Graham Lloyd and Jen Marohasy scorch through the BoMs latest revision of Darwin.
On the 1st of January 1910 the maximum temperature recorded at the Darwin post office was 34.2 degrees C, then it became 33.8 C, and now it was, is, 32.8 C. (What’s the past tense of something that is now, but wasn’t then? We don’t even have grammar for this.)
Extrapolate that adjustment trend: One degree of cooling in 6 years (since the last adjustment) becomes 16 degrees cooler in a century. Darwin won’t know what hot days were!
Look what they’ve done to history Mum
The Bureau of Meteorology has no interest in the hot pre-1910 era which just gets chopped. And even if they did include it, after they’ve adjusted it — it wouldn’t be hot anymore anyway. Remember the Federation Drought? No one else does either.
Temperature is whatever you want to make it.

Mean maximum annual temperatures as measured at the Darwin Post Office and airport shown with the new remodeled ACORN-SAT Version 2, which is the new official record for Australia.
“What the Bureau has done to the historical temperature record for Darwin is indefensible. ” –– Marohasy
As Marohasy explains, the record at Darwin matters because the site had some of the best and earliest data for the vast northern reaches of Australia:
Graham Lloyd, The Weekend Australian ––
“Scientist Jennifer Marohasy said Darwin’s temperature record was important because the city was the only location in central northern Australia where temperatures had been measured since 1895 from within an instrument shelter. The Darwin record includes temperatures taken at Darwin post office from 1882 until 1941 and from Darwin airport from 1942 to the present.”
The Bureau of Meteorology have plenty of vague excuses:
“For the case of Darwin, a downward adjustment to older records is applied to account for differences between the older sites and the current site, and differences between older thermometers and the current automated sensor.
“In other words, the adjustments estimate what historical temperatures would look like if they were recorded with today’s equipment at the current site.”
But the World War I site that was hasn’t changed in the last six years. Why were the 2012 corrections in need of re-correcting again? According to Marohasy the Bureau says the site was shaded by trees after 1937 and “other factors” changed too.
No dissent allowed
Jen Marohasy almost got a paper published on Darwin’s adjustments but after being accepted it was pulled at the last minute. Marohasy argues that the cooling wasn’t caused by shading but by a cyclone that wiped out the plants that were stopping the sea breeze getting in to the post office.
Dr Marohasy said many would claim the raw record for Darwin must be wrong because it showed a general trend of cooling to about 1950, and then warming.
As readers here know scientists in 1952 were discussing how Australia had cooled since the turn of the century. It was well known at the time — the cooling stretched all the way from Alice Springs to Narrabi and Hay, across the Eastern States. Marohasy provides a graph comparing Darwin to Richmond:
I often satirize the changes by mocking how old thermometers were always measuring “too high”. The Bureau protests:
The bureau said the adjustment of historical temperatures in its ACORN-SAT dataset did not suggest records at any point in time were too high or too low. “Both upwards and downwards adjustments have been made at many ACORN-SAT sites to ensure past observations are consistent with modern conditions,” the bureau spokesman said.
Lo and verily, we all know the aim is supposedly to compare the past with today — but all the extra concrete, airports, and air conditioners means thermometers in bare paddocks in the horse and carriage era need to be adjusted up, not down. And what about the all new one-second-records from electronic equipment? The old glass thermometers couldn’t measure a one second blast of hot air from a 747 that wasn’t there in 1898 either. (Even if it was there, they couldn’t measure it.) The slow acting mercury thermometers need to be adjusted up, not down, to compete with super sensitive electronic gizmos.
We know the Bureau have made adjustments “up and down”, but go on, tell the obvious bleeding truth — historic adjustments go down far more often than they go up and none of it makes sense unless the BoM is under the spell of a religion or is an advertising agency for the Big Gov that funds them.
Climate science
This could be prescient if the predicted global cooling commences.
“Adjusted! Another degree shaved off Darwins history — (it’s cooling so fast, in 50 years Darwin won’t even be tropical)”
In 50 years time – “See! The terrible effects of global warming have made Darwin tropical now”. (/s)
Bom Homogenised or just Bom for short .
Pronounced “Bums”.
climate religion
It’s becoming clearer by the day that the BoM has been weaponized by green-left political activists inside the organization.
As a Statutory Authority the BoM is no longer fit for purpose.
The Minister responsible for science needs to take action and take it soon.
The Hon Karen Andrews MP
Minister for Industry, Science and Technology
Phone: (02) 6277 7070
after: climatize (klim-et-yze), verb to adjust a temperature data point in a direction that always favors the concept of Anthropogenic Warming. climitized, climatizer, climatizing
Spinning up the moon using 20 Mt of nukes on the far side may take out all non-hardened satellites on Earth. This would temporarily take down all GPS location in one hit for several years. No response could be possible with smart weapons. It is a first strike capability.
Our worry over the BoM and its need for taxpayer $ is a VERY minor problem. Yes they lie, yes thay are NOT honest brokers. In the end they are nobody parasites. Paying them to do nothing is cheaper than letting them report on the climate.
I suspect that the powers that be just want to show us who is really in charge.
So much for Australian Science.
I gather a certain Dr.Roderick from ANU suggests combatting the “Greenhouse Effect” by extracting water vapour from the atmosphere.
G’day g M,
Yes. I first tripped over his speculation in the following link:
And this is a partial extract:
” Professor Michael Roderick, a researcher at the Australian National University’s School of Earth Sciences, said hydropanels could potentially provide a creative counter to the greenhouse effect.
Dr Roderick said CO2 created by land clearing, cars and industrial works warms the atmosphere, which in-turn allows it to hold more water.
“Water by itself is a very strong greenhouse gas, so it multiplies the CO2 effect,” he said. ”
A similar, and almost identical article has been published in ABC Just In.
I guess we should be grateful that he’s acknowledged that water acts a greenhouse gas, even if he’s got their relative priorities wrong.
Dave B
Hi David,
I must’ve been typing when this went up.
From what you’ve got here, it looks like there was no sarcasm from him, he’s a dyed in the wool believer.
The next grant is always the most important one.
Question – what does the climate religion, socialism and EVs have in common?
Control. Lots of control.
But wait, theres more…the end game of EVs by limiting range, but just in case, here is plan B…
“ISA works by using traffic-sign-recognition cameras, or GPS data, to determine the maximum speed where you are driving, and then automatically restrict engine power and your speed to the prevailing limit.
“The push for this speed-limiting technology is being spearheaded by the European Transport Safety Council, which says the limiters will reduce crashes by 30 per cent, and save 25,000 lives within 15 years of coming into force.
“What is slightly worrying is that the ETSC has only recommended a “full on/off switch” – ie the ability to override the system by pushing the accelerator through some kind of detente – during the compulsory roll-out of the technology ”to aid public acceptance at introduction”.
“The safety body has indicated it will push for even stricter rules in the future, which would seem to indicate systems that are impossible to override.
“The ETSC has also suggested that “If the driver continues to drive above the speed limit for several seconds, the system should sound a warning for a few seconds and display a visual warning until the vehicle is operating at or below the speed limit again.”
“And, worryingly, mandatory data loggers would also be fitted to all new cars under the ETSC’s program.”
And the last sentence says in car big brother. Now imagine the insurance companies hopping on board demanding the car data logs….
You can see how govt and big business and the UN are slowly crushing peopke…
One of the easiest correlations is solar flux at ground level and surface temperature. The BoM has collected the solar data since early 1990s in many locations around Australia. The daily fluctuations are significant:
For last month the flux ranged from 6Mj/sq.m to 31Mj/sq.m. The flux also varies over any period of time including year-to-year:
But range variation is narrower because it tends to average out better over a year than any given day.
It might come as a surprise to some that when there is less ground flux the temperature is lower ( for example if you have never been outside on both cloudy and sunny days)
There are time lags for daily data but averaged out over a year the correlation is quite good with some locations correlating higher than others.
Without exception the flux variation for a given time of day on a given day of the year is always caused by cloud. More cloud means less solar flux reaching the ground.
This gets to the key point that clouds are the result of water vapour in the air. Although the concentration of water vapour is not the only factor controlling cloud formation, it is the key factor in clouds forming and being sustained. Anyone who thinks water vapour provides a positive feedback for surface temperature change has never been outdoors with their brain in gear.
On a daily basis, clouds over Bourke can knock out 25MJ of solar flux. That averages to 289W/sq.m over the 24 hour day. That is two orders of magnitude higher than any claimed heat retention from doubling atmospheric CO2. This clearly shows why understanding clouds is such a key to understanding climate on earth.
Another relevant point here is that MODIS/Aqua data shows atmospheric TPW has declined this century, consistent with declining ocean surface temperature.
Thanks Rick,
That answers 2 questions;
1. Do High clouds cause surface warming (which NASA says but my observations refute), and
2. Does water ( the most powerful GreenHouse Gas) actually cause cooling. I say yes. The mechanism may not be what the IPCC or even Luke Warmers expect.
Brings to mind an episode from a children’s book series on “Bottersnikes and Gumbles” that involved “dry water swimming”
If he isn’t being sarcastic then he’s in a real bad way and [snip, nah. Due process.- J]
I’m hoping that he’s just trying to highlight how stupid the entire greenhouse claim is.
As a percentage of the total greenhouse effect, whatever that is:
Nature: 99.989 % water + CO2
Humans: 0.0012% CO2
Of the global temperature increase since 1840, 0.6 C°, we humans carry the burden of responsibility for 0.0012% of it.
Our shame: 0.00072 C° is ours to bear.
We should consider that he is,after all, a professor and as such has lived a large part of his life in an intellectual/real world cocoon. Is there no end to these idiots.
Another one of Tom Lehrer’s “Ivy covered professors in ivy covered halls” then?
.6 of a degree but .5 is the error margin I just noticed on the Bom acorn sat propaganda page
To a Greenie, 0.00072 is a very, very large number – almost as big as the moon!!!
Quantitative analysis is not a big part of Climate Change focus.
You can see why.
Nobody, not even the CAGW proponents, contradicts the quantities, they just hope nobody notices.
“Quantitative analysis is not a big part of Climate Change focus.”
Neither is Qualitative Analysis….. at all.
Humannitees Departments, chez l’universites, do ‘qualitative,’ not ‘quantitative.’ Hec, don’t even do logic no more. In the Humannitees Departments, chez l’univesites, ‘equal’ don’t mean what it means in the Math/ Physics Departments, and you can bet that’s already undergoing review by the Social Equity Departments chez l’universites.
Sort of like in C
“equals” equals “= =” ?
Another stupid idea. No water vapour = no oceans. What a fooligan!
Australian scientivism and the BOM Adjustment Bureau have one hell of a lot of work to do, going backwards going forward.
Talk about NPC bureaucrats ensuring they have a job in perpetuity.
RB Alley (2000) Journal of Quaternary Science Reviews 19: 213
Greenland GISP2 Ice Core – Temperature Last 10,000 Years
Isn’t it interesting how the temperature of the current interglacial keeps dropping from its max.
And isn’t It a coincidence that oceans have dropped about six metres over the same period.
Do you think that a cooling Earth, and a lowering of oceans has anything to do with the accumulation of more ice on the poles?
That’s why attention is being concentrated on the period after the industrial revolution as there’s too much contradictory material further back; ideally the warmists would have outlawed geology and astronomy beforehand but the urgency of the climate crisis overtook them.
“We know the Bureau have made adjustments “up and down” ”
Anyone actually found one of those from early years that was adjusted up?
BOM has a magnificent formula for an air conditioner there.
Problem is it would always be cooling yesterday.
Carnarvon was adjusted up , Jo covered that recently
IN ACORN1 there were a “balanced number of up and down adjustments” (or some wording like that) — The BOM said so. What they didn’t say was that the past adjustments down were larger than the adjustments up. So it was technically “true” but not the whole truth (as usual).
Lying by omission
Lying by omission = half-truths = homogenized lies.
There is no greater lie than half the truth when used for the purpose of deception.
As the dentist said to the lawyer,
“I want the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth”.
“Data mangling: BoM’s Changes to Darwin’s Climate History are Not Logical”
” And what about the all new one-second-records from electronic equipment? The old glass thermometers couldn’t measure a one second blast of hot air from a 747 that wasn’t there in 1898 either. (Even if it was there, they couldn’t measure it.) The slow acting mercury thermometers need to be adjusted up, not down, to compete with super sensitive electronic gizmos”
But equally by your logic, the old glass thermometers couldn’t measure a blast of cool air either. Where did this one second blast of hot air come from in 1898? Obviously not from a 747 as you say. And are all the “new one second records from electronic equipment” only of temperature increases? If, as seems likely, there may be transient falls in the temperature as well as transient increases are you saying such falls are not recorded? Or are you implying transient falls are ignored?
And how often were the readings made before the advent of the one second thermometers? Once a day? Twice a day and three times on Sundays? What was the standard deviation for the time of readings made before the advent of the one second thermometers.? One minute? Ten minutes? Half an hour? Were the old glass thermometers of the Max/Min kind?
Your statement “The slow acting mercury thermometers need to be adjusted up, not down, to compete with super sensitive electronic gizmos.” ignores the reality of the differences in the factors influencing the temperature readings that have occurred throughout the years.
The one I liked best were the temperatures measured on the DEW Line in Alaska.
In the winter months the soldiers given the task would just make them up because of the fear of polar bear attack in the dark.
Perhaps the Darwin ones are made up because they fear a croc attack at any time …
Ian, as we’ve discussed in depth on this site already, there are much more likely to be packets of hot air roaming the land (heated off exposed rock, road, etc) than there are packets of cold air wandering at dawn. So while the minima are slightly cooler in electronic equipment, the maxima are a lot higher. Follow the links, temperature rises of 1.5C in a minute can happen. Rises of 3C in 10 minutes.
And what exactly are the differences between the old and new thermometers? The BOM has run side by side experiments for years, but in many cases, if you ask for the data they won’t supply it. Apparently they destroy it “routinely”.
One million dollars a day and they can’t afford a memory stick from officeworks?
Isn’t that exactly the schtick?
Thanks for the reply Jo, i is much appreciated. I am appalled at this section of your comme:.
“And what exactly are the differences between the old and new thermometers? The BOM has run side by side experiments for years, but in many cases, if you ask for the data they won’t supply it. Apparently they destroy it “routinely”.
That is just wrong and I don’t know why the BoM are allowed to destroy what is essentially Australian history access to which future Australians are being denied . I don’t have much faith in conspiracy theories but is it known when destruction of records began? As a government funded body has the BoM been subject to political pressure to justify Australia’s actions with regard to climate change?
Peer review is lauded by climate scientists but here by not only not publishing data that are essential for comparison of results from new and old technology but actually destroying it the BoM is guilty of scientific malpractice.
Six minutes.
If by some miracle the Libs retain power the first thing they should do is audit the BOM. Under Abbott it was going to happen but didn’t. I think that if the dubious nature of these adjustments were made more public the global warming cult could be fully exposed. If Australia could show the world how they have been so misled on the issue we could have a proper discussion on policy going forward. These bureaucratic stooges need to be brought to account.
Prime Minister Abbott recommended to his Cabinet Ministers that due diligence, that an independent audit of the BoM be conducted after the Minister responsible for BoM reported complaints regarding media releases not matching BoM historical data records.
We now know that Cabinet was dominated by members of the Black Hand faction, Liberal In Name Only MPs, left of the centre-right real Liberals, who voted to replace Abbott as leader in September 2015.
The was no comprehensive audit but rather a peer review. Its findings were damning but comments were watered down and no popular press reported the findings.
If you look at chart 4.1 it is quite plain that the past has been cooled 0.25C on average compared with the present.
How can the adjustment be justified when it is such deliberate reverse analysis to fit models. Any unbiased analysis would adjust down the present readings to compensate for rising background energy from human activity at built-up sites and faster response from automatic instrument measurements.
If the adjustment trend was reversed to have make the present cooler then there would have been no heating over the 20th century.
… when the evidence (obviously wrong) doesn’t match the (sacred) models, the evidence has to be changed.
Isn’t that Trenberth’s Hypothesis?
Yep. He said:
“but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.”
The full quote was:
“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.”
Never mind, Kevin. The BoM has found a trick to fix that problem.
Rather than “hide the decline” the BoM retrospectively adjusts it downwards even further.
So now you’ve got your “more warming”.
Climate “science” the science you do when you haven’t a clue.
The top has been a somewhat wetter, thus cloudier place, since the 1970s. This, of course, plays havoc with min and with max, and cloud makes all talk of “hotter” and “colder” based on min/max aimless. Darwin airport…
So when one talks of temps in isolation from cloud one is talking about nothing but a useless number. However, one problem with useless statistics is that they sometimes go the wrong way for the political scripts of the types who believe in useless statistics. It’s no surprise that too many clear skies back before the 70s may have made too many high max readings for comfort. Break out that Remington! BoM liked the shave so much it bought the company.
Just to go a bit further on the meaninglessness of statistics without human observation and commonsense…
Richmond is a lot drier and thus less cloudy than nearby Sydney. So in a wet year like 1950 Sydney’s mean max at the Obs shouldn’t look much different to that of the years around it. Which was the case. (UHI at the Obs is another matter.)
However inland Richmond, much sunnier than Sydney Obs, was more affected in 1950 when the sun didn’t come out as much as usual, especially in the normally clear winter months. And the reason Jan 1951 was the coolest by mean max was that the Big Wet didn’t end till Feb 1951, so 1951’s annual mean max was kept that bit lower and the comparison with 1950 is a bit less stark.
When Richmond’s red line of temps (shown above in Jo’s post) spikes around 1915 and takes a big plunge around 1950…guess what else was going on? Yep. You thought you were comparing warm and cool by mean max, but mainly you were comparing clear with cloudy. (1915 does seem to have been a brute of a year for both heat and drought in NSW, but 1914, when you account for cloud, may have been “hotter”.)
Further complicating things: rainfall indicates cloud but it doesn’t = cloudiness, and the southerlies which bring rain and cloud to NSW are cooling. So we never get to know everything about what was acting on the mercury.
We won’t even talk about the confusion created by nocturnal cloud in usually clear seasons and places, or UHI. Or about the very real chance that actual “global cooling” might cause higher mean maxima, because less cloud, duh.
But just add a change of measurement devices and no effort to run old devices concurrently for the sake of comparison and you have…
Bureau of United Nations Kooks – BUNK. Or bloody useless nutty klimatariat!
There are two Richmond sites in ACORN-SAT. Qld used on Jen’s graph comparing Darwin and NSW RAAF for past comparisons with Sydney Observatory. Geoff
Thanks for pointing out my error, Geoff.
It’s interesting that the dry/hot and cool/wet comparison between 1915 and 1950 is even more stark at Richmond Qld: a whopping 4.6 degrees on the annual mean max. Here on the midcoast of NSW but a bit inland 1915 is the hottest year by mean max and second driest in the available record, 1950 is the wettest and among the coolest by mean max.
It’s a different story for annual minima, needless to say, hence Inverell’s “warm” winter nights in 1950.
The other thing I’d add is that there is still much to explain after wind, cloud and rain are taken into account. The 1915>1950 comparison is stark and convenient to make the point about cloud, but there have been plenty of years and seasons where things have been less clear cut. Nonetheless, when anyone tells me about a “hottest” or “coldest”, I check for the wet stuff or its absence before buying in. If the sun never came out then “coldest” max is a wasted stat, and if it beat down through clear skies then “hottest” is part-way explained.
The BoM should therefore adjust the temp of the new ethermometers (with their one-second response measurement) if they believe in balancing the temp record. Bet they don’t.
The old therms would never have picked up the heat spikes that the new therms can today.
Ian George:
Adelaide recently had its “hottest” temperature ever at 3.36 p.m. of 46.6℃. Obviously the temperature at the regular reading time of 3.30 p.m. must have been below the old record (in 1939) of 46.1℃ or the trumpets would have sounded, so we know the ‘new’ thermometers (in the newer cabinet design) can record a rise of 0.6℃ in 6 minutes, or 6℃ an hour.
We also know that the same thermometers recorded a drop of 1.4℃ by 3.50 p.m. (despite no cooling recorded N,S,E or W of the West Terrace site) also 6℃ an hour.
This simplifies the BoM figures as we can show an error range of ±6℃.
(I’ve deleted my last bit about honesty and competence to get through the MODS).
The same thing happened when Sydney had its highest temp of 45.8C, beating the old Jan, 1939 record of 45.3C..
Four minutes before it was 44.9C – seven minutes after it was 44.7C.
The 10 minute record shows its highest temp at 45.1C twenty minutes before the record. The screen graph shows nothing over 44.9C. The 10m wind graph shows nothing unusual around that time.
Complete mystery for the temp to go up nearly a degree and drop more than a degree in ten minutes.
Good catch, Ian.
The summary the next day said 45.3ºC..
I asked BOM where the extra 0.5ºC came from.. Never did get an answer.
I wish had could find that screen capture, but that computer died about 5 years ago.
I think I posted a link to a site somewhere, maybe even here, but I’ve no idea how I might find it.
I still have the screen capture with all the relevant data. However, it was captured on an old Apple iPad (the first model). i’ve tried sending the data to Jo but it either didn’t get there or was in a format not able to be processed.
Any ideas, anyone?
No idea about early iPads, but if you can get it on the screen, take a picture of it with another more modern device. You should then be able to transfer it to any computer you like.
Or maybe the iPad has the ability to save it as say, a .jpg or .tiff file, then it should attach easily to an email.
Thanks Andy
Only option at moment is to take photo onto phone and then send it as a message. Wish I was my
Ian, the solution to the sensitivity problem is so simple that one would expect it to be in use, j.e. average the “one second” readings over a suitable period. Is this not done?
No, it isn’t done.
I just checked my town’s AWS for today. The high temp was 29.4C at 2:57pm.
At 2:50pm it was 26.8C. At 3:00pm it was 27.6C.
So it rose 2.6C in seven minutes and dropped 1.8C in three minutes.
The highest other temp recorded was 27.7C at 3:32pm.
BTW, I have seen a 1.5C spike in the same minute. There’s no way they average the temp.
No wonder a ‘warming’ is apparent. The old thermometers would never have been able to record such a spike. But will the BoM adjust these AWS temps down – no way.
BOM rewrites Sydney Morning Herald front page for 1 Jan 1900:
‘Sydney Harbour still frozen over: Summer skaters enjoy white Christmas on ice.’
Sunday 17 February, 2019, Sunday Telegraph, page 79: Why rain hit us like a BoM
A massive radar blackspot across Queensland north-west allowed this month’s flood catastrophe to develop in an information void.
The cost has already hit more than half a billion dollars, according to the Australian Insurance Council.
Now local politicians are calling for new weather radar in the area to help prevent a repeat of the disaster.
This would cost state and federal governments about $9 million.
The ICA has recorded 15,571 issuance claims lodged from flood damage in the area, totalling more than $606 million worth of losses.
ICA chief executive Rob Whelan said: “insurers are prioritising 457 residential properties identified as unliveable.
They have already provided $175 million in support, emergency accommodation and repairs.”
* no link available as copied from the paper, but, a search of the heading – #1 hit is press reader, which confirms the existence of it.
Keep up the great analysis, demanding explanations for all the “corrections”. We are closer to George Orwell’s 1984 than we think. Nineteen Eighty-Four popularised the adjective Orwellian, which connotes official deception, secret surveillance, brazenly misleading terminology and manipulation of recorded history by a totalitarian or authoritarian state.
I just hope that someone has culled and stored all the weather data from all the old newspapers – it might be possible to reconstruct the truth from that.
Good news is if they keep adjusting the past the little ice age will be finally recognised……..
as what?
As not being “since the industrial revolution”
But don’t their models say that temperature rise is directly related to CO2 concentration in the atmosphere? So now can they explain why their “revisions” show almost uniform warming for over a century?
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” (Sir Walter Scott, 1808).
But you cannot fiddle with a mercury thermometer like you can fiddle with an electronic one!
The mercury thermometer of today, or a hundred years ago, or ten thousand years ago (if they had one) would operate all the same, since they are governed by the expansion of the element mercury (an immutable substance), with a physical constant of expansion consistent throughout the universe. So, then, mercury on Mercury (the planet, of course) behaves the same as that element on earth or anyplace else. The mercury is calibrated based on its expansion volume within the tube.
The electronic whosey-whatsis behaves as the human programmer decides (i.e.calibrates), and its readout result depends on a human-derived process (algorithm). By the way, it will behave slightly differently based on input voltage and temperature.
Give that old-time method.
Bom reckon all thermometers are calibrated to +-.5.
They should be in line for a Nobel Prize in physics if they are really able to correct daily maximum readings by mathematical necromancy. The technique could have saved NASA a lot of money and embarrassment. No need for corrective lenses on the Hubble — just feed the images through the math-o-matic and, hey presto, perfect focus.
Mere mortals might consider systematic adjustment of averages. Adjusting extremes is strictly for heroes. Or villians.
The scam artists are using the same technique as the memory holes in Orwell’s novel 1984. They have no shame and so much evil in their character.
Is it agreed that temperatures in Darwin fell from 1900 to WW2?
I’m looking for the Gleissberg signal in a tropical environment.
Aeschylus said, “In war,truth is the first casualty” . Not bad from a chap who was killed by a vulture dropping a tortoise on his head.
The vulture pleaded Justified Tortoisecide and got off.
He that controls the past controls the future. He that controls the present controls the past. George would have no problem spotting the pattern here.
Just seen the funniest Facebook photo ever not sure how to get it here but it involves Mr Squiggle the BOM and that cyclone OMA .
Try NCSC social in your faceache search browser .
I find it staggering that BoM never did any proper side by side comparisons between the new one second temperature measurement and the old max min thermometer system. I know they made one single half hearted attempt at one location for a few months but then unscientifically threw away the results. They don’t even practice science at a junior high school level.
Anything to say BoM lurkers reading this?
David, the BOM did many side by side comparisons. They have just published a set of 9 sites I think recently, but there were others, and when we asked for the data — which would definitively show what was going on — they refused to provide it.
They destroy that raw data. Unbelievable.
Strange how they can’t find the data when it is requested.
“ten different quality control checks.”
Obviously from that family of quality assurance that doesn’t assure quality?
Not unbelievable,
Hi David Have spent a lot of time on this.
The problem with the 1 second sampling is not that it is too fast. It is that they take 60 measurements at a regular rate per minute then throw most of them away keeping only the last, highest and lowest. Throwing data away is always bad but this is worse because it creates an irregular rate and results in false signals being created.
This 55 second long video shows how the rate can create false signals in such a simple way you can’t forget.
That is part one of a two part problem the false signals are first made to change at a rate that is faster than the nyquist rate mentioned above by the fast time constant (low damping factor) of the metal around the probe sensor.
Explained here in this two minute video.
See “How Temperature Is “Measured” in Australia: Part 1. By Ken Stewart”
“How Temperature Is “Measured” in Australia: Part 2. By Ken Stewart”
Make Orwell fiction again!
I know of no other scientific field where previous recorded data is subject to constant revision and adjustment. Altering recorded original data is not science but politics.
Who or whom at BoM are doing these continual revisions? The head is rotten.
Not Lysenko. Hawke/Keating/Rudd/Gillard/Rudd/Shorten and their mates.
Well Here you go Dave.
Political Environment All New Untested Thesis.(PEANUT)
The Peanut(ACORN) method of adjusting data.
Step 1. Establish the latest CO2 concentration vs time slope.
Lets take last 30 years, then we can blame humans for it all.
COIvT = CO2(ppm) from (This year – 30) to (this year) divided by time.
Step 2. Establish, at the time of introduction of previous ACORN (V1 in present case), the relationship of CO2 increase vs time slope to slope of the temperature vs time data.
Step 3. Establish the new temperature vs time slope required to give the same relationship, as established in Step 2, to CO2 increase vs time slope.
Step 4. Modify temperatures at the start of the data set so the temperature vs time slope from past to present matches the slope established in Step 3.
Step 5. Extrapolate the intermediate temperatures to new temperature vs time slope.
Need to do this or the result would look dodgy.
Step 6. Hire spin doctors to create a methodology statement using terms like the “multiplication of two quaternions is noncommutative”, more to do with three-dimensional space than climate, but hey its spin, the important thing is to convince people the science is beyond them.
Step 7. Publish results ACORN V(last version + 1).
Utilizing the above algorithm Each time the the relationship of CO2 increase vs time slope to slope of the temperature vs time data falls out side predetermined limits (the model is no longer valid), the above algorithm is automatically implemented for the latest version of ACORN.
Using the above system the BoM could sack most of their staff and still get the same results.
With the savings from reduced staff level, they could invest in a liquid metal shapeshifting T-1000 Terminator to send around to anyone who questions their data.
I’ll write the algorithm for free, as long as get to use the T-1000 Terminator.
They should be compelled to publish their methodology for ACORN2 homogenization.
For each location they would have details of manual correction factors.
It would be simple to release this data.
What have they got to lose, except even more credibility ?
These photos do seem to show that a trees were always a problem there. The most important thing they show is the Darwin screen did not move much from 1890 to 1930 and not at all from 1930 to 1940 but did change from a Wragge or Todd design to A BoM one.
If trees were shading the site, that would make it cooler back then, so the “adjustment” should be UPWARDS in the past.,
but BOM, in nearly every case “adjusts” the past downwards.
Now they have Darwin “fixed”, they will “homogenise” everywhere else to that trend.
Then they look at those new “adjusted” sites, and use them to “adjust” Darwin down a bit further…..
And so the trend just keeps getting steeper.
Have just been reading through one of Jennifer’s old papers. While you would be right where it is not windy by the water she points out that after the 1937 cyclone, the place was stripped bare of much tall vegetation.
“While shading can create cooling at a site, a similar effect can be achieved through the removal of wind breaks (McAneney et al., 1990, de Freitas et al., 2014).
In a study of modifications to orchard climates in New Zealand, McAneney
et al. (1990), showed that screening could increase the maximum temperature by 1°C for a 10 meter high shelter.”
Townsville Daily Bulletin Thu 25 Mar 1937 Page 2 DARWIN NOTES.
“About 40 residents of Darwin returned from South by the Marella and were astonished at the look of the place on their arrival. It being very different from the green embowered place which they left.”
“Arthur Tye reports that many large trees have been blown down across the harbor, and King’s Table, a prominent land-mark, has been almost de nuded of vegetation, and presents a very bare look nowadays.
It’s pretty simple. Darwin records likely dominate Australia and Australian records dominate the Southern Hemisphere, especially below the Tropic of Capricorn. Trillions ride on Darwin data and ongoing Global Warming but satellite data is unforgiving and showing no warming so the only way left to create warming is to drop the past.
Quickly cooling the past is becoming so obvious. Throw out those old quality thermometer readings and homogenize but how to justify actually changing the data? ‘Spatial homogeneity’ probably. Inferred data necessary to preserve and produce data ‘quality’. All code for unjustified non scientific and very political changes.
At last resort argue that the algorithms are imported from the IPCC and so no one’s responsibility. They are also ‘secret’, copyright and we are bound by international agreements to silence. Besides, who is going to question them and who do you believe?
And Alice Springs, Which has also succumbed to BOM data torture.
The two of them cover a large proportion of the Australian land mass
Particularly if you spin 1200 km circles around each one
When I look at the BOM latest city observations, they show the temperature and apparent temperature at various times. When they adjust the temperature as above do they also adjust the apparent temperature
“In other words, the adjustments estimate what historical temperatures would look like if they were recorded with today’s equipment at the current site.”
“In other words, the adjustments estimate what historical temperatures would look like if they were to conform to current government policy. If we don’t make these adjustments, we don’t keep our jobs.”
Following on from their recent ACORN 2 attempt to rewrite the past weather, a general :Bull sh*t Alert” needs to be issued re the Bureau of Misinformation.
I wonder if this will require further adjustments to be made?
Wow hey thanks. Interesting.
“It’s a tenuous cloud of neutral hydrogen that glows in far-ultraviolet light.”
Does the brightness change with the solar wind and cosmic radiation?
For Darwin and from the BOM sit;
“Earlier observations were made at the Post Office (014016), in the central city area. This is on a peninsula in Darwin Harbour which means that the prevailing dry-season southeasterlies have a trajectory over Darwin Harbour (whereas at the airport they are over land). The site deteriorated progressively from the mid-1930s, becoming overshadowed by trees, especially after 1937. The site (along with the remainder of the Post Office) was destroyed in the Japanese air raids of February 1942 and never rebuilt.
The airport site (014015) has been operating since February 1941. An automatic weather station was installed on 1 October 1990 and became the primary instrument on 1 November 1996. The site moved about 900 m east (along the southern edge of the airport) on 7 August 2001, with observations at the original site continuing under the station number 014040 until June 2007.”
So those earlier measurements could have been affected by UAH, and then by those cursed trees. If it was me, I would have discarded those earlier measurements entirely, but that would mean that Darwin would not qualify as an ACORN site.
All data is important: not to be discarded.
A description of the location and circumstances must be attached to each individual location.
The records for Darwin PO are kept, along with the metadata like lat, long etc. It’s the ACORN dataset which erroneously (in my opinion) combines them with Darwin AP to get a longer series. As listed on the post, and in my comment, the Darwin PO site’s data quality is questionable, but it’s all we have.
If you want to look at things that closely we would probably be forced to say that no weather records for any site are “clear” of external influence or change.
Maybe they have interpolated Katherine’s temperature.Ha. Come to think of it….
That, of course is the crux of the problem. That and the signal to noise problem.
A little further reading, a couple of posts by Willis a long time ago.
I bet those old Darwin folk wish they were as smart as you.
You dope.
“the signal to noise problem.”
Yep, you are all noise with basically no signal.
A sickly green noise with the occasional brown noise..
Acorn Data?
The ACORN-SAT report published June 2015 declares on p16: “Where metadata indicate that a material change in the temperature pattern is likely (e.g. a physical move from a coastal location to an airport some kilometres inland), such adjustments are clearly appropriate”.
Not appropriate at all. In such a case the first record should be terminated and a new record commenced.
Parallel recordings would be of great value, but not available in Darwin’s case.
…’affected by UAH’ …
Do you mean UHI?
Anyway, we should listen to the blue team.
I’ve given a green for outlining the background of this city’s records.
Did you mean urban heat island our Alabama Huntsville?
Just goes to show how much change can occur in measurements for a nominal area and the need to record all those variations.
I was thinking UHI but my fingers did UAH.
I’m sure that you have qualifications to support your final comment.
However, I prefer the ongoing and diligent hard work being done by people such as Ken Stewart:
AndrewWA – I don’t think that 2 geographically seperated sites should be combined for the purpose of producing a site which is to be used in the ACORN data set, particularly when one of those sites suffers from acknowledged data quality issues. As noted on this site, our longest running site (Sydney Observatory) can not be used in the ACORN set, for precisely the same reason.
As to qualifications – I stated is was my opinion, are you saying that I need a formal qualification to post. That puts you in the running for the most asinine comment of the day, good work
Spoken like a true person who has a PhD in asinine comments.
That’s way too high Too right, I would’ve put it more at the level of asinil.
Yeah, I thought that it was a bit of a throwaway comment too.
I’m not too sure what ACORN data is but when visiting the U.S. I’ve seen squirrels eating acorns and leaving the end product all over place.
Maybe that’s Acorn Data.
it was pretty urban
Australian Climate Observations Reference Network = ACORN
So they are measuring climate and not weather ?
pretty much
Its about the adjustments, we smell a rat.
‘The first set of adjustments were by Torok and Nichols and published in 1996. Then there were changes made by Della Marta et al. a little later, creating what was known as the High Quality (HQ) dataset. Then ACORN-SAT Version 1 came out in 2012, and now we have ACORN-SAT Version 2.’
Jennifer Marohasy
No, wrong again, POC..
They are “adjusting” the past climate.
The measurements are what they started with.
Seems they are measuring just how much “adjustment” they can get away with. !!!
Remarkably prescient of them to build the new site a year before the old one was destroyed. But UAH in Darwin in the 1930’s????
Surely you jest.
I can understand how some may think of long range weather forecasting (LRWF)as mumbo jumbo, but hey, surely the BOM is in that business now too.
I distinctly remember the daily reports for farmers and graziers from Elder Smith Goldsborough Mort on early morning radio (2WG) when I arrived at Wagga Wagga back in the late 60s to do my trade training for the RAAF.
Twice a week, they would have a report from LRWF expert Lennox Walker, and the farmers would all listen in, basing what they did on his reports, and he was almost always spot on.
He’s gone now, but his son has taken over, Hayden Walker, and still does the work.
The point in all this is that he is the fourth generation doing this, because before Lennox his father, there was Clement Wragge, and Inigo Jones, and then Lennox, and now Hayden.
They have been doing this now since 1887, so 132 years.
By 1893, Clement Wragge had established nearly 100 meteorological stations in Queensland, together with 400 rainfall stations, so laying the meteorological foundation for Queensland.
Inigo Jones took over, and then Lennox.
Surely those records still exist and could be used as references in all this, as that’s a pretty good base to start with, more than 100 separate stations.
See more at the link here.
Interesting PhD project for somebody.
To write an outline of what was done, how accurate the forecasts turned out and any lessons we can learn from their methods.
That comparison has been made but I’m not sure where you’ll get it.
Years agone this came up at a conference discussion. A bloke in the audience allowed that they had done the comparison of such LRWF predictions and what actually happened. The punch line was that you have about the same chance with your two bob bit.
I’ve also heard that the locals talk of a proportionality to the height of the froth mark on glasses in the Peachester pub but that might be mere rumour
I’m currently reading “The Weather Watchers”. In the early days of BOM they were being castigated for lack of ability to forecast and predict.
Seems not to have been changed by several generations of super computers.
The opinion you’ve heard seems to differ from that given by the “listeners” in Tony’s comment.
Weather is a difficult thing to quantify and describe.
Increased computing power has only increased the speed and the certainty at which mistakes are made.
TonyfromOz Great comment. I agree with everything you said there.
Interesting for “the investigator” (me) to compare the forecasts a day before the 1937 Darwin cyclone.
“Northern Territory.–Unsettled, with further
rain and thunder.”
Inigo Jones.
“Connected with this latter group it
seems possible, although the data for
this estimate is not very abun
dant, that a heavy coastal blow
may be ? experienced, and also
that in the far north a blow of a severe
nature may take place, but this is more
a matter of interest to an investigator
than one of which it is possible to give
warning with certainty.”
Oh and the cooler temps after the cyclone.
From that. “It is further clear from the ordinary
point of view that the phase of the
weather has now completely altered,
and that the old hot dry phase is a
thing of the past.”
“surely the BOM is in that business now too.”
Can we return the faulty product for a refund?
Note to BoM staff:
If we ever get the right people into governance you can and will be prosecuted (personally!) for your lies.
You are very likely in breach of various laws for your malicious misrepresentation of scientific facts to suit your political agenda, including the Public Service Act.
Sleep on that!
If we ever get our Democratic Governance back, but what chance?
We never lost it, not yet anyway. We simply fail to use it and instead treat our short session at the ballot box as though it was irrelevant and a waste of time. We get the government we vote for and deserve each and every time. When we lose our right to vote we might look back and say what the hell were we thinking of? The answer is obvious. Most were not thinking at all. I bet a lot of voters on voting day are more concerned about missing their time with the favourite sport.
One thing to remember is that your vote can give your candidate $3 to make a difference. Beyond that you rely on them having the courage to stand alone and separate Australia from international treaties like the Paris accord.
Public serpents in the BoM are legally obliged to follow these values and they are in breach of all of them. I can’t wait until we get a pro-science government in so prosecutions can begin!
APS Values
The APS Values articulate the parliament’s expectations of public servants in terms of performance and standards of behaviour. The principles of good public administration are embodied in the APS Values. The APS Values require that we are:
The APS is apolitical and provides the Government with advice that is frank, honest, timely and based on the best available evidence.
Committed to service
The APS is professional, objective, innovative and efficient, and works collaboratively to achieve the best results for the Australian community and the Government.
The APS is open and accountable to the Australian community under the law and within the framework of Ministerial responsibility.
The APS respects all people, including their rights and their heritage.
The APS demonstrates leadership, is trustworthy, and acts with integrity, in all that it does.
The APS Values are set out in section 10 of the Public Service Act 1999.
Those were the values expected of most Australians pre 1970.
How much of the current public service would be compliant now.
Not many.
On what basis are they “legally” obliged to meet values listed? In fact how are such objectives quantified?
It’s all a matter of judgement now and relative standards of behaviour?
How many other government sponsored “illegal” schemes like the annual $6 Billion electricity rort are there hidden away.
All the internal, hidden, workings of our rypoff electro scam should have had decent public servants raising alarm bells years ago. Instead they’re silent.
Totally absolutely silent about the injustice being perpetrated on all Australian businesses and private electricity users.
Ethical government?
A fiction.
Just like the seven commandments in Animal Farm:
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
updates on Friday meeting; criticises Happer but uncritically quotes Gleick; Morano quoted, etc:
22 Feb: Bloomberg: Meet the CO2-Praising Physicist Behind the Latest Trump Climate Push
By Jennifer A Dlouhy and Ari Natter
Scientists see his proposal as part of a disturbing trend in which the Trump administration elevates ideological opponents of established scientific views.
“He’s not someone on the street who’s unaware or ignorant; he’s a scientist,” said Peter Gleick, a climate scientist and member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. “In theory he has the mental skills to analyze and understand this problem, but he has clearly abandoned them in favor of an ideological position that’s not based” on facts…
Administration officials met Friday to discuss Happer’s proposal to establish a presidential committee that would assess the consensus of both scientists and the Pentagon that climate change poses a national security threat, according to a person familiar with the meeting. No decision was reached during that meeting and the next step is likely to be a meeting at the cabinet level, said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss non-public deliberations…
He has published more than 200 scientific papers — though a cursory review didn’t reveal any in peer-reviewed journals that were focused on climate change…
Conservatives skeptical of climate change say Happer’s rise is a reason to rejoice — and an indication the Trump administration is getting serious about challenging the scientific consensus that the phenomenon is driven by greenhouse gas emissions tied to burning fossil fuels for energy.
“It’s about time,” said Marc Morano etc…
Although Trump has repeatedly mocked climate change — famously tweeting that it is a “hoax” perpetrated by the ***Chinese and joking it would be useful during snowstorms — his administration hasn’t started any formal program for scrutinizing the phenomenon…
Since at least 2010, Happer has been pushing for a rigorous examination of climate science led by a “Team B” of antagonists who would question “the party line.”
Happer’s outspoken assertions about climate change have won him a following among skeptics. “He’s a fighter,” said Steve Milloy, a policy adviser for the Heartland Institute, a group critical of climate science. “I look at him as a star.” etc…
***China story to come.
h/t Marc Morano/ClimateDepot:
***16 Feb: Washington Free Beacon: Environmental Activists Pushed Chinese-Friendly Policies with Obama Administration
Green group denies need to register as foreign agent
by Kevin Mooney
State Department email records show that environmental activists who have denied operating as foreign agents in response to congressional inquiries partnered with Obama administration officials to advance climate change policies that were beneficial to China and detrimental to the United States, according to energy policy analysts and attorneys who have reviewed the electronic correspondence.
The World Resources Institute, a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit devoted to curtailing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development, was one of several environmental advocacy groups that received letters from the House Natural Resources Committee in 2018 inquiring about their relationship with China’s government and the impact this relationship has had on their political activism…
However, the committee had obtained “communications” between WRI and “senior U.S. government officials” that suggest WRI has been operating to influence U.S. policy at behest of Chinese government officials, the letter explained.
The Institute for Energy Research, a nonprofit based in Washington D.C. that favors free market policies in the energy sector, has obtained email records from the U.S. State Department providing further insight into WRI’s actions in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit the group filed against the agency this past August…
One such email is dated April 15, 2015. It was sent by Jennifer Morgan, a former global director for WRI’s climate program, to Todd Stern, a State Department special envoy for climate change, and Clare Sierawski, a chief of staff in the office of the special envoy for climate change.
Morgan explained in the email that she was “approached” by a Chinese government entity to “pursue a dialogue” that would bring together U.S. and Chinese officials.
“We think the interest stems from the Chinese recognition that this Administration is coming to an end soonish and their desire to open up channels in DC that are additional to the ones that are working well now,” Morgan wrote in the email.
“As you will see, they are also interested in longer-term ideas that one could imagine being discussed with the next Administration (depending of course who it might be).”
Morgan also named some of Chinese agents whom she expects to be in on the conversations.
In another message from Morgan dated April 28, 2015, addressed to Stern with Sierawski and WRI officials copied, Morgan discusses “a first in-person opportunity to engage with the Chinese experts directly” during a meeting of the World Bank scheduled a few weeks later on May 20, 2015, in Washington D.C. “The current plan is to have a more technical exchange on national actions and a more detailed discussion about future collaboration,” Morgan said in her message…
The email records demonstrate that Obama State Department officials devoted considerable time, attention and public resources toward assisting Morgan and WRI in their efforts to assist China’s climate advocacy, Chris Horner, an attorney with Government Accountability and Oversight, told the Free Beacon.
“Morgan boasted in friendly quarters, in writing, that her group WRI had been approached by China,” said Horner, who filed the FOIA lawsuit on behalf of IER. “WRI then got to work immediately, even seeking the Obama State Department’s assistance, where she found receptive allies. However much or little WRI/Morgan considered they were working as China’s agent, even if they viewed it merely as helping out fellow travelers by sharing the abundance of access on behalf of friends, the plain reading of a dozen or more documents clearly suggests such a relationship.”
“WRI’s overtures in very high places prompted State to scramble its China team to convene with Morgan to assist WRI’s project on behalf of the Chinese, and led to WRI matchmaking Obama officials with Chinese officials eager to help make sure the climate train that they had, together, gotten to run so well, kept on chugging,” Horner said…
Bonner Cohen, a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, said this demonstrates how Chinese operatives worked through compliant U.S. activists to constrain American energy and American power.
“The Chinese government has every interest in seeing U.S. fossil-fuel energy production curtailed and seeks American partners willing to do their bidding,” he said. “WRI is just such a partner. Emails obtained through FOIA requests clearly show WRI collaborating with Obama State Department officials in support of the Paris climate agreement to limit U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions while WRI simultaneously praises China’s largely non-existent environmental achievements.”…
The Free Beacon attempted to contact Morgan, who is now the executive director of Greenpeace International, to ask if she would like to comment on the FOIA records and if she had any concerns about FARA requirements. As of Wednesday, a press representative with Greenpeace International, who acknowledged the Free Beacon‘s inquiry, did not provide any comments from Morgan…
Tom Pyle, the president of the Institute for Energy Research, said WRI is working against American interests.
“The American public should be gravely concerned at the revelation that the Obama State Department and World Resource Institute officials worked in tandem to advance China’s energy policy preferences,” he said…
Pyle also criticized WRI for providing cover for China to feign compliance with U.N. climate agreements while working to impose restrictions on U.S. energy use.
“It is no secret that China has an agenda to keep up appearances of meeting the Paris Agreement while still reaping the benefits of fossil fuel use,” he said.
“Any advantage they can get over the U.S. they will pursue by all means necessary. We must get to the bottom of how the Obama State Department was complicit in these efforts and ensure that going forward the U.S. pursues energy policy best in line with our interests and not those of foreign or malicious actors.”
Just imagine the “wailing and gnashing” if Tony Heller gets on the contributor’s list
So what more needs to be exposed to prove we are being conned and suitable legal action be taken? A whistle-blower would be nice.
Could we have a BoM audit before the election?
Audits on things like BOM and the ABC will never happen by our current major parties. They are too friendly with them.
Well then, the Murdocracy will continue to embarrass the government until they relent. A Coalition win is important, because a Labor/Green government wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole.
This obvious changing of historical data to suit the warming narative is criminal!
It should be shouted form every rooftop.
Where is main stream media on this story?
They are just as bad as the shonks who commit the lies in the first place!
The media is busy trying to get us to drink Soy milk and get rid of cows to help with CAGW .
Coles and Woolies are doing a good job of that with their $1.00 a litre under-cutting without the help of the media.
Left to their devices we’ll all be Soy-boys” soon.
That’ll be handy for those who can’t eat or drink soy products.
The old glass thermometers couldn’t measure a one second blast of hot air from a 747 that wasn’t there in 1898 either.
And that doesn’t even account for the fact that the Stevenson Screens are now painted with plastic paint that measures higher than the the whitewashed screens of the past.
Not sure about that, the manufacturers don’t see a problem.
It is really fascinating that with the lack of data world wide in the early part of the 20th century and up to 1940 really, we have regional temperatures calculated based on models which in turn are being used to prove or disprove other models. Seriously people are arguing the ‘hottest’ year based on differences of 0.001C.
This raises a serious question of how we can trust models which actually alter the very few known points by up to 2 degrees.
Real modelling must with the known and fixed data points and at interpolate between those known points to even begin to argue reasonable area temperatures, not predict what they should have been and alter the data. There is something really wrong with any approach which changes the data other than make changes for proven minor instrumental errors.
To allege that the ‘data quality’ has been improved by changing the incoming data is beyond understanding. Plus you know before you read anything that the historical temperatures will be depressed by any ‘analysis’ at all. This is warming religion, not rational science. It is corrupt science and it comes from the very top of governments in the UN/EU block.
It’s been my observation that as you go up any organization, even a real science organization, the people at the top are main chancers, political people, friends of government. Serious competent scientists have no interest and leave the business and management to the second raters. One great exception is Donald Trump’s appointment of 79 year old real scientist Dr. William Happer to head the Presidential Committee on Climate Security. It could be the beginning of the end for Global Warming.
Well if you don’t lower temperatures of the past,
how can you pass to the media sensationalized tit-bits like “HOTTEST DAY/MONTH/YEAR EVER!!!”.
When such things are done, such as a child’s rationalization on the existence of Father Christmas, you would just smile and nod.
But the economic devastation, now and in the future, of this deception is nothing to smile about.
The idea could be adapted
Another Ian
In the same way, I smile and nod if anyone tries to rationalize any collectivist system.
I usually go with Mark Twians advice:-
Oh and the other thing I forgot to point out.
Children grow out of believing in Santa.
Acorn 2, deja vu 1984. Chapter Four:
“Winston examined the four slips of paper which he had unrolled. Each contained a message of only one or two lines, in the abbreviated jargon — not actually Newspeak, but consisting largely of Newspeak words — which was used in the Ministry for internal purposes. They ran:
times 17.3.84 bb speech malreported africa rectify
times 19.12.83 forecasts 3 yp 4th quarter 83 misprints verify current issue
times 14.2.84 miniplenty malquoted chocolate rectify
times 3.12.83 reporting bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling
Winston dialled ‘back numbers’ on the telescreen and called for the appropriate issues of ‘The Times’, which slid out of the pneumatic tube after only a few minutes’ delay. The messages he had received referred to articles or news items which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to alter, or, as the official phrase had it, to rectify. For example, it appeared from ‘The Times’ of the seventeenth of March that Big Brother, in his speech of the previous day, had predicted that the South Indian front would remain quiet but that a Eurasian offensive would shortly be launched in North Africa. As it happened, the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone. It was therefore necessary to rewrite a paragraph of Big Brother’s speech, in such a way as to make him predict the thing that had actually happened. Or again, ‘The Times’ of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong. Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones. As for the third message, it referred to a very simple error which could be set right in a couple of minutes. As short a time ago as February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise (a ‘categorical pledge’ were the official words) that there would be no reduction of the chocolate ration during 1984. Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week. All that was needed was to substitute for the original promise a warning that it would probably be necessary to reduce the ration at some time in April.”
The scariest thing about Orwell is,
He may have written history before it happened.
Aside from adjustments always creating an increased warming trend, they also are intended to bring the data into line with the IPCC models which are tuned to an ECS of around 3 degrees C for a doubling of CO2. Because the 21st century warming is occuring at around half of what is needed to validate the false theory, the only way to ‘fix’ the problem is to cool the past, thus the reason for ACORN 2. If future warming remains stagnant as expected then we can expect ACORN 3, 4, 5 etc.
What we really need to do is come up with a privately funded alternate BOM, that uses a high quality selected group of non UHI affected stations across the country that have high quality historical instrumental data and present this as the real trend measurement. We could then continue this measurement methodology using daily RAW data and provide media releases of the ‘real temperatures’ and anomolies at the end of each month.
If we could come up with such a system and be transparent about how the trends are caclulated, it would put significant pressure on the BOM to explain it’s own methodology and cast doubt on their own dodgy data in the public eye. We could even do comparisons against UAH data in our region as an additional cross reference.
BoM severe weather seasonal outlook October 2018-April 2019
0.10: Although severe weather can occur anytime of year, this period is a peak time for bushfires, heatwaves, flooding, tropical cyclones and severe thunderstorms.
In the months ahead, Australia can expect an:
. increased risk of heatwaves
. elevated bushfire potential, particularly in the south east
. below average tropical cyclone season likely
. widespread flooding less likely ( Up to 500,000 drought-stressed cattle killed in Queensland floods )
. Normal risk of severe thunderstorms
March, 2017: “Dr Andrew Watkins the manager of climate prediction services at the bureau said “basic physics” governed that
climate change[global warming] would increase the intensity of cyclones in the future.It does not, however, explain this season’s anomaly.
“Being perfectly honest,
climate change[global warming] is a factor in most of our climate science these days but in terms of tropical cyclones you couldn’t put this season down toclimate change,[global warming]” he said.
The intensity of cyclones is dependent on solar activity: Cat 1 – 2 cyclones are the norm for cyclones formed by the solar wind. It takes Solar Flares and CMEs post formation for them to be revved up to Cat 3 and above. This season’s anomaly in terms of TC’s is perfectly explainable by low and lowering solar activity.
In that respect Dr Watkins is right: Global Warming/Climate Change does not explain this season’s anomaly [note: article is from 2017]
TC formation and behaviour is wholly dependent on the sun, We now know Tropical Cyclones are formed by the solar wind, esp. wind from coronal holes at speeds of c. 500km.p.s and their behaviour is similarly governed! Space Weather powers and controls Terrestrial Weather!
The sun is sliding ever deeper into solar minimum and the number of TC’s over the last three years has been decreasing as Solar activity has waned. If you take the sun into account: Dr Watkins anomaly is explained perfectly.
The fiddle is inconsistent with the “theory” of global warming which requires that if warming were to occur, then it would be least evident in the tropics. i.e. immeasurable until it’s clearly evident in much larger magnitude in the temperate zones.
Finagle failed.
Yes, the tropics dont change, except in fake models.
… because fake models only take 0.1% of one type of solar activity (TSI) change into account. The other 99.9% of magnetic and electrical activity change is ignored.
So of course the models can’t do it!
They never will be able to until they do take the important Solar changes fully into account.
Mercury and glass thermometers require several minutes to equilibrate to a change in temperature. In hot weather there are often brief eddies of warmer air. Modern electronic sensors respond very quickly and these are recorded and thus produce a higher maximum reading. To equilibrate the two records would require either raising the older records or, more accurately, only using the average over several minutes for the modern record.
There one error I can see.
He says “CO2 created by land clearing, cars and industrial works warms the atmosphere, which in-turn allows it to hold more water.”
Land clearing doesn’t create CO2, it actually removes a means of converting Co2 to oxygen.
And a system such as this would depend on the reasons for the humidity. A place could be suffering from drought because the was low humidity in wich case the system would be less effective. If a place was suffering from drought because the humidity was higher but being blown somewhere cooler to fall as rain, then the system may produce some water, but the area where the rain normally fell may have less humidity and therefore less rain, for which climate change would probably be blamed
Fortunately the NT pastoralists ignore the climate change impact of clearing scrub.
So did those in Qld before the latest greatest new idea from lower George Street
Comments on mercury vs electronic thermometers.
How can the clowns at BoM make a one to one correspondence between mercury and electronic thermometer data when they have never properly qualified the new system, an extremely fundamental scientific principle of measurement?
This is how
Also gives the 95% confidence band
So, is it possible to take the original recorded data and transform it to the revised data based on any published methodology? I don’t think so.
If their calculations aren’t published and open to scrutiny then it is not science but politics.
This is the methodology
Have you done any research?
you are just wrong
That is the methodology, NOT the calculation.
you are just wrong.
The homogenisation procedures give LOTS of scope for “human decision making”.
Those are what needs to be clearly stated for every site.
Take the data set, apply the method, viola! What exactly do you want?
can you prove your assertion about homogenisation
Can you give us a worked example Peter?
No David, I’m happy with the BOM results, but don’t let me stop you.
Based on provided information, the results cannot be reproduced therefore they are not scientific and have no validity whatsoever. The only data that’s relevant is the original measured unaltered data.
A looks like a “method” well yes it is, one that is designed from the ground up to allow the creation of warming trends.
You would be happy with GISS or even worse, BEST..(the epitome of GIGO, with a garbage process between.)… you are so embedded with the brain-washing of the AGW mantra.
And you still haven’t produce any evidence that the very slight warming we have thankfully had out of the LIA, coldest period in 10,000 years, ..
… is anything but NATURAL
Certainly, you have shown that atmospheric CO2 has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it.
Let’s repeat what Andy said.
We are currently in the coldest period of the last 10,000 years.
Nobody disputes that.
How come it’s so well hidden?
David, you stated with a question about measurement, thean when that was answere, you change to a question about the method, you then want a worked example.
You know nothing, you refuse to do any basic research, go and cry on AndyG55’s shoulder, he is on your level
Peter, you obviously have no knowledge of the scientific method. If there was a scientific basis for their alteration of original data it would be a) published and easy to find (it isn’t, it’s secret) and b) reproducible by others (it can’t be reproduced because no one knows what they’ve done) and c) have a justifiable physical basis for the adjustment.
What they have done is not science, it is dishonest alteration of data to suit a political agenda.
In science, original data is never subject to alteration without an extremely good reason and the original data is certainly never destroyed.
POC hasn’t got any knowledge of “science” in general.
He has NEVER learnt any REAL science..
He has at best, a low level Arts degree with minimal science and physics, and a bit of “arts” level biology tacked on.
Most baristas and bar-tenders have more.
David Maddison at is absolutely correct.
Peter Fitzroy at is absolutely incorrect.
Surprise, surprise!!!
Peter I’ll quote Geoff Sherrington at wuwt who clearly has the answer.
‘Surely it would be more logical to leave old temperature observations as they were, then to adjust recent temperatures with different equipment, to look as they would in the past.’
I live in Darwin and BoM recently placed a station next to Darwin’s busiest road. There was absolutely no intention of having the instruments pick up the head from the exhausts, or the bitumen mind you.
There must have a substantial backlash because the station mysteriously disappeared a month or so later.
Please send to Jennifer Marohasy with some details.
It is the new science of the 21st century.
Manipulate the data to fit your theory.
Gone are the days of throwing out a theory that does not coincide with reality.
After all reality is now subjective!!??
Compare the slope of the line of the modification of temperatures in the past through to now (delta T) to,
to slope of the line of the increase in CO2 in our atmosphere, and abracadabra, a direct collation.
Hence, therefore the (modified) temperature increase has a direct collation to CO2 increase.
Welcome to the world of smoke and mirrors.
Sadly there are people, who should know better, not only accept this, but (try to) defend it.
Yes today it’s more often the other way around. Throw out reality that doesn’t comply with their theory. Of course it’s not science but more like black art.
Yes PeterS.
That was my point.
Manipulate the Data (reality) to fit the Theory.
A magicians trick, an illusion, Smoke and Mirrors.
The B.O.M. warmists command,
That high temperatures past cannot stand,
So they just have to go,
As the data they show,
Are not what alarmists demand.
JM’s paper was pulled simply because it was poor science by someone outside their area of expertise.
If it got through review then where did the last minute screech come from?
If what is in her blog is any guide, that was the right decision
How would you know. !
You don’t have anywhere near enough knowledge or intelligence to make that comment.
Why do you keep making unsupportable junk comments, POC?.
Peter you should read this ….
EG I saw that on Marohasy’s blog back in November..
Sorry, It is all gobbledegook to me.
And thus on a par with the BOM’s homogenisation temperature antics which serve only to mislead us about the past.
A very interesting paper indeed. If I’m correct they posit a better monthly forecast model than the current model used by BOM. Their model The use an ANN that was trained with historical data sets, and based on the theory that the natural cycles overwhelm the inputs attributed to AGW. The only point I would make is that they stop at 1980, and as Chart 2 shows, things go off script after that. I would love to see it done with the current data sets.
Chart 2 is the meaningless farce that is Mann’s Hockey stick….
Mann’s hockey stick, isn’t even used by the IPCC any more, it is known to be junk science many times over.
it is not part of any script about reality.
deviations from that junk-science joke means nothing.
If they matched it, then you would start to worry.
Not much warming since 1980.. only about 0.3ºC in one main step.
There are NO proven inputs from AGW.
If you think there is, then provide empirical scientific evidence.
I wanted to spy Chart 6A on its own, it goes up to 2000.
Off Topic
Remember the rats ‘extinction’ on that cay in the Torres strait – Just off the coast of PNG ?
Well the ABC today has a story about French Polynesia where they have just completed a rat eradication program to save rare & endangered species that nest on the island.
Vive la Science Francaise !
But I suspect that it will disappear from the ABC as soon as they realsie it’s politically incorrect t eradicate rats on tropical islands..
So take a look soon folks !
Yeah seen that and thought about the irony of it .
I wonder which they will delete the story about extincting the rat on the cay in Torres Strait OR the story about eradicating the rats from that tiny island in French Polynesia ?
The Bureau of Meteorology have plenty of vague excuses:
“For the case of Darwin, a downward adjustment to older records is applied to account for differences between the older sites and the current site, and differences between older thermometers and the current automated sensor.
“In other words, the adjustments estimate what historical temperatures would look like if they were recorded with today’s equipment at the current site.”
From what I can see on the graph, the last raw reading at the PO site was about 31.4 degrees and the first raw reading at the Airport site was 32.6 degrees, the new site was 1.2 degrees hotter. There doesn’t appear to be any overlap, in other words, the old site was closed then the new one opened, so no readings were taken from the old site, while the new site was tested.
If the new site was hotter than the old site, then historical temperatures recorded with today’s equipment at the current site should be hotter than the historical temperatures at the old site
The Bureau of Misinformation are so keen to find cold places on the planet.
I wonder if they would welcome a crowd source fund to send them all off to the Northern hemisphere to study real cold ( actually freezing ) climate there.
It’s clear that because of a shortage of contemporary cold weather in Oz, the poor buggers have taken to inventing it in the Australian past.
Or the “Adjustment Bureau”. If you get the chance watch the 2011 movie “The Adjustment Bureau”. The genre is sci fi. With BOM it is “real”. They are manipulating Oz’s vintage temp data to eradicate the “1915-1945 Warm Period” – the IPCC are delighted – with the “1915-1945 Warm Period” eradicated it looks like ~ 100 years of continuous warming. Easy – change the data to suit the model – it is called “Pseudo-science or Anti-science”.
I have been thinking about the new automated sensors v the old thermometer readings and have some questions that I can’t find in the BOM site.
Do the electronic sensors record a continuous data stream of temperature?
How is this turned into the maximum temperature for the day?
Is it the absolute maximum for the day?
How did the “mercury” thermometer data get collected?
Presumably that data was visually recorded at discrete times during the day?
Visual recording is not sufficiently accurate for the purposes of climate science as it is too dependant on the eyesight and judgement of the observer.
More important though is if the electronic measuring is the maximum temperature from a minute by minute sample and the “Mercury” sampling is at 1, 2 or 3 hour intervals then the two data sets are not remotely comparable as the missing data between the long intervals in the old dataset is not taken into consideration and is most probably would have given a higher maximum for the day. You would have to re-analyse the electronic data set and only use the same data from the same time used for the “mercury” thermometers, comparing like for like.
Is there anyone who knows the answer to this??
Interesting I was reading bits off the Bom acorn sat site and I noticed the thermometers are calibrated +-.5 and they have 24 sites with unknown screen types .
That error margin makes a mockery of hottest evah .
The 24 sites with unknown screens aren’t acorn sat
That’s always been the case for mercury.
Half the limit of reading.
I’m sure there are programmers within BOM capable of writing a stuxnet scada helper to produce the desired real time temperatures from the system.
here it is:
No guarantee they follow those methods,
and the scope for “human intervention and decisions” is very large.
Once a organisation becomes rabidly activist, (as BOM have), one cannot trust what they do.
If BOM chooses to destroy trust, they should hope it doesn’t come back to bite them later.
There’s that manic lack of comprehension of your again, POC.
BOM is an AGW activist organisation. No two ways about it.
Sorry that you don’t understand enough about the “methods” they use, NOT to see how easily they can be manipulated.
Or is your AGW brain-washing blinding you from seeing the truth, yet again?
Coal trains upsetting you again?
What’s the difference.
Both subservient to their master manipulators.
Coal trains? Quiet as a mouse, POC..
You seem to be SUFFERING from comprehension issue, as always.
Peter, from your comments here and the previous thread related to BOM homogenisation activities, I am presuming that you seem to believe that all the BOM does is apply an algorithm to homogenise the temp data. But as others have pointed out, human intervention also exists, and I believe that ithis additional intervention doesn’t appear to follow any defined process. If it did, then surely the BOM could simply publicise this procedures? That fact that they don’t seems to me to speak volumes about the lack of a defined homogenisation process, and that must give rise to the BOM folks “fiddling” the data.
They could also just be getting it wrong.
DoD Computer simulations of a tank killing bomb looked really promising and they went into phase 2 testing but it wasn’t working out as the simulations were indicating.
When they reviewed the computer simulation it turned out the simulation wasn’t stopping at the 1st kill but continuing until it hit a second tank.
People make mistakes even NASA with the Hubble Telescope miscalculating a measurement from metric to imperial.
I would love to see them run through the calculation just to check the validity.
Are PeterFitroy and AndyG55 a married couple?
Nah Andy is trying hard to get rid of a get up funded / inspired troll who is an ideologically brainwashed greenie , more than likely just here to distract and disrupt .
Anyone who subscribes to this nonsense can’t be all there .
Thought that might have been the case.
Their banter does amuse me.
Sorry Andy, you probably gave me a thumbs down for my rude question.
POC is already married to AOC.
Kindred spirits… low cost sake !
Yes, you’ve nailed it. Those points were brought up in a thread a few months back.
I agree. The datasets shouldn’t be “merged” or homogenized.
Absurd. Darwin, last time I looked it is 12deg 30′ South, dont think it shifted from further south much in the last 100,000 years. It is a tropical zone almost surrounded by water. It should have pretty much constant temperature and humidity which means it doesnt get hot and cold like the DESERT.
This is crap, BOM get a dam life..fools.
Our beloved ABC website told us this morning that the GPS regatta in Brisbane was cancelled due to cyclonic winds.
50 kph is now a cyclonic wind.
Am I to assume that 60 kph is now a catastrophic wind?
The folk who work at the Bom and ABC have the same modus operandi as Jussie.
❶①❶① . . . WANTED – STUPID PEOPLE . . .
WANTED – AT And-Then-Theres-Physics
You might think that I am being unfair to the morons at And-Then-Theres-Physics.
But let me make it clear, that some of my best friends are morons.
I made the mistake, of going to And-Then-Theres-Physics, to look for intelligent Alarmists.
Yes, I know that “intelligent Alarmists” are as rare as unicorns.
But I am an optimist, and unicorns might exist (where is your proof that unicorns DON’T exist).
The people at And-Then-Theres-Physics, made me sit in the corner, and told me not to speak unless spoken to.
I have never been good at keeping quiet.
I tried to be good. Honestly.
And I wrote the people at And-Then-Theres-Physics a polite letter when I left. My polite letter is displayed below.
It’s not only the BoM.
Just watch how Berkeley Earth can change Darwin from a cooling into warming in two steps.
And GISS does the same. This is v2 for Darwin before 2010 – you know. when they decided to get ‘rid of the 1940s blip’.
Here’s v5.
At least they show the adjustments from v3 (but not from the original version).
They all song from the same song sheet.
They all use the same adjusted data.
Let’s look at the contribution at #
Its Abusive simply for the purpose of making the abuser feel important.
Is it now time?
How impotent does one have to be to come here under false pretenses and pretend to be participating?
OT but the Sydney mayor wants a $20 a day tax on vehicles driving in the city (I presume) .
And why not, she’s in charge, just ask her.
But please, please, don’t ask her to explain why.
That’s way too hard.
You have heard of 3 and 4 leaf clovers.
She’s a no leaf clover.
We don’t need more clover.
Congestion Charge.
It’s become very popular.
You’ll notice that back in the hey-day of horses and carts, there were no Congestion Charges, not even Manure Removal Charges, nothing.
Yet drop a hat, and government has to tax it!
That means governments with that problem are not taxing the right things.
Anti-Adani ‘blow-ins’ to gather near Bowen for 9 days for training camp
Townsville Bulletin-11 hours ago
Anti-Adani ‘blow-ins’ to gather near Bowen for 9 days for training camp … Labelled “Shut Down Adani”, it calls for protesters to take “radical…
Unions call out Labor over Adani KATRINA GRACE KELLY
The Australian-21 hours ago
Who does Labor stand for: working people in the mining sector, like the people who want to work at Adani, or the publicly funded activists…
22 Feb: Australian Mining: Adani’s coal mine approval could take two years
Adani may have to wait up to two years to receive two environmental clearances for its Carmichael coal operations in Queensland, according to a Queensland Government official.
The Queensland Department for Environment and Science has said two approvals were required to start construction for the Galilee Basin project.
One relates to a plan to protect an endangered bird species, the black-throated finch, and another to identify the source aquifer of ground water in the area…
According to Reuters, Queensland’s Resources Investment Commissioner Caoilin Chestnutt commented during the Coaltrans conference in New Delhi that she believed environmental approvals could in theory be given in the next several months.
“I would guess, but it is an absolute mess, six months to two years,” Chestnutt said. “[The Department of Environment] have said [Adani] has to go back to the drawing board and draft a management plan.”…
The Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME) has since issued a statement saying the Investment Commissioner’s role was to attract business investment to the Queensland resources sector.
“She is not authorised to speak about any specific environmental approvals as the Department of Environment and Science is the appropriate organisation,” the DNRME spokesperson said in a statement.
According to Adani, this is an extraordinary statement from a Queensland Government representative.
“We have completed an eight-year approval process for the Carmichael Project and we are waiting for the Queensland and Australian Governments to finalise the two outstanding management plans,” an Adani spokesperson said…
The greenies better not show up too close to where the jobs are wanted and needed or they may get the tar and feather treatment .
Adani had ALL the Qld and Australian approvals 8 years ago.
What has happened since is plain stalling by Labor at the behest of the extreme far left Green movement (with some dubious offshore funding – Clinton?).
It’s not surprising that within this youth generation, the least literate and numerate in living memory, a clique of scientific ignoramuses has dedicated itself to turning Australia into the world’s first coal eschewing nation, a post-modern nirvana; let’s hope the wishful thinking evaporates and nobody gets hurt.
People have already been hurt.
In the name of the new thinking, many Australian jobs in manufacturing have been done away with in the last decade.
What’s concerning is that there hasn’t been any sense of responsibility expressed by government that it needs to do something and find alternate work for those newly unemployed.
The current mode of operation of government suggests that we are transitioning to a state where everybody works for Government.
Big Government is not necessarily good or useful government.
Get rid of the distorted environmental view that presently guides our nation.
needless to say the BoM promised drenching, cyclonic winds and massive waves from cyclone Oma in SE Qld today didn’t happen.
the best I can find:
3 Feb: My Gold Coast: Oma downgraded but coastal impacts to continue: BOM
February 23, 2019 12:28 pm in Queensland by Jaydan Duck
At 11am, now ex-tropical cyclone Oma was situated approximately 800 kilometres offshore of the Gold Coast and was moving further away towards the southwest at about 16km/h…
The Bureau of Meteorology says there is a ‘low chance’ that the system could reform into a tropical cyclone when it enters warmer waters and taps into more favourable conditions.
“At this stage, the system has a low chance of redeveloping into a tropical cyclone, but the system will be carefully monitored,” the Bureau said on Saturday morning…
Monster 12 and 13 metre waves were recorded offshore of Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coats and Point Lookout on North Stradbroke Island on Friday. These are larger than those whipped up by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald…
A Severe Weather Warning (LINK) and Hazardous Surf Warning (LINK) remain current.
WATCH THE VIDEO? TWEET: The waves over the spit are huge! You can see them from here #Broadwater #GoldCoast #CycloneOma #oma #weather #waves #ocean…
see if you can find any evidence in the following for the big waves – Pic at top is from 2012:
22 Feb: Hot91.1: Waves Reaching 12 And 13 Metres Seen At Mooloolaba
Maximum wave heights of 12-13m are now being recorded at #Mooloolaba and off #PointLookout. Significant beach erosion could occur while these waves push into the #SEQLD coast.
21 Feb 2019
The Gold Coast wave monitoring buoy just recorded its biggest wave of the event, with a maximum wave height of ~9m recorded around lunchtime. A severe weather warning for dangerous conditions remains in place: : Department of Environment and Science
22 Feb 2019
21 Feb: ABC: Cyclone Oma is not the first cyclone to threaten Brisbane
ABC Weather By Kate Doyle
Cyclone Oma is tracking towards the southern coast of Queensland and the state capital of Brisbane, which many Australians may think is far away from the tropics and cyclone danger. But that is definitely not the case.
“It is unusual to have a cyclone this far south, however it is not unprecedented,” Lauren Pattie, forecaster at the Bureau of Meteorology, said.
She mentioned Cyclone Nancy, but there are others…
Ms Pattie said if history shows us anything, it is that southern Queensland is not immune from cyclones, so keep an eye on the warnings.
“Regardless of whether it’s a tropical cyclone or an ex-tropical cyclone we still see some tropical impacts down here in the south east,” Ms Pattie said…
***headline has been changed to:
PICS: 23 Feb: ABC: Cyclone Oma weakens to a sub-tropical low as it turns from Queensland coast
Updated about 5 hours ago:
A warning remains in place from Fraser Island to the New South Wales border for damaging winds, abnormally high tides, and dangerous surf.
But that hasn’t stopped former world champion surfers Mick Fanning, Joel Parkinson and Mark Occhilupo who all hit the waves at Kirra on the Gold Coast this morning…
All beaches on the Gold Coast have been closed today due to the wild conditions, while some of the more protected beaches on the Sunshine Coast are open…
A rescue helicopter pulled a man from the surf on the Gold Coast after an incident with a jet ski.
Eight people were also pulled from the water during dawn patrols this morning.
Lifesavers said an overseas tourist was almost swept away while taking photos in ankle-deep water on a beach…
Mr Argent said the Gold Coast beaches were more affected and were “definitely a no-go”.
“Conditions are really dangerous and the winds are picking up again,” he said.
“On the Gold Coast the beaches are very exposed to the easterly swell and southerly winds whereas on the Sunshine Coast they have some protected pockets at places like Noosa and Mooloolaba.”…
(SCROLL WAY DOWN) Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) senior forecaster Gabriel Brunescu said the system was staying well away from our shores…
“The impact from the system is just the winds which will continue over the next two days.
“Rainfall itself is not a big deal any more. We will struggle to see any rainfall on the south-east coast as the system moves away.”…
… and resumes its journey to New Zealand.
Lots of Expletives Deleted!
Wow! So this is how Ice Age glaciations started!
Surely this will rate a Nobel?
Look what they done to my brain mum
Look at what they done to my brain
Well they picked it like a chicken bone
And I think I’m half insane mum
Look what they done to history
A more accurate expansion of the acronym ACORN would be Australian Corrupted Observations Reference Network!
Maybe this is how the Aboriginals got here from Melanesia.
Maybe they crossed the frozen sea bridge into north Australia !!
I love the BOM. They should also write and sell romantic fantasy novels about historical peoples; Icemen of Australia – could be a best seller.
The problem with this stuff is that ignores the whole point of doing averages – to minimise the effects of error.
Logically, if you have a very large data set that contains non-systemic, individual errors, you would expect those errors to cancel each other out. One too high, one too low. Thus hunting for individual errors is basically a waste of time as the averaging does it for you. If you do hunt for non-systemic errors, and you change the average, that tells you that you have probably introduced bias. Repeating the procedure and finding changes in the averages again, the same way, is almost certainly the result of bias.
This sort of adjustment is only valid if you can show systemic bias – thermometers in the 1930s generally read half a degree to high say.
These result are more likely proof of bias than proof of better accuracy.