“Big Pharma is the worlds biggest lobbying organisation”

By Jo Nova

Vivek Ramaswamy worked in the pharmaceutical industry. Now that he’s free to speak, he distills the utter corruption of the FDA in under four minutes, it is beyond redemption, rotten to the core.  “That’s’s why I favor a dramatic drastic gutting of the FDA…” — he says. Exactly…

He’s a great speaker:

From his Twitter feed:  “The corrupt FDA says you don’t have the right to even *try* medicines that haven’t been through 10+ years of testing, yet the government *mandated* Covid vaccines that sailed through FDA approval in less than 1 year.  You can’t believe both things at once. Countless FDA regulations and actions are hypocritical, harmful & unconstitutional. I will rescind them accordingly, using the Supreme Court’s holding in West Virginia vs. EPA as my legal basis for doing so. For years I was coached by industry veterans not to speak out against FDA. It’s well known that if you anger FDA, they will punish you by blackballing review of your drug review applications. “FDA never forgets” is a quietly-whispered, well-known pharma industry adage. Well, they could only shut me up for so long. Now I speak freely as a citizen.” — @VivekGRamaswamy

Meanwhile — circulating somewhere on the web, sent in by Charles:

FD, Pfizer, Revolving door.

h.t Charles

  Scott Gottlieb (Pfizer)  | James Smith | Stephen HahnAnthony  Fauci


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144 comments to “Big Pharma is the worlds biggest lobbying organisation”

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    Huge, Chilling Study on mRNA Genic Serums’ Serious Adverse Reactions

    An anthological research summarizing all the most important studies on the pathologies caused by the antiCovid mRNA genic serums was published on June 17, peer-reviewed on July 17, accepted on July 24 and published on August 17 in the specialized journal Biomedicine of the authoritative Swiss medical journals MDPI.

    It is entitled “Spikeopathy”: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA.

    Australian University Research Based on 253 International Studies
    It was published by Australian scientists Peter I Parry of the Children’s Health Clinical Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, South Brisbane, Australia, Astrid Lefringhausen, Robyn Cosford and Julian Gillespie, Children’s Health Defense (Australia Chapter) , Huskisson, Conny Turni, Microbiological Research, QAAFI (Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation), University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Christopher J. Neil, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, and Nicholas J. Hudson, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane.

    It is a colossal work of scientific literature based on 253 studies in which the most significant ones are cited on the toxicity of the Spike protein and of the vaccines that trigger it in the body through mRNA vectors, published in the last two years by the scientists we have repeatedly mentioned on Gospa News since the first months of distribution of these new experimental and dangerous pharmacological biotechnologies at the beginning of 2021.

    In fact, the works on autoimmune diseases by the American biophysicist Stephanie Seneff, a scientist at the prestigious MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Cambridge, an by is compatriot cardiologist Peter McCullough , those on the risks of cancer by the British oncologist Angus Dalgleish, those of the genomics expert Kevin McKernan on the cellular replication of DNA Spike plasmids in the human body, those of the American chemist Alana F. Ogatawho was among the first to denounce the dangers of Genetic sera mRNA Moderna (source 52), and obviously the disturbing and revolutionary one by the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla on the toxic nanoparticles of the Comirnaty vaccine by Pfizer-Biontech could not be missing.

    This is a shocking reading that should lead the world health authorities to immediately stop the administration of mRNA genie serums as the toxicity of Spike is now ascertained.


    Paper link:


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      Occasionally a truly significant researched paper is released (leaked ?) for the public gaze. This seems to me to be one of those, so significant that I suggest people download it as quickly as possible (as I have) since I expect it to be retracted, withdrawn, censored and generally “cancelled” as soon as possible. If the MSM do eventually refer to it, the most likely line of defense will be that the Journal (MDPI) that allowed it to be published is an insignificant one, without prestige.

      The sentence in this paper that really chilled me:

      The link to neurodegenerative diseases is also through the ability of the spike protein to interact with the heparin-binding amyloid-forming proteins initiating aggregation of brain proteins.

      I have seen first hand what that actually means – the accumulation of excess brain proteins. The progression of unstoppable motor neurone deterioration mimics motor neurone disease, to the extent that nearing the end, the patient is likely to be unable to open or close their own eyelids – while being fully conscious and aware.

      This paper has over 250 linked references (9 A4 pages), which the Aus TGA has publicly ignored. I have no deep expertise in this area but I maintain that ignoring this paper rather than actually refuting it with evidence is extremely disturbing behaviour.


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      Everyone should read the linked paper at the bottom. For those that argue there is not much peer-reviewed literature on the vaccine side effects, go here and spend a bit of time reading the almost 3400 citations…..

      https://react19.org/scientific-articles/ or


      Very glad I avoided this poison and proudly still a Pure Blood….


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      John Connor II

      Paper link:

      Sounds familiar…😎


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    Yes, he’s right, and if his message wakes up a few more of the sleeping masses, then that is good.
    However, he’s only speaking now because of his future political aspirations. Otherwise I suggest he would be silent, like when he was taking the devil’s shilling.
    Never forget, never forgive. He may speak truth now but he remains a hypocritical scumbag, in my opinion.


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      Robert Swan


      Never forget, never forgive.

      Never forget: fine, but never forgive?

      Cast your mind back to 2020. You might recall that our Jo was a COVID alarmist. I think she may have been a victim of confirmation bias, zooming in on anything that matched the disease of her nightmares, not standing back to see that diseases that take out the old and the sick aren’t all that rare a thing.

      You might also recall she advocated measures that would make sense for those nightmare diseases, but never made sense for COVID-19. I was disappointed, and dropped from daily look-ins to weekly, and no chocolates.

      But this blog is rational again, and better than ever. I haven’t forgotten, but I have forgiven; I visit every day, and the modest annual chocolate ration has resumed.


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        She does excellent research “normally”. I hear you on the 2020.
        I don’t understand how she missed the herd of elephants on the Swamy though.


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          Gerry, England

          Up until Covid, most people trusted the medical community and couldn’t comprehend them doing what they did. Now, older, wiser and hopefully still alive and well, it won’t be the same next time round.


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        Phil O'Sophical

        Good post, Robert. Well said. I had a to and fro elsewhere with someone who criticised Dr Asseem Malhotra, who, as an eminent surgeon initially accepted his profession was acting in good faith and promoted the jabs on TV; why would you not? But he smelled a rat when his father died and he began investigating. He has subsequently been an outstanding voice against the poisonous tyranny, and duly ostracised by his erstwhile colleagues in both the media and TV. This poster wrote that he had blood on his hands and would never be forgiven. I tried to explain from several angles, but he was obviously not too bright, and kept repeating his incomprehension. I guessed he was young enough not yet to have been called out for mistakes of his own. So it is good to see someone else put the case. Thank you.


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      Steve, I doubt he would have been given any media at all if it wasn’t for his candidacy. An American-Indian unwoke non-public figure doesn’t do it for anyone over there (or here either).


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    Mike Borgelt

    Ramaswarmy is a con artist. Look up the pharma company that made him rich. I read that he also was telling everyone to get the jabs


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      I’ve done that, looked up the pharma company. What they do is buy drug patents that have not been taken up successfully, spin them out into an entity, get funding, and some are successful some aren’t. They had a $2 billion failure, and at least one success, and sold off a number of drugs to a big company for $7 billion. The company is doing fine at present, but as he said,’ the FDA doesn’t forget’!


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    There was an urgency with covid like no other. Go back in this blog and you’ll find that it looked like thousands were dying in China in just a few weeks. Then there was the huge impact in northern Italy, Spain, France,Netherlands etc. Boris Johnson very nearly died from covid.

    Some protection other than masks and social distancing was required, preferably a medical one, so vaccines were quickly developed. They weren’t perfect but no-one knows how many more people would have died without them. Let’s not forget that vaccines at least reduced the severity of symptoms and that meant that hospitals didn’t get overwhelmed by covid cases.


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      Simon Thompson ᵐᵇ ᵇˢ

      I have done the maths John. According to “Covidlive” statistics (aggregated from government sources) the following happened in Australia:
      “Vaccines” increased the case rate by 158 X, increased hospitalisation 9.6 x ,increased death rate 8.7 x, increased ICU admission rate 3.4 x and incidentally there was a halving of ICU ventilation rate.

      A true vaccine would see these numbers go DOWN, not JUMP UP BY ONE TO TWO ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE.

      The folks that funded bioengineered Bat Coronavirus are the same folks that made hundreds of millions enforcing patented “Vaccines” that were conveniently LIABILITY FREE. Wakey Wakey John.


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        Don’t confuse correlation with causation.


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          You won’t get causation without correlation.


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          Simon Thompson ᵐᵇ ᵇˢ

          I didn’t mention “Causation” in my argument.
          The following is very important to understand.
          In science, one looks at the world and develops a falsifiable hypothesis as to how things are related.
          True scientists then stress test their hypothesis by trying to DISPROVE it. If it is not disproved then the hypothesis stands.

          Now here is the essential bit- YOU ONLY HAVE TO FALSIFY A HYPOTHESIS ONCE. It is not a popularity contest, or any amount of wishful thinking.

          My Hypothesis concerning “mRNA vaccines” are that not only do they not work to produce useful immunity, they are dangerous bioweapons unleashed by psychopaths seeking power and money.

          I have just shown how my hypothesis has upheld, by showing that with the exception of ICU ventilation rate NONE OF THE HYPOTHESISED PREDICTIONS OF AN EFFECTIVE COVID VACCINE apply to the mRNA countermeasures.

          Remember you do not have to falsify an untrue hypothesis more than once.


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          paul courtney

          Mr. John: Mr. Thompson isn’t trying to establish “causation”, he is debunking your point. You missed that??!! The urgency behind covid has proven to be false, and ginned up by Fauci et al, and you still don’t get that.
          You don’t need unnecessary medical treatment, you need a BS meter. If they had a vaxx for that, do you suppose they would let you get one so you might stop believing liars?


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      and it was a psy-op.


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      Then why ban a treatment that was known to work, no, it was all about revenue.


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        If you are talking about Ivermectin then be aware that there were no credible studies that proved its effectiveness against covid. Drug companies pay for tests. The patents on Ivermectin ran out long ago and anyone can make it. Manufacturer X was hardly likely to pay for tests that other manufacturers were going to benefit from.

        But without proof of efficiacy drugs the regulatory authorities don’t approved them for use.

        By the way, don’t tell me that Ivermectin was effective in India, where officially 532,000 people have died but the true figure is likely to be much higher because people didn’t go to hospital when medical supplies ran short.


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          Stick your head back in the sand Johnny, it’s dangerous out here in reality.

          Fact checked by a porn star and her pimp.
          The FDA has never asserted that the off-label prescribing of ivermectin for COVID-19 was prohibited; the agency has reiterated this point in court and in public filings many times prior to August 2023. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fda-admit-ivermectin/

          They lie and you listen.


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            They lie and you listen.

            The media also listened to the lie and passed on the lie to the gullible public.
            Remember the saying…say a lie often enough and it eventually becomes “truth”, at least in the eyes of some.


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          Jon Rattin

          John, its best to compare covid deaths between respective countries on a per capita basis. According to the Our World In Data site (covid cases, deaths, and death rates by country), Australia has 867 deaths per million compared with India’s 375 per million. That gap has been widening for some time now. It would take a huge number of unreported deaths to close that gap.

          India refused to sign liability waivers with Pfizer and Moderna to access free vaccines. Any vaccines they used were manufactured in India.

          It probably didn’t hurt either that one can buy ivermectin over the counter without a prescription in India whereas in Australia GPs were banned from prescribing the drug off label until a few months ago.


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          Phil O'Sophical

          You inadvertently missed the heads of several nails, regurgitating the propaganda on Ivermectin.

          It had been in use worldwide for 40 years for a range of applications, with one of the lowest side-effect rates of all drugs. It did not need approval for another use, any more than you can take aspirin for a headache or to thin the blood.

          Before I stopped following developments because the case was so overwhelming that I needed no further convincing, I saw there were 59 studies on the effectiveness of Ivermectin, and all bar one which was inconclusive, showed huge benefit if taken early.
          The official trials, by crooked Pharma (yes, check your own homework), gave far too much and far too late which enabled them to report, surprise, surprise, that: Oh dear it doesn’t work.

          Yes, anyone can make Ivermectin, so there is no profit in it for big Pharma. In a medical emergency it is worth trying all avenues. If it hadn’t worked, the remaining ethical doctors who tried it would have simply ceased to use it. But it did, and when they spread the good news, they were vilified.
          Of course there is also the small matter that having a cure would mean no Emergency Use of the poison.

          Just remember two things:

          Conspiracy Theorists Are Just People Capable Of Pattern Recognition: Ed Dowd, I think.

          Self-asserted Fact Checkers are nothing of the sort. They are Narrative and Propaganda Enforcers, you only have to follow the money and see who funds them.


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          John PAK

          A Dr O’Keefe (friend of 30 years) told me that at his hospital the doctors decided upon how they’d treat C-19 when it inevitably made it to Australia. One of their many options was the use of Ivermectin as they were already using it against other similar virii. Hospital Admin then told them they’d be fined $5000 with possible review of their medical licenses. Over Christmas 2020 he took some extended leave for other reasons and decided to never practice medicine again. When pressed about the nature of the problem he said “Corruption at APRHA”. He went on to explain how he’d done 4 years Uni followed by 4 years in a hospital before becoming a fully fledged doctor. He was not going to have some corrupt administrator tell him how to be a professional. I can tell he’s quite disgusted.
          The comment that IVM had not been tested against C-19 is correct but a flawed argument. My friend has not heard of a case of IVM causing problems, even at accidental 10X over-dose.


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            Not tested? Not true. But private testing was prohibited.

            If the FDA did not prohibit the use of Ivermectin (and Hydroxychloroquine) then who did? The source might be closer to home.


            The Daily Telegraph told us that Dr Oosterhuis was suspended for publishing information that the authorities wished to hide.

            The authirities commissioned a trial of HCQ on people who had been admitted to hospital. The claims of benefit from HCQ were when used for early treatment. That trial was set up to fail. It was then cited as proof that HCQ “doesn’t work”, quoting CMO Dr Paul Kelly.

            When clinical observation noticed that asthma patients were underrepresented in hospitalisation a trial was initiated using Budesinide (Pulmicort). It was reported that that trial was achieving results comparable to the 80% reduction in hospitalisation that HCQ and Ivermectin had been reporting, so that the people doing the trial decided it was improper to continue the trial denying some people this medication. Instead of following up on that information the authorities debunked it as incomplete.


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      Reducing severity of symptoms ? Very debatable. Many died from COVID after faithfully taking their dose. Some prophylactic!


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        You can make whatever claims you like but Dr John Campbell cited official data, from UK government agencies not drug companies, indicating that the vaccines reduced the severity of symptoms.

        Perhaps you would like to tell us how many people would have died if there had been no vaccines and exactly how you came to that conclusion.

        PS. I get my advice from a virologist with 20 years of experience, not from (anti)social media.


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        I like a good intelligent argument with points, counterpoints and rebuttals.

        Unfortunately your response was none of that.


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          Did you read what you wrote?

          I don’t enjoy being the bearer of bad news Johnny, but someone has to tell you.


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          Old Goat

          While you are cherry picking , perhaps you would like to mention all the other points he has made about its OBVIOUS issues with safety . Please name your virologist – it wouldn’t be Fauci would it ? Virologists are what got us into this mess in the first place.


          • #

            logically, the requirements are
            -name of expert
            -any potential grounds for bias
            -any countervailing opinions
            -evidence on which the opinion is based (otherwise it is a mere ipse dixit, or ‘i say so’).


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          paul courtney

          Mr. John: The very first post #4 was debunked by Simon Thompson at #4.1, and you misread his post as if he had to prove something instead of you. The rest of the string shows you have no intelligent point to make, including the John Campbell lie. If, as you say, you like a good, intelligent argument, you need to drop out!


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      Let’s not forget that vaccines at least reduced the severity of symptoms

      That’s not demonstrable – just an assertion.


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        Did you watch Dr John Campbell’s many, many videos on covid? Multiple times he cited UK government figures that indicated the effectiveness of the vaccines at reducing symptoms. Of course you might know better than those UK government agencies, but I doubt it.


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          Honk R Smith

          I think you’re not up to date and referencing his earlier vids prior to the vax mandate cluster fox.
          And the slow trickle out of aftermath data.
          I think he recently stated “I no longer trust the authorities”.
          Somewhere in here …

          You may not realize he is forced to use sarcasm to avoid YouTube and UK cancelation.
          I’m trying to be charitable.


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      John, all you spoke of was done in the context of disallowing other treatments eg HCQ and IVM. You shouldn’t be discounting…..sorry, I mean ignoring …… those treatments.


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      Hmmm. In early 2020 I used to post on Bolt and on Blair, and the old Catallaxy, and here and elsewhere…..always that the entire exercise was a scam from the very get-go. My ‘advice” was to protect the feeble, and to forget everything else. That cruise-ship anchored off Japan (the Diamond Princess) told us all we needed to know.


      “Of the 3,711 people on board, 712 became infected with the virus – 567 of 2,666 passengers, and 145 of 1,045 crew. Figures for total deaths vary from early to later assessments, and because of difficulties in establishing causation. As many as 14 are reported to have died from the virus, all of them older passengers – an overall mortality rate for those infected of 2%”

      This was after multiple weeks crammed together on a boat. No “safety” measures at all. Average age of death 86.

      NO DEADLY PANDEMIC ever existed. No rational person could ever have believed it did! Not ever.


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        It was Tom Hanks and his wife who introduced us to the knowledge that this disease did not represent certain death. And that would have been about when the Diamond Princess saga was happening.

        And they probably had access to drugs which were banned here.

        And we should be forever grateful for the courage and intelligence of those people who got the people off the ship in Sydney then successfully rounded up the disease in the wider community.

        Thank Heaven the lynch mob didn’t have a rope!

        By the way. We all know Tom Hanks. But his wife is a good singer too.


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    On the revolving door between big pharma and Government, we in the UK found out last week that our former Deputy Chief Medical Officer (who appeared almost nightly on TV news) and was a key figure promoting vaccines now holds a senior post working for Moderna!


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    It is illuminating to see how the FDA is corrupted by those it is designed to regulate. The same applies here with the TGA and a similar expose would be illustrative. Ramaswarmy is a slick speaker no doubt and I note Mikes comment above. I should point out that since the initial panic over Covid many original promoters are now firmly opposed so people are allowed to change their minds as circumstances change.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    So much for market capitalism.
    So much for small government
    So much for neoliberalism

    Give me more socialism


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      Well at least with socialism PF, as opposed to mRNA vaccines, we’ve had long term trials of efficacy and safety. We know from those experiments in many countries that socialism doesn’t work.


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      David Maddison

      Under free enterprise, people and corporations are responsible for their actions.

      If we had free enterprise politicians wouldn’t be allowed to exempt manufacturers from liability for defective products.

      The market place would encourage corporations to produce safe products as they would wish to avoid being sued for damages for defective products (unless the consumer was made fully aware of the risks).

      What we have is socialistic government interference in the market place and the first time government has granted Big Pharma exemption from liability.


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        David Maddison

        Another point is that under free enterprise, companies want to protect their reputation. Look what happened to Bud Light when some woke Leftie in the company tried to go woke. That displeased the customers. They are now almost broke. They utterly trashed the company and it took a US$37 billion hit. Well managed companies try to please the customers or they will quickly go broke. They will also avoid producing defective products unless given Government protection like Big Pharma.


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          What? Free enterprise? What is that?

          The text books say that the first rule in marketing is to tailor your product to what the consumer wants. Right?

          Steve Jobs said: “It’s not for the consumer to know what he wants”.

          Steve Jobs was the world’s most successful businessman.

          Until 33 years ago wool production was Australia’s biggest industry, still in some years the biggest export earner. In the time since I have seen that Australia’s biggest industry nearly wiped out by scholars citing that supposed first rule in marketing. They had no comprehension of the fact that their main product, Merino wool, was and still is just as marketable as the iPhone.

          Now the methane madness is hovering for the coup de grace. But the methane madness should be the rock that their whole ship founders on.

          In December 1986 the Hawke government put their own brand of “social scientists” in charge of the real scientists at the CSIRO, with Neville Wran as chairman. After a while we read a full front page tabloid headline: : COWS AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST SOURCE OF GREENHOUSE GASES”. This had been discovered by a CSIRO scientist working in Tasmania. A long way from here.

          Now this was a lie, and I don’t believe that any self respecting scientist ever said it. But so little research had been done that it was impossible to refute the lie. It stood for years and was taught in our schools and universities., until somebody did some proper research which moved all of Agriculture, including cows, down the list.

          Now Oxbridge are digging up methane for a second run. It should not be hard to put them down. I am not aware of any research which effectively measures the GHG “emissions” from an acre that never saw a cow. And I very much doubt that it would be greatly different from those generated by “cows”. The determining factor would be the quantity of vegetation which grows on the acre.


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      Gary S

      ‘Give me more socialism.’ You know to where to emigrate to achieve that sorry ambition.


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      “Give me more socialism”

      You can move to China, Russia or North Korea any time you want and get all the socialism you can stand. Do it.


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        Maybe a better understanding of socialism is called for.
        Maybe a better understanding of all the freedoms and benefits we have in the Democratic West is called for.
        Is an uncontrolled profit based system better than a people based system ?


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        It’s so very odd that many people still haven’t noticed that the USSR collapsed and the majority of Russian people have renounced Communism … they even admitted the problems.

        You would think an event like that would be in the news or something.

        Fair enough to argue they have not exactly moved to free market capitalism, it’s a bit of a semi-feudal oligarchy system with some Orthodox Christian moral basis … but it sure ain’t socialism.


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        China? Russia? North Korea?

        Why not NZ? It’s closer.


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      It’s not capitalism that’s the problem Peter F …….it’s Greed……. Do you think the homeless in China are happy with the Party ? …it’s greed !!


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      PF. I refer you to #5.1.1


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    Still in their trance are you John? You are correct, but why o why did they ban ivermectin and other medicines? Ones that doctors where successfully treating their patients with.


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      Kalm Keith

      Hi Ross, when you say he is correct you may be giving him more credit than is due.

      He says; “There was an urgency with covid like no other”, and many would say that’s a bit glib.

      The reality of Kovid19 in “Northern Italy” and the New York nursing homes and hospitals is not pleasant and says much about the ugliness of modern politics..

      Loved the bit about the “trance”; he must be totally mesmerized by the imposing vision of the $ $ $ on his mission to mislead the rest of us.


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    Some decades ago an investigation commitee found out, that German pharma lobbyists wrote the legislative proposals and laws for the health ministry. What could be wrong ?

    Now green lobbyists are consulting organisations, with many familary connections working for Habexks ministry of economic and climate protection promoting the green new deal.


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      To understand the German system you have to go back to WW2 and the links between government and big pharma. If you then extend that historical link forward to current times it becomes clearer what has gone on – In Germany and in the West.


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      Several years ago, when I was studying public health, our lecturer went through the development of national alcohol policy with us …… the wine lobby and the beer lobby and political posturings for vote grabbing all were the critical factors in its development……


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    Mike Borgelt

    They weren’t perfect but no-one knows how many more people would have died without them. Let’s not forget that vaccines at least reduced the severity of symptoms and that meant that hospitals didn’t get overwhelmed by covid cases.

    Baa, baa, baa.


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    “Well, they could only shut me up for so long. Now I speak freely as a citizen.”

    Here is the answer to the folk asking why qualified engineers and scientists don’t speak up about things they know are wrong.


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    He is Pharma. And WEF muppet.
    Founder of Vant Industries, Roivant (a subsidiary) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roivant_Sciences partnered with China to form Sinovant https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/sinovant-sciences/people has three employees. Looks more like a money laundering scam, or a means of getting funds injected into your political campaign.
    He is against Big Pharma if you listen to his words, but he partnered with Pfizer, https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/roivant-and-pfizer-form-new-vant-company-focused-developing if you look at his actions.

    He speaks out against institutional Bankers except https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/roiv/institutional-holdings ,Largest holder is QVT Financial https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/institutional-portfolio/qvt-financial-lp-635267 Largest holder in QVT Financial shares is Roivant.

    Vant and its subsidiaries are into Gene therapy.

    This may open in Spanish but a box to translate to English should appear in the top right.

    Maybe Leopards do change their spots.


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    Simon Thompson ᵐᵇ ᵇˢ

    I smell a limited hangout here. This guy reminds me of Obama- who turned out to be a manufactured ( or groomed) candidate who behaved quite differently in office.


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      Old Goat

      Another swamp creature . We need to make them accountable for things to change . The current system encourages corruption and dishonesty . He has no real skin in the game apart from profit .


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      During 2023 I’ve picked up a few sayings that are so apt. Limited hangout is one of them and the other is “controlled opposition”. I look at the likes of Vivek, RFK Jnr, even Joe Rogan etc and really wonder are they the real thing or not? The other one I like is ” normie”. Describes someone who is still ignorant, complacent, all believing, not wanting to doubt the government etc. Most of the contributors here on this blog appear to be “rebels”. If not rebels, then definitely “doubters”, who move onto to being rebels.


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    Kalm Keith

    A lot of politicians have said the right thing to impress and later contradicted themselves by their actions.

    I wouldn’t turn my back on him and ,,,, is he too good?



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      “A lot of politicians have said the right thing to impress and later contradicted themselves by their actions.”

      ..about 99%!! The most untrustworthy breed on the planet, way behind used car salesmen and lawyers.


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    Disney did the TV / subscribed series ” Dopesick”, which is about the about oxycontin epidemic in the US. Not fiction, mostly all fact. Really good. In fact so good Netflix did another version of their own, showing now. In the original the FDA is depicted as an incompetent bureaucracy totally dominated by big pharma. Big pharma is depicted as profit hungry, sales orientated bully boys who have actually little regard for health.


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      “sales orientated bully boys who have actually little regard for health.”

      I used to think that free-market capitalism worked, that any manufacturer would do his best to make a good product so he retained customers.

      Now I realise that since we developed a world-wide market that is not so, you structure your product to satisfy a market of 9billion and don’t rely on repeat customers at all. Hence selling a product that improves their life is not a priority, you can kill half of them and still retire rich.

      This has been made possible by Govts deciding what products can be sold and what are banned, so you pivot to getting your product approved and invest money there, then lobby to have the rules changed to lock in your product and prevent others entering the market.

      Seems to work all over the whole market, from widgets to people.


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      Jon Rattin

      My sister is a nurse and has watched Dopesick, therefore she’s aware of the corrupt and deceitful practices of Big Pharma (at least in a historical sense). However, when l present her with evidence of recent unethical activity by Big Pharma, she won’t accept it. Aseem Malhotra has referenced how many people have a psychological barrier that simply won’t allow them to acknowledge wrongs perpetrated during the pandemic. I think it’s cognitive dissonance- people cling to myths disseminated in recent years, believing people and institutions acted best as they could under unprecedented pressures. These types of thoughts are more comforting than facing the reality that people’s freedoms and rights were quashed by colluding governments and pharmaceutical companies

      It’s frustrating but it is what it is. You just have to stick to your guns and hope people will eventually come around


      • #

        So if your sister accepted Dopesick what would you want her to do ….give up nursing? …..pay her mortgage with retail wages? …..sell candles at the market? Let’s get real……we all compromise ourselves from time to time ….when we have money, no family commitments to hamstring us and own the house, we don’t have to compromise so much ……lucky us….


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          Jon Rattin

          Mate, your lack of logic is incredible. You’ve jumped to conclusions. I never said my sister should give up her job- she’s great at what she does. She pays the rent with her partner whilst raising 2 young boys.
          My point is she won’t even entertain the idea that mRNA vaccines can cause medical complications. It’s like she’s in denial, like many other health professionals. Your response is poorly worded and meandering- I’ll stop now just in case you may be compromised in some way and I’m unloading on you unnecessarily.


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        Jon, it’s plain old vanity. People just refuse to acknowledge they’ve been fooled, lest they look a fool themselves.


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        At the other end of the scale.

        17 years ago this week a Sydney suburban hospital did awful damage to our daughter with a botched Caesarian, which was made necessary by complications in childbirth.

        The surgeon, an Englishman, after messing up the op was headed for the ski fiends next day, leaving a prescription for a course of antibiotics.

        Those antibiotics were not administered by the hospital.

        I have long wondered if they were in fact stolen for sale on a black market.

        The hospital then topped it all off by sending our daughter home with mastitis..


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    Big Pharma don’t want you to get well any more than Big Tobacco wanted to help you get off tobacco.


    • #

      Nicotine causes cancer.
      I was in the IGA the other day, shelves full of nicotine patches and a multitude of other “alternative” nicotine products.

      I deduced that to prevent cancer from Nicotine, I needed more Nicotine.


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        I think you might be wrong in that assertation MP. The chemicals infused in tobacco causes cancer and other lung issues not nicotine itself. Nicotine is also not addictive though the habit of smoking can be hard to stop.


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          I asked my expert doctor in a discussion about vaping, she stated it was nicotine and this is why vaping was bad as well.

          I have leant over these last three years to “listen to the experts”.

          I have not asked an even more expert politician yet.


        • #

          True there are chemicals on tobacco leaf to kill bugs that want to eat it , then there are more chemicals to keep your fag from not going out when it sits on the ashtray but the major concoction of baddies are made from the glowing 800c tip of the cig, it causes thermal cracking of the resins in the leaf that used to be sap before the leaf was dried and cured, the cracking causes carcinogenic tar which should never contact delicate tissue like our lungs and esophagus.
          About 6000 chemicals are created by the glowing tip of a cigarette.
          Smoking kills, it’s just a matter of time.


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            robert rosicka

            While I have no doubt smoking is bad for you Ronin but if the old adage of every cigarette is a nail in your coffin my coffin will be over 2 metres thick and solid steel if I cark it tomorrow.


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      The perfect business model is the guaranteed revenue stream. Big pharma are working, closely, with the medical profession to ensure the masses are permanently medicated from birth to death: jabs, statins, etc. A guaranteed income.
      Bill Gates uses the same model with Microsoft licencing.
      Coincidence? All aboard…


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      Or Big Gambling advertising on TV “You will lose!”.


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    David Maddison

    It’s interesting that the Left used to be strongly opposed to Big Pharma, now they are it’s biggest supporters and protectors and on socialist media sites extensively censor the truth about covid vaccines and covid mismanagement in general.

    The Right are now the biggest and only crtiics of Big Pharma, especially with their defective covid products but their voice is extensively censored and ridiculed by the Left and their socialist media sites.


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    A happy little debunker

    I was enquiring about re-registering my Coffee Van at my Tasmanian council, in particular any Covid compliance that was still mandated … because I have never been jabbed.
    The 3 girls/women, all socially distanced & behind the thick plexi-glass screens, were all fascinated that I never got the shot and all wanted to know how many times I had Covid.
    Of course, I told them I had never had Covid – they looked on with googly eyes as they each told me they, their parents, their partners, the children and the friends had been infected on multiple occasions after having the jab.

    Since Covid restrictions were removed from Tassie (when 95+% of the population was vacinated) we have gone from less than 1% infection to an estimated*** 84+% infection.

    *** the reported figure is 56%, but waste water analysis increases the estimate by at least 150%.

    I will never trust a vaccine where the government grant immunity to the Doctor that jabbed you, the Pharmaceutical company that developed it and the Government (itself) that promoted/mandated it…


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    Noto zealots

    My grandaughter has 2 masters degrees in pharmacy. There are 100 pharmacists in her Melbourne office. They work in groups of 4 investigating issues as they arise that include possible links to pharmacy recently or historically. Similiarily they consider patients whole medical history. Relationships between illnesses and treatment. There are teams with her employer all around Australia. There are similar companies all independently trying to find common links. Their source is from suspected investigations. Their customers include big pharma. hospitals, mediclal profesionals, chemists and people who have concerns or suspicions about their health or medication. A team of 4 communicate with the person concerned and compare notes. This is totally indepedent of being told by a client what results they want.
    Twenty years ago or recent their customers want to know what the research suggests. They are not controlled by TGA.
    I found it reassuring to know that these organisations exsist. They overview TGA indirectly.


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      Fascinating- I hope she tells you what amazing things they have found that no-one talks about.


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      Their customers include big pharma.

      He who writes the cheque, makes the rules.


      • #

        Reserch can be to find out facts. When, my grandaughter is involved big pharma are avoiding being involved.in the research. I agree that often ,”he who writes the check, makes the rules” but in this case the interest is the need to know. I do not believe in conspircies. i do believe in stupidity and that birds of a feather stick together.
        Politicians are motivated by votes, egos and sometimes bribes that may include money.
        Sometimes results are suprising. How often do outcomes change a products purpose, function, sucsess or failure?
        Ivermecton was ridiculed as a treatment for stomach ulcers. It was proved to work exceptionally well.
        It is now also used on animals.
        I had a friend who did his PhD reserching the conduction properties of aluminium. This was motivated by conflicting studies by other scientists. Michael found that both studies were correct. The aluminium used had different impurities.
        He used pure aluminium. He found that complete removal of trace impurites makes aluminium more expensive than gold.


        • #

          No to Zealots, are you trying to cancel yourself?

          You stick with your coincidence theories, I’ve got the conspiracies covered.

          Funding usually comes with guidelines, terms of reference, anything outside of the terms must not be included in the study.

          Metal impurities has been flogged to death in the thesis arena, that’s called a grade recovery curve, that dictates the economics of further purification/concentration.

          Your PhD mate has just followed that line and it’s a long line.

          Ivermectin is well understood by everyone bar John.


        • #

          If you do not take the unknown into account. If you find the idea of conspiracy objectionable how do you feel when said conspiracy tends to truth.


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      Kalm Keith

      Not sure what this is about.


  • #

    A good rule in science oft shown,
    That is, never to taste the unknown,
    Which begs one ask why,
    A new vaccine try,
    Until tested, would be best to postpone.


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    Mike Borgelt

    Here’s a take on Vivek:

    Controlled opposition. Both he and DeSatan have adopted Trump camo.


  • #

    Here’s one for John, if he’s still around. Just the simple interview with Dr Jackie Stone, from Zimbabwe, Feb 2021. It’s been put up before, but to me it’s the best refutation, that IVM doesn’t work. Sure it’s just a single experience, but it is either truth, or she is a very good liar. She became quite widely known, but now you tube is Dr Jackie Stone free. A few months after this interview a woman from Welcome Trust visited Zimbabwe, and the medical establishment got a brand new head quarters building, and our good Dr got a summons to appear before a medical tribunal, and her licence was on the line. Her figures held, up and she sorta got off. But they kept after her licence.

    This is the latest news on her – late 2022, still being tried. Great news they banned vitamins A, C and D, along with IVM! Jees.


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      Yes, contrary to John’s assertion that drugs require testing through various regimes, (even if the vaccines weren’t) the best way to find a cure for a new disease is to let thousands of Doctors try what they think will work best, and then adopt the successful systems.

      Doctors from all over the world found drugs and methods that cured Covid, yet all were actively banned over some expensive, untried, dangerous concoction that politicians were bribed to mandate.

      Australia and NZ have moved into lockstep over the regulation of supplements, and just as gun registration precedes gun confiscation, regulation of supplements will lead to their being banned without a Govt-approved prescription.


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Thanks F C,
      Well found. I’d saved the original link, but when I went back to watch it a second time it’d gone.
      Maybe not double blind to Fauci’s preferred standard, but for me it’s extremely powerful evidence for the efficacy of IVM, which is truly safe and effective.
      Dave B


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    Just a reminder that Vivek is now a major threat. It’s going to be very easy to find negative sources.
    “Every move you make, every breath you take, I’ll be hating you.”


  • #

    This is heartbreaking, I didn’t realise this could happen:

    The McDowell triplets all became autistic within hours of each other on the same day. How is that possible? Easy. They were all vaccinated at the exact same time in the same pediatrician appointment with just one vaccine shot: the pneumococcal vaccine! Date of vaccination 6/25/07.

    They never held hands again after that day. The girl (Clair) shut completely off just 2 hours after the shot. The first boy, Richie, shut down 4 hours after the shot. They were all 9 months and 4 days old at the time with no problems. The geneticist that was consulted told the McDowell’s that it is an IMPOSSIBILITY for this to happen due to GENETICS. It is impossible for three different siblings to genetically get autism on the same day. What they mean by that statement is that the odds of this happening are so rare that you are highly unlikely to see a single case like this in your lifetime if it happened by chance.

    on YouTube:

    ‘ #VaxXed #Michigan #pneumonia

    VaxXed StoriesChannel #VaxXed # ‘


    on YouTube:
    CDC, increased infection risk in vaccinated
    John Campbell


    • #

      In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne in France. To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin (IVM). A dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.

      The rest is less commonplace: in this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored.


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        Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer:

        Schwartz said he became interested in exploring ivermectin about a year ago, “when everyone was looking for a new drug” to treat COVID-19, and a lot of effort was being put into evaluating hydroxychloroquine, so he decided to join the effort.
        “Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
        Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
        “There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
        “This drug will not bring any big economic profits”


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    Mike Borgelt

    We need to consider that “John” may be an AI bot searching websites to plant the narrative. This will get worse in future. The Net may become almost useless as the AI’s take over.


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    John Connor II

    BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists

    Background: Vaccines can have beneficial off-target (heterologous) effects that alter immune responses to, and protect against, unrelated infections. The heterologous effects of COVID-19 vaccines have not been investigated in children.

    Aim: To investigate heterologous and specific immunological effects of BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children.

    Results: At V2 + 28, interferon-γ and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 responses to S. aureus, E. coli, L. monocytogenes, BCG vaccine, H. influenzae, hepatitis B antigen, poly(I:C) and R848 stimulations were decreased compared to pre-vaccination. For most of these heterologous stimulants, IL-6, IL-15 and IL-17 responses were also decreased. There were sustained decreases in cytokine responses to viral, but not bacterial, stimulants six months after BNT162b2 vaccination. Cytokine responses to irradiated SARS-CoV-2, and spike glycoprotein subunits (S1 and S2) were increased at V2 + 28 for most cytokines and remained higher than pre-vaccination responses 6 months after BNT162b2 vaccination for irradiated SARS-CoV-2 and S1. There was no correlation between BNT162b2 vaccination-induced anti-SARS-CoV2-receptor binding domain IgG antibody titre at V2 + 28 and cytokine responses.

    Conclusions: BNT162b2 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous stimulants, particularly one month after vaccination. This study is the first to report the immunological heterologous effects of COVID-19 vaccination in children.

    These data show that a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-based vaccine alters heterologous immunity in children and that these effects can persist up to six months after vaccination. Whether SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-based vaccines can induce the epigenetic and metabolic changes associated with trained immunity to provide protection against other infectious diseases remains an open question. That SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in children could impact immune responses to other pathogens emphasises the need for further research and consideration of heterologous effects in vaccination policies given their broad public health implications.

    Linkywinky 😁:

    Igor Chudov just mentioned it too:

    “Finally, we have scientific confirmation that vaccination against COVID-19 causes a marked decrease in immunity to heterologous pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This decreased immunity to other pathogens (acquired immune deficit) is what people colloquially refer to as “VAIDS.” (VAIDS stands for Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”



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    • #

      Very interesting; I’ve felt an instinctive mistrust of this candidate, despite all his ‘heartfelt’ blether about everything we care about.


      • #

        candidate = ‘heartfelt’ blether about everything we care about.

        One is the the definition of the other. Real people don’t go into politics.


    • #

      Good find, I did half an hours digging and had enough to convince me.

      Sinovant partnership has a market cap of $1 billion, three employee’s, all in management, made nothing like all Vant Sciences, and failed all trials.
      Moderna was also a failed company on the verge of Bankruptcy until bailed out by Gates and Fauci, luckily Convid 1984 came along just after, the rest is history.

      Trust the Science.


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    Gee Aye

    I just remembered something. Operation warp speed!

    We’re here to discuss a monumental national achievement. From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores, we raced into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed. It would normally take five years, six years, seven years, or even more. In order to achieve this goal, we harnessed the full power of government, the genius of American scientists, and the might of American industry to save millions and millions of lives all over the world. We’re just days away from authorization from the FDA, and we’re pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution.

    -President Trump


    • #

      Correct, I will never forget.


    • #

      we raced into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed

      Anyone remember what that vaccine was? Was the vaccine Trump was referring to a modified RNA vaccine?
      I think we probably all remember being taken by surprise by this “novel” so-called pandemic that was having such dramatic effects in China and Italy.
      It took awhile for us to realise we were being conned. (Some of us still haven’t realised it).
      You can’t blame those of us who fell for the hype early on and took it seriously, especially those in positions of responsibility for millions of people.


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      Honk R Smith

      “But, but …it was the Orange Man!”
      “His mere countenance forced us to abandon our principles and our sanity!”
      “His hair!”
      “His tweets!”

      Tacit acknowledgement of the PanClusterFox.
      Although the honest among us understand Trump’s DS predicament.
      Fauci had tentacles throughout DS DC 30 years before Trump arrived.
      He and many of us, had not yet realized the depth of the sinister corruption of which this post is a small representation.
      Or the monstrosity his mere existence forced to expose itself.


    • #

      For anyone who has not done so, go read everything that Paula Jardine has written at conservativewoman.co.uk.

      Here are just 2 links to her incredibly in-depth digging. The whole thing was an Anthony Fauci (as US biowarfare czar)/Pentagon operation. Who has the balls besides Viktor Orban to speak out against US Military-Industrial-Complex madness?

      https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-us-biowarfare-project-which-caused-the-covid-19-debacle-part-1/ [6 parts, in total.]


    • #

      So Trump trusted the people who were supposed to know. He was making decisions for millions of people. People here criticising him need to remember that they are making decisions for themselves and possibly a couple of others. Might make a difference to the decision making …..


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        Stuart Jones

        imagine if at the time he said, they have these Vaccines, i’m not so sure on the safety so we will wait a few months for more information. They would have strung him up.


    • #

      At the end of the day politicians must rely on advice from ‘experts’, as Trump did in this case.

      Think of how much politicians have spent on ‘fighting’ global warming and climate change following advice from ‘experts’ – over a trillion dollars globally.


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  • #

    I read that the FDA and CDC are largely funded by Big Pharma, and, as the article suggests, people in these organisations can expect a well paid job in Big Pharma when they retire. You have to be really committed before you rock the boat and suffer severely careerwise and financially.

    It was not possible to have an emergency use vaccine if the disease was treatable with existing drugs. Hydroxychloroquine plus zinc was effective as was Ivermectin so these had to be rubbished. Doctors have been struck off for prescribing them even though they were very successful.

    The mainstream media [MSM] always says the vaccine is 100% effective and 100% safe, like no other vaccine ever! I did read that Big Pharma controls 60% of the total advertising budget in the USA, enough to concentrate the minds of anyone in media!

    There are credible claims of serious effects from the vaccine but they are ignored. Some medical research has been done but funding for this is a problem – funding will not come from Big Pharma or the medical bodies like the CDC, etc.

    The signs are that the vaccines will cause a major disaster but no-one knows how bad it will be at the moment. It could be so bad that Big Pharma will lose ALL their power and influence.


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    Follow the money – as ever.


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    southern kiwi

    Colour me unconvinced. The pharma investor and CEO (?) who profited from the FDA and its regulatory shenanigans has suddenly become the white knight who will save us from Big Pharma. Yeah, nah. But if you believe him, I have a bridge to sell you.


    • #

      There’s NO WAY I’d buy the Harbour Bridge from you. You would be a South Island New Zealander and there’s not a chance that you would own that bridge.


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    Mike Borgelt

    When Warp Speed was announced, Karl Denninger http://www.market-ticker.org pointed out that there had never been a successful corona virus vaccine and there was about a five year intensive effort because of SARS COVID 1 early in the century. The test subjects (cats) either died, got very sick or the vaccine was ineffective. This lit up my amber master caution light. Subsequent experiences of his commenters when the “vaxx” got rolled out in the US plus articles from various other qualified people about how this was a bad idea made my wife and I determined not to be stupid and get the shots. We didn’t and haven’t regretted it. Fortunately this didn’t impact us much because while not “off grid” our lives were structured, not accidently, that we don’t go out to work etc. We could live with not eating out for a while and the travel restrictions were merely irksome.


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    […] Ryan — where Ramaswamy described how the FDA is captured by Big Pharmaceutical firms. ( “Big Pharma is the worlds biggest lobbying organisation”)  But the whole interview is compelling and I’ve listened to interviews before about his […]
