A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Tongue-twisters in different languages
For some reason there are two Finnish tongue-twisters. Only the latter is a real one, the first one is just a relatively long word.
That latter one is lame, but try this one: Yksikseskös yskiskelet?
Longer version exists also: ‘Yksikseskös yskiskelet, itsekseskös itkeskelet?’.
Idea is as follows: Someone asks somebody who is coughing and crying infrequently, ‘Are you coughing alone, are you crying by yourself?’. The question is asked in casual yet a bit surprised manner or mood.
I have always wondered that Swedish tone. Swedish is Finland’s second official language and we study it in school. It is very simple language, but that tone-thing is very hard.
As a youngster (17) I passed some weeks in Sweden, my most “hated” word I didn’t get to pronounce correctly was “20” 😀
From grammar and vocabulary it wasn’t a great difference to German, my native language, later I was able to write comprehensive letters in Swedish.
One year later near Turku, Finland I didn’t even try to understand Finish people, to complicate, three words I remember to have learned, “please”, “thanks” and “gnat”, because of the thousands flying around.
When I was a little bit older than youngster I studied German at university of Tampere. At first when my German wasn’t strong enough Swedish caused problems. When I tried to speak German and if I didn’t remember correct word a Swedish term popped to my mind. I think it’s because they are so close to each other.
Finnish has many loanwords from German. A metabolism in Finnish is aineenvaihdunta and der(?) Stoffwechsel in German. It doesn’t look like a loanword, but ‘aineen’ is ‘Stoff’ in genitive case and ‘vaihdunta’ is ‘wechsel’.
At first I wondered why German don’t drop personal pronouns off since verbs conjugate and basically you don’t need to repeat those pronouns. I believe this is quite normal when studying foreign languages. You wonder why they are doing this or that in difficult way, that our way of saying would be much easier.
And Finnland had the Finn-Mark as currency, as Germans currency.
It’s not a real loanword but a loantranslation, as both parts are translated to Finnish.
That’s correct. I was half-sleep when I wrote my comment. Classical example of German loan word is ‘Kuningaz’. Der König in today’s German and kuningas in Finnish.
In Finnish Wikipedia there’s couple of examples of German loan words: ‘äiti’, ‘leipä’, ‘rauta’, ‘keihäs’ a mother, a bread, iron, spear, respectively. I guess these are quite old, 1500 – 2000 years old loans.
No-one for Wales?
Best of luck.
And the meaning is ? 😀
Or is it the name of a location ?
How many wheelbarrows is that?
I wonder who paid for this “study”?
World’s dogs going vegan ‘would save more emissions than UK produces’
One should never consider assisting the Guardian’s propaganda on their behalf. One will be considered a total fool if you choose to do it!
That reminds me. Even the cryptic crosswords are very left-wing, but the setters do have a sense of humour.
Recovered from vaccination? Went too far (8)
Overshot. The Times is irredeemably hard Left now. Full of cutesy anti-Trumpisms, pro-Islam etc.
I’ve got the hots over this answer
Yes, it’s good to shove rot around
Nonsense I would have thought. Human vegetarians fart profusely giving forth all sorts of foul air.
This is actually true though it depends on the diet so that “profusely” is an exaggeration for most.
It’s not so much the flatulence but the severity and duration of the eye-watering persistent toxic cloud.
Don’t even ask, but it did involve the evacuation of a restaurant. 😆😆
What would be the saved CO2 quantity if people forcing CO2 reduction will stop breathing ? 😀
In Australia, and a hat tip to climate change, wholesale electricity for the September quarter average fell to $63 a megawatt hour partly thanks to milder winter and increased renewables
Of course only a fool would expect that wholesale price drop to be reflected in the retail price, hat tip to market capitalistism.
Imagine how low it could be if we had no “renewables” sucking the life out of everything…
We don’t have to imagine. Brown coal was still winning bids at $30/MWh recently.
So renewables drive the price up 25% (this year), it was mainly due to having to rewire the entire country due to renewables. This is not a wholesale cost, this is retail cost, poles and wires remember. Government put the cost onto retail.
You are so wrong again.
Was that Tasmania?
Retail electricity prices in Australia are one of the most tightly government regulated industries in the country. In many states the maximum price (known as DMO, which is a confusing name but it’s a legislated price cap) is updated once per year and obviously no one at the household retail level is going to renegotiate their contract because of one month being a bit cheaper at the wholesale level.
Besides that, the wholesale price does not include the cost of RET certificates, which are yet another mechanism that has no connection with any free market.
It’s a fundamental left-wing strategy: make a mess with regulations then blame the mess on capitalism. People are catching onto that one … can’t fool everyone all the time, and you sir don’t fool very many at all.
Hey all, got a question concerning the best method for paint clean up. I’ve been doing some reno’s recently including more painting than I really want to do. After rollering/ brushing I’ve been cleaning the associated equipment out on the front lawn with prodigious amounts of water and leaving the sun and soil bacteria to take it from there.
While I am in a lake catchment area I have been able to keep the waste water on my property but am wondering if there’s a better way.
What colours did you use, water based ?
Light colours, water based.
Rollers just wrap in glad wrap and pop in fridge so good to go when you apply next coat , when you have finished painting chuck in the bin .
yes, put it in the fridge, but only for a little while, a few days. But never try and clean a roller, it just endlessly comes out. Brushes dont need much water, use a hose only minimally to flush, soaking with sugar soap and hot water cleans them pretty well, but even better leave the bristle in water overnight if continuing the next day. Clean properly when you have to and or if your brush is worth saving. Always try and keep the paint low on the bristle, easier said then done but it makes a brush much easier to clean and will extend the life.
That’s easy, once you’ve wasted time and resources trying to save the planet from 2 ounces of paint, simply toss the brushes and rollers in the trash.
Because your time is worth something.
FWIW – More Qatar
“Because, of Course – Qatar Negotiating Hostage Swap Between Israel and Hamas
October 9, 2023 | Sundance | 55 Comments”
Goes with
“Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran
October 8, 2023 | Sundance | 466 Comments”
When the Obama/Clinton State Dept wanted to fund the covert weapons to the Benghazi rebels, they used Qatar.
Clintons Benghazi moment, the contractors who saved the day and died where there to buy back the weapons from the rebels (al-Qaeda in Libya) and ship them to the Rebels in Syraia which formed ISIS. Russia and the Syrian Government were fighting the Rebels in Syrai (latter becoming ISIS) the US Government was backing the Rebels.
The US Government formed and funded the Taliban in Afghanistan.
I checked one of the banks, Qatar National Bank, Qatar Government holds 50% of the shares, the normal terrorist bankers hold the rest. (BlackRock, Vanguard)
“In this next section, I am going to show the alignment between Black Lives Matter and the Brotherhood. It is not accidental that BLM supports the Palestinian terrorist network represented by Hamas.” (Extract from the article)
The Muslim Brotherhood is funded by Soros
US “Partnership” with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and its Effect on Civil Society and Human Rights
Hamas and the Palestinian Government. Hamas has been in power in the Gaza Strip since 2007 after a brief war, the USA funds the Palestinian Government, join the dots.
On the News last night the reporter stated, “they can now move forward for the Greater Israel, which reminded me of the Greater Israel Plan.
The biggest terrorist organization on the planet is the US Governments. Hay lets also Ban flights from the US.
By the look of the situation it’s probably a good move made by Albanese to refuse Qatar additional flights.Maybe the rest of the free world should follow suit & if other Mid eastern states want to get “smart” maybe their landing rights should also be removed!
Albanese made a good move, he did it for his own interests, not the good of the Planet in his fight against terrorists, he is also funding the WHO and UN, so he is actually funding the Terrorists.
The 19th C Tsars of Russia are put in a bad light by left-wing academics, but they actually worked hard to improve the lot of their people. Rather than just give their money away, they paid people to build railways. This allowed easier trade so surpluses could be sold at a good price elsewhere, and savings used to buy in poor years. So they were alt-right, neo-con, Nazis or whatever.
Just bringing it up because even when CO2 levels were good, the woes that weather could bring needed to be dealt with, and even with 19th C technology, fossil fuels did the trick. Controlling the climate, not so much.
Herbert Hoover was given the task of making those railways work to distribute American Aid in the 1921 Famine or as we now call it a ‘Managed Decline’.
This is something our leftist scholars never understood.
Locally, we had two supposedly corrupt nominal dictatorships. The Philippines and Indonesia.
One leader put his money in Swiss bank accounts. The other put his money into local industry.
Our commentariat didn’t know the difference.
A long but good summation of the leftist mindset and the echo chamber that they live in.
I remember Brexit. The vote for change unexpectedly won.
Pity no-one told the civil service.
Plenty of people told the civil service … but no one could figure out how to make em listen.
The article has added a footnote to say, “we would presumably see a similar scenario if the balance of power in both media and politics were held by conservatives”.
I think there’s echo chambers in many areas of life. People do like affirmation/confirmation of their ideas and are perhaps likely to associate in an environment that provides that.
We see this in the gravitation of particular groups of readers and viewers to certain news outlets.
To generalise though. I do think that these days it’s more likely that a “leftist” is more likely to think that a “conservative” is a horrible person and not want to associate with them than vice versa.
Important to have differences of opinion in these threads to ensure ideas are challenged and done so genuinely. Perhaps this does not happen enough.
The appalling hypocrisy of the Health Service in NZ- Vaccine exemptions..
“From 13 November 2021 to 26 September 2022, a total of 478 applications for Significant Service Disruption exemption (SSD) were received. 103 applications were granted, covering approximately 11,005 workers.
One source has told me that 95 consultants in the Dunedin region alone benefited from vaccine exemptions…The total appears to run to hundreds and possibly more.
It seems that those granted exemptions were restrained by gag orders. In other words, they could not tell anyone that they had been granted exemptions—it was a secretive process that the Ministry of Health was anxious to hide from the public.. if they were unvaccinated themselves, they were still required to advise their patients to vaccinate. .. So why did senior medical staff choose to remain unvaccinated?”
Do as we say, not do as we do, we know what’s best for YOU..
Hmm … a secret exemption from something that was not compulsory … very interesting.
NetZero is the gift that keeps giving for the large miners like RioTinto that has big expansion plans for iron ore and “green” minerals:
No wonder the Australian Mineral Council is a strong supporter of green fantasies.
The charge to NetZero will shift the global scale economics from banking back to mining. Miners will be in control of economic outcomes. What a gift – the war on carbon will create debt levels that will surpass the WW2 debt by many factors. It is a war that can never be won. Ultimately China will control manufacturing and command the global economy. Europe is already establishing import restrictions that condemn its economy to eternal decline; isolated from the productive world.
China is in visible stages of catastrophic demographic collapse. It shall not control anything, let alone manufacturing, IMHO.
The belt and road initiative is aimed at overcoming the Chinese demographic cliff. There are now 138 countries involved in the initiative. Most African countries are involved and provide growing numbers to serve Chinese interests.
China’s energy consumption reached the level of the USA in 2008 at 25PWh. Since then, USA has flatlined while China has trended strongly upward to 44PWh. China approved 106GW of coal generation last year and there is no sign of their rate of increase declining. China has 38 nuclear reactors in operation and 19 under construction.
Fair comment. An observation – I worked in places as disparate as Zambia, The Bahamas, Nepal and the Pacific Island states amongst others. In those 4 examples, the Chinese were both incredibly active and equally reviled. Yes PRC has built a shaky alliance based on handouts to venal politicians and vague promises to the Great Unwashed. In other words while your statement is valid, I have doubts (hopes?) that the Marxist/totalitarian system of domination exercised by PRC is exportable. And without that model, they are stuffed. Not to mention their internal dissent.
yes NSW Mining runs an ad on tv at the moment where you only see women and coloured folk employed, in the offices, nutting out the complicated stuff for dumb white blokes to do I assume.
Probably just employ locals for the non FIFO work. Being good corporate citizens rather than junking cave paintings.
There are two ways to get iron ore from W Africa to Asia, around the Cape or a shorter route via Suez which will add about $1mill per round trip of an ore carrier.
Port Headland to Shanghai is 15.4 days @ 10 kts.
Port of Benti to Shanghai is 52.4 days via Suez,
Early days in Mongolia. but RIO have a huge foot in the door and expirence.
Meanwhile in Twiggyville, Down Down Grades are down.
Could I suggest you research the Oyu Tolgoi [Turquoise Hill] mine, a massive Cu mine Rio has been developing since 2001. The Mongolian government is free carried for 34% [iirc they wanted 50%] Meeting 100% of development costs for 66% of the ore produced is not an attractive deal
So 22 yrs into the project they are still bickering.
I had a job at Oyu Tolgoi. They must be doing alright as there still there.
Nearly every mine I have been involved with in third world countries has to be in a joint venture with the government, the deal is done at the very start, before a pen is put to paper.
It was all known, and usually the Gov wipes taxes or some similar deal for their share of capital. The ore does belong to the country after all, no company has the right to take without fair compensation.
It started producing in 2013 so you got the 22yrs out of your normal bag of facts.
Misima, OkTedi and Porgera all went through the same, Misima is closed, but the other two have this ongoing battle constantly.
Regarding 15 days, vs 52 days … will anyone be upset if the iron comes in tasting a little stale after longer time at sea?
I would have thought only cost matters, not how old it is. I mean it’s millions of years old already so another month won’t make much difference.
Extra fuel costs, that might make a difference but then again Australia has higher taxes and higher wages to offset.
Kash Patel explained the focus of the Biden regime this way:
The Real Reason the Biden Regime and Israel Missed the Hamas Sabbath Attack
Keep an eye on the weather but whatever you do, don’t don’t prioritize threats of war.
I’ve been amazed by the lack of vigilance and situational awareness in Isreal.
Partying down the road from Gaza with no lookouts?
Even the military posts had no elevated lookouts, the Hamas guys just rolled in – videos of them stomping on the heads of dead IDF soldiers they easily overran (the sole of the shoe is an Arabic insult e.g. American boots on the ground in Kuwait/Iraq were an insult). Bin Laden had offered to fight Hussein so that American boots would not set foot on Arabic soil and desecrate it (and therefore insult Arabs), but he was rejected.
Now Iraq is threatening the US again:
Iraqi Forces Issue Stark Warning: U.S. Will Become a Legitimate Target if It Intervenes in Palestine
For the record I don’t believe the notion of modern Israeli “invincibility” (e.g. Six Day War etc) or that it is somehow divine given the military victories.
Corroborating DNA studies reveal less than 5% of modern Israelis are original Israel-by-birth. Even surrounding Bedouin have similar Israel-by-birth DNA.
Hitler’s Nazis made the same missattribution i.e. Jews by choice – not birth.
Jews by choice are Ashkenazim from Eastern Europe. Due to their crimes they were forced by the surrounding countries to accept religion – Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. They chose Judaism.
Prior to their WWII move to establish the state of Israel they were targeting Ukraine for their home state.
Israeli PMs have changed their names from European to Hebrew-ish (look it up). Another prime example is Rothschild (red shield), original name Bauer. The Rothschild-funded and designed Israel Supreme Court is an Illuminist temple (look that up too).
Consequently any ideas of the Jewish temple being rebuilt at end times (most Evangelical Christians subscribe to this and are funding efforts) is misconstrual. Don’t count on divine intervention on behalf of modern Israel. History is replete with the opposite.
Kirby STUNS Fox News Host as He Says Biden Believes Climate Change Bigger Threat Than Nuclear War After Iran Proxy Army Hamas Forces War on Israel (VIDEO)
Kirby and Biden – Dumb and Dumber.
So prioritize the weather then fund Iran with fungible currency – what could go wrong?
“The American People Aren’t Stupid, They Know What Happened”: Trump National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien Blasts Biden Admin for Denying $6 Billion Ransom Paid to Iran Aided Hamas Attack on Israel (Video)
Who, apart from Trump, could have seen THAT coming?
>I’ve been amazed by the lack of vigilance and situational awareness in Isreal.
Egyptian Intelligence Warned ‘Something Big’ Was Coming, But This Was Ignored: Israeli Media
“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,”
>I’ve been amazed by the lack of vigilance and situational awareness in Israel.
>IDF soldiers they easily overran
Al-Jazeera has acquired footage showing the complete and rapid capture of the Erez military base in the Gaza envelope – Video
“It looks like Israel just let them in. The whole thing seems staged.”
“Btw can’t see a single Israeli Army personal fighting”
“Sons of saladin are back again…”
Exactly 50 years ago to the day Israel was attacked, in their words, they were caught with their pants down. Fast forward 50 years and Israel solders where captured in their underwear, pants down again?
That video shows the circus for what it is, shooting at nothing, because the soldiers were in their underwear 5 hours after the attack began.
No Guards at a military base, really?
These people have one script and recycle it.
>I’ve been amazed by the lack of vigilance and situational awareness in Israel.
Korybko: Top 10 Takeaways From Hamas’ Sneak Attack On Israel
Hamas even had their training videos online showing the armed motorized paragliders that attacked the “Peace Party”.
Surely someone could have joined the dots…
The foul Islamist murderers “got lucky” this time – one in hundreds of attempts to kill ordinary people for the crime of being Jewish. That makes two “got luckies” in 50 years. Isn’t it a bit early to be apportioning blame to the IDF? Let’s allow them to respond effectively right now – until the screeching UN and all the others start calling for “restraint.” Our egregious anti-Semitic foreign minister did that immediately. She is a disgrace.
Mossad’s motto is “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War”
“Our egregious anti-Semitic foreign minister did that immediately. She is a disgrace.”
An understatement Adellad. Her later public statement condemning Hamas, was totally devoid of an iota of conviction.
The attack by Hamas would never “defeat” Israel and it will only increase the problems the Gaza faces . Who benefits ?
>[Israel] Was Totally Unprepared For Hamas’ Hybrid War Tactics
Example: A mortar dropped from a drone onto the engine end (front) of a Merkava tank.
Just not a mortar dropping drone directly overhead.
Where has my country gone.?
Terrorist supporters burn the Israeli flag and shout “Gas the Jews”, in front of thevSydney Opera House, while our police force stands by doing nothing. Then they arrest a lone guy with an Israeli flag … “for his own good.”
What next? If you report a death threat, the police will come and arrest you for your own safety?
Whoever ordered these actions should resign now.
>Where has my country gone.?
Videos here:
Sydney Jewish Community Warned to Stay Home as Hamas Supporters Claim the City’s Streets
Hijabs optional.
Only days ago there was grave concern that if people voted “No” the rest of the world would look down on us. Not so much concern about the rest of the world seeing Australian police stand by while people shout “Gas the Jews”.
Great tourist advert with the Opera House in view.
Australia has been undergoing a major demographic change.
In recent decades one group, Muslims (813,000) has been the preferred immigrants far exceeding Jews (100,000) who have been in Australia since the First Fleet.
One group is particularly good at scholarship and getting Nobel Prizes, the other not so much.
Data from:
Baruch A. Shalev, 100 Years of Nobel Prizes (2003), Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, p.59 and p.57
Note, these are facts, facts don’t care about people’s feelings.
“Note, these are facts, facts don’t care about people’s feelings.”
Sure sure.. the Jews control the Nobel Prize committee.. /sarc
Lets admit it, the Jews control the West, they control America and the West are just American puppets. Since the disaster of proclaiming Israel in Palestinian land in the 1940s we have been subjected to a deluge of “Oh the poor Jews, Hitler tried to kill them all” and the other side get “Look at the Arabs, rebelling again against Britain/France/Whoever took their country over..”
So don’t expect any unbiased opinions in the Western media. Would they EVER give an Iranian Govt nuclear scientist a Nobel Prize?? No they would shoot him on sight, as has happened. The Nobel prizes are just political propaganda, as they have always been.
However, you are correct in the immigration thinking, Australia started sinking once the ‘White Australia’ policy was abandoned. Things have just progressively got worse, and will continue to do so. Enoch Powell was right.
Aloha! Its like the “poor Hawaiians” who suffered European conquerors while the great Hawaiian King Kamehameha figured out he could “unite” the Hawaiian Nation with British Navy cannons and muskets and throw his rivals off cliffs and subjugate all Hawaiians with violence while he steals their land. Its called the human condition! The best killing technology always wins! What is your point?
Interesting interpretation of the 1.5C limit by the BBC:
World breaches key 1.5C warming mark for record number of days
Scroll down to:
Record number of days breaking 1.5C in 2023
Daily global average air temperature , 1940-2023
First time I’ve seen the “limit” applied this way.
I’m curious how they determined the margin for every day of the year.
This is the extended ERA5 dataset which I think can only be considered to be two distinct datasets – pre 1979 and post 1979.
There’s a discernible step change at 1979 in that dataset.
Apart from that, there’s no pre-industrial daily dataset for them to obtain their cyclical baseline.
My interpretation, in the absence of any other until now, is that the 1850-1900 pre-industrial annual mean was 13.5 (MIT) so the annual mean “limit” is 15.
Now it gets down to daily :limit” but where’s the documentation?
How did they determine the daily “limit”? with what method?
They now have to publish both the baseline data and “limit” data for every day of the year.
Their baseline seems to be the 1850-1900 annual mean with the annual cycle doctored to fit – in other words, a manufactured annual cycle base.
ERA5 is very much like the NCEP CFSV2/CFSR dataset at Climate Reanalyzer:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
That’s World. Their problem now of course is that there are 5 latitudinal zones:
I bet we NEVER see similar BBC graphs for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
On their graph the BBC state:
Ok, here’s HadCRUT 5.0.1
All anomalies but scroll down to:
Absolute 1961-1990 annual mean data: NH, SH, GL
12 months absolute Jan to Dec data.
Also, Annual means: GL 13.974, NH 14.586, SH 13.361
Graph: CRU absolute temperature 1961-1990 mean
But that’s nowhere near the BBC’s “1850-1900 levels”.
I notice the UN, the Left and all the Lamestream Media are remarkably silent on the gross violations of the rules of war and the Geneva Conventions by the Gazans and Harmassh-les. Virtually all of the following examples of war crimes and many more have been committed.
Those prohibited acts have been perpetrated in the name of religion for thousands of years.
How do you solve this idiotic war?
2 men enter, 1 man leaves. The winning side gets Gaza.
That’s better than WW3.
And just like that, no-one gives a rats about Ukraine any more.
Actually, I previously answered the dilemma.
Just put all the pollies on the front lines.
I guarantee it’ll all be resolved in record time.
Which is why it hasn’t…
“Just put all the pollies on the front lines.”
Best idea EVER!
actually it is all over the media, the UN has made statements and hell knows who you mean by “the left” these days. If it includes the PM and FM then they made statements too.
You as well FFS.
One of the arguments put forth by Hamas apologists, is that all Israeli people (barring a very small percentage) are required to do military service or an equivalent. This supposedly makes all citizens valid “military” targets…
It’s the usual logic expressed by the anti-semitic Labor/Greens hive-mind.
That’s not to say that Israel is even close to being a model citizen either.
I find the whole thing horrendous, but sadly predictable. Not all civilians are “good people”, but they deserve an opportunity to live their lives, and now so many won’t be able to.
That bullet point again. Hive mind, I don’t think that buzzing in your head is tinnitus.
Always accuse others of doing what you yourself have done.
Pretty rude and weird response.
I hope you quickly recover from whatever it is that is causing you to reply in such a manner.
Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help if you need it.
I find your use of the Anti- word offensive, like anti-vaxxer.
You accuse everyone who does not agree with you of being in the hivemind, when it is you following the narrative, the mainstream narrative, the hivemind. (Always accuse others of doing what you yourself have done.)
You then accuse those with opposing views of being labor/greens, you should have just gone with the left, the most overused term on this site.
Do you wonder why that word and similar go straight into mod, it’s because you cannot speak about a certain group? If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.
There is help for me, there is none for you.
But there is ample evidence that Labor/greens supporters and elected members are not fans of Jewish people.
All of them? No (and did I ever say all of them?).
You are really putting words in my mouth, perhaps deliberately failing to understand what I say, for whatever reason that floats your boat.
I have never, and hopefully will never, side myself with 1 political party, or with one political ideology. I’m certainly not above being biased, but I can clearly see problems with both sides of politics, which if you weren’t reading my comments over the years through some sort of red mist, you would well know.
Really not sure what problem you have with me, but how about directing your seething rage somewhere worthwhile…?
Israel still has a significant lead over Hamas in the war crimes tally, so don’t worry, they won’t take the lead any time soon.
“War Crimes
Some examples of prohibited acts include:…. ”
Find me any war where those haven’t happened. The sort of men who DON’T commit those crimes do not go in the military.
Women-only homeless shelter agrees to take in trans people who self-identify
A women-only homeless shelter will allow biological males who identify as female into its single-sex facility.
For the first time this winter, Glass Door will provide a women-only shelter in recognition of the “growing numbers of homeless women” in London, it said.
The charity held its annual Sleep Out fundraiser in Duke of York Square in Chelsea on Friday and it hoped to raise £175,000 to finance its winter shelters.
But it has now emerged the shelter would be open to transgender women.
When asked by The Telegraph if trans women would be admitted, a Glass Door spokesman said: “In line with our Gender, Equality and Diversity policy any guest who identifies as a woman will be treated in line with their gender identity and will be eligible for a space in our women-only shelter dependent on availability.”
They just took stupid to a new level. Expect to see them in the news again shortly.
That’s worked out just great in Commiefornia where the trans have raped and impregnated women.
When will this Leftist madness and abuse of women end?
That should turn out well.
wrong spot
I know a joke with that as the punchline.
Don’t go there, is my punch line.
“Pusharda?” ( ? spelling)
Solar researchers sound the alarm to deaf ears: “Severe cold and food shortages as early as the 2030’s
In a 2019 interview with the award-winning Canadian journalist Stuart McNish on his program “Conversations That Matter,” Zharkova explained with great seriousness and caution that solar researchers have been observing signs since 2015 that solar activity is decreasing in a manner only seen during the Grand Solar Minimum, which last occurred during the Maunder Minimum 400 years ago. She cites NOAA, NASA, and other research organizations that have noted this trend in various ways but have not communicated it to the public. Zharkova asserts that the significantly reduced solar activity, which we have barely witnessed the beginning of, will inevitably lead to dramatic climate and weather changes as well as global cooling. She also specifies the time period she believes will be the worst:
“Between cycle 25 and 11 years of cycle 26 [the least active cycle], and between cycle 26 and 27, will be the coldest period on Earth, and we will feel it through a lack of vegetation.”
Therefore, starting after the active period during this cycle SC25, from the second half of this decade until the early 2050s, Earth will experience exceptional cold, extreme weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. She points to 2030 as the year when it will seriously begin, warning that the 2030s will be so cold that it will result in a severe food shortage.
In light of this, it raises questions about the globalists’ Agenda 2030 and claims of “human-induced global warming,” which are supposed to affect us in the early 2030s. The question is why they are not warning us about what is truly on the horizon, as they are likely well aware of it. Even more concerning is why they are misleading the world’s governments and people into believing that the threat is warmth. Potential answers to these questions are unsettling.
Zharkhova’s predictions are interesting but I’d be more worried about WEF orchestrated events.
A farm in the country is everyone’s best bet.
Agree with your last point, JCII. But data shows SC25 trending above average solar flux (and sun spots, but it’s solar flux that matters).
This current trend was predicted by some solar physicists, notably Dr. McIntosh at UofCO’s National Center for Atmospheric Research based on novel statistical analysis of the previous 24 SCs. I’m a radio amateur and we follow these developments closely. Having a degree in astrophysics doesn’t hurt, either.
Prior to SC25, NASA, NOAA etal. were predicting a downturn in SF over SC25 and later cycles. You can see their prediction on the link. This was a ‘consensus’ view and thus not really worth much consideration because what really matters is the data.
The manipulation of the information.
The group spoken about in that video.
The article from that vid.
I notice you cite the Electronic Intifada.
Details of this notorious publication are at:
See link for rest.
Who funds ngo (I know)
NGO Monitor is the central project of the Organization for NGO Responsibility, an independent nonprofit organization registered in Israel. Who would of thunk, well obviously not you?
Dig a bit deeper, not the first link in your google search.
The whole point of the video and the groups they speak of is, control the narrative. The links to the actual memos has been broken
Here’s a video of the festival, there is a tank there, the police are there with guns. The lack of panic is very telling. Yes it is RT and it is propaganda, but not Russia’s.
How can you not see the obvious?
I just heard on the news a girl from the festival, she hid under a bush for 10 hours, 10 hours before help arrived?
Israel has told all Palestinians to leave via the border with Egypt, 2 million people about to be starved to death.
Glory to Ukraine/Israel or whatever the flavor of the day is.
The growing state of
Expert Hearing on Reports of DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines. McKernan, McCullough, Bhakdi, Byram, Rose.
D/l link:
I think the reason a lot of the ratbag groups of the world are doing their stuff now is that they are terrified Donald Trump will be soon elected and he won’t tolerate such chaos and evil in the world.
David, we have our own invasive rodent species, and it seems clear to me that some of those bags (many have SWAT teams) aren’t gonna allow that to happen.
You can observe a lot by just watching.
Deja vu all over again.
I’m a bit shy about what the bags have in their bags for round two, if vote ‘fortification’ becomes too obvious.
Here’s a clue.
Don’t know how much more obvious it can get.
I hear Oz has at least started an updated penal colony infrastructure. Perhaps they’ll get an American sub contract.
Maybe we’ll have chance to do lunch.
During Rec Hour if the they allow
Of course by then I’ll likely be in the MAID section of the facility.
Gazing at the Dan, Jacinda, and Justin lovingly framed portraits on the wall.
And the as yet undetermined Non-Binary LGBTQIA+ BIPOC that will be installed as POTUS.
Apologies to any letter I inadvertently left out. (Although I think that’s what the + is for.)
I’m old, it’s hard to stay current.
China Makes Advances In Space Lasers, Microwave Weapons
The People’s Liberation Army, the army of the Chinese Communist Party, recently announced a breakthrough on a key weapons programs that may change the nature of war.
Chinese scientists claim they’ve had unexpected success in developing a high-powered microwave (HPM) weapon, according to The Diplomat. The magazine notes that in January, Huang Wenhua, deputy director of China’s Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, was awarded for his research on directed energy, which HPM weapons use.
HPM systems are able to destroy electronic equipment, and in an age when most combat systems—from tanks to planes, radios to satellites—rely on electronics, the weapons could change the way wars are fought. Warships will be fitted with HPM weapons to intercept incoming missiles.
The HPM project, alongside other projects involving lasers and electromagnetic pulses, is part of the Chinese regime’s “Assassin’s Mace” (or “Trump Card”) program designed to defeat a technologically superior opponent by disabling or destroying the technology that makes the opponent superior.
The Diplomat article reported on March 11 that China’s developments on high-powered microwave weapons “would undermine the efficacy of even the most advanced U.S. missiles,” and “applications could also include its use as an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon or incorporation with missiles in order to overcome enemy air defenses.”
Fisher said that by using the space-based laser platform, China would “realize the dream of Ronald Reagan’s strategic defense initiative,” as it grants them a large-scale defense system that could intercept warheads.
The old days of bullets and bombs are gone.
Advanced weaponry and cyberattacks are the future.
One need only compare the state of weapons tech in the top 10 players to see that.
It’s a whole new playing field (and has been for years) and the USA is an old geezer remembering its glory days, that is poking the wrong bear.
I know, I know – USA, USA, rah rah rah!
/good for 5 downvotes 😉
Thumb club, you made me do it.
Looks like you’ll have to vote early and vote often to get that
Now, I’m in that possibility re “Their Voice”
Our much self praised AEC has sent me a trail of emails on the progress of my postal vote. Which is about two weeks in its absence in our delivered mail.
So questioning as to why starts with them tomorrow.
I am DEFINITELY going to a Saturday polling place to vote
But now that the AEC has admitted that, if I were to vote twice, that vote still stands as they have lost any link to it.
And the fine, if detected, is minimal.
So, if the postal vote turns up, “Would you, Could you”?
More when I know more from AEC tomorrow
When people vote NO to Apartheid, please bring your own pen.
They have advertised that it’s ok to do that, even vote in a couple of booths, our early voting centers are in Aboriginal buildings, so I vote on the day.
So they know you haven’t returned you’re postal, but they have lost the link? Just corrupt this whole event.
This is totally precautionary in case I amtold that “Someoneelseme” has used the postal vote
This is part of the paper trail in case
I think it is that they know your postal vote was returned but once opened and in the tally they have lost evidence of signatures etc and the connection to that vote. So it stands as counted.
Sounds like a hyphenated description starting with “c” is appropriate
” high-powered microwave (HPM) weapon,”
Meh- We’re so tough our police use those against protesters.. What they really need are ones that a drone can carry across a battlefield and every soldier gets subjected to such intense pain they run away from the beam.
Surprisingly sensible broadcast by CNN on Israel …
A bit of sad news via cfavic on ig, 2023-10-09 15:09
One of his publications was a data source in a requirements specification I was working on two years ago.
If I had to assemble a bushfire science “fab five”, he would have been on it.
EV Bus in UK Clean Air Zone burns uncontrollably