A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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HowI long for the Glasgow Climate Conference to be over. It is inevitable that it be a failure but some sort of declaration will no doubt be stitched up, and forgotten as the climate turns cool. Even Paul Kelly in today’s The Australian is doubtful.
Covid and climate can both be discarded as population manipulators once the supply chains are SNAFU.
The job is progressing well .
Are we there yet?
Not quite .
After the “Xmas that wasn’t” (2021) we can relax in our new normal.
Yes. When this pandemic first created panic, I saw no sign of any recognition of the trouble we would be in if the truckies and shelf stackers got sick.
Angus Taylor to rebuff UK and US demands to phase out coal-fired power stations
Energy Minister Angus Taylor will reject calls by Britain and the US to phase out all coal-fired power generation by 2030, declaring he would not sign up to Glasgow climate change agreements and targets that negatively impact miners, manufacturers and farmers.
Ahead of travelling to the UN climate change conference next week, Mr Taylor told The Weekend Australian the Morrison government would not agree to commitments that would jeopardise “affordable and reliable” power.
With Britain’s COP26 president, Alok Sharma, expected to pressure Australia and other nations to phase out domestic coal power generation by the end of the decade, Mr Taylor said he would “stand up for the Australian way”.
“We won’t be doing anything that wipes out our traditional industries or threatens our electricity grid. We will be continuing to reduce emissions but we’re not going to wipe out industries in the process,” Mr Taylor said.
“I‘ll enjoy, and am looking forward to, proudly explaining to international colleagues the right way to go about this when you’re a country like Australia.”
Mr Taylor said “you can’t trade off prosperity and emissions reduction”.
“Whether it’s within Australia or across the world. The way to reduce emissions is to have low-emissions technologies that strengthen your economy, not weaken them. And that’s as true in developing Asia as it is in Australia,” he said.
“We’ll do this the Australian way, in a way that’s in Australia’s interest. That does mean bringing down emissions but it doesn’t mean damaging those traditional industries agriculture, heavy manufacturing and resources or our energy supply.
“We‘ll be talking Australia’s track record, 20 per cent emissions reduction over the past 15 years, in the same time that China’s emissions have increased by over 70 per cent.”
Excellent, we’ll do it our way.
Even better, “tell them they’re dreaming” although I think the correct term is hallucinating, like whoever gave you the red thumb.
He/she/it needs to make up his tiny mind “are you in favour of China?” or do you tell them “you can freeze to death in the dark if you want”.
Frank Sinatra?
Slow boat to……?
It would be fantastic if the Australian entourage also had Dr Bill Burrows to explain that we are already a carbon sink
Marine heatwaves don’t just endanger ecosystems—they have significant socioeconomic impacts
by University of New South Wales
OCTOBER 22, 2021
Marine heatwaves have led to major economic losses around the world, a new study shows—and researchers say we need global action to ease the impacts of extreme warming events on ocean life.
Climate change has made extreme weather events increasingly common around the world—and marine heatwaves are no exception. We know these periods of unusually high seawater temperatures generally have negative ecological impacts—but what about other implications and flow-on effects?
A paper published this week in Science provides the first global perspective of the socioeconomic impacts of marine heatwaves.
The study, led by scientists from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in the UK and involving Associate Professor Alex Sen Gupta from UNSW’s Climate Change Research Centre, showed that ecological impacts of marine heatwaves often led to major economic losses and wider effects on society across the world.
“The global annual number of marine heatwave days has risen by 54 percent over the past century, with eight of the 10 most extreme marine heatwaves ever recorded occurring after 2010,” A/Prof. Sen Gupta said.
“We already know a lot about the drivers and biological impacts of those heatwaves, but only a few studies have looked at their consequences for human-ocean interactions.”
To help close that evidence gap, the research team examined biological responses to 34 marine heatwaves occurring across all major ocean basins and explored the related socioeconomic impacts. They found that most events resulted in loss of fisheries, destruction of kelp forests or seagrass habitats, or mass mortalities of wildlife, often causing significant economic loss to multiple industries.
“We found that economic losses of single marine heatwave events to date exceed US$800 million in direct losses and additional, substantial indirect losses,” said lead author, Dr. Katie Smith from MBA .
“The true costs are likely to be even greater because many socioeconomic effects remain unknown and underreported, particularly in lower-income countries.”
For example, the Ningaloo Niño marine heatwave that hit the coast of Western Australia in 2011 led to massive and sustained loss of kelp habitat, fisheries closures and the invasion of tropical species into temperate waters.
Dr. Smith said the impacts of marine heatwaves were far-reaching. “The knock-on effects can last for decades,” she said.
“The loss of coastal habitats such as seagrass meadows and kelp forests impacts fisheries, tourism, and natural capacity to store carbon.
“During marine heatwaves ocean temperatures can become so high that some species become stressed or even die, which in turn can affect foodwebs and impact higher predators. For example, a change in microscopic marine animals can ricochet up the foodweb, causing mass mortalities in important fisheries species, endangering sea lions and seabirds and leading to huge financial loss to fisheries and tourism.”
The paper also revealed that there were some benefits associated with marine heatwaves, including increased recreational opportunities or fisheries prospects as some important species changed their geographic range in response to warming.
“Some species or populations show little response to heatwaves, and others even respond positively by extending their ranges or proliferating as a result of increasingly favorable conditions or competitive release, so making good management decisions now might actually allow us to derive some economic benefits,” A/Prof. Sen Gupta said.
Climate action needed—here and globally
A/Prof. Sen Gupta said while the study had important global implications, it was particularly relevant for Australia.
“A significant proportion of the heatwaves we analyzed in this paper happened in Australia. For example, the bleaching and mass mortalities in the Great Barrier Reef that happened 2016–2018 have had huge consequences. The GBR is valued at US$4.2 billion annually, with a total value estimated at US$41 billion, but the economic loss related to bleaching remain unknown.
“The Tasman Sea off Tasmania has also seen a string of recent marine heatwaves that are affecting local acquaculture and fisheries. This is a hotspot for ocean warming where temperatures are increasing between two and three times faster than the global average.”
Marine heatwaves have become longer and more frequent over the past century as the oceans have absorbed excess heat from the atmosphere and become significantly warmer.
MBA Research Fellow Dr. Dan Smale said with human-induced climate change, the oceans will continue to warm, leading to more intense and frequent MHWs.
“Ultimately, global action to tackle climate change is needed to mitigate the effects of extreme warming events on marine ecosystems in the coming decades,” he said.
A/Prof. Sen Gupta said the upcoming COP26 summit in Glasgow was a good opportunity to progress that conversation.
“COP26 will be a critical time where the world will set out the pathway that will dictate how much more temperatures will increase. This is going to determine the level of damage that will be caused by marine heatwaves in the decades to come.”
——————- 🎯
A / Prof. Sen Gupta is a BIG CON!
The world has (or would have) noticed that there is heat coming out of the seabed which is ‘dangerously’ approaching the coast!
It is every day that there are hundreds of earthquakes on the sea and ocean floors. This is how volcanoes (called ‘hot springs’) are open or obstructed. This is also how the ground swells change their trajectories and come out a little where they want! (The magma does what it wants!).
But, according to the study, led by scientists from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in the UK and involving Associate Professor Alex Sen Gupta, these coastal temperature increases are … bad for tourists! HAHAHAHA! (as well as to fish which for millions of years have become accustomed to these modifications, none of which dies).
(…) “Ultimately, global action to combat climate change is needed to mitigate the effects of extreme warming events on marine ecosystems over the coming decades,” he said. (…)
??? !! Will he ask (global action!) That the volcanoes be plugged? HAHAHAHA! More stupid than that there is not! ‘Fight against the seasons’ !! (today called ‘climate change’ !!).
“as the oceans have absorbed excess heat from the atmosphere “
Yeah, right. !!
The air does not have sufficient energy content to warm the oceans.
Atmospheric warmth above oceans causes evaporation, not warming.
The slight ocean warming has come from solar, cloud and possibly volcanic origins.
Oceans have less heat content than for most of the last 10,000 years, warming in the last 60 years is but a tiny squiggle in the reality of things.
Funny how there were much warmer oceans during a large percentage of the last 10,000 years, but life still exists in the oceans 😉
Clarence >”The air does not have sufficient energy content to warm the oceans.”
Sun => Ocean => Air + Space.
But re air (K not J). I’ve been comparing absolute vs anomalies for Southern Hemisphere and looking for a tool to demonstrate the difference. In doing so came up with the following long term SH absolute data (see below).
But first note that anomalies obliterate the summer-winter warm-cool cycle (see below) and return different linear trends – SH cooling since 2010 by absolute, slight cooling/flat since 2014 by anomaly.
Now the tool:
Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool: Monthly/Seasonal Time-Series
1950 vs 2020 Monthly High Low
SH 2m Air Temperature (K)
Start Year 1950 End Year 1951
Start Year 2020 End Year 2021
Data Tables
1950 289.503 282.650 288.712
2020 290.030 283.484 288.859
1950 began warmer than 2020 ended and the warm-cool cycle is obvious. It is not possible to do this with anomalies. Here is what 2020 anomaly looks like from a similar dataset:
NCEP GFS T2m Anomaly Timeseries 2020
In short, anomalies give an entirely false perspective of hemispheric temperature.
Data Tables
1950 289.503 282.650 288.712
2020 290.030 283.484 288.859
1950 ended only 0.15K cooler than 2020.
Aside from discussions of 3 decimal accuracy, no-one in the SH could possibly discern 0.15K difference over 70 years, given sufficient lifespan, when the annual difference is 6.85 and 6.55 respectively.
Data Tables
1950 289.503 282.650 288.712
2020 290.030 283.484 288.859
1950 began 0.53K cooler than 2020.
Over 70 years, no-one could discern the difference given weather variance over the SH.
Comparing absolute vs anomaly
Region: Southern Hemisphere
Data Tables [Absolute, K]
1950 289.503 282.650 288.712
2020 290.030 283.484 288.859
NOAA Climate at a Glance
Global Timeseries [Anomaly, °C]
Timescale: All Months
Month: September [Override]
Start Year: 1950
End Year: 2021
Region: Southern Hemisphere
Surface: Land and Ocean
Please note, here, hemispheric anomalies are with respect to the 20th century average.
195012 -0.29°C
202012 0.45°C
1950 ended 0.74K cooler than 2020 [Anomaly].
1950 ended 0.15K cooler than 2020 [Absolute].
Hence the scientifically fraudulent UN IPCC and CO2-centric climate science 1.5°C ‘Code red for humanity’ scare.
Well, no, because the SH temperature is 0.6K too great over the last 70 years in this case.
A 0.15K difference is ‘Code green downunder’.
>”…anomalies obliterate the summer-winter warm-cool cycle…”
Also noted in the scientific literature (Fig 1 (b) below):
Ye, L. M., G. X. Yang, E. Van Ranst,
and H. J. Tang, 2013: Time-series modeling and prediction of global monthly absolute temperature for environmental decision making. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 30(2), 382–396, doi: 10.1007/s00376-012
Fig. 1.
(a) Time plot of the NCDC monthly global absolute surface temperature series (Smith et al., 2008), January 1880–December 2011 (blank circles) superimposed with two moving-average-smoothed curves using a window length of 12 months (thin solid line) and 120 months (thick dashed line) respectively. The smoothed curves are expressed as temperature anomalies (◦C) relative to the 20th-century average (broken horizontal line) and are aligned to the secondary y-axis on the right.
(b) Time plot of the 1990–2000 section of the NCDC series. The curve of the absolute temperatures (blank circles) exhibits a distinct pattern of recurring oscillations at the annual frequency, while the same pattern is not observed for temperature anomalies (blank triangles).
# # #
The moving average curve in (a) is the greatly exaggerated profile we see in all the major GMST anomaly timeseries (HadCRUT, GISTEMP etc) due to the stretched scale on the right y-axis.
Absolute & Anomaly in (b) is a true comparison (same scale on left y-axis). Both datasets are virtually trendless horizontal lines.
The anomaly in (b) looks nothing like the corresponding section of the anomaly in (a).
Fig 1 (a) and (b) demonstrates the complete misrepresentation of the IPCC and CO2-centric climate science in respect to global temperature timeseries i.e. scientific fraud.
Assumes AGW so worthless. Happily nothing major will happen at COP26.
There is a persistent marine heatwave in the north Pacific.,26.81,530/loc=-173.238,20.199
The South Pacific marine heatwave.
That the volcanoes be plugged?
Now that’s just downright absurd.
No, the only way to stop volcanoes is by slapping a massive carbon tax on them.
Be better with Ms Katie Smith barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, and Peter Ridd in charge.
For every loss in habitat there is a gain.
Weather watchers note this:
There is a major++ Low off the coast of British Columbia.
Cliff Mass blog has the pre-storm details – it should mostly miss Washington State.
BC weather report is just normal for this time of year.
Twitter has a right wing bias
Explains a lot
Excellent comment. Gets right to the heart of the discussion.
Wow, who didn’t know that when a conservative makes a tweet…
… the far-left pile on with ad homs and abuse and amplify the comment numbers.
Trump used to play on that fact, just to get a response from the far-left that infests twitter.
Following another disgusting report of irrational medical treatment we seem to be going round in circles as a governed society.
It’s important that we are made aware of these events.
The behaviour of the system contradicts medical concepts behind vaccines, puts patients in danger and mocks common sense and tells us that the massive government superstructure supposedly looking after us is no more than a sad shadow of what it once was.
When government advisors instruct doctors to vaccinate people who have recovered from a disease, we know we are at rock bottom; but No we aren’t, there are the adverse effects of the experimental “Vaxxines” to take us down even further.
Do you get the feeling that governments are abusing us?
And apparently in Victoriastan even 14 and 16 year olds are considered “essential workers” and will not be allowed to play basketball unless “fully vaccinated”. Dont worry about being locked out of school for months and months, mouth platitudes about mental health then lock kids out of sport, you know, because_________.
Just heard from my shooting club that no vax/no shot by govt command. I guess this is working its way through various sporting clubs across the State.
Same at the wood turners club Yarpos. Apparently we are seen as being involved in community as volunteers, ergo essential workers.
Well for what its worth I’ll run the risk of catching a disease with a 99.5% recovery rate and to hell with government advise. Fortunately I do not depend on a job to survive being a retired old fart, still, I feel for all those people who recieved the ultimatum, no jab, no job. Good people driven into poverty by government decree.
A government, by the way, run by a man that takes absolutely NO RESPONSABILITY for anything that his government oversees!
Mean while nursed faced with the same ultimation are having their case for refusing mandatory injections rushed through the courts.
One has to ask what does this group of medical professionals really know about “the jab”
The whole purpose seems to be to get everyone a digital ID with tracking capability. The next step will be to eliminate cash money and be able to record all spending.
My latest hoot:
The beginning:
We should laugh at climate hysteria, especially the fantasy proposals for stopping evil climate change. Electrify everything, running it on wind and solar? Restructure the economy? Restart the world in a green image? Stop eating meat and drinking milk? These proposals are all laughable, so feel free to laugh at them, as it will do a lot of good.
Same for the scary science that supposedly justifies these outrageous proposals. It only exists in monster computer models that are deliberately programmed to produce it. True science is based on observation and we are seeing nothing to support these fantastical hot models. Floods, droughts, heatwaves, hurricanes and wildfires, are all continuing to occur in normal amounts. Same with sea level rise. Dealing with natural disasters is important but hoping to prevent them by not using gasoline or gas is just nuts.
Why laugh? There are several good reasons. First of all, ridicule is a powerful form of criticism. Properly used it is far more effective than anger. Laughing at the green fantasies also makes them a lot less scary, especially the end-of-days climate scares. This helps alleviate the fear that is being forced upon the children. But the best reason is that it feels good to laugh. Anger is useful in its proper place, but endless anger is debilitating. If you think about it the right way, these green fantasies are hilarious. I read the green news for laughs and they never disappoint.
Moreover, fixating on the fantasies distracts us from the real issues. These are the dangerous small steps that the fantasies are used to justify. Pushing electric vehicles for example. Or subsidizing the building of more tax-sheltering wind farms and acre-eating solar slabs. Combining the two is a super fantasy. In the case of wind and solar the battle has to be fought at the project level, but making fun of the fantasy can be very useful. President Trump’s great joke is a good starting point — “Honey I want to read tonight. Is the wind blowing?”
A lot more in the article.
The wolf pack is tearing into a thirty year old. This has shades of the poor person who died in Blackwater or the Brazilian woman in Sydney when the same Banshees were screaming Covid and running the story to the max. The propagandists have grabbed the image of a young sick person and are shaking it like a rag doll only releasing the tortured image long enough to growl about getting vaccinated and signing in.
What is he so sick of that he could check into the Robina Hospital and not be able to give his details? Did he just drop through the door and pass out? No family or friends to pass on any information, forget Covid this could be a real problem in our society, a complete absence of care.
How could he an ‘Uber Driver’ be in Melbourne and then back in Queensland without quarantine?
What were the tests? Were they covid tests or were they tests for the Flu? This may be a drug overdose, an impacted wisdom tooth or even tonsillitus judging by the vagaries and the absence of media curiosity in the truth.
Boy does this one stink!!!
“CDC Officially Announces Mix n Match Booster Jabs Endorsed by Political Healthcare System, Director Says Definition of Fully Vaccinated Likely to Change
October 22, 2021 | Sundance | 122 Comments”
The report on the fire on board USS Bonhomme Richard has been released and it is highly critical of virtually everyone involved.
This saddens me greatly because the world needs an effective US Navy, not a bunch of woke bumblers which they seem to have become. Remember the deadly collisions in Asian waters?
Washington (CNN)
The US Navy has released a report concluding that two fatal collisions that resulted in the deaths of 17 sailors during the summer were “avoidable.”
The guided-missile destroyers USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain collided with commercial ships in June and August, respectively.
In both collisions, the Navy found numerous failures by the crews and commanders of the ships. Those failures included not following standard navigation and seamanship practices, and poor situational awareness of what the ships were facing as they navigated congested seas off Japan and Singapore.
“They were either incredibly complacent or sloppy beyond description,” said Carl Schuster, a former US Navy officer who spent 10 years “driving the ships.”
Now this:
A US Navy report has concluded that major failures within the military command chain allowed a fire to destroy a US warship, according to US media.
The USS Bonhomme Richard burned for four days in San Diego, California in July 2020. The fire injured 40 sailors and 23 civilians.
The new report identifies 36 sailors, including five admirals, as having contributed to the loss of the ship.
It also identifies multiple cascading failures in the fire response.
Arson charges have been filed against one sailor who allegedly started the blaze out of animosity towards commanders, but the new report finds that a lack of response allowed the fire to grow rapidly in size.
“Although the fire was started by an act of arson, the ship was lost due to an inability to extinguish the fire,” wrote US 3rd Fleet commander Vice Adm Scott Conn, who is overseeing the investigation.
““Vaccinated” ”
“As Kate has mentioned a few times the only difference between the UK and us is time.”
UK stats table there
Those numbers would only be meaningful if they were expressed as deaths per 100 000 vaccinated/unvaccinated.The number of vaccinated persons in the UK in those age groups far exceeds those unvaccinated. From the same report we can see that in the older age groups the vaccinated are the ones carrying the virus.
And so it begins……
My wife informed me that her friends normally healthy 55 yo husband , had died unexepectedly of “a blod clot”…..
Et Tu, Vaccine?
Everyone needs to see this – Lucidferize in vaccine, causes the vaccinated to literally glow under black light?
“BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds
“(LifeSiteNews) — Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase, a quality inspector for the drug company told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview this week.
““The vaccine glows, at least Pfizer’s does,” Melissa Strickler, who worked for the pharmaceutical giant for nearly 10 years, said. “It looks like someone took a blue glowstick, cracked it open and put it in the vial, but only if there is light and it is around a dark background.”
“Luciferase not on the label
“Strickler said she heard a doctor describe codes for ingredients in the vaccines, including the codes SM102 for luciferase, a glow-in-the dark enzyme produced in fireflies, plants and fish that is used in bioluminescence research. Depending on different chemicals that it is mixed with, luciferase will glow different colors.
“A bright blue luciferase was identified in a report in the journal Nature Scientific Reports in 2020, for example, and is only visible under UV lights of certain wavelengths.
Its like the vaccine is also a tagging system.
I have seen unconfirmed reports of “broken” purple/black light street lights showing up – presumably its easier to see who is vaccinated? ( and also easier round up those who arent? )
Because the effect is necessarily impermanent boosters need to be rolled out; I’m not convinced by this thesis but I can see its cogency.
meet PLA Maj.-Gen. He Fuchu
hot hot Peters hosts Dr. Carrie Madej
The smartest man in the room, so smart he can belittle Trump, has “accidentally” shot two people on a film set.
ABC Business
Police say Alec Baldwin fired the gun, one person is dead and another is in hospital — what happened on the set of his film, Rust?
The mind boggles how live rounds can be on a film set. Just one of many questions which come to mind.
Baldwin blames some one else!
What goes round , comes round for that muppet.
Towards net zero in Australia:
Zero oil, zero oil refining, zero gas, zero coal, zero uranium, zero steel and aluminium production, zero manufacturing.
Manufacturing in Australia peaked in the 1960s at 25% of the country’s gross domestic product, and has since dropped below 10%.
What’s left? Government jobs. But where will the money come from?
Thanks goodness for agriculture – hold your ground Barnaby and the Nationals or we are all doomed.
Reportedly Clive Palmers UAH now has in excess of 70k members and is the largest political party in the country. Are we looking at a potential “reset ” of the political landscape in Australia? Is a coalition of UAH, One Nation and the Nationals a possibility? Don’t know, but maybe the political cage could be up for some significant rattling.
Maybe a competition could be held for a slogan for this group. I suggest “Build Back Better” copyrighted of course.
I’ve said before that I’ve never voted for Clive Palmer but I would seriously consider doing so if I could vote a Liberal (or Labor) member out at the next election. It would have to be the Senate vote as we have an independent very likely to be returned (yet again) in what used to be the Liberal’s safest electorate.
O/T but the State Liberals continue to unravel. Following the defection(?) of the local member causing them to slide into a minority government, other independents are popping up to challenge other sitting members. Even before the current ructions very few thought that the Liberals would win the next State election, but ‘Waffler’ Morrison won’t be happy because he has an election coming about the same time.
Merrick Garland Gets Schooled
A father was angry after his daughter was assaulted in school. That’s not terrorism.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
Oct. 21, 2021
Merrick Garland told Congress Thursday why he recently ordered the FBI and U.S. Attorneys to look into threats or violence against local school boards and school officials. Readers can decide if they believe him.
The Attorney General stated categorically that he “can’t imagine any circumstance in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children.” He further declared: “I do not believe that parents who testify, speak, argue with, complain about school boards and schools should be classified as domestic terrorists or any kind of criminals.”
That’s good to hear. But the reason that clarification was necessary is because the Oct. 4 memo he issued calling for federal involvement followed a letter to President Biden from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) describing school-board protests as possible terrorism. Among the evidence the NSBA submitted for its claim of a “growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation” was the arrest of an angry father at a June 22 meeting of the Loudoun County School Board in Virginia.
We’ve since learned that the man in question, Scott Smith, is the father of a ninth-grader who reported she was se@xually assaulted in a Loudoun County public-school bathroom. He says he became enraged after hearing another member of the audience deny his daughter had been assaulted.
On Thursday Mr. Garland provided no evidence to suggest an escalation in violence against school boards—and no explanation for why such acts, even if criminal, are federal offenses. Mr. Garland says he respects the First Amendment right of parents to speak up. But his memo, with the reminder that the FBI will be watching, is bound to have a chilling effect. The AG would do better to withdraw his letter so his agents can pursue real offenders.
RNC Research
WATCH: Joe Biden’s incoherent town hall in just 34 seconds.
” Er, what am I doing”, smartest thing Joe has said all year.
Frankly I am surprised he is able to stand on his own two feet. I wonder about his medications because there are many dementia patients who might benefit from whatever is keeping him upright.
I think it was Robert Redford who starred in a movie called “The Horse Whisperer”. A remake starring Joe Biden could be titled “The Horsesh1t Whisperer”!
From MichaelSmithNews – Dan’s be Kind Day
Charlotte said…
Very good article by an MD on how to cancel the effects of the spike protein if you had the vax or if you had/get Covid
Read and thank you
Thanks OO,
A rather heavy read, but valuable. His position on vitamin C is re-assuring, and the amounts he recommends for IV use are higher than I expected. While I hope I’ll not need to apply his cure I will keep the reference, and mark it up to give me rapid access.
Dave B
I notice in the UK, people can attend events if they have a lateral flow proof of none of the dreaded lurgi, or, proof of NATURAL IMMUNITY.
We arent so enlightened though it seems….rather just the brutal steel fisted approach of vaccine only…
And…own goal it appears….
“Mask-wearing is also much less common in Britain than on the continent. However, in Scotland, where masks are compulsory in public venues and schools, case rates are higher than in England, where face coverings are not.”
Now why would that be?
… all that is needed now in the UK is an effective anti-viral medication and the virus will disappear.
My sister can collect a pack of the tests from her local chemist. They are ‘free’ (thanks to taxpayers). She uses one before going to see our mother.
I saw an event that “allowed” ( so magnanimous of them…..medical slavery it seems …) 3 optiosn to show you werent “unclean” :
– proof of( useless ) vaccine
– proof of lateral flow test
– proof of natural immunity
I’m guessing Annie this is what the mean by those tests from the Chemist?
“Lateral flow is an established technology, adapted to detect proteins (antigens) that are present when a person has COVID-19. The best-known example of a lateral flow test is the home pregnancy test kit.
“The test kit is a hand-held device with an absorbent pad at one end and a reading window at the other. Inside the device is a strip of test paper that changes colour in the presence of COVID-19 proteins (antigens).
Again, why dont we have them here? All levels of govt here in Oz appear to want the “jab and lockdown” process….harder for the punters to escape the “thing” thats apparently in the vaccine ( the nano-tech/synthetic life form of unknown purpose… )
Yes indeed Steve.
This is THE best article I have read about the “pandemic” and how the actions taken by governments, including lockdowns have made the disease worse.
The second wave of the Spanish Flu is touted by some as an example of a virus evolving to become more deadly but the article discusses how the lockdown type conditions of the western front were what provided the conditions for the selection pressure that favoured a more deadly variant.
The totally inappropriate use of the leaky vaccines to try and control the outbreaks and their utter inability to prevent infection is also discussed in depth along with the dangers of a dual track variant that is spread by the vaccinated (while their vaccination is still protective) and deadly to the unvaccinated and those with fading vaccine protection.
Best of all is the detailed, yet easily understandable description of ways our immune systems respond to different types of infection and differences between various viral diseases and how that affects vaccines. This sets the basis for all the reasons why everything being done is so wrong except in the context of forcing a permanent “immunity as service (subscription)“ model on us through continual, biannual (or even more frequent) booster shots.
It’s long but extremely well written and well worth your time to read and digest.
h/t election circus blog
Julius is right…
Source: The Guardian, July 8th, 2021.
Correction – the quote is from Julius Ruechel’s article not the Guardian.
He has a link to the Guardian report, in his article.
GREAT article by Julius Ruechel! Thank you Analitik!
The first sentence should have been expanded as
Melbourne is open, open casket viewing of Melbourne.
At least they gave all for your health.
Last year a poll showed Dan Andrews had a 70/30 rating in favour of him.
About the same time this year it had reversed to about 40/70 not in favour of him. It’s called waking up.
Will these businesses ever come back?
Will they even WANT TO unless there are guarantees that the mindless government insanity over a flu mortality level virus will never happen again?
Maybe Victoria will become the equivalent of Detroit. Mass exodus to another state?
The needless damage is extreme.
The liability limited.
And, JC ll , I am sure this reversal in polling is the ONLY reason that restrictions have eased as nothing else has change., Reported daily infection rates remain high, hospitalizations remain at about the same level, a number of deaths reported daily, so what is different from 3 or 4 weeks ago when all of the afore mentioned supported the case for continued lock downs. Politicians really do seem to think that the general population is incapable of remembering this far back or thinking for them selves. This always results in politicians of any colour being ejected from office, albeit it sometimes takes longer than others.
Pushing Back
-Craig Kelly appointed leader of the United Australia Party
What can You or I do?
Well one thing is to join the United Australia Party. I have a few problems with Clive Palmer, but right now we are in a crisis. Clive has been putting up bill boards all over the country blasting the major parties for destroying the social and economic capital of our country and taking away our FREEDOM.
The UAP is now the largest political party on the country with 70,000 members and growing rapidly. If that does not send a message I don’t know what does.
Make a difference. Support Craig Kelly.
Join now. Membership is free and you don’t have to resign any other party membership.
Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly’s United Australia Party now nation’s biggest
In 2019, votes for Clive Palmer’s party helped to re-elect Scott Morrison. Now Palmer’s UAP has 70k members, a seemingly limitless budget, and its own leader who ‘could be PM’.
James Campbell – National Politics Editor
He’s back. And this time Clive Palmer has everyone in his sights.
In 2019 the billionaire Queenslander spent $60 million on relentlessly anti-Labor messages that helped to re-elect Scott Morrison.
Now his message is different: you can’t trust Labor, the Liberals or the Greens. And he’s on a roll.
Between 300 and 400 people are joining his United Australia Party each day. Last week it passed 70,000 members — making it the biggest party in the country.
And once again Palmer is spending up big.
All across Australia there are UAP ads on the front pages of newspapers and in high-rating free-to-air shows such as SAS Australia.
In just the past two months he’s spent more $1.2 million on YouTube ads alone, one of which has been seen 4.5 million times.
Already there are 350 UAP billboards across the country — except in Victoria which only came out of lockdown on Friday — with another 250 soon to join them.
And it looks like it’s working.
According to polling by the Labor-linked pollster RedBridge, the UAP primary vote is 17 per cent in the Western Sydney seats of Lindsay, Macquarie and Banks.
Palmer claims his support is similar across NSW, Queensland and Victoria, and he says he hopes to take it higher.
“We’re approaching 20 per cent in all these states,” he told The Saturday Telegraph this week.
What has turbocharged the UAP’s resurgence was Palmer’s decision in August to make rebel Liberal Craig Kelly the face of the party.
Kelly, a long-time climate change sceptic, left the Liberal Party in February after being told off by the Prime Minister for spruiking alternative Covid therapies.
Palmer can’t speak highly enough of Kelly.
“I’m 67, Craig’s in his mid-50s, he’s got the vision, he’s got the character and I’m certainly there to support him with our assets, whatever I can do to give him a fair go,” he said.
“He’s the one. He’s 100 per cent genuine. Who’s to say he can’t be prime minister?”
Palmer says the key to Kelly’s appeal is his sincerity.
“He’s authentic. He’s telling people what he believes. It’s a question of honesty and trust,” he said.
Pollster John Scales, from JWS Research, who been studying voting behaviour for more than two decades, has detected a change in the typical Palmer voter since the last election.
In 2019 Palmer’s vote skewed towards men, aged over 65, people who tended to be voting against another party. They were also more likely to have a low education, be unemployed or on a low income.
One pollster characterises this as “the f… youse all” vote, which in Queensland has often gone to Pauline Hanson.
Scales has detected a change in more recent polling.
The UAP voter is still more likely to be male and have little education, but Scales says they are now more likely to be under the age of 54.
Scales characterise them differently, calling Palmer’s voters “the Trumpy middle”, a group made of “skilled labourers, and lower-end middle-management”.
“If you look at Trump’s base it’s very similar,” he said.
According to Scales, while Hanson’s vote is largely confined to Anglo-Australians, Palmer is much more likely to find supporters among third-generation Greeks and Italians in both Sydney and Melbourne
Palmer claims “the majority of members are under 40”.
So where have they come from?
When people join the UAP they are asked if they have ever been a member of another political party.
Palmer says about 35,000 have answered no to that question.
About another 20,000, he says, claim that at some point in their lives they have been members of the ALP, while another 13,000 have been in the Liberal or National parties.
Surprisingly, Palmer says about 3000 people say they have been in the Greens.
“We ask them ‘why did they leave the political party?’ and those ones were overwhelmingly because they were against mandatory vaccine,” he said.
Opposition to mandatory vaccination has been at the heart of Palmer and Kelly’s messaging since they teamed up.
That position has an appeal to voters that goes much wider than the anti-vaxxer fringe.
“We estimate about 25,000 (members) are double-jabbed,” Palmer said.
“One of the reasons they joined is they got double-vaccinated because they thought they’d get more liberty and they find that’s not the case at all.”
Though Palmer himself is not vaccinated (“Why would anyone be vaccinated in Queensland when there’s no Covid?”), he denies he is against immunisation.
“Our party is not anti-vax, it’s freedom of choice,” he said.
Mr Palmer said the party had been inundated with applications to run for the party in the past few weeks.
“We’ve already got a thousand nominations for House of Representatives seats and over 500 for the Senate seats around Australia,” he said.
“Australians are pretty much disgusted with what’s been going on and our party slogan is of course you cannot trust Liberal, Labor or the Greens.”
He said had no plans to run for a seat for the party himself at this stage.
“I’m very reluctant (to run as a candidate) because I’ve got a nice big boat that’s come into Brisbane that I’d like to get out and go fishing and stuff like that, plus I think I have got less to offer in the future,“ he said.
Inside the major parties, opinions differ about how seriously they need to take the Third Coming of Clive.
One senior Labor figure who has known him for many years says it doesn’t do to underestimate him.
“He’s been around politics for decades (in the Queensland Liberal Party), he’s not just some billionaire who’s just walked into it,” he said.
The sceptical view inside the government starts with the fact Palmer spent $90 million last time without winning a seat.
A senior Liberal source said he was unconvinced by RedBridge’s numbers: “I haven’t seen anything like that in our data. I think it is more likely to be in single digits.”
The source said that while anyone who could spend money like Palmer needed to be taken seriously, it wasn’t clear that it was going to be more effective and targeted than last time.
“His messages are very much around lockdowns, but by the time of the election hopefully there won’t be any lockdowns, or it certainly won’t be anything like it’s been the last few months,” the source said.
On the other hand, a senior minister thinks the government is in danger of missing how important Palmer’s messages could be. “Last time the message in his ads were our messages, well they’re not now,” he said.
The minister was mainly referring to Palmer and Kelly’s other great policy: Opposition to net zero.
National Party MPs are terrified of Palmer running ads about this in their seats because they fear it will make it impossible to sell whatever deal the Coalition partners reach on the policy.
The chances are, however, that most of the second preferences from UAP votes that come from National Party and Liberal voters will end up coming back to the Coalition.
That’s what happened in 2019, when 80 per cent of Palmer’s vote went to the Coalition.
Labor has cause to be far more concerned about that preference split, because the second preferences of UAP voters who come from Labor also ended up going to the Coalition.
Recently Julian Hill, who sits for the southeastern Melbourne seat of Bruce, posted a long video to YouTube in which he talked about his frustration at the number people who had interacted with him in support of Palmer.
“Clearly some people are being fooled,” he told The Saturday Telegraph. “My message is: ‘do what you like mate, but understand if you vote for him you’re being scammed’.
“He’s running a giant preference harvesting machine for the Liberal Party. A vote for Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly is a vote for Scott Morrison.”
A Labor senator agrees that Palmer helps the government, but for different reasons.
“Clive is good for Scott (Morrison) because they can get their anti-vaxxer anger out of their system but he gets their preferences,” the senator said.
This senator met recently with senior evangelical Christian leaders and had been surprised at how warmly they had spoken about the UAP.
“They said ‘we’re voting for Craig’,” the senator said.
Not only were they thinking of voting for the UAP, they were apparently also thinking about handing out for him: “They said they were wondering what they should do on polling day.”
In 2019 Palmer was forced to man polling booths using paid workers, never the most enthusiastic handers-out of how-to-vote cards. Motivated volunteers could be a game-changer.
If Christian groups do end up working for the UAP, Palmer can probably thank his decision to publicly back their poster boy for religious freedom, rugby union and league player Israel Folau.
But given the UAP has more than 70,000 members, finding help isn’t likely to a problem at this election.
Returning to the issue that most concerns the mainstream parties: the UAP’s preferences and where they are going to go.
Palmer is giving nothing away.
“We’ll be preferencing parties that can most achieve our policy objectives or the reason why people have joined us,” he said. “If it was for any other reason I’d be lynched.
“We don’t know who that will be. We’ve had no discussions with Liberal, Labor or anyone.
“Our slogan is you can never trust Liberal, Labor or the Greens.”
“In 2019 Palmer’s vote skewed towards men, aged over 65, people who tended to be voting against another party. They were also more likely to have a low education, be unemployed or on a low income.”
Love the way pollsters and politicians seem to think that because your old and have low education or low income this equates to “stupid”. They totallly fail to understand that we come from a different point in time. Many of my school mates left school at 14 years old because of their families economic position. They either couldn’t support a non earner or needed an additional income to help support younger kids. I left school at 15 and took whatever work came along. Does this mean we all have low I.Q. I don’t know. What I do know is many of my peers have conducted exemplary lives raising families, running businesses and above all retaining the ability to think for them selves. Don’t depend on government to do anything but hinder and harass.
Well said Sambar.
Yes, in an age where everyone gets a degree, they tend to think anyone without one is stupid.
So they think our ancestors were all stupid, forgetting that several thousand years of amazing inventions put them where they are today.
They think the older generation are stupid, forgetting that only 5% of people went to university and university was HARD in those days.
..and they don’t think about the billionaires who are controlling them who never went to university, because education is no guarantee of success!
Govts can ONLY hinder and harass! They can never generate wealth, only money, and inflation will demonstrate that over the next two years.
Sambar – recent research in US revealed that the “vaccine hesitant” were predominantly amongst PhDs and those with a “basic” education.
Not surprisingly, PhDs are compulsive researchers (who test, as opposed to “adopt” a theory), and those with a basic education generally have the best “BS detectors” detectors in the world!
[Slight edit]AD
very happy to join
Craig Kelly for Prime minister
I think I’ve found the solution, maybe to all our problems!
Declare Ivermectin to be a universal placebo, to be freely available, at their own cost, with or without a prescription.
Include a warning: some people believe it may cure COVID. Take it at your own risk.
Results: Gets Governments off the hook;
Immediate removal of angst amongst those members of the population who want to try it; and
That mind over matter placebo effect might save some hospitalisations.
Dave B
Or perhaps a sheep dip manufacturer can introduce a new low dose version with the marketing slogan of “safe for human consumption”.
Just change the name of COVID19 to “Head Lice”. Problem solved!
COVID and Medical Ethics
Scott Masson in the Epoch Times summed up the COVID situation concisely. “There have been two threats to human health in the past 18 months: the immediate biological threat of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the political decision to wage asymmetric warfare against it through social restrictions that destroy jobs, contravene human rights, and trash medical ethics.”
Regarding the trashing of medical ethics; from the beginning of the pandemic Dr. Anthony Fauci, the FDA, CDC, AMA, NIH, etc. have consistently denied the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and more recently ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19. This was despite the demonstrable success in other countries like India. Monoclonal antibodies were recently approved by the FDA as an early treatment option. It is very effective, but unlike the above therapeutics, administering it requires a specialized medical center. The Biden administration quickly stepped in to “help” the supply chain after learning seven southern “red” states (most notably Florida and Texas) reported great success using it. Shortages immediately developed.
This week, we learned of negative news stories warning against the use of low-dose aspirin for COVID. Aspirin’s anti-coagulant properties are effective for preventing mini-strokes caused by microvascular inflammation and thrombosis sometimes triggered by both COVID-19 and the vaccines. Is that why it is being attacked? Inexpensive vitamin D also helps build resistance to COVID-19 and D deficiency is a common characteristic shared by many who died from COVID. This deficiency is most acute for the elderly, the obese, and dark-skinned people, so if you are in one of these groups consider getting tested before it is added to the left’s hit list.
New Zealanders have to be the most docile, unquestioning, sheep-like people on earth.
It would be so easy to herd them onto cattle cars for their “free” trip to the Soylent Green Summer Camp.
They’d turn up in droves … at least half of them waving a little flag that says “Jacinda loves us!”.
This power-crazed creature is demanding that 90% of adults+teenagers, submit to the jabzine, before things can start to get back to normal … and she’s quite happy to use coercion and bullying to achieve that. (No access to hairdressing salons unless double vaxxed, that kind of thing).
If the UK has its “nudge unit” within the bowels of government, Jacinda has taken it a step further:
She set up a fund to help out the media, because “the pandemic was affecting their revenue”. Now they’re her very own Propaganda Arm — (that’s what $55 million can get you*). Lately, they’re pushing the line that the unvaxxed are holding the country “hostage” or holding it “to ransom”, and they need to do the “right thing” … No Jacinda, you’re holding the country to ransom.
So that’s the NZ mainstream media — a 24/7 “nudge unit”, only one point of view allowed, the government’s.
(*it also didn’t hurt her hubby in getting his new job hosting a TV show — I didn’t know he was an expert on relocating entire houses, as well as the best person for the job … nevermind I bet wifey’s proud.)
So many old songs come to mind:
E.L.O.’s ‘Evil Woman’,
The Eagles’ ‘Witchy Woman’,
Cliff Richard’s ‘Devil Woman’,
Marianne Faithfull’s ‘Why D’ya Do It’.
I’m sure there’s more…
Even her double-whacked fans are starting to see through her shifty, condescending, goalpost-shifting, dominatrix-style reign of tyranny and terror, now that it’s hurting them personally even though they’re ‘saved’ by the shot(s). That dangling carrot just keeps moving further, and farther, away.
Mind you, we had a 5.9 earthquake, centred just a little north of the capital, Wellington, yesterday – perhaps even the Earth itself is groaning under the weight of her hypocritical, incessant, marching WEF jackboots.
Born in Hamilton, Ardern grew up in Morrinsville and Murupara, where she attended a state school.
After graduating from the University of Waikato in 2001, Ardern began her career working as a researcher in the office of Prime Minister Helen Clark.
She later worked in London as an adviser in the Cabinet Office.
In 2008, Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
Victorian Covid compliance officers … yes, they exist, didn’t count on the customers …
A bit of intimidation, extortion … It probably seemed like a good idea at the time.
They just need more government thugs to enforce it.
What a Horrible State Victoria has become under Dictator Dan
Melbourne reopens as world’s most locked-down city eases pandemic restrictions
Australia’s second-largest city has so far endured 262 days, or nearly nine months, of restrictions during six separate lockdowns since March 2020, representing the longest cumulative lockdown for any city in the world.
Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, last year went through 234 straight days of lockdown.
Even with Delta outbreaks across Australia’s southeast from late June, coronavirus numbers are still far lower than those of many comparable nations, with some 152,000 cases and 1,590 deaths.
The state of Victoria, of which Melbourne is the capital, reported 2,189 new local COVID-19 cases and 16 deaths on Friday, making it the centre of the Delta outbreak in Australia.
Daily cases in New South Wales, home to Sydney where the Delta variant was first detected in June, dropped slightly to 345. The state recorded a further five deaths.
With a once-stuttering vaccine rollout gaining momentum, authorities no longer plan to rely on extended lockdowns to suppress the virus.
It has been an arduous period, especially for those in Melbourne running a business.
MichaelSmithNews – A Requiem for Melbourne. Tragic to watch.
4 min 14 secs video sums up Melbourne under Dictator Dan Andrews
From the Comments
Melbourne – “World’s Most Liveable City” for Liquidators, Bankruptcy and Insolvency experts, Deceased-Estate Auctioneers, Drug Dealers, Vandals, Graffittiists, Unemployed, Undertakers, Morticians, Embalmers, Funeral Directors, grave-diggers, coffin-makers, Fat Union Bosses, Crooked Trough-Snouting Politicians, Muggers, Thugs and Thieves.
– All those who celebrated freedom day are so deluded and brainwashed it’s tragic. The virus that killed melbourne is the psychopath Andrew’s. He’s the” beast” who killed our city and so many people. Youth in despair. He dined on our hope and he still takes to the unvaccinated like they are animals. He is so loathsome and to talk of kindness towards each other is shameless. He is a monster
– “Just two week to flatten the curve”
It was NEVER about our health
and the sheeple are STILL sleepwalking through this!!
Respond or live in regret – I think the choice is clear!.
it was like it was planned
l saw my first covid compliance car three days after the pandemic started,
l was astounded how quick they could paint a car
I miss the good old days when we treated respiratory viruses with rest and chicken soup instead of global communism.
I wonder if Pauline Hanson’s Covid BAAxine anti-discrimination bill will pass?
The ACT is probably the most vaccinated place in the world. But is it helping?
98.4% 1st Dose 16+
85.1% 2nd Dose 16+
11 ICU
Gee I don’t know what to think of that!
Historic storm brewing off US north west.
Went to Anthony’s last night, and noticed that the “ENSO Meter” seems to be functioning again. Currently tipped at ‘weak’ or ‘mild’ La Nina.
Question had come up in a previous ‘unthreaded’.
V. t. I.
This is BoMs contribution, they are on high alert.
‘A La Niña ALERT is not a guarantee that La Niña will occur, rather it is an indication that most of the typical precursors of an event are in place.
CDC Officially Announces Mix n Match Booster Jabs Endorsed by Political Healthcare System, Director Says Definition of Fully Vaccinated Likely to Change
October 22, 2021 | Sundance | 267 Comments
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has officially sanctioned the blitz of booster shots for the COVID-19 virus. In an expanded policy outline, fraught with the political optics of a system beholden to the will of Big Pharma [Press Release Here], the CDC is approving of ‘mix-n-match‘ boosters for all individuals over the age of 18.
“Eligible individuals may choose which vaccine they receive as a booster dose. Some people may have a preference for the vaccine type that they originally received and others, may prefer to get a different booster. CDC’s recommendations now allow for this type of mix and match dosing for booster shots.” (link)
The important point is that everyone needs a new jab, a booster jab, and everyone can pick any jab so long as the booster jab takes place. Additionally, CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky said Friday there may be a need to “update our definition of fully vaccinated in the future as more people receive a booster shot.”
Yale Study: Natural Immunity Protects Against COVID Three Times Longer Than Vaccine
To their dismay, the Yale School of Public Health just concluded that immunity acquired by COVID-19 infection lasts three times longer and is stronger than that provided by vaccination. Naturally, the Yale Daily News downplayed the info under the headline, “COVID-19 reinfection is likely among unvaccinated individuals, Yale study finds.”
The Yale study concluded that the risk of COVID-19 reinfection stands at 5% at three months after recovery and decreases to 50% at 17 months. By contrast, COVID-19 vaccine protection against infection can wane to a mere 20% as early as five months after full vaccination. Now, I may not be a Fauci-approved Scientist, but I’m also not stupid.
The Yale study joins the ever-growing compendium of studies that attest to the superiority of natural immunity over-vaccination for protection from COVID infection. It’s worth clicking over to the linked article because you probably had no idea there was already so much Science! proving the point.
Here are a few highlights from the Blaze Media listicle by Daniel Horowitz:
Dr John Campbell again.
This is the story of Kyle, an extremely fit professional mountain bike racer who came to grief after his second encounter with the Pfizer witches brew. His story is instructive and demonstrates the ignorance and vaccine-blindness of many doctors that has been widely reported anecdotally elsewhere as they follow their mantra: the vax can do no wrong.
This fellow was quite well informed about side effects, but when he attended hospital and complained of severe, persistent heart pain and pressure, and a raging pulse rate (his resting pulse was at 160bpm for hours, normally 50 resting), the doctor dismissed out of hand any connection to his recent vax and instead wanted to send him to a psychiatrist because he claimed Kyle was having a “psychotic episode”.
Kyle self-medicated with Ivermectin instead after the hospital messed him about, which stabilised his symptoms, but didn’t alleviate them enough.
A few days later he had another major heart incident and prudently went to a 2nd hospital where they believed him. He was referred to a cardiologist who diagnosed pericarditis and tachycardia, along with reactive arthritis.
The reactive arthritis “felt like all of my old injuries were reactivated”.
Four months later he is still suffering arthritis and tachycardia — a heart rate of 130 when he tries to even scramble eggs. He gets chronic fatigue even from reading, and pain for the following days. He has been told his heart “should” get better in another 12 to 18 months.
As soon as he stopped taking Ivermectin all of his symptoms came back in full force. He has been successfully taking a cocktail of herbal drugs because his GP told him there was no official protocol for treating this syndrome, so she wouldn’t prescribe any pharmaceuticals to deal with his symptoms as she wasn’t game.
Initially sceptical, over 3 months of treatment she has come around to believing in vaccine injury after seeing more and more patients present with similar symptoms.
Etc etc
Watch the vid.
I’m 20 mins in and find it strange that Campbell hasn’t mentioned accidental IV injection once Kyle mentioned that he had a metallic taste in his mouth. It was he who gave the warning about how important aspiration before injection was.
Of course, as soon as I mention this he does it. 🙁
Still surprised he didn’t do it sooner.
Many, many years ago I was hospitalised with TB receiving a shot of streptomycin daily, but in the bum.
I just looked it up:
How to use Streptomycin SULFATE Vial
This medication is given by injection, usually into a muscle as directed by your doctor. When you start treatment for TB, it is usually given once a day or as directed by your doctor. It is important to change the location of the injection site daily* to avoid problem areas under the skin.
So, a shot in the bum is “intramuscular” and I suspect far less chance of an accidental IV. Would they agree if you dropped your pants and pointed to your bum?
* This mattered, you would get so sore it was hard to sit down.
Family push for vitamin cure for infection for hospitalised father fails
A legal bid to have a seriously ill man in intensive care treated with high doses of Vitamin C and D has failed in the supreme court.
A woman has lost her legal bid to have her father treated with intravenous vitamins and minerals after he was hospitalised with Covid-19 and then developed sepsis.
Anastasia Todd sought an urgent injunction against the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District in the Supreme Court.
She requested permission to force doctors at St George Hospital to administer high doses of intravenous vitamins to her father — or have him moved to another facility that would.
Mrs Todd sought to have “a regimen, essentially of high doses of vitamin C, high doses of vitamin D and zinc sulphate on the basis that it is suggested in some overseas studies and protocols”, according to Judge Stephen Rothman.
The head of the ICU unit at St George Hospital argued there was no benefit to the regimen. The man had recovered from Covid-19 but acquired sepsis and was seriously ill in intensive care.
The family wanted the vitamin regimen to “increase the patient’s own capacity to utilise his own immunity to deal with the infections that are at this moment critical and seemingly will in the longer-term cause his death”.
Judge Stephen Rothman said: “On the evidence before the court it would have to be said that there is some anecdotal evidence to the effect that dosages of this kind and a regimen of this kind has been of benefit to some patients. There is also evidence from the head of the ICU, which has the care of the patient, that they do not see any benefit in the regimen and would be reluctant, if not opposed to, the administering of the dosages in ICU.”
Judge Rothman made note of some of the questionable “remedies” that had circulated since the pandemic.
Police & Courts
Don’t miss out on the headlines from Police & Courts. Followed categories will be added to My News.
A woman has lost her legal bid to have her father treated with intravenous vitamins and minerals after he was hospitalised with Covid-19 and then developed sepsis.
Anastasia Todd sought an urgent injunction against the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District in the Supreme Court.
She requested permission to force doctors at St George Hospital to administer high doses of intravenous vitamins to her father — or have him moved to another facility that would.
Mrs Todd sought to have “a regimen, essentially of high doses of vitamin C, high doses of vitamin D and zinc sulphate on the basis that it is suggested in some overseas studies and protocols”, according to Judge Stephen Rothman.
The patient’s daughter wanted him treated with high doses of vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc sulphate.
The patient’s daughter wanted him treated with high doses of vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc sulphate.
The head of the ICU unit at St George Hospital argued there was no benefit to the regimen. The man had recovered from Covid-19 but acquired sepsis and was seriously ill in intensive care.
The family wanted the vitamin regimen to “increase the patient’s own capacity to utilise his own immunity to deal with the infections that are at this moment critical and seemingly will in the longer-term cause his death”.
Judge Stephen Rothman said: “On the evidence before the court it would have to be said that there is some anecdotal evidence to the effect that dosages of this kind and a regimen of this kind has been of benefit to some patients. There is also evidence from the head of the ICU, which has the care of the patient, that they do not see any benefit in the regimen and would be reluctant, if not opposed to, the administering of the dosages in ICU.”
Judge Rothman made note of some of the questionable “remedies” that had circulated since the pandemic.
“Fortunately or unfortunately and particularly associated with Covid, there have been a number of less than scientific proposals in relation to treatment … while he now says it was a joke, one only has to recall a former president of the United States (Donald Trump) suggesting people drink antiseptic or bleach, and that aspect necessarily complicates that which is before the court,” he said.
Various people and groups overseas, as well as Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, have promoted the non-evidenced-based treatment of anti-parasite medication ivermectin, vitamins C and D and zinc as a treatment for Covid.
He found that “doctors and/or nurses who are engaged as staff at the intensive care unit at St George Hospital are not in a position where they would be prepared to administer the medication that is sought.
It is conceded that it is inappropriate for the court to require the doctor, or a staff member for that matter, to administer medication which they consider to be inappropriate”.
He concluded the court was “not inclined to force a doctor in ICU to administer the regimen”.
The family was contacted for comment.
Just change the name of COVID19 to “Head Lice”. Problem solved!
Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Unleashes a Lethal Terrorist Cocktail
Today, all these actors know there is no prospect of further large-scale US intervention in the country, no matter how great their atrocities. The US remains capable of air strikes and even special forces raids against serious threats emanating from Afghanistan, but these require high-grade intelligence which, despite the powerful technical capabilities of the agencies, is extremely difficult to gain now that we have withdrawn all forces.
The prospect of a successful j@hadist insurgency in Pakistan, with its nuclear arsenal, has been a long-standing concern for the US, which invested huge intelligence and military resources to help prevent it. Most of this capability was withdrawn with the exit from Afghanistan.
Like Pakistan, China supported the Taliban insurgency for many years. In return, the Taliban have frequently hunted down and killed many of the U@ghur leaders — fellow Sunni M@slims — who took refuge in Afghanistan. Desperate for Beijing’s funds and political backing, the Taliban can be relied on to do all they can to prevent any export of j@hadism into China.
But we can expect no such efforts from Beijing to prevent terrorist actions against the West. On the contrary, as the new cold war intensifies, China is more than capable of using its increasing cooperation with the Taliban to enlist j@hadists from Afghanistan as proxies against the US.
The resultant cocktail is even more lethal than before 9/11.
Today, all these actors know there is no prospect of further large-scale US intervention in the country, no matter how great their atrocities. The US remains capable of air strikes and even special forces raids against serious threats emanating from Afghanistan, but these require high-grade intelligence which, despite the powerful technical capabilities of the agencies, is extremely difficult to gain now that we have withdrawn all forces
President Biden’s withdrawal has not only brought darkness and mayhem to the people of Afghanistan and fatally undermined the strategic credibility of the West, it has also unleashed what may turn out to be the most dangerous terrorist threat the world has yet faced.
Colonel Richard Kemp is a former British Army Commander. He was also head of the international terrorism team in the U.K. Cabinet Office and is now a writer and speaker on international and military affairs.
The day I got to see Van Gogh’s N@zi-seized ‘Wheatstacks,’ from both sides
A work of great art has been on public display in London this week for the first time since 1905. On Thursday, I inspected it up close — front and rear
Wheatstacks hit the headlines last week when it reappeared for the first time in living memory. It had not been on public display for 116 years and had never previously even been reproduced in color.
US college students pledge money to the Taliban in shocking video
“The majority of people who stopped and talked to me decided they’d give me money for this — to fund the Taliban and specific use of proceeds to kill Americans, and strike back at America, and fund a new 9/11 on the US homeland.”
The students’ overwhelming support even left the video’s crew bewildered. The cameraman, a left-of-center San Franciscan, stopped Horowitz after 30 minutes of shooting and took him aside: “Am I being punked right now? Are these actors?” he asked the filmmaker, unable to process what he was seeing, and saying, “I don’t understand what’s happening.”
On YouTube, commenters were disgusted with students’ clueless attitudes. “What in the hell they are teaching our children in college?” said one commenter, while another noted, “So much for higher education. Needs to be called indoctrination for now on.”
Horowitz agrees that the final result is disturbing: “This is the most chilling video I’ve ever shot.”
“A Requiem for Melbourne. Tragic to watch.”
“Melbourne – the place to flee”
America vs China
Biden’s Town Hall Did Really Poorly in the Ratings
From 8-9pm on Thursday night:
FNC/Tucker: 2.9 million total viewers
CNN/Biden town hall: 1.16 million total viewers
Context: Biden’s town hall on CNN in July drew 1.46 million viewers.
More context: Biden’s town hall on CNN in Feb. drew 3.4M viewers.
Imagine for a second what the reaction would be if the Trump White House discarded expiring COVID-19 vaccine doses instead of donating them to Mexico
The Washington Post reported on Friday that states and local governments flush with COVID-19 vaccines that were about to expire wanted to send the life-saving doses to Mexico but were prevented in doing so by the Biden White House:
Biden exposes himself on national TV
No, he didn’t pull his pants down, but he certainly let the awful contents of his brains hang out for all to see
Pity he didn’t expose himself.
Better to laugh than cry.
BIDEN = Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated
(Well…stole the election)
Will he wet himself, live on TV?
It must be a concern for his minders.
No … he has access to the secret highly protective Depends, unavailable to the general public.
Soon to be the same with food and electricity.
(Also, his supply chain is unaffected by inflation.)
Biden town hall prompts mockery, ‘Beavis and Butthead’ comparisons
President Biden is being dragged on social media after a moment in his CNN town hall performance that has users comparing him to the cartoon “Beavis and Butthead.”
While listening to a question from CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Biden stood on the stage with his arms bent in front of him and fists closed. Dozens of netizens took to Twitter sharing an image of Biden in the position along with a picture of Beavis, who is known for the trademark jittery pose.
“Biden is straight comedy! Uhhhh Beavis……” former Australian NBA player Andrew Bogut tweeted with a laughing face emoji.
Social media personality and commentator Mike Cernovich tweeted a video of Biden with his arms bent and asked, “What is Biden doing?”
Dozens of Twitter users flooded Cernovich’s replies, making the comparison between the president and the cartoon character.
Others simply tweeted a doctored image of Biden from Thursday with Beavis’ head digitally placed over his.
“Who did it better?” another user asked, with side-by-side photos.
Victorian teachers indoctrinating and coercing 12 year olds to get the vaccine so they can all get out of lockdowns. For English lessons this kid’s class had to write 2 essays extolling the virtues of vaccines.
It stinks to high heaven.
my son was taken out of class and told he had to have the jab by his English teacher after they were asked in class who had been jabbed on their first day back from remote learning
he called home as he was embarrassed so my wife picked him up and spoke to the vice principle who apologised
we had three different phone calls that day from the principle apologising
my son went back to school with the promise that the teachers would be told they are not to ask about jabs as well as he received an apology from the teacher
he has been asked since by fill in teachers who are not regular, now he tells them it is illegal to ask for his medical records that has had a response of “l dont think so but anyway l am the adult and you have to get jabbed”
that is what it is like in Vicdanistan
If you can afford to do so, I would be instructing my solicitor to write a letter to the Principal threatening legal action on mental health grounds re your son.
Obviously, the risk is further singling out of your son – but I doubt that will happen. In any case, if he is still being singled out anyway – the further path calls out to be taken.
My profoundest sympathy to your family. It is beyond words.
I am beginning to feel that the current situation is taking on the feeling of war time – at least for many of us , and I don’t mean with COVID.
An interesting read in the context of JCU v Ridd and the vaccine hysteria.
TGA backpedalling on Covid Vaccines!
Vaccines not yet approved. Provisional registration only. For COVID-19 vaccines, the TGA has agreed to accept rolling data to enable early evaluation of data as it comes to hand.
There is no back-pedalling as NONE of the CoViD-19 vaccines have the necessary long term studies for safety, let alone efficacy, required for normal approval.
Those with the “provisional approval” are deemed to meet the requirements of being
As such, they are “approved” in the same way as the Emergency Use Authorization in the USA and the “Conditional Marketing Authorisation” in the EU & UK
I agree Analytic.
But why have the TGA released that statement only 2 days ago (21 October 2021). The provisional approvals ( or as they say Provisional Determination Notices) were made a year ago.
Waiting for a massive traffic jam to result in massive EV battery drain due to heaters/AC leading to a massive recharge bottleneck.
How to scare your kids the Covid way (Babylonbee)
It seems to work with a lot of adults too.
Accidental intravenous injection of vaccines found to cause myocarditis and pericarditis + liver damage according to Dr Joseph Mercola
So if you’re going/forced to get shot, insist on the injection being aspirated first (the reduced pain of not aspirating is not worth the risk)
Or drop the duds and get it in the bum. Even less veins there.
Hard to sit down? Toughen up buttercup.
Maybe how to scare them back?
“Do you rip off your shingles before finding out if new ones are available? It’s painful to watch those that do”
Saturday night must be movie night again.
I may have mentioned a movie that I enjoyed ChickLit, a story about three guys who wrote a book in the 40 Shades genre to save their local pub. As you would expect in fiction it was a hit. Of course it was written under a girl’s pseudonym.
So life imitates art: Three guys just won a million quid literary prize writing under a female pseudonym. I have no idea if theirs was Chic Lit or if it was inspired by the movie. How delicious if it was. 😆
From Friends of Science
Greta Climate Case Thrown Out by UN
In September 2019 Greta Thunberg and 15 other young climate activists filed a complaint with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child alleging that world leaders’ climate inaction violated children’s rights. The complaint accuses the respondent countries — Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey — of knowing about the impact of their carbon emissions on the climate and doing nothing to mitigate it. The 18-member committee spent two years conducting hearings and deliberating before ruling on October 12 that the plaintiffs should have taken their case to national courts first. Lawyers for the children said that they would go to national courts though they said this was likely to be time-consuming and fruitless.
Nice work if you can get it. 18 men, seriously? They must have laughing their t!ts off.
Amish herd immunity
Australia’s role in creating hype around ivermectin as a Covid ‘cure’
Australia will likely be ‘embarrased’ by its role in hyping up a controversial drug as a treatment for Covid, one expert says.
October 22, 2021 – 11:30AM
(Maybe we should be ’embarrased’ because we didn’t have a further look into it …)
– I got the AstraZeneca vaccine and I support the FLCCC alliance.
Published: 15 February 2017
Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
-“By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. WHY, why were large trials not started then?” :
There is one large trial: Uttar Pradesh with 230 mill was the trial group and Tamil Nadar the control.
How much bigger should a trial be?
OK, a trial with millions is, somehow, unacceptable because there is no one holding every individual’s hand. I don’t accept that but let’s continue.
So we do a fancy double blind trial where 500 get the life-saving treatment and 500 unfortunates in the control get standard treatment which is essentially “Ring us when you are dying, we’ll intubate you in which case your odds are low”.
How is that ethical!!!!!
The ethical standard in a trial is that if there is overwhelming evidence of the trialed drug saving lives you can no longer withhold treatment from the control group.
I rest my case.
Schwartz said he became interested in exploring ivermectin about a year ago, “when everyone was looking for a new drug” to treat COVID-19, and a lot of effort was being put into evaluating hydroxychloroquine, so he decided to join the effort.
“Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
“This drug will not bring any big economic profits,” he said.
SOME OF the loudest opposition to ivermectin has come from Merck Co., which manufactured the drug in the 1980s. In a public statement about ivermectin on its website in February, it said: “Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to date, our analysis has identified no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies; no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and a concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.”
But Merck has not launched any studies of its own on ivermectin.
“You would think Merck would be happy to hear that ivermectin might be helpful to corona patients and try to study it, but they are most loudly declaring the drug should not be used,” Schwartz said. “A billion people took it. They gave it to them. It’s a real shame.”
And not moving forward with ivermectin could potentially extend the time it takes for the world to be able to live alongside the virus, he said.
Merck stopping development of its Covid-19 vaccine candidates
Jamie Gumbrecht-Profile-Image
By Jamie Gumbrecht, CNN
Updated 1326 GMT (2126 HKT) January 25, 2021
Merck said on Monday it is continuing to study and scale-up manufacturing for two potential coronavirus treatments, MK-7110, which may help control the inflammatory response to the virus, and molnupiravir, known as MK-4482, an oral antiviral developed with Ridgeback Bio.
Merck is set to make billions off a COVID-19 pill that could change the pandemic. Here’s why some countries will pay more than others.
Andrew Dunn
Oct. 13, 2021, 12:00 PM
Merck’s COVID-19 pill holds tremendous promise in fighting the pandemic.
Industry analysts expect Merck to make billions off the not-yet-authorized drug.
Some countries will be paying $US12 ($AU16) per pill, while the US agreed to pay $US712 ($AU968) per treatment course.
I came across this:
“Which society do we want after the Covid crisis?”
What were the choices?
Meanwhile quercetin seems to have been revived as a valid treatment/prophylactic.
The research references are included in the article…
Take with vitamin C
Thanks ozfred – as epoch wants you to subscribe, here is an alternate
Been taking quercetin with zinc, NAC, Vit D etc for over a year and as one of the “Unclean”, will keep it up
Saved and printed 8 Pages – excellent reference – also have been taking 1000mg – Cenovis Sugarless C 500mg every day for many years
If you are actually ill, not just taking it prophylactically, three times/day seems to be important, it has a short half life in the body.
Well Catherine…the answer to your question is that THE SOCIETY WHICH WE GET. Do we succumb to the mantra of Government Health Departments (AKA: Ministry of Truths), or do we get on with life and not worry about a blip (AKA: Covid 19). As for me… I don’t give a rat’s about COVID. Like the Spanish Flu, it’s just another virus. There will be more variants in the near future… but SO WHAT??
This is copied from a discussion on Linked in. The subject being: Does prior vaccination with current, monovalent, S-protein-only based vaccines, attenuate responses to nucleocapsid antigens of the SARS-CoV-2 after reinfection?
Looking at U.K. data, the case fatality rate for the Delta and Alpha variants jumped from last month. The columns won’t line up straight, but the left numerical column is the Delta CFR and the right column is the Alpha CFR.
Delta Alpha
June 11 .13 1.10
June 18 .12 1.09
July 9 .21 1.08
July 23 .20 1.07
August 6 .25 1.07
August 20 .31 1.07
Sept 3 .40 1.07
Sept 17 .40 1.07
Oct 1 .78 1.97
Oct 15 .83 1.97
The case fatality rate (CFR) for the Delta variant is increasing, however, we know the infectious fatality rate is always lower than the CFR since it includes asymptomatic and mild cases, which largely go undocumented. That said, the CFR for both Delta and Alpha jumped since last month. Perhaps this reflects the antibody dependent enhancement risk and the damage to the innate immunity. It could also point to increasing virulence due to ‘immune escape,’ as asserted by Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM.
U.K. Health Security Agency: Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 variants: technical briefings
“People don’t like fake meat?”
Is fake meat the Vegetarians admission that meat tastes great?
I recall there was fake bacon called Facon, and chicken called Ficken. Don’t remember what the fake duck was called.
Push to go vego to save the planet slammed as ‘green socialism’
Matt Canavan says that a leaked climate conference document reveals the true nature of the environmental agenda.
James Morrow
Leaked documents showing Glasgow climate change negotiators want to get Australians to eat less meat to cut CO2 emissions have been slammed by Queensland Nationals Senator Matt Canavan as an attempt to impose “green socialism” by stealth.
The paper, authored by the UK’s Behavioural Insights Unit, caused a stir among beef producing countries such as Brazil and Argentina when it was discovered by the BBC.
It listed a number of suggestions for changing public behaviour including high carbon taxes on meat and portraying business travel as an “immoral indulgence”
Don’t miss out on the headlines from NSW. Followed categories will be added to My News.
Leaked documents showing Glasgow climate change negotiators want to get Australians to eat less meat to cut CO2 emissions have been slammed by Queensland Nationals Senator Matt Canavan as an attempt to impose “green socialism” by stealth.
The paper, authored by the UK’s Behavioural Insights Unit, caused a stir among beef producing countries such as Brazil and Argentina when it was discovered by the BBC.
It listed a number of suggestions for changing public behaviour including high carbon taxes on meat and portraying business travel as an “immoral indulgence”.
“The Glasgow conference is not about climate change. It is about political change. They want to shut down coal mines, make us all vegans and send manufacturing jobs to China,” said Canavan, whose party is negotiating a list of demands for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to take to Glasgow.
“Now some are saying we can’t beat these green socialists, and we are best just to go Net Zero under a Liberal government. These people are just Fabian Greenies. They just want to get to socialism slower. I want to turn these train around before it’s too late. Let’s get back to a free and prosperous country.”
“Signing up to Net Zero now because some people think it is popular would be a Faustian bargain. Perhaps it would help win the next election but what do we do for the one after that when we have no soul?”
“I don’t know whether the Nationals will agree to Net Zero today, but I am bloody sure that we won’t sell the last cow for a handful of beans.”
“Mushrooms have seen more sunlight than the Nationals have seen of the Liberals’ net zero plan,” he said.
The UK government later claimed that the paper, which claimed that plant-based diets could reduce carbon emissions by 50 per cent, was published in error.
Canavan is one of the few left in the Nats or the Libs that have any integrity left in this Age of Deceit.
Is the Wu Flu killing off vegans? The trace nutrients in meat, cheese etc are part of one’s natural defence.
Maybe someone in the fake-food industry can design and manufacture some fake vegetables from animals. Fake potatoes, carrots, onion, beans & peas from intensively processed meat and bone products.
Fake olive, canola, and corn oil from animal lard, tallow and chicken fat.
That way carnivores can eat their ‘5 a day’ without all those excessive calories.
Well, while I thought Japan adopted Ivermectin in their panic over the surge 6months back, the Sydney Morning Propaganda has written a whole article on how Japan overcame it without mentioning Ivermectin once. Maybe they didn’t use it after all…
Petition to make IVM legal again
Closes in a few days 27th October
Particularly on weekends, taking a reprieve to look at where we are for additional perspective, it is not unusual to look to the heavens for absolutely reliable measures and scale.
“Sun, Earth & Moon. Synodic Month. 1st Movement of the COSMIC SYMPHONY OF COINCIDENCE
“Premiered Jan 29, 2021
“Synodic Month, Full moons, Solar Eclipses. Just one movement int he COSMIC SYMPHONY OF COINCIDENCE.
“There’s some very interesting things about the Sun, Earth & Moon they don’t teach you in school.
” Indeed when the talking heads the media always go to when it comes to astronomy they don’t like talking about this very much. In the case of Brian Cox I saw his trademark friendly smile turn into an angry scowl when this was brought up, insisting it was a meaningless coincidence”
The public face of “science”; Brian Cox.
That tells us that the world is in trouble.
Help Me Scientists.
Q: What’s the name for the process by which a proto-star initiates nuclear fusion?
I know that a mass of cold gas such as hydrogen first condenses by gravity to make a proto-star. I know a temperature of 100 million K is required at the core of this proto-star before nuclear fusion will initiate. The internet will confirm this. I can’t find the page of the internet which actually names this process (a kind of internal gas super-heating, from cold to 100million K). I know it’s not a greenhouse gas effect because hydrogen is not a radiatively active molecule. It almost feels as if no one dare call the thing by its name!
That’s a very grave question.
Since gravity is constantly being increased maybe the word you’re after is gravity?