New York Times sells out the US to China for a mere $100,000 a month

How cheap was it for the Chinese Communist Party to buy the American media? Like adding a room to a house.

Practically nothing.

The New York Times, the “paper of record” since 1851 in the USA became a tool for China for just $100,000 a month.  It put stories out for years that were essentially nothing but Communist advertising. They and other newspapers had a deal with state run China Daily which sanitized and covered up human rights abuses like Uighur concentration camps.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that the former “stories” were suddenly deleted:

Acting guilty, what?

The New York Times quietly deleted hundreds of advertorials that the Chinese Communist Party paid to publish on its website.

China Daily, an official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, has been purchasing advertorial spaces in the pages of mainstream U.S. media outlets for the last decade, using the space to disseminate Chinese propaganda to millions of unassuming Americans. In return, U.S. newspapers such as the Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal received millions of dollars.

The NYT has run over 200 advertorials over the last decade,

Key newspapers helped to hide that SARS 2 was lableak and a potential bioweapon. There is blood on their hands.

Bitchute link:  Or whole episode.

The leading newspapers covered up for Anthony Fauci and the Chinese communists as a deadly disease spread:

Tucker Carlson: New York Times in China’s pockets, refused to investigate COVID origins

Fox News:

Last summer, as the COVID pandemic raged throughout the United States, people who still read the New York Times began to notice something very strange happening at the paper. Hundreds of articles that had appeared there, going back nearly a decade, suddenly vanished, they disappeared. There was no way to find them. Nothing like this had ever happened. The New York Times considers itself–very self-consciously– a living historical record. The paper maintains meticulous, searchable archives going back to 1851. Yet last August, a huge number of articles just disappeared.  What was in them? We know the answer because a handful of history-minded readers preserved them when they were in print.  Every one of them was a propaganda piece paid for by the Chinese Communist Party, designed to look like a news article.

One of them reads “China Watch: Diaoyu Islands Belong to China.” That’s the headline. Why would the New York Times, America’s paper of record, print propaganda’s from a totalitarian regime and pretend it was a news article? For money. …

What’s twenty million to buy the wealthiest country in the world?

Since 2016, the Chinese government paid $20 million to outlets like The Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and The Washington Post.

Imagine if the New York Times and others had reported rumors of the Chinese Bioweapon back in the days when President Trump wanted to shut the borders. The world could have kept the virus out. The UN WHO would have been recognised broadly (instead of just on skeptical blogs) that the organisation served China, was a public health menace and was culpable.

When China needed help to cover up the lab leak and bioweapon news, the supposed cream of the US Media were only too happy to help.

In the opening months of the pandemic, the lab leak hypothesis was actively discredited by the media and scientific establishment, with anyone associated with it smeared as “racist”.

By Ashley Rindsberg, Unherd

Did the New York Times stifle lab leak debate?

At the start of the pandemic, the Times set the news and policy agenda on the lab leak hypothesis, discrediting it and anyone who explored it. The Times did so while taking money from Chinese state-owned propaganda outlets, such as China Daily, and while pursuing long-term investments in China that may have made the paper susceptible to the CCP’s strong-arm propaganda tactics in the first months of the pandemic.

As someone who has spent years researching the history of the Times, I was struck by the paper’s markedly pro-China bent at the start of the pandemic. It opposed Trump’s travel ban to and from China as “isolationist”. It all but ignored the unparalleled success of China’s arch-enemy, Taiwan, in containing the virus. It downplayed China’s economic war against Australia,…

Over the months, the Times’s coverage grew even more strident — and more in line with Chinese propaganda.

The Times, which used Daszak as a key source in over a dozen articleshas never mentioned that Daszak’s organisation funded the Wuhan lab, in particular research into bats and coronaviruses, a flagrant conflict of interest.

The Times set the tone by calling anyone who asked about the lab leak as being a tinfoil hat nutter…

The CCP also controls access to a vast market, and The Times, like so many other corporations in the US was happy to sell out it’s own standards in order to gain access:

In 2012, seeking to capitalise on China’s burgeoning middle and upper classes, the Times launched a Chinese edition of its daily paper followed by the launch of a luxury lifestyle magazine.

In investing so heavily in China, the Times unintentionally handed the rapacious CCP an editorial lever to sway coverage. The Times learned this first-hand when, in 2012, the CCP blocked Chinese access to the Times online in retaliation

The elite media was China’s best friend, and a traitor to the USA.

The culture of hating-the-US-as-a-fashion-statement probably meant the editorial board didn’t even feel like they were selling out their own nation.

h/t Bill in AZ

9.9 out of 10 based on 94 ratings

69 comments to New York Times sells out the US to China for a mere $100,000 a month

  • #
    Richard Ilfeld

    For many years, columnists in this particular fishwrap have drooled over China, typically on the basis that “when the Chinese have a good idea, they can simply do it, whereas when we have a good idea, we can’t usually get anything done because the knuckle dragging troglodytes on the right won’t vote for it”. Their authoritarian streak, and desire for ‘capitalism with NYT characteristics’ has never been much of a secret.


  • #

    There is so much misinformation, lies and cover-ups going on everywhere it’s currently impossible to know who is telling the truth, if anyone. The CDC for example have flip-flopped on several occasion so that proves they are either telling lies or simply don’t know what they doing. Fauci has been demonstrated to be telling fibs galore. So, their motives for lockdowns and the coercion to vaccinate as many people as possible are themselves highly suspicious. There are those who trust governments and health officials implicitly so they will follow their advice blindly, while others like myself have little or no trust in them and so refuse to follow their advice blindly until I have enough information to make a valid assessment of the situation. It’s a sad state of affairs yet one should not be surprised given how politicians have lost just about all credibility of late. Anyone who trust them on any other major matter these days, such as climate change, must be either gullible or just plain stupid. So, why would we trust them on this current “crisis”?


  • #
    Fuel Filter

    It wasn’t just the NYT.

    Washington Post (Bezos’ personal blog), my hometown fish wrap The Los Angeles Times (born and raised there) and a whole lot of others as well.

    When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s I just quit reading it except the sports pages. Had to keep up with my beloved L.A. Dodgers, ya see…


    • #
      Fuel Filter

      One more thing…

      I distinctly remember these 3-4 page glossy inserts from the LA Times extolling how wonderful China was. There were in all these papers.

      But, I will never forget one of the very few things about WW II my dad told me. He was stationed on a wooden minesweeper off Japan’s West and Southwest coasts.

      Told me of the tens-of-thousands of bloated bodies he saw floating out of the Yangtze river from Mao’s “purges”.

      I never forget that. Ever.


      • #

        Not just in the USA. I seem to remember the occasional printed insert in the UK Telegraph (paper version) all about China. I wondered about that!


  • #
    John F Hultquist

    Will the MSM be sending interns to all the libraries with “news of record” depositories? Will the intern have a razor blade in one pocket and computer code in another, all to purge the offending material?
    A few times I’ve seen missing pages from books or papers and assumed someone wanted to take something home.

    Even if this story is only half true if could be costly to those involved.

    Bezos bought WAPO in Aug of 2013. {Time flies!}


  • #

    Iz’s quiet interesting to find newes news about the USA in an Australian blog 😀


    • #

      You reminded me of the 80s when I worked with the NZ early version of the internet we called it OASIS – Overseas Access Subscriber Information Service. It linked to news and general discussion online boards. I had some messaging with a woman in Washington DC and in one message made comment about something that had happened on the west coast – can’t remember exactly either a San Fran earth quake or fire, big enough to make global news. Her response was that she had not heard about it until I mentioned it! One country, very very very big divide – which still exists. Cheers.


    • #
      YallaYPoora Kid

      Unlike a lot of other countries, well travelled Australians pay attention to what is happening in other countries besides their own. We also know a little more that others about world geography and general disposition of continents. Amazing but true.


  • #

    Newspapers in the 19th century created billionaires. They were the only media. Fairfax, Syme, Randolph Hearst. Investigative reporters were heroes and in many of the world’s countries, they put still their lives at risk publishing the truth.

    Now newspapers and journalists are desperate for cash, even jobs. In communist countries they push the party line or face death. The glory days of newspapers in Western democracies were funded entirely by massive advertising which has vanished to Google. They are all poor shadows now and have become rent boys for political activists. Worse, the malaise has spread to every section of the media and we are assailed by teenagers with opinions. The much hated Murdoch press is perhaps the only relic of the old press, critical of both sides and fearless.

    Older journalists are now trading under the banner of respect, but also pushing their opinions, not news. Often on subjects on which they know no more than anyone else. And their pieces are still raided mercilessly and published by a rapacious Google who sell their stolen content to support massive advertising revenues. Google and their clones pay for nothing.

    As for the ABC/BBC it’s inexcusable. They have become sensationalist to attract and please their favorite audiences, their inner city friends with fashionable opinions. Woke. Now extreme socialists, Climate activists, openly abusive to Conservative politicians in particular and push what ever is fashionable in their circle of friends, groupthink, a mind set. Which is odd because they are so well funded by public cash, of which there is never enough. As Jack Nicholson said, “you can’t handle the truth”. He would have a job with the ABC.

    Of course suggesting China made the virus in their new French laboratory bought by the Communist military, supported by US cash, is a lie, unthinkable, ridiculous, xenophobic. And only now, two years later are the media who howled when President Trump said it are now letting slip that it just might be possible. What evidence did they have that it was impossible. None whatsoever.

    It’s not just the New York Times, a famous broadsheet, like Melbourne’s Age. Now an extremely antisemitic, pro Communist insult to fish and chips. And it’s not your ABC, it’s their ABC.


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      “The much hated Murdoch press is perhaps the only relic of the old press, critical of both sides and fearless.”

      No wonder the leftards hate them with a passion.


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    Clyde Spencer

    For that matter, the Guardian, Reuters, and other left-leaning British rags get their political Op-Eds published for free in this country by the likes of Yahoo News. The Media complains about Russians supposedly meddling in US politics, but looks the other way when the British brazenly support democrats and denigrate republicans. The “free press” is no more!


    • #

      The press was never free. It was all about advertising, something the founders of Google knew too well. It is estimated they collect over 90% of all advertising revenue.


      • #

        The press was mostly “free” a long time ago but it gradually lost that attribute. Today they are certainly not free. They are manufacturers of fake news and lies, with our governments rapidly catching up to their level, if not already there. In fact governments these days appear to be placing more trust in the MSM than in the people. That is a conflict of interest with respect to the ABC since the government funds the ABC. That’s like incest, and as such things are decaying rapidly with the result being an evil governments that will have no due regard for the public, in fact they will have such a disdain and hatred that governments will not tolerate any freedom. In other words, we end up being slaves. Anyone who can’t see this is coming to pass is either asleep or stupid, neither being a valid excuse since the evidence is flooding the world for all to see.


    • #

      For its many faults, Russia under the strong national leadership of Putin is the way to go. We need a strong leader and to stop stuffing around with this ersatz democracy.


  • #

    This is not a story of insider trading or slander, this is an American media institution paid to actively spread misinformation to create a false narrative to cover the true crimes of a foreign country.

    Anyone still think we aren’t at war yet?


    • #

      Yes, we are at war on multiple fronts. One of those fronts is within. Our governments are making decisions now that will result in an increase in squabbles amongst families and friends, culminating is an increase in violence and possibly even civil war. I’ve seen heated debates between father and son on the lockdowns and vaccination issues. Whether the actions of our governments are deliberate or not is no longer even the point. The fact that they are doing is the point. They will end up having blood on their hands. PM Morrison, you are supposed to be a Christian so please take note! Please prove me wrong but your actions so far indicate you are a fake Christian due to all the lies on the emission reduction, vaccination and lockdowns, PM Morrison. One way to show I could be wrong is to put in legislation making it illegal for the deployment and use of vaccine passports for limiting people’s freedoms of movement within Australia. The last thing we need to do is become more like Naz1 Germany. If anything we need to move away from that, not keep moving towards it as the case is at the moment with lockdowns, horrific treatments of people for not wearing masks, and the like.


      • #

        l have to say that l have never in my life voted Liberal and stopped voting labour a long time ago
        (since they stopped being for the worker and joined the greens)
        and l do totally agree Scotty has sins he needs to atone for
        but l must say since the start of the CCP virus l do like some of the things he has done, “really like”
        an example is how he denied we need a “great reset” in a speech he gave to London

        this shows me he does not want to turn Australia into a Socialist Nazi Germany 😉
        but the show is still running


  • #

    Interesting to note on the first 1851 NYT publication, the inaugural edition attempted to address various speculations on its purpose and positions that preceded its release.

    We shall be Conservative, in all cases where we think Conservatism essential to the public good;—and we shall be Radical in everything which may seem to us to require radical treatment and radical reform. We do not believe that everything in Society is either exactly right or exactly wrong;—what is good we desire to preserve and improve;—what is evil, to exterminate, or reform.

    That’s from Wikipedia so be your own judge, I amazed they don’t have an historical correction explaining that the statement is what media was forced to say then when evil capitalism ruled the world.


  • #

    I feel similarly about the Australian when I look at their online headlines from time to time. I don’t subscribe any more so don’t read the articles, but I can feel my lips curl with disgust at the corporate mainstream media lines they blare. Ugh.


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      Yes, and they silence anyone whose comment barely sniffs around the truth or an alternative point of view. The Australian has lost all credibility.


    • #

      The Australian employ a type of bigotry on many topics. There is no dissent on freedoms or vaccinations , too much now on soft issues that are peripheral to the national interest. In short, it has gone woke.


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    William Astley

    Covid is an attack on all of our countries. We are at war. Unfortunately, China is the only player in the war. War is all out. The CCP covid release coverup will have now have unlimited CCP funds (and zero politics to get funds and CCP operatives) and full intelligence/covert power. The CCP plan escalates.

    Absolutely certain, CCP operatives will have used CCP money to bride and influence and control New York employees and ‘reporters’ in addition to paying of the company. The covid release is a big risk, if the CCP cannot cover it up using the ‘natural’ theory.

    The evidence supports execution of a planned covid release. China delete the bat code from the external data base, at midnight on the day, which multiple hard evidence supports covid ‘leaked’ out of the Wuhan lab.

    There are dozens of simultaneously events that occurred when satellite monitoring determined that there was a Wuhan lab ‘leak’. The China response to the leak, was instant, with complete control of our media before. The covid design and release plan was started more than a decade ago.

    The New York Times helped the CCP hide the covid attack on our countries. And our idiotic liberal press… Just repeated the New York Times/CCP lie that covid is natural, rather than a planned release from the Wuhan lab, that is an crime against all humanity/not an accident, by the Gain of Function researcher who the CCP has total control of.

    Every country has suffered deaths, loss of freedom, economic lose, because of covid. Our countries need to come up with actions independent of the US, to stop the CCP attack.

    “ Starting in early 2020, when little was known about the virus — and nothing about its origins — the Times adopted a stridently anti-lab leak stance. In its first report on the topic, a February 17, 2020 article covering comments made by Sen. Tom Cotton, the Times stigmatised lab leak as a “fringe theory”. Once the story was published, its reporter took to Twitter to describe it as “the kind of conspiracy once reserved for the tinfoil hatters”.”


    • #

      That’s not the only “war”. The other war on ourselves is the continuous push for emission reductions. As I stated many times before, the real enemies are within. Our external enemies at this stage are not the problem. They could be once Western societies have been weakened enough for our external enemies to enter without much resistance. That’s why our internal enemies (government, MSM and big business) are more of a threat yet not many people give a damn, and in fact many are lapping it up as though they are there to help us. Delusional to the extreme.


      • #
        William Astley

        I totally agree Peter.

        The CCP is sabotaging our economies using the CAGW concept.

        The sabotage is China is converting their coal plants to advanced coal fired plants. China has no/and does not allow environmentalists and has almost 100% control over their people. The Chinese people have almost no power, to stop the super industrialization of China, regardless of massive population that comes with dominating every industry.

        Sun and wind gathering and the green concept cannot power our countries. And it does not matter how much money is spend.

        The green plan…. Convert transportation to EV, convert heating to electricity, and to install endless numbers of wind turbines and solar panels will never get any country zero emissions, regardless of money spent, is not a plan, it is sabotage.


    • #

      Plus the implementation of the old Social Credit system beloved of those dystopian socialists. Seek and we will destroy you.


  • #

    So when Trump said something like ” the press (US media) were the enemy of the people”- he was correct to some extent.


  • #
    Peter C

    I am reading a bit of WW2 history (The Fight for Australia by Roland Perry).
    He mentions that the US state department was very pro China at that time. Indeed most of them were committed Sinophiles, loving all things Chinese. This lead Roosevelt to pressure our Prime Minister (John Curtin) to commit our troops of the 6th and 7th divisions, at that time in Ceylon on their way back to Australia, to the defence of Burma.
    Fortunately Curtin demurred.

    I imagine that the Sinophiles of the State department continued for decades after that and may have helped create the belligerent Chinese state that now threatens us all.


    • #

      That would be Shanghai Jack’s China which ended up on Formosa post war and subsequent overthrow by Mao.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      I imagine that the Sinophiles of the State department continued for decades after that and may have helped create the belligerent Chinese state that now threatens us all.

      And for decades prior to WW2. The origins of the War in the Pacific were the civil wars in China. Mao was stymied in the communization of East Asia by two factors during the 1930s. One was German support of Chiang Kai Shek up to 1937. The other was the Japanese opposition to communism.

      American Democrats, and key bureaucrats in the Department of State, threw their support behind the so call “United Front” in their war to force the Japanese from Continental Asia. The United Front was a alliance between Mao and Chiang. After socialist Japanese army officers failed to take over the government of Japan during a Feb 1936 coup attempt (they planned to have Japanese troops withdrawn from continental Asia), Mao began courting Chiang to join him in a war to remove Japan from Continental Asia. Mao went so far as to kidnap Chiang and the conditions for his release to go to war against Japan.

      The Marco Polo Bridge Incident occurred on July 7th 1937, but it failed to escalate into a full blown war. The Japanese and Chinese generals on the scene agreed on a truce and sought to deescalate. Chiang disavowed the truce on the 11th. Why? It is now known that Mao and Chiang had signed a secret deal to to join forces in a war against the Japanese on the 5th of July. (it was post dated to the 25th of July so it would appear to be a response to Japanese aggression) On the 25th of July there was a second incident at Lang Fang, and things began to escalate rapidly. On the 29th Chinese secret police killed 223 Japanese civilians at a village called Tung Chow. Japanese Prime Minister Konoe then deployed large numbers of troops to China, and the Japanese Navy began carrier air operations.

      On the 16th of July US Secretary of State Cordell Hull issued a scathing condemnation of Japanese China policy. But this was 10 days prior to the Lang Fang escalation and full month before the war really took off in Shanghai. Hull’s statement in July was a precursor to FDR’s bellicose Quarantine Speech on the 3rd of Oct. The Quarantine Speech really made it clear that the FDR administration was solidly behind the Chinese (communist) United Front and against Japan (the anti communists at that time) in the conflict. Oct 3rd was before the Rape of Nanking and while the Battle of Shanghai was still in progress.


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    navy bob

    The paper of record has always been a commie propaganda outlet. The NYT Moscow correspondent Walter Duranty got a Pulitzer in 1932 for telling the world that the four million people in Ukraine whom Stalin deliberately murdered by starvation were only “hungry, but not starving.” Duranty even found a little humor in the famine: “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs,” he famously noted.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      The paper of record has always been a commie propaganda outlet.

      I could not disagree more.

      I find it extremely conservative, in just about every respect. It is all about the glorification of capitalism, the praising of wealth and greed, the promotion of massive and high-cost consumerism, a bourgeois lifestyle magazine, and otherwise publishing the sort of product that attracts high-income readers to its advertisers.

      It is a big business and it has the ethos of a big business. It might be pro-Democratic and pro-Biden (which of course it has to be in a New York market), but that doesn’t make it “commie” – in fact it doesn’t even remotely make it centre-left.

      And the other great disservice from the NYT (and the Washington Post) has been to normalise the outrageous behaviour of Trump over the past five years. Even the latest revelation – that Trump demanded the DOJ in December call the election – corrupt – get’s brushed off in half a news cycle.

      The NYT is not a commie propaganda sheet – it is a hyper-capitalist / BAU propaganda sheet, in my view.


      • #

        And your job is to denormalize what Trump did.

        He just stood up for the constitution and talked and negotiated like any normal businessman has with some bluff and exaggeration.

        It wasn’t abnormal, but you want us to think it was.


        • #
          Peter C

          I like what you say but I am not sure how Trump got in there.


          • #
            Peter C


            Read the thread Peter, then ask!


            • #
              Kalm Keith


              You found it.

              There was mention of Trump that Jo responded to.

              And Til Til has managed to blank over the extraordinary turnaround in American business, manufacturing and industry which resulted in huge numbers of people being employed.

              The tens of thousands of people who turned out at Trump rallies should have been a good indicator of what the ordinary man in the street felt about him.
              They appreciated what he did.


        • #
          Tilba Tilba

          And your job is to denormalize what Trump did.

          LOL – it’s not my job … Trump himself “denormalised” what a president should do! Anyway, it’s not a debate that can be resolved. Some of us believe he was absolutely the very worst president who ever drew breath, and a total crook – while his red-hat devotees believe he can walk on water.

          Not sure it’s a discussion worth having – whose opinion could be changed by the words of others?

          Anyway – it wasn’t the main point of my post … I find the idea that the NYT or Washington Post are “left-wing” publications totally ridiculous. I can only repeat what I have said several times previously – being anti-Trump or pro-Biden does NOT make you a commie, a socialist, a progressive, a liberal, or a leftie.

          It just makes you a smart person. But you can still be an unabashed capitalist in all that.


          • #

            So you do want to denormalize Trump. Everything you say repeats that theme. But you have no examples of how he was un-normal compared to the last 200 years, the constitution of the US or normal business negotiation.

            But Trump was rare in that he didn’t get richer by being President.


            • #

              But Trump was rare in that he didn’t get richer by being President despite trying.


              • #

                He didn’t try to get richer.. he tried to make the USA richer.

                And was doing an exceptional job until this CV-19 farce hit !

                You probably don’t see the difference though, do you Gee-Aye !


          • #

            Tilba, the NYT is a long known democratic supporter, they are mainly liberal in outlook and in their articles.

            From HERE is this:

            The NYT looks at the issues from a progressive perspective and is regarded as “liberal.” According to a Pew Research Centers’ media polarization report, “the ideological Placement of Each Source’s Audience” places the audience for the New York Times as “consistently liberal.” Further, since 1960 The New York Times has only endorsed Democratic Presidential Candidates.

            Then we have this from the Washington Times showing what the NYT editor says about her employer:

            New York Times editor admits paper is very, very (very) biased


            Then Ms. Shoe starts breaking down the new way things get done at America’s most prestigious paper.

            “This is what I was trying to say is, like, the last couple years it’s changed for the bad. I think the business model itself is just — there’s so much panic about what to do that, you know, what else is a company supposed to do? That’s the conundrum, is that a business model, in this time, is built on what the readers want.”

            Well, then, who are the readers of The Times? Ms. Shoe, occasionally taking sips of a pint of beer, says “some of the readers are liberal,” then pauses before she amends that to, “a lot of them are liberal.”

            More admissions in the link.

            NYT is a Liberal newspaper, the owners of the paper are long known liberals, your claim it is conservative is absurd


            • #
              Tilba Tilba

              NYT is a Liberal newspaper, the owners of the paper are long known liberals, your claim it is conservative is absurd

              It is not absurd, and I explained why it is essentially conservative. It showcases capitalism, and exudes capitalist ethos from its bootstraps up. It has to be fairly centrist and moderate – given the overwhelmingly “liberal” and Democrat-voting market in which it operates.

              But there could be some semantic differences in play here.

              To my mind, voting Democrat or supporting Democrat candidates does not make one a “liberal” – lots of quite conservative people in the US still vote Democrat (or in the Australian context, vote Labor).

              And a lot of quite conservative people would not vote for the Republicans in a fit.

              The NYT is a very big business, and relies on a great deal of advertising in order to pay the bills and make a profit. It has to be fairly moderate to attract a mass audience, and that’s where it is.

              Even with the excesses of the Trump presidency, it took years before the NYT would use the words “lie” or “liar” about Trump … clinging desperately to some notion of “presidential dignity” that Trump was shredding daily.

              It also sticks doggedly to very weird notions of “balance” – contorting itself to get a “both sides” story – even when none exists, such as 6 January.

              So I find it a pretty staid and conservative media player – look at one of its most prominent journalists and writers – David Brooks – classic Ivy League, country-club Republican. He is there precisely to provide a “human face” to respectable old-fashioned Republican conservatism.

              The NYT isn’t far-right like Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Steven Bannon, Alex Jones or Mark Levin … but that doesn’t make it “liberal” by any stretch.

              As I said, they are big business first and foremost, and voting Democrat doesn’t necessarily make you “liberal”.


              • #

                The NYT is so centrist it interviews astronauts, scientists and corporate CEO’s who don’t agree with the CCP run UN all the time. Oh wait….

                Nice try Tilba, but you have nothing. The NYT is so right wing it waited “years” to call Trump a liar, something it had not done with previous Presidents?

                The post describes how the NYT took money from the CCP and ran sympathetic CCP stories which helped the spread of a deadly disease that killed half a million Americans. That’s not just “left”, it’s a complete sell out to communism.


              • #

                I doubt you have ever met a conservative person in your life, TT. !


              • #

                ““presidential dignity” that Biden is shredding hourly.”


            • #
              Curious George

              Walter Duranty of New York Times won a 1932 Pulitzer Prize for his denial of Stalin-caused famine in Ukraine:

              Duranty 1 6/14/1931 – “Red Russia of Today Ruled by Stalinism, Not Communism”
              Duranty 2 6/16/1931 – “Socialism First Aim in Soviet’s Program; Trade Gains Second”
              Duranty 3 6/18/1931 – “Stalinism Shelves World Revolt Idea; To Win Russia First”
              Duranty 4 6/19/1931 – “Industrial Success Emboldens Soviet in New World Policy”
              Duranty 5 6/20/1931 – “Trade Equilibrium is New Soviet Goal”
              Duranty 6 6/22/1931 – “Soviet Fixes Opinion by Widest Control”
              Duranty 7 6/23/1931 – “Soviet Censorship Hurts Russia Most”
              Duranty 8 6/24/1931 – “Stalinism Smashes Foes in Marx’s Name”
              Duranty 9 6/25/1931 – “Red Army is Held No Menace to Peace”
              Duranty 10 6/26/1931 – “Stalinism Solving Minorities Problem”
              Duranty 11 6/27/1931 – “Stalinism’s Mark is Party Discipline”
              Duranty 12 3/29/1931 – “The Russian Looks at the World”
              Duranty 13 12/20/1931 – “Stalin’s Russia Is An Echo of Iron Ivan’s”

              If you wonder why Ukraine is so opposed to Putin, it is because Stalin killed millions of Ukrainians, with a tacit support of New York Times.



            • #

              Tilba, the NYT is a long known democratic supporter, they are mainly liberal in outlook and in their articles.

              Not only but also: They have been that way “forever”. They were N@zi sympathisers during the war, never editorialising on German concentration camps and are still anti Semitic today.


          • #

            The fact that you think the NYT is in any way “centrist” shows just how far to the rancid, looney left your ideology is, TT !


            • #
              Kalm Keith

              I’m sure he “dresses” right down the centre.

              Many years ago there were only buttons to contend with: now we have those sharp metallic zippers.

              Centrists have always found things difficult.


          • #

            “It just makes you a smart person.”

            And yet you seem to be as dumb as two rocks !


          • #

            Being Pro-Biden.. and you thing that is smart.. seriously !?

            … now that is totally hilarious. !!

            Why continue to make a mockery of yourself.


          • #

            “and a total crook”

            No evidence of that, apart from what was fabricated by the Pelosi tribe. !

            You want to see corruption and graft and fràùd… Democrats are the go-to crowd.


        • #

          Trump was abnormal because he stood for the constitution and for rational processes and fair play.

          A totally opposite attitude to what came before and after.


          • #
            Tilba Tilba

            Trump was abnormal because he stood for the constitution and for rational processes and fair play.

            As John McEnroe often said, “You can not be serious!”.

            But as I keep saying over and over – this is not a debate worth having. There are some on here who think that Trump was next to God (like our man Clarence, it seems), and there are those of us who think he was the worst person ever “elected” to the office, and fervently hope to see him in a federal prison really soon (along with his spawn).

            These two views can’t ever be resolved on a forum like this. Nut whatever, I maintain my view – being pro-Democratic, and being pretty hard on Trump – does NOT make the NYT a liberal or lefty outfit. They are just so conservative and straight, on just about every metric you could name.

            They are BIG BUSINESS – of course they have to be conservative! What is hard to understand here?


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        “I could not disagree more.”

        I couldn’t care less.


      • #

        “in my view”

        Which is that of a far-looney-leftist.

        Not capable of rational thought.

        Totally meaningless and irrelevant in the real world.


  • #
    Michael Hammer

    The prime definition of communism as distinct from socialism is that the state owns all means of production and all property. The definition of socialism is that the state distributes wealth. In China 85% of industry is privately owned! The middle and upper classes are rising, increasing the inequality of income. By contrast, the definition of fascism is a state led by a dictator who forcibly suppresses dissent and criticism, with a strong focus on aggressive nationalism and expansionism, persecution of minorities especially religious minorities and regimentation of industry.


    • #

      That’s why communism is not a good fit to where we are heading. We have will continue to have big private corporations apart form the government. In fact they are allowed and there are government incentives for them to get bigger and more powerful. Under communism such entities could not exist. A somewhat closer fit but still not accurate would be national socialism or it’s cousin fascism. We might have to come up with a new term given the strong influence of globalism. Still, it doesn’t really matter as they all have one thing in common – the extermination of most if not all of our freedoms.


  • #
    David A

    I agree Peter, which is why I often use the term statism, or group power over individual liberty.

    China’s move towards capitalism is more accurately a move towards fascism, big business operating at the direction of the CCP.

    The main difference between socialism and communism may be time. It is very difficult for central power not to grow ever more tyrannical.


  • #

    India obviously doesn’t offer a cent in bribery for positive coverage. The only news I see about India in Australia concerns rapes, arranged marriages, grinding poverty and corruption. Yet somehow India has managed to build an economy sitting at about 5th or 6th largest and has many achievements to be proud of. China doesn’t like them so I guess that might explain why good stories about india in our media get the “Don’t talk about” treatment.


    • #

      I get TFI Global, an Indian blog, in my YT suggestions. They are RABID anti-China and while I accept they are not speaking for PM Modi I suspect they are not too far off the official line either.

      Just thinking about China depresses me. TFI are a sugar hit antidote at least.
