The US Presidential Debate was right on the Democrats schedule

US Flag, Flying.By Jo Nova

The Democrats needed a reason to dump their placeholder candidate for 2024, and that convention is coming soon. Obviously they want to drop in a new candidate at the last minute with just enough time to ride home on the honeymoon glow. Debates are not usually held before the conventions.

They were always going to throw Biden under the bus, but this way they stop him being the lame duck for as long as possible while they protect their real candidate from scrutiny. Republicans counting chickens at this point are far too relaxed.

Flag: Clément Bardot


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145 comments to The US Presidential Debate was right on the Democrats schedule

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    David Maddison

    I’m not convinced they will dump him.

    He performed acceptably well for the typical low intelligence voter, illegal immigrant with voter registration or fraudulent papers, or woke idiot who are the Dems target demographic.

    And I think the Demonrats have full confidence in their fraudulently manipulated electoral system.

    The White House Resident doesn’t actually have to do anything, the shadow President, Obama, does that for him.


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      As he already is President for the 3rd Time

      Former President Barack Obama took part in the Democrat damage control on Friday.

      “Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know,” Obama tweeted. “But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself.

      “Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.”


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        IT’S COME TO THIS: Fake audio added to CNN post-debate coverage.

        Following the first debate of the 2024 election between US President Joe Biden and Republican challenger Donald Trump, posts say CNN political director David Chalian suggested replacing the incumbent as the Democratic nominee, making inflammatory remarks in an analysis.

        But the video is altered; a CNN spokesperson confirmed the audio is fake and a review of the original footage uncovered no such statements.

        The altered comments appeared in a video circulating on X with Chalian following the June 27 presidential debate.

        “I’m mean, guys at this point, I don’t give a sh@t if they bring out Gavin Newsom or maybe Hillary Clinton or even Big Mike — I mean even Michelle Obama. Sorry, I don’t know why I said Big Mike,

        Chalian appears to say in a June 28, 2024 X post by “Il Donaldo Trumpo,” an account AFP has previously debunked numerous times.

        Purely for the sake of completion, here is the very naughty tweet in question:


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        Obama to Biden’s Rescue:

        Cleanup for Biden Catastrophe

        ‘Bad Debate Nights Happen’


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        CO2 Lover

        As he already is President for the 3rd Time

        That is why my money is on Michael Obama to replace Sleepy (Creepy) Joe – the Puppet Master stays the same.


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        O Bummer could just as easily been describing Joe Biden as someone who only thinks of himself or lies through his teeth. Perhaps he was.


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        So Obama is backing Trump!
        Someone who tells the truth instead of the self-serving crook Bribem


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      Axelrod: Biden Is The Nominee Of The Democratic Party, “This Isn’t The 60s”

      Former Obama advisor David Axelrod throws cold water on speculation that the Democratic Party could replace President Biden as their nominee at the convention next month during CNN’s post-debate panel:

      The point is now he is the nominee of the Democratic Party. This isn’t the 60s, okay. Voters choose the nominee. He is the nominee only he can decide whether he’s going to continue, and as you point out, this is a guy with a lot of pride who believes in himself. The idea that he’s going to say, “You know, I had a bad debate, I think I’m going to walk away from this.” I find it hard to believe.


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      Biden’s ‘Blue Screen Of Death’: They Knew, They All Knew…

      More acutely, now that “Joe Biden” has been revealed as a hoax president, whole legions of public officials appear liable to criminal charges of the most serious degree: sedition, treason, mass murder, fraud, malfeasance, and in the case of the president himself, influence peddling and bribery.

      They must be desperate to avoid accounting for all that, losing their accrued fortunes to legal fees and going to prison (or worse). For example, outed just this week: news that then-CIA Director in 2020, Gina Haspel, knew about and participated in the infamous operation using 51 former Intel officers to cover up the veracity of Hunter Biden’s laptop days before the election.

      They knew the laptop was real. Their colleagues over at the FBI knew it was real.

      They all knew it was stuffed with deal memos, legal memoranda, and emails that clearly laid out a long-running bribery operation among Biden family members and their lawyers. They knew it in 2019 when the Democratic Party moved to impeach Mr. Trump for inquiring about the Biden family’s money-grubbing activities in Ukraine — where, by the way, we may have fomented the war with Russia in part to cover up the culpability of all involved, including especially the State Department and their embassy staff in Kiev. The FBI and its bosses in the DOJ also withheld the laptop from Mr. Trump’s defense lawyers during the 2020 impeachment, though it contained massive exculpatory evidence to explain just why he made that fateful phone call to the newly elected Zelensky.

      If he won’t resign, and the party can’t force him off the ticket, the blob could have no choice except to bump him off.

      I imagine they would get it done humanely, say late at night sometime, in bed, using the same method as for putting down an old dog who has peed on the carpet one too many times. Or, if that can’t be managed and he clings to his position, maybe the party could cobble up some new nominating rules impromptu. And then, who could they slot in from the bench?

      The usual suspects are like the cast of a freak show, each one displaying one grotesque deformity after another.

      Gavin Newsom , Hillary, Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, Michelle O


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        The usual suspects are like the cast of a freak show, each one displaying one grotesque deformity after another.

        Hadn’t thought of it like that but………


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        Gavin Greusome worries me. He is the Neo Marxist Ken Doll, much like Justina Castro Trudeau. Ditzy women will vote for him “because he is cute!”


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      One of Biden’s aides or perhaps his nurse will have to apply ‘Tontine Therapy’ while he is taking his afternoon nap. It will be reported that “Joe Biden died peacefully in his sleep as America’s greatest, and undefeated, President“.


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      Obama is also a puppet as the ones really running the US and most of the world never show their faces, but you can guess many of those who are likely to be there holding the strings for their WEF masters.
      The irony here is that all socialist/communist/green governments/parties who think that they actually Marxist aligned are all run by the same puppet-masters although more subtly so. Those who subsidised Marx throughout Das Kapital slowly and carefully took control of it and changed it as they had learnt well from the French revolution(never have houses/citizenship in only one country for a start) The communist manifesto was just a facade for the plebs and the idealist middle class fools as the real aim of Marxism is to cement the ruling classes into the new aristocracy, destroy totally the gateway to the elite: the middle class and to make serfs of all who remain after their 90% cull. Schwab’s words point to this future for us while the communist “habit” of destroying the kulaks/middle classes is not by accident.


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      David A

      “The White House Resident doesn’t actually have to do anything, the shadow President, Obama, does that for him.”

      Bingo, and this is what the US conservative movement should be promoting every moment, all day. Binden is their fall guy to implement the insane destructive policies they really want. Binden’s policies are the Democratic polcies, and he did their bidding. The US conservatives need to front run this.

      The radical US left is so happy to have Biden there, and all the failures they want ( required to fundamentally change the USA) can then be blamed on an old demented man.

      They may or may not replace him. Right now they are getting exactly what they want, and likely carefully weighing their ability to win with Biden ( as Trump says, he polls better then the discussed replacements) they will stick with him and blame others (and blame is their best skill) for not being able to change.

      The Obama crowd loves being the shadow authority, (having the perfect fall guy for their planned failures) and will only give this up if they think Biden will lose beyond their ability to manipulate the election results, and they have a more likely to win candidate.


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    … this way they stop him being the lame duck for as long as possible while they protect their real candidate from scrutiny.
    Republicans counting chickens at this point are far too relaxed.

    Spot on, Jo. There is no way on Earth that the Left are going to allow the people’s President to win the election.


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    I confess I bailed out after 60 minutes- but I have seen no comments here or in climate realism websites that Biden’s “Existential Threat of Our Lifetimes “ was ever mentioned in the debate. I guess Jake Tapper/Dana Bash got the instruction not to even mention such a losing topic. The polling must be across-the-board dismal for FJB


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      Yes, it did come up, and I think Biden said (mumbled) a few words about Trump bringing the world to and end but Trump, wisely, talked about the environment and how he had improved the quality of the air and water in the US and avoided talking about “climate change” at all. Clever guy.


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    a happy little debunker

    They had no intention of scrapping Biden’s 2nd term bid, as evidenced by their ‘work around’ on Ohio’s election laws – when they ‘discovered’ that Biden would not appear on the ballots there due to the Dem convention (to declare their candidate) being scheduled outside of the time limits for that declaration under that state’s requirements.

    Thanks to the ‘work around’ Biden’s name will appear on Ohio’s ballots, excepting for him standing down due to health issues.

    This also leaves them awkwardly with only one viable replacement – Kamala Harris … who is so much further underwater than Biden that she is no longer waving, just drowning under the weight of her own cackling laughter.

    If they also dismiss Kamala – they sacrifice those 16 electoral college votes in the hopes the new nominee can gain votes from the ‘it wasn’t me’ platform.
    Let alone any potential backlash from Women & minorities for ditching a ‘POC Woman’ from the ticket.

    If only I owned popcorn shares … then I’d really, really be enjoying these Democrat trials and tribulations.
    As it stands – their meltdown is more enjoyable than a Icy Pole outside at Marble Bar during summer.


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      Several States have deadlines that have already passed, or soon will, that would eliminate any change of candidates.

      16 Electoral votes are already lost if the Candidate changes ( Wisconsin and Nevada ), soon to be 32 votes (Georgia in a couple of weeks.)

      This late in the process, it is difficult, if not impossible, to change Candidates.

      Each State has their own set of laws about deadlines for filing or changing candidates. If not explicitly followed, those laws prohibit consideration of latecomers. The Electoral Votes from those states would be illegal to be given to a Candidate who was not qualified for the Ballot in that state.

      Yes, sketchy things can happen, but to have them happen in so many States in so little time, is next to impossible.


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        Interesting point. But there must be provision for health grounds, especially if they use Amendment 25 to remove Biden, the incumbent
        and not the candidate yet.

        And there is the puzzling question that neither party has selected a candidate yet? So how can a change of candidates be defined? Trump and Biden are simply the presumed candidates but it is not valid until after both Conventions.

        The Democrats will also claim this is a very sudden and unexpected health problem. And warn against electing such old candidates, such as Trump.

        Which allows them to bring in a new healthy candidate and attack Trump at the same time.

        The situation may be unprecedented. And it gets down to the rules as no state wants to be disenfranchised by its own ruling.


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          A current suggestion in The Australian is that Biden himself could announce that he is not going to stand for reelection, so the preselected votes could be given to somebody else. The suggestion was that this is covered in the Democrat’s constitution.


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            Bob Close

            In reality, few people in the world would be sorry if neither of the front runners for office were somehow eliminated, forcing the system to have new candidates, who would have to be better qualified to lead the western world in these dangerous times. The US system of presidential voting and the obscene costs involved, needs reinvention to allow a better type of candidate, less beholding to fundraisers and manipulators than the current dozy incumbent and his useless sidekick.


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          McCarthy doubts Biden will step down: ‘You can’t negotiate with him’

          Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy stepped into the debate about the debate on Friday, saying he does not believe President Joe Biden will step down as Democratic candidate.

          “Joe Biden is going to be the nominee. Joe Biden is not going to give it up,” McCarthy said on Fox Business.

          “Why? Because Jill does not want to give it up either.”

          For the Democratic party to nominate someone besides Biden, 81, he would have to step out of the race himself because of all the delegates he’s collected through primary elections.

          “I learned when I was negotiating with him, you can’t negotiate with him. He just talks about cars.

          You have to negotiate with staff,” he said.


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        If you wish to understand things “as they are” , consider this article:

        “The problem democrats have is not that Biden has lost his marbles or is losing the election, the problem is that Biden is losing by a scale that is too big for them to cover.Democrats don’t need a candidate who can beat Donald Trump; they need a candidate who can give plausibility to ballot counting results that say Trump lost….The issue for Biden is that he makes the fraud too easy to see. Democrats don’t need a candidate who can win votes, the Democrats need a candidate who makes fraudulent results seem plausible.”

        And, in general, see the root blog:


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    Common sense tells me that they have to ditch Biden and cackling Harris very soon, but will they take the plunge?
    I’m afraid the never Trumpers are loony enough to vote Biden again and even Harris as VP, but who really knows?
    Putin , Xi, Nth Korea and Iran will be laughing their heads off and their many terrorist friends will be waiting to help them out.


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      Leo G

      President Biden has very publicly demonstrated what has long been inferred about his capacity to “properly discharge the powers and duties” of his office.

      Constitutionally, the course for the future of the US Government is to be determined by the Vice President (Kack Kack Kamala Harris).

      Will she continue to feign stupidity or will she decide to properly discharge the duties of her own office and act according to the prescription of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution?

      Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

      Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.


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        “… Will she continue to feign stupidity …”

        Are you sure it’s a feint?


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          Maybe she’s quite smart and doesn’t want the poison chalice.


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          Leo G

          Quite sure. Harris may appear an awkward politician, but she is neither stupid nor gauche.

          Her present profile is clearly an affectation.

          She served two terms as District Attorney of San Francisco and seven years as Attorney General of California. She was articulate, competent and fair-minded.

          I suggest she has been “Bidening” her time.


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        “What can be, unburdened by what has been” – there’s a 4 minute compilation of videos on X of Harris saying that ‘catchphrase’ over and over and over… what does it mean?


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      Richard C (NZ)

      >Putin , Xi, Nth Korea and Iran will be laughing their heads off

      Xi – Putin – Xi – Kim Jong Un


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    David Maddison

    If Trump is allowed to be re-elected, he must initiate voter reform, with cooperation of the states, so as to require properly audited and accurate voter registration records, voter ID and no mail-in votes unless for exceptional circumstances such as disability or other reason for inability to attend a polling place plus universal nationwide standards for voting procedures.

    Also, the racist Democrats (former(?) supporters of slavery and the KKK) are against voter ID because they think “minorities”, i.e. mostly black people, are too stupid to obtain appropriate ID documents. The Republicans could win a lot of minority votes if they publicised that fact.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      That’s just one of the reasons Trump will NOT be allowed to win.

      To paraphrase Mark Steyn, even the dire post-debate polls are “well within the margin of fraud.”


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      Most likely outcome at this stage … they have reluctantly accepted that Trump will win and they are getting ready for the Judo move to crash the economy somewhere around 2026 … Trump ends up as the Patsy.

      Think about the number of things looking ready to go wrong … way too much Federal debt, falling productivity, stubborn price inflation which was supposed to be fixed by now but never seems to go away. Add to that the gradual but relentless trend of everyone getting rid of US Treasuries, so they keep ending up back the Federal Reserve as a buyer of last resort. As well as that, the US and EU plans in Ukraine seem to have gone somewhat off the rails … they will probably escalate but I doubt this is a winning move. Any war is a huge drain, but in Ukraine plenty of private investors (e.g. Blackrock) bought in thinking of the profits when Russia is defeated … well those guys are going to end up writing off their investment … Ukraine ain’t ever paying back those loans.

      There’s more reasons to expect problems around 2026, which is the real-estate cycle that tends to peak and crash as prices become unaffordable and the go through a reset. See the following …

      Put all that together, plus no doubt a dash of Deep State shenanigans … as they are known to do … and big economic problems round about the 2026 mark are plausible.

      Trump makes an excellent Patsy because he never admits he’s wrong and he regularly makes exaggerated claims, impossible to live up to. The Democrats have sufficient time to loot and regroup.


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    David Maddison

    Voting for Biden because you don’t like Trump is like eating a dog poop because you don’t like broccoli…


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      Gutfeld had an interesting take on why some ‘conservatives’ are never-Trumpers. He suggested that many of them are narcissists who believe that the world revolves around them and they cannot deal with the thought that Trump now overshadows them.


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      John Connor II

      Voting for Biden because you don’t like Trump is like eating a dog poop because you don’t like broccoli…

      But…but…but…isn’t Biden the vegetable?


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I get what you’re saying David, but I feel the choice we’re offered is dog poop, or dog poop disguised as Broccoli.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    I very much doubt Biden will be forced out before the convention, only after (if at all). His resignation before the convention would mean the party gets to choose his successor, whereas resignation AFTER the convention means the party’s ruling committee gets to choose, behind closed doors so to speak.


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      Joe Biden Isn’t Going Anywhere

      The idea of replacing Joe Biden now as the Democratic nominee is a fantasy.

      As Phil said, he already has 99 percent of the pledged delegates at the Democratic National Convention required to vote for him on the first ballot. There is no mechanism by which to remove him as nominee. There is no plausible way to sidestep Kamala Harris, who would be the obvious choice to replace Biden if such a mechanism existed.

      The only way he won’t be the nominee is if he voluntarily withdraws. He will not do that. Joe Biden loves being president.

      Joe Biden is arrogant. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room in every room he has ever been in. And he thinks the smartest guy in the room ought to be president.

      He also believes he deserves to be president. He thinks he should have been president in 1988. He probably thinks, deep down, that he should have run in 2016 and would have defeated Donald Trump if he was the nominee instead of Hillary Clinton (and he’s probably right about that). He views the presidency as the capstone on his decades-long career in public service.

      He loves going in front of crowds and telling the same old stories about how his grandfather told him to “keep the faith” and his grandmother said “no, spread it.” He loves talking about “the soul of America.” He loves doling out taxpayer money to Democratic interest groups and being warmly received at their conventions and conferences to talk about how awesome he is.

      He loves the power and attention that he is finally receiving after being looked down upon by leading Democrats for decades. Joe Biden was never the “lion of the Senate” — that was Ted Kennedy. He was never Democratic Senate leader, like Harry Reid or Tom Daschle or George Mitchell or Robert Byrd. He doesn’t have any famous laws with his name in the title, like Chris Dodd. But none of those guys was ever president. Joe Biden finally proved himself superior to all of them, and he isn’t going to give that up.


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        Reality Sets in!

        Biden refuses to drop out – “Confirms Second Debate”

        Tough Road to Change Ticket

        Democrats could take a three-step political process to replace Biden with an alternative candidate on their 2024 ticket, top editors at Politico outlined in February.

        The three-step political process, according to Politico‘s Charlie Mahtesian, a senior politics editor, and Steven Shepard, a senior campaign and elections editor and chief polling analyst, does not include a “late-entering white knight candidate” due to filing deadlines. The deadlines for primary access already passed in the spring.

        The political process to replace Biden includes, according to Politico:

        1. Biden Must Voluntarily Step Aside Before Democrat National Convention
        2. Delegates Nominate a New Candidate at Convention
        3. Tie Loose Ends

        Biden is not dropping out of the presidential race, his campaign spokesperson, Seth Schuster, told the Hill Friday.

        [Snipped. -Jo]


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        Steve of Cornubia

        And don’t underestimate Jill Biden’s determination to remain First Lady. She’s having a ball and it will take a giant truck with a steel tow rope to drag her out of the White House. The only way she might be persuaded is if truly stupendous bribes are put on the table.


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        A recent statement in today’s The Australian said that Biden can give the preselected delegates to somebody else.


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      He’s in La La land. He doesn’t know where he is. He doesn’t know whether he is coming or going. Jill should stop playing silly buggers and just get him out of there. Best case for him would be he turns up at the convention, is given a massive valedictory speech, then Jill gives him an ice cream and takes him off for his beach side retirement. He can sit back and watch the mushroom clouds and all the big noisy insects flying back and forth.


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      Frederick Pegler

      Yep the only thing the Democrat establishment fear more than Trump , is the voters.


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    Joe Biden is a metaphor for the left. 😎

    Having said that they used and abused him then spat him out (are about to).


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    This all feels contrived. Yes, the Leftist Liars Club led by Soetoro has plenty of tricks up its sleeve with a fully compliant, credulous and compromised msm ready to start full-on fawning when the real candidate emerges. As mentioned above, the mules are ready again to deliver thousands of fraudulent votes exactly where they are needed. Like 2020.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    “Biden’s entire closing statement is the political equivalent of the blue screen of death. It’s just one long frozen glitch.”

    -Sean Davis, the Federalist


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    Forrest Gardener

    As Mark Steyn says we come back to some very basic calculations here, starting with the most basic of all: Is the Democrat-Deep State-Big Tech complex willing to permit a free and fair election that Trump could win?

    I would bet my last dollar that some within that complex now engaging in calculations about what happens if they don’t.

    All it takes is for the right person to have the right idea at the right time.


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    Frederick Pegler

    My money is on a post convention ‘committee pick’


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    Old Goat

    Lets face it – we all knew Biden was a puppet whose being operated by the deep state before the last election . His cognitive malfunctions were obvious and anyone with more cognitive ability than Biden could see it . The question is who will replace him and take the rap for their destruction ? The next presidential term will see all the consequences and they don’t want to be in charge of that….


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    Serge Wright

    Sleepy Joe wasn’t up to the job 4 years ago and dementia doesn’t improve like a bottle of red. Yes, this has always been the plan to dump him and an early debate where they give him placebos instead of his uppers and let him fail in front of the cameras for an agonising 90 minutes did the job. My tip is Gavin Newsom will be announced as the new candidate and he’ll have 12 weeks of honeymoon period to do a fast track marketing tour of the swing states. Newsom is the complete lefty package that can destroy your state or country in a few short years as he’s proven in California, but he has the slickest campaign and presents as a clean talker. The fact that the voters of California still keep voting him back in as the state slides into bankruptcy, with tent city ghettos of homeless people crowding out the streets and a crime wave from hell, is testimony to his marketing skills. LA now resembles the movie “Escape from LA”, and Newsom might add a twist to the movie with a crooked president running the prison and the country.

    But, will he be able to win over those swing states ???. I’m thinking the Dems don’t want people to have any time to scrutise his failed track record and that’s why they’ll do a last minute swap. Newsom also made a comment after the debate saying he has Biden’s back, which is lefty cue that he’s standing behind him with a 6 inch blade waiting for the signal.


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    So the plan is to leave old Joe in place. And attack the election with Newsom and Trump is fighting on two fronts.


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    CO2 Lover

    Reminder we must not forget the European “Trumps”

    French Elections 30 June to 7 July

    UK Election 4 July

    Paris — Voters in France go to the polls Sunday for the first of two rounds of an election to select 577 members of the National Assembly, the lower house of parliament. The snap elections were called by President Emmanuel Macron on June 9 after his ruling Renaissance party performed poorly in elections for the European Parliament, which governs the 27-nation European Union.

    Who is predicted to win in France’s parliamentary elections?
    Opinion polls ahead of the first round showed the “far-right” grouping of parties led by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) firmly in the lead, predicted to win 36% of the vote. Polls indicate the far-right group has a good chance of taking the second, decisive round of the voting on July 7, too.

    The Times had an even more lurid headline – “Shoot illegal migrants, said UK Reform campaigner” and claimed the party faced claims of widespread sexist and racist behaviour by election candidates.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      “The Times had an even more lurid headline – “Shoot illegal migrants, said UK Reform campaigner” and claimed the party faced claims of widespread sexist and racist behaviour by election candidates.”

      That sort of OTT attack is what we saw with Tony Abbott and now Donald Trump. It reflects the fact that the left always targets those it is most fearful of. Personally, I always pay attention when the left attacks a conservative with such vehemence, because it most likely means that person is a REAL and effective conservative. As the old saying goes, the flak is always worst when you’re over the target.


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    I am also skeptical that the debate was part of a cunning plan to fail. They knew he would fail.

    What is important is that, senile or not, he is the President and out ranks them all. Only he could have ordered the chaotic and lethal overnight withdrawal without warning of all US forces from Afghanistan. And wiser heads had to get permission to send soldiers back to rescue people. Not even their allies were told. Tens of billions in arms went to terrorists. That was loopy Joe, President of the United States. Commander in Chief. And nothing was said, which confirms it.

    So he wanted to show Trump who was boss in a one on one. And he still does! He was just a bit hoarse on the night. There is a real limit to what his staff can ever do to restrain angry old Joe.

    Otherwise, he is now certain not to be the nominee. And Newsom, Hillary Clinton and even RFK Junior will be lining up for the prize. And Hillary at least is well known to Joe and Barack Obama. Biden may yet get his fourth term. And Newsom is backed by Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Plus he is the only one with enough gall to say that Joe won the debate. That’s class toadying.


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      ” Plus he is the only one with enough gall to say that Joe won the debate. That’s class toadying.”

      I thought that was gold.


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        Biden might outrank 330 million people, but whomever controls his pills and his speaking notes, outranks Biden.


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          Agreed. But angry old man Biden has first strike power and he is not a programmable robot. He will do what his addled brain says. And that is frightening.


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      JFK Junion….?

      I think you mean RFK Junior?

      JFK Junior died in a plane crash.

      His sister is US ambassador to Australia.

      RFK Junior is a first cousin.


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        The Kennedy dynasty support Biden and have snubbed RFK Jr.

        Its the American Camelot and RFK Jr. is a white knight.


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          Dave in the States

          Normally RFK Jr. would be unelectable, but after the last election cycles, any Empty Suit who will do the Uni-Party’s bidding can be appointed.

          All that is needed is an air of plausibility.


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        Yep. Typo. Thinking one thing, typing another. Doing a Biden.


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      David A

      I think you are giving Biden way way to much credit. All his decisons were exactly what the hate the USA “fundementaly change the USA” Obama crowd wanted, and he Biden, is the perfect fall guy for their planned failures.


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    Honk R Smith

    The real political battle might taking place out of sight within the DS.
    ‘How far are we willing to go’?

    Great effort and expenditure, over multiple years, possibly with the collusion of the medical establishment, went into getting Trump out.

    I can’t see them surrendering at this point.
    Even if it means the final destruction of the Republic and Americans’ faith in their national identity.
    Especially since it’s the common American for which they have utter contempt.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    And the memes flowed after Biden’s debate trainwreck …



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    Jon Rattin

    In the last hour, The Age stated in a headline “amid post-debate panic Biden looks alive and feisty”

    “A suddenly energetic president returned to the campaign trail on Friday to convince supporters that he wasn’t going anywhere”.

    So all the Lefties can breathe a sigh of relief and be reassured that the Democrat’s ship has been steadied. I reckon a doctor gave him a nice injection of vitamins + something on Friday morning to get him up and about- he seems to have good days and bad days and the difference between the two is very stark


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    The panic in Washington DC is thick. All those swamp dwellers will want a credible Democrat candidate to have a chance of defeating Trump.

    The swamp dwellers are in fear for their cushy jobs. That is a powerful motivator when all you know is how to navigate the swamp.


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      CO2 Lover

      Trump will end the Obama/Biden proxy war in the Ukraine on day #1.

      There goes Billions in spending on the Industrial-Military Complex


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        Old Goat

        CO2 Lover,
        The war might end but the spending won’t . The money will go to the MIC direct instead of being “laundered” in Ukraine. Plenty of wars left .


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      It’s not just their jobs they are fighting for. Crimes have been committed. Some of the Swamp deserve to be in jail. They can’t possibly let Trump win.


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        David A

        I think you are correct, yet the deep state is deeper then ever. If they cannot stop Trump, and the destruction of the US is the goal (“Fundementally change the US constitutional republic) and their control of all the three letter agencies is deeper then over, and their control of the military is deeper then ever, then one can expect massive attackes on every Trump decision, policy, and action plan. If Trump wins, yet cannot make a wholesale change at the top of every three letter agency, then “the resistance” that he faced in his first term, will be tripled. And they will happily make the US government a basket case of legal and illegal non functioning nonsense. I expect they will attempt to impeach within the first 3 months. There is an outside chance they really wont mind all their planned failures, (currently Biden is their fall guy) to be transferred to Trump.


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    “The man who could be president if Biden steps down
    Meet Gavin Newsom, 56, who is in the middle of his second and final term as California’s governor. With no re-election campaign to run, Newsom set his sights on nationwide recognition by appearing on TV clashing over social issues with Republicans like Ron DeSantis – and front and center at the presidential debate last night, where he adamantly defended Biden’s catastrophic performance. Newsom was basking in the spotlight as he was surrounded by reporters.”

    This clown is the perfect lefty choice for President, watch closely.


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    You may be right Jo … but its not how I see it.
    The “swamp” / Iniparty can see an economic collapse coming (after all they are the ones engineering it) and they the Republicans and the Democrats want to be as far from the Presidency as they can get. Let an outsider- Trump- take the blame for the economic meltdown. Let Trump beat Biden and not taint anyone from the Uniparty – then BANG! depression all round.
    I’m wondering if the sudden rush to the polls in Britain and France are not part of the same phenomenon – Does seem rather a bit of a coincidence to me.


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      Sunak is a billionaire richer than the Royal Family. Whatever is coming in the next six months is too much like hard work for him so he bailed. He doesn’t want to win.

      Macron presumably figures his team will be even smaller if he waited 3 – 6 months for an election, and his job was not up for grabs anyway, so no skin off his back…

      The economic crash that is on the cards will be blamed on whatever they want. They don’t need Trump there to take the fall. He is Kryptonite for their crimes. They simply can’t risk him winning.

      But yes, spooky timing indeed. What do they know?


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    John Connor II

    I wish to complain about this president I bought 4 years ago.

    What’s wrong with him?

    He’s dead, that’s what’s wrong with him!

    No, no. He’s just resting. He’s got Covid.

    Look mate, I know a dead president when I see one.

    There! He moved! Beautiful lgbtq plumage!

    No he didn’t, it was you hitting the podium.
    Look, I want a replacement!

    We’re right out of puppets. I got a Hillary…

    Is it loyal to the USA?


    I’ll take it!


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    All comedian Jon Stewart could say about Biden’s performance was that it was at least proof that Biden was not taking performance enhancing drugs.
    I beg to differ.


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    Tim Stanley of the UK Telegraph: It wasn’t a debate, it was a medical emergency.


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    John Connor II

    The debate in one meme:


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      Hard to tell what Trump was feeling-


      By his own account, Biden won the debate. Therein lies the problem with getting him to step down. Can you imagine his minders getting him to review his own performance? Would be like asking the infant in the meme to review their performance.


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    Bidrn’s string pullers holding the real power were betting on keeping Biden in the Oval Office by criminalising Trump at the right time before the elections. But it hadn’t worked. The Democrats are now in a state of Panic. Before the debate/debacle/medical emergency, polls showed Trump 5 points ahead of Biden. Which is vote-fraud proof I think. The debate must have pushed up that 5% for sure


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      I had an odd experience at this point. Biden mumbled nothing intelligible. It was gibberish. And Trump said he didn’t understand what was said. Nor did I.

      But when I found the clip of this critical moment later, Biden’s words were now clear even if illogical. Have records been altered with AI?


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    And how many people, even his supporters and advisers, thought Trump was mad to debate him anywhere, any time?

    Now, as Trump said, I would now like to see if Biden could swing a club at all, let alone hit a ball 50 metres.


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    Mark Smith

    They already nominated Biden so it is too late unless they want to have some third party candidate just act as their candidate. It would be big legal fight if the Demoncrat Party tried replace Biden.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    I think the rats are being flushed out by Biden’s appalling debate performance. Every sane person in the world has long believed that Biden isn’t really the president; how could he possibly be in control of a whole nation when he’s so clearly impaired? But then we must ask, so who really IS in control?

    I have long suspected that it was Obama, but reading a report in Breitbart just now, I think maybe it’s a cabal of powerful Democrats including Obama and the Clintons. The latter especially have clear reasons to hate Trump and their thirst for power and influence is well documented.

    Both Obama and Bill Clinton have popped up to endorse Biden, with outrageous spin saying, “Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership.”

    Methinks that’s actually a covert, self-congratulatory message saying that the figures BEHIND Biden are doing a great job – and want to continue. I mean, just imagine you are Hilary Clinton. With Biden in the White House and under your influence, you are able to not just twist policy and presidential action to your own agenda and whims, maintain your grip on power and enjoy immense influence, but also wreak vengeance on the man you hate the most – Donald Trump. That’s just SO delicious I start to think it must be true.

    Like I said, Biden isn’t in control but SOMEBODY is, and I’m starting to think that it’s less likely to be wealthy globalists (though they assuredly have influence) and more likely to be figures within the Democrat party itself.


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    John Connor II

    Just tell us who his replacement is



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    another ian

    Another view

    “Was yesterday’s debate designed to give the Democratic Party an excuse to dump Joe Biden?”


    “The Coming Democrat Coup”


  • #

    Meanwhile here in England we are about to elect on Thursday the most anti-carbon government we have ever had. This will be a Labour administration committed to hastening Net Zero, with former party leader Ed Miliband in charge of energy policy. The Department of Energy and Climate Change was created for him in 2008 under Gordon Brown after Parliament responded to the Stern Review and enacted the Climate Change Act. (This department is now called the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.) In late 2020 to 2022, Shadow Energy Minister, Ed Miliband claimed that the large fluctuations in the price of gas showed the need to reduce British dependence on fossil fuels. They actually showed the need to develop our own reserves rather than rely on a market having inelastic demand and variable supply.

    The Labour landslide is due to the Conservative Party having become Labour Lite, due largely to David Cameron’s decision to take candidate selection away from local grassroots constituency organisations and hand it to Conservative Central Office, staffed by woke persons. There is no reason for anybody to vote for a Labour Lite party. But there is, at last, a genuine conservative party (ReformUK) that might just become the largest opposition party – and be ready waiting when Labour’s energy policy makes them unelectable in 2029.


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      Honk R Smith

      I call Canada ‘North Korea with food’.
      Scotland is ‘North Korea with bagpipes’.
      So England is ‘North Korea with tea’?
      I guess considering your new population demographics, that doesn’t quite work these days.

      Just kidding, I’ve been trying to follow (with little success) UK politics since Brexit.
      Looks like it didn’t matter.
      Scary what’s happening to you guys.
      Happening all around.

      “We couldn’t undo the Brexit vote, let’s throw a Pandemic.”
      Call the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.


      • #

        Of the various Covid conspiracy theories, I rate 3/5.

        1. I DO believe that SARS-CoV-2 was a laboratory creation (in Wuhan, where it firststarted, in a project sponsored by Fauci via the EcoHeaslth Alliance as a cutout since such research was barred in the USA; this explains why Trump abruptly stopped screaming for a trillion dollars compensation from Beijing, once he was told the truth. See also Prof Angus Dalgleish on the impossibility of the RNA base sequence being natural.)

        2. I DON’T believe it was released deliberately. (Lousy Chinese biosecurity – and China was panicked too, early on.)

        3. I DO believe that the vaccines were significantly more dangerous than governments said. (Doubling down on an initial error out of pride, vanity and stupidity of politicians and their advisors.)

        4. I DON’T believe that the vaccines were deliberately engineered to do harm. (In view of the hurried and large-scale rate of manufacture it is not surprising that a few batches were contaminated – which were, of course, covered up.)

        5. I DO believe that Western governments deliberately failed to explore the value of ivermectin and other out-of-patent generics. (Their advisors were in the pocket of Big Pharma.)

        Background to the response: Washington had been quietly concerned for most of this century that a enemy would manufacture and release a dangerous virus, having first secretly manufactured enough vaccine to shoot up its population within days. RNA technology was seen as the response – you arrange an infrastructure that can manufacture enough vaccine and inject the entire US population within a week or two. This infrastructure was not properly in place in 2020. (Several conferences and practice runs had taken place in the years before 2020, causing conspiracy theorists to claim that Covid-19 was deliberate.) The plan was activated, and after that it was doubled down on (to improve the infrastructure? Out of refusal to admit an error?) despite a death rate from SARS-CoV-2 no worse than a bad flu.


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          David A

          “I DON’T believe that the vaccines were deliberately engineered to do harm. (In view of the hurried and large-scale rate of manufacture it is not surprising that a few batches were contaminated – which were, of course, covered up.)”

          wow, the “spike protein” is a deadly pathogen. Excess deaths and morbidity are now clearly associated with the shots in numerous studies. Fertility is harmed. The spike is perpetuated in far more then ‘bad batches” The control was lost of the rushed study that had greater morbidity and mortality in the vaccinated group. Every effort to suppress VAERS was done, from the beginning. Follow up studies vaccinated verse unvaccinated, were not done and autopsies were suppressed, from the beginning until and currently.
          Millions of excess are on disability with multiple issue due to broken immune systems.Numerous known negative finding in the pre release studies were ignored. Both the GOF virus, and the vaccine are continuing to harm millions, and it will be at least a decade post the mass roll out, before we we can properly understand the incredible harms.

          At the very best, they knew the harms were likely (every previous attempt for such “medicine” had resulted in tremendous failure, and they ignored literally hundreds of thousands of saftey signals, and, from the beginning suppresssed all effective profolatic treatmens.) While denying effective treatments, They forced hospital protocals that killed many many from the intial GOF virus the SAME crowd made. They knew it was a leaky shot, and went against decades of standard protocall, unquestionably generating mutations. They refused to consider natural immunity.

          In short, most all they did maximised the harm of the virus and the vaccine, and those harms are continuing to manifes with MedCram showing studies of clear brain harms from the vaccines, not just “bad batches”


  • #
    another ian

    Another one down –

    “BREAKING: Jack Smith’s January 6 Case Against President Trump Torpedoed After Supreme Court Overturns 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge”


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    Ed Zuiderwijk

    “I don’t understand what he said, and I don’t think he does either.”

    (Trump about Biden’s incoherence)



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    Now that Bidens condition is out in the open and not cloaked by an MSM support system , I wonder how the average American rationlizes that he can authorize launches of nuclear missiles and is supposed to comprehend complex geo political events.

    Clearly he doesnt have that capacity, so who is really in charge? How does that sit legally? These concerns have been circulating for at least a year, but now its out in the open. How big are the big lies?


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    Ed Zuiderwijk

    You may be right about the hidden agenda, but there is another side to that coin. The lies and obfuscations by the MSM about Biden’s mental prowess have been exposed for anyone to see. Some who were taken in by those falsehoods could perhaps consider how many more lies they have been fed. A rescue by a white knight replacement of Biden could well be offset by a sufficient shift away from the Democrats.


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    Dave in the States

    The rules about swapping out candidates on the ballots vary by state. In most cases it is already set in stone. In several states the only exception is in case of death…..


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      It is already too late in Wisconsin, Nevada and I think Georgia, and that will shortly be the case in Texas and Sth Carolina, and other states progressively close off between now and the election. In most cases the exception is death or declared incompetence in which case replacement on the closed state ballots is possible.

      That leads to these scenarios:

      If they simply replace Biden then he remains on the ballot in the closed states at the election and the votes for him are simply not counted. In that scenario the Democrats simply cannot win in November.

      If they use the 25th Amendment and remove Biden, he can be replaced on those already closed state ballots but Harris becomes the caretaker President and there are two consequential problems; Harris won’t want to give it up, and the political problem of the exposure of the lie that Biden is a President in control.

      If He dies, he can be replaced on the closed ballots.

      Last, they ride Biden to the election and if they can carry him over the line dump him shortly afterwards for incompetence.

      None of options look very good for democrats.


  • #
    Richard Robert ilfeld

    1. 10,000 or so of America’s nominal elites have been enthusiastically participating in the Biden participation fraud
    for the last 3 1/2 years.

    2. Their tribal goal is power; if they don’t control the purse strings of government most of their captive proletariat don’t eat very well
    and their egos go unstroked.

    3. The nomination, and subsequent election were thought properly rigged.

    4. The election may now have moved outside of the margin of planned fraud, as constituencies thought solid were allowed a peek behind the curtain.

    5. One has to ask: are there any constraints upon these 10,000 as they do damage control? Mr. Epstein never did reveal who his clients were.

    6. One also has to assume that our adversaries see the state of the US. The next few weeks may provide them an unusual window of opportunity.

    For all the knashing of teeth, if Mr Biden is adamant, someone will have to step forward and play Brutus to his Caesar; in all of society on the
    left those with courage have been purged; canceled among the elite and through such devices as vaccine mandates among the rank and file. The
    cost of change in the admission of public fraud may lose the left more votes than staying the course and so, after a bit of public breastbeating,
    the left will pick a direction, assert that it is what they intended all along, and then continue on to the election as if nothing had happened.
    And in their narrative world that only barely touched reality for their lives, nothing has; tis the rest of us who’ll suffer.


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    Demostein’s dog faced pony soldier monster just dissolved.


  • #

    As someone brilliantly said on X ” I feel like we’re 20 mins from the end of the movie , and all the actors have turned their backs to the monster they think is dead in the corner “.

    there does seem to be unforseen complications as
    A) Biden needs to be there at the end to pardon all his family criminals – so Jill won’t voluntarily let him be pushed out
    B) It seems some swing states have Biden locked in and it’s too late to change .

    What an interesting time


  • #

    Just more dumb American politics. Not our concern.

    We have our sagacious, intelligent, well-informed, politicians (all of whom are totally incorruptible and dedicated to improving the lot to the Australian people) to take care of our affairs.

    Leave the Seppos to their idiocy.


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    Gerry, England

    I disagree. Whoever pulls the strings on the puppet Dementia Joe – Obummer?? – would not want somebody capable of thoughts of their own and they obviously know what he is like – as do many of us – but it has shocked the lefties to see for real how bad he is. Removing him from the ballot may not be possible in 3 key swing states and when it comes to who next, well Commie Kamala the word salad queen will throw a hissy fit if it is not her as vice president, but she is incredibly less popular than Biden. There is Governor Hair Gel from California but his record of turning the state into a lawless shithole with mass emigration, cratering tax income, an energy crisis and record homelessness won’t do him any favours. Whitmer’s name has been thrown in as a possibility and then there is always Obummer’s husband Michael. They could all be wrong and Meagain Markle, the duchess of woke rides to the rescue. And don’t forget, the DemoTwats may not be bothered by how people vote in November as it didn’t matter in 2020 did it?


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    Michelle Obama will be the one slotted in at the last moment. It’s been planned for quite a while.


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