ”
Their only answer is to increase productivity, which anyone who can use a graph knows just doesn’t happen in a mature service economy consisting of bureaurats and baristas.
The ALP’s secret money tree revealed!
“Leftist logic: Labor Governments don’t spend taxpayer money …they spend Treasury money.”
Western Australia’s Carnarvon Council condemns federal, state governments over ‘widespread failures’ in youth crime crisis
A local council in Gascoyne has slammed the federal and Western Australian governments over youth crime, claiming they have failed to sufficiently address the crisis plaguing the region.
From the Comments
Melbourne crime ie. home invasions, tobacco wars , carjackings , street assault and stabbings , school bullying , public transport violence , shop raids in broad daylight etc etc have never been this high or out of control!!
Meanwhile in Cairns
ABC News – Disease testing ordered for teens accused of knifepoint rape during Cairns home invasion
Three teenage boys accused of raping a woman at knifepoint during a home invasion in Cairns have been ordered to undergo disease testing.
Two 15-year-olds and a 16-year-old are facing about a dozen offences each, including rape, armed robbery and deprivation of liberty.
On Friday police alleged that a couple aged in their 30s were sleeping in their Manunda house when the boys broke in at about 3:30am.
Police allege the woman was raped at knifepoint in separate areas of the home while the man was restrained at knifepoint.
None of the boys entered a plea or applied for bail in Cairns Children’s Court on Monday and all were remanded in custody.
Magistrate Michael Dalton approved a request for a disease testing order for all boys and a DNA test for one of the 15-year-olds
Finally – Watch the Video in the following link –
Cairns police were called following reports three teenagers had allegedly entered a Manunda home and threatened the occupants with a knife, demanding property about 3.30am on Friday.
The incident, including the alleged sexual assault, lasted about 10 to 15 minutes.
Detective Inspector Kev Goan said it was “one of the most abhorrent acts committed during a break and enter” that he had been experienced in his 38-year career as a detective.
“While one male offender has held or detained the male occupant in the house, the two others have escorted the female occupant at knifepoint to an outside area where she has been sexually assaulted,” Inspector Goan said.
“The victims and the offenders were not known to each other.”
Wonder what the parents are like.
Chain smoking, alcoholic druggies who beat the kids perhaps?
Classic “housos”.
Ship the lot off to remote detox/rehab farms where they can learn to be useful functioning members of society.
If they can’t then put them in politics.
.. some offences still support the need for stronger consequences than jail time. !
And were these offenders of a specific cultural background ?
They didn’t see this coming.
FDA Admits Covid-Vaccinated at Risk of Blood Clots for Up to 15 Years
The shocking admission was revealed in a new peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science.
Worryingly, the admission suggests that the vaccinated population may be facing a wave of surging blood clots as the Covid shots were only rolled out for public use roughly four years ago.
The research was conducted by renowned American cardiologist Dr. Peter A. McCullough and prominent epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher, MPH.
Guy stuff – log splitter attachment
They need an 8-way.
For a second I thought you’d typed Gay stuff … need an 8-way 😲 Must be the anaesthetic wearing off, had skin graft surgery for melanoma incision today so still under the effects… Great wood-splitter, I’m throwing my axe out now –
Just to show how balanced my views are, I’d like to suggest that CEO of our Unys play also a positive role, in both – state financial and general humanitarian sense.
On 3AW this morning, Tom Elliott had some focus on their unreasonably high remuneration (up $800k/a) which he could not see the reason for.
There was a thought that good Salesmen are the most highly paid professionals on the market, but as I found, the software sales are currently the most profitable area, with up to $600k/a and that is with bonuses. Hence, there must be another reason why Market (governments ?) justifies getting the best salesman against competition.
So who our Universities compete with?
At first glance – illegal people smugglers, who by rumours, charge only $10k/p, probably 2-3 times less than degree cost.
However, putting on a statesman hat, it is clear that real cost of deterring (if not destroying…) people smuggling business is multiple times that per person. Current experience with deporting non-citizen criminals proves that it easily could run into hundred of thousands. Also, count the humanitarian cost per person – hopefully alive, not drown…
In short, if as a result of a certain Uni CEO ideas and/or activities a dozen potential “yuong smugglies” each year decide to enter Australia legally, we already in the black.
JUST IN-Germany’s Youth Just Voted for Communism.
27% of Germans under 24 voted for ‘Die Linke,’ the literal successor to the East German Communist Party.
It’s clear that a third of young voters want central planning, wealth confiscation, and state control.
Congratulations, Gen Z!
You didn’t earn anything, but at least you won’t have to—until the system collapses and you realize that “free stuff” comes with inflation, shortages, and authoritarianism.
– Dr Simon Goddek
The hunched-over-a-phone-world-owes-me-a-living rainbow cry-baby squad has spoken.
I bored to death my fellow retirees, who forever complain about young sales people who can not calculate in their heads the required $5.00 change from a $10 note given.
I say again – Guys, we lost this war, let they enjoy their victory !
So you smear a generation for what 27% of them do?
Ok I guess as long as you dont whine when it comes around for whatever you identify as.
I can’t speak for anyone else but here goes:
I have become so sick and tired of Albo and his team of incompetent clowns that I don’t listen to anything they say anymore. They are destroying the very fabric of Australian society and the economy and they have lost me forever.
I use the mute button on the TV whenever any of them begins to speak and will do so well past the election. Hopefully they will all be booted out by then so they won’t appear so much anyway.
The mute button is getting plenty of punishment lately. I hope it lasts long enough to do the job.
Happily we dont watch anything that puts us at much risk of ever suffering them. My main source of info on them is right here or other people grizzling.
I am so totally engrossed in US politics [The Greatest Show On Earth] that local politics is boring, besides after Rudd and Gillard I vowed never to vote labor while on the green side of the grass.
We are living in interesting times and while I can see the curse in that I wouldn’t miss it for quids.
FWIW – a couple from Kunstler
“Funny Money”
“The revelations that are coming for America possess the potential to reshape our entire notion of the relationship between citizen and state.” — El Gato Malo on Substack ”
“No Way Out”
“The job of the president, goes the message from all the insiders, is to PRETEND to be in charge but not actually do anything meaningful.” —Jeffrey Tucker”
He does have a way with words. A bit like Jo , but less nice.
Perth buses are going electric. Diesel buses cost $650,000, electric buses will cost $1m, one third more, without including the added charging infrastructure. Idiots.
Now long before the lot disappears in a cascading lithium catastrophe at the depot? Is insurance even available for this dynamite storage facility?
The Australian Newspaper
Subsidies are like advertisements designed to paper over an embarrassing problem.
The real cost of generating electricity – with no subsidies included – is what has to be used to determine the best economic way forwards. Geoff S